The Research Course - Centro Colombo Americano
The Research Course - Centro Colombo Americano
Rigoberto Castillo, Ph.D Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas Nathalia R.Díaz C. Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas1 Guiding Teacher-Researchers to Narrate their Stories: The Research Course Abstract This paper presents some considerations for the design of a research course that aims at refining the student-teachers’ inquiry and completing their report to make it public. A class of a licensure in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) is represented in this publication by a student’s voice and by the professor’s voice. The writers reflect a course that prepares pre-service teachers to narrate the stories of their empirical, that is, data-based research. Six of those stories are presented in this volume of the Memoirs of the Colombo symposium “Practices that matter.” We, at Universidad Distrital felt this 70th anniversary event of the Binational Center was a golden opportunity to ‘exchange experiences on the trends in ELT in the Colombian context’. In order to follow the EFL stories produced in the research course, subject of this paper, readers may refer to the papers in this volume by: Bohórquez, Díaz and Wilches’ on creative writing; Cabezas, Flórez and Camacho’s on gender positioning; Cáceres and Palacios’ on critical thinking; Castillo and Camelo’s on parental involvement; Rojas’ on Environmental Care; Garzón & Cataño, Chaparro & Martínez on Life project construction. It is hoped that in this paper the reader finds a rationale and some principles that may guide the design of a research course. 1 The authors express their gratitude to Professors Eliana Garzón and Fabio Bonilla and to the many other colleagues at the Licenciatura en Inglés at Universidad Distrital who supported the inquiries of the student-teachers whose work inspired this paper. 1 Introduction Beginner teacher-researchers struggle to find their voices in order to feel represented when they narrate their understanding of the complexities of the classroom, when they attempt to share their reflections and their contributions to teaching. Learning to report research presents challenges of many kinds: language use, relevance, rigor, conciseness as well as completeness, among others. Therefore in designing the research component of a program or research course, professors need to balance tasks that promote understanding of issues, organization of the literature, data management and writing (Peterson and Hagen: 1999 p. viii-x) to produce a cohesive and coherent report. The rationale behind a language teacher research course Johnston and Irujo (2001, p.6) tell a short story of language teacher education research in which they cite that in 1987 only eight language teacher studies of the previous ten years were based on empirical evidence. In 2012 we are pleased to register seven student-teacher research reports based on empirical evidence as a testimony of the research component at a teacher education program and that reflect a trend in the field, which indicates that the interest lies in what we find rather than on what we think. To meet that challenge, it is argued here that education courses should aim at promoting innovation by focusing on the intersection of teaching and research. The education of teacher-researchers makes part of the conviction that today’s teachers need to recognize Agency in the classroom. As Leo van Lier puts it: “The main principle involved in agency is that learning depends on the activity and the initiative of the learner, more so than on any “inputs” that are transmitted to the learner by a teacher or a textbook. This does not, of course, diminish the need for texts and teachers, since they fulfill a crucial mediating function, but it places the emphasis on action, interaction and affordances, rather than on texts themselves. Although this is nothing new if we take seriously the writings of Comenius, Vygotsky, Montessori, Dewey and many other educational thinkers over the centuries, it is good to remind ourselves of the wisdom of this fundamental pedagogical principle”.(Van Lier 2008 p.1). It is claimed here that the research course works for helping student-teachers recognize the dynamics in language classrooms and that helping them understand agency can help creating learning environments favorable to the emergence and development of it. Being consequent with the stated above, the paper presents the student-teacher-researcher’s voice and then the professor’s voice. 2 The student-teacher researcher’s voice When I started my project it seemed like an endless task. It took me a lot of reading for narrowing down a topic of inquiry and a lot more for making decisions on the research method and on finding a style to express my voice. Furthermore, it took me time to analyze, contend or incorporate my professors’ or my peers’ feedback. Looking back I can say that I learned to be humble to accept my limitations and proud to position myself when I felt I had the evidence to back up my claims. For narrating my story I found very useful to analyze examples of other studies related to my topic. I could get a better idea of what I wanted, on how others had conducted the study, and even if it was worth doing it. This familiarization helped me find my style. Journal articles, books, thesis and monographs, in that order, inspired me into what should be included, and what language to use. For finding my voice I learned that I needed to find a balance between conciseness and completeness. At first, I wrote a lot about the same idea, like going in circles. The course exercises such as peer editing, and using WordleTM (to obtain a visual representation of your draft) helped me greatly. It also took me hours of proofreading to learn to make my point for readers to follow. For pursuing my work and not to give up trying I learned to accept my classmates and my professors’ feedback graciously. At the start I was so involved in the project that I was annoyed by comments I did not want to hear about the scope or about the limitations of my project. Laborious work with the APA style allowed me to integrate the feedback on the formal aspects of the report while constant review of the literature allowed me to address the issues of scope and validity. For completing the report I learned to make decisions on relevance. I sometimes got carried away with a topic and included long discussions that lost the reader. I had to learn to make sure that all the pieces fit together and reminded myself that the report had to be self-contained and comprehensible. I also learned from my peer’s work; I took note of what they had included, discarded and how they presented their work. To wrap up I can say that being involved in a research course and carrying out a research study helped me grow as a person and as a professional, I learned a lot of things that I am sure I will use in future challenges, I was able to learn the complexities of doing teacher-research, and now I have a better picture of what it takes to engage in such a demanding task. The Professor’s voice To understand the complexities of designing a research course I will briefly describe how the research component of the Licensure in TEFL is organized at Universidad Distrital. Then, I will focus on the work that is done in the last semester which aims at the completion of the written report and at the divulgation of the findings. 3 In the first four semesters, the research courses study the contributions of philosophy, psychology, and other disciplines to education. The importance of researching education from different perspectives is highlighted. Sometimes the program has difficulties to find qualified teachers to run the courses. In fifth semester, students build the state of the art of a topic in language education. They consult specialized journals and databases to familiarize themselves with fields of inquiry. From 5th semester the writing and discussion of their projects is done in English to develop their L2 academic proficiency. In sixth semester, learners contrast research paradigms within reports of published studies. In seventh semester, they identify a problem that is worth researching. They also reason the type of data they should collect and how they plan to do it. In eighth semester they should be ready to decide on a research design as well as defend a detailed plan of their pedagogical intervention that would hopefully solve the problem identified. In ninth semester, they implement their pedagogical intervention, in the form of an instructional design and start analyzing the data. Finally, in tenth semester they refine their report with the assistance of their director and three other professors. Although this description looks linear, the process is cyclical; the novice teacher-researchers refine the problem, the research questions and elaborate on their constructs. The 10th semester research course is divided into three subjects. One focuses on academic writing to meet academic standards using APA. A second subject discusses the feasibility of the project. Participants need to make a case to demonstrate they have the data to answer the research questions. Here consistency between what student-researchers are doing and what they claim they are doing is crucial. The third course emphasizes the relevance of the literature review (primary sources). Weaving the constructs and the findings of research reports occupy the attention of this course. This course also stresses the sustainability of the research projects. How they can make an impact on the community at the same time as they contribute to the personal and professional development of the student-teachers. The class talks to teacher-researchers from other communities who come to the campus or the class makes presentations away from the campus to share their projects. They receive support to deal with the invisible challenges of presenting and publishing, as Pearson and Vandrick (2003 p. 5) call it. The three courses are planned in coordination. The three classes meet three times in the term to present their progress before the panel with their professors; project directors are invited to attend. Extensive feedback of their presentations and of their drafts is provided. Participants evaluate this experience very positively. They state that they build their selfconfidence and feel the vision of their careers expand. However, as the saying goes:with duty comes a responsibility, at the start of the courses some of the learners’ progress in the research component is not up to par. So, in designing the research course, provision has to be made for individual tutoring to help students to catch up. Along those lines, the course needs to continuously move from the parts to the whole and vice versa so that as participants work in a 4 section they stay focused on the inquiry, on the research questions and on validity concerns as well. Communication and feedback constitute the backbone to support these beginner teacherresearchers. Speaking in general, most projects demonstrate with evidence, that the intervention made a difference on the learners. Nonetheless many have difficulty to demonstrate that their projects made a difference in the syllabi or in the school curricula they worked with. This aspect requires reflection; perhaps a closer institutional connection needs to be made between the university and the beneficiary schools. As a corollary, the research course here described aimed at promoting the development of competences in the learners. It provided guide for novice teacher-researchers to recognize agency, investment, and their own voices to meet the challenge of moving from inquiry to understanding. (See Freeman, 1998; Burns, 1999). This research course attempts to encourage participants to discuss with empirical evidence and with support of the literature, the existence of a problem that can be solved from pedagogy and that can be researchable with the resources of time and funding required. It hopes to enable participants to refine their question posing and to discuss the constructs of the literature review. The research design recognizes the learners’ agency in their process and the teacher-researcher’s personal investment in the project. On the other hand, the data analysis should give them the opportunity to frame and discuss the evidence so as to interpret the results and provide a solution to the problem that provides insights to other practitioners. The most important factor is that the overall education of the teacher needs to offer in the coursework an opportunity to acknowledge “the kinds of investment individuals need to make in order to sustain and develop quality teaching over the course of a career.” (Minott, 2006:4). This is precisely the goal of the research component presented in this paper which strives to help participants find and express their voices and to help them make their contribution public in academic events and publications. References Burns, A. (1999).Collaborative action research for English language teachers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Castillo, R. (2002). Pitfalls in Academic Writing. How Journal. Cali: ASOCOPI. Johnston B. and Irujo S. (2001). Research and Practice in Language Teacher Education: Voices from the Field. Selected Papers from the First International Conference on Language Teacher Education. CARLA working papers #19. 5 Available at: WP19_LTEvoices.pdf Freeman, D. (1998) Doing Teacher Research: From Inquiry to Understanding. Boston: Heinle&Heinle Eds. Minott, M. (2006). “A Case Study of Four Seasoned Teachers in the Cayman Islands”. Doctoral thesis. U.K: University of Nottingham. Pearson C.; S. Vandrick (eds). 2003. Writing for scholarly publication: Behind the scenes in language education. NJ: Lawerence Erlbaum. Peterson, J; S. Hagen: 1999. Better writing through editing. McGraw-Hill College. Van Lier, L. (2008). Agency in the classroom. Available at: allegati/LeoVanLierScrittaParte.pdf Universidad Distrital Licenciatura en Educación Básica con énfasis en inglés. Student-teacher monographs. In press: Bohórquez, J., Diaz, N., Wilches, C. The Creative writing classroom: A venue to promote tolerance. Cabezas, L. Gender Positioning in Debates in the EFL Classroom. Cáceres, A. Using texts and context of song lyrics to enhance critical thinking. Camelo, L. Parental Involvement to support their School Children L2 learning. Cataño, Chaparro, Martínez. “Bilingualism Policies and Its Influence on Students Life Plan.” Rojas, M. Sensitizing fifth graders for environmental care in the EFL class. 6 Johanna Bohórquez [email protected] Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas Nathalia Díaz [email protected] Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas Cory Paola Wilches [email protected] Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas The Creative Writing Classroom: a Venue for Tolerance Development Abstract This article discusses how creative writing tasks may encourage tolerant behaviors at the same time as creative potential is promoted. It reports a qualitative study developed in an English class with thirty seven 10th graders, who were involved in reading, discussing and writing about tolerance. The teacher-researchers identified that their learners needed ways of understanding others and of expressing themselves. Therefore, the inquiry was aimed at integrating tolerance to the course. From observations and from the literature review, the potentialities of creative writing were recognized. Results indicate that when learners find their own voices they develop an appreciation for the other language (L2). Participants acknowledged that everybody is entitled to an opinion and that people should be given the right to express themselves freely. The teacherresearchers felt that through language, participants managed to explore, shape and express their understanding of tolerance. Special recognition to Universidad Distrital Professor Rigoberto Castillo who edited this manuscript. 2 7 Introduction Tolerance has become a matter of concern and interest in education. Many countries have developed legislation that defines intolerance issues and proposes solutions. However, such solutions are not being implemented consistently. (Miyares, 2011). Schools recognize its importance as a main value for personal and moral growth; yet, as teacher-researchers, we noticed that our tenth graders seemed not to have developed tolerant behaviors. They constantly mocked and teased each other creating a classroom atmosphere with outbreaks of rudeness and disrespect. Wiesel and Barret (2002) describe the presence of intolerance: students disapproving other’s beliefs and convictions, and not allowing others to live their life as they want. Besides, boys and girls showed a constant need for peer approval in terms of what they think and how they express their opinions; their actions and thoughts were somehow influenced by the group’s conception of what was right. Cervantes and Escudero (2009) established that Colombian citizens do not show competence to solve conflicts without aggression. Additionally, Onofrey and Leikam (2004) claim that the lack of tolerance in the school context generates violent behaviors and actions such as: discrimination, bullying, harassment, and segregation, and that these ultimately affect society as a whole. We estimate that tolerance education needs to be a concern of society, not only of schools or families. Education needs to use the socialization spaces available for the development of social competences as well (Calvo, 2003; Cervantes and Escudero, 2009; Miyares, 2011). In the Colombian context, the Ministerio de Educación Nacional describes the role of the school as a space to educate integral citizens that, besides acquiring disciplinary knowledge, are educated in values. When analyzing the preliminary data gathered, we identified that the participants felt uncomfortable expressing their thoughts and opinions; they were afraid of being subjects of mockery or aggression. They manifested that these negative behaviors were recurrent and the English class was not the exception. Participants seemed to manage the concept of tolerance intellectually, but their behaviors and attitudes did not match with it. We wondered if this mismatch had originated in the understanding of tolerance they had constructed. Therefore???, we concluded they needed to evaluate, analyze and build the meaning of tolerance and look for ways to live it in order to generate a more pleasant learning environment. We agree that “Understanding is the ability to think and act flexibly with what one knows” (Wiske, 1998, p.40 as cited in Wiggings & MsTighe, 2005, p.48). And we concur with Kwong (2003) who argues that to achieve understanding, ‘You will search for analogies, relate to previous knowledge, theorize about what is learned, and derive extensions and exceptions. ’ (para.5) We also realized they needed chances to share their opinions freely and we established that a creative writing classroom had the potentialities to be the venue to foster acceptance of the others, open-mindedness and tolerance. For White and Arndt (1991, p.6) writing constitutes a powerful 8 construction of what we think, what we imagine, and what we create. They affirm that “writing as a creative process, is an activity in which each learner’s piece of writing is a creative act, and learners are responsible for their own texts.” Creativity relates to expression while authorship implies a construction of identity and ownership that could result in self-confidence and respect of the others’. This study followed the principles of the Case Study method (Yin, 2003) which aims at analyzing a real-life phenomenon inside its specific context. Precisely, this project aimed to explore tolerance within the English class. To develop our inquiry, we collected data from four instruments: students’ interviews, journals and portfolios, and teacher-researchers’ field notes. Literature Review In this section, we will discuss the theories that illuminated the constructs of our inquiry: moral development, creative writing and values education. As a framework to promote tolerance in the EFL classroom we examined moral development. Kohlberg (1971) proposes that morality can be developed through reflecting upon problematic situations that require you to use higher levels of moral reasoning. He classified six stages of moral development in three different levels. The first level is called Pre-Conventional, where people base their morality and behaviors on the punishment or reward they will get. Also there is a sense of reciprocity: if I do a favor is because I am going to get something in return. The second level is called Conventional. Here, people consider what is good or bad in relation to what other people say is good, or to what they think is best for society. The last level is called Post-conventional. In this case people have a better understanding of rules and how these can be applied in different contexts; besides, they have the ability to decide whether one rule should be applied or not depending on the situation, or their own goals or commitments (Kohlberg, 1971, Allen, 1975). We determined students were on the Conventional Level, at stage three ; in which people act according to the rules and principles established by the group or community where they belong, in this case, tenth graders at a school. Having this in mind, we designed a syllabus that would give learners the opportunity to develop their moral reasoning in terms of tolerance. Miyares (2011) proposes education as one of the main components to help tackle inequality and intolerance. As teachers, we need to promote change. With this in mind, we consider that the development of tolerance-related tasks in the classroom may be translated into tolerant actions in the social sphere thus generating positive consequences in society. We realized that the L2 class can be a space to inquire on change. Also, the L2 can be used to teach students to express their thoughts and opinions. Since the work in class is focused on content, they can also reflect upon contextualized issues of their interest. 9 With creative writing tasks we aimed to challenge students to find possible solutions to the problems they manifested to have with their peers. By reflecting and writing, learners would become aware of their problematic situations and will start acting on them, converting words into actions and action into change. On these thoughts, UNESCO (1994) states that tolerance can and should be involved in the classroom in every subject, at every level, and in every country. That is, in particular, what this project aimed to do; take tolerance, a value that seems to be completely alienated from the English class, and merge it within its contents. In fact, the learning of languages is seen as “one of the most fruitful avenues for education for tolerance and mutual understanding” (UNESCO, 1994, p.33) because it is through language that students are able to explore, shape and express their understandings of cultural values and social customs. When looking at language as a way of expression, students could use it as a vehicle to share their opinions and thoughts about the world. That allows them to to find their own voices, and learn that everybody is entitled to an opinion and that people have the right to express it freely. We recognized that a creative writing classroom could be a venue for learners to engage in the use of the L2 while having the opportunity to learn about themselves and about the others. Werder (as cited in Schlepphege, 1993 p.23) affirms that “creative writing is the production of a text that develops new forms of expression, communication and self-awareness”. We assumed that by sharing experiences, learners would develop awareness about the other, about the use of language to communicate something of importance to them and as a manner to put their creative potential to the use of their personal growth. Pedagogical Intervention The pedagogical intervention was framed under Task-Based Learning (TBL), in which tasks are defined as “the activities where the target language is used by the learner for a communicative purpose (goal) in order to achieve a goal” (Willis, 1999, p.23). Thus, ten creative writing tasks were applied to develop the moral reasoning of these beginner English language learners. Such tasks were designed to promote the following thinking processes: listing, ordering and sorting, problem solving, sharing personal experiences, and being creative. In the tasks, the learners had the opportunity to reflect on their social context while writing different types of creative texts such as anecdotes, fables, brochures, and articles, as in the example below: We were able to determine that by analyzing observations and participants’ answers to questionnaires designed for that purpose. 3 10 Figure 1.Annecdote from student 9. Each task had three parts: brainstorming, organizing ideas, and jotting them down (For other procedures, see Castillo, 1995). The classes opened with a reading or a video to discuss topics like discrimination, or guerrilla warfare. Learners related the presentation of the topic to their previous knowledge, and then they systematized the ideas presented by using graphic organizers such as mind maps, charts, and word webs. Below you can see a mind map a student created about a video that presented some intolerant behaviors: 11 Figure 2. Graphic Organizer from student 2 In the creative writing tasks learners brainstormed to decide on the aspect of the topic they were going to write about. Then, they outlined their composition using graphic organizers (GOs) that were devised according to the writing task, so that learners could bring up their ideas and organize them coherently before converting their thoughts into an original piece of writing; this is illustrated in the following excerpts: Figure 3: “Presidential campaign” from student 4 The next stage of the task —the written production—received support from the classroom teacher. They were asked to choose a genre like anecdote, fable or short story and they were invited to 12 describe the situation, and write their reflection and evaluation of it. Finally, they shared their writing. A student’s fable is shown below: Figure 4: Fable on the topic of discrimination from student 8. In the development of the tasks it was observed that learners realized they had invested time and effort in their narratives so they encouraged one another to listen and appreciate the ideas presented. Data Analysis For developing the data analysis process we followed the steps proposed in the Grounded Theory by Corbin and Strauss (1990). This approach suggests that theory is generated in order to explain the way some aspects take place in the social world. Besides, “[it] seeks not only to uncover relevant conditions but also to determine how the actor under investigation actively responds to those conditions…” (p.419). In our case, the aspect is tolerance given in the social context of the classroom. The data came from teacher-researchers’ field notes, students’ artifacts, journals and interviews. We started by developing open coding to uncover what the data was telling us. For that purpose, the techniques of constant comparison and “Memoing” were used throughout the data analysis. Axial Coding also took place to confirm that there was a relationship among the categories, subcategories, and the data. Finally, by carrying out Selective Coding, we were able to bring together all the categories around a ‘core’ category that explains the main phenomenon explored 13 in the study (Table 1.). To facilitate the data management, we established conventions. Letters stand for the participants, instruments, and tasks developed. As follows: S: Student (the participants were numbered from 1 to 10, e.g. S1, S2.) T: Task (ten tasks were applied and numbered accordingly: T1, T2, etc.). J: Journal (there was one journal entry per task). FN: Field Note (there was one field note per task). GO: Graphic Organizer I: interview (two interviews were applied, one at the beginning of the study and the other at the end). With these conventions in mind, now we will explain the three categories that emerged in our study and how they helped us answer our research questions. Table 1: Categories. Research Questions Categories How is students’ understanding of tolerance Core Category: shaped when engaged in creative writing tasks? Constructing my view of a harmonious world Subcategory 1. Reflecting on current issues Subcategory 2. Sharing my opinion What are students’ perceptions of tolerance? A puzzle for harmony What are students’ insights of their involvement Although it was in English… in creative writing tasks? Constructing my view of a harmonious world This main category is supported by two aspects that were identified: “Reflecting on current issues” and “Sharing my opinions”. Reflecting on current issues. By analyzing the process students followed in each task, we found that when they reflected on current issues that affected them (related to intolerant behaviors), they had the opportunity to propose solutions that aimed to pursue everybody’s benefit. According to UNESCO (1994) and Ruiz (2003), these reflections are an essential part of what education for 14 tolerance should be: a space where students can act upon their understanding of social values through the analysis of problems that concern them. During the intervention we also found evident that students recognized problematic situations in our society that go beyond their school context or their homes. We found some examples of this in task #7 where students were encouraged to write a news report of a situation they were concerned about. Student 10 decided to write about a major issue in our country illustrated in the excerpt: T7-S10: “sexism in our country (…) woman was always brutally beaten”. The key words caught our attention; this student referred to a problematic situation. She mentioned violence against women, showing that she recognized the problem and she was interested in it and in developing a deeper discussion about this topic. This learner showed interest in issues that deserve attention. Sharing my opinion. We noticed that students considered dialoguing as an important feature to promote an environment of tolerance. They also recognized that by sharing their opinions they could enrich their knowledge of the world and understand the differences among them. Besides, they recognized that by expressing what they thought and by dialoging, they could solve different problematic situations. This is supported by Pidghirnay de Nieto (2003), who states that communication is an important axis for the development of values, and language allows you to think critically and analytically about different complex situations while proposing solutions. UNESCO (1994) also refers to language as a means of reflection and understanding: “through language we can explore and express our understanding of cultural values and social customs” (p.83). Language, then, serves as a vehicle for self-expression and understanding of different points of view. Additionally, through written language we can develop new ways for expressing ourselves, communicating with others, and gaining self-awareness (Werder, 1993 as cited in Schlepphege, 2009). This was reflected on students’ pieces of writing, in which they expressed their opinions and explored their conception of tolerance upon their reflection on contextualized problematic situations. The following excerpt from a fable written by a learner illustrates this feature: T5-S6 “so the snake decided to talk to the mouse to solve the problem.” She expressed that dialog was the solution for the problem these friends were facing. Similarly, student 4 wrote: T4-S7: “Tim could talk with the bulling” (meaning bully). In the journal for this task student 2 stated: J5-S2 “hablar y hallar una solución para el conflicto”. We also noticed that, besides recognizing talking and sharing as a solution for problems related to intolerance, students saw it as a way of enriching their knowledge. J8-S4 “…es importante conocer nuevas personas distintas a ti porque así puedo ampliar mi conocimiento de cultura”. As we observe, students believed that by sharing their thoughts and who they are, they could enhance their knowledge and construct a more complex view of the world. 15 A puzzle for harmony What tolerance means for participants is examined here as a category. We found that they characterize it by naming the values they believed encompass tolerance. They also expressed that besides understanding others and respecting them, it was necessary to take action in order to generate a positive change in their behaviors towards others. Students recognized the importance of the presence of other values for tolerance to take place. In task 1, S10 wonders about the relationship between tolerance and respect and whether we respect or not: “-you know what is respect? – yes, respect is with tolerance with the people – really, and you respect the people?” Another example of this is reflected on students’ interviews: TR: ¿Para ti qué significa ser tolerante? S2: Ayudar al otro y respetarlo….valorar las cosas de los demás….y también ser honesta, respetuosa y sincera. S3: Ser una persona paciente con las demás personas, no ser deshonesto…aprender a valorar las cosas de la vida y a los demás. Both participants relate tolerance with other values such as honesty, solidarity, patience, and valuing people. As Unesco (1994) states: “Each of these definitions reveals differences in emphasis, culture and historic experience. They are evidence of the very diversity that pluralism values. Each also encompasses the fundamental essence of tolerance, to respect the rights of others, ‘the different’, to be who they are, to refrain from harm because harm of the other means harm to all and to the self.” (p. 21). Students also see there are actions they can take in order to contribute to the change. For example, S10, J7: “ayudar a las personas que contribuyen a esto [tolerant behaviors] para poder tener una sociedad mejor”. We found evidence of the kind of tolerance that Vogt (1997) presents as engaging in action, that is when people start proposing solutions and getting involved in any kind of plans that facilitate a tolerant environment. In Interview 2, participants also express they can do something to contribute to the construction of a tolerant society: TR: ¿Qué crees que hace falta para que exista más tolerancia? S3: mmm…ser más respetuosos…entender más a las personas…y ayudarnos unos a otros. So, learners go beyond analyzing problematic situations related to intolerant behaviors, they are proposing solutions that include them and that require for them to do something. They perceive tolerance as a value that is constituted by other values, and that can and must be promoted by taking action and seeking for a change. 16 Although it was in English… This category describes the insights students had towards their writing practice. We noticed that they considered there were certain tools that helped them put their ideas together, such as engaging in discussion and organizing their thoughts. They also expressed that when writing, they had language difficulties that they managed to overcome while learning English. In addition, they believed writing was a way to express themselves. We identified students felt they were able to say what they wanted without feeling conditioned to what others may think or say as we can see in S8, I1: “[en clase] hacemoscosasdiferentes y digo lo quequiero, bueno, lo intento (…) fue chévere porque se puede entender mejor el ingles, me gustaríaque se hicieran mas seguido”. In another interview S2 expressed that even though the activities were in English, she was able to understand and develop some other skills. TR: ¿Crees que a través de las actividades de inglés pudiste reflexionar acerca de valores como la tolerancia? ¿Por qué? S2: si, aunque era en inglés pero yo entendía y me ayudó a reflexionar y a aprender a valorar. This particular answer gave us the name for this category; it was very interesting to see that learners saw writing as a vehicle to overcome language difficulties and to practice English as well. They expressed that although they encountered some difficulties, such as lack of vocabulary and not being able to express accurately what they though in Spanish, they managed to defeat the problems along the development of the task while they improved their language skills. Conclusions This study reported on how to help beginner learners develop their understanding of tolerance while involved in L2 creative writing tasks. It proposed the integration of a social value, tolerance, to a course. The study attempted to respond to these questions: 1. How is students understanding of tolerance shaped when carrying out creative writing tasks? 2: What are students’ perceptions of tolerance? 3. What are the students’ insights when involved in creative writing tasks? The findings suggest that by reflecting on current issues and sharing their ideas in the creative writing classroom, participants managed to construct their understanding of tolerance, a concept that for them included several values such as respect, peace, and gratitude. We could also conclude that while students were engaged in the task they perceived creative writing as a means of expression that allowed them to reflect on themselves, to better understand the other and to develop awareness of their social environment. 17 Brainstorming, organizing and jotting down proved to help learners to understand topics and to write about them. These pre-task activities contributed to their awareness on the topics and to the expression with a critical mind. On the other hand, sharing their compositions gave them a sense of self-worth regarding their own as they expressed in the second interview. TR ¿Cómo te sentiste desarrollando las actividades de escritura en la clase de inglés? ¿Por qué? S5:ummm...bien, fue chévere escribir por ejemplo una noticia completa. No sé, le dan a uno más ganas de escribir. S7: Bien, a veces era difícil pero igual al final uno siempre terminaba con algo chévere que uno al principio no creía que podía escribir. The findings indicate that a creative writing classroom can be a venue for tolerance development. Learners can be given the chance of constructing their own view of the world and discovering that learning can be enjoyable. Furthermore, the evidence points to the fact that participants decided to take action towards any negative behavior. to contest it and modify it in order to help the other. References Acevedo, A. (2011). La tolerancia como presupuesto fundamental para la construcción de una cultura de la democracia en América Latina. Bogotá Allen, R. (1975). The Earth Abideth Forever. In Meyer, J. Burnham, B. &Chovalt, J. (Eds.), Values Education: theory, practice, problems, prospects (pp. 1-11). Wilfrid Laurier Univ. Press. 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The study was based on constructivist and poststructuralist frameworks that view gender positioning as a social construction in language learning contexts (Mckay, 2005; Davis & Skilton-Sylvester, 2004; Baxter, 2003 Sunderland, 2000; Tannen, 1996, 1990; Holmes, 1991, 1989; Nilsen et al., 1977; Lakoff, 1975). Such theory provided the foundation for inquiring how ninth grade students’ gender positioning is constructed and how gendered discourses emerge in EFL debates. Aiming to understand gender positioning and its possible implications for language learning and teaching, observations and interviews were carried out and analyzed following Feminist and Poststructuralist Discourse Analysis (FPDA) principles (Baxter, 2008, pp. 58-79). Findings suggests that learners view themselves as both masculine and feminine, using their interests and behaviors as the principal means of defining their gender positioning discursively in EFL debates. Based on these results, we argue that in learner-learner interactions, gender identities are formed and social relationships are negotiated which can be significant for students’ success in English learning. Key words: gender positioning, gendered discourses, EFL debates. We are indebted to Universidad Distrital professor Rigoberto Castillo who edited this article. 20 Introduction Moving away from positivistic understandings of gender in isolation, this study espouses constructivist and poststructuralist perspectives on gender and language learning to gain understanding about how ninth grade students’ gender positioning is constructed and how gendered discourses emerge in EFL debates. The implementation of debates focused on controversial issues, in English lessons, allowed us to look into the interaction among male and female students. As teachers, we encouraged students to examine different viewpoints, to find areas of agreement and to experience the real world with a safety net of a supportive environment, in which students constructed gender identities by taking certain positions, defending them, and altering them. Literature Review Over the past decades the study of gender differences in language acquisition and learning has received considerable attention, although almost all the investigations carried out in this respect have identified isolated correlations between certain variables, namely gender and achievement, gender and motivation, gender and learning strategies, gender and cognitive abilities, or gender and speech styles (Pavlenko, 2004; Baxter, 2003 & Sunderland, 1992) Turning toward constructivist and poststructuralist frameworks, the notion of gender in language learning has been reconceptualized (Pennycook, 1994, 1998; Cameron, 2005; Eckert & McConnellGinet, 1992). According to Schmenk (2004, p.154) instead of looking at what males are like and what females are like and constructing generalized images of male and female language learners accordingly, critical voices note that language learners are themselves constantly constructing and reconstructing their identities in specific contexts and communities. Recent work examining gender from these perspectives (e.g. Baxter, 2002; Cummins & Gill, 1991; Goldstein, 1995; Hruska, 2004; Kline, 1993; Losey, 1995; Pica et al., 1991; Polanyi, 1995) state that “the way that gender identities get constructed in particular communities may have very concrete consequences for the kinds of second language proficiency developed by men and women” (Ehrlich, 1997, p. 435). The relationship of gender and language learning (Castañeda-Peña, 2007, 2008a, 2008b, 2008c, and 2009) has pointed out how learners construct themselves discursively as girl or boy debaters. From a Feminist Post-structuralism view gender is defined as “a system of culturally constructed relations of power, produced and reproduced in interaction between and among men and women” (Gal, 1991, p.176) seeking not only for differences, or a breaking point, for example, who is the best in English language learning, who is the most powerful, which gender is better than the other, but for a better understanding of gender and its construction inside the foreign language classroom. 