Barcelona, 13th October 2013
Barcelona, 13th October 2013
To obtain the degree awarded by ESADE in MASTER IN INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT Research Project/ MSc in International Management, 2012-2013 Research Project Format: Master Thesis Business Creation Project In-Company Business Project Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates 13th October, 2013 Student Miquel Santos Domènech Director or Personal Faculty Advisor José María Álvarez de Lara Morel ESADE Lecturer, Department of Financial Management and Control Juan Álvarez de Lara Cabrera Academic Assitant, ESADE Barcelona, 13th October 2013 This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit -ncsa/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA. 2 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates Acknowledgements I want to thank my tutors José María Álvarez de Lara Morel and Juan Álvarez de Lara Cabrera for guiding me through this Thesis, providing wise advice and offering me their knowledge and networks. I would also like to extend my thanks to my friend Joan Prim Bernal, Board Member of the Spanish Crowdfunding Assotiation, for sharing his knowledge and experience on crowdfunding with me. Finally, I also want to express my gratitude to my family, for always being supportive through this journey. 3 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates Table of Contents 0. Abstract................................................................................................................................ 6 1. Introduction to crowdfunding and variants. ......................................................................... 7 1.1 Definition ...................................................................................................................... 7 1.2 How does it work?........................................................................................................ 7 1.3 History .......................................................................................................................... 8 1.3.1 First documented crowdfunding initiatives ........................................................... 8 1.3.2 Post-Internet growth ............................................................................................. 9 1.4 Variants of crowdfunding ........................................................................................... 11 1.4.1 1.5 2. 3. The JOBS Act ..................................................................................................... 12 Advantages and disadvantages of crowdfunding...................................................... 13 Analysis of the growth of crowdfunding ............................................................................ 15 2.1 Growth of the level of funds raised by region ............................................................ 15 2.2 Growth of the level of funds raised by variant ........................................................... 19 Research question: What makes a crowdfunding project achieve success? .................. 23 3.1 Research question 1: What are the success rates across geographical location? .. 34 3.2 Research question 2: What are the success rates across the nature of the project? ….. 35 3.3 Research question 3: What are the success rates across the number of rewards? 39 3.4 Research question 4: What are the success rates across the minimum amounts needed to finance the project? ............................................................................................. 40 3.5 4. Research question 5: What are the success rates platforms? ................................. 41 Results ............................................................................................................................... 43 4.1 What are the success rates across geographical location?...................................... 43 4.2 What are the success rates across nature of the project?........................................ 46 4.3 What are the success rates across number of reward levels? ................................. 48 4 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates 4.4 What are the success rates across minimum amounts needed to finance the project?.................................................................................................................................. 50 4.5 5. What are the success rates across platforms? ......................................................... 52 Discussion ......................................................................................................................... 57 5.1 Success rates across geographical location ............................................................. 57 5.2 Success rates across nature of the project ............................................................... 58 5.3 Success rates across number of reward levels......................................................... 59 5.4 Success rates across project goal ............................................................................. 60 5.5 Success rates across platforms................................................................................. 61 6. Conclusions ....................................................................................................................... 65 7. Limitations and suggestions for further research.............................................................. 67 8. Bibliography ....................................................................................................................... 70 9. Annexes ............................................................................................................................ 72 5 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates 0. Abstract Entrepreneurs, artists and companies who aim to develop a project and bring it to the market often face difficulties when it comes to financing it. Launching costs tend to be rather high and, consequently, hard to afford by individuals and some companies in an internal way. As a response, some ways to overcome the lack of available owned capital have been developed. Entrepreneurs, artists and companies have looked at banks, sponsorships, public subsidies, venture capital or business angels as a way to raise money to launch their projects. These sources tend to come from either one or few institutions. This fact boosts their bargaining power when negotiating aspects of the deal. Crowdfunding aims to open the range of investors or donors for cultural, entrepreneurial or scientific projects to virtually anyone. The aim of this research is to provide information about the phenomenon and the relevance it is acquiring in the last few years, and test which are the factors with influence over a crowdfunding project’s success or failure, both with a quantitative and qualitative approach to the object of study. 6 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates 1. Introduction to crowdfunding and variants. 1.1 According Definition to the European Crowdfunding Association, crowdfunding allows organizations and individuals to raise money through many small commitments rather than a few larger ones” (European Crowdfunding Association). In the dictionary, the definition is written as follows “the practice of funding a project or venture by raising many small amounts of money from a large number of people.” (Forbes) Whatever the small differences between definitions may be, it can be agreed that crowdfunding is a system which pivots around the idea of expanding the base of funders of a project, instead of narrowing it to a small quantity. 1.2 How does it work? One of the success factors of crowdfunding lies in its simplicity. Online platforms and secure online paying methods make it easy for anyone to fund a project which they may find appealing. The owner of the idea, project or company simply explains the project in the online platforms which he/she chooses; in whatever format they prefer (text, audio, video…). Besides the description of the project, the amount of money which they need to pledge to successfully is posted, together with the time limit (i.e. 2.000$ i n 40 7 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates days). From this point on, anyone can pledge money on it through the website. If the goal is reached in due time, the money is allocated in the project, whereas if the goal is not reached, platforms differ in the action plans. Some of them give it back to the contributors directly, while others allow the creators to keep it with a higher fee. Typically, online platforms will charge a commission on every project as a source of revenues, which tends to move around 5%. 1.3 History 1.3.1 First documented crowdfunding initiatives Crowdfunding has exploded in the past decade thanks to the raise of the Internet (see section 2 for more details), as the network enables to reach an unlimited number of donors who can easily select those projects they want to fund everywhere, at any time. It could seem that crowdfunding exists thanks to the Internet, but it is undeniable that, much before the Internet existed, people already crowdfunded projects. One of the first documented proofs of crowdfunding dates back from 1618. John Taylor, when publishing his book “The Penniless Pilgrimage” (John Taylor, 1618) persuaded 1650 subscribers to pledge money on the project in advance in order to collect money to publish it, in exchange for a copy of the book, once it was printed. Despite the absence of the Internet and the fact that he had to chase some of his subscribers to pay their debts, this was the first micro patronage venture. 8 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates This system rapidly expanded and other books, magazines and newspapers used the micro patronage model to overcome financing difficulties. Another documented crowdfunding initiative helped placing the Statue of Liberty in New York (BBC). As known, the statue was a diplomatic gift from the French government. Nevertheless, a pedestal was needed in order to hold it. The cost of such infrastructure could not be afforded by the US Federal Government, neither the New York Council, so a group aimed at raising money for this venture was set up, with the name of “American Committee of the Statue of Liberty”. Joseph Pulitzer launched a micro funding campaign using as a channel the newspaper “The New York World”, through which 101.091$ were raised. The citizens of New York massively responded to the call, many of them not lending more than a dollar, and the objective was achieved. In this case, the channel through which the campaign collected funds was the newspaper itself. 1.3.2 Post-Internet growth Although crowdfunding existed much before the Internet, it is undeniable that it has been the primary reason which explains its current rapid growth. However, even before the main crowdfunding platforms were set up, there was a first approach done by the British progressive-rock band Marillion. In 1997, they announced that they would not tour the United States because they lacked financial support. Their NorthAmerican fans, disappointed as they were not to be able to see they play live, jointly decided to raise funds via the Internet to finance it. The campaign was successful 9 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates and 60.000 USD were raised, allowing the band to perform a tour through the US, an initiative which was widely repeated after this first initial success (Peter Spellman). Shortly after Marillion successfully implemented these campaigns, ArtistShare was launched as the first platform which connected artists seeking funds for their projects, and fans willing to invest on them. Social ventures also saw enormous opportunities in digital crowdfunding. JustGiving was launched in 2001 as the first online platforms which enabled social organizations and charities to ask for donations to the general public. In October 2005, Kiva emerged as the first micro-lending online platform, where entrepreneurs in developing countries could contact with small investors from around the world, who may be able to fund their projects. By being user friendly and allowing investors to know how they donations were being used, Kiva grew rapidly and consolidated a premium position in the emerging digital micro lending industry. The crowdfunding industry was, thus, consolidating and taking advantage of the Internet consolidation and expansion. It was not until the beginning of the crisis, in 2008, when the creation of online platforms exploded, giving birth, among others, to Indiegogo (2008) and Kickstarter (2009). Both platforms lead the development of the industry, mainly in the US; although nowadays they are expanding their scope (see section 2 for a current detailed analysis on the crowdfunding industry). 10 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates 1.4 Variants of crowdfunding Although every crowdfunding project shares some common principles, there are different types of crowdfunding, depending on which type of relationship is established between the funder and the receiver. Donation –based crowdfunding takes place when the funder takes no compensation in return for what he funded. Reward-based crowdfunding takes place when the responsible of the project establishes a scale of rewards according to the level of contribution of the funders, so that the higher the amount of money they lend, the better reward they obtain. Reward-based crowdfunding is the most widely spread form of crowdfunding, and the one used by the main platforms worldwide. It will also be the focus of the present research. Lending-based crowdfunding implies the crowd lending money to the individual or company who manages the project, expecting a repay of the loan with an interest. Equity-based crowdfunding is typically used by small entrepreneurs who offer shares in return for the crowd’s investment in their businesses, so that they become shareholders and, consequently, will participate in the future gains (or losses) of the project. Equity-based crowdfunding is the most recent one, and its growing rate is higher than in the other variants. In 2012, the JOBS (Jumpstart our Businesses Startups) Act was signed by president Obama, allowing companies to publically seek investors, even if non-accredited. The Act is still under regulation by the SEC and some details still on hold, but there is a clear willingness to make things easier for 11 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates startups in this sense, even more when bank credits are not flowing as they used to do. 1.4.1 The JOBS Act The JOBS Act aims to ease the access to capital for small business (startups). The catalyst for this initiative was the perception that the access to initial capital was the main motive behind the difficulties which small businesses faced in an early stage. Consequently, easing the access to capital markets was seen as a priority in order to boost new business initiatives, which in turn would result in a higher job creation. (John K. Paglia, 2012) Crowdfunding in his equity variant is highly impacted by this Act. Through the JOBS Act, equity crowdfunding is regarded as a feasible solution to overcome the limited access to capital which startups have to face in an early stage. Traditionally, small businesses relied basically on a limited network of business angels and venture capitals to gain access to funding. Another traditional option was to go public through an Initial Public Offering (IPO). However, the financial requirements to fill in were many times too demanding for an initial stage. This new approach will allow them to enlarge the scope of the potential investors. As an example, a company which may need 100.000 $ to start operations could target 100 investors which were willing to invest 1.000 $ each, instead of going through a smaller network of venture capitalists which would need to be willing to invest 50.000 $ each. 12 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates This is a great advance in the way companies grow. However, there are also pitfalls to opening the range of potential investors for new companies. According to Jeffrey Stibel, CEO of Dun and Bradstreet Credibility Corp, the shortening of regulatory structures may cause uninformed individuals willing to be investors to agree on certain deals which may be prejudicial for them or. With the lack of regulation, some argue that, most likely, this will leave room open for incurring in fraud. 1.5 Advantages and disadvantages of crowdfunding The rapid growth of crowdfunding is due to many factors, but probably the most important and influential one is the fact that, through Internet, crowdfunding gives entrepreneurs the ability to reach immense masses of people and not rely only on their personal and professional networks. These small investors may help with the “word of mouth” process. If they are interested in the project, they may tell their friends and relatives, creating a snowball effect. Additionally, and linked to this fact, the amount of money which they need from these individuals is less, as they are more in quantity. Consequently, their power is lower than if the projects were funded by one single investor, in which case the bargaining power would be immense. Besides being a powerful financing tool, crowdfunding is also an easy way to advertise a project without any added cost. Publishing a project in a crowdfunding site does not have any cost, so in any case (may the project be successful or not), it is an easy way to raise awareness at a reduced cost. 13 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates On the other hand, there are also downsides on this way of financing projects. Firstly, in order to get financial support from funders or investors and build trust, the entrepreneur must fully explain the project and its specifications. By doing that, they are giving away confidential information which could be used by others to imitate the idea. On the Internet there is no confidentiality agreement which has to be signed, so anyone can access the contents of the projects. Another important issue deals with the long-term viability of crowdfunding as a primary source of business. Whereas it is an appropriate source of financing for punctual projects, it may be too risky to rely only on crowdfunding for long-term ventures. Finally, accessing a crowd in demand for financing can also turn around in difficulties, as investors involved crowdfunding could be less experienced than the traditional investors, and thus they may not be able to be critic and provide the feedback that the project would need. 14 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates 2. Analysis of the growth of crowdfunding It is a common opinion that Kickstarter’s impact in the crowdfunding industry has been vital. As seen before, crowdfunding already existed, but Kickstarer gave it momentum, as well as Indiegogo (2008), which are the most successful online platforms today. The advent of the economic crisis in 2008 in the US, which quickly spread around the developed economies causing credit crunch, also fostered the growth of crowdfunding. The access to a wider, less concentrated and easy to reach funders have given it an advantage and allowed it to grow. 2.1 Growth of the level of funds raised by region According to the 2013 Crowdfunding Industry Report (Massolution), crowdfunding platforms worldwide were able to raise 2.7bn $ in 2012. The same report indicated a total of 1.5bn $ in 2011, a year which represented a 64% increase from 2010. All in all, it was an 80% of global growth in 2012 for an industry which did not exist as such before 2008. North America and Europe continued to be the regions where most crowdfunding activity takes place. This is the disaggregation of the volume of funds raised by the industry in 2012: US and Canada raised 1.6bn $, with an yearly growth of 105% 15 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates In Europe, the total volume of funds raised was 945m $, with a growth rate of 65% Other developing economies grew close to 125% FIGURE 1: Yearly growth by region Yearly growth by region 140% 120% 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% North America Europe Developing economies *source: Massolution It seems clear, in aggregate absolute volumes, that the US remains the largest crowdfunding market, although Europe is also growing at high levels. Other regions, especially Asia with the advent of crowdfunding platforms in China and India, among others, are starting to grow. Brazil and South Africa are also pushing. Nevertheless, it is difficult to consider them a single group because of differences in growth rates and local regulations. 16 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates All in all, the US and Europe are clearly the main actors in the current crowdfunding industry. As of April 2012 (Massolution) this was the number of crowdfunding platforms per country: TABLE 1: Number of Crowdfunding Platforms per country, April 2012 Country Number of Platforms United States United Kindgdom Netherlands France Brazil Germany Spain Canada Australia Italy Portugal Belgium New Zealand India Switzerland China Poland Japan South Africa Sweden Ireland Denmark Finland Russia Argentina Mexico Czech Republic Austria Estonia Latvia 191 44 29 28 21 20 18 17 12 6 6 6 6 6 5 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 17 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates Norway Romania Hungary Phillipines Hong Kong Haiti Israel Chile Zambia 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 *source: Massolution TABLE 2: Number of Crowdfunding Platforms per region, April 2012 Region North America Europe Oceania Latin America Asia Africa Number of Platforms % of total 208 186 18 27 18 4 45% 40% 4% 6% 4% 1% *source: ow n figure, data from Massolution Finally, according to the same source, in 2011, 1.187.000 campaigns were successfully ended and were able to raise the necessary funds. This was the relative distribution of the origins of the campaigns: 654.000 originated in Europe 532.000 originated in North America 1.000 originated in other regions of the world In sum, the number of current digital crowdfunding platforms is another indicator of the inequality in the distribution of the investments in the industry, were the United States and Europe practically monopolize the data. 18 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates Many factors can lead to this situation. One of them is that crowdfunding was actually originated in the United States and was transferred because of cultural affinity to Europe. Both regions have been and still are hardly hit by the financial crisis, which leads entrepreneurs and artists to seek other ways of funding their ventures. Furthermore, in the developing countries literacy levels are lower than in the United States and Europe. Intrinsically, crowdfunding demands both people who are able to judge and understand projects, whichever they may be (projects related to art, a new gadget, a new company…) and invest in it and people who have the initiative to create those projects and ask for funds to finance them. These people can be more easily found in the United States and Europe, where the literacy levels are almost 100%. Additionally, the limited access to the Internet in many of the developing countries is also another important factor to be taken into account when an analyzing the data. As stated before, crowdfunding as it is understood today needs the Internet to be operative. Without a proper access to the Internet, it is not possible to establish a connection between the entrepreneur and the potential funders. This is also a reason to be taken into account. 2.2 Growth of the level of funds raised by variant Besides the absolute numbers of funds raised worldwide and its evolution, the report also provides information in the growth of funded projects by variants of crowdfunding. This was the evolution in 2012: 19 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates Donations-based and reward-based crowdfunding grew up to 1.4 bn $, which represents 84% more than the previous year. Lending-based crowdfunding grew to 1.2 bn $, a level which represents 111% more than the previous year. Equity-based crowdfunding grew up to 116 m $, 30% more than the previous year. Meanwhile, and according to the same study, reward-based crowdfunding is the most extended one, in terms of number of platforms. However, equity-based experienced the highest growth, also in terms of available online platforms. Out of a sample of 143 crowdfunding platforms analyzed, this was the distribution and the annual growth rates: 62 reward-based platforms, with a 79% of annual growth 40 donation-based platforms, with a 41% of annual growth 20 lending-based platforms, with a 50% of annual growth 21 equity-based platforms, with a 114% of annual growth 20 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates FIGURE 2: Yearly growth by variants Yearly growth by variants 120% 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Donation-based and rewardbased Lending-based Equity-based *source: Massolution In order to contextualize the data related to the equity-based crowdfunding, it is important to acknowledge the fact that the JOBS Act in the US, which enables entrepreneurs to seek investment from unaccredited investors for their startups, is still developing in the US, as the Securities Exchange Commission is revising some of its titles. Equity-based crowdfunding is generally expected to reach an important growth in the next few years as a way to finance new small businesses, although there are some disagreements on this last assumption (Forbes). Another interesting finding in the report relates to the average value of the funds raised per project. In this sense, equity-based projects are the ones with a largest amount of funds, with 21% of the analyzed projects raising more than 250.000 $. 