March 15, 2015 - St. Therese Catholic Church
March 15, 2015 - St. Therese Catholic Church
St. Therese Catholic Church 217 Brawley School Rd. Mooresville, NC 28117-9103 704-664-3992 An Ignatian parish staffed by priests of the Maryland Province of the Society of Jesus (The Jesuits) since 1970. March 15, 2015 4th Sunday of Lent PARISH OFFICE Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-12pm & 12:30pm-4:30pm Phone: 704-664-3992 Fax: 704-660-6321 E-mail: [email protected] Parish Website: FAITH FORMATION OFFICE Office Hours: Sunday 8:30am-12pm & 3pm-9pm Monday 1pm-5pm Tuesday 9am-12pm & 3pm-7pm Wednesday 10am-6pm Thursday 9am-12pm Friday & Saturday Closed Phone: 704-664-7762 REGISTRATION Every household is invited to register. Forms are available in the Narthex, the office or on our website. According to Diocesan policy, parish registration is required for faith formation, all sacraments and ministries, and school vouchers. MOVING? Please notify the parish office! BULLETIN DEADLINE 4:30pm Thursday for the next weekend bulletin. All items subject to approval and editing. Submit to Lisa Cash, [email protected] Sacramental Celebrations Mass Times Saturday Sunday 5:30pm 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am, 12:00 noon Sunday Nursery at 9 & 10:30am Masses 2:30pm Misa en Espanol 5:30pm Daily Mass 9:00am Monday thr ough Fr iday & First Saturdays Reconciliation 4:00pm-5:00pm on Saturdays or by appointment A CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY OF FAITH, CELEBRATION AND SERVICE WELCOME! The parishioners of St. Therese welcome our visitors. Please introduce yourselves to your neighbors. Catholics comprise less than 4% of North Carolina’s population, therefore, your presence is very important to us. We also rely on your support. Your generosity will be much appreciated. Please turn off cell phones and other electronic devices. The Toddler Room is a convenient refuge for parents of active children. Thank you for being with us! We hope you have a great visit! MARRIAGE According to Diocesan policy, registered couples must begin marriage preparation at least SIX MONTHS prior to the desired wedding date. Please call the parish office for an appointment. BAPTISM OF INFANTS AND TOTS At least SIX WEEKS before the anticipated date of Baptism, parents must contact the office to arrange for required baptismal preparation. Contact Christine Leal 704-664-3992. BAPTISM & FIRST EUCHARIST FOR CHILDREN—Grades 3 thru 7—All children in the above grades are prepared for the first sacraments of Initiation through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Children. Contact: Dave Conklin in the Faith Formation office 704-664-7762. ADULT SACRAMENTS OF INITIATION All adults and high school age teens who wish to be baptized, confirmed and/or receive First Eucharist are prepared through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. This is also the process for non-Catholics to come into full communion with the Catholic Church. Contact: Deacon John Sims 704-662-0714. COMMUNION OF THE SICK Please notify the parish office if you want communion brought to the home, hospital or nursing home. Hospitals do not notify the church that you are there except at your direct request. ANOINTING OF THE SICK Please notify the parish office of those who are homebound or in hospitals or nursing homes, especially when seriously ill. FIRST FRIDAY of each month Eucharistic Exposition and Adoration 9:45am—4:45pm with Benediction at 4:45pm. ROSARY 7 pm Mondays in the church 9:45 am Thursdays after Mass PARISH STAFF /OFICINA 704-664-3992 Pastor/Párroco: Rev. Vincent C. Curtin, S.J., ext. 102 Parochial Vicar/Vicarios: Rev. Dominic Totaro, SJ, ext. 225 Rev. Donald M. Ward, S.J., ext. 107 In Residence: Rev. Fr ancis X. Reese, S.J ., ext. 205 Deacons/Diácono: Rev. Mr . J ohn Sims [email protected] Rev. Mr. Robert Kratchman (retired) Rev. Mr. Myles Decker (retired) Faith Formation/Formación de Fe: 704-664-7762 Carmen SanJuan, ext. 109 Director David Conklin, ext. 108 Asst. Director Darlene McClure, ext. 110 Office Assistant Dayna Auten, ext. 318 Pre-school Director Music Ministry/Ministerio de Música Phillip Haigler, ext. 106 Director Argelia Chavez– Misa en Español Maintenance Manager Wesley Weaver, ext. 104 Office Melinda Drury, ext. 101 Parish Manager Rosemary Hyman, ext. 315 Liturgy Coordinator Christine Leal, ext. 100 Office Assistant/Facilities Scheduler Leyda Carrillo, ext. 114 Latino Coordinator Elaine Runski, ext. 301 Administrative Assistant Lisa Cash, ext. 105 Ministry Communications Coordinator Staff emails/correos electrónicos: (first initial, last name) (inicial de su nombre, apellido) i.e./ejemplo: [email protected] except Deacon John who has his own email address Pastoral Council Bill Streiff, Pres. Bob Linden, Vice Pres. Tina Force Sec. Maria Boaze