columbarium - Mary Immaculate Catholic Church
columbarium - Mary Immaculate Catholic Church
MARY IMMACULATE CHURCH DALLAS, TEXAS Life Long Faith Focus on the Gospel November 2, 2014 Of all the sayings of Jesus, I love this one the best. If you ever see an email from me (Beth), you’ll see this attached to my informal signature. John 6:37-40 “I came down from heaven not to do my own will, but the will of the one who sent me. And this is the will of the one who sent me, that I should not lose anything of what He gave me, but that I should raise it on the last day”. If you ever wondered what God’s will was before, well, after reading this passage, now you know! This is the testimony of a son who has received a great treasure from his father. Something more valuable than the things you or I would have handed down to us, like perhaps a gold pocketwatch, a war medal, or a precious ring or vase. Jesus received a precious heirloom called “the Human Race” from His Father. And His Father told him in so many words, “don’t lose any of what I gave you!” Can you imagine God telling Jesus not to lose anything of this precious gift? Well, Jesus took that very seriously! So seriously, in fact, that in order to not lose even one single person, he gave his life on the cross for us. Willingly. We once were lost, but now are found! All Souls Novena begins today, Sunday, November 2. If you wish to have your deceased loved ones included in the Novena of Masses, please write their name on the Novena Offering envelope and insert your offering in the envelope and place it in the collection basket. In early 2014, while going through a family and financial crisis, Susie Allen reached out to Catholic Charities of Dallas for help. Her family was struggling to make ends meet after a job lay-off, a car accident and the sudden loss of her daughter. She called many agencies for help, but only Catholic Charities of Dallas answered the call. “They stepped up, and went a little bit further to help my husband and me with food. It was a blessing from God. If it wasn't for Catholic Charities of Dallas, I don’t know where my husband and I would be. They mean so very much to me.” On November 1 and 2, a weekend annually designated by Bishop Kevin J. Farrell as Catholic Charities Sunday, think of Susie and the countless families in need. Donate online at or call 214-520-6590. ext. 126. In your kindness, please pray for the recently deceased: Grace Sambrano, wife of Richard Sambrano Carl Scarmado, husband of Judy Scarmado Dante Rojas, uncle of Carmen Inga Edward Stillhorn, Jr. father of Kristen Whisler Call the Church Office at 972-243-7104, extension 48 to add a prayer intention to the Prayer Chain and the Book of Intentions located in the Church Narthex. NOVEMBER 2, 2014 MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK INTENCIONES DE LA MISA PARA LA SEMANA Monday/Lunes, November/Noviembre 3, 2014 8:00 a.m. + Edward Fallon 5:30 p.m. All Souls Novena Tuesday/Martes, November/Noviembre 4, 2014 8:00 a.m. Int. of Fran and Fred Lawler 5:30 p.m. All Souls Novena Wednesday/Miercoles, November/Noviembre 5, 2014 8:00 a.m. + Joe Norman 5:30 p.m. All Souls Novena Thursday/Jueves, November/Noviembre 6, 2014 8:00 a.m. Int. of Elvira Peña 5:30 p.m. All Souls Novena Friday/Viernes, November/Noviembre 7, 2014 8:15 a.m. + Greg Zang 5:30 p.m. All Souls Novena Saturday/Sabado, November/Noviembre 8, 2014 8:00 a.m. Those Buried in the MI Columbarium 5:00 p.m. All Souls Novena Sunday/Domingo, November/Noviembre 9, 2014 7:30 a.m. + Greg Zang 8:45 a.m. + Carolina Almanza 10:30 a.m. For the People 12:00 p.m. + Darren Gay 1:45 p.m. Int. of Concepcion Contreras 5:00 p.m. + Tony Walterscheid 6:30 p.m. All Souls Novena All are welcome to join others in praying the Rosary after the weekly daily Masses in the Bride’s Room and on Mondays at 2:00 p.m. in the Chapel. “Recite your Rosary with faith, with humility, with confidence, and with perseverance.” - St. Louis de Montfort The Flowers for the Altar this weekend were donated in thanksgiving