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BOLETÍN ������������������������ 67 • Patrimonio arqueológico ������������������������ • Premios, reconocimientos, becas, concursos y puestos de trabajo • Biodiversidad 12 mayo 2011 • Patrimonio construido • Impacto del cambio climático sobre el Patrimonio • Patrimonio Cultural • Paisajes Culturales PUBLICA: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV) España DIRECTORA: Isabel Tort Ausina CONSEJO EDITORIAL: Irene Fornes John Michael Kirby Jose Joaquín Lorente Lupe Navarro Mª Luz Campos Marielle Richon Montse Martínez Rieko Kubota ASESORES: Jose Luis Montalvá Manuel Jesús Ramírez Concha de Soto • Rutas e itinerarios culturales (rutas, canales,vías férreas, ríos, etc.) • Desiertos • Patrimonio Documental, Audiovisual y Digital. Archivos • Arquitectura de tierra • Educación, Formación, Juventud y Voluntariado • Bosques • Genealogía y Heráldica • Patrimonio Geológico • Legislación (nacional e internacional), Convenciones, Cartas y Declaraciones • Ciudades y centros históricos. Paisajes urbanos históricos • Patrimonio Científico, Astronómico, Tecnológico e Industrial • Patrimonio Intangible • Lenguas y Toponimia • Biodiversidad Marina y de Costas • Patrimonio Cultural marítimo y militar/defensivo • Patrimonio Moderno y Contemporáneo • Montañas • Museos, Museología y Patrimonio mueble I.S.S.N. 1887 - 1372 • Patrimonio Natural y Medio ambiente • Investigación sobre física y química de materiales Universidad Politécnica de Valencia Camino de Vera s/n. 46022 Valencia. España Tlf. 96 387 77 80 Fax. 96 387 77 89 E-mail: [email protected] • Restauración y técnicas de conservación • Pintura Rupestre • Turismo: Turismo Cultural y Ecoturismo • Patrimonio Subacuático. Arqueología subacuática • Actividades de la Directora General de UNESCO sobre Patrimonio • Patrimonio Vernáculo • Patrimonio mundial English Français Español UNIVERSIDAD POLITÉCNICA DE VALENCIA (UPV) Camino de Vera s/n 46022 Valencia, SPAIN tel: (+34) 96 387 77 80 fax: (+34) 96 387 77 89 e-mail: [email protected] Patrimonio arqueológico Noticias Agenda Publicaciones Noticias Los nativos americanos haban modificado el paisaje antes de la llegada de los europeos Un nuevo estudio de investigadores, del Departamento de geologa de la Universidad Baylor, demuestra que la utilizacin de la tierra por los Amerindios tuvo un impacto generalizado en el paisaje del Este Norteamericano; adems el desarrollo de las llanuras inundables se hizo varios centenares de aos antes de la llegada de las grandes zonas de asentamiento europeos. Los investigadores asignaron al principio de la colonizacin la utilizacin de las tierras, as como la deforestacin, la labranza y la construccin de presas. Esto habra influido en los sistemas hidrolgicos actuales en el Este de Norteamrica. Aunque estudios previos sugeran que la utilizacin de las tierras de los Amerindios en el Este de Norteamrica haba sido la causa de cambios en los sistemas hidrolgicos, pocas pruebas directas se haban podido proporcionar hasta ahora + info: 15 tombes Byzantines dcouvertes dans le centre de la Rpublique arabe syrienne Une spulture de l'poque byzantine a t dcouverte dans le village d'al-Ruba Zighreen, 30 km au nord-est de Hama; il y avait un certain nombre de tombes l'intrieur desquelles on a pu retrouver des poteries, du mtal, du verre et des pices d'or. Abdul- Qader Farzat, Chef du Dpartement d'Archologie d'Hama, a prcis que le tombeau possde une entre de 110 cm de long et 60 cm de large menant une petite pice entoure de cinq chambres comprenant trois tombes chacune. Les tombes ont une longueur de 175 cm, une profondeur de 40 cm et elles sont spares par un espace de 25 cm. Ce sont donc 15 tombes qui ont t dcouvertes dans la spulture. Certaines des tombes contenaient plus d'un cercueil recouvert de panneaux de briques, tandis que d'autres taient recouverts de pierres de basalte non tailles. + info: Chantiers de fouilles archologiques 2011 en France Tout savoir sur les diffrentes formations dans le domaine de l'archologie et sciences connexes, dans les pays francophones + info: JOB OFFERS - Offre de stage pratique en archologie environnementale (Prou) aot -septembre 2011 Le Groupe dAnalyses et dInterprtations Archologiques (G.A.I.A. In.c) est une nouvelle entreprise qubcoise fonde en mai 2010, promouvant des changes plus troits entre les milieux archologiques, des sciences pures et publics. En effet, si cest le pass qui forge lavenir de plusieurs communauts, cest dans le prsent et travers une approche scientifique que le pass se laisse dcouvrir. Cependant, cette approche requiert lintervention de spcialistes sachant allier les nouvelles avances dans les sciences sociales et naturelles. + info: Entrees/2011/2/10_Offre_de_stage_pratique_en_archeologie_environnementale.html Las excavaciones de Marden Henge revelan un edificio ceremonial (Reino Unido) Arquelogos de English Heritage descubrieron una construccin ceremonial de 4500 aos de antigedad. Este descubrimiento tuvo lugar durante unas excavaciones recientes, que duraron ms de seis semanas, en Marden Henge, uno de los monumentos prehistricos ms importantes de Gran Bretaa, pero tambin el peor comprendido. La estructura se descubri en el emplazamiento de un pequeo henge, desconocido hasta entonces, en los alrededores del famoso Marden Henge; se trata de uno de los edificios neolticos mejor conservados de Gran Bretaa al margen de los Orkneys. En equilibrio precario en la cumbre de un talud, y con una apertura a la derecha sobre la pendiente hacia la zanja interna, parece ser una eleccin poco probable para un hbitat. Sin embargo, pudo ser un emplazamiento privilegiado para ofrecer una vista hacia el interior del henge, con el fin de observar las actividades en su centro. + info: Roman Roads not Roman after all? - Tarmac's Bayston Hill quarry. Shropshire (United Kingdom) A discovery at Tarmac's Bayston Hill quarry in Shropshire has thrown into question the belief that Roman invaders introduced roads to Britain. Excavations carried out by environmental consultants SLR at the site suggest that the Romans may have made use of existing roads engineered by Iron Age Britons. The find shows that a metalled and cambered roadway, was constructed in the first century BC - a 100 years before the Emperor Claudius sent troops to conquer Britain. + info: Euromed Heritage newsletter - Issue No.7 - MARCH 2011 We take care of our past to protect our future. We promote the preservation of fountains and ancient dialects, wooden doors and old manuscripts, the rehabilitation of modern buildings and millennial theatres, to safeguard the identity of future generations and to contribute to their mutual understanding. By the valorisation of cultural heritage, the Euromed Heritage programme supports the dialogue between cultures throughout the Mediterranean region. Euromed Heritage 4 (2008-2012) creates new opportunities for peoples awareness and appropriation of their extraordinary common cultural heritage. + info: COMPETITIONS - Expression of Interest (EOI): Historic Environment: Local Authority Capacity by English Heritage. Deadline for nomination: 21 April 2011 Reductions to budgets mean that nearly everything local government does is being re-evaluated and historic environment services, which are non statutory and have often evolved to meet the needs of the local community, are not exempt. To respond to this key stakeholders have got together to support authorities as they make these difficult decisions, to explore how to retain a focus on strategic heritage outcomes, reduce unnecessary bureaucracy and process and pool resources across public bodies and engage civic societies more effectively. HELAC represents a partnership initiative with English Heritage and the LGA being joined by the Association of Local Government Archaeological Officers, the Institute of Historic Building Conservation and the Planning Officers Society. The first phase will see the partners working closely with a number of nominated areas as they adapt services to meet new pressures. That process should see a variety of different options for delivering a successful service emerge, each with an emphasis on partnership working, reducing unnecessary process and working more effectively with other bodies... + info: Pelcula de Werner Herzog con acceso exclusivo a las cuevas recientemente descubiertas de Chauvet (Francia) Recibida de forma positiva en su estreno en Toronto Festival, CUEVA DE LOS SUEOS OLVIDADOS muestra los resultados dramticos de acceso exclusivo de Herzog al recientemente descubierto cuevas de Chauvet en el sur de Francia, y sus pinturas rupestres verdaderamente extraordinarios, que data de 32.000 aos. El uso de Herzog de 3D realmente trae estas hermosas obras de arte y de la catedral impresionante como la cueva con sus estalactitas enormes a la vida. Herzog utiliza su acceso exdclusivo a este tesoro de obras maestras del Paleoltico como musa de la inmensidad y la fragilidad del progreso del hombre + info: Preocupacin por la India restos plaza de Los Beca Museo Angeles - Los Angeles - California - EE.UU. Ms de $ 104.000 en fondos federales podra ser retenido de un museo financiado por el condado de Los Angeles por si las autoridades no logran resolver las preocupaciones tribus de nativos americanos sobre los restos encontrados durante la construccin de la instalacin. El Servicio de Parques Nacionales envi una carta el jueves a los proyectos de capital de la comarca gerente de Alba McDivitt diciendo que la solucin del problema es una condicin para liberar el dinero de la subvencin. La carta de subvenciones NPS preservacin histrica jefe Tucker Hampton, que fue proporcionado a The Associated Press, record McDivitt que los fondos no sern liberados "hasta que este problema este resuelto en consulta con todas las partes interesadas." + info: Dinosaurio raro econtrado en las arenas petrolferas de Canad - Alberta - Canad Las arenas petrolferas de Canad, una vasta extensin de alquitrn y arena que se extrae del petrleo crudo, dado el tesoro de otro tipo de esta semana, cuando un trabajador de la petrolera descubri un fsil de dinosaurio de 110 millones de aos que no iba a estar all. El fsil es un anquilosaurio, un dinosaurio herbvoro con extremidades de gran alcance, blindaje y una cola de club. Encontrar en esta regin del norte de Alberta fue una sorpresa porque hace millones de aos la zona estaba cubierta por el agua. + info: INAH (Instituto Nacional de Antropologa e Historia) PGINA WEB: grandes monolitos mexicas ya estn disponibles en alta definicin y en detalle a travs de Internet - Mxico INAH web ahora ofrece detalles de tres emblemticas esculturas mexicas: Coyolxauhqui, Tlaltecuhtli y la Piedra del Sol (Piedra del Sol) se pueden admirar en lnea en un sitio interactivo creado por el Instituto Nacional de Antropologa e Historia (INAH) . El sitio denominado Historia En Piedra. Tres monolitos mexicas (Historia de monolitos de piedra. Tres mexica), presenta imgenes de alta resolucin de video y animacin que ilustra los estudios realizados por especialistas del INAH dedicada a la arqueologa y la restauracin. + info: Los humanos ms modernos procedan del sur de frica, sugiere un estudio Un estudio gentico de grupos nmadas africanos sugiere que los humanos ms modernos evolucionaron desde el sur de frica, en lugar de proceder del este como sugera un estudio previo, segn han informado cientficos este mes. El equipo, dirigido por Brenna Henn de la Universidad de Stanford California, ha llevado a cabo el estudio gentico de mayor envergadura sobre los cazadores nmadas que vivan en frica hasta el momento. Tambin compararon el ADN con muestras de otras poblaciones africanas y europeas. Analizaron polimorfismos de nucleotidos simples (SNP), que constituyen pequeas variaciones de secuencia de ADN entre grupos de gente. Los SNPs pueden ayudar a enfatizar las relaciones gentica,s la divergencia evolutiva e incluso enfermedades. Los resultados revelaron que los bosquimanos de Namibia y Khomani del sur de frica, los pigmeos Biaka de frica central y los Sandawe del frica oriental, son los que presentan los niveles ms altos de diversidad gentica en el mundo, dice un equipo. La diversidad gentica es un indicador de la antigedad de los pueblos. En principio, cuando ms antigua la poblacin, ms tiempo ha tenido para construir su diversidad. Utilizando informacin gentica y localizaciones geogrficas de los grupos de cazadores nmadas, el equipo dedujo que el origen de los humanos modernos, el Homo sapiens, se sita en el frica del Sur. + info: Artefactos en Tejas precedentes a la cultura Clovis de 2,500 aos, Nuevos estudios. Tejas (EE. UU.) Los investigadores en Tejas han descubierto cientos de artefactos humanos en una capa del terreno que se sita directamente bajo un conjunto de reliquias Clovis, lo cual ampla la evidencia de que otras culturas precedieron a la cultura Clovies en Norteamrica. Este conjunto de herramientas pre-Clovis parece tener entre 13.200 y 15.500 aos de antigedad e incluye tecnologa de hojas y bifaces que podran haber sido adoptados ms tarde, e incluso mejorados, por la cultura Clovis. La poblacin Clovis, cuyas herramientas eran conocidas por sus distintivas puntas onduladas, ha sido considerada como los primeros pobladores de Norteamrica alrededor de 13.000 aos atrs. Durante los ltimos aos, las evidencias encontradas de forma repartida han sealado a culturales anteriores. Pero tal evidencia ha sido rebatida en parte por el hecho de que se han recuperado muy pocos artefactos. + info: Power Structure at El Tajin Revealed: City was Not Governed by One Single Person - Mexico New hypotheses about the last stage and government of El Tajin civilization point out to a rule that was not exclusive of one person but of several, as announced in a conference series organized by the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH). According to studies performed at the Veracruz archaeological zone by Dr Arturo Pascual, from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), El Tajin experimented in its last stage intense transformations in its government and ideology that were captured in its architecture and iconography. + info: Power Structure at El Tajin Revealed: City was Not Governed by One Single Person - Mexico New hypotheses about the last stage and government of El Tajin civilization point out to a rule that was not exclusive of one person but of several, as announced in a conference series organized by the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH). According to studies performed at the Veracruz archaeological zone by Dr Arturo Pascual, from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), El Tajin experimented in its last stage intense transformations in its government and ideology that were captured in its architecture and iconography. In this sense, near 800-850 AD, the ancient Mesoamerican city suffered a profound change in its government after the accession of a new group of a lineage linked to the figure of 13 Rabbit, depicted at the Edificio de las Columnas pillars. At the reliefs, characters with the same calendar name are represented at the western portico (dated between 800-850 AD) and at the eastern one (900-950 AD). + info: Archaeologists Investigate Iraqi Marshes for Origins of Mesopotamian Cities - Iraq Three National Science Foundation-supported researchers recently undertook the first non-Iraqi archaeological investigation of the Tigris-Euphrates delta in nearly 20 years. Archeologists Jennifer Pournelle and Carrie Hritz, with geologist Jennifer Smith, carried out the study late last year to look for links between wetland resources and the emergence of Mesopotamian cities. "Mesopotamia"--Greek for "the land between the rivers"--is an area about 300 miles long and 150 miles wide straddling the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, which now run through Iraq, northeastern Syria, southeastern Turkey and southwestern Iran. It is broadly considered a cradle of civilization, because urban societies first developed there, about six thousand years ago. + info: Link to Heritage Tasmania's E-newsletter - Tasmania (Australia) To download the March 2011 issue of Heritage Tasmanias E-newsletter, click on the link below. + info: Jordan Wants to Retrieve Major Christian Relics Jordan's archaeology chief says he has a solid legal case to press for the return of 70 ancient lead books stolen and smuggled into Israel Ziad al-Saad says the relics could be the earliest Christian writing in existence. If authenticated, he says they would be the most significant find in Christian archaeology since the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in 1947. He says there is strong evidence that the material was excavated in a northern cave by a Jordanian Bedouin five years ago. But they made their way into the hands of an Israeli Bedouin. He said Sunday that initial carbon and metallurgy tests performed by British experts date the material, depicting messianic symbols and written in archaic Hebrew, to the 1st century A.D. + info: Los americanos prehistricos cambiaban el chocolate por turquesas? Restos qumicos de cacao se han encontrado en un sitio en Nuevo Mjico (EEUU) Restos de un componente qumico en el cacao-el ingrediente ms importante del chocolatese encontraron en varios recipientes para beber en varios sitios arqueolgicos de Pueblo Bonito, un complejo de grandes casas de arena en Can Chaco, Nuevo Mjico. Las antiguas gentes Puebloan levantaron el complejo, el epicentro de una cultura ancestral Chaco, en las etapas entre el 850 A.D. y el 1150. Pero el cacao, una fruta tropical que crece en Amrica central y del sur, se cultivaba en la poca prehistrica slo en Mesoamrica, una regin que se extiende desde Mjico hasta Cosa Rica (vase el mapa). Los hallazgos sugieren que el complejo en Nuevo Mjico tambin sirvi como una lugar de cambio para las poblaciones de Mesoamrica y los Puebloans entre los siglos 11 y 14- y que los dos grupos estaban altamente conectados ms de lo que se haba pensado con anterioridad, afirm un estudio dirigido por Dorothy Washburn. Los mesoamericanos podran haber cambiado semillas de caco por gemas nicas del sureste, tales como la turquesa, la cual se sabe que se encontraba en las minas de Puebloans, en lo que es hoy en da Nuevo Mjico (Haga un cuestionario sobre el chocolate) Hemos levantado esta pared entre el Sureste y Mesoamrica para toda la prehistoria, (cuando) era slo un rea- las Amricas, dijo Washburn, del Museo de Arqueologa y Antropologa en la Universidad de Pensilvania, Filadelfia. Se trata de otra forma de ver cmo interactuaban estas gentes + info: Llamada a la accin para proteger las antigedades egipcias a cargo de la Universidad George Washington. Washington DC (EEUU) Nosotros, los abajo firmantes, solicitamos que se tomen medidas urgentes para proteger las antigedades egipcias, los sitios de importancia, y el patrimonio cultural. Al hacer esto, se estarn preservando objetos arqueolgicos e histricos irremplazables. Ms importante an, tal proteccin ayudar a la economa egipcia en el despertar de la revolucin poltica. Tal iniciativa tambin ayudar a evitar que s organizaciones criminales ilcitas y de carcter internacional establezcan vnculos con el lavado de dinero negro, con el trfico de personas y con el de drogas. + info: Bodies Found from London's Old Bedlam Hospital - LONDON - United Kingdom Archaeologists have unearthed hundreds of skeletons at a 16th Century burial ground in the heart of the city that once served London's most notorious psychiatric hospital, the original "Bedlam." The bones are expected to yield valuable information about mortality, diet and disease in the period. They were discovered while experts surveyed a site that is destined to become a new ticket hall for the capital's huge Crossrail project at Liverpool Street Station. + info: JOB OFFERS - Senior Archaeologist at South Dakota State Historical Society. Rapid City, South Dakota (USA) The Archaeological Research Center, South Dakota State Historical Society, is looking for a senior archaeologist to conduct contract projects for the SD Department of Transportation; Department of Game, Fish and Parks; and other clients. The incumbent will be responsible for planning and budgeting field surveys and excavations, evaluating sites with respect to their National Register eligibility under the National Historic Preservation Act, carrying out work in the field and lab, supervising field and lab staff associated with each project, and writing and/or editing reports for each project. This position will entail considerable travel within the state. The incumbent must be prepared to work in outdoor situations in all sorts of conditions. + info: JOB OFFERS - Project Archaeologist - Coastal Carolina Research. Tarboro, North Carolina (USA) Coastal Carolina Research (CCR), a subsidiary of Commonwealth Cultural Resources Group, Inc., has an immediate opening for a Project Archaeologist based in our office in historic Tarboro, NC. The ideal candidate will have a M.A. in anthropology/archaeology, an analytical specialization in precontact or historic archaeology of the Southeastern or MidAtlantic regions, and prior supervisory experience in cultural resources management. The successful applicant will lead crews conducting Phase I archaeological surveys, Phase II evaluations, and Phase III data recovery projects under the direction of a Principal Investigator and will also be responsible for analysis of results, archival research, and preparation of detailed reports meeting all applicable company and agency standards and guidelines. + info: FELLOWSHIPS - American Council of Learned Societies(ACLS) Public Fellows - USA (various locations) Deadline for application: 16 May 2011 ACLS invites applications for the inaugural competition of its Public Fellows program. The program will place eight recent Ph.D.s in staff positions at partnering agencies in government and the non-profit sector for two years, beginning in some cases as early as September 2011. Fellows will participate in the substantive work of these agencies and receive professional mentoring. Compensation will be commensurate with experience and at the same level as new professional employees of the hosting agency and will include health insurance. This program, made possible by a grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, aims to demonstrate that the capacities developed in the advanced study of the humanities have wide application, both within and beyond the academy. ACLS seeks applications from recent Ph.D.s who wish to begin careers in administration, management, and public service by choice rather than circumstance. Competitive applicants will have been successful in both academic and extra-academic experiences. + info: La comunidad Banteay Chhmar lanza su nuevo sitio web Cambodia El trabajo de la Global Heritage Fund para otorgar poderes a la comunidad local en Banteay Chhmar dio ayer un paso ms hacia adelante con el lanzamiento del sitio web de turismo de la comunidad - Esta plataforma ha sido diseada por la Global Heritage Fund y por Heritage Watch para mejorar el marketing, las ventas, los procesos de reserva y la retroalimentacin para los servicios tursticos que ofrece la organizacin basada en el turismo de la comunidad de Banteay Chhmar (CBT). GHF ha apoyado a CBT en Banteay Chhmar desde 2008 como parte crucial de nuestra preservacin a cargo de Design approach. Tath Sophal, el coordinador de GHF para CBT dijo, Espero que este sitio web muestre el progreso que hemos hecho durante varios aos y que nos ayude a apuntar hacia un futuro mejor y ms fuerte como una organizacin CBT. Como siempre, nuestros objetivos son aumentar las visitas y desarrollar el proyecto de forma positiva, trabajando con un espritu participativo y con autosuficiencia como objetivos de la comunidad + info: Online lecture: Ur of the Chaldees Lecture by Penn Museum. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (USA) Dr. Richard L. Zettler, Co-curator of Iraqs Ancient Past gives a one-hour lecture about Biblical Ur of the Chaldees, one of the largest and most important Mesopotamian cities. Drawing on Sir Leonard Woolleys excavations in the 1920s and 30s, he presents a colorful portrait of the city that existed circa 2100-1600 BCE, a city with a towering ziggurat and crowded residential areas. The city that Woolley so painstakingly uncovered is not only the city he claimed Abraham walked, but also the model for our understanding of ancient Mesopotamian urbanism today. + info: Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Archaeological Sites The Archaeological Institute of America (AIA) and the US Committee of the Blue Shield (USCBS) call on the international community to protect the ancient sites and antiquities of Libya, which are now facing very real threats of damage and destruction caused by the civil unrest and military action taking place there. While our thoughts are primarily for the safety of the people harms way, the cultural heritage and archaeological resources located in Libya are irreplaceable elements of the worlds shared memory, going back thousands of years. The importance of guarding these treasures while military operations are underway cannot be overestimated. In this context information is essential, particularly up to date knowledge of the locations of cultural heritage and archaeological sites. We have posted this map to provide locations of sites in Libya and to illustrate just how close so many are to the danger. + info: JOB OFFERS - Project Manager/Principal Investigator - Commonwealth Cultural Resources Group, Inc.. Jackson, Michigan (USA) Commonwealth Cultural Resources Group, Inc. (CCRG) desires to fill the position of Project Manager/Principal Investigator in our Jackson, Michigan, corporate headquarters. This is an entry-level Project Manager/Principal Investigator position that requires experience in conducting Phase I surveys, Phase II evaluations, and Phase III data recoveries. The ideal candidate will have a M.A. in anthropology/ archaeology with a specialization in prehistoric or historical archaeology. Candidate must have at least three years of cultural resource contracting experience at the field director level or higher and meet the Secretary of the Interior Standards (36 CFR Part 61) in archaeology. Knowledge of computers and GPS equipment is critical and knowledge of GIS is a plus. Areas of analytical expertise are open, but demonstrated ability to conduct artifact analyses and write key sections of reports (methods, results, artifact analyses) is a must. A working knowledge of relevant historic preservation legislation and regulations is essential. Salary range for this position is competitive and dependent on experience with opportunities for advancement and higher salary; we seek a candidate who wishes to grow within the company. + info: Puesta al da del proyecto de Ur en Irak a cargo de la Global Heritage Fund Famoso como el lugar del nacimiento de Abraham y como el lugar del zigurat mejor conservado en el Medio Oriente, Ur se ha visto daado en los ltimos 20 aos a causa de la guerra y de los conflictos armados y hoy est amenazada a causa del abandono, la falta de proteccin y labores poco apropiadas de restauracin. Los objetivos del proyecto GHF en colaboracin con el Ministro Iraqu de Cultura, la State Board of Antiquities and Heritage y la Dhiqar Antiquities Office- son en un principio evaluar y documentar el sitio y sus restors, elaborar un nuevo mapa topogrfico, definir los lmites del sitio y elaborar un plan maestro de conservacin para el sitio para as preparar la conservacin de las estructuras que han sido ms seriamente daadas. + info: New Museum in the Mexican State of Guerrero Exhibits Teotihuacan Style Objects - Acapulco - Mexico Four kilometers away from Zihuatanejo-Acapulco highway, at Costa Grande Region in Guerrero, is located the Xihuacan Site Museum, recently inaugurated. More than 800 archaeological pieces are exhibited, most of them of Teotihuacan style, found during several field seasons at Soledad de Maciel, Petatlan municipality + info: De nouvelles datations repoussent l'ge de l'apparition d'outils sur le sous-continent Indien Deux quipes scientifiques du Centre Europen de Recherche et d'Enseignement en Gosciences de l'Environnement (CEREGE, CNRS - Universit Paul Czanne Aix-Marseille III), install Aix-en -Provence, viennent d'apporter une contribution essentielle l'tude d'un site archologique majeur d'Inde du Sud. Notamment, leurs expertises complmentaires dans les mthodes de datation ont rvl que les outils dcouverts sur ce site ont t fabriqus il y a au moins un million d'annes. Cette dcouverte permet donc de supposer que la dispersion des hominids travers l'Asie du Sud est beaucoup plus ancienne que ce que les scientifiques imaginaient jusqu' prsent. Des travaux publis dans la revue Science + info:,nouvelles-datations-repoussent-age-apparition-outils-sous-continent-indien.html Jordan elabora la base de datos de antigedades ms grande del mundo al precio de 1 milln de dlares Jordan lanz la base de datos de antigedades ms grande del mundo el martes, la cual detalla cada sitio arqueolgico en el pas y tiene como objetivo ayudar a preservar sus tesoros. Sus creadores dijeron que la plataforma web podra ser un modelo para Irak, donde los saqueadores han arrasado con su antiguo patrimonio. Expertos dijeron que la base de datos de Oriente Medio para las Antigedades constituye el primer sistema de este tipo en el pas. El sitio usa un sistema de informacin geogrfico - un click sobre cada uno descubre inventarios de los que contiene e informes de sus condiciones. El pblico puede usar el material para planificar sus visitas. Los eruditos e inspectores que tengan el permiso de Antigedades Jordan pueden actualizar la informacin de forma muy interactiva para que otros profesionales la sigan y para que las autoridades puedan rastrear amenazas a los sitios. + info: Diving Ice Age Mexico - Clues about the earliest Americans emerge from the Yucatn's watery underworld Clues about the earliest Americans emerge from the Yucatns watery underworld Beneath the surface of Mexicos Yucatn peninsula is a massive network of caves that forms a world unto itself. Until 7,600 years ago, the caves were mostly dry, providing shelter and naturally occurring pools of drinkable water to people and animals living in a region with few rivers. As the glaciers in North America melted and sea levels rose, so did the water levels in the caves, preserving the traces of human activity in place. These water-filled spaces, called cenotes, are largely unexplored, but a dedicated group of archaeologists and divers are working together to investigate them + info: Wartime German Bunker Discovered by Workers in Warsaw Laying a New Tram Line - WARSAW - POLAND Workers in Warsaw laying a new tram line have uncovered a German bunker dating back to World War II, officials said Thursday. The bunker was discovered in recent days at Plac Zbawiciela, or Savior's Square, a major traffic hub in the Polish capital where tram tracks and the street are undergoing thorough renovation. City archaeologist Barbara Piotrowska said it was a surprise that such a massive concrete and metal structure had remained hidden from view for many decades in the city center. She said it will require specialized equipment and the shutting down of the tram power line for the bunker to be moved. It will then go to a museum. + info: Language May Have Helped Early Humans Spread Out of Africa The story of humanity's prehistoric expansion across the planet is recorded in our genes. And, apparently, the story of the spread of language is hidden in the sounds of our words. That's the finding of a new study, which concludes that both people and languages spread out from an African homeland by a similar processand that language may have been the cultural innovation that fueled our ancestors' momentous migrations + info: India's Underground Water Temples - GUJARAT - INDIA Descend into any of Gujarats stepwells, and the first thing you might notice is the temperature changethough they are bone dry, its nonetheless like stepping into a pool of cool water. The second sensation is disorientation. They are marvels of proportion and symmetry, but theyre also recursive, Escher-esque, and vertiginous. The final impression, as you look up, down, and through the stepwell, is surprise that something as mundane as a well can be both monumental and intimate + info: The Sacred Landscape of Ancient Ireland - Evidence from both excavations and rare manuscripts reveal much about early Ireland's cosmology and its people's deep connection to the land Tara near the midpoint of the north-south line connecting Emain Macha and Dn Ailinne. The significance of this arrangement is still unknown, but it is notable. Archaeological work shows that early activity at these sites may have had to do with burials, and that these enclosures were constructed during the Iron Age. Surprisingly, none of them are suitable for defense. Instead, each seems to mark off an area that only makes sense if viewed as sacred + info: Sands, Not Lights, Cover Gaza Archaeology Sites - Palestine Five thousand years of fascinating history lie beneath the sands of the Gaza Strip, from blinded biblical hero Samson to British general Allenby. The flat, sandy lands on the Mediterranean's southeastern shore have been ruled by Ancient Egyptians, Philistines, Romans, Byzantines and Crusaders. Alexander the Great besieged the city. Emperor Hadrian visited. Mongols raided Gaza, and 1,400 years ago Islamic armies invaded. Gaza has been part of the Ottoman Empire, a camp for Napoleon and a First World War battleground. + info: North Korea's Full Moon Tower - A joint project between the two Koreas searches for their shared history At the foot of Mount Songak, in the center of the Korean peninsula, sits Manwoldae, a vast tenth-century royal palace complex built by the Goryeo, one of medieval Koreas least-known dynasties. There is an ancient explanation for this gap in knowledge about medieval Korean history: Although the Goryeo ruled for almost 400 years, they left very few records of their own, and the sparse texts in which they are mentioned were written by historians from the succeeding Joseon Dynasty. There is also a modern reason why we know so little. Most Goryeo sites, including Manwoldae, are located in North Korea, which is almost entirely closed to foreign researchers. + info: Stage di Archeologia sperimentale sulle tecnologie dell'uomo della preistoria 30 abr - 1 may 2011 . Pistoia, Italia Organizadores: Associazione Culturale Archeologia Sperimentale Contacto: [email protected] + info: Agenda Exhibition:Bulgarian Mogul Vasil Bozhkov Exhibits His Thracian Collection Showing until 21 June 2011 . Sofia, Bulgaria Organizadores: National History Museum in Bulgaria Contacto: [email protected] + info: Exposicin - Un siglo de escavaciones arqueolgicas conmemoradas en "Teotihuacan, Ciudad de Dioses" Hasta el 19 de junio 2011 . Barcelona, Espaa Organizadores: Caixaforum + info: Zapoteca and Mixteca Art Together for the First Time 17 mar - 15 may 2011 . Mexico City, Mxico Organizadores: National Museum of Anthropology + info: Exhibition - Groundbreaking Archaeological Treasures of royal burial tombs and palace of Aegae, ancient capital of Macedon 7 abr - 29 ago 2011 . Oxford, Reino Unido de Gran Bretaa e Irlanda del Norte Organizadores: University of Oxford - Ashmolean Museum Contacto: [email protected] + info: ArcheoloGITE bolognesi 9 abr - 26 may 2011 . BOLOGNA, Italia Organizadores: Promosso da Provincia di Bologna e Soprintendenza Archeologica Emilia Romagna Contacto: [email protected] + info: International Heritage Online Studies - Summer 2011 Session 1 Course Offerings 16 may - 6 jun 2011 . Amherst, Estados Unidos de Amrica Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 1 may 2011 + info: Association for the Study of Marble & Other Stones in Antiquity 10th International Conference 21 may - 26 may 2011 . Rome, Italia Organizadores: Sapienza - Universit di Roma. Dipartimento di Scienze dellAntichit Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 30 jun 2011 + info: Regional Training Course in Underwater Archaeology 6 jun - 19 jun 2011 . Kemer, Turqua Organizadores: UNESCO in cooperation with the Kemer Foundation KETAV in Antalya, Turkey Contacto: [email protected] + info: Curso de especializacin en Patrimonio Cultural - Restauracin de Metales Arqueolgicos 13 jun - 30 sep 2011 . Madrid, Espaa Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 30 abr 2011 + info: The Association of Southern African Professional Archaeologists (ASAPA) 2011 biennial Meeting 1 jul - 3 jul 2011 . Mbabane, Swazilandia Organizadores: The Association of Southern African Professional Archaeologists (ASAPA) Contacto: Natalie Swanepoel : [email protected]; Thembi Russell : [email protected]; Albino Jopela : albino. [email protected] + info: 3rd East African Association for Palaeoanthropology and Palaeontology (EAAPP) Conference 8 ago - 12 ago 2011 . ADDIS ABABA, Etiopa Organizadores: The East African Association for Palaeoanthropology and Palaeontology Secretariat Contacto: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] & [email protected] + info: XVI Congreso Mundial de la Unin Internacional de Ciencias Prehistricas y Protohistricas (UISPP) 4 sep - 10 sep 2011 . FLORIANOPOLIS, Brasil Organizadores: Unin Internacional de Ciencias Prehistricas y Protohistricas (UISPP) Contacto: [email protected] + info: XV coloquio d la red Mga-Tchad "El comercio y la comunicacin en el Lago Chad" 13 sep - 15 sep 2011 . Npoles, Italia Organizadores: Red MegaTchad Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 30 nov 2011 + info: Conference on " Forms of settlement in Northern Africa: Continuity and Change" 29 oct - 1 nov 2011 . Heidelberg, Alemania Organizadores: University of Heidelberg Contacto: Catharina Waschke, [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 31 may 2011 + info: Table ronde sur l'archologie africaine en hommage au professeur Jean Devisse 6 dic - 8 dic 2011 . Pars, Francia Contacto: [email protected] & [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 30 sep 2011 + info: Publicaciones Archologie de la France moderne et contemporaine Collection "Archologies de la France" Auteurs : Gilles Bellan et Florence Journot ISBN: 978-270-715-940-3 On associe spontanment l'archologie aux vestiges prhistoriques ou antiques. A partir des annes 1980, paralllement lessor de larchologie mdivale, se dveloppe une archologie des priodes moderne et contemporaine. Ainsi, ds 1983, les fouilles entreprises sous la future pyramide du Louvre mettent au jour un quartier du Paris des XVIe-XVIIIe sicles comprenant des habitations ordinaires mais aussi latelier de Bernard Palissy ou le pavillon des Gardes suisses + info: Communiques-nationaux/p-12823-Archeologie-de-la-France-moderne-et-contemporaine.htm Rivista online - Centro Universitario Europeo per i Beni Culturali di Ravello: Territori della Cultura, n3, 2011 All'inizio degli anni ottanta l'Europa unita, malgrado ricorrenti solenni dichiarazioni, era soltanto il sogno di pochi idealisti. Gi da allora per, andava diffondendosi la convinzione della necessit di una formazione europeistica della nuova classe dirigente: in particolare si riteneva che ai giovani dovessero proporsi le dimensioni e le prospettive di un'Europa che non fosse solo un compendio di storie, magari gloriose ma particolari, e neppure un insieme di Stati, ognuno autonomo ed emulo degli altri, ma una Patria comune. A fondamento di essa si ergeva l'immenso patrimonio di cultura e di storia, prodotto insieme nei millenni. Appunto la cultura comune sembrava poter dare un contenuto all'utopia. L'Universit fu quindi giustamente individuata come strumento insostituibile di preparazione e di sostegno dell'Unione Europea. L'Universit Europea era da pensare daccapo, e comunque da organizzare non ad imitazione di quelle nazionali e meno ancora come sovrapposizione ad esse, ma piuttosto come complementare e come scuola di perfezionamento. Il Centro Universitario Europeo per i Beni culturali nacque appunto come sperimentatore e pioniere di quella che dovrebbe essere l'Universit europea per i beni culturali. + info: The Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) - Archaeometry of Pre-Colombian sites and artifacts Proccedings of a Symposium UCLA Institute of Archaeology ISBN: 0-89236-249-9 As part of its mission to preserve cultural heritage throughout the world, the Getty Conservation Institute maintains an ongoing interest in the preservation of archaeological objects and sites. The Institute was pleased, therefore, to help sponsor the 28th International Archaeometry Symposium, hosted in March 1 992 by the University of California at Los Angeles, Fowler Museum of Cultural History and jointly sponsored by the UCLA Institute of Archaeology. + info: Archaeology and the Anxiety of Loss: Effacing Preservation from the History of Renaissance Rome - Italy By David Karmon It is a famous paradox that Renaissance builders, despite their avowed reverence for classical antiquity, caused widespread archaeological destruction in Rome. As early as the 14th century, humanists criticized the devastation caused by new construction in the papal capital, and later archaeologists applied the scientific techniques of their new discipline to substantiate these claims. But the blanket condemnation of Renaissance destruction is both unfair and misleading. This article investigates how fear for the survival of archaeological artifacts, or the anxiety of loss, has distorted our understanding of early modern interventions on ancient sites. By drawing on new evidence for preservation practices, it explores why these were effaced from the historical record and invites us to rethink the history of archaeology in Renaissance Rome. + info: Exploring the World of King Arthur By Christopher Snyder ISBN: 978-050-028-904-4 A survey of, and companion to, all things connected with the Arthurian legend. The author has examined archaeological evidence and medieval texts, and provides quotes from contemporary sources, a timeline, numerous sidebars and special features on key figures and events. + info: Astronomical Evidence for the Timing of the Panathenaia - Acropolis. Athens (Greece) Article by Efrosyni Boutsikas For the first time, the role of the night sky in the performance of nocturnal festivals in ancient Greece is considered. This study presents a reconstruction of the Athenian night sky as it would have been visible from the Acropolis during the celebration of the Panathenaia. A link is suggested between the timing of the festival, held on the Acropolis, and the movement of the constellation of Draco, which would have been visible in the night sky during this time. This association is supported by the half-human half-snake early Athenian kings, the myths associated with the festival, the snake that lived in the Erechtheion crypt, and the role of Athena in the Giantomachy. The visible surroundings of the Athenian Acropolis that participants of the nocturnal rites would have seen offer a more nuanced understanding of the relationship between Greek cosmology, astronomy, and ritual practice. + info: Ir a arriba Premios, reconocimientos, becas, concursos y puestos de trabajo Noticias Agenda Publicaciones Noticias Premios UNWTO Ulysses Prize and Awards - 31 MAY 2011 - New Deadline for Applications: 7 April 2011 The UNWTO Ulysses Prize and Awards are conferred to highlight and showcase Innovation and Application of Knowledge in Tourism. The Ulysses Prize is given to a distinguished researcher, whether in the academia, government or private industry, for an outstanding contribution to knowledge in tourism. The Ulysses Awards are granted to projects undertaken by public institutions in tourism (governmental, public-private partnerships), tourism enterprises and non-profit institutions (NGOs, civil society, etc.), which merit distinction for their innovative contributions to tourism policy, governance, and other areas of tourism, such as the environment, cooperation for development, new technologies, social corporate responsibility, etc. In awarding these distinctions, the UNWTO seeks to recognize and stimulate knowledge creation, dissemination and innovative applications in tourism and to bring to light the latest advances in this area. This has a transversal effect on governance and society at large. + info: Galardones a las mejores prcticas en la preservacin de los sitios del Instituto de Arqueologa de Amrica- Fecha lmite para enviar solicitudes: 30 de septiembre 2011 Creado en 2011, este ttulo anual se otorga a grupos o a proyectos que obtienen el reconocimiento de sus colegas por llevar a cabo trabajo ejemplar en el campo de la preservacin y conservacin de sitios. Cada ao el Instituto selecciona un proyecto que ejemplifica la misin del Porograma de Preservacin del Sitio AIA y le otorga un premio de 5.000 dlares para que sigan con sus actividades y programas. Las nominaciones para este galardn deben enviarse al Programa de Preservacin del sitio AIA. La fecha lmite es el 30 de septiembre. Para obtener ms informacin, pngase en contacto con el coordinador del Programa de Preservacin del sitio en [email protected]. + info: Becas-Premios PRIZES - Arquitecto portugus Eduardo Souto de Moura es ganador del Premio Pritzker de este ao El arquitecto portugus Eduardo Souto Moura, habla durante una conferencia de prensa despus de haber sido galardonado con el Premio Pritzker de Arquitectura 2011, en Lisboa, Portugal, 28 de marzo de 2011. El premio internacional, que se otorga cada ao a un arquitecto vivo de logros significativo, fue establecido por la familia Pritzker de Chicago a travs de su Fundacin Hyatt en 1979. A menudo se refiere como "El Nobel de la arquitectura" y "el ms alto honor de la profesin ", que se concede anualment + info: PRIZES - Prof. Elinor OSTROM, Nobel Prize in ECONOMICS 2009 : Lecture on Sustainable Socioecological Systems: Analysis, Management and Governance. Paris (France) 22 June 2011 Tribute conference to Professor Elinor Ostrom, Nobel Prize in Economics 2009. Elinor Ostrom is Professor of Political Science at the Indiana University Bloomington (USA) where she has created the Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis with her husband, Vincent Ostrom. She is also the Director of the Center for the Study of Institutional Diversity at Arizona State University (USA). In 2009 she became the first woman to receive the Nobel Prize for Economics, with Oliver Williamson, for her analysis of economic governance and, in particular, common goods. To see a video of her speech on this occasion, click on the link below. + info:[showUid]=2158&cHash=09ce73518c PRIZES - Fondation Audiens Gnrations - Soutiens projets culturels traduisant la solidarit active entre gnrations. Date limite de candidature : 30 avril 2011 La Fondation Audiens Gnrations a t cre le 12 septembre 2007, sous lgide de lInstitut de France, par Audiens, le groupe de protection sociale de laudiovisuel (cinma ou tlvision), de la communication, de la presse et du spectacle. Elle a pour vocation de rcompenser chaque anne des oeuvres, projets ou initiatives traduisant la solidarit active entre gnrations pour ces 4 secteurs dactivit. Chaque projet doit exprimer, par une action de solidarit, la transmission dun savoir, la diffusion de spectacles ou de manifestations artistiques auprs notamment de publics fragiliss, la prservation dun patrimoine culturel Il peut, par ailleurs, comporter des aspects sociaux ou relatifs la prvention, la sant ou le dveloppement durable. En 2011, la Fondation octroiera : * 1 Prix dExcellence de 30 000 euros ; * 2 Prix dEncouragement de 10 000 euros chacun ; * 1 Prix Spcial du Jury de 20 000 euros. Une fois les Prix attribus, chaque laurat sengagera mener terme le projet pour lequel il a t distingu. + info: PRIZES - El actor y director de teatro sudans Ali Mahdi Nouri y el profesor francs Cherif Khaznadar, ganadores del Premio UNESCO-Sharjah por la cultura rabe El actor y director de teatro sudans Ali Mahdi Nouri y el profesor francs Chrif Khaznadar, presidente del