21 Regarding learners discourse, several studies have suggested that the role of the learner gender in the classroom is reflected in talk, in pair and group work. Thus students’ interaction in controversial debates could influence learners’ gender positioning. For this reason, it becomes important to understand how male and female students position themselves and each other through their discourses. Davies and Harré (1990) connect participation in discursive practices to the theoretical exploration of social positioning. These authors explore how discourses define the people who use them in terms of subject positions, that is, socially recognizable categories. However, they also emphasize that human beings can make choices in regards to their discursive participation, choices that often stem from an individual’s ‘history as a subjective being, that is, the history of one who has been in multiple positions and engaged in different forms of discourse’ (1990, p. 48). On the other hand, debates could be identified as discursive practices used by young learners, to handle dispute management in which English teachers enable discussion; ensure students’ physical and emotional safety; and build the critical thinking skills of students. As reinforced by Guzzeti, Peyton, Gritsavage, Fyfe and Hardenbrook (2002, cited in Durán, 2006, p. 134) social interactions help students to balance face to face interactions in the language classroom and model students on how to encourage contributions to a group work discussion and how to build others’ comments. Also, by drawing scholars’ discourses different gender positions are made available in role (Baxter, 2002, 2003, cited in Castañeda-Peña, 2010, p. 109). Hahn, Angell and Tocci (1988, cited in Hahn, Carole L., Ann Angell, & Cindy Tocci, 1988, p. 4) stated that when students are allowed to discuss controversial issues in an open supportive classroom environment there are often positive outcomes for students’ feelings of political interest, efficacy, confidence, and trust. Trough debates, teachers-researchers encouraged students to examine different discourses and to position themselves. Methodology In order to explore and understand how EFL ninth-grade students’ gender positioning is constructed in the implementation of controversial debates; we conducted a qualitative descriptive case study. Gillham (2000, p.1) defines case study as: “a unit of human activity embedded in the real world; which can only be studied or understood in context; which exists in the here and now; that merges in with its context so that precise boundaries are difficult to draw.” This approach allowed teacherresearchers’ to identify and describe students’ gendered discourses and behaviours in the context they were produced, the EFL classroom. 22 Setting and participants The implementation of controversial issues debates took place at a public School located in the south-east of Bogota. The target population was 40 ninth graders from 14 to 17 years old. Since our study regards on gender, the participants were 4; 2 Male Students and 2 Female Students. In order to select the participants, we adopted the typical case sampling strategy (Patton, 2002, p. 236) because participants exhibited certain characteristics from the whole population. These 4 students showed active and reflective participation and the use of English language expressions when they interacted during the activities. Data Analysis The events of gender positioning analyzed in this paper were taken from ninth graders small-group discussion segments of videotape classroom observations and interview comments, focused on 4 students, 2 female (FS1=female student 1/ FS2=female student 2) and 2 male (MS1=male student 1/ MS2=male student 2) . By analyzing the observations, we were able to produce a ‘thick description’ of students’ interaction within the discussion activities (Geertz, 1973, pp. 3–30). During these learnerlearner interactions, one of the teacher-researchers sat next to them, and took notes. In these lessons, students developed some pre-debate activities such as watching a video or listening to a song, and discussed for 45 minutes some controversial statements related to topics such as sex, drugs, environmental awareness, human relationships, etc (e.g., if I consume drugs I can quit whenever I want). We took into consideration the frequency and the quality of students’ contributions in the debates. On the other hand, interviews were carried out individually. Students were involved in hypothetical situations in which they told us what they would do such as: “Uno de sus primos pequeños está solo en la casa, lo encuentra en el computador ingresando a páginas pornográficas”. Interviews allowed us to collect data about how the personal stories of students and their experiences with members of the opposite gender influence the position taken on various issues (Kvale, 1996, p. 149). When we finished collecting data, we began the process of observations and interviews transcription. Thereafter, a thematic analysis of the data was developed (Bogdan & Biklen, 1998, pp. 29-33). To different segments of data, we assigned one or more thematic codes such as “gender equality”, “male and female roles” and “stereotypes”. Following the principles of the Constant Comparative Method (Glaser & Strauss, 1967, pp.101-115), we grouped thematic codes according to the patterns we found among them. From this analysis emerged the categories that lead us to understand how ninth grade students’ gender positioning is constructed and how gendered discourses emerge in EFL debates. 23 In order to analyze the categories, we employed Feminist Poststructuralist Discourse Analysis (FPDA) that includes a micro-analytic descriptive level (denotative) and an interpretative level (connotative) (Baxter, 2003, pp.75-77). The categories analyzed were “Pink and Blue talk” and “Best known as”. Through these categories we aimed to interpret gendered discursive productions of students’ selves in controversial debates, since understanding of gender positioning involves the analysis of discursive practices (Davis & Harré, 1990, pp. 218-220). Pink and Blue Talk! As we analyzed the patterns throughout the data, we were struck by the prevalence of what we began to see as ‘gendered discourses’. During the observations and interviews students expressed their ideas reflecting their positive and negative perceptions about men and women. We found that gender positioning was ubiquitous on the part of students, but that other kinds of social positioning were rare in comparison with the interviews. That means, students were far more likely to apply gender identity categories, such as “Mentirosos” (53), or “Maternales” (110), to other individuals (Wortham, 2005, p. 32) than they were to apply social categories such as ‘pobre’ or ‘negro’. Hence, “Pink and Blue talk”, refers to gender differences among students through their gendered language discourses, in which “Pink talk” is understood as students, both girls or boys’ positive or negative perceptions towards female and, “Blue Talk” as students both girls or boys’ positive or negative perceptions towards male. Microanalysis (Denotative level) Through the description of the students’ discourses (discourse in the sense of ‘ways of seeing the world’) we analyzed how gendered positions were communicated in the process of learning a foreign language. Excerpt 1 Context: TL (Teacher Leidy) showed students a video about a British series called Skins that deals with different teenagers’ problematics, then students answered some questions related to characters’ lives, Ss were working by groups, there were five groups. 5 See appendix 1 for transcription, conventions, and abbreviations. 24 52. TL Ss G5: ¿crees que las actitudes y comportamientos de los personajes están relacionados con su género? 53. FS1 Ss: los hombres son muy irresponsables, eso depende de lo que les guste, porque utilizan muchas mentiras, para gustarle alguien. (Observation) This extract illustrates how FS1 stress her negative perception towards a male character on the video (53. 55). While in the following excerpt obtained from the interviews we could observe different things. Excerpt 2 Context: Interviews were developed outside the classroom. TLo (Teacher Leonardo) was the interviewer and TM (Teacher Mafe) was videotaping. Q1=Question Number 1 101. Q3b. TLo MS1: Durante las intervenciones de la clase de Inglés ¿Quiénes crees que se destacan más: las niñas o los niños? ¿Por qué? 102. MS1 TLo: La niñas, yo creo que las niñas, porque ellas ponen más interés más ganas al Inglés los hombres no tanto. 109. Q10. TLo FS2: Un amigo suyo le recomienda un curso de inglés, que él está tomando y le pregunta si usted preferiría tomarlo; tomar las clases con un profesor o con una profesora ¿usted que haría? 110. FS2 TLo: Por un profesor, porque son más directos al punto de la clase, en cambio las profesoras son como más maternales más, menos directas. (Interview) This sequence shows how MS1 states, that it is easier for women to learn English than for men, because they are more willing and disciplined to study English than men (102). On the contrary, FS2 in this case supports her negative opinion about her own gender when she said that female teachers are more motherhood than male teachers (110). FPDA Commentary (Connotative level) The students’ comments, described in the previous section, are the evidences of the relation between discourse and gender. According to Sunderland (2002), Gender becomes something 25 that is ‘done’ in context, rather than a fixed attribute. It means that Gender is a construction produced in discourse, but also how those discourses started to reflect differences between male and female gender positioning during debates. Differences between male and female gender positioning found in the excerpts 1 and 2 occur because, as Law & Chan (2004, p. 167) state, people’s internalized stereotypical differences such as male as liars, irresponsible (excerpt 1; 53) or girls as willing, disciplined, out of self-interest or as motherhood (excerpt 2; 102, 108, 110), are formed by different socialization agents (e.g., schools) and processes. Nevertheless, it is in those socializations where behaviors and words start to defined women and men according to certain social norms (Sunderland, 2002). Furthermore, it is through discourses or storylines (Davies & Harré, 1999, p. 37) within conversational interactions, in which students are able to reflect those particular roles and instances culturally coded as ‘gendered’ (Cameron & Kulick, 2003, cited in Holmes & Marra, 2010, p. 6), but also how through those storylines students made their words and actions meaningful to themselves and the others (Davies & Harré 1990, p. 3). Finally, people “perform” different selves through the selection of different discourses: this is called “self-positioning” (Sunderland, 2004, p. 102). The data indicates that gendered discourses, embedded and /or reflected in the social practices of ELF students inform them with gendered categories that differentiated students into two opposed groups (girls/females vs. boys/males) Best Known As: Positions in EFL Classroom In order to describe students’ identity-building in controversial issues debates, we analyzed small-group discussion. As a result of the analysis of debates interactions, it was possible to identify four ways in which students positioned most of the time (Manager, Expert, Humorist and Helper). Therefore we named this category “Best Known as” because students were identified in certain positions by themselves and their classmates according to their roles in their social network, regarding that how language learners “position themselves and are positioned by others depending on where they are, who they are with and what they are doing” (Davies & Harré 1990, p. 3. ). Microanalysis (Denotative level) We focused on the discourse and interactional features, examining the sequential organization of talk, including turn-taking and explicit and implicit references to identity and difference. 26 Excerpt 5 Context: Students watched a video and discussed it for 45 minutes some controversial statements related to topics such as sex, drugs, environmental awareness, human relationships, etc (e.g., if I consume drugs I can quit whenever I want). MS1 carried out routine tasks when asked to do so by another group member. He acted in a subordinate position, under the other person’s direction. (Helper) FS1 Initiated work, invited ideas, interpreted instructions, gave orders or made suggestions about who should do what, or how to tackle the task. (Manager) (Observation) Excerpt 6 Context: Interviews were developed outside the classroom in an individual way. TLo (Teacher Leonardo) was the interviewer and TM (Teacher Mafe) was videotaping. 115. Q6 TLo FS2: Uno de sus primos pequeños esta solo en la casa, usted llega y lo encuentra en el computador ingresando a páginas pornográficas ¿Qué haría usted y cuál sería su reacción? 116. FS2 TLo: Yo me pondría brava, yo me pondría brava, porque osea es un niño pequeño, pues no son páginas indicadas…Le diría que eso está mal y trataría hablar con él. 117. FS2: “…vi en un programa que hay hombres y mujeres que se vuelven adictos a la pornografía, entonces cuando quieren tener relaciones sexuales el único medio para excitarse viendo páginas pornográficas entonces se perdería de pronto su vida sexual más adelante y tendría que hacer eso, porque hay gente que se vuelve adicta…” (Expert) (Interview) By analyzing verbal and non-verbal students’ discourses, we explored the relationship between their learning and identity-building in EFL classroom debates about controversial issues. The 27 highlight sections show how students use language positioned themselves. We explored students discourses and roles in discussions to illustrate how positioning could be used as a tool for interpreting students’ identity-building as learners of English. In the next section will explain a range of ways in which students (FS1/ FS2/MS1/ MS2) positioned themselves, or were positioned by others, during the discussion. FPDA Commentary (Connotative level) Student’s participation in language classroom activities such as discussions allowed them to both reveal and develop aspects of their identities, abilities, and interests, in addition to their linguistic and content-area knowledge. Information derived from interviews with the students and their teacher was taken into account, and related to the ways the student was observed to position himself or herself in class. As a result of the analysis, it was possible to identify a range of ways in which students (FS1/ FS2/MS1/ MS2) positioned themselves, or were positioned by others, during the discussion. Firstly, we have the FS1 who took up the position of Manager when she called the group attention and suggested her partners to start the discussion by saying something like “Let’s get started” or simply “Okay?”, Another way of taking a position as Manager was to ask other members of the group to carry out certain tasks. In some groups the position of Manager was taken up by different people at different times, but in this case she always occupied this position during each episode of collaborative work, often because other group members looked at her as leadership. In second place, the FS2 took up a position of Expert when she carried authority and influence during the discussions. She was controlling the whole group. Students are not accepted as Experts unless their communicative capabilities are respected by the other group members and no-one else in the group is regarded as “more expert”. For example, on some occasions FS2 easily took up the position of Expert because all the others in the group looked to her for ideas and explanations. In the case of male students, we observed that MS1 took up a position of Helper when he carried out tasks (to write, to look up in the dictionary, to ask to the teacher, etc.), and asked to do so by another group member and he acted in a subordinate position, under the other person’s direction. MS2 had the position of Humorist presenting contradictions. Humor can lighten the mood, relieve tension, help to increase group cohesion, and generally make a English lesson more enjoyable, but too frequent humour may distract others, and suggests that the Humorist has failed to take the task seriously. Thus, the MS2 as entertainer distracted both themselves and others from the controversial discussions, but the extent of the negative impact depended 28 on how the others responded. If they ignore the ‘entertainment’, or acknowledge it briefly and returned promptly to the task, the effect was minimal, but if they joined in as audience they wasted working time. The positions we identified can be considered in terms of their general availability, and their specific accessibility to particular students. We consider that any collaborating group will provide opportunities for people to be positioned as Manager, Helper, Humorist or Expert. Not all of these will be occupied on every occasion, as we found, but the possibility exists. The availability of some positions may depend on contextual factors such as group composition, classroom social norms, or the nature of English task. Conclusions The feminist poststructuralist discourse analysis allowed us to understand how ninth grade gender positioning was constructed and how gendered discourses emerged in controversial EFL debates. In terms of student responses, our textual analysis indicated that gender positioning was ubiquitous on the part of students, they were positioning themselves based on their background experiences in and out the classroom. They were assigning to the other gender certain social characteristics, such as the conceptions that FS1 had about the emotionally strength to leave vices, which lies in women and not in men (81), but also the physical strength lies now in men confirmed again in the second case, during the interview with FS2 when she said “de pronto en lo físico los hombres nos ganan, pero en lo emocional somos un poco más fuertes y de llevar las penas (112), Thus, previously described were evident the perceptions male/female had around the other gender. Such as, being female characterizes one as a woman, and being a woman signifies one as weak, emotional, and irrational, and is incapable of actions attributed to a “man”. By analyzing verbal and non-verbal students’ discourses from the controversial debates observation and interview displayed on the extracts ( 1,2,3,4,5,and 6) , we found that (FS1/ FS2/MS1/ MS2) not only they assigned themselves but also how they were positioned by other classmates with other kinds of positions while they were interacting inside the EFL classroom. Thus, they were characterized as “Manager, Expert Humorists, and Helper”. These positions can be considered in terms of their general availability, and their specific accessibility to particular students. We consider that any collaborating group will provide opportunities for people to be positioned as Manager, Helper, Humorist or Expert. Not all of these will be occupied on every occasion, as we found, but the possibility exists. The availability of some positions may depend on contextual factors such as group composition, classroom social norms, or the nature of English task. 29 We conclude that, for a group to collaborate optimally, positioning should be fluid, with students able to move freely in and out of the positions of Expert, humorists, manager Collaborator and helper since we realize the importance of “flexibility in sharing metacognitive roles” (Goos, Galbraith & Renshaw, 2002) rather than the exclusive occupancy of any position by one individual that may have negative consequences for both group and individual. Finally, male and female students’ storylines in conversational interactions about controversial topics or situations allowed us to understand how gendered discourses emerged in EFL while they shared, contrasted and built up new perceptions among them. Learners viewed themselves as both masculine and feminine, using their interests and behaviors as the principal means of defining their gender positioning. During the debates, participants could express discourses and behaviors of approval and disapproval of their masculinity and feminity, however, students adopted fixed positions which reduced male learners’ opportunities to construct their gender positioning discursively. Pedadogical Implications We consider, in terms of affectiveness, Controversial debates generated an environment in which students learnt to listen to their partners and respect the points of views that were not the same they had. Also, discussions were inclusive activities because students’ opinions were worthy and they did not feel attack by their pairs when they took different positions. Therefore, the cognitive aspect was involved in the discovery of their critical thinking skills by analyzing and discussing the controversial issues. 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Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. 34 Appendix Appendix 1: Transcription Conventions The following abbreviations were use to facilitate the transcription of the video tapes: TL: Teacher Leidy TLo: Teacher Leonardo TM: Teacher Mafe FS1/FS2: Female students 1 and 2. MS1/MS2: Male students 1 and 2. Ss: whole class students G5: group number 5 35 Yury Palacios, Carlos Andrés Cáceres Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas Context in Video Songs to Enhance Critical Thinking Skills Abstract This study reports on a descriptive and interpretative qualitative research that focused on the application of task-based learning on video songs to enhance critical thinking skills. It was carried out with 10 eleventh graders at a public school, in Bogotá. The two main aims of this study were to evidence the way students used their critical thinking skills when exploring the contexts of the video songs through Bloom’s revised taxonomy and to examine changes in student’s responses toward their own views of life. The instruments used for collecting data were field notes, video recordings and student’s artifacts. The result of the study showed that the used of songs generated an inviting atmosphere that allowed students to express their ideas freely according to their life experiences. As students became engaged with the content of the different songs they applied their levels of thought and reflected upon key issues of daily life. Key words: critical thinking, task & video songs Introduction Critical thinking has been a concern for the majority of teachers; since it is important that students decide by themselves what the best option when they are making decisions. Besides, we as teachers have to take into account that we have to guide students to be active learners in the classroom, instead of those who let that others think for them. As a part of the observations in EFL classroom with eleventh graders from a public school, it has been detected how English songs can be used for a wide variety of EFL learning and teaching activities. They can start discussions on a topic or even become the center of debate that students find interesting. As we could analyze some observations in the piloting stage based on some task through the Bloom’s revised taxonomy we could find that eleventh grade students’ thinking processes do not seem to reach the highest levels of thought in the way they express their ideas in English, either by writing, speaking, etc. The students’ reactions when they were asked something showed how in speaking, they hardly explain their opinions critically about an issue to consider, besides the student’s attitude towards the activities from the book. 36 According to the information found about the benefits that song lyrics have in the EFL classroom, as well as the way our participants perceived music in a very positive way, we decided to implement video songs with lyrics regarding teenagers’ concerns, to get them more interested in the lessons and get an active participation. Based on this problem statement, we posed the following question: How do students respond to critical thinking tasks based learning on video songs? Review of the Literature Our theoretical based foundations pertinent to the development of this study regarding the concept of critical thinking, the role of tasks based on video songs in the development of Critical Thinking skills. For Schafersman (1991), critical thinking is relevant, reliable, reflective, and skilful thinking. People who think critically can ask appropriate questions, gather relevant information, reason logically from this information, and can reflect about the world they live in. Critical thinking is “that way of thinking – about any subject, content, or problem, in which the thinkers improve the quality of their thinking, by skilfully taking charge of the structures inherent in thinking and imposing intellectual standards upon them. In this review, critical thinking is seen as the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skilfully conceptualizing, applying, analysing, synthesizing, and evaluating information gathered from, or gathered by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action” (Scriven and Paul, as cited in Ustunluoglu, 2004, p.3). According to the authors, critical thinking is composed by two components: The first one refers to those skills that allow processing and generating information and beliefs, and the second component refers to the use of those skills as a habit, based on interactional commitment. The authors present critical thinking as a deeper process rather than the mere acquisition and retention of information. It involves a particular way in which information is sought and treated. In the previous concepts critical thinking is related to deep processes such as comprehending, evaluating, analyzing, interpreting, making inferences, solving problems, and acting on a reality, among others. Those concepts not only refer to the importance of critical thinking, because of the development of such skills, but also to the necessity of actively using them in the world people are involved in. Understanding what critical thinking engage. According to Bloom (1956), critical thinking skills will change student’s attitudes and behaviours. In order to explain what critical thinking involves, he proposed a taxonomy of objectives which has three domains: cognitive, psychomotor, and effective. The first one includes those objectives 37 which deal with the recall or recognition of knowledge and the development of intellectual skills and abilities. The psychomotor domain involves some human motor skills, such as performing, operating, relaxing, handling, and typing, among others. And the affective domain refers to those human behaviours and values, like acceptances, challenges, affiliations, judgments, questions, and others. Within the cognitive domain, he identified six levels: Knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. Bloom’s taxonomy indicates that all the levels are developed hierarchically, as shown in figure 1; this means that an individual starts with knowledge, which is the basic level, and then he/ she progresses to reach the most complex level, which is evaluation. It implies that a person must follow an established order step by step to reach all levels of critical thinking (Pineda, 2003). Nonetheless, we read some literature about one recent revision of the Bloom’s taxonomy (designed by one of the co-editors of the original taxonomy along with a former Bloom student) that merits our particular attention. In 2001 the Bloom’s taxonomy was revised to help teachers understand and implement a standards-based curriculum, Anderson &Krathwohl, transformed the taxonomy and made it to provide a comprehensive set of classifications for learner cognitive processes that are included in instructional objectives as explained in figure 1. Figure 1: Levels of critical thinking skills, Bloom, 1956. Taken from Orey, M. (2001) Music and video songs At this point it is important to mention music, which is a technique that has been applied for many teachers in the last years, as it allows both interaction and construction of knowledge. It is relevant to consider, the several studies on the relationship between music and intelligence, one is a research neurologist at the University of Wisconsin, by Dr. Frances Rauscher (July 1998) shows 38 that laboratory rats exposed to Mozart’s music, are able to complete a task faster and with fewer errors than rats exposed to silence. Such studies also indicate that exposure to music enhances spatial intelligence. Studies show that brain cells are linked to each other providing the music interact in the brain. Also emphasizes the causal relationship between early musical training, which creates neurological connection using abstract reasoning. Though we are not looking for having laboratory measuring in the amount of neuronal connections, we believe that music has the power of permeating more meaningful knowledge in the brain, and it is intended to see that in a sample case saying that to try to remember how to make descriptions, the memory of having a special rhythm and melody in the background, will bring characteristics about a sad story, a wicked character, and so on. As we can see music has a huge impact into the classroom, for that reason a large amount of teachers use songs when teaching English. We decided to implement songs, in order to promote critical thinking skills but we applied the use of them by using also videos. We agree with Caroline (2003) when she states that “English videos can be used for an assorted number of language teaching and learning activities”. The main difference lies in the fact that you see and hear, at the same time. We see the necessity of preparing students to be more active participants in their learning process, and we consider that using music was a positive and powerful tool to do it, since it looks for better environments that will allow them to express freely what they think or feel, in agreement to what Murphey (1995) states when he says that the use of music and songs in the classroom can stimulate very positive associations to the study of language, since they have affective intention. They occupy ever more of the world around us; they work on our short and long memory; and they may strongly motivate learning and promote interaction. Tasks According to Nunan, (991:10) a task is “a piece of classroom work which involves learners in comprehending, manipulating, producing or interacting in the target language while their attention is principally focused on meaning rather than form”. In a task based approach the teacher facilitates the process of learning, by making it easier, through organizing and coordinating tasks, and helping students to find their pathway in learning. Tasks are also an instrument to stimulate and use previous knowledge will re-structure the previous and in this way lead to an improvement of their knowledge When creating a task it is relevant to mention its components since they are useful instruments that contribute to their selection, adaptation and transformation. According to Nunan (1991), tasks are imposed of goals, input data, activities, settings and roles. 39 It is important to mention that as we are working with teenagers, the task we decide to implement allow them to promote their knowledge, for this reason we need to involve them in the learning processes. Teachers usually complain about the students’ passive attitude towards the different activities. What we sometimes do not take into account is that our students’ preferences could help them in their learning processes. Tomlinson (2003) affirms that when selecting a “text, the most important for us is its potential engagement. Finally, on the other hand Boyum emphasizes on the importance of connecting thinking skills and the learning of the English language. We agree with him, when he arguments that the development of critical thinking entails tasks, activities and exercises that produce rational, analytical, evaluative thinking (as cited in Pineda, 2003). When combining the learning of a foreign language with critical thinking, the learning experience becomes more meaningful. Research design In this section we give an account of the type of study used to carry out our research project. It contains the description of the setting where the study took place, the researcher’s role, the techniques and instruments applied to collect data, the participants involved in this study, explanation of the evidence and the validity and reliability management. Our research was based on a qualitative perspective, in which the researcher was a participant observer since our interest was to describe what student’s responses revealed about their critical thinking skills when they were involved in video songs tasks. According to Merriam (1998), the researcher is the primary instrument for data collection and analysis. The research collection includes fieldwork and the process to analyze the data collected inductive, which should result in a product characterized by a rich description. This research is descriptive since we look for a deep narration of the findings we obtain from the data analysis process (Merriam, 1998). It means that we included data about the way students used their critical thinking skills, the ideas that students used to refer to regarding tasks. This research is also interpretative because our intention was not only to describe what was observed, but to analyze and interpret student’s reflections regarding situations that affected them prompted by the songs. Setting The current study took place at a public school which is located at Minuto de Dios in Bogotá. It is a governmental institution which offers basic primary, secondary and validation education to children and adults of the community. The philosophy or PEI of this school is the individual and collective growth in an integral and harmonic way in which education experience can be the 40 meeting point, taking into account the student’s autonomy. The institution will focus on the labor of promoting a need in the student to develop the critical analytical and reflective thinking in order to incise on the quality of life of the students. The research project was carried out in the English laboratory which was equipped with computers, a video beam, a black board, 5 tape recorders, a DVD and a television. Besides, the classes were taken from 8-00 a.m. to 10.00 a.m. every Wednesday and Thursday. The researchers’ role In this study we as researchers are going to explore how the methodology implemented fits to reach out the highest levels of thought, it means that we will be involved as exploratory researchers. “In qualitative research, the researcher becomes actively engaged in the activities of the setting” (Jacob, 1988) as it happens in this exploratory case study where we become students’ stimulators for they to recall or remember information, explain ideas and concepts, use information in a new way, distinguish between the different parts, justify a stand or decision and create a new product or point of view, all of this at the time we also observe how it helps students to think critically. So, our role as researchers receives a great critical attention since as qualitative researchers we are often reflecting on our role in the research process, we are always observing, analyzing and describing, how tasks based on video songs help students to think critically. The participants The students that participated in this study are 11th graders form a public school, their ages ranged from 15 to 17 years old. Through the practicum in secondary school we found this group of students appropriate to work. When we arrived there we could observe in the different activities carried out based on the book, how students seemed not to think beyond with some issues presented in the textbook Teenagers that was the book students from the this school used to have English classes, instead of that, students hardly could explain ideas or concepts. Taking it into account, we were worried about this concern, then we decided to implement Bloom’s revised taxonomy as a way to measure student’s critical processes, in that order we could notice that students reach the lower thinking levels. Students were very interested in the English class with different task based on issues presented in different video, and most of them participated in the development of our research, however at the moment of the participant selection, we took into account those students who attended every English class and the students who presented more difficulties in their critical processes. For that reason, we narrowed our participants to a number of 10 students who were the ones from who we gathered all the data. 41 Techniques and instruments to apply to collect data The following explanation gives an account of the process carried out through three main instruments: video tape recorder, field notes and artifacts in order to collect relevant data related to our main concern. We decided to make use of teachers’ field notes in each class and register the student’s responses that emerged from the issues related directly to the lyrics of the songs we planned for each class. It is important to consider, that field notes helped us describe the relevant information such as “defines field notes in accounts describing experiences and observations the researcher has made while participating in an intense and involved manner” Emerson (1995).Taking into account Emerson’s ideas we decided to use field notes in each class to observe our concern. As a support of the instrument mentioned before, we decided to implement video recordings every single class, since we had the opportunity to watch the video and come back to aspects that can illuminate a better understanding about our research. Consequently, through the different transcripts it would be also an evidence of the different tasks carried out in the classroom. ??? Video-based data are used to illustrate arguments concerning how children use different interaction strategies while being observed with a video camera. It is also argued that visual”. In this section we give an account of our pedagogical intervention. It contains: the curriculum perspective, the vision of language, the vision of learning and the vision of the classroom this instructional design is based on. Besides, we find out the plan of action which includes: activities, procedures, and the resources used through this innovative pedagogical intervention. An account of the innovative pedagogical intervention The methodology that we applied was the communicative approach. Since this approach helps us conceptualize the complementary roles of songs in our implementation. It also gave us the opportunity to establish the continuity with the activities and topics presented, helping students reinforce their knowledge and self-confidence through the development of different and interesting activities of oral production. Taking into account the pedagogical advantages, the communicative approach guaranties that students are involved in the interaction among them in meaningful and real communications. They did not work having prepared and chosen the language, so language arose naturally in classes. Sanchez (2004) states that: “you cannot reach true linguistic achievements if opportunities for interaction are not present”. We agree with this idea because of the way students internalize the language, which is being in contact with it, we can help them by means of the application of meaningful assignments and this approach is based on real topics. 42 Methodology By using the video songs, as an input for students to find out a topic of discussion, our learners will construct their own perspective of the world, through individual experiences. Furthermore, the students will construct their own knowledge, expressing it in discussions, written exercises or even drawings. Taking into account what was identified in the process of diagnosis, we choose some songs which presented different topics. Some of these songs are chosen considering common students’ likes and preferences. First of all we made a presentation of some key words that gave them an idea of the song we used flash cards accompanied by a set of few words, and when some vocabulary was difficult for children to understand, we made use of body language and discourse modification. As they had some key words, students had to organize sometimes in groups or by themselves, pay attention to the song and organize the lyrics of the song, put all the stanzas in the correct order. When the students had already organized the song, they were to sing the song three times at the time they watched the video of the song, in order to memorize verbs, expressions, new vocabulary, so in this way they acquired pronunciation and vocabulary in context. One of the activities we planned had to do with drawings, where they had to draw whatever they thought expressed their idea about the topic of the song, or it could also be what they felt. In this final part they gave us their opinions through drawings, or in written exercises or oral debates. So we could listen to them to see how their ideas were being constructed regarding the critical thinking they were supposed to express themselves, by giving opinions with the different comments and perceptions they could have towards the topic of the song. Data analysis Triangulation method The third procedure implemented on this study was the triangulation and analysis of the data collected. For the triangulation and analysis of the information gathered we used the color coding technique, Tucker (as cited in Marshall & Rossman, 2006) which consisted of underlying patterns with different colored highlighting pens within the three instruments. It implied progressive and continuous reading, re-reading and reflection of the data identifying particular phenomena, grouping the concepts around it to finally reduce the number of units that led us to come up with two categories that answered the research questions (Strauss, A & Corbin, J, 1990). 