eOMBIMI:D WI"" VOLUME 7 ~~ NUMBER 51 .~ Editi~rial 1·- ' THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1963 BAGDAD, YAVAPAI COUNTY, ARIZONA DIVIDE AND CONQUE R DIVIDR y CO~QUESTAR THE PRESIDENT ·1s DEAD Word ls expected momentarily of the date on which an election Se espera ·una fecha momentaria en que una election se deterwill be held to determine 1f a portion of the workers of Bagminara para una porclon de trabajadores de Bagdad Copper The people of Bagdad join the dad Copper Corporation accept or reject a union with the ln· Corporation accepte o reuse la union de International Srothrest of America and the nation• temational Brotherhood of Teamsters. The group to vote in the erhood of Teamsters. El grupo para votar en esta elecion conof the free world in mourning election constat of the truck drivers, shovel operators, cat akinaiate del departamento de troqueros Operadores de palas, the death of a great man, Preanerl, diamond drUl operator• and graders. operadorea de tractorea Sarrenadorea de diamantes y gradera. 1dent John F. Kennedy, Employirg the old adage "Divide an~ Conquer,'' the TeamEmpleando el viejo refran "Dividir y Conqueatar, los TeamOn the night of the auaaatnalitera aeek to repruent thil aelected group, rather than all the sters quieren reprelentar este grupo, mejor que tadoa los tlon the Bagdad Theatre cloaed workers of Bagdad Copper Corporation. They claim to be able trabajadorea de Bagdad Copper Corpo\&t1on. Ellos crecn Negoriar its doors, a dance acheduled at to favorably negotiate for theae workera at a time when their ' mejor ·per estu trabajadorn cuando lUI Negor1ar eatan car• the achool IYm waa po1tponed, own Internal atfa1ra aro beaet with chargu and countarcharsu gadoa can robu y corrupercion. and ra1ident1 ;atherod to talk of theft And e:orruption. TeAmltllrll LocAl 83 quo cubro todo Arh:onA oxcepto una in hu1hod tono1 of tho tra;edy ToAmlt~n·• Local 83, which MVIilr!l all of Arhlona oxclilpt A parte 1M 11un dill es'tado ~!Ita puuto b1jo ol pidor do 11 Intar• and w&tch thohoi 'toltvlatonl for ltr1p acro11 tho 11outhorn f'Art of thlil lltllto, hu boon put n&Uonlll Drothlilrhood of tlilamltlilrl y en prlilllldlilntlil Jimlil!l R. lttolt dovolopmtnta. undlilr thli! trultlillilllhlp by thlil IntornAUonAl Drothuhood of Tli!Am· HoffA. HoffA 111 Allido eulpllbllil novu1 lll plilnll dli! 25 llHOII dlil Spt!C:IIll mli!morlal llrvic:ol lltlilrl, Whlllh !Mil It dinlltly UMiilr thlil jurl!!dlcUon of lt!l prlillll= f'rliton Y$25 ;000 dil multi. . wort~ h@ld ln thli! loe&l chureho1 dii!U, jllffl@ll R, Hoft1. HoffA 111 now flllli~ llhllriCIII whleh eAr= CuAndo flrmllron illltA plilUeton uvo mueholl mAl onte~ndtdo!i both SundAy llHi:l Monday. Till!! ry ll mutmum piiMHy of 2~ f@llr8 In prt11on Anll u~ . ooo fino, como. Qui~ tlilniAr QYil illltllr pril!iiiHtil!i •n lu trAbAjoll dil min= 6Aidlld Sehoolii IIUII~Hdild lliU= tt eonvictli!d. 111 A Conlltruetonil!l pArll podor Con!lilqulr O!itoll trllbijoll y m!idi !lOll MondAy, tho VllUC!y N&UonAl 1 MAny mliiUMO.r!ltindl~!i olleurod u !il~nAruro!i on thli! poUUon do Ollo li!lll dilrto. · Dllnk, thil PoiJl Offlet~ IM 1omo for thliJ oloeUon wli!ril IJii!eurild. Ono blilln~ thllt job!! In Any mlM Todll MCY!li~lon l!ll ellho li!H un !iilon In flfioontx. li:n illite iiustn•u h o 111 o 1 romAIMd or eoniJtNiltion Arli! llould bo obtAIMd by tho Al)l)liellnt llP!lOir= momilnto Hlldtliln il!itr !ioquro emil co!ill OIJ clilrto y mu !iO~nlA c:lo!iod, A PTA m~lCHIHI IC:hocl• 1111 on tho 11Uo And rlilquoiJUHI tht l)ollt. Nothlnlllould bo furthor otnlllAl milnto. li:l trillijAdor dupHii!l dli! vllifAr enAllilll quililri ulod tor MondAy H11ht Wit pott· from thlil truth. · dli! OIJtol IIAlonlill · 111 lill vietorlollo lodllH unA trAjltll li!H lrAdo 6 ponlild to A dllto whleh wm be All hlrins 11 donlil from 1 hlrlne; hAll In Pholilnlx. At thll dli! la union qulil deelarA quo ol trablljadora u Aprondlll y dua announcod later, momant, no ont 11 1uro jult whleh of tho two contutod "Of· puo1 do 1prond11 lo claron \InA ta1jotll eon Clllllil A, Por talAclon Uclal" hiring halll 11 the rilht ono. A worktr, afttr appeAr• un eonocldo tmpltado con grAde A dt BagdAd Coppor Cor• 11\1 at ~hlchever hall emer1e1 VictorlOUI in their current poration ICCI bajado _a la po11110n dt Clclll 8, tsnorando IU San• conflict, would be given a arade B union card. Thua declaring oria y 1u conocimiento del trabaJo, that 1 man havtns worked ln hil polition here for many year• La Union has prometido un Comite de Agrav1ol para aneri• 11 now an apprentice, and must work 11 an apprentice before guar el derecho del trabajador. Baja la pre11ente Condlcion being pven a journeyman' 1 A card. By 1uch action, a long-time el trabajador lleva sus agravios dececho al manejodor para truated grade A employee of Bagdad Copper Corporation would lmediata discusion. Que puede seu mejor qUe disc uti d1fferenc1as be relepted to the posi~f - ~ em_£1~ r!i!rdleas of.___ _+-_._, Y0 , ~1nionea. - - - -- -t-- -"'-.."M,.,.'"!,.It',,u'l'e,·.,·erct-eccrrntortrtor-'tlfe 1 !'--h1S senor1ty and hiJI<nOWfedge of his present joo. 51 Teamsters son triunfantes ln representar los trabaChristmas season have been in· The union has promised a grievenee committee to arbitrate Jadores de Bagdad Copper Co. este campo divldl sera abierto stalled ln Preacott and the llghtl a worker' 1 complaint. Under present conditions, a worker can Ampllamente para otias unlones gaven sus votos. Y su un Strike will go on Saturday night. take hi• grieyence dire~tly to .the mana1ement for immediate es comenpado for cuales futer union tendra que ser abederido The annual Chriatmas lighting discuuion. What could be better than that matter of d1uolv1ng par picket-lines, como cada union quiere su derecho en su conceremonies will be held on the differences of opinion. trato las aperaciones en la mina de Bagdad seran un complaza of the Court House at 7 p.m. If the Teamaters are successful in their bld for representing plete revorujo Y padra resultar un strike sequido. Many merchants who reaularly the worker• of Bagdad Copper Company, this divided camp would Nosotlos no creemos en Dividir Y Conquistar. Una casa diadvertise in The copper News be wide open for other unions to make their bid. If a strlke vldlda no peude paralse sola. wlll remain open untll 9 p.m. were called in any one of the unions, all other unlon workers En lo pasodo los trabajadores de Bagdad hav ensenado for Saturday night. would be bound to honor thelr picket Unes. As each union called su veto que ellos no necesltan la protecion de nlnqura union. Other late shopping hours are for lts own brand of contract, the Bagdad mine operation Esperamos de seguro que voten "No'' ln la signlente elecscheduled for December 12-13could be kept in a complete turmoil and a continuous strike ion como lo izleron tan fuerte Y decisionos la union de traand 14, Also December 