21 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates On the other side, donation-based and reward-based projects raise, on average, the lowest amount of funds per project, with 63% of the analyzed projects raising less than 5.000$. This finding can be explained by the fact that equity-based projects relate to start-ups or small businesses, which typically need much more funding (starting capital) because those funds will be used to set up companies, whereas those funds collected in reward-based or donation-based platforms are typically used to finance isolated ventures, which do not need as much level of funding, such as art projects or social causes. The study also analyzes the “launch to completion” time across projects in the four different variants, being “launch to completion time” the time it takes for a project to reach the minimum amount of funds needed since its launch, measured in weeks. In this sense, lending-based projects take, on average, less time compared to all other project types. These were the results in this particular point: Lending-based projects took 4.8 weeks on average to reach the funding goal Equity-based projects took 8.2 weeks on average to reach the funding goal Reward-based projects took 10 weeks on average to reach the funding goal Donation-based projects took 10.2 weeks on average to reach the funding goal With an average of 9.1 weeks of “launch to completion” time across all analyzed projects, lending based projects are proven to be the ones to need less time to be funded, according to this report. 22 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates Finally, the study contradicts the general belief that the first 25% milestone takes longer to reach than the last one. This “call effect” stated that projects accelerated after a certain point, because funders tended to prefer to invest in projects which had already been backed by a number of other funders, thus being closer to the final funding goal. According to the provided data, the aggregate across all variants of projects states that the first 25% milestone takes 2 weeks to be achieved, whereas the last 25% milestone needs 3.3 weeks. Within the disaggregation, only donation-based projects reach the last 25% milestone before the first 25% milestone. 3. Research question: What makes a crowdfunding project achieve success? According to the industry numbers, around 40% of the crowdfunding projects worldwide are successful, whereas the remaining 60% are not able to raise the necessary funds. The number of factors which may have an impact over a crowdfunding project’s success or failure is enormous. As cited before, the industry is evolving and expanding; consequently, the number of factors which may influence any project is growing. Taking into account that it would be impossible to determine success probabilities in a precise way, the object of this study is to set success rates across a list of pre-defined factors. 23 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates The crowdfunding industry is globalizing. Therefore, this study would lack scope if it only focused on a single platform rather than in a group. The final purpose is to generalize the results, for this reason, live projects were randomly picked from a sample of 15 online platforms and divided into groups according to the purpose of each research question. All projects were running when the sample was set, in order to ensure trustworthiness of the data. Each project was classified according to the goal of the research question, and the following information was listed for each of them: The name of the project The online platform where it was uploaded The specified ending date The amount of money needed for the campaign to succeed The amount of money pledged at the end of the crowdfunding campaign Whether it succeeded or failed in reaching the necessary amount of money after the ending date was reached This way, success rates across different factors were set according to each research question. This study was conducted between June and October 2013, being the starting date of the first project 12/06/2013 and the ending date of the last one 09/10/2013. The dates range was extended as much as possible in order to minimize the effect of 24 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates seasonality, mostly when summer months were in between. 1700 projects were analysed in total, adding the five research questions. Nevertheless, some of these projects were analysed in more than a research question, taking into account the relevant information for each of them. After each campaign reached an end, the amount raised by each project was listed, compared to the amount needed, and finally divided into failures and successes. Consequently, at the end of the funding campaign each project could fall only into one category: If A needed > A raised , the project is considered a failure If A needed ≤ A raised , the project is considered a success Some projects were cancelled by their promoters before their fundraising campaign reached the end. In this case, for the purpose of the study, they were considered a failure. This study focuses on the reward-based category, the largest one in the industry (see section 2). For the specific object of this research, homogenizing data in this sense avoids confusion, as each category has a different dynamics. The reward-based category is the most extended one, information about it is easily available and thus, the sample is much more consistent. As stated before, to ensure the global scope of the analysis, 15 platforms took part in the study. Each of them has a different positioning in the industry. As traffic across them was unequally distributed, the most visited ones contributed with more projects to the study. The distribution of projects in each research question will be explained 25 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates in sections 3.1 to 3.5 .Some platforms were only used to complement a specific research question because they had a better fit with its specific research objective. The study was conducted by analysing the available data of the projects in following platforms: Kickstarter The US-based Kickstarter is the world’s largest crowdfunding platform. Launched in 2009, it has raised $764 million by more than 4.7 million people, giving birth to more than 47.000 creative projects ( It focuses on creative projects related to various artistic disciplines, although it also includes a technology section. Their revenue incomes come from a 5% commission on every successfully funded project, whereas if a project does not reach its funding goal, the money is refunded to the backers and Kickstarter does not charge any fee. Projects are screened by Kickstarter before the launch to check whether they fit into their categories. For instance, social causes cannot raise funds on Kickstarter. Kickstarter enjoys a dominant position in the industry and a large volume of project traffic. In fact, probably crowdfunding owes a big part of its growth to the success of this online platform. In May 2012, Kickstarter hosted the most successful crowdfunding campaign until that date: the Pebble smartwatch, a customizable watch which synchronizes with Apple and Android devices. In 30 days, 68.929 people contributed with $ 10.266.845, an average of $ 342.228 per day. Kickstarter was also the platform where the videogame Star Citizen started their crowdfunding efforts, raising slightly more than 2 million $.Nevertheless, shortly after their campaign in 26 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates Kickstarter, the project relied on crowdfunding through its own website and raised more than 20 million $, becoming the world’s most successful crowdfunding campaign of all time. Indiegogo Indiegogo is the other big player in the crowdfunding industry. Also US-based, it was launched in 2009. This platform does not have any limitation on project categories. Artistic projects, social causes and technology gadgets created by anyone seek financing without any previous filter. The other difference with Kickstarter lies in the the pricing. Creators can choose between Flexible Funding and Fixed Funding. In any case, if the project is successful, Indiegogo charges a 4% commission. In the event of an unsuccessful project, a creator who chose the Flexible Funding option will keep the money raised, while Indiegogo will charge a 9% commission. If a project is unsuccessful but the creator chose the Fixed Funding Option, the money will be returned to the contributors and no commission will be charged. Rockethub The third US-based platform in the study works in a similar way as Indiegogo. With no previous limitation on the projects (which can be uploaded by anyone in the world), it does not use the all-or-nothing method. Creators keep the funds they raised 27 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates at the end of the campaign, regardless of achieving the funding goal or not. May the campaign be successful, Rockethub charges a 4% commission, while if it turns out to be unsuccessful, the commission raises to 8%. Additionally, Rockethub has recently partnered with the TV channel A&E, in order to help their projects raise awareness. As a result A&E will provide Media coverage to entrepreneurs raising money in Rockethub. WeFund For the purpose of this study, every relevant European crowdfunding market is represented by its most important crowdfunding platform. The UK’s largest platform is WeFund. Launched in 2011, its focus is also on creative projects, although the filtering process is not especially hard. With an approach similar to Kickstarter, WeFund only charges 5% a commission if the project is successful. If it does not reach the funding goal, the money goes back to the contributors of the project. One of WeFund’s key features is the need of a video where the creators explain what they need the money for. The value of the pledges ranges from £1 to £1.000. Verkami The Spanish-based Verkami also uses an all-of nothing funding model, in which the company only charges a 5% commission in case of success of the campaign. Verkami also establishes a previous filter and is focused mainly on creative projects. The website also fixes the timing allotted for each campaign: 40 days. 28 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates This webpage is considered to be the pioneer of the digital crowdfunding movement in Spain. Additionally, between February and March 2013, it hosted the most successful campaign in Europe. The documentary “l’Endemà”, focused on the potential independence of Catalonia and its consequences, was able to raise 348.830 euros, placing itself in the fifth place in the worldwide ranking of the most successful crowdfunding platforms. Ulule Ulule was chosen to represent France for the object of this study. Although this platforms in French-based, it has hosted projects from 67 countries. Ulule also uses an all-or-nothing approach, in which only successful projects enable the creators to keep them money they raise. In the event of success, Ulule charges a 5% commission on the collected amount of money. Startnext Startnext is the largest crowdfunding platform in the German-speaking area. It aims at providing artists, creators and entrepreneurs a tool to raise both awareness and financial resources. Also based in an all-or-nothing funding model, with a commission only on the successful projects, Startnext offers a different approach when it comes to the timings of the campaigns. In this case, every project must go into a two-phase model. 29 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates The objective of the first phase is to raise awareness of the project by gaining new fans, as well as receiving feedback from them on the project. After 40 days, once this part has been completed, the second one consists of the typical fundraising campaign, which also lasts 40 days. The difference, in this case, lies in the fact that the campaign has already been promoted at that time. Voordekunst Voordekunst is one of the most important crowdfunding platforms in the Netherlands. It is entirely focused on artistic projects, where creators are able to access a network of potential donors to finance their work. Voordekunst is also based in an all-or-nothing model with a 5% commission, with some slight changes. If the project does not reach above 80% of its financing goal, money is given back to the contributors. On the other hand, if a project is able to raise between 80% and 100%, creators are given a chance to rearrange their plans and establish a new cost structure to be able to finance their project. At this point, contributors of these projects receive the information of the modified plan for the project and they are able to decide whether they keep the investment or get the money back. Catarse Latin America is still developing its crowdfunding platforms and their volumes are significantly lower than the ones in Europe and the United States (see section 2). 30 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates However, in order to ensure the global scope of this analysis, it is convenient to include one of the most important crowdfunding platforms in this region, the Brazilian “Catarse”. Campaigns can use from 1 to 60 days to raise their financing goal, under the all-ofnothing model. If a project is successful, Catarse charges 13% of the amount pledged. The reason for this number is the inclusion of the Paypal or credit card payment commission, which the platforms itself manages. Wishberry Wishberry was picked for the object of this study to represent an emerging economy like the Indian one. It allows the publication of artistic projects and social ventures. In this case, the cost structure for the creators is slightly different because Wishberry charges 1.000 INR right after the approval of the project, what could be considered as a “consulting fee”. Also, 500 INR a month are deducted as “monthly operations”. Finally, successful projects are charged with a 10% commission. Unsuccessful projects are able to keep the money raised, as long as they reach at least 50% of the funding goal. Nevertheless, in this case the commission rises until 20%. 31 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates Startme Startme was founded in South Africa as a platform where entrepreneurs could find means to finance their projects: artistic, new companies… The South African platform uses the same approach as Indiegogo, in which creators can choose between a Fixed or Flexible funding model, in which projects set under the Flexible model can keep the money they raise at a higher commission rate. Goteo Goteo was born in Spain with the ultimate goal of promoting initiatives which help achieve common welfare. However, they aim to differentiate themselves by focusing on “open source” projects, in which every initiative which helps build a community around is welcomed. Projects run into two phases. The first one is focused on attaining the minimum goal, which is set by the creator, and works on an all-or-nothing model. Only if the first round (40 days) ends up with success, a second one starts focused on achi eving the “optimum goal”. Goteo’s commission is 8% throughout the process. Crowdfunder Crowdfunder aims at developing entrepreneurial systems in the US and Mexico. Although its general progression is towards equity-based crowdfunding, right now this model fits companies who have products or services that supporters are willing to pre-purchase, contribute to, or support for personal reasons. 32 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates Startsomegood Startsomegood is a US-based crowdfunding campaign focused solely on social campaigns. Like other platforms, it also establishes two different goals, named as “tipping point” and “ultimate goal”, being the minimum and the optimum amount to set their social ventures. Startsomegood finances itself with a 5% commission on the successful campaigns. Fundageek Fundageek is a digital platform which objective is to enable entrepreneurs to finance projects related to research, science and technology. It is a rewards-based platform, although they are considering moving further and including equity crowdfunding once the SEC finishes the implementation of the JOBS Act. Fundageek charges 5% commission, or 9% within the Premium option, in which they give advice to creators on how to improve their chances of success 33 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates 3.1 Research question 1: What are the success rates across geographical location? According to section 2, it seems clear that the United States and Europe are both far away from the other world regions in terms of crowdfunding volumes. In this research question, the aim of the study is to determine, with a sample of 300 projects, if success rates in the United States are higher or lower than in Europe. For this purpose, 150 projects from each region were randomly analyzed and followed while they were active. When they reached the ending date, they were classified as “success” or “failure”. In order not to focus on single platforms for each region, the United States is represented in this sample by: 50 projects hosted by Kickstarter 50 projects hosted by Indiegogo 50 projects hosted by Rockethub. Europe is considered, for the purpose of this research question, as a single market for crowdfunding. However, penetration across the different countries differs. In this analysis, the five countries with a higher number of crowdfunding platforms were selected to represent Europe, namely United Kingdom, the Netherlands, France, Germany and Spain. Each of them is represented by the most important 34 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates crowdfunding platform. Consequently, the sample for projects in Europe is as follows: 30 projects hosted by the UK-based WeFund 30 projects hosted by the Spain-based Verkami 30 projects hosted by the France-based Ulule 30 projects hosted by the Germany-based Startnext 30 projects hosted by the Netherlands-based Voordekunst 3.2 Research question 2: What are the success rates across the nature of the project? The crowdfunding industry is very broad; in fact, virtually every project could take advantage of crowdfunding to get access to financial resources in any of his variants: donation-based crowdfunding, rewards-based crowdfunding, lending-based crowdfunding and equity-based crowdfunding (see section 2). However, after a quick review of most of the crowdfunding digital platforms, it is noticed that most of them can fall into one of the following categories: art, social cause, technology / science or new company. The objective of this second research question is to determine which the success rates are across projects which fall into these categories. 35 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates Of course, “art” could be divided into projects such as films, books, paintings, theatre pieces or CDs. However, for the purpose of this study, it has been considered as a single group, mainly because of one reason. That is, it is very difficult to divide the other categories and consequently, equalize them downwards. The study would lack rigor if “social causes” and “technology” success rates were compared to those of “films”, “CD’s”, “paintings”, “books” or “theatre pieces”, instead of being compared to a single category called “art”. Additionally, “new companies” category has not been included as the fourth category to be analyzed. The reason is double: first of all, all projects analyzed in this study fall into the reward-based crowdfunding category. New companies, on the other hand, fall into the equity-based crowdfunding. This distortion would cause a lack of homogeneity in the research question. Also, access to information on equity-based crowdfunding is typically restricted. The invested amounts are higher, and so is the risk. As a consequence, most digital platforms require previous identification as an investor in order to be able to access the campaigns. The difficulty in accessing this type of information made it impossible to collect enough data to complete the sample of “new companies” and be able to compare it to the other categories. In order to preserve the global scope and homogeneity of the analysis, projects were randomly picked from a variety of the digital platforms named before. In the case of “social cause” and “technology”, the study includes information of digital platforms specific to each category: Startsomegood and Fundageek. The reason is that, while art projects are present into every website, “social cause” and “technology” are 36 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates banned or absent from some of them. However, only a slight part of the sample was taken from these platforms, in order to hold homogeneity. 300 projects constituted the total sample (100 in each category), which were determined as “success or failure” when they reached the ending date. First 100 projects fall into the “art” category: 10 projects hosted by Kickstarter 10 projects hosted by Indiegogo 10 projects hosted by Rockethub 10 projects hosted by WeFund 10 projects hosted by Verkami 10 projects hosted by Ulule 10 projects hosted by Startnext 10 projects hosted by Voordekunst 10 projects hosted by Catarse 6 projects hosted by Wishberry 4 projects hosted by Startme Some of these digital platforms are not focused on “social causes”; others simply do not allow them on their website. This is the case, for instance, of Kickstarter. This explains why some other websites, as Goteo and Startsomegood, contributed to the “social cause” projects’ selection: 10 projects hosted by Indiegogo 10 projects hosted by Rockethub 37 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates 6 projects hosted by WeFund 10 projects hosted by Verkami 10 projects hosted by Ulule 6 projects hosted by Catarse 5 projects hosted by Wishberry 5 projects hosted by Startme 10 projects hosted by Crowdfunder 10 projects hosted by Goteo 18 projects hosted by Startsomegood Finally, “technology” projects were also typically hard to find, mostly in the European websites, where art and social causes are much more present. This was the distribution of the projects in this category: 22 projects hosted by Kickstarter 20 projects hosted by Indiegogo 20 projects hosted by Rockethub 6 projects hosted by Ulule 10 projects hosted by Startnext 12 projects hosted by Goteo 10 projects hosted by Fundageek 38 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates 3.3 Research question 3: What are the success rates across the number of rewards? Reward-based crowdfunding takes place when the responsible of the project establishes a scale of rewards according to the level of contribution of the funders, so that the higher the amount of money they lend, the better reward they obtain (section 1.4). As a study focused on the reward-based category, the aim of this research question is to determine whether there is a significantly different success rate across projects offering different levels of rewards to their contributors or not. For the purpose of this study, three different categories were made: projects below six levels of rewards were considered “low”, projects between six and nine levels of rewards were considered “medium” and projects above nine levels of rewards were considered “high”. An overview of the most important websites shows that this is an accurate classification, although in some platforms it is almost impossible to find projects in all categories. This was the example, for instance, of “WeFund”, where projects typically do not have more than five reward levels. As there was an option to replace WeFund by other platforms with presence in the three categories, this particular one was excluded from this research question, with the ultimate purpose to ensure homogeneity. 39 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates The sample for this research question also consists of 300 projects randomly picked, and classified as “success” or “failure” at the end of their funding period. In this case, every category is comprised by 100 projects. All of them were picked according to the same distribution: 20 projects hosted by Kickstarter 20 projects hosted by Indiegogo 20 projects hosted by Rockethub 10 projects hosted by Startsomegood 10 projects hosted by Verkami 10 projects hosted by Ulule 10 projects hosted by Goteo 3.4 Research question 4: What are the success rates across the minimum amounts needed to finance the project? Another interesting categorization of the project deals with their volumes. That is, to analyze whether projects with a lower minimum goal have a different success rate than those with a higher minimum goal. There is an important previous consideration to do which relates to this question. Projects’ average value in North-American crowdfunding websites is significantly higher than projects located in European platforms. Such different levels made it a non-sense to merge projects from both regions into the same categories, as 40 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates dispersion would be too high. Consequently, for the purpose of this study, only projects in United-States platforms were considered, as their variation is higher and allows more range to be included in the analysis. Following the methodology of the previous research questions, 300 projects were randomly picked to configure three categories with 100 projects each. The first one encloses projects with a funding goal below 10.000 $ and is named “low”. Projects ranging from a funding goal of 10.000 $ until 30.000 $ are grouped into the “medium” category. Finally, those projects with a funding goal above 30.000 $ are considered “high”. All projects were classified as “success” or “failure” after they reached their ending date. Again, in order to ensure homogeneity of the results of this particular research questions, the distribution of those project picked for each category is the same: 35 projects hosted by Kickstarter 35 projects hosted by Indiegogo 30 projects hosted by Rockethub 3.5 Research question 5: What are the success rates platforms? Crowdfunding has not been invented in the past decade. In fact, micro financing has existed for much time and there are several proofs of projects which were funded using this method (section 1.3). However, the creation and proliferation of the Internet in the first place, and the digital crowdfunding platforms in the second place 41 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates have been responsible for the tremendous growth of this still flourishing industry (section 2). This study ends up with a research question which aims to analyze the success rates of the platforms which were picked, with no other filter. Unfortunately, not all the analyzed platforms have a significant volume of live projects which allow them to be part into this research question. In order to ensure a minimum validity of this particular analysis, 50 projects were randomly picked from each platform and classified between “success” and “failure”. Consequently, the 10 categories for this research question were: “Kickstarter”, “Indiegogo”, “Rockethub”, “WeFund”, “Verkami”, “Ulule”, “Startnext”, “Voordekunst”, “Catarse” and Startsomegood”. All together, the last research question has a sample of 500 projects. Wishberry, Startme, Goteo and Fundageek were excluded from the last research question because they did not have a significant volume of live projects at the time when this study was conducted. 