St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church
St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church
ST. JOAN OF ARC CATHOLIC CHURCH & SCHOOL As a diverse Catholic community, we joyfully worship God, celebrate fellowship and care for our neighbor with steadfast faith, confident hope and passionate love. ALIVE IN THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST! 370 SW 3rd St. • Boca Raton • FL 33432 561.392.0007 • 561.392.0074 Fax Msgr. Michael D. McGraw • Pastor Fr. Jimmy B. Hababag • Parochial Vicar Fr. Tomasz Bochnak • Parochial Vicar Fr. Vincent Byaruhanga • In Residence Fr. Carlo DiNatale-Tarasi • Assisting Deacon Bill Watzek Deacon Michael Cairnes Deacon Michael Zatarga Parish Office Hours Monday-Thursday 8:30am to 7:30pm Friday 8:30am to 5:00pm Saturday 9:30am to 2:30pm School Office Hours 561.392.7974 • 561.368.6671 Fax Monday-Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm Mass Schedules Saturday Vigil: 4:30pm Saturday Spanish Mass: 6:30pm Sunday: 7:00am, 8:00am, 9:15am, 10:45am, 12:15pm & 5:00pm Monday-Friday: 6:45am & 8:15am Saturday mornings: 8:15am Eve of Holy Days: 6:00pm Holy Days: 6:45am, 8:15am, 9:15am, & 12:15pm A Common Thread In today’s readings there is a common thread that unites all three readings. God restores spiritual health to His chosen. In the first reading, Isaiah is in awe of God’s holiness, which in turn revealed his own sinfulness. But Judah needed a fearless preacher. Isaiah never hesitated. He overcame his sinfulness by saying yes to God’s challenge. God restores spiritual health to His chosen. In the second reading, Paul of Tarsus described himself as a sinner because he persecuted Christians. But God desired Paul’s personality and drive to carry the message of forgiveness to the Gentiles. Paul coped with his sinfulness by saying yes to God’s call. God restores spiritual health to His chosen. In the Gospel, aware of his sinfulness, Peter sought to have the Lord depart “Depart from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man”. But Jesus invites him to take up a new and more engaging career. God restores spiritual health to His chosen. Bringing the Message Home Today’s readings reminds us that like Isaiah, Paul, Peter and many others, we are all sinners but we are also chosen by God for something special. We get a sense that we can really contribute, but then we reflect on our past history of failure and God’s call is lost. In a few days we will begin the Lenten Season which tells us of God’s great love for us. It will once again remind us that we are redeemed. When God calls, say, Here I am Lord, and know that He restores Spiritual Health to His Chosen. God Bless Baptisms Sunday (English): 1:30pm 1st Saturday (Bilingual): 12 noon 3rd Saturday (Spanish): 12 noon Fr. Carlo DiNatale-Tarasi Confessions Saturday: 3:15-4pm & 5:30-6:15pm Like us on FEBRUARY 10, 2013 YOUR CATHOLIC COMMUNITY IN DOWNTOWN BOCA RATON STEWARDSHIP CORNER Spiritual n Stimulus Pla THREE DAYS TO CELEBRATE AND CONTEMPLATE Mardi Gras, Ash Wednesday, and St. Valentine’s Day: Feb. 12, 13, 14! Here’s how Stewards can participate in each with their trio of God-Given gifts: Time, Talent, and Treasure: #1 Take time to pray and meditate on the first day of Lent and to thank the Lord for making all gifts possible. #2 Use your talent to comfort the lonely, and cheer your loved ones. #3 Use your treasure or savings from giving up pleasures or addictions and donating the proceeds to our Offertory Collection. Lent doesn’t have to be a hardship. It can be a rewarding exercise in thoughtful prayer, self-analysis, and charitable giving. It’s as easy as 1,2,3. God bless! - Brother Steward INDEX PG. 3 - Msgr. McGraw’s Message Lent In the Desert PG. 4 - Wish List - Weekly Treasure - Parish Directory - Diocesan Services Appeal PG. 5 - Youth Mission Trip - St. Joan of Arc Church 2013 Lenten, Holy Week, & Easter Liturgical Services PG. 6 - Ash Wednesday – Fasting & Abstinence - Bringing Hope in Hard Times PG. 7 - Lenten Mission - Lenten Talks - SJA Lenten Stations of The Cross PG 8 - Anniversary Mass - A morning of Spiritual Growth For all Men - Divorce Support Groups - Spread the Gospel PG. 9 - St. Joan of Arc Koinonia Annual Parish Retreat - Religious Education PG. 10 - Alleluia club! - Woman retret - Sunday Readings - St. Ignatius Study - Mommy and Me PG. 11 - Lay Ecclesial Ministry Workshops - Fr. Randall’s Book Club 2013 - Valentine Dinner dance - Town & Gown PG. 12 - Pray for the Sick - Overseas in the US Armed Forces - Altar Bread donations - The Arc-Angel Society PG. 13 - S.J.A. Ministries & Support PG. 14 - Around our Diocese PG. 15-16 - Ministerio Hispano EVENTS CALENDAR 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time MASSES FOR THE WEEK OF FEBRUARY 11, 2013 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15 6:45am Mary Murphy by Friends 8:15am Frederick Ketterer by Debbie Brady 8:15am Scott Mangone by the Parents Jean Walsh by Her children 12:00noon Vivie Pasqua by Mr. & Mrs. Fred Simpson TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12 6:45am Marie Theresa Thompson by Friends 8:15am Rocco Senna by Nancy Ippolito WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13 6:45am Maryann & Steve Ladika by Cipolla Family 8:15am Gertrude Lalonde by Millie Yanez 9:15am Robert Rondinelli by Consetta Rondinelli 12:00noon Maria Carlsen by Sullivan Family 5:00pm Fr. Carlo by Frances & Rita 7:00pm Fr. Vincent by Frances & Rita THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14 FEBRUARY Ash Wednesday First Reconciliation Lenten Parish Mission February 10, 2013 2/13 2/23 2/25-27 BULLETIN EDITOR: PATTY DELANEY *Please email Bulletin materials to: [email protected] *We reserve the right to edit and publish such materials at our discretion 2 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l FEBRUARY 10 6:45am David Bertrand by Patricia Bertrand 8:15am Dorothy Burie by Humeston Family 12:00noon Marie Thompson by Donna & Ron David SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16 8:15am Esperanza & Franeisca Menendez Lopez by Harrington Carbonell Agustin DeRojas by Family 4:30pm Antonio G.Lopez by Jo-Ann & Lud Odierna Henry Farrell by Kevin & Doreen Donnelly SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 17 7:00am Theresa Porpora by Family 8:00am Gloria Farrington by Fran & Jim Heffernan Joan Kilby by Friends 9:15am Katie Kesse by Pasche Family Joan Davis by Donna & Brian Tamoney 10:45am John Defilippis by Mom & Dad Vito Gallo by the Defilippis Family 12:15pm Joan McCarthy Cavanaugh by James & June Wood 5:00pm Anna Hwa Sil Woo by Friends from Mass Betty & Frank by Guzman Family PASTOR´S MESSAGE LENT IN THE DESERT L ent by its very nature is designed for doing something new and exciting that takes us out of our comfort zone and into the desert or its equivalent. It is helpful to think of any desert not only as a place of trial and danger but also as the home of refreshing oases, deep wells, fresh water and warm hospitality. God wants us to venture into the desert for some new experiences of mercy and forgiveness, enlightenment and truth, hope and inspiration. In the Fourth and Fifth centuries in Egypt, Syria and other parts of the Middle East, Christian women and men fled into the real desert in order to find God and themselves in solitude, asceticism, silence, prayer and hospitality toward other seekers of Jesus’ Way. They