Unit 2_to the rescue - Indauk
Unit 2_to the rescue - Indauk
1º BACHILLERATO: CONTRAST 1 CURSO: 1ºBACH UNIT 2: To the rescue Objetivos 1. Hablar sobre situaciones de emergencia 2. Contar una historia 3. Hablar sobre hechos pasados Gramática 1. Acciones pasadas: Present Perfect Simple, Past Perfect Simple 2. Conectores de secuencia: eventually, in the end, it all began when..., in the beginning 3. Hábitos en el pasado: used to, would Vocabulario y expresiones • Adjetivos -ed/-ing: frightened/frightening, frustrated/frustrating, amazed/amazing, shocked/ shocking, thrilled/thrilling, satisfied/satisfying, worried/worrying • Situaciones de emergencia: to exit, flood, safe place, earthquake, to burn, painful, storm, landing, stream, to be alive, risk, relief, to manage, crew, to keep warm, on his own, to search, rescue workers, missing, trapped, crash, to reach, injured, to scream, to panic, to stay calm Preguntas para el examen oral 1. What is the most frightening situation you have been in? How did you feel? 2. Have you ever had or seen a serious accident? What happened? When? 3. What should you do if there was a fire in your building? Evaluación Redacción: A narrative text Examen oral - Questions from unit 1 and 2 Proyecto 1: Webquest: Organize a journey Páginas web interesantes http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/grammar Gramática - Present Perfect Simple and continuous, Past Perfect Simple and continuous http://indauk.wordpress.com Speaking - Contrast 1 Refuerzo Revisión tiempos verbales: http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/grammar DEPARTAMENTO INGLÉS I.E.S. SOL DE PORTOCARRERO 1º BACHILLERATO: CONTRAST 1 CURSO: 1ºBACH Verbos irregulares: Student’s Book 158, 159 Ampliación Narraciones: Student’s Book 166 Lecturas recomendadas SB 115: Text “Avoiding danger in the outback:Tips from an Aussie” Historias cortas en internet: http://www.englishclub.com/reading/short-stories.htm DEPARTAMENTO INGLÉS I.E.S. SOL DE PORTOCARRERO