42 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates 4. Results 4.1 What are the success rates across geographical location? After the analysis of the 150 projects in the United States and 150 in Europe (see annexes 1A and 1B), these are the results of the first research question: FIGURE 3: Success rate for projects in the United States Success Rate for projects in the United States 38% (57 projects) 62% (93 projects) Failure Success *source: personal compilation FIGURE 4: Success rate for projects in Europe Success Rate for projects in Europe 38% 57 projects 62% 93 projects Failure Success *source: compilation personal 43 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates According to the analyzed data, projects in Europe have a higher success rate (62%) than those in the United States (38%). However, in order to contextualize this finding and in order to better structure the explanation, some additional data has been studied. For instance, when analyzing the minimum goal and the money pledged on the projects, it is clear than those published in the United States are significantly higher than those in Europe. This is the comparison between the two means and the money pledged: TABLE 3: Additional information on “US” and “Europe” categories United States Europe Average per project 56.665 $ 7.871 $ * Average per project without anomalies ** 27.015 $ 5.528 $ * Sum of money pledged in successful projects 2.250.910 $ 492.660 $* Source: personal compilation * The projects in Europe w ere published in euros (Verkami, Ulule, Startnext and Voordekunst) and pounds (WeFund). How ever, for the purpose of this comparison, they w ere converted to dollars, using the exchange rate at 19/08/2013: 1 £ = 1, 5651$ and 1€ = 1, 3333$ ** In order to ensure data accuracy, anomalies w ere eliminated from the sample in order to calculate the means. In the US sample, a project w orth 2,5M $ and a project w orth 2M $ w ere eliminated. In the Europe sample, one project w orth 100.000 €, one project w orth 100.000 £ and one project w orth 50.000 £ w ere also eliminated. Finally, with the aim to provide a deeper understanding of the dynamics of this result, success rates across regions were disaggregated across platforms, in order to see which was the impact of each of them in the total result of this first research question (US = 38% / Europe = 62%). 44 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates FIGURE 5: Disaggregation of US’ success rate in platforms Success Rate for Indiegogo projects Success Rate for Kickstarter projects 48% 24 projects 52% 26 projects *source: personal compilation 38% 19 projects Failure Success 62% 31 projects Failure Success Success Rate for Rockethub projects 28% 14 projects 72% 36 projects Failure Success FIGURE 6: Disaggregation of Europe’s success rate in platforms Success Rate for WeFund projects 33% 10 projects 67% 20 projects Success Rate for Verkami projects Failure Success Success Rate for Ulule projects 47% 14 projects Failure Success Success Rate for Startnext projects 17% 5 projects 83% 25 projects 53% 16 projects 33% 10 projects Failure Success 67% 20 projects Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates Failure Success 45 Success Rate for Voordekunst projects 27% 8 projects 73% 22 projects Failure Success *source: personal compilation 4.2 What are the success rates across nature of the project? After the analysis of 100 cultural projects, 100 projects related to social cause and 100 technology projects (annexes 2A, 2B and 2C) these were the success rates collected for each category: FIGURE 7: Success rate for cultural projects Success Rate for cultural projects *source: personal compilation FIGURE 8: Success rate for social projects Success Rate for social projects 55% 55 projects 45% 45 projects Failure *source: personal compilation Success 46 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates FIGURE 9: Success rate for technology projects Success Rate for technology projects 36% 36 projects Failure 64% 64 projects Success *source: personal compilation All three figures show a similar success rate for those projects related to culture or a social cause (57% and 55% respectively), whereas projects which fall into the “technology” category attain a lower success rate, 36%. In order to contextualize this conclusion, information on the average money needed per project in each category may be helpful. TABLE 4: Average value per project per category in Research Question 2 Culture Social Technology Average per project (*) 36.052 $ 12.273 $ 57.534 $ Average per project 11.164 $ 12.273 $ 37.913 $ without anomalies (*) (**) Source: personal compilation * In order to ensure data accuracy, amounts needed for each project to succeed w ere translated into dollars from their local currency, according to the exchange rate at 19/08/2013. These w ere as follows: 1 £ = 1,5651 $; 1 € = 1,3333 $; 1 BRL = 0,4157 $; 1INR = 0,0158 $; 1 ZAR = 0,0982 $. 47 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates ** In order to ensure data accuracy, anomalies w ere eliminated from the sample in or der to calculate the means. In the culture sample, a project w orth 2,5M $ (extracted from Kickstarter) w as eliminated. In the technology sample, one project w orth 2M $ w as also eliminated (extracted from Rockethub) It must be acknowledged that in the present research question, the analyzed sample for each category was composed by a similar proportion of origin platforms, although each one included projects from a platform which specifically targets the analyzed category. These were Voordekunst for cultural projects, Startsomegood for social projects and Fundageek for technology ones. 4.3 What are the success rates across number of reward levels? The analysis of 100 projects with less than six reward levels, 100 projects between six and nine reward levels and 100 projects with more than nine reward levels (annexes 3A, 3B and 3C) led to the following results: FIGURE 10: Success rate for projects with <6 reward levels Success Rate for projects with <6 reward levels 47% 47 projects 53% 53 projects Failure Success *source: personal compilation 48 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates FIGURE 11: Success rate for projects with 6-9 reward levels Success Rate for projects with 6-9 reward levels 44% 44 projects 56% 56 projects Failure Success *source: personal compilation FIGURE 12: Success rate for projects with >9 reward levels Success Rate for projects with >9 reward levels 47% 47 projects 53% 53 projects Failure Success source: personal compilation Results show how projects with 6-9 reward levels display a higher success rate (56%) than those projects below 6 reward levels (47%) and those above 9 reward levels (also 47%). In order to be able to provide a feasible explanation for this difference, average funding goals for each category were calculated as follows: 49 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates TABLE 5: Average value per project per category in Research Question 3 <6 reward levels 6-9 reward levels >9 reward levels Average per project (*) 4.647 $ 9.740 $ 41.174 $ Average per project without anomalies (*)(**) 4.647 $ 9.740 $ 21.043 $ * In order to ensure data accuracy, projects from Verkami, Ulule and Goteo w ere translated from euros into dollars, according to the exchange rate at 19/08/2013 (1 € = 1,3333 $). ** In order to ensure data accuracy, anomalies w ere eliminated from the sample in order to calculate the means. In the >9 rew ard levels sample, a project w orth 2M $ (extracted from Kickstarter) w as eliminated. It must be noticed that the sample of 300 projects analyzed in this research question was homogeneously distributed across the same platforms: Kickstarter, Indiegogo, Rockethub, Startsomegood, Verkami, Ulule and Goteo. 4.4 What are the success rates across minimum amounts needed to finance the project? After the analysis of 100 projects with a funding goal below 10.000 dollars, 100 projects with a funding goal between 10.000 and 30.000 dollars, and 100 projects with a funding goal above 30.000 dollars (see annexes 4A, 4B and 4C), these were the results of this research question: FIGURE 13: Success rate for projects with a funding goal below 10.000 $ Success Rate for projects with a funding goal below 10.000$ 43% 43 projects 57% 57 projects Failure Success *source: personal compilation 50 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates FIGURE 14 : Success rate for projects with a funding goal between 10.000$ and 30.000$ Success Rate for projects with a funding goal between 10.000$ and 30.000$ 37% 37 projects Failure 63% 63 projects Success *source: personal compilation FIGURE 15: Success rate for projects with a funding goal above 30.000$ Success Rate for projects with a funding goal above 30.000$ 25% 25 projects Failure 75% 75 projects Success *source: personal compilation According to the analyzed data, projects with a low funding goal have a greater success rate (43%) than those with a medium funding goal (36%) and the ones with a high funding goal (25%). 51 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates Additionally, it is interesting to disaggregate results across the three analyzed platforms in this research question. It must be noted that, in order to embrace a larger range of project values, only US platforms took part in this analysis, as the amounts of their projects are much higher than the European ones. These were the disaggregated results, compared to the general ones: TABLE 6: Disaggregation of Research Question 4 success rates in platforms LOW MEDIUM HIGH AGGREGATE 43% 37% 25% KICKSTARTER 49% 40% 40% INDIEGOGO 57% 46% 26% ROCKETHUB 20% 23% 7% *source: personal compilation 4.5 What are the success rates across platforms? Finally, the aim of the last research question of this study is to compare success rates in different platforms, without any other factor to be taken into account. After the analysis of 50 projects in Kickstarter, Indiegogo, Rockethub, WeFund, Verkami, Ulule, Startnext, Voordekunst, Catarse and Startsomegood (annexes 5A- 5J), these were the success rates for each platform: 52 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates FIGURE 16: Success rate Kickstarter Success Rate for projects in Kickstarter 46% 23 projects 54% 27 projects Failure Success FIGURE 17: Success rate Indiegogo Success Rate for projects in Indiegogo 54% 27 projects 46% 23 projects Failure Success *source: personal compilation *source: personal compilation FIGURE 18: Success rate Rockethub FIGURE 19: Success rate WeFund Success Rate for projects in Rockethub 26% 13 projects 74% 37 projects Failure Success Rate for projects in WeFund 32% 16 projects Success 68% 34 projects Failure Success *source: personal compilation *source: personal compilation FIGURE 20: Success rate Verkami FIGURE 21: Success rate Ulule Success Rate for projects in Verkami 66% 33 projects 34% 17 projects Failure Success Success Rate for projects in Ulule 60% 30 projects 40% 20 projects Failure Success 53 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates FIGURE 22: Success rate Startnext Success Rate for projects in Startnext 20% 10 projects 80% 40 projects Failure Success FIGURE 23: Success rate Voordekunst Success Rate for projects in Voordekunst 72% 36 projects 28% 14 projects Failure Success source: personal compilation *source: personal compilation FIGURE 24: Success rate Catarse FIG. 25: Success rate Startsomegood Success Rate for projects in Catarse 74% 37 projects 26% 13 projects Failure Success Success Rate for projects in Startsomegood 58% 29 projects 42% 21 projects Failure Success 54 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates According to these results, Startnext (80%), Catarse (74%) and Voordekunst (72%) hold the higher success rates among the analyzed platforms, whereas in Rockethub (26%) and WeFund (32%) projects tend to be less successful. However, due to the size of the individual sample (50 projects per platform), some data may be conflicting with the results of the first research question, where projects were also randomly picked in some of these platforms. In the next section we will proceed to the analysis of those platforms which have similar data in RQ1 and RQ5 and those which do not. In this case, as the selected projects were completely different, an average between the two samples will be calculated in order to achieve a more precise result. In order to complement the study of the dynamics of each of the analyzed platforms, it may be helpful to calculate the average of the percentage of raised funds over the tipping point (amount needed for the project to be successful) in successful projects, and compare the number with the unsuccessful ones. Thus, for each project, we will calculate the following: The result will give us the percentage of collected funds over or below the tipping point. They will be positive for the successful projects and negative for the unsuccessful ones. The aggregated results across platforms will provide an idea of the dispersion of the amounts raised per project, compared to the amounts needed. Results are shown in Table 7: 55 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates TABLE 7: % of amounts raised over or below the tipping point per platform % of amount raised over the % of amount raised below the tipping point in successful tipping point in unsuccessful projects projects KICKSTARTER 67% -77% INDIEGOGO 40% -60% ROCKETHUB 36% -64% WEFUND 13% -84% VERKAMI 15% -84% ULULE 22% -86% STARTNEXT 22% -82% VOORDEKUNST 6% -51% CATARSE 37% -70% STARTSOMEGOOD 52% -76% AGGREGATE 31% -73% *source: personal compilation 56 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates 5. Discussion 5.1 Success rates across geographical location The first finding which derives from this study is a higher success rate of those projects present in European platforms (62%), compared to their North-American competitors (38%). The disaggregation of the results across platforms suggests that there are no anomalies which may have caused this conclusion. Within the US-based platforms, Indiegogo (38%) showed exactly the same success rate as the global of the category, while Kickstarter (48%) approached equality and Rockethub (28%) proved to be less successful. Overall, none of them reached 50% of success. The overall success rate, in this case, is considered as not heavily influenced by particular traits of the individual platforms. When it comes to the European platforms, only the British WeFund (33%) presents an overall negative success rate. Verkami (53%), Startnext (67%), Voordekunst (73%) and Ulule (83%) push the average up. In fact, WeFund (33%) is the platform with an average success rate more distant to the general European one (62%). This fact shows that the European average is not positively influenced by any anomaly. If there is some influence by an anomaly, it is negative and is caused by WeFund. Consequently, the first research question suggests a higher success rate within European platforms in a uniform way. 57 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates Nevertheless, an in-depth analysis points out a relatively easier way to success for European projects. As shown in table 3, both the average value per project (56.655 $) and the average value per project without anomalies (27.015 $) of the selected American projects are much higher than the European ones (7.871 $ and 5.528 $, respectively). Additionally, even though there is a higher success rate for projects in Europe, the money pledged in all successful projects of the sample is four times higher in the United States (2.250.910 $ ) than in Europe (492.660$). Summing up, this research shows a clear dominance of Europe over the United States in terms of success rate of crowdfunding projects; however, crowdfunding volumes in the United States are much higher (which adds difficulty for the average project to raise enough funds) and the overall sum of the money pledge is higher than the one in Europe. 5.2 Success rates across nature of the project In the second research question, this study deals with the different success rates found in crowdfunding sites depending on the category of the project, regardless of its origin, or needed amount. According to the present study, it seems clear that while cultural and social projects show a similar positive success rate (57% and 55%, respectively), technology projects stand far away from these numbers and only reach success 36% of times. 58 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates Taking into account that samples in each category are conformed by projects originated in the same platforms (in 90% of the cases), particular success rates for each platform do not seem to be the cause of this difference. However, further investigation can provide a possible explanation for this difference when the focus of the analysis turns from the platforms’ success rates to the average amount of funds needed for projects in each category. In this sense, in Table 4 it can be appreciated how the average funding goal for technology projects in the sample is much higher (37.913 $ without anomalies) than the funding goals for cultural and social projects (11.164 and 12.273 without anomalies, respectively). Thus, the higher (triple) average funding goal for technology projects could be, at least, part of the explanation for its lower success rate, compared to cultural and social projects. 5.3 Success rates across number of reward levels When trying to establish success rates across number of rewards of the projects, differences were presented in a slighter way. In this case, the results did not share the progression of the categories because those ones with “low” and “high” number of reward levels presented the same results (47% of success rate), whereas those located among them, from six to nine reward levels, showed a 56% of success rate. Further analysis in this research question does not clarify the reasons behind the results. Data in table 5 does not provide any argument to which we can relate when trying to explain the greater success rate among projects with 6-9 reward levels because in this case, the results follow a logical progression. Thus, table 5 shows a 59 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates positive correlation between the number of reward levels in a project and its funding goal. The greater the number of reward levels, the greater the funding goal. Nevertheless, this result only points out what could be deducted in a general way, and does not explain why projects with 6-9 reward levels have a greater success rate than the ones below six and above nine. 5.4 Success rates across project goal Another interesting dimension derived from this study deals with the impact of the funds needed to finance the project in its success rate. The investigation shows that, according to this study, the greater the funding goal of a project, the lower the probability to achieve it. This conclusion, extracted from an analysis of US-based platforms, shows that although every platform has different success rates for the analyzed groups (high, medium and low), all of them show the same pattern: higher success rates for projects with a low funding goal, and vice-verse. Hence, Kickstarter results show a 49% of success rate for “low” projects, whereas “medium” and “high” display a 40%. In Indiegogo’s case, the rates are 57%, 46% and 26%. Finally Rockethub, which tends to show lower success rates in general, appears in this research question with 20%, 23% and 7%, respectively. Finally, the average of all projects is 43%, 37% and 25%. 60 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates All in all, it can be appreciated how those progressions remain the same, with a negative correlation between the amount of money needed to finance the project and the success rate (although at different levels per platform). 5.5 Success rates across platforms Any study similar to the present one which does not focus on a single platform will be affected by each platform’s success rate. This success rate can be influenced by many factors, for instance: The platform’s aggregated traffic An adequate pre-screening and filtering of the projects done by the platform’s administrators Consultancy and community management services provided by the platforms to the starters of the projects The fee charged by the platform The level of crowdfunding penetration in the country The aim of the last research question was to try to approximate success rate across the platforms which contributed with more projects to the study. However, due to the small size of the sample (50 projects), some results presented significant differences 61 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates with data collected in Research Question 1. Table 8 shows a comparison between them: TABLE 8: Comparison and average between RQ1 and RQ5 Research Research Question 1 Question 5 KICKSTARTER 48% 46% 47% INDIEGOGO 38% 46% 42% ROCKETHUB 28% 26% 27% WEFUND 33% 32% 32,5% VERKAMI 53% 66% 59,5% ULULE 83% 60% 71,5% STARTNEXT 67% 80% 73,5% VOORDEKUNST 73% 72% 72,5% CATARSE - 74% 74% STARTSOMEGOOD - 58% 58% Average *source: personal compilation Results show significant differences between RQ1 and RQ5 in Verkami (13%), Ulule (23%) and Startnext (13%), while Indiegogo (8%) presents a smaller difference and Kickstarter (2%), Rockethub (2%), WeFund (1%) and Voordekunst (1%) remain in 62 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates the same parameters in both cases. Catarse and Startsomegood were not included in Research Question 5; consequently, comparison is not possible in their analysis. Given the deviation of the data in some of the categories, an average between RQ1 and RQ5 has been calculated with the aim of enlarging the sample to 100 projects instead of 50 (please note that the analyzed projects in RQ1 and RQ5 were different). Thus, taking these averages as a reference, results show a clear difference between success rates of the platforms. Startnext (73,5%), Voordekunst (72,5%) and Ulule (71,5%) present the higher success rates among those platforms with a sample of 100 projects, followed by Verkami (59,5%). The next platform in the list is Kickstarter (47%), closely followed by Indiegogo (42%). Closing the list, WeFund (32,5%) and Rockethub (27%) prove to be the platforms with a lower success rate among the analyzed ones. Catarse (74%) holds the higher success rate of the study, although its sample is 50 because this number cannot be compared to any data in RQ1. As a consequence, it would not be realistic to equalize its reliability to the other platforms. The same explanation applies to Startsomegood (58% of success rate), who would place itself close to Verkami in the ranking. With slight differences, Research Question 5 supports some of the findings in Research Question 1: European platforms, with the exception of WeFund, attain higher success rates than its American competitors. Nevertheless, as stated in 63 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates section 5.1, crowdfunding volumes in US platforms are much higher than in the European ones. Additionally, data provided in Table 7 reveals some interesting conclusions in success or failure’s patrons across platforms. Firstly, it can be deducted from this analysis that, in general, amounts raised in successful projects tend to remain closer to the tipping point than amounts raised in unsuccessful projects. Successful projects raised, on average, 31% more than the funds needed to finance the project, whereas the unsuccessful ones raised 73% less than the funds needed. This is the general conclusion after aggregating results from all projects. A possible explanation for this phenomenon could be the snowball effect: people tend to be more proactive to fund a project which has already been funded by many other backers, and also tend to be more reluctant when funding a project which has received less support, causing these projects to remain with a weak amount collected. In an in-depth analysis across platforms, it can be observed how in WeFund (13%), Verkami (15%), Ulule (22%), Startnext (22%) and Voordekunst (6%) successful projects tend to remain closer to the tipping point than in Kickstarter (67%), Indiegogo (40%), Rockethub (36%), Catarse (37%) and Startsomegood (52%). Once again, we can appreciate the difference between the European and the American platforms (in this case, including the Brazilian Catarse). A feasible explanation to this finding may be the aim of the pledging in both regions: in Europe, backers tend to be more project-oriented, so that the goal of their pledge 64 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates is to contribute to the projects’ success. Consequently, once the project reaches its tipping point, there is less need for additional pledges and backers may turn towards other projects where their support is more needed, causing stagnation on the projects once the tipping point has been reached. On the contrary, in the United States, backers tend to be more individual-oriented, so that the goal of their pledge is to achieve a personal return (for the purpose of this study, a reward). As a consequence, it doesn’t matter whether a project has been already funded or not, because the possibility of obtaining any reward remains intact and thus, there is no stagnation once the tipping goal has been reached. 