left behind for us a treasure trove of desert wisdom collected in the form of sayings and words of counsel, The Sayings of the Desert Fathers and Mothers. What was new and experimental about their spirituality? They prayed simply and with few words, often repeating a sacred word over and over as a sort of focusing mantra. They were particularly attentive to living without creature comforts and with simplicity of possessions. They lived with a lot of quiet and solitude so that they could do battle with the demons both within and without of themselves. Too many distractions would get in the way of focus and concentration upon the one really important matter: love of God and love of Neighbor. Their approach to scripture was one that saw God’s Word as simple, clear, challenging and transformational. It was this Word of God that, digested as real food for the spirit, taught them humility, courage, perseverance and deepest joy. In our times, such a commitment to silence, honest and simplicity is itself an ascetical discipline. One of the most characteristic of the prayers that have come down to us from the desert is the Jesus Prayer. “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Have mercy upon me a Sinner.” This prayer is to be repeated over and over, united with our breathing, until it actually becomes a prayer of the heart and allows us in the words of Saint Paul “to pray always.” On the surface this prayer may seem a little harsh since it suggests that we are all only sinners. It is important, however, to remember that we are sinners saved in Jesus Christ and that the reality of our helplessness is far surpassed by the mercy and re-creating grace of God. The Jesus Prayer might just be an opening to new wisdom, self-knowledge and virtue. It could be that oasis of Lenten refreshment that we seek (in the office, driving home, doing chores, exercising, visiting our Chapel.) Try it out as a Lenten experiment in prayer and you might be surprised and transformed through this desert way. As one Desert Father said “Go and sit in your cell and your cell will teach you everything.” Wherever that cell might be located. - Msgr. Michael D. McGraw FEBRUARY 10 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l 3 WishList S T. J O A N O F A R C C H U R C H & S C H O O L 1.- Underwriting a trip for a teen to attend the first St. Joan of Arc Youth Mission Trip to Peru scheduled for July, 2013. 2. Hurricane Protection system for all Stained Glass areas of the Church 3. Tuition (full or partial) for a needy child for 2012-2013 4. Underwrite Religious Education Classes for a Needy Child. Partial or complete donations may be made for any item To donate an item call Wendy Horton, 561-952-2838 ANNULMENTS Deacon Bill Watzek 561-952-2828 by appt. only. BAPTISMAL ARRANGEMENTS 561-392-0007 Deacon Bill Watzek (English). Baptism class for parents 1st Thurs. each month, 7 pm. 561-392-0007 Constanza Preble (Spanish) Baptism class for parents 3rd Tues. each month, 7 pm. 561-392-0007 HISPANIC MINISTRY Constanza Preble, 561-843-1099 HOMEBOUND MINISTRY & PASTORAL CARE Deacon Bill Watzek 561-952-2828 INTERIM MUSIC COORDINATORS Reginald Barnes Douglas Byers 561-392-0007, ext.2856 WEEKLY TREASURE The Weekly Offertory Collection for February 2/3, 2013 totaled $26,897.00. 783 envelope users contributed $21,692.00 and non envelope users contributed $5,205.00. DIOCESAN SERVICES APPEAL The 2013 Diocesan Services Appeal recently launched in parishes across the Diocese of Palm Beach. There are many ministries and programs supported by this annual appeal. Because of the DSA, and your generosity, the Diocese can continue to support the many aspects of our larger Church, including the 53 parishes and missions, and our 19 schools. The DSA is the primary source of funding for the Diocese, providing more than 70 percent of the annual operating income. The strength of our diocese comes from us recognizing God’s gifts and sharing a portion of these gifts for building up the Kingdom of God. Please contribute to the Diocesan Services Appeal and help us meet our Parish Goal. PARISH MANAGER Patricia Suau, 561-392-0007, ext. 2806 CARE MINISTRY 561-962-6000 COUNSELING CENTER AND CATHOLIC CHARITIES SATELLITE OFFICE Pamela Sigda, Ph.D., 561-706-2277 Maria T. Isava MA, LCSW. Counseling Director Mobile: 561-215-0208 Catholic Charities Diocese of Palm Beach. COMMUNICATIONS MINISTRY Patty Delaney, 561-952-2868 FAITH FORMATION Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Constanza Preble, 561-620-6280 /Deacon Bill Watzek, 561-952-2828 Religious Education - Deacon Bill Watzek, 561-952-2828 Maria Olson, 561-952-2872 Fax: 962-6002. Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8-4 p.m. Wednesday 10:00 – 6 p.m. Sunday 9:15 – 10:30 FAMILY LIFE MINISTRY Tessie O’Dea, 561-620-4805 YOUTH MINISTRY DIRECTOR Katherine Leach, 561-952-2858 PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY Rose Marie Arnold, 561-392-8337 RELIGIOUS ARTICLES STORE Teresa Vogt, 561-393-0006. Hours: Mon, Tues, Wed, 7:30 am to 4:30 pm. Sat. - 9 am to 5:30 pm, & Sun. 9 am to 1 pm. SACRAMENTS Anointing of the Sick and Elderly: First Saturday of the month following the 8:15am Mass. Please call the Parish Office to request a priest if you are a patient at Boca Regional Hospital. SCHOOL PRINCIPAL/SISTERS OF MERCY Sr. Ellen Murphy R.S.M., 561-392-7974 Sr. Josephine Sullivan R.S.M. Sr. Kathleen Sweeney R.S.M. Sr. DeLourdes O’Mahony R.S.M. SJA DEVELOPMENT MINISTRY Wendy Horton, 561-952-2838 Diane Salerno, 561-952-2848 (Special Projects) USHERS MINISTRY Ken Meldonian 561-620-4884 Dennis Jordan 561-395-8329 WEDDING PREPARATION Rosario Gonzales, 561-952-2854 1 year notice required for marriages 4 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l FEBRUARY 10 As you all know, implementation of Our Journey Forward Strategic Plan has gradually started. This implementation of our Plan will require the collaboration of many parishioners with the Six Goal Champion Teams. In this bulletin you will notice a Journey Forward Goal number next to every event, task or program that points-out a pertinence to one of St. Joan of Arc’s Goals: GROW IN LOVE SPREAD THE GOSPEL GROW IN SERVICE GROW OUR RESOURCES GROW IN FAITH GROW OUR SCHOOL GROW THE CHURCH Please consider your role in working with Ministry Leaders, parish staff and many of your fellow parishioners to create a future that will be energized by the Holy Spirit and responsive to God's will. Emails indicating interest in volunteering should be sent to: [email protected] WOULD YOU LIKE TO CONTRIBUTE BY CREDIT CARD? Forms are available at the back of the church or in the Parish Office. You can earn frequent flyer miles on your contributions to St. Joan of Arc. We now accept most mayor credit cards: JOIN US THIS MONDAY! Calling all high school sophomores, juniors & seniors! St. Joan of Arc is organizing a Youth Mission Trip to Peru this July. There will be an Information Night on February 11 at 7:00pm in Immaculata Center. Come learn how you could travel with us to Peru! 370 SW 3rd St. Boca Raton, FL 33432 ST. JOAN OF ARC CHURCH 2013 LENTEN, HOLY WEEK, & EASTER LITURGICAL SERVICES ASH WEDNESDAY: WEDNESDAY, Feb. 13: 6:45am, 8:15am, 9:15am, 12:00 noon, 5:00pm, & Spanish Mass 7:00pm. SPANISH LENTEN VIA CRUCIS & MASS: THURSDAYS, Feb. 14, Feb.21, Feb. 28, Mar.7, Mar. 14, at 7:00pm in the Chapel, Mar. 21 in Church. LENTEN STATIONS OF THE CROSS: Every Friday during Lent in the Chapel at 3:30pm. LENTEN DAILY MASS SCHEDULE: 6:45am, 8:15am and 12 noon in the Church Mon.