19·20·21 condition could result. bajadores del Cypress. and Monday, December 23, When ~we do not believe in dlv1de ·and conquer. A house divided stores will be open until 9 p.m. against its self cannot. stand. The workers of Bagdad have, ln the past, agaln and again demonstrated by vote that they do ~opper not need the dubtous protection of any union. We sincerely Sarah Folsom hope the "No" vote ln the coming election wlll be as strong and Available As decisive as was the recent rejection of a union organization of Cyprus workers, Guest Speaker Paul Koppers, unemployed, Mrs. Sarah Folsom, Yavapl Checks representing a share of was charged with wilful destrucCounty School Superintendent, the profits of the operation of tion of property not his own, Burlingame, vice president: Juwho was a recent partici~ant of the Copper Market were distrib- and appeared before Justice of lia Pate, treuurer; Mrs. Eula the Arizona Academy Town Hall, uted to employees of Bagdad Cop· Peace Edgar Kellis Sunday morJ\• ing. He was accused of brealdng Ehrenreich, secretary. 1S one of the 25 people over the per Corporation Wednesday. a window at St. Francis CathoUc state who w111 be making talka oOo The amount ranged from a !ew Elsle Kolar Mr. and Mrs. Paul Boyle, re· before groupa who are 1ntere•ted dollara to three hundred dollars, Church, valued at $15.00. He wu cently of Loa Angeles, will take in the work ot the Academy. Any according to George W. GolvUle, ordered to replace the window or Mrs. Mllo Whitlatch was inaerve 30 days ln the county jail. over club the or group of indiVidual• who Coffee Shop in Yarnell, general manager of Bagdad Copitiated lnto the Order of Eastern He claimed he could not raise the are interested in having a aumknown as the " Hub" on Dec. 1, oer Corporation. Star at Wickenburg, Tuesday, 1963. They wlll carry on after mary of thh year' 1 topic ot The rebate reflects a percent money and was taken to Prescott Nov. 19. YamelHtes attending to begin his sentence. · the " Elementary and Hi1h School pattern of Bob artd Ellen of the profit of the store operawere the Mesdames Anna Loudtn other cases: dabe Chavez Jewell, who hAve served the pub• Education in Arizona," 1hould tion. It was allotted to each inermilk, Julia Pate, Alice Mackey contact Mrs. Follom at her ofllc at the Coffee Shop the past dividual on the buts of his pur~ was charged with dumping trash and Mary Huston - also Martha seven fice, phone 445-46~1, or at her years. Sob and Ellen have ehues for the period Jat~uary 1. on other than the publlc dump MeMillan of Congress, ground. He removed the debris home, 445-1326. been wonderful business' people through October 31, 1963, oOo and wonderful t!Uzens aM are This )'rogram wu tdoptea lut before Appearlflg in court, and A wl!ddifig shower for LindA well Ukl!d by the eomrfiUnityfolJ<s, January when the. eompany u~ the case was disitUssed. (dlerrH~nts} TAnner wu !l~onsot Mary Jane Manning paid a fine Stop at the eottee shop and meet sul'tled ownership of the market. to the Baidad Theatre today, ed by tM Wrtngletettes at the of $2.00 for fallure to observe Paul afid Dorothy, and you might Subsequent payments will be Friday or Saturday of thil WHkt Yarnell Community 1-faii, Wed11 a stop sign. say I-Ii" to sm. who you will made on the bat<is of a 12-month nesday, Nov. 13, Wednesday, Nov. 1f they prelent a eon ot thla see around there, aftd little Helen, period, from November 1 through 