6. Conclusions Despite the impossibility of analyzing all aspects concerning success or failure of a crowdfunding initiative, this study displayed some interesting conclusions which can be applied to the reward-based model: The United States and Europe are far away from other regions in terms of crowdfunding penetration. The crowdfunding volumes and number of platforms in these regions proof their advantage compared to other regions such as Latin America or Asia. Success rate tends to be higher for projects in European platforms (62%) than in the North-American ones (38%). Nevertheless, the average value of a project proves to be much higher in the United States than in Europe, making it more difficult for them to achieve success. Also, the study revealed that the 65 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates amount of money pledged in successful projects in the US was four times as big as the amount pledged in successful projects in Europe. Technology projects tend to show a lower success rate (36%) than cultural projects (57%) or projects dealing with social causes (55%). This can be influenced by their higher average value, as technology projects tend to imply greater costs. Projects ranging from 6 to 9 reward levels proved to achieve success in 56% of the cases, whereas projects below 6 and above 9 reward levels are successful 47% of the times. The amount of funds needed to finance a project is negatively correlated to its success rate. According to the finding in this study, projects with a funding goal below 10.000 $ showed a 43% of success rate, whereas projects with a funding goal between 10.000 $ and 30.000$ achieved success in 37% of the cases and only 25% the projects with a funding goal above 30.000 $ were successful. Startnext (Germany), Voordekunst (the Netherlands) and Ulule (France) showed the higher success rates of all analyzed platforms, whereas Rockethub (United States) and WeFund (United Kingdom) proved to have the higher failure rate. In general, European platforms tend to attain higher success than their American competitors, although the traffic and volumes are much higher in the United States (for instance, Kickstarter and Indiegogo are the two biggest crowdfunding platforms in the world). 66 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates Successful projects tend to be much closer to the tipping point than unsuccessful projects. This finding is backed by the fact that successful projects raise, on average, 31% more of the funds needed, whereas unsuccessful projects collect 73% less of the funds needed. A feasible explanation for this phenomenon may be the snowball effect. Successful projects in Europe tend to be closer to the tipping point than successful projects in the United States. A cultural factor may be the cause of this difference: while European backers tend to be more project-oriented, US ones are more focused on personal gain. All in all, this analysis is framed in an environment where crowdfunding volumes are increasing at an accelerated pace, in terms of number of projects, value of the projects and number of platforms, among others. Despite being a relatively young industry, the room for growth is enormous, even more in developing economies. Crowdfunding has definitely emerged as an effective way to overcome financing difficulties for projects of any kind, enlarging the base of backers, and consequently raising social awareness of the projects and not giving away all power to a reduced number of investors. 7. Limitations and suggestions for further research Crowdfunding is expanding at a fast pace, and the number of projects published worldwide is enormous. It is impossible to determine in an exact way the success rates across the categories which were analyzed in this study. In order to overcome 67 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates this difficulty, the chosen sample tried to be as diverse and representative as possible. However, the first limitation of the present study lies in the size of this sample. Available time and resources made it impossible to enlarge the scope of the database. The sample of the present study contains 300 projects for Research Question 1, 300 projects for Research Question 2, 300 projects for Research Question 3, 300 projects for Research Question 4 and 500 projects for Research Question 5. Nevertheless, a greater sample would have boosted reliability of the results and conclusions, so this aspect leaves room for improvement for further research: increasing both the number of analyzed projects per platform and the number of analyzed platforms themselves. Another limitation of this study deals with a possible seasonality of the data. Crowdfunding is not alien to reality, and is heavily influenced by the society’s general habits because it is a purely social phenomenon. For academic reasons, this study was conducted between the 12th of June and the 9th of October 2013. Although the dates range has been extended as much as possible, a large portion of projects fall into the summer period, when most people are on vacations and may vary their usual routine. A sample equally distributed throughout the year would bring greater reliability to the results, as they would not be exposed to seasonality. Besides these two general limitations of the study, another one needs to be added specifically to Research Question 2. When trying to assess the success rates across nature of the project, the established categories were Culture, Social and Technology. In order to ensure trustworthiness of the analysis, the ideal situation 68 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates would be to have a homogeneous distribution of projects for each category in the same research question. However, in Research Question 2, it was impossible to do so. Some reasons were: 1) Each platform is oriented towards a specific kind of projects and it was impossible to obtain the same number of cultural, social and technology projects as their availability was distant. 2) Some platforms do not even allow specific projects. For instance, Kickstarter does not host any social project and Voordekunst only accepts projects related to culture. 3) Traffic across platforms is also unequally distributed: many platforms do not have a significant amount of projects to fulfill all categories. In order to enlarge current knowledge on crowdfunding, it would be interesting to add the equity-based crowdfunding to the study. As stated in section 3, in the present study it was impossible to do so. However, its expected growth in the next years should be analyzed in further research. Finally, another interesting issue for further investigation deals with a piece of information which popped up in Research Question 5. The present study displayed the ratios of amounts raised over the tipping for both successful and unsuccessful projects, and tried to compare the ratios across platforms. The findings and possible explanations behind them are not aligned with the main purpose of this study, but are worth a deeper analysis, probably both in a quantitative and qualitative way. 69 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates 8. Bibliography British Broadcasting Corporation. “The Statue of Liberty and America's crowdfunding pioneer” European Crowdfunding Association. “Crowdfunding” Forbes. “What is crowdfunding and how does it benefit the economy?” (2012) Forbes. “Crowdfunding Predictions for 2013” (2012) Massolution. “Crowdfunding Industry Report. Market Trends, Composition and Crowdfunding Platforms.” (2012) Paglia, John K. “2012 Economic Forecast. Insights from Small and Mid-Sized Business Owners”. Pepperdine University (2012) pcmp-2012.pdf Spellman, Peter. “Arts patronage by the masses”. Berklee College of Music 70 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates Taylor, John. “The Pennyles Pilgrimage”. (1618) f?sequence=1) 71 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates ANNEX 1 A – United States Projects Platform Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Name of the project LÜM Apparel: Join the Interactive Generation of Clothing + POOL , Tile by Tile STOCK WALLET Sam & Friends Selling America - Graduate Thesis Project Blizzard at Sea - "Certain Structures" full length album The Good Woodleys " A little line of good standing people" ChargeLight: Doc.Light.Power Thriving on School Lunch The World's first Solid Body Bamboo Electric Harp Guitar Hit me with music Mass fit clothing "Best of Pop" album tour Blood Will Tell The Fantasy Club by Rachel Bublitz Back Whenever Retro Style + Pop Culture = Ultra Luxe, Handmade Ties Toy Soldiers: The Maybe Boys Artclix Magnetic Interchangeable Jewelry iRoo SERVANTS OF THE SECRET CAUSE: Series Premiere Spaced Out - The Story of Fil & Mantis The Return of Mystic Philadelphia BAAKO - BOOK 1 Graphic Novel Project Get Down The Road Brewery moving down the road! As Can be: An 8 mm Odyssey Ending date 17/07/2013 12/07/2013 17/07/2013 12/07/2013 24/06/2013 26/06/2013 11/08/2013 12/07/2013 13/07/2013 11/08/2013 04/07/2013 06/07/2013 27/07/2013 12/07/2013 29/06/2013 24/06/2013 12/07/2013 12/07/2013 11/07/2013 12/07/2013 12/07/2013 12/07/2013 26/07/2013 12/07/2013 11/08/2013 22/07/2013 Amount needed 10.000 250.000 12.000 10.000 1.200 1.000 85.000 100.000 30.000 5.000 1.000 14.000 6.000 2.500.000 4.000 2.000 10.000 12.000 9.900 7.550 20.000 15.000 4.400 12.000 30.000 20.000 Amount raised 22.369 273.114 16.638 10.635 125 1.150 3.970 121.329 7.336 11.036 1.615 618 7.146 1 4.376 2.070 12.575 14.350 68 400 1.480 20.107 899 17.508 6.724 3.979 Result Success Success Success Success Failure Success Failure Success Failure Success Success Failure Success Failure Success Success Success Success Failure Failure Failure Success Failure Success Failure Failure 72 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates Kickstarter Mask of the Read Panda - the Full-cast video comic 17/07/2013 4.850 12.009 Success Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Folklore Monster and Art Puppets Calaveras Playing Cards (inspired by the day of the death) The very best tickle Seasonal Gatherings: Recipes from Montana's Mustang Kitchen Convert Ocaniumystic Marcelo Menne - Untold stories - Debut Album The 5th Venice Beach Kustom Bicycles Art Show Guess again: the 20 questions game Luxury hoodies and laser beams - furglory: light up the party! Over the Edge Anchor Our Ballard - A Ballard Seafoodfest Production Loop Cuts Playing Cards Goldsboro tea for goldsboro Lovers in Crime PawNosh Pet Bowls Living with courage Precision metal dice - Floating face design, d6 and fudge Backtrackdg Crusin Thru Llife Shannon Gillen + Guests Moving On: A music video by Ashley Rose Help A23 Side Project ToolMonks: Whip Up Amazing Graphics Fast Charity Miles Sponsor a Special Surfer - Autism Surf Session Save the Historic Huntridge Theater 12/07/2013 22/07/2013 13/07/2013 18/07/2013 12/07/2013 12/07/2013 12/07/2013 14/07/2013 14/07/2013 24/07/2013 14/07/2013 02/07/2013 13/07/2013 13/07/2013 13/07/2013 28/07/2013 13/07/2013 18/07/2013 18/07/2013 03/07/2013 09/07/2013 13/07/2013 30/06/2013 26/06/2013 05/07/2013 09/07/2013 17/07/2013 1.000 15.000 3.500 5.000 6.000 13.000 7.999 17.500 5.100 10.000 18.750 6.000 15.000 500 6.000 10.000 2.000 5.000 3.000 3.000 2.200 2.000 2.500 20.000 100.000 35.000 150.000 1.754 61.217 5 7.718 13.118 cancelled 120 91 0 3.765 871 6.255 8.664 cancelle 25 10.830 199 24.114 cancelled 997 2.310 80 15.862 546 21.782 17.325 207.355 Success Success Failure Success Success Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Success Failure Failure Failure Success Failure Success Failure Failure Success Failure Success Failure Failure Failure Success 73 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Trinkaryu Medical Expenses One Last Sunset Redux Help the Robertson Family Wallhunters: The Slumlord Project Modogamous, a Novel BLOOD DRIVE: High Speed, Action Packed, Blood Thirsty Film Sincere Allegiance Live Nude Girls The First Crowdfunding Incubator Release Yoga Empowered for Chronic Conditions Treehouse Music Developing Safer Shower Pedal Harp for Sherry Konkus Journey to Alabama Compassion-in-Action Chain Reaction: Send a Kid to a Camp Wheels for Wendell Drive Change: Building a Food Truck for Social Justice Greenbody Greenplanet: Toxin Free & Organic Hair Care The Open America Project STITCH: Milwaukee: Community Mural Project Look Twice: A Short Film about Guns, Gangs and Birthday Cake Silent Cries of a Fatherless Soon Ashlee's Bullroast Yako-na Provincetown Fishermen's Memorial Fund - Design Phase Sorry Abid Adar and Nithi The Bounce Back Rejuvenating Local food supplies and local economies Raw Milk and dairy farms: Human Animal welfare… 31/07/2013 22/07/2013 05/07/2013 07/07/2013 22/07/2013 06/08/2013 14/07/2013 23/07/2013 07/07/2013 09/07/2013 18/07/2013 04/08/2013 09/07/2013 12/06/2013 03/08/2013 04/08/2013 16/07/2013 18/07/2013 05/08/2013 13/07/2013 04/08/2013 20/07/2013 15/06/2013 08/07/2013 31/07/2013 06/07/2013 27/07/2013 26/07/2013 27/07/2013 3.000 10.000 2.500 8.000 2.000 50.000 5.000 26.000 800.000 800 10.000 25.000 14.000 2.850 25.000 55.000 40.000 35.000 65.000 5.000 32.000 25.000 600 40.000 56.000 10.000 500.000 54.927 5.000 3.653 211 625 4.053 2.005 637 1.510 26.105 200 1.893 0 1.051 20 2.904 25.620 55.314 42.196 2.165 7.841 2.570 4.240 535 1.475 43.163 2.855 10.677 547.976 243 9.460 Success Failure Failure Failure Success Failure Failure Success Failure Success Failure Failure Failure Success Success Success Success Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Success Success Failure Success Success Failure Success 74 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo ndiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub The Watchman's message Black Girls Code - Summer of Code - Remix 2013 ThinkBody: Anatomy of a Pattern Arty 84's Baseball Road Trip 2013 - The "Last Hurrah" movie Paul Bielatowicz's solo album: Preludes & Etudes The Whyte Album Manners and nettiquete: Help us bring social graces to US schools Jason Boorhees Confessions The world underground - Episode 1 : China Follow the Yarn Ascesion Gateway at Sacred Space Village 2013 NewBerry Casey 2016 Olympic Campaign Waiting for Godot: a Yiddish world premiere 2013 Rally to improve birth - Because we can do better Move to amend's amendment Broadcast campaign Zach's Bike "That's Entertainment!" presented by Jeff DePaoli Lover, No Longer Tour Funding Campaign Elijah & The Moon Rebirth Realty: Restoring Detroit Properties for VFA Fellow Housing The Queens' Tea Startup Campaign: There's a Queen in Everyone The Sugar Glider Genetics Project Luau like a local! The Easy Way Run for the Rez: Potato Creek Action Boot: Learn skills to become an Action Hero New content, and new content delivery, for The Port OTR: Over The Rhine's Sandwich Shop The Alex Ellsworth Cello Fund Shanti Uganda 2013 22/07/2013 26/07/2013 17/07/2013 10/08/2013 12/07/2013 07/07/2013 09/08/2013 08/08/2013 20/07/2013 09/07/2013 09/07/2013 05/07/2013 06/08/2013 22/07/2013 15/07/2013 19/07/2013 06/07/2013 16/07/2013 05/08/2013 08/07/2013 30/07/2013 31/07/2013 15/06/2013 26/06/2013 08/07/2013 25/06/2013 08/07/2013 18/08/2013 02/08/2013 25.521 100.000 4.500 3.000 5.000 15.000 15.000 2.825 6.000 5.000 33.000 20.000 40.000 20.000 15.000 500 13.000 5.000 5.000 10.000 20.000 8.200 3.000 1.900 2.000 3.000 5.000 30.000 6.500 cancelle 114.290 2.558 0 5.725 6.675 650 165 6.121 1.131 3.723 1.026 7.370 7.145 36.364 40 1.695 2.515 2.520 10.521 12.790 9.019 3.160 1.751 725 2.000 2.855 8.060 145 Failure Success Failure Failure Success Failure Failure Failure Success Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Success Failure Failure Failure Failure Success Failure Success Success Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure 75 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub TOP Recruit - Supporting Student Athletes Piano Concierto Memories of My Childhood CD Launch Leaven Woodfire Bakery Fund WebbliWorld - World's craziest gang in the World's Biggest Playground Real Estate Agent Performance - See where your agent stands Help Raya Hanon launch our designer swimwear brand! Cowboys & Jesus The Movie The Story of Milo & Annie: A short film Help Support The Girls Guide Help Amani Scholars Soar with an Engineering Summer Camp Sidewalk Traffic: Post Reduction Funds for Comedy/Drama Feature Film Oceanography for Everyone: The Open CTD The Amorslists Present: Set the Scene for the Cheaters Club StartUp Effect The Information Party Cast Masters HEAD SHAPE MATTERS Educational DVD's Send Spence to The Studio (New Album) Help Fund DNTUlimit's Project TreKorv - The triangular hot dog! 'Exhausted' - A Short Film Help Konichiwaack Go to Body Rock Jinbu Help me get to auditions, meetings, Teen Hoot and Vidcon this summer! Support ILL Doots on the "Send Us Back to Space Tour Interfusion Danse' Congress // Support us to bring you the best artists! Support the Launch Pad Astronomy Workshop for Science Fiction Authors Asphalt to Agriculture Project " Raise a Bed" Please support Kidz Care the Web Series 17/07/2013 24/06/2013 05/07/2013 6.000 6.500 17.700 75 150 992 08/07/2013 07/07/2013 02/07/2013 04/08/2013 19/07/2013 17/06/2013 28/06/2013 12/07/2013 17/08/2013 02/07/2013 08/07/2013 08/07/2013 15/06/2013 07/07/2013 14/07/2013 31/07/2013 01/07/2013 05/07/2013 28/06/2013 08/07/2013 27/06/2013 19/07/2013 24/06/2013 10/07/2013 12/07/2013 20/06/2013 2.000.000 100.000 20.000 50.000 20.000 1.000 9.000 25.000 10.000 15.000 10.000 10.000 7.000 12.000 6.000 15.000 10.000 2.000 2.000 6.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 6.000 8.000 500 150 250 100 425 21.829 1.255 2.180 12.085 5.805 15.004 16.369 2.730 1.095 13.045 7.050 5.410 3.131 2.130 815 10.810 1.985 2.305 2.114 1.895 750 50 Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Success Success Failure Failure Failure Success Success Failure Failure Success Success Failure Failure Success Failure Success Failure Failure Failure Success Failure Failure 76 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub AR15 Upper Receivers & 80% Lower Jigs by NorthWest Precision MilanMonkeys Parkour Multy-Gym Abandon in Place - A One Human Show Button Maker! Rainbow Players' Production of CHICAGO TagCa$h: We are Crowdfunding! Support Snax Magazine and Satisfy Your Creative Hunger!! Support K-12 Schools with Clean Skies for Education 13/07/2013 31/07/2013 13/07/2013 30/06/2013 06/07/2013 18/07/2013 19/07/2013 24/06/2013 20.000 14.500 7.500 500 2.000 25.000 1.500 50.000 53.035 4.560 2.755 20 285 25.370 1.020 1.200 Success Failure Failure Failure Failure Success Failure Failure *all amounts are expressed in US Dollars 77 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates ANNEX 1 B– Europe Projects Country UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK Platform WeFund WeFund WeFund WeFund WeFund WeFund WeFund WeFund WeFund WeFund WeFund WeFund WeFund WeFund WeFund WeFund WeFund WeFund WeFund WeFund WeFund WeFund WeFund WeFund WeFund Name of the project Expansion & Design Capital Funding Lancaster OffShot Present: the Canterbury Tales Voices of South Africa New Trendsetting R+B First Bartion Brownies need a parachute! Our Edinburgh Play-Kaffa Imagine/Little Pioneers Theatre - Film Company Found On Knowledge: a performance about (un)certainty Lucy Frederik - In Pursuit of Cool Brazil Three Centuries of Music A Dance with the devil Dreadnought South West Please Support techstatic kids art show & world record attempt Agatha The BIG KID rainwear company - Prototype fund Birdhouse - a new show by Jammy Voo Facehunters Edinburgh 2013 SHEquality Matters Magazine - The next stage of SHEvolution Lost in America - Route 26 (Oregon) Pigeon English 1000 suns - Edinburgh fringe production Minotaur Theatre Company takes "the Librarians" to the Fringe! The Remembered Film Tamar Broadbent: Almost epic Ending date 10/07/2013 01/08/2013 08/08/2013 07/07/2013 07/07/2013 27/07/2013 05/08/2013 04/08/2013 03/07/2013 14/07/2013 01/07/2013 02/07/2013 26/07/2013 12/07/2013 28/06/2013 28/06/2013 29/07/2013 01/08/2013 24/06/2013 23/06/2013 07/08/2013 20/07/2013 20/07/2013 09/07/2013 30/06/2013 Amount needed 5.000 500 10.000 10.000 60 500 20.000 800 1.000 500 2.000 350 2.000 100.000 400 75 1.000 500 500 500 3.000 1.000 1.000 1.500 1.500 Amount raised 35 cancelled 0 cancelled 14 6 0 158 1.144 700 100 40 120 0 61 0 1.014 570 0 0 3.041 1.051 1.313 1.525 1.590 Result Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Success Success Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Success Success Failure Failure Success Success Success Success Success 78 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates UK UK UK UK UK Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain WeFund WeFund WeFund WeFund WeFund Verkami Verkami Verkami Verkami Verkami Verkami Verkami Verkami Verkami Verkami Verkami Verkami Verkami Verkami Spain Verkami Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Verkami Verkami Verkami Verkami Verkami Verkami Verkami Verkami Better Live for Ervin Harlesden High Street by Abhishek Mujamdar Trans-Plantable Living Room Together Forever Clear Blue Therapies - A revolutionary Company Primera maqueta de Phobic! Nou disc de Profesor Globo Col·labora a fer realitat l'Àliga de Cardona Redención Rodaje de "la venganza" La Rufa necessita un tractor! Catálogo de la exposición de Daniel Expósito MacetoHuerto para Android Con la música a otra parte Sombra (Shadow) El Sueño de Veira CATARATA (Elvira & Elphomega) Vinilo Especial Coloreado - Dark Garden Recordings LTD - 001 Dans Capacitats, més enllà de la dança Svetlana Tovstukha y Luiz Gustavo Carvalho. Sonatas de Rachmaninov y Chopin Cueva de Can Sadurní. Ayúdanos a continuar con 35 años de investigación Revista Hunter Nuevo disco de Enderrocks: Causa i Efecte RECNAC, la película de los pacientes con cáncer Canta! El primer DVD de la Dàmaris Gelabert ALZINA (un film por Omar Delorage) AUXILI -nou disc Bibiana & Tomàs Love Forever 26/06/2013 22/06/2013 20/06/2013 20/06/2013 17/06/2013 24/07/2013 24/07/2013 24/07/2013 23/07/2013 23/07/2013 23/07/2013 23/07/2013 23/07/2013 23/07/2013 22/07/2013 22/07/2013 22/07/2013 22/07/2013 22/07/2013 4.000 1.500 4.800 50.000 1.000 400 2.000 2.000 1.500 1.000 4.000 2.750 4.000 8.500 8.000 4.500 5.000 1.600 3.000 3 1.286 4.990 0 0 cancelled 2.070 2.420 510 60 4.100 528 0 480 8.530 20 5.055 83 3.900 22/07/2013 5.000 155 22/07/2013 22/07/2013 21/07/2013 21/07/2013 21/07/2013 20/07/2013 20/07/2013 20/07/2013 3.500 3.000 1.000 35.000 14.950 2.500 1.500 15 3.827 167 1.340 1.480 16.425 2.746 cancelled 63 Failure Failure Success Failure Failure Failure Success Success Failure Failure Success Failure Failure Failure Success Failure Success Failure Success Failure Success Failure Success Failure Success Success Failure Success 79 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France Verkami Verkami Verkami Verkami Verkami Verkami Verkami Ulule Ulule Ulule Ulule Ulule Ulule Ulule Ulule Ulule Ulule Ulule Ulule Ulule Ulule Ulule Ulule Ulule Ulule Ulule Ulule Ulule Ulule Beluga: Architecture of the Absurd Inspiración: Mujeres frente a la cámara INLAVABLES: Nuevo disco de Troglodyte Style Bilas de Alta Frecuencia TAXI MATAR Edición en español de "Bread" de Jeffrey Hamelman" Pintura sobre madera Boys Band Theorie Le Chant des Actrices Editions la Plume et le Parchemin Cynetic et sa folle machine BBC Album Power Rock Bring Radio Cómeme to the Next Seasons Un jour j'irai à New-York avec vous Espoir pour le SED, et si c'était vous? "Le bain" suivi de "c'était hier" Banlieue à Banlieues Centre Educatif à Lokossa Adèle & Zalem Sauvons l'orphelinat Amour et Manon Olympians "Yeah!" Premier E.P de Stáphane Hubert Rotterdam la nuit Slum'Child Humanitaire Cool Red Apple En route pour le première clip de D.A. HEMETT - Tournée des Plages Zazotte Onglerie / Bijoux Uniques Le doigt 20/07/2013 20/07/2013 20/07/2013 20/07/2013 20/07/2013 20/07/2013 20/07/2013 04/07/2013 04/07/2013 04/07/2013 05/07/2013 05/07/2013 05/07/2013 05/07/2013 05/07/2013 05/07/2013 05/07/2013 05/07/2013 06/07/2013 06/07/2013 06/07/2013 06/07/2013 06/07/2013 06/07/2013 06/07/2013 06/07/2013 06/07/2013 06/07/2013 06/07/2013 2.200 4.000 8.000 7.000 4.000 9.750 3.000 5.000 2.500 2.200 600 1.000 5.000 1.530 1.000 1.600 1.800 1.500 2.000 1.500 1.500 800 1.000 1.000 850 2.160 2.500 1.500 850 2.330 4.105 1.095 8.800 4.260 18.665 900 5.172 788 2.300 1.056 1.078 5.261 1.581 1.000 185 597 1.679 3.037 5.906 2.020 877 1.025 1.070 313 2.181 2.680 1.627 965 Success Success Failure Success Success Success Failure Success Failure Success Success Success Success Success Success Failure Failure Success Success Success Success Success Success Success Failure Success Success Success Success 80 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates France France France France France France France France Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Ulule Ulule Ulule Ulule Ulule Ulule Ulule Ulule Startnext Startnext Startnext Startnext Startnext Startnext Startnext Startnext Startnext Startnext Startnext Startnext Startnext Startnext Startnext Startnext Startnext Startnext Startnext Startnext Startnext Projet GK Dumanjug WILLY BLANK -EP Les voyageurs, les noveaux mondes Tokyo District Breakfast- Nouvel EP Revue Répliques nº2 - Été 2013 Jusqu'où iriez-vous? Far-West Produktion der Promo-CD von HORSCHD EastScenery - Kalender an der TU Ilmenau The Hi-Fly Orchestra Tour Support "Get Ready" Die Brille App Lofoten Adventure - UNLIMITED HIKING JESUS CRIES HIGH NOON Zirkus Mafia DIE MAMBA - Eine gefährlich komische Verwechslungskomödie Zeitwohlstand - Arbeit und Wohlstand neu definieren Samuel Beckett: Spiel SEIN ODER NICHTSEIN - Cammerspiele-Sommertheater 2013 THE WEIGHT - Das Debut auf Vinyl 66 Frauen, 21 Instrumente, 10 Jahre und ein Film Deutschlandtour der Jungen Waldorf-Philharmonie Freiheit auf Schienen - ein Film über das Abenteuer InterRail WAGNIS MENSCH SEIN # Ein Theateranschlag Book-sculpture HEXAEDER Ministerium für Glück und Wohlbefinden Kurzfilm Skyrim The Aftermath Das Rätsel - ein Kurzfilmthriller (Realfilm) 06/07/2013 06/07/2013 06/07/2013 07/07/2013 07/07/2013 07/07/2013 08/07/2013 09/07/2013 21/07/2013 21/07/2013 21/07/2013 21/07/2013 21/07/2013 20/07/2013 20/07/2013 22/07/2013 22/07/2013 22/07/2013 22/07/2013 23/07/2013 23/07/2013 23/07/2013 23/07/2013 24/07/2013 24/07/2013 19/07/2013 19/07/2013 19/07/2013 19/07/2013 500 900 1.500 1.200 1.700 150 450 2.000 1.050 250 1.000 6.000 1.900 25.000 5.000 26.000 100.000 5.000 7.500 500 2.000 15.000 5.000 2.400 4.800 2.500 3.333 1.000 1.000 1.060 1.060 25 1.435 1.945 174 460 2.471 1.050 70 1.000 6.630 1.915 25.466 775 300 1.380 5.115 122 530 380 16.005 5.488 2.445 4.815 445 4.727 1.210 2.010 Success Success Failure Success Success Success Success Success Success Failure Success Success Success Success Failure Failure Failure Success Failure Success Failure Success Success Success Success Failure Success Success Success 81 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Startnext Startnext Startnext Startnext Startnext Startnext Startnext Startnext Startnext Voordekunst Voordekunst Voordekunst Voordekunst Voordekunst Voordekunst Voordekunst Voordekunst Voordekunst Voordekunst Voordekunst Voordekunst Voordekunst Voordekunst Voordekunst Voordekunst Voordekunst Voordekunst Voordekunst Voordekunst U977 - 66 DAYS UNDER WATER / U977 - 66 TAGE UNTER WASSER Die verlorenen Kinder der Khmer KURZFILM "Glück - bleib einfach stehn!" (Abschlussfilm) Lettische Kunst - Kunst der Westküste SHIFT - Das Magazin mit Hirn, Herz und Horizont UNDRIVEN - an experimental road movie /slash Filmfestival 2013 // 19.