43 The constant comparative method According to the procedure we followed to analyze data which consists in comparing the data from the different instruments applied, in that order the categories emerged from an organized process. For that reason, it is important to mention the evident theory applied in data analysis is grounded theory; “Grounded theory is a type of qualitative research methodology that allows theory/theories to emerge from the data that is collected. Grounded theory research follows a systematic yet flexible process to collect data, code the data, make connections and see what theory/theories are generated or are built from the data. A theory is a set of concepts that are integrated through a series of relational statements” (Hage, 1972). Keeping in mind the research question, the following preliminary category emerged from describing students’ critical thinking process based on issues presented in video songs. The category is: approaching the higher critical thinking skills through life experience. While analyzing the data we found out that the students who were part of our study during the classes, portrayed school and family experiences through debates and stories by recalling personal experiences. The students were basing their processes of thinking on the reflection about their experiences (Dewey 1933). Those reflections were thought for an extended period by linking their recent experiences to earlier ones in order to promote a more complex and interrelated mental schema. The thinking of the students involves looking for commonalities, differences, and interrelations beyond their superficial elements; at the time, it helps them to reach the goal of developing higher order thinking skills. First Category: Approaching higher critical thinking skills through life experiences. While analyzing the data we found out that the students, who were part of our study during the activities based on video songs sessions, portrayed school and family experiences through debates and drawings by recalling personal experiences. These experiences will be presented in this second category: Approaching higher critical thinking skills through life experiences, in this category we were able to identify two main features; the first one making connection with beliefs and the second one making connections with feelings. Since there was a strong emphasis on using their experiences, it is important to know about this concept. An experience is defined as something or some event gained through involvement in or exposure to that thing or event (the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language). The quality of life experiences is very important in the connection with thoughts as Bennett states (1987) the quality and depth of life experiences in a given domain of thinking or with respect to a particular topic transforms thinkers since they are not critical thinker through-and-through, 44 but only to such and-such a degree, with such-and-such insights and blind spots, and subject to such-and-such tendencies towards self delusion. For this reason, the development of critical thinking skills through the use of life experiences helped them put themselves into the characters’ shoes, in that way they felt as the characters did and tried to imagine their own response if they were the ones facing such situation. The following features engaged experiences in our first category. The first feature to be informed is beliefs: First of all it is important to highlight what belief means. Green and Fenstermacher (cited in Clavijo, 1999) define beliefs as “an individual’s understanding of the world and the way it works or should work, may be consciously or unconsciously held, and guide one’s actions” (as cited in Clavijo, 1999, p.2). They should not be confused with knowledge, since, as humans, we can easily believe things that are false or believe things to be true without knowing them to be so (Paul, 1990). The students examined the possible meaning of images to identify unstated assumptions like for example that New York is more beautiful than Bogotá. They connected the images to the beliefs they had about some social issues regarding their own city life style, such as transportation, inequality, life conditions. The use of images had a strong, metaphorical meaning that led students detect and support their arguments to make their explanations. The images did not just illustrate the songs; they also helped students create meaning by translating the images to generate further interpretation of the songs and to reach higher levels of thoughts. The next feature we identified in this category is feelings: There is a link between thought and feelings. “All human feelings are based on some level of understanding and insight; we must come to terms with the intimate connections between thought and feeling, reason and emotion” (Paul, 1990, p13). In the following sample, students answered a question responding “How does the song make me feel?” and “What does the song make me think of?” Artifact 12, S7 45 The students made a choice of words, which shows the feelings the song generated in them. These words expressed the emotions the song evoked in them as they connected it to the reality of their life. In the image, when the student states “forgiveness of God is the more big forgiveness” it is seen how he also associated the song to concerns implicating them in his life. So, he moves from a broader situation to a more particular one, which affects him directly and it is the importance of forgiveness in life. The contents of the songs empowered them to draw on their own to make sense by seeing, thinking and reflecting towards what really happened in their particular reality. According to pined 2003 “the process of making sense implies interpreting our reality from a subjective perspective, which is shaped by our history and through the interaction with others (p 128). As a conclusion for this first category we can say that the role of life experiences based on feelings and beliefs is important for students when they reflect about an issue or situation to consider. The use of songs brings into the classroom situations in which students can express what they believe or not, what they feel, and it lets them narrate experiences they have had during the past. Students showed to think open-mindedly within alternative systems of thought, recognizing and assessing their assumptions, implications, and practical consequences immersed in their life. When students reflect on their own life experiences the criteria to make judgments provoke reflective problem solutions and thoughtful decisions, for this reason they start to go through higher critical thinking stages. We noticed how the context of judgments is relevant to define their criteria. References Bialystok, E. (1990). Communication Strategies: A Psychological Analysis ofSecond-language use, Oxford, Basil Blackwell. Bygate, M. (1987).Speaking, Oxford, Oxford University Press. Campbell, Don G. 100 Ways to Improve Teaching Using Your Voice and Music: Pathways to Accelerate Learning. Tucson, AZ: Zephyr Press, 1992. Charles Cornell, PhD, is an assistant professor of bilingual education/ESL at East Texas State Univeristy in Commerce, Texas. Corbetta (2003, p.269) interviews Dornyei, Z. (2001). Teaching and Researching Motivation.Harlow, Longman. Emerson, Robert M. (1995). Writing Ethnographic Field Notes. Chicago: University of Chicago Press 46 Fisher, A. (2001). Critical Thinking, an Introduction.Cambridge University Press. Gander, S. L. (2006). Throw out Learning Objectives! In Support of a New Taxonomy.Performance Improvement. 45(3), 9-15. J. C. Richards, Theodore S. Rodgers (2001). Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. Cambridge Kelly, L., & Watson, A. K. (1986).Speaking with Confidence and Skill. New York, Harper & Row Press. Lieberstein, T. (1996, May-June).Makin’ Music: Song Rhythm and Creative Expression.Camping Magazine. Merriam (1988). Case Study Research in Education: A Qualitative Approach. San Francisco, CA: Jossey- Bass Publishers. Michael H. Long,DavidNunan,BruceReady,National Curriculum Resource. Second Language Acquisition and the Language Curriculum Paul, R. (1990). Critical Thinking: What Every Person Needs to Survive in a Rapidly Changing World, in Binker, J. a. (Ed.) Center for critical Thinking and Moral Critique. (pp. 125). Sonorna State University Phillips, S. (2003). Young Learner: Songs and Chants. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Rogers, D ( 2010). “Don’t quit for Great self confidence”. Pag 13 Strauss, A.& Corbin, J. (1990). Basics of Qualitative Research: Ground Theory,Procedures and Techniques. London: Seige Publications. 47 Rigoberto Castillo, Linda-Catherine Camelo Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas Parental Involvement to Support School L2 Learning Abstract This article reports a study that explores how to assist parents to tutor their children in the school second language (L2) learning. A class of twenty fourth graders participated in this inquiry on how to connect parents and school. Learners and parents complained that they did not know how to cope with assignments since “they did not speak English.” The literature on parental involvement is briefly discussed. The data collected suggests that after the workshops conducted with parents and children on learning strategies they became more focused on communication than on the language forms of the L2. The results indicate that primary schools would benefit from orienting parents on the purpose and procedures that would allow effective parental involvement to support literacy development. They also indicate that learning to utilize resources, such as specialized websites, was instrumental for participants to build confidence on L2 learning. Key words: parental involvement, homework, children´s literacy development, English language learning,. Introduction The first section of this article discusses the significance assigned to parental participation in the Colombian educational policies. The second section describes the problem identified: lack of understanding of the purpose of homework, little knowledge of how to use Internet resources to assist homework, and lack of parent involvement to support their children attempts in the second language (L2).The third section outlines the literature review and the fourth presents the research design. The article closes with results and discussion of the intervention that found that the teacher’s guidance engaged parents and their children in literacy processes that proved to be useful in supporting L2 learning. 48 Background In the Colombian general law of education (Ley 115 de 1994), the 6th article defines the parties that constitute the educational community and the role of parents in education: “The educational community is made up of learners, educators, parents or care takers, teachers and school administrators as well as alumni. All of them, according to their competence, shall participate in the design, implementation and evaluation of the Institutional Educational Project (PEI)”. (Translated by authors) Parental involvement is a significant consideration in the educational policy. In 2007 the M.E.N. published the guide for parents and schools: “¿Cómo participar en los procesos educativos de la escuela?”in which parental involvement in the education of children is highlighted. The role and responsibility and role that parents and teachers play in the children´s are argued. Likewise, parents are defined as educators in family life and in the community. It is maintained that the parents’ participation has to transcend the reception of punctual information from the school and the teachers. Instead, schools require establishing the parents’ co-responsibility in the children education and in the construction of values accompanying administrators, teachers, other parents and the educational community. These principles, which support the connection family-school in the educational process, persuaded us of the importance to inquire on school-home connections. It challenged us to design strategies that might involve parents in their boys’ and girls’ literacy development. Statement of the Problem As part of the regular school processes, a diagnosis test was applied to identify the 4th graders’ proficiency level. In comparison with the expectation of standards for that grade the scores indicated that their comprehension and production was below average: 43/100 in reading and writing. As a follow up, the homeroom teacher and the learners were interviewed about achievement and about learning processes. The teacher and the learners coincided one of the causes of low scores was insufficient parent involvement in supporting them with English. Later in a survey and at a Parent-Teachers´ meeting, parents admitted their little involvement. They affirmed they had little knowledge of English, little motivation and little time to assist their children with this subject: 49 Parent 1: Pues… En la casa de pronto no hacen las tareas, digamos en cuanto a mi hijo.. eeeh… es porque realmente yo no sé …pero es porque la verdad no entiendo… Parent 2: La verdad… la verdad es que a nosotros no nos queda tiempo, nos toca trabajar todo el día entonces… la verdad no nos queda tiempo para… para trabajar con ellos. Parent 2. Falta motivarlos más. In a survey, parents volunteered comments that acknowledge they have a role to play in supporting the education of their children: Parent a: “Debemos estar al tanto de nuestros hijos en todas las áreas y su entorno” Parent b: “Porque trabajando en conjunto todos estos aspectos podremos colaborar más con el desarrollo académico y personal del niño” Parent c: “Porque es la formación y educación de ella” Parent d: “Porque si hay dialogo en casa, se refleja en la escuela con seguridad” Parent e: “Porque se van sentir más seguros más confiados y aprenden más” Parent f: “Porque como padres, somos parte de la solución” In the survey they also recognized the importance of attending the school events and that their involvement backed literacy development, and that they can help their children to build confidence and to motivate them. The data suggested the need to support L2 learning taking advantage of the willingness, and motivation that parents expressed. The literature supports the existence of the problem as well. Epstein (2009, p. 43) affirms that although schools and teachers influence children´s learning to read, parents remain influential in reading and literacy development. Besides, Greenberg(2011) assures home is the primary environment in which the child’s potential and personality will take shape and it is created a positive, open atmosphere that will not only support what goes on in the classroom, but will also instill the desire to learn. Anderson (2000) contends that parents have great potential in students’ literacy development because they stimulate their child’s adult intelligence and lay the foundation for formal reading instruction. Furthermore Chavkin (1993, p. 22) remarks that parents transmit their skills, knowledge, attitudes and values to children by modeling acceptable behavior, guiding their activities, and giving direct instruction. 50 Literature Review The concepts of parental involvement, literacy, and L2 learning illuminate our inquiry. Based on an extensive review of research studies Marzano (2006) identified key factors that influence school achievement: 1. Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum; 2. Challenging Goals and Effective Feedback; 3. Parent and Community Involvement; 4. Safe and Orderly Environment; 5. Collegiality and Professionalism. Marzano (2005 p.4) argues that: “My basic position is quite simple: Schools can have a tremendous impact on student achievement if they follow the direction provided by the research.” In this paper we shall consider the third factor. Parental Involvement. For Marzano (2012 p.1) “The importance of parent involvement on student achievement is explicit in the research, whereas the importance of community involvement is more implicit. Three aspects of parent and community involvement are important to student achievement: mechanisms for communication, involvement in the day-to-day running of the school, and the use of governance structures.” Our study touches upon the aspect of mechanism of communication between the school on how the school the parents and the teachers conceive learning. On the other hand, Epstein (2009, p. 150) poses the theory of overlapping sphere of influence where the three major contexts in which students learn, grow and are influenced by include: the family, the school and the community. Epstein´s typology about parental involvement. Parenting support Help families to establish home environments to learners. Communications School-to-home- and home to- school communications through the design and use of effective forms. Volunteering The enrollment and organization of a school’s volunteer program. Learning at Home Help families to assist their children with homework and recognize other opportunities at home. Decision making Include parents, students, and community members in the school in decision making process. Collaborating with the Community The recognition and integration of resources, services from the community. Adapted from Epstein, J. (2009:P. 16). School, Family and Community Partnerships 51 Moreover, she created a main framework to relate family and school with practices that help institutions to achieve students ‘goals and create a climate of partnership. This study seeks for harmony between school and home learning practices. Parental involvement and literacy outcomes. Concerning elementary school, Sheldon (2002, p. 40 -51) reports students´ academic outcomes in literacy where parents remain influential in children´s reading and literacy development through reading related activities. In the same vein, the Harvard Family Research Project (2007, p. 4) affirms that one of the parenting responsibility for learning outcomes in the elementary school years falls into supporting literacy because parents influence children’s reading performance modeling and giving an emotional climate and enhancing children’s reading achievement. Another literacy link is given by Midraj and Midraj (2011, p. 53) who assure that parental tutoring, providing learning resources and partaking in literacy activities with their children at home are significant predictor in both comprehension and accuracy achievement. Likewise, Anderson (2000) says that direct involvement in children’s learning and the availability of learning resources at home all appear to influence academic success and cognitive growth. Barón and Corredor (2007) explored connectivity between parents and children. They affirm that effective communication between families and schools may guarantee good and permanent ties and combine mechanisms lead towards the enrichment and fulfillment as students´ educational goal. By the same token, Lopera (2009) writes about the relation family-school as alliance. He discusses that establishing a relationship between family and educational institution which seeks the effective achievement of institutional projects, require to define a possible alliance between the school and the family considering their responsibilities, personal purposes and the appropriate forms or participation mechanisms for the prosecution of this relationship, understanding that this is twofold: from the family to school and from school to family. Literacy as social meaning. Literacy goes beyond the ability to read and write and comprises a social meaning where the children´s context as family does influence its development. Form this, Caspe (2003) affirms that “literacy involves much more than encoding and decoding symbols; it extends beyond the acquisition of reading and writing skills (…) and entails the ability to use these skills in a socially appropriate context”. (p. 1).Hell (1991, p. 245) affirms that literacy involves relations between a student and his/her culture as instanced by the material to read or written, complementing what Bloome (1985) assures about literacy activities as “reading includes establishing social groups and ways of interacting with others that comprise social relationships among people, among teachers and students, among students, among parent and children and among author and readers” (p.134). Likewise, Razfar and Gutiérrez (2003, p.34-35) discuss the Vygotskyan Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) and affirm that the development of a child´s individual mental process, the 52 child’s potential development or what child can do with the assistance of a more expert other (s) is socially mediated. From this, Bruner (1977, p. 281-289) assures that the nature of both adult and child participation and how adult assists children literacy activities is critical toward understanding how children effectively move through ZPD. Parental involvement and L2 learning. For Rosenbusch (1987, p. 3) parents play a major role in shaping their children’s attitude, toward L2 and culture. Forero and Quevedo (2006) also discuss evidence that parents and children used written productions the L1 and in the L2 to make sense of the world through expressing perceptions, feelings, suggestions and expectations. Additionally, the collaborative work revealed that a mutual commitment among parent and child was developed. Also, Gao (2006, p. 287, 289) concludes that family influence children´s foreign language learning in directly and indirectly. Indirectly, when family acts as language learning facilitators and language teachers’ collaborators creating learning discourses, motivating or propelling students to learn English; and directly when family works as language learning advisors, language learning coercers, and language learning nurturers, training their children to be good language learners. Research Design The study is a qualitative action research which was conducted at a state primary school in Bogotá, Colombia. The population included twenty student of 4th grade and their parents. The phases were: prior, during and after the intervention. The latter comprised homework and other assignments with topics that connected English language and family life. A friendly website, in both Spanish and English, was developed to communicate with parents and to link them with resources for language learning ( Prior to the intervention, participants took a diagnosis test to find possible EFL learning difficulties. A survey was conducted to examine parents’ relation with the school, with their children academic performance and to find out about their parental involvement. They were asked about the steps they follow and the resources they used to do homework. They identified the difficulties to do the L2 homework and how a teacher may guide them. In addition, another survey was applied to determine parents´ preferences in terms of how they want to be involved through homework: through a parental letter/guide, web page or conferences about homework. During and after the intervention, parents and children´s feelings about homework were collected. They were asked what they had learnt, what was enjoyable and what seemed difficult. The study posed these research questions to guide the inquiry: What does the promotion of a parental involvement intervention reveal about literacy development in a group of EFL third graders? How may parent involvement support EFL development in a group of third graders? 53 Results and discussion This project attempted to solve the problem of insufficient parent involvement in supporting their children’s learning. The classroom observations, the students’ assignments the workshops with parents and the website created to support learning provided data that revealed that it is possible to make home-school connections. Sample of webpage developed for parents and learners ( pagina-web-para#!homework) The data gathered in the surveys applied before and after the workshops with parents, the assignments done by student and parents indicate that in terms of literacy, the tasks and the resources provided further insight on how to use the L2 without the inhibition of their L1 to communicate their ideas. Following Hatch (1978, p. 28) assertion that the acquisition of an L2 is the product of an attempt to communicate. On the other hand samples attest to the use of Spanish language to make themselves understood. 54 Besides, after the first part of the intervention, some progress in terms of literacy was observed. Writing showed development by parents and the same learners during the intervention. Participants described the process as fruitful and positive. They claimed that parents and children worked together in tasks that contributed to family communication and to L2 learning. The timely submission of homework improved. Parents assured that the guidelines provided in the workshops allowed them to understand the purpose of the assignment and that they learned to support their children L2 learning. The artifacts produced after the parents’ workshops indicate that these were more elaborate. That parents and learners seemed to show confidence in expressing themselves using approximations to L2 and images. 55 In sum, this study corroborates the assertion that the school gains from familiarizing parents on how to support school learning. The intervention did not attempt to teach English to the parents; instead it attempted to clarify that the L2 class was focused on communication rather than on using the forms of the target language correctly. The workshops dealt with the strategies and the resources readily available to support their kid’s learning. Parents and children awareness of the use of specialized websites, and the use of the website designed by the teacher-researcher was instrumental for participants to build confidence on L2 learning. The warm atmosphere of the parents’ workshops cannot be captured as data but the parents’ and the boys’ and girls’ testimonies indicate their gratitude. We would like to encourage schools to orient parents; patience is needed though since parents are reluctant to participate at first. It takes time and work to communicate to them that this guidance can prove to be of great benefit to literacy development. 56 References Anderson, S. (2000).How parental involvement makes a difference in reading achievement. Available at: Barón and Corredor (2007). Depicting family-school participation in scheduled activities. Monograph L.E.B.E. Inglés. Bogotá Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Bloome. (1985). Literacy as social experience. In C. Brumfit, J. Moon, R. Tongue Bruner, J. (1997). The Culture of Education; Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Camelo G. L.C. (in press). Parental involvement to support Children’s EFL literacy. Monograph Licenciatura Inglés. Bogotá: Universidad Distrital. Caspe, M. (2003). Family Literacy. A Review of Programs and Critical Perspectives. Cambridge, Harvard Family Research Project, 1-2. Chavkin, N.(1993). Families and schools in a pluralistic society. Albany, State University of New York press, 22. Epstein, J. (2009). School, Family and Community Partnerships, Your Handbook for Action, 2nd edition, Corwin Press. Forero and Quevedo (2006). Parental support in writing. Monograph L.E.B.E. Inglés. Bogotá Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Gao, X. (2006). Strategy used by Chinese parents to support English language learning. RELC Journal, 37:3, 287- 295. Greenberg (2011). The Home-School Connection. Available at: Hatch, E. (1997). Discourse and language education. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 57 Hell, N. (1991). Literacy as social experience. Teaching English to children. From practice to principle. Manchester, Harper Collins publishers, 134, 245. Lopera, R. (2009). La relación familia-escuela como alianza. Aproximaciones a su comprensión e indagación. Revista Q: Educación, Comunicación y Tecnología, 3 (6), 12. Marzano, R. (2012). “Take Action: Involve Parents, Improve Achievement”. Available at: Marzano, R. (2006). “What Works in Schools”. Paper given at the School Improvement Conference. Lansing Center. Available at: http://www. handouts_157021_7.pdf M.E.N. Formar en lenguas extranjeras: inglés ¡El reto! Ministerio de Educación Nacional, 2006. Available at: mediateca/1607/articles-115375_archivo.pdf M.E.N. ¿Cómo participar en los procesos educativos de la escuela? Ministerio de Educación Nacional, 2006. M.E.N. 1994. Ley General de Educación. Ley 115. Midraj and Midraj. (2011). Parental involvement and grade four students’ English reading achievement. International Journal of Applied Educational Studies. 12.1, 53. Razfar and Gutiérrez (2003).Reconceptualizing early childhood literacy: the Sociocultural Influence. Handbook of early childhood literacy, SAGE publications Ltd. Rosenbusch, M. (1987). Foreign language learning and children: The parental role. Washington: Eric Clearinghouse, 3. Sheldon, S. (2002). Parents’ social networks and beliefs as predictors of parent involvement. The Elementary School Journal, 102(4), 301-316. 58 María del Pilar Rojas Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas [email protected] “Sensitizing Young English Language Learners towards Environmental Care with Creative Writing” Abstract This article reports an action research study aimed at sensitizing fifth graders towards environmental care. With a Content-Based Instruction (CBI) approach, students learned to express their ideas first by using drawings and then by composing and writing. Instruction had three stages: recognizing facts, reflecting on them and creating a solution to a problem. Student artifacts and journals were used to register the progress learners made at each stage. The findings indicate that participants benefitted from the pedagogical innovation proposed. Their environmental awareness showed signs of development and so did their language development. Key Words: Content-Based Instruction, environmental awareness, writing, environmental care, environmental education, English as a foreign language. Introduction As UNESCO-UNEP (1987) acknowledges, in the complexity of the world, the sensitization of the society toward the environment demands the curriculum to incorporate current and transversal topics which require didactic strategies in the classroom (p, 2). As an EFL teacher I identified that my fifth grade did not seem to care about the environment although they showed some knowledge of environmental issues. My inquiry used action research around the question: How may ContentBased Learning contribute to raise environmental awareness? The pedagogical intervention dealt with recycling and resource savings using writing and drawing. 6 Many thanks go to Universidad Distrital professor Rigoberto Castillo who edited this article. 59 Literature Review Content-Based Instruction (CBI) and Environmental education constitute the main constructs of this study. I adhere to the definition of CBI provided by Brinton, Snow and Wesche (1989, p. 2.): “as the integration of content with language-teaching aims.” In other words, CBI involves the teaching of academic subject matter and second language skills. On the other hand, Cates and Jacobs (1999) argue that L2 learning has a crucial role in helping people to learn about and participate in the protection of the environment (p.4). For this project, drawing and writing made part of the inquiry so that these beginner learners could express their sensitivity towards the issues under discussion, and hopefully lead them into action. In order to relate the use of drawing and writing, we took into account the connection Sheridan (1990) makes: children think symbolically in a variety of ways, making marks intended to have meaning; they are clearly able to reflect upon what they see, hear, say, read, and write. The incorporation of transversal topics to the curriculum with appropriate didactic strategies in the classroom is recommended by Unesco-UNEP (1987, p. 2). Similarly, Pasked (2004) argue that environmental education takes place within the practice of the search for creativity, discovery and the exploration of realities unnoticed. From that perspective environmental awareness is understood as the process by which the teacher and their learners, as constructive individuals of their own knowledge, reach a growing awareness of both the socio-cultural reality which shapes their lives, and their ability to transform this reality (Freire, 1968 cited in Pasked, 2004, p. 38). Similarly Leff (2008) affirms that environmental awareness is not only learning the concepts concerning the environmental impact of human activities on ecosystems, but also the use of this knowledge to understand the situation we are in, to determine how we get to those circumstances and to create alternatives to change them. Pedagogical Intervention The pedagogical intervention attempted to respond to the absence of environmental awareness. I decided to try an approach which might allow learners to express concepts as clearly as possible and at the same time, that initiate them in the writing process. For beginner learners it was assumed that a cross modal practice of drawing and writing would be suitable. The intervention was done in three stages: recognizing, reflecting on and creating topics of environmental issues like pollution, deforestation, waste. Tasks included drawing and writing productions, watching videos, observing gardens, analyzing environmental problems close to them and observing their own and other people’s habits and behaviors. In addition, learners read, interpreted and reflected on the issues presented. 60 At the beginning of every lesson the learners’ previous knowledge about the topic was activated. Then their notes on the readings, observations and analysis were shared. The language they needed for expression was provided. After this, learners drew for ten minutes and then they wrote in English about the topic of their drawings for another ten minutes. (See Annex 1) The production was done according to each stage: recognizing, reflecting and creating. Afterwards, learners displayed their work and talked about it to the rest of the class, who was encouraged to react. Research design A fifth grade of twenty learners participated in this action research study; thirteen boys and seven girls. Following Rawlinson and Little (2004) action research allowed me to inquire on students’ learning, to monitor my own teaching and instructional practices seeking to enhance learning. “The idea of action research is that educational problems and issues are best identified and investigated where the action is: at the classroom and school level. By integrating research into these settings and engaging those who work in research activities, findings can be applied immediately and problems solved more quickly” (Guskey, 2000, p. 46). They were taught science in English and the specialized language was emphasized. Şimşekli (2004) argues that environmental education would be more beneficial if it starts at the kindergarten or primary level. The basic idea for an early onset is related to the fact that attitudes, behaviors and value judgments develop at early ages. Therefore, for people to become actively involved in solutions to environmental problems and develop awareness, they need to learn to love everything that the environment encompasses (Gürsoy, 2010, p. 234). Data was collected by means of artifacts and students’ journals. They latter gave me the opportunity to gather the emic perspective (Freeman, 1998: 70) i.e., the “insiders” perception. By keeping journals students could make interconnections between what they know and what they are learning (Fulwiler, 1980). I collected the data after each task. The student’s data was entered in an Excel chart so that their responses could be tracked. Artifacts were filed and assigned a color according to each stage: yellow for recognizing; red for reflecting; and green for creating. Thus, I organized the data collected in the artifacts and in student´s journal to converge, by comparing and analyzing common factors confirming the progress achieved at different stages along the process. (Denzin 1978, cited in Burns 1999, p.164) 61 Data Analysis The aim of this research proposal is to sensitize 5th graders for environmental care in the EFL classroom. Following the action research approach and framed around qualitative research method as it looks to understand student’s social and cultural contexts from the constructed reality in the social interaction, (Merriam, 1998). I participated directly and intervened to understand what happens in the different stages purposed. The consolidation, reduction and interpretation of the data and of the literature lead to the generation of three categories of analysis that appear in Table 1. Research Question Categories Expressing concerns about environmental issues How may Content-Based Learning contribute to raise environmental awareness? Identifying and evaluating their own actions that may affect the environment Proposing green personal solutions Sub- categories Use of key vocabulary related to the environment Writing statements about environmental issues Drawing as a means of expression Students reflect on their own behaviors. Students propose solutions Students share and discuss their final production. Table 1. Categories and sub-categories The first research question sought to answer how EFL learning contributes to raise environmental awareness. It was found that learners gathered valuable information on how people and environment interact and gained awareness on their role to become ecologically aware citizens. As Leff (2008) argues, environmental awareness is not only learning the concepts concerning the environmental impact of human activities on ecosystems, but it is also to use this knowledge to understand the situation in which we are, to determine how we get to those circumstances and to create alternatives to change. It was found that the stages used, namely, recognizing, reflecting and creating, helped learners to express and develop their ideas, concerns, feeling, opinions, arguments, judgments, critiques and means of actions creatively. (See figure 1, 2 & 3) 62 Figure 1. Sample from student`s artifacts collected in the Recognition stage. Figure 1. Sample from student`s artifacts collected in the Reflecting stage. Figure 2. Sample from student`s artifacts collected in the Creating stage. 63 Discussion The findings indicate that participants benefitted from combining content study and language study. Beginner learners sensitized towards environmental issues. They first developed an understanding and then, their self-expression guided them to gain environmental awareness to the point of proposing green solutions. Findings also showed strong evidence of language development. When learners expressed themselves by combining drawing and composing, they could plan their writing and make language choices. With the guidance of the teacher and of the procedures proposed, learners managed to connect sentences, to organize them, and to find their voice. References Brinton, D. M., Snow, M. A., &Ische, M. B. (1989). Content-based second language instruction. New York: Newbury House. Burns, A. (1999). Collaborative action research for English language teachers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Cates, K., & Jacobs, GM. (1999). Global Education in Second Language Teaching. The Journey of Truth from Plato to Zola. Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Kristen Petra. Volume 1, Number 1, pp. 44-56 Denzin, N.K. (1978). The research act: A theoretical introduction to sociological methods.New York: McGraw-Hill. Freire, P. (1968). Pedagogía del Oprimido. México: Siglo XXI Gürsoy, E. (2010). Implementing environmental education to foreign language teaching to young learners. Educational Research (ISSN: 2141-5161) Vol. 1(8) pp. 232-238. Guskey, T.R. (2000). Evaluating Professional Development. ThousandOaks, California: SAGE Leff, E. (2008). Sustentabilidad, diversidad cultural y diálogo de saberes. En discursos sustentables. pp. 86-130. México: Siglo XXI Editores Merriam, S. B. (1998). Qualitative Research and Case Study Applications in Education. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. 64 Pasek, E. (2004). Hacia una conciencia ambiental.Universidad Nacional experimental Simón Rodríguez Núcleo Valera Educere, Artículos Arbitrados. AÑO 8, Nº 24. pp. 34-40 ISSN: 1316-4910. Venezuela Rawlinson, D., & Little, M. (2004). Improving student learning through classroom action research. Florida Department of Education. Tallahassee: Author. Rojas, Pilar (2012). “Sensitizing fifth grade EFL learners for environmental care”. Monografía de Grado Licenciatura Inglés. Bogotá, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Sheridan, S. (1990) “Drawing/Writing: a brain-based writing program designed to develop descriptive, analytical and inferential thinking skills at the elementary level. UMASS dissertation, microfiche: in ERIC available electronically and on microfiche. Şimşekli,Y.(2004). Çevrebilinciningelişmesineyönelikçevreeğitimietkinlikl erineilköğretimokullarınınduyarlılığı. [La educación ambiental en escuelas primarias para el desarrollo de actividades de sensibilización ambiental]. UludagUnivers. J. Facult. Educ. 17 (1):83-92. UNESCO-UNEP, (1987). International Strategy for Action in the field of Environmental Education and Training for the 1990s. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Paris, France. 