–Fri., Saturdays 8:15am in the Chapel. PARISH LENTEN MISSION: Presenter Fr. Kevin MacDonald, C.Ss.R. Preaching weekend Masses Feb. 23/24, & 7pm Presentations on Feb. 25, 26, 27. Also preaching after the 8:15am Masses Feb. 25, 26 & 27. LENTEN TALKS: Presenter Scripture Scholar Fr. Bill Burton, O.F.M. MON. Mar. 11 ”Your Family & the Bible”, MON. Mar. 18 ”The Dead Sea Scrolls” both presentations at 7:00pm–8:30pm in Church. COMMUNAL CELEBRATION OF THE SACRAMENT OF PENANCE: 7:00pm THURSDAY, Mar. 14: at Our Lady of Lourdes Church, MONDAY, Mar. 25: at SJA Church & TUESDAY, Mar. 26: at St. Jude Church. CONFESSIONS: MONDAY, Mar. 25: After the 6:45am & 8:15am Masses, 11:00am to 11:30am at SJA Chapel & 7:00pm at SJA Church. TUESDAY, Mar. 26: After the 6:45am & 8:15am Masses, 11:00am to 11:30am at SJA Chapel & 7:00pm at St. Jude Church. WEDNESDAY, Mar. 27: After the 6:45am & 8:15am Masses, 11:00 am to 11:30am in the Chapel. Confessions will not be heard after Wed. Mar. 27 at noon to allow for the prayerful observance of Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday. TENEBRAE SERVICE: WEDNESDAY, Mar. 27: 7:00pm at SJA Church. HOLY THURSDAY, March 28 Morning Mass not permitted. The Eucharistic Liturgy of the Lord's Supper will be celebrated at 7:00pm.-bilingual. Following the 7:00pm Mass the Blessed Sacrament will be on the Altar of Repose in the Chapel for Adoration until midnight. GOOD FRIDAY, March 29: Morning Mass not permitted. Parishioners are urged to observe the 3 hrs. commemorating the death of Christ on Good Friday. STATIONS OF THE CROSS at 1:00pm in the Church. SPANISH STATIONS OF THE CROSS at 4:00pm in the Church, followed by a Celebration of The Lord’s Passion in Spanish. CELEBRATION OF THE LORD’S PASSION with the distribution of Holy Communion and Adoration of the Cross at 2:00pm and 7:00pm in the Church. THE DIVINE MERCY NOVENA begins at 3:00pm in the Chapel and continues each day at 3:00pm through April 7. HOLY SATURDAY, March 30: Mass is not permitted. The Blessing of Food is at 1:00pm in the Chapel. A combined English/Spanish Easter Vigil Mass will be held in the Church at 7:00pm & we will celebrate the reception of Catechumens & Candidates. This Mass will last two hours. EASTER SUNDAY, March 31: Masses: 7:00am, 8:00am, 9:15am, 10:45am, 12:15pm, 5:00pm. (Additional Masses on Easter Sunday will be celebrated at 9:15am & 10:45am in Our Lady of Mercy Center.) FEBRUARY 10 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l 5 The season of LENT runs from Ash Wednesday until the Mass of the Lord’s Supper exclusive on Holy Thursday. Ash Wednesday falls on February 13, 2013 and it is a universal fast and abstinence in the Church and the distribution of ashes will be done after the final blessing in all the Masses. MASSES ON ASH WEDNESDAY (Feb. 13) – 6:45am, 8:15am, 9:15am (School attends), 12:00 noon, 5:00pm and a Spanish Mass at 7:00pm. All Fridays of Lent are abstinence from meat. Abstinence and Fasting are to be observed on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. Canon 1252 states that “the law of abstinence binds those who have completed their fourteenth (14) year. The law of fasting binds those who have attained their majority, (18 years old) until the beginning of their sixtieth (60) year”. Nonetheless, there is a much deeper importance to Abstinence and Fasting than merely refraining from eating meat, amending one’s hobbies, regulating one’s vices, tampering one’s urges, and so on and so forth. It is practicing kindness and goodness to others as the Lord himself had commanded “for I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you welcomed me. I was naked, and you clothed me. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me.” (Mt. 25:35-37). FASTING & ABSTINENCE Parents are therefore encouraged to teach their children, who by reason of age are not bound by the law of fasting and abstinence, the true meaning of penance and how in their early age they could already start practicing good virtues. Let us then all pray to God, through the intercession of Our Blessed Mother Mary, for a more meaningful Lenten celebration. God bless us all! - Fr. Jimmy B. Hababag Wednesday, February 13 Ash Wednesday Liturgy for Grades 1-8 at 9:15 am Ash Wednesday Service for PK and K at 10:35 am BRINGING HOPE IN HARD TIMES GOOD NEWS PEOPLE is an engaging small group process of prayer, reflection, discussion, and learning. Learn more about the richness of your Catholic faith through Scripture,the Catechism, Church Teaching and lives of the Saints. You are invited to explore what it means to live as a disciple of Christ in today's world. Participants can choose an EVENING or a DAYTIME meeting. Wednesdays: February 20, March 6, 20, April 17 and May 1. The Thursday session will be: February 7, 21, March 7, 21 April 18, and May 2. Groups meet in THE ARK on SW 3rd ST. (across from St. Joan parking lot) Call: The Religious Education Office at 561-391-4345 or Marjorie O’ Sullivan at 561-395-6029 6 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l FEBRUARY 10 ST. JOAN OF ARC CATHOLIC SCHOOL SCHEDULE FOR LENT FOR 2013 Tuesday, February 26 Tuesday, March 5 Tuesday, March 12 Stations of the Cross for Grades 4-8 at 2:00 pm Wednesday, March 20 Stations of the Cross for Grades 7-8 at 8:25 am Stations of the Cross for Grades 3-5 at 9:30 am Thursday, March 21 Stations of the Cross for Grades K-2 at 8:45 am ST. JOAN OF ARC LENTEN MISSION SAVE THE DATE FOR THIS SPIRITUAL WEEK February 25, 26, 27 in Church at 7-8:00pm. Guest Speaker: Rev. Kevin MacDonald, C.Ss.R. During this dates, Fr. Kevin will preach in the Chapel after the 8:15am Mass. Fr. Kevin will be preaching at all weekend Masses on Sat. Feb. 23 & Sun. Feb. 24 Fr. Kevin MacDonald, C.Ss.R., is a Redemptorist priest from the province of Baltimore. He graduated from Boston College in 1978, signed a professional baseball contract with the Pittsburgh Pirates, and played professional baseball for seven years. He is even a member of the Boston College Hall of Fame. He felt a calling to the priesthood when he was about 27 years old, after hearing a priest at Mass praying for vocations to the priesthood and religious life. He was ordained in 1991 at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington D.C. Father Kevin served for seventeen years as a parish priest, mainly in the Caribbean, before becoming a full-time missionary preacher. He is greatly looking forward to spending the week with our St. Joan of Arc parishioners and friends. LENTEN TALKS SJA LENTEN STATIONS OF THE CROSS Lenten Talks by Scripture Scholar FR. BILL BURTON, O.F.M. on Monday, March 11 on Your Family and the Bible Monday, March 18, on the Dead Sea Scrolls both presentations will be from 7:00pm. 8:30pm. in Church. Please join us every Friday during Lent in the Chapel at 3:30pm. For information contact Deacon Bill Watzek 561-952-2828 FEBRUARY 10 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l 7 ANNIVERSARY MASS The following couples from St. Joan of Arc will join our Most Reverend Gerald M. Barbarito, Bishop of Palm Beach, who will preside at the celebration of the 29th Annual Anniversary Mass for Married Couples on Saturday, February 16th 2013 at St. Jude Catholic Church. We would like to congratulate and send our best wishes for their commitment and great example. May God bless them with many more years of health and love. A MORNING OF SPIRITUAL GROWTH FOR ALL MEN (14 AND OLDER) SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2013 Dolores and Walter Asmus – 62 year Anniversary Felice and Anthony Marullo – 58 year Anniversary Carmela and John Mueller – 36 year Anniversary Elena and Klaus Gehring – 50 year Anniversary Miriam and Isaac Luis Lago – 50 year Anniversary Nancy and David O’Connell – 60 year Anniversary Mary and Allan Springs – 50 year Anniversary Teri Lynn and Stephen Levay – 42 year Anniversary Dynamic speaker – Curtis Martin. Mass celebrated by Bishop Barbarito. Continental breakfast and lunch provided. No cost for event. Free will offering will be taken. 