-29. September 2013 Der Fluch - die ganze Wahrheit (finalen 4 Episoden des MysteryTRIP - Road-/ Auto-/ Rocker-/ B-Movie-Kurzfilm Impulstanz Olga Malkina: CD-opname Russische pianomuziek 19e/20e eeuw Project Zero Le Jardin des Délices Deep Water; de operamonoloog De weg naar Jongvolwassen Nederlandse Mozaïeken naar Italie Openluchthotel 2013 Get the mobi-01 to Magneet! Tin Men and the Telephone - Interactive Album Straattheaterfestival Waterbei 2013 Remnants of Deterrence Deliberations and Intuitions BLUSH op de Parade: "Bowie" APOLLO ENSEMBLE Bekroon de Koninklijke Muziek Kunstbende Limburg Zomertour Hejmen Help Wimpie! Den Haag met eigen ogen gezien 18/07/2013 17/07/2013 17/07/2013 17/07/2013 17/07/2013 16/07/2013 16/07/2013 15/07/2013 15/07/2013 30/06/2013 30/06/2013 05/07/2013 06/07/2013 09/07/2013 12/07/2013 12/07/2013 14/07/2013 25/07/2013 06/08/2013 22/08/2013 07/07/2013 11/07/2013 07/07/2013 07/07/2013 07/07/2013 07/07/2013 08/07/2013 08/07/2013 14/07/2013 4.000 5.000 800 700 5.000 9.000 4.000 6.000 5.000 2.322 5.500 2.000 3.210 5.350 2.500 8.000 2.675 4.000 7.500 5.380 11.000 6.930 9.180 2.500 4.300 6.000 8.500 5.000 5.500 cancelled 5.035 cancelled 706 7.027 cancelled 6.564 7.830 5.698 1.430 5.500 2.035 3.240 5.510 2.581 1.360 2.740 4.000 7.790 100 11.020 7.065 9.190 560 4.300 6.063 8.501 1.455 6.264 Failure Success Failure Success Success Failure Success Success Success Failure Success Success Success Success Success Failure Success Success Success Failure Success Success Success Failure Success Success Success Failure Success 82 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Voordekunst Voordekunst Voordekunst Voordekunst Voordekunst Voordekunst Voordekunst Voordekunst Voordekunst Voordekunst Heringa/Van Kalsbeek & Corso Zundert De Bloem van de Natie brengt u in vervoering Passie voor Illusie Studeren aan The Royal Academy of Music in Londen. Vrouwen van het water! Help ons naar Krakow Online flamenco-gitaar leren spelen van Spaanse topgitaristen De stoet Canvas Blanco Debuutalbum Een wereld vol licht 14/07/2013 14/07/2013 01/07/2013 22/07/2013 29/07/2013 23/07/2013 24/07/2013 30/06/2013 01/07/2013 01/07/2013 8.000 5.000 5.650 5.300 7.500 1.000 7.500 3.000 7.000 8.000 8.635 5.000 5.700 cancelled 8.150 1.000 3.870 3.025 7.025 435 Success Success Success Failure Success Success Failure Success Success Failure *amounts in WeFund are expressed in pounds, the rest are expressed in euros 83 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates ANNEX 2 A- Culture projects Platform Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Name of the project Blizzard at Sea - "Certain Structures" full length album The Good Woodleys " A little line of good standing people" Hit me with music "Best of Pop" album tour Blood Will Tell The Fantasy Club by Rachel Bublitz Back Whenever SERVANTS OF THE SECRET CAUSE: Series Premiere Spaced Out - The Story of Fil & Mantis BAAKO - BOOK 1 Graphic Novel Project Follow the Yarn Indian Residential School CD PROJECT One Last Sunset Redux Modogamous, a Novel BLOOD DRIVE: High Speed, Action Packed, Blood Thirsty Film Look Twice: A Short Film about Guns, Gangs and Birthday Cake Black Girls Code - Summer of Code - Remix 2013 Paul Bielatowicz's solo album: Preludes & Etudes The Whyte Album The world underground - Episode 1 : China "That's Entertainment!" presented by Jeff DePaoli Elijah & The Moon Run for the Rez: Potato Creek Piano Concierto Memories of My Childhood CD Launch Ending date 26/06/2013 11/08/2013 04/07/2013 27/07/2013 12/07/2013 29/06/2013 24/06/2013 12/07/2013 12/07/2013 12/07/2013 09/07/2013 18/07/2013 22/07/2013 22/07/2013 06/08/2013 Amount needed 1.000 85.000 1.000 6.000 2.500.000 4.000 2.000 20.000 15.000 12.000 5.000 10.000 10.000 2.000 50.000 Amount raised 1.150 3.970 1.615 7.146 1 4.376 2.070 1.480 20.107 17.508 1.131 1.067 211 2.005 637 04/08/2013 26/07/2013 12/07/2013 07/07/2013 20/07/2013 06/07/2013 05/08/2013 26/06/2013 24/06/2013 32.000 100.000 5.000 15.000 6.000 13.000 5.000 1.900 6.500 4.240 114.290 5.725 6.675 6.121 1.695 2.520 1.751 150 Result Success Failure Success Success Failure Success Success Failure Success Success Failure Failure Failure Success Failure Failure Success Success Failure Success Failure Failure Failure Failure 84 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub WeFund WeFund WeFund WeFund WeFund WeFund WeFund WeFund WeFund WeFund Verkami Verkami Verkami Verkami Verkami Verkami Verkami Verkami Verkami Verkami Ulule Ulule Ulule Cowboys & Jesus The Movie The Story of Milo & Annie: A short film The Amorslists Present: Set the Scene for the Cheaters Club HEAD SHAPE MATTERS Educational DVD's Send Spence to The Studio (New Album) 'Exhausted' - A Short Film Lancaster OffShot Present: the Canterbury Tales Voices of South Africa Imagine/Little Pioneers Theatre - Film Company Found Brazil Three Centuries of Music Birdhouse - a new show by Jammy Voo Facehunters Edinburgh 2013 SHEquality Matters Magazine - The next stage of SHEvolution Minotaur Theatre Company takes "the Librarians" to the Fringe! The Remembered Film Primera maqueta de Phobic! Nou disc de Profesor Globo Rodaje de "la venganza" 2013 Catálogo de la exposición de Daniel Expósito Con la música a otra parte Svetlana Tovstukha y Luiz Gustavo Carvalho. Sonatas de Rachmaninov y Chopin Nuevo disco de Enderrocks: Causa i Efecte Canta! El primer DVD de la Dàmaris Gelabert ALZINA (un film por Omar Delorage) AUXILI -nou disc Boys Band Theorie Le Chant des Actrices Bring Radio Cómeme to the Next Seasons 04/08/2013 19/07/2013 02/07/2013 07/07/2013 14/07/2013 05/07/2013 01/08/2013 08/08/2013 05/08/2013 04/08/2013 01/07/2013 29/07/2013 01/08/2013 24/06/2013 20/07/2013 09/07/2013 24/07/2013 24/07/2013 23/07/2013 23/07/2013 23/07/2013 50.000 20.000 15.000 12.000 6.000 2.000 500 10.000 20.000 800 2.000 1.000 500 500 1.000 1.500 400 2.000 1.000 2.750 8.500 425 21.829 15.004 13.045 7.050 2.130 cancelled 0 0 158 100 1.014 570 0 1.313 1.525 cancelled 2.070 60 528 480 Failure Success Success Success Success Success Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Success Success Failure Success Success Failure Success Failure Failure Failure 22/07/2013 21/07/2013 21/07/2013 20/07/2013 20/07/2013 04/07/2013 04/07/2013 05/07/2013 5.000 1.000 14.950 2.500 1.500 5.000 2.500 5.000 155 1.340 16.425 2.746 cancelled 5.172 788 5.261 Failure Success Success Success Failure Success Failure Success 85 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates Ulule Ulule Ulule Ulule Ulule Ulule Ulule Startnext Startnext Startnext Startnext Startnext Startnext Startnext Startnext Startnext Startnext Voordekunst Voordekunst Voordekunst Voordekunst Voordekunst Voordekunst Voordekunst Voordekunst Voordekunst Voordekunst Catarse Catarse Adèle & Zalem "Yeah!" Premier E.P de Stáphane Hubert Rotterdam la nuit En route pour le première clip de D.A. WILLY BLANK -EP Breakfast- Nouvel EP Revue Répliques nº2 - Été 2013 Produktion der Promo-CD von HORSCHD The Hi-Fly Orchestra Tour Support "Get Ready" JESUS CRIES DIE MAMBA - Eine gefährlich komische Verwechslungskomödie Zeitwohlstand - Arbeit und Wohlstand neu definieren Samuel Beckett: Spiel SEIN ODER NICHTSEIN - Cammerspiele-Sommertheater 2013 THE WEIGHT - Das Debut auf Vinyl 66 Frauen, 21 Instrumente, 10 Jahre und ein Film Deutschlandtour der Jungen Waldorf-Philharmonie Impulstanz Olga Malkina: CD-opname Russische pianomuziek 19e/20e eeuw Deep Water; de operamonoloog Tin Men and the Telephone - Interactive Album Straattheaterfestival Waterbei 2013 Bekroon de Koninklijke Muziek Kunstbende Limburg Zomertour Den Haag met eigen ogen gezien Online flamenco-gitaar leren spelen van Spaanse topgitaristen Canvas Blanco Debuutalbum Contraste O Uso das Cores (livro sobre colorização) 06/07/2013 06/07/2013 06/07/2013 06/07/2013 06/07/2013 07/07/2013 07/07/2013 21/07/2013 21/07/2013 20/07/2013 22/07/2013 22/07/2013 22/07/2013 23/07/2013 23/07/2013 23/07/2013 23/07/2013 30/06/2013 2.000 800 1.000 2.160 900 1.700 150 1.050 1.000 25.000 100.000 5.000 7.500 500 2.000 15.000 5.000 2.322 3.037 877 1.025 2.181 1.060 1.945 174 1.050 1.000 25.466 1.380 5.115 122 530 380 16.005 5.488 1.430 Success Success Success Success Success Success Success Success Success Success Failure Success Failure Success Failure Success Success Failure 30/06/2013 09/07/2013 06/08/2013 22/08/2013 07/07/2013 07/07/2013 14/07/2013 24/07/2013 01/07/2013 21/07/2013 12/07/2013 5.500 5.350 7.500 5.380 4.300 6.000 5.500 7.500 7.000 25.000 25.000 5.500 5.510 7.790 100 4.300 6.063 6.264 3.870 7.025 1.050 37.619 Success Success Success Failure Success Success Success Failure Success Failure Success 86 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates Catarse Catarse Catarse Catarse Catarse Catarse Catarse Catarse Wishberry Wishberry Wishberry Wishberry Wishberry Wishberry StartMe StartMe StartMe StartMe *amounts *amounts *amounts *amounts *amounts *amounts Bianca Fermina 10 anos Broto de Chocolate Olhando pras Estrelas Duas em NY Expoinsta Telhado de Gatos – Livro infantil sobre respeito e amor aos animais Façanhas em prosa e verso Krisnaruupa 1000 stories on inclusive India Breeze - A Love Story Kashish Encore One Week Job - India A Kind of true story Natasha Meister Campaign Naila - Pirate in the Sea 5 monkeys magazine Fund 500 02/08/2013 22/07/2013 21/06/2013 02/07/2013 03/07/2013 15/07/2013 8.000 33.900 10.000 6.000 3.000 7.000 8.100 cancelled 10.000 6.365 3.001 7.100 Success Failure Success Success Success Success 22/07/2013 09/07/2013 10/07/2013 30/06/2013 16/07/2013 30/06/2013 21/07/2013 02/08/2013 23/06/2013 15/08/2013 02/07/2013 18/06/2013 8.000 15.000 600.000 250.000 60.000 50.000 500.000 200.000 10.000 10.000 240.000 520.000 10.354 7.095 450.000 311.000 125.000 50.000 10.000 110.000 2.800 220 100 0 Success Failure Failure Success Success Success Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure in the Kickstarter, Indiegogo and Rockethub are expressed in US Dollars in WeFund are expressed in pounds in Verkami, Ulule, Startnext and Voordekunst are expressed in euros in Catarse are expressed in Brazilian reals in Wishberry are expressed in Indian rupees in StartMe are expressed in SA rands 87 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates ANNEX 2 B- Social projects Platform Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo RocketHub RocketHub RocketHub RocketHub RocketHub RocketHub RocketHub RocketHub RocketHub RocketHub WeFund WeFund WeFund WeFund Name of the project Help A23 Side Project Charity Miles Sponsor a Special Surfer - Autism Surf Session Save the Historic Huntridge Theater Trinkaryu Medical Expenses Help the Robertson Family Compassion-in-Action Chain Reaction: Send a Kid to a Camp Drive Change: Building a Food Truck for Social Justice STITCH: Milwaukee: Community Mural Project Rejuvenating Local food supplies and local economies Rebirth Realty: Restoring Detroit Properties for VFA Fellow Housing Shanti Uganda 2013 Help Support The Girls Guide Help Amani Scholars Soar with an Engineering Summer Camp HEAD SHAPE MATTERS Educational DVD's Help Fund DNTUlimit's Project Help me get to auditions, meetings, Teen Hoot and Vidcon this summer! Support the Launch Pad Astronomy Workshop for Science Fiction Authors Asphalt to Agriculture Project " Raise a Bed" Support K-12 Schools with Clean Skies for Education First Bartion Brownies need a parachute! Please Support techstatic kids art show & world record attempt Better Live for Ervin Clear Blue Therapies - A revolutionary Company Ending date 30/06/2013 05/07/2013 09/07/2013 17/07/2013 31/07/2013 05/07/2013 03/08/2013 16/07/2013 13/07/2013 26/07/2013 08/07/2013 02/08/2013 17/06/2013 28/06/2013 07/07/2013 31/07/2013 Amount needed 2.500 100.000 35.000 150.000 3.000 2.500 25.000 40.000 5.000 54.927 10.000 6.500 1.000 9.000 12.000 15.000 Amount raised 15.862 21.782 17.325 207.355 3.653 625 25.620 42.196 2.570 243 10.521 145 1.255 2.180 13.045 5.410 27/06/2013 5.000 1.985 Failure 10/07/2013 12/07/2013 24/06/2013 07/07/2013 12/07/2013 26/06/2013 17/06/2013 6.000 8.000 50.000 60 100.000 4.000 1.000 1.895 750 1.200 14 0 3 0 Success Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Result Success Failure Failure success Success Failure Success Success Failure Failure Success Failure Success Failure Success Failure 88 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates WeFund WeFund Verkami Verkami Verkami Verkami Verkami Verkami Verkami Verkami Verkami Verkami Ulule Ulule Ulule Ulule Ulule Ulule Ulule Ulule Ulule Ulule Catarse Catarse Catarse Catarse Catarse Catarse Wishberry Luke runs 3K's fpr the Wallace Academy Bristol Pride 2013 Reformant la sala "els Carlins". Nou pont de llums Nuevo local para la peña flamenca "Los Pájaros" Col·labora a fer realitat l'Àliga de Cardona El sueño de Veira Dans Capacitats, mes enllà de la dança 20è aniversari colla de diables de Tordera Pintem les Platges de groc. Contra les retallades en educació Sistema de protección de menores. 1 acogimiento en familia ajena Multiespacio La Strada Los malos sueños de René Petit Espoir pour le SED, et si c'était vous? Centre Educatif à Lokossa Sauvons l'orphelinat Amour et Manon Slum'Child Humanitaire Projet GK Dumanjug La cravate solidaire a besoin de vous! Une Cantine Scolaire intégrale à Honduras Présence d'Esprit Un bus pour l'avenir Marmite Urbaine Par especial Oklimobos - Etapa 1 Arte, Design e Cusomizaçao ProjetoCoruja Cancer Infantil Haircut Day S.A.S. Brasil Spartans - Helping little lives 22/07/2013 14/07/2013 26/07/2013 24/07/2013 24/07/2013 22/07/2013 22/07/2013 12/07/2013 13/07/2013 13/07/2013 13/07/2013 06/07/2013 05/07/2013 05/07/2013 06/07/2013 06/07/2013 06/07/2013 28/06/2013 06/07/2013 01/07/2013 06/07/2013 22/07/2013 07/07/2013 01/07/2013 03/07/2013 24/06/2013 28/06/2013 22/07/2013 16/07/2013 250 1.000 4.000 3.000 2.000 4.500 3.000 1.500 873 4.500 4.000 14.000 1.000 1.500 1.500 1.000 500 5.000 3.500 3.500 2.000 3.000 17.340 17.241 15.000 25.000 4.000 9.680 20.000 10 0 4.250 3.110 2.420 20 3.900 25 953 4.503 4.110 14.860 1.000 1.679 5.906 1.070 1.060 1.134 3.577 3.510 2.540 3.466 160 cancelled 15.360 25.541 8.676 14.696 50.000 Failure Failure Success Success Success Failure Success Failure Success Success Success Success Success Success Success Success Success Failure Success Success Success Success Failure Failure Success Success Success Success Success 89 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates Wishberry Wishberry Wishberry Wishberry Startme Startme Startme Startme Startme Crowdfunder Crowdfunder Crowdfunder Crowdfunder Crowdfunder Crowdfunder Crowdfunder Crowdfunder Crowdfunder Crowdfunder Goteo Goteo Goteo Goteo Goteo Goteo Goteo Goteo Goteo Goteo YOU can send them to the Special Olympics 100 Happy Meows Aanch GIFT A SMILE Proteus quartet to the UK Pawfect National Animal Sanctuary Langa Cheshire Fundraising Initiative Pencil Sets for the Children of Zandspruit Muscular Dystrophy Campaign Warwick Rowing 2014 Naked calendar and film The Good Goat from Brighter Futures Zambia Counselling Retreats for Campaigners and Careers Dress for Success Machester - 2nd Hand Charity Van Purchase CYC - Help for teens and pregnant women SHU Rugby 2014 Naked calendar and film #BigUpBude campaign Ways with Willow Land Project Stay Strong Making Memories of Moo Almas de Hierro Desafío africano Ecosolidaritza't Eines de transició Fem créixer l'espai educatiu la Font La Caracola La sabiduría de los cuentos del mundo La Salut, el negoci de la vida #privatitzarmata La xauca xica es mou i creix: necessitem la teva ajuda MAPUNTO: Mapa distribuido de movimientos sociales 01/08/2013 18/07/2013 18/07/2013 07/07/2013 28/07/2013 02/08/2013 23/07/2013 20/07/2013 03/07/2013 15/07/2013 10/07/2013 10/07/2013 04/07/2013 01/07/2013 04/07/2013 18/07/2013 05/08/2013 07/08/2013 27/06/2013 07/07/2013 16/07/2013 27/07/2013 13/07/2013 10/07/2013 29/07/2013 15/07/2013 05/07/2013 16/07/2013 01/07/2013 1.000.000 70.000 120.000 300.000 40.000 1.000.000 10.000 100.000 100.000 5.000 720 3.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 750 50.000 3.500 500 6.353 4.650 4.955 8.263 4.500 3.700 3.210 7.000 3.212 7.940 10.000 75.000 100.000 52.000 2.170 cancelled 190 100.000 10 2.200 1.611 3.028 2.000 465 720 870 340 3.500 516 1.000 4.765 6.254 cancelled 6.013 5.195 700 7.550 4.440 1.146 Failure Success Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Success Failure Failure Success Success Success Failure Failure Success Failure Success Success Failure Success Success Failure Success Success Failure Success Success Failure 90 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates StartSomeGood StartSomeGood StartSomeGood StartSomeGood StartSomeGood StartSomeGood StartSomeGood StartSomeGood StartSomeGood StartSomeGood StartSomeGood StartSomeGood StartSomeGood StartSomeGood StartSomeGood StartSomeGood StartSomeGood StartSomeGood *amounts *amounts *amounts *amounts *amounts *amounts Education is Freedom - Nepal Support veterans from the battlefield to the box Get healthcare into Nairobi slums Making more mighty women leaders Help us take on the fossil fuel industry Critical Thinking and secular ethics in Cambodja Help share peaceful puppets with children in need Youth Leadership Sponsor Build Lacrosse skills with Orlando minority girls Sculpture to honor aboriginal Elder Uniting to change the world Helping bilingual children thrive Empower communities in Ireland Plant a seed for solar energy in low income cities Creating a world where every child is a hero Inspire students with stars in Kenya Help YOFAFO feed its students Open the doors to an eco-friendly education 30/06/2013 22/06/2013 22/06/2013 14/07/2013 01/08/2013 07/07/2013 15/07/2013 29/06/2013 24/06/2013 11/07/2013 28/07/2013 10/07/2013 22/07/2013 14/07/2013 05/07/2013 18/07/2013 02/08/2013 01/08/2013 28.135 1.500 10.000 3.855 10.000 1.146 1.500 350 250 1.000 16.000 500 30.000 5.000 2.500 8.000 4.000 5.000 37.534 3.075 13.781 1.355 13.920 2.289 570 400 1.225 1.785 1.050 180 2.710 320 822 9.060 4.050 1.120 Success Success Success Failure Success Success Failure Success Success Success Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Success Success Failure in Indiegogo, Rockethub, Crowdfunder and StartSomeGood are expressed in US Dollars in WeFund are expressed in pounds in Verkami, Ulule and Goteo are expressed in euros in Catarse are expressed in Brazilian reals in Wishberry are expressed in Indian rupees in StartMe are expressed in SA rands 91 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates ANNEX 2 C- Technology projects Platform Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Name of the project LÜM Apparel: Join the Interactive Generation of Clothing STOCK WALLET ChargeLight: Doc.Light.Power The World's first Solid Body Bamboo Electric Harp Guitar iRoo Critterkins - iPhone buddies that you design Luxury hoodies and laser beams - furglory: light up the party! Precision metal dice - Floating face design, d6 and fudge POWERQUBE - The 21st century solution to the power strip Glance - Track your wildlife sigthings Solar Headphones Battle Realm egMats: Interactive Play Mat Stylus Plus Keyring - A Premium Stylus + More TrueRec introduces the DFP Kayak - Dive Fish Paddle Strung Stool Light of Legends Mini-ITX Motherboard for the Raspberry Pi - Fairywren STEMbot1 - An Android Based Robot Kit for $64.00 pushXpro: Revolutionizing the push-up exercise Snuglet - Keeps your MacBook power cable connected! Introducing Nubrella, the world's first hands-free umbrella, by Alan Kaufmann ToolMonks: Whip Up Amazing Graphics Fast Developing Safer Shower Wellness shower mixer Ending date 17/07/2013 17/07/2013 12/07/2013 11/08/2013 12/07/2013 12/07/2013 24/07/2013 18/07/2013 14/07/2013 17/07/2013 07/08/2013 02/08/2013 01/08/2013 29/07/2013 06/08/2013 01/08/2013 03/08/2013 10/08/2013 31/07/2013 31/07/2013 02/08/2013 04/08/2013 26/06/2013 04/08/2013 06/07/2013 Amount needed 10.000 12.000 100.000 5.000 7.550 15.000 10.000 5.000 75.000 20.000 200.000 12.345 50.000 6.500 150.000 8.000 15.000 5.000 640 12.500 9.000 95.000 20.000 25.000 50.000 Amount raised 22.369 16.638 121.329 11.036 400 115 3.765 24.114 98.001 2.661 cancelled cancelled 22.964 205 10.894 1.706 3.018 15.936 1.932 17.904 27.584 25.856 526 1.051 16.191 Result Success Success Success Success Failure Failure Failure Success Success Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Success Success Success Success Failure Failure Failure Failure 92 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Localeikki: beta to launch Fund a web-workbook to support wellness among ovarian cancer survivors Blumoo: remote control and streaming from mobile devices to existing systems Cookie NAV: New way to find street parking spots StreamFIT: The most comprehensive streaming fitness platform EVER! Rocket Droid - Turns any TV into an Android Smart TV BabyWatch TMI Stereo: The ONLY Split Wireless Bluetooth Speakers VapeXhale - Saving Your Health One Lung at a Time Eggup Help Make Me the World's Smartest Robot Xentry: Transform your Spare Smartphone into a Smart Door Minna Limon Couples Vibrator LiveMap: Motorbike helmet with navigation Fund Safe Guns Revelo LIFEbike: The compact Ebike with a BIG difference Meet Boddie - The Smartwatch Evolution EventLink: Meet People, Avoid Awkward. Get Zest Tea - Bold Teas Enhanced With Antioxidants And Caffeine TagCa$h: Pictures become Shopping Malls Rotting Television: Getting YOU off the couch! AutoWiser App - Making Sustainable Car Buying Decisions Easy and Free UCStreaming Inventions of Tomorrow: Lets Make Progress! A ultra thin touchscreen android for calendar on any refregirator MyPaintAgram Inc software The Sugar Glider Genetics Project Oceanography for Everyone: The Open CTD 06/07/2013 25/06/2013 25/06/2013 23/07/2013 04/08/2013 27/07/2013 21/07/2013 28/07/2013 13/07/2013 22/07/2013 31/07/2013 03/08/2013 20/07/2013 12/08/2013 14/07/2013 06/07/2013 25/07/2013 08/07/2013 08/07/2013 18/07/2013 05/08/2013 15/07/2013 24/07/2013 31/07/2013 17/08/2013 13/07/2013 31/07/2013 31/07/2013 17/08/2013 10.000 10.000 30.000 45.000 100.000 95.000 10.000 22.000 50.000 70.000 300.000 200.000 60.000 150.000 50.000 25.000 100.000 2.500 4.000 25.000 25.000 75.000 60.000 100.000 17.000 2.000.000 150.000 8.200 10.000 10.143 12.188 31.650 1.161 8.926 300 11.820 42.307 54.573 5.000 7.025 cancelled 83.777 9.240 2.254 19.123 3.029 2.710 9.955 25.370 1.700 1.265 10 20 1 cancelled cancelled 9.019 5.805 Success Success Success Failure Failure Failure Success Success Success Failure Failure Failure Success Failure Failure Failure Failure Success Success Success Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Success Failure 93 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Ulule Ulule Ulule Ulule Ulule Ulule Startnext Startnext Startnext Startnext Startnext Startnext Startnext Startnext Startnext Startnext Goteo Goteo Goteo Goteo Goteo Chameleons Under Threat: Conservation and Actions - Easily locate golf tournaments Ultimate Lead generation Software Bundle Version 3.0 Scrapok, the poker of words : development of the game on iPhone & Android μGO: Expandable SD and MicroSD Storage... On the Go! Waterproof Nanotechnology DIY Kit for your phone & tablet Learn Wordpress guide Payhousing Mutualab Wattio: Vive en una casa inteligente MiniCut2d Domotab SolarSoundSystem Paris + Metatogger, l'éditeur de tags nouvelle génération bizzOutlook™ - CRM und Projekt-Management in Cloud Raspberry Pi + Modularis = MOD-BERRY! Micro Maker für jedermensch Geopieces - besitze die Welt, teile mobil Inhalte, finde Schätze - Die App ReguVita Institut für biologische Gesundheit JAMES - reading like a sir Stageground - Bildung durch Diskurs Die Brille App Aplicación móvil interactiva de "El Oledor explorador" Aplicación "Qué hacen los diputados" Arquitecturas colectivas Documental 15M: "Málaga despierta" 01/08/2013 31/07/2013 31/07/2013 26/07/2013 30/06/2013 25/06/2013 20/07/2013 06/08/2013 13/07/2013 17/07/2013 31/07/2013 16/07/2013 14/08/2013 03/07/2013 19/07/2013 13/07/2013 30/09/2013 20/07/2013 28/07/2013 07/07/2013 03/07/2013 11/08/2013 08/10/2013 21/07/2013 04/07/2013 29/06/2013 27/06/2013 04/07/2013 13/07/2013 4.000 1.000 10.000 200.000 10.000 1.000 3.500 25.000 5.000 5.000 5.640 3.500 6.500 750 5.000 32.000 42.000 11.000 7.000 18.000 2.500 50.000 20.000 6.000 6.500 3.875 6.000 6.100 1.813 4.750 cancelled 10 10 cancelled cancelled cancelled cancelled 5.350 8.271 4.000 2.956 6.726 45 5 cancelled 43.500 cancelled cancelled 23.420 4.000 cancelled 4.535 6.630 9.660 cancelled 6.387 7.283 2.258 Success Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Success Success Failure Failure Success Failure Failure Failure Success Failure Failure Success Success Failure Failure Success Success Failure Success Success Success 94 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates Goteo Goteo Goteo Goteo Goteo Goteo Goteo Fundageek Fundageek Fundageek Fundageek Fundageek Fundageek Fundageek Fundageek Fundageek Fundageek FAB_MOVIL 00 Foldarap Peer-to-peer edition MAPUNTO: Mapa distribuido de movimientos sociales Papel de periódico Proyecto Avizor POWERQUBE Changing communities through education BreastCheck Mimavox-Elegant, web based RSS reader-aggregator to replace Google reader Dictionary 3.0 by Harley Hamilton Automatic Wireless L.E.D. Retail Pricing System Medical Symbol Keypad - ms Pad Graduate Student Studying the Science Behind Faster, More Energy Efficient Computers GlowRoller (Crash Avoidance and Aesthetic Enhancing) Wheel Covers New Smartphone Accessory tackles texting while driving - Commseal LogicGem: Wingspread Biological Field Station 04/07/2013 09/07/2013 01/07/2013 31/07/2013 27/07/2013 06/08/2013 18/07/2013 24/07/2013 17/07/2013 14/08/2013 01/07/2013 10/07/2013 3.725 12.000 7.940 3.500 4.400 1.265 12.000 150.000 9.000 50.000 30.000 13.000 4.400 52.835 1.146 cancelled 4.410 1.390 cancelled 0 0 0 0 20 18/07/2013 18/07/2013 14/07/2013 05/08/2013 31/07/2013 24.000 8.750 9.750 39.000 57.800 0 0 170 7.050 375 Success Success Failure Failure Failure Success Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure *amounts in Kickstarter, Indiegogo, Rockethub and Fundageek are expressed