Mark Green JoAnn Horan Jack Madey Amy Michelone Karen Neyland Jose Mauricio Solorio Ron Toney Jeff Wagner Judy Wagner Rick Wagner 4TH SUNDAY OF LENT MARCH 15, 2015 WORSHIP & PRAYER Church Dedication Saturday, March 28, 2015 at 11:00 AM Easter Sunday Mass Times 7:30 am - New Church 9:00 am - Old Church 9:00 am - New Church 10:30 am - Old Church 10:30 am - New Church 12 Noon - New Church 2:30 pm - New Church (Spanish) 5:30 pm - New Church Coming in our New Church! In Your Prayers Jessie Adkins, Claire Baiamonte, Jan Balmat, Michelle Bischoff, Cybill Burke, Luke Burke, Steve Coyne, Pat Davies, Dutch Detchemendy, Eileen Iasenza, Lib Koury, Deacon Bob Kratchman, Danielle Licari, Dolores Licari, Aldo C. Martinez, Cindy Powell, Ron Regula, Rose Regula, Karolyn Roswog, Helen Russo, Kathy Schuler, William Stephan, Jr., Edward St. John, Lucy Thomas, Ed and Margaret Vadnois, Victor Wisniewski, Robyn Wolf. Please remember our homebound in your prayers: At home: Attilo Ceraldi, William Cote, Patsy Freeze, Julianne & Scott Jarvis, Mark Marchese, Patrick Naso, Jeanne McDonnell, Charles Memrick, Dean Nash, Helen Odomerick, Rita Sabella, Stach Wisniewski, Pat Marilyn Zande. Autumn Care: Betty Markovich Brian Center: Cynthia Ferrer, Rosemary O’Dell, Gregory Ramirez, Hattie Walker, Joan Waltman. Carillon: Betty Bunyan, Mitzi Moody. Churchill: Cecilia Blouin, Connie Caron, Corinne Cordillo, MaryJane Farrell, Millie Garrison, Regina Kilcarr, Joan Koch, Louise Logono, Jean Loeshen, Ruth Martins, Helen Mastrianni, Robert Matsey, Johanna McCloskey, Jean Mueller, Lillian Pingel, Evaline Seyk, Elly Schenne, Inga Shealy, Sherry Thompson, Jean Woodall. Crown Colony: Rosemary Leonetta, Linda Turner. Genesis: Lucille Barslow, Joan Brennan, Lorraine Cardillo, Leona Dreiling, Mary Gullo, Barbara Jedrey, Dorothy Karasiewicz, Lelia Leon, Margaret Lovine, Francis Mariea, Dee Murray, Terry Nagel, Elaine Panuski, Robert Rachel, Susan Sullivan, Patricia Vance. Huntersville Oaks: Car ol Osmer Old Knox Commons: Armand LeClerc. Statesville Place: Ir ene Nemeth. Summit Place: Wanda Binder, Bill Bonsignore, Nickie Ceraldi, Connie Ferraro, Lee Floyd, Mary Kozar, Beverly Wisbon, Yvette Wynn. The Pines: Florence Chandler, Lee Kuras, Marge Yukich. SUPPORT OUR TROOPS! Remember our military personnel in your prayers: Contact your Audiologist for details READINGS FOR Sunday, March 22, 2015 5th Sunday of Lent 1st Reading - Jeremiah 31:31-34 Responsorial - Psalm 51 2nd Reading - Hebrews 5:7-9 Gospel - John 12:20-33 APOSTLESHIP OF PRAYER FOR MARCH In March, the Holy Father asks us to pray that those involved in scientific research may serve the well-being of the whole human person and that the unique contribution of women to the life of the Church may be recognized always. Madison Ahlers, Dave Berczek, Jaryl Burjoss, Janine Campbell (USS Pickney), Crista Campos, Garrett Carnes, Douglas Cestari (Afghan), John Cevasco, Frank Comer, Steven Fotiadis, Kody Garrison, Matthew Geremia, Jeffrey Guild (Afghan), Courtney Hanna, Gregory Hanna, Richard Hedges, Nicholas Hemm (Japan), Mary Katherine Hesler, Ryan Howard, (Afghan), Jeremy Lacey, Matthew Laxton, Rachel Laxton, Adam Livingston, Andres Molestina, Carlos Molestina, John Nickolopakos, Stephen Nilsson, Eduardo J. Sanchez (Afghan), Caylin Sandke (Afghan), Jay Sandke, Ryan Smith (Okinowa), Daniel Spaulding (Iraq), Erik Tarnacki, Dominic Wagner, Donovan Wagner, John White, Kyle Wishlinski (USS Louisiana), Billy Wyatt (Quantico). Please let us know if someone in your family is deployed overseas, injured, or returns home. The Ignatian Corner! The New Spiritual Exercises: III In the Spirit of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin Paulist Press, New York, Mahwah, NJ, 2010, 197pages by Louis M. Savary (This three part summary is done with the author’s permission and approval. Fr. Dominic) As many directors today do, Teilhard also starts with Ignatius Final Contemplation, so that the retreatant’s first experience is that he/she is deeply loved by God. (39) The Principle and Foundation, rewritten by the author, is a statement of human meaning and purpose emerging from a synthesis of Teilhard’s seventeen Basic Principles, which give rise to the New Spiritual Exercises. (47) Teilhard Thanksgiving Examen is the way to recognize that “energy follows attention”. Wherever you focus your attention is where the energy of your body, mind, and spirit goes. (49)What is practiced is reinforced! This is a good reason for doing the Particular Examen in a positive way. (52-53) Sin (see first 2 sentences in #11 of Spiritual Journal) (54-62) Social Sin -- experienced by Jesus – the power of love versus the love of power led Him to the Cross (63-71) Imagine a leader of a group dedicated to some aspect of justice and peace, encouraging you to join them in the enterprise to