8:30am to 1:00pm. We will gather at SJA Church parking lot at 7:30am and organize carpools to this Diocesan event to be held at the Cathedral of St. Ignatius Loyola in Palm Beach Gardens. Come and join us! Call Bob Heinlein for further information at 561-479-2887 DIVORCE SUPPORT GROUPS BEGIN JANUARY DIVORCECARE FOR KIDS ALL CHILDREN ARE AFFECTED BY DIVORCE. The DivorceCare for Kids program will help minimize and eliminate the short and long-term negative effects of divorce on a child’s schoolwork, relationships, emotional health and spiritual life. This program provides the opportunity for children of divorce to experience hope, help and restoration in their lives today and in the future. DivorceCare for Kids, ages 5-12, meets at the same time as DivorceCare, and the new session starts Wednesday, January 16, 2013. Pre-registration required. A parent of the child needs to be in the DivorceCare group. One parent and child, $35. Each additional child $5. Call Patricia, 954-661-7135 to register. Scholarships available. DIVORCE HURTS FIND HELP AT DIVORCECARE. Who: You or someone you know who may be hurting because of divorce or separation. What: A special weekly seminar and support group. It’s a place where you can be around people who understand what you are feeling; a place where you can hear valuable information about ways to heal from the hurt of divorce. Why: It’s hard to know how to help someone who is going through a separation or divorce. It takes a long time and hard work to heal the pain that comes with a breakup. When: Wednesday evenings 6:00-7:30pm starting January 16, 2012 in Conference Room C at St. Joan of Arc. Cost of 13 week session is $15. Call Rosemarie 561-789-3865 for information. 8 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l FEBRUARY 10 SPREAD THE GOSPEL One of the initiatives of Goal five is to provide Spanish speaking parishioners with more opportunities to grow in their faith and receive formation in Christian values and Catholic doctrine. The Spanish community has incorporated more activities that would provide Spanish speaking parishioners with a greater knowledge of their faith to better spread the good news of the Gospel. Amongst these activities: “The Catholicism Series of Father Barron” is offered weekly in Spanish, “Women of Grace in Spanish” meets periodically for10 weeks sessions, prayer workshops and retreats such as “The Life and Prayer” series of Father Ignacio Larranaga, ofm,cap, and “You too can be a saint” work book of Mary Ann Budnick, are some of the new activities that surged from the Journey forward activities. ST. JOAN OF ARC KOINONIA ANNUAL PARISH RETREAT “Give yourself a gift that will last a lifetime!” Overwhelmed by the busyness in your profession? Beleaguered by the monotonousness of daily living? Worn out by life’s seemingly endless trials and tribulations? Experiencing alarming spiritual dryness? Why not GIFT yourself - The Parish Retreat! The Koinonia Parish Retreat is a three-day spiritual journey of nurturing and fulfillment. During this weekend, you will discover how Jesus is actually ever present in your everyday life. You will feel the warmth of His love and hear His life-giving-Words, as He invites you to a personal walk with Him. March 8, 9 & 10 This is a week-end stay-out experience right here in our Parish Center. Registration is $85.00 per person including meals. Space is limited. (No one should be denied this awesome experience for lack of funds). “I attended Koinonia in 2012. That was the most uplifting spiritual event of my lifetime! Koinonia provided me two things I was yearning for: first and most importantly, the feeling of having a relationship with my Lord and second, a true sense of belonging with my parish.” Name:............................................................................................................................................... Address:.................................................................................... ....................................................... City: ........................... State: ........... ZIP:…………………. Phone:............................................. Special needs:.................................................................................................................................... For more information, please call Kathy Troxel at 954-426-5365 To register, please call Tessie O’Dea at 561-952-2852. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Learn more about the Word of God by studying one of the books in the Bible. Meetings are held in Conference Room B on Sundays from 9:15 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Contact the Religious Education office for more information. Gather to read and reflect Sunday’s Readings on Thursdays from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. in the Family Life House located at 399 S.W. 3rd St. (The corner house). Deacon Bill Watzek, 561-952-2828 / Maria Olson, 561-952-2872 Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8:00am - 4:00pm FEBRUARY 10 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l 9 Parishioners 50 years and older: YOU ARE INVITED TO JOIN THE ALLELUIA CLUB! A Social Ministry that meets once a month, on the 2nd Sunday of each month, after the 12:15pm Mass. We are looking for new members to join in and share your new ideas for great fellowship meetings & dessert! Usually there is varied entertainment by professional groups, members of the parish and programs of special interest provided. The group also arranges trips and local excursions. More information to follow. If interested please call MARIE OLSON at 561-952-2872 ALLELUIA CLUB MEETING All members are invited to play Bingo this Sunday, February 10 at 1:00pm in Mercy Center SUNDAY READINGS FEB 10 (5th Sunday in Ordinary Time) Is 6:1-2a, 3-8; 1Cor 15:1-11 Lk 5:-11 FEB 13 (Ash Wednesday) Joel 2:12-18; 2Cor 5:20-6:2 Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 FEB 17 (1st Sunday of Lent) Deut 26:4-10; Rom 10:8-13 Lk 4:1-13 10 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l FEBRUARY 10 SJA COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN RETREAT IN HIS LOVE IS FOUND JOY AND PEACE Led by Kathy Walsh Have you ever pondered on the "Fruit of the Spirit?" GALATIANS 5:22 Take time to nourish your soul Please join the Council of Catholic Women for this special retreat as we gather for prayer, meditation and reflection. Tuesday, February 19, 2013 Continental Breakfast 8:00am Program 8:30am - 10:30am St. Joan of Arc - Mercy Center Celebration of Mass by Msgr. Michael D. McGraw at 10:30am. St. Joan of Arc - Chapel This program will strengthen your faith and leave you feeling full of joy, peace and love RSVP to Valerie by February 17 [email protected] - 561-989-3649 ST. IGNATIUS STUDY Please join us for an inspiring and wise Ignatious Study and reflection of the book: The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything. A Spirituality for Real Life. By James Martin, SJ author of My Life and the Saints. This New York Times Bestseller makes the spiritual genious of Ignatious accessible and useful to all. Study continues through every Monday in February from 4-5:00pm. at the Family Life House located at 399 SW 3rd St (the house in the corner across the church) Book fee is $10.00. For more information call 561- 391-4345 mommy &me FEB 12 - James A. Rutherford Park 600 NE 24th Street Boca Raton FEB 19 - The Ark FEB 26 - George Snow MARCH 5 - The Ark MARCH 12 - Gumbo Limbo Nature Center. 