65 Annex 1:Activity in stage 1 66 67 Ángela R.Chaparro Lina M. Cataño Jully C. Martínez Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas “English, Your Passport to the World” Learners’ Perceptions Towards English Language Learning Abstract This paper reports the perception a group of learners have towards the role of English in their education. Anecdotal records, interviews and written reports were used to collect and analyze the perceptions using a narrative method. wAs expected the participants echo the voices of the adults around them. This paper invites language teachers to reason about their learners’ and their own perspectives towards the role of L2 learning at school. Key words: students’ perceptions, English language learning, language policies Resumen Este artículo presenta las percepciones e ideas que un grupo de estudiantes tiene acerca del rol del inglés dentro de su formación. Con registros anecdóticos, entrevistas e informes escritos se recogieron y analizaron las percepciones usando un método narrativo. Como era de esperarse los participantes en el estudio hacen eco de las voces de los adultos. Este artículo invita a razonar sobre las percepciones de nuestros estudiantes y de nosotros mismos sobre el papel del aprendizaje de otro idioma en el sistema escolar. Palabras clave: percepciones de los estudiantes, aprendizaje del inglés, política lingüística The authors greatly appreciate the insights provided by Universidad Distrital professor Rigoberto Castillo in the discussion and in the editing of this paper. 68 Introduction This article is the result of the data collection stage of the author’s project “Exploring the influence of English language learning on students´ life plan” This small scale study, with seven and eight middle school learners, suggests that the statement: English, Your Passport for the World, summarizes the role learners assign to L2 as part of their schooling. Literature Review For popular culture, teachers, students, and parents it is usual to refer to English as the predominant language. As Pennycook (1994) argues: “it has become the language of power and prestige in many countries, this acting as crucial gatekeeper to social and economic progress, and the one which determines and exacerbates different power relationships.”(p. 13).This implies certain predisposition and domains that help explain the presence of English in the school curricula. It is a factor of social mobility. Similarly, Baker (1993) offers two dimensions to explain the spread of English. The social dimension relates to language selection connected to the discourse of English vision(as a westernized world vision). The social and psychological dimensions propose to relate English to development and evolution. The spread of English and thus its presence in schooling would be explained as language selection, development and evolution. Pennycook (1994) has also established that the discourse of English as an international language is seen from an operative point of view that is comprised of three different perceptions: natural, neutral and beneficial. Natural refers to the expansion of English seen as a result of inevitable global forces. Neutral refers to English as a (we say supposed) transparent medium of communication. That is, the expression of westernized world views. On the other hand, beneficial refers to a cooperative and equitable footing. The discourse stresses arguments such as that multilingual and multicultural societies benefit from communicating in English. Henson (2003) gives an account of the debates and positions in language planning for Latin America. For example, he affirms that those who defend the teaching of French and German see a threat in the spread of English “the plurilingual curriculum in force since the 19th century is menaced by a “modern”, functional and instrumental view of foreign language learning proposing “English only” as the answer to educational needs on the level of secondary and even tertiary education. (p.5). As it will be discussed later the instrumental view is reproduced by the participants in the study. The authors of this paper would like to see L2 policies more concerned with diversity and multiculturalism. Hamel (2003 p. 23) also makes a case for multiliteracies and for intercultural communication to integrate heterogeneous communicative systems based on the interface of 69 diverse dialects, sociolects, interlects, and languages, as well as models of reciprocal receptive bilingual communication. Data analysis and Discussion When the learners from 8th and 9th grade were asked for the reasons they had to learn English, they echoed the perception of English as hegemonic: Mastering it would bring me benefits; I can get by in the world. Excerpt Nº 1: “Nosotros pensaríamos que tal vez es muy importante porque en estos momentos es un idioma predominante y nos podemos defender en cualquier caso y cualquier país del mundo”. (Student A1: G. Nº4 - Discussion). Excerpt Nº 2: “Pues como dicen mis compañeros antes de otros idiomas el primordial es el inglés porque es el idioma que más se habla, entonces pues uno va a ir a un país pues prácticamente uno va a encontrar siempre el inglés así uno vaya a Brasil o vaya a cualquier país va a encontrar alguien que habla inglés, entonces para mí si es muy importante”. (Student C3: – Interview Nº1). Excerpt Nº 3: “Yo creo que el inglés es importante, porque por ejemplo si a uno le sale una beca en Estados Unidos o se va de excursión uno tiene que aprender inglés porque como se va ir uno allá hablando en español o algo así; entonces para mi es importante. Bueno, ya mis compañeros dijeron que el inglés era importante porque Estados Unidos es el país dominante o algo así y también es necesaria para conseguir trabajo o algo así” (Annex N° 13 Student B3: G. Nº1 - Disscussion). English is perceived as a passport which allows access to the world and contact with other cultures and peoples. By the same token, the following excerpt echoes the widespread idea of popular culture of equalizing English with success: With an L2 my income would be better; if I speak a European language I stand out. Excerpt Nº 4: “Sí porque el idioma que más se utiliza es el inglés en cualquier trabajo bueno que usted vaya a utilizar tiene que usar el inglés porque a nivel mundial se utiliza más… es importante porque yo estoy en la sociedad y me destaco lo que significa que es 70 importante que todo el mundo lo sepa el inglés y se necesita porque es el idioma mundial” (Student B1: – Interview Nº1) Social mobility is commonly attached to elite languages. It has been a gate keeping instrument for entering higher education and for job placement. Rejection to learning may arise “If English operates as a major means by which social, political and economic inequalities are maintained within many countries…” (Pennycook, 1994. p.18). The mastery of an elite language is also associated with preparing school learners to compete in the labor market. The illusion of a ‘good job’ is reproduced by student B’s words. On the other hand, we do not have to go very far to find the source of discourses that assign an excessive importance to the study of English. The excerpt below comes from a draft of one of the student-teachers authoring this paper. It indicates that the hegemonic agenda pervades our discourse and that we reproduce it without realizing its breadth and impact. Excerpt No. 5 “English is not only spoken by native speakers, it is also spoken by second language users due to the importance this language is getting through the time. If a Colombian businessman is working in Germany, both the Colombian and his German counterpart will speak English as a means to communicate in different fields. In so doing, English is a worldwide language used as the language that everyone manages to communicate with others and in some sense it is the official worldwide language.” The excerpts discussed above suggest a natural view, which is an assumption that somehow supports the spread of English. It would be interesting to scrutinize the sources of the discourses that influence the perception toward English language in our schools, and even more interesting to research how to reverse hegemonic stances as Hamel (2003) does. Regaining the role of L2 learning as a humanistic discipline that bridges peoples and cultures ought to start by revising the discourses that justify why L2 is in the school curricula. In addition, the study of the L2 as a component of literacy - to read the world- would require further exploration of scholars. For example, the role that English plays in literacy was rarely acknowledged in the school where the study was carried out. There is nothing wrong with perceiving English language proficiency as a passport to the world. However, this paper argues that educators need to set an agenda that connects literacy and multiculturalism to the teaching of other languages. 71 References Baker, C. (1993). Foundations of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. New York: Multilingual matters School education, City University of New York. Chaparro, A, Cataño L, & Martínez, J.(in press). “Exploring the influence of English Language Learning on Students’ Life Plan.”Bogotá: Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Crystal, D. (2003). English as a global language. Cambridge. UK: University Press. Pennycook, A. (1994).The Cultural Politics of English as an International Language. New York: Longman London. Hamel, R. E. (2003). Regional Blocs as a Barrier against English Hegemony? The Language Policy of Mercosur in South America. Mexico City: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. Available at: articulos/2003_hamel.pdf 72 Katherine Eliana Agudelo Soto Universidad del Cauca [email protected] ¨Enhancing Students’ Listening Skills through Cognitive and Metacognitive Strategies¨ A Quasi-Experimental Research Study Abstract The purpose of this research project was to improve self-conscious cognitive and metacognitive strategies in students of 5th level of the Saturday English course at Unilingua. In order to achieve this purpose, two groups of students of 5th level of the Saturday English course at Unilingua whose ages ranged from 14 to 15 years old were randomly chosen. One of the groups was the experimental group, whereas the other was the control group which was integrated by students taking 5th level on Saturdays but in another classroom. The students who belonged to the control group did not have any kind of academic contact with the researcher in charge. Furthermore, the research undertook a four phase instruction period, starting with a pre-test measurement for both groups, with the aim of gaining an insight of their listening proficiency and concluded with a posttest measure of both groups, which provided the grounds for analyzing the effects of cognitive and metacognitive strategy instruction on students’ listening skills. Key words: Cognitive and metacognitive strategies, research, listening skills. The paramount aim of this research project was to determine if specific instruction on cognitive and metacognitive strategies influences or not listening comprehension in fifth level students at Unilingua. As the research project progressed, consequently, my scope drifted from its main aim. Moved by the results I obtained in class, I began to ponder if other skills, such as reading, writing and speaking were also influenced by cognitive and metacognitive strategy instruction. Students are regularly exposed to L2 in class and outside the classroom; nevertheless, listening has remained as a passive skill to be developed overtime. In recent years, the development 73 of second language acquisition theory has shed some light on the importance of listening in facilitating language learning, (Dunkel, 1993). Nowadays, listening is recognized as an active process, critical to L2 acquisition and deserving of systematic development as a skill in its own right, (Morley, 1999). Previous studies indicate that English language teachers’ knowledge about listening comprehension strategies is limited, moreover, listening strategies have rarely been taught in the classroom nor have they been taught correctly, Rost, (1990). Additionally, EFL and ESL language teachers constantly fall into a general assumption that foreign language students know how to listen and that listening skills will develop in the same way as in first language acquisition, Long, (1989). Nonetheless, research refutes this false generalization, (Long and Omaggio, 1986). The rediscovery of the importance of listening in SLA has incorporated other subjects into action such as psycholinguistics, semantics, pragmatics, discourse analysis, and cognitive sciences, the integration which is very important for the development of listening skills in language learners and it has also opened up new opportunities for pioneering research. As a result listening comprehension has been recently recognized in second language acquisition as an active but implicit process which involves complex problem solving skills, (Byrnes, 1984; Call, 1985; Richard, 1983). It is paradoxical that teachers regularly demand foreign language learners to be good listeners, given that listening strategies remain to be weakly taught in many ESL or EFL programs, listening being “the Cinderella skill”, (Mendelsohn, 1994); Nunan, 1997; Vandergrift,1997). To the above mention, Brown (1987) observed that a significant number of published courses on listening comprehension and classroom practices in many schools in many countries continue to demonstrate that listening is still regarded as the least important skill in language teaching. This research study intends to highlight the importance of reinforcing and adapting listening instruction by using cognitive and metacognitive strategies into the classes taught at Unilingua on Saturdays; this research project also endeavors to find out if specific instruction on cognitive and metacognitive listening strategies, may significantly influence English listening comprehension of students of 5th Level of the Saturday English courses at Unilingua. By adopting a mixed methodology, the research study gathered qualitative and quantitative data which allows powerful data analysis and enlightens future research. The research design facilitated data analysis and provided me with remarkable findings on the results of my methodological proposal for teaching listening in an EFL context. My role as a researcher and teacher of the experimental group also allowed me to get to know students in a very special way as I could easily get feedback from tasks and strategy selection. The present research study is divided into six chapters, chapter 1 points out the importance of listening in learning a foreign language; this chapter defines crucial aspects of this research project, such as: objectives, research questions, hypothesis, reliability, validity and ethical considerations, as an insider in teaching, the above mention presents the core elements of 74 this research. Chapter 2 explains the importance of this research study for the University of Cauca, Unilingua and the students involved, taking into account that this is a pioneer research study; this chapter unveils the significance of the research and provides an understanding of the EFL context where it took place. Chapter 3 entails the “experimental conditions” or “study environment”, with this in mind, the reader will be able to pinpoint the problem, hypothesis, research questions and objectives as he/she advances in his/her reading. Chapter 4 describes the mixed methodology, quantitative and qualitative used in order to delve into the research objectives and hypothesis, neither methodology was given priority, although, the nature of the research study “quasi-experimental” did required an intensive numerical data analysis, nevertheless, the qualitative method being holistic, descriptive and subjective was also very important. Chapter 5 seeks to give a detail report of the descriptive data analysis, as well as the hermeneutic analysis of an unstructured interview performed at the last stage of this research, the data analysis was quantitative and qualitative as suggested in chapter 4. Chapter 6 designates the final conclusions of the research study; this chapter entails the ultimate reflections of the research project. Chapter 7 gives some recommendations for students, researchers and Unilingua. Chapter 8 is the last chapter and it provides the reader with all the appendices and works cited. Thus, my research study on cognitive and metacognitive strategy influence on listening skills represents an exciting collation of passionate, committed teaching from my side, as well as students’ endeavor to advance towards high quality education and it also contributes to the study of teaching and learning paradigms. Figures and tables Table 2. Inventory of Listening Strategies Adapted from Vandergrift (2003, 1997), Chamot (1993), Young (1997) and Oxford (1990) Strategy Type Definition Metacognitive Strategies Metacognitive strategies are executive processes used to plan, monitor, and evaluate a learning task. 1.Planning Developing and awareness of what needs to be done to accomplish a listening task, developing an appropriate action plan or contingency plan to over plan difficulties that may interfere with successful completion on the task. 1.1 Advanced Organization Clarifying the objectives of an anticipated listening task that/or proposing strategies for handling it. 75 1.2 Directed Attention Deciding in advance to attend in general to the listening task and ignore relevant distracters, maintaining attention while listening. 1.3 Selective Attention Deciding to attend to specific aspects of language input or situational details that assist in understanding and/ or task completion. 1.4 Self – Management Understanding the condition that help one to successfully accomplish listening task and arranging for the presence of these conditions. 2.Monitoring Checking verifying or correcting one´s comprehension or performance on the course of a listening task. 2.1 Comprehension Monitoring Checking verifying, or correcting one´s understanding at the local level. 2.2 Double - Check Monitoring Checking verifying, or correcting one´s understanding across the task or during the second time through the oral texts. 3.Evaluation Checking the outcomes of one´s listening comprehension against an internal measure of completeness and accuracy. 4.Problem Identification Explicitly identifying the central point needing resolution in a task or identifying an aspect of the task that hinders its successful completion. Cognitive Strategies Interacting with the material to be learned, manipulating the material physically or mentally or applying a specific technique to the language learning task. 1. Inferencing Using information within the text or conversation context to guess the meaning of unfamiliar language items associated with a listening task or to fill in missing information. 1.1 Linguistic Inferencing Using known words in an utterance to guess the meaning of unknown words. 1.2 Voice Inferencing Using tone of voice and / or paralinguistic to guess the meaning of unknown words in an utterance. 76 1.3 Extra -Linguistic Inferencing Using background sounds and relationship between speakers in an oral text, material in a response sheet or concrete situational referents to guess the meaning of unknown words. 1.4 Between –Parts Inferencing Using information beyond the local sentential level to guess at meaning. 2. Elaboration Using prior knowledge from outside the text or conversation context and relating it to knowledge gained from the text or conversation in order to fill in missing information. 2.1 Personal Elaboration Referring to prior experience personally 2.2 Word Elaboration Using knowledge gained from experience in the world. 2.3 Academic Elaboration Using knowledge gained in academic situation. 2.4 Questioning Elaboration Using a combination of question and world knowledge to brainstorm logical possibilities. 2.5 Creative Elaboration Making up a storyline or adopting a clever perspective. 3. Imagery Using mental or actual pictures or visuals to represent information. 4. Summarization Making a mental or writing summary of language and information presented in a listening task. 5. Translation Rendering ideas from one language in another in a relatively verbatim manner. 6. Transfer Using knowledge of one language (e.g., cognates) to facilitate listening in another. 7. Repetition Repeating a chunk of language (a word o phase) in the course of performing a listening task. 8. Note- Taking Writing down key words and concept while listening. 9. Deduction Reaching a conclusion about the target language because of other information the listener thinks to be true. 10. Resourcing Using available references about the target language, including textbooks or the previous task. 77 Graph 1 shows the pre-test skill performance on a 100 percentage scale for the experimental and the control group, speaking, listening, writing and reading skills. Graph 2 shows the contrastive analysis of the score average comparison of the experimental and control group, pre-test vs. post-test measure. Graph 3 shows in detail, the performance of each student (belonging to the experimental or control group) on scale of 25 points (maximum score for the KET), the code for each student is the same for the pre-test and post-test. 78 Graph 4. Graph 5. 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Listening comprehension: Approach, design, and procedure. In J.C. Richards, The context of language teaching. Cambridge, NY: Cambridge University Press, 1985, 189-207. Richardson, V. “Constructivist Pedagogy”. Teachers College Record, 105(9), (2003):1623-1640. Rivers, W.M. Teaching Foreign Language Skills. (2nd Ed) Chicago: University Of Chicago Press, 1981. Rost, Michael. Listening in Action: Activities for Developing Listening in Language Teaching. New York: Prentice Hall, 1991. Rost, M. Teaching and Researching Listening. London: Pearson, 2002. Rubin, J. “A review of second language listening comprehension research”. The Modern Language Journal, 78, (1994): 199-221. Vandergrift, L. “The Cinderella of communication strategies: Reception strategies in interactive listening”. The Modern Language Journal, 81, (1997): 494-505. Vandergrift, L. “Facilitating second language listening comprehension: acquiring successful strategies”. ELT Journal, 53 (1999): 168-176. Vandergrift, L. “From prediction through reflection: Guiding students through the process of L2 listening”. Canadian Modern Language Review, 59, (2003): 425-40. 82 Vygotsky, L. (1978). Mind in Society. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Williams, M. & Burden, R.L. Psychology for Language Teachers: A Social Constructivist Approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997. Willis, J.Teaching English through English. London: Longman, 1981. Yagang, F. 1993. “Listening: Problems and Solutions”. InKral (Ed.).(1993): 189-96. 83 Jonathan Alexander Delgado Ochoa Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas [email protected] The Fluctuation of Power Relations among High School Students Abstract In this report, the findings of a Feminist Post Structuralist Discourse Analysis study (Baxter, 2003) conducted in an EFL class, will be reported. The goal of this research was to unveil ways in which students struggle over power while working on task based activities (Willis, 1996). The main theoretical foundations for this study are Power Relations (Van Dijk, 1989), and Discourse, (Schffrin, 1998). This study is relevant for the teacher researchers, since it might help those who want to explore in depth how different sociolinguistic processes might affect students’ performance in the class and how the use of Task Based Learning approach provided a chance to explore power relations in the class. The teacher – researcher, implemented teacher’s journals, (Richards, 1991) to detect the research problem, sociograms (Emerson R. 1995) to map the social groups in the class and determine the regular social interactions in the class and also video recordings (Dufon M., 2002), which were done during the task planning stage, and also transcribed taking into account the principles of spoken data management that Kowan and O’Conell present (2010), based on the transcription systems of the Jeffersonian tradition. Thus, speech aspects such as emphatic stress, pitch, emphasis, stress duration and loudness are shown through visual changes in the letters of the transcriptions. The participants of the study were twelve tenth grade students from a public school in Bogota. The criterion for the selection of the participants was that they should have interacted during the recorded interactions. The transcriptions analyzed through Feminist Post Structuralist Discourse Analysis have shown initials findings, such as students assuming a teacher´s role (Castañeda 2008, Rojas, 2011) opposition and exclusion among students (Goodwin, 2002), initiations and terminations of interaction (Barnes 2005) and interruptions as a means to get others´ attention (Coker, 2011). It has not been a secret for language teachers how students’ peer relations operate in a significant way on their class performance and the classroom environment which has motivated many teacher-researchers to go in depth through the understanding of these varieties of social practices 84 that operate at the same time with the learning processes in the class. In this way, I developed a Feminist Post Structuralist Discourse Analysis (FPDA) study (Baxter, 2003) in a public school in Bogota, Colombia in order to understand how the enactment of power by part of students might affect the learning environment, especially when implementing task based learning approach (TBL), since according to Nunan, it requires communication and interaction among students in order to achieve an outcome. (2004) Thus, I became aware of the necessity of a real understanding of these phenomena through the implementation and analysis of teacher´s journals, (Richards, 1991) in which I could see that different speech acts such as commands and declarations (mention reference) performed by some students, negatively affected the way in which some of the other students participated in the English class. For instance, I selected the FPDA as a means of analyzing the students’ discursive tools that might generate relations of power among them. Power Van Dijk claims that “social power relationships are manifested through interaction” (pg. 20) he also states that this power refers to the control of the actions by part of the group A or the members of group A over a group B or its members. For instance, this control is exercised not only through physical force (in some cases), but also through language, more specifically, through speech acts such as suggestions, agreements, commands, requests, questions and so on, which can be uttered either in a direct or indirect way. Additionally, Michel Foucault refers to this as a control of mind by part of the powerful group or individual. Thus, the goal of the present research has been to unveil the way in which some students exert this kind of mental control on other students through interaction. According to Foucault, power relations must be conceptualized from the perspective of subjects in opposition to power, therefore, he claims that the struggles for power have some conditions such as individuals that seek for the effects of power, instead of power itself; additionally subjects explicitly oppose to the local source of power and not the existent institutionalized power. In this way, students showed to be in a constant strike for empowering either themselves or to another individual of the social group in order to have a control of the flow of thought during discussions, which was the effect of power in the class demonstrated in this study, therefore they were immersed in a constant fluctuation of oppositions and alliances as a means of struggling for the effects of power in the class. Moreover, the focus of this study is to see how students opposed to their local sources of power in their social group (in this case, the powerful students) rather than the opposition to the teacher, who is the institutionalized power source in the classroom. (McKroskey J & Richmond V, 1984) 85 Discourse: In this study, discourse is seen as the language beyond language (Schiffrin, 2011) in other words, what is meant to be communicated out of what is explicitly said, for instance, we are not only communicating a message, we are transmitting to the speakers the way that we see and represent the world e.g. our understanding of the mental and physical world and our relation with them. (Fairclough, 2005) In addition to this, Van Dijk presents the way in which power and discourse are explicitly related, he states that it is the powerful people who have control over certain discourses that are practiced through the interaction, “they are not only active speakers in most situations, but they may take the initiative in verbal encounters or public discourses, set the “tone” or style of text or talk, determine its topics, and decide who will be participant or recipient of their discourses..” (pg. 22) In this way, different writers provide us an overview of how power could be exercised through different elements of discourse; the purpose of this study is to find out which of these discursive elements are used by students to exercise power. FPDA as a research approach The research approach used in this project was Feminist Post Structuralist Discourse Analysis (FPDA). This is a type of analysis that focuses on doing a micro-analysis to the discourse emerged in natural and spontaneous interactions (Rojas, 2011, Castañeda 2008, Sunderland, 2005, Baxter 2003). Besides, FPDA is the scope that focuses on the “significant events” when subjects are located through discourse into a social context, in terms of power and identity (Castañeda, 2008, B) in other words, this methodology highlights the moments of natural interaction in which empowerment of subjects occurs. Consequently, I used video recordings in order to get students’ natural and spontaneous interactions during the development of the tasks. For instance, the students were video recorded during the planning stage of the task, since it was during this moment that students interacted the most. The Role of Task Based Learning approach and its implementation According to Willis (1996), the tasks in the TBL frame, consist of activities where students practice the target language with a communicative purpose and in this way, they get an outcome. Besides, Nunan argues that the TBL allows natural communication among students since it focuses more on the students’ fluency with the language, rather than the grammatical use of the language (2004). Additionally, the classes were divided in various moments, during the first moment; students participated in a warming up activity that was used as a means of presenting an input to students. In the second moment of the class, students listened to the teacher’s instructions and 86 therefore, the teacher provided them with examples of the target language to be used, as well as examples of what the teacher expected from them, which was taken as the pre task stage. In the next stage, students were organized into groups and they started to plan the task. It was at this stage that the recordings were done. Furthermore, students had to present and socialize the results of their planning and development of the task. Finally, the teacher asked some follow up questions about the use of grammar, gave feedback to the students and they could clarify any question about the grammar studied during that class. In order to have more meaningful tasks for students, all the tasks developed in this course were selected by students through a preferences survey made at the beginning of the course. In this way, the pedagogical implementation of this study was framed into the conceptualization provided by Willis (1996) The Setting and population As mentioned previously, this study was done in a public school in Bogota, Colombia. The participants were twelve students of tenth grade from the afternoon shift and they received three hours of English class per week. The students had a basic level of English. Furthermore, these students voluntarily participated in the study and their parents agreed on their sons’ participation through their signature in a consent form. Additionally, the students were selected taking into account the number of times that they appeared in the recordings and the clearness of their conversations. It is important to mention that the conversations that students had, were in their mother tongue, since they did not have the appropriate level to discuss different topics in English. Findings: The Power Relations Detected in the class interactions This is an ongoing research study, which has provided some initial results that have strengthened the findings of other researchers. Up to this point, I have defined some categories from the findings, such as control of topics and opinions (Barnes 2005) in which the powerful students decide what topic should be discussed by the group, who is able to talk and also when to finish an idea of conversation. Students assuming a teacher role (Castañeda 2008, Rojas, 2011), in this case, some students decide to help their classmates not only by explaining instructions to them or the language to be studied, but also using different aspects of speech that give them authority, such as question to check understanding and feedback on the other students’ work. Opposition and Alliances (Goodwin, 2002), in this case, students empower themselves and others when they discuss about a topic. The last category is voluntary subordination. In this case, some powerless students, accepted their low-status role in their social groups, which was perceived and accepted by others. 87 Conclusions Students use different elements of speech to try to establish their discourses in a social group, which were not shown here, due to the nature of this text. In order to achieve that, students engage in a constant seek for power, in which the role that each member of the group assumes is an important part in the process of the power fluctuation. Besides, the task based learning played an important part in the research, since it motivated students to interact and become a part of a social group. References: Barnes Mary. (2005) Exploring How Power Is Enacted In Small Groups University of Melbourne. Baxter Judith. (2003) Positioning Gender in Discourse A Feminist Methodology Palgrave McMillan. Coker Wincharles (2011) Power Struggle in a Female Discussion: The Case of a Ghanaian University.The International Journal – Language, Society and Culture. Fairclough Norman (2003) Analysing Discourse. Routledge, New York Foucault Michel (1982) The subject and Power Critical Inquiry Vol. 8 No. 4 Schiffrin Deborah (2011) Definiciones de Discurso Universidad Veracruzana Instituto de Investigaciones en Educación. Van DijkTeun (1989) Structures of Power and Structures of Discourse Willies Jane.(1996) A framework for task-based learning.Harlow Longman 88 Jill Fortune Universidad Externado de Colombia [email protected] Telly Addicts &Gleeks: UsingModern Television Series for an Improved SLA Abstract Faced with a wealth of both authentic and ELT-specific audiovisual material available for use in the classroom, teachers often feel overwhelmed and unsure where to begin. This paper analyses popular teen musical series Glee in terms of its suitability for inclusion in an adolescent EFL course, based on the hypothesis that it could constitute a useful tool for both teachers and students. Having researched student interest in the programme, as well as teacher attitudes towards using music and television in their courses, both linguistic and cultural aspects of the series are examined, before drawing conclusions regarding the appropriateness of Glee for teenage EFL learners. The findings confirm the programme’s popularity among students, and show that teachers’ main concerns regarding the use of television relate to logistics and course time constraints. The linguistic and cultural features of Glee can be considered an enriching addition to students’ process of language acquisition. Introduction Working in a university EFL context, Ur’s statement that “for inexperienced teachers, classes of adolescents are perhaps the most daunting challenge” rings true (1991:290). A desire to help prepare teachers to meet this challenge, while providing students with enjoyable and useful class material led me to carry out this research. Since Colombia’s national standards will soon require university graduates to reach a B2 level on the CEFR (Colombian Ministry of Education, 2010), which means that they can understand “programmes in the media and films” (Council of Europe, 2001:243), then video should logically be considered as an integral part of the curriculum. This, together with the fact that television plays such an important role in the lives of Colombians (93.7% of homes had a television in 2006. CNTV, 2006:19) drew me towards this resource as a possible starting point in meeting this challenge. 89 While studies have already been carried out regarding the language of youth and the practical applications of culture, television and music in ELT as individual fields of study, this research aims to combine these areas, by studying the merits for SLA of the relatively new genre of the teen musical TV series, in a context of adolescent EFL students. Based on Glee’s success throughout Latin America (Cine Premiere, 2009), as well as the idea that authentic materials are essential to the EFL classroom (Hwang, 2005) and, of course, on the current situation and needs of the learners and teachers in the context studied, this research is based on the hypothesis that Glee would indeed be a valuable addition to this EFL context. Structure Given the brevity of this paper, a brief overview of the literature on this topic will be provided, before summarising the results of the research in terms of student interest, teaching practicality and the linguistic and cultural aspects of the programme. Finally, conclusions are drawn as to Glee’s suitability for adolescent EFL learners. Literature Overview MacMathuna’s assertion that “the somewhat artificial and repetitious nature of classroom learning in any subject can become monotonous for teaching and taught alike” (1996:185) (I guess she missed something here) can lead us to suppose that in order to avoid such monotony, we must aim to include authentic and variable aspects in the classroom. Deubelbeiss (2010) supports this idea, adding that authentic materials must be “up-to-date”, since “nothing dampens the spirit of the teenage learner more than drudgy, old, 30 year old language learning materials.” The use of video and music in particular has been found to be motivating for students (Stempleski & Tomalin, 1990:1; Baoan, 2008). There are, of course, both merits and dangers of using authentic materials in EFL. One of the most important discussions is whether authentic materials are too challenging for lower-level students (Kilickaya, 2004). Shrum and Glisa (1994, in Hwang, 2005:4) do claim, however, that learners who listened to authentic texts achieved positive results. Linder (2000) provides a compromise between these two views, suggesting that “it is the classroom tasks, not the authentic texts, that must be designed for classroom use”, a concept supported by Stempleski and Tomalin regarding video material (1990:9). Anderson’s claim that activities should be kept short for teenagers (2008 in Deubelbeiss, 2010) is echoed by Ur’s concern that television programmes can be too long for use in class (1997:67). However, as Harmer points out, there is nothing to stop us from using only extracts from a programme rather than a whole episode (2007:308), and indeed Stempleski and Tomalin 90 recommend using segments as short as 30 seconds to encourage active viewing (1990:8-9). Because songs are an integral part of Glee, we could say that it offers us ‘the best of both worlds’. Listening is often considered the most difficult skill for students to master (Rixon, 1996:36), as well as one of the most challenging for teachers to teach (Beare, 2010). However, Canning Wilson’s point (2000:1) that video helps students to maintain interest and concentration in listening means that video constitutes an almost vital tool in teaching listening comprehension skills. Rixon supports this, claiming that video offers all the benefits of audio with the added bonus of body language (1996:12) While we would not expect EFL students to grasp the intricacies of deictic reference, we may wish to follow Willis’ advice (1983:27) and use the paralinguistics in video as “aids to comprehension with a heavy reliance on carry-over from the native language”, as well as to encourage students to use Agarwal’s technique of interpreting the clues offered by body language to achieve a better comprehension of L2 interaction (2011). Ur (1997:66) suggests that television programmes can offer an enjoyable listening comprehension activity, provided they are “based on good stories or interesting topics”, and Madjarovea et al. (2001:237), who claim that “falling in love [is] an issue of eternal interest to teenagers”. Since Glee includes plots regarding love and other ‘teen issues’ such as bullying or teenage pregnancy, it could offer a possible way to interest adolescent students. While Harmer describes music as “a powerful stimulus for student engagement” (2007:319), he goes on to say that in the case of teens in particular, it can be difficult to know which songs are popular with students at any given time (ibid:320). Given that Glee appears to present a range of musical genres, it could be seen to offer ‘something for everyone’. Macias (2008) describes how both of her own children (in their L1) and her students (in their L2) committed “vocabulary, intonation and stress” to their permanent memory through the use of songs, offering it as an example of Krashen’s 1983 theory that music can activate Chomsky’s Language Acquisition Device. Perhaps because authentic materials are often used as models for student output (Harmer, 2007:117; Linder, 2000), teachers are often wary of using music in class because of the excess “slang and poor grammar” contained therein (Macias, 2008). Mindt used Corpus Linguistics to show that the grammar used in authentic English language was indeed very different to that presented in EFL textbooks (1996, in Hwang, 2005). Macias (ibid) responds to teachers’ anxiety on this point, claiming that “by learning slang and a descriptive grammar”, students actually learn more about the L2 culture. Ten years after Brown stated that “second language learning is often second culture learning” (1990:33), a 14-year-old suggested that “it would be nice if we are studying the language to know a bit more about the country and what people are like there” (Jones, 2000:158). Unfortunately, 91 not all students have the opportunity to travel, and, since this is “beyond our scope as language teachers…we need to reflect on what we can do within [the classroom] to foster ‘real’ English learning and use” (Perez-Canado, 2009). Stempleski & Tomalin believe that “the next best thing” to experiencing the actions of others is to watch them on video (1990:3). Methodology Although it was already known that Glee had experienced success in Latin America (Cine Premiere, 2009), initial interviews were carried out among students at the university to establish its popularity among this particular demographic. This was followed by a questionnaire among the teachers of the university English department, to explore their current use of music and video in the classroom, as well as any previous use of Glee in their teaching. With these results in mind, the television programme was analysed in terms of linguistic and cultural features that might affect its suitability for use with the adolescent EFL students. Results& Discussion The students interviewed were 16-28 years old, the majority 19 or 20. The initial student survey confirms Glee’s success, with almost half of the students (47%) already watching the programme in their free time. Although slightly more popular with girls than boys, the difference is minimal (50% vs. 44% respectively). Since of the remaining 53% who did not watch Glee, 25% stated that they were unaware of its existence, 15% watched different channels and a further 23% “did not know” or did not respond, it can be suggested that if made aware of the programme, at least some of these students would watch it, and the initial 47% of Glee viewers may well be pushed over the halfway mark. Diagram 1: Teachers’ use of audio-visual material &Glee 92 As shown in Diagram 1 above, the majority of teachers (96%) already used music in their courses, as well as films (85%). Television series, however, were used by less than half of the respondents (41%), and no teachers used Glee with their students. Diagram 2: Teacher reasons for using music, film or television with EFL students Overall, of the 60 teacher responses regarding reasons for using music, film and/or television with students, the most common was to help students improve listening skills (90% of responses), followed by increasing student motivation (80%) and expanding student vocabulary (70%), as represented in Diagram 2. Diagram 3: Reasons teachers do not use television series with EFL students. Diagram 3 shows that many teachers claimed not to use film or TV due to time constraints, or else because of complicated logistics, supporting both Harmer (2007:185) and Ur (1997:67) 93 in their concerns about the disadvantages of using technology in the classroom. As these two reasons would appear to apply to both films and television series equally, it is surprising to find that overall, significantly more teachers used film more than television series with students (85% vs. 41%, respectively – see Diagram 1). Diagram 4: Average timing per section per episode Diagram 5: Average length of each individual section type On average, each episode lasts a little more than 59 minutes, and is broken into the sections shown in Diagram 4. Diagram 5 represents the length of each recap, section of drama, song and commercial break, on average over the five episodes. The fact that the songs in Glee break up the sections of drama, making each one last an average of around three minutes, and each song around two minutes, means that each episode is already broken down into the manageable ‘chunks’ or excerpts, as referred to by Harmer (2007:308), that can make classroom adaptation easier. 