

Mission “To provide higher technological educa5on with quality , preparing competent professionals, with sound founda5ons in science, technology and innova5on, commi<ed to social responsibility and to Mexico’s sustainable development.” Impar5r educación superior tecnológica de calidad, formando de manera integral profesionales competentes, con alto sen5do de responsabilidad social, sólida formación en ciencia, tecnología e innovación, que contribuyan al desarrollo sustentable del país. Ins5tuto Tecnológico de Sal5llo Enrollment/Awarded chart for each educa5onal program Ins5tuto Tecnológico de Sal5llo Based on the alumni profile established by Tecnológico Nacional de México (TecNM), the Program Student Outcomes (PSO) are listed in the next pages. The Program Educa5onal Objec5ves (PEO) for each Educa5ve Program are also shown. Ins5tuto Tecnológico de Sal5llo Mechatronic Engineering PSO •  An ability to design and implement mechatronic systems in accordance to technological, social and environmental needs. •  An ability to automate and maintain mechanical systems by using electrical and electronic technologies as well as computa5onal tools. Mechatronic Engineering Mechatronic Engineering PSO •  An ability to evaluate and generate industrial and social projects. •  A leadership ability for solving problems and for developing projects with cri5cal and auto cri5cal thinking. •  An ability to interpret technical informa5on related to the mechatronic engineering in order to apply and to innovate forefront technologies. Mechatronic Engineering Mechatronic Engineering PEO •  Ethics. The graduate prac5ces his profession with legality and a sense of social responsibility according to na5onal and interna5onal norms. •  Leadership. The graduate coordinates and leads mul5disciplinary teams for the development and implementa5on of mechatronic systems by applying scien5fic principles in different technological contexts. Mechatronic Engineering Mechatronic Engineering PEO •  Crea0vity. The graduate is crea5ve and proac5ve in taking decisions for planning and organizing the ac5vi5es related with his professional field. •  Professional Development. The graduate is involved in his con5nuous and autonomous professional update in order to be at the forefront of the scien5fic and technological changes occurred in the prac5ce of his profession. Mechatronic Engineering Industrial Engineering PSO •  An ability to implement and manage quality, safe, healthy and sustainable systems, in manufacturing and service industries. •  An ability to use measuring instruments that support the cer5fica5on, management and the applica5on of forefront norms and standards in produc5ve systems. •  An ability to select and apply automa5on technologies and to take part in development, adap5ng and transferring technological projects. Industrial Engineering Industrial Engineering PSO •  An ability to select and implement informa5on and communica5on technologies in the industrial field. •  An ability to design, implement, manage and improve: produc5on and maintenance systems, work sta5ons (considering ergonomic factors) and opera5onal standardiza5on for produc5on op5miza5on. Industrial Engineering Industrial Engineering PSO • 
An ability to implement and interpret strategies on quality models, sta5s5c methods as well as the design of experiments for the con5nuous improvement of produc5on and service systems. •  An ability to iden5fy environment needs to create and improve high value products and –whenever possible-­‐ to develop new enterprises. Industrial Engineering Industrial Engineering PEO •  Performs successfully in the workplace based on an intense prac5ce of their skills for a con5nuous improvement learning process. •  Designs, implements, administrates and improves sustainable processes and systems, solving problems in the workplace or in the interac5on with other en55es. •  Leads and effec5ve work in mul5disciplinary teams in the workplace, in an ethic and professional way. Industrial Engineering Electrical Engineering PSO •  Apply physic-­‐mathema5c sciences to solve problems related with using electric energy, automa5on and control. •  They are effec5vely, ethically, and responsibly communicated in their mul5disciplinary projects or undertaking their own company par5cipa5on. Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering PSO •  They are updated and adapt to emergent technologies in their professional area. Manage technological tools to design and administrate projects for solving problems. Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering PEO •  Engineering projects development: The alumni are able to integrate the knowledge obtained to propose technic solu5ons according the professional profile. •  Con0nuos updates: The alumni acquired an essen5al forma5on in auto-­‐