20, another shower was held for issue of 11ie Copper New1 at the too. 9111 is DorothY's ''Dad.'' October 31 of each year. Frances (Young) Stockton also by box oftlee. Bob and Ellen will r,emain in The checks were distributed the Wrangleretes, needless to Yarnell. by Ray Dunlap, manager of GopRalph I... OeWester, Wanda Sue say they were both reclplents of per Market. Murphey, Richard Quintero, Flomany beautiful gifts. Approxira Gutierrez; Don & Roe Lingo, mately fifty persons attended Jackie Len Murphey, Mr. & Mrs. each shower. Paul Spaulatng , Jim & Sarah oOo Williams, Mary , Paulie , Robert At the last regular meeting of The Copper News salutes these & Winifred Souers-, Frank &Shathe GommwUty Church Fellowresidents Who liave c::elt!brated art. Patients in the Bagdad Hospital r6n darcla, Ruth Comstock, ship, which was held at the home Word has just been received anniversary or birthda)' since re~endy have beert: Emma Oa1'atnmy WUliaml , Hertry 9re1· of Ju1la Pate, th! staff of officers that the union election is schedthose last published in 'The Copbor'fl, Angelo Souerll, Antonia denbach, L.eon.ard & PhyUis of the past Yl!ar wu nomirtat'ed uled for Tuesday, Dece!1'1ber 3rd. per News. Arevalas 1 Peggy ~leveland,Gary James, fUchara E. McKenzie, to setve the ertSlllng year. Mrs. The election will be held from The persons Whose names aPSanders, Joe Sanders, Andy cox. Jos. LatsGh,, presii:ient: Mrs. Q()NTINIJEO ~AOE T WO 3:00 to 5:3b pear here Will be adnUtted ~e Christmas Lighting Set For Saturday ht Prescott L- °- Market Makes First Rebate To Employer l.n Bagdad Justice Court YARNELL ----- Bagdad Community Hospital ---- ELECTION DATE SET ·.rrt. Copper News Salutes These Residents 0 THURSDA GLEN'S FORD SALES A-1 USED CARS '61 Valiant 2dr. Htp 4-sp. R&H • 62 Fairlane spt. cpe auto R&H • 62 Studebaker 4dr. OD, R&H • 61 Thunderbird 2 dr. Htp full power and Aircondltioning • 61 Rambler Classic 4-door OD, Radio & heater. '62 Gal. 500 4 dr. V-8 Auto. air cond. p. ·steer R&H '60 Ford Ctry sed. SW 4dr. OD R&H V-8 '59 Chev. Impala 4dr. sed. auto Radio and Heater NEW BEAR MACHINE FOR WHEEL ALIGNMENT , BALANClr-K} • COMPLETE FACILITIES INCLUDING BODY SHOP RADIATOR SHOP , AND MECHANICAL REPAIR SHOP. '51 Chev 1/2 ton PU 4 sp. Ht r '61 Econoline PU R&H '44 jeep Cj3 , '62 Ranchero Htr. like new '59 Ranchero auto. V-8 R&H '59 El Camino 3 sp. V-8 R&H '60 Ford P .U. 1/2 Ton 6 Cyl. 4 Sp . R&H '58 j eep CJ 3 '60 El Camino 3 sp. V- 8 R&H '55 F-600 Tractor and. a '46 Fruehauf 28' trailer like brand new. '62 jeep Cj5 Top & auo. hubs like new Let one ·of our courteous salesmen Rod Erickson, joe joy, jim Z orens, Glen Harmes or Ray Lee show you these or other one owner Good Buys. GLEN'S FORD SALES 114 S. Granite Prescott SE. ·- ATIO. 'ALl THE MO 'EY YO 'LL SAVE ON ONE OF 40 EW FORDS For you folks waiting for a choice of colors and models , now's the timet Purchased from an out- of Business dealer by 114 S. Granite . Prescott •••••••••••••••••••••••• Refrigerators $20 tip.Gas Ranges $10 up. Dozens of mattresses $5 up. Chests $3 up. 5-pc. dinettes $1 2.50 up. Plenty of bedrm suites-living rm suites, s ewing machines, vacuums , occ. tables, Rockeers etc . Buy - Sell - Trade - Terms No. dn. $10 per mo. Free Delivery BARGA IN BASEMENT 213 S. Montezuma Prescott ••••••••••••••••••••••• H e1·e's an extravagant!