94 Diagram 6: Songs performed As shown in Diagram 6 above, the music performed in Glee includes a range of artists, genres and eras; over the five episodes, a total of 21 different artists are represented, the earliest song dating back to 1950 (“Get Happy” by Judy Garland) and the most recent from 2010 (Katy Perry’s “Teenage Dream”). All songs are in English. 95 Diagram 7: Fillers used per episode Diagram 8: Average no. fillers used per episode In the five episodes, the characters in Glee used the ‘fillers’ kind of/kinda, sort of/sorta and like to varying degrees, as shown in Diagram 7. Diagram 8 represents how, in whole figures, the mean coincides with the modal and median values over the five episodes, showing the three fillers being used eight times per episode. 96 Diagram 9: Slang/Swearing used in each episode Diagram 10: Average slang/swearing over 5 episodes As with fillers, the use of slang/swearing among the characters varies between episodes, ranging from the modal value of three times per episode to triple that value. The breakdown is shown in Diagram 9. Diagram 10 represents the average occurrence of slang/swearing by characters over the five episodes as 4.8, slightly higher than the modal value 3 and the median of 4, because of the “Never Been Kissed” episode, which showed a particularly high occurrence of 9. 97 Students should be exposed to many different varieties of language, particularly at higher levels (Harmer, 2007:24), and it seems logical that as part of that, the language used by adolescents would be of particular interest to adolescent students. One feature of such language is the abbreviation of lexical items, 10 of which appeared during the five episodes of Glee studied here. Since this is the type of language students may encounter in interaction with US youth, they would hopefully find it relevant and therefore motivating (Dornyei, 2001:63) to have the opportunity to understand it. Diagram 11: Some of the idiomatic language used in Glee (Definitions are taken from the 2006 Longman Exams Dictionary. The highlighted items show the author’s definition, as the dictionary offered no definition or the wrong definition for this context.) The same applies to the use of other idiomatic language, such as that shown in Diagram 11. This table includes the use of lexis that students may well have encountered in their textbook, but with new meanings, for example ‘cool’ or ‘hot’ to relate to something other than the weather! Since these two words, for example, appear two or three times in each episode of Glee, the programme could be a useful vehicle for students to understand this part of language. With an average of just 98 over seven idioms or set expressions used in every episode, as well as a little more than eight idiomatic multi-word verbs, the programme may well provide an interesting way to show students how these, and other, lexical items are used in context by native L2 speakers, which, according to Brown (2001:377) is the best way to internalise vocabulary. Diagram 12: Themes and issues per episode The central themes of the five episodes are; a) being yourself, b) religion/spirituality, c) homosexuality, d) body insecurities and e) first kisses. Additional issues presented can be seen in Diagram 12 above, and could be understood to be issues typical of those that Western teenagers face. Although Glee could appear to be politically correct by including minority groups such as the disabled, homosexuals, religious groups or racial minorities, the fact that so many of the Glee Club members belong to one of these groups seems a little far-fetched. This raises the question as to whether what the students are gaining in exposure to authentic L1 language, they are losing in authentic L1 cultural representation - if we took the Glee characters to be representative of the US, these minorities would no longer be minorities at all. The aspects that could be considered a window on US life, such as the ‘jocks and cheerleaders vs. nerds’ or small-town homophobic 99 attitudes could equally be considered stereotypes, in addition to the more obvious examples such as the effeminate homosexual or the butch female football coach. The variety of characters offers more room for discussion in the classroom, and the responsibility perhaps lies with the teacher to bring students’ attention to the exaggeration being used by the programme’s producers. Glee’s high-school setting, with its mid-term exams and teenage romances would be familiar to Colombian students, and the themes and issues represented could be considered a parallel to their world. This, as in watching any soap operas, should help students to relate to the characters, increasing their interest in the programme and consequently improve their motivation in the course (Dornyei, 2001:76). Just as Glee could be considered politically correct for including so many minority groups in the programme, it is also often politically incorrect in its treatment of them. Since Glee’s humour often lies in insulting minority groups, particularly the disabled and different religions, it perhaps reiterates Sylvan Payne’s concern that the songs used in class should not offend anyone (in Harmer, 2007:320). The exaggerated stereotypes contained in the programme, together with the fact that its characters break out into song every three or four minutes show that Glee clearly does not purport to be an exact portrayal of US life. However, just because the characters and situations are exaggerated does not mean that they are not representative of the L2 culture to some degree, and as such can be considered a useful tool in the EFL classroom. Conclusions The authentic mix of different genres of music with the (albeit fictional) drama of US teens mean that Glee is relevant to adolescent students, as they can draw parallels to their own lives. The use of a current popular television programme such as Glee addresses Deubelbeiss’ concern that teenagers demand “the new” and “the now” (2010) and could help teachers to combat the de-motivation caused by exam-focussed backwash (Hwang, 2005:2), at the same time as it helps students to fulfil the requirements of the national standards, set out in the CEFR (2001). The informal language used in Glee offers students the opportunity to hear ‘real’ language being used by native speakers, in a way that textbooks rarely provide. The wealth of set phrases and idioms used throughout the episodes means students have the chance to understand how these lexical items are used in context, rather than learning the often outdated and decontextualised expressions presented in textbooks. The cultural content of Glee, while perhaps not as accurate as a documentary would be, offers students some level of contact with the L2 culture that they might not otherwise have. The sensitive issues tackled, particularly those related to religion, as well as the often politicallyincorrect content of the programme could potentially cause offence to some students. However, despite Cook’s view that the authentic opinions of prejudiced people should be “excluded” from 100 the classroom (2011), such perspectives can offer the class the opportunity for discussion and debate, as long as it is carried out sensitively and respectfully. This element of ‘freedom of speech’ will of course depend on the attitude of each teacher, and indeed of the institution. Since teachers are already wary of using television with students because of time constraints, the additional preparation required to use Glee could be discouraging for some staff members. However, although more time may be needed initially, while teachers are trained to use Glee effectively, and as they prepare tasks related to the material, this time should be recovered later, as teachers begin sharing their materials with one another. Using the short ready-made ‘chunks’ of the programme rather than whole episodes can also help with teachers’ concerns regarding time limitations. Because Glee can be watched both on television and the Internet, teachers could have students watch it outside of class, which would help with the problems of logistics and time constraints described by teachers in the questionnaire. This would also help foster learner autonomy among students. As with any resources, using Glee with EFL courses implies preparation from the teacher, but considering the potential benefits it can bring students in terms of linguistic and cultural authenticity, it may well be worth taking into account as an additional tool in adolescent EFL classes. This study was carried out to evaluate the suitability of Glee for students at a specific private university in Bogota. However, the implications of its findings could apply to students in similar contexts. References PrimarySources Glee. Season 2. (2010) Britney/Brittany. USA, 20th Century Fox Television, 25th Nov 2010, VHS. Glee. Season 2. (2010) Grilled Cheesus. USA, 20th Century Fox Television, 2nd Dec 2010, VHS. Glee. Season 2. (2010) Duets. USA, 20th Century Fox Television, 9th Dec 2010, VHS. Glee. Season 2. (2010) Rocky Horror Glee Show. USA, 20th Century Fox Television, 16th Dec 2010, VHS. Glee. Season 2. (2010) Never Been Kissed. USA, 20th Century Fox Television, 23rd Dec 2010, VHS. 101 Secondary Sources Agarwal, S.Mastering Listening as a Non Verbal Communication Skill: An Approach to enhance Communication skills. ELT Weekly. Retrieved 7th Feb 2011: Beare, K. The Challenge of Teaching Listening Skills. Retrieved 15th Dec 2010 from: Brown, H.D. 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British Council ELT Documents 114: Pergamon Press. 103 Jasson Urquijo Centro Colombo Americano Bogotá, Colombia Improving Oral Performance through Interactions Flashcards Abstract This report is based on an action research multiple baseline design study across five different qualitative aspects of spoken interaction used to evaluate the effectiveness of a flashcard system to improve oral performance in the ESL classroom. The participants were ten children attending third grade in a public school in Bogotá, and who were assessed as having low oral performance in spoken English language. Results showed that the Interactions Flashcards system was effective in improving oral performance in general, as well as in increasing levels in each one of the qualitative aspects of spoken interaction including range, accuracy, fluency, interaction, and coherence. Key words: Speech Communication; English as a Second Language; Oral Performance; Class Activities; Elementary Education; Second Language Instruction; Direct Instruction Flashcards; Interactions Flashcards; Qualitative Aspects of Spoken Interaction. Introduction Interactions are used every day in our world and their mastery is an important skill for ESL learners to acquire. An interaction is the basic dialogue form and thus the building block of conversation. Some examples that are important are greeting someone in a hall, saying thanks to someone who gave you something, and providing your name to a person filling out a form for you. An interaction could be that a person asks “A: What’s your name?” to which you answer, “B: I’m John Almond.”Previous researchers have referred to interactions as memorized phrases or routines that learners use and allow them to play a part in basic interaction while their analytic linguistic ability develops and allows them to communicate their needs and desires (Bassano, 1980). In sum, an interaction is a basic dialogue in the form A: / B: that a person performs in a communicative setting. Although using appropriate interactions is an important skill, teaching these in the public primary schools in Colombian is not common. Content analysis of ten field logs compiled over the third and fourth quarter of the second semester, 2010, at a public girl’s school in Bogotá, shows that the kind of oral products learners achieve up to 5th grade is deficient to the point that learners do not 104 perform any basic interactions well. However, the same analysis reveals that low oral performance is not caused by any learning disabilities students might have but rather by three main features. First, teaching practices favored in public schools focus on memorization of vocabulary. Second, activities in English classes tend to be non-communicative. Last, there are contextual constraints of space, time, and resources. Regardless of these conditions, there are many strategies to help a child learn interactions and move beyond the level of using single words or isolated vocabulary items to communicate. Teaching routine formulas of prefabricated interactions can be traced back to the 80´s when it was tested as a possible strategy for learners in basic levels to be able to perform early communication (Bassano, 1980). Furthermore, previous research on teaching methods used to improve oral performance among basic learners in the elementary school can be found in an initial study regarding formulaic speech, according to which, there is evidence that in the initial periods of second language development, formulaic speech may be more substantial than creative rules(Ellis, 1983). More recent research regarding formulaic language and its role in second language acquisition points out how it has generally received only minimal attention within linguistic and second language acquisition theory (Weinert, 1995). However, its importance for everyday interaction has also been pointed out. Wray says we appear to rely on holistic processing in the course of normal interaction, not because using the analytic system is impossible, but because it is an expensive strategy (Wray, 1998). Still, there are no studies readily available that deal with the effectiveness of ways to teach memorized speech segments to beginning language learners, nor for the particular case of using flashcards to teach interactions. One purpose of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of teaching interactions using a flashcard procedure, Interactions Flashcards, to improve the oral performance of third graders. A second purpose was to develop a measurement of oral performance in order to have a quantitative indicator of the qualitative aspects of interaction according to the Common European Framework of Reference. The final purpose was to start a sequence of research procedures that aim at the identification of kinds of flashcards that can be designed in order to improve oral performance in students of English as a second language. The Issue Low Oral Performance The problem identified is that learners in elementary school have low oral performance in English classes. This issue was identified via content analysis of ten field logs that registered the third and fourth academic terms of the year 2010.The field logs revealed difficulties in learners’ ability to produce oral outcomes in English. The analysis also revealed that in comparison to written outcomes, oral outcomes were of much lower level. The factors affecting oral performance were found to be the lack of thinking time (classes are short), lack of concentration on task (there are many learners in class, about 40), and institutional interruptions (classes are interrupted for 105 announcements or other school activities). The main indicator of low oral performance is that learners showed very little to no participation in English and poor quality of interaction. A very low percentage of the learners had an adequate oral performance in English. The problem of low oral performance was confirmed by means of accuracy analysis of an oral interview with the following five open questions: 1) How are you? 2) What´s your name? 3) What color is this? (showing an object), 4) What do you do in the morning? 5) What do you do at night? All of the questions relate to the A1 band of the Common European Framework of Reference, which is the level that, according to Colombian standards, learners should reach by third grade. This second analysis revealed that on average learners could only answer one of the five questions accurately. The Innovation Flashcards A description of the use of flashcards in teaching students of English as a second language (ESL) to interact by using dialogues for conversation should begin with a review of the literature concerning the form and content of flashcards. Flashcards are a type of data-based instructional strategy that is usually associated with the Direct Instruction (DI) procedures, described by Silber, Carnine, and Stain (1981) for teaching math. In this procedure, the teacher presents flashcards and provides immediate feedback to students after allowing some time for the learner to respond and then rewarding correct responses and providing models for correcting errors. Error cards are used again later in order for the learner to be able to master all of the concepts in the cards. DI flashcards, due to their procedure, have been used to master concepts and discrete items of curricula, especially in math (Karp&Voltz, 2000), and many times their use has been in the field of special education (Maccini& Gagnon, 2000). Even though flashcards can be easily adapted to a variety of academic areas (Erbey, et al, 2011), in the field of language teaching, these flashcards are mostly focused on the mastery of sight words (Ruwe, et al, 2011), and thus they have become widely used as a way to learn vocabulary, and popularized under the name of vocabulary flashcards. The ways in which flashcards are used today have also changed the procedure under which they were conceived, changing from a teacher-centered DI flashcard, to a self-study flashcard. The widespread use of vocabulary flashcards is no surprise since the use of DI Flashcards aligns perfectly for teaching items of language that are isolated from context, or discrete. In order to create flashcards that deal with something else than vocabulary, some design principles may also be adopted from their use in special education. Even though the students in this study are not developmentally delayed, they do face a number of contextual limitations that may well cause the same effects as learning disabilities. As such, it is interesting to explore Carnine’s design suggestions of using big ideas; conspicuous strategies; efficient use of time; clear, explicit 106 instruction on strategies; and appropriate practice and review (Carnine, 1997). According to Cardine, a wider application of these design principles in instructional material and in actual teaching, could contribute to far higher achievement levels of performance (Carnine, 1997). Furthermore, it has been shown, that a combination of direct instruction with strategy instruction can increase the positive effect that either one of the models has on its own (Ellis, 1993; Karp &Voltz, 2000). This means that strategy instruction can help learners gain the maximum benefit from techniques such as the use of DI Flashcards. But teaching a particular skill through the use of DI Flashcards and complementing it by providing information storage and retrieval strategies could actually be taken further by including a communicative component that uses the conversational element implicit in the use of flashcards to ensure a tool that would take students beyond the mastery of discrete items and the strategic storage and retrieval of information. The result of such process is a kind of flashcard that allows users to practice, remember and master basic interactions. Interactions Flashcards In language learning a flashcard is typically considered to be any card printed with pictures, words or numbers and used as part of a learning drill. Although this definition could be good enough for the purpose of this study, there are other details of flashcards that would help clarify the specific features of the kind of flashcard that was designed in the execution of this project. The main characteristics of a flashcard are size, content, topics, usage, and nowadays, due to the development of the information and communication technologies (ICT), format. Many of these characteristics are not differentiating. Two identical flashcards, except for their size, let’s say one is bigger than the other, do not really have a different impact on learning. Flashcards are usually designed to be about the size of a playing card just so they can be easily handled in a deck, not because they would be more effective. Similarly, two flashcards that are the same, except for their topic, one for math and another for English, would probably have the same impact on learning. This is why flashcards can be used to learn virtually any set of information. In elementary schools, flashcards are often employed to help students with memorization of basic math principles. When used to teach a foreign language, they are usually proposed to help students review vocabulary words and their meanings. One study shows a setting in which students print an unfamiliar word on one side of an index card and on the other side, they write the sentence in which the word was found, the dictionary pronunciation guide entry, and a paraphrase of the dictionary definition (Thompson, et al, 1984). This study showed that flashcards enhance interaction in the classroom and increase learners’ confidence. Other characteristics of flashcards could be considered differentiating. When using a flashcard, the particular procedure that is followed could affect the learning level. The basic procedure 107 consists of an individual holding up a card and showing one side of the card to another person, prompting a response. If the response is accurate, the next card is displayed and so on. However, some students use flashcards on their own to quiz themselves. There could be learning level differences between the social use of flashcards and their individual use. Also, the electronic variations of flashcards created and administered by computer software specially designed for this purpose and online flashcards that are available make it possible for students to have a procedural guide or study with sets of flashcards that are already made instead of creating their own. It may be that real flashcards and virtual flashcards have different effects on learning. Perhaps, the most differentiating factor of flashcards is content. All flashcards by definition imply a question and an answer. A vocabulary flashcard shows a picture of an apple and when a person is shown that flashcard, they are to say “apple” in order to get the “correct” answer. Instead, today you can see cards with no question, like those that only have a word written on them, or ones that have the question and the answer on the same side even though the basic concept is that a flashcard is designed with a question on one side and an answer on the other. Furthermore, most of the flashcards for language teaching are vocabulary flashcards in which the content in the question/answer format is a combination of images/words. There are some other kinds of flashcards for language teaching that are definitions flashcards in which the content is word/definition. Another kind of popular language teaching flashcard is that known as synonyms flashcard in which the content is a question/answer combination of word/synonyms. The kind of flashcards designed for the purpose of this study were called Interactions Flashcards due to the fact that their first differentiating characteristic, that of content, in the format question/ answer, is an interaction in the form A:/B:, for instance, A: Thank you./B: You’re welcome. Also, the second differentiating characteristic, usage, has been clearly changed from the typical DI procedure to a procedure that mixes the direct instruction with strategy instruction and communicative approaches to language teaching and learning. Method Participants and Setting The participants of this study were ten third grade children with low oral performance in English. Participants were all female, ranging in age from 6 to 8 years, and who could not perform any basic interaction in English. The study took place within the English class of a third grade classroom at a public school in the south of Bogotá. All of the participants were in the afternoon session of elementary school. The English class was part of a standard elementary education English program consisting of a wide variety of students with low oral performance in English and no ability to deal with interactions. Data on individual students’ oral performance was collected during the class in sessions that lasted approximately 10 - 15 minutes per participant at a location outside the classroom away from other children in order to reduce distractions. 108 Interactions Flashcards (IF) Procedure The classroom activities planned and used with Interactions Flashcards is outlined in seven steps that lead students gradually from an initial encounter with Interactions Flashcards to the ability to converse logically without direct reference to them. Step 1: Looking at samples. The first step is to introduce the Interactions Flashcards and develop familiarity with them. This can be done by bringing a set of Interactions Flashcards to class for learners to understand how they look and work. Step 2: Creating. The second step involves plotting sample dialogues on the flashcards, which the learners do themselves, from a fixed set of interactions provided by the teacher under a specific context, called generative topic. Generative topics are decided depending on the school’s curriculum, for example, greetings, personal information, spelling, etc. Step 3: Personalizing. The third step is for learners to plot more dialogues on the flashcards, this time using the generative topics to propose the interactions they would like to learn in English. They can initially say what they want to learn in Spanish and then the teacher can provide the language input of the interaction in English. For instance, students would want to learn the interaction: A: “¿Cómo se llama tumamá?” /B: “Se llama Ana.” The teacher provides the interaction: A: What’s your mother’s name? / B: It’s Ana. Step 4: Playing. The fourth step, accomplished by students in pairs, is to develop the interaction under the topic and sequence in the flashcards. Learners can turn this into a game since they try to get points by answering the most questions correctly using the Interactions Flashcards as a guide. Teacher modeling in this activity is a must. Step 5: Testing. The fifth step is a testing exercise using groups of three or more students, in which one student holds up these flashcards containing linguistic input and tests other students on their ability to create a logical conversation by responding appropriately. Teachers can use the previous step in which they were playing and turn it into a more serious assessment moment by guiding learners to give corrective feedback to each other. Step 6: Speaking. The sixth step begins with a brief role play exercise in which the teacher explains the rules of interaction, implicit in the Interactions Flashcards, and students pair off to create basic dialogues or conversations according to what they have practiced using the Interactions Flashcards. It continues with the gradual elimination of the use of the Interactions Flashcards for reference. Teachers motivate students by telling them they do not need the Interactions Flashcards anymore in order to be able to perform dialogues since they already remember how to interact. Step 7: Interviewing. The final step consists of the recording of students’ performance when executing dialogues without the use of Interactions Flashcards. Teachers interview learners by using the same interactions they have practiced and record their results. Feedback can be provided by pointing out which Interactions Flashcards learners need to work more on. 109 All of the steps above were carried out over the course of the first semester 2011. The English language standards for Colombia and the curriculum of the school were used as a point of reference in order to determine the generative topics and the fixed set of Interactions Flashcards learners were to create. A chart containing all the design elements was developed. A pace schedule served in order to organize the work in class. Both of the above were included in a booklet called Interactions Flashcard Project which provided general information. It included a description of the main project elements, such as the A1 and spoken interaction, descriptors (CEFR), and the oral performance achievement indicators from the Colombian standards for English, as well as a list of the generative topics and interactions used. Performance was recorded for evaluation using tools specifically developed for this study: forms called RAFIC Charts and a measuring tool called RAFIC Quotient. RAFIC is an acronym for the qualitative aspects of spoken interaction: Range, Accuracy, Fluency, Interaction, and Coherence, which are mentioned in the Common European Framework of Reference (Council of Europe, Language Policy Division, 2010). RAFIC Charts are instruments to collect information under those categories and the RAFIC Quotient is a quantification of the results. 110 Materials All the participants used index cards to create their flashcards. One side of the card had part A: from an interaction in the form A:/B: in a size, format and design decided by the participant. The other side had part B: from the interaction so that the participants and teacher could easily practice the interactions, give corrective feedback and play with the flashcards. A data sheet was used before and after work with Interactions Flashcards for each participant which consisted of the five qualitative aspects of spoken interaction being tested. Data sheets, RAFIC Charts, were marked for correct or incorrect answers using a check mark for correct and an x for incorrect. Correct and incorrect answers were later turn into a numeric indicator called RAFIC quotient. Dependent Variable and Measurement Procedures The dependent variable for all the participants in the study was correct oral execution of interactions. For the ten children a high level of oral performance was defined as the learner answering a question correctly or reacting appropriately to an expression before moving on to the next question. The questions asked, which corresponded to the questions learners used to create their set of Interactions Flashcards, were prepared in an oral interview which consisted of five open questions to which learners were to listen and answer orally. The questions of the interview were: 1) Hi, how are you? 2) What´s your name? 3) How do you spell it? 4) What color is this (showing an object), and 5) What are your favorite school subjects?. Performance while answering those questions was recorded before and after the work with Interactions Flashcards by using RAFIC Charts. The RAFIC Quotient was then obtained by assigning a value of zero, or one, to each one of the aspects of Range, Accuracy, Fluency, Interaction, and Coherence, and adding those values in order to have a number between zero and five. The RAFIC Quotient is a quantitative way of measuring oral performance. Additionally, in order to have a reference point to contrast learners’ oral performance in English, a second interview was designed to record learners’ oral performance in Spanish for the same interactions they were to be instructed in English. These allowed the identification of the baseline level of oral performance in English and in Spanish before the use of Interactions Flashcards and the later identification of level of oral performance in English and Spanish after the work with Interactions Flashcards. All of the above was observed for five points: Range, Accuracy, Fluency, Interaction, and Coherence. Results The findings show that Interactions Flashcards improve oral performance for three reasons. First, Interactions Flashcards foster the integrated upgrading of all of the qualitative aspects of spoken 111 language. Second, Interactions Flashcards aid subjects’ ability to deal with the generative topics given and serve as a tool for learners to accomplish achievement indicators within those topics. Last, Interactions Flashcards impact learners’ behaviors and foster the development of social skills. Oral Performance After using Interactions Flashcards, the subjects’ oral performance and ability to deal with the questions for the generative topics in English improved 265% from the baseline determined before implementation of the IF procedure. Also, the subjects’ oral performance and ability to deal with the questions for the generative topics in Spanish, improved in 40% from the baseline determined before IF procedure. However, the improvement above can also be discriminated in the elements of the RAFIC in order to see which qualitative aspects of spoken language improved most after work with Interactions Flashcards. In English, the most representative descriptor was that of Fluency; in Spanish, the most representative descriptor was that of Accuracy. In English, the second most representative descriptor was Interaction, while in Spanish, the second most representative descriptor was Range. In English, the Accuracy descriptor was third, followed by Range, and Coherence, while in Spanish, the Interaction descriptor was third, followed by Coherence, and Fluency. 112 Generative Topics Interactions Flashcards helped learners improve their ability to deal with the generative topics of greetings, personal information, objects and colors, places and things, and alphabet and spelling, in English as well as in Spanish, even though the Interactions Flashcards were designed for the five generative topics only in English. In English as well as in Spanish, the most representative generative topic was that of alphabet and spelling, the fourth was that of objects and colors, and the least representative was that of greetings. However, while in English the second most representative generative topic was places and things, in Spanish, it was peoples’ information. In English, people´s information was third while, in Spanish, it was places and things. 113 Achievement Indicators Interactions Flashcards proved to be a great tool for learners to accomplish the achievement indicators of the Colombian standards for English language in the generative topics given. They allowed subjects to greet others by using daily expressions to say hello and goodbye, and to ask and answer questions about the way they are feeling, people around them, the color of objects they know, and places they are familiar with. Learners also stated their basic classroom-related personal needs by using daily expressions. Learners’ Behaviors Interactions Flashcards have a positive effect on learners’ behaviors because students considered them to be a great tool for achieving the goals set for their level, and thus they were more motivated. Interactions Flashcards fostered the development of social skills they need in order to deal with content in English. There are a number of skills that the Use of Interactions Flashcards fosters. 1) Subjects use non-verbal communication when they cannot answer verbally about their preferences, for example, they show agreement or disagreement by moving their heads. 2) Subjects use gestures in order to make their ideas more understandable, for example when they show each other in a card what they are saying. 3) Learners are constantly checking on their card if what they, or a partner, say is correct and, with a little leading, they turn the use of the cards into a game. 4) Learners are frequently and constantly faced with messages their partners say that they do not fully understand and their common reaction is to ask for repetition or clarification. Discussion Most teachers would agree that flashcards can help people of all ages with memorization. Additionally, there are many approaches to their use, such as the strategic and the communicative, that allow us to see how simple flashcards have a perhaps unexplored albeit vital role as part of the learning environment in the ESL classroom. For students at risk or with disabilities or contextual limitations, these approaches are crucial for the retention of new skills (Ellis, 1993). In general, researchers and authors have emphasized the primary importance of not only promoting the use of oral skills such as instruction of formulaic speech for early communication, but there are also many ways to teach interactions to children in order to help them improve their oral performance. Furthermore, one strategy available to beginning learners of English as a Second Language (ESL) in order to learn interactions is the use of flashcards. In Colombian public schools, a context in which there is resistance to change in terms of teaching methods, a lack of the use of communication for fostering learning, and great density of learners per class, little time devoted to English learning and shortage of resources, there is definitely a 114 population of learners who appear to require a more structured and systematic approach when learning communication skills. One way to address the difficulties mentioned above and to provide a structural and systemic tool for teaching interactions is to use Interactions Flashcards. However, giving flashcards the role they deserve in the learning environment of the ESL classroom is not enough since the greater the importance a teaching method is given in a class, the greater knowledge teachers and learners need to have of such method. This study did not just focus on making amazing flashcards, using DI as a basis and including strategic and communicative ideas, for studying, storing or retrieving information, but rather on how to make appropriate flashcards depending on the particular features of their genesis. The findings in this particular study clearly show that the use of Interactions Flashcards allows for the improvement of the oral performance in English as well as in Spanish. The overall outcomes indicate a large increase in correct responses after implementing the Interactions Flashcard system. Also, a high ratio of mastered to unmastered interactions was also demonstrated. Besides that, Interactions Flashcards not only improve oral performance, but also subjects’ ability to deal with generative topics, and on learners’ behaviors. More surprisingly, Interactions Flashcards foster the integrated improvement of all of the qualitative aspects of spoken language since they help subjects improve their vocabulary range, their grammar accuracy, their fluent use of language, their asking and answering of questions for interactive communication, and their use of connectors to achieve coherence in English as well as in Spanish. Interactions Flashcards can be considered a practical, low cost, easy to implement, and user friendly procedure to improve interaction for elementary school students with low oral performance in English, which additionally can have a positive impact on learners’ oral performance in Spanish. The applicability of employing Interactions Flashcards procedures is still open for discussion and directions for future research need to be posed. References Bassano, Sharron. (1980) Instant Interaction for Entry-Level ESL Students. CATESOL Occasional Papers, Number 6, p40-50, Fall 1980. From ERIC online database (No. ED200058) Carnine, D. (1997) Instructional design in mathematics for students with learning disabilities. Journal of Learning Disabilities. 