learning making possible to the student to keep them up to date through competences, workshops, diplomas or postgraduate studies. Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering PEO •  Professionalism: The objec5ve of the licensed students is to be professional with a global vision, prac5cing the proper knowledges compromised with the society and their ethic values, such as preserva5on and care of natural environment. •  Entrepreneur culture: Our graduated students are professional innovators and entrepreneur, achieving success in their own business and in that way develop country’s economics. Electrical Engineering Business Management Engineering PSO •  An ability to analyze, synthesize, plan and organize. •  An ability to inves5gate and manage informa5on. •  An ability to use technological tools in order to design and manage projects. •  An ability for team working and to communicate efficiently. Business Management Engineering Business Management Engineering PSO •  Ethical commitment and a personal pursuit for quality and con5nuous improvement. •  Adaptability to constant global changes and being able to work independently. •  Leadership, ini5a5ve and an entrepreneur spirit, as well as the ability to generate crea5ve ideas. Business Management Engineering Business Management Engineering PEO •  To create and manage new businesses and projects, with a leadership and ethical commitment. •  To promote the integra5on of work teams for the con5nuous improvement, performance and integral development of the organiza5ons. Business Management Engineering Business Management Engineering PEO •  To use new informa5on technologies in the organiza5on, to op5mize communica5on processes and decision making in an asser5ve manner as well as problems solu5on, using human, material, technological and financial resources. •  To manage organiza5on resources with a holis5c vision in order to supply goods of quality as well as services to achieve an impact in the crea5on, innova5on, sustainability and global compe55veness. Business Management Engineering Computer Systems Engineering PSO •  An ability to design, develop, implement and manage networks, data bases, interfaces and system's so]ware according to defined requirements in order to accomplish with the quality processes standards and organiza5onal standards of security informa5on for the processes automa5on. •  An ability to coordinate and par5cipate in interdisciplinary projects, being capable of establish an effec5ve line of communica5on through the local, na5onal and worldwide context knowledge of several topics. Computer Systems Engineering Computer Systems Engineering PSO •  Iden5fy and understand hardware technologies to suggest, develop and maintain efficient applica5ons. •  Unite computa5onal solu5ons with different technologies, pla_orms or displays. Computer Systems Engineering Computer Systems Engineering PSO •  Develop a business vision to detect opportunity areas so the graduate can undertake and develop projects applying Informa5on and Communica5on Technologies. •  An ability to perform professional ac5vi5es considering legal, ethics, socials and sustainable development aspects and the sustainable development through a proac5ve communica5on. Computer Systems Engineering Computer Systems Engineering PSO •  An ability to possess methodological research abili5es and self-­‐learning that strengthen the cultural development, scien5fic and technological scope in computa5onal systems and related disciplines, applying them to the con5nuous improvement and the integra5on of technological innova5ons integra5on. •  Select and apply mathema5cal tools for modeling, designing and developing computa5onal technology. Computer Systems Engineering Computer Systems Engineering PEO •  Technical: Successful graduates who design, manage and innovate leading edge solu5ons applying Informa5on Technologies. •  Lifelong learning: Our graduates will be analy5cal, cri5cal and crea5ve leaders with strategic vision and be engaged in con5nuous learning. Computer Systems Engineering Computer Systems Engineering PEO •  Ethics and sustainability: Model ci5zens who par5cipate ac5vely and successfully in interdisciplinary projects on a global framework and sustainability. Computer Systems Engineering Electronics Engineering PSO •  An ability to create, innovate and to transfer technology by using efficiently the methods and procedures of electronic engineering in projects considering since a sustainable point of view. •  An ability to plan, organize, lead and control installa5on ac5vi5es by proposing of be<er opera5ons standards, improving of maintenance procedures or moderniza5on of electronic equipment systems. Electronics Engineering Electronics Engineering PSO •  An ability to apply new informa5on technologies for acquiring and processing of data. •  An ability to exert the engineering profession with responsibility, ethics and legal. •  An ability to exert enterprising a`tudes for developing skills that allow to face the professional challenges under the current poli5cal, social, economic and cultural condi5ons. Electronics Engineering Electronics Engineering PSO •  An ability to lead and par5cipate in interdisciplinary work teams in a global context, with efficient communica5on both oral and wri<en. •  An ability to simulate models in advanced computa5onal pla_orms for predic5ng the electronics system behavior. •  An ability to select and operate measure