centro cultural francs Casa de las Culturas del Mundo, son los ganadores de la edicin 2010 del Premio UNESCO/Sharjah de promocin de la cultura rabe, que recibirn el 15 de abril de 2011 de manos de la Directora General de la UNESCO, Irina Bokova. Ali Mahdi Nouri (Sudn) fund en 2004 la compaa al-Bugaa, que viaja por las zonas en conflicto de Sudn poniendo en escena obras teatrales protagonizadas por nios soldados o hurfanos de guerra. Sus trabajos, inspirados en el patrimonio cultural de Sudn, usan diversas tcnicas de narracin, as como folklore y pantomima. El jurado internacional del Premio destac en su recomendacin que Ali Mahdi Nouri utiliza en sus obras la lengua y la cultura rabes (en forma de cuentos y relatos) como puntos de resiliencia a partir de los cuales se da a jvenes actores la oportunidad de reconstruirse. Ali Mahdi Nouri desempea un papel muy activo en el seno del Instituto Internacional del Teatro, por lo que su trabajo goza de un reconocimiento internacional. + info: PRIZES - Winners of 2011 EU Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards announced The 27 winners of the 2011 European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards are announced today by the European Commission and Europa Nostra (see list of winners below). The awards will be presented on 10 June during a ceremony at the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam in the presence of Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, and Plcido Domingo, the world-renowned tenor and president of Europa Nostra. Out of the 27 winning projects, six will be named as 'grand prix' laureates at the ceremony as 2011s most outstanding heritage achievements. + info: PRIZES - Neues Museum Among Finalists for the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture 2011. Berlin (Germany) The European Commission and Mies van der Rohe Foundation have announced the six finalists for the Prize of the European Union for Contemporary Architecture 2011, Mies van der Rohe Award. In all, some 323 submissions were entered from projects across 33 European countries. The prize awards outstanding contemporary building projects. It is the most prestigious of all European architectural awards, comes with a prize of 60,000 euros and has been awarded every two years since 1987. The projects are nominated by a panel of independent experts, member associations of the Architect's Council of Europe, various national institutes of architects and the award committee's own advisory board. The award will be presented on 20 June 2011 in the Mies van der Rohe Pavilion in Barcelona, Spain. + info: Becas de Investigacin FELLOWSHIPS - Ironbridge Institute (United Kingdom) Applications for 2011-2012 now being accepted. Deadline for Applications: 31 July 2011 The Ironbridge Institute, some 40 miles north-west of Birmingham, lies within the dramatic landscape of the Ironbridge Gorge at the heart of the World Heritage Site and in the historic ironworking community of Coalbrookdale. The Institute is a dedicated Postgraduate Research and Teaching facility delivering programmes in Heritage Management and the Historic Environment. It is operated as an equal partnership between the University of Birmingham and the Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust building on both institutions' experience to provide postgraduate programmes of high quality and value. Programmes are offered conventionally at Coalbrookdale or in a Distance Learning format. Research students are welcome to undertake work based on the Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust's richly endowed library and picture collections on industrial history and archaeology and on its extensive collections of ironwork and ceramics. + info: FELLOWSHIPS - El Programa de Becas para la Democracia - PARLAMENTO EUROPEO El objetivo de este programa es apoyar el desarrollo parlamentario en las democracias nuevas y emergentes (DNE) aumentando la capacidad de sus parlamentos para desempear sus funciones de legislacin, control y representacin. El programa se dirige a funcionarios de nivel medio y, en menor grado, a diputados de los parlamentos de las DNE. Las becas incluyen formacin y trabajo prctico en el Parlamento Europeo y se basan en la iniciativa y las necesidades de los parlamentos de las DNE a los que los becarios representen. Ofrecen una oportunidad de formar equipo con colegas en distintos departamentos del Parlamento Europeo para buscar soluciones para las necesidades de construccin de capacidades detectadas en los parlamentos socios. Entre dichas necesidades pueden estar las de reforma de normas y procedimientos administrativos, trabajos legislativos y de comisin, incremento de las actividades de comunicacin de los parlamentos o acopio de conocimientos expertos en soluciones informticas adecuadas a la actividad de un parlamento. Los becarios se integran habitualmente en el servicio del PE que se corresponda con el servicio en el que trabajen en su parlamento de origen. El Programa de Becas para la Democracia permite a los becarios adquirir experiencia prctica en el funcionamiento del PE como miembros de los servicios que les acogen. + info: FELLOWSHIPS - Le Fonds Roberto Cimetta lance son programme de mobilit 2011. Date limite de candidatures : 22 avril 2011 Le Fonds Roberto Cimetta ouvre son programme de mobilit 2011. Ce programme permet des artistes et professionnels, vivant ou travaillant dans la zone euro-mditerranenne, de faire une demande de bourse de voyage. Le programme propose une ligne gnrale et des lignes spcifiques de financement de la mobilit artistique et culturelle. La mobilit du Sud ou de lEst de la Mditerrane est prioritaire. La ligne gnrale est ouverte toutes les demandes de bourses qui respectent les critres dligibilit du Fonds, quelque soit la destination, la discipline artistique ou la direction de mobilit. Un nouveau fonds de mobilit a t lanc dans le cadre de Guimaraes, capitale europenne de la culture 2012. Cette ligne spcifique soutient la mobilit artistique en provenance ou destination de Guimaraes, Portugal. Les candidatures dans les secteurs de la musique, du spectacle vivant, de lart visuel, du design ou de larchitecture seront prioritaires, de prfrence dans le cadre dune rsidence artistique. + info: FELLOWSHIPS - Global Heritage Fund Preservation Fellowship Program - Supporting Preservation Projects in the Developing World. Deadline for applications: 30 April 2011 The purpose of the Global Heritage Preservation Fellowship Program is to support cultural heritage conservation and community development work with the potential for significant contributions to the long-term preservation of endangered cultural heritage sites in developing countries by international and in-country scholars and students. We feel strongly that by supporting this generation in their preservation efforts and education we can help to secure endangered sites for future generations. Global Heritage Fund (GHF) supports one-year projects in the disciplines of archaeological conservation, historic preservation, heritage management, conservation science, site management planning, GIS and mapping, and sustainable tourism and community development. GHF encourages interdisciplinary and collaborative projects, especially those that combine disciplines in novel and potentially productive ways focused on best practices in preservation of endangered cultural heritage sites in developing countries. Other qualifications being equal, preference is given to candidates whose projects have the greatest likelihood of having long-term conservation and community benefits for endangered global heritage sites in developing countries. Preference is also given to projects at Inscribed or Tentative List World Heritage Sites, although in exceptional circumstances a site with a demonstrated potential for World Heritage Site inscription will be considered. Awards will be approximately $2,000, and grantees will receive half (50%) of the award prior to the field season and half (50%) upon acceptance of the Final Report. + info: FELLOWSHIPS - Alfred Toepfer Natural Heritage Scholarships. Deadline for application: 20 May 2011 Each year the EUROPARC Federation in cooperation with the Alfred Toepfer Foundation F.V. S. awards three Alfred Toepfer Natural Heritage Scholarships to promising young conservationists with practical experience in the field of conservation and in the work of protected areas. The scholarships were formally known as the European Travel Scholarship and were awarded for the first time in By supporting the participants financially the scholarships enable them to undertake a study visit to one or more protected areas in European countries other than their own. The aim being to enhance international cooperation and to advance the quality, innovation and European dimension of protected area management. The awards will each be worth EUR 3.000 and are generously donated by the Alfred Toepfer Foundation in Hamburg (D). They are presented to the scholarship winners each year at the annual EUROPARC conference. + info: FELLOWSHIPS - American Council of Learned Societies(ACLS) Public Fellows - USA (various locations) Deadline for application: 16 May 2011 ACLS invites applications for the inaugural competition of its Public Fellows program. The program will place eight recent Ph.D.s in staff positions at partnering agencies in government and the non-profit sector for two years, beginning in some cases as early as September 2011. Fellows will participate in the substantive work of these agencies and receive professional mentoring. Compensation will be commensurate with experience and at the same level as new professional employees of the hosting agency and will include health insurance. This program, made possible by a grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, aims to demonstrate that the capacities developed in the advanced study of the humanities have wide application, both within and beyond the academy. ACLS seeks applications from recent Ph.D.s who wish to begin careers in administration, management, and public service by choice rather than circumstance. Competitive applicants will have been successful in both academic and extra-academic experiences. + info: FELLOWSHIPS - STEP Beyond European Travel Grants STEP Beyond Travel grants fund up-and-coming artists and cultural workers - with a priority to individuals up to 35 years and/or in the first 10 years of their career - to travel between EU and countries bordering the EU. Since 2003, STEP which stands for Supporting Travel for European Partnerships - Beyond Travel Grants have supported the movement of hundreds of people across European borders by providing between 250 and 700. Funding mobility and exchange links closely to ECFs overall objectives and specifically to our European Neighbourhood programme, which currently works with organisations in Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine and Turkey. Also high on our agenda is support for people and projects in the Arab-Mediterranean regions. We especially welcome applications for STEP Beyond Travel Grants from these regions. STEP Beyond Travel Grants grants are supported by De BankGiroLoterij and De Lotto received through Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds. STEP Beyond Travel Grants from/to the countries of South Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia) and Turkey are jointly funded with the Open Society Foundation (OSF). + info: Concursos COMPETITIONS - Expression of Interest (EOI): Historic Environment: Local Authority Capacity by English Heritage. Deadline for nomination: 21 April 2011 Reductions to budgets mean that nearly everything local government does is being re-evaluated and historic environment services, which are non statutory and have often evolved to meet the needs of the local community, are not exempt. To respond to this key stakeholders have got together to support authorities as they make these difficult decisions, to explore how to retain a focus on strategic heritage outcomes, reduce unnecessary bureaucracy and process and pool resources across public bodies and engage civic societies more effectively. HELAC represents a partnership initiative with English Heritage and the LGA being joined by the Association of Local Government Archaeological Officers, the Institute of Historic Building Conservation and the Planning Officers Society. The first phase will see the partners working closely with a number of nominated areas as they adapt services to meet new pressures. That process should see a variety of different options for delivering a successful service emerge, each with an emphasis on partnership working, reducing unnecessary process and working more effectively with other bodies... + info: COMPETITIONS - Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) : Appels candidatures pour les formations ouvertes et distance (FOAD) 2011-2012. Date limite: 10 juin 2011 LAgence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) propose son soutien un ensemble de formations ouvertes et distance ; elle offre plusieurs centaines dallocations dtudes couvrant une importante partie des frais pdagogiques et dinscription ces diplmes. Cette anne 79 formations diplmantes sont proposes dont 39 issues duniversits du Sud (Burkina Faso, Cameroun, gypte, Madagascar, Maroc, Sngal, Tunisie et Vietnam). + info: COMPETITIONS - Competition Entry for Galileum in Solingen / Ren van Zuuk Architekten (Germany) The Regional Industrial Heritage Organization of Solingen, Germany has called for a competition to redevelop the local observation using an old spherical gas container in order to address the strong industrial character and historical context of the container and the local architecture. The following project is an entry from Ren van Zuuk Architekten. The site is located on the edge of a residential area near a railroad, from which the steel spire of the old gas container is visible. With a diameter of 26 metres the container has a frame of eleven columns that rest on 3m high concrete foundations. The original design is pragmatic in its approach. A sphere was used as the most efficient model with the largest surface area available to function at the lowest cost. The staircase was built with the same functional consideration as the rest of the building and it follows that, to use the existing spherical structure, the new design would have to be approached with the same rigor. + info: COMPETITIONS - Union europenne lance un appel projets culturels en Egypte: la rvolution rencontre les arts Date limite de soumission : 2 juin 2011 La dlgation de lUnion europenne en Egypte a publi, comme toutes les annes, un nouvel appel propositions pour soutenir des projets de coopration dans le domaine des arts et de la culture. Deux principaux axes ont t dfinis comme prioritaires : la promotion de la coopration culturelle avec lEgypte et la culture dans les Droits de lHomme. Tous les domaines des arts contemporains sont compris comme possibles sujets de travail pour les projets. Les projets soumis devront se drouler en Egypte avec une prfrence marque pour ceux qui tiennent leurs activits sur une large partie du territoire hors de la capitale. Chaque projet propos devra inclure une campagne de communication rendant largement visible les activits menes. Les soutiens octroys seront compris entre 20 000 et 50 000 Euros par projet et la contribution europenne pourra tre comprise entre 50 %, au minimum, et 80 %, au maximum, du budget global de laction. Chaque projet aura une dure dactivits comprise entre 3 mois au minimum et 15 mois maximum. + info: Puestos de trabajo JOB OFFERS - Offre de stage pratique en archologie environnementale (Prou) aot -septembre 2011 Le Groupe dAnalyses et dInterprtations Archologiques (G.A.I.A. In.c) est une nouvelle entreprise qubcoise fonde en mai 2010, promouvant des changes plus troits entre les milieux archologiques, des sciences pures et publics. En effet, si cest le pass qui forge lavenir de plusieurs communauts, cest dans le prsent et travers une approche scientifique que le pass se laisse dcouvrir. Cependant, cette approche requiert lintervention de spcialistes sachant allier les nouvelles avances dans les sciences sociales et naturelles. + info: Entrees/2011/2/10_Offre_de_stage_pratique_en_archeologie_environnementale.html JOB OFFERS - Conservation Scientist at the Rathgen Research Laboratory. Berlin (Germany) Deadline for application: 15 April 2011 The Rathgen Research Laboratory, which forms part of the National Museums Berlin, is currently seeking to fill the position of a Conservation Scientist in order to develop and implement a cross-institutional IPM (Integrated Pest Management) Program. The position is graded at grade 13 TVD (Collective Agreement for the German public service). The grading is provisional, as the grading agreement under the collective agreement has so far not been finalised. The task is to develop and implement in close cooperation with the Ethnological Museum and the Rathgen Research Laboratory with the National Museums Berlin a sustainable IPM concept, which eventually shall be be applied at the other institutions with the Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz. IPM is composed of three components: the continuous monitoring, the specific actions against infestations if needed and subsequent changes within the close environment as a preventive measure. + info: JOB OFFERS - Young conservator: paper-based media at The Conservation Laboratory for paper and vellum based materials. Venice (Italy) Deadline for application: 31 May 2011 The Conservation Laboratory for paper and vellum based materials (graphic works) is looking for young conservators specialized in graphic works of art on paper for temporary project work. Interested candidates should send their CV. The requirements are as follows: - degree from an institution of higher education - under 35 years of age - excellent knowledge of Italian and English, spoken and written - availability to work in Venice at the Laboratorio della Misericordia - deadline for submission of CVs is 31 May 2011 Contact: [email protected] + info: JOB OFFERS - Senior Built Heritage Specialist (Architectural Background) at Godden Mackay Logan. Sydney, New South Wales (Australia) Deadline for application 31 March 2011 GML provides high level heritage advice on a diverse range of projects for both private and public clients. Our multidisciplinary in-house team has expertise in built heritage, conservation planning, archaeology, indigenous heritage and interpretation, as well as in due diligence and Land and Environment Court matters. GML is the heritage consultant of choice for many of Australias most important government and private organizations engaged with the management and development of heritage assets. Our unique position within the industry means that GML consulting staff have the opportunity to work on some of the most interesting heritage conservation projects across Australia. We are also increasingly engaged in international conservation projects. + info: JOB OFFERS - Urban Design and Heritage Adviser in the City of Port Phillip. Victoria (Australia) Deadline for application: 4 April 2011 The City of Port Phillips appeal as a place to live, work and play is universal. To ensure the City retains its special character and reputation for sustainability, design excellence and quality architecture Council is seeking to appoint an experienced and passionate Urban Design and Heritage Advisor to its City Development team. + info: JOB OFFERS - Call for Applications for Western Australia Regional Heritage Advisers. Western Australia (Australia) Contact: [email protected] The Heritage Council of Western Australia is seeking experienced heritage professionals who can assist local governments and their communities across regional WA. Individuals are invited to apply for the role of Regional Heritage Adviser (RHA) in one or more of the seven defined regions around the State, or to nominate to be on a panel for future ad hoc work with local government. Heritage professionals with specialist skills are invited to nominate in areas of buildings conservation, heritage architecture, archaeology and heritage tourism. Specialists may either apply as a RHA or panel member. A briefing on the request and contract will be given at 10.00am on Thursday 7 April at the Heritage Council offices in East Perth. Attendance is not compulsory but is recommended for any interested parties. + info: JOB OFFERS - Senior Archaeologist at South Dakota State Historical Society. Rapid City, South Dakota (USA) The Archaeological Research Center, South Dakota State Historical Society, is looking for a senior archaeologist to conduct contract projects for the SD Department of Transportation; Department of Game, Fish and Parks; and other clients. The incumbent will be responsible for planning and budgeting field surveys and excavations, evaluating sites with respect to their National Register eligibility under the National Historic Preservation Act, carrying out work in the field and lab, supervising field and lab staff associated with each project, and writing and/or editing reports for each project. This position will entail considerable travel within the state. The incumbent must be prepared to work in outdoor situations in all sorts of conditions. + info: JOB OFFERS - Project Archaeologist - Coastal Carolina Research. Tarboro, North Carolina (USA) Coastal Carolina Research (CCR), a subsidiary of Commonwealth Cultural Resources Group, Inc., has an immediate opening for a Project Archaeologist based in our office in historic Tarboro, NC. The ideal candidate will have a M.A. in anthropology/archaeology, an analytical specialization in precontact or historic archaeology of the Southeastern or MidAtlantic regions, and prior supervisory experience in cultural resources management. The successful applicant will lead crews conducting Phase I archaeological surveys, Phase II evaluations, and Phase III data recovery projects under the direction of a Principal Investigator and will also be responsible for analysis of results, archival research, and preparation of detailed reports meeting all applicable company and agency standards and guidelines. + info: JOB OFFERS - Project Manager/Principal Investigator - Commonwealth Cultural Resources Group, Inc.. Jackson, Michigan (USA) Commonwealth Cultural Resources Group, Inc. (CCRG) desires to fill the position of Project Manager/Principal Investigator in our Jackson, Michigan, corporate headquarters. This is an entry-level Project Manager/Principal Investigator position that requires experience in conducting Phase I surveys, Phase II evaluations, and Phase III data recoveries. The ideal candidate will have a M.A. in anthropology/ archaeology with a specialization in prehistoric or historical archaeology. Candidate must have at least three years of cultural resource contracting experience at the field director level or higher and meet the Secretary of the Interior Standards (36 CFR Part 61) in archaeology. Knowledge of computers and GPS equipment is critical and knowledge of GIS is a plus. Areas of analytical expertise are open, but demonstrated ability to conduct artifact analyses and write key sections of reports (methods, results, artifact analyses) is a must. A working knowledge of relevant historic preservation legislation and regulations is essential. Salary range for this position is competitive and dependent on experience with opportunities for advancement and higher salary; we seek a candidate who wishes to grow within the company. + info: JOB OFFERS - Internship at GRASP secretariat (Great Apes Survival Partnership ) Deadline for Applications: 29 April 2011 To apply, please send a cover letter and CV to [email protected] by 29 April 2011. The GRASP Secretariat is seeking to recruit an intern in May 2011 for a period of 6 months. Interested candidates must be currently enrolled in a Bachelors, Masters or PhD program and preference will be given to multilingual applicants holding or pursuing a degree in social or natural sciences with particular interest and knowledge in climate change, primatology, biodiversity conservation or environmental economics related issues. Additionally, the candidate must have knowledge of web design (joomla), graphics design and on- line social networking skills. + info: Ir a arriba Biodiversidad Noticias Agenda Publicaciones Noticias Reintroduccin progresiva del castor en el Pas de Gales - Reino Unido Reino Unido - Una asociacin ecologista del Pas de Gales soltar este verano, en semilibertad, una pareja de castores. El seguimiento cientfico de estos dos pioneros podra desembocar en una reintroduccin a mayor escala en medio enteramente natural. La ONG Wales Wild Land Foundation va a crear en Artist' s Valley, cerca de Machynlleth, en el Pas de Gales, un hbitat cerrado destinado a acoger a una pareja de castores europeos - un macho y una hembra -, incluyendo un observatorio para los visitantes. Se llevarn a cabo tambin una vigilancia e investigaciones con el fin de evaluar si el roedor puede ser introducido en varios lugares cerrados, o en la naturaleza. + info: Sapo bfalo: Australia organiza una campaa de sacrificio El Estado de Queensland al noreste de Australia. El objetivo consista en detener la progresin de esta especie nociva para los ecosistemas del territorio. El Estado de Queensland al noreste de Australia sufre desde hace algn tiempo de la presencia de sapos bfalo. Afectada por recientes inundaciones, la regin resulta propicia a la proliferacin de estos animales dotados de una impresionante capacidad de reproduccin. Con el fin de luchar contra esta nueva molestia, se organiza una campaa de sacrificio cada ao con la ayuda de voluntarios. Para esta tercera edicin, los organizadores declararon 14.000 sapos bfalo muertos. + info: Tigres: un traficante condenado a prisin firme en Vietnam Un propietario de una cra privada del sur de Vietnam ha sido condenado a tres aos de prisin firme por haber organizado un trfico de tigres, especie que se haba comprometido a proteger. El dueo de la granja de animales salvajes, Huynh Van Hai, criaba tigres para venderlos mientras que se haba comprometido a preservar la especie amenazada, informa en su web la asociacin local Educacin para la Naturaleza - Vietnam (ENV). Organizacin que realiz la investigacin sobre este trfico el ao pasado. Entonces haba descubierto que otros dos zoolgicos privados estaban implicados en el trfico. + info: FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION (FAO) : A "Forest" Message in a Bottle To celebrate the World Forest Day of the International Year of Forests, on 21 March 2011, the UNECE/FAO Forestry and Timber Section held a tree planting ceremony in the Parc Ariana which surrounds the Palais des Nations in Geneva. + info: PROYECTO TIGRE: PASADO, PRESENTE Y FUTURO El proyecto Tigre, puesto en marcha en 1973-74, es uno de los proyectos de conservacin de mayor xito en tiempos recientes. El proyecto tiene como objetivo la conservacin del tigre en particular en reservas para tigres, que sean representativas de varias regiones bio-geogrficas dentro del territorio de nuestro pas. Se esfuerza por mantener una poblacin de tigres viables en el entorno natural. El proyecto se inici en 1973, y varias reservas de tigres se crearon en el pas parte de una estrategia de proteccin del centro. Las reas centrales fueron liberadas de todo tipo de actividad humana y las reas de proteccin se sometieron o dedicaron a un uso orientado a la conservacin del terreno. Se disearon planes de gestin para cada reserva de tigres, basados en los principios que desarrollamos abajo: 1. La eliminacin de toda forma de explotacin humana y de perturbacin bitica del rea central y la racionalizacin de las actividades en la zona de proteccin. 2. Restriccin de la gestin del hbitat slo para reparar los daos que se hagan al ecosistema debido a la accin humana o a otras interferencias, para facilitar la recuperacin del eco-sistema a su estado natural. 3. Monitorizacin de los cambios en la flora y fauna a lo largo del tiempo llevando a cabo investigacin sobre la vida salvaje. + info: Spring 2011 newsletters from Forest Research - FR NEWS Welcome to the Spring 2011 issue of Forest Research's newsletter FR News. This new issue is now available, giving a roundup of recent research highlights. In the Spring 2011 issue: - Green light for research into forest management effects on woodland birds - International Year of Forests - All you ever wanted to know about tree species - Climate change and the timber trade understanding the opportunities and challenges - New publication series launched - Events + info: Nombre et superficie des espaces naturels protgs et grs en France La connaissance des milieux naturels (caractristiques, composition floristique et faunistique, rpartition gographique) apparat aujourdhui comme un pralable ncessaire une bonne gestion et protection des espaces naturels. Cette connaissance sest construite progressivement partir des annes quatre-vingt, deux programmes majeurs ayant notamment apport une large contribution : linventaire des zones naturelles dintrt cologique, faunistique et floristique (ZNIEFF) et la mise en place de la typologie CORINE biotope (CORINE pour COoRdination de lINformation sur lEnvironnement). Pour constituer un rseau despaces protgs reprsentatifs de la biodiversit, une grande varit doutils a t mise en place en France, chacun ayant des objectifs, des contraintes et des modes de gestion spcifiques. + info: espaces-naturels.html?print Connaissance et prservation des espaces naturels en France : BIBLIOGRAPHIE ET INTERNET La connaissance des milieux naturels (caractristiques, composition floristique et faunistique, rpartition gographique) apparat aujourdhui comme un pralable ncessaire une bonne gestion et protection des espaces naturels. Cette connaissance sest construite progressivement partir des annes quatre-vingt, deux programmes majeurs ayant notamment apport une large contribution : linventaire des zones naturelles dintrt cologique, faunistique et floristique (ZNIEFF) et la mise en place de la typologie CORINE biotope (CORINE pour COoRdination de lINformation sur lEnvironnement). Pour constituer un rseau despaces protgs reprsentatifs de la biodiversit, une grande varit doutils a t mise en place en France, chacun ayant des objectifs, des contraintes et des modes de gestion spcifiques. + info: espaces-naturels/en-savoir-plus.html Cat Ba Biosphere Reserve Announces Official Product Certification - CAT BA - Viet Nam Cat Ba Biosphere Reserve announced the launch of an official certification and logo for goods and services which promote the conservation and sustainability of the island and its local community. In order to be awarded the certification, a local product must demonstrate that its business model meets a standard of criteria aligned with sustainable development goals at the Biosphere Reserve. Initially, seven products are eligible for certification, including hotels, entertainment, transport services, and consumables. The initiative, developed by the Hai Phong Department of Culture Sports and Tourism, aims to build a cache of premium green products carrying the Cat Ba Biosphere Reserve logo to be made available to consumers and tourists, thereby reinforcing the tenets of conservation for development, development for conservation throughout the tourism and development supply chain. + info: cat_ba_biosphere_reserve_announces_official_product_certification/ Programme de conservation et de valorisation des Ecosystmes Fragiliss d'Afrique Centrale (ECOFAC) Lobjectif global est de contribuer la conservation et la gestion durable des cosystmes forestiers de lAfrique Centrale et d'ainsi garantir la prennit des services environnementaux et de contribuer la rduction de la pauvret. Lobjectif spcifique de lappui communautaire portera sur le renforcement des capacits de gestion des Aires Protges, des sites dintrt biologique et des forts du Bassin du Congo ainsi qu la mise en place des outils dappui au dveloppement socioconomique durable des populations riveraines + info: Indian Survey Finds More Tigers, but Some Wonder A new survey by the Indian government reports a 12% increase in the country's adult tiger population. But some tiger experts think the numbers don't really add up. A 2006 survey estimated that the country was home to 1165 to 1657 tigers. The latest survey counts 1571 to 1875 tigers, almost 60% of the world's wild population, including 70 tigers that were found in the mangroves of the Ganges Delta of the Sundarbans, an area not covered during the last survey, and another 30 from two other areasthe Orang Wildlife Sanctuary in eastern India and the Sahyadari protected area in western Indiathat were left out earlier. However, tigers are now squeezed into 22% less space than 5 years ago, to some 72,000 square kilometers today. + info: Africa's rhinos face worst poaching crisis in decades - South Africa - Zimbabwe and Kenya Well-equipped, sophisticated organized crime syndicates have killed more than 800 African rhinos in the past three years - just for their horns. With the most serious poaching upsurge in South Africa, Zimbabwe and Kenya, Africas top rhino experts recently met in South Africa to assess the status of rhinos across the continent and to identify strategies to combat the poaching crisis. + info: Invasive species experts call for action in the basin of one of African Great Lakes, Lake Tanganyika Threats posed by invasive species and ways to monitor and control them will be discussed at a meeting in the Republic of Burundi tomorrow, with special focus on invasive species that are spreading in the basin of one of African Great Lakes, Lake Tanganyika. Invasive species are species introduced to a new area where they spread causing significant damage to biodiversity and the productivity of natural and agricultural ecosystems. In the 1990s for example, the invasion of water hyacinth and Nile perch in Lake Victoria caused hundreds of fish species to disappear or become extinct and some of the ecosystem to collapse. + info: The Rise of Animal Law : A new area of study By Greg Miller Animal law is a relatively new area of study that examinesand often challengeshow the law treats animals. Some of those who teach animal law courses describe themselves as activists; others shy away from that label. But many take issue with a legal system that treats animals as property and provides few mechanisms for protecting their interests in court. Some of these legal scholars have proposed strategies for advancing animal rights through steppingstone cases that erode the notion of animals as property and grant them some of the same protections people have. Others, drawing inspiration from the antislavery and civil rights movements, advocate a more direct effort to establish fundamental rights for animalsat least for more cognitively sophisticated species such as great apes and cetaceans (see sidebar). No one is arguing that orangutans should be given the right to vote, but some legal scholars see no reason why apes shouldn't have rights similar to those of a child or a person in a coma. If these efforts succeed, there could be repercussions for everyone who works with animalsincluding scientists. + info: Nomination of Experts for CBD (Convention on Biological Diversity) "Expert Group on Biodiversity for Poverty Eradication and Development" Deadline for nomination: 30 April 2011 In accordance with decision X/6, paragraphs 14 and 15 of the tenth Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP/10) on the integration of Biodiversity into Poverty Eradication and Development, I am pleased to inform you that an Expert Group Meeting on Biodiversity for Poverty Eradication and Development will be tentatively held in November 2011. + info: Un insecte ravageur s'attaque aux forts canadiennes Aprs avoir dvast les forts de l'ouest du Canada, le dendroctone du pin ponderosa, un insecte ravageur, commence s'attaquer aux pins gris de l'Alberta. Une rcente tude indique qu'il pourrait ensuite se dplacer vers l'est, et mme jusqu'aux rives de l'Atlantique. + info: Gorilla eNews Abril 2011 La Fundacin Internacional Dian Fossey para los Gorilas est dedicada a la conservacin y proteccin de los gorilas y de sus hbitats en frica. Nos comprometemos a promocionar la investigacin continuada sobre los gorilas y sus ecosistemas en peligro de extincin y a ofrecer educacin sobre la relevancia de esto en el mundo en el que vivimos. En colaboracin con las agencias gubernamentales y con otros socios internacionales, tambin ofrecemos ayuda a las comunidades locales mediante la educacin, la salud y las iniciativas de formacin y desarrollo. Aqui tiene las noticias de la edicin de abril (en ingls): * New Gorilla Orphan Lubutu Arrives in Goma * Gorilla Orphan Kyasa Progressing at GRACE * Silverbacks Working Together to Protect Group * Help Gorillas Every Month with "Give to Save" * Give Your Mother a Meaningful Gift + info: Noruega proteger los Bosques de la Guyana Durante el ltimo ao, el presidente Bharrat Jagdeo de Guyana ha viajado por todo el mundo ofreciendo dejar los bosques de su pas bajo la supervisin internacional si otros pases pagaban a sus ciudadanos para que no deforestaran los paisajes tropicales. La campaa recibi un amplio apoyo la semana pasada cuando Noruega anunci el lunes que se comprometa con 30 millones de dlares a mejorar un plan para evitar la deforestacin en esta pequea nacin de Suramrica. Si el programa demuestra tener xito, Guyana recibir 250 millones de dlares ms a lo largo de 2015. + info: Rumbles in the jungle - Naresh Subedi - Nepal Office? The jungle. Colleagues? Elephants, rhinos and tigers. Naresh Subedi has many stories to tell. Stories that are not only fascinating and impressive but that can also make your hair stand on end. Naresh Subedi works to save Nepals wildlife. He studies and monitors animals such as rhinos and tigers, and actively involves local communities in conservation. Naresh is currently involved in carrying out a rhino census in the Chitwan National Park, which has the second largest population of greater one-horned rhino in the world. He recently fitted radio collars on eight rhinos living in the park and now conducts regular patrols to monitor their movements. This often means spending the whole night in the park, which is also home to tigers, elephants and gharials. + info: Gorilas en la Repblica Democrtica del Congo (DRC) estn muriendo, vctimas del trfico ilegal de animales y de la prdida del hbitat Los cientficos sospechan que el nmero de gorilas ha disminuido de forma dramtica en los ltimos 15 aos y han mostrado su preocupacin designndolos como en peligro de extincin. El gorila de Grauer, en ocasiones llamado gorila de llanura oriental, es a veces olvidado. No se encuentra a ninguno en los zoos y puesto que el rea donde vive no es segura desde hace dcadas, es imposible que nos enteremos cada vez que uno muere. Slo el apoyo de aquellos que realmente estn involucrados y se preocupan ha hecho posible que la Fundacin Fossey comience a combatir la prdida del hbitat y el trfico de animales en DRC. Desde el 2000, los donantes comprometidos nos han permitido trabajar con los lderes congoleos locales para crear nueve reservas naturales a lo largo de las 27.000 millas cuadradas, casi todo el territorio que abarca el gorila de Grauer en peligro de extincin y que es ligeramente mayor que el territorio de Ruanda. Esta aproximacin innovadora a la conservacinotorgando poderes a los habitantes locales para que gestionen sus propios recursos naturales- es la NICA estrategia de conservacin que tendr resultados a largo plazo. GRACE, el Centro de Educacin para la Rehabilitacin y Conservacin del Gorila, se preocupa de los gorilas rescatados y hurfanos que podran morir si se dejan en la selva. Como miembro fundador de GRACE, nos hemos apoyado en las donaciones de personas que a lo largo de los aos nos han ofrecido la financiacin necesaria para cuidar de los gorilas rescatados en centros temporales, mientras que buscbamos el apoyo para construir y poner en marcha un centro permanente. CADA gorila es importante para la supervivencia de las especies, por lo que estos hurfanos sern devueltos a la selva en cuanto que hayan aprendido a vivir como un grupo. Trabajar en DRC es peligroso y caro, pero el precio no es demasiado alto para salvar gorilas, para salvar uno de los bosques tropicales ms importantes del mundo y muchas de las otras especies que viven en l. + info: Introducing Europe's Protected Natural Areas: Hortobagy National Park - Hungary In this section we give you a more in depth look at our members and how they manage Europe's natural heritage. Each month we will upload information about a different EUROPARC member. This month (March 2011) we take a closer look at Hortobgy National Park, Hungary. Information on protected areas can be downloaded through this weblink.. + info: A blessing in disguise - Pakistan In 1984, when I was a Divisional Forest Officer, I was kidnapped in the thick forest of Dadu, in southern Pakistan. The armed gang kept me in captivity for two nights but it seemed like a thousand years. My confidence was shattered and my career took a turn for what I thought at the time was the worst. After this, I decided to work on coastal conservation. This change, which involved restoring mangroves, was actually a blessing in disguise. It gave me a platform to chart completely unexplored territory in Pakistan. Tahir Qureshi is Programme Director of IUCN Pakistans Coastal Ecosystem Unit. He was the first forest officer to be kidnapped by a notorious gang of dacoits belonging to the renowned Baloch Chandio Tribe. The 60strong gang, armed with the latest weapons, were operating in densely forested areas. + info: The man who saves turtles - Malaysia Nick saves sea turtles. In a nutshell thats what he does. But he has to look far beyond their nesting grounds to make it work. Nick has a PhD in turtle biology, but he says it did not prepare him for the real-world challenges of turtle conservation. After an early career in Saudi Arabia, Malaysia and Palau as a marine biologist, Nick settled down in north Borneo and established his own non- governmental organization, the Marine Research Foundation (MRF), a non-profit entity geared to saving marine life across various countries and facing differing threats. MRF, an IUCN Member, now serves as a base from which Nick addresses turtle conservation at various levels, and with an ever-growing diversity of people. + info: International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) helps businesses value nature Today, IUCN and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) released a Guide to Corporate Ecosystem Valuation (CEV) a new message to enhance business understanding of the benefits and value of ecosystem services like fresh water, food, fibre and protection against natural disasters. The economic value of nature and the services it provides us is enormous, but it is rarely taken into account in policies, financial systems and markets. The Guide to Corporate Ecosystem Valuation (CEV) aims to enable companies to better understand the value of natures services that they affect and depend on. This will improve business decision-making by creating more alignment between businesses financial, ecological and social objectives. + info: Les manchots atteints d'une maladie mystrieuse Les scientifiques ont constat que des colonies entires de manchots de l'Atlantique sud perdaient leurs plumes. Un problme dont l'origine reste inconnue ce jour. Les scientifiques de la Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) et de l'Universit de Washington sont inquiets. Ils ont constat que plusieurs colonies de manchots taient victimes de la perte de leurs plumes. Un phnomne qui a touch en 2006 des spcimens d'Afrique du Sud, puis des manchots de Magellan qui vivent en Argentine. + info: Sant des abeilles : l'Anses ( Agence nationale de scurit sanitaire, de l'alimentation, de l'environnement et du travail, France) devient Laboratoire de rfrence de l'Union europenne Depuis plusieurs annes, un phnomne d'affaiblissement et de mortalit des colonies d'abeilles est constat dans de nombreux pays. Les facteurs potentiellement impliqus sont multiples : maladies et parasites, intoxications, stress li aux changements des ressources alimentaires, conditions climatiques.... La comprhension de cette situation ncessite, l'chelle europenne, l'harmonisation des dispositifs de surveillance, ainsi que le renforcement et la coordination de la recherche. + info: Virus humanos relacionados con las muertes de gorilas en peligro de extincin Un virus que causa una enfermedad respiratoria en los humanos se ha asociado a la muerte de gorilas salvajes de montaa, segn informa un equipo de investigadores de Estados Unidos y frica. El hallazgo confirma que serias enfermedades pueden transmitirse de los humanos a estos primates en peligro de extincin. Los humanos y los gorilas comparten aproximadamente el 98 por ciento de su ADN, un hecho gentico que ha llevado a la preocupacin de que los gorilas sean susceptibles de infectarse con las enfermedades infecciosas que afectan a los humanos. Investigadores del proyecto sin nimo de lucro Mountain Gorilla Veterinary; del Wildlife Health Centre en la Universidad de California, Davis; del Centro for Infection and Immunity en la Universidad de Columbia y la Development Board de Ruanda han publicado sus hallazgos en la revista Emerging Infectious Diseases, una publicacin de los centros americanos para el control y prevencin de enfermedades. + info: El hielo que se deshace de la Antrtica est haciendo que los pinginos se mueran de hambre Cada ao, desde 1979, el bilogo marino Wayne Trivelpiece, y su mujer, Susan, ambos pertenecientes a la National Atmospheric Associations Antartic Ecosystem Research Division en San Diego, California, hacen frente a las glidas temperaturas y a los veloces vientos de 40 kilmetros e media por hora para rastrear la alimentacin, cra y la migracin de los pinginos barbejo y adelie. Durante este tiempo, las poblaciones que han estudiado en el Oeste de la pennsula antrtica y en el cercano mar de Scotia han disminuido drsticamente, y unas cuantas se han extinguido, vctimas del calentamiento del planeta que las priva de su hbitat helado. Ahora, en una recopilacin de informacin ms de 30 aos procedente de numerosas bases alrededor de la Antrtica, los investigadores han concluido que los pinginos no slo estn desapareciendo sino que se estn tambin muriendo de hambre. + info: Grandes felinos sin fronteras: Los pases de Euroasia se unen para proteger el hbitat del precioso leopardo persa Las encuestas sobre poblacin y hbitat destinadas a ayudar a comprender el leopardo persa Un leopardo persa que no conoce fronteras se ha convertido en smbolo de los esfuerzos de los oficiales y conservacionistas de Euroasia que estn trabajando de forma conjunta para proteger a los animales y su hbitat. El leopardo, tambin conocido como Noah fue identificado por primera vez por sus huellas en Vashlovani en el sureste de Georgia en noviembre 2003. Los conservacionistas usaron cmaras trampa para observar al leopardo en 2004, mostrando as que Noah est viviendo en parte en Georgia y posiblemente tambin en Azerbaiyn. Pero no se han vuelto a ver ni rastros ni imgenes desde 2008. + info: Un cachorro de oso marrn rescatado cerca de la frontera georgiana gracias al esfuerzo de conservacin internacional Fauna & Flora International (FFI), NACRES y la ONG de Reino Unido Hauser Bears han rescatado a un cachorro de oso marrn que era hurfano, Misha, de una poblacin cerca de la disputada frontera entre Osetia del Sur y la Repblica de Georgia. El rescatar a Misha fue un gran ejemplo de trabajo en equipo entre las ONGs con el apoyo del gobierno de Georgia y un resultado maravilloso para un joven oso, dijo Gareth Goldthorpe, coordinador de campo del proyecto FFI en Georgia. La Misin de monitorizacin de la Unin Europa avist por primera vez a MIsha en una poblacin cercacana a Gori, mientras patrullaba de forma rutinaria. + info: Guarda forestal disparado