bring about great social justice. Imagine Jesus saying to you, I am speaking to this strong leader-or another leader in our area in which you have some talents. Will you join the enterprise no matter the cost in order to further my cosmic plan for the world? (73-80) Imagine Jesus replying to His parents: “I heard my Father call my name, and how could I not respond?” Imagine my call from God: What did/does/will it look like? (8185) Memories of St. Therese Incarnation, Visitation, Nativity (see Spiritual Journal #14) (86-95) Jesus does not suffer or willingly undergo suffering merely for the sake of suffering. We have no example of Jesus during his life consciously and freely inflicting pain or suffering on himself as a form of prayer or devotion to God. Jesus did not approve of suffering for the sake of suffering. (156) Because Jesus was motivated and driven by love and forgiveness, he turned his pain and suffering into a positive force. This is what Jesus asks us also to do. (157) Teilhard points out that the universal Body of Christ still on earth continually suffers and undergoes diminishments, even as it participates in Christ’s resurrection. The Cosmic Christ’s Passion is ongoing, Paul recognizes, and so he consciously redirects the energy required by his physical and emotional afflictions to help this great Body of Christ have the strength to live through its own passion-to its own resurrection (Col 1:24-27). For Paul, everything that happens on Earth is happening in this Universal Christ. (159) Paul interprets Jesus passion and death as a process of rebirth. (1 Cor. 15: 45-47; 2 Cor. 5:17, Roman 6: 811) (160) In His Easter-risen life, the body of Jesus becomes a universal body that incorporates all of us within it. It is no longer a finite, limited body; it is cosmic-sized. It is present everywhere in the universe. It is a divine milieu. (167) The divine milieu is the Cosmic Body of Christ. (167) In the midst of human passion and death, there is hope in an evolutionary Universal Christ which enables us to continue struggling for the good even though that good is “not yet” visible. (168) (N.B. This book is in our parish library.) Retirement brought us a southern view plus a whole new lifestyle. Our immediate family extended to a faithfilled community at St. Therese through new friends, activities, and volunteer commitments. The Newcomer’s program strengthened my resolve to broaden my horizon, reach out to others, and challenged me to accept a new and exciting life. The facilitators helped me let go, start over, and move ahead. God’s plan was to mend, mold and mature me. I realized it was time to take my eyes off myself, and start thinking of others. My mentors provided a survival kit to understand that “Joy is that deep seated confidence that God is in control of every area of my life.” I now live with positive choices thanks to these leaders. Please continue to send all stories to Connie Evans at [email protected] To read the Memories of St. Therese that we have received so far, please visit the dedication page of our website at WEEKLY SCHEDULE, CONT. Mon 3/16 Sunday, March 15 7:30 John Trontell+ (Family) Bob Margolis+ (Family) 9:00 Parishioners 10:30 Moran Family (Joe & Mary Bender) 12:00 Remedios Pagdakganan+ (Edelweiss) Brian Kelly+ (Jack & Marcia Starkey) 5:30 Chris Winters+ (Jim & Claudette Hladik) Francis Taramallo+ Monday, March 16 9:00 Elaine Goodman+ (Schaffer Family) Dan Hollenback+ (Vic & Merle Ficker) Tuesday, March 17 9:00 Edward Bannigan+ (Vi & Charles Karlow) Robert Dunne+ (Gerry Dunne) 12:00 Bill & Mary Klimek+ (Zimmerman Family) Wednesday, March 18 9:00 Jack Callahan+ (Ann Callahan) Thelma Green+ (St. Therese friends) Thursday, March 19 9:00 Joseph Oliveri+ Bill Hamman+ (Family) Friday, March 20 9:00 Fr. Vince Curtin (Bday) (Staff) Jose Roberto Arizaga+ (Family) Saturday, March 21 5:30 Eliseo San Juan+ (Decker Family) Michael Daugherty+ (Ed & Corinne Kane) Sunday, March 22 7:30 Jackie Giambra+ (Sharon Lachina) Judith Glose+ (Little Way Preschool) 9:00 Adela Filus+ (Anna Kretz) Julie Hanna+ (Steve & Debbie Wise) 10:30 Parishioners 12:00 Arthur Rutigliano+ (Pautz Family) Joseph Pautz+ (Pautz Family) 5:30 Chris Winters+ (Bob & Barbara Beuley) Bebe Detchemendy+ (Bridge Club) Tues 3/17 Wed 3/18 Thurs 3/19 Fri 3/20 Sat 3/21 WEEKLY SCHEDULE Sun 3/15 M.O.S.T.