from Artemeo Rivera. If you would like to donate flowers for the Altar in memory of a special occasion, please call the Church Office. COLUMBARIUM A Mass for the repose of the souls of those buried in our Columbarium will be celebrated each month. The price of the columbarium niche is $2500. To purchase your niche, please call Tom O’Brien at 972-241-5344 or Marisa Walsdorf at 972-243-7104 for an appointment. Una vez al mes se celebra la Misa por el descanso de las almas de aquellos enterrados en nuestro Columbarium. El precio del nicho en el columbarium es $2,500. Para comprar un nicho en el Columbarium, por favor llame a cualquiera de los teléfonos que se encuentran arriba para hacer una cita. THE COMMEMORATION OF ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED SENIOR ADULT NEWS YOUTH NEWS Youth Group: Attention 7th - 12th graders Youth Group is a great place to make new friends and have a great time learning about how much Jesus loves you!!! Corporal Works of Mercy: It’s time to get started on your projects. You can sign up in the Sacristy for 3 Masses to serve. There is a sign-up sheet on the counter marked “Confirmation Masses”. Call the office if you have any questions, 972-243-7104, extension 31. Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God. Romans 15:7 STEWARDSHIP NEWS/CORRESPONSABILIDAD Week of Semana del 10/26 Collection/Internet Adj. Year to Date Colecta/Internet Colecta a la Fecha $ 27,316 $460,692 ———————————————————————–———————— Week of Debt Reduction/Internet Adj. Year to Date Semana del Reducción de Deuda Colecta a la Fecha 10/26 $ 4,417 $ 88,081 ——————————————————————–———————–—- Date/Fecha 10/26 Attendance/Asistencia 3561 "Silence Isn't Golden: How to Make the Most of Your Hearing" Wed., November 5- 1:30—2:30 PM, Conference Room According to Dr. Paula Land, CEO of the Hearing and Tinnitus Center of Dallas Fort Worth, most forms of hearing loss occur slowly over time, robbing the person of their ability to converse, connect and contribute to their world. In this speaker session, Dr. Land will share how the auditory system works, how to recognize the early symptoms of hearing loss, and how hearing aids now use tiny computers to restore much that has been lost. DALLAS DIOCESAN SENIORS SOCIAL Thursday, November 13th – 10:00AM - 1:00PM at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church – Plano, TX Join Dallas’ Catholic Seniors for a Mass and potluck social followed by entertainment provided by the very talented Dave Tanner. For more information, or if you are interested in carpooling to the lunch, please call Sarah at 972-243-7104. Tea and Topics: St. Therese of Lisieux Friday, November 14th – 2:00 PM in the Conference Room Join our seminarian, Michael Baynham, for light refreshments and a talk and discussion on St. Therese. OUTREACH —————————————————————————–—————— Based on fiscal year starting July 1, 2014. (Calculados en base al año fiscal comenzando 1ro. de Julio del 2014.) NEW MISSALS AND MUSIC BOOKS COMING FOR ADVENT! It’s that time of year again—time to replace our old Missalettes and music books! Our Altar Society ladies will be going through and replacing some of the old, torn, blue covers for our books. The covers aren’t as sturdy as we would like them to be, but with your tenderness and care, can last a long time. Please help us to preserve the covers. One way to help is to assist small children who are readers with holding the big books. Children who are not yet reading can use the Magnifikid magazines from the Narthex, or bring their own children’s picture Bibles from home. Thanks so much for your care of our book binders! At all of the Masses next weekend, November 8th and 9th, there will be a special blessing for all those serving as a Liturgical Minister. For more details on upcoming parish events, visit Birth Choice of Dallas invites you to attend Mass with Fr. Frank Pavone of Priests for Life on Saturday, November 15th at 5:00 pm or 12:00 pm on Sunday, November 16th at Mary Immaculate Church. The Knights