y asesinado en el Parque nacional Virunga, sitio Patrimonio Mundial en peligro- Repblica Democrtica del Congo Una patrulla del parque nacional de Virunga en la Repblica Democrtica del Congo fue atacada el viernes 8 de abril, con el resultado de un guarda forestal muerto, Magayane Bazirushaka. El ataque tuvo lugar en el sector Nyamulagira, que conecta a travs de un pasillo con el sector MIkeno, el rea operativa del Programa Internacional para la Conservacin del Gorila. A la patrulla de 15 miembros se le tendi una emboscada mientras trabajaban en el bosque al norte del volcn Nyiragongo. La patrulla estaba buscando produccin de carbn vegetal ilegal, una industria que parece que est aumentando en la regin. + info: Los tigres sumatra ayudan a salvar sus especies en libertad Zoo de Australia Pastel de cumpleaos para los hermanos de siete aos de edad en un zoo australiano Estos tres tigres sumatra son embajadores para sus especies, al ayudar a concienciar de la situacin difcil que tienen en estado salvaje y al participar en encuentros y sesiones fotogrficas para recoger fondos para el programa de conservacin de tigres FFI, dijo el gerente de conservacin internacional del zoo de Australia, Giles Clark. Como miembro de apoyo desde hace tiempo de Fauna & Flora International (FFI), el zoo de Australia hace donaciones, en parte aseguradas gracias a las experiencias pblicas con los grandes felinos hermanos Juma, Ranu y Singha, para nuestro programa de tigre en Sumatra, Indonesia. Estas ayudas econmicas son fundamentales para las operaciones continuadas del programa de conservacin y proteccin del tigre FFI en el parque nacional Kerinci Seblat. + info: Rethinking Palm Oil It's in our candy bars, soap and peanut butter it even powers some of our cars. Yet it is precisely this high demand that makes palm oil one of the most controversial commodities on the market today. The rapid expansion of monoculture palm oil plantations especially in Southeast Asia has led to the continuing destruction of the world's remaining tropical forests. + info: The II Mediterranean Forest Week 5 abr - 8 abr 2011 . AVIGNON, Francia Organizadores: European Forest Institute Contacto: [email protected] + info: Luciano Andriamaro: Health and Fresh Water: Ingredients for Success in Madagascar The crystal-clear waters of Madagascar's Nosivolo River hold more than beauty: they hold life. The river's waters support 19 endemic fish species, four of which are found in the Nosivolo and nowhere else. So when, in September 2010, the river and its watershed was named a Ramsar site, it marked a milestone for CI and local communities in a joint mission to create protected areas that ensure the long-term health of the river for the fish and for the human population living nearby. And Luciano Andriamaro, Science Support Program Manager for CI-Madagascar, understands well how important a healthy river ecosystem is for ensuring benefits for both local communities and wildlife. + info: Agenda EXHIBITION - BORN TO BE WILD 3D 8 abr - 9 jun 2011 . DENVER, Estados Unidos de Amrica Organizadores: DENVER MUSEUM OF NATURE & SCIENCE Contacto: [email protected] + info: Para la vida, para el futuro. Las reservas de biosfera y el cambio climtico 26 jun - 28 jun 2011 . Dresden, Alemania Organizadores: UNESCOs programme "Man and the Biosphere (MAB) + info: 23rd Session of the International Co-coordinating Council of the Man and the Biosphere Programme (MAB) 28 jun - 1 jul 2011 . Dresden, Alemania Organizadores: UNESCO-MAB Contacto: Thomas Schaaf, [email protected] + info: about-mab/icc/icc/23rd-session-of-the-mab-council/ Publicaciones Savoirs des femmes: mdecine traditionnelle et nature; Maurice, Runion, Rodrigues Author: Pourchez, Laurence ISBN: 978-92-3-204197-5 La Runion, Maurice et Rodrigues prsentent des traditions mdicinales uniques. Fruits d'un processus de crolisation dont les origines sont multiples, ces usages sont indissociables de la nature dans laquelle ils puisent. Ils constituent une cl privilgie pour comprendre des socits qui se situent dans une dialectique constante entre tradition et modernit. Ces les, initialement dsertes, ont t peuples partir de la fin du XVIIe sicle par des populations originaires d'Europe, de Madagascar, d'Afrique, d'Inde et de Chine, voire de Polynsie ou d'Australie. Le dialogue entre les savoirs mdicinaux propres chacune d'elles a permis la naissance d'un savoir commun, transmis en grande partie par les femmes. Cet ouvrage met en lumire la connaissance qu'ont ces femmes des plantes mdicinales et des gestes mdicaux, notamment ceux qui accompagnent la naissance. Il interroge galement la place des savoirs mdicinaux dans ces socits insulaires lheure dune occidentalisation croissante et de certains replis identitaires. + info: Unasylva ahora accesible gratis La FAO da comienzo al Ao Internacional de los Bosques con un nmero especial fotogrfico de Unasylva. Ms de un centenar de das internacionales se celebran a lo largo del ao con la finalidad de conmemorar una amplia gama de asuntos, ocupaciones, actividades y valores culturales importantes para la humanidad. Esta hermosa coleccin de imgenes ilustra que los bosques tienen vinculaciones con casi todas ellas. Si bien los das internacionales son el hilo que mantiene unida esta coleccin de fotografas, su organizacin es temtica y no cronolgica para as catalogar mejor el lugar que los bosques ocupan en muchos sectores. El presente nmero da expresin al tema del ao internacional, Los bosques para la gente, mostrando cmo los bosques son importantes para casi todas las actividades humanas. + info: Online Study - Animals Find Sanctuary With Scientists In an 85-square-kilometer swath of rainforest in Cte d'Ivoire's Ta National Park, monkeys call to one another, chimps drum on tree trunks, and tiny antelopes rustle through the underbrush. That's where researchers have been studying primate communities for more than 3 decades. Step outside the research zone, though, and the animal sounds fall silent. The forest is noticeably emptier as a result of heavy poaching. Field researchers all over the world have noticed that long-term research sites double as sanctuaries, but they've never had the numbers to prove it. Now they do + info: Ir a arriba Patrimonio construido Noticias Agenda Publicaciones Noticias Peticin para salvar la Escuela de Primaria Phillis Wheatley NUEVA ORLEANS- EEUU En nombre de DOCOMOMO US/ Luisiana les solicito que consideren firmar una peticin en lnea para salvar la histrica moderna Escuela Elemental Philips Wheatley la cual amenaza ser demolida. Esta peticin fue iniciada por Phyllis MontanaLeblanc,, PML quin habl de forma apasionada en una vista pblica el viernes ante la Historic District Landmarks Commission en defensa de su alma mater, Si arrasis mi escuela, una parte de m muere con ella. Desafortunadamente, nos hemos enterado de que no habr una revisin ante el Consejo Municipal y una peticin de propuesta se ha puesto en marcha para la demolicin. Aparentemente y puesto que se trata de una demolicin iniciativa de la ciudad para destruir un edificio que pertenece a la misma ciudad, el Consejo Municipal no tiene por qu revisar la peticin de demolicin. No obstante, seguimos insistiendo en hacer un llamamiento para conservar la Escuela Wheatley que se incluy en la lista World Monuments Fund Watch en 2010. Esperamos obtener ms de 2.000 firmas y presentar la peticin ante el alcalde Landrieu y el Consejo Municipal. + info: AD Classics: Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell University / I.M. Pei 1973 - ITHACA - NEW YORK STATE - USA With a desire to make a dramatic statement while maintaining an optimal amount of scenic views, transparent open spaces and windows beautifully contrast the heaviness and boldness of the rectangular forms of concrete. Located atop a 1,000-foot slope that overlooks Lake Cayuga in Ithaca, the museum was designed by I.M. Pei and John L. Sullivan, with additional help from the firm Pei Cobb Freed & Partners. The museum totals 61,000 square feet, with nine floors stacked high above the ground, housing the exhibit spaces. One floor rests underground, where additional galleries and meeting rooms are found. Through stacking the program instead of spreading it out over the lot, the architects were able to perserve much of the surrounding landscape and views. + info: La casa Turkel de Frank Lloyd Wright es obtiene una segunda vida - 1955 - Detroit - Michigan - EE.UU. Cuando Dale Morgan y Norman Silk vieron un cartel de "Se Vende" en frente de una casa contempornea en la zona de Palmer Woods de Detroit era justo lo que buscaban, as que lo compraron.. Poco saban que haba tropezado solo en la compra de un verdadero ejemplo de Frank Lloyd Wright diseador de la casa, conocida como la Casa Turkel. Para responder a la pregunta que todos han hecho, Cmo no lo han sabido , resulta que 25 aos de deterioro, los largos perodos de abandono y el cambio de manos propietarios combinado con aos de mantenimiento diferido y cubierto de vegetacin puede ocultar un diseo FLW bastante bien. + info: Invitation to Australia ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites) members to contribute to 20th Century Heritage International Scientific Committee thematic study We will be looking at the Australian thematic framework & relevant 20th century examples, the English Heritage post war listing framework, the TICCIH (The International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage) framework, Docomomo reports and a range of LA historic studies, leading to a brainstorming on how ISC20C might develop an international 20th century thematic framework. Of course, it will have national, state and local applications too. Dr Susan Marsden, who is the co-author of the South Australian studies, will be providing a keynote paper in Los Angeles and Helen Lardner has already provided input on the work of TICCIH in this area. The presidents of the UIA (International Union of Architects) and Docomomo will be attending. + info: Taliesin West - 1937-1959 / Frank Lloyd Wright - SCOTTSDALE - Arizona - EE.UU. Situado en la parte exterior del desierto de Sonora de Scottsdale, Arizona se encuentra un monumento de vida y testimonio de la vida y obra de Frank Lloyd Wright. Realizadas entre 1937 - 1959, Taliesin West fue el hogar invernal de Wright y la casa de su esposa verano, Taliesin, en Spring Green, Wisconsin, adems de ser taller de Wright y la escuela de sus aprendices. + info: English Heritage Survey on Industrial Heritage at Risk English Heritage is embarking on research which will reveal how much of our industrial heritage is at risk of neglect, decay or even demolition. We will be revealing the results of this research at our annual Heritage at Risk launch in October. We will also be finding out what the public think about industrial heritage and proposing ways in which the best of our unique industrial past can be saved for future generations to learn from, value and enjoy. You can get involved now by posting photographs and comments on the Flickr Group we are running in conjunction with the Council for British Archaeology and the Association for Industrial Archaeology. + info: Crocker Art Museum de extensin - 2010 / Gwathmey Siegel & Associates Architects - SACRAMENTO, California - California - EE.UU. El Museo de Arte Crocker ha finalizado la construccin de una ampliacin de 125,000 pies cuadrados diseado por Gwathmey Siegel & Associates Architects (GSAA). El Teel Familia Pabelln ms que triplica el tamao actual del museo y mejora su funcin como recurso cultural para California y muchos visitantes del estado. Uno de los ltimos grandes proyectos pblicos GSSA cofundador Charles Gwathmey, La ampliacin del Museo de Arte Crocker complementa las estructuras histricas del museo de 125 aos de edad, que incluye uno de los edificios construidos expresamente primer museo de arte en los Estados Unidos. + info: JOB OFFERS - Senior Built Heritage Specialist (Architectural Background) at Godden Mackay Logan. Sydney, New South Wales (Australia) Deadline for application 31 March 2011 GML provides high level heritage advice on a diverse range of projects for both private and public clients. Our multidisciplinary in-house team has expertise in built heritage, conservation planning, archaeology, indigenous heritage and interpretation, as well as in due diligence and Land and Environment Court matters. GML is the heritage consultant of choice for many of Australias most important government and private organizations engaged with the management and development of heritage assets. Our unique position within the industry means that GML consulting staff have the opportunity to work on some of the most interesting heritage conservation projects across Australia. We are also increasingly engaged in international conservation projects. + info: March 2011 Inherit Newsletter - Heritage Council of Victoria - Australia Heritage Council of Victoria provides the highest level of legal protection for cultural heritage places and objects in Victoria. As an independent statutory authority, Heritage Council of Victoria is the State's main decision-making body on cultural (non-Indigenous) heritage issues. 10 members are appointed by the Governor-in-Council upon the recommendation of the Minister for Planning. Heritage Council of Victoria receives professional advice and administrative support from Heritage Victoria, and both organisations work together on a range of committees. The newsletter is available as PDF download or subscribe [email protected] and receive as a monthly email. Highlights include: * LOOTING AT WRECK * MARCH REGISTRATIONS * ARTEFACT COLLECTION ONLINE * HERITAGE ADDRESS * MELBOURNE OPEN HOUSE * KEEP AUSTRALIA BEAUTIFUL AWARDS * NATIONAL TRUST EVENTS * DIARY DATES + info: AD Round Up: Classics Part III - A selection AD Classics: MIT Baker House Dormitory / Alvar Aalto Alvar Aalto designed the Baker House in 1946 while he was a professor at the Massachussets Institute of Technology, where the dormitory is located. It received its name in 1950, after the MITs Dean of Students Everett Moore Baker was killed in an airplane crash that year. The dormitory is a curving snake slithering on its site and reflects many of Aaltos ideas of formal strategy, making it a dormitory that is both inhabited and studied by students from all over the world (read more) + info: utm_source=feedblitz&utm_medium=FeedBlitzEmail&utm_campaign=0&utm_content=383045 Seventy-Two Years After the Nazis Arrived, Restored Renaissance Synagogue to Reopen in ZAMOSC - Poland One of the most important surviving synagogues in Poland, a Renaissance gem looted by the Nazis and suffering from decades of neglect, is reopening this week after a meticulous restoration, part of an effort to reclaim the country's decimated Jewish heritage. The refurbishing of the synagogue in Zamosc, an eastern Polish town near the border with Ukraine, comes as Poland's tiny remaining Jewish community is struggling to preserve some of the most important Jewish sites that survived the Holocaust before they fall into irreversible decay. But in a sign of how thorough Adolf Hitler's genocide was, there are almost no Jews left in the town. The cream-colored house of prayer will now serve largely as a place for art exhibitions, concerts and other cultural events in the largely Catholic area. + info: Link to Heritage Tasmania's E-newsletter - Tasmania (Australia) To download the March 2011 issue of Heritage Tasmanias E-newsletter, click on the link below. + info: A New Student Learning Centre for Ryerson University by Snhetta and ZRPA Toronto - Ontario - Canada Today Ryerson University announced the design of a new Student Learning Centre for their Toronto campus. Designed by Snhetta in collaboration with Zeidler Partnership Architects of Toronto, the 155,463sqf Student Learning Centre will feature a transparent glass skin that will provide varying light qualities within the interior spaces. Sustainable practices have also been incorporated into the design with 50% of the roof intended to act as a green roof and plans for the building to be LEED Silver compliant. Construction on the building is expected to begin late this year, with a targeted completion date of Winter 2014. + info: In Progress: Faculty of Law, University of Toronto / Hariri Pontarini Architects - TORONTO - ONTARIO - CANADA The North American competition-winning design for the renovation and expansion of the historic University of Toronto Faculty of Law responds directly to the clients ambition to create a law school among the finest in the world. Hariri Pontarini Architects proposed a design that would provide both a physical and visual connection to its surrounding landscape. + info: Inland Architect Image Database Now Available on Art Institute of Chicago Website - Chicago - Illinois - USA The Ryerson and Burnham Archives of the Art Institute of Chicago announce the digitization of another major image collection: 5,000 plates from the venerable Chicago-based periodical Inland Architect and News Record. This exceedingly rich visual record from a seminal period in American architecture can now be accessed by the public through the Digital Collections Database (DCD) on the Libraries' website. The multi-year project makes another important architectural archive available for use by scholars and the public, further enhancing what is already one of the richest online resources for art and architecture, built with the goal of providing access to the many rare images and texts in the Art Institute's Ryerson and Burnham Archives. + info: Herzog de Meuron's Triangle Tower Design Raises Eyebrows in Paris - France The 590ft (180m) proposed Herzog de Meuron design labeled Triangle Tower, has been in the spotlight over recent weeks after the cross-party council approved the towers protocol agreement. Opposing the recent approval, Green party members are eager to share their thoughts commenting that the colossal project is yet another office block according to party member Yves Contassot. The controversy over the 40-story steel and glass building surely was anticipated; the French capital has had a 30+ year drought of buildings over 121ft. In 1977 a ban was put into place, shortly after the completion of the 689ft Tour Montparnasse, because Parisians feared that the city center would lose its existing urban fabric to skyscrapers similar to the Montparnasse. + info: Historic Abbey of San Clemente a Casauria Damaged in 2009 Abruzzo Earthquake Reopens - Italy Two years after a devastating earthquake hit the Abruzzo region of Italy, an important historic structure damaged in the tremor has been returned to its community fully restored. Following the earthquake, Bertrand du Vignaud, President of World Monuments Fund Europe, in coordination with the Italian Ministry of Culture, identified the twelfth-century Abbey of San Clemente a Casauria as a priority project. World Monuments Fund (WMF), the foremost independent, nonprofit historic preservation organization, and the Fondazione Pescarabruzzo, the most important local benefactor, agreed to cover the total cost of the conservation program. WMF supported this project through the Robert W. Wilson Challenge to Conserve Our Heritage and the Rudolf-August Oetker Stiftung. + info: Hairy House / Ashworth Parkes Architects - 2008 to 09 - Cambridge - United Kingdom The site is very small measuring 7.5 metres wide by 10.5 metres deep, and is flanked by 3 metre high walls to the East and the North, and a 2 metre high wall to the West. The new house was not allowed to rise higher than the eaves of the house next door to the North. We were only allowed 1 metre squared of obscured window on the Southern elevation, no windows above the top of the wall on the Western elevation and 1 metre squared of window on the Northern elevation. We had to set the building back from the road, decreasing the usable space on the site even further. + info: ICCROM updates of the situation in Japan after earthquake In response to the 11 March earthquake and tsunami in Japan, ICCROM in coordination with UNESCO and other institutions, is aiming to develop a strategy to aid in the salvage and recovery of the countrys cultural heritage. Currently, basic humanitarian aid and the safety of the affected people is the priority, however, cultural heritage recovery will become increasingly important. As we become aware of them, we are listing institutions and links with information. Please check back frequently. + info: AD Classics: Wainwright Building / Louis Sullivan - 1890-91 - Saint Louis - Missouri - USA Among the first skyscrapers built in the world, the Wainwright Building by Louis Sullivan and partner Dankmar Adler is regarded as an influential prototype of a modern office architecture. The building aesthetically exemplifies the theories of Sullivans tall building, with the tripartite composition of base, shaft and attic, which is based on the structure of the classical column. + info: Primera participacin de la UNESCO en la Semana de la Cultura italiana (9-17 de abril 2011) La Oficina UNESCO Venecia, en colaboracin con el municipio de Venecia y la Superintendencia para el Patrimonio Arquitectnico, el patrimonio Paisajstico e Histrico, Artstico y etno-antropolgico de Venecia y Lagoon, participar en esta iniciativa organizada por el Ministerio italiano de Patrimonio Cultural. Este acontecimiento cultural tendr lugar del 9-17 de abril de 2011 en Italia. Durante nueve das, se abrirn al pblico de forma gratuita monumentos, museos, sitios arqueolgicos, archivos, y bibliotecas y ms de 3.000 acontecimientos (exhibiciones, conferencias, aperturas especiales, talleres, tours guiados y conciertos). + info: VICOMITES Members' event - visit to the Murtoa Stick Shed 16-abr-2011 . Murtoa, Australia Organizadores: Heritage Council of Victoria Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 8 abr 2011 + info:;868 The Shard / Renzo Piano - London - United Kingdom The 70-story mixed use tower even while under construction is the tallest building in Londons skyline. Adjacent to London Bridge Station, the building offers increased density to a major public transport node, a key to and suggestive of future London development. London based architectural photographer Andy Spain shared with us photographs he took a few weeks ago of The Shard under construction. Be sure to take a look at our previous coverage of The Shard. + info: Architecture City Guide: Minneapolis - Minnesota - USA This week our Architecture City Guide is headed to the city stars fall on. With a few notable exceptions, one can hardly be called a starchitect if s/he hasnt designed something in Minneapolis. Since 2005 the starchitects that have fallen on this City of Lakes include Jean Nouvel, Herzog & de Mueron, Csar Pelli, Michael Graves, Steven Holl, and Frank Gehry. This is a surprising number for a city just north of 380,000 people. Few cities of this size could boast as much. Whats more our list of 12 is far from complete. There are many wonderful historic and contemporary buildings mixed in with the explosion of starchitecture. Please leave comments of buildings one should not miss when visiting Minneapolis. + info: University of Pennsylvania School of Design 2011 Spring Lecture Series 12 abr - 18 abr 2011 . Philadelphia, Estados Unidos de Amrica Organizadores: (Various timings) + info: Agenda Cadernos Proarq 16 e 17 - Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) Chamada de Artigos/Call for articles Editados pelo Programa de Ps-Graduao em Arquitetura da FAU-UFRJ, os Cadernos Proarq publicam artigos condicionados aprovao de seu respectivo Comit Cientfico sobre Arquitetura, Urbanismo e reas afins relacionadas com o estudo dos ambientes construdos e de seu uso. Sero acolhidos textos inditos em portugus, espanhol e ingls, que devem ser encaminhados para o e-mail [email protected] at o dia 30 de junho de 2011, obedecendo s NORMAS e ao MODELO a elas correspondente, ambos os arquivos aqui anexados. . , Contacto: cadernos.proarq [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 30 jun 2011 + info: Exhibition - 'Architecture in Uniform: Designing and Building for the Second World War' 13 abr - 18 sep 2011 . Montreal, Canad Organizadores: The Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA) Contacto: [email protected] + info: 1 Convegno Internazionale "Il patrimonio architettonico e ambientale dei territori della Bonifica - territori, architetture, itinerari, sinergie per un patrimonio da valorizzare" 19 may - 21 may 2011 . Regio Emilia, Italia Organizadores: Il Consorzio di Bonifica dell'Emilia Centrale Contacto: [email protected] + info: Colloque international "La maquette, un outil au service du projet architectural" 20 may - 21 may 2011 . Paris, Francia Organizadores: Cit de l'architecture et du patrimoine (Ecole de Chaillot et muse des Monuments franais), en partenariat avec l'Ecole pratique des hautes tudes (EPHE) Sorbonne et la Technische Universitt Mnchen, avec le soutien du Dpartement du pilotage de la recherche et de la politique scientifique (Direction gnrale des patrimoines, ministre de la culture et de la communication). Contacto: [email protected] + info: XXI Seminario internazionale e Premio di Architettura e Cultura Urbana Costruire nel costruito. Architettura a volume 0 31 jul - 4 ago 2011 . Camerino, Italia Organizadores: Universit di Camerino. Consiglio Nazionale degli Architetti, Pianificatori, Paesaggisti e Conservatori Ordine degli Architetti, Pianificatori, Paesaggisti e Conservatori della Provincia di Macerata con il patrocinio di INArch - INU Comune di Camerino Contacto: Giovanni Marucci. e-mail: [email protected] + info: mAAN Seoul 2011 Conference - Our Living Heritage : Industrial Buildings and Sites of Asia 25 ago - 27 ago 2011 . Seoul, Repblica de Corea Organizadores: Dept. of Architecture Sungkyunkwan University FECHA LMITE: 30 mar 2011 + info: Publicaciones ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND HISTORIC BUILDINGS - English Heritage Application of part L of the Building Regulations to historic and traditionally constructed buildings. November 2010 The guidance has been produced to help prevent conflicts between energy efficiency requirements in Part L of the Building Regulations and the conservation of historic and traditionally constructed buildings. Much of the advice will also be relevant where thermal upgrading is planned without the specific need to comply with these regulations. This advice also acts as second tier supporting guidance in the interpretation of the Building Regulations (referred to in paragraph 3.10 of the Approved Documents) that should be taken into account when determining appropriate energy performance standards for works to historic buildings. This guidance supersedes English Heritages previous publication Building Regulations and Historic Buildings an interim guidance note on the application of part L which was prepared in support of the 2002 Regulations (revised in 2004). + info: Le Corbusier, Homme de Lettres Author: M. Christine Boyer ISBN-13: 978-156-898-980-8 On his French identity card, legendary architect Le Corbusier listed his profession as "Homme de Lettres" (Man of Letters). Celebrated for his architecture, which numbers fewer than sixty buildings, Le Corbusier also wrote more than fifty books, hundreds of articles, and thousands of letters. Le Corbusier, Homme de Lettres is the first in-depth study of Le Corbusier as a writer as well as an architect. Featuring more than two hundred archival images from Le Corbusier's life and work, this groundbreaking book examines his many writing projects from 1907 to 1947, as well as his letters written to two mentors: Charles L'Eplattenier and William Ritter. In Le Corbusier, Homme de Lettres author M. Christine Boyer focuses on the development of his writing style as it morphed from romantic prose to aphorisms and telegraphic bulletins. For each of his books, Le Corbusier was meticulous about the design of the page layout, the form of the type, the impact of the ideas, and even the promotional material. As a man of letters, Le Corbusier expected to contribute to the cultural atmosphere of the twentieth century. Le Corbusier, Homme de Lettres shows for the first time how his voluminous output books, diaries, letters, sketchbooks, travel notebooks, lecture transcriptions, exposition catalogs, journal articles reflects not just a compulsion to write, but a passion for advancing his ideas about the relationship between architecture, urbanism, and society in a new machine age. + info: Altermondialiste et Architecture Par Gustave MASSIAH ISBN: 978-2-7071-6541-1 An alterglobalist strategy In French only. Depuis les annes 1990, le mouvement altermondialiste s'est impos comme une des principales forces de transformation du monde. Mais si la crise globale de la mondialisation capitaliste a largement confirm ses analyses, beaucoup s'interrogent sur les perspectives de ce mouvement, dont certains pensent qu'il doit trouver un nouveau souffle . D'o l'intrt de ce livre, o Gustave Massiah, l'un de ses acteurs majeurs depuis de longues annes, montre la fois les multiples facettes, souvent mconnues, d'une nbuleuse particulirement dynamique et propose des axes stratgiques pour son dveloppement. + info: Architectural Conservation in Europe and the Americas, National Experiences and Practice Authors: John H. Stubbs and Emily G. Maka ISBN: 978-0-470-60385-7 Following the acclaimed Time Honored: A Global View of Architectural Conservation, this book explores the rich architectural legacies of Europe and North and South America to describe "best practices" in architectural conservation, focusing on the histories, structure, key participants, special challenges, solutions, and specific contributions made by some sixty-seven countries. + info: Time Honored, A Global View of Architectural Conservation; Parameters, Theory & Evolution of an Ethos By John H. Stubbs ISBN: 978-0-470-26049-4 February 2009 Imagine the world without the Parthenon, Notre Dame, the Wailing Wall, the Taj Mahal, the Forbidden City, Machu Picchu, or other iconic buildings, monuments, and places. What if the more impressive historic buildings and sites we encounter in our everyday lives disappeared? Civilization would simply not exist as we know it. Fortunately, awareness of the importance of protecting the worlds cultural patrimonyin particular, its architectural heritageis at an all-time high and is growing. Time Honored, A Global View of Architectural Conservation explores the reasons for this phenomenon, explains how international architectural heritage conservation practice operates, and considers where this firmly rooted global interest may lead + info: Ir a arriba Impacto del cambio climático sobre el Patrimonio Noticias Agenda Publicaciones Noticias From Bangkok to Durban: Time to act on Cancun deal The first round of UN climate change negotiations since the Cancun summit in December, being held in Bangkok from April 3-8, will start on the work plan agreed at Cancun for 2011. The aim of the meeting is to build on the Cancun agreements and to work towards establishing a new global climate change regime, to complement or replace the Kyoto Protocol, whose first commitment period expires in late 2012. + info: Urgent action needed to protect Earth's blue carbon such as mangroves, seagrasses and tidal marshes The destruction of coastal carbon ecosystems, such as mangroves, seagrasses and tidal marshes, is leading to rapid and long-lasting emissions of CO2 into the ocean and atmosphere, according to 32 of the worlds leading marine scientists. That key conclusion highlights a series of warnings and recommendations developed by the new International Working Group on Coastal Blue Carbon, which convened its first meeting in Paris last month. The Working Group was created as an initial step in advancing the scientific, management and policy goals of the Blue Carbon Initiative, whose founding members include Conservation International (CI), the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO. + info: Le Gulf Stream menac par une accumulation d'eau douce Des ocanographes ont dclar quune gigantesque poche deau douce situe dans locan Arctique pourrait engendrer des perturbations ocaniques importantes si elle passait dans lAtlantique. The Associated Press rapporte quune rserve deau douce sest peu peu constitue dans locan Arctique. Elle provient des eaux rejetes par les fleuves canadiens et sibriens et de la fonte de la banquise, consquences directes du rchauffement climatique indiquent les scientifiques. Ainsi depuis 1990, locan Arctique a dj gagn 20% deau douce selon le chercheur allemand Benjamin Rabe. + info: El objetivo de la Unin Europea de limitar el calentamiento global es casi imposible, afirman los investigadores Los negociadores internacionales en una conferencia promovida por Naciones Unidas sobre clima y que termina hoy en Bangkok han subrayado reiteradamente el objetivo de mantener el calentamiento global de este siglo no ms de 2 grados. Pero los resultados de un estudio sobre el clima del gobierno canadiense y publicado el mes pasado sugieren que es posible que el calentamiento global se limite al objetivo de 2 grados, afirman los cientficos que realizaron este estudio. En el estudio, cientficos de Environment Canada, una agencia gubernamental, simularon en su modelo varios escenarios de concentraciones de gas efecto invernadero hasta el ao 2100. En esta situacin con las mayores concentraciones de carbono, la concentracin de C02 en la atmsfera subi alarmantemente de su nivel actual, cerca de 390 partes por milln, a 920, y la temperatura global y terrestre subi 4,9 grados ms que los niveles de 2005. Pero incluso en una situacin en la cual las reducciones de emisiones hicieron que los niveles de CO2 subieran a 450 ppm en 2050, las temperaturas subieron 2,3 grados centgrados al final del siglo, 2C ms que los marcados en el objetivo. + info: Degraded coastal wetlands contribute to climate change Drainage and degradation of coastal wetlands emit significant amounts of carbon dioxide directly to the atmosphere and lead to decreased carbon sequestration, a new report has found. The report, written in partnership with the World Bank, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and wetland specialists ESA PWA, calls for coastal wetlands to be protected and incentives for avoiding their degradation and improving their restoration to be included into carbon emission reduction strategies and in climate negotiations. + info: Forum international l'occasion du 50e anniversaire du 1er vol orbital autour de la terre sur? Les utilisations pacifiques de l'espace pour la science,l'ducation et la culture ? (Paris-France 21 avril 2011) Ce Forum international d'une demi-journe rassemblera des astronautes, cosmonautes et explorateurs de l'espace de diverses nations, ainsi que des scientifiques, des astrophysiciens, des musiciens et des historiens afin de rflchir sur les raisons pour les utilisations pacifiques de l'espace. Valentina Treshkova (premire femme cosmonaute, La Fdration de Russie), Sergei Konstantinovich Krikalev (Cosmonaute, La Fdration de Russie), Buzz Aldrin (Astronaute, tats-Unis), Gerhard Thiele (Astronaute, Allemagne), Narendra Bhandari (Astronome, l'Inde), Thomas Culhane, (Iraq/Etats-Unis), Cynda Collins Arsenult (tats-Unis), Dominique Proust (Astrophysicien, France) + info:[showUid] =3391&cHash=1ba0192d49 Construyendo la capacidad de preparacin en peligros naturales para los sitios Patrimonio Cultural en Albania Tirana- Albania (19 de abril, 2011) La UNESCO se ha comprometido a participar de forma activa en la mejora del Marco de Accin Hyogo 2005-2015, adoptado en la Conferencia Mundial sobre la Reduccin de desastres celebrada en Kobe, Japn en enero de 2005. Los peligros de mayor notoriedad para Albania incluyen sismologa, inundaciones e incendios. Segn los datos que se conocen, el proyecto tiene como objetivo ayudar a Albania a mejorar su capacidad para preparase ante un riesgo ssmico y a suavizar los posibles efectos en su patrimonio cultural, como elementos de una estrategia general para reducir el impacto de los efectos del cambio climtico y para reducir los efectos inducidos por los humanos y que causan desastres naturales. + info:[showUid] =3616&cHash=7d468427a2 Diminution record d'ozone au ple Nord Des conditions mtorologiques exceptionnelles conduisent ces dernires semaines une diminution d'ozone sans prcdent en Arctique. Les observations (sol et satellite) par les chercheurs du Laboratoire atmosphres, milieux, observations spatiales (LATMOS, CNRS/UVSQ/UPMC) et les modles franais indiquent une diminution qui atteignait environ 40 % la fin du mois de mars. Ce phnomne s'explique par un hiver stratosphrique trs froid et persistant qui a conduit une destruction importante d'ozone, laquelle s'est prolonge de faon inhabituelle jusqu'au printemps. + info:,diminution-record-ozone-pole-nord.html El hielo que se deshace de la Antrtica est haciendo que los pinginos se mueran de hambre Cada ao, desde 1979, el bilogo marino Wayne Trivelpiece, y su mujer, Susan, ambos pertenecientes a la National Atmospheric Associations Antartic Ecosystem Research Division en San Diego, California, hacen frente a las glidas temperaturas y a los veloces vientos de 40 kilmetros e media por hora para rastrear la alimentacin, cra y la migracin de los pinginos barbejo y adelie. Durante este tiempo, las poblaciones que han estudiado en el Oeste de la pennsula antrtica y en el cercano mar de Scotia han disminuido drsticamente, y unas cuantas se han extinguido, vctimas del calentamiento del planeta que las priva de su hbitat helado. Ahora, en una recopilacin de informacin ms de 30 aos procedente de numerosas bases alrededor de la Antrtica, los investigadores han concluido que los pinginos no slo estn desapareciendo sino que se estn tambin muriendo de hambre. + info: Science Museum Presents Ten Climate Stories 11-abr-2011 . Londres, Reino Unido de Gran Bretaa e Irlanda del Norte Organizadores: The Science Museum Contacto: [email protected] + info: Agenda Science Museum Presents Ten Climate Stories 11-abr-2011 . Londres, Reino Unido de Gran Bretaa e Irlanda del Norte Organizadores: The Science Museum Contacto: [email protected] + info: Ecole thmatique CNRS (Conseil national de la recherche scientifique) Michael Ghil : Rtroactions dans les systmes environnementaux 5 jun - 12 jun 2011 . La Rochelle, Francia Organizadores: Institut National des Sciences de lUnivers (INSU) du CNRS, lEcole Normale Suprieure (ENS), et lInstitut des Systmes Complexes-Paris Ile de France (ISC-PIF). CNRS-INSU | ENS | ISC-PIF Contacto: [email protected] + info: Para la vida, para el futuro. Las reservas de biosfera y el cambio climtico 26 jun - 28 jun 2011 . Dresden, Alemania Organizadores: UNESCOs programme "Man and the Biosphere (MAB) + info: SOLAS (Surface Ocean Lower Atmosphere Study) - IGAC (The International Global Atmospheric Chemistry ) France joint meeting 29 jun - 30 jun 2011 . Pars, Francia Organizadores: SOLAS - IGAC + info: Thailand International Conference 2011 15 oct - 17 oct 2011 . Phuket Town, Tailandia Organizadores: ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites) Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 25 abr 2011 + info: Vulnrabilit des cosystmes ctiers au changement global et aux vnements extrmes 17 oct - 20 oct 2011 . Biarritz, Francia Organizadores: Biarritz Ocan et la socit MLG Events Contacto: Patrick Prouzet, Ifremer. - [email protected] + info: Symposium celebrating 20 years of atmospheric research 7 nov - 10 nov 2011 . Runion Island, Francia Contacto: [email protected] + info: Publicaciones ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND HISTORIC BUILDINGS - English Heritage Application of part L of the Building Regulations to historic and traditionally constructed buildings. November 2010 The guidance has been produced to help prevent conflicts between energy efficiency requirements in Part L of the Building Regulations and the conservation of historic and traditionally constructed buildings. Much of the advice will also be relevant where thermal upgrading is planned without the specific need to comply with these regulations. This advice also acts as second tier supporting guidance in the interpretation of the Building Regulations (referred to in paragraph 3.10 of the Approved Documents) that should be taken into account when determining appropriate energy performance standards for works to historic buildings. This guidance supersedes English Heritages previous publication Building Regulations and Historic Buildings an interim guidance note on the application of part L which was prepared in support of the 2002 Regulations (revised in 2004). + info: Climat : le vrai et le faux Auteur : Valrie Masson-Delmotte Collection : Manifestes ISBN/EAN : 9782746505001 / 9782746505001 Les sciences du climat font lobjet dune mdiatisation et dune instrumentalisation politique extraordinaires. Mais la question qui ressort aujourdhui est : que savons-nous vraiment ? Que pouvons-nous affirmer et sur quoi doutons-nous ? Question subsidiaire : les scientifiques nous disent-ils la vrit ? Les chercheurs sont des sceptiques professionnels. La rigueur scientifique repose sur la vrification des donnes, des calculs, des publications scientifiques par les autres chercheurs, leurs pairs. Ce processus de relecture critique est mconnu du grand public, alors quil est le pilier de la dmarche scientifique. + info: Ir a arriba Patrimonio Cultural Noticias Agenda Publicaciones Noticias Las excavaciones de Marden Henge revelan un edificio ceremonial (Reino Unido) Arquelogos de English Heritage descubrieron una construccin ceremonial de 4500 aos de antigedad. Este descubrimiento tuvo lugar durante unas excavaciones recientes, que duraron ms de seis semanas, en Marden Henge, uno de los monumentos prehistricos ms importantes de Gran Bretaa, pero tambin el peor comprendido. La estructura se descubri en el emplazamiento de un pequeo henge, desconocido hasta entonces, en los alrededores del famoso Marden Henge; se trata de uno de los edificios neolticos mejor conservados de Gran Bretaa al margen de los Orkneys. En equilibrio precario en la cumbre de un talud, y con una apertura a la derecha sobre la pendiente hacia la zanja interna, parece ser una eleccin poco probable para un hbitat. Sin embargo, pudo ser un emplazamiento privilegiado para ofrecer una vista hacia el interior del henge, con el fin de observar las actividades en su centro. + info: 15 tombes Byzantines dcouvertes dans le centre de la Rpublique arabe syrienne Une spulture de l'poque byzantine a t dcouverte dans le village d'al-Ruba Zighreen, 30 km au nord-est de Hama; il y avait un certain nombre de tombes l'intrieur desquelles on a pu retrouver des poteries, du mtal, du verre et des pices d'or. Abdul- Qader Farzat, Chef du Dpartement d'Archologie d'Hama, a prcis que le tombeau possde une entre de 110 cm de long et 60 cm de large menant une petite pice entoure de cinq chambres comprenant trois tombes chacune. Les tombes ont une longueur de 175 cm, une profondeur de 40 cm et elles sont spares par un espace de 25 cm. Ce sont donc 15 tombes qui ont t dcouvertes dans la spulture. Certaines des tombes contenaient plus d'un cercueil recouvert de panneaux de briques, tandis que d'autres taient recouverts de pierres de basalte non tailles. + info: Peticin para salvar la Escuela de Primaria Phillis Wheatley NUEVA ORLEANS- EEUU En nombre de DOCOMOMO US/ Luisiana les solicito que consideren firmar una peticin en lnea para salvar la histrica moderna Escuela Elemental Philips Wheatley la cual amenaza ser demolida. Esta peticin fue iniciada por Phyllis MontanaLeblanc,, PML quin habl de forma apasionada en una vista pblica el viernes ante la Historic District Landmarks Commission en defensa de su alma mater, Si arrasis mi escuela, una parte de m muere con ella. Desafortunadamente, nos hemos enterado de que no habr una revisin ante el Consejo Municipal y una peticin de propuesta se ha puesto en marcha para la demolicin. Aparentemente y puesto que se trata de una demolicin iniciativa de la ciudad para destruir un edificio que pertenece a la misma ciudad, el Consejo Municipal no tiene por qu revisar la peticin de demolicin. No obstante, seguimos insistiendo en hacer un llamamiento para conservar la Escuela Wheatley que se incluy en la lista World Monuments Fund Watch en 2010. Esperamos obtener ms de 2.000 firmas y presentar la peticin ante el alcalde Landrieu y el Consejo Municipal. + info: Chantiers de fouilles archologiques 2011 en France Tout savoir sur les diffrentes formations dans le domaine de l'archologie et sciences connexes, dans les pays francophones + info: Los nativos americanos haban modificado el paisaje antes de la llegada de los europeos Un nuevo estudio de investigadores, del Departamento de geologa de la Universidad Baylor, demuestra que la utilizacin de la tierra por los Amerindios tuvo un impacto generalizado en el paisaje del Este Norteamericano; adems el desarrollo de las llanuras inundables se hizo varios centenares de aos antes de la llegada de las grandes zonas de asentamiento europeos. Los investigadores asignaron al principio de la colonizacin la utilizacin de las tierras, as como la deforestacin, la labranza y la construccin de presas. Esto habra influido en los sistemas hidrolgicos actuales en el Este de Norteamrica. Aunque estudios previos sugeran que la utilizacin de las tierras de los Amerindios en el Este de Norteamrica haba sido la causa de cambios en los sistemas hidrolgicos, pocas pruebas directas se haban podido proporcionar hasta ahora + info: AD Classics: Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell University / I.M. Pei 1973 - ITHACA - NEW YORK STATE - USA With a desire to make a dramatic statement while maintaining an optimal amount of scenic views, transparent open spaces and windows beautifully contrast the heaviness and boldness of the rectangular forms of concrete. Located atop a 1,000-foot slope that overlooks Lake Cayuga in Ithaca, the museum was designed by I.M. Pei and John L. Sullivan, with additional help from the firm Pei Cobb Freed & Partners. The museum totals 61,000 square feet, with nine floors stacked high above the ground, housing the exhibit spaces. One floor rests underground, where additional galleries and meeting rooms are found. Through stacking the program instead of spreading it out over the lot, the architects were able to perserve much of the surrounding landscape and views. + info: Roman Roads not Roman after all? - Tarmac's Bayston Hill quarry. Shropshire (United Kingdom) A discovery at Tarmac's Bayston Hill quarry in Shropshire has thrown into question the belief that Roman invaders introduced roads to Britain. Excavations carried out by environmental consultants SLR at the site suggest that the Romans may have made use of existing roads engineered by Iron Age Britons. The find shows that a metalled and cambered roadway, was constructed in the first century BC - a 100 years before the Emperor Claudius sent troops to conquer Britain. + info: La casa Turkel de Frank Lloyd Wright es obtiene una segunda vida - 1955 - Detroit - Michigan - EE.UU. Cuando Dale Morgan y Norman Silk vieron un cartel de "Se Vende" en frente de una casa contempornea en la zona de Palmer Woods de Detroit era justo lo que buscaban, as que lo compraron.. Poco saban que haba tropezado solo en la compra de un verdadero ejemplo de Frank Lloyd Wright diseador de la casa, conocida como la Casa Turkel. Para responder a la pregunta que todos han hecho, Cmo no lo han sabido , resulta que 25 aos de deterioro, los largos perodos de abandono y el cambio de manos propietarios combinado con aos de mantenimiento diferido y cubierto de vegetacin puede ocultar un diseo FLW bastante bien. + info: CHATEAU DE VERSAILLES : LANCEMENT DE LA CAMPAGNE DE REPLANTATION DE L'ETOILE ROYALE Ltablissement public du chteau, du muse et du domaine national de Versailles a souhait requalifier le site de ltoile Royale, aujourdhui trs dgrad, par un ramnagement des alles et circulations et une vaste campagne de replantation des structures dalignement darbres. Mot Hennessy a annonc sa volont de sassocier