30(2):130-41. College of Education, University of Oregon, Eugene, USA. Council of Europe.Language Policy Division.The Common European Framework of Reference. CEFR. Framework_EN.pdf 115 Ellis, E. S. (1993). Integrative strategy instruction: A potential model for teaching content area subjects to adolescents with learning disabilities. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 26, 358–383. Ellis, Rod. (1983) Formulaic Speech in Early Classroom Second Language Development. Selected Papers from the Annual Convention of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages 17th, Toronto, Canada, March 15-20, 1983. Erbey, R., McLaughlin, T.F., Derby, K. M., & Everson, M. (2011) The effects of using flashcards with reading racetrack to teach letter sounds, sight words, and math facts to elementary student with learning disabilities. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 3(3), 213 – 226. Karp, K. S., &Voltz, D. L. (2000).Weaving mathematical instructional strategies into inclusive settings. Intervention in School and Clinic, 35, 206–215. Maccini, P., & Gagnon, J. C. (2000). Best practices for teaching mathematics to secondary students with special needs. Focus on Exceptional Children, 32, 1–22. Ruwe, K., McLaughlin, T.F., Derby, K. M., Johnson, K. (2011) The multiple effects of direct instruction flashcards on sight word acquisition, passage reading and errors for three middle school students with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 23, 241 -255) Silver, J., Carnine, D.W., & Stein, M. (1981) Direct Instruction Mathematics. Columbus: Charles E. Merril. Thompson, Loren C.; Frager, Alan M. (1984) Individualized Vocabulary Instruction in Developmental Reading. (ED253844) From ERIC online database (No. ED200058) Urquijo, Jasson. (2011) Improving Oral Performance through the use of Interactions Flashcards. Un-published undergraduate thesis, Universidad Pedagogica Nacional, Facultad de Humanidades, Departamento de Lenguas. Weinert, Regina. (1995) The Role of Formulaic Language in Second Language Acquisition: A Review. Applied Linguistics 16 (2) 180-205 Wray, Alison. (1998) Protolanguage as a holistic system for social interaction. Language and communication. 18 47-67. Centre for Applied Language Studies, University of wales. 116 Acknowledgments This research was completed in fulfillment for an undergraduate program in Licenciatura en Educación Básica con Énfasis en Humanidades: Español e Inglés from the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional. The author would like to thank the participants, the school, the classroom teacher and university advisors for their cooperation. Requests for reprints should be sent to Jasson Urquijo, Centro Colombo Americano, Bogotá, or via email at [email protected]. 117 Carlo Granados Beltrán and Mónica Rodríguez Bonces, PhD ca Institución Universitaria Colombo Americana – ÚNICA Email: [email protected] [email protected] Creating a Culture of Faculty Empowerment through Professional Development Abstract The main objective of the session was describing the initial stages in the experience of designing a Professional Development (PD) Programme addressed to professors of a Bilingual Education major at ÚNICA in Bogotá. During the session researchers explained the steps taken for the creation of the programme and the philosophy behind it which consisted in exploring the strengths of the members of the faculty in order for them to become its initial trainers. The session covered the explanation of the instruments designed, the model proposed and a general overview of the sessions implemented. Finally, the contributions for the field and for other institutions were stated. Key words: professional development, curriculum, policy Introduction ÚNICA, as a teachers’ college, focuses on preparing teachers in areas such as research, pedagogy, linguistics, literature, and educational administration; nonetheless, attention is also devoted to the continuous professional development of its current staff as it is stated in the vision and mission of the college. Continuous improvement at ÚNICA demands the consolidation of professional development (PD) practices that also respond to national policies. The desire to implement a PD policy and framework is also rooted in some guidelines given by the National Ministry of Education in Chapter III, Art.6 Decree 272, 1998: 118 En el marco de la autonomía y de la interdisciplinariedad, y con la finalidad explícita de conformar y fortalecer comunidades académicas, las facultades de educación o las unidades académicas dedicadas a la educación podrán asociarse con unidades académicas o facultades dedicadas al desarrollo de otros saberes, en la misma o en otra institución universitaria o universidad, para ofrecer conjuntamente programas de formación de educadores, desarrollar líneas de investigación educativa o promover programas de servicio educativo a la sociedad.” (Art. 6) This decree shows the importance any professional development program has in terms of qualifying education and in the way interdisciplinary may be a strategy to offer this kind of programs to the community. Succeeding in the society involves clear processes within the university. In this respect ÚNICA creates in the faculty an environment to do cross curricular work that goes beyond planning; it also involves doing research or coaching. Besides, through the continuing education program, the college opens its doors to the community offering courses that are delivered as part of the electives for the postgraduate program This article, number six (6), has a paragraph that gives another reason to undertake research on professional development: PARÁGRAFO. Las facultades de educación o las unidades académicas dedicadas a la educación asumirán como compromiso específico contribuir al desarrollo pedagógico y a la cualificación de los profesores de la educación superior en general, y en especial los de su propia universidad o institución universitaria. (Art. 6) This paragraph highlights the mission that teacher preparation programs have of not only preparing educators belonging to other universities or school systems but most important, their own professors. For this purpose, ÚNICA established a PD Program that, after being implemented at the college, may be adopted by other institutions that not only want to offer teacher training but also empower their own faculty. Additionally, considering quality assurance for both Registro Calificado and Certificación de Alta Calidad, this project was aligned with the objectives of the teacher preparation program mission, vision and the following five out of ten factors considered by organizations like Comisión Nacional de Aseguramiento de la Calidad de la Educación Superior(CONACES) and Consejo Nacional de Acreditación (CNA): students, professors, academic processes and curriculum guidelines, research, and capacity to innovate; being professors the most important factor for this project. Making a point of this case, if one considers the indicators for professors, four characteristics 119 are mentioned: professors’ profile, production, relationship professor/students and professional development policies. Although these regulations apply for postgraduate programs, ÚNICA connects undergraduate and postgraduate programs. Research Questions: In order to create the professional development program a research project was carried out. This research had as main goals to determine the characteristics of a professional development program for professors at ÚNICA by identifying the needs for both full and part-time faculty, having in mind the college mission and vision. The product of this research not only established a professional development program but also the Institutional Policy in this field. Main question • What are the characteristics of a model for a Professional Development Program at ÚNICA? Sub questions • What are the strategies that a professional development program for undergraduate professors at ÚNICA should include? • How can the specific professional development needs and interests of faculty members at ÚNICA be established in an institutional policy? Theoretical Framework In order to be better informed about which could be the most appropriate way to approach the creation of a professional development program at ÚNICA, there was the need to explore some theories that provided a foundation for its creation as well as for the expected outcomes and shortcomings. To this end, ideas in relation to professional development, its relation with empowerment, the possible models, requirements and modes are explained below within a curriculum development methodology. Professional Development (PD) Professional development is a complex term to define since it has been used in connection with other aspects of teaching such as training, appraisal, supervision and professional identity. Wallace (1991) explains that the difference between training and development lies on who does 120 the action; training indicates that the action is played upon teachers by someone else, usually an expert, while development indicates a sense of agency, that is to say, an action taken by teachers themselves in order to gain new learning experiences. For the purpose of this study, professional development is understood as the voluntary ongoing process in which teachers get involved for acquiring, renewing or widening their knowledge and practices for the benefit of the students, the educational institutions and education in general. It implies a commitment to reflection and change in order to maintain a critical attitude to established theories and practices and their relation with particular contexts (Rodríguez and Granados, 2012). PD and Empowerment One of the ideas behind offering a PD program at ÚNICA was empowering faculty. Kreisberg (1992) and Short (1994) define teacher empowerment as the process in which faculty members develop the competence to take charge of their own growth, resolve their problems and meet the needs they require for their particular workplace. Smith and Lotven (1994) add that empowerment entails the exercise of power in the search for occupational improvement, professional autonomy and the improvement of education in general. Model for PD The reflective model used for the PD program has the purpose of linking received knowledge, obtained by means of research, with the knowledge acquired through practice. Therefore, the experiences of the teachers are valued since they enrich research and foster professional competence. Knezevic and Scholl (in Freeman and Richards, 1991) explain that reflection has the power of helping the teacher to connect experience with theoretical knowledge to use the area of expertise more efficiently. Modes of Teaching and Learning in PD Programs For the PD program at ÚNICA workshops, tutorials, coaching, observation, among others were used. These modes were selected because they were centered on the needs and dynamics of the particular setting where the interactions and the dynamics were reflected on, questioned and acted upon. Below, each one of the modes is briefly defined: 121 122 Research Design Curriculum development provides a baseline to organize any proposal that implies a series of steps in any program implementation; it is not exclusive to syllabus or course design. For the program, Graves’ model (1996) provided a framework for curriculum development (see Figure 1.1) which is systematic. It includes some steps that permit course developers or curriculum specialists design appropriate programs. As in this specific case, the goal was to design a professional development program, such methodology provided the necessary steps for our own proposal. Based on this, the PD model was designed as follows: Goals of the Professional Development Program at ÚNICA The professional development program had as main goals: 1. To provide teacher development in the areas UNICA professors consider relevant 2. To empower faculty 3. To assure quality in education by providing opportunities for professional development 123 Implementation The execution of each one of the different phases of the Professional Development Model is explained concisely in the following section. Phase 1 Needs Analysis Following the proposed steps for Curriculum Development stated in the model, the research team did some needs analysis by means of two questionnaires. The purpose of these instruments was to gather information about the participants’ profile which let us identify professors’ academic background, areas of interest, experiences, and expectations to plan phase 2 of the PD Program proposed. Also, questionnaires allowed researchers to do some benchmarking to see what other institutions were doing in terms of professional development. General results of this first phase are summarized as follows: Table 1. Summary of Needs Analysis 124 Phase 2 – Action Plan The information gathered through the needs analysis and the theoretical construct let the research team plan the structure of the program. Forasmuch as one of the goals of this project was to empower faculty and to assure quality in education, different options were either identified as already being used at the teacher preparation program or proposed as new alternatives to grow professionally. Structure Workshops and seminars on methodologies, approaches and/or strategies on topics proposed by the faculty body. E.g. Differentiated teaching and sheltered instruction Conferences and symposia where professors or students display their finished or developing research projects, they also talk about different issues related to methodology or classroom. E.g. Research in Action event and Ethics Matters Pursuing postgraduate studies. E.g. Specialization, M.A or PhD Observation. E.g. Class observation, visiting schools or other universities Research on different topics. E.g. Action research projects Mentoring and coaching programs. E.g.: SIOP Coaching Collaborative groups including tutoring on topics that are axis at the college. E.g. Support in the use of Moodle. Academic Readings. E.g. articles, book chapters Academic dialog. E.g. Meetings with other professors Team Teaching. E.g. Co-teaching and Interdisciplinary lessons Table 2. PD modalities UNICA 125 Phase 3 – Professional Development Strategies/Modalities The PD alternatives for professors at the college are explained as follows: 1. Workshops and seminars Workshops were usually on methodologies, approaches and/or strategies on the topics suggested by the faculty body through the questionnaire and documentation done in the needs analysis. By doing these workshops, administrators expected to create a collaborative culture of professional growth based on the reflection and self evaluation of current practices. Some of the workshops offered were: 2. Virtual Coaching After the Moodle workshop, a coaching relationship was built among the facilitator and the participants; reason why administrative staff asked teachers to require personal support when needed and also to participate in virtual coaching if preferred due to time constraints, for example. In order to be consistent with these new scenarios for learning, professors could participate in three different ways in virtual coaching. First, they were familiarized with technology by attending the workshop Making Connections. Second, the facilitator created a tutorial that included a forum 126 where professors could express how their process was going. Third, in order to involve the whole community in the learning process a series of posters (see figure 1.2) containing links to tutorials were sent to each faculty member. Figure 1.2 3. Mentoring and Coaching Program Novice and new teachers in the faculty received support and assistance in institutional practices through a mentoring program. Keeping in mind the college offers a bilingual program and it has adopted Sheltered Instruction as a model, teachers need to incorporate the principles of Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) and lately, Two-Way Instruction Observation Protocol (TWIOP) into their lesson planning. In order to guarantee that every new teacher is aware of SIOP a Coaching Program was offered. 4. Reading Academic Articles and Documents/ Academic Discussions Once professors belong to the faculty, they belong to an academic community and are treated like that. As a consequence, during the semester different opportunities to read academic documents were given; for instance, during research group, faculty, and administrative staff meetings. Some of the readings were on: a. b. c. d. e. Brain and bilingualism Brain and technology Rubrics GLAD Model Technology and learning 127 One of the aspects to improve this modality of PD has to do with the fact of giving readings related to workshop topics. 5. Research The Ministry of Education in Chapter I, Art.3 Decree 272, 1998 stated that all academic programs in the area of Education should prepare professionals able to understand and solve educational problems towards human development through the development of research competences as literal (f) explains: f) Desarrollar y mantener una actitud de indagación que, enriquecida con teorías y modelos investigativos, permita la reflexión disciplinada de la práctica educativa y el avance del conocimiento pedagógico y didáctico Keeping in mind that the methodology of Action Research had been adopted by the college for both graduate and undergraduate programs, and also that this methodology analyzes, most of the times, situations in the class environment giving the characteristic of a pedagogical process within the rigor of systematic data collection analysis and interpretation, the research groups were restructured and research projects were developed along within a one-year time frame. This PD strategy permitted not only full-time educators but part-time and students to generate their own projects, lead practices and disseminate with the community. Another important achievement in terms of PD has to do with the fact that researchers produced knowledge. 6. Conferences and Seminars ÚNICA sponsors professors who want to disseminate practices from the college in diverse events. In this sense there are multiple options to participate in local, national, or even international events. For instance, as part of PD opportunities for professors, and mainly to motivate students to get involved in research the Research in Action event was proposed. Research in Action “has as a main goal to disseminate the research projects in progress or finished by our undergraduate students at UNICA. The projects address issues related to bilingual education, teacher preparation and language learning innovations. Besides Research sessions, participants attend additional activities like The Research Tips Fair and the Research Forum which gather students and teachers together to talk about research.” 128 7. Study Groups Stanley (2011) examined existing literature on professional development within teacher communities to analyze the factors that contribute to their success or failure and distill recommendations to focus in particular on the needs of teachers. One of the options is to engage in collaborative teacher study groups. 8. Team Teaching Co-planning was implemented during 2012-I. However, at present time it is not possible to provide results of this practice due to time constraints. It is expected to conduct an evaluation and documentation of this practice next semester as it happens with the study groups. 9. Observation ÚNICA had previously adapted SIOP protocol observation format to its current needs. Preobservation conferences and after observation conferences were done. In conclusion, the PD structure offered may be defined as varied, inviting, structured and goaloriented. First, there were different options to participate, second, it considered everyone in the academic field, and third, each option was well organized and documented; finally, it served the accreditation processes the college might eventually carry out Phase 4 – Creation of an Academic Community Thanks to the execution of this project, faculty was empowered in different ways, first of all, networking around areas of research interest were fostered. Additionally, faculty members able to offer PD opportunities nationally, and even internationally, were identified. In fact, the number of professors offering PD opportunities increased significantly. 129 Phase 5- Evaluation of PD process In order to carry out an evaluation of the different activities proposed in here, qualitative and quantitative data was collected. A questionnaire to the faculty, an interview to full-time teachers and part-time teachers who delivered any PD component and an evaluation format for workshops were implemented. Based on this general evaluation of the model the following are some recommendations to continue this curricular implementation: 1. Video record PD sessions like workshops, seminars, conferences and use them for the Video Project proposed by the dean/academic director. 2. Do a follow-up to each one of the structures of PD. 3. Carry out preparation stages for each one of the options. For example, before attending workshops, it is advisory to hand in readings on the different issues. 4. Make sure people involved in PD understand the objective of each option. It avoids frustration when facing some topics which are not new for some faculty. 5. Document each PD outcome. 6. Include in the Proyecto Educativo Institucional(PEI)all the aspects related to the Professional Development Program Conclusion In conclusion, faculty may be empowered by offering a well structured and designed Professional Development Program that goes beyond offering knowledge to creating a culture of constructing and sharing knowledge. 130 References Diaz-Maggioli, G. (2003). Professional Development for Language Teachers. ERIC Digest. Edo-fl-03-03. August 2003 Freeman, D. & Richards, J. (1996).Teacher Learning in Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Garmston, R. & Wellman, B. (1998).Teacher talk that makes a difference. Educational Leadership, p. 31. Graves, K. (1996). Teachers as Course Developers. New York: Cambridge University Press. Kreisberg, S. (1992).Transforming power: Domination, empowerment and education. New York: StateUniversity of New York Press. MEN.(2010) Políticas y sistema colombiano de formación y desarrollo profesional docente. Pollard, A. (1997). Reflective teaching in primary education. London: Cassell. Rodriguez-Bonces, M. and Granados, Carlo (2012) Creating a Culture of Faculty Empowerment through Professional Development. (Article in revision) Richards, J.C. (1998). Beyond Training. Perspective in Language Teacher Education. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Short, P. M. (1994). ‘Defining teacher empowerment’. Education. 114 (4), 488–492. Smith, J. M., & Lotven, B. A. (1993). Teacher empowerment in a rural setting: Fact versus fantasy. Education. 93 (113), 457–464 Stanley, A. (2011). Professional Development within Collaborative Teacher Study Groups: Pitfalls and Promises. Arts Education Policy Review. 2011, Vol. 112 Issue 2, p. 71-78. Wallace, M. (1991).Training Foreign Language Teachers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Wong, K. & Nicotera, A. (2003).Enhancing Teacher Quality: Peer Coaching as a Professional Development Strategy. A Preliminary Synthesis of the Literature. Vanderbilt University Publication Series No. 5 131 Daniel Valderrama [email protected] Maira Rodriguez [email protected] Cell Phones off? A Thing of the Past Abstract The use of information and communication technologies (ICT’s) has been advocated as an effective mechanism to foster students’ success in their language learning experience. ICT’s not only arouse students’ interest in using the language but they also provide dynamic spaces for meaningful communication to take place (Bawden, 2001). Having this in mind, Colombian EFL classrooms are constantly calling for creative alternatives to optimize the inclusion of technology in the language classroom in ways that cater to our diverse population of learners. Currently, EFL teachers have a growing repertoire of internet-based activities. Computers seem to be taking over the pedagogical scene but, what about cell phones? Aren’t they meant to be used for communication? This demonstration shows an initiative to enhance the use of cell phones in the communicative language classroom. Making the case that cell phones should be used in L2 as naturally and purposefully as in L1 (Chinnery, 2006), and based on the principles of task-based learning, five core activities will be socialized. These activities include text messaging, voice recording, taking pictures and, of course, making phone calls. Presenters will walk the audience through the possible ways to implement these activities and make suggestions on how to adapt them to different teaching contexts. Attendees will be encouraged to keep their cell phones on. Body of the Presentation The language classroom has a striking beauty not only because it is a melting pot of cultures, world-views, identities, and experiences, but also because it is flexible to welcome innovations in terms of technologies, activities, and approaches. In the digital era, emerging information and communication technologies (ICT’s) have permeated the learning experience enabling new forms 132 of interaction and participation (Kern, 2006). Currently, EFL teachers have a growing repertoire of internet-based activities. Computers seem to be taking over the pedagogical scene but, what about cell phones? Aren’t they meant to be used for communication, too? The present description is an initiative to enhance the use of cell phones in the communicative language classroom. First, we present three guiding principles that, we believe, ought to be observed when incorporating cell phones or any other innovative device into our classes. Next, we introduce five sample activities that provide the reader with ideas on how to make the most of cell phones with students. Finally, we share some considerations based on our own experiences, successes, and... not so good times. Rather than simply show a list of activities that can be replicated in any class, our objective is to equip teachers with some necessary tools, both conceptual and practical, so as to design and implement more innovations effectively. With this purpose in mind, we want to present the following principles that orient and underpin the use of cell phones and any other ICT. Principle 1: Tools come and go; the desire for communication stays. Cell phones should not be used for the sake of variety. Many times, it seems like the purpose of an activity is to simply use a particular tool rather than to really “communicate” with others. When using cell phones, it is of paramount importance that we set a clear communicative purpose. The rationale behind the inclusion of ICT’s is that they not only arouse students’ interest in using the language but they also provide dynamic spaces for meaningful communication to take place (Bawden, 2001). Therefore, the message students will exchange should seek to be as relevant and motivating as the fact of using their mobiles. Principle 2: Authentic tools should not serve unauthentic purposes. The type of activities that students engage in through the use of cell phones ought to constitute daily-life-like encounters. Asking students to sit down next to each other, take out their cell phone, put it against their ear and pretend they are having a phone conversation is not a sign of authenticity. Asking students to call a partner to practice a conversation from the book signals a waste in the potential of such tool. Cell phones should be used in L2 as naturally and purposefully as in L1 (Chinnery, 2006). Therefore, as teachers, we need to ensure that students not only have something to say (a message) but they also have a genuine reason to give/take such message. In the previous principle, we suggested setting a clear communicative purpose (or outcome), now we are suggesting that such purpose be authentic. In the sample activities below, we provide some examples of communicative purposes. For further reading on communicative outcomes within task-based learning visit: 133 Principle 3: Success does not depend on the tool but on effective planning. Another risk in incorporating cell phones in our classes is that we may hold very high expectations on the tool as such and we may disregard the importance of careful planning. There are several aspects that need consideration and preparation before simply having students use their cell phones in class. To name but a few, we need to think of the overall lesson objectives and how cell phones fit in the big picture in terms of topic and target language (grammar, vocabulary, etc.). We need to know the kind of cell phones our students have and whether they will need airtime. We need to think of the language students will need and the instructions we will give. In short, the tool in itself does not make the magic happen. Having discussed some key principles for the use of cell phones in our classes, let us take a look at five sample activities. It should be stated that this is not a finished inventory of what we can do with cell phones; rather it seeks to be a jumping-off point for teachers to put their creativity at work. Activity 1: Calling a classmate It is necessary to start by getting our students familiar with telephone language. That is, with the appropriate expressions to start a conversation, to ask about someone, and to deal with common problems on the phone (e.g. I can’t hear you or we got a bad connection, among others). You can get a printable list of these expressions on the Internet or you can use a video from Youtube. com (see references at the end). Now, there are several reasons why people call their friends: from asking for a favor to simply catching up. The latter will be the reason to call in this activity, especially when your lesson is about recent past activities or things you are doing these days (the present continuous). You can ask students to make a short list of things they have done recently and to include something good that has happened to them recently. Then students will exchange phone numbers and decide who will call and who will receive the call (make sure that everyone has a partner). Those who will call should step out of the classroom and make the call. The purpose of this activity is to find out about something good that has happened to their peers recently. (Students need to have credit in their cell phones for this activity) Activity 2: Calling to find out about a service There are several places in town with bilingual staff, especially those related to the tourism industry such as hotels and car rentals. You can shortlist some phone numbers and ask students to plan what questions they may ask and be asked. Then students can call and get as much information as possible with the purpose of choosing the option that offers the best deal. (Students need to have credit in their cell phones for this activity) 134 Activity 3: Making an invitation through a text-message When talking about plans for the weekend, you can ask students to think up a good plan and get ready to invite a classmate. Ask students to get the phone number of three classmates and send them a message inviting them to do something on the weekend. Each student will receive three invitations, so the purpose of the activity is to choose the most interesting invitation. Make sure students reply to their partners whether accepting or declining the invitation. (Students need to have credit in their cell phones for this activity) Activity 4: Recording a story In advance, ask students to bring a short story that teaches a moral. After having rehearsed pronunciation and intonation patterns, students are to record in their cell phones as they read the story aloud. Then, ask students to swap their cell phones with a partner and listen to it. The purpose of this activity is for students to infer the moral. Finally, students get together and discuss their interpretation of the story. (The voice recorder feature is necessary for this activity) Activity 5: Making a digital photo album When talking about the family, the home, or the neighborhood, you can ask students to take pictures of their favorite people, places, or objects (depending on the topic) for homework. The following class, students have to think of reasons for their choices and how to describe each item. Then students get in pairs or small groups and show each other their photos as they ask and answer questions about each picture. The purpose of this activity is to get to know their classmates better. To wrap up the work, you can ask students to write one interesting thing they learned about their partners. We strongly encourage teachers to come up with variations of the activities above and to design their own. Likewise, we hope the following considerations come in handy as much as they sound like common sense: • When distributing phone numbers, make sure that every student will receive a phone call. Sometimes you will have to participate as one of the callers. • Announce in advance when students need to get credit or air time so that they can actually make the call. Be ready to lend your cell phone to one of the students. Show a sensitive attitude so as to avoid making people feel uncomfortable. Keep in mind that some students are not willing to share their cell phone numbers with others as a way to keep their privacy. 135 • Other students might feel embarrassed of their cell phones or may not have one, so restrain peers from making negative comments about this. • As with any other tool, use it but do not abuse it. If you use cell phones very often, it will become predictable and students will lose interest. • Let your students share ideas with you about what kind of activities could be done with cell phones. They will surprise you. • Finally, remember to enjoy every minute of each activity; there is no better motivation-trigger than teacher’s enthusiasm. References: Bawden, D. (2001). Information and Digital Literacies: a review of concepts. Journal of Documentation, 57, 218-259. Chinnery, G. 2006.Going to the MALL: Mobile assisted language learning. Language Learning and Technology. 10 (1): 9–16. Kern, R. (2006). Perspectives on Technology in Learning and teaching languages. TESOL Quarterly, 40, 1, 183-210. For more information on telephone expressions visit: 136 Astrid Wilches [email protected] You Tube: How to Effectively Use Internet Videos in the EFL Classroom Abstract In a digital world where people live and work with technology, it seems reasonable to adapt new media and Internet to education. One popular resource teachers in Colombia are interested in is digital and online videos for English learning, which offer varied possibilities to enhance this process. EFL teachers are aware of the different possibilities Internet videos offer and they are willing and motivated to try this tool out to teach English. However, with the amount of options available and the lack of training in this area, some of them might feel overwhelmed and not confident about where to start or how to conduct a class using videos activities. This presentation is intended to offer teachers a general guidance on finding, adapting and using Internet videos more effectively for the English language classroom. Context At first, the idea of watching a video seems a good alternative for teachers to change the routine of the class. But after spending a great deal of time and energy trying to find the most suitable video, it turns out to be difficult to understand, students lose interest, get frustrated, then the video is over, some comprehension questions are handed out and the activity is over. Then, teachers might wonder what went wrong if using Internet in class is supposed to be good. In some cases, the experience is not very successful. Either because the video is part of the textbook and is taken as another class activity, or because it is an Internet video that is not used appropriately. This failure may be due to the lack of appropriate motivation, scaffolding and strategies to use an Internet video in class. This presentation aims to guide teachers through the process of learning how and where to find appropriate videos, how to adapt them to their contexts and how to use them more effectively in the language classroom. 137 Rationale Video viewing is beneficial for English learning in terms of language and culture but it also has some pedagogical implications. In regards to the first two, Internet videos can provide rich input environments (Tschirner, 2001) in which students can get in contact with authentic visual and auditory material. A rich and varied authentic oral input is known to be an essential “prerequisite for achieving oral competence” (Tschirner, 2001). Thanks to this feature, students can see how real English is used in specific contexts, learn from the culture that uses that language and learn from the world in a vicarious way (Laurillard, 1995). This vicarious learning is another benefit provided by video viewing. Students learn by observing the behavior of others in different places and cultures. Videos bring the world into the classroom, take people to places, inform them about an issue or illustrate processes that could not be otherwise seen (Snelson & Perkins, 2009). Videos present situations and contexts that cannot be described easily in class and enable students to acquire understanding of cultural issues that perhaps are not made explicit but that are part of the language use. But to effectively use this tool in class, it is necessary to integrate video viewing activities into the dynamics of the class. It requires careful planning and organization to use the video as a part of the class and not as a supplement or a prize. Internet videos can be used as a bridge to start exploring other online tools that can be interlinked with other online sites or as a part of a virtual learning environment (Karppinen, 2005). This implies reorganization of class dynamics (use of scaffolding and strategies) and language approach since online tools empower students and promote more active learning. These tools help students access information, interpret, organize and represent knowledge (Jonassen, 2000, cited in Karppinen, 2005) in a different fashion from regular lessons or exercises. This process of integrating and using video activities in class requires careful design and planning to use it for meaningful learning. It is crucial to prepare sequential activities that “connect visual systems to verbal ones” (Swaffar&Vlatten, 1997) to aid understanding. This presentation’s sequence is divided in three general sections of finding, adapting and using Internet videos more effectively in the language classroom. Sequence To use Internet videos in class more successfully it is essential to know how and where to find appropriate videos in a more efficient way. Learning the essentials of web searching through engines and web pages is the first step. Getting the resources to deal with hassles such as lack of Internet connection, time or training, is the next step. Then, it is crucial to find a purpose for watching a video. This needs to be adapted to the specific context of the class and it aims 138 at reaching a communicative goal. When the purpose and objectives are set, scaffolding the activities facilitates the use and understanding of the video. This scaffolding means that every activity must be logically connected and the assessment and guidance has to be present from beginning to end, preparing the students before, during and after watching a video. A good idea to finish this process is to encourage students to create their own video following the model given. This is a clear, measurable, meaningful outcome that can consolidate their language learning process. References Laurillard, D (1995) Multimedia and the changing experience of the learner. British Journal of Educational Technology. 26 (3) 179-189. Karppinen, P. (2005) Meaningful learning with digital videos and online videos: Theoretical perspectives. AACE Journal, 13 (3) 233-250. Perkins, R. & Snelson, C. (2010) From Silent Films to YouTube TM: Tracing the Historical roots of motion pictures technologies in education. Journal of Visual Literacy 28 (1) Swaffar, J. & Vlatten, A. (1997) A sequential model for video viewing in the foreign language curriculum. The Modern Language Journal, 81, ii, 1997. Tschirner, E. (2001) Language acquisition in the classroom: The role of digital video, Computer-assisted Language Learning, 14:3-4, 305-319. 