-Coffee & Donuts Faith Formation Classes Faith Formation Classes Latino Ministry Meeting FF-Together in Faith Faith Formation Classes Music-Sanctuary Praise Band FF-Teen Meals Lent Stations of the Cross-Youth Ministry FF-Youth Ministry FF-Confirmation Classes 9:00 AM 9:00 AM 10:30 AM 1:00 PM 3:30 PM 3:30 PM 4:00 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM Sun 3/22 Crafty Ladies 10:00 AM Eucharistic Minister & Usher Rosary for the Unborn CLC-Fr. Dominic Pastoral Council Meeting Ignatian Book Club Liturgy of the Hours Dedication Mass Choir Lenten Mass Lenten Soup Lunch Churchill Mass Faith Formation Classes Marian Prayer Group Ignatian Prayer-Spanish Music-Handbell Choir Women with Soul CLC-Spiritual Direction Just Moved Music-Children's Choir Faith Formation Classes FF-Youth Ministry Girl Scouts Junior Group Music-Adult Choir Adult Bible Study FF-Adult Education A.A. Luminous Rosary FF-Adult Education Womens Bible Study Music-Latino Choir Dedication Mass Choir RCIA/RCIC Bridge Club K of C-Fish Fry Stations of the Cross Spanish Youth Group Saturday Morning Bible Study Lector Training Eucharistic Minister & Usher Training Spiritual Exercises Training FF-1st Communion Retreat Latino Baptism Prep Class Faith Formation Classes Faith Formation Classes FF-1st Communion Prep {Span} ESL-Citizenship Bereavement Group FF-1st Communion Prep Faith Formation Classes FF LIGHT Music-Sanctuary Praise Band Latino Baptism Prep Class FF-Teen Meals FF-Youth Ministry FF-Confirmation Classes 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 8:30 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 PM 1:00 PM 2:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 9:30 AM 10:00 AM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:15 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 8:00 PM 9:30 AM 10:00 AM 10:00 AM 5:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 1:00 PM 5:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 9:00 AM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 10:00 AM 1:00 PM 4:00 PM 9:00 AM 10:30 AM 1:00 PM 1:15 PM 1:30 PM 3:30 PM 3:30 PM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM Our New Church Dedication Our new Church Dedication, March 28th, at 11am, is fast approaching. The Dedication Mass presided over by Bishop Peter Jugis is a formal and full liturgy. The liturgy begins outside of the Church and no one may enter until the keys are formally presented to the Bishop. We will have 6 gathering spots around the campus in which we will await the start of the Procession and follow the Bishop into our new Church home. As the Dedication Mass begins, the altar, walls and congregation will be sprinkled with holy water. There will be an opening prayer and then the Liturgy of the Word. Following the homily we will sing the Litany of the Saints and then say the Prayer of Dedication. The altar and walls will be anointed with the oil of Chrism making it a symbol of Christ, “The Anointed One.” The altar and the Church will then be incensed to signify that Christ’s sacrifice ascends to God along with the people’s prayers and signifies that the church is a house of prayer. The lighting of the altar and Church is next and reminds us that the light of Christ shines out in the Church, and through it, in the whole of humanity. The altar will then be dressed and the flowers brought to the front to start the Liturgy of the Eucharist. The dedication liturgy will take approximately 2 1/2 hours and may be difficult for small children. There will be NO babysitting available. The Mass will be followed by a reception in the Parish Life Center. The Knights of Columbus will be stationed in the parking lot to assist you with parking and we have scheduled extra police officers to facilitate traffic on Brawley. Williamson’s Chapel United Methodist Church has graciously offered extra parking on their campus. A shuttle bus will bring you from Williamson to this campus. Lector Training Saturday, March 21st at 9am in the New Church or Monday, March 23rd at 7pm in the New Church Eucharistic Minister Training If you would like to attend the Dedication Mass, please go to our and Usher Training parish website ( and click on the New Monday, March 16th at 7pm in Church Dedication button on the homepage. Click the link to the New Church or Signup Genius to let us know that you will attend. If you do not Saturday, March 21st at 10am in have access to a computer, please call the office to RSVP. We will the New Church let you know immediately where you will gather before the start of the Mass and where you will be seated in the new Church. Please be aware that seats will be available on a first come, first served basis, so please RSVP promptly. There will be a Community Open House and Reception on Saturday, April 11th from 1pm until 4pm. This will be a great opportunity to check out all the beautiful statues, the handmade altar, ambo, etc., and to view the entire facility. This Community Open House will also be a great time for children to check out the new building, to have refreshments and to enjoy some great entertainment. Join us for this once in a lifetime celebration. *Please note - The Dedication Mass is not a Palm Sunday Mass and no palms will be given out. In addition, this Mass does not fulfill your Sunday Mass Obligation. Volunteers