\' lwautiful Christmas <·<~ke. PI·~·pal·t· a basi<' white or vl'llow <'akl'. adding I teaspoo1i vanilla extnt<"l and 1 .. teaspoon bla<·k wal nut flavoring to the batter. Bake in mund pans. Split tht> layt•rs and fill with fluffy white f1 ·osting with ntisins a nd e h oppe'd walnuts folded in . Swii'l plain frosting ove1· the sides and top . Th t•n ring the top of the eake w ith a Della Robbia wreath uf m :uzipan <'a ndy f1·uits . * * CHEVRO" GAS STATION Phone 427 - 3332 YARNELL - ARIZ • . AltDERSON FOR NEll HURT CHEVROLET PHONE 445-41ZO PRESCOTT, Jr., Gaye Brow ~. o e Turner, Cri stlne Rebecca Alarid, Keith W1111ams, Margaret H t, Ruth & Bob Comstock, Lee Taylor, Sherry Lynn Walley, Dianna Eary, Anita Clubb, Tanya Michael M1lligan, Debra Dabbs, Lucille Moseley, Joe BadUla, our !I • • will be in Bagdad each Thursday For extra local assistance Phone Gladys Davenport ME 32425 - Bagdad 24 HOURS EVERY SEARS ROEBUCKPrescott, and Ar1z. CO. P.. 0. Box 551 DAY· "Dodge Job Rat•d FREIGHT ••• TRUCKS" AND EXPRESS SERVICE Phone HI 5-4021 · FOR THE BAGDAD AREA CLINE MOTOR COMPANY 201 S. Montezuma Prescott E. J. DICKIE TRUCKING CO· HILLSIDE, ARIZONA WE HAVE RECENTLY ADDED A COMPLETE LINE OF P-C TOOLS TO OUR STOCK AT THE WAREHOUSE, AS A NEW BENEFIT FOR THE PEOPLE IN THIS AREA. P-C TOOLS ARE GUARANTEED THE FINEST OUR' PRICES ARE THE LOWEST. &,dad Copper Corporation IAGMD, ARIZ~ OLDSMOBILE-CADILLACS CHEVROLETS & CHEVY PICK-UP ALSO );}. O.K. USED· CARS l} THURSDAY and FRIDAY NOV 28-29 Order your Gift Subscriptions today to 1 HRIZONH HIGHl.UAVS st ... ;nc SHIRLEY . GIG . RED . CAROLYN JONES :youNG .BUTTONS!JONES in PANAYISION' PETE .SMITH SPECIALS and e METROCOLOR . . . . . . COLOR CARTOON . u. Garlic -Cheese Muffins high light a meal of oven-barbecued chieken. U~ing your favorite muffin 1·ecipe based on 2 cups of flour . stir 1 cup s hredd ed ha1·p cheddar c heese a nrl \~ teaspoon gai·Iit· powde1· int<i th e d1 y ingredients. Then proceed accOI·ding to 1·ecipe direetions. Thursday WITH INFORMATION ON THE LATEST DEVELOPMENTS IN _ ' na p~ truth bat k and ARIZ • Wtll Be In Bagdad - Every . .. C HINT_; THEY MAKE EXCELLENT CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. SALESMAN 147 N • CORTEZ ST • PASSES PAGE 0 445-5300 ZEREX - - $2.50 GAL. PROTECTO ·- ANTIFREEZE - $1.69 GAL. ONE -CARRIER ICE MACHINE $250.00 ~ FRO GLEN'S FORD SALES FOR SALE "ANDY" SHO t . One-Year subscription $4.00 U.S.A. and Possessions $5.00 Elsewhere in the World- Address: 2039 W. Lewis PHOENIX, ARIZONA 85009 111 HOI's Lay it awayl A brand new Idea for gift given and pradlcal-minded home entertalnen ••• smartly styled Ubbey glauware an dishwasher-proof decorator trays that are beautiful as - • as functional. Set Includes 8- 12 Y2 -oz. beverage glasies In the popular Peonies pattern ••• an attractive white frOsted · deeoratian. Coff" to suit your taste ••• .Mild, Medium or Strong SENTRY AUTOMATIC PERCOLATOR Smartly styled for gradous serving in either breakfast nook or dining room. Richly chrome platecl, heavy duty aluminum stays bright. flavor can be regulated to suit your taste by simple setting of flavor Seledor. Signal light switches an when coffee Is dane-finished brew stays drinking hal t.ill served. {1221) Brews 5 to 10 cups. SENTRY 2 ..SLICE AUTOMATIC TOASTER A pleasure to own-a treasure to give! Provides toast os yw Hlce it-from light to doric ond any shade In between. !ilent pop-up mechanism lifts toost extra high. Removable crumb tray for eosy deaning. Handsomely styled and beautifully finished in gleaming chromium accented by silver anodized aluminum {12 19) and black bakelite trim. Reg. $ J J.95 Reg.