Classroom objects, colors, actions, numbers to twenty. Unit 2


Classroom objects, colors, actions, numbers to twenty. Unit 2
2nd grade
Dictation colors
Unit 1 : First Day of Class
-Classroom objects, colors, actions, numbers to twenty.
Unit 2: Fun and Games
-Sports and game equipment, actions, numbers counting tens up to one
hundred, prepositions.
Unit 3: Our new House
-Rooms, furniture, household objects, family members.
-Grammar: He’s she’s they’re. Do, does. Where’s and where are.
-Order and Pattern: compare numbers using: greater – smaller – more than
– less than.
-Additions and subtraction within 1000 with and with out regrouping.
-One and two step word problems.
-Interpret the concept of multiplication and division.
Unit 4 “ Air ”
- Recognise the different uses of air
- Know what wind is and what its uses are
- Recognise that air is needed for burning
- Distinguish between clean air and polluted air
Unit 5 “ Water”
- Recognise that water can exist in different states.
- Observe what happens when some substances are mixed with water
Unit 6 “ In the ground”
- Classify rocks according to their shape, size, colour, pattern, texture
and hardness.
- Understand that there are many objects around us that are made of
- Understand the importance of soil
Unit 7 “ Day and Night”
- Recognise that the Sun appears to rise in the morning and set in the
- Recognise the observables shapes of the moon
- Know that there are different star patterns in the sky
Unit 8 “ The season “
- Know the four seasons
- Observe and describe weather conditions associated with each
- Understand how season affect us, in terms of how we dress and the
kinds of activities that we can do.
Unidad 1:
- Comprensión de lectura
- El abecedario
- Uso de mayúscula inicial y punto final
- Uso de la coma (enumeraciones)
- Características del aviso
Unidad 2 :
- La sílaba ( separación de silabas)
- Sustantivos comunes y propios
- Los sinónimos
- Partes de un texto narrativo
Unidad 3:
- Uso de : ca, que, qui, co, cu
- Los artículos definidos e indefinidos
- Los Antónimos
- Características y partes de la carta.