of Columbus will process in, and Birth Choice volunteers will be available in the Narthex to answer any questions about their services for pregnant and parenting women. One Hundred Turkeys! Joe’s Pizza, Pasta and Subs on Josey/Belt Line serves a Thanksgiving meal every year to 4,000 locals in need. They are in urgent need of frozen turkeys, which will be prepared and frozen throughout October and November. Over 300 turkeys are needed as soon as possible! We are hoping to collect 100 turkeys as a parish, which can be delivered to the store at 1904 E Belt Line Rd, Carrollton. They are also in need of 2000 aluminum half pans with lids, 2000 2-gallon Ziploc bags, and your time! For more information, or if you want to volunteer, please contact Sarah at 972-243-7104 x48. Let us know as well if you will be delivering turkeys so that we can keep up with our goal! Pregnant? Confused? Need help? You are not alone! Call 972-BABY DUE (972-222-9383) for free counseling MARY IMMACULATE CHURCH DALLAS, TEXAS NOVEMBER 2, 2014 FAMILY MINISTRY Journey of Hope…."You are loved. Do you hear me? YOU ARE LOVED!" were the words the priest said emphatically. This was the central theme of the three-day mission lead by this priest in my parish. He was so convinced of this truth, and was trying to convince everyone else who attended, that he actually had buttons made and passed them out like candy. I wondered how many were convinced. It is hard to feel all warm and fuzzy when you are in the middle of a crisis, like divorce. Harder still is to comprehend that you are loved by someone you can't even see. "If I am so loved, why am I going through this mess?" is a question that tends to feed our doubt. The reality is you are a victim of someone else's free will, not God's will. God created you out of His immense love, and He loves you forever. The Scriptures are essentially His love letters to you, reaching down through the ages trying to convince you of His faithful and unending love. Read them often. They are a constant reminder that even though you may not feel loved here on earth, you have God in Heaven who is endlessly pursuing you and doing everything possible to convince you that you are loved. "Are not five sparrows sold for two small coins? Yet not one of them has escaped the notice of God. Even the hairs on your head have all been counted. Do not be afraid. You are worth more than many sparrows." - Luke 12:6-7 Copyright 2014, (c) Vince Frese For more resources visit and “That Man is You – Becoming a Man after God’s own Heart”, meets on Friday mornings from 6:00 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. in the Parish Hall. Join other men who are building friendships with likeminded men – who want to be good men, good husbands and good fathers. For information call Scott Ford at 469-271-8576 or the church office. As the holiday season approaches, Julie Torres Gutierrez – facilitator for Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University here at Mary Immaculate – will conduct a “Budgeting for the Holidays” class on Saturday, November 8th from noon to 1:30 p.m. in the school and the same presentation on Sunday, November 9th from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. in the Parish Conference room. Questions? Contact [email protected] or Priscilla at 972-243-7104 ext. 26. “A Ray of Hope for the Holidays” – Sunday, November 16th from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the Imy Lounge (next to the Parish Hall). The loss of a loved one through death often requires adjustments in the way of looking at the world and plans for living in it. Join us as we share ideas and suggestions on how to help ourselves through the holidays while grieving. A light lunch will be served. To RSVP contact Priscilla at 972-243-7104 Ext. 26. Parenting Pointer...People are more important that buildings. Yet buildings shelter us. We gather in religious buildings to remind us of our faith and to worship together. Take a tour of a church with your child. Explain the