la replantation des tilleuls de ltoile Royale. Le groupe dactivits vins et spiritueux de LVMH en sera ainsi le premier mcne. Le chteau de Versailles lance aujourdhui un appel au mcnat auprs des particuliers et des entreprises qui souhaiteraient contribuer cette initiative en adoptant un ou plusieurs arbres supplmentaires. + info: Euromed Heritage newsletter - Issue No.7 - MARCH 2011 We take care of our past to protect our future. We promote the preservation of fountains and ancient dialects, wooden doors and old manuscripts, the rehabilitation of modern buildings and millennial theatres, to safeguard the identity of future generations and to contribute to their mutual understanding. By the valorisation of cultural heritage, the Euromed Heritage programme supports the dialogue between cultures throughout the Mediterranean region. Euromed Heritage 4 (2008-2012) creates new opportunities for peoples awareness and appropriation of their extraordinary common cultural heritage. + info: English Heritage Survey on Industrial Heritage at Risk English Heritage is embarking on research which will reveal how much of our industrial heritage is at risk of neglect, decay or even demolition. We will be revealing the results of this research at our annual Heritage at Risk launch in October. We will also be finding out what the public think about industrial heritage and proposing ways in which the best of our unique industrial past can be saved for future generations to learn from, value and enjoy. You can get involved now by posting photographs and comments on the Flickr Group we are running in conjunction with the Council for British Archaeology and the Association for Industrial Archaeology. + info: JOB OFFERS - Young conservator: paper-based media at The Conservation Laboratory for paper and vellum based materials. Venice (Italy) Deadline for application: 31 May 2011 The Conservation Laboratory for paper and vellum based materials (graphic works) is looking for young conservators specialized in graphic works of art on paper for temporary project work. Interested candidates should send their CV. The requirements are as follows: - degree from an institution of higher education - under 35 years of age - excellent knowledge of Italian and English, spoken and written - availability to work in Venice at the Laboratorio della Misericordia - deadline for submission of CVs is 31 May 2011 Contact: [email protected] + info: Commonwealth Heritage Division Staffing Cut The Canberra Times recently reported the Heritage Division of the Commonwealth Department of the Environment was to have a 30% staff cut. Click on the following link to read the article: "Heritage funds cut, 30 jobs to go" Australia ICOMOS is keenly following this issue and considering what action to take. + info: COMPETITIONS - Expression of Interest (EOI): Historic Environment: Local Authority Capacity by English Heritage. Deadline for nomination: 21 April 2011 Reductions to budgets mean that nearly everything local government does is being re-evaluated and historic environment services, which are non statutory and have often evolved to meet the needs of the local community, are not exempt. To respond to this key stakeholders have got together to support authorities as they make these difficult decisions, to explore how to retain a focus on strategic heritage outcomes, reduce unnecessary bureaucracy and process and pool resources across public bodies and engage civic societies more effectively. HELAC represents a partnership initiative with English Heritage and the LGA being joined by the Association of Local Government Archaeological Officers, the Institute of Historic Building Conservation and the Planning Officers Society. The first phase will see the partners working closely with a number of nominated areas as they adapt services to meet new pressures. That process should see a variety of different options for delivering a successful service emerge, each with an emphasis on partnership working, reducing unnecessary process and working more effectively with other bodies... + info: Taliesin West - 1937-1959 / Frank Lloyd Wright - SCOTTSDALE - Arizona - EE.UU. Situado en la parte exterior del desierto de Sonora de Scottsdale, Arizona se encuentra un monumento de vida y testimonio de la vida y obra de Frank Lloyd Wright. Realizadas entre 1937 - 1959, Taliesin West fue el hogar invernal de Wright y la casa de su esposa verano, Taliesin, en Spring Green, Wisconsin, adems de ser taller de Wright y la escuela de sus aprendices. + info: Invitation to Australia ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites) members to contribute to 20th Century Heritage International Scientific Committee thematic study We will be looking at the Australian thematic framework & relevant 20th century examples, the English Heritage post war listing framework, the TICCIH (The International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage) framework, Docomomo reports and a range of LA historic studies, leading to a brainstorming on how ISC20C might develop an international 20th century thematic framework. Of course, it will have national, state and local applications too. Dr Susan Marsden, who is the co-author of the South Australian studies, will be providing a keynote paper in Los Angeles and Helen Lardner has already provided input on the work of TICCIH in this area. The presidents of the UIA (International Union of Architects) and Docomomo will be attending. + info: La Iglesia Ortodoxa Rusa / Grupo Arco - Pars - Francia La cultura ortodoxa rusa y la religin, que se basan en las tradiciones espirituales, estn jugando un papel muy importante en el intento de Rusia para superar las dificultades actuales y son una fuente de direccin moral para una parte considerable de la poblacin. La tarea de crear una imagen moderna, positiva y abierta de la ortodoxia rusa se deriva del hecho de que el conocimiento de la cultura ortodoxa de Rusia es esencial para comprender e interactuar con Rusia. Sin embargo, la cultura ortodoxa de Rusia est en la actualidad escasamente representado en Europa. La creacin de un centro de Rusia Ortodoxa cultural en Europa ayudar a fortalecer las relaciones internacionales y es de enorme importancia desde el punto de vista de la educacin y la cultura. Al hacer este centro cultural una combinacin de tradicin y modernidad, ser posible para atraer a visitantes de todas las generaciones, incluidos los jvenes. + info: Pelcula de Werner Herzog con acceso exclusivo a las cuevas recientemente descubiertas de Chauvet (Francia) Recibida de forma positiva en su estreno en Toronto Festival, CUEVA DE LOS SUEOS OLVIDADOS muestra los resultados dramticos de acceso exclusivo de Herzog al recientemente descubierto cuevas de Chauvet en el sur de Francia, y sus pinturas rupestres verdaderamente extraordinarios, que data de 32.000 aos. El uso de Herzog de 3D realmente trae estas hermosas obras de arte y de la catedral impresionante como la cueva con sus estalactitas enormes a la vida. Herzog utiliza su acceso exdclusivo a este tesoro de obras maestras del Paleoltico como musa de la inmensidad y la fragilidad del progreso del hombre + info: Website available on Docomomo Slovenia / DOcumentation and COnservation of MOdern MOvement in Slovenia DOCOMOMO is an acronym for DOcumentation and COnservation of the MOdern MOvement. Docomomo International is an international not-for-profit organisation that documents and preserves architecture of the Modern Movement. It strives to raise awareness regarding Modernist architecture by running an international register, organising campaigns, conferences, exhibitions, education and publicity. It brings together experts from diverse professions: architects, art historians, conservationists, sociologists, urban planners, landscape architects and others involved in preservation. The organisation is composed of four specialised groups: Register, Technology, Urbanism and Landscape Architecture, and Education and Theory. It was founded by architects Hubert-Jan Henket and Wessel de Jonge from the Department of Architecture at the Eindhoven University of Technology in 1990. The Netherlands is also home to the present assembly centre of the Modernist architecture register in NAi. The two architects ran the organisation until 2002, when its seat was transferred to Paris, and the management taken over by Italian architect and professor Maristella Casciato. In 2010, the seat was once again moved, this time to Barcelona, where the organisation is now run by Portuguese architect and professor Ana Tstoes. Docomomo is under the patronage of the Mies van der Rohe Foundation. Today, it consists of over 50 satellite units across the world. + info: Los humanos ms modernos procedan del sur de frica, sugiere un estudio Un estudio gentico de grupos nmadas africanos sugiere que los humanos ms modernos evolucionaron desde el sur de frica, en lugar de proceder del este como sugera un estudio previo, segn han informado cientficos este mes. El equipo, dirigido por Brenna Henn de la Universidad de Stanford California, ha llevado a cabo el estudio gentico de mayor envergadura sobre los cazadores nmadas que vivan en frica hasta el momento. Tambin compararon el ADN con muestras de otras poblaciones africanas y europeas. Analizaron polimorfismos de nucleotidos simples (SNP), que constituyen pequeas variaciones de secuencia de ADN entre grupos de gente. Los SNPs pueden ayudar a enfatizar las relaciones gentica,s la divergencia evolutiva e incluso enfermedades. Los resultados revelaron que los bosquimanos de Namibia y Khomani del sur de frica, los pigmeos Biaka de frica central y los Sandawe del frica oriental, son los que presentan los niveles ms altos de diversidad gentica en el mundo, dice un equipo. La diversidad gentica es un indicador de la antigedad de los pueblos. En principio, cuando ms antigua la poblacin, ms tiempo ha tenido para construir su diversidad. Utilizando informacin gentica y localizaciones geogrficas de los grupos de cazadores nmadas, el equipo dedujo que el origen de los humanos modernos, el Homo sapiens, se sita en el frica del Sur. + info: JOB OFFERS - Call for Applications for Western Australia Regional Heritage Advisers. Western Australia (Australia) Contact: [email protected] The Heritage Council of Western Australia is seeking experienced heritage professionals who can assist local governments and their communities across regional WA. Individuals are invited to apply for the role of Regional Heritage Adviser (RHA) in one or more of the seven defined regions around the State, or to nominate to be on a panel for future ad hoc work with local government. Heritage professionals with specialist skills are invited to nominate in areas of buildings conservation, heritage architecture, archaeology and heritage tourism. Specialists may either apply as a RHA or panel member. A briefing on the request and contract will be given at 10.00am on Thursday 7 April at the Heritage Council offices in East Perth. Attendance is not compulsory but is recommended for any interested parties. + info: Obtuary: Claude Daniel Ardouin 1950 - 2011 Claude Daniel Ardouin, curator and Head of the Africa Section at the British Museum, first Director of the new National Museum of Mali, former Executive Director of the West African Museums Programme (WAMP), and Founding Member of International Council of African Museums (AFRICOM), has passed away. Claude studied anthropology and history at the State University of Leningrad, USSR. In 1981, already the Director of the National Archives of Mali, he became the first Director of the new National Museum of Mali, Bamako, shortly before the museum was inaugurated in 1982. Ardouin also served as Head of the Department of Ethnology and Sociology at the Institut des sciences humaines, Mali. + info: Obituary - Donny George Youkhanna (Iraq) 1950 - 2011 ICCROM is saddened to hear of the recent passing of Dr Donny George Youkhanna, Iraqi archaeologist and teacher, and former Director of the Iraq National Museum. Dr George was educated at the University of Baghdad, receiving his BA, MA, and PhD in prehistoric archaeology. In 1976, he joined the staff of the Iraq National Museum and became Director from 2003 to 2005. He was instrumental in saving the museum after the fall of Saddam Hussein in 2003, leading efforts in the recovery of stolen cultural objects that were looted. During this time, he kept in regular contact with UNESCO, which was organizing emergency efforts in the aftermath of the looting. As Director, he led projects to repair damage to the museum and created an Assyrian hall thanks to aid obtained from Italy. Additionally, he helped establish a conservation training programme. + info: JOB OFFERS - Urban Design and Heritage Adviser in the City of Port Phillip. Victoria (Australia) Deadline for application: 4 April 2011 The City of Port Phillips appeal as a place to live, work and play is universal. To ensure the City retains its special character and reputation for sustainability, design excellence and quality architecture Council is seeking to appoint an experienced and passionate Urban Design and Heritage Advisor to its City Development team. + info: March 2011 Inherit Newsletter - Heritage Council of Victoria - Australia Heritage Council of Victoria provides the highest level of legal protection for cultural heritage places and objects in Victoria. As an independent statutory authority, Heritage Council of Victoria is the State's main decision-making body on cultural (non-Indigenous) heritage issues. 10 members are appointed by the Governor-in-Council upon the recommendation of the Minister for Planning. Heritage Council of Victoria receives professional advice and administrative support from Heritage Victoria, and both organisations work together on a range of committees. The newsletter is available as PDF download or subscribe [email protected] and receive as a monthly email. Highlights include: * LOOTING AT WRECK * MARCH REGISTRATIONS * ARTEFACT COLLECTION ONLINE * HERITAGE ADDRESS * MELBOURNE OPEN HOUSE * KEEP AUSTRALIA BEAUTIFUL AWARDS * NATIONAL TRUST EVENTS * DIARY DATES + info: Newsletter Fondation du Patrimoine (FRANCE) - N 3, avril 2011 La Fondation du Patrimoine a pour but essentiel de sauvegarder et de valoriser le patrimoine rural non protg. Maisons, glises, ponts, lavoirs, moulins, patrimoine industriel, mobilier, naturel tous les types de patrimoine de proximit sont ligibles l'action de la Fondation. Aux cts de l'Etat et des principaux acteurs du secteur, elle aide les propritaires publics et associatifs financer leurs projets, permet aux propritaires privs de dfiscaliser tout ou partie de leurs travaux, et mobilise le mcnat dentreprise. + info: ICOMOS Enews n 67: Appointment of new Director General The International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) has appointed Ms Julie Mebes to the newly created position of Director-General of the ICOMOS International Secretariat, based in Paris. Julie Mebes comes to ICOMOS extremely well qualified for this role. Until 2010, Julie was the Deputy Permanent Delegate to UNESCO from the Netherlands. Having been a member of the Netherlands delegation to the World Heritage Committee, she is familiar with ICOMOSs role as an independent expert advisor on cultural heritage to UNESCO. Ms Mebes has also worked for the Permanent Representation of the Netherlands to the European Union, during which period she was President of the EU Cultural Affairs Committee, and for the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science in The Hague. + info: Obiettivo Architettura - Nino Migliori - (5 & 8 April 2011) Parma Urban Center con la collaborazione dellassociazione studentesca della Facolt di Architettura di Parma SEGNIdSEGNI, dellAssessorato alle Politiche Urbanistiche ed Edilizie del Comune di Parma e il Gruppo Giovani dellIndustria di Parma, inaugura la prima edizione di Obiettivo Architettura, rassegna annuale di immagini e parole. Ledizione 2011/12, dal titolo Parma. Ritratti tra citt e paesaggio. La rassegna sar anticipata da una conferenza stampa di presentazione marted 5 aprile 2011 alle ore 10.30 presso la sede espositiva di Parma Urban Center, lex oratorio di San Quirino, in borgo Romagnosi 1/A a Parma. Alla conferenza stampa saranno presenti Francesco Manfredi, Assessore alle Politiche Urbanistiche ed Edilizie del Comune di Parma, Giusy Sassi, Presidente del Gruppo Giovani dellIndustria di Parma, Dario Costi, Presidente di Parma Urban Center, Chiara Visentin e Paolo Barbaro, curatrice e consulente scientifico delliniziativa. La rassegna sar inaugurata eccezionalmente con la mostra personale di uno dei pi grandi fotografi del nostro contemporaneo, il maestro Nino Migliori, che presenter venerd 8 aprile alle ore 18 a San Quirino il suo intenso Zooforo immaginato, opera dedicata al Battistero di Parma. + info: National Trust for Historic Preservation (USA) - Preservation Magazine Gettysburg, the Green Issue, and more The National Trust for Historic Preservation is an American member-supported organization that was founded in 1949 by congressional charter to support preservation of historic buildings and neighborhoods through a range of programs and activities, including the publication of Preservation magazine. Its mission statement states: "The National Trust for Historic Preservation provides leadership, education and advocacy to save America's diverse historic places and revitalize our communities." + info: AD Round Up: Classics Part III - A selection AD Classics: MIT Baker House Dormitory / Alvar Aalto Alvar Aalto designed the Baker House in 1946 while he was a professor at the Massachussets Institute of Technology, where the dormitory is located. It received its name in 1950, after the MITs Dean of Students Everett Moore Baker was killed in an airplane crash that year. The dormitory is a curving snake slithering on its site and reflects many of Aaltos ideas of formal strategy, making it a dormitory that is both inhabited and studied by students from all over the world (read more) + info: utm_source=feedblitz&utm_medium=FeedBlitzEmail&utm_campaign=0&utm_content=383045 Seventy-Two Years After the Nazis Arrived, Restored Renaissance Synagogue to Reopen in ZAMOSC - Poland One of the most important surviving synagogues in Poland, a Renaissance gem looted by the Nazis and suffering from decades of neglect, is reopening this week after a meticulous restoration, part of an effort to reclaim the country's decimated Jewish heritage. The refurbishing of the synagogue in Zamosc, an eastern Polish town near the border with Ukraine, comes as Poland's tiny remaining Jewish community is struggling to preserve some of the most important Jewish sites that survived the Holocaust before they fall into irreversible decay. But in a sign of how thorough Adolf Hitler's genocide was, there are almost no Jews left in the town. The cream-colored house of prayer will now serve largely as a place for art exhibitions, concerts and other cultural events in the largely Catholic area. + info: Power Structure at El Tajin Revealed: City was Not Governed by One Single Person - Mexico New hypotheses about the last stage and government of El Tajin civilization point out to a rule that was not exclusive of one person but of several, as announced in a conference series organized by the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH). According to studies performed at the Veracruz archaeological zone by Dr Arturo Pascual, from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), El Tajin experimented in its last stage intense transformations in its government and ideology that were captured in its architecture and iconography. + info: Link to Heritage Tasmania's E-newsletter - Tasmania (Australia) To download the March 2011 issue of Heritage Tasmanias E-newsletter, click on the link below. + info: New Australian history and heritage website launched in Adelaide, South Australia (Australia) Co-editors Brian Dickey and Susan Marsden have great pleasure in announcing a new Australian history website, recently launched in Adelaide on the 30th anniversary of the formation of the Professional Historians Association (South Australia). The SA 175/Celebrating South Australia website has been created by the Professional Historians Association (SA) [PHA (SA)] to celebrate the 175th anniversary of the establishment of South Australia in 2011. It comprises many hundreds of entries written by members of the PHA (SA) over more than 30 years. Many of these entries and images have never appeared in public before, while others are reproduced because the original item is now out of print or not otherwise digitised. Some entries are newly-written. All are focussed on the history and heritage of South Australia. They vary in length from paragraph entries to substantial essays, chapters and reports, and they include On this day entries for every day of the year. This has been a great collaborative undertaking of two years in the making, and further articles and images will be uploaded as members provide them. + info: Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) OnlineTeaching & Learning Resources Conservation of Photographs and Photograph Collections for Countries of Central, Southern and Eastern Europe Beginning in 2008, the Getty Conservation Institute (GCI), in partnership with two institutions in Slovakiathe Academy of Fine Art and Design (AFAD) in Bratislava, and the Slovak National Library (SNL) in Martin, organized a multi-year project with the goal of the development of the field of photograph conservation in the region. + info: Invitation to Australia International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) members to contribute to 20th Century International Scientific Comittee thematic study As you may already know, the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Twentieth Century Heritage (ISC20C) is currently developing a thematic study to assist in assessing the significance of 20th century heritage places. A small expert meeting will be held in Los Angeles in May, organised by Susan Macdonald and sponsored by the Getty Conservation Institute, and I would appreciate receiving comments and input on this topic over the next few weeks, as I prepare for attending the workshop + info: Japan International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) reports on disaster affected cultural property assessment Click on the links below to read the following reports: * Japan ICOMOS report Damages of National Properties Caused by Earthquake * Japan ICOMOS report Flash Report on the Situation of Damage on Cultural Properties and Buildings, Scenery and Historic Sites + info: Appointment of Editorial Board for Journal of Historical Environment Australia ICOMOS is pleased to announce the appointment of the Editorial Board for Historic Environment (HE), the refereed journal of the organisation. The appointment of the Board is an important initiative for maintaining the integrity and academic status of Historic Environment, and we are very gratified that we have been able to attract an extremely eminent group of Australian and international ICOMOS members to join the Board. The role of the Board will be, when requested by the Editor and the Editorial Committee, to provide comment on the relevance of proposed themes for upcoming volumes of HE, advice about the selection of papers for publication, refereeing or recommendations for referees for individual papers, and to contribute to the formulation of policies and guidelines for the future direction of the journal. + info: Hait: hacer de la Cultura un motor para la refundacin Desde hace varios meses se ha desencadenado una movilizacin sobre el papel central de la cultura en Hait. Gracias a este impulso, y en respuesta a la expectativa del pueblo haitiano, la UNESCO organiza una conferencia de donantes para la cultura en Hait a fin de que la comunidad internacional, los bancos de desarrollo y el sector privado puedan contribuir con un apoyo econmico y facilitar as la creacin de sinergias y generar formas de cooperacin reforzada. + info: La 'Ata du Maroc - Festival de l'Imaginaire - Institut du monde arabe - Paris - France (9 avril 2011) Al-Ata signifie littralement, lappel, le cri : cet appel, cest celui qui est fait aux anctres pour quils sment le courage dans le cur des hommes ; cest aussi linvocation de linspiration potique et musicale. Genre musical traditionnel trs ancien, Al-Ata se rattache principalement aux tribus dorigine arabe arrives au Maroc au dbut de la domination des Almohades, au XIIe sicle. cho des joies et des peines quotidiennes, populaire et pleine de vie, Al-Ata est un art de tradition orale qui a su faire siens les thmes de la beaut, du plaisir et de lamour. Longtemps incomprise et rejete en raison, notamment, de ses connotations parfois rotiques, ce genre est aujourdhui considr comme lun des trsors de la mmoire collective. + info: Malaysia Christians to Preserve Five Thousand Bibles 'Defaced' by Authorities as museum pieces Five thousand Bibles that were defaced by authorities will be preserved as "museum pieces" at Malaysian churches, a reminder of problems encountered by Christians in this Muslim-majority country, officials said Thursday. The announcement is the latest twist in a dispute between Christians and the government over tens of thousands of imported Bibles seized by Malaysian customs authorities, some since early 2009. The books violate a government ban on non-Muslim texts that use the word "Allah" as a translation for God. After Christian leaders voiced anger over the detention of the Bibles, the government agreed earlier this month to release them, but stamped many with serial numbers and government seals that stated they were meant "for Christians only." + info: AD Classics: Great Lakes Naval Training Center, Hostess House / SOM - 1942 - Great Lakes - Illinois - USA As the first military project of Skidmore, Owings and Merrill, the Great Lakes Naval Training Center takes the form of a rectangle and stretches along a long narrow site. The diverse program includes a reading and writing room, reception room, lounge, terrace and offices. Hostess House is the only surviving World War II-era building designed by Gordon Bunshaft. + info: Power Structure at El Tajin Revealed: City was Not Governed by One Single Person - Mexico New hypotheses about the last stage and government of El Tajin civilization point out to a rule that was not exclusive of one person but of several, as announced in a conference series organized by the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH). According to studies performed at the Veracruz archaeological zone by Dr Arturo Pascual, from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), El Tajin experimented in its last stage intense transformations in its government and ideology that were captured in its architecture and iconography. In this sense, near 800-850 AD, the ancient Mesoamerican city suffered a profound change in its government after the accession of a new group of a lineage linked to the figure of 13 Rabbit, depicted at the Edificio de las Columnas pillars. At the reliefs, characters with the same calendar name are represented at the western portico (dated between 800-850 AD) and at the eastern one (900-950 AD). + info: Hundreds of British Arts Organizations Feel the Sting of Government's Funding Cuts - United Kingdom Hundreds of British arts organizations had their public funding slashed or eliminated Wednesday, the result of government spending cuts aimed at tackling the country's deficit. The Arts Council England must cut 15 percent from the amount it gives to art, music, theater, dance, literature and other groups by 2015 which still leaves it with almost 1 billion pounds ($1.6 billion) to hand out. The council said that instead of "salami slicing" cutting 15 percent from everyone it wanted to create a smaller but stronger portfolio of groups. So some have been cut off entirely, while others have seen their funding increase. "We have taken the brave path of strategic choices, not salami slices, which has meant some painful decisions," said council chair Liz Forgan. + info: Un pronunciamiento de la Universidad Americana en Cairo (Egipto) La Universidad Americana en Cairo est gravemente afectada por lo que parece haber sido un robo de antigedades bajo su custodia. Estos objetos pertenecan a la universidad y debidamente registrados en el Consejo Supremo de Antigedades de Egipto como parte de la coleccin nacional de patrimonio de este pas. La universidad est cooperando en todo lo posible con la investigacin oficial judicial, y est tambin llevando a cabo una investigacin interna por su parte. La universidad espera hacer pblicos los hallazgos de esta investigacin una vez que se concluya. + info: In Memoriam: SUN Fuxi, vicepresidente del Centro Internacional de Conservacin Xian Centre ICOMOS (Consejo Internacional de Monumentos y Sitios) (China) SUN Fuxi, vice-director general de la Administracin municipal del Patrimonio Cultural de Xian, vicepresidente ejecutivo de Xian ICOMOS Centro de Conservacin Internacional, director del Instituto de Xian para la Conservacin del Patrimonio Cultural y la Arqueologa, profesor y director de tesis en la Universidad Northwest de China, nos dej el 28 de marzo de 2011. SUN Fuxi comenz su trabajo sobre la conservacin del patrimonio cultural en 1986, llev a cabo numerosos proyectos sobre la conservacin del patrimonio cultural, la educacin y la investigacin. Su carrera ha sido especialmente destacada por sus proyectos para un museo y un parque arqueolgico, ambos muy alabados, los cuales han hecho de Xian un modelo de la interpretacin arqueolgica a gran escala y de presentacin para los profesionales de todo el pas. + info: Jordan Wants to Retrieve Major Christian Relics Jordan's archaeology chief says he has a solid legal case to press for the return of 70 ancient lead books stolen and smuggled into Israel Ziad al-Saad says the relics could be the earliest Christian writing in existence. If authenticated, he says they would be the most significant find in Christian archaeology since the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in 1947. He says there is strong evidence that the material was excavated in a northern cave by a Jordanian Bedouin five years ago. But they made their way into the hands of an Israeli Bedouin. He said Sunday that initial carbon and metallurgy tests performed by British experts date the material, depicting messianic symbols and written in archaic Hebrew, to the 1st century A.D. + info: PRIZES - Winners of 2011 EU Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards announced The 27 winners of the 2011 European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards are announced today by the European Commission and Europa Nostra (see list of winners below). The awards will be presented on 10 June during a ceremony at the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam in the presence of Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, and Plcido Domingo, the world-renowned tenor and president of Europa Nostra. Out of the 27 winning projects, six will be named as 'grand prix' laureates at the ceremony as 2011s most outstanding heritage achievements. + info: Inland Architect Image Database Now Available on Art Institute of Chicago Website - Chicago - Illinois - USA The Ryerson and Burnham Archives of the Art Institute of Chicago announce the digitization of another major image collection: 5,000 plates from the venerable Chicago-based periodical Inland Architect and News Record. This exceedingly rich visual record from a seminal period in American architecture can now be accessed by the public through the Digital Collections Database (DCD) on the Libraries' website. The multi-year project makes another important architectural archive available for use by scholars and the public, further enhancing what is already one of the richest online resources for art and architecture, built with the goal of providing access to the many rare images and texts in the Art Institute's Ryerson and Burnham Archives. + info: A New Student Learning Centre for Ryerson University by Snhetta and ZRPA Toronto - Ontario - Canada Today Ryerson University announced the design of a new Student Learning Centre for their Toronto campus. Designed by Snhetta in collaboration with Zeidler Partnership Architects of Toronto, the 155,463sqf Student Learning Centre will feature a transparent glass skin that will provide varying light qualities within the interior spaces. Sustainable practices have also been incorporated into the design with 50% of the roof intended to act as a green roof and plans for the building to be LEED Silver compliant. Construction on the building is expected to begin late this year, with a targeted completion date of Winter 2014. + info: In Progress: Faculty of Law, University of Toronto / Hariri Pontarini Architects - TORONTO - ONTARIO - CANADA The North American competition-winning design for the renovation and expansion of the historic University of Toronto Faculty of Law responds directly to the clients ambition to create a law school among the finest in the world. Hariri Pontarini Architects proposed a design that would provide both a physical and visual connection to its surrounding landscape. + info: FELLOWSHIPS - Global Heritage Fund Preservation Fellowship Program - Supporting Preservation Projects in the Developing World. Deadline for applications: 30 April 2011 The purpose of the Global Heritage Preservation Fellowship Program is to support cultural heritage conservation and community development work with the potential for significant contributions to the long-term preservation of endangered cultural heritage sites in developing countries by international and in-country scholars and students. We feel strongly that by supporting this generation in their preservation efforts and education we can help to secure endangered sites for future generations. Global Heritage Fund (GHF) supports one-year projects in the disciplines of archaeological conservation, historic preservation, heritage management, conservation science, site management planning, GIS and mapping, and sustainable tourism and community development. GHF encourages interdisciplinary and collaborative projects, especially those that combine disciplines in novel and potentially productive ways focused on best practices in preservation of endangered cultural heritage sites in developing countries. Other qualifications being equal, preference is given to candidates whose projects have the greatest likelihood of having long-term conservation and community benefits for endangered global heritage sites in developing countries. Preference is also given to projects at Inscribed or Tentative List World Heritage Sites, although in exceptional circumstances a site with a demonstrated potential for World Heritage Site inscription will be considered. Awards will be approximately $2,000, and grantees will receive half (50%) of the award prior to the field season and half (50%) upon acceptance of the Final Report. + info: FELLOWSHIPS - American Council of Learned Societies(ACLS) Public Fellows - USA (various locations) Deadline for application: 16 May 2011 ACLS invites applications for the inaugural competition of its Public Fellows program. The program will place eight recent Ph.D.s in staff positions at partnering agencies in government and the non-profit sector for two years, beginning in some cases as early as September 2011. Fellows will participate in the substantive work of these agencies and receive professional mentoring. Compensation will be commensurate with experience and at the same level as new professional employees of the hosting agency and will include health insurance. This program, made possible by a grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, aims to demonstrate that the capacities developed in the advanced study of the humanities have wide application, both within and beyond the academy. ACLS seeks applications from recent Ph.D.s who wish to begin careers in administration, management, and public service by choice rather than circumstance. Competitive applicants will have been successful in both academic and extra-academic experiences. + info: Llamada a la accin para proteger las antigedades egipcias a cargo de la Universidad George Washington. Washington DC (EEUU) Nosotros, los abajo firmantes, solicitamos que se tomen medidas urgentes para proteger las antigedades egipcias, los sitios de importancia, y el patrimonio cultural. Al hacer esto, se estarn preservando objetos arqueolgicos e histricos irremplazables. Ms importante an, tal proteccin ayudar a la economa egipcia en el despertar de la revolucin poltica. Tal iniciativa tambin ayudar a evitar que s organizaciones criminales ilcitas y de carcter internacional establezcan vnculos con el lavado de dinero negro, con el trfico de personas y con el de drogas. + info: Online lecture: Ur of the Chaldees Lecture by Penn Museum. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (USA) Dr. Richard L. Zettler, Co-curator of Iraqs Ancient Past gives a one-hour lecture about Biblical Ur of the Chaldees, one of the largest and most important Mesopotamian cities. Drawing on Sir Leonard Woolleys excavations in the 1920s and 30s, he presents a colorful portrait of the city that existed circa 2100-1600 BCE, a city with a towering ziggurat and crowded residential areas. The city that Woolley so painstakingly uncovered is not only the city he claimed Abraham walked, but also the model for our understanding of ancient Mesopotamian urbanism today. + info: Historic Abbey of San Clemente a Casauria Damaged in 2009 Abruzzo Earthquake Reopens - Italy Two years after a devastating earthquake hit the Abruzzo region of Italy, an important historic structure damaged in the tremor has been returned to its community fully restored. Following the earthquake, Bertrand du Vignaud, President of World Monuments Fund Europe, in coordination with the Italian Ministry of Culture, identified the twelfth-century Abbey of San Clemente a Casauria as a priority project. World Monuments Fund (WMF), the foremost independent, nonprofit historic preservation organization, and the Fondazione Pescarabruzzo, the most important local benefactor, agreed to cover the total cost of the conservation program. WMF supported this project through the Robert W. Wilson Challenge to Conserve Our Heritage and the Rudolf-August Oetker Stiftung. + info: ICCROM updates of the situation in Japan after earthquake In response to the 11 March earthquake and tsunami in Japan, ICCROM in coordination with UNESCO and other institutions, is aiming to develop a strategy to aid in the salvage and recovery of the countrys cultural heritage. Currently, basic humanitarian aid and the safety of the affected people is the priority, however, cultural heritage recovery will become increasingly important. As we become aware of them, we are listing institutions and links with information. Please check back frequently. + info: Aomori Museum of Art / Jun Aoki & Associates - 2006 - Aomori - Japan Aomori Museum of Art is situated next to an excavation site of the Sannai Maruyama ruins. These ruins are widely respected as an important heritage of the Jomon period (10,000 300 BC), not only since the established theory, agriculture had not yet been developed was abandoned because planned cultivation, such as chestnut, was revealed. But also because the community already systematized their agricultural methods which could be seen by the hugeness of the colony scale. Using this cultural heritage as the core element, Aomori Prefecture decided to forge a basis of art culture and determined its beginning in building an art museum on the spot which directly adjoins the ruins. + info: Construyendo la capacidad de preparacin en peligros naturales para los sitios Patrimonio Cultural en Albania Tirana- Albania (19 de abril, 2011) La UNESCO se ha comprometido a participar de forma activa en la mejora del Marco de Accin Hyogo 2005-2015, adoptado en la Conferencia Mundial sobre la Reduccin de desastres celebrada en Kobe, Japn en enero de 2005. Los peligros de mayor notoriedad para Albania incluyen sismologa, inundaciones e incendios. Segn los datos que se conocen, el proyecto tiene como objetivo ayudar a Albania a mejorar su capacidad para preparase ante un riesgo ssmico y a suavizar los posibles efectos en su patrimonio cultural, como elementos de una estrategia general para reducir el impacto de los efectos del cambio climtico y para reducir los efectos inducidos por los humanos y que causan desastres naturales. + info:[showUid] =3616&cHash=7d468427a2 18 de abril- Da Internacional de los Monumentos y Sitios en la Celebracin sobre Patrimonio de Agua en ICOMOS Paquistn En el enlace web hay una invitacin para un acto que marca el Da Internacional de Monumentos y Sitios. El documental Sharmili 1331 trata de los delfines indus ciegos (una especie en peligro de extincin) y de la Mohanas (la comunidad de Indus que vive en un barco). + info: European Symposium on Earthern Architecture 4 may - 5 may 2011 . Marseille, Francia Organizadores: Ecole dAvignon and ICOMOS France, in partnership with the Escola Superior Gallaecia (PT), the Polytechnic University of Valencia (SP), the University of Florence (IT) and the Adviser in Architecture, Urban planning and Environment (CAUE) of Vaucluse (FR) Contacto: [email protected] and [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 22 abr 2011 + info: Primera participacin de la UNESCO en la Semana de la Cultura italiana (9-17 de abril 2011) La Oficina UNESCO Venecia, en colaboracin con el municipio de Venecia y la Superintendencia para el Patrimonio Arquitectnico, el patrimonio Paisajstico e Histrico, Artstico y etno-antropolgico de Venecia y Lagoon, participar en esta iniciativa organizada por el Ministerio italiano de Patrimonio Cultural. Este acontecimiento cultural tendr lugar del 9-17 de abril de 2011 en Italia. Durante nueve das, se abrirn al pblico de forma gratuita monumentos, museos, sitios arqueolgicos, archivos, y bibliotecas y ms de 3.000 acontecimientos (exhibiciones, conferencias, aperturas especiales, talleres, tours guiados y conciertos). + info: first_time_participation_of_unesco_in_the_xiii_edition_of_the_italian_culture_week-1/ Les Nations Unies reconnaissent le rle de la culture dands le dveloppement durable et la ralisation des objectifs du millnaire pour le dveloppement (OMD) Le 20 dcembre 2010, lAssemble gnrale des Nations Unies a adopt une Rsolution portant sur culture et dveloppement qui souligne, pour la premire fois, limportante contribution de la culture au dveloppement durable et la ralisation des objectifs de dveloppement nationaux et internationaux, dont les objectifs du Millnaire pour le dveloppement (OMD). Il sagit dune avance majeure au niveau international dans la mesure o la culture ne fait pas partie en tant que telle des OMD. Cette Rsolution permettra de mieux prendre en compte la dimension culturelle dans les processus de dveloppement et den assurer ainsi une meilleure durabilit. + info: ICOMOS flyer on 18 April 2011: International Day for Monuments and Sites - The Cultural Heritage of Water Every year on 18 April, ICOMOS celebrates the International Day for Monuments and Sites, whose establishment was approved by the 22nd UNESCO General Conference in 1983. The Cultural Heritage of Water is the theme for 2011. The aim of the International Day for Monuments and Sites is to encourage local communities and individuals throughout the world to consider the importance of cultural heritage to their lives, identities and communities, and to promote awareness of its diversity and vulnerability and the efforts required to protect and conserve it. + info: Da Internacional de los Monumentos y Sitios (18 ABRIL 2011) celebrado en Nepal Preservando nuestro pasado para nuestro futuro El patrimonio cultural y natural constituye una fuente irreparable de vida e inspiracin. Lugares tan nicos y diversos como la selvatiquez del Serengeti, en el frica Oriental, las pirmides de Egipto, el arrecife de coral en Australia, las catedrales barrocas de Latinoamrica y, en Nepalel Valle Kathmandu, los parques nacionales de lUmbini, y el Chitwan y Sagarmantha forman parte de nuestro patrimonio mundial. Lo que hace que el concepto de Patrimonio Mundial sea excepcional es su aplicacin universal. Los sitios patrimonio mundial pertenecen a toda la gente del mundo, independientemente del territorio donde estn situados. El Da Internacional de los Monumentos y Sitios, celebrado cada ao el 18 de abril desde que as lo estipul la UNESCO en 1982, promueve el patrimonio cultural a lo largo de todo el globo. No obstante, este patrimonio no se limita a los monumentos y sitios incluidos en la lista de Patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO. + info: preserving_our_past_for_the_future/ University of Pennsylvania School of Design 2011 Spring Lecture Series 12 abr - 18 abr 2011 . Philadelphia, Estados Unidos de Amrica Organizadores: (Various timings) + info: Institute for Archaeologists annual conference on "Understanding Significance" 13 abr - 15 abr 2011 . Reading, Reino Unido de Gran Bretaa e Irlanda del Norte Organizadores: Institute for Archaeologists SHES, Whiteknights University of Reading Contacto: [email protected] + info: Celebran Da de Monumentos y Sitios ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites) /Valparaso, Chile (18 de Abril de 2011) En la Municipalidad de Valparaiso, con la presencia del vicepresidente de ICOMOS (organismo asesor de UNESCO), Alfredo Conti, se realiz la ceremonia del Da Internacional de los Monumentos y Sitios, con el tema "Patrimonio Cultural del Agua". Conti explic que el objetivo es explorar el patrimonio cultural ms all del grupo selecto de lugares inscritos en la Lista del Patrimonio Mundial, para animar a las comunidades locales a pensar en la importancia del patrimonio cultural en sus vidas. + info: Jordan elabora la base de datos de antigedades ms grande del mundo al precio de 1 milln de dlares Jordan lanz la base de datos de antigedades ms grande del mundo el martes, la cual detalla cada sitio arqueolgico en el pas y tiene como objetivo ayudar a preservar sus tesoros. Sus creadores dijeron que la plataforma web podra ser un modelo para Irak, donde los saqueadores han arrasado con su antiguo patrimonio. Expertos dijeron que la base de datos de Oriente Medio para las Antigedades constituye el primer sistema de este tipo en el pas. El sitio usa un sistema de informacin geogrfico - un click sobre cada uno descubre inventarios de los que contiene e informes de sus condiciones. El pblico puede usar el material para planificar sus visitas. Los eruditos e inspectores que tengan el permiso de Antigedades Jordan pueden actualizar la informacin de forma muy interactiva para que otros profesionales la sigan y para que las autoridades puedan rastrear amenazas a los sitios. + info: Museums and Collections Conversation Series 2011 on "Museum or Heritage Place?" 