139 Yamith José Fandiño Parra La Salle University, School of Education Sciences [email protected]; [email protected] 21st Century Skills for the EFL Classroom Abstract Today, EFL teachers need to use new approaches that develop content, culture, technology, and lifelong skills. In this regard, the Partnership for 21stCenturySkills (2007) argued for the explicit integration of learning and innovation skills, information, media and digital literacy skills and life and career skills. To them, classrooms should provide students with practices focused on acquiring and developing, among other things, critical thinking, collaboration, self-direction and cross-cultural skills. Consequently, EFL classrooms need to be filled with meaningful and intellectually stimulating activities that allow students to understand complex perspectives, use multiple media and technologies, and work creatively with others. Introduction Today’s English foreign language (EFL) learners have varied backgrounds, a multiplicity of achievement levels, and diverse learning styles. These characteristics impact their ability to learn and use a foreign language (Ananiadou & Claro, 2009). At the same time, these learners are not simply interested in achieving a high command of the different language skills needed in social situations. They are also concerned with the acquisition of the formal academic skills demanded in university . On the other hand, our world is increasingly globalized and digitized, which, according to Varis (2007), has consequences and demands in people’s educational and working life. In this regard, Lotherington and Jenson (2011) stated globalization and digitization have reshaped the communication landscape, affecting how and with whom we communicate, and deeply altering the terrain of language and literacy education. Consequently, the EFL classroom needs to move away from traditional methods focused on language mastering in order to start incorporating new approaches aimed at exploring and developing content, culture, technology, and lifelong skills. It goes without saying that today’s EFL classroom should be different from that of the mid-tolate twentieth century. Shoffner, De Oliveira and Angus (2010) maintained that today’s English 140 classroom requires an extended understanding and enactment of literacy. Rather than an allinclusive single literacy, English teachers must accept the changing and flexible nature of literacies that address areas as diverse as technology, multimedia, relationships and culture. These areas, in turn, require the English classroom to be a space capable of addressing the increasing multiplicity and integration of different modes of meaning-making, where the textual relates to the visual, the audio, the spatial, and the behavioral. One possible way to answer to the new interests and demands of our learners and our society is the explicit work with what experts have called the 21st century skills. 21st Century Skills According to Ledward and Hirata (2011), the 21st century skills are a blend of content knowledge, specific skills, expertise, and literacies necessary to succeed in work and life. These skills, clarified Ledward and Hirata, are more than technological literacy and include proficiency in critical thinking, problem solving, communication, and teamwork. Ultimately, these skills help people thrive the new economy since they help people: a) access, synthesize, and communicate information; b) work collaboratively across differences to solve complex problems; and c) create new knowledge through the innovative use of multiple technologies. The Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21) (2007b) maintained that while today’s schools show the influence of industrial and information age models, the 21stcentury modern school must bring together rigorous content and real-world relevance, by focusing on cognitive skills as well as those in affective and aesthetic domains. To help schools achieve such challenging goals, the P21 (2007a) created a framework for 21st century learning, which consists of core subjects (English, Reading, Language Arts, World Languages, Arts, Mathematics, Economics, Science, Geography, History, and Government and Civics) and interdisciplinary themes (global awareness, financial, economic, business, entrepreneurial literacy, civil literacy, health literacy, and environmental literacy). These subjects and themes center on three core skills: life and career skills, learning and innovation skills, and information, media, and technology skills. See figure below. Figure 1.21st Century Skills Framework. This figure illustrates the main components of the 21st century framework proposed by P21. 141 Each of the three core skills addresses particular areas people need to acquire and develop. Life and career, for instance, describe the ability to be flexible, adaptable, self-directed, socially aware, accountable and responsible. For its part, learning and innovation include the ability to be creative and innovative, critical, problem-solving, communicative and collaborative. Finally, information, media and technology consists of the ability to access and use information, to create and analyze media products, and to apply technology effectively (Trilling & Fadel, 2009). Once studied and incorporated into curriculum, instruction, and assessment, these skills can help schools and teachers integrate learning goals in traditional subject knowledge areas, interdisciplinary and contemporary thematic expertise, and essential skills needed in the 21st century. See table below. Table 1.21st century skills In order to structure the analysis of 21st century skills, several conceptual models have been created. In 2010, the Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century Skills (ATC21S) created a model 142 that defines ten universally accepted 21st century skills into 4 broad categories of competencies, as follows: Table 2. Overall conceptual 21st century skills model Undoubtedly, the 21st century has brought about changes in the way people learn, communicate, and live. The Partnership for 21st Century Skills and the Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century Skills are examples of how certain organizations and research projects are trying to reach common models, standards, and terminologies in 21st century skills around the world. But, how has the 21st century impacted the EFL classroom? Is the discourse about 21st century skills being considered and implemented in English foreign language teaching? Are ideas such as technological expertise, global awareness, and life and career skills being discussed and studied in the EFL classroom? See section below. The EFL classroom in the 21 century Rogers (2000) stated that the 20th century saw an immense amount of activity in language teaching methods and approaches. One of the most well-known methods was and still is Communicative Language Teaching (CLT). With its emphasis on communicative competence, learner-centeredness 10 Kumaravadivelu talked about 5 macrostrategies. Among those, different authors have emphasized three: Maximize learning opportunities, integrate language skills and ensure social relevance. 143 and interaction, not only has CLT influenced syllabus design and methodology, but also, it has paved the way for new methodologies such as content-based instruction (CBI), task-based instruction (TBI) and content and language integrated learning (CLIL) (Richards, 2006). However, some authors believed methods are expert-constructed prescriptions for practice that have both pedagogic limitations and insidious sociocultural and political agendas (Allright& Bailey, 1991; Stern, 1992). Kumaravadivelu (1994) identified what he called the ‘postmethod condition’, where teachers must be capable of adapting their approach in accordance with local, contextual factors, while at the same time being guided by a number of macrostrategies . These macrostrategies, explained Kumaravadivelu, are broad guidelines that teachers use to generate their own situationspecific classroom techniques and, ultimately, to construct their own theory of practice. Nowadays, English cannot be treated as a simple linguistic code or, even, as a set of competences. Instead, English should be regarded as a global language that people can use to express their local identities and to communicate intelligibly with the world (Crystal, 2006). As a consequence of this new perspective, Eaton (2010) stated that today’s EFL classroom is no longer focused on grammar, memorization and learning from rote. Rather, it is conceived of as a space to learn to use language and cultural knowledge as a means to connect to others around the globe. As a result, argued Eaton, there is a case for a reconceptualized field that is more learner-centered, more collaborative and more technologically driven. As part of that reconceptualization of the EFL classroom, teachers can resort to 21st century skills. But, how can these skills be incorporated into the EFL classroom? See the discussion below. 21st Century Skills in the EFL classroom Chang and Tung (2009) contended that EFL students should not be asked to work alone on assignments emphasizing short-term content memorization, nor should they do assignments which focus on translation or allow sloppily put-together pieces of model phrases and sentences from the textbook. Instead, they suggested using project-based learning (PBL) to help students analyze the problems, investigate possible solutions, make decisions, create designs, and solve problems. On the one hand, PBL encourages students to work relatively autonomously over extended periods of time and come up with realistic products or presentations in the end. On the other hand, instructors are facilitators, who do not directly provide students with correct answers but guide them in the learning process and offer them feedback. PBL seems, maintained Chang and Tung, to be a valid alternative for incorporating 21st century skills into the teaching of English. For her part, Black (2009) stated that rapid English language learners need activities based on new technological tools and semiotic forms that can offer them opportunities for the development of both standard language proficiency and digital literacy and 21st skills. She believed multimodal practices such as instant messaging, social networks, digital storytelling and media redesigning should be used to teach and learn English so that students can engage in creative manipulation 144 of popular cultural and textual artifacts. By doing so, she argued, students cannot only represent themselves, but also communicate in online spaces by mixing text, image and sound. In my opinion, in order to infuse the EFL classroom with 21st century skills, teachers and students can work with both or either Multiliteracy and Multimodal Communicative Competence. According to Dupuy (2011), multiliteracy expands the traditional language-based notion of literacy – the ability to read and write– to include not only the ability to produce and interpret texts, but also a critical awareness of the relationships between texts, discourse conventions, and social and cultural contexts. Such ability, asserted Dupuy, prepares learners to participate in diverse discourse communities and fosters the critical engagement they need to design their social futures. In this regard, Elsner (2001) maintained that language learners today need to be able to cope with different kinds of texts, including interactive, linear and nonlinear texts, texts with several possible meanings, texts being delivered on paper, screens, or live, and texts that comprise one or more semiotic systems. However, Haut (2010) pointed out that EFL teachers should not only incorporate different types of texts, modes of language and discourses. They should also give explicit instruction detailing the inherent conventions so that students can learn to move between discourses and become both aware and critical of the intrinsic features that are portrayed. On the other hand, Royce (2007) states that, given the changes in communication modes and conventions in recent years, EFL classrooms need to be increasingly concerned with developing students’ multimodal communicative competence. To him, teachers should begin to focus on and develop students’ abilities in visual literacy, and to develop a pedagogical metalanguage to facilitate these abilities when images co-occur with spoken and written modes. In this line of thought, Heberle (2010) defines multimodal communicative competence as the knowledge and use of language concerning the visual, gestural, audio and spatial dimensions of communication, including computer-mediated-communication. To her, the familiarization of EFL learners with different kinds of multimodal texts and semiotic meanings can help them be better prepared for different literacy practices in their professional and sociocultural experiences with native and non-native speakers of English. Concretely, she suggested using task-based or content-based instruction with interpretive analysis and discussions of images in order to make EFL learners approach images as sociocultural constructions and, ultimately, to expand their skills in learning English. Conclusion The 21st century demands the explicit integration of learning and innovation skills, information, media and digital literacy skills and life and career skills. Consequently, schools in general and EFL classrooms in particular should provide students with practices and processes focused on acquiring and developing, among other things, creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, 145 media literacy, initiative and self-direction, and social and cross-cultural skills. Ultimately, EFL classrooms need to be filled with meaningful and intellectually stimulating activities, practices, and processes that allow students not just to articulate thoughts and ideas effectively using oral, written and nonverbal communication, but to understand complex perspectives, use multiple media and technologies, make judgments and decisions and work creatively with others. References Allwright, R. L., & K. M. Bailey (1991). Focus on the language classroom. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Ananiadou, K., & M. Claro (2009). 21st Century Skills and Competences for New Millennium Learners in OECD Countries. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 41. France: OECD Publishing. doi: 10.1787/218525261154 Assessment and teaching of 21st century skills (2010). Draft White Paper 1. Defining 21st century skills. Melborune: Author. Black, R. (2009). English-Language learners, fan communities, and 21stCentury skills. Journal of adolescent and adult literacy, 52(8), 688-697. Chang, S-Y., & Tung, C-A. (2009). Incorporating 21st century skills into business English instruction. Feng Chia Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, (19), 255-286. Retrieved from f1263802406519.pdf Crystal, D. (2006). English worldwide. In R. Hogg & D. Denison (Eds.), A history of the English Language, 420-439. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Cummins, J. (2008). BICS and CALP: Empirical and Theoretical Status of the Distinction. In Street, B. & Hornberger, N. H. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Language and Education (2nd Edition), Volume 2: Literacy (pp. 71-83). New York: Springer Science + Business Media LLC. Dupuy, B. (2011). CLIL: Achieving its goals through a multiliteracies framework. Latin American Journal of Content & Language Integrated Learning, 4(2), 21-32. 146 Eaton, S.E. (2010). Global Trends in Language Learning in the Twenty-first Century. Calgary: Onate Press. Elsner, D. (2011). Developing multiliteracies, plurilingual awareness and critical thinking in the primary language classroom with multilingual virtual talkingbooks. Encuentro, 20, 27-38. Haut, M. (2010).Teachers’ enactment of multiliteracies in the English language arts. Unpublished master’s thesis, University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada. Herbele, V. (2010).Multimodal literacy for teenage EFL students. Cadernos de Letras, (27), 101-116. Retrieved from numeros/122010/textos/cl301220100viviane.pdf Kumaravadivelu, B. (1994). The postmethod condition: Emerging strategies for second/foreign language teaching. TESOL Quarterly, 28(1), 27–48. Ledward, B. C., & Hirata, D. (2011).An overview of 21st century skills. Summary of 21st Century Skills for Students and Teachers. Honolulu: Kamehameha Schools–Research & Evaluation. Lotherington, H., & Jenson, J. (2011).Teaching Multimodal and Digital Literacy in L2Settings: New Literacies, New Basics, New Pedagogies. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 31, 226–246. Partnership for 21stCentury Skills.(2007a). Framework for 21st century learning. Washington, DC: Author. Partnership for 21st Century Skills. (2007b). The intellectual and policy foundations of the 21st century skills framework. Washington, DC: Author. Partnership for 21stCentury Skills. (2008). Teaching and learning for the 21st century: Report and recommendations of the Arizona summit on 21st century skills. Washington, DC: Author. Partnership for 21st Century Skills.(2009). Framework for21st Century Learning.Washington, DC: Author. Richards, J. (2006). Communicative language teaching today. Cambridge: Cambridge university press. 147 Rogers, T. (2000). Methodology in the new millennium.English teaching forum, 38(2). Retrieved from forum/archives/docs/00-38-2-b.pdf Royce, T. (2007).Multimodal communicative competence in second language contexts. In T. Royce & W. Bowcher (Eds.), New Directions in the Analysis of Multimodal Discourse (pp. 361-390). New York: Routledge. Retrieved from Shoffner, M., De Oliveira, L., & Angus, R. (2010). Multiliteracies in the secondary English classroom: Becoming literate in the 21st century. English Teaching: Practice and critique, 9(1), 75-89. Stern, H. H. (1992). Issues and Options in Language Teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Trilling, B.,&Fadel, C. (2009).21st century skills: learning for life in our times. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Varis, T. (2007).New technologies and innovation in higher education and regional development. Revista de Universidad y Sociedad del Conocimiento, 4(11), 16-24. Retrieved from 148 Luis Osorio, Natalia Salazar Centro Colombo Americano – Medellín [email protected], [email protected] Fostering Autonomy Among 5 to 10 Year Old Kids in the EFL Classroom Abstract The new tendencies in the teaching of foreign languages require students to be very active participants in their learning process. The classroom environment in which students are exposed to the language needs to be encouraging and has to make students feel more motivated to be increasingly more competent and self-determined in order to assume more responsibility. Through correct instruction, students can become semi-autonomous learners and start the process of learning how to learn. When students are able to apply different strategies to other experiences and other environments, they become autonomous learners, thus making learning a more meaningful experience and changing the teacher’s role from expert to advisor. Fostering autonomy among 5 to 10 year old kids in the EFL classroom Autonomy Autonomous learning is a process that students carry out on their own without any external influence by teachers, tutors or mentors. On the whole, when we think about autonomous students, we think about adults, but what about children? Children are usually viewed as people who need to be guided or instructed by others (e.g. teachers, parents, etc.). However, through our daily practices we have noticed that children can be autonomous or semi-autonomous learners too, if they are given the appropriate input. It is important to know that autonomous learning is in no way a teacher less process. In an autonomous classroom, both teacher and students have very clear and important roles. But before discussing those roles, let us understand what Venson&Voller (1997) defined as autonomy: 149 a. The ability to take charge of one’s learning b. Situations in which learners study entirely on their own c. Set of skills which can be learned and applied in self-directed learning d. Inborn capacity which is suppressed by institutional education e. Exercise of learners’ responsibility for their own learning f. Right of learners to determine the direction of their own learning In the field of language education, different authors explain autonomy by means of innumerable synonyms too: independence, language awareness, self-direction, and andragogy, among others. Likewise, autonomy can be understood as the learners’ motivation towards and capacity to control their own learning and as a practical process that involves actively searching for meaning from events. In this process, the teachers’ role is a shift from suppliers of information or experts, to counselors and managers of the learning resources. The autonomy-promoting teacher lets students discuss ideas and share information to get agreements and thus, solve problems. The autonomous learner The autonomous learner is a self-activated maker of meaning; he is the one in charge of taking a proactive role in the learning process. Autonomous learners choose objectives (aims) and purposes. Here are some characteristics of the autonomous learner: Autonomous learners: a. have understanding of their learning styles and strategies b. take an active approach to the learning task at hand c. are enthusiastic to take risks to communicate in the target language by all means d. are good at making predictions e. pay attention to both form and content f. have an open-minded and outgoing approach to the target language 150 Conditions for learner autonomy There are certain conditions that are necessary for students to become autonomous learners. It is necessary to have a set of strategies both cognitive and metacognitive, as well as motivation, attitudes and knowledge about language learning. • Learning strategies: special thoughts or behavior students use to help them comprehend, learn, or retain new information. • Cognitive strategies: how to manage the incoming information to handle it and enrich learning. Students may use any of the following: a) Repetition b) Resourcing c) Translation d) Note-taking e) Deduction f) Contextualization g) Transfer h) Inferring i) Questioning for clarification • Metacognitive strategies: Skills used for planning monitoring, and evaluating the learning task: a) directed attention, when deciding in advance to concentrate on general aspects of a task; b) selective attention, paying attention to specific aspects of a task; c) self-monitoring, i.e., checking one’s performance as one speaks; d) self-evaluation, i.e., appraising one’s performance in relation to one’s own standards; e) self-reinforcement, rewarding oneself for success. 151 Promoting autonomy Teachers can promote and help students become autonomous through different strategies. For example, teachers can suggest students to make a presentation based on a topic previously worked in class and let students decide on how they want to present their work. In other situations teachers can create a “standard performance” check list and let students assess their work based on the list; in this way, students are able to see how they are doing and can decide if they need to make some changes to better their performance in future tasks. In some other cases, teachers can assign a task to be done and let students report while performing. Then teachers can focus their attention on the arising difficulties related to literacy development and any other language skill (reading, listening, writing and speaking). However, there are some drawbacks on the use of self-reports. For example, through this approach students might feel they are constantly being evaluated on their performance, and therefore, they may go back to old beliefs and behavioral self-consciousness and never be fully autonomous. By promoting students’ autonomy in the classroom teachers promote a change in roles. Traditionally, we have had teacher-centered classes in which the student is a passive agent and the teacher is the source of knowledge. Through this approach, the classroom environment changes as students move from a subordinated to an active role and teachers move from a dictatorial to an advising role. Teachers’ practice evidence of autonomy Through our daily practices we have seen how our students have been moving in the different stages towards becoming more autonomous. Sometimes such change from dependable pupils to self-directed learners goes so smoothly that neither students nor teachers can be really aware of when or how such changes took place. By means of implementing student-centered tasks, we have helped students reach a level of selfawareness that can be fostered and implemented in any other classes under the guidance of any other teacher. Certain strategies used in our classes have helped us become more conscious of our learners’ needs, weaknesses and strengths. Those strategies come in the form of teacher and learner strategies that we have implemented in our daily practices. Such strategies can be seen as the means by which we tackled a specific task. That is to say, depending on the kind of task, we can make decisions on how to deal with the attitudes adopted by students. It does not mean that we direct our students’ behavior towards in-class procedures; on the contrary, by knowing what the expected and actual reactions are, we can help our students by providing them with some ideas on how to develop the appropriate learning strategies. To sum up, fostering autonomy in the EFL classroom is a process that requires both, teachers and students’ active participation; the former as an advisor, the latter as an active self-aware 152 participant. Even though roles change, there has to be a teacher who can adapt the available resources, materials, and methods to students’ needs and interests. Changing such paradigms as the role of the teacher and the learner in the classroom takes time and planning. Learners’ autonomy consists of being conscious of, and identifying one’s strategies and goals and having the opportunity to analyze, consider and understand approaches and procedures for meaningful and optimal learning. References Grow, G. O. Teaching Learners to Be Self-Directed, Adult Education Quarterly, 41, 1991, pp. 125-149 MacDougall, M. 2008. Journal of Applied Quantitative Methods. In http:// July, 2012, from,issue-3/ pdfs/macdougall.pdf. Omaggio, A. 1978. Successful Language Learners: What do we know about them? ERIC/CLL News Bulletin, May, 2-3. Thanasoulas, D. 2000. The Internet TESL Journal. In, 2012, from Venson, P. &Voller, P. 1997. Autonomy and Independence in Language Learning. London: Longman 153 Claudia Marcela Arciniegas Universidad Externado de Colombia An evaluation of the advantages, disadvantages, and challenges of three approaches to feedback on writing and an integrative feedback model Introduction Feedback on learners’ performance: a valuable resource to evaluate and further students’ linguistic and skills development Controversy about adequate approaches to feedback on writing in recent decades: some question that teacher feedback aids learning, whereas others advocate other forms of feedback on writing. I first intend to point out the most salient advantages, disadvantages and challenges of three approaches to feedback on writing: self-correction, teacher feedback and peer feedback. Then, I will propose a flexible model that aims at integrating the three approaches so both teachers and learners can derive benefits from using more than a single one. Self-correction Self-correction: students by themselves, reread and rewrite their own texts to improve their quality. Several advantages: --It gives learners the chance to read and write their own writing again, which can result in improvement of their written work and give them a sense of being active language users. 154 --It fosters the development of skills related to self-editing, considered vital to achieve proficiency in writing; they become more capable of identifying and correcting errors involving word choice and sentence structure. --Through it, learners rely on themselves as writers, thus fostering autonomous learning. Some disadvantages: --Those students who did not receive any kind of teacher feedback significantly underperformed those who did possibly because they simply did not find many errors in their writing. --It is harder for learners to reach desired accuracy levels through self-correction only, which could lead to feelings of frustration, thus hindering their writing skills development and leading to fossilization. Challenge: --Total reliance on learners to correct their errors. Teacher feedback Teacher feedback involves a variety of ways in which teachers evaluate their students’ writing and provide them with suggestions for improvement. It can range from less explicit feedback such as underlining to more explicit and informative feedback such as labeling with codes. Some advantages: --Learners believe teacher feedback is helpful and they want it; it can contribute to increasing their motivation and to creating an environment where learners receive support. --It can help learners notice their errors and correct them. --It is a wonderful opportunity for teachers to attend to students’ needs individually to prevent fossilization and aid the development of their linguistic competence. This may be so because when learners edit their own texts based on received feedback, they need to think about and analyze the comments made by their teachers to improve them. Some disadvantages: --Avoidance: learners do not use structures previously corrected and/or make their writing simpler and shorter, possibly leading to a reduction in the number of errors, but perhaps not to an improvement in their writing skills or linguistic; they may assume that the less they write, the less they will be corrected. 155 --The confusion it can cause among students: students’ misunderstanding of teachers’ notes on their writing as a result of indirectness and/or a lack of clarity or specificity. -- Teachers’ comments may unwillingly appropriate or steal the text from writers; at times, teachers fail to grasp learners’ intended meaning in their texts, and instruct them to make changes or corrections that partially or completely modify their content without considering what students really meant to communicate. -- Criticisms and suggestions toned down by praise are not understood by students as such due to the more complex linguistic nature of subtleties in indirect language, not easily perceived by all students. -- Comments of praise may not be regarded by learners as being important because they are not specific or informative. -- An excess of negative feedback may harm not only students’ self-confidence, but also their motivation. Challenges: --Abstain from harmful practices (e.g. crossing out and appropriation). --Encourage the development of critical thinking skills for learners to decide which of the feedback to use and not to use and to justify their choices. --Teachers’ relinquishing part of their authority for the sake of students’ linguistic progress. --Offering balanced feedback that is personalized, selective, constructive, specific, clear and honest. --Prioritize content over surface level errors. --Set time aside to give students opportunities to read their feedback, ask questions, and work on the revision and editing of their texts. Peer feedback Peer feedback: students, working in pairs or groups, read each other’s writing to make comments or suggestions that may help to improve the quality of their writing. Advantages: --Focus on the interaction between writers and readers: students can evaluate if writers’ intended meaning is understood by readers, leading to negotiation of meaning. 156 --Since a peer is not seen as an authority, learners might feel freer to implement or discard it, which could promote the development of critical thinking skills. --Acting as critical readers may make them more critical of their own writing. --It can foster language development according to the socio-cultural theory of learning; learners may aid one another’s acquisition through peer feedback by cooperating among themselves in processes like peer feedback. --It is more easily understood than teacher feedback. Disadvantages: --Learners may not feel it is helpful because they doubt that peers with the same level of English can offer them valid comments. --The amount of time needed for peer feedback. --It could be culturally-demanding for students from certain cultures in which the value of learning from peers is not acknowledged. --Students’ age and/or level may restrict its implementation because it may be beyond their skills. --If students have not been properly trained to give their peers feedback, it may not be appropriate. Challenges: --Training learners to ensure that they will provide their peers with helpful positive and negative comments, and that they will be open to receiving them as well. --Teachers may still need to comment on peer feedback, which could affect students’ motivation to carry it out. --Make learners aware of both the usefulness of peer feedback and the need to understand it and judge it before using it. Integrative Feedback Model Different approaches have advantages that can be brought together under a model that integrates all of them for the maximum benefit for learners. A flexible model: it offers several possible ways of using more than one method to provide feedback. 157 After writing, learners should be given the chance to self-correct their compositions because by rereading and rewriting them, they will develop self-editing skills and autonomy. After that, either teacher or peer feedback can be used. If peer feedback is chosen, interaction among learners can help them to identify differences between meaning intended by the writer and meaning understood by the reader, leading to an improvement in the clarity of their writing. Then, there are two options. The first one is self-correction and teacher feedback: after peer feedback and before collecting students’ written work, the teacher may decide to give learners time to make changes to their texts based on feedback received from peers. The second one is only teacher feedback: the teacher may decide to collect students’ writing and comments received from peers to evaluate the appropriateness of the feedback provided by students before asking learners to make corrections. Another alternative is for the teacher to give feedback after self-correction. The teacher’s markings, codes and/or comments need to be as specific, clear and honest as possible for feedback to be useful and credible to students. Teacher feedback is then followed by self-correction. At that point, the teacher may decide to go over learners’ corrected texts or give them the chance to work in pairs or groups to give and receive peer feedback. Care must be taken to choose the most appropriate approaches according to the learners’ age, needs, and level in addition to the kind of writing, time availability and task goals. The ultimate goal: learners’ progress in their language proficiency and awareness of the various ways in which they can obtain input to revise and improve their writing as they become more autonomous writers increasingly capable of making sensible decisions about language and content in their texts. Conclusion Research about different approaches to providing feedback on writing has revealed the advantages and disadvantages each one has, along with the challenges faced by learners and teachers as they are implemented. This debate has undoubtedly shed light on the value of each approach and on determining factors that can condition its successful practice. Even though this controversy is expected to go on, it is indisputable that the three approaches discussed here have a lot to offer learners to enrich their writing skills development because they not only entail dissimilar but complementary modes of interaction between the learners and their writing, but also give learners different perspectives of their written work. Hence, an integration of two or more of them can add benefits during the process of revising and editing. 158 References Berg, E. C. (1999). “The Effects of Trained Peer Response on ESL Students’ Revision Types and writing Quality.” Journal of Second Language Writing 8(3): 215241. Bitchener, J., Young, S., and Cameron, D. (2005). “The effect of different types of corrective feedback on ESL writing.” Journal of Second Language Writing 15: 357-386. Fathman, A. K. and Whalley, E. (1990). Teacher response to student writing: focus on form versus content. Second Language Writing: research insights for the classroom. B. Kroll. 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(1985). “Responding to student writing.” TESOL Quarterly 19: 79102. Zhao, H. (2010). “Investigating learners’ use and understanding of peer and teacher feedback on writing: A comparative study in a Chinese English writing classroom.” Assessing Writing 15: 3-17. 160 Margarita Arango Herrera [email protected] ÚNICA Earnest practices in writing processes Abstract This study explored the effects of learning strategies like brainstorming, categorizing, and proofreading when writing. Research was completed within the Task-Based Learning (TBL) Framework (Willis, 1996) and the Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach - CALLA (O’Malley, 1994). Nineteen students in an intermediate level at a Binational English Center in Bogotá were subjects for this project filling out surveys and questionnaires before and after implementing the strategies. Data analysis results showed that students improved organization and texts were clearer using the learning strategies applied. TBL, CALLA and Flower and Hayes’ theory bonded, demonstrated that final products can be improved with training and tools enhancing writing skills. Keywords: writing skills, learning strategies, Task-Based Learning, writing process, Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach. Introduction Writing is one of the most advanced actions that the human brain can perform. As practice requires more preparation to progress; on average, writing is assumed as a difficult task to complete. Written communication aptitudes are what a large percentage of Colombian people lack. According to the Instituto Nacional para la Evaluación de la Educación (ICFES), written communication is not the most solid ability students have. Statistics showed that when writing 15, 2% of the students had satisfactory results, while 17, 4% were acceptable and 67.4% were deficient (El Tiempo, 2012). Thus, this action research wanted to illustrate learning strategies instruction regarding the writing process under Flower and Hayes’s cognitive model theory of writing and Task-Based Learning Framework (Willis, 1996) in the Kids and Teens Program at the Centro Colombo Americano in Bogotá. 161 Area of Focus This action research project describes how learning strategies instruction on 11 to 14 year old students under Flower and Hayes’s cognitive model theory of writing and Task-Based Learning framework from Willis, (1996) helps organization when writing. Research Question • How does learning strategy implementation help students in their writing process? Subquestion: • What learning strategies may teachers implement during the writing process? Theoretical Framework Any piece of writing needs a minimum of dedication from the author no matter the topic. The main purpose of this project is to identify appropriate strategies to solve the problem of expressing their ideas on a paper. This study includes the most important aspects of Flower and Hayes’ cognitive model of writing (in Hyland, 2009), revealing the connection between task and writer’s context in the process of writing. Plus, goal achievement through mechanical construction of that process addressing the Cognitive Academic Language Learning Handbook (O’Malley, 1994). Writing When writing we join both brain sides bringing logic and originality into paper. As defined by Tichy (1966), writing is the process of expressing ideas in a due manner. Hence, writing is a bipartite activity which embraces systematic recognition of symbols, grammar, and construction of concepts throughout experiences and prior knowledge, if it is successful or not depends on what was previously decided (Hancock, 2009). According to Rohman (in Hyland, 2009), good writing is the combination of words that allows a writer the integrity to dominate the subject. Writing Process According to Flower and Hayes in 1981 (in Hyland, 2009), writing is a cognitive process which model embodies key aspects as an established setting and writer’s memory. This conveys 162 preceding comprehension of the topic, experiences surrounding it, and relevant information (Langer, J. 1983). Flower and Hayes say that the theme must be identified and placed in an environment to explore its parts. Yet, authors established that writing, reviewing, revising, and evaluating took place all together. Furthermore, it can be embraced by Task-Based Learning and Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach providing instructional structure to accomplish these three stages of the process; since both contain suitable pace to achieve it effectively. The Cognitive Process Model of the Composing Process (Flower and Hayes, 1981) Task-Based Learning Task Based Learning is one of the most applied teaching approaches since the exploitation of real language is promoted (Willis, 1996). The main purpose of TBL is to develop from existing knowledge or ideas language proficiency. As a method it contains all language skills in one lesson following a framework to achieve an outcome, which includes three stages: 163 Instruction on learning strategies Strategies help to achieve tasks in structured and consequential ways. Every learner is able to create mental pathways making their brains connect new ideas to pre-existing notions (Anderson & Barnhardt in Echavarria, 2008). Students gain autonomy and control with learning strategies, but they need to know how to use them, when to use them, and the reason why they want to use them; covering all declarative, procedural, and conditional knowledge (Lipson & Wilson in Echavarria, 2008). Learning strategies as stated by O’Malley and Chamot are of three different kinds: 1. Social/affective strategies involve cooperative learning performance and provide learners with communicative skills. 2. Cognitive strategies promote understanding helping learners with the arrangement of information they handle. 