artwork, symbols, holy objects, etc. By Susan Vogt, MUSIC MINISTRY A painter paints pictures on canvas. But musicians paint their pictures on silence. ~Leopold Stokowski Our King Has Come Christmas Concert: If you are interested in singing in this year’s Parish Christmas Concert, rehearsals begin this weekend, October 26th in the School Music Room at 6:30 pm. No experience is necessary to sing with us. Please consider joining us this year! For more information, contact Thomas Woods, 972243-7104 or [email protected]. Holiday Expo and Craft Fair: The Music Ministry will host the 26th Annual Holiday Expo on November 8th (10 to 6:30) and November 9th (8:30 to 2:00). This is our only fundraiser for the year and the proceeds from this event will go towards supporting the Music Ministry. There is something for everyone this year! Bishop Lynch Choir Poinsettia Sale The Bishop Lynch Choir will once again be taking orders for beautiful poinsettias. The Bishop Lynch Choir has been invited to Paris this coming Spring break to sing at Notre Dame as well as other locations. Representatives of the Bishop Lynch choir, with ties to Mary Immaculate Church and School will be taking orders before and after the English Masses on November 1st and 2nd. The plants must be picked up after any English Mass on December 6th and 7th. Red, White and Pink Marble poinsettias in 6” ($12), 8” ($22) and 10” ($28) sizes are available to be ordered. Payment is required at the time of the order. HELP US WELCOME OUR NEW PARISHIONERS! Mary Immaculate Welcome Team is gearing up to welcome all our future new parishioners. We want to personally welcome them with a Mary Immaculate Welcome Wagon Bag! If you own a company or have a service or product to offer, we would love to receive your donation of free samples, discount coupons, special offers, etc. from your company. We will include this with home-baked goods, a ministries brochure, bulletin and parish newsletter, and more. Bring your items to the parish office weekdays between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. marked “welcome wagon!” . Please include your name or business card so we can thank you for your assistance in this welcoming project! Are you or a loved one experiencing homosexual attractions and looking for answers? “Courage is a spiritual support group for men and women with same sex attractions who desire to live chaste lives in accordance with the teachings of the Catholic Church” for more information, contact 972-938-5433, [email protected] or THE COMMEMORATION OF ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED La Fe de Toda la Vida Centrada en el Evangelio: Juan 6, 37-40 De todas la frases de Jesús, ésta es mi favorita Si alguna vez ha visto un correo electrónico mío (Beth), ha visto este pasaje adjunto a mi firma: Juan 6, 37-40 “He bajado del cielo, no para hacer mi voluntad, sino la voluntad del que me envió. Y la voluntad del que me envió es que yo no pierda nada de lo que él me ha dado, sino que lo resucite en el último día. La voluntad de mi Padre consiste en que todo el que vea al Hijo y crea en él, tenga vida eterna y yo lo resucite en el último día”. Si alguna vez se había preguntado cuál es la voluntad de Dios, después de leer este pasaje, ¡ya lo sabe! Este es el testimonio de un hijo que ha recibido un gran tesoro de su padre. Algo más valioso que cualquier cosa que nosotros pudiéramos heredar, como tal vez un reloj de oro, una medalla de guerra, o un anillo muy preciado. Jesús recibió una herencia llamada “la Raza Humana” de parte de su Padre. Y su Padre le dijo, en pocas palabras, “¡No pierdas nada de lo que te he dado!” ¿Puede imaginar a Dios diciéndole a Jesús que no pierda nada de este precioso regalo? Pues bien, Jesús tomó esas palabras muy en serio. Tan en serio que entregó su vida en la cruz con el fin de que ni una sola persona se pierda. Por nuestra voluntad, ¡Estuvimos perdidos, pero ahora hemos sido encontrados! Primera Lectura: Sabiduría 3, 1-9 Salmo 22 Segunda Lectura: Romanos 6, 3-9 Las flores del