1801 N Ocean Blvd Boca Raton TUESDAYS 10:00am - 1:00pm “The Ark” located at 319 SW 3rd Street Boca Raton (across the street from St. Joan of Arc parking lot) MARCH 19 - The Ark March 26 - Patch Reef Park Playground 2000 West Yamato Rd Boca Raton Please contact Katie Correia for more details at [email protected] or 215-435-6766 LAY ECCLESIAL MINISTRY WORKSHOPS PRESENTED BY ANTHONY C. MARCHICA, DIOCESAN DIRECTOR Office of Catechetical Leadership, Youth and Young Adult Ministry Formation We all know that Lay Ecclesial Ministry takes place on all levels in a wide diversity of ministries. There are different levels of commitment as well as different competencies needed to serve a particular ministry and those participating in it well. I often hear people hesitate to become involved because they don’t feel well prepared of have a deep enough understanding. The less prepared someone is the easier it is for them to feel overwhelmed, to burn out quickly, or to step outside of healthy boundaries. To address that, this office will be offering a series of ministry and leadership formation workshops in various locations. The workshops are for any layperson involved in ministry and anyone who has the potential or interest to be involved and needs the foundations. Workshop will run five consecutive evenings from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM starting on Monday, February 25 and concluding on Monday, March 25. Topics covered will be: NIGHT ONE: Foundations and Components of Ministry NIGHT TWO: Being Called to Ministry, Qualities of a Leader, Understanding and Discerning your Calling NIGHT THREE: Skill Sets for Working in Ministry NIGHT FOUR: Identifying Various Ministries and Finding your Place NIGHT FIVE: Specific Competencies and How to Obtain Them This series is an effort to prepare people for ministry. It is a foundation for volunteering and working in ministry in a Parish setting. It is meant to provide an understanding of ministry the necessary qualities, skill sets, and competencies for ministry, and a process for discernment to identify the ministry you are called to. It will also provide you with resources to help you be sure to stay within Catholic Teaching. Please contact Bill Watzek at 561-952-2828 FR. RANDALL’S BOOK CLUB 2013 Evelyn Waugh and Graham Greene Meeting every other Tuesday, at 3:00pm in the Conference Room A or B. FEB. 19: The Loved One (1948) a satire on Hollywood’s religion (chapters 1-4) MARCH. 5: The Loved One (chapters 5-8) and reference to Douthat’s Bad Religion 2012. MARCH 19: The Power and the Glory, Graham Greene, Part I and Part II. APRIL 2: Part III of The Power and the Glory, an answer to Camus’ Hero of the Absurd. APRIL 16: The Heart of the Matter 1948. Scobie in Part I and in Part II. APRIL 30: Scobie in Part III and the theological of The Heart of the Matter. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL REGIONAL SEMINARY Boynton Beach, Florida Proudly presents its Spring Semester Sponsored by the COLUMBIETTES VALENTINE DINNER DANCE February 16, 2013 6:00 - 9:30pm St. Joan of Arc Mercy Center For reservations contact: Terri Picinich 561-901-7312 Mary Lou Hotchkiss 419-297-5080 COST: $ 20 (12 & up), $ 8 (3-11), under 2 Free Town & Gown Monday, FEBRUARY 11, 2013 7:00pm. Carroll Auditorium Featuring Rev. Louis T. Guerin, D. Min. Preaching, Professor of Homiletics, Dean of Pastoral Ministry, Director of Field Education Topic The Baptist Project: Contributions of Homeless Preachers to the Renewal of Pulpit Preaching in the Roman Catholic Church Public invited. For further information contact the Academic Office at 561-732-4424 X 151 FEBRUARY 10 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l 11 PRAY FOR THE SICK Aloi, Nick Ayala, Angelina Barker, Marion Bayardelle, Jean Conaghan, Patrick Cox, Vida Connors, Mary DaSilva, Maria Gomez Dunning, Mary Ann Fiorito, Josephine Gereke, Dorothy Guerra, Mayelin Guevara, Victor Harpster, Joann Horn, Amy Hommer, Tena Lee Johnson, Jane Johnson, Hayden Kolcun, Laverne Kennedy, Helen Lynch, Beatriz Lynn, Adele Lyew, Madeline(4yrs.) BAPTISMS February We welcome the newest members of St Joan of Arc Parish and offer our congratulations to the parents of the newly baptized. Reef Myles Posta ALTAR BREAD Labrador, Eva Maloney, Jim Manno, Jean Meyers, Theresa Miller, Betty Mitchell, John McCormick, John Nguyen, Christopher Ortiz, Daniel Ortale, Peter K. Pershyn, Moira Pike, Stephen Polanin,Chet Prochilo, John Ray, Roger Rellick, Mary Ridge, Teresa Roberts, Tyler Rodriguez Mary Ann Rojas Ruiz, Ana Maria Santiesteban, Lilian Schoemaker, Frydel Strazzulla, Joseph Trzeciak, Max Vaught, Grace Vissicchio, Patricia Wyatt, Tabitha (3½ Yrs. Old) Zimmerman, Shirley WOULD YOU LIKE TO DONATE FLOWERS TO DECORATE THE ALTAR ON THE WEEKEND MASSES? You can do this to celebrate special dates, (birthdays, anniversaries, etc.). You can also donate them in memory of someone or to celebrate your family, or your business or simply to decorate the Lord's table. Your name would be printed here on the week you choose to donate the flower arrangement/s. If interested, please call Patty Delaney at (561)952-2868 or email [email protected] 12 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l FEBRUARY 10 Do you want a special remembrance for a loved one, living or deceased? You can donate Altar Bread for a week of Masses by calling Karen Tringali, 561-752-0014. February 9: in loving memory of Charles “ Fran” Giblin by his family DECEASED Teodora Bautista Eleanor DiMarco "We loved them in life; let us not abandon them in death until we have seen them safely into the House of the Lord." - ST. AMBROSE Overseas in The US Armed Forces: Afghanistan: Staff. Sgt. Douglas Stott, PVT 1st Class Benjamin Creed, PVT. Brendan Nestor. Gilberto Estevez Jr., Chief Iraq: Sgt. Maj. John Hermeling, Capt. Christopher Allen & PFC Lee E. Palmer; David Schuler, Lance Corp., Marines. Okinowa: SA William Fix Jr. Bahrain: Lt. Kevin Howard USN When you consider your estate plans, remember your spiritual Family Truly your parish has been a part of your faith development, a member of your family. Consider becoming a member of The Arc Angel Society as a way of guaranteeing the health of your spiritual family long into the future. Please consider a bequest as part of your plans to benefit your parish. Through your estate, your membership in our extended community of faith will continue in perpetuity. Your attorney, or financial advisor can advise you on the tax benefits and other considerations you will want to think about as you