SES® Desinfectante agrícola Esteripharma México, S.A. de C.V. Mario Valbuena M. Patricio Sanz No. 1582 Col. del Valle Delegación Benito Juárez Ciudad de México, Distrito Federal 03100 Mexico Allowed with Restrictions NOP: Chlorine Materials 28-Oct-2016 est-7429 Crop Management Tools and Production Aids 01-Dec-2017 Residual chlorine levels in the water in direct crop contact (when used pre-harvest) or as water from cleaning irrigation systems applied to the soil should not exceed the maximum residual disinfectant level under the SDWA, except that chlorine products may be used in edible sprout production according to EPA label directions. May be used up to maximum labeled rates for disinfecting and sanitizing equipment or tools. No intervening event is necessary before equipment is used in contact with organic crops. OMRI.OPD.