altar de este fin de semana fueron donadas en acción de gracias por Artemeo Rivera. El próximo Domingo, 9 de Noviembre, se impartirá una bendición especial para todos los Ministros de la Liturgia en todas las Misas. AYUDENOS A DAR LA BIENVENIDA A NUESTROS NUEVOS MIEMBROS El comité de bienvenida de María Inmaculada se está preparando para dar la bienvenida a nuestros nuevos miembros con una canasta de regalos “Mary Immaculate Welcome Wagon Bag”. Si usted es un miembro actual de nuestra parroquia y es dueño de un negocio, o tiene algún servicio o producto para ofrecer, nos encantaría recibir sus muestras, cupones de descuento, ofertas especiales, etc. de su negocio. Los incluiremos junto con otras donaciones como pasteles o postres hechos en casa, tarjetas y artículos religiosos. Si quiere ser parte del comité de bienvenida y ayudar a preparar canastas de regalo, contacte a Beth Crouch, Directora de Evangelización, en la oficina parroquial o por email a [email protected]. ¡Podremos lograrlo con su ayuda, amor y bendiciones! Hoy Domingo, 2 de Noviembre da comienzo La Novena por los Fieles Difuntos. Si usted desea incluir a sus seres queridos que han fallecido en las misas de esta novena, escriba sus nombres en el sobre de ofrecimiento para la novena y entréguelo durante la colecta en Misa. NUEVOS MISALES Y LIBROS DE MUSICA COMENZANDO EL ADVIENTO. Ha llegado nuevamente la época del año cuando reemplazamos nuestros viejos misales y libros de música. Las Damas de la Sociedad del Altar estarán reemplazando algunas de las cubiertas de los libros azules con más desgaste. Las cubiertas no son tan gruesas como hubiéramos deseado, pero con su ayuda y cuidado podrán durar mucho tiempo. Una manera de ayudar es asistiendo a niños pequeños a sostener los libros. Los niños que aún no saben leer pueden usar las revistas Magnifikid que se encuentran en el vestíbulo, o pueden traer sus propias biblias con dibujos para niños. ¡Muchas gracias por el cuidado que dan a nuestros libros! El grupo Actionis te invita a participar en las dramatizaciones del evangelio que se hacen cada año durante la cuaresma, la celebración del día de las madres y otros eventos de la parroquia. Día: Todos los Sábados Hora: 6:30 p.m. Lugar: La Biblioteca Tel.: (214) 541-5749 (Manolo) (469) 214-2379 (Hermes) “A uno dio cinco talentos, a otros les dio dos, y a otro, uno, a cada cual según su capacidad.” Mateo 25:15. Necesitamos voluntarias para la preparación de Quinceañeras —Si usted está interesada en dar clases de formación para Quinceañeras o participar como voluntaria en este ministerio, por favor contacte a Sonia Dimas al 972-243-7104 ext. 28 o por e-mail a [email protected]. Para más información sobre nuestra parroquia y eventos futuros, visite nuestra página de internet Se ofrecen CLASES GRATUITAS DE ESL (Inglés como segundo idioma) en nuestra parroquia los martes y viernes de 9:30 a 11:00 a.m. en el cuarto de conferencias. ¡Todos están invitados a participar! El Cenáculo de la Divina Misericordia se reúne de lunes a jueves de 8 a 9 p.m. en la Capilla. ¡Todos son bienvenidos! Puede venir uno o varios días al Programa, rezo o ambos: 8:00 - 8:30 p.m. Programa (enseñanza). 8:30 - 9 p.m. Rezo de la Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia. Le invitamos a que escuche la Red de Radio Guadalupe en español en el 850 AM MARY IMMACULATE CHURCH DALLAS, TEXAS NOVEMBER 2, 2014 APOYO COMUNITARIO MINISTERIO DE MUSICA La organización Birth Choice de Dallas los invita a la Misa con el Padre Frank Pavone de “Sacerdotes Por la Vida” el Sábado, 15 de Noviembre a las 5:00 p.m. o el domingo, 16 de Noviembre a las 12:00 p.m. aquí en María Inmaculada. Los Caballeros de Colón abrirán la procesión. Habrá voluntarios en el vestíbulo para dar información acerca de sus servicios para madres y mujeres embarazadas. La organización de Caridades Católicas de Dallas recibe un promedio de 32 familias/individuos en el condado de Dallas que vienen como refugiados políticos y se encarga de prepararles un lugar para vivir. Hay una