consider your estate plans. A number of valuable and attractive benefits will accompany your membership. These include special masses and mailings designed especially for Society members. For more information, please contact Wendy Horton at 561.952-2838. S.J.A. MINISTRIES & SUPPORT SERVICES PRAY THE ROSARY Join us every morning, 6:15am in the Chapel, to pray for our Pope, Bishop, Priests, Deacons, and Religious, and for vocations. Join us every morning after the 8:15am Mass in the Chapel to pray to end abortion. SCRIPTURE STUDY Sunday Morning from 9:15am to 10:30 am. in Conf. Room B as we study the Book of Romans. Thursday morning Bible Study (9:00am. to 10:30am.) at the Family Life House. ST. JOAN OF ARC KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS! We are a part of this great dynamic Catholic International Organization. Call Joe Kabbas, G.K.: 561-299-8921. ST. JOAN OF ARC COLUMBIETTES are the Knights of Columbus Auxiliary of dedicated Catholic women. Please join us as United We Stand to embark on this fresh new year in building a strong bond in our parish. For details call Terri Picinich, 561-901-7312. MOMMY & ME Weekly get together Weekly get together-Every Tuesday between 11:00 am and 1:00pm Come and go as you please at THE ARK. We bring snacks/lunch for the little ones and ourselves. Please contact Katie Correia at 215-435-6766 or [email protected] for information. JOIN THE SJA COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN (CCW) St. Joan of Arc Council of Catholic Women (CCW) is a dynamic group of women who support, empower and educate its members in spirituality, leadership and service. We are an affiliate of the National Council of Catholic Women. Our Circle Meetings are smaller groups that meet once a month. St. Ana Circle 4th Wednesday at 8am. St. Clare Circle 3rd Wednesday at 1pm. St. Elizabeth Circle lst Friday at 1pm. Sts Martha & Mary Circle 3rd Thursday at 7pm. St. Monica Circle 4th Monday at 2pm. St. Therese of Lisieux 3rd Tuesday at 8am. We have an interesting calendar of events. Please join us, make new friends, as we are Women Making a difference. For more information call Miriam Gaynor, 561-395-5615 SJA RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY Join us to pray the rosary at the Planned Parenthood site at 8177 Glades Rd., West Boca. We meet in front of the shopping center at 9:45am on Fridays. For information call Terri at 561-901-7312 or Mary Jane at 561-961-4900. PREGNANT? KNOW YOUR OPTIONS, CALL 800-395-HELP ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Join us every Tuesday, 5-9pm and Friday, 9am to 9pm in the Chapel. Divine Mercy Chaplet prayed on Fridays at 3:00pm, and the Rosary on Fridays at 8:30pm. KNIT/CROCHET SOCIAL All are invited to join us on the 1st & 3rd Thursday of the month at 10:30am in the Spiritual Life House. Beginners to experts are needed to make prayer shawls and projects for preemies, kids and our troops. Call Claire at 445-4802 or Dottie at 395-2681 for more information. SJA DAD’S CLUB Every Mondays in Mercy Center at Drop off - 7:45am All dads in the Parish welcome. NA (NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS) Meets at St. Joan of Arc Fridays at 7 pm, in Immaculata Center. More information call: 276-4581 P.O.P.S. Parents of Prayer & Service meet every Thursday during the school year, 7:45am to 8:15am in the Convent Chapel. Please join us. KOINONIA GATHERING 2nd Sunday of each month at 10:30am Immaculata Center. For info call Tessie O’Dea at 561-620-4805 ALLELUIA CLUB Is a meeting of Parishioners 50 + More information please call Marie Olson at 561-952-2872 SJA SCHOOL ALUMNI: We invite you to register on our St. Joan of Arc website as an alumnus if you haven't already done so at [email protected] SHARED CARE Each Wednesday at Temple Beth El, 9:30am to 2:30pm. Bring your loved one so you may have some respite care, or come and volunteer and have fun with us! This is a combined effort between Temple Beth El, St. Joan of Arc and The First Presbyterian Church. For more info call Tessie O’Dea at 561-952-2852. THE SJA PUBLIC ADVOCACY COMMITTEE is requesting the current members and any other parishioners who wish to join, to send their email/phone number (whichever you wish) to Joseph Kabbas, Chairman of Public Advocacy. Joined with Public Advocacy is Respect Life. If you are a member or wish to be part of these two ministries, please forward your e-mail / phone number to Joseph Kabbas Chairman e-mail [email protected] phone 561-299-8921 fax 561-362-7134 AA (ALCOHOLIC ANONYMOUS) Meets at St. Joan of Arc Saturdays, 10am in Immaculata Center, Mondays, 7:00pm, Art Room, and Wednesdays 7:00pm in Immaculata Center. JOYFUL AGAIN For more information please call Marjorie O’Sullivan 561-395-6029. SUNDAY TV MASS FOR THE HOMEBOUND Each week at 9:30am on WPXP TV, Channel 8, Mass for the Homebound can be seen. For a copy of the Sunday Missal, call the Diocesan Office of Communications at 561-775-9529. HOMEBOUND MINISTRY Call us if you or someone you know is no longer able to attend Mass. Our Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion visit the elderly & infirmed Parishioners. Call 561-952-2828 UPGRADE YOUR CLOSET! THE ST. JOAN OF ARC USHERS WANT YOU!!! Are you tired of your wardrobe and deciding what to wear to Mass each week? Let us dress you! We are a ministry of over 60 men and women that provide each mass with the hospitality & services to make all parishioners and guests feel welcome. We would like to tell you about this great ministry and how getting involved provides a service to St. Joan and a blessing for you. And you’ll be one of the best dressed people at Mass! Call Ken Meldonian 561-620-4884 or Dennis Jordan 561-395-8329. FEBRUARY 10 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l 13 EVENTS AT OUR LADY OF FLORIDA SPIRITUAL CENTER 1300 U.S. Highway One, North Palm Beach, FL 33408. Phone: 561-626-1300. February 13 - Ash Wednesday Day & Evening of Reflection led by Retreat Team. Day Program: 10:00am-2:30pm. Evening Program 6:30-9:30pm. Conference/s. Confession, Mass & Meals included. Donation: $30.00. Reservations required. March 6 – Day of Reflection. Presenter. Fr. Fidelis Connolly, C.P. “Living in the Now – WoW!” 10:00am-2:30pm. $30.00. Reservations required. March 27-31 – Holy Week Retreat led by Retreat Team includes Triduum Services & Sunrise Mass on Easter morning. Costs vary for Singles, Married Couples & Religious. See website for more information. Registration required. PROMOTING LIFE, DIGNITY AND JUSTICE Counseling, Elder Affairs, Guardianship Training, Immigration & Refugee Services, Office of Black Catholic Ministry, Outreach Information and Referral, Pregnancy Care Centers, Prison Ministry, Respect Life Ministry, Catholic Relief Services, Samaritan Center, Substance Addiction Ministry, Wellness and Interfaith Health & Wellness. For general or program information contact 561775-9560. Volunteer opportunities are available. SAVE THE DATE - CATHOLIC DAYS AT THE CAPITOL Once again, the Diocese of Palm Beach is sponsoring a bus trip to Tallahassee for Catholic Days at the Capitol, March 19-21, 2013. The event is organized by the Florida Catholic Conference. At their invitation men and women from all seven dioceses meet with representatives to promote legislation that supports the teachings of the Church and to attend the Red Mass where the Bishops of Florida will concelebrate. The