5-abr-2011 . Canberra, Australia Organizadores: The Australian National Universitys Research School of Humanities and the Arts, and the Museum of Australian Democracy Contacto: [email protected] + info: Agenda Exhibition:Bulgarian Mogul Vasil Bozhkov Exhibits His Thracian Collection Showing until 21 June 2011 . Sofia, Bulgaria Organizadores: National History Museum in Bulgaria Contacto: [email protected] + info: Consultation launched for Good Practice Guide for Local Listing . , Reino Unido de Gran Bretaa e Irlanda del Norte Organizadores: ENGLISH HERITAGE Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 13 may 2011 + info: Procurement notice : Preservation of Cultural Heritage - Restoration of wall paintings of Bogorodica Ljeviska Church in Prizren . Prizren, Contacto: [email protected] with copy to [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 16 may 2011 + info: REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR THE CLEANING OF BOROBUDUR TEMPLE . , Indonesia Contacto: [email protected] and [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 30 abr 2011 + info: Zapoteca and Mixteca Art Together for the First Time 17 mar - 15 may 2011 . Mexico City, Mxico Organizadores: National Museum of Anthropology + info: Exhibition - 'Architecture in Uniform: Designing and Building for the Second World War' 13 abr - 18 sep 2011 . Montreal, Canad Organizadores: The Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA) Contacto: [email protected] + info: Planning Meeting on the Pacific Heritage Hub 27 abr - 28 abr 2011 . Suva, Fiji Organizadores: The meeting is organized with funding from the Government of Australia. Contacto: [email protected] + info:[showUid]=3385&cHash=d8a7cf2327 EXHIBITION - "Battleground: War Rugs from Afghanistan" Makes U.S. Debut at Penn Museum 30 abr - 31 jul 2011 . Philadelphia, Estados Unidos de Amrica Organizadores: Penn Museum Contacto: [email protected]. + info: 2011 California Preservation Foundation Conference 15 may - 18 may 2011 . Santa Monica, Estados Unidos de Amrica Organizadores: California Preservation Foundation Contacto: [email protected] + info: International Heritage Online Studies - Summer 2011 Session 1 Course Offerings 16 may - 6 jun 2011 . Amherst, Estados Unidos de Amrica Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 1 may 2011 + info: Regional Consultative Expert Meeting and Capacity-Building Training on "Strengthening National Capacities for Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage" 19 may - 22 may 2011 . Minsk, Belarrs Organizadores: This meeting is organized as a follow-up to the UNESCO Capacity-Building Training for Trainers on Intangible Cultural Heritage (14-18 March 2011, Sofia, Bulgaria) and UNESCO Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Sub-regional Training Workshop on Community-based Standard Inventorying of Intangible Cultural Heritage (23-25 February 2009, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan). Contacto: [email protected] + info:[showUid]=3514&cHash=0cc1f7858d Association for the Study of Marble & Other Stones in Antiquity 10th International Conference 21 may - 26 may 2011 . Rome, Italia Organizadores: Sapienza - Universit di Roma. Dipartimento di Scienze dellAntichit Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 30 jun 2011 + info: 10th Meeting of the International Advisory Committee for the Memory of the World Programme 22 may - 25 may 2011 . Manchester, Reino Unido de Gran Bretaa e Irlanda del Norte Contacto: Joie Springer - [email protected] + info:[showUid]=1327&cHash=46606fb6d5 9th Annual Meeting of the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works : Ethos, Logos, Pathos 31 may - 3 jun 2011 . Philadelphia, Estados Unidos de Amrica Organizadores: The American Institute for Conservation of Historic & Artistic Works Contacto: [email protected] + info: Taller Virtual sobre El tratamiento turstico del patrimonio funerario: Entre el respeto, el miedo y el amor 1 jun - 10 jun 2011 . Virtual, Contacto: [email protected] + info: Regional Training Course in Underwater Archaeology 6 jun - 19 jun 2011 . Kemer, Turqua Organizadores: UNESCO in cooperation with the Kemer Foundation KETAV in Antalya, Turkey Contacto: [email protected] + info: Curso de especializacin en Patrimonio Cultural - Restauracin de Metales Arqueolgicos 13 jun - 30 sep 2011 . Madrid, Espaa Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 30 abr 2011 + info: The Association of Southern African Professional Archaeologists (ASAPA) 2011 biennial Meeting 1 jul - 3 jul 2011 . Mbabane, Swazilandia Organizadores: The Association of Southern African Professional Archaeologists (ASAPA) Contacto: Natalie Swanepoel : [email protected]; Thembi Russell : [email protected]; Albino Jopela : albino. [email protected] + info: XXI Seminario internazionale e Premio di Architettura e Cultura Urbana Costruire nel costruito. Architettura a volume 0 31 jul - 4 ago 2011 . Camerino, Italia Organizadores: Universit di Camerino. Consiglio Nazionale degli Architetti, Pianificatori, Paesaggisti e Conservatori Ordine degli Architetti, Pianificatori, Paesaggisti e Conservatori della Provincia di Macerata con il patrocinio di INArch - INU Comune di Camerino Contacto: Giovanni Marucci. e-mail: [email protected] + info: 3rd East African Association for Palaeoanthropology and Palaeontology (EAAPP) Conference 8 ago - 12 ago 2011 . ADDIS ABABA, Etiopa Organizadores: The East African Association for Palaeoanthropology and Palaeontology Secretariat Contacto: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] & [email protected] + info: mAAN Seoul 2011 Conference - Our Living Heritage : Industrial Buildings and Sites of Asia 25 ago - 27 ago 2011 . Seoul, Repblica de Corea Organizadores: Dept. of Architecture Sungkyunkwan University FECHA LMITE: 30 mar 2011 + info: XVI Congreso Mundial de la Unin Internacional de Ciencias Prehistricas y Protohistricas (UISPP) 4 sep - 10 sep 2011 . FLORIANOPOLIS, Brasil Organizadores: Unin Internacional de Ciencias Prehistricas y Protohistricas (UISPP) Contacto: [email protected] + info: XV coloquio d la red Mga-Tchad "El comercio y la comunicacin en el Lago Chad" 13 sep - 15 sep 2011 . Npoles, Italia Organizadores: Red MegaTchad Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 30 nov 2011 + info: Architecture @ the Edge: International Conference of the Association of Architecture Schools of Australasia 18 sep - 20 sep 2011 . Geerong, Australia Organizadores: School of Architecture and Building Deakin University Australia Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 30 abr 2011 + info: Seminario Internacional "Difusin y Proteccin del Patrimonio Religioso en Amrica latina" 3 oct - 5 oct 2011 . Buenos Aires, Argentina Organizadores: La Ctedra UNESCO de Turismo Cultural Untref/Aamnba Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 9 may 2011 + info: ICOM CHILE - IV Congreso sobre Educacin Museos y Patrimonio 3 oct - 4 oct 2011 . Santiago de Chile, Chile Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 16 may 2011 + info: Thailand International Conference 2011 15 oct - 17 oct 2011 . Phuket Town, Tailandia Organizadores: ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites) Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 25 abr 2011 + info: Conference on " Forms of settlement in Northern Africa: Continuity and Change" 29 oct - 1 nov 2011 . Heidelberg, Alemania Organizadores: University of Heidelberg Contacto: Catharina Waschke, [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 31 may 2011 + info: 9th Conference on Shock & Impact Loads on Structures 16 nov - 18 nov 2011 . FUKUOKA, Japn Organizadores: Kyushu University under the Chairmanship of Prof Yoshimi SONODA, organized by the Japan Impact Committee of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers, and with the support of The Japan Society for Computational Engineering and Science. Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 30 abr 2011 + info: Table ronde sur l'archologie africaine en hommage au professeur Jean Devisse 6 dic - 8 dic 2011 . Pars, Francia Contacto: [email protected] & [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 30 sep 2011 + info: Publicaciones Tmoins de l'histoire: recueil de textes et documents relatifs au retour des objets culturels Author: Prott, Lyndel V. ISBN: 978-92-3-204128-9 LUNESCO vient de publier un ouvrage intitul Tmoins de l'histoire dit par le Professeur Lyndel V. Prott. Il prsente des articles crits par quelques-uns des meilleurs experts mondiaux dans le domaine du retour et de la restitution des biens culturels tout en allant au- del de laspect purement juridique. Ce Compendium offre un aperu des aspects historique, philosophique et thique de la problmatique du retour des objets culturels (par exemple les biens culturels dplacs en temps de guerre ou dans un contexte colonial), cite des exemples de cas passs et actuels (faade dun temple Maya, bronzes nigrians, tats-Unis d'Amrique contre Schultz, marbres du Parthnon et bien dautres) et analyse certaines questions juridiques (bonne foi, conventions UNESCO et UNIDROIT pertinentes, dcisions de Cour Suprme, procdure de requte etc.). + info: catno=191729&set=4D87356F_2_125&database=ged&gp=0&lin=1&ll=s Yeseras de la Alhambra - Granada (Espaa) Por Ramn Rubio Domene ISBN: 978-84-338-5174-1 Edita: Universidad de Granda Desde la perspectiva de la investigacin, el conjunto monumental de la Alhambra y el Generalife ofrece un amplio repertorio de campos en los que profundizar sobre su historia cultural y material. Sin embargo no ha sido hasta fechas muy recientes cuando el trmino cientfico se ha podido aplicar a los estudios y trabajos tcnicos realizados por distintos campos disciplinares para obtener resultados concluyentes. Es el caso del libro Yeseras de la Alhambra: Historia, Tcnica y Conservacin, escrito por el jefe del Taller de Restauracin de Yeseras y Alicatados del Patronato de la Alhambra y Generalife, Ramn Rubio Domene, fruto de su tesis doctoral defendida en la Facultad de Bellas Artes de la Universidad de Granada + info: &cHash=000e0feaa8 Archologie de la France moderne et contemporaine Collection "Archologies de la France" Auteurs : Gilles Bellan et Florence Journot ISBN: 978-270-715-940-3 On associe spontanment l'archologie aux vestiges prhistoriques ou antiques. A partir des annes 1980, paralllement lessor de larchologie mdivale, se dveloppe une archologie des priodes moderne et contemporaine. Ainsi, ds 1983, les fouilles entreprises sous la future pyramide du Louvre mettent au jour un quartier du Paris des XVIe-XVIIIe sicles comprenant des habitations ordinaires mais aussi latelier de Bernard Palissy ou le pavillon des Gardes suisses + info: Communiques-nationaux/p-12823-Archeologie-de-la-France-moderne-et-contemporaine.htm Paradise Preserved: Updated list of cemeteries included in English Heritage's Register of Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest (January 2011) and the register criteria Since the publication of Paradise Preserved in 2007, English Heritage has reviewed the grades of the registered cemeteries and also added several more cemeteries to the Register of Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest in England. An updated list of registered cemeteries and the registration criteria is provided in this leaflet. The purpose of the Register is to celebrate designed landscapes of note and encourage appropriate protection. It is hoped that, by drawing attention to cemeteries in this way, there will be greater awareness of their value and that these very special places will be treated with care. + info: ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND HISTORIC BUILDINGS - English Heritage Application of part L of the Building Regulations to historic and traditionally constructed buildings. November 2010 The guidance has been produced to help prevent conflicts between energy efficiency requirements in Part L of the Building Regulations and the conservation of historic and traditionally constructed buildings. Much of the advice will also be relevant where thermal upgrading is planned without the specific need to comply with these regulations. This advice also acts as second tier supporting guidance in the interpretation of the Building Regulations (referred to in paragraph 3.10 of the Approved Documents) that should be taken into account when determining appropriate energy performance standards for works to historic buildings. This guidance supersedes English Heritages previous publication Building Regulations and Historic Buildings an interim guidance note on the application of part L which was prepared in support of the 2002 Regulations (revised in 2004). + info: CENCREM (Centro Nacional de Conservacion, Restauracion y Museologia) : Patrimonio y Desarrollo, Boletn Digital No. 2 - 2011 (pdf) Cuba El Centro Nacional de Conservacin, Restauracin y Museologa (CENCREM), fundado en 1980, y ubicado en el antiguo Convento de Santa Clara de Ass, es una institucin especializada, dirigida al desarrollo cientficotcnico y docentemetodolgico de los especialistas que laboran en la Conservacin del Patrimonio Cultural Tangible, mueble e inmueble, y del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial, adscripta desde 1995 al Consejo Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural de Cuba (CNPC). El CENCREM es Centro Autorizado para Impartir Estudios de Postgrado desde su propia fundacin, ratificndose como tal en el ao 1989, cuando pas a formar parte del Sistema de Superacin para la Cultura en el campo del Patrimonio Cultural, como miembro pleno del Consejo Asesor del Centro Nacional de Superacin para la Cultura (CNSC) y como institucin docente. + info: Rivista online - Centro Universitario Europeo per i Beni Culturali di Ravello: Territori della Cultura, n3, 2011 All'inizio degli anni ottanta l'Europa unita, malgrado ricorrenti solenni dichiarazioni, era soltanto il sogno di pochi idealisti. Gi da allora per, andava diffondendosi la convinzione della necessit di una formazione europeistica della nuova classe dirigente: in particolare si riteneva che ai giovani dovessero proporsi le dimensioni e le prospettive di un'Europa che non fosse solo un compendio di storie, magari gloriose ma particolari, e neppure un insieme di Stati, ognuno autonomo ed emulo degli altri, ma una Patria comune. A fondamento di essa si ergeva l'immenso patrimonio di cultura e di storia, prodotto insieme nei millenni. Appunto la cultura comune sembrava poter dare un contenuto all'utopia. L'Universit fu quindi giustamente individuata come strumento insostituibile di preparazione e di sostegno dell'Unione Europea. L'Universit Europea era da pensare daccapo, e comunque da organizzare non ad imitazione di quelle nazionali e meno ancora come sovrapposizione ad esse, ma piuttosto come complementare e come scuola di perfezionamento. Il Centro Universitario Europeo per i Beni culturali nacque appunto come sperimentatore e pioniere di quella che dovrebbe essere l'Universit europea per i beni culturali. + info: CENCREM (Centro Nacional de Conservacion, Restauracion y Museologia) - Patrimonio y Desarrollo, Boletn Digital No. 1 - 2011 (pdf) Cuba El Centro Nacional de Conservacin, Restauracin y Museologa (CENCREM), fundado en 1980, y ubicado en el antiguo Convento de Santa Clara de Ass, es una institucin especializada, dirigida al desarrollo cientficotcnico y docentemetodolgico de los especialistas que laboran en la Conservacin del Patrimonio Cultural Tangible, mueble e inmueble, y del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial, adscripta desde 1995 al Consejo Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural de Cuba (CNPC). El CENCREM es Centro Autorizado para Impartir Estudios de Postgrado desde su propia fundacin, ratificndose como tal en el ao 1989, cuando pas a formar parte del Sistema de Superacin para la Cultura en el campo del Patrimonio Cultural, como miembro pleno del Consejo Asesor del Centro Nacional de Superacin para la Cultura (CNSC) y como institucin docente. + info: The Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) - Archaeometry of Pre-Colombian sites and artifacts Proccedings of a Symposium UCLA Institute of Archaeology ISBN: 0-89236-249-9 As part of its mission to preserve cultural heritage throughout the world, the Getty Conservation Institute maintains an ongoing interest in the preservation of archaeological objects and sites. The Institute was pleased, therefore, to help sponsor the 28th International Archaeometry Symposium, hosted in March 1 992 by the University of California at Los Angeles, Fowler Museum of Cultural History and jointly sponsored by the UCLA Institute of Archaeology. + info: The Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) - Assessment Report on Shuxiang Temple, Chengde, rev. Sept. 2009 The assessment of Shuxiang Temple was undertaken by the Chengde Cultural Heritage Bureau, Hebei Cultural Heritage Bureau, and the Getty Conservation Institute in 2003-04, resulting in a preliminary report. The report was reviewed and discussed at an Expert Committee meeting held in Chengde in November 2004. Based on the recommendations of the Expert Committee and the need for additional information, the report was revised in 2005 and prepared for printing in early 2006. In the collaboration with the site of Chengde, it was felt important to focus on conservation of traditional Chinese architecture as a different cultural heritage category to wall painting conservation being undertaken at the Mogao Grottoes of Dunhuang. The purpose of this diversity of heritage conservation work is to demonstrate the universal applicability of the China Principles methodology, a new approach in the history of conservation and management of cultural sites in China. + info: The GETTY CONSERVATION INSTITUTE (GCI) - CONSERVACION DE VIDRIERAS Author: Edited by Miguel Angel Corzo and Nieves Valentn ISBN: 978-0-89236-492-3 Year: 1998 In this Spanish-language volume, twenty international authorities in stained-glass conservation and related fields address the history, aesthetics, and conservation of stained glass. The book presents the results of an international seminar on the conservation of stained glass, held in Spain in July 1994. Among the subjects discussed are the weathering of medieval stained glass, its chemical structure, the effects of corrosion, and techniques used for analysis of this historic material. Miguel Angel Corzo is the former director of the Getty Conservation Institute. Nieves Valentn is researcher at the Instituto del Patrimonio Histrico Espaol in Madrid. + info: Valorisation du Patrimoine Culturel: Commercialisation Touristique de l'Artisanat d'art en Turquie Auteur : ter Zafer ISBN : 9786131567148 Le tourisme mondial s'accrot malgr toutes les menaces politiques et conomiques. Tous les pays, pauvres ou riches, sont comptitifs pour acqurir les touristes qu'ils prfrent. Aprs les annes du tourisme de masse, le secteur du tourisme dcouvre les niches dans ses efforts de mercatique. La culture semble de plus en plus favorable la prolifration des produits touristiques dans les destinations. Prservation, restauration, dveloppement durable, tourisme plus responsable, commerce quitable sont des thmes d'importance au dbut du 21e sicle. Ce livre essaie de questionner la situation de la valorisation du patrimoine culturel en Turquie. La valorisation du patrimoine n'est plus limite la restauration des btiments historiques ou des uvres artistiques. Car, le patrimoine immatriel ne cesse de gagner du terrain dans les rflexions et les actions. Cependant, la valorisation et la commercialisation des biens culturels restent en mme temps un sujet contest. Les opinions des artisans d'art turcs et les commerants de l'artisanat d'art en Turquie relient les thmes de valorisation et de commerce touristique dans cet tude. + info: Le Corbusier, Homme de Lettres Author: M. Christine Boyer ISBN-13: 978-156-898-980-8 On his French identity card, legendary architect Le Corbusier listed his profession as "Homme de Lettres" (Man of Letters). Celebrated for his architecture, which numbers fewer than sixty buildings, Le Corbusier also wrote more than fifty books, hundreds of articles, and thousands of letters. Le Corbusier, Homme de Lettres is the first in-depth study of Le Corbusier as a writer as well as an architect. Featuring more than two hundred archival images from Le Corbusier's life and work, this groundbreaking book examines his many writing projects from 1907 to 1947, as well as his letters written to two mentors: Charles L'Eplattenier and William Ritter. In Le Corbusier, Homme de Lettres author M. Christine Boyer focuses on the development of his writing style as it morphed from romantic prose to aphorisms and telegraphic bulletins. For each of his books, Le Corbusier was meticulous about the design of the page layout, the form of the type, the impact of the ideas, and even the promotional material. As a man of letters, Le Corbusier expected to contribute to the cultural atmosphere of the twentieth century. Le Corbusier, Homme de Lettres shows for the first time how his voluminous output books, diaries, letters, sketchbooks, travel notebooks, lecture transcriptions, exposition catalogs, journal articles reflects not just a compulsion to write, but a passion for advancing his ideas about the relationship between architecture, urbanism, and society in a new machine age. + info: Cultural Heritage Conventions and Other Instruments : A Compendium with Commentaries Authors: Patrick O'Keefe and Lyndel V. Prott ISBN: 978-1-903987-12-4 This book provides all the significant texts of international law (UNESCO, UNIDROIT, Council of Europe, European Union) on the protection of heritage and includes a short commentary on the evolution of each one and on their relationship to one another. Illustrations show the immense diversity of heritage legally protected today. A fundamental working tool for cultural professionals such as anthropologists, archaeologists, architects, cultural administrators, legal advisers, museum staff and site curators. It is also a useful reaching book for students in training of these cultural professions. + info: Exploring the World of King Arthur By Christopher Snyder ISBN: 978-050-028-904-4 A survey of, and companion to, all things connected with the Arthurian legend. The author has examined archaeological evidence and medieval texts, and provides quotes from contemporary sources, a timeline, numerous sidebars and special features on key figures and events. + info: CULTURAL HERITAGE IMPACT ASSESSMENT IN AFRICA. A REVIEW BY DR.HARRIET DEACON The chapters in this edited volume come out of an Africa 2009 workshop on impact assessment for cultural heritage places. The papers discuss the legislation requiring cultural heritage impact assessment (HIA), usually linked to environmental impact assessment (EIA) and how it has been implemented in various African countries, such as Nigeria, South Africa, the Sudan, Uganda, Zimbabwe and Botswana. + info: Haiti: Hacer de la cultura un motor para la reconstruccin Inmediatamente despus del terremoto acaecido el 12 de enero de 2010, la UNESCO se moviliz para ayudar al pueblo haitiano y para estar junto a su Gobierno. El papel de la organizacin es coordinar las actividades de las diferentes instituciones, fortalecer los recursos nacionales y lograr la estructuracin de las tareas prioritarias a largo plazo. En abril de 2010, el Consejo Ejecutivo de la UNESCO estableci el Comit Internacional de Coordinacin para la Salvaguardia del Patrimonio cultural de Hait (ICC), de acuerdo con el plan de reconstruccin nacional. + info: La Civilisation arabo-musulmane au miroir de l'universel: perspectives philosophiques UNESCO 2010 ISBN 978-92-3-204180-7 Les trente-quatre fiches pdagogiques regroupes dans cette publication expliquent de manire dtaille les grandes bases intellectuelles, spirituelles, artistiques et politiques sur lesquelles repose la civilisation arabomusulmane. Les fiches revtent un caractre philosophique bien quelles inscrivent dans le contexte de leur mergence les figures intellectuelles et les inventions marquantes qui ont ponctu cette civilisation. Cette collection documente, analytique et illustre a t produite lattention des formateurs et des ducateurs, et plus gnralement du monde de lducation ainsi que des mdias et de la socit civile. + info: Los pueblos indgenas y la minera. Gua de buenas prcticas ahora disponible en francs y espaol Consejo Internacional de Minera y Metales (ICMM) Es importante que las empresas se tomen un tiempo para entender adecuadamente a las comunidades con las que trabajan, sus preocupaciones y aspiraciones. Esta Gua pretende ayudar a las empresas alcanzar esas relaciones constructivas con los pueblos indgenas. Tambin se destina a ayudar a las empresas a cumplir con su compromiso con los pueblos indgenas tal como se indica en la declaracin de principios del ICMM. La gua pone de relieve los principios de buenas prcticas, analiza los retos en la aplicacin de estos principios a nivel operacional y proporciona ejemplos del mundo real de cmo los proyectos mineros han abordado estos retos. Tambin explora el costo de stos si salen mal. + info: Ir a arriba Paisajes Culturales Noticias Agenda Publicaciones Noticias CHATEAU DE VERSAILLES : LANCEMENT DE LA CAMPAGNE DE REPLANTATION DE L'ETOILE ROYALE Ltablissement public du chteau, du muse et du domaine national de Versailles a souhait requalifier le site de ltoile Royale, aujourdhui trs dgrad, par un ramnagement des alles et circulations et une vaste campagne de replantation des structures dalignement darbres. Mot Hennessy a annonc sa volont de sassocier la replantation des tilleuls de ltoile Royale. Le groupe dactivits vins et spiritueux de LVMH en sera ainsi le premier mcne. Le chteau de Versailles lance aujourdhui un appel au mcnat auprs des particuliers et des entreprises qui souhaiteraient contribuer cette initiative en adoptant un ou plusieurs arbres supplmentaires. + info: Boletn del museo y jardines Albert-Kahn - Boulogne sur Seine (Francia) El Museo Departamental Albert-Kahn o en francs : muse dpartemental Albert-Kahn se encuentra situado en BoulogneBillancourt, en los Hauts-de-Seine. Destinndose a hacer perdurar la obra de Albert Kahn, consta de una galera que presenta, en forma de exposiciones temporales, una parte de las colecciones de los "Archivos del Planeta" (4.000 placas estereoscpicas y 72.000 placas autocromas, lo que en realidad la hace la ms importante coleccin del mundo) y de los jardines que se extienden sobre unas cuatro hectreas y que forman parte integrante de las colecciones del museo. Los jardines fueron creados por Albert Kahn sobre unos terrenos adquiridos a partir de 1895. Hasta 1910, elabora sobre 4 hectreas lo que se volver un nuevo estilo de jardn, el jardn hecho "de escenas". Albert Kahn era un creyente en la paz universal. Para apoyar su utopa, crea un jardn hecho de diversos jardines reconciliando los estilos de cada pas. + info: Obiettivo Architettura - Nino Migliori - (5 & 8 April 2011) Parma Urban Center con la collaborazione dellassociazione studentesca della Facolt di Architettura di Parma SEGNIdSEGNI, dellAssessorato alle Politiche Urbanistiche ed Edilizie del Comune di Parma e il Gruppo Giovani dellIndustria di Parma, inaugura la prima edizione di Obiettivo Architettura, rassegna annuale di immagini e parole. Ledizione 2011/12, dal titolo Parma. Ritratti tra citt e paesaggio. La rassegna sar anticipata da una conferenza stampa di presentazione marted 5 aprile 2011 alle ore 10.30 presso la sede espositiva di Parma Urban Center, lex oratorio di San Quirino, in borgo Romagnosi 1/A a Parma. Alla conferenza stampa saranno presenti Francesco Manfredi, Assessore alle Politiche Urbanistiche ed Edilizie del Comune di Parma, Giusy Sassi, Presidente del Gruppo Giovani dellIndustria di Parma, Dario Costi, Presidente di Parma Urban Center, Chiara Visentin e Paolo Barbaro, curatrice e consulente scientifico delliniziativa. La rassegna sar inaugurata eccezionalmente con la mostra personale di uno dei pi grandi fotografi del nostro contemporaneo, il maestro Nino Migliori, che presenter venerd 8 aprile alle ore 18 a San Quirino il suo intenso Zooforo immaginato, opera dedicata al Battistero di Parma. + info: Shlomo Aronson recuerda a Lawrence Halprin Larry Halprin naci en unos de los periodos ms sangrientos de la historia de la humanidad, al final de la Primera Guerra Mundial. Este fue un periodo, entre las guerras mundiales, en el que mucha gente en el Oeste se vio comprometida con los campos ideolgicos del momento. El socialismo, el comunismo, y el fascismo eran las ideologas polticas que competan con el capitalismo econmico autctono durante la juventud de Halprin. + info: EXHIBITION - Family in Mountains and Rivers - Art Exhibition of Long Rui 28 abr - 2 may 2011 . BEIJING, China Organizers: National Museum of China - NAMOC Contact: [email protected] + info: El legado del parque Buttonwood amenazado por un plan maestro New Bedford Massachusetts- EEUU Situado en el centro histrico de New Bedford, el parque Buttonwood de 97 acres es un punto caracterstico de la comunidad urbana. El Registro Nacional de Lugares Histricos sigue reflejando el siglo 19, el diseo pintoresco y, en el ltimo siglo, tambin ha crecido para incorporar reas activas de recreo. Hoy, el diseo original se ve amenazado por un plan maestro que se ha propuesto para el zoo del parque de 10 acres de extensin que duplicar su tamao dentro del parque, comindose los lugares abiertos, los humedales, las zonas de bosque y las vistas ms escnicas. + info: El diseo del parque Victor Steinbrueck amenazado por renovacin- Seattle- Estado de Washington EEUU En 1998, Larry Halprin confes pasas 35 aos diseando parque y los ltimos 15 intentando que pertenezcan a poderes pblicos . El resto de la historia del parque Victor Steinbrueck en el mercado de Pike Place en Seattle da crdito al lamento de Larry. + info: Transforming Landscapes Exposition / Reiulf Ramstad Architects - Oslo - Norway (15 April 2011) Reiulf Ramstad Architects will be hosting an exhibition that aims to explore the questions of this century that deal with the tension between local and global conditions of the natural and the artificial, between cyberspace and realspace, and between stillness and change. Their ambition is to create a contemporary architecture-based analysis of the site, from which emerges a sensitive interpretation of these conditions, paving the way for architectural design. Based on the uniqueness of each context, RRA hopes to establish a carefully chosen set of materials and spatial distribution characterized by each place and the intervention. Their projects are characterized by forms and innovative tectonic stress of a spatial continuity between exterior and interior landscapes. + info: The Sacred Landscape of Ancient Ireland - Evidence from both excavations and rare manuscripts reveal much about early Ireland's cosmology and its people's deep connection to the land Tara near the midpoint of the north-south line connecting Emain Macha and Dn Ailinne. The significance of this arrangement is still unknown, but it is notable. Archaeological work shows that early activity at these sites may have had to do with burials, and that these enclosures were constructed during the Iron Age. Surprisingly, none of them are suitable for defense. Instead, each seems to mark off an area that only makes sense if viewed as sacred + info: Agenda Exhibition: Every Tree Tells a Story Photography Exhibit - Rye 10 abr - 15 jun 2011 . New York, Estados Unidos de Amrica Organizadores: The Jay Heritage Center Contacto: [email protected] + info: 2011 California Preservation Foundation Conference 15 may - 18 may 2011 . Santa Monica, Estados Unidos de Amrica Organizadores: California Preservation Foundation Contacto: [email protected] + info: 1 Convegno Internazionale "Il patrimonio architettonico e ambientale dei territori della Bonifica - territori, architetture, itinerari, sinergie per un patrimonio da valorizzare" 19 may - 21 may 2011 . Regio Emilia, Italia Organizadores: Il Consorzio di Bonifica dell'Emilia Centrale Contacto: [email protected] + info: One Day Symposium on Bridging the Nature-Culture Divide 4-jun-2011 . New York, Estados Unidos de Amrica Organizadores: JAY PROPERTY NATIONAL HISTORIC LANDMARK LANDSCAPE - RYE + info: The legacy: a primordial concept, visualized by artist Ren Derouin 16 jul - 10 oct 2011 . Quebec, Canad Organizadores: Fondation Derouin Jardins du Prcambrie Contacto: [email protected] + info: 11e Symposium - Le legs : une notion primordiale aux yeux de l'artiste Ren Derouin 16-jul-2011 . Val-David, Canad Organizadores: Fondation Derouin Jardins du Prcambrien Contacto: [email protected] + info: Architecture @ the Edge: International Conference of the Association of Architecture Schools of Australasia 18 sep - 20 sep 2011 . Geerong, Australia Organizadores: School of Architecture and Building Deakin University Australia Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 30 abr 2011 + info: ICOM CHILE - IV Congreso sobre Educacin Museos y Patrimonio 3 oct - 4 oct 2011 . Santiago de Chile, Chile Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 16 may 2011 + info: Call for Papers - International Conference on "The History of the Italian Agricultural Landscape by Emilio Sereni on its 50th Anniversary" 10 nov - 12 nov 2011 . Gattatico, Italia Organizadores: Istituto Alcide Cervi, Biblioteca Archivio Emilio Sereni Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 20 jun 2011 + info: Publicaciones Paradise Preserved: Updated list of cemeteries included in English Heritage's Register of Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest (January 2011) and the register criteria Since the publication of Paradise Preserved in 2007, English Heritage has reviewed the grades of the registered cemeteries and also added several more cemeteries to the Register of Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest in England. An updated list of registered cemeteries and the registration criteria is provided in this leaflet. The purpose of the Register is to celebrate designed landscapes of note and encourage appropriate protection. It is hoped that, by drawing attention to cemeteries in this way, there will be greater awareness of their value and that these very special places will be treated with care. + info: Proceedings of "Pastoralisme mditerranen : patrimoine culturel et paysager & dveloppement durable available online (Tirana, Albania, 2009) ISBN: 2-85352-437-X CIHEAM, 2010 The proceedings of Pastoralisme mditerranen : patrimoine culturel et paysager & dveloppement durable are now available on line pdf version. The meeting was organized by the Tirana European University and the Mountain Areas Development Agency (MADA), the Institut Agronomique Mditerranen de Montpellier-Centre International des Hautes tudes Agronomiques Mditerranennes with the support of WHC within the support of CFU and with the support of the French ministry of culture and environnement. + info: Ir a arriba Rutas e itinerarios culturales (rutas, canales, vías férreas, ríos, etc.) Noticias Agenda Publicaciones Noticias Agenda XV coloquio d la red Mga-Tchad "El comercio y la comunicacin en el Lago Chad" 13 sep - 15 sep 2011 . Npoles, Italia Organizadores: Red MegaTchad Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 30 nov 2011 + info: Publicaciones WATERSCAPES This issue is focused on Integrated Water Planning and Resource Management. Waterscapes is a technical publication distributed four times a year. Each issue contains articles focused on important issues in the water and wastewater industry. + info: Ir a arriba Desiertos Noticias Agenda Publicaciones Noticias Water education training series launched in Salt: Water Fun - hands, minds and hearts on Water for Life - Salt - Jordan Jordan is one of the most water scarce countries in the world, to raise awareness and to promote a more responsible use of water, a training series for teachers was launched at Balqa University in Salt on the 12th of April. The series Water Fun hands, minds and hearts on Water for Life is organized by UNESCO Amman, the German Training and Demonstration Centre for Decentralised Sewage Treatment (BDZ), the Ministry of Education and al-Balqa University. A three day training workshop at al-Balqa University kicked off the training series today in Salt where 20 science teachers (5-6th grade) of ASPnet schools will receive and will be trained on delivering a water education training kit including materials for class-room experiments, teacher guidelines and student guidebooks in Arabic. The selected teachers will then apply the water education teaching unit at their schools and provide feedback and evaluation to the BDZ and UNESCO. + info: Agenda 23rd Session of the International Co-coordinating Council of the Man and the Biosphere Programme (MAB) 28 jun - 1 jul 2011 . Dresden, Alemania Organizadores: UNESCO-MAB Contacto: Thomas Schaaf, [email protected] + info: about-mab/icc/icc/23rd-session-of-the-mab-council/ Publicaciones Ir a arriba Patrimonio Documental, Audiovisual y Digital. Archivos Noticias Agenda Publicaciones Noticias Presentazione "" - Un progetto di memorie digitali - MUSEO CERVI - GATTATICO - Reggio Emilia (Italia) 31 marzo 2011 prevista per gioved 31 marzo presso il Museo Cervi la presentazione di, progetto che vede nuovamente impegnato l'Istituto Alcide Cervi nella tutela e nella divulgazione della memoria storica e della cultura democratica e antifascista. Il progetto, che vanta le collaborazioni con la BCC Cassa Padana, la Fondazione Dominato Leonense e il Consorzio Cooperativo Finanziario per lo Sviluppo CCFS, intende realizzare una piattaforma digitale che rappresenti per la base sociale dell'Istituto un canale privilegiato per esporre il proprio patrimonio memoriale e metterlo a disposizione di un pi ampio pubblico: testimonianze, mediateche e gallerie iconografiche, documenti e collezioni di memorie organizzate sul web in maniera tale da consentire agli utenti di navigare tra le risorse come se si camminasse in un museo tra i membri e le esperienze di una comunit estesa. La fase pilota del progetto prevede il coinvolgimento di circa 12 dei 150 soci complessivi dell'Istituto e, data la complessit tecnica e la mole dei contenuti che si propone di sistematizzare, il rilascio online del portale previsto per settembre/ottobre di quest'anno. Il sito in costruzione, gli aggiornamenti, i contatti e il trailer-video del progetto sono gi disponibili su www., mentre gioved 31 marzo sar possibile vedere in anteprima la versione sperimentale del portale nel corso della presentazione del progetto: un incontro dedicato a tutti i soci, e non solo, nel quale interverranno i principali enti, da Rossella Cantoni (Presidente dell'Istituto A. Cervi), a Luigi Pettinati (Direttore BCC Cassa Padana), a Vittorio Biemmi (Presidente Fondazione Dominato Leonense). In conclusione, il video-messaggio di saluto di Moni Ovadia, testimonial d'eccezione del progetto. Per informazioni: Istituto Cervi - 0522678356 [email protected] + info: Los Angeles, Museo del Condado de biblioteca de imgenes de Arte lanza la expansin del acceso en lnea a la Coleccin del Museo - Museo del Condado de Los Angeles de Arte (LACMA) - Los Angeles - California El diario Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) anunciar que va a facilitar el acceso a las imgenes de alta resolucin de la rica coleccin enciclopdica del museo a travs de su recin creada biblioteca de imgenes. Los visitantes de la biblioteca puede descargar las imgenes de forma gratuita y sin restricciones de uso. La biblioteca de imgenes se abre con 2.000 imgenes de dominio pblico (con ms que el original), lo que representa una amplia gama de colecciones LACMA, incluyendo Egipto, Artes Decorativas y Diseo, de Amrica Latina, chino y coreano, pintura y escultura europea, y muchos ms + info: INAH (Instituto Nacional de Antropologa e Historia) PGINA WEB: grandes monolitos mexicas ya estn disponibles en alta definicin y en detalle a travs de Internet - Mxico INAH web ahora ofrece detalles de tres emblemticas esculturas mexicas: Coyolxauhqui, Tlaltecuhtli y la Piedra del Sol (Piedra del Sol) se pueden admirar en lnea en un sitio interactivo creado por el Instituto Nacional de Antropologa e Historia (INAH) . El sitio denominado Historia En Piedra. Tres monolitos mexicas (Historia de monolitos de piedra. Tres mexica), presenta imgenes de alta resolucin de video y animacin que ilustra los estudios realizados por especialistas del INAH dedicada a la arqueologa y la restauracin. + info: Lanzamiento del proyecto: Erster Weltkrieg in Alltagsdokumenten la Primera Guerra Mundial en documentos del da a da La Primera Guerra mundial en documentos del da a da comienza hoy con una llamada al pblico en Alemania a participar en la construccin de un archivo digital europeo mediante contribuciones privadas de objetos de inters pertenecientes al periodo de la Primera Guerra Mundial. Buscamos fotografas, cartas, diarios, cortometrajes, grabaciones de audio, objetos y sus historias. Siguiendo la presentacin del proyecto, habr cuatro espectculos en la calle en Frankfurt am Main, Berln, Mnich y Stuttgart. El proyecto constituye un acuerdo entre Europeana, la Deutsche Nationalbibliothek y la Universidad de Oxford. + info: bt=compnewsletter Pelcula de Werner Herzog con acceso exclusivo a las cuevas recientemente descubiertas de Chauvet (Francia) Recibida de forma positiva en su estreno en Toronto Festival, CUEVA DE LOS SUEOS OLVIDADOS muestra los resultados dramticos de acceso exclusivo de Herzog al recientemente descubierto cuevas de Chauvet en el sur de Francia, y sus pinturas rupestres verdaderamente extraordinarios, que data de 32.000 aos. El uso de Herzog de 3D realmente trae estas hermosas obras de arte y de la catedral impresionante como la cueva con sus estalactitas enormes a la vida. Herzog utiliza su acceso exdclusivo a este tesoro de obras maestras del Paleoltico como musa de la inmensidad y la fragilidad del progreso del hombre + info: Le CNRS (Centre national de la recherche scientifique) lance un nouveau portail pour les sciences humaines et sociales (France) Le CNRS lance Isidore, une nouvelle plateforme web de recherche et de diffusion pour les sciences humaines et sociales, offrant un accs unifi plus d'un million de documents numriques. Accessible partir du 4 avril 2011 depuis le site www., il s'agit de la premire plateforme de cette ampleur utiliser les techniques du web 3.0. + info: Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) OnlineTeaching & Learning Resources Conservation of Photographs and Photograph Collections for Countries of Central, Southern and Eastern Europe Beginning in 2008, the Getty Conservation Institute (GCI), in partnership with two institutions in Slovakiathe Academy of Fine Art and Design (AFAD) in Bratislava, and the Slovak National Library (SNL) in Martin, organized a multi-year project with the goal of the development of the field of photograph conservation in the region. + info: The Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum: UNESCO Memory of the World Program and the Reorganization of the Museum - Cambodia The UNESCO Office in Phnom Penh hosted a celebration on 7 February 2011 to launch the new visit circuit of the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum. This was the culmination of a 2 year intensive project Assistance to the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum in Phnom Penh, Cambodia (Memorial of Khmer Rouge prison known as S-21). The UNESCO Memory of the World Register inscribed the Museum Archives in July 2009 to honour their historical importance. The UNESCO Office in Phnom Penh, the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts, and the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum, are particularly grateful to the government of the United States of America for their financial support. + info: Malaysia Christians to Preserve Five Thousand Bibles 'Defaced' by Authorities as museum pieces Five thousand Bibles that were defaced by authorities will be preserved as "museum pieces" at Malaysian churches, a reminder of problems encountered by Christians in this Muslim-majority country, officials said Thursday. The announcement is the latest twist in a dispute between Christians and the government over tens of thousands of imported Bibles seized by Malaysian customs authorities, some since early 2009. The books violate a government ban on non-Muslim texts that use the word "Allah" as a translation for God. After Christian leaders voiced anger over the detention of the Bibles, the government agreed earlier this month to release them, but stamped many with serial numbers and government seals that stated they were meant "for Christians only." + info: Ultimi acquisti Biblioteca Archivio 'Emilio Sereni' febbraio-marzo 2011 - GATTATICO - REGGIO EMILIA - ITALY La Biblioteca - Archivio dell'Istituto Alcide Cervi dedicata a Emilio Sereni - uno dei pi autorevoli studiosi italiani del mondo contadino, il cui patrimonio librario venne da lui donato alla CIA e gestito in suo nome dall'Istituto Cervi-, raccoglie e organizza un patrimonio documentario, librario ed archivistico di grande valore per la storia dell'agricoltura, della societ rurale e dei movimenti contadini, italiani, europei ed extraeuropei. + info: Nam June Paik and the Conservation of Video Sculpture - Symposium and Exhibition 15 abr - 16 abr 2011 . Cincinnati, Estados Unidos de Amrica Organizadores: University Film & Video Association Contacto: Mark Harris [email protected] and Charles Woodman [email protected] + info: Inland Architect Image Database Now Available on Art Institute of Chicago Website - Chicago - Illinois - USA The Ryerson and Burnham Archives of the Art Institute of Chicago announce the digitization of another major image collection: 5,000 plates from the venerable Chicago-based periodical Inland Architect and News Record. This exceedingly rich visual record from a seminal period in American architecture can now be accessed by the public through the Digital Collections Database (DCD) on the Libraries' website. The multi-year project makes another important architectural archive available for use by scholars and the public, further enhancing what is already one of the richest online resources for art and architecture, built with the goal of providing access to the many rare images and texts in the Art Institute's Ryerson and Burnham Archives. + info: Ultimi acquisti Biblioteca Archivio 'Emilio Sereni' [febbraio-marzo 2011] - GATTATICO - REGGIO EMILIA ITALY La Biblioteca - Archivio dell'Istituto Alcide Cervi dedicata a Emilio Sereni - uno dei pi autorevoli studiosi italiani del mondo contadino, il cui patrimonio librario venne da lui donato alla CIA e gestito in suo nome dall'Istituto Cervi-, raccoglie e organizza un patrimonio documentario, librario ed archivistico di grande valore per la storia dell'agricoltura, della societ rurale e dei movimenti contadini, italiani, europei ed extraeuropei. + info: La fundacin Terra de Arte Americano premia a los Archivos Smithsonian de Arte Americano con su segunda beca multimillonaria para apoyar su proyecto de digitalizacin. La Fundacin Terra de Arte Americano ha concedido una beca de 3 millones de dlares a los Archivos Smithsonian de Arte Americano para apoyar durante cinco aos ms su proyecto de digitalizacin de archivos y para fundar un nuevo puesto que crear y supervisar iniciativas escolsticas y educativas de mbito digital. Con esta segunda beca, La Fundacin Terra ha asignado ms de 6,6 millones de dlares en un periodo de 10 aos. + info: Audio of Dwight D. Eisenhower Speech Found - Metropolitan Museum. New York, New York State (USA) As commander of Allied forces in Europe during World War II, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower explicitly ordered his troops to safeguard objects of cultural and historical importance whenever possible even while fighting a war of devastating destructiveness. Now, historians can hear the reasoning behind Eisenhower's order, in his own words, thanks to the recent recovery of a recording of a speech he gave on April 2, 1946, at New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art. Digging through museum archives, Robert Edsel, founder of an arts preservation organization based in Dallas, discovered the recording of Eisenhower's speech that the general delivered when he was honored with a life fellowship from the museum. Transcripts of the speech have long been available. But, "when you have Gen. Eisenhower saying it and when you hear his words, it's electrifying," said Edsel, whose nonprofit, the Monuments Men Foundation, honors those who helped protect the cultural treasures in Europe during World War II. + info: Recently Rediscovered Books Plundered by the Nazis Returned to Jewish Community - Berlin, Germany Recently rediscovered books plundered by the Nazis more than six decades ago were returned to Berlin's Jewish community on Wednesday in a ceremony at the city's landmark synagogue. The Berlin Central and Regional Library formally handed over 10 books and three journal volumes discovered among more than 200,000 volumes being examined by researchers as part of a project to establish