3. Metacognitive strategies bring awareness to identify and decide if the execution is successful or not. 164 Usually, the task sets the strategy and its development. Strategies should support students’ learning activities with one clear objective guided under the estimation of its complexity to succesfully achieve any task by means of a procedural action, brought together in five phases: Strategy implementation following Cognitive Academic Learning Language Approach (O’Malley, 1994) provides different techniques. Theory stated by Flower and Hayes (in Hyland, 2009) includes the connection of long-term memory and a specific task. This task sets goals for writers, as mentioned by Willis in her Task-Based Learning Framework (1996). Literature review Gathering information from common teaching scenarios to know how teachers and writers use different techniques to develop their pieces of work. Planning: Idea generation and organization Students bring prior ideas and express new thoughts by means of their long-term memory. Two studies revealed that writers not only need to be familiar with the topic, but they need strategies to approach difficulties. In Indonesia, Pryla Wati (2011) developed students’ writing abilities using prewriting strategies. Students’ counteracted lack of ideas effectively raising their scores’ 23% (Wati, 2011), corroborating the importance of using strategies when planning. As well, 165 Judith Langer and Arthur Applebee (1983) in California stated that ideas are more important than mechanics when writing, suggesting different strategies for thoughts generation and organization problem. Results confirmed that using strategies to generate and organize ideas is fundamental in the writing process (Judith A. Langer, 1983). Translating: Sentence and paragraph organization Writers put ideas previously generated on a paper to communicate; transforming ideas into words, involving language structure, grammar, and spelling. These studies demonstrated that during translation stage students need to be conscious of what they are doing; they need time and constancy to develop writing skills. As reported by teachers of twenty different universities in Japan (Izzo, 1999), rethorical complications identified were because writers did not know to how to develop sentences or parragraphs, which engendered central message misunderstanding. Likewise, Asser & Poom-Valickis (2002) motivated students to be writers supplying the right tools to complete the stages of the writing process. Students improved their writing skills through instruction, analysis, reflection, and providing constant feedback making them constant observers of their own work. Reviewing: Error removal Writers evaluate and revise their work. This practice simultaneously takes place with translating. Studies reviewed showed that strategies as self, peer correction and reading aloud make writing comprehensible for students. In Chigago, Kowaleski, Murphy, and Starns (2002) improved elementary school students’ writing skills instructing pre-writing, writing, and revision strategies within a ten week program. Students evaluated themselves with a six feature rubric. 95% of the students were above the expectation level after using the rubric. In Florida, Greenberg (1997) implemented successfully strategies as peer correction, proofreading, workshops, and cooperative working to a preparatory English course for students who did not pass universities’ entrance exam because they did not have enough writing skills. Data collection techniques, analysis and interpretation Through data collection research projects are trustable and credible (Mills, 2007). To gather appropriate data for this project qualitative and quantitative instruments were used. Since the main purpose was to implement learning strategies to enhance nineteen students’ written communicative skills; three instruments were chosen to complete the data collection. (1) surveys, (2) questionnaires, and (3) artifacts. 166 1) Surveys: The purpose of surveys is to condense all information supplied by participants to numbers making these descriptive data quantitative (Mills, 2007). First survey estimated writers’ motivation and activity development. It contained sentences aiming at clarifying what were students’ perceptions. They saw themselves as writers and perceived writing as important. Another purpose of the survey was to identify if motivation issues could cause problems. Results showed that students think they have no problem when writing; expressing confidence or in regards to willingness. Second survey was taken from Strategies for Success by H. Douglas Brown (2002) to see if students were individual learners. Results showed that 40% of the students often used learning strategies. 21% always practiced these different activities. 26% of the population declared to employ them sometimes. 11% do it few times and only 2% denied developing any of those actions by themselves. 167 Third survey listed seven strategies applied during the semester to know if students considered them helpful or not. The most popular was brainstorming; students said this strategy helped them organize and categorize ideas. For students sentences were more complete using the WhatWhy-How sentence organizer (Peha, S. 2003). Students chose outlining as one helpful strategy because idea categorization was easier to do. Besides, students acknowledged reading aloud as a good practice to revise their work. 2) Questionnaires allow researchers to collect big quantities of information in a very short time (Mills, 2007). Questionnaires sought to know about writers’ developmental perceptions and opinions about the writing process. First questionnaire identified if students commonly used graphic organizers. The questionnaire included two questions. Do you know what a graphic organizer is? If so, how do you use graphic organizers? All students knew what a graphic organizer was; they listed them saying they used them to understand topics faster and for quizzes. Few students admitted to use them as pre-writing activity. Do you think graphic organizers are helpful? Why? Students considered graphic organizers were an aid to organize ideas before they write. They said organizers were helpful; others declared that graphic organizers were not helpful even saying that they make all work more complicated. Second questionnaire was undertaken after the implementation of all strategies and its purpose was to know about students’ perceptions regarding learning strategies. Question number one What do you think about learning strategies? Students considered learning strategies a nice and easy way to learn concepts. They stated that by using learning strategies, they had a clearer idea what they were going to learn organizing ideas better and correcting mistakes. 168 Question number two Do you think learning strategies helped you in your writing process? Students said learning strategies helped in idea generation, organization, and categorization. For students the use of learning strategies was not difficult. They enriched their language and helped them improve in their schools as well. Question number three Do you think you writing skills improved this semester? Students said they noticed the difference after using learning strategies admitting that they had organizational problems with ideas, sentences and paragraphs. They mentioned that their grammar and structure in English improved during that semester. 3) Artifacts are data to understand evidence of participants’ work progression (Mills, 2007). Pre and post-test material was kept to see if strategies improve or not students’ organization. Pedagogical Implementation Learning Strategies Instruction analysis pondered how students worked and performed, attentive to notice any improvement in any of the stages of the writing process. Planning Students used strategies as grouping, brainstorming, and outlining. 169 Grouping Most of the students identified the strategy; the graphic organizer was common for them because they used it in their schools. They followed the model provided and used the language focus to develop the task. Brainstorming Students followed three steps to brainstorm: (1) address the problem, (2) write down five ideas about it, and (3) define their criteria. When using sing listing, students did not set their criteria, while they did it when using a graphic organizer. 170 Outlining Students wrote the first letter including main idea, activities to get money, and school inaccuracies. They showed understanding on using the word because and the task was developed. Once they received instructions to use the graphic organizer they concentrated on two problems, found what to do to get money, how they were going to do it and the reason why. The second letter proved that outlining strategy makes paragraphs clearer in terms of communication and intention. 171 Translating Students used strategies related to grammar, sentence order and category, and connectors usage. Categorizing Classifying sentences within a paragraph using the activity from the book From Writing to Composing by Ingram & King (1949), students looked at four pictures and nineteen sentences in disorder, they organized each sentence as the pictures appeared. Students rewrote the organized story along with the events in the picture using connectors of sequence and addition to organize it. 172 What-Why-How Students fulfilled 4-box graphic organizer describing scary situations by answering questions using simple past and past continuous. They constructed sentences keeping in mind the questions. They did not use What-Why-How graphic organizer (Peha, S. 2003), results were positive though. 173 Pre and post-tests collected information establishing differences about What-Why-How organizer (Peha, S. 2003). In a piece of paper students wrote sentences concerning situations depicted in a picture. What-Why-How organizer (Peha, S. 2003) was introduced to students with sentences considering the picture they just observed requesting them to fill out the information. 174 Students created their own sentences following the example reproducing a sentence with complete parts and appropriate use of grammar functions. Reviewing Awakening students’ awareness to judge their own or peers’ work using self and peer correction strategies. Reading aloud Students read their written reports to examine mistakes. They worked in couples and exchanged papers to read their partners’ papers aloud. Teacher gave students a blue marker to correct their partners’ mistakes. Peer correction Students used a checklist to peer correct written pieces. They exchanged reports and reviewed bullets in the checklist to receive suggestions or pieces of advice. Again, they were given the blue marker to act as proofreaders and correct. 175 Adapted from the website Daily Writing Tips: Findings Graphic organizers gave students a clearer idea to develop written tasks. The most used strategies brainstorming, What-Why-How, and outlining were developed implementing graphic organizers. Similarly, workshops in the reviewing stage were positive because students could share and realize that their written works sometimes lack things they did not think about. Action Plan • Continue to implement and explore learning strategies improving writing skills. • Provide more specific written feedback for students in their written reports to help them with idea generation, grammar organization and categorization, sentence and paragraph structure, spelling mistakes, and punctuation. • Share findings with colleagues to enhance writing skills. 176 Conclusion Instruction on learning strategies within the Task-Based Learning Framework implemented during this action research project demonstrated that students can successfully complete their written tasks following the principles stated by Flower & Hayes’s theory (in Hyland, 2009). This fact, linked to literature reviewed, clearly embodies the use of strategies to first tackle lack of ideas through systematically generating and structuring thoughts (Wati, 2011). Additionally, Flower and Hayes (in Hyland, 2009) enounced that tasks must be common and connected to the writers’ goals. As well, Langer and Applebee (1983), writers are instructed to cover needs when accomplishing tasks. Once again, Flower and Hayes (in Hyland, 2009) insisted that writers must be aware of strategies used to fulfill the task all through, making writers constant observers of their work; recognizing mistakes and correcting errors to enhance their work and facing problems such as structure and ordering (Poom-Valickis, 2002). Understanding why these issues appear and how they can be solved by providing students with appropriate tools to deal with trivialities. Brainstorming, outlining, categorizing, rubrics, peer correction, and proofreading, supplied writers with intelligible objectives to accomplish stipulated goals, benefitting students in their writing process. As a final point the undertaken project was a great help for the researcher and will be for interested colleagues. References Brown, H. D. (2002). Strategies for Success. NY: Addison Wesley Longman Inc. Brown, M. 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(2011, April 16 ). Improving the Students’ EFL Writing Ability through “Put Yourself in the Picture” Strategy. Retrieved 04 11, 2012, from someedu center: Willis, J. R. (1996). A Framework for Task-Based Learning. USA: Addison Wesley Publishing Company. 178 Felipe Cárdenas Centro Colombo Americano Bogotá [email protected] Maximizing EFL Students’ Writing Skills through an Asynchronous Learning Network: Facebook Abstract The main aim of this study is to show how to enhance EFL students’ writing skills by using an asynchronous virtual space. It begins by exploring the accomplishment of curriculum at a language institute in Bogota, Colombia. Next, the article illustrates some of the teacher’s opportunities to monitor language content use and also increase students’ active writing practice involvement in and out the EFL classroom. Afterwards, the article gives a description of assessment for improving student commitment in both face-to-face and online settings. Finally, the author arguments the strategic planning of activities to facilitate students’ interaction and self-awareness in future written texts. Introduction This article describes the teacher’s experience when observing how the contents of the curriculum at the Centro Colombo Americano (CCA) are evident when analyzing student’s writing on Facebook. Students’ interactions on this asynchronous virtual space are shaped in the form of the construction of language learned during the class sessions, as well as offer up a window to the world that communicates through written English. This study shows how students transform their knowledge in the language and own it for real purposes on a daily basis. Through important examples the teacher –researcher is able to point out how the intentional adequateness of meaningful online homework is a a valuable tool for English language teachers to bring together course contents and get to provoke written communication and real use of the language in a foreign language context. 179 The teacher –researcher was involved in applying an Asynchronous Learning Network (ALN) to successfully build purposeful discussions that could lead to the consolidation of language structures. Hiltz and Goldman (2005) deal with the feature of asynchronicity itself as it sets ALNs away from alternative learning settings, on or off-line, highlighting “Asynchronicity, which may at first seem to be a disadvantage, is the single most important factor in creating a collaborative teaching and learning environment”. As members of a virtual space, students find chances to avoid time limitations, and similarly benefits of thinking and editing more cautiously before and after posting multiple contributions. “An advantage of an ALN is that every person can think about, compose and revise their contributions at their own optimal speed, before posting them” (Hiltz, 1994). At the CCA students are trained to carry out a specific project every three months and also demonstrate appropriateness of language contents that could take them to be autonomous learners. Josephine Taylor (2009) stated, “Even though the program is structured in such a way that students should be working on the overall program goals as they go through the tasks and projects, it is important to make them aware of what they are achieving and why we think it is important. This exploration of students’ expectations is crucial for them to begin to examine their own beliefs and to question whether and how they may adapt to a new way of learning”. Swan (2003) stated, “Asynchronous threaded discussion is a frequently used tool because it is seen as more democratic and allows students to fully formulate their ideas. The author then could emphasize on the importance of using an ALN, in this case Facebook to help students engage themselves to the curriculum and to their own learning process by strengthening their writing in the EFL setting. Students’ interactions on this asynchronous space provoked deep analysis of current issues and real use of the language in a foreign context which contributed to reach goals for their project and most importantly, their own process as EFL students. The Study Students from a 3 month Advanced English level course were asked by the teacher to join a page on Facebook (FB) to foster extra practice of the contents in the curriculum for the course. They were aware of the characteristics of Facebook pages which do not interfere with people’s profile privacy. During the three months students started answering questions for homework, showing their beliefs and concepts by commenting pictures or videos depending on the book content and the issues that were constantly arisen in the face to face sessions. One advantage of using this ALN was that the teacher-researcher did not have to train students since Facebook is widely known and fortunately, all of the members of the class were acquainted on the usage of this space. Students were very participative and committed due to the fact that FB showed them if somebody else had replied to their contributions and so, they got to read and debate online.“All notifications, friend requests, and new messages will appear in the upper left corner of the site. When you have a new 180 notification, a red bubble will be displayed over the corresponding feature with the number of new notifications you have received.” - Facebook, Help Center. Most of the steps mentioned by Salmon, G. (2000) in his five stage E-learning model were involved in the different moments of the study where students in class were provided with not only language content and communication strategies, but also with extra material to reinforce their written texts. Material such worksheets, lists of connectors, verbs and even videos or links were used to increase accuracy and appropriate use of a more academic writing. It is also relevant to mention one of the disadvantages of Facebook as an online tool, despite students write in this platform, their writing is different from the academic writing and most of them are not aware of the inside and outside school writing. The students are usually unable to consider writing as an engaging activity to express themselves as well as a tool to perform in academic situations. Yancey (2009) discusses how FB and similar tools such as blogs and online forums can be used so students can see writing done in these new media as “writing” and they can make use of these media to become better writers. Later in class students were to read their own posts and monitor their error repetition and/or correction. Ross-Gordon, and Dowling (1995) have promulgated earlier: “learning from mistakes, learning by doing, learning through networking, and learning from a series of interpersonal experiments”. These assessment moments were necessary since according to Gross Davis, B. in his article Tools for Teaching (1993) teachers should take five or ten minutes of class time for students to read their writing to each other in groups. It is important for students to hear what their peers have written in order to avoid making mistakes and clarify doubts in terms of form and meaning. Findings Preliminary results from the analysis of contributions on FB indicated that students could activate language structures, vocabulary and academic language as part of the maximization of their writing skills. The following excerpts show some of the use of the language and communicative content in the text book (Summit 1): Unit 1 – New Perspectives, optimism vs. pessimism, life-changing experiences, Use of gerunds and infinitives, describing personality: (Question: In order to succeed, how important is your perspective in life? Do you think it’s better to be optimistic, pessimistic, or somewhere in the middle? Explain) “Alejandra Rodriguez Rodriguez I think we must be balanced in everything we can. Particulary in this case, i think that if you’re optimistic or pessimistic, life would show you how to be realistic in a very interesting way, for example, an optimistic person could take a lot of risks until having a life altering experience. And in the other hand, a pessimistic would notice that he/ she is stuck because he/she doesn’t see the big picture, so he/she doesn’t succed. In conclusion, 181 is better to analize each situation of life from a realistic point of view, believing in ourselves to get what we want, but with our feet on the floor”. “Natalia Duarte Honestly, I think it’s better being in the middle. On the one hand, bad experiences make you realize what were your mistakes and how to be better in the next situation. On the other hand, good experiences can help you to feel more optimistic. However, being optimistic or pessimistic depends on the place you are talking about. I’ve worked in Cazuca and it has been a real eye opener experience for me because the reality is more than just a bad or a positive attitude. If you see the big picture, the reality will hit you: being optimistic won’t help those people to get a credit or to build a beautiful house because there are some structural factors in Colombia that don’t led them to move on. The solution, of course, is not to have a cynical attitude, but to understand that sometimes bad things happen (specially the most disadvantaged) and it doesn’t depend on a beautiful smile on your face”. “Marcela Aragón “Be fanatically positive and militantly optimistic. If something is not to your liking, change your liking.” , said Rick Steves. This phrase describes me, because according to my whole life´s experiences, that´s what i´ve been trying to do: giving myself choices and doing things that i didn´t know I could. Although it´s been really hard, I don’t’ like seeing obstacles and i try to see the big picture because finally I´ve realized what´s really important for me”. “Paula Andrea Rojas I totally agree with you. Being in the middle of both views is the best way to find stability. However, you should try to be a little more optimistic than pessimistic ... “being a number 2” according to the activity in class.”The mind attracts good or bad energy, and things are a matter of attitude.” I do not know what you think about this phrase. But I think it is reasonable to some extent. Some experiences of our lives can change our way of being or thinking in certain situations. The idea is to try to put things in perspective and analyze the different ways of dealing with this situation”. Unit 4 - Looking Good, Use of prefix Self-,Use of quantifiers, discussion on how men and women change their appearance and the media influence on body image, the beauty on the outside vs. the inside: (Students commenting a youtube video of Jocelyn Wildenstein before and after plastic surgery) “Angela Parra Romero, As well as I know, someone who has made a big deal of surgeries just for vanity and not for necessity is a person with low or no self-esteem. It seems clear to me that if you’re getting old and the media shows a great deal of “beautiful” people that have the same age than you, but looks so much younger than they really are, you should start to create an unreal ideal of aging, where you only listen and see your self-pity emotions. As a result, your self-image changes and an alter-ego may appear, this one will start to feed you with empty and banal thoughts and also without self-confidence, as we can see on Jocelyn Wildenstein transformation”. “Carlos Alberto Rojas The message in this video is very clear, it’s a consequence of the low self-esteem that many people have due to the media manipulation. Moreover, there are a few groups of people that say what is beauty, and this is a problem because what is beauty depends on each person. I believe that the woman in this video has a plastic surgery adiction which is the result of not being self-confident and always having as a model the women that appear in TV. This story serves to open the eyes and allow many families to understand what is the message that media and TV are sending to their children”. “Andres Felipe Montesinos Luna In my opinion, this woman is very self-critical. Also for me, she is self-consious on the limit, because if she weren’t worried about 182 how she looks, she wouldn’t have done that to herself. Although she knows how does she looks, the question to aks is why does she continuous being like that. It is widely known that a lot of women have done surgeries, but from my point of view each one of us is unique and we must not preted to be like others, because is in that point when we lose our identity.” Unit 5 – Community, Discuss social responsibility, Use of prefixes to form antonyms, Use of paired conjunctions: (How important is it for a person to activate his/her sense of community? For instance regarding organ donation?) “Natalia Duarte In the first place, we should be aware of our position in a society: by being part of a society as a whole, it’s logical we are going to need of others and those others are going to require of us. Therefore, activating a sense of community is not only a duty, but also a responsability. What is more, I think we should think of what we have and what we don’t in order to be able to share some of our privileges with the most disadvataged people. Either in reference to organ donation or about volunteering, we need to keep this in mind: we never know when a misfortune may come, so it should be considerate to help those who have problems, perhaps they might help us tomorrow”. “Andres Felipe Montesinos Luna In the first place, it is important to have a community sense, not only because of the benefit these acts can bring to other people’s life, but also for the increasement of our human quality. In addition, I think that it is important to help other people without waiting for a payment, you know, the really good actions are gratificant by themselves. It seems to me that in the case of organ donators, I really value their actions, because I don’t know what I would do if I were in a situation like that, It is very complicated to take a decision in which you have to put other life above yours. I guess, I don’t want to face such a situation. Finally, I hope one day we will be able to help to another people not only in little things, but also in decisive things for us and every else”. ” Diana Puerto If something shocking happened in your life, then the wisest way is not only thinking about it, but also changing your lifestyle positively and showing the situation to others in many manners. In my case, I never thought to donate my organs maybe I couldn’t understand enough. Suddenly, one of my friends needed heart transplantation in 2009. Immediately, all his friends and relatives searched a heart for him without any result. My friend died because his body couldn’t resist anymore. His death was a great loss because he was brilliant and a nice person. This fact changed my life. Now, Camilo’s friends are going to donate our organs and I try to “Live at least 55 seconds per day” (55DSL’s campaign)”. Unit 6 – Animals, Discuss ways animals are used or treated. Use the passive voice with modals: (Youtube video of a crocodile biting its tamer´s hand during a circus performance. Question: What´s your opinion on animals that are trained to perform in circuses?) “Liliana P Ortiz O Gosh!!!! This video is really awesome!. In my view, the scene shows why wild animals shouldn’t be used for entertainment, not only because they could be brought to dangerous situation as we saw, but also to be respectful with them. Something similar occurs with fightbulling, it is so sad to see an injured bull running away for the pain. In addition, I think no one likes to be used for entertaining of others, that is not funny. In conclusion, from my point of view, training of animals for performing in circus, must be prohibited”. “Katherin Borda At first, for me some animals are source of food and 183 others have given us love and company as pets, however the use of animals either for food or pet should be more controled because getting the meat or having a pet doesn’t mean that the animals must be subjected of mistreated. Secondly, I think that wild animals have to live in their place of origin. The animals are neither objects nor clowns that we can train to enjoy us, they are alive as us and they deserve respect too”. “Natalia Duarte Honestly, I think these events happen when men try to train animals just for fun. That’s why some animals can’t be raised for entertainment, because they are aggressive by nature. Therefore, if that man was bitten by the alligator, we should understand that animals like the alligator can’t fight against their nature”. Unit 7 – Advertising and Consumers, React to ads. Use passive forms of infinitives and gerunds. (Youtube video of a banned commercial for condoms) “Alejandra Rodriguez Rodriguez Hello everyone! Personally, the first reaction I had watching this TV commercial was laughing; it really cracks me up, but then I started to think what would happen if I was in this situation, so I finally, conclude that I don’t expect to be told that I’m pregnant because I think most of people would enjoy being entretained by a son or a daughter, but are they ready to deal with the anoying part of being parents? This TV commercial was also an eye opener for me!”. “Natalia Duarte That child drove me crazy!! In my view, the message that this commercial conveyed was perfectly understood. I really enjoyed being entertained by this creative idea about using condoms, it cracked me up! But I was desperate to be disturbed by those kid’s screams: they got on my nerves!”. “Angela Parra Romero In my opinion the first part of this commercial is not only funny, but also gets on my nerves due to the loud screams of the child. Nevertheless, I consider that this guy resents being treated like a father. His expression of annoyance says everything when you don’t expect a child into your life plans. It seems to me that showing and feeling the reality of become in parents; especially when you don’t want it, could help in avoid some unexpected pregnancies”. Unit 8 – Family Trends, Transform verbs and adjectives into nouns, Discuss care for the elderly. Use repeated comparatives and double comparatives: (How would you like to be cared for when you get old?) “Jaivarud Crist Hello everyone!Today I expect to talk about how I would like to be cared for when I get old. In the first place, I believe that when people begin to get old, they may begin become a burden. That is to say, when people get old the behavior begin to change more and more. The more elderly people are, the harder is to take care them. Not only change their physical appearance, but also sometimes their behavior start to be annoying. For instance, Conventional wisdom says that when people get old, people return to be a child for that reason it’s so hard to take care them. In short, when I’ll be old, I would like to be cared by my near family preferably at home, I don’t want to live far away neither of my grandsons or my loved ones, I hope to no be a bad grandpa. Bye”. “Natalia Duarte Frankly, I don’t want to be a burden to anybody. Children are not in my future, so I hope the responsibility of taking care of myself falls back on my shoulders. For instance, I would wish to live in my own house with my partner (my husband, my boyfriend, my lover, whatever), to earn enough money for spending in trips and health, and to have a sort of assitant couple who make the housework. Of course, I would need to much money and that’s why I couldn’t agree more with Angela: buying and leasing apartments is an excellent 184 source of income. Well, I hope to get a good job in order to save enough money, if I want my dreams come true. Nobody knows: future is uncertain and I can finish my days in a geriatric or with my worried children”. Unit 9, History´s Mysteries. Use ways to express uncertainty. Discuss the credibility of stories. Use indirect speech with modals. Use perfect modals in the passive voice for speculating about the past: (Students watched a video of a real case in Bogota where a man committed suicide by jumping off from a building, they speculated in class and were asked to report on FB) “Liliana P Ortiz O Hello everyone! Janeth told me he probably had not found other better solution than the suicide. In addition, she told me she thought suicidal people are cowards, but who knows?, It is possible this guy was more brave than other people, he maked a decision: “not live” and I believe, for making any decision in extreme moment, people need bravery”. “Angela Parra Romero Jonathan told me that clearly the man died. One of the reasons that he gave to me to explain the suicide was that this guy probably had mental problems. Similarly, he said that he guess that the authorities could not help him and also that the man was a good climber. Nevertheless, for Jonathan watching the man jumping was a shocking moment”. “Samuel David Angel Carolina said that man had financial problems and ended A relationship with his girlfriend, and for these circumstances he decided to commit suicide. I think is very easy to speculate about this. But honestly, I don’t know which were the real reasons that this man had to make this madness”. (Next day, students were asked to speculate about Luis Andres Colmenares’ murder which is a very well known case Colombia) Natalia Duarte From my point of view, Colmenares must have been killed by Laura Moreno. It could be a broken heart problem, but it’s uncertain. Every day a lot of murders happen in this country and we just pay attention to those that means of communication make us watch: but what about the murders made by guerrilla and paramilitary groups? There’s no doubt that hundreds and hundreds of people had to be killed and tortured by these groups and this Colombian society seems to be more concerned about just one murder (a high class guy, by the way). I’m not saying than some deaths are more important than others, but I criticize the Colombians selective memory and their morbid mind as well”. “Andrea Lopez Personally, I think that Luis Colmenares might have been killed by Carlos Cardenas, Probably his body must have been knocked using knife weapond and bottles. It´s obvious that his body couldn´t have been founded in “El caño del virrey”, because crime never happens there. Clearly the videos to controll the neighborhood couldn´t have been found by police, because It´s posible that the murder paid to hide it. I´ll bet in firefighters testimony and also in the results of forensic medicine. In brief, I want to say that 2 years later the puzzle pieces doesn´t fit together”. “Angela Parra Romero More and more people continue talking about this case. I guess that it may have been happened not only because almost every day something new about the Colmenares’ case appears in the news, but also due to the morbidity around the death of a wealthy boy. Moreover, there is no question that most relevant news could have been showed instead of this “Séptimo día” case. Nevertheless, in my opinion those kind of news are important to show the consequences of the misbehavior of some spoiled boys, who think that they can do everything that they desire without any punishment. And similarly I expect that this will become in a good example for some lenient parents”. 185 Conclusions The implementation of Facebook led participants from this study to enhance not only vocabulary and grammar but also to defend their ideas for discussion politely through formal conjunctions and academic writing. The constant use and revision of this social network allowed students to participate steadily without seeing this as imposed homework. They began to show appropriateness of most of the content seen in class and revealing this in the project at the CCA: Writing a position paper. Students demonstrated domain of the structures in and out of class and get to present their position paper by implementing the majority of the aspects from class resulting in very good and excellent essays. Similarly, the feedback provided in class on students’ sentence error in written work was scaffolded so that they could evolve their writing contributions every time they were asked to read in front of their classmates at the beginning of the sessions. Gilmore (2008) argued five advantages of error correction in writing. One of them, “An advantage of complete reformulation of error by teacher is that students receive accurate and comprehensive feedback, which specifically addresses their language needs”. However, as the sessions went by and several errors encountered repetition, the teacher-researcher started to reduce the workload as peer-assessment was encouraged. “Inclass peer-feedback provides a wider audience for students’ work, which can have a motivating effect. It encourages greater cognitive processing of errors by students and promotes learner independence. It also encourages collaboration and negotiation of meaning in the classroom”. (Gilmore 2008) It is also important to clarify the fact of setting rules at the beginning of the course, the teacher advised students not to focus on correcting peers’ mistakes online but on contributing to the analysis of thoughts. Later in the face-to-face session they would realize their own mistakes and either correct themselves or help others notice their errors. “Nonetheless, the first type of recommended assessment relies on the learner themselves to conduct an honest selfassessment” (Woods, 1996). Likewise, Barrows (1999) argued that beyond self-evaluation there are other methods that can be used for the purpose of assessment. Similar to self-assessment would be the use of peer-evaluation. The biggest challenge is without a doubt the need of getting students’ attention and awareness towards strategic daily planning of questions, videos, links, pictures that can encourage members to participate and provoke authentic interaction among them. Woods and Ebersole (2003) noted, “It is the teacher who must take the primary responsibility for building a sense of connectedness and community in an online course”. Swan and Shea point back to Carol Twigg’s (2000) challenge to educators to leave behind the old “in-seat” limits to teaching and learning in order to develop new paradigms that can more readily realize the full potential for deepened learning online. There is a clear point when using online networks as a tech tool in the learning process, and that is the time a tutor/teacher will have to spend when correcting, providing feedback and analyzing 186 students’ performance. According to Gilly Salmons’ model (2000) the five stages the individual has to go through are along with his/her tutor in order to cope with the learning processes via on-line. Gilly makes a clear distinction in the stages and shows since stage one (access and motivation) the role of the tutor when delegating students responsibilities and encourage quieter members to participate, facilitate the learning process and by stage five (Development) it is the students’ job to take risks, reflect upon his/her and others’ processes as well as lead further discussions. Then, if students are well trained since the very beginning in identifying error correction and eliciting them consciously at the time of group reading, moments for correction will occur and little by little the teacher – student assessment will diminish and the group and peer assessment will increase by resulting in the reduction of teacher’s work load and will benefit students’ writing fluency. “Of course, as classroom activities, they are also more time consuming, but the increased Cognitive work they require should also lead to greater learning gains” (Cobb 1997) One of the students (Liliana Ortiz) confessed in class that her process had improved and she felt the class as a therapy to relieve her busy life. She also pointed out the importance of going beyond the 2 hour session from Monday to Friday and “connect” to English in order to get better results. Other students described the use of FB as a dynamic and didactic way of studying a foreign language. Mills (2009) discovered that her students – with the help of Facebook as an authentic environment for enhancing communication, interaction and discussions in French were able to meet the grammatical, functional and linguistic objectives of her French language course. She had also highlighted that the use of Facebook was culturally relevant to her students. Her students also felt that the French class was more fun and applicable with the use of Facebook and this enhanced classroom discussions among the French language learners. Mills could get encouraged as well to be more accurate with the use of her French. Finally, since asynchronous communication appears at the learner’s convenience, Facebook took discussions to another level by letting the members expand and have their own voice. That voice that sometimes cannot be heard in the classroom while fitting the busy schedules of today’s learners. Nelson E. (2010) asserts, since the communication is preserved in writing, it also assists in the metacognitive process. The improvement of the language learners’ performance based theories of E-learning will arise allowing the immediacy of more meaningful research of best practices in students’ learning. 187 References Barrows, H. (1999) Problem-based learning, retrieved July 12, 2012, from Coppola, N.W., Hiltz, S.R., &Rotter, N. (2002). Becoming a virtual professor: Pedagogical roles and asynchronous learning networks. JMIS, 18(4), 169-90. Gilmore, A. (2008). Using online corpora to develop students’ writing skills. English Language Teaching Journal, 63 Gross Davis, B. (1993). Tools for Teaching. San Francisco, Jossey-Bass. Hiltz, S. R., & Goldman, R. (Eds.). (2005). Learning together online: Research on asynchronous learning networks. New York: Routledge. Hiltz, S.R., & Wellman, B. (1997). Asynchronous learning networks as a virtual classroom. Communications of the ACM, 40(9), 44-49. Liaw. 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