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Solutions with you in mind
Jesus Conesa, Madrid Multiple Sclerosis Association
1. Planning
Develop a plan of action with the appropriate healthcare professional, taking into
consideration rehabilitation and physical therapy exercises. He/she will help you
discover your body’s potential and its limitations. Ask your healthcare professional
to show you how to perform the exercises correctly and which ones will benefit you
the most.
2. Consistency
Staying in shape in multiple sclerosis is like a long-distance race. It is essential to be
consistent: it is always better to do even a little exercise, as long as it is performed
3. Moderation
Gentle and constant physical activity is essential for minimizing the complications
that are sometimes associated with some of the symptoms of multiple sclerosis, as
well as for maintaining and even improving the functions affected by the disease.
Moderation includes listening to your body: listen to what your body is telling you
and rest when you feel tired.
Appropriate environment
Do the exercises in a cool, comfortable and quiet location.
5. General advice
• Wear loose clothing and shoes that do not limit your movement.
• Make sure that the room temperature is comfortable. In winter, make sure
that the heat is not too high in the room in which you do your exercises. In summer,
use a fan or air conditioner or keep a window open. If the heat really bothers you,
you can take a cold bath (50-60ºF) for 10 minutes (begin with warm water and
slowly add cold water) before exercising.
• If one side of your body is weaker than the other, take advantage of this strength
by using the stronger side to move the weaker side. Your doctor or
physical therapist can help you.
• Breathe rhythmically and relax the facial muscles during each movement.
People tend to make faces or hold their breath while they are performing new
• Avoid overexertion. Include rest periods and drink cool water to avoid
overheating and dehydration.
• Find the best time of the day to do your exercises. Some people prefer to
do their exercises in the morning, while others feel it is better to divide them into
two sessions, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.
• Be aware of your limits and potential. Schedule regular and timely rest
periods, so that your body gets used to a “pattern of activity.”
By performing specific exercises for muscular rigidity (spasticity), you will improve
the muscle balance of not only the spastic muscles themselves, but of those
muscles that are constrained by them, thereby improving your muscle dynamics and
also coordination.
It is important to keep in mind that before performing the stretching exercises, you
will need to prepare the muscle by slowly imitating the stretch and breaking down
the resistance little by little (gear effect).
Avoid positions that cause or worsen your spasticity.
Go slowly. The movements must be performed slowly, giving the muscles enough
time to stretch and relax. Sudden movements can increase spasticity and moving a
spastic muscle into a new position can also worsen spasticity. If this happens, let the
muscles rest for a a few minutes.
Do not force any part of your body. Make progress with your movements with
as little pain as possible. You should know how to distinguish between pain and the
feel of the stretching itself. If you feel pain, do not continue and consult your physical
therapist before repeating the movement.
While you are exercising, try to keep your head straight.
If you are taking antispasticity medication, perform the exercises approximately one
hour after taking it.
Exercises for loss of mobility
Regarding the exercises to minimize loss of mobility, it is important to perform
them slowly and in front of a mirror. These exercises are based on stretching and
strengthening, as well as correcting your posture.
Some patients perform exercises that focus on using breathing techniques such as
yoga, Tai Chi and Pilates, which help with mobility. Walking and aerobic exercise can
also help.
To address difficult situations, like climbing stairs, you can exercise alternate muscles,
like the glutes, as long as you have the proper support.
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Solutions with you in mind