their origin, with a focus on restitution. One of the books is from noted author Gotthold Ephraim Lessing and dates back to 1890. There is also a travel guide to Palestine from 1934 and a book on Jewish history "from the destruction of the First Temple to the present," that was published in 1913. All are in German. Though experts say none of the books have significant monetary value, they offer a sobering glimpse of the country's history. + info: Da Mundial del Libro y del Derecho de Autor Con la celebracin de este da en el mundo entero, la UNESCO pretende fomentar la lectura, la industria editorial y la proteccin de la propiedad intelectual por medio del derecho de autor. El 23 de abril de 1616 fallecan Cervantes, Shakespeare y el Inca Garcilaso de la Vega. Tambin en un 23 de abril nacieron o murieron otros escritores eminentes como Maurice Druon, K. Laxness, Vladimir Nabokov, Josep Pla o Manuel Meja Vallejo. Por este motivo, esta fecha tan simblica para la literatura universal fue la escogida por la Conferencia General de la UNESCO para rendir un homenaje mundial al libro y sus autores, y alentar a todos, en particular a los ms jvenes, a descubrir el placer de la lectura y respetar la irreemplazable contribucin de los creadores al progreso social y cultural. La idea de esta celebracin parti de Catalua (Espaa), donde este da es tradicional regalar una rosa al comprador de un libro + info: XIII ed. Settimana della Cultura 15 abr - 17 abr 2011 . Gattatico, Italia Organizadores: Museo Cervi and Biblioteca Archivio Emilio Sereni Contacto: [email protected] and [email protected] + info:,com_frontpage/Itemid,1/limit,4/limitstart,0/ SULSIT (State University of Library Studies & Information Technologies) - International Day of Book and Copyright 23-abr-2011 . Sofia, Bulgaria Contacto: [email protected] + info: BIBLIOTHEQUE NATIONALE DE FRANCE : Manuscrits corens numriss Avec environ 2000 volumes, le fonds des manuscrits corens de la Bibliothque nationale de France est de cration relativement rcente. Les manuscrits prsents sur cette page ont t copis du XVIIIe au XIXe sicle. Quelques-uns sont illustrs. Ils relatent avec minutie les rites, surtout funraires, en usage la Cour royale de Core, partir de la fin du XVIIe sicle. Maurice Courant en a donn la description dans sa Bibliographie corenne (Paris 1894-1901). Ces manuscrits, initialement conservs la bibliothque royale Oegyujanggak de lle de Kangwha, louest de Soul, sont arrivs la Bibliothque nationale en 1867. Cette collection de 297 volumes est complmentaire dautres ouvrages similaires conservs par lUniversit nationale de Soul (collection des archives de Kyujanggak). + info: First Batch of Korean Royal Books Looted by French Military 145 Years Ago Return Home from Bibliothque nationale de France (BNF) The first batch of Korean royal books looted by the French military 145 years ago returned home Thursday. French troops took away hundreds of Korean manuscripts and set fire to 5,000 more when they raided a royal library in 1866 on an island off Korea's west coast. After about 20 years of negotiations, France agreed last year to return the books on a "renewable lease" in line with French law, South Korean officials say. The books detail protocol for royal funerals, weddings and other ceremonies during the Joseon Dynasty, which ruled Korea from 1392 to 1910. The lease means the books' "virtual return" to South Korea as French law allows cultural assets taken out of the country only temporarily, South Korea's Culture Ministry said in a statement. + info: Exhibition: Newseum (Museum of Journalism) Gets Japan Quake Handwritten Newspapers 2-may-2011 . Washington DC, Estados Unidos de Amrica Organizadores: Museum of journalism in Washington. + info: Agenda EXHIBITION : Emile PRISSE D'AVENNES, PIONNIER DE L'EGYPTOLOGIE 1 mar - 5 jun 2011 . PARIS, Francia Organizadores: BIBLIOTHEQUE NATIONALE DE FRANCE + info: Exhibition: New York Marks 100th Anniversary of 1911 Capitol Fire with Exhibition and New Film - New York State Kibrary - Albany - New York State 19 mar - 18 jun 2011 . New York, Estados Unidos de Amrica Organizadores: New York State Museum Contacto: [email protected] and [email protected] + info: Exposicin: Serie Completa de Goya "Los Desastres de la Guerra" Ver en el Museo Diocesano Expuesto hasta el 29 de mayo 24 mar - 29 may 2011 . Barcelona, Espaa Organizadores: Ibercaja y El Museo Diocesano de Barcelona Contacto: [email protected] + info: Eisenhower Presidential Museum Exhibits Rare Copy of Declaration of Independence 26 abr - 27 abr 2011 . Abilene, Estados Unidos de Amrica Organizadores: Eisenhower Presidential Library & Museum Contacto: [email protected] + info: Fourth International Conference on the Memory of the World 18 may - 21 may 2011 . Warsaw, Polonia Organizadores: Polish National Commission for UNESCO, the Polish Committee of the Memory of the World Programme, the Head Office of State Archives and the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage Contacto: [email protected] + info: 10th Meeting of the International Advisory Committee for the Memory of the World Programme 22 may - 25 may 2011 . Manchester, Reino Unido de Gran Bretaa e Irlanda del Norte Contacto: Joie Springer - [email protected] + info: Patmos Workshops on Historic Bindings 2011 29 ago - 18 sep 2011 . Patmos, Grecia Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 31 jul 2011 + info: Fifth World Day for Audiovisual Heritage 27-oct-2011 . All countries of the world, Organizadores: UNESCO Contacto: [email protected] + info: New-York Historical Society to Re-Open to the Public in November 11-nov-2011 . New York, Estados Unidos de Amrica Organizadores: New-York Historical Society Contacto: [email protected] + info: Publicaciones The Man Who Broke into Auschwitz Authors: Denis Avey and Rob Broomby ISBN-13: 978-1444714166 This book is the extraordinary true story of a British soldier who marched willingly into BunaMonowitz, the concentration camp known as Auschwitz III. In the summer of 1944, Denis Avey was being held in a POW labour camp, E715, near Auschwitz III. He had heard of the brutality meted out to the prisoners there and he was determined to witness what he could. He hatched a plan to swap places with a Jewish inmate and smuggled himself into his sector of the camp. He spent the night there on two occasions and experienced at first-hand the cruelty of a place where slave workers, had been sentenced to death through labour. Astonishingly, he survived to witness the aftermath of the Death March where thousands of prisoners were murdered by the Nazis as the Soviet Army advanced. After his own long trek right across central Europe he was repatriated to Britain. For decades he couldn't bring himself to revisit the past that haunted his dreams, but now Denis Avey feels able to tell the full story - a tale as gripping as it is moving - which offers us a unique insight into the mind of an ordinary man whose moral and physical courage are almost beyond belief. + info: RAPPORT ANNUEL - BIBLIOTHECA ALEXANDRINA - JUILLET 2009- JUIN 2010 (2010) Bibliotheca Alexandrina Edition : Dpartement de Publication Conception graphique et mise en page : Reem Noaman Ds son inauguration en 2002, la Bibliotheca Alexandrina a consciencieusement oeuvr pour augmenter ses collections, tendre ses activits, se lancer dans de nouveaux projets et ne laisser aucun domaine inexplor. Je suis fort reconnaissante pour le don gnreux des 500 000 livres offerts par la Bibliothque nationale de France (BnF) qui a fait de la Bibliotheca Alexandrina lune des plus grandes bibliothques francophones dans le monde et la principale bibliothque de dpt pour les publications franaises dans le Monde arabe et le continent africain. + info: Ir a arriba Arquitectura de tierra Noticias Agenda Publicaciones Noticias European Symposium on Earthen Architecture "From Cultural Heritage to Contemporary Architecture" 4 - 5 Mayo 2011. Marsella, Francia Organiza: The Ecole d'Avignon and ICOMOS France, in partnership with the Escola Superior Gallaecia (PT), the Polytechnic University of Valencia (SP), the University of Florence (IT) and the Adviser in Architecture, Urban planning and Environment (CAUE) of Vaucluse (FR), in the framework of the European project Terra Incognita. Earthen architecture in Europe (Culture Programme 2007-2013). DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATION: 22 ABRIL 2011 Contacto: [email protected] and [email protected] + info: Agenda Publicaciones Ir a arriba Educación, Formación, Juventud y Voluntariado Noticias Agenda Publicaciones Noticias Chantiers de fouilles archologiques 2011 en France Tout savoir sur les diffrentes formations dans le domaine de l'archologie et sciences connexes, dans les pays francophones + info: JOB OFFERS - Offre de stage pratique en archologie environnementale (Prou) aot -septembre 2011 Le Groupe dAnalyses et dInterprtations Archologiques (G.A.I.A. In.c) est une nouvelle entreprise qubcoise fonde en mai 2010, promouvant des changes plus troits entre les milieux archologiques, des sciences pures et publics. En effet, si cest le pass qui forge lavenir de plusieurs communauts, cest dans le prsent et travers une approche scientifique que le pass se laisse dcouvrir. Cependant, cette approche requiert lintervention de spcialistes sachant allier les nouvelles avances dans les sciences sociales et naturelles. + info: Entrees/2011/2/10_Offre_de_stage_pratique_en_archeologie_environnementale.html Conservation Volunteers - March 2011 Newsletter We've just found out that some of the links in our January e-News are broken. Although we don't want to overload you with emails, our flood work in the Eastern states of Australia is very important and we need all of the support we can get. Following are the links: * Prince William visits Christchurch * Federal Government commits $8 million * Generous support for flood recovery * Coastal Guardians * Toadbuster recordbusters * Calling All International Volunteers: win US$2,000! + info: Ed Roberts Campus realizado por y para personas con discapacidad / Leddy Maytum Stacy Arquitectos Berkeley - California - EE.UU. Conmemoracin de la vida de un lder internacional y educador en el movimiento de la discapacidad, el Ed Roberts Campus abierto recientemente en Berkeley. Cuando Ed Roberts fund el Centro de Berkeley para la Vida Independiente (CIL) en 1972, fue la primera organizacin del mundo para ser dirigida por y para las personas con discapacidad. Despus de la muerte de Roberts en 1995, el CIL y seis organizaciones independientes de derechos civiles se unieron para crear una gran accesibilidad, lugar centralizado donde los discapacitados pueden acceder a servicios como la formacin profesional, educacin, vivienda y asistencia con subsidios, y apoyo para la condicin fsica y salud. + info: Program of Excellence for Education and Research in South countries (PEERS) The Programme of Excellence for Education and Research in South countries (PEERS) is one of the capacity building programs implemented by the IRD - in his dual role as an operator for research and as an agency (Inter-Establishment Agency for Research for Development - IARD). As part of its mission of building individual and collective research, training and innovation in developing countries, IARD supports the scientific communities of developing countries in their request for independence and international recognition, and in the development of collaborative networks and synergies among North and South scientific communities. In this context, the PEERS program - former program 'Chaires Croises- was launched by the IRD in 2007 to support the set up or the strengthening of partnership projects between two high level professors (and / or researchers), one from the North, one from the South in the field of research for development, training and / or innovation and dissemination. The PEERS program particularly encourages the involvement of French and European research professors in research activities and training in the developing countries. + info: FELLOWSHIPS - Ironbridge Institute (United Kingdom) Applications for 2011-2012 now being accepted. Deadline for Applications: 31 July 2011 The Ironbridge Institute, some 40 miles north-west of Birmingham, lies within the dramatic landscape of the Ironbridge Gorge at the heart of the World Heritage Site and in the historic ironworking community of Coalbrookdale. The Institute is a dedicated Postgraduate Research and Teaching facility delivering programmes in Heritage Management and the Historic Environment. It is operated as an equal partnership between the University of Birmingham and the Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust building on both institutions' experience to provide postgraduate programmes of high quality and value. Programmes are offered conventionally at Coalbrookdale or in a Distance Learning format. Research students are welcome to undertake work based on the Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust's richly endowed library and picture collections on industrial history and archaeology and on its extensive collections of ironwork and ceramics. + info: Postgrado en Accesibilidad y Diseo para Todos (online) - Universitat Internacional de Catalunya. Escola Tcnica Superior d'Arquitectura de Barcelona, Espaa Este postgrado es una oportunidad para descubrir que la accesibilidad no es solamente una necesidad para las personas con discapacidad, sino una ventaja para todos los ciudadanos. Se propone resolver la accesibilidad desde el inicio de la concepcin proyectual, de manera desapercibida y con un coste bajo o nulo al estar integrada en el diseo original; conseguir soluciones de uso estandarizado, cmodo y seguro; e incorporar, si es necesario, las ayudas tcnicas y las nuevas tecnologas, para mejorar el confort y la calidad de los servicios ofrecidos al pblico. El curso se basa en sesiones de trabajo sncronas a distancia mediante una plataforma virtual a travs de Internet, de carcter terico-prctico, en las que se tratan los diversos contenidos previamente definidos en el programa. Se realizan estudios de casos, que contribuyen a contextualizar los conceptos tratados en cada tema. + info: Gran Reapertura del Edificio Hinman de Investigacin de la Escuela de Arquitectura (CoA) de Georgia Tech despus de su remodelacin de 2011 - Atlanta - Georgia - EE.UU. El 30 de Marzo marcar la inauguracin del Edificio de Investigacin Hinman, Universidad de Georgia Tech de Arquitectura (COA) de $ 9,500,000 de restauracin, rehabilitacin y reutilizacin de adaptacin del edificio histrico. Eventos que a las 4 pm en el Auditorio Reinsh-Pierce con una conferencia de los arquitectos, Nader Tehrani de la oficina de dA y con sede en Atlanta Seor, Jack Aeck y Sargent Pyburn, FAIA. Despus de la conferencia una ceremonia y la recepcin se llevar a cabo a partir del 5 a 7 pm en el Edificio de Investigacin Hinman. + info: COMPETITIONS - Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) : Appels candidatures pour les formations ouvertes et distance (FOAD) 2011-2012. Date limite: 10 juin 2011 LAgence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) propose son soutien un ensemble de formations ouvertes et distance ; elle offre plusieurs centaines dallocations dtudes couvrant une importante partie des frais pdagogiques et dinscription ces diplmes. Cette anne 79 formations diplmantes sont proposes dont 39 issues duniversits du Sud (Burkina Faso, Cameroun, gypte, Madagascar, Maroc, Sngal, Tunisie et Vietnam). + info: Agencia Universitaria de la Francofona (AUF) - los campus virtuales francfonos cumplen 20 aos La Agencia universitaria de la Francofona trabaja desde hace 50 aos para el acceso a la enseanza superior en el mundo. Desde este punto de vista, se dot con distintas herramientas incluidos los Campus Virtuales Francfonos (marca registrada), que celebran sus 20 aos este ao. + info: Agencia Universitaria de la Francofona - Firma para la apertura de un campus virtual en Ziguinchor (Senegal) el 4 de febrero de 2011 En los locales de la oficina frica occidental de la AUF en Dakar, el profesor Oumar Sock, Rector de la Universidad de Ziguinchor y el Sr. Emile Tanawa, Director de la oficina frica Occidental, procedieron a la firma del convenio de asociacin para la apertura de un Campus virtual asociado en la Universidad de Ziguinchor al Sur de Senegal. + info: Agencia Universitaria de la Francofona: Una biblioteca digital, pluridisciplinar y comunitaria para la Francofona La Francofona universitaria y cientfica cubre los cinco continentes. Con la ventaja de esta diversidad geogrfica, la AUF tiene por vocacin reforzar la Francofona del conocimiento favoreciendo la cooperacin cientfica, formando a los protagonistas del desarrollo, apoyando la investigacin y compartiendo los expertos. + info: Instituto Getty de Conservacin (GCI) Recursos para la enseanza en lnea Conservacin preventiva en el contexto de una Casa Museo Histrica Este caso de estudio constituye un proyecto conjunto del Instituto Getty de Conservacin y del Instituto de los Pases bajos para el Patrimonio Cultural (ICN), y el museos situado en Amsterdam Ons' Lieve Heer op Solder (Our Lord in the Attic). El caso de estudio se ha diseado como una herramienta didctica para ser usada en programas acadmicos de conservacin, en estudios de museo, arquitectura o ingeniera. Tambin puede utilizarse en cursos cortos y talleres que traten estos temas. El caso de estudio nos ofrece una importante oportunidad para que los estudiantes exploren las complejidades encontradas al sopesar opciones y al tomar decisiones sobre el control medioambiental y el uso de lugares y colecciones histricas, en particular en aquellas situaciones donde no hay una aproximacin clara aparente. El caso incluye la experiencia y los puntos de vista de otros profesionales, lo cual exige a los estudiantes considerar aspectos de la conservacin desde perspectivas muy diversas. + info: Smithsonian American Art Museum to Create Education Center and Expand Program - Washington DC - USA The Smithsonian American Art Museum is creating an education center that will allow it to significantly expand its national education program and meet the needs of the museums many education constituencies. The center will benefit students in classrooms across the nation and on U.S. military bases worldwide as well as school groups touring the museum, conservators, research fellows and educators. The museum recently received an $8 million private gift to support the creation of the center and a related program endowment + info: MUNDIAPOLIS - Les meilleures ttes. Casablanca (Maroc) L'Universit Mundiapolis s'inscrit dans la perspective du renouvellement de l'Universit marocaine et du dfit que cette dernire a relever comme acteur de dveloppement social et conomique. L'Universit Mundiapolis exerce son activit, en collaboration avec des partenaires internationaux, dans trois domaines : 1- la formation de persones comptentes et actrices de leur dveloppement personnel dans les secteurs de la gestion, du gnie et des Arts et mtiers; 2- le dveloppement du savoir par la recherche, la diffusion de ses rsultats et son application dans la practique professionnelle ; 3- les services l'entreprise et la communaut dans les domaines de son expertise. En visant une population nationale et internationale, l'Universit s'engage donner une dimension multiculturelle aux enseignements qu'elle dispense et respondre dans les trois domaines de son activit aux standards internationaux de qualit. Par son souci de mettre en lien savoir et activit professionnelle, l'Universit Mundipolis s'assure que ses diplms soient prts affronter les exigences actuelles du monde du travail et capables de participer aux changements qui les attendent dans l'avenir. + info: Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) OnlineTeaching & Learning Resources Conservation of Photographs and Photograph Collections for Countries of Central, Southern and Eastern Europe Beginning in 2008, the Getty Conservation Institute (GCI), in partnership with two institutions in Slovakiathe Academy of Fine Art and Design (AFAD) in Bratislava, and the Slovak National Library (SNL) in Martin, organized a multi-year project with the goal of the development of the field of photograph conservation in the region. + info: Anne des forts : YAB (Yann Arthus-Bertand) lance une nouvelle exposition pour sensibiliser les lves En cette anne internationale des forts, la Fondation GoodPlanet cre par le photographe Yann ArthusBertrand, propose de mettre disposition de chaque tablissement scolaire, une srie de 20 affiches pdagogiques. L'opration est mene en collaboration avec les ministres de lEducation Nationale et de lEcologie. + info: A New Student Learning Centre for Ryerson University by Snhetta and ZRPA Toronto - Ontario - Canada Today Ryerson University announced the design of a new Student Learning Centre for their Toronto campus. Designed by Snhetta in collaboration with Zeidler Partnership Architects of Toronto, the 155,463sqf Student Learning Centre will feature a transparent glass skin that will provide varying light qualities within the interior spaces. Sustainable practices have also been incorporated into the design with 50% of the roof intended to act as a green roof and plans for the building to be LEED Silver compliant. Construction on the building is expected to begin late this year, with a targeted completion date of Winter 2014. + info: International conference on the development of science in Africa UNESCO will be hosting an international conference entitled Africa: the Choice of Science, the AIMS Initiative on 14 and 15 April (Room II). The conference, which is being organized by the Association for the Promotion of Science in Africa (APSA), will emphasize the need for pan-African initiatives to develop science and stem brain drain on the continent. By bringing together political leaders and leading scientists, the conference will also be supporting the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) in Senegal, which will receive its first intake of students in September 2011. + info: international_conference_on_the_development_of_science_in_africa-1/ In Progress: Faculty of Law, University of Toronto / Hariri Pontarini Architects - TORONTO - ONTARIO - CANADA The North American competition-winning design for the renovation and expansion of the historic University of Toronto Faculty of Law responds directly to the clients ambition to create a law school among the finest in the world. Hariri Pontarini Architects proposed a design that would provide both a physical and visual connection to its surrounding landscape. + info: Conferencia de Primavera 2011 en el Instituto Pratt en el marco del Machu Picchu (Per). New York, NY Estados Unidos, del 14 al 18 de Abril de 2011 Este mes la serie de Conferencias de Primavera del Instituto Pratt incluir Robert Sanna, Guy Nordensen, Jose Koechlin y Denise Koechlin, y Pualo Portoghesi con Catherine Ingraham cubriendo temas que abarcarn desde el desastre medioambiental al ecoturismo en Machu Picchu en per. + info: FELLOWSHIPS - American Council of Learned Societies(ACLS) Public Fellows - USA (various locations) Deadline for application: 16 May 2011 ACLS invites applications for the inaugural competition of its Public Fellows program. The program will place eight recent Ph.D.s in staff positions at partnering agencies in government and the non-profit sector for two years, beginning in some cases as early as September 2011. Fellows will participate in the substantive work of these agencies and receive professional mentoring. Compensation will be commensurate with experience and at the same level as new professional employees of the hosting agency and will include health insurance. This program, made possible by a grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, aims to demonstrate that the capacities developed in the advanced study of the humanities have wide application, both within and beyond the academy. ACLS seeks applications from recent Ph.D.s who wish to begin careers in administration, management, and public service by choice rather than circumstance. Competitive applicants will have been successful in both academic and extra-academic experiences. + info: Curso de Posgrado en Turismo Rural - Facultad de Agronomia - Universidad de Buenos Aires - Argentina - 15 abril 2011 Se espera que el alumno est capacitado para disear e implementar un Plan de Negocios o un Plan Estratgico destinado a poner en marcha una inversin privada o un proyecto institucional de Turismo Rural, utilizando estrategias que permitan generar ventajas competitivas en la empresa y en el territorio. El curso va dirigido a profesionales y directivos vinculados a organizaciones, empresas e instituciones del sector agropecuario y turstico; funcionarios nacionales, provinciales y municipales del rea econmica, agropecuaria y turstica; productores y empresarios agropecuarios y del sector turstico y docentes. Contacto: [email protected] + info: Las Universidades del futuro- Conferencia Vision (Perugia, Italia, 14 abril 2011) El boletn VISION presenta el acontecimiento El futuro de las Universidades en el mercado global de las Ideas: Internacionalizacin y nuevos competidores. Nuestra quinta conferencia anual tendr lugar en Perugia el 14 de abril, en la University for Foreign Students (AGENDA). En la conferencia, Vision presentar el artculo El imperativo de la Internacionalizacin, el ranking de las universiades italianas ms internacionales (en italinao) y los resultados del estudio piloto investigacin de mercado sobre las motivaciones de los estudiantes internacionales. El acontecimiento es parte del Festival Internacional de Periodismo en Perugia. El amplio y ambicioso proyecto es imaginar (y disear) las universidades del futuro centrndose en aspectos como: el marketing y la internacionalizacin; las metodologas para hacer un ranking de universidades; el impacto de internet; los nuevos grupos de estudiantes. Una red internacional de decanos, expertos y periodistas que han estado participando en las iniciativas de Vision persiguen este objetivo. + info: Construyendo la capacidad de preparacin en peligros naturales para los sitios Patrimonio Cultural en Albania Tirana- Albania (19 de abril, 2011) La UNESCO se ha comprometido a participar de forma activa en la mejora del Marco de Accin Hyogo 2005-2015, adoptado en la Conferencia Mundial sobre la Reduccin de desastres celebrada en Kobe, Japn en enero de 2005. Los peligros de mayor notoriedad para Albania incluyen sismologa, inundaciones e incendios. Segn los datos que se conocen, el proyecto tiene como objetivo ayudar a Albania a mejorar su capacidad para preparase ante un riesgo ssmico y a suavizar los posibles efectos en su patrimonio cultural, como elementos de una estrategia general para reducir el impacto de los efectos del cambio climtico y para reducir los efectos inducidos por los humanos y que causan desastres naturales. + info:[showUid] =3616&cHash=7d468427a2 L'ethnologie la porte des enfants : un portail francophone La francophonie est dcidment une belle aventure. S'il fallait s'en convaincre, il ne serait que de visiter le nouveau portail Patrimoines en mouvement, qui propose aux classes et enfants du monde entier de dcouvrir comment on traite des questions qui structurent nos socits de par le monde. Mariage, mort, langues et critures, milieux naturels, cinma... Plus de 50 thmes figurent dans la liste, certains plus copieux que d'autres bien sr. + info: Iniciativa H2Oooooo! Nios: Unos a la extraordinaria aventura para la conservacin de nuestro patrimonio acutico! Un nmero estimado de 884 millones de gente en todo el mundo carece de acceso a agua segura. Casi 1,5 millones de nios mueren cada ao de enfermedades relacionadas con el agua. El cambio climtico, el crecimiento de la poblacin, la creciente urbanizacin, la contaminacin qumica y las especies invasivas son los factores principales que contribuyen al deterioro de la calidad del agua, mientras que la variabilidad en acontecimientos extremos ha incrementado considerablemente en los ltimos aos. Las consecuencias para el medioambiente y para los seres vivos son considerables. Gruppo Alcuni en colaboracin con la UNESCO y la RAI Fiction desarroll una serie de televisin animada en 3-D, centrndose en el tema de la proteccin del agua y de su uso sostenible. Hoy, la iniciativa H2Oooooh! se est extendiendo por todo el mundo. + info: University of Pennsylvania School of Design 2011 Spring Lecture Series 12 abr - 18 abr 2011 . Philadelphia, Estados Unidos de Amrica Organizadores: (Various timings) + info: Stage di Archeologia sperimentale sulle tecnologie dell'uomo della preistoria 30 abr - 1 may 2011 . Pistoia, Italia Organizadores: Associazione Culturale Archeologia Sperimentale Contacto: [email protected] + info: Technical Seminar on Global Heritage Conservation 11-may-2011 . New York, Estados Unidos de Amrica Organizadores: Global Heritage Fund (GHF) Contacto: [email protected] + info: Management of Protected Areas course : grants for young experts from Central and Eastern Europe. Deadline: 30 April 2011 Two grants for the participation in the "Management of Protected Areas" MSc course will be awarded by the province of Carinthia. The grant is targeted at applicants from Central and Eastern Europe, which have a need to make up economic ground on other European states. It gives applicants access to international expertise and global networks. Both grants will be awarded as part of a competition. Examples of Masters dissertations for the MSc course include "Visitors' management and infrastructure in Serengeti National Park", "Governance in Biosphere Reserves", "Relocation of a village in an Ethiopian National Park, Sacred Sites in Ecuador, New Cooperations between Regional Businesses and National Park Kalkalpen. The next "Management of Protected Areas" course will start in September 2011. The deadline for applications is 31 May 2011. + info: management_of_protected_areas_course_grants_for_experts_from_central_and_eastern_europe/ Water education training series launched in Salt: Water Fun - hands, minds and hearts on Water for Life - Salt - Jordan Jordan is one of the most water scarce countries in the world, to raise awareness and to promote a more responsible use of water, a training series for teachers was launched at Balqa University in Salt on the 12th of April. The series Water Fun hands, minds and hearts on Water for Life is organized by UNESCO Amman, the German Training and Demonstration Centre for Decentralised Sewage Treatment (BDZ), the Ministry of Education and al-Balqa University. A three day training workshop at al-Balqa University kicked off the training series today in Salt where 20 science teachers (5-6th grade) of ASPnet schools will receive and will be trained on delivering a water education training kit including materials for class-room experiments, teacher guidelines and student guidebooks in Arabic. The selected teachers will then apply the water education teaching unit at their schools and provide feedback and evaluation to the BDZ and UNESCO. + info: water_education_training_series_launched_in_salt_water_fun_hands_minds_and_hearts_on_water_for_life/ Agenda International Heritage Online Studies - Summer 2011 Session 1 Course Offerings 16 may - 6 jun 2011 . Amherst, Estados Unidos de Amrica Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 1 may 2011 + info: New York Public Library Looking for 500 People to Hold Overnight Treasure Hunt 20-may-2011 . New York, Estados Unidos de Amrica Organizadores: New York Public Library + info: Taller Virtual sobre Cmo marcar y preservar bienes culturales en depsito 1 jun - 10 jul 2011 . Virtual, Contacto: [email protected] + info: Taller Virtual sobre El tratamiento turstico del patrimonio funerario: Entre el respeto, el miedo y el amor 1 jun - 10 jun 2011 . Virtual, Contacto: [email protected] + info: Curso de especializacin en Patrimonio Cultural - Restauracin de Metales Arqueolgicos 13 jun - 30 sep 2011 . Madrid, Espaa Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 30 abr 2011 + info: Taller Virtual sobre El Patrimonio al Aire Libre: Estrategias para su Interpretacin y Comunicacin 1 jul - 10 ago 2011 . Virtual, Contacto: [email protected] + info: Taller Virtual sobre La Planificacin Estratgica para Museos y otras organizaciones culturales 1 jul - 10 ago 2011 . Virtual, Contacto: [email protected] + info: Course on Conserving Historic Structures 5 jul - 9 jul 2011 . British Columbia, Canad Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 6 jun 2011 + info: Corso perfezionamento "Gestione del verde in ambiente urbano" 2011 6 jul - 8 jul 2011 . EDOLO, Italia Organizadores: Universit degli Studi di Milano Contacto: [email protected] and [email protected] + info: Call for Applications: Business Skills for World Heritage Programme 1 sep - 2 oct 2011 . Nanyuki, Kenya Organizadores: Earthwatch Institute and Shell Foundation Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 29 abr 2011 + info: ICOM CHILE - IV Congreso sobre Educacin Museos y Patrimonio 3 oct - 4 oct 2011 . Santiago de Chile, Chile Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 16 may 2011 + info: Conference on " Forms of settlement in Northern Africa: Continuity and Change" 29 oct - 1 nov 2011 . Heidelberg, Alemania Organizadores: University of Heidelberg Contacto: Catharina Waschke, [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 31 may 2011 + info: Call for papers-International Conference on Children and Youth in a Changing World - Panel on Research on children's play and toys in non-western and non-industrial communities 26 nov - 30 nov 2012 . Bhubaneswar, India Contacto: [email protected] + info: Publicaciones Higher education in Latin America and the Caribbean, 2008 Author: Lpez Segrera, Francisco; Brock, Colin; Dias Sobrinho, Jos ISBN: 978-980-7175-03-6 UNESCO-IESALC, 2008 The main objectives of Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean 2008 (main trends and challenges), are to highlight trends and present realities in the universities and higher education institutions (HEI) of the region. We want to stress the fact that one of the main purposes of this book is to stimulate reflection and debate on key issues of HE education in LAC today. The reader may not agree with some of the various perspectives offered in this book or with its conclusions presented in the Introduction and in the diverse chapters or recommendations. Nevertheless, if thoughtful thinking and debate is stimulated, the main goal has been fulfilled. + info: A Teaching resource kit for mountain countries: a creative approach to environmental education Une approche crative de lducation lenvironnement Collection L'homme et la biosphre 2010, 978-92-3-204159-3 This environmental education kit is intended primarily for secondary (and late primary) school teachers and their pupils living in countries in mountain areas, where climate and environmental conditions are harsh, often varying between extremes, and which are subject to the problems of erosion. With a view to fostering a better understanding of mountain ecosystems, the kit offers a creative approach to environmental education and is designed to arouse pupils' curiosity, to appeal to their artistic sensibilities and to serve as a tool for a more effective transmission of scientific information and environmental knowledge. The documents included are: - A teacher's manual divided into three chapters - A class notebook for pupils + info: Ir a arriba Bosques Noticias Agenda Publicaciones Noticias FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION (FAO) : A "Forest" Message in a Bottle To celebrate the World Forest Day of the International Year of Forests, on 21 March 2011, the UNECE/FAO Forestry and Timber Section held a tree planting ceremony in the Parc Ariana which surrounds the Palais des Nations in Geneva. + info: Spring 2011 newsletters from Forest Research - FR NEWS Welcome to the Spring 2011 issue of Forest Research's newsletter FR News. This new issue is now available, giving a roundup of recent research highlights. In the Spring 2011 issue: - Green light for research into forest management effects on woodland birds - International Year of Forests - All you ever wanted to know about tree species - Climate change and the timber trade understanding the opportunities and challenges - New publication series launched - Events + info: Connaissance et prservation des espaces naturels en France : BIBLIOGRAPHIE ET INTERNET La connaissance des milieux naturels (caractristiques, composition floristique et faunistique, rpartition gographique) apparat aujourdhui comme un pralable ncessaire une bonne gestion et protection des espaces naturels. Cette connaissance sest construite progressivement partir des annes quatre-vingt, deux programmes majeurs ayant notamment apport une large contribution : linventaire des zones naturelles dintrt cologique, faunistique et floristique (ZNIEFF) et la mise en place de la typologie CORINE biotope (CORINE pour COoRdination de lINformation sur lEnvironnement). Pour constituer un rseau despaces protgs reprsentatifs de la biodiversit, une grande varit doutils a t mise en place en France, chacun ayant des objectifs, des contraintes et des modes de gestion spcifiques. + info: espaces-naturels/en-savoir-plus.html Nombre et superficie des espaces naturels protgs et grs en France La connaissance des milieux naturels (caractristiques, composition floristique et faunistique, rpartition gographique) apparat aujourdhui comme un pralable ncessaire une bonne gestion et protection des espaces naturels. Cette connaissance sest construite progressivement partir des annes quatre-vingt, deux programmes majeurs ayant notamment apport une large contribution : linventaire des zones naturelles dintrt cologique, faunistique et floristique (ZNIEFF) et la mise en place de la typologie CORINE biotope (CORINE pour COoRdination de lINformation sur lEnvironnement). Pour constituer un rseau despaces protgs reprsentatifs de la biodiversit, une grande varit doutils a t mise en place en France, chacun ayant des objectifs, des contraintes et des modes de gestion spcifiques. + info: espaces-naturels.html?print LA UNION EUROPEA ANUNCIA 3.1 MILLONES PARA ASEGURAR LOS MEDIOS DE SUBSISTENCIA EN LA AMAZONIA COLOMBIANA A TRAVES DE LA CONSERVACION DE LOS BOSQUES La sostenibilidad a largo plazo de la generosidad de la naturaleza en la Amazona colombiana ha recibido un importante impulso gracias a los 3.1 millones en nuevos fondos de la Unin Europea. El nuevo proyecto mejorar los medios de subsistencia en la Amazona colombiana a travs de la prevencin de la deforestacin, la conservacin de los bosques y las actividades de uso sostenible en reas protegidas, reservas indgenas y sus zonas de amortiguamiento. + info: Anne des forts : YAB (Yann Arthus-Bertand) lance une nouvelle exposition pour sensibiliser les lves En cette anne internationale des forts, la Fondation GoodPlanet cre par le photographe Yann Arthus-Bertrand, propose de mettre disposition de chaque tablissement scolaire, une srie de 20 affiches pdagogiques. L'opration est mene en collaboration avec les ministres de lEducation Nationale et de lEcologie. + info: Un insecte ravageur s'attaque aux forts canadiennes Aprs avoir dvast les forts de l'ouest du Canada, le dendroctone du pin ponderosa, un insecte ravageur, commence s'attaquer aux pins gris de l'Alberta. Une rcente tude indique qu'il pourrait ensuite se dplacer vers l'est, et mme jusqu'aux rives de l'Atlantique. + info: Development in the Donau-Auen National Park? - Austria One of the two free-flowing sections of the river in Austria is between Vienna and the Austrian border with Slovakia. The largest connected floodplain forest on the upper Danube is located here. Decisions made here in the planning of navigation projects could have a "domino effect" on the entire Danube. The project is located on the Danube section between the Freudeneu hydropower station next to Vienna and the Austrian-Slovakian border, amounting to 48 km in length. It is within the boundaries of the Donau-Auen National Park, which is also a biosphere reserve, a designated Natura 2000 site, and a Ramsar site. + info: Noruega proteger los Bosques de la Guyana Durante el ltimo ao, el presidente Bharrat Jagdeo de Guyana ha viajado por todo el mundo ofreciendo dejar los bosques de su pas bajo la supervisin internacional si otros pases pagaban a sus ciudadanos para que no deforestaran los paisajes tropicales. La campaa recibi un amplio apoyo la semana pasada cuando Noruega anunci el lunes que se comprometa con 30 millones de dlares a mejorar un plan para evitar la deforestacin en esta pequea nacin de Suramrica. Si el programa demuestra tener xito, Guyana recibir 250 millones de dlares ms a lo largo de 2015. + info: A blessing in disguise - Pakistan In 1984, when I was a Divisional Forest Officer, I was kidnapped in the thick forest of Dadu, in southern Pakistan. The armed gang kept me in captivity for two nights but it seemed like a thousand years. My confidence was shattered and my career took a turn for what I thought at the time was the worst. After this, I decided to work on coastal conservation. This change, which involved restoring mangroves, was actually a blessing in disguise. It gave me a platform to chart completely unexplored territory in Pakistan. Tahir Qureshi is Programme Director of IUCN Pakistans Coastal Ecosystem Unit. He was the first forest officer to be kidnapped by a notorious gang of dacoits belonging to the renowned Baloch Chandio Tribe. The 60strong gang, armed with the latest weapons, were operating in densely forested areas. + info: Huile de palme : KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) s'engage lutter contre la dforestation La chane de restauration rapide KFC a annonc renoncer l'huile de palme qu'elle utilisait jusqu'alors dans ses fritures. Une dcision visant lutter contre la dforestation entrane par la culture des palmiers huile, et donc contre rchauffement climatique. La chane de restauration rapide amricaine KFC a dcid de rduire son impact environnemental en renonant l'huile de palme utilise pour ses fritures, rapporte The Independent. Cette huile responsable d'une importante dforestation en Indonsie et en Malaisie, notamment, sera remplace par de l'huile de colza dans tous ses restaurants britanniques a annonc le groupe. Une dcision visant rduire les acides gras saturs de ses plats, mais surtout lutter contre la dforestation. + info: Recaudacin de fondos para los bosques Qu tienen en comn los patios de los colegios, el aceite de palam y los bosques tropicales? Todos ellos aparecen en una campaa para recaudar fondos que ha puesto en marcha Size of Wales y Cool it Schools para recaudar dinero para los bosques tropicales alrededor del mundo. Fauna & Flora International (FFI) est encantada de que nuestro bosque Tongwe y el proyecto de conservacin de la comunidad en el oeste de Tanzania se haya incluido, y recibir una quinta parte de lo recogido por la recaudadora de fondos Jungle Fever. Jungle Fever es una red social para concienciar al consumidor y una campaa de recaudacin de fondos que se ha extendido a travs de Facebook y Twitter. Size of Wales, como uno de los socios de la campaa ha prometido igualar los fondos que se recojan para el bosque Tongwe a travs de Jungle Fever de forma que por cada libra recogida el proyecto obtendr 2 libras... + info: The II Mediterranean Forest Week 5 abr - 8 abr 2011 . AVIGNON, Francia Organizadores: European Forest Institute Contacto: [email protected] + info: Des forts et des hommes Des posters librement tlchargeables, un film et des fiches pdagogiques pour explorer les forts du monde. Si 2010 fut lanne de la biodiversit, celle de 2011 est consacre nos forts. Borales, tropicales, tempres, claires ou denses, ces cosystmes sont essentiels la survie des 7 milliards de terriens que nous sommes + info: i-Tree Outils d'inventaire et de valorisation des forts urbaines - USFS (United States Forest Service) Le US Forest Service - USFS - propose une suite logicielle gratuite aux responsables territoriaux pour valuer la valeur des forts urbaines et des arbres. Quand vient le temps aux lus municipaux de dcider dinvestir, le poids des chiffres peut faire pencher la balance favorablement du cot des arbres quand on peut dmontrer leur valeur. En termes conomiques cela se traduit en valeur de la matire ligneuse videmment mais aussi en tonnes de CO2 absorbes, en polluants neutraliss, en eau retenue, en rafrachissement atmosphrique, en impact olien, etc. En fait, les forts urbaines peuvent tre considres comme faisant partie des infrastructures de la collectivit aussi bien que les routes, les aqueducs ou les rseaux de transport d'nergie. Et comme toute infrastructure de valeur, il convient de la connatre et de la grer positivement. + info: Agenda 23rd Session of the International Co-coordinating Council of the Man and the Biosphere Programme (MAB) 28 jun - 1 jul 2011 . Dresden, Alemania Organizadores: UNESCO-MAB Contacto: Thomas Schaaf, [email protected] + info: about-mab/icc/icc/23rd-session-of-the-mab-council/ Publicaciones Unasylva ahora accesible gratis La FAO da comienzo al Ao Internacional de los Bosques con un nmero especial fotogrfico de Unasylva. Ms de un centenar de das internacionales se celebran a lo largo del ao con la finalidad de conmemorar una amplia gama de asuntos, ocupaciones, actividades y valores culturales importantes para la humanidad. Esta hermosa coleccin de imgenes ilustra que los bosques tienen vinculaciones con casi todas ellas. Si bien los das internacionales son el hilo que mantiene unida esta coleccin de fotografas, su organizacin es temtica y no cronolgica para as catalogar mejor el lugar que los bosques ocupan en muchos sectores. El presente nmero da expresin al tema del ao internacional, Los bosques para la gente, mostrando cmo los bosques son importantes para casi todas las actividades humanas. + info: Ir a arriba Genealogía y Heráldica Noticias Agenda Publicaciones Noticias Agenda Publicaciones Ir a arriba Patrimonio Geológico Noticias Agenda Publicaciones Noticias Los nativos americanos haban modificado el paisaje antes de la llegada de los europeos Un nuevo estudio de investigadores, del Departamento de geologa de la Universidad Baylor, demuestra que la utilizacin de la tierra por los Amerindios tuvo un impacto generalizado en el paisaje del Este Norteamericano; adems el desarrollo de las llanuras inundables se hizo varios centenares de aos antes de la llegada de las grandes zonas de asentamiento europeos. Los investigadores asignaron al principio de la colonizacin la utilizacin de las tierras, as como la deforestacin, la labranza y la construccin de presas. Esto habra influido en los sistemas hidrolgicos actuales en el Este de Norteamrica. Aunque estudios previos sugeran que la utilizacin de las tierras de los Amerindios en el Este de Norteamrica haba sido la causa de cambios en los sistemas hidrolgicos, pocas pruebas directas se haban podido proporcionar hasta ahora + info: Dinosaurio raro econtrado en las arenas petrolferas de Canad - Alberta - Canad Las arenas petrolferas de Canad, una vasta extensin de alquitrn y arena que se extrae del petrleo crudo, dado el tesoro de otro tipo de esta semana, cuando un trabajador de la petrolera descubri un fsil de dinosaurio de 110 millones de aos que no iba a estar all. El fsil es un anquilosaurio, un dinosaurio herbvoro con extremidades de gran alcance, blindaje y una cola de club. Encontrar en esta regin del norte de Alberta fue una sorpresa porque hace millones de aos la zona estaba cubierta por el agua. + info: Vuelve el monstruo marino gigante de Yorkshire Museum - York - Reino Unido Uno de los monstruos ms grandes del mar que se ha encontrado en Gran Bretaa va a volver en la pantalla como un fsil completo por primera vez en dcadas. El ictiosaurio gigante habra sido de unos ocho metros de largo y nad en las aguas tropicales que cubran Yorkshire del Norte hace 180 millones de aos. Durante los ltimos doce meses los restos fsiles de la criatura del mar masiva han sido cuidadosamente conservados por un experto. Y ahora, por primera vez en 20 aos, la totalidad