Needed to Provide Desserts Volunteers are needed to provide desserts for the New Church Dedication. We are specifically looking for cookies, cupcakes and brownies. Desserts can be dropped off in the MPR of the PLC on Friday, March 27th any time after 2pm. If you can help, please contact Chris Davis at [email protected] or 704-9879112 or Bill Streiff at [email protected] or 704-236-1069. Thank you! STEWARDSHIP...Sharing Time, Talent & Treasure LEAVE A LEGACY As we repent of our sins and strengthen our devotion, we can also reflect on our responsibility to be stewards of our faith through a bequest gift that will continue the good work of our parish. Mass Attendance March 1, 2015 5:30 Sat 7:30 9:00 10:30 375 179 342 476 12:00 2:30 5:30 Total 356 180 423 2331 Communion Ministers Needed Communion ministers needed to take communion to Catholic residents at Brian Center and Genesis. For Brian Center we need someone for the 2nd Tuesday morning of each month and at Genesis we need someone to do a communion service on Monday afternoon. Please, prayerfully consider one of these very worth while ministries. For more information email Mary Pautsch at [email protected]. OUTREACH Toilet Paper Dried Beans Dried Rice Please Remember: No opened or fresh food Check expiration dates - expired food must be thrown away Food Pantry is open Mondays from 10:00am to 11:30am The pantry is closed on church Holy Days & all Federal holidays. STEWARDSHIP THOUGHT Stewardship reminds us to count our blessings, acknowledge God's gifts to us and express thanks to Him by a proportionate giving of our time, talent and treasure. STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE OFFERTORY THROUGH MARCH 1, 2015 Over/ Actual Budget (Under $22,036 $24,200 ($2,164) 1 March YTD (7/1/14-3/1/15) $896,424 $866,200 $30,224 Active Families 3,626 as of 3/2/15 Thank You for Your Generosity 2015 Diocesan Support Appeal We are now one month into the Diocesan Support Appeal campaign, and as of March 9th, 261 of our parishioners have contributed $98,181.54 (paid and pledged) and we need $34,927.10 to reach our goal of $133,108.64. Easter Basket Sign-up The Community Outreach Commission will again be assembling EASTER FOOD BASKETS for parishioners that need help with their Easter meal. Remaining Sign-ups will be: Sunday – March 15th from 9:30-3:00 in the Faith Formation Office Monday – March 16th from 10:00-11:30 in the Narthex If you plan on signing up, please do so on the listed dates. Baskets must be picked up: Friday - March 27th between 11:00-3:00 in the hallway outside room 17 If you would like to help Outreach with this project, the donation boxes will be located at the entrance doors. As always, Outreach thanks you for your generosity with this project. Preschool Summer Camp - We are Always Learning While Having Fun! Open to rising 4 year olds and 5 year olds (going into kindergarten) Hours: 9am to 1pm Using our Core Knowledge Curriculum, our Summer Program brings together FUN, ADVENTURE and LEARNING. Your child will enjoy our unique summer activities where play and educational opportunities come together. We will explore Ocean, Science and Safari animals during our one week summer camps. To register, please visit our website at and fill out a registration form, or contact Dayna Auten at [email protected] or call 704-664-7762. Little Way Preschool Registration! Little Way Preschool has spaces available for the 2015-16 school. There is a registration fee of $80.00. If you have any questions or would like to schedule a tour, please contact Dayna Auten at [email protected] or call 704-6647762. Little Way Preschool’s registration form can be found on our website under Little Way Preschool at Mooresville Christian Mission Needs The Mooresville Christian Mission is in need of nonperishable food, wheelchairs and window air conditioning units. If you have those items to donate, call the mission at 704-664-2357 to arrange a pickup. PARISH LIFE Coffee and Donuts- hosted by M.O.S.T. (Men of St. Therese) The Men of St. Therese, (M.O.S.T.), would like to invite all parishioners to Coffee and Donuts after the 7:30, 9:00 and 10:30 Masses today. Please join us TODAY, March 15th and on the third Sunday of each month. It's a great way to build a sense of community, so why not stop by, enjoy some coffee, juice, and donuts and get to meet someone new. There are a lot of new families moving in to our parish… what better way to welcome them? Keep in mind that children are welcome, too. Lenten Soup Luncheon Join us in the PLC on Tuesday, March 17th, after the 12 noon Mass for a Lenten soup luncheon. SWAT will be preparing the soup. All donations will go to the Mooresville Christian Mission. SWAT invites all to our Fun-Fun-Fundraiser!! Date: Thursday, April 30, 1:00-4:30 PM in the PLC More details coming