and tes5ng equipment. Electronics Engineering Electronics Engineering PEO •  Career. The alumnus is a part of an interdisciplinary team focused in developing, in a successful way, any task required by the professional life. •  Long-­‐life learning. The alumnus remains in the everlas5ng pursuit of scien5fic, cultural and technological knowledge for ensuring an integral developing. Electronics Engineering Electronics Engineering PEO •  Integral behavior-­‐Ethics. The alumnus has the perpetual commitment for demonstra5ng a harmonic behavior with the environment and the society from a global perspec5ve. Electronics Engineering Mechanical Engineering PSO •  An ability to apply mathema5cal, computa5onal tools and experimental methods for problem solving by formula5ng models, analyzing processes and developing mechanical prototypes. •  An ability to select and use appropriate materials to design and manufacture mechanical parts, or to use them in industrial facili5es according to their proper5es. Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering PSO •  An ability to manage projects related with design, manufacturing, diagnos5cs, installa5on, opera5on, control and maintenance of both mechanical systems as well as systems that use conven5onal and unconven5onal energy sources. •  An ability to par5cipate in advisory services, exper5se, cer5fica5ons, training, purchase and sale of equipment and machinery related to their profession. Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering PSO •  An ability to elaborate, to interpret and to communicate professionally orally, in wri<en using: reports, proposals, analysis and engineering results. •  An ability to create, to innovate, to transfer and to adapt technologies in the field of mechanical engineering, with entrepreneurial spirit and leadership, following ethical principles and universal values, exercising their profession responsibly within a legal framework. Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering PSO •  An ability to observe and to implement na5onal and interna5onal standards and specifica5ons related to the proper handling of raw materials, finished goods and waste materials generated in industrial processes. •  An ability to par5cipate in technological projects and scien5fic research with the aim to restore and keep the environment, thus promo5ng sustainable development. Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering PSO •  An ability to implement automa5c control systems for industrial processes and to manage quality systems to improve produc5on standards. Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering PEO •  To be able to start a new business with entrepreneurial spirit and leadership being crea5ve and socially responsible. •  To use crea5ve and cri5cal thinking in analyzing situa5ons related to mechanical engineering, for decision-­‐making. Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering PEO •  To work in mul5disciplinary teams in comprehensive projects with an a`tude that encourages teamwork, exercising different roles contribu5ng to his professional skills to achieve goals. Furthermore, manage people, materials and financial resources effec5vely. Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering PEO •  To reflect on the historical, geographical and socioeconomic context of their region and propose solu5ons consistent with the country's reality in a globalized environment. •  To apply their knowledge, skills and abili5es to successfully pursue graduate studies. Mechanical Engineering Materials Engineering PSO •  An ability to apply knowledge of mathema5cs, science, and engineering. •  An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data. •  An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realis5c constrains such as economic, environmental, social, poli5cal, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability and sustainability. Materials Engineering Materials Engineering PSO •  An ability to func5on on mul5disciplinary teams. •  An ability to iden5fy, formulates and solves engineering problems. •  An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility. •  An ability to communicate effec5vely. •  The broad educa5on necessary to understand the impact of engineering solu5ons in a global, economic, environmental and societal context. Materials Engineering Materials Engineering PSO •  Recogni5on of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-­‐long learning. •  A knowledge of contemporary issues. •  An ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering prac5ce. Materials Engineering Materials Engineering PEO •  Adapt to the evolu5on of technology and takes over the leadership on the solu5on of problems related to Materials Science and Engineering and similar disciplines. •  Apply skills to acquire experience and knowledge in order to incorporate to new professional opportuni5es or con5nue in postgraduate studies. Materials Engineering Materials Engineering PEO •  Work in an honest, efficient and responsible manner, taking into considera5on diversity and the mul5cultural social context. Materials Engineering