homilist will be the new Bishop of Pensacola-Tallahassee, Most Reverend Gregory L. Parkes. For more information contact: Betty McKinley at 561-775-9598 or 772-342-0837, or via email: [email protected] org Don Kazimir at 561-775-9565 or via email: [email protected]. "CEO AMBASSADORS FOR CHRIST” Legatus, the international organization of Catholic business leaders and spouses, is expanding its membership in the Palm Beach Diocese. Legatus Chairman and Ave Maria University founder Tom Monaghan and members of the Boca Raton chapter of Legatus are assisting Bishop Barbarito as we extend Legatus across the Palm Beach diocese. If you are, or were, a business owner, CEO, President, Managing Director, or Managing Partner, Legatus would like to invite you and your spouse to be part of the Palm Beach Diocesan “launch” of this most important and unique business 14 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l FEBRUARY 10 organization in the world today. Please join CEO and Philadelphia Chapter President-Emeritus Jim Longon and Chapter Chaplain Fr. Louis Guerin on Tuesday, February 26 at St. Vincent de Paul Seminary, 10701 South Military Trail, Boynton Beach. Jim is looking forward to telling you the Legatus Story and why Tom Monaghan, founder of Dominos Pizza and Ave Maria University and Law School considers Legatus to be his most important contribution to the Church. Did Pope John Paul II have you in mind when he invited and challenged business leaders to join Legatus, saying “The world needs genuine witnesses to Christian ethics, and the Church asks you to fulfill this role publically and with perseverance.” Our launch event will begin at 7PM with beverages and hors d'oeuvres, followed by a brief Legatus presentation and a Q&A period accompanied by coffee, tea and dessert. We will conclude by 8:30pm. To RSVP, or for more information, please call Jack Rook at 412-951-0306 or email [email protected]. ANNUAL ANNIVERSARY MASS FOR MARRIED COUPLES Most reverend Gerald M. Barbarito, Bishop of Palm Beach, will preside at the celebration of our 29th Annual Anniversary Mass for Married Couples on Saturday, February 16, 2013, 10:30am, at St Jude Church in Boca Raton. Cake, coffee and punch will be served in the parish hall after the Mass. All couples who will be celebrating 25, 40, or 50 or more years of marriage in the year 2013 are invited to participate. To attend, please contact Tessie O'Dea at 561-952-2852 and enroll your names as soon as possible-no later than Sunday, February 3rd, 2013. We ask that all participating couples arrive at St Jude's Church by 10:00am thirty minutes prior to the start of the Mass. INVITATION FOR ALL MEN TO ATTEND THE MEN’S CONFERENCE On Saturday, February 23, 2013, the Catholic Men for Jesus Rally will be held at the Cathedral of St. Ignatius Loyola in Palm Beach Gardens. The guest speaker will be Curtis Martin, the man the Pontifical Council and Pope Benedict XVI listen to! Curtis Martin, founder and president of the Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS), was named by Pope Benedict XVI as a Consultor for the just concluded Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization. Martin was one of six lay Catholics and one of only two Americans named to the 15- member list of Consultors tasked with advising the recently formed Vatican Council. It is only by the power of the Holy Spirit that Curtis Martin received this appointment and is available to the men of the Palm Beach Diocese. No tickets required. Admission is free. Voluntary collection will be taken to cover expenses. Don't miss this opportunity. Don't let a friend, a son, a father, a grandfather miss this opportunity! For more event information, visit the Calendar of Events on the diocesan website at or please call Willy Guardiola at 305-610-2992. To be placed on the rally’s information email distribution and list, please send request to [email protected] Ministerio Hispano V DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO, CICLO C SAN LUCAS 6,17.20-26 HUMILDAD PERSONAL Y CONFIANZA EN DIOS Tomado de Hablar con Dios del Padre Francisco Fernández Carvajal […] La humildad personal y la confianza en Dios van siempre juntas. Solo el humilde busca su dicha y su fortaleza en el Señor. Uno de los motivos por los que los soberbios tratan de buscar alabanzas con avidez, de sobreestimarse a sí mismos y se resienten ante cualquier cosa que pueda rebajarles en su propia estima o en la de otros, es la falta de firmeza interior: no tienen más punto de apoyo ni más esperanzas de felicidad que ellos mismos. Por esto son, con mucha frecuencia, tan sensibles a la menor crítica, tan insistentes en salirse con la suya, tan deseosos de ser conocidos, tan ansiosos de consideraciones. Se afianzan en sí mismos como el náufrago se agarra a una débil tabla, que no puede sostenerlo. Y sea lo que fuere lo que hayan logrado en la vida, siempre se encuentran inseguros, insatisfechos, sin paz. Un hombre así, sin humildad, sin confiar en su Padre Dios que le tiende continuamente sus brazos, habitará en la aridez del desierto, tierra salobre e inhóspita, como nos dice hoy la liturgia de la Misa. El soberbio se encuentra sin frutos, insatisfecho y sin la paz y felicidad verdaderas. El cristiano tiene puesta en Dios su esperanza y, porque conoce y acepta su propia debilidad, no se fía mucho de lo propio. Sabe que en cualquier empresa deberá poner todos los medios humanos a su alcance, pero conoce bien que ante todo debe contar con su oración; y reconoce y acepta con alegría que todo lo que posee lo ha recibido de Dios. La humildad no consiste tanto en el propio desprecio –porque Dios no nos desprecia, somos obra salida de sus manos–, sino en el olvido de sí y en la preocupación sincera por los demás. Es la sencillez interior la que nos lleva a sentirnos hijos de Dios3. «Cuando imaginamos que todo se hunde ante nuestros ojos, no se hunde nada, porque Tú eres, Señor, mi fortaleza (Sal 42, 2). Si Dios habita en nuestra alma, todo lo demás, por importante que parezca, es accidental, transitorio; en cambio, nosotros, en Dios, somos lo permanente»4. En medio de nuestra debilidad –cualquiera que sea la forma en la que se presente– nos sentimos junto a Dios con una firmeza indestructible. 3 Cfr. E. BOYLAN, El amor supremo -4 SAN JOSEMARÍA ESCRIVA, Amigos de Dios, 92 HORARIO DE CUARESMA Miércoles 13 de Febrero 7:00pm Misa y Cenizas - IGLESIA Jueves 14 de Febrero 7:00pm Via Crucis – CAPILLA Jueves 21 de Febrero 7:00pm Via Crucis y Santa Misa – CAPILLA Jueves 28 de Febrero 7:00pm Via Crucis y Santa Misa – CAPILLA Jueves 7 de Marzo 7:00pm Via Crucis y Santa Misa – CAPILLA Jueves 14 de Marzo 7:00pm Via Crucis – CAPILLA Lunes 18 de Marzo 6:00pm Liturgia de la Penitencia y Confesiones – IGLESIA Jueves 21 de Marzo 7:00pm Via Crucis y Santa Misa – CAPILLA SANTO TRIDUO PASCUAL: Jueves 28 de Marzo 7:00pm JUEVES SANTO Misa Bilingüe – IGLESIA Viernes 29 de Marzo 4:00pm Via Crucis y VIERNES SANTO DE LA PASION DEL SENOR – IGLESIA Sábado 30 de Marzo 7:00 pm VIGILIA PASCUAL Bilingüe - IGLESIA Para Información sobre los sacramentos, clases de preparación para bautismo, etc. Entrar en nuestra página web: o pedir información en la parroquia con María o Rosario 561 392 0007. Para pedir una intención en las misas para difuntos o enfermos dirigirse a la oficina parroquial en las horas de oficina. Esta semana rezamos por el alma de: Luis Miguel