soon! Join us for the last Fish & Fellowship Friday of Lent on March 20th! PARISH SPIRITUAL LIFE RCIA Inquiry Thursday, March 19th at 7:00 PM Vatican II Presented by Sr. Mary Hugh St. Therese Lenten Activities Sunday, March 15th Living Stations of the Cross 7pm Tuesday, March 17th Mass at 12 noon followed by Soup Lunch Friday, March 20th Living Stations of the Cross 7pm Saturday Morning Bible Study The Saturday Morning Bible Study meets in Room 16 (in the Church) from 9am -10am every Saturday morning. The group is led by young adult parishioners of St. Therese. Although most members are 30-40 years of age, anyone is welcome to join. The group embraces an "Ignatian" way of approaching Scripture in that we focus on what God is saying to us, personally, through the Word. We do provide a brief historical, literary and contextual framework of each text so as to accurately understand the context of Scripture, but the focus is less on "study" and more on "what is God saying to ME...TODAY". Scripture is open to all ... and so is this group. We hope to see you one Saturday. Please email if you are interested. In Christ, Derek Riccelli 304-479-0767 or [email protected] The Knights of Columbus and St. Therese Respect Life Committee invite you to join us in prayer at the Hebron abortion facility in Charlotte on Saturday, March 21 as part of 40 DAYS FOR LIFE. SIGN UP TODAY after Mass or call/text Terri Geraci at 704-493-8439. Carpooling will be available Saturday morning from St. Therese. Call Terri for details. “SPRING” INTO “FAMILY” The members of the Christian Life Community would like to invite interested parishioners to join us for our celebration of World Christian Life Community Day. This year it will be on Saturday, March 21st, from 12:30 to 6:30 p.m. The venue will be in rooms 202-203 of our Parish Life Center. The closing Mass will be in the Church. The topic will be FAMILY. This topic is very much in the news because of the World Synod on the Family and the writings in all of the Catholic newspapers and periodicals; it is also one of the four ministries adopted by World Assembly at Lebanon. We shall begin with a luncheon at 12:30. We would ask that you give a donation for its costs. All other items will be free. Our first session will begin with a brief pointing of what an article regarding FAMILY is about so that it may focus your own prayerful reflection; you will then speak your reflection in a small group; a reporter from the group will simply state what the ONE HIGHLIGHT of the group’s sharing was; from that report, we will be able to note where the Spirit of God is leading all of us. After a break, the second session will use the same process as the first session. The last item on the agenda will be Mass for the 5th Sunday of Lent. There will be child care services during the entire time of the program. Parishioners who are desirous of coming are encouraged to contact Maria Aznar at [email protected] so that we are assured of having sufficient food, drink, and materials. CLC is a way of life for lay persons who wish to serve Christ, the Church and the world with Ignatian Spirituality. Deepest Sympathy To the family of Patricia Buonomo on her death. To the family of Marguerite DeGennaro on her death. 2015 ST. THERESE SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS Applications for the 2015 St. Therese Scholarship and Service Award are now available in the parish office. Deadline for applications is Friday, April 17th. Applicants must be: Members of St. Therese for one year prior to the application date. Active in a parish or community service group. Graduating from a NC high school or home school program this Spring. Accepted as a full-time student in an accredited associate or baccalaureate degree program. Scholarship recipient’s name will be added to the plaque listing scholarship recipients from previous years. The plaque is on permanent display in the Parish Life Center. The American Cancer Society’s – Mooresville/Lake Norman Relay For Life® Friday, May 29th at the Mooresville High School Stadium One day. One night. One community. Relay For Life® is about celebration, remembrance, and hope. By participating, you honor cancer survivors, pay tribute to the lives we've lost to the disease, and raise money to help the fight against cancer – all right here in your community. You won't want to miss one moment of this community affirming event! Help support the St. Therese Relay for Life Team! J oin our team or make a financial donation by going to . For additional information contact Kim Mertes at 704-500-7896. COMMUNITY Job Opportunity Catholic Charities Director of Development: The Diocesan Office of Development has an opening for a full-time Catholic Charities Director of Development. The candidate must have an undergraduate degree and a minimum