del fsil se ha puesto de nuevo en la pantalla + info: Le BRGM (Bureau de recherches gologiques et minires) partenaire de Futuna 2010 : des dcouvertes majeures sur un immense domaine volcanique En moins de deux mois, lquipe scientifique et technique ayant men la campagne FUTUNA 2010 a dcouvert une nouvelle dorsale active et un volcan majeur actif, le Kulolasi . Ce dernier comporte le premier site hydrothermal profond et de haute temprature connu dans la zone conomique exclusive franaise. En moins de deux mois, lquipe scientifique et technique ayant men la campagne FUTUNA 2010 a dcouvert une nouvelle dorsale active et un volcan majeur actif, le Kulolasi . Ce dernier comporte le premier site hydrothermal profond et de haute temprature connu dans la zone conomique exclusive franaise. + info: Bureau de recherches gologiques et minires - France) : le point sur le Sisme du 11 mars 2011 au Japon Un sisme de magnitude 9.1 est survenu l'Est des ctes de l'le principale du Japon, vendredi 11 mars 2011, 14h46 heure locale (6h46 heure franaise - 5h46 TU). Retrouvez sur cette page les points de situation dits par le BRGM. Le sisme survenu le 11 mars est le plus fort jamais enregistr au Japon. Il a t prcd d'une squence de sismes dont le principal a eu une magnitude de 7.2 (le 9 mars), et suivi par un tsunami. Ces vnements se sont produits dans un contexte tectonique complexe et trs actif : une zone de subduction. Dans un tel contexte, cause du plongement d'une plaque ocanique sous une autre plaque tectonique (ici portant l'le d'Honshu), un certain nombre de failles peuvent induire des sismes. Les plus importants, tel que celui du 11 mars, se produisent au niveau de la zone de contact entre les deux plaques. L'USGS estime que le long de la faille rompue, la plaque Pacifique a plong localement de 17m sous l'le d'Honshu. + info: Une nouvelle zone de subduction pourrait natre en Mditerrane Selon les gologues, la plaque tectonique europenne a commenc passer sous la plaque africaine. Un phnomne qui pourrait conduire la naissance d'une nouvelle zone de subduction en Mditerrane. Depuis des millions d'annes, le front nord de la plaque tectonique africaine descendait sous celle de l'Europe. Mais le phnomne pourrait bien tre en train de s'inverser. C'est ce qu'ont annonc la semaine dernire des gologues au meeting de l'European Geoscience Union (EGU). Alors que les continents poursuivent leur convergence, il semblerait ainsi que ce soit cette fois-ci au tour de l'Europe de glisser sous la plaque africaine. Un phnomne qui donnerait naissance un vnement gologique rare, la naissance d'une nouvelle zone de subduction dans la rgion mditerranenne. + info: Surprising Discovery of Sharp-Toothed Fossil Links Old and New Dinosaurs - Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History - Washington D.C. (USA) The surprising discovery of a fossil of a sharp-toothed beast that lurked in what is now the western U.S. more than 200 million years ago is filling a gap in dinosaur evolution. The short snout and slanting front teeth of the find Daemonosaurus chauliodus had never before been seen in a Triassic era dinosaur, said Hans-Dieter Sues of the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History. Sues and colleagues report the discovery in Wednesday's edition of the British journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B. Sues, curator of vertebrate paleontology at the museum, said the discovery helps fill the evolutionary gap between the dinosaurs that lived in what is now Argentina and Brazil about 230 million years ago and the later theropods like the famous Tyrannosaurus rex. + info: La clbre limite Crtac-Tertiaire plus ancienne qu'estime jusqu' prsent En analysant par la mthode de la cyclostratigraphie des sries sdimentaires marines prleves dans les ocans Indien et Atlantiques lors d'anciennes campagnes ocanographiques des programmes internationaux ODP et DSDP , une quipe de chercheurs franais et amricains a pu dmontrer la corrlation des cycles sdimentaires avec les variations des paramtres orbitaux de la Terre et dater la limite Crtac-Palogne, soit 65.590.07 Ma, soit 660.07 Ma. Cette deuxime proposition est plus en accord avec les dernires donnes radiomtriques, ce qui recule dans le temps cette limite de 405 000 ans par rapport ce qui est actuellement admis. + info:,celebre-limite-cretace-tertiaire-plus-ancienne-qu-estimee-jusqu-a-present.html Coup de froid au temps des dinosaures Les dinosaures n'ont pas toujours bnfici de tempratures clmentes. De nouveaux rsultats montrent que durant une partie du Crtac infrieur, le nord-est de la Chine a t soumis un climat tempr avec des hivers rigoureux. Cette dcouverte explique l'abondance de dinosaures plumes dans les gisements fossiles de cette priode. Elle vient d'tre mise en vidence par une collaboration internationale coordonne par Romain Amiot du Laboratoire de gologie de Lyon : terre, plantes et environnement (CNRS/ENS de Lyon/Universit Lyon 1). Leurs travaux sont publis sur le site des PNAS au cours de la semaine du 7 mars 2011. + info:,coup-froid-temps-dinosaures.html Exhibition - History Reveals How Dinosaurs Actually Lived 16-abr-2011 . Nueva York, Estados Unidos de Amrica Organizadores: American Museum of Natural History Contacto: [email protected] + info: Journes "Historicit dans les diffrents domaines scientifiques" - MUSEUM NATIONAL D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE (MNHN) 5 may - 6 may 2011 . Pars, Francia Organizadores: Jean-Jacques Kupiec (ENS), Guillaume Lecointre (MNHN), Bernard Thierry (CNRS/INEE), Muriel Gargaud (CNRS/INSU), Philippe Bertrand (CNRS/INSU) et Pierre-Henri Gouyon (MNHN) Contacto: Jean-Jacques Kupiec ([email protected]) Guillaume Lecointre ([email protected]) + info: Forer au plus profond la crote du Pacifique : une mission co-dirige par le CNRS au printemps 2011 Une quipe internationale, laquelle participent quatre chercheurs franais notamment du CNRS et de l'Universit Paul Sabatier Toulouse , met le cap vers le Pacifique Est pour mener, du 13 avril au 3 juin prochain, au large du Costa-Rica, une campagne de forage ocanique. Objectif de cette expdition : atteindre, pour la premire fois, proximit d'une dorsale expansion ultra-rapide, les niveaux de gabbros situs une profondeur d'environ 2 km sous le plancher ocanique. Disposer d'chantillons de ces roches magmatiques, issues d'un refroidissement plus lent que les basaltes des fonds ocaniques, permettra aux scientifiques de mieux connatre la structure de la crote et d'en tester les modles de formation dans ce contexte spcifique de dorsale rapide. Ces chantillons claireront aussi le rle de l'eau de mer dans l'volution de la crote ocanique ainsi que la contribution de la partie infrieure de cette corce aux anomalies magntiques marines. Fait remarquable : le dpart de cette mission concide avec le 50me anniversaire du premier forage de la crote ocanique en avril 1961. + info:,forer-plus-profond-croute-pacifique-mission-co-dirigee-par-cnrs-printemps-2011. html Agenda La Loire, Agent gologique - BRGM (Bureau de recherches gologiques et minires - France) Revue du BRGM N 12 - Dcembre 2010 Le BRGM, tablissement public de rfrence dans le domaine des sciences de la Terre. Le BRGM est l'tablissement public de rfrence dans le domaine des sciences de la Terre pour grer les ressources et les risques du sol et du sous-sol. Ses actions s'articulent autour de 4 missions : recherche scientifique, appui aux politiques publiques, coopration internationale, scurit minire. Le BRGM poursuit deux objectifs : Comprendre les phnomnes gologiques et les risques associs, dvelopper des mthodologies et des techniques nouvelles, produire et diffuser des donnes de qualit. Dvelopper et mettre disposition les outils ncessaires la gestion du sol, du soussol et des ressources, la prvention des risques naturels et des pollutions, aux politiques de rponse au changement climatique. Le BRGM est le service gologique national franais. + info: Portail des publications scientifiques en libre accs du BRGM (Bureau de recherches gologiques et minires France) HAL-BRGM est la plate-forme de dpt et de consultation des publications produites par l'tablissement. Elle recueille toute publication caractre scientifique (articles de revues, chapitres d'ouvrages, actes de colloque...). Cette plate-forme a pour ambition de contribuer au dveloppement du libre accs l'information scientifique, d'accrotre la diffusion des travaux de recherche du BRGM et la visibilit de l'tablissement dans le domaine des gosciences, d'assurer la conservation prenne de la production scientifique de ses auteurs. Le dpt en texte intgral est privilgier mais il est possible de dposer des notices bibliographiques dans le cas o le fichier plein texte n'est pas disponible. + info: Prospective en Sciences de la Terre 2008-2013 La prospective des sciences de la Terre a t conduite en 2008 dans le cadre des missions spcifiques de lINSU par la commission spcialise des sciences de la Terre (CSST), sous la direction de Philippe Davy, prsident de cette commission. + info: la conqute des grands fonds - Techniques d'tude de la gologie marine Par Jacques Kornprobst et Christine Laverne Parution: avril 2011 ISBN: 978-2-7592-0894-4 quoi ressemble le sous-sol des abysses ? Quelles sont la nature et la structure des matriaux qui le composent ? Quels engins ont-t invents pour observer cet immense territoire longtemps inaccessible aux gologues et aux gographes ? Ce livre propose un voyage dans l'histoire des techniques qui ont permis l'observation du fond de la mer depuis la surface et avec les submersibles. Une aventure tonnante illustre par une centaine d'aquarelles qui mettent en scne les instruments de mesure, les navires anciens ou rcents, les submersibles, les marins et les scientifiques au travail, ainsi que cartes bathymtriques et gologiques. + info: Los pueblos indgenas y la minera. Gua de buenas prcticas ahora disponible en francs y espaol Consejo Internacional de Minera y Metales (ICMM) Es importante que las empresas se tomen un tiempo para entender adecuadamente a las comunidades con las que trabajan, sus preocupaciones y aspiraciones. Esta Gua pretende ayudar a las empresas alcanzar esas relaciones constructivas con los pueblos indgenas. Tambin se destina a ayudar a las empresas a cumplir con su compromiso con los pueblos indgenas tal como se indica en la declaracin de principios del ICMM. La gua pone de relieve los principios de buenas prcticas, analiza los retos en la aplicacin de estos principios a nivel operacional y proporciona ejemplos del mundo real de cmo los proyectos mineros han abordado estos retos. Tambin explora el costo de stos si salen mal. + info: Publicaciones Ir a arriba Legislación (nacional e internacional), Convenciones, Cartas y Declaraciones Noticias Agenda Publicaciones Noticias Tigres: un traficante condenado a prisin firme en Vietnam Un propietario de una cra privada del sur de Vietnam ha sido condenado a tres aos de prisin firme por haber organizado un trfico de tigres, especie que se haba comprometido a proteger. El dueo de la granja de animales salvajes, Huynh Van Hai, criaba tigres para venderlos mientras que se haba comprometido a preservar la especie amenazada, informa en su web la asociacin local Educacin para la Naturaleza - Vietnam (ENV). Organizacin que realiz la investigacin sobre este trfico el ao pasado. Entonces haba descubierto que otros dos zoolgicos privados estaban implicados en el trfico. + info: Gobernador italiano Gian Mario Spacca quiere la custodia compartida de la estatua con el Museo Getty Un fiscal italiano ofreci una propuesta de intercambio cultural el lunes que sonaba un poco como un ultimtum, diciendo que los funcionarios en el Museo J. Paul Getty deben comportarse de forma tica y devolver arte que se sabe que ha sido fruto de expolio. El gobernador Gian Mario Spacca de la regin de Marche, en el Mar Adritico, hizo el comentario tres das despus de que los funcionarios en el museo del sur de California le dijo que no poda hablar de la disputa "Victoria de la Juventud" estatua porque el caso todava estaba en los tribunales italianos. + info: LA UNION EUROPEA ANUNCIA 3.1 MILLONES PARA ASEGURAR LOS MEDIOS DE SUBSISTENCIA EN LA AMAZONIA COLOMBIANA A TRAVES DE LA CONSERVACION DE LOS BOSQUES La sostenibilidad a largo plazo de la generosidad de la naturaleza en la Amazona colombiana ha recibido un importante impulso gracias a los 3.1 millones en nuevos fondos de la Unin Europea. El nuevo proyecto mejorar los medios de subsistencia en la Amazona colombiana a travs de la prevencin de la deforestacin, la conservacin de los bosques y las actividades de uso sostenible en reas protegidas, reservas indgenas y sus zonas de amortiguamiento. + info: Getty Museum to Return Looted Painting Previously Owned by Jacques Goudstikker - Los Angeles - California - USA The J. Paul Getty Museum has agreed to return a 370-year-old painting that once belonged to an art dealer who fled Holland when the Nazis invaded in 1940. Jacques Goudstikker was the Netherlands' biggest art dealer in the 1930s. He was fleeing the Nazis with his wife and young son at the beginning of World War II when he fell through a trap door on an outbound ship and died. His collection was looted, with some works claimed by Adolf Hitler chief deputy Hermann Goering. Goudstikker's daughter-in-law, Marei von Saher, has spent years trying to track down the works. Her successes have been on tour around the country in an exhibition that ends Tuesday in San Francisco and featured 45 recovered pieces from the collection. The Getty bought the 1640 Pieter Molijn painting titled "Landscape With Cottage and Figures" in good faith at a 1972 auction, the museum said. The museum did not disclose the purchase price and has never displayed the painting. + info: Nomination of Experts for CBD (Convention on Biological Diversity) "Expert Group on Biodiversity for Poverty Eradication and Development" Deadline for nomination: 30 April 2011 In accordance with decision X/6, paragraphs 14 and 15 of the tenth Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP/10) on the integration of Biodiversity into Poverty Eradication and Development, I am pleased to inform you that an Expert Group Meeting on Biodiversity for Poverty Eradication and Development will be tentatively held in November 2011. + info: The Rise of Animal Law : A new area of study By Greg Miller Animal law is a relatively new area of study that examinesand often challengeshow the law treats animals. Some of those who teach animal law courses describe themselves as activists; others shy away from that label. But many take issue with a legal system that treats animals as property and provides few mechanisms for protecting their interests in court. Some of these legal scholars have proposed strategies for advancing animal rights through steppingstone cases that erode the notion of animals as property and grant them some of the same protections people have. Others, drawing inspiration from the antislavery and civil rights movements, advocate a more direct effort to establish fundamental rights for animalsat least for more cognitively sophisticated species such as great apes and cetaceans (see sidebar). No one is arguing that orangutans should be given the right to vote, but some legal scholars see no reason why apes shouldn't have rights similar to those of a child or a person in a coma. If these efforts succeed, there could be repercussions for everyone who works with animalsincluding scientists. + info: Ratificacin por Costa Rica de la Convencin sobre la proteccin y la promocin de la diversidad de las expresiones culturales (Pars, 20 de octubre de 2005) El 15 de marzo de 2011, Costa Rica deposit ante la Directora General su instrumento de ratificacin de la Convencin sobre la proteccin y la promocin de la diversidad de las expresiones culturales. Conforme a lo dispuesto en su Artculo 29, la Convencin entrar en vigor para Costa Rica tres meses despus del depsito de su instrumento, es decir el 15 de junio de 2011. + info: Le renouveau des restitutions de biens culturels : les modes alternatifs de rglement des litiges Marie Cornu. Directrice de recherche au CNRS, UMR 6224, Universit de Poitiers Marc-Andr Renold, Professeur lUniversit de Genve, Avocat au Barreau de Genve Les moyens alternatifs de rsolution de conflits en matire de biens culturels constituent une ressource importante pour traiter des questions de restitution, de retour ou encore de rapatriement de biens culturels. Le prsent article a pour objectif danalyser quelles sont les situations pouvant mener lutilisation de tels moyens plutt que des instruments judiciaires classiques et dtudier les problmes qui peuvent se poser. Ltude suit deux axes : le premier a pour objet lidentification des protagonistes ainsi que les techniques actuellement mobilises dans la restitution ou le retour de biens culturels. Le second axe permet, dune part, de mettre en vidence la nature des biens pouvant faire lobjet des types de rsolution de conflit dits alternatifs et, dautre part, de dresser une liste des solutions, souvent originales, ayant dj t retenues en pratique. Les modes alternatifs de rsolution de conflits permettent de prendre en considration nombre dlments extra-juridiques, de nature parfois motionnelle ou relevant dun sentiment de lobligatoire qui accompagnent les parties sur le chemin du consensus. + info: CONVENTION 2001 - Tercera sesin de la Reunin de los Estados Partes a la Convencin sobre la Proteccin del Patrimonio Cultural Subacutico 13 abr - 15 abr 2011 . Pars, Francia Organizadores: UNESCO Culture Contacto: Barbara Egger [email protected] + info: Ratificacin por Namibia de la Convencin sobre la Proteccin del Patrimonio Cultural Subacutico (Pars, 2 de noviembre de 2001) El 9 de marzo de 2011, Namibia deposit ante la Directora General su instrumento de ratificacin de la Convencin sobre la Proteccin del Patrimonio Cultural Subacutico. Conforme a lo dispuesto en su Artculo 27, la Convencin entrar en vigor para Namibia tres meses despus del depsito de este instrumento, es decir el 9 de junio de 2011. + info: Nueva Pgina Web en 7 idiomas sobre la Salvaguardia del patrimonio cultural subacutico (2001) El patrimonio cultural subacutico comprende todos aquellos rastros de existencia humana que estn o hayan estado bajo el agua, parcial o totalmente y que tengan un carcter cultural o histrico. Reconociendo la creciente necesidad de proteger este patrimonio, la UNESCO elabor en 2001 la Convencin de la UNESCO sobre la Proteccin del Patrimonio Cultural Subacutico. + info: Agenda Regional Consultative Expert Meeting and Capacity-Building Training on "Strengthening National Capacities for Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage" 19 may - 22 may 2011 . Minsk, Belarrs Organizadores: This meeting is organized as a follow-up to the UNESCO Capacity-Building Training for Trainers on Intangible Cultural Heritage (14-18 March 2011, Sofia, Bulgaria) and UNESCO Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Sub-regional Training Workshop on Community-based Standard Inventorying of Intangible Cultural Heritage (23-25 February 2009, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan). Contacto: [email protected] + info:[showUid]=3514&cHash=0cc1f7858d 3rd Conference of Parties to the Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions (2005) 14 jun - 17 jun 2011 . Paris, Francia Organizadores: CLT-UNESCO + info:[showUid]=1369&cHash=6fc453a62a 35th Session of The World Heritage Committee 19 jun - 29 jun 2011 . Paris, Francia Organizadores: WHC Contacto: [email protected] + info: Thailand International Conference 2011 15 oct - 17 oct 2011 . Phuket Town, Tailandia Organizadores: ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites) Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 25 abr 2011 + info: Publicaciones Tmoins de l'histoire: recueil de textes et documents relatifs au retour des objets culturels Author: Prott, Lyndel V. ISBN: 978-92-3-204128-9 LUNESCO vient de publier un ouvrage intitul Tmoins de l'histoire dit par le Professeur Lyndel V. Prott. Il prsente des articles crits par quelques-uns des meilleurs experts mondiaux dans le domaine du retour et de la restitution des biens culturels tout en allant au- del de laspect purement juridique. Ce Compendium offre un aperu des aspects historique, philosophique et thique de la problmatique du retour des objets culturels (par exemple les biens culturels dplacs en temps de guerre ou dans un contexte colonial), cite des exemples de cas passs et actuels (faade dun temple Maya, bronzes nigrians, tats-Unis d'Amrique contre Schultz, marbres du Parthnon et bien dautres) et analyse certaines questions juridiques (bonne foi, conventions UNESCO et UNIDROIT pertinentes, dcisions de Cour Suprme, procdure de requte etc.). + info: catno=191729&set=4D87356F_2_125&database=ged&gp=0&lin=1&ll=s Cultural Heritage Conventions and Other Instruments : A Compendium with Commentaries Authors: Patrick O'Keefe and Lyndel V. Prott ISBN: 978-1-903987-12-4 This book provides all the significant texts of international law (UNESCO, UNIDROIT, Council of Europe, European Union) on the protection of heritage and includes a short commentary on the evolution of each one and on their relationship to one another. Illustrations show the immense diversity of heritage legally protected today. A fundamental working tool for cultural professionals such as anthropologists, archaeologists, architects, cultural administrators, legal advisers, museum staff and site curators. It is also a useful reaching book for students in training of these cultural professions. + info: Ir a arriba Ciudades y centros históricos. Paisajes urbanos históricos Noticias Agenda Publicaciones Noticias Old Office Plaza / Baird Arquitectos Sampson Neuert - 2009 - St. Louis - Missouri - EE.UU. El diseo ganador de un concurso internacional, Old Post Office Plaza sirve como un catalizador para la revitalizacin urbana, formando un espacio icnico para eventos para el centro de St. Louis. Inspirado en una escultura pblico, seal que "el Torso de Icaro" del escultor Igor Mitoraj y donado para la instalacin en el proyecto, el diseo crea una armadura tridimensional de espacios y programas que espiral ascendente y en todo el trabajo para explorar la estructura ms profunda de ideas que evoca el mito de Daedelus y Ikarus. No slo fue Ddalo el protagonista clave de uno de los grandes relatos de huida y la cada, que se asoci a manifestaciones tempranas del espacio pblico y arte pblico en la antigua Grecia, como arquitecto y escultor arquetpica. + info: High Bridge ArtLab / in situ estudio - Washington - EE.UU. El "paseo" de Washington Heights a la comunidad de Highbridge lleva ms de una hora. El viaje requiere dos excusrsiones en dos lneas de metro distintas y excursiones a lo largo de las carreteras no peatonales y puentes. La historia ofrece una mejor imagen de la conectividad. Esta propuesta abre de nuevo el Puente Alto a los peatones y los proyecta el puente con una nueva estacin y estudios para vivir/trabajar para artistas. Un paisaje cultural urbano y continuo vuelve a conectar la comunidad de Highbridge con la infraestructura social de Washington Heights servirn de catalizador a una economa dinmica creativa que beneficia los artistas y los vecinos por igual. + info: La Iglesia Ortodoxa Rusa / Grupo Arco - Pars - Francia La cultura ortodoxa rusa y la religin, que se basan en las tradiciones espirituales, estn jugando un papel muy importante en el intento de Rusia para superar las dificultades actuales y son una fuente de direccin moral para una parte considerable de la poblacin. La tarea de crear una imagen moderna, positiva y abierta de la ortodoxia rusa se deriva del hecho de que el conocimiento de la cultura ortodoxa de Rusia es esencial para comprender e interactuar con Rusia. Sin embargo, la cultura ortodoxa de Rusia est en la actualidad escasamente representado en Europa. La creacin de un centro de Rusia Ortodoxa cultural en Europa ayudar a fortalecer las relaciones internacionales y es de enorme importancia desde el punto de vista de la educacin y la cultura. Al hacer este centro cultural una combinacin de tradicin y modernidad, ser posible para atraer a visitantes de todas las generaciones, incluidos los jvenes. + info: JOB OFFERS - Urban Design and Heritage Adviser in the City of Port Phillip. Victoria (Australia) Deadline for application: 4 April 2011 The City of Port Phillips appeal as a place to live, work and play is universal. To ensure the City retains its special character and reputation for sustainability, design excellence and quality architecture Council is seeking to appoint an experienced and passionate Urban Design and Heritage Advisor to its City Development team. + info: (en italiano) Genus Bononiae. Musei nella Citt. Bologne (Italia) Spesso si parla della museificazione dei centri storici, della loro ipertrofizzazione in reperto del passato che dato in pasto ai turisti, cartolina vivente per il consumo visivo. E perch non sfruttare in modo creativo questa metafora? Perch non cogliere la dimensione esplorativa del museo per rendere vivo e presente il patrimonio cittadino? In questa prospettiva possiamo visitare Genus Bononiae. Musei nella Citt, ossia come una strategia attraverso la quale il centro storico di Bologna, presente nella World Heritage List dellUNESCO per i suoi quaranta chilometri di portici, si pensa e si racconta come un museo della storia civica e architettonica. + info: Obiettivo Architettura - Nino Migliori - (5 & 8 April 2011) Parma Urban Center con la collaborazione dellassociazione studentesca della Facolt di Architettura di Parma SEGNIdSEGNI, dellAssessorato alle Politiche Urbanistiche ed Edilizie del Comune di Parma e il Gruppo Giovani dellIndustria di Parma, inaugura la prima edizione di Obiettivo Architettura, rassegna annuale di immagini e parole. Ledizione 2011/12, dal titolo Parma. Ritratti tra citt e paesaggio. La rassegna sar anticipata da una conferenza stampa di presentazione marted 5 aprile 2011 alle ore 10.30 presso la sede espositiva di Parma Urban Center, lex oratorio di San Quirino, in borgo Romagnosi 1/A a Parma. Alla conferenza stampa saranno presenti Francesco Manfredi, Assessore alle Politiche Urbanistiche ed Edilizie del Comune di Parma, Giusy Sassi, Presidente del Gruppo Giovani dellIndustria di Parma, Dario Costi, Presidente di Parma Urban Center, Chiara Visentin e Paolo Barbaro, curatrice e consulente scientifico delliniziativa. La rassegna sar inaugurata eccezionalmente con la mostra personale di uno dei pi grandi fotografi del nostro contemporaneo, il maestro Nino Migliori, che presenter venerd 8 aprile alle ore 18 a San Quirino il suo intenso Zooforo immaginato, opera dedicata al Battistero di Parma. + info: Appointment of Editorial Board for Journal of Historical Environment Australia ICOMOS is pleased to announce the appointment of the Editorial Board for Historic Environment (HE), the refereed journal of the organisation. The appointment of the Board is an important initiative for maintaining the integrity and academic status of Historic Environment, and we are very gratified that we have been able to attract an extremely eminent group of Australian and international ICOMOS members to join the Board. The role of the Board will be, when requested by the Editor and the Editorial Committee, to provide comment on the relevance of proposed themes for upcoming volumes of HE, advice about the selection of papers for publication, refereeing or recommendations for referees for individual papers, and to contribute to the formulation of policies and guidelines for the future direction of the journal. + info: EXHIBITION - La Ville fertile - Vers une nature urbaine - Cit de l'architecture et du patrimoine 23-mar-2011 . Paris, Francia Organizadores: Cit de l'architecture et du patrimoine Contacto: [email protected] + info: Montevideo Forum 2011 - Urban Management and Intangible Cultural Heritage 7 abr - 8 abr 2011 . MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay Organizadores: UNESCO, Montevideo Contacto: [email protected] and [email protected] + info:[showUid]=3382&cHash=20418638a4 Herzog de Meuron's Triangle Tower Design Raises Eyebrows in Paris - France The 590ft (180m) proposed Herzog de Meuron design labeled Triangle Tower, has been in the spotlight over recent weeks after the cross-party council approved the towers protocol agreement. Opposing the recent approval, Green party members are eager to share their thoughts commenting that the colossal project is yet another office block according to party member Yves Contassot. The controversy over the 40-story steel and glass building surely was anticipated; the French capital has had a 30+ year drought of buildings over 121ft. In 1977 a ban was put into place, shortly after the completion of the 689ft Tour Montparnasse, because Parisians feared that the city center would lose its existing urban fabric to skyscrapers similar to the Montparnasse. + info: Squares In Puigcerd / Pepe Gascn - 2008-2009 - Girona, Spain Remodelling of the most central and relevant public space in Puigcerd, originally very much deteriorated, with an excessive amount of traffic that diminished the civic and integrating potential of the space. Traffic is eliminated, concentrating road and service communication on one side, freeing up a large central space. Two large linear flowerbeds protect the pacified area from the bustle of traffic working as filters between the two. A number of elements of street furniture simultaneously emphasise the physical and visual limit of the squares themselves. + info: The Shard / Renzo Piano - London - United Kingdom The 70-story mixed use tower even while under construction is the tallest building in Londons skyline. Adjacent to London Bridge Station, the building offers increased density to a major public transport node, a key to and suggestive of future London development. London based architectural photographer Andy Spain shared with us photographs he took a few weeks ago of The Shard under construction. Be sure to take a look at our previous coverage of The Shard. + info: i-Tree Outils d'inventaire et de valorisation des forts urbaines - USFS (United States Forest Service) Le US Forest Service - USFS - propose une suite logicielle gratuite aux responsables territoriaux pour valuer la valeur des forts urbaines et des arbres. Quand vient le temps aux lus municipaux de dcider dinvestir, le poids des chiffres peut faire pencher la balance favorablement du cot des arbres quand on peut dmontrer leur valeur. En termes conomiques cela se traduit en valeur de la matire ligneuse videmment mais aussi en tonnes de CO2 absorbes, en polluants neutraliss, en eau retenue, en rafrachissement atmosphrique, en impact olien, etc. En fait, les forts urbaines peuvent tre considres comme faisant partie des infrastructures de la collectivit aussi bien que les routes, les aqueducs ou les rseaux de transport d'nergie. Et comme toute infrastructure de valeur, il convient de la connatre et de la grer positivement. + info: Agenda "Ciudades Histricas en Desarrollo: Claves para Comprender y Actuar". Una Compilacin de estudios de casos en materia de conservacin y gestion en ciudades histricas. Ampliacin de la Convocatoria de contribuciones hasta el 30 de abril 2011 . Sintra, Kazajstn Organizadores: Organizacin de las Ciudades del Patrimonio Mundial (OCPM) Contacto: [email protected] + info: Consultation launched for Good Practice Guide for Local Listing . , Reino Unido de Gran Bretaa e Irlanda del Norte Organizadores: ENGLISH HERITAGE Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 13 may 2011 + info: La citt ospitale : come programmare lo sviluppo locale - LUCCA - ITALY - 5 MAY 2011 5-may-2011 . Lucca, Italia Contacto: [email protected] + info: MY IDEAL CITY (MIC) SCENARIOS FOR THE EUROPEAN CITY OF THE 3rd MILLENNIUM - The Ideal City and the participatory process, The image of the city in the digital world, Towards a Sustainable City 12 may - 13 may 2011 . Venecia, Italia Organizadores: European project MIC - My Ideal City Contacto: [email protected] + info: THE LIFE QUALITY IN CITY CENTRES - CONDITIONS FOR TOURISM AND RESIDENCE 12 may - 15 may 2011 . Torun, Polonia Organizadores: University of Economy in Bydgoszcz (POLAND); Romualdo Del Bianco, Foundation in Florence (ITALY); The City Office of Torun (POLAND) Contacto: [email protected] + info: IX Encuentro Internacional sobre Manejo y Gestin de Centros Histricos - 'El derecho ciudadano a los hitos urbanos: grandes estructuras antiguas en funcin de nuevas centralidades' 17 may - 20 may 2011 . La Habana, Cuba Organizadores: Oficina del Historiador de la Ciudad de la Habana Contacto: [email protected] + info: Villes franaises du patrimoine mondial et tourisme - Protection, Gestion, Valorisation 27-may-2011 . Paris, Francia Organizadores: Chaire UNESCO Culture, Tourisme, Dveloppement de l'Universit Paris 1 Panthon-Sorbonne Contacto: [email protected] + info: Corso perfezionamento "Gestione del verde in ambiente urbano" 2011 6 jul - 8 jul 2011 . EDOLO, Italia Organizadores: Universit degli Studi di Milano Contacto: [email protected] and [email protected] + info: Architecture @ the Edge: International Conference of the Association of Architecture Schools of Australasia 18 sep - 20 sep 2011 . Geerong, Australia Organizadores: School of Architecture and Building Deakin University Australia Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 30 abr 2011 + info: Thailand International Conference 2011 15 oct - 17 oct 2011 . Phuket Town, Tailandia Organizadores: ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites) Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 25 abr 2011 + info: Publicaciones Ir a arriba Patrimonio Científico, Astronómico, Tecnológico e Industrial Noticias Agenda Publicaciones Noticias English Heritage Survey on Industrial Heritage at Risk English Heritage is embarking on research which will reveal how much of our industrial heritage is at risk of neglect, decay or even demolition. We will be revealing the results of this research at our annual Heritage at Risk launch in October. We will also be finding out what the public think about industrial heritage and proposing ways in which the best of our unique industrial past can be saved for future generations to learn from, value and enjoy. You can get involved now by posting photographs and comments on the Flickr Group we are running in conjunction with the Council for British Archaeology and the Association for Industrial Archaeology. + info: COMPETITIONS - Competition Entry for Galileum in Solingen / Ren van Zuuk Architekten (Germany) The Regional Industrial Heritage Organization of Solingen, Germany has called for a competition to redevelop the local observation using an old spherical gas container in order to address the strong industrial character and historical context of the container and the local architecture. The following project is an entry from Ren van Zuuk Architekten. The site is located on the edge of a residential area near a railroad, from which the steel spire of the old gas container is visible. With a diameter of 26 metres the container has a frame of eleven columns that rest on 3m high concrete foundations. The original design is pragmatic in its approach. A sphere was used as the most efficient model with the largest surface area available to function at the lowest cost. The staircase was built with the same functional consideration as the rest of the building and it follows that, to use the existing spherical structure, the new design would have to be approached with the same rigor. + info: Twenty-One Museums and Science and Visitor Centers Vie To Get Retired Space Shuttles - CAPE CARNAVERAL - FLORIDA - USA A proposal for a space shuttle exhibit in New York. As the 30th anniversary of the first space shuttle launch draws near, the focus is not so much on the past but the future: Where will the shuttles wind up once the program winds down? AP Photo/Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum. + info: VICOMITES Members' event - visit to the Murtoa Stick Shed 16-abr-2011 . Murtoa, Australia Organizadores: Heritage Council of Victoria Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 8 abr 2011 + info:;868 Forum international l'occasion du 50e anniversaire du 1er vol orbital autour de la terre sur? Les utilisations pacifiques de l'espace pour la science,l'ducation et la culture ? (Paris-France 21 avril 2011) Ce Forum international d'une demi-journe rassemblera des astronautes, cosmonautes et explorateurs de l'espace de diverses nations, ainsi que des scientifiques, des astrophysiciens, des musiciens et des historiens afin de rflchir sur les raisons pour les utilisations pacifiques de l'espace. Valentina Treshkova (premire femme cosmonaute, La Fdration de Russie), Sergei Konstantinovich Krikalev (Cosmonaute, La Fdration de Russie), Buzz Aldrin (Astronaute, tats-Unis), Gerhard Thiele (Astronaute, Allemagne), Narendra Bhandari (Astronome, l'Inde), Thomas Culhane, (Iraq/Etats-Unis), Cynda Collins Arsenult (tats-Unis), Dominique Proust (Astrophysicien, France) + info:[showUid] =3391&cHash=1ba0192d49 NASA Announces Space Shuttles Going to Museums in Florida, California and Suburban Washington - USA On a memorable day in space history, NASA began its goodbyes to the shuttle program Tuesday, announcing the aged spacecraft will retire to museums in Cape Canaveral, Los Angeles and suburban Washington and sending a test-flight orbiter to New York City. + info: Agenda Science Museum Presents Ten Climate Stories 11-abr-2011 . Londres, Reino Unido de Gran Bretaa e Irlanda del Norte Organizadores: The Science Museum Contacto: [email protected] + info: mAAN Seoul 2011 Conference - Our Living Heritage : Industrial Buildings and Sites of Asia 25 ago - 27 ago 2011 . Seoul, Repblica de Corea Organizadores: Dept. of Architecture Sungkyunkwan University FECHA LMITE: 30 mar 2011 + info: Publicaciones Astronomical Evidence for the Timing of the Panathenaia - Acropolis. Athens (Greece) Article by Efrosyni Boutsikas For the first time, the role of the night sky in the performance of nocturnal festivals in ancient Greece is considered. This study presents a reconstruction of the Athenian night sky as it would have been visible from the Acropolis during the celebration of the Panathenaia. A link is suggested between the timing of the festival, held on the Acropolis, and the movement of the constellation of Draco, which would have been visible in the night sky during this time. This association is supported by the half-human half-snake early Athenian kings, the myths associated with the festival, the snake that lived in the Erechtheion crypt, and the role of Athena in the Giantomachy. The visible surroundings of the Athenian Acropolis that participants of the nocturnal rites would have seen offer a more nuanced understanding of the relationship between Greek cosmology, astronomy, and ritual practice. + info: Ir a arriba Patrimonio Intangible Noticias Agenda Publicaciones Noticias La 'Ata du Maroc - Festival de l'Imaginaire - Institut du monde arabe - Paris - France (9 avril 2011) Al-Ata signifie littralement, lappel, le cri : cet appel, cest celui qui est fait aux anctres pour quils sment le courage dans le cur des hommes ; cest aussi linvocation de linspiration potique et musicale. Genre musical traditionnel trs ancien, Al-Ata se rattache principalement aux tribus dorigine arabe arrives au Maroc au dbut de la domination des Almohades, au XIIe sicle. cho des joies et des peines quotidiennes, populaire et pleine de vie, Al-Ata est un art de tradition orale qui a su faire siens les thmes de la beaut, du plaisir et de lamour. Longtemps incomprise et rejete en raison, notamment, de ses connotations parfois rotiques, ce genre est aujourdhui considr comme lun des trsors de la mmoire collective. + info: PRIZES - El actor y director de teatro sudans Ali Mahdi Nouri y el profesor francs Cherif Khaznadar, ganadores del Premio UNESCO-Sharjah por la cultura rabe El actor y director de teatro sudans Ali Mahdi Nouri y el profesor francs Chrif Khaznadar, presidente del centro cultural francs Casa de las Culturas del Mundo, son los ganadores de la edicin 2010 del Premio UNESCO/Sharjah de promocin de la cultura rabe, que recibirn el 15 de abril de 2011 de manos de la Directora General de la UNESCO, Irina Bokova. Ali Mahdi Nouri (Sudn) fund en 2004 la compaa al-Bugaa, que viaja por las zonas en conflicto de Sudn poniendo en escena obras teatrales protagonizadas por nios soldados o hurfanos de guerra. Sus trabajos, inspirados en el patrimonio cultural de Sudn, usan diversas tcnicas de narracin, as como folklore y pantomima. El jurado internacional del Premio destac en su recomendacin que Ali Mahdi Nouri utiliza en sus obras la lengua y la cultura rabes (en forma de cuentos y relatos) como puntos de resiliencia a partir de los cuales se da a jvenes actores la oportunidad de reconstruirse. Ali Mahdi Nouri desempea un papel muy activo en el seno del Instituto Internacional del Teatro, por lo que su trabajo goza de un reconocimiento internacional. + info: TARA OCEANS EXPEDITION - Ile de Pques, ct terre (Chili) Video + info: L'ethnologie la porte des enfants : un portail francophone La francophonie est dcidment une belle aventure. S'il fallait s'en convaincre, il ne serait que de visiter le nouveau portail Patrimoines en mouvement, qui propose aux classes et enfants du monde entier de dcouvrir comment on traite des questions qui structurent nos socits de par le monde. Mariage, mort, langues et critures, milieux naturels, cinma... Plus de 50 thmes figurent dans la liste, certains plus copieux que d'autres bien sr. + info: Acaba de salir el volumen 7 del Intangible Cultural Heritage Courier de Asia y el Pacfico La sptima entrega del ICH Courier empiezan ofreciendo noticias del sub-regional Networking Meeting para la Salvaguarda del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial en el Pacfico que tuvo lugar del 29 al 30 de marzo de 2011 en Nakualofa, Tonga y que abarc informacin clave en cuanto al Expert Network Meeting para una aproximacin integrada al patrimonio material e inmaterial en la Salvaguarda del Patrimonio Cultural, el cual tuvo lugar en Andong, Corea del Sur el 14 de marzo de 2011. Le sigue el Expert Remarks que abarca el tema del patrimonio material e inmaterial: una aproximacin integrada + info: bbs_name=BOARD_ICH1_ENG&idx=11 CURRO PIANA - Anthologie du Cante Minero, Flamenco - Label INEDIT de la Maison des Cultures du monde PARIS - France Curro Piana est lun des principaux dpositaires dun style de flamenco mal connu en France, le Cante Minero. Ce genre sest dvelopp partir de la fin du XIXe sicle dans les rgions minires de Murcie, Carthagne, Jaen, Linares, Almeria. Il comprend des cartagenas, des tarantas et tarantos, des mineras et bien dautres formes encore. + info: Montevideo Forum 2011 - Urban Management and Intangible Cultural Heritage 7 abr - 8 abr 2011 . MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay Organizadores: UNESCO, Montevideo Contacto: [email protected] and [email protected] + info:[showUid]=3382&cHash=20418638a4 15e Festival de l'Imaginaire: Chants soufis du Ymen et Griotte de Mauritanie - Auditorium du Louvre 9 abr - 10 abr 2011 . PARIS, Francia Organizadores: Muse du Louvre Contacto: [email protected] + info: III Jornadas del Mercosur sobre Patrimonio Intangible 13 abr - 16 abr 2011 . Mar del Plata, Argentina Organizadores: CICOP Argentina Contacto: Mara de las Nieves Arias: [email protected] ; [email protected] + info: Forum on "Asrlar sadosi" Festival of Traditional Culture 30 abr - 1 may 2011 . Bukhara, Uzbekistn Organizadores: The Forum of Culture and Arts of Uzbekistan Foundation Contacto: [email protected] and [email protected] + info: Danses et musiques du Mawled au Festival de l'Imaginaire Maison des Cultures du monde - PARIS - France Le mawled est la clbration, le premier jour du mois rabi al-awwal, de la naissance du prophte de lIslam, Mohammad. Le chant et la musique jouent un rle central dans cette crmonie qui est aussi une tradition festive et familiale. Aux mirats Arabes Unis, particulirement Abu Dhabi et Dubai, les prires et la musique du mawled peuvent accompagner dautres vnements de la vie des croyants, par exemple la nuit du jeudi au vendredi, jour de prire, ou la circoncision des jeunes garons + info: Agenda International Heritage Online Studies - Summer 2011 Session 1 Course Offerings 16 may - 6 jun 2011 . Amherst, Estados Unidos de Amrica Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 1 may 2011 + info: Regional Consultative Expert Meeting and Capacity-Building Training on "Strengthening National Capacities for Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage" 19 may - 22 may 2011 . Minsk, Belarrs Organizadores: This meeting is organized as a follow-up to the UNESCO Capacity-Building Training for Trainers on Intangible Cultural Heritage (14-18 March 2011, Sofia, Bulgaria) and UNESCO Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Sub-regional Training Workshop on Community-based Standard Inventorying of Intangible Cultural Heritage (23-25 February 2009, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan). Contacto: [email protected] + info:[showUid]=3514&cHash=0cc1f7858d ICOM CHILE - IV Congreso sobre Educacin Museos y Patrimonio 3 oct - 4 oct 2011 . Santiago de Chile, Chile Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 16 may 2011 + info: Thailand International Conference 2011 15 oct - 17 oct 2011 . Phuket Town, Tailandia Organizadores: ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites) Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 25 abr 2011 + info: Call for papers-International Conference on Children and Youth in a Changing World - Panel on Research on children's play and toys in non-western and non-industrial communities 26 nov - 30 nov 2012 . Bhubaneswar, India Contacto: [email protected] + info: Publicaciones Savoirs des femmes: mdecine traditionnelle et nature; Maurice, Runion, Rodrigues Author: Pourchez, Laurence ISBN: 978-92-3-204197-5 La Runion, Maurice et Rodrigues prsentent des traditions mdicinales uniques. Fruits d'un processus de crolisation dont les origines sont multiples, ces usages sont indissociables de la nature dans laquelle ils puisent. Ils constituent une cl privilgie pour comprendre des socits qui se situent dans une dialectique constante entre tradition et modernit. Ces les, initialement dsertes, ont t peuples partir de la fin du XVIIe sicle par des populations originaires d'Europe, de Madagascar, d'Afrique, d'Inde et de Chine, voire de Polynsie ou d'Australie. Le dialogue entre les savoirs mdicinaux propres chacune d'elles a permis la naissance d'un savoir commun, transmis en grande partie par les femmes. Cet ouvrage met en lumire la connaissance qu'ont ces femmes des plantes mdicinales et des gestes mdicaux, notamment ceux qui accompagnent la naissance. Il interroge galement la place des savoirs mdicinaux dans ces socits insulaires lheure dune occidentalisation croissante et de certains replis identitaires. + info: Valorisation du Patrimoine Culturel: Commercialisation Touristique de l'Artisanat d'art en Turquie Auteur : ter Zafer ISBN : 9786131567148 Le tourisme mondial s'accrot malgr toutes les menaces politiques et conomiques. Tous les pays, pauvres ou riches, sont comptitifs pour acqurir les touristes qu'ils prfrent. Aprs les annes du tourisme de masse, le secteur du tourisme dcouvre les niches dans ses efforts de mercatique. La culture semble de plus en plus favorable la prolifration des produits touristiques dans les destinations. Prservation, restauration, dveloppement durable, tourisme plus responsable, commerce quitable sont des thmes d'importance au dbut du 21e sicle. Ce livre essaie de questionner la situation de la valorisation du patrimoine culturel en Turquie. La valorisation du patrimoine n'est plus limite la restauration des btiments historiques ou des uvres artistiques. Car, le patrimoine immatriel ne cesse de gagner du terrain dans les rflexions et les actions. Cependant, la valorisation et la commercialisation des biens culturels restent en mme temps un sujet contest. Les opinions des