necesidad urgente de artículos como: Sábanas tamaño individual (twin) / matrimonial (full), toallas, cobijas, almohadas nuevas, platos, vasos, sartenes, y cubiertos. Por favor contacte a Eileen O’Malley a [email protected] para más información. A principios del 2014, al pasar por una crisis financiera, Susie Allen pidió ayuda a Caridades Católicas de Dallas. Su familia estaba teniendo dificultades por la pérdida de trabajo, un accidente automovilístico y la muerte de su hija. Ella buscó ayuda con diferentes agencias pero solamente Caridades Católicas la ayudó. “Ellos respondieron, e hicieron aún un poco más al ayudarnos a mi esposo y a mí con comida. Fue una bendición de Dios. Si no fuera por Caridades Católicas, no se que sería de nosotros. Significan mucho para mí.” El 1 y 2 de Noviembre tendremos la colecta anual en beneficio de esta organización, siendo el día que nuestro Obispo, Kevin Farrell, ha designado como Domingo de Caridades Católicas. Piense en Susie y las innumerables familias con necesidades semejantes. También puede donar en línea en, o llamando al 214-520-6590. ¡Se solicitan donaciones de 100 Pavos! El Restaurant Joe’s Pizza, Pasta and Subs localizado en 1904 E. Belt Line Road esquina con Josey Lane esta solicitando donaciones de 300 pavos o más lo más pronto posible. Ellos ofrecen cada año una cena el Día de Acción de Gracias (Thanksgiving Day) a 4,000 personas de nuestra comunidad. Nos hemos propuesto como parroquia la meta de ayudarlos a conseguir 100 de estos pavos y entregárselos. Si usted desea donar pavos para esta causa, los puede entregar en la oficina de la parroquia de lunes a Viernes de 8:00 a.m. a 5:00 p.m. , o si desea llevarlos al restaurant en persona, por favor háganos saber cuántos pavos va a donar para mantener la cuenta. También están solicitando donaciones de otros artículos de cocina como 2000 charolas de aluminio tamaño “half pan”, 2000 bolsas Ziploc de 1 galón de capacidad y ¡su tiempo!. Si desea hacer una donación o ayudar como voluntario, por favor contacte a Sarah al 972-243-7104x48. El Ministerio de Música auspiciara la 26va. Feria Artesanal el Sábado, 8 de noviembre de 10:00 a.m. a 6:30 p. m. y el Domingo, 9 de noviembre de 8:30 a.m. a 2:00 p.m.. Este es el único evento anual que se realiza para recaudar fondos a beneficio de este ministerio. Venga y apóyenos . Encontrará artículos y regalos para todos los gustos. ¡Los esperamos con toda su familia y amigos!. EVENTOS EN LA DIOCESIS “Acuérdate y Reflexiona…” Retiro de Adviento para Catequistas Sábado 22 de Noviembre de 2014 9:00 a.m. a 3:00 p.m. Parroquia Santa Mónica en Dallas, TX, Family Center Inscripciones en línea: Orador: Padre Cruz Calderón Sábado, 8 de Noviembre, 2014 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Iglesia Católica de Inmaculada Concepción, Gimnasio. 400 N.E. 17th Streeth, Grand Prairie, TX 75050 Informes: 972-762-2504, 972-966-9677 Entrada Gratis “Viñedo de Raquel™ es una oportunidad extraordinaria para cualquier persona que lucha con el dolor emocional y espiritual del aborto. El fin de semana es un proceso único y efectivo diseñado específicamente para ayudarle a sentir la misericordia y compasión de Dios. Este proceso es extremadamente bueno para ayudar a los que luchan con el perdonarse a si mismos o a otros. El fin de semana ayudará a que su alma encuentre una voz, y a transformar el dolor del pasado en esperanza! Proyecto José Un día de retiro para hombres que sufren debido al aborto se llevará a cabo el 8 de noviembre, 2014. Para más información y para registrarse comuníquese al 469-416-2101 o [email protected]. “Forgiven” por Thomas Todas las consultas son estrictamente Blackshear Reproducido con permiso confidenciales. Para retiros de fin de semana para mujeres y hombres, visite o contacte 972-679-4760 o [email protected]. ESTE BOLETÍN SE OFRECE SIN NINGUN COSTO A NUESTRA PARROQUIA a través de los anunciantes participantes. ¡Por favor patrocine a estos anunciantes! ENVIENOS SU ANUNCIO 12 DIAS ANTES DE LA FECHA DE PUBLICACION DEL BOLETIN.