of 5 years experience in fundraising; extensive fundraising experience may be substituted for a completed undergraduate degree. A knowledge of Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge or other fundraising database software is preferred. Responsibilities include creating and executing the annual development plan for Catholic Charities; supporting fundraising solicitation events coordinated by the regional office directors; engaging, retaining, nurturing and recognizing current donors; identifying and cultivating new donors. Please submit cover letter and resume by April 10th, 2015 to Jim Kelley, Office of Development, [email protected]. Health Care Decisions: How to Protect Yourself and Your Family A conversation with Rita Marker JD, attorney, author, Executive Director of Patients Rights Council, national expert on health care and end-oflife decisions. Are you really protected? If you are unable, who will make decisions for you? Are your children protected? Your parents? What are the correct legal documents? Q & A: Bring your questions for Rita. Wednesday, March 25 10:00 am - 11:30 am and again 7:00 pm*- 8:30 pm (*immediately following the 6:30 pm Mass) Light refreshments St. Mark Catholic Church, Msgr . Ker in Center Huntersville, NC No reservation required. Free Will Offering at the door. Sponsored by St. Mark Respect Life Committee FAITH FORMATION 704-664-7762 Lent For many centuries, pretzels have been a Lenten food. Because they are made from flour, salt, and water, pretzels make the perfect Lenten food because of their simplicity. It is believed that pretzels were first made by monks in monasteries to symbolize their lives of prayer. The loops of the pretzel resemble the arms of a monk at prayer, while the three holes represent the Trinity. As a Lenten reminder of the importance of prayer, make pretzels together. Bake the pretzels and enjoy your Lenten snack together. Or, purchase thick pretzels and share them during a special time together. Faith Formation Schedule 3/15 Classes as scheduled 3/15 Together in Faith 3:30 pm 3/18 Adult Ed 3/21 1st Communion Retreat 1 pm 3/22 VBS Work Day 3-5 pm 3/22 Classes as scheduled 3/29-4/8 NO CLASSES—Spring Break 4/12 Classes as scheduled 4/15 Adult Ed 4/17-19 Confirmation Retreat 4/19 Classes as scheduled 4/19 Together in Faith 3:30 pm 4/24 Friday Night Live 4/26 Classes as scheduled 4/27 1st Communion Parent Mtg 6:30 pm 4/29 1st Communion Parent Mtg 6:30 pm We will be having a work day this Sunday, March 22nd from 3-5 in the Multipurpose Room to help make decorations for VBS. All levels of creativity needed! Misas en Español Todos los Domingos a las 2:30 p.m. Adoración al Santísimo Sacramento. El viernes 1 de Mayo del 2015. Todos los primeros viernes del mes, de 9:30 am—4:45 pm tendremos adoración eucarística. Confesiones: Todos los domingos a las 2:00 p.m. Usted puede llamar para hacer una cita. Clases de Bautismos: Todos los tercer fines de semanas tendremos clases de bautismos. La duración de la clase es de 2 horas, la asistencia es requerida padres y padrinos. La próxima clase será el Sábado 21 de Marzo y el domingo 22 de Marzo. Por favor llamar a la Iglesia para registrarse como miembro. Atención Padres: No niños en las clase. Quinceañeras: Las personas que quieran organizar 15 años tienen que llamar a la iglesia, con 4 meses de anticipación. Matrimonios: Clases pre matrimoniales, favor avisar con seis meses de anticipación. Primeras Comuniones y Confirmaciones: Llamar a Carmen San Juan al 704-664-7762 Grupo Ignaciano: El grupo de oración Ignaciana abren sus puertas todos los martes en la iglesia a partir de las 7:00 pm. Los esperamos ! 15 de Marzo 2015 4ro. de Cuaresma: Todo lo que tenemos y todo lo que somos proviene del Señor. Somos en verdad su obra, dice Pablo en la segunda lectura, creados en Cristo Jesús para llevar una vida de buenas acciones para las cuales Dios nos había preparado por adelantado. Compartir los dones de Dios: Gracias por su generosidad a la Campaña Diocesana de Apoyo compartiendo sus dones y bendiciones. Su donación al DSA se utilizará solamente para los ministerios educativos, multicultural, vocacional, y social de la diócesis. Miles de personas dependen de su generosidad. Necesitamos voluntarios para trabajar en la cocina de la iglesia el día Martes 24 de Marzo de 9:00 am a 12:00 pm. La iglesia necesitas manos generosas que quieran ayudar a cocinar una rica sopa para ofrecer a todos los parroquianos en tiempo de Cuaresma. Para mas información llamar a Leyda al teléfono escrito en la parte de abajo. Estación de la Cruz bilingüe: el viernes día 27 de Marzo a las 7:00 pm. Los esperamos ! Asistencia de Alimentos: Atención a todas las familias latinas, nuestro servicio de ayuda de alimentos será distribuida, Lunes en el siguiente horario 10:00 am– 11:30 am. Si usted