$ J4.95 .. ·~· from wash 'n we ar fabrics to lhe heaviest cottons • .• here is an iran that can do the Ironing job easily, beautifully. Switches from steam to dry ·ironing Instantly. Ught weight for fast, easy Ironing. (1 223) ·~ Reg. $9.95 $799 $988 ' \"~., , / SENTRY STEAM ond b RY IRON LOG or MAGAZINE BASKET by Peoria ~s~y~o~ur~m~a~g~-~------~iH~~~~~~~;F~r~~ --~.~~~~l~~~s~tore 1 azines, or serves as a log holder. Heavy gauge steel in a .t · tractive walnut wood grain flnlsft, brass plated trim. 20~. long, 17%. high. {1210) CRYSTAL POLYSTYRENE CAKE PLATE and COVER A $4.95 Volc)e $395 Brilliant, jewel-like crystal, polystyrene • .. a lovely design. Easy to clean . . • will not chip or dent. 13 ~ inch diameter (1212) plate-5 inches high. CRYSTAL POLYSTYRENE WASTE BASKET Gay, decorative • • • a handsome addition to the bedroom, living roam or bathroom. Brillia nt crystal polystyrene. Easy to clean • . • will not dent or chip. I 0 ~ Inches high. { 1211) I") BEAUTIFUL AND USEFUL PYREX GIFTS .IT'S NEW! MIRRO COOKWARE With DU PONT TEFLON No stlclr cooldng with no-sc:aur cleanup! This MW Mlrro Cookware with Teflon finish Is 10 llltk, virtvaAy no food can stlclr to Itt Cleans with just a sponge and water ••• no scraping or IC04lring ever. Ca n be used with or withM shorteniflt. And the new QuaHty-Controlled DuPont Tetlol! comes In lovely pastel colon. @ (1233) {1228) $450 {1229) I 6-Cup MUFAN PAN $139 2YJ-Qt. Size 4-Qt. Slzr I [ ) (1231) 8-lnch SAUTE PAN $' ' [ ) '11232) 15 Yl xlOY~ ll; 1 • COOKIE PAN .:.______ HIL L'S 142 S. Montezuma Street Prescott, Arlmna as Gift. Beadouar ters Your Chrlstm_ . 299 . SHOP 'TIL 9 P.M. at SAM HILL'S SATURDAY NOV. 30 THURS-FRIDAY-SATURDAY Dec. 12-13-14 Dec. 19-20-21 Dec. And .Mond • IIARTS 8& SERVICE (f Automo bile Partl and Supplie1 MoNTIIu~o~~• PHONI HI 5-3440 p,.IICOTT , AMilON~ 143 N, PoTTED PL" CuT TS F1..owERS FL.oRAL. A"'"ANGEM itNTS Phone YAVAPAI 445-0482 815 MILLER ROAD AUTO PARTS PRESCOTT . ARI~ON& ~e MARLER'S FURNITURE ' ''WHERE QUALIT Y COUNTS II PHONE 445-5622 301 O"OVIt AVE, t1 · PAI8COTT 1 ARIZONA SHIVERS BROTHERS Custom Upholstering Co. HRIZONH 230 W. Gurley .... ~:.c.oTT HI 5-3040 HIGH l.UAV S One·Year subscription $4.00 U.S.A. and Poeeeealon• $5.00 Elsewhere·In the World -Addreae: 2039 W. Lewle PHOENIX1 ARIZONA 85009 Mond ay- Saturday VYNE BROS. S.OOA.M . To 5.30P .M. AL CRAWFORD MOTORS • AUTHORIZED VOLKSWAGEN DEALER 0_9 N. Montezuma, Prescott 445-497 Give Something For The Nome From Mille Soldering Gun $8.75 . Regular $9.95 $3.95 Aluminum ROASTERPAN Blue Speckled ROASTERS From $. 94 OVEN MITT 46C * PYREX O.VENWARE ·~~~~;. * $1.59 · $1.10 · $4.95 3 Qt. UTILITY DISH 2Qt. LOAF PAN 6 Cup PERCOLATOR . BROWN'S FURNITURE Bla cks 133 North Cortez . HI 5-4596 :·~?. at~.~=~~.ive OeckeP ~ ~- shelving for every room! sgss-.,....u...~, I I',, I . . Recliners ¥Car d . Table Sets • Lamps ¥Bedr oom Suites ¥Li~ing Room Suites lf Dining I Room Silites *Carp eting At Reduced Prices .i I s,/ U. L industrial lis+ed rno+or. This drill features extra power at a new low price. Another ouh+anding ACE Value. (2743) NYLON BOWL BRUSH . ACE BOWL. CLEANER ~ 4 az ACE KITCHEN CLEANER "KERLY kA 'rE" POT CLEANER MIRRO PRESSURE COOKER ~ PAINT SATIN GLO "ACETONE" SP~C. Reg. $5.25 Gal. ACE ENAMEL SPEC. Reg. $6.98 Gal. 142 3- 2 5 f * 4 Qt. i I $7.77 $4.89 $5.49 -Phone 445-064 4 OR TH CORTE Z ST. "SI