artisans d'art turcs et les commerants de l'artisanat d'art en Turquie relient les thmes de valorisation et de commerce touristique dans cet tude. + info: Haiti: Hacer de la cultura un motor para la reconstruccin Inmediatamente despus del terremoto acaecido el 12 de enero de 2010, la UNESCO se moviliz para ayudar al pueblo haitiano y para estar junto a su Gobierno. El papel de la organizacin es coordinar las actividades de las diferentes instituciones, fortalecer los recursos nacionales y lograr la estructuracin de las tareas prioritarias a largo plazo. En abril de 2010, el Consejo Ejecutivo de la UNESCO estableci el Comit Internacional de Coordinacin para la Salvaguardia del Patrimonio cultural de Hait (ICC), de acuerdo con el plan de reconstruccin nacional. + info: Ir a arriba Lenguas y Toponimia Noticias Agenda Publicaciones Noticias La BnF (BIBLIOTHEQUE NATIONALE DE FRANCE) met en ligne une visite virtuelle de l'exposition consacre Geoffroy Tory -Muse de la Renaissance d'Ecouen (France) Personnalit incontournable de l'univers du livre la Renaissance, Geoffroy Tory est la fois un prcurseur des rgles et usages de la langue franaise, un diteur humaniste et un artiste de talent. Soutenu par Franois Ier, il est le premier porter le titre d'imprimeur du roi. La BnF et le muse national de la Renaissance lui consacrent une exposition du 6 avril au 4 juillet 2011 au Muse d'couen. + info: TARA OCEANS EXPEDITION - Ile de Pques, ct terre (Chili) Video + info: Language May Have Helped Early Humans Spread Out of Africa The story of humanity's prehistoric expansion across the planet is recorded in our genes. And, apparently, the story of the spread of language is hidden in the sounds of our words. That's the finding of a new study, which concludes that both people and languages spread out from an African homeland by a similar processand that language may have been the cultural innovation that fueled our ancestors' momentous migrations + info: Agenda Publicaciones Ir a arriba Biodiversidad Marina y de Costas Noticias Agenda Publicaciones Noticias Sea Shepherd se asocia con la Repblica de Palau para controlar la pesca furtiva Tras una exitosa victoria expulsando a los balleneros del Santuario de Ballenas del Ocano Antrtico, Shepherd Conservation Society se centra ahora en la proteccin de los tiburones. A principios de este mes se firm un memorndum de acuerdo entre la organizacin de accin directa por la fauna marina salvaje y la Repblica de Palau. Este acuerdo sin precedentes autoriza a Sea Shepherd a colaborar directamente con la Divisin para el Cumplimiento de la Ley Marina (DMLE, de sus siglas en ingls) para patrullar y defender un rea marina nica protegida designada como el primer santuario de tiburones del mundo. Durante una reciente visita a Palau, el Capitn Paul Watson y el Director Ejecutivo de Sea Shepherd Steve Roest se reunieron con Su Excelencia el Presidente Johnson Toribiong de Palau y los 16 miembros tradicionales del Consejo de Jefes, que actan como sus asesores, para firmar el acuerdo. + info: Nombre et superficie des espaces naturels protgs et grs en France La connaissance des milieux naturels (caractristiques, composition floristique et faunistique, rpartition gographique) apparat aujourdhui comme un pralable ncessaire une bonne gestion et protection des espaces naturels. Cette connaissance sest construite progressivement partir des annes quatre-vingt, deux programmes majeurs ayant notamment apport une large contribution : linventaire des zones naturelles dintrt cologique, faunistique et floristique (ZNIEFF) et la mise en place de la typologie CORINE biotope (CORINE pour COoRdination de lINformation sur lEnvironnement). Pour constituer un rseau despaces protgs reprsentatifs de la biodiversit, une grande varit doutils a t mise en place en France, chacun ayant des objectifs, des contraintes et des modes de gestion spcifiques. + info: espaces-naturels.html?print Connaissance et prservation des espaces naturels en France : BIBLIOGRAPHIE ET INTERNET La connaissance des milieux naturels (caractristiques, composition floristique et faunistique, rpartition gographique) apparat aujourdhui comme un pralable ncessaire une bonne gestion et protection des espaces naturels. Cette connaissance sest construite progressivement partir des annes quatre-vingt, deux programmes majeurs ayant notamment apport une large contribution : linventaire des zones naturelles dintrt cologique, faunistique et floristique (ZNIEFF) et la mise en place de la typologie CORINE biotope (CORINE pour COoRdination de lINformation sur lEnvironnement). Pour constituer un rseau despaces protgs reprsentatifs de la biodiversit, une grande varit doutils a t mise en place en France, chacun ayant des objectifs, des contraintes et des modes de gestion spcifiques. + info: espaces-naturels/en-savoir-plus.html Archaeologists Investigate Iraqi Marshes for Origins of Mesopotamian Cities - Iraq Three National Science Foundation-supported researchers recently undertook the first non-Iraqi archaeological investigation of the Tigris-Euphrates delta in nearly 20 years. Archeologists Jennifer Pournelle and Carrie Hritz, with geologist Jennifer Smith, carried out the study late last year to look for links between wetland resources and the emergence of Mesopotamian cities. "Mesopotamia"--Greek for "the land between the rivers"--is an area about 300 miles long and 150 miles wide straddling the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, which now run through Iraq, northeastern Syria, southeastern Turkey and southwestern Iran. It is broadly considered a cradle of civilization, because urban societies first developed there, about six thousand years ago. + info: 1st South Atlantic Biodiversity Meeting:Understanding deep-water biodiversity in the South Atlantic: options for conservation and sustainable use of resources in the high-seas - Paris - France (7 -8 April 2011 ) The international expert meeting Understanding deep-water biodiversity in the South Atlantic: options for conservation and sustainable use of resources in the high-seas will consolidate the main scientific findings collected during the South Atlantic MAR-ECO field expedition, a collaborative effort involving scientists from Russia, Brazil, Uruguay and New Zealand. During this 34-day expedition, a team of scientists acquired numerous pelagic and benthic samples over areas of the southern MidAtlantic Ridge and the Walvis Ridge. Scientific results emerging from preliminary analyses are already substantial and expected to reveal significant results regarding deep water biodiversity of such poorly studied area. + info: Urgent action needed to protect Earth's blue carbon such as mangroves, seagrasses and tidal marshes The destruction of coastal carbon ecosystems, such as mangroves, seagrasses and tidal marshes, is leading to rapid and long-lasting emissions of CO2 into the ocean and atmosphere, according to 32 of the worlds leading marine scientists. That key conclusion highlights a series of warnings and recommendations developed by the new International Working Group on Coastal Blue Carbon, which convened its first meeting in Paris last month. The Working Group was created as an initial step in advancing the scientific, management and policy goals of the Blue Carbon Initiative, whose founding members include Conservation International (CI), the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO. + info: Programme de conservation et de valorisation des Ecosystmes Fragiliss d'Afrique Centrale (ECOFAC) Lobjectif global est de contribuer la conservation et la gestion durable des cosystmes forestiers de lAfrique Centrale et d'ainsi garantir la prennit des services environnementaux et de contribuer la rduction de la pauvret. Lobjectif spcifique de lappui communautaire portera sur le renforcement des capacits de gestion des Aires Protges, des sites dintrt biologique et des forts du Bassin du Congo ainsi qu la mise en place des outils dappui au dveloppement socioconomique durable des populations riveraines + info: MedPartnership lanza nuevo sitio web La Alianza Estratgica para el Gran Ecosistema Marino del Mediterrneo del Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente (PNUMA), el Plan de Accin para el Mediterrneo (PAM), y del Fondo para el Medio Ambiente Mundial (FMAM), es un esfuerzo colectivo realizado por parte de organizaciones lderes incluida la UNESCO (regional, internacional, nogubernamental, etc.), y de pases que comparten el Mar Mediterrneo, en busca de la proteccin del medio ambiente marino y costero del Mediterrneo. La MedPartnership es liderada por PNUMA/PAM y el Banco Mundial, y es financiada por el FMAM y algunos otros donantes, incluidos la Unin Europea y todos los dems pases participantes. + info: medpartnership_launches_new_website/ Environnement: la Commission europenne demande la France et l'Irlande de protger leurs mers La Commission demande la France et l'Irlande de se conformer la lgislation de l'UE, qui impose aux tats membres d'laborer des stratgies marines pour protger leurs mers. Aucun de ces deux tats membres n'a communiqu la Commission les dispositions nationales transposant la directive-cadre stratgie pour le milieu marin, qui auraient d tre en place pour le 15 juillet 2010. Sur recommandation du commissaire en charge de lenvironnement, M. Janez Potocnik, la Commission a dcid d'adresser un avis motiv ces tats membres. Si la France et l'Irlande ne s'acquittent pas de leurs obligations lgales, la Commission peut saisir la Cour de justice de l'UE et, dj ce stade, demander la Cour d'imposer des sanctions pcuniaires. + info: A blessing in disguise - Pakistan In 1984, when I was a Divisional Forest Officer, I was kidnapped in the thick forest of Dadu, in southern Pakistan. The armed gang kept me in captivity for two nights but it seemed like a thousand years. My confidence was shattered and my career took a turn for what I thought at the time was the worst. After this, I decided to work on coastal conservation. This change, which involved restoring mangroves, was actually a blessing in disguise. It gave me a platform to chart completely unexplored territory in Pakistan. Tahir Qureshi is Programme Director of IUCN Pakistans Coastal Ecosystem Unit. He was the first forest officer to be kidnapped by a notorious gang of dacoits belonging to the renowned Baloch Chandio Tribe. The 60strong gang, armed with the latest weapons, were operating in densely forested areas. + info: L'UE (Union europenne) se penche sur la question des dchets plastiques mditerranens Janez Potocnik, commissaire europen l'Environnement a dcid de s'attaquer aux dchets plastiques mditerranens. C'est au cours d'une visite Athnes, vendredi dernier, que le commissaire europen l'Environnement Janez Potocnik a dclar que "les dchets en mer taient un gros problme". Il s'est dit "dtermin y faire face". "Nous devons dire non au "monstre plastique", a-t-il lanc. D'aprs certaines enqutes 83% des dchets qui polluent la mer Mditerrane sont des dchets plastiques. Les estimations indiquent que 500 tonnes de plastique et 250 milliards de micro-particules plastiques flottent la surface des eaux. + info: Una industria pesquera rusa clave se une a un grupo de presin a favor de la sostenibilidad Federacin Rusa Una organizacin clave de la industria pesquera se unir a WWF para presionar al gobierno a favor de una poltica ms sostenible y medidas de gestin para una de las industrias pesqueras ms importantes del mundo en de pescado blanco. La influyente Alaska o Walleye Pollock Catchers Association (PCA)- uno de los cuerpos de gobierno de la industria pesquera rusa ha acordado unirse a WWF para presionar y para que se adopten polticas gubernamentales para situar a observadores independientes a bordo de los barcos y para la adopcin de propuestas de WWF Rusia dentro de la estrategia nacional rusa para luchar contra las industrias pesqueras ilegales, sin regulacin y no denunciadas (IUU). + info: Degraded coastal wetlands contribute to climate change Drainage and degradation of coastal wetlands emit significant amounts of carbon dioxide directly to the atmosphere and lead to decreased carbon sequestration, a new report has found. The report, written in partnership with the World Bank, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and wetland specialists ESA PWA, calls for coastal wetlands to be protected and incentives for avoiding their degradation and improving their restoration to be included into carbon emission reduction strategies and in climate negotiations. + info: GENOMIQUE ENVIRONNEMENTALE - Ces acteurs invisibles qui contrlent les milieux aquatiques Les cosystmes aquatiques reprsentent prs des trois-quarts de la surface de notre plante. Ils ont t la matrice ncessaire lvolution de la vie et comptent la plus grande partie de la diversit des organismes vivant sur Terre. La mtagnomique environnementale permet aujourdhui den apprhender lextraordinaire complexit. + info: Haciendo frente a los retos del Cambio Climtico, aprovechando la oportunidad para la Colaboracin RegionalEight Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commision (IOC) Simposio Cientfico Internacional (Busan, Repblica de Corea, 29-31 marzo 2011) Hoy en da los ocanos estn amenazados por el creciente nivel de contaminacin, por la poblacin y el desarrollo costero en tierra firme. El cambio climtico global tambin est contribuyendo a una subida del nivel del mar, al calentamiento y a la acidificacin. La biodiversidad marina est bajando, mientras que estn aumentando los casos de ciclones y las oleadas de tormentas. Dada la profunda influencia de los ocanos en las vidas de los hombres, es esencial que entendamos y seamos capaces de predecir las condiciones globales y regionales de los ocanos y la interaccin con la atmsfera, la biosfera y la tierra. Este conocimiento tiene que surgir de la investigacin marina cientfica, de observaciones y servicios. El octavo simposio cientfico internacional IOC/WESTPAC titulado Clima Ocenico y ecosistemas marinos en el Pacfico Occidental se celebr con xito para hacer frente a estos retos en Busan, Repblica de Corea, del 28-31 de marzo 2011. Ms de 500 participantes de 20 pases en la regin de Asia y el Pacfico asistieron al simposio. + info: + info: Les prcipitations neigeuses, une menace pour les cosystmes arctiques ? Une quipe de chercheur grenoblois issus du Laboratoire de glaciologie et gophysique de l'environnement (LGGE, CNRS/UJF), de l'Institut de biologie structurale (IBS, CEA/CNRS/UJF) et du Laboratoire adaptation et pathognie des microorganismes (LAPM, UJF/CNRS) vient de mettre en vidence que les retombes brutales de mercure observes chaque printemps en Arctique ne sauraient tre l'unique cause de contamination des cosystmes par cet lment. Il semble en revanche que les prcipitations neigeuses aient un fort potentiel contaminant dans cette rgion. Cette tude a t publie en ligne le 22 fvrier 2011 dans la revue Environmental Science and Technology. Sixth Meeting of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami and other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (26 - 29 April 2011, Santo Domingo, Este., Dominican Republic) The meeting venue is Hotel Meli Santo Domingo located in the 365, Avenue George Washington. Participants may make their reservations directly with the hotel, Agreed rate to attend the "ICG-CARIBE-EWS-VI Session" for Deluxe Single Room: US $90.00, plus 26% tax + info: New Exhibitions Present Pioneer Actions Undertaken by Small Island Developing States in the Face of Climate Change 15-abr-2011 . Boulogne-sur-Mer and Montpellier, Francia Organizadores: UNESCOs Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) is involved in this project within the framework of its action for sustainable development in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) Contacto: [email protected] + info: new_exhibitions_present_pioneer_actions_undertaken_by_sids_in_the_face_of_climate_change/ El hielo que se deshace de la Antrtica est haciendo que los pinginos se mueran de hambre Cada ao, desde 1979, el bilogo marino Wayne Trivelpiece, y su mujer, Susan, ambos pertenecientes a la National Atmospheric Associations Antartic Ecosystem Research Division en San Diego, California, hacen frente a las glidas temperaturas y a los veloces vientos de 40 kilmetros e media por hora para rastrear la alimentacin, cra y la migracin de los pinginos barbejo y adelie. Durante este tiempo, las poblaciones que han estudiado en el Oeste de la pennsula antrtica y en el cercano mar de Scotia han disminuido drsticamente, y unas cuantas se han extinguido, vctimas del calentamiento del planeta que las priva de su hbitat helado. Ahora, en una recopilacin de informacin ms de 30 aos procedente de numerosas bases alrededor de la Antrtica, los investigadores han concluido que los pinginos no slo estn desapareciendo sino que se estn tambin muriendo de hambre. + info: Agenda Planning Meeting on the Pacific Heritage Hub 27 abr - 28 abr 2011 . Suva, Fiji Organizadores: The meeting is organized with funding from the Government of Australia. Contacto: [email protected] + info:[showUid]=3385&cHash=d8a7cf2327 MOOSE (Mediterranean ocean observing system on environment) - Campagne ocanographique 29 may - 2 jul 2011 . Mditerrane Nord occidentale., Organizadores: Le programme MOOSE est soutenu financirement par le SOERE MOOSE, lINSU et la Rgion PACA. Il bnficie galement des soutiens logistiques de la DT-INSU, dIfremer et de Mto France. Contacto: [email protected], [email protected] + info: Ecole thmatique CNRS (Conseil national de la recherche scientifique) Michael Ghil : Rtroactions dans les systmes environnementaux 5 jun - 12 jun 2011 . La Rochelle, Francia Organizadores: Institut National des Sciences de lUnivers (INSU) du CNRS, lEcole Normale Suprieure (ENS), et lInstitut des Systmes Complexes-Paris Ile de France (ISC-PIF). CNRS-INSU | ENS | ISC-PIF Contacto: [email protected] + info: 23rd Session of the International Co-coordinating Council of the Man and the Biosphere Programme (MAB) 28 jun - 1 jul 2011 . Dresden, Alemania Organizadores: UNESCO-MAB Contacto: Thomas Schaaf, [email protected] + info: about-mab/icc/icc/23rd-session-of-the-mab-council/ SOLAS (Surface Ocean Lower Atmosphere Study) - IGAC (The International Global Atmospheric Chemistry ) France joint meeting 29 jun - 30 jun 2011 . Pars, Francia Organizadores: SOLAS - IGAC + info: CALL FOR ABSTRACTS - ODINAFRICA Ocean Data & Information Network for Africa) Scientific Symposium and Head's of Institutions meeting 4 oct - 6 oct 2011 . SALY, Senegal Organizadores: The Ocean Data and Information Network for Africa (ODINAFRICA), in collaboration with the Centre de Recherche Ocanographique de Dakar Thiaroye (CRODT) and the Direction des Pches Maritimes (DPM) Contacto: Mika Odido ([email protected]), Arame Keita ([email protected], [email protected]) and Anis Diallo, ([email protected], [email protected]) FECHA LMITE: 30 jun 2011 + info: Vulnrabilit des cosystmes ctiers au changement global et aux vnements extrmes 17 oct - 20 oct 2011 . Biarritz, Francia Organizadores: Biarritz Ocan et la socit MLG Events Contacto: Patrick Prouzet, Ifremer. - [email protected] + info: CALL FOR ABSTRACTS- Seventh WIOMSA (WEST INDIAN OCEAN MARINE SCIENCES ASSOCIATION) Scientific Symposium 24 oct - 29 oct 2011 . MOMBASA, Kenya Organizadores: Jointly by the Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA) and the Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI) Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 30 abr 2011 + info: Publicaciones Sustainable Dolphin Tourism in East Africa Authors: Berggren, P., Amir, O.A., Guissamulo, A., Jiddawi, N.S., Ngazy, Z., Stensland, E., Sarnblad, A. and Cockroft, V.G. WIOMSA Book Series no. 7 ISSN: 0856-7972 Marine mammal distribution, abundance and population biologyand ecology will be investigated using airplane and ves sel based surveys and by studying samples from animals bycaught in fishing gear. The hypothesis that marine mammal distribution and abundance in the region is conducive to eco-tourism will be tested. The sustainability of the dolphin tourism will be investigated by testing the hypothesis that the tourism practices adversely impact dolphin populations. Information from behavioural research of dolphins in relation to tourism will be used to address this + info: The Effects of Coral Bleaching on Coral Reef Fish, Fisheries, and Ecosystem Services in the Western Indian Ocean region By Tim R. McClanahan. 2009 The Effects of Coral Bleaching on Coral Reef Fish, Fisheries, and Ecosystem Services in the Western Indian Ocean region. MASMA Final Technical Report. WIOMSA Book Series No. 9, viii+52pp + info: download&catid=70&cid=372 WATERSCAPES This issue is focused on Integrated Water Planning and Resource Management. Waterscapes is a technical publication distributed four times a year. Each issue contains articles focused on important issues in the water and wastewater industry. + info: La vie des ocans, de leur naissance leur disparition Auteur : Yves Lancelot Editeur : VUIBERT (10 janvier 2011) ISBN-13: 978-2311003574 Au cours des annes 1960, les sciences de la Terre ont connu, avec la thorie de la tectonique des plaques, une vritable rvolution. Et cest pour la vrifier et parvenir une vision globale de la dynamique de la crote terrestre qua t lance une vaste campagne de forages ocaniques. A travers son tmoignage, Yves Lancelot nous invite revivre cette aventure scientifique. + info: Ir a arriba Patrimonio Cultural marítimo y militar/defensivo Noticias Agenda Publicaciones Noticias Lanzamiento del proyecto: Erster Weltkrieg in Alltagsdokumenten la Primera Guerra Mundial en documentos del da a da La Primera Guerra mundial en documentos del da a da comienza hoy con una llamada al pblico en Alemania a participar en la construccin de un archivo digital europeo mediante contribuciones privadas de objetos de inters pertenecientes al periodo de la Primera Guerra Mundial. Buscamos fotografas, cartas, diarios, cortometrajes, grabaciones de audio, objetos y sus historias. Siguiendo la presentacin del proyecto, habr cuatro espectculos en la calle en Frankfurt am Main, Berln, Mnich y Stuttgart. El proyecto constituye un acuerdo entre Europeana, la Deutsche Nationalbibliothek y la Universidad de Oxford. + info: bt=compnewsletter Nazi Warplane, Thought to Be World's Last Known Example, Lying Off United Kingdom Coast is Intact A World War Two era German Dornier 17 bomber is seen using high-tech sonar equipment, showing it to be largely intact and well-preserved on the sea floor, in an undated photo off the Kent coast. A rare World War II German bomber shot down over the English Channel, hidden for years by shifting sands at the bottom of the sea, is so well preserved a British museum wants to raise it for its collection. The Dornier 17 warplane -- thought to be world's last known example -- was hit on 26 August 1940 as it took part on a massive attack that became known as the Battle of Britain + info: Wartime German Bunker Discovered by Workers in Warsaw Laying a New Tram Line - WARSAW - POLAND Workers in Warsaw laying a new tram line have uncovered a German bunker dating back to World War II, officials said Thursday. The bunker was discovered in recent days at Plac Zbawiciela, or Savior's Square, a major traffic hub in the Polish capital where tram tracks and the street are undergoing thorough renovation. City archaeologist Barbara Piotrowska said it was a surprise that such a massive concrete and metal structure had remained hidden from view for many decades in the city center. She said it will require specialized equipment and the shutting down of the tram power line for the bunker to be moved. It will then go to a museum. + info: Agenda Exhibition - 'Architecture in Uniform: Designing and Building for the Second World War' 13 abr - 18 sep 2011 . Montreal, Canad Organizadores: The Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA) Contacto: [email protected] + info: Publicaciones Ir a arriba Patrimonio Moderno y Contemporáneo Noticias Agenda Publicaciones Noticias Peticin para salvar la Escuela de Primaria Phillis Wheatley NUEVA ORLEANS- EEUU En nombre de DOCOMOMO US/ Luisiana les solicito que consideren firmar una peticin en lnea para salvar la histrica moderna Escuela Elemental Philips Wheatley la cual amenaza ser demolida. Esta peticin fue iniciada por Phyllis MontanaLeblanc,, PML quin habl de forma apasionada en una vista pblica el viernes ante la Historic District Landmarks Commission en defensa de su alma mater, Si arrasis mi escuela, una parte de m muere con ella. Desafortunadamente, nos hemos enterado de que no habr una revisin ante el Consejo Municipal y una peticin de propuesta se ha puesto en marcha para la demolicin. Aparentemente y puesto que se trata de una demolicin iniciativa de la ciudad para destruir un edificio que pertenece a la misma ciudad, el Consejo Municipal no tiene por qu revisar la peticin de demolicin. No obstante, seguimos insistiendo en hacer un llamamiento para conservar la Escuela Wheatley que se incluy en la lista World Monuments Fund Watch en 2010. Esperamos obtener ms de 2.000 firmas y presentar la peticin ante el alcalde Landrieu y el Consejo Municipal. + info: AD Classics: Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell University / I.M. Pei 1973 - ITHACA - NEW YORK STATE - USA With a desire to make a dramatic statement while maintaining an optimal amount of scenic views, transparent open spaces and windows beautifully contrast the heaviness and boldness of the rectangular forms of concrete. Located atop a 1,000-foot slope that overlooks Lake Cayuga in Ithaca, the museum was designed by I.M. Pei and John L. Sullivan, with additional help from the firm Pei Cobb Freed & Partners. The museum totals 61,000 square feet, with nine floors stacked high above the ground, housing the exhibit spaces. One floor rests underground, where additional galleries and meeting rooms are found. Through stacking the program instead of spreading it out over the lot, the architects were able to perserve much of the surrounding landscape and views. + info: La casa Turkel de Frank Lloyd Wright es obtiene una segunda vida - 1955 - Detroit - Michigan - EE.UU. Cuando Dale Morgan y Norman Silk vieron un cartel de "Se Vende" en frente de una casa contempornea en la zona de Palmer Woods de Detroit era justo lo que buscaban, as que lo compraron.. Poco saban que haba tropezado solo en la compra de un verdadero ejemplo de Frank Lloyd Wright diseador de la casa, conocida como la Casa Turkel. Para responder a la pregunta que todos han hecho, Cmo no lo han sabido , resulta que 25 aos de deterioro, los largos perodos de abandono y el cambio de manos propietarios combinado con aos de mantenimiento diferido y cubierto de vegetacin puede ocultar un diseo FLW bastante bien. + info: Taliesin West - 1937-1959 / Frank Lloyd Wright - SCOTTSDALE - Arizona - EE.UU. Situado en la parte exterior del desierto de Sonora de Scottsdale, Arizona se encuentra un monumento de vida y testimonio de la vida y obra de Frank Lloyd Wright. Realizadas entre 1937 - 1959, Taliesin West fue el hogar invernal de Wright y la casa de su esposa verano, Taliesin, en Spring Green, Wisconsin, adems de ser taller de Wright y la escuela de sus aprendices. + info: Crocker Art Museum de extensin - 2010 / Gwathmey Siegel & Associates Architects - SACRAMENTO, California - California - EE.UU. El Museo de Arte Crocker ha finalizado la construccin de una ampliacin de 125,000 pies cuadrados diseado por Gwathmey Siegel & Associates Architects (GSAA). El Teel Familia Pabelln ms que triplica el tamao actual del museo y mejora su funcin como recurso cultural para California y muchos visitantes del estado. Uno de los ltimos grandes proyectos pblicos GSSA cofundador Charles Gwathmey, La ampliacin del Museo de Arte Crocker complementa las estructuras histricas del museo de 125 aos de edad, que incluye uno de los edificios construidos expresamente primer museo de arte en los Estados Unidos. + info: Invitation to Australia ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites) members to contribute to 20th Century Heritage International Scientific Committee thematic study We will be looking at the Australian thematic framework & relevant 20th century examples, the English Heritage post war listing framework, the TICCIH (The International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage) framework, Docomomo reports and a range of LA historic studies, leading to a brainstorming on how ISC20C might develop an international 20th century thematic framework. Of course, it will have national, state and local applications too. Dr Susan Marsden, who is the co-author of the South Australian studies, will be providing a keynote paper in Los Angeles and Helen Lardner has already provided input on the work of TICCIH in this area. The presidents of the UIA (International Union of Architects) and Docomomo will be attending. + info: La Iglesia Ortodoxa Rusa / Grupo Arco - Pars - Francia La cultura ortodoxa rusa y la religin, que se basan en las tradiciones espirituales, estn jugando un papel muy importante en el intento de Rusia para superar las dificultades actuales y son una fuente de direccin moral para una parte considerable de la poblacin. La tarea de crear una imagen moderna, positiva y abierta de la ortodoxia rusa se deriva del hecho de que el conocimiento de la cultura ortodoxa de Rusia es esencial para comprender e interactuar con Rusia. Sin embargo, la cultura ortodoxa de Rusia est en la actualidad escasamente representado en Europa. La creacin de un centro de Rusia Ortodoxa cultural en Europa ayudar a fortalecer las relaciones internacionales y es de enorme importancia desde el punto de vista de la educacin y la cultura. Al hacer este centro cultural una combinacin de tradicin y modernidad, ser posible para atraer a visitantes de todas las generaciones, incluidos los jvenes. + info: Website available on Docomomo Slovenia / DOcumentation and COnservation of MOdern MOvement in Slovenia DOCOMOMO is an acronym for DOcumentation and COnservation of the MOdern MOvement. Docomomo International is an international not-for-profit organisation that documents and preserves architecture of the Modern Movement. It strives to raise awareness regarding Modernist architecture by running an international register, organising campaigns, conferences, exhibitions, education and publicity. It brings together experts from diverse professions: architects, art historians, conservationists, sociologists, urban planners, landscape architects and others involved in preservation. The organisation is composed of four specialised groups: Register, Technology, Urbanism and Landscape Architecture, and Education and Theory. It was founded by architects Hubert-Jan Henket and Wessel de Jonge from the Department of Architecture at the Eindhoven University of Technology in 1990. The Netherlands is also home to the present assembly centre of the Modernist architecture register in NAi. The two architects ran the organisation until 2002, when its seat was transferred to Paris, and the management taken over by Italian architect and professor Maristella Casciato. In 2010, the seat was once again moved, this time to Barcelona, where the organisation is now run by Portuguese architect and professor Ana Tstoes. Docomomo is under the patronage of the Mies van der Rohe Foundation. Today, it consists of over 50 satellite units across the world. + info: Gran Reapertura del Edificio Hinman de Investigacin de la Escuela de Arquitectura (CoA) de Georgia Tech despus de su remodelacin de 2011 - Atlanta - Georgia - EE.UU. El 30 de Marzo marcar la inauguracin del Edificio de Investigacin Hinman, Universidad de Georgia Tech de Arquitectura (COA) de $ 9,500,000 de restauracin, rehabilitacin y reutilizacin de adaptacin del edificio histrico. Eventos que a las 4 pm en el Auditorio Reinsh-Pierce con una conferencia de los arquitectos, Nader Tehrani de la oficina de dA y con sede en Atlanta Seor, Jack Aeck y Sargent Pyburn, FAIA. Despus de la conferencia una ceremonia y la recepcin se llevar a cabo a partir del 5 a 7 pm en el Edificio de Investigacin Hinman. + info: La Ampliacin del Museo de Arte Contemporneo Otorgado a arquitectos Gwathmey Siegel & Associates - Miami Florida - EE.UU. El Museo de Arte Contemporneo de North Miami (MOCA) anunci recientemente que Gwathmey Siegel & Associates Architects ser la de disear una expansin 27,000 pies cuadrados triplicar el espacio actual de exposicin en museos. Votado por unanimidad por el Consejo, el espacio de la galera nueva de MOCA se ampliar en 16.000 pies cuadrados que ofrece la oportunidad de mltiples exposiciones continuamente durante todo el ao. El proyecto buscar un diseo sostenible de las certificaciones LEED, y la instalacin en la ciudad de plan maestro del Norte de Miami. + info: High Bridge ArtLab / in situ estudio - Washington - EE.UU. El "paseo" de Washington Heights a la comunidad de Highbridge lleva ms de una hora. El viaje requiere dos excusrsiones en dos lneas de metro distintas y excursiones a lo largo de las carreteras no peatonales y puentes. La historia ofrece una mejor imagen de la conectividad. Esta propuesta abre de nuevo el Puente Alto a los peatones y los proyecta el puente con una nueva estacin y estudios para vivir/trabajar para artistas. Un paisaje cultural urbano y continuo vuelve a conectar la comunidad de Highbridge con la infraestructura social de Washington Heights servirn de catalizador a una economa dinmica creativa que beneficia los artistas y los vecinos por igual. + info: Hotel Fouquet Barrire / Edouard Franois - 2006 - Paris - France French architect and landscape designer Edouard Franois was encharged of the renovation and faade design of the Fouquets Barrire Hotel in Paris, which is located in one block facing Avenue des Champs Elyses. The architect mission was the general plan of the whole hotel, including courtyards, administration offices and a spa service, spread on different plots of the golden triangle, and the design of new facades for extensions. + info: National Museum of China / gmp architekten - 2005-2011 - Beijing - China The reconstruction and extension of the National Museum of China in Beijing merges the former Chinese History Museum and Chinese Revolutionary Mu-seum. Originally completed in 1959 as one of ten major public buildings in Tiananmen Square in the immediate vicinity of the Forbidden City, the struc-ture is still a milestone in modern Chinese architectural history. Elements of Chinese architectural tradition blend with a western, neoclassical architectural idiom. + info: The Umm el-Fahem Museum of Contemporary Art / STAV Architects - 2008 - Umm el-Fahem - Israel Art/ STAV Architects shared with is their competition entry for The Umm el-Fahem Museum of Contemporary Art which was awarded third place. Planted in its surroundings, the building grows from the side of the mountain, looking towards the Wadi on its border. It refrains from overtaking the Wadi, posed on one of its banks and watches it to the opposite pine planted bank, watching the city from afar to spread into the urban topography of Wadi Ara, Israel. + info: Video: Architecture Tour of Frank Lloyd Wright's Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum - New York - New York State - USA The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum was the last major project designed and built by Frank Lloyd Wright between 1943 until it opened to the public in 1959, six months after his death, making it one of his longest works in creation along with one of his most popular projects. Completely contrasting the strict Manhattan city grid, the organic curves of the museum are a familiar landmark for both art lovers, visitors, and pedestrians alike. + info: AD Round Up: Classics Part III - A selection AD Classics: MIT Baker House Dormitory / Alvar Aalto Alvar Aalto designed the Baker House in 1946 while he was a professor at the Massachussets Institute of Technology, where the dormitory is located. It received its name in 1950, after the MITs Dean of Students Everett Moore Baker was killed in an airplane crash that year. The dormitory is a curving snake slithering on its site and reflects many of Aaltos ideas of formal strategy, making it a dormitory that is both inhabited and studied by students from all over the world (read more) + info: utm_source=feedblitz&utm_medium=FeedBlitzEmail&utm_campaign=0&utm_content=383045 Invitation to Australia International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) members to contribute to 20th Century International Scientific Comittee thematic study As you may already know, the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Twentieth Century Heritage (ISC20C) is currently developing a thematic study to assist in assessing the significance of 20th century heritage places. A small expert meeting will be held in Los Angeles in May, organised by Susan Macdonald and sponsored by the Getty Conservation Institute, and I would appreciate receiving comments and input on this topic over the next few weeks, as I prepare for attending the workshop + info: AD Classics: Great Lakes Naval Training Center, Hostess House / SOM - 1942 - Great Lakes - Illinois - USA As the first military project of Skidmore, Owings and Merrill, the Great Lakes Naval Training Center takes the form of a rectangle and stretches along a long narrow site. The diverse program includes a reading and writing room, reception room, lounge, terrace and offices. Hostess House is the only surviving World War II-era building designed by Gordon Bunshaft. + info: Herzog de Meuron's Triangle Tower Design Raises Eyebrows in Paris - France The 590ft (180m) proposed Herzog de Meuron design labeled Triangle Tower, has been in the spotlight over recent weeks after the cross-party council approved the towers protocol agreement. Opposing the recent approval, Green party members are eager to share their thoughts commenting that the colossal project is yet another office block according to party member Yves Contassot. The controversy over the 40-story steel and glass building surely was anticipated; the French capital has had a 30+ year drought of buildings over 121ft. In 1977 a ban was put into place, shortly after the completion of the 689ft Tour Montparnasse, because Parisians feared that the city center would lose its existing urban fabric to skyscrapers similar to the Montparnasse. + info: A New Student Learning Centre for Ryerson University by Snhetta and ZRPA Toronto - Ontario - Canada Today Ryerson University announced the design of a new Student Learning Centre for their Toronto campus. Designed by Snhetta in collaboration with Zeidler Partnership Architects of Toronto, the 155,463sqf Student Learning Centre will feature a transparent glass skin that will provide varying light qualities within the interior spaces. Sustainable practices have also been incorporated into the design with 50% of the roof intended to act as a green roof and plans for the building to be LEED Silver compliant. Construction on the building is expected to begin late this year, with a targeted completion date of Winter 2014. + info: In Progress: Faculty of Law, University of Toronto / Hariri Pontarini Architects - TORONTO - ONTARIO - CANADA The North American competition-winning design for the renovation and expansion of the historic University of Toronto Faculty of Law responds directly to the clients ambition to create a law school among the finest in the world. Hariri Pontarini Architects proposed a design that would provide both a physical and visual connection to its surrounding landscape. + info: Germany Relaxes Restrictions on Reichstag Visits - BERLIN - GERMANY Germany's parliament says restrictions on visits to the cupola of its Reichstag building long a Berlin tourist magnet will be relaxed later this month, but sightseers will have to register in advance. The Reichstag's glass cupola, British architect Norman Foster's popular 1990s addition to the historic building, was closed to visitors last November after the Interior Ministry warned of an increased terrorism threat in Germany and raised security levels. It was subsequently reopened only to people on full tours of the parliament building or with reservations at its rooftop restaurant. Parliament's lower house said Wednesday that, starting April 21, visitors who only want to visit the cupola will be admitted again. They will have to register at least two working days in advance. + info: Yale Art + Architecture Building / Gwathmey Siegel & Associates Architects - 1963- New Heaven - Connecticut USA El edificio Rudolph de la Universidad de Yale anteriormente conocido como el Edifico de Arte y Arquitectura fue diseado en 1963 por el maestro y en la poca catedrtico de la Escuela de Arquitectura, Paul Rudolph. Est considerado uno de sus ms importantes trabajos y fue renovado completamente y ampliado en recientemente restaurando la estructura a su planteamiento original de 1963 y facilitando espacio para el departamento de Historia del Arte. + info: Tribunales y Plazas Pblicas / Christian Kronaus y Erhard An-He Kinzelbach - 2007-2011 - Sankt Poelten Austria El proyecto es el resultado de un concurso abierto Ganado por los arquitectos Christian Kronaus y Erhard An-He Kinzelbachen colaboracin con el estudio de ingeniera de Vasko+Partner, El Tribunal de Justicia de St.Plten (Lowe Austria) requera una ampliacin del edificio para acoger el Alto Tribunal Regional, La Corte de Distrito y la Oficina del Fiscal del Estado. Adems se requera un nuevo diseo de la plaza pblica en frente del Edificio Histrico de Justicia as como un parking subterrneo. + info: Habitacin de nubes / Bing Bu 2011. - National Art Museum of China - Beijing China La Habitacin de nubes diseada por el arquitecto afincado en Shanghai, Bing Bu, est situada en la terraza de la azotea del Museo Nacional de Arte Chicha, un edificio emblemtico de los aos 1960 en Pekn. + info: Groundbreaking Held for The Edward M Kennedy Institute Designed by Rafael Violy - Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the United States - University of Massachussets Boston - BOSTON - Massachussetts - USA Ground was broken for the Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the United States, situated on the campus of the University of Massachusetts Boston. This historic project will stand beside the existing John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, encouraging visitors to explore both buildings. The new facility will house participatory educational programs designed to engage the public in our system of government and heighten awareness of the U.S. Senates role in the government. The design is targeting LEED Certification. + info: Eureka Valley Residence / Cary Bernstein Architect - San Francisco - California - USA The renovation of this 1908 craftsmans house and garage was completed in three phases over the course of 7-years. Interiors were opened up, basements were excavated to create additional living stories and modern details were introduced throughout the property, resulting in a final design that reveals multiple layers of time and occupancy. + info: PRIZES - Neues Museum Among Finalists for the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture 2011. Berlin (Germany) The European Commission and Mies van der Rohe Foundation have announced the six finalists for the Prize of the European Union for Contemporary Architecture 2011, Mies van der Rohe Award. In all, some 323 submissions were entered from projects across 33 European countries. The prize awards outstanding contemporary building projects. It is the most prestigious of all European architectural awards, comes with a prize of 60,000 euros and has been awarded every two years since 1987. The projects are nominated by a panel of independent experts, member associations of the Architect's Council of Europe, various national institutes of architects and the award committee's own advisory board. The award will be presented on 20 June 2011 in the Mies van der Rohe Pavilion in Barcelona, Spain. + info: Aomori Museum of Art / Jun Aoki & Associates - 2006 - Aomori - Japan Aomori Museum of Art is situated next to an excavation site of the Sannai Maruyama ruins. These ruins are widely respected as an important heritage of the Jomon period (10,000 300 BC), not only since the established theory, agriculture had not yet been developed was abandoned because planned cultivation, such as chestnut, was revealed. But also because the community already systematized their agricultural methods which could be seen by the hugeness of the colony scale. Using this cultural heritage as the core element, Aomori Prefecture decided to forge a basis of art culture and determined its beginning in building an art museum on the spot which directly adjoins the ruins. + info: AD Classics: Wainwright Building / Louis Sullivan - 1890-91 - Saint Louis - Missouri - USA Among the first skyscrapers built in the world, the Wainwright Building by Louis Sullivan and partner Dankmar Adler is regarded as an influential prototype of a modern office architecture. The building aesthetically exemplifies the theories of Sullivans tall building, with the tripartite composition of base, shaft and attic, which is based on the structure of the classical column. + info: The Shard / Renzo Piano - London - United Kingdom The 70-story mixed use tower even while under construction is the tallest building in Londons skyline. Adjacent to London Bridge Station, the building offers increased density to a major public transport node, a key to and suggestive of future London development. London based architectural photographer Andy Spain shared with us photographs he took a few weeks ago of The Shard under construction. Be sure to take a look at our previous coverage of The Shard. + info: Architecture City Guide: Minneapolis - Minnesota - USA This week our Architecture City Guide is headed to the city stars fall on. With a few notable exceptions, one can hardly be called a starchitect if s/he hasnt designed something in Minneapolis. Since 2005 the starchitects that have fallen on this City of Lakes include Jean Nouvel, Herzog & de Mueron, Csar Pelli, Michael Graves, Steven Holl, and Frank Gehry. This is a surprising number for a city just north of 380,000 people. Few cities of this size could boast as much. Whats more our list of 12 is far from complete. There are many wonderful historic and contemporary buildings mixed in with the explosion of starchitecture. Please leave comments of buildings one should not miss when visiting Minneapolis. + info: Agenda Call for paper-Centenaire du Voyage d'Orient-Le Corbusier-Universit Federico II de Naples Istanbul, Turquie, 7-8 Octobre 2011 Athnes, Grce, 21-22 Octobre Naples, Italie, 11-12 Novembre 2011 . , Organizadores: La facult d architecture de lUniversit Bilgi dIstanbul, La facult darchitecture du Polytechnique dAthnes et La facult darchitecture de lUniversit Frdric II de Naples Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 30 may 2011 + info: Publicaciones Le Corbusier, Homme de Lettres Author: M. Christine Boyer ISBN-13: 978-156-898-980-8 On his French identity card, legendary architect Le Corbusier listed his profession as "Homme de Lettres" (Man of Letters). Celebrated for his architecture, which numbers fewer than sixty buildings, Le Corbusier also wrote more than fifty books, hundreds of articles, and thousands of letters. Le Corbusier, Homme de Lettres is the first in-depth study of Le Corbusier as a writer as well as an architect. Featuring more than two hundred archival images from Le Corbusier's life and work, this groundbreaking book examines his many writing projects from 1907 to 1947, as well as his letters written to two mentors: Charles L'Eplattenier and William Ritter. In Le Corbusier, Homme de Lettres author M. Christine Boyer focuses on the development of his writing style as it morphed from romantic prose to aphorisms and telegraphic bulletins. For each of his books, Le Corbusier was meticulous about the design of the page layout, the form of the type, the impact of the ideas, and even the promotional material. As a man of letters, Le Corbusier expected to contribute