necesita asistencia en otros horarios, por favor diríjase a las Misiones cristianas. Días de Registración para cestas de comida en Pascua. El viernes 13 de Marzo de 9:00 am hasta las 3:00 pm en la oficina de la iglesia. El domingo 15 de Marzo de 9:30 am hasta las 3:00 pm en las oficinas de Formación Religiosa. El lunes 16 de Marzo de 10:00 am- 11:30 am en the Narthax. Las cestas deben recogerse el 27 de Marzo a las 11:00 am a 3:00 pm, en el salón 17. Dedicación de la Nueva Iglesia: La dedicación de nuestra Iglesia es el 28 de Marzo a las 11:00 am. Si usted quiere atender la misa con el Obispo Pedro. Debe registrarse en la pagina web de la iglesia al y colocar click sobre la foto de la nueva iglesia. Luego colocar click en la palabra: Signup Genius para hacernos saber que usted va a atender la misa. Si usted no tiene acceso a una computadora, puede llamar a nuestra iglesia lo mas pronto que sea posible. Nosotros le daremos a conocer donde usted puede sentarse dentro de la iglesia. Los primeros asientos están disponibles para las personas que primero lleguen. Por favor no espere y registrasen. El open House y la recepción será el día Sábado 11 de Abril a la 1:00 pm hasta las 4:00 pm. Esta es una excelente oportunidad para ver las hermosas estatuas, el altar, y toda las facilidades. Usted puede traer a toda su familia y a los niños y disfrutar de un delicioso refrigerio. Los esperamos. Para más información, llamar a Leyda Carrillo a 704-664-3992 Extensión 114, fax 704-660-6321 “La Esquina Ignaciana” Esta semana la iglesia universal celebra la solemnidad de San José. No solamente porque José es el esposo de la Virgen y el protector legal del niño Jesús son las razones de júbilo entre los creyentes. Se celebra también en ese día su puesto especial como patrón de la Iglesia Católica y la fuente de unidad que aquel patrocinio representa. Nuestro templo nuevo es el punto de abrir las puertas por primera vez. ¿Qué nos enseña nuestro patrón sobre el significado de entrar en una nueva iglesia especialmente cuando la cercanía de la Semana Santa coincida con la consagración de la nueva Santa Teresita? En primer lugar, construir un templo local es un recuerdo permanente que somos miembros de una iglesia mucho más grande que la nuestra de Mooresville. Las varias parroquias de la parte oeste de Carolina del Norte forman una estructura sólida que se conoce como la diócesis de Charlotte. Como el óleo, consagrado durante la semana santa cada año, que se distribuye entre las parroquias para que todos los bautizados y todos los confirmados se den cuenta que la gracia de los sacramentos viene de una sola fuente que es el Espíritu de Jesús también la realidad de la nueva Santa Teresita es para recordarnos que el mismo Espíritu es la fuerza que unifica todo lo bueno que las diferentes comunidades pueden realizar por las varias obras de caridad que se ven en la diócesis. Tal vez los estilos del ministerio sean diferentes, tal vez el énfasis que una parroquia da a ciertas obras sea distinto de lo que da otra, pero el mismo Espíritu es la razón por todos los resultados positivos. Pero la celebración de la fiesta de San José causa una reflexión más profunda aún. Las puertas abiertas de nuestro templo hablan de una apertura al mundo, a cada sector donde el evangelio está predicado. Significa que cada feligrés está llamado en una manera nueva para que piense en las necesidades universales de las comunidades cristianas dondequiera que sean ubicadas y recen por el alivio de los sufrimientos de todos los hombres y mujeres de cualquiera nacionalidad o religión. El edificio nuevo tiene que crear un espíritu misionero en todos los parroquianos si en verdad va a ser el símbolo de la iglesia católica entre nosotros. Finalmente, San José, que siempre fue atento a la palabra de Dios en su vida, nos urge por la presencia duradera de nuestro templo que nuestra vocación más radical es que seamos “escuchadores de la palabra”. Por su puesto significa que nos formamos como una comunidad vibrante cerca de la liturgia dominical donde la palabra se hable a todos juntos. Pero, también, significa que, como San José, nos esforzamos de escucharla en las experiencias de cada día, en nuestras dificultades, en nuestros sueños, en nuestras sorpresas y en las cosas rutinas por las cuales nuestro Dios de amor constantemente está revelando su presencia y su cariño. En poco tiempo todo el torbellino conectado con la construcción se terminará. Todo que quedará será un edificio, grande, bonito y silencioso. ¡Que aquella estructura siga recontándonos y haciéndonos conscientes de la realidad que existe bajo el concreto y los ladrillos, eso es que todo existe solamente por la gloria de Dios que se puede ver en la manera original y jubilosa que los san teresianos vivamos el evangelio de Jesús diariamente. P. Donald Ward, SJ