Doig. “En el año de la fe, he aqui un resumen de nuestra vida en la fe: llevemos la Verdad con Amor y Obras a nuestros hermanos en Cristo”. FEBRUARY 10 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l 15 MINISTERIO HISPANO AVISOS PARROQUIALES “Los obispos de los Estados Unidos, reconociendo el valor del sacrificio espiritual y corporal en la vida de la Iglesia animan a todos los fieles a hacer ayuno y abstinencia todos los viernes por la intención de la protección de la vida, el matrimonio, y la libertad religiosa.” COMPENDIO DEL CATECISMO «CREO EN DIOS, PADRE TODOPODEROSO, CREADOR DEL CIELO Y DE LA TIERRA» CREO EN DIOS 199 "Creo en Dios": Esta primera afirmación de la Profesión de fe es también la más fundamental. Todo el Símbolo habla de Dios, y si habla también del hombre y del mundo, lo hace por relación a Dios. Todos los artículos del Credo dependen del primero, así como los mandamientos son explicitaciones del primero. Los demás artículos nos hacen conocer mejor a Dios tal como se reveló progresivamente a los hombres. Con razón los fieles confiesan que los más importante de todo es creer en Dios" (Catecismo Romano, 1,2,2). I «Creo en un solo Dios» 200 Con estas palabras comienza el Símbolo Niceno-Constantinopolitano. La confesión de la unicidad de Dios, que tiene su raíz en la Revelación Divina en la Antigua “EVANGELIZAR” Entre las estrategias previstas para desarrollar en nuestra parroquia se destacan dos que involucran directamente a la comunidad de habla hispana y estas son: 1. Facilitar medios de formación cristiana en español. 2. Organizar actividades sociales antes o después de la Misa en español y promover entre los fieles su participación en los distintos ministerios de nuestra comunidad. Estos son algunos de los cursos que se ofrecen para facilitar la formación cristiana y prepara ración para distintos ministerios: n Serie “Catolicismo” del aclamado teólogo padre Robert Barron en español MARTES de 1:30pm a 2:30 en la Casa Hispana. Traiga su almuerzo. No precisa registrarse. n Clases de Confirmación e Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos martes a las 7:00pm en la sala de conferencias A del segundo piso. Información : Constanza 561 859 4666 PROXIMA FECHA DE CONFIRMACION en la Vigilia Pacual, el sábado 30 de marzo. n Grupo de Oración Santa Juana de Arco todos los jueves por la tarde a las 7:00pm. Lectura y comentario del Evangelio con la participación de todos los participantes. DURANTE LA CUARESMA REZAMOS EL VIA CRUCIS Y LA SANTA MISA CON EL PADRE O.ALONSO EN LA CAPILLA n Grupo de Oración Padre Pio todos los jueves a las 9:00am en la Casa Hispana contemplación y rezo de los misterios del Santo Rosario. n “Las llenas de Gracia”, todos los martes de 7:00pm a 9:00pm Para mayor Información llame a a Rachel Lichardino 561 900 5551, facilitadora de “Llenas de Gracia”. n Cursos de preparación de Monaguillos, Liturgia de la Palabra para los niños, Lectores y Ministros Extraordinarios de la Eucaristía se ofrecen periódicamente para las personas interesadas. Llame a Constanza al 561 859 4666 para mayor información. n Taller de espiritualidad: “Usted también puede ser santo” se reúne una vez por semana durante 18 semanas. Llame si desea recibir su libro gratis. 561 859 4666. n Talleres de Oración y Vida del Padre Larrañaga de cinco semanas de duración se ofrecen dos veces al año. 561 859 4666 Alianza, es inseparable de la confesión de la existencia de Dios y asimismo también fundamental. Dios es Único: no hay más que un solo Dios: "La fe cristiana cree y confiesa que hay un solo Dios [...] por naturaleza, por substancia y por esencia (Catecismo Romano, 1,2,2). 202 Jesús mismo confirma que Dios es "el único Señor" y que es preciso amarle con todo el corazón, con toda el alma, con todo el espíritu y todas las fuerzas (cf. Mc 12,29-30). Deja al mismo tiempo entender que Él mismo es "el Señor" (cf. Mc 12,35-37). Confesar que "Jesús es Señor" es lo propio de la fe cristiana. Esto no es contrario a la fe en el Dios Único. Creer en el Espíritu Santo, "que es Señor y dador de vida", no introduce ninguna división en el Dios único: «Creemos firmemente y confesamos que hay un solo verdadero Dios, inmenso e inmutable, incomprensible, todopoderoso e inefable, Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo: Tres Personas, pero una sola esencia, substancia o naturaleza absolutamente simple (Concilio de Letrán IV: DS 800). n El Círculo de Santa Ana (Consejo de Señoras Católicas) se reúne todos los últimos miércoles del mes a las 8:00am. La próxima reunión es el miércoles 27 de febrero en la Casa Hispana. n LITURGIA DE LA PALABRA PARA LOS NINOS, Si te gustan los niños, conoces y practicas tu fe, puedes ayudar con la Liturgia de la Palabra para los niños, el ministerio hispano proveerá el material y la preparación necesarios para esta tarea. La diócesis requiere un “background check” y huellas digitales que se pueden conseguir en la parroquia. Si está interesado llame a Constanza al 561-859-1099 o al 561-952-2860. Mejor aún envíe su información vía correo electrónico: [email protected] n Si usted está interesado en organizar alguna actividad social los sábados por favor envié su propuesta al correo electrónico: [email protected] EL segundo sábado de cada mes nos reunimos en la Casa Hispana después de la Santa Misa para más información llame a Adriana Moreno 954-249-8047 Servicios ofrecidos para la comunidad: n Las clases de inglés para principiantes, dictadas por profesores de habla inglesa voluntarios de nuestra parroquia, son gratis. Para anotarse llame al 561 289 7846. La duración de cada curso es de 8 semanas, todos los miércoles a partir del 9 de enero en dos horarios: a las 12:30 pm y a las 7:00pm. Aún tenemos lugares disponibles para el horario de las 7:00pm. n Para las clases de Arte y Pintura con Patricia. Llame al 954 394 4846 para mas información. n Carmen Bruckner, nueva ciudadana americana gracias a la ayuda recibida a través del ministerio hispano. (Clases de preparación para el examen y asistencia para preparar la solicitud). n Ayuda gratis para preparar la ciudadanía los lunes 18 de febrero, 4 y 18 de marzo a las 11 am. Mas información con Adriana: 954-818-5032 Directorio Director: Constanza Preble 561-859-4666 - 561-843-1099 - Ministerio Extraordinario de la Eucaristía: Sr. y Sra. Córdova 561-573-0194 Servidores del Altar: Patricia Jaramillo 561-674-4852 - Proclamadores de la Palabra: Gisela Delgado 561-952-2860 Clases de Inglés: 561- 289-7846 - Ministerio de la Liturgia de la Palabra: Gisella Delgado: 561-809-2873 16 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l FEBRUARY 10
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St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church
many of your fellow parishioners to create a future that will be energized by the Holy Spirit and responsive to God's will. Emails indicating interest in volunteering should be sent to: hodges_mary...
Más detallesSt. Joan of Arc Catholic Church
ALIVE IN THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST! 370 SW 3rd St. • Boca Raton • FL 33432 561.392.0007 • 561.392.0074 Fax
Más detallesSt. Joan of Arc Catholic Church
parishioners wishing to do a ministry of love for God and for our fellow parishioners. Our Ministry is composed of more than 35 members; men, women and youth, who do simple yet important tasks like...
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