in US Dollars *amounts in Ulule, Startnext and Goteo are expressed in euros 95 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates ANNEX 3 A- Projects with <6 reward levels Platform Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Name of the project COMEDIC RELIEF FOR DEPLOYED U.S. MILITARY TROOPS 1-Week Photo Adventure Through the Redwood Forests Kansas City Dance Theatre Company When Love Isn't Enough The Stage Play Native American Legends for Young Children Young Adult Theater's "Avenue Q" Goomyland Mini Golf Interactive Artwork for Artprize 2013 A Fish with a Wish The Open Press: Chattanooga's Print and Book Arts Co-op Get iPatched - Protect Yourself From Big Brother & Hackers The Homeless Photo Booth Project Dog Breed T-Shirts Edgewalker Webseries Woohooligan Digital Funnies Modern Film Adaptation of Jane Austen's Sense & Sensibility Hollow Birch: Behind the Leaves Medieval Combat table top game Online Race Driving League Being Jack McGarvey Musical CAPTURING MOMENTS IN TIME Molly's organ trail Support Young Talent Platform 100 Patrons Help Calvin get to New Orleans for Tales of the Cocktail! Lets get it on the RADIO Ending date 03/08/2013 02/08/2013 02/08/2013 22/07/2013 02/08/2013 02/08/2013 02/08/2013 03/08/2013 02/08/2013 07/08/2013 24/09/2013 23/09/2013 23/09/2013 07/09/2013 23/09/2013 23/09/2013 23/09/2013 23/09/2013 05/10/2013 23/09/2013 25/07/2013 09/08/2013 11/08/2013 05/07/2013 14/08/2013 Amount needed 11.100 500 10.000 1.500 1.000 3.000 2.225 1.980 15.000 5.000 10.000 2.760 3.500 300 10.000 400 3.000 1.200 5.000 5.000 5.000 4.840 10.000 1.000 6.000 Amount raised 1.359 20 43 21 51 3 2.337 cancelled 16.242 371 11.569 2.963 655 314 371 0 0 65 cancelled cancelled 11.091 245 12.161 1.000 785 Result Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Success Failure Success Failure Success Success Failure Success Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Success Failure Success Success Failure 96 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Help the German Women's National Lacrosse Team! Gillian's Adventures D49, Dances for 9.99 Chicago Choreographer's Festival Free Our Midwives! Breath Of My Heart Birthplace Dangerous Liaisons Ayuda a Tati y damnificados Derrumbe Villa Espana Les objets perdus International Women's Academy - Guizhou Project We are like App Store for your ideas. THE GHOSTS OF MARCH 21 GAZE Giving more smiles Music for Miranda Skytruth the Bakken Sponsor Akela the Lynx Dog NEW album from the Drunkmouse Collective Give Us Wings To Fly Rocks, Science and Spirituality Asphalt to Agriculture Project " Raise a Bed" The Information Party Concrete Jungle: Making The Move Action Boot: Learn skills to become an Action Hero Name a Black Ring-Tailed Lemur "Fernando Venezuela" & Support The Utica Zoo Public Attitudes Toward Climate Change Adaptation Survey Experiment Send TwoFourSeven Company to Hip Hop Internationals in Las Vegas! Curtain Call: a Campaign for Theatre Arts and Culture in San Antonio Fund - The Venus Project Interactive Timeline Nzirambi Education Fund - A Birthday Request 25/07/2013 18/08/2013 25/07/2013 06/08/2013 15/08/2013 27/09/2013 30/09/2013 19/09/2013 05/10/2013 01/10/2013 27/09/2013 24/09/2013 30/09/2013 03/10/2013 16/09/2013 21/07/2013 04/07/2013 26/07/2013 01/08/2013 12/07/2013 08/07/2013 01/08/2013 08/07/2013 10.000 5.200 500 5.000 4.000 3.000 1.000 4.000 3.000 5.000 15.000 3.500 8.000 55.000 2.500 2.000 2.000 4.000 7.500 8.000 10.000 3.000 2.000 1.425 2.775 840 5.556 1.150 215 3.000 4.000 1.726 174 691 1.050 525 255 3.100 cancelled 1.295 420 1.600 750 2.730 3.100 725 Failure Failure Success Success Failure Failure Success Success Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Success Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Success Failure 16/07/2013 06/08/2013 31/08/2013 01/09/2013 26/08/2013 31/08/2013 375 1.000 1.000 30.000 200 500 390 536 1.060 9.168 250 cancelled Success Failure Success Failure Success Failure 97 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Startsomegood Startsomegood Startsomegood Startsomegood Startsomegood Startsomegood Startsomegood Startsomegood Startsomegood Startsomegood Verkami Verkami Verkami Verkami Verkami Verkami Verkami Verkami Verkami Verkami Ulule Ulule Ulule "Eek" Zine Wheelchair Accessible Van for Hannah Life is Bliss: Support Stellar Suds Car Detailing Co. Astoria Music Now!! 2013 (RAPID FIRE) Support TC Productions Season 2 of Underground Sound series! Maitreya One The HipHop State Sharing kindness can change lives with your help 100 Miles to End Homelessness Bring Back Adult ESL Classes to Oakland PhilFest - Bring Music Education To Nepal Help Save a Child, Save a School and Save a life Build an eco-house to build our future Rebuild Crisfield Fighting Breast Cancer Through Awareness Help The Youth By Contributing to Youthful Savings Econo-me Tours: Joy Riding the Sustainability Path Col·labora a fer realitat l'Àliga de Cardona MacetoHuerto para Android Inspiración: Mujeres frente a la cámara INLAVABLES: Nuevo disco de Troglodyte Style TAXI MATAR Pintem les Platges de groc. Contra les retallades en educació II Feria Gourmet by Tu Mesa Gourmet Canciones y obras para Piano Mike & The Tornados. Un tributo a The Ramones. Vístete con Servicios Funerarios Editions la Plume et le Parchemin Cynetic et sa folle machine BBC Album Power Rock 03/09/2013 14/09/2013 01/09/2013 01/09/2013 31/08/2013 02/09/2013 29/08/2013 08/09/2013 13/09/2013 13/09/2013 15/09/2013 17/09/2013 22/09/2013 30/09/2013 30/09/2013 13/09/2013 24/07/2013 23/07/2013 20/07/2013 20/07/2013 20/07/2013 13/07/2013 18/07/2013 19/07/2013 16/07/2013 16/07/2013 04/07/2013 05/07/2013 05/07/2013 500 7.500 3.000 1.500 2.000 20.000 4.000 1.500 1.512 3.000 10.000 10.000 3.000 50 1.250 500 2.000 4.000 4.000 8.000 4.000 873 500 450 450 250 2.200 600 1.000 215 1.390 cancelled 180 155 1.376 4.082 1.858 1.557 1.765 142 10.290 3.595 7 1.260 590 2.420 0 4.105 1.095 4.260 953 225 470 162 372 2.300 1.056 1.078 Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Success Success Success Failure Failure Success Success Failure Success Success Success Failure Success Failure Success Success Failure Success Failure Success Success Success Success 98 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates Ulule Ulule Ulule Ulule Ulule Ulule Ulule Goteo Goteo Goteo Goteo Goteo Goteo Goteo Goteo Goteo Goteo Un jour j'irai à New-York avec vous Banlieue à Banlieues Centre Educatif à Lokossa Cool Red Apple En route pour le première clip de D.A. Projet GK Dumanjug Breizh'Elles Acompanya'm The CRAZY WHEELS Band en las StereoSessions Eines de Transició X Feria Andaluza de la Biodiversidad Agrícola ELE de Leyre en Gambia "Women Gio Help" Oficina KATAPLOF El dret a Gaudí ( R) ecosolidaritza't! La Caracola 05/07/2013 05/07/2013 05/07/2013 06/07/2013 06/07/2013 06/07/2013 31/08/2013 22/06/2013 01/07/2013 13/07/2013 06/08/2013 10/08/2013 15/08/2013 26/08/2013 02/09/2013 05/09/2013 07/09/2013 1.530 1.800 1.500 850 2.160 500 300 1.950 700 1.343 1.120 1.000 2.800 1.794 3.500 4.955 3.700 1.581 597 1.679 313 2.181 1.060 700 2.405 900 8.263 1.155 1.460 3.265 2.250 1.077 6.709 5.500 Success Failure Success Failure Success Success Success Success Success Success Success Success Success Success Failure Success Success *amounts in Kickstarter, Indiegogo, Rockethub and Startsomegood are expressed in US Dollars *amounts in Verkami, Ulule and Goteo are expressed in euros 99 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates ANNEX 3 B- Projects with 6-9 reward levels Platform Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Name of the project Kenyan Safari 2011 Cultural Wars Project Phone Dial - Reviving a Classic A woman's complex past threatens her future for a child. The Pizza Project: Gluten Free + Vegan Pizza for Burning Man Garl's Debut EP- 'Namesake' Largest traveling Zombie drawing Printing Luchadora T-shirts S Memory - Never Lose Your USB Again Walking the tar sands Critical Hit: A Dungeon and Dragons Adventure Slayers! DARK WATER: A New Play by David Stallings Perfectly Sane THE SWIYYAH COLLECTION for Mir`Ra IMAGE™ Best Day Ever's Debut Album, "The Race" Fishy Feast - The Addicting Family Friendly Game Free Labor maverick engine-generator - true efficiency Wedding Dresses For One and All DOG a UK independant Action Drama with KUNG FU One in a Million ROMEO y ROMEO: A short film by Luis Caballero. Road Trip to Mordor BORLEY RECTORY - Animated Short Production Project AAR - High-Tech Rhino Protection Ending date 03/08/2013 19/07/2013 08/08/2013 02/08/2013 02/08/2013 01/08/2013 02/08/2013 02/08/2013 17/08/2013 02/08/2013 24/09/2013 24/09/2013 24/09/2013 24/09/2013 23/09/2013 03/10/2013 23/09/2013 18/09/2013 23/09/2013 23/09/2013 18/07/2013 10/08/2013 03/08/2013 08/07/2013 01/08/2013 01/08/2013 Amount needed 2.000 15.000 28.298 4.500 1.200 3.200 30.000 200 10.000 2.500 10.000 2.000 5.000 6.000 15.000 1.000 250 3.000 1.000 10.000 2.500 5.000 5.000 8.900 20.000 125.000 Amount raised cancelled 125 29.380 2 2.083 3.451 68 695 11.054 51 70 2.055 5.215 6.005 cancelled 1.057 293 3.231 238 cancelled 2.515 cancelled 630 9.846 4.783 cancelled Result Failure Failure Success Failure Success Success Failure Success Success Failure Failure Success Success Success Failure Success Success Success Failure Failure Success Failure Failure Success Failure Failure 100 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub A Campaign to Preserve an Andean Healer's Wisdom Halcyon Heights The Kid - UCT Thesis Short Film She's a Rainbow: Esme Barrera tribute record & GirlsRockAustin scholarship fund Sky Drone FPV Bump Water Currican film Can you help Marley walk again? Campaign for Local Power UNEVEN LiteUp - The Social Learning Experience Living the Dream Investigative Reporting Workshops The Pizza Pavilion Project. Gather, give, eat, enjoy! The Port OTR - Over-The-Rhine's Sandwich Shop Chameleons Under Threat: Conservation and Actions AS Leads the Way! - producing Speaking Stories for AS & struggling readers. The Human Dictionary Support Russell [Rt!] Taylor & Win at the War of Hearts Newsfreed: Crowdfunding independent journalism The Sugar Glider Genetics Project MilanMonkeys Parkour Multy-Gym WANABI FARMEUR - Premier Album AnyTime - 10,000+ magazines, One Subscription - From only $7.00 Project Reach for the Stars The Beanpole Learns Horsemastership Times Untold - a socially responsible fashion line Make Theatre Company presents American tour of Macadâmes from Paris 08/08/2013 11/08/2013 31/07/2013 6.000 15.000 1.500 6.676 18.023 1.897 Success Success Success 28/07/2013 07/09/2013 20/09/2013 05/10/2013 14/09/2013 18/09/2013 16/09/2013 21/09/2013 05/10/2013 19/09/2013 22/09/2013 08/07/2013 01/08/2013 05/07/2013 08/08/2013 16/07/2013 16/07/2013 29/07/2013 31/07/2013 31/07/2013 07/07/2013 02/09/2013 30/08/2013 08/09/2013 07/09/2013 06/09/2013 5.950 80.000 16.000 5.000 2.500 40.000 6.800 20.000 20.000 12.000 12.500 5.000 4.000 10.250 80.000 15.000 5.000 40.000 8.200 14.500 6.000 5.000 5.000 1.500 8.000 5.500 10.876 28.348 17.000 5.206 911 193.018 2.150 130 6.810 12.933 13.257 2.855 4.750 2.400 2.839 2.505 5.260 2.396 9.019 4.560 1.945 16.347 6.045 1.550 10.360 4.701 Success Failure Success Success Failure Success Failure Failure Failure Success Success Failure Success Failure Failure Failure Success Failure Success Failure Failure Success Success Success Success Failure 101 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Startsomegood Startsomegood Startsomegood Startsomegood Startsomegood Startsomegood Startsomegood Startsomegood Startsomegood Startsomegood Verkami Verkami Verkami Verkami Verkami Verkami Verkami Verkami Verkami Verkami Ulule Ulule Ulule Ulule Nzirambi Education Fund Place Time and Pace - an exploration of wildness on Vermont's Long Trail Envisioning Change - Transformation Through Art and Theatre Coins for Cats: Funding Statues of Cats debut EP, "Memorabilia" Searching for a job SUCKS - we help you network into your job. Snowshoes for Environmental Education Give Women a Chance to Connect and Heal Social Enterprise Investment Fund Help domestic violence survivors keep their pets Creating a Citizen Disaster Response Hub Yaya for Equality: A Girls Empowerment Campaign Be a part of the 'Fevolution' at SevGen Newcastle Mirage Changemaker's Event Press for Change Lets Get Creative About Cultural Diversity Redención Rodaje de "la venganza" La Rufa necessita un tractor! Con la música a otra parte Sombra (Shadow) El Sueño de Veira CATARATA (Elvira & Elphomega) Vinilo Especial Coloreado - Dark Garden Recordings LTD - 001 Dans Capacitats, més enllà de la dança Svetlana Tovstukha y Luiz Gustavo Carvalho. Sonatas de Rachmaninov y Chopin Le Chant des Actrices Espoir pour le SED, et si c'était vous? "Le bain" suivi de "c'était hier" Adèle & Zalem 31/08/2013 29/08/2013 01/09/2013 09/09/2013 27/09/2013 28/08/2013 30/08/2013 31/08/2013 04/09/2013 04/09/2013 05/09/2013 13/09/2013 13/09/2013 13/09/2013 13/09/2013 23/07/2013 23/07/2013 23/07/2013 23/07/2013 22/07/2013 22/07/2013 22/07/2013 22/07/2013 22/07/2013 2.000 1.200 2.500 5.000 10.000 1.650 4.080 5.000 12.000 16.500 3.500 4.000 3.000 600 2.000 1.500 1.000 4.000 8.500 8.000 4.500 5.000 1.600 3.000 2.035 1.240 2.500 6.082 2.700 400 330 10.000 18.050 95 5.920 cancelled 535 1.414 2.267 510 60 4.100 480 8.530 20 5.055 83 3.900 Success Success Success Success Failure Failure Failure Success Success Failure Success Failure Failure Success Success Failure Failure Success Failure Success Failure Success Failure Success 22/07/2013 04/07/2013 05/07/2013 05/07/2013 06/07/2013 5.000 2.500 1.000 1.600 2.000 155 788 1.000 185 3.037 Failure Failure Success Failure Success 102 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates Ulule Ulule Ulule Ulule Ulule Ulule Goteo Goteo Goteo Goteo Goteo Goteo Goteo Goteo Goteo Goteo Sauvons l'orphelinat Amour et Manon Olympians "Yeah!" Premier E.P de Stáphane Hubert Rotterdam la nuit Slum'Child Humanitaire Zazotte Onglerie / Bijoux Uniques Gringo en las StereoSessions Escuela de Samba "RakaTui" KEROXEN13 POWERCUBE Vida digna para tod@s: enredando iniciativas Baasneere-Algemesí: canviar el món, començar a casa APLICACIÓN MÓVIL INTERACTIVA DE "EL OLEDOR EXPLORADOR" Les bales de goma a Estrasburg Dandelion Restaurant VIA52: Desmontando a Merkel 06/07/2013 06/07/2013 06/07/2013 06/07/2013 06/07/2013 06/07/2013 01/08/2013 04/08/2013 05/08/2013 05/08/2013 07/08/2013 08/08/2013 09/08/2013 13/08/2013 15/08/2013 25/08/2013 1.500 1.500 800 1.000 1.000 1.500 650 3.000 8.500 1.265 5.500 2.100 3.875 4.000 6.758 4.000 5.906 2.020 877 1.025 1.070 1.627 730 1.265 2.529 1.390 6.346 2.155 4.115 4.546 1.465 790 Success Success Success Success Success Success Success Failure Failure Success Success Success Success Success Failure Failure *amounts in Kickstarter, Indiegogo, Rockethub and Startsomegood are expressed in US Dollars *amounts in Verkami, Ulule and Goteo are expressed in euros 103 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates ANNEX 3 C- Projects with >9 reward levels Platform Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Name of the project The Dead Presidents "Truth Matters ~ A Love Revolution" Swagger Magazine Life Without Pockets - First Studio EP AS WORLDS COLLIDE international spy thriller feature! The Nexus Waterturbine -The Future of Clean Renewable Energy Nothin' To Lose Entertainment Album & Album Release Concert The Badgers Forest Tarot Journey North UNTITLED WEB SERIES ABOUT A SPACE TRAVELER...SEASON 2 Jesus' Birth: Our Beggining LAUNCH Black Balloon Editions Redhead Creamery's cheese needs to come home! Deadstock Cases: The First Sneaker Case 3 Switch Revolving Decanter and Glassware Red Sauce Meatball Truck unPhotograph LOTUS CHAIN: A Visionary Video Voyage ATKMTN Presents: The Attack Pack FlippenMusic iPhone/Android App - Live Q&A chat Help Sandy Pearlman & Bones press their new album The Quarter-Life Breakthrough PYSIS Overboots: Saving Gorgeous Shoes... One Stiletto at a Time Minor Motion Picture TMI Stereo: The ONLY Split Wireless Bluetooth Speakers GET OPEN - The Week-End Ending date 05/08/2013 22/07/2013 03/08/2013 02/08/2013 31/07/2013 05/08/2013 02/08/2013 02/08/2013 31/07/2013 02/08/2013 24/09/2013 24/09/2013 25/09/2013 23/09/2013 23/09/2013 20/09/2013 23/09/2013 26/09/2013 23/09/2013 23/09/2013 20/07/2013 28/07/2013 06/08/2013 01/08/2013 28/07/2013 28/07/2013 Amount needed 10.000 15.000 25.000 750 3.000 250.000 10.000 6.800 350 125.000 2.000.000 5.000 35.000 60.000 10.000 12.000 1.500 18.000 12.000 1.500 500 9.000 50.000 8.000 22.000 25.000 Amount raised cancelled 261 251 170 7.070 cancelled 1 7.179 cancelled 13.226 0 5.026 41.495 281 15.275 170 1.601 20.938 12.109 236 1.290 12.790 8.760 2.060 42.307 4.750 Result Failure Failure Failure Failure Success Failure Failure Success Failure Failure Failure Success Success Failure Success Failure Success Success Success Failure Success Success Failure Failure Success Failure 104 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub LINES coldfront: the first personal cooling system you'll love! EASA013 architecture students assembly LD WEST Holster Set Piper: Smart, elegant, security and home automation So Worth Loving - Free To Be Tour AdventurOS 110 Llandaff : A Short Film Starring David Koechner and Paula Pell We're Doing Fine BRAVO FX hollywood quality effects for the indie film maker People Suck, But Jess Doesn't Project Medyear A Band of Orcs & GWAR On Tour - Help Refill the WarChest Tour Fundraiser Call Center: Season 1 Oceanography for Everyone: The Open CTD Fundraising for Billie Jean's Senior Thesis Research Project MONA - Museum of New Art The Queens' Tea Startup Campaign: There's a Queen in Everyone Support the Launch Pad Astronomy Workshop for Science Fiction Authors Send Spence to The Studio (New Album) Sidewalk Traffic: Post Production Funds for Comedy/Drama Feature Film SWING AWAY - A romantic comedy set on the island of Crete, Greece Elijah & The Moon "That's Entertainment!" presented by Jeff DePaoli Games for Good Elcano: An Open Source Ultra-Light Automated Vehicles Project Consider the Facts: moving people to deliberative thinking Mead! Support delicious gluten-free beverages from The Colony Meadery 30/07/2013 02/08/2013 29/07/2013 31/07/2013 20/09/2013 18/09/2013 18/09/2013 02/09/2013 19/09/2013 18/09/2013 02/09/2013 19/09/2013 25.000 100.000 19.500 60.000 100.000 27.000 10.000 40.000 15.000 8.500 500 80.000 42.503 13.454 1.226 2.785 308.870 27.051 21.323 45.110 27.781 2.140 1.465 1.651 Success Failure Failure Failure Success Success Success Success Success Failure Success Failure 08/09/2013 17/09/2013 17/08/2013 28/07/2013 27/07/2013 30/07/2013 15.000 10.000 10.000 4.000 50.000 20.000 3.815 193 5.805 1.464 5.030 12.790 Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure 10/07/2013 14/07/2013 16/07/2013 31/07/2013 05/08/2013 06/07/2013 09/09/2013 30/08/2013 30/08/2013 30/08/2013 6.000 6.000 25.000 200.000 5.000 13.000 50.000 3.500 8.000 15.000 1.895 7.050 12.085 27.945 2.520 1.695 61.478 2.724 8.330 7.355 Failure Success Failure Failure Failure Failure Success Failure Success Failure 105 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Startsomegood Startsomegood Startsomegood Startsomegood Startsomegood Startsomegood Startsomegood Startsomegood Startsomegood Startsomegood Verkami Verkami Verkami Verkami Verkami Verkami Verkami Verkami Verkami Verkami Ulule Ulule Sustainable Community Conservation in Tanzania. Celia Slattery New Originals - Recording Project Teachers In Space: Fly Student Experiment Mission to ISS 2014 Support the installation Passage by Michele Beck and Jorge Calvo Support the Change in How Wedding Inspiration Is Shared Fund Wiki-Safety & increase the level of safety awareness on a global scale Help A Child Grow Happy and Strong Through Music Be a Forklift: Fund Conscious Leadership Yoga for Change Put Girls Center Stage Poverty Elimination Job Creation Pushing Our Luck: Ideas for Australian Progress Sprouting Good For Homeless Youth Teaching the kids of Phapang to read New Music in Remote Schools and Communities Continued Support for Nepali Women and Education Nou disc de Profesor Globo Catálogo de la exposición de Daniel Expósito Nuevo disco de Enderrocks: Causa i Efecte RECNAC, la película de los pacientes con cáncer ALZINA (un film por Omar Delorage) AUXILI -nou disc Sistema de protección de menores. 1 acogimiento en familia ajena Multiespacio La Strada Desordes Creativas 2013 Disco "Rebelde Soledad". Canciones sobre poemas de Julia de Burgos Boys Band Theorie Bring Radio Cómeme to the Next Seasons 30/08/2013 15/09/2013 30/08/2013 28/08/2013 4.000 3.500 25.000 3.000 1.782 1.385 4.060 4.276 Failure Failure Failure Success 30/08/2013 65.000 5.525 Failure 05/09/2013 30/08/2013 06/09/2013 13/09/2013 14/09/2013 19/09/2013 23/09/2013 27/09/2013 30/09/2013 09/10/2013 26/09/2013 24/07/2013 23/07/2013 21/07/2013 21/07/2013 20/07/2013 20/07/2013 13/07/2013 13/07/2013 17/07/2013 19/07/2013 04/07/2013 05/07/2013 20.000 15.000 10.890 1.000 25.000 7.000 7.000 30.000 10.000 10.000 4.745 2.000 2.750 1.000 35.000 2.500 1.500 4.500 4.000 3.000 10.000 5.000 5.000 5.664 15.635 7.070 2.116 26.247 20 19.386 160 10.365 4.545 6.101 2.070 528 1.340 € 1.480 2.746 cancelled 4.503 4.110 3.230 10.680 5.172 5.261 Failure Success Failure Success Success Failure Success Failure Success Failure Success Success Failure Success Failure Success Failure Success Success Success Success Success Success 106 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates Ulule Ulule Ulule Ulule Ulule Ulule Ulule Ulule Goteo Goteo Goteo Goteo Goteo Goteo Goteo Goteo Goteo Goteo HEMETT - Tournée des Plages Festival Les Décalés du Lac ESPRIT METIS : OBJECTIF QUEBEC GARZ 1er album de Manon Tanguy - Chanson française Mutualab TWIS Youth Orchestra Summer Tour 2013 Womanhattan XIV EDICIÓN DE CINE-FORO "LA OTRA ACTUALIDAD" BHOREAL Incursed en las Stereosessions Baile en el sindicato El espacio cooperativo ¿QUIÉN ES INGRID BERGMAN? Masoveria urbana a Barcelona BIKIMEL D.O. LA CONSTRUCCIÓ D'UNA VEU Salvar a la Rula Espacio Lamosa 06/07/2013 08/07/2013 08/07/2013 11/07/2013 13/07/2013 13/07/2013 13/07/2013 13/07/2013 16/06/2013 22/06/2013 23/06/2013 24/06/2013 25/06/2013 01/07/2013 07/08/2013 16/08/2013 19/09/2013 19/07/2013 2.500 2.000 1.000 3.000 3.200 5.000 3.500 8.000 6.340 5.346 750 6.700 4.514 6.000 4.950 2.500 5.622 3.400 2.680 150 90 3.051 4.150 5.350 3.500 157 3.164 15.105 329 8.128 1.501 2.085 5.591 2.865 5.303 3.640 Success Failure Failure Success Success Success Success Failure Failure Success Failure Success Failure Failure Success Success Failure Success *amounts in Kickstarter, Indiegogo, Rockethub and Startsomegood are expressed in US Dollars *amounts in Verkami, Ulule and Goteo are expressed in euros 107 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates ANNEX 4 A- Projects with a funding goal <10.000 $ Platform Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Name of the project Selling America - Graduate Thesis Project Blizzard at Sea - "Certain Structures" full length album The World's first Solid Body Bamboo Electric Harp Guitar Hit me with music "Best of Pop" album tour The Fantasy Club by Rachel Bublitz Back Whenever Artclix Magnetic Interchangeable Jewelry iRoo The Return of Mystic Philadelphia Mask of the Read Panda - the Full-cast video comic Folklore Monster and Art Puppets The very best tickle Seasonal Gatherings: Recipes from Montana's Mustang Kitchen Convert Marcelo Menne - Untold stories - Debut Album Guess again: the 20 questions game Anchor Our Ballard - A Ballard Seafoodfest Production Goldsboro tea for goldsboro Lovers in Crime Living with courage Precision metal dice - Floating face design, d6 and fudge Backtrackdg Crusin Thru Llife Shannon Gillen + Guests Moving On: A music video by Ashley Rose Ending date 24/06/2013 26/06/2013 11/08/2013 04/07/2013 27/07/2013 29/06/2013 24/06/2013 11/07/2013 12/07/2013 26/07/2013 17/07/2013 12/07/2013 13/07/2013 18/07/2013 12/07/2013 12/07/2013 14/07/2013 02/07/2013 13/07/2013 13/07/2013 13/07/2013 18/07/2013 18/07/2013 03/07/2013 09/07/2013 13/07/2013 Amount needed 1.200 1.000 5.000 1.000 6.000 4.000 2.000 9.900 7.550 4.400 4.850 1.000 3.500 5.000 6.000 7.999 5.100 6.000 500 6.000 2.000 5.000 3.000 3.000 2.200 2.000 Amount raised 125 1.150 11.036 1.615 7.146 4.376 2.070 68 400 899 12.009 1.754 5 7.718 13.118 120 0 6.255 cancelled 25 199 24.114 cancelled 997 2.310 80 Result Failure Success Success Success Success Success Success Failure Failure Failure Success Success Failure Success Success Failure Failure Success Failure Failure Failure Success Failure Failure Success Failure 108 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Stylus Plus Keyring - A Premium Stylus + More Mini-ITX Motherboard for the Raspberry Pi - Fairywren STEMbot1 - An Android Based Robot Kit for $64.00 Snuglet - Keeps your MacBook power cable connected! 1-Week Photo Adventure Through the Redwood Forests When Love Isn't Enough The Stage Play Native American Legends for Young Children Young Adult Theater's "Avenue Q" Goomyland Mini Golf Interactive Artwork for Artprize 2013 Help A23 Side Project Trinkaryu Medical Expenses Help the Robertson Family Wallhunters: The Slumlord Project Modogamous, a Novel Sincere Allegiance Release Yoga Empowered for Chronic Conditions Journey to Alabama STITCH: Milwaukee: Community Mural Project Ashlee's Bullroast Raw Milk and dairy farms: Human Animal welfare… ThinkBody: Anatomy of a Pattern Arty 84's Baseball Road Trip 2013 - The "Last Hurrah" movie Paul Bielatowicz's solo album: Preludes & Etudes Jason Boorhees Confessions The world underground - Episode 1 : China Follow the Yarn Zach's Bike Molly's organ trail Help Calvin get to New Orleans for Tales of the Cocktail! 29/07/2013 10/08/2013 31/07/2013 02/08/2013 02/08/2013 22/07/2013 02/08/2013 02/08/2013 02/08/2013 30/06/2013 31/07/2013 05/07/2013 07/07/2013 22/07/2013 14/07/2013 09/07/2013 12/06/2013 13/07/2013 15/06/2013 27/07/2013 17/07/2013 10/08/2013 12/07/2013 08/08/2013 20/07/2013 09/07/2013 19/07/2013 25/07/2013 05/07/2013 6.500 5.000 640 9.000 500 1.500 1.000 3.000 2.225 2.500 3.000 2.500 8.000 2.000 5.000 800 2.850 5.000 600 5.000 4.500 3.000 5.000 2.825 6.000 5.000 500 5.000 1.000 205 15.936 1.932 27.584 20 21 51 3 2.337 15.862 3.653 625 4.053 2.005 1.510 1.893 2.904 2.570 1.475 9.460 2.558 0 5.725 165 6.121 1.131 40 11.091 1.000 Failure Success Success Success Failure Failure Failure Failure Success Success Success Failure Failure success Failure Success Success Failure Success Success Failure Failure Success Failure success Failure Failure Success Success 109 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Lets get it on the RADIO Gillian's Adventures D49, Dances for 9.99 Chicago Choreographer's Festival Free Our Midwives! Breath Of My Heart Birthplace DOG a UK independant Action Drama with KUNG FU One in a Million ROMEO y ROMEO: A short film by Luis Caballero. Road Trip to Mordor A Campaign to Preserve an Andean Healer's Wisdom The Kid - UCT Thesis Short Film She's a Rainbow: Esme Barrera tribute record & GirlsRockAustin scholarship fund The Quarter-Life Breakthrough Minor Motion Picture Ancient Civilizations: Cities & Settlements Lover, No Longer Tour Funding Campaign Elijah & The Moon The Sugar Glider Genetics Project Luau like a local! The Easy Way Run for the Rez: Potato Creek Action Boot: Learn skills to become an Action Hero New content, and new content delivery, for The Port OTR: Over The Rhine's Sandwich Shop Shanti Uganda 2013 TOP Recruit - Supporting Student Athletes Piano Concierto Memories of My Childhood CD Launch Help Support The Girls Guide Help Amani Scholars Soar with an Engineering Summer Camp Cast Masters 14/08/2013 18/08/2013 25/07/2013 06/08/2013 15/08/2013 18/07/2013 10/08/2013 03/08/2013 08/07/2013 08/08/2013 31/07/2013 6.000 5.200 500 5.000 4.000 2.500 5.000 5.000 8.900 6.000 1.500 785 2.775 840 5.556 1.150 2.515 cancelled 630 9.846 6.676 1.897 Failure Failure Success Success Failure Success Failure Failure Success Success Success 28/07/2013 28/07/2013 01/08/2013 03/09/2013 16/07/2013 05/08/2013 31/07/2013 15/06/2013 26/06/2013 08/07/2013 25/06/2013 08/07/2013 02/08/2013 17/07/2013 24/06/2013 17/06/2013 28/06/2013 15/06/2013 5.950 9.000 8.000 500 5.000 5.000 8.200 3.000 1.900 2.000 3.000 5.000 6.500 6.000 6.500 1.000 9.000 7.000 10.876 12.790 2.060 8.403 2.515 2.520 9.019 3.160 1.751 725 2.000 2.855 145 75 150 1.255 2.180 1.095 Success Success Failure Success Failure Failure Success Success Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Success Failure Failure 110 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Send Spence to The Studio (New Album) 'Exhausted' - A Short Film Help Konichiwaack Go to Body Rock Jinbu Help me get to auditions, meetings, Teen Hoot and Vidcon this summer! Support ILL Doots on the "Send Us Back to Space Tour 'Interfusion Danse' Congress // Support us to bring you the best artists! Support the Launch Pad Astronomy Workshop for Science Fiction Authors Asphalt to Agriculture Project " Raise a Bed" Please support Kidz Care the Web Series Abandon in Place - A One Human Show Button Maker! Rainbow Players' Production of CHICAGO Support Snax Magazine and Satisfy Your Creative Hunger!! Waterproof Nanotechnology DIY Kit for your phone & tablet Learn Wordpress guide 14/07/2013 05/07/2013 28/06/2013 08/07/2013 27/06/2013 19/07/2013 24/06/2013 10/07/2013 12/07/2013 20/06/2013 13/07/2013 30/06/2013 06/07/2013 19/07/2013 25/06/2013 20/07/2013 6.000 2.000 2.000 6.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 6.000 8.000 500 7.500 500 2.000 1.500 1.000 3.500 7.050 2.130 815 10.810 1.985 2.305 2.114 1.895 750 50 2.755 20 285 1.020 cancelled cancelled Success Success Failure Success Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure *all amounts are expressed in US Dollars 111 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates ANNEX 4 B- Projects with a funding goal between 10.000 $ and 30.000 $ Platform Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Name of the project LÜM Apparel: Join the Interactive Generation of Clothing STOCK WALLET Sam & Friends Thriving on School Lunch Mass fit clothing Retro Style + Pop Culture = Ultra Luxe, Handmade Ties Toy Soldiers: The Maybe Boys SERVANTS OF THE SECRET CAUSE: Series Premiere Spaced Out - The Story of Fil & Mantis BAAKO - BOOK 1 Graphic Novel Project Get Down The Road Brewery moving down the road! As Can be: An 8 mm Odyssey Critterkins - iPhone buddies that you design Calaveras Playing Cards (inspired by the day of the death) Ocaniumystic The 5th Venice Beach Kustom Bicycles Art Show Luxury hoodies and laser beams - furglory: light up the party! Over the Edge Loop Cuts Playing Cards PawNosh Pet Bowls Glance - Track your wildlife sigthings Battle Realm Light of Legends pushXpro: Revolutionizing the push-up exercise COMEDIC RELIEF FOR DEPLOYED U.S. MILITARY TROOPS Ending date 17/07/2013 17/07/2013 12/07/2013 13/07/2013 06/07/2013 12/07/2013 12/07/2013 12/07/2013 12/07/2013 12/07/2013 11/08/2013 22/07/2013 12/07/2013 22/07/2013 12/07/2013 14/07/2013 24/07/2013 14/07/2013 13/07/2013 28/07/2013 17/07/2013 02/08/2013 03/08/2013 31/07/2013 03/08/2013 Amount needed 10.000 12.000 10.000 30.000 14.000 10.000 12.000 20.000 15.000 12.000 30.000 20.000 15.000 15.000 13.000 17.500 10.000 18.750 15.000 10.000 20.000 12.345 15.000 12.500 11.100 Amount raised 22.369 16.638 10.635 7.336 618 12.575 14.350 1.480 20.107 17.508 6.724 3.979 115 61.217 cancelled 91 3.765 871 8.664 10.830 2.661 cancelled 3.018 17.904 1.359 Result Success Success Success Failure Failure Success Success Failure Success Success Failure Failure Failure Success Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Success Failure Failure Failure Success Failure 112 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Kansas City Dance Theatre Company The Open Press: Chattanooga's Print and Book Arts Co-op Cultural Wars Project Phone Dial - Reviving a Classic Largest traveling Zombie drawing S Memory - Never Lose Your USB Again The Dead Presidents "Truth Matters ~ A Love Revolution" Swagger Magazine Exo: Protein Bars Made from Cricket Flour ToolMonks: Whip Up Amazing Graphics Fast One Last Sunset Redux Live Nude Girls Treehouse Music Developing Safer Shower Pedal Harp for Sherry Konkus Compassion-in-Action Chain Reaction: Send a Kid to a Camp Silent Cries of a Fatherless Soon Sorry Abid Adar and Nithi The Watchman's message The Whyte Album Manners and nettiquete: Help us bring social graces to US schools NewBerry Casey 2016 Olympic Campaign 2013 Rally to improve birth - Because we can do better Move to amend's amendment Broadcast campaign Localeikki: beta to launch Fund a web-workbook to support wellness among ovarian cancer survivors Blumoo: remote control and streaming from mobile devices to existing systems BabyWatch 02/08/2013 02/08/2013 19/07/2013 08/08/2013 02/08/2013 17/08/2013 05/08/2013 22/07/2013 03/08/2013 28/08/2013 26/06/2013 22/07/2013 23/07/2013 18/07/2013 04/08/2013 09/07/2013 03/08/2013 20/07/2013 06/07/2013 22/07/2013 07/07/2013 09/08/2013 05/07/2013 22/07/2013 15/07/2013 06/07/2013 25/06/2013 10.000 15.000 15.000 28.298 30.000 10.000 10.000 15.000 25.000 20.000 20.000 10.000 26.000 10.000 25.000 14.000 25.000 25.000 10.000 25.521 15.000 15.000 20.000 20.000 15.000 10.000 10.000 43 16.242 125 29.380 68 11.054 cancelled 261 251 54.911 546 211 26.105 0 1.051 20 25.620 535 10.677 cancelled 6.675 650 1.026 7.145 36.364 10.143 12.188 Failure Success Failure Success Failure Success Failure Failure Failure Success Failure Failure Success Failure Failure Failure Success Failure Success Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Success Success Success 25/06/2013 21/07/2013 30.000 10.000 31.650 11.820 Success Success 113 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub TMI Stereo: The ONLY Split Wireless Bluetooth Speakers Revelo LIFEbike: The compact Ebike with a BIG difference Help the German Women's National Lacrosse Team! TMI Stereo: The ONLY Split Wireless Bluetooth Speakers GET OPEN - The Week-End EASA013 architecture students assembly FRAN BOW : A Very Creepy Point & Click Adventure Game Lumenator! World's First Flash Diffuser & Video Light ::formerly LightRight:: Newlywed and Broke: A New Single-Camera Comedy! The Juntos Shoe: Look Good. Do Good. Welcome to Fort McMoney - Remember To Breathe! SANDY iPhone Photography Book The Study of Happiness Americana Circus Hair I Go Again: A Metal Documentary Of Dice and Men "That's Entertainment!" presented by Jeff DePaoli Rebirth Realty: Restoring Detroit Properties for VFA Fellow Housing The Queens' Tea Startup Campaign: There's a Queen in Everyone The Alex Ellsworth Cello Fund Leaven Woodfire Bakery Help Raya Hanon launch our designer swimwear brand! The Story of Milo & Annie: A short film Sidewalk Traffic: Post Reduction Funds for Comedy/Drama Feature Film Oceanography for Everyone: The Open CTD The Amorslists Present: Set the Scene for the Cheaters Club StartUp Effect The Information Party HEAD SHAPE MATTERS Educational DVD's 28/07/2013 06/07/2013 25/07/2013 28/07/2013 28/07/2013 29/07/2013 31/08/2013 02/09/2013 14/09/2013 04/10/2013 01/09/2013 07/09/2013 07/09/2013 05/09/2013 30/08/2013 07/09/2013 06/07/2013 08/07/2013 30/07/2013 18/08/2013 05/07/2013 02/07/2013 19/07/2013 12/07/2013 17/08/2013 02/07/2013 08/07/2013 08/07/2013 07/07/2013 22.000 25.000 10.000 22.000 25.000 19.500 20.000 25.000 25.000 10.000 20.000 22.000 10.000 10.640 10.000 30.000 13.000 10.000 20.000 30.000 17.700 20.000 20.000 25.000 10.000 15.000 10.000 10.000 12.000 42.307 19.123 1.425 42.307 4.750 1.226 28.295 57.892 18.079 35.339 24.419 25.920 2.355 6.159 11.314 14.282 1.695 10.521 12.790 8.060 992 100 21.829 12.085 5.805 15.004 16.369 2.730 13.045 Success Failure Failure Success Failure Failure Success Success Failure Success Success Success Failure Failure Success Failure Failure Success Failure Failure Failure Failure Success Failure Failure Success Success Failure Success 114 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Help Fund DNTUlimit's Project TreKorv - The triangular hot dog! AR15 Upper Receivers & 80% Lower Jigs by NorthWest Precision MilanMonkeys Parkour Multy-Gym TagCa$h: We are Crowdfunding! Rotting Television: Getting YOU off the couch! Inventions of Tomorrow: Lets Make Progress! Oceanography for Everyone: The Open CTD Ultimate Lead generation Software Bundle Version 3.0 μGO: Expandable SD and MicroSD Storage... On the Go! Payhousing Mead! Support delicious gluten-free beverages from The Colony Meadery Save the North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii The Dolly Llama Project - punny rag dolls & children's book teaching peace. Curtain Call: a Campaign for Theatre Arts and Culture in San Antonio Teachers In Space: Fly Student Experiment Mission to ISS 2014 Fund Wiki-Safety & increase the level of safety awareness on a global scale 31/07/2013 01/07/2013 13/07/2013 31/07/2013 18/07/2013 05/08/2013 17/08/2013 17/08/2013 31/07/2013 30/06/2013 06/08/2013 30/08/2013 31/08/2013 16/09/2013 01/09/2013 30/08/2013 05/09/2013 15.000 10.000 20.000 14.500 25.000 25.000 17.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 25.000 15.000 10.000 12.500 30.000 25.000 20.000 5.410 3.131 53.035 4.560 25.370 1.700 1 5.805 10 cancelled cancelled 7.355 4.380 4.445 9.168 4.060 5.664 Failure Failure Success Failure Success Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure *all amounts are expressed in US Dollars 115 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates ANNEX 4 C- Projects with a funding goal > 30.000 $ Platform Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Name of the project The RICH and the RUTHLESS + POOL , Tile by Tile The Good Woodleys " A little line of good standing people" ChargeLight: Doc.Light.Power Blood Will Tell Solar Headphones egMats: Interactive Play Mat TrueRec introduces the DFP Kayak - Dive Fish Paddle Introducing Nubrella, the world's first hands-free umbrella, by Alan Kaufmann UNTITLED WEB SERIES ABOUT A SPACE TRAVELER...SEASON 2 Jesus' Birth: Our Beggining Redhead Creamery's cheese needs to come home! Deadstock Cases: The First Sneaker Case What does it take for love to endure in THE BIG FLIP? Semester Bicycle: HexTube Bamboo + Carbon Fiber Bike John Russo's Remake of "MIDNIGHT" New Studio Album co-produced by Bobby Bridger & John Inmon YANK! Original Cast Album DemonWars: Reformation Range. Smart thermometer, smarter cook. (for iPhone/iPad) Bastion's 7: Brought to you by Sean "Cheeks" Galloway! CITY GRIT's getting a new home! LIVING LEGEND -- A "Super Mario Bros" fan film Hollywood Musical! - The Release! Ending date 28/08/2013 12/07/2013 11/08/2013 12/07/2013 12/07/2013 07/08/2013 01/08/2013 06/08/2013 Amount needed 50.000 250.000 85.000 100.000 2.500.000 200.000 50.000 150.000 Amount raised 17.894 273.114 3.970 121.329 1 cancelled 22.964 10.894 04/08/2013 02/08/2013 24/09/2013 25/09/2013 23/09/2013 29/08/2013 29/08/2013 30/08/2013 30/08/2013 30/08/2013 30/08/2013 30/08/2013 30/08/2013 30/08/2013 31/08/2013 31/08/2013 95.000 125.000 2.000.000 35.000 60.000 80.000 40.000 50.000 31.000 35.000 50.000 90.000 32.000 100.000 31.000 50.001 25.856 13.226 0 41.495 281 82.372 44.620 14.222 31.291 36.196 88.245 177.553 43.431 33.681 5.348 15.680 Result Failure Success Failure Success Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Success Failure Success Success Failure Failure Success Success Success Success Failure Failure Failure 116 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Kickstarter Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Inspiring Girls: Stories of Accomplished Ethiopian Women Crash Point CTHULHU: The Great Old One - Quick-play Card Game The MicroCosmic Cartoon Show ~Esoterik Guitars~ glowdeck - Wireless Power, Light, and Sound Iliad House: An Audio Drama Stewbum & Stonewall Brewing Company BLAZAR: Aluminum Bluetooth Speaker & Artist Collaboration 2-in-1 Battery Backup + USB Wall Charger with MicroSD Reader The Birth of Sake SANTO 7.13.15. GMO MOVIE Charity Miles Sponsor a Special Surfer - Autism Surf Session Save the Historic Huntridge Theater BLOOD DRIVE: High Speed, Action Packed, Blood Thirsty Film The First Crowdfunding Incubator Wheels for Wendell Drive Change: Building a Food Truck for Social Justice Greenbody Greenplanet: Toxin Free & Organic Hair Care The Open America Project Look Twice: A Short Film about Guns, Gangs and Birthday Cake Yako-na Provincetown Fishermen's Memorial Fund - Design Phase The Bounce Back Rejuvenating Local food supplies and local economies Black Girls Code - Summer of Code - Remix 2013 Ascesion Gateway at Sacred Space Village 2013 Waiting for Godot: a Yiddish world premiere 31/08/2013 31/08/2013 01/09/2013 01/09/2013 01/09/2013 01/09/2013 01/09/2013 01/09/2013 01/09/2013 01/09/2013 01/09/2013 07/09/2013 05/07/2013 09/07/2013 17/07/2013 06/08/2013 07/07/2013 04/08/2013 16/07/2013 18/07/2013 05/08/2013 04/08/2013 08/07/2013 31/07/2013 27/07/2013 26/07/2013 26/07/2013 09/07/2013 06/08/2013 42.000 40.000 35.000 35.000 50.000 75.000 100.000 50.000 90.000 50.000 50.000 300.000 100.000 35.000 150.000 50.000 800.000 55.000 40.000 35.000 65.000 32.000 40.000 56.000 500.000 54.927 100.000 33.000 40.000 44.475 4.507 cancelled 7.354 12.153 28.992 25.294 51.824 323.696 57.852 55.818 158.198 21.782 17.325 207.355 637 200 55.314 42.196 2.165 7.841 4.240 43.163 2.855 547.976 243 114.290 3.723 7.370 Success Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Success Success Success Success Failure Failure Failure Success Failure Failure Success Success Failure Failure Failure Success Failure Success Failure Success Failure Failure 117 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Indiegogo Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Wellness shower mixer Cookie NAV: New way to find street parking spots StreamFIT: The most comprehensive streaming fitness platform EVER! Rocket Droid - Turns any TV into an Android Smart TV VapeXhale - Saving Your Health One Lung at a Time Eggup Help Make Me the World's Smartest Robot Xentry: Transform your Spare Smartphone into a Smart Door Minna Limon Couples Vibrator LiveMap: Motorbike helmet with navigation Fund Safe Guns Meet Boddie - The Smartwatch Evolution Music for Miranda Project AAR - High-Tech Rhino Protection Sky Drone FPV Campaign for Local Power PYSIS Overboots: Saving Gorgeous Shoes... One Stiletto at a Time Fund WebbliWorld - World's craziest gang in the World's Biggest Playground Real Estate Agent Performance - See where your agent stands Cowboys & Jesus The Movie Support K-12 Schools with Clean Skies for Education AutoWiser App - Making Sustainable Car Buying Decisions Easy and Free UCStreaming A ultra thin touchscreen android for calendar on any refregirator MyPaintAgram Inc software Scrapok, the poker of words : development of the game on iPhone & Android The Human Dictionary Newsfreed: Crowdfunding independent journalism 06/07/2013 23/07/2013 04/08/2013 27/07/2013 13/07/2013 22/07/2013 31/07/2013 03/08/2013 20/07/2013 12/08/2013 14/07/2013 25/07/2013 03/10/2013 01/08/2013 07/09/2013 18/09/2013 06/08/2013 08/07/2013 07/07/2013 04/08/2013 24/06/2013 15/07/2013 24/07/2013 31/07/2013 13/07/2013 31/07/2013 50.000 45.000 100.000 95.000 50.000 70.000 300.000 200.000 60.000 150.000 50.000 100.000 55.000 125.000 80.000 40.000 50.000 2.000.000 100.000 50.000 50.000 75.000 60.000 100.000 2.000.000 150.000 16.191 1.161 8.926 300 54.573 5.000 7.025 cancelled 83.777 9.240 2.254 3.029 255 cancelled 28.348 193.018 8.760 150 250 425 1.200 1.265 10 20 cancelled cancelled 26/07/2013 08/08/2013 29/07/2013 200.000 80.000 40.000 10 2.839 2.396 Failure Failure Failure Failure Success Failure Failure Failure Success Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Success Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure 118 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Rockethub Project MONA - Museum of New Art SWING AWAY - A romantic comedy set on the island of Crete, Greece Games for Good Support the Change in How Wedding Inspiration Is Shared Support "Into Sunlight" NYC Season AR-15 80% lower Genome Liberty - Know which Medications do not work with your DNA Forged or Billet 80% Lower Receivers AR10/AR15 & Jigs Crosswind Power via Fixed Wing Kite Build A Better, Utility Scale, Solar Array. Support Igniteless and watch the world ignite less Breaking the Cycle! AR15 Billet Upper The ONLY Open Source, Fully Customizable, all-in-one HD Home Theater! Software that recognizes what it sees Vaero Dynamics - Patented Electric VTOL Aircraft Digital Crosshairs 27/07/2013 31/07/2013 09/09/2013 50.000 200.000 50.000 5.030 27.945 61.478 Failure Failure Success 30/08/2013 17/09/2013 16/09/2013 05/09/2013 26/09/2013 30/08/2013 30/08/2013 30/08/2013 08/09/2013 30/08/2013 17/09/2013 30/08/2013 30/08/2013 30/08/2013 19/09/2013 65.000 85.000 50.000 100.000 100.000 120.000 100.000 50.000 250.000 55.000 50.000 100.000 40.000 2.250.000 50.000 5.525 7.475 79.845 10.346 19.370 2.705 4.610 597 580 2.990 1.015 380 148 4.735 325 Failure Failure Success Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure *all amounts are expressed in US Dollars 119 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates ANNEX 5 A- Kickstarter Projects Name of the project SU-DI-KU the exciting new 3-D way to play the game Sudoku. Exo: Protein Bars Made from Cricket Flour The Ghost - DSLR/Video Camera Stabilizer Last Jungle In Sector 17 YU+ME Complete Series Omnibi Vintage Snowflake Art Set My Music Free! Finish The Grandmother Tree Recording Believing in BARFFUS Donnie Holland, The Web Series The lost city of Paititi: The 2013 Inkari Expedition What's Normal Anyway? The Fictitious Life of Ethan-Pilot Episode Clubfoot Triathlete- The Memoir The Mighty Misanthropic Last of the Lawsonomists The Amazing Falcon Bowse T-Shirt Transformation Program Fine Writing Instruments - Made From 50,000 Year Old Wood A Mystery Shared... Andy: A Story of Lust, Lies, and Larceny ARTkids Dog Days of Summer - Part II Pisco - A Peruvian Spirit by: Venturo Spirits & Wine Ending date Amount needed Amount raised 28/08/2013 28/08/2013 28/08/2013 28/08/2013 28/08/2013 28/08/2013 28/08/2013 28/08/2013 28/08/2013 28/08/2013 28/08/2013 28/08/2013 28/08/2013 28/08/2013 28/08/2013 28/08/2013 28/08/2013 9.800 20.000 20.000 5.000 20.000 325 2.800 28.000 5.000 30.000 4.000 20.000 2.500 12.000 1.000 14.000 5.000 1.124 54.911 161.099 1.880 57.007 746 2.888 3.458 6.851 14.598 5.666 4.111 2.507 2.082 107 16.110 8.813 Failure Success Success Failure Failure Success Success Failure Success Failure Success Failure Success Failure Failure Success Success 28/08/2013 28/08/2013 28/08/2013 28/08/2013 28/08/2013 28/08/2013 9.800 500 3.000 3.000 5.000 10.000 2.508 525 316 3.409 5.303 3.863 Failure Success Failure Failure Success Failure Result 120 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates 6 Kids 1 Suburban a documentary film 500 Level: Unique Officially Licensed Sports Tshirts Empire Expansion Tour Ploughboy Nation - Free Danbury Summer Series Concert "What's love got to do with it?" a new work by Austin Hartel The True American Music Project The Summer of the Dog: 100 Dog Portraits in 1 Summer HIDING BLAME: a short film about loss and recrimination Love & Lust Clothing: A Style For Teens & College Kids! "Silas Lowe Makes a Record" or "An Experiment in Patronage" "No You Can't, Yes I Can" Inspirational Childrens book Fools For Art WeddingBot HAPPY good makes a record. Learn Java Programming (and More) by Solving Challenges The RICH and the RUTHLESS Tip-Toe Past the Witch: web series Keeping Comics FREE! Avian CD project: New music for Soprano Lester Bangs, A BOX FULL OF ROCKS, documentary film First piano solo album "Among Songs and Dances" SpellForge The Battle for Breukelen Anne Buckle's New EP! Gaby de K Needs YOU! PuttPath Golf Training Aid 10 Days to Happiness: A Unique Theater Experience *all amounts are expressed in US Dollars 28/08/2013 28/08/2013 28/08/2013 28/08/2013 28/08/2013 28/08/2013 28/08/2013 28/08/2013 28/08/2013 6.500 20.000 5.000 800 5.000 500 2.500 7.000 750 1.197 21.213 1.306 915 1.342 71 6.210 7.011 77 Failure Success Failure Success Failure Failure Success Success Failure 28/08/2013 28/08/2013 28/08/2013 28/08/2013 28/08/2013 28/08/2013 2.000 2.500 5.457 700 3.000 1.000 2.060 3.296 1.476 800 383 1.293 Success Success Failure Success Failure Success 28/08/2013 28/08/2013 28/08/2013 28/08/2013 28/08/2013 28/08/2013 28/08/2013 28/08/2013 28/08/2013 28/08/2013 28/08/2013 28/08/2013 50.000 20.000 3.000 7.850 13.000 15.000 7.500 22.500 6.000 15.000 12.500 15.000 17.894 4.199 613 8.521 2.286 15.051 1.165 4.868 7.619 15.125 2.350 7.167 Failure Failure Failure Success Failure Success Failure Failure Success Success Failure Failure 121 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates ANNEX 5 B- Indiegogo Projects Name of the project SANTO 7.13.15. GMO MOVIE Ancient Civilizations: Cities & Settlements FRAN BOW : A Very Creepy Point & Click Adventure Game GlassUp: Augmented Reality glasses that display messages from your smartphone Karmaflow: The Rock Opera Videogame Lumenator! World's First Flash Diffuser & Video Light ::formerly LightRight:: OVO: the First Autoplay Online Video Player and App ZEGO Bars - Your Allergy-Friendly, Delicious Energy Bar Newlywed and Broke: A New Single-Camera Comedy! 110 Llandaff : A Short Film Starring David Koechner and Paula Pell The Juntos Shoe: Look Good. Do Good. Malory and Nicole- Short Film MARA Welcome to Fort McMoney - Remember To Breathe! Graveface Records Fundraiser City Dreams SANDY iPhone Photography Book The Study of Happiness Americana Circus Hair I Go Again: A Metal Documentary Jeremy Weinglass' new solo piano album: CHOOSE LOVE New York Madness Season Four Post-Landfill Action Network: A Student-led, Zero-waste Campus Movement Dearly Departed - ASU Thesis Short Film BORLEY RECTORY - Animated Short Production Ending date 07/09/2013 03/09/2013 31/08/2013 31/08/2013 02/09/2013 02/09/2013 31/08/2013 01/09/2013 02/09/2013 03/09/2013 05/09/2013 29/08/2013 02/09/2013 01/09/2013 01/09/2013 01/09/2013 07/09/2013 07/09/2013 05/09/2013 30/08/2013 31/08/2013 02/09/2013 06/09/2013 02/09/2013 01/09/2013 Amount needed 300.000 500 20.000 150.000 50.000 25.000 100.000 50.000 25.000 40.000 10.000 8.500 5.000 20.000 33.200 50.000 22.000 10.000 10.640 10.000 8.500 5.500 50.000 8.000 10.000 Amount raised 158.198 8.403 28.295 127.738 30.883 57.892 37.051 50.239 16.267 45.110 26.250 3.515 2.139 24.419 33.361 3.200 25.920 2.355 6.150 11.314 8.867 6.005 9.442 2.740 6.741 Result Failure Success Success Failure Failure Success Failure Success Failure Success Success Failure Failure Success Success Failure Success Failure Failure Success Success Success Failure Failure Failure 122 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates Get Toya Back On Her Feet! Of Dice and Men Aid Afghanistan for Education and Peace After Lydia Tapa Yuha Wacipi - Soccer for Lakota Youth Help me grow my cotton again Pine Street Brewery Help the Werewolves of Predatory Moon Tinamps Erik Mongrain Composition Funds Imy - Vol 4.0 Huntington's Dance Documentary They Call Me Q! Bronx solo-play goes to FringeNYC International Festival 2013! Lake Eerie 2 new school uniforms for each Sreyka Smile student in Cambodia 'Smarter' - Not Literally's Ravenclaw House Pride Music Video 40 Days For Eric Beyond Cancer! Project PM Waterlily EDWINS Leadership & Restaurant Institute El Monstruo Pelu, Standup Comedy Special Bring Lhyme To Life! Music. Food. Fusion! Restore the Noel Pointer Foundation Music Scholarship Fund Searching for Colors - Short Film Class 6 Theatre: Dare the Unexpected Seneca Treehouse Project 01/09/2013 07/09/2013 03/09/2013 31/08/2013 31/08/2013 31/08/2013 28/08/2013 02/09/2013 04/09/2013 03/09/2013 30/08/2013 01/09/2013 31/08/2013 29/08/2013 31/08/2013 04/09/2013 05/09/2013 05/09/2013 31/08/2013 03/09/2013 01/09/2013 07/09/2013 31/08/2013 30/08/2013 01/09/2013 7.500 30.000 10.000 17.000 3.600 20.000 20.000 3.875 6.950 10.000 500 20.000 7.000 81.000 5.320 2.800 80.000 49.000 25.000 2.500 40.000 7.500 3.000 2.750 135.000 7.626 14.282 11.547 17.185 1.375 24.524 10.790 4.720 1.280 10.203 1.285 10.326 3.125 5.541 7.289 8.478 2.686 3.378 26.351 3.105 1.001 4.020 1.600 2.755 2.928 Success Failure Failure Success Failure Success Failure Success Failure Success Success Failure Failure Failure Success Success Failure Failure Success Success Failure Failure Failure Success Failure *all amounts are expressed in US Dollars 123 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates ANNEX 5 C- Rockethub Projects Name of the project AnyTime - 10,000+ magazines, One Subscription - From only $7.00 Games for Good Project Reach for the Stars Consider the Facts: moving people to deliberative thinking Mom's Apple Pie NYC Elcano: An Open Source Ultra-Light Automated Vehicles Project maverick engine-generator - cleaner, more efficient energy - joe best Sustainable Community Conservation in Tanzania. Times Untold - a socially responsible fashion line Mead! Support delicious gluten-free beverages from The Colony Meadery Save the North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii Celia Slattery New Originals - Recording Project Make Theatre Company presents American tour of Macadâmes from Paris Bring a Scorpion Expert to BugFest! Trainor Dance in Manhattan The Dolly Llama Project - punny rag dolls & children's book teaching peace. Support the Change in How Wedding Inspiration Is Shared Curtain Call: a Campaign for Theatre Arts and Culture in San Antonio Teachers In Space: Fly Student Experiment Mission to ISS 2014 Nzirambi Education Fund - A Birthday Request Support "Into Sunlight" NYC Season Support the installation Passage by Michele Beck and Jorge Calvo Place Time and Pace - an exploration of wildness on Vermont's Long Trail Grants for Baran Dance! Ending date 02/09/2013 09/09/2013 30/08/2013 30/08/2013 19/09/2013 30/08/2013 30/08/2013 30/08/2013 07/09/2013 30/08/2013 31/08/2013 15/09/2013 06/09/2013 17/09/2013 10/09/2013 16/09/2013 Amount needed 5.000 50.000 5.000 8.000 6.500 3.500 7.500 4.000 8.000 15.000 10.000 3.500 5.500 2.500 8.000 12.500 Amount raised 16.347 61.478 6.045 8.330 4.780 2.724 3.195 1.782 10.360 7.355 4.380 1.385 4.701 2.501 3.245 4.445 30/08/2013 01/09/2013 30/08/2013 31/08/2013 17/09/2013 28/08/2013 29/08/2013 01/09/2013 65.000 30.000 25.000 500 85.000 3.000 1.200 1.000 5.525 9.168 4.060 cancelled 7.475 4.276 1.240 1.226 Result Success Success Success Success Failure Failure Failure Failure Success Failure Failure Failure Failure Success Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Success Success Success 124 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates Keep The A's In Oakland - Crowdfunded Ad Campaign Envisioning Change - Transformation Through Art and Theatre AR-15 80% lower At Home in the World/Chez nous partout dans le monde "Eek" Zine Coins for Cats: Funding Statues of Cats debut EP, "Memorabilia" Alley's Literacy Campaign 2013 Fund Wiki-Safety & increase the level of safety awareness on a global scale A Home in the Heartland: The Film Don't Sleep With Mean People Searching for a job SUCKS - we help you network into your job. Support Snap Johnson- Album #2 Release (Fall 2013) Blister & Wow! Contribute to the Alcyone Ensemble/Felsenfeld commission. Using Foot Odour in the Fight Against Malaria Wheelchair Accessible Van for Hannah Control - A feature documentary about youth incarceration Biobulb Computer Literacy for FN Students Using The Raspberry Pi 3:21: A Short Film Gravity Development Board:An open source,faster,better prototyping standard Help Fund Miss Lynn's "Still Learning" Life is Bliss: Support Stellar Suds Car Detailing Co. The Green Room Project Genome Liberty - Know which Medications do not work with your DNA Dream a Song 05/09/2013 01/09/2013 16/09/2013 15/09/2013 03/09/2013 09/09/2013 16/09/2013 05/09/2013 17/09/2013 09/09/2013 30/08/2013 13/09/2013 31/08/2013 16/09/2013 31/08/2013 14/09/2013 13/09/2013 30/08/2013 05/09/2013 13/09/2013 3.000 2.500 50.000 2.000 500 5.000 500 20.000 1.000 2.000 15.000 10.000 2.500 5.000 3.000 7.500 7.000 15.000 3.000 7.500 3.403 2.500 79.845 1.760 215 6.082 cancelled 5.664 339 1.270 4.512 2.675 720 2.600 725 1.390 2.200 3.020 555 2.936 Success Success Success Failure Failure Success Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure 30/08/2013 05/09/2013 01/09/2013 16/09/2013 05/09/2013 10/09/2013 8.873 17.000 3.000 10.000 100.000 14.500 1.390 3.170 cancelled 1.820 10.346 2.005 Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure *all amounts are expressed in US Dollars 125 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates ANNEX 5 D- WeFund Projects Name of the project Lets commemorate the first 9/11, Chile 1973, on the 40 year anniverssary! Sex Cells Travelling Light Youth Theatre Help Funding for Drama School Gateway to the Continent: Britain's High Speed Rail Farragut North Gānā! Singing for a Grassroots Empowerment Network in India Flashlight Comedy London' music video Oxbow Lakes The Dance of the Grimm Heroine Hamlet at The London Theatre, New Cross everywhere but there Monsters in the Mist Retail: a show about selling Your Fragrant Phantom Just Jam Intl 2013 Götterdämmerung - We need wool for woolly costumes! Subscription to the best new British indie Vintage Lifestyle magazine Jam Sponge Comedy - Bench Bites - EdFringe 2013 Expansion & Design Capital Funding Lancaster OffShot Present: the Canterbury Tales Voices of South Africa New Trendsetting R+B First Bartion Brownies need a parachute! Ending date 08/09/2013 14/09/2013 06/09/2013 23/09/2013 31/08/2013 09/09/2013 02/09/2013 31/08/2013 28/09/2013 25/09/2013 30/09/2013 06/09/2013 21/09/2013 02/10/2013 21/09/2013 10/09/2013 06/10/2013 14/09/2013 24/08/2013 24/08/2013 10/07/2013 01/08/2013 08/08/2013 07/07/2013 07/07/2013 Amount needed 200 800 1.250 5.000 750 2.000 500 2.000 2.000 1.500 2.398 2.000 500 750 750 300 1.000 250 6.000 1.000 5.000 500 10.000 10.000 60 Amount raised 245 10 452 cancelled 0 230 0 0 1.000 1.570 1.827 1.185 70 0 495 385 1.195 281 20 1.000 35 cancelled 0 cancelled 14 Result Success Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Success Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Success Success Success Failure Success Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure 126 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates Our Edinburgh Play-Kaffa Imagine/Little Pioneers Theatre - Film Company Found On Knowledge: a performance about (un)certainty Lucy Frederik - In Pursuit of Cool Brazil Three Centuries of Music A Dance with the devil Dreadnought South West Please Support techstatic kids art show & world record attempt Agatha The BIG KID rainwear company - Prototype fund Birdhouse - a new show by Jammy Voo Facehunters Edinburgh 2013 SHEquality Matters Magazine - The next stage of SHEvolution Lost in America - Route 26 (Oregon) Pigeon English 1000 suns - Edinburgh fringe production Minotaur Theatre Company takes "the Librarians" to the Fringe! The Remembered Film Tamar Broadbent: Almost epic Better Live for Ervin Harlesden High Street by Abhishek Mujamdar Trans-Plantable Living Room Together Forever Clear Blue Therapies - A revolutionary Company 27/07/2013 05/08/2013 04/08/2013 03/07/2013 14/07/2013 01/07/2013 02/07/2013 26/07/2013 12/07/2013 28/06/2013 28/06/2013 29/07/2013 01/08/2013 24/06/2013 23/06/2013 07/08/2013 20/07/2013 20/07/2013 09/07/2013 30/06/2013 26/06/2013 22/06/2013 20/06/2013 20/06/2013 17/06/2013 500 20.000 800 1.000 500 2.000 350 2.000 100.000 400 75 1.000 500 500 500 3.000 1.000 1.000 1.500 1.500 4.000 1.500 4.800 50.000 1.000 6 0 158 1.144 700 100 40 120 0 61 0 1.014 570 0 0 3.041 1.051 1.313 1.525 1.590 3 1.286 4.990 0 0 Failure Failure Failure Success Success Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Success Success Failure Failure Success Success Success Success Success Failure Failure Success Failure Failure *all amounts are expressed in pounds 127 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates ANNEX 5 E- Verkami Projects Name of the project SUIT.CASE Danza Teatro Recuperemos la Escuela del Canto Ossos per a Otto 3052 km y un sueño BarceRoma'65 A Piñón! Estudios Tex. O mundo dos debuxos animados. Or vermell Publicación del libro de fotografía y poesía "IMÁGENES EN PROSA" Ajuda'ns a refundar els Vailets de Gelida! en la Berliner Liste Representación de "El emperador de la Atlántida", ópera de Viktor Ullmann mediTRIrrani solidari HAY QUE VER Libro: "Cuentan los sabios" Edición impresa Cortometraje Luces Rotas Archivo Fotográfico Digital Manilio Simfonia de la Sagrada Intimitat La uni en la calle: el libro de texto "El Reloj" desvela su secreto... La poesía de El Hombrecito Single en vinilo de BLACK NYLON CORPORATION Sombra en Pie GIRONA novaCultura Casal La Cooperativa de Blanes, un nou espai per a tothom. Ending date 05/10/2013 05/10/2013 26/09/2013 05/10/2013 05/10/2013 05/10/2013 05/10/2013 05/10/2013 05/10/2013 03/10/2013 18/09/2013 02/10/2013 01/10/2013 01/10/2013 01/10/2013 30/09/2013 30/09/2013 29/09/2013 25/09/2013 28/09/2013 28/09/2013 28/09/2013 28/09/2013 18/09/2013 25/09/2013 Amount needed 4.450 7.350 1.800 2.850 3.500 5.320 1.445 1.800 2.000 650 3.900 5.000 5.700 2.500 1.300 2.650 7.600 3.463 9.000 2.400 600 900 2.000 2.000 10.000 Amount raised 4.510 8.220 145 2.880 340 770 1.452 1.067 2.130 675 4.930 5.420 5.795 2.545 1.300 2.900 7.862 950 9.915 2.405 210 991 130 180 10.840 Result Success Success Failure Success Failure Failure Success Failure Success Success Success Success Success Success Success Success Success Failure Success Success Failure Success Failure Failure Success 128 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates Videoclip Cabaret Aberrante HYDE XXI Steampunk Metal Progresivo. Nuevo CD La Frati Nigra The Fraga Family PlayOn 2013 - I Certamen Nacional de Maquetas de Málaga San Pedro de Iromendi: ¿una aldea altomedieval en el techo de Gipuzkoa? El vuelo de la mariposa. Corazón de Barro Festa Major de la URV. La teva! Una semana en los campamentos de Tindouf con el FiSahara 2013 Grabación Álbum PLG-PuraLógica Quatre barres i una estrella BOC: nuevo LP con música, literatura y dibujo El asesino de las ocho beatitudes Olis aromàtics del mediterrani Epitafios Strombers - Concert de 10 anys del Fiesta Ilegal - CD/DVD Serafina, la princesa que camina Las Meninas de Canido . IV edición. Envío á diáspora galega do libro "Nomes Galegos de Hoxe e de Onte" Domèstica 2013 Lo que sé del AMOR Bastet Ladies FORD ESCORT Vida, Origen y Multiverso 16/09/2013 24/09/2013 24/09/2013 23/09/2013 23/09/2013 22/09/2013 03/09/2013 21/09/2013 20/09/2013 04/09/2013 17/09/2013 17/09/2013 17/09/2013 17/09/2013 16/09/2013 16/09/2013 16/09/2013 15/09/2013 07/09/2013 15/09/2013 14/09/2013 14/09/2013 14/09/2013 11/09/2013 11/09/2013 400 3.600 3.000 1.600 1.825 2.380 2.000 2.450 6.000 1.000 1.000 6.500 3.200 2.500 3.500 7.000 6.000 1.800 3.000 330 2.350 2.300 1.200 2.200 4.500 50 3.865 3.018 2.549 45 2.410 2.000 3.930 175 1.080 50 7.490 5.350 70 4.150 11.075 876 1.800 3.285 560 645 572 120 2.220 4.690 Failure Success Success Success Failure Success Success Success Failure Success Failure Success Success Failure Success Success Failure Success Success Success Failure Failure Failure Success Success *all amounts are expressed in euros 129 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates ANNEX 5 F- Ulule Projects Name of the project Nous Quatre Entre aide et raid, notre 4L va faire du zèle Débris Marionnettes en chemin ALIBI MAG Caminando Post Human W.A.R. WAPA (War-Affected People's Association) De bruit et d'encre Desdinova : Réalisation de notre premier album Un Autre Monde CD Le Much Room - Visio Les Petits Diablotins E tu, non incontri fantasmi vaganti ? Images d'autres univers Les petits outils de Lilou <3 Bolero Cool Red Apple Le métier de comédien pour les Nuls Rodolphe Breizh'Elles Pilori et Miroir Projet SAMES Malo' - Freedom Tour Ending date 28/08/2013 30/08/2013 30/08/2013 30/08/2013 31/08/2013 31/08/2013 01/09/2013 31/08/2013 31/08/2013 31/08/2013 31/08/2013 31/08/2013 31/08/2013 31/08/2013 31/08/2013 31/08/2013 31/08/2013 31/08/2013 31/08/2013 31/08/2013 31/08/2013 31/08/2013 31/08/2013 31/08/2013 31/08/2013 Amount needed 2.000 1.500 600 700 6.000 6.000 4.600 3.780 3.200 2.000 2.000 2.500 2.200 3.000 2.500 2.000 300 800 850 700 5.000 300 1.000 1.000 2.000 Amount raised 2.310 1.504 614 160 10.581 9.000 5.000 4.582 5.257 2.640 2.030 2.601 2.388 1.012 2.625 2.022 400 1.026 263 922 2.235 700 1.026 1.105 210 Result Success Success Success Failure Success Success Success Success Success Success Success Success Success Failure Success Success Success Success Failure Success Failure Success Success Success Failure 130 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates MORINGA, HAÏTI BRUME/ Le premier EP de Manhood L'Atelier de Rudy Festival Le Grand Bal Z'Arts 3ème Edition Arverne Metal Fest La saga du Lion Ecarlate La Maladie de Jules SOS enfants "ces choses de la vie" Le Voyage d'Aliosha illiTrack Un Poil de Vie TROIS CHEVEUX D'OR Herida Noisy Jack Baltic Pride Dispositif mobile pour nouvelles technologies Album du Collectif Transgénik Théâtre [Troglo] du Rossignolet 100 x ni l'oie Des Hommes & des Elles SOS Pouponnière d'AINA (Madagascar) De l'Aigoual à l'Aubrac - le livre Un cheval pour un vignoble Aubes sensuElles Sign 31/08/2013 31/08/2013 31/08/2013 31/08/2013 31/08/2013 31/08/2013 31/08/2013 31/08/2013 31/08/2013 31/08/2013 31/08/2013 31/08/2013 31/08/2013 31/08/2013 31/08/2013 31/08/2013 01/09/2013 01/09/2013 01/09/2013 01/09/2013 01/09/2013 01/09/2013 01/09/2013 01/09/2013 01/09/2013 1.400 400 3.780 1.000 3.000 2.500 1.000 2.000 4.800 2.000 600 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.500 250 1.800 3.000 2.400 1.800 3.000 6.500 1.000 2.500 5.000 1.475 415 915 195 100 67 1.000 55 269 20 80 cancelled 100 80 149 30 1.815 4.302 3.145 1.838 3.155 1.174 1.488 2.540 681 Success Success Failure Failure Failure Failure Success Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Success Success Success Success Success Failure Success Success Failure *all amounts are expressed in euros 131 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates ANNEX 5 G- Startnext Projects Name of the project Am Borsigplatz geboren - Franz Jacobi und die Wiege des BVB Bachstelzen - Save Catuma Party in Berlin C3S: The fair alternative to European collecting societies. Ich bin nicht krank-ich bin schwul! KANCHA - Design Accessories for Urban Nomads Hafervoll - Das Müsli für die Hosentasche und ohne Zusatzstoffe Das Ultimative NBA-Posterheft von FIVE We used to be Tourists - Vinyl- und CD-Pressung unserer Debut-EP Erhaltung des Kulturzentrums Club wakUum, Wakmusic NICHTS SAGEN, NICHTS SEHEN, NICHTS HÖREN Cupbabes - Sitcom Pilot The Blind Circus - EUPHORIA Beyond Plastic – ein Mixtape in Buchform. DAUERPERFORMANCE #1 - Eine Versuchsanordnung Wechselwild - Schmuck mit wechselbaren Designs Alte Gießerei Berlin - Completion of open workshops in Lichtenber... Kraftwerk off/on - Ein Spektakel der Freien Tanz- und Theaterszen... Ally the Fiddle - "THE ONE", das progressive violin metal album Script To Movie Pealfestival 2013 - Austausch von Musik, Kultur, Sport und Jugend... Yunikue Fitted Bag KOKO - support your local Jungdesigners Nirwana Blüte Documentary 30 Years Haldern Pop Festival Whacky Roll - Das Arcade-Brettspiel aus der Rolle Ending date 05/09/2013 03/09/2013 30/09/2013 02/09/2013 22/09/2013 05/09/2013 01/09/2013 29/09/2013 01/10/2013 03/09/2013 01/09/2013 30/08/2013 30/09/2013 01/09/2013 01/09/2013 09/09/2013 31/08/2013 01/10/2013 31/08/2013 03/09/2013 30/09/2013 22/09/2013 16/09/2013 30/09/2013 30/09/2013 Amount needed 120.000 6.500 50.000 15.000 15.000 9.999 7.500 2.200 5.000 10.000 4.500 2.500 5.000 15.000 7.500 5.500 5.000 4.000 20.000 3.500 10.000 2.500 14.999 17.500 980 Amount raised 180.368 366 117.840 15.665 15.491 10.385 9.099 2.669 6.675 10.167 4.782 2.541 5.705 1.134 9.481 6.604 5.506 5.798 20.209 4.026 11.111 4.821 3.160 21.426 1.430 Result Success Failure Success Success Success Success Success Success Success Success Success Success Success Failure Success Success Success Success Success Success Success Success Failure Success Success 132 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates Live And Let Live Weiterentwicklung von Wack-A-Doo Yonatan Pandelaki's first Solo Album Blocky Mountains Happy End The e-COSYSTEM is the greenhouse of tomorrow! LES NUITS BLANCHES Lukas Meister- Album-Pressung „Wanderjahre“ Hopebringer Project - Fair Trade Shirt Kollektion "Est. MMXI" Shortfilm "Einundzwanzig zweiundzwanzig" (Twentyone twentytwo) Das Mädchen ohne Hände Bach-Advent - der Weihnachtsmarkt mit Herz BONVODOU KAKAO R!EVOLUTION Tennis Court Rising Kolter AND THE SKY IS GREY - Debut Album Produktion 16. Deutsche Meisterschaft im Jugger ALLEIN UNTER IRREN - Der Pilot für eine Comedyserie in der Klapse Expedition ins Reich der Töpfe Micro Maker for everybody Quarterly // Exodus Worship CD Ulli Buth "Coming Home" - her first full-length album! Filmproduktion "A Warrior's Creed" OpenFinca: Helden der Arbeit in die Sonne! OpenSpace und CoWorkin... "Kristallblau" - Animated Shortfilm - Studenten der OHM-Hochschul... 22/09/2013 09/09/2013 31/08/2013 04/10/2013 01/09/2013 26/09/2013 30/09/2013 01/09/2013 30/08/2013 30/09/2013 03/09/2013 15/09/2013 31/08/2013 05/09/2013 29/08/2013 17/09/2013 07/09/2013 31/08/2013 11/09/2013 30/09/2013 30/09/2013 04/09/2013 26/09/2013 31/08/2013 20/09/2013 15.000 3.000 2.500 9.000 10.000 25.000 10.000 1.500 1.000 300 7.500 5.000 10.000 2.490 7.000 2.000 5.000 2.000 4.000 42.000 3.750 3.000 6.000 5.000 1.200 18.147 3.563 2.616 11.441 10.350 2.792 2.610 1.601 1.325 335 1.347 6.586 601 2.521 7.288 2.071 7.473 2.148 4.086 97 3.822 3.582 2.040 2.544 1.522 Success Success Success Success Success Failure Failure Success Success Success Failure Success Failure Success Success Success Success Success Success Failure Success Success Failure Failure Success *all amounts are expressed in euros 133 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates ANNEX 5 H- Voordekunst Projects Name of the project Purple Wedding Innig Utrecht String Quartet en Tsjaikovski, volume 2 Debuut cd MMMM! De Partij voor Cultuur (PVC) Balkan's Finest Blues&Poetry De Indische Tantes Nieuw album 'Travelers ' De Stad Reporting Turkey VUILE WAS Nachtbloem Nieuwe Solo CD Joep Pelt Villa Kakelbont Apera Geef DE YOUNGSTERS een gezicht! Texaco Baby! de TonTon Club 10 jaar Holland Bigband - cd-productie de Stenen Man Suite Invented Identity Amsterdam Art Lab 5000 ROEBEL Social ME(dia) Ending date 29/08/2013 29/08/2013 30/08/2013 30/08/2013 30/08/2013 31/08/2013 31/08/2013 31/08/2013 31/08/2013 31/08/2013 01/09/2013 01/09/2013 01/09/2013 02/09/2013 02/09/2013 03/09/2013 03/09/2013 05/09/2013 05/09/2013 07/09/2013 07/09/2013 07/09/2013 08/09/2013 08/09/2013 10/09/2013 Amount needed 2.340 5.000 6.000 3.600 5.432 8.400 8.000 6.000 5.380 1.500 18.000 5.380 3.000 6.000 2.500 5.500 10.500 1.600 7.500 6.000 5.380 4.850 5.000 7.500 2.675 Amount raised 2.340 5.000 6.020 4.165 615 7.096 4.200 7.575 5.695 1.660 160 5.575 3.000 6.682 2.500 6.145 1.815 1.600 10.960 6.940 4.790 4.850 5.003 7.585 cancelled Results Success Success Success Success Failure Failure Failure Success Success Success Failure Success Success Success Success Success Failure Success Success Success Failure Success Success Success Failure 134 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates Het veiligheidstheater Dienst voor de broer van God Verken je talent, zing wie je bent ER IS MEER... (dan de som der delen) Meerklank muziekfestival Mogen wij op u Bouwen Het meisje en de monnik Voorstelling Zevenslapers Watervolk De vijf kussen Echt Houdt, echt mooi Steun de kunstkritiek! Dead Singers Society ED Debuutalbum Lottie Mae Jones Mayra Orchestra Debuut CD + DVD - Filmische Pop Het Wonder van Jero ç Spring Tide APOLLO ENSEMBLE Frank Lloyd Wright Kop en Schotels Agrarische spetterkalender Dynamic Food, Local Farmers, Urban Food Lucebert meets Mees’ modern music Jan Ritskes gedichtenbundel 11/09/2013 13/09/2013 14/09/2013 14/09/2013 14/09/2013 14/09/2013 15/09/2013 15/09/2013 15/09/2013 15/09/2013 15/09/2013 15/09/2013 17/09/2013 17/09/2013 20/09/2013 22/09/2013 23/09/2013 24/09/2013 28/09/2013 30/09/2013 30/09/2013 30/09/2013 30/09/2013 30/09/2013 01/10/2013 10.000 3.000 2.750 3.500 5.000 4.250 5.360 2.140 3.150 3.210 2.500 2.000 6.300 3.000 6.825 2.515 2.500 3.500 3.500 2.500 10.000 4.000 12.850 2.435 1.500 10.210 3.030 2.343 3.926 100 4.281 4.995 2.245 3.400 3.210 2.645 2.265 6.462 3.060 6.110 2.696 2.510 cancelled 3.500 2.500 919 4.000 12.910 2.739 780 Success Success Failure Success Failure Success Failure Success Success Success Success Success Success Success Failure Success Success Failure Success Success Failure Success Success Success Failure *all amounts are expressed in euros 135 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates ANNEX 5 I- Catarse Projects Name of the project Huis Clos - Entre 4 Paredes Brasil - Um País de Tolos Quem Realmente Somos - Who We Really Are Pimp My Carroça Curitiba Revolução através do design - o Documentário Nem Morto - Apocalipse Pérolas Tipográficas XI Semana de Relações Internacionais da PUC-SP: A sociedade civil como ator das RI Lost Kids: Buscando Samarkand ULTRA-ROMÂNTICO TETO no Jardim Gramacho Quando parei de me preocupar com canalhas | curta de ficção Por um espaço de coworking em Santos Reportagem Pública CarlosCareqa/PalavrãoCantado Robô barato - para mim, para você e todo o mundo! CATARSE SUGAR KANE - Sétimo disco de estúdio. AFREAKA 2 Morde! ZONS Terapia - Vol. I Apartamento 302, o livro CD Raimundos - Cantigas de Roda Cara, eu sou legal! MAKI Ending date 17/09/2013 26/09/2013 25/09/2013 05/10/2013 18/09/2013 03/10/2013 15/09/2013 30/09/2013 01/10/2013 11/09/2013 14/09/2013 11/09/2013 18/09/2013 21/09/2013 05/10/2013 05/09/2013 04/09/2013 03/10/2013 16/09/2013 11/09/2013 01/10/2013 15/09/2013 30/09/2013 07/09/2013 23/09/2013 Amount needed 10.000 15.000 19.577 38.200 25.000 6.000 9.000 5.500 34.000 10.000 25.000 31.970 23.000 47.500 35.000 3.000 40.394 30.000 20.000 7.700 30.000 35.000 55.000 3.000 9.999 Amount raised 10.245 19.625 15.354 44.218 9.599 8.071 15.921 5.515 27.350 10.370 28.600 34.260 3.990 58.685 35.150 3.575 8.530 18.695 20.420 8.508 39.620 38.666 118.268 5.465 15.407 Results Success Success Failure Success Failure Success Success Success Failure Success Success Success Failure Success Success Success Failure Failure Success Success Success Success Success Success Success 136 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates Plastic Fire - CidadeVelozCidade Butim Selene The Fantasy FINO COLETIVO – Ai de Mim Sem o Seu Amor - Gravação do terceiro CD Espetáculo adulto “O homem que fala”, dos Doutores da Alegria Os Caras Menina dos Olhos Inside Out Rap Comunidade Perpetuum Mobile Voo Cego Cidade Cinza - O Filme Uma história mais ou menos parecida A Experiência Popozuda Versos, O Filme | curta-metragem de ficção Oliplanet Scracho F.C. "2002", o livro Contraste O Uso das Cores (livro sobre colorização) Bianca Fermina 10 anos Broto de Chocolate Olhando pras Estrelas Duas em NY Expoinsta 22/09/2013 20/09/2013 20/09/2013 20/09/2013 31/08/2013 30/08/2013 04/09/2013 31/08/2013 16/09/2013 14/09/2013 13/09/2013 13/09/2013 31/08/2013 08/09/2013 08/09/2013 02/09/2013 01/09/2013 21/07/2013 12/07/2013 02/08/2013 22/07/2013 21/06/2013 02/07/2013 03/07/2013 15/07/2013 15.000 22.000 35.000 84.790 72.000 10.000 6.900 37.890 2.000 10.000 83.000 9.500 37.031 9.650 130.000 40.000 15.000 25.000 25.000 8.000 33.900 10.000 6.000 3.000 7.000 15.319 46.450 74.381 26.506 3.437 13.935 9.505 6.013 9.574 10.740 98.778 12.571 1.695 10.760 7.270 44.130 15.610 1.050 37.619 8.100 cancelled 10.000 6.365 3.001 7.100 Success Success Success Failure Failure Success Success Failure Success Success Success Success Failure Success Failure Success Success Failure Success Success Failure Success Success Success Success *amounts are expressed in Brazilian reals 137 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates ANNEX 5 J- Startsomegood Projects Name of the project Education is Freedom - Nepal Support veterans from the battlefield to the box Get healthcare into Nairobi slums Making more mighty women leaders Help us take on the fossil fuel industry Critical Thinking and secular ethics in Cambodja Help share peaceful puppets with children in need Youth Leadership Sponsor Build Lacrosse skills with Orlando minority girls Sculpture to honor aboriginal Elder Uniting to change the world Helping bilingual children thrive Empower communities in Ireland Plant a seed for solar energy in low income cities Creating a world where every child is a hero Inspire students with stars in Kenya Help YOFAFO feed its students Open the doors to an eco-friendly education Sharing kindness can change lives with your help 100 Miles to End Homelessness Bring Back Adult ESL Classes to Oakland PhilFest - Bring Music Education To Nepal Help Save a Child, Save a School and Save a life Build an eco-house to build our future Rebuild Crisfield Ending date 30/06/2013 22/06/2013 22/06/2013 14/07/2013 01/08/2013 07/07/2013 15/07/2013 29/06/2013 24/06/2013 11/07/2013 28/07/2013 10/07/2013 22/07/2013 14/07/2013 05/07/2013 18/07/2013 02/08/2013 01/08/2013 29/08/2013 08/09/2013 13/09/2013 13/09/2013 15/09/2013 17/09/2013 22/09/2013 Amount needed 28.135 1.500 10.000 3.855 10.000 1.146 1.500 350 250 1.000 16.000 500 30.000 5.000 2.500 8.000 4.000 5.000 4.000 1.500 1.512 3.000 10.000 10.000 3.000 Amount raised 37.534 3.075 13.781 1.355 13.920 2.289 570 400 1,225 1.785 1.050 180 2.710 320 822 9.060 4.050 1.120 4.082 1.858 1.557 1.765 142 10.290 3.595 Result Success Success Success Failure Success Success Failure Success Success Success Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Success Success Failure Success Success Success Failure Failure Success Success 138 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates Fighting Breast Cancer Through Awareness Help The Youth By Contributing to Youthful Savings Snowshoes for Environmental Education Give Women a Chance to Connect and Heal Social Enterprise Investment Fund Help domestic violence survivors keep their pets Creating a Citizen Disaster Response Hub Yaya for Equality: A Girls Empowerment Campaign Be a part of the 'Fevolution' at SevGen Newcastle Mirage Changemaker's Event Press for Change Lets Get Creative About Cultural Diversity Help A Child Grow Happy and Strong Through Music Be a Forklift: Fund Conscious Leadership Yoga for Change Put Girls Center Stage Poverty Elimination Job Creation Pushing Our Luck: Ideas for Australian Progress Sprouting Good For Homeless Youth Teaching the kids of Phapang to read Knowledge is Power: Tutoring for Success Econo-me Tours: Joy Riding the Sustainability Path Support Chujulbu Lum's Changemakers Festival Event New Music in Remote Schools and Communities Continued Support for Nepali Women and Education 30/09/2013 30/09/2013 28/08/2013 30/08/2013 31/08/2013 04/09/2013 04/09/2013 05/09/2013 13/09/2013 13/09/2013 13/09/2013 13/09/2013 30/08/2013 06/09/2013 13/09/2013 14/09/2013 19/09/2013 23/09/2013 27/09/2013 30/09/2013 18/09/2013 13/09/2013 13/09/2013 09/10/2013 26/09/2013 50 1.250 1.650 4.080 20.000 30.000 54.000 3.500 4.000 3.000 600 2.000 15.000 10.890 1.000 25.000 7.000 7.000 30.000 10.000 780 500 2.899 10.000 4.745 7 1.260 400 330 10.000 18.050 95 5.920 cancelled 535 1.414 2.267 15.635 7.070 2.116 26.247 20 19.386 160 10.365 3.150 590 460 4.545 6.101 Failure Success Failure Failure Success Success Failure Success Failure Failure Success Success Success Failure Success Success Failure Success Failure Success Success Success Failure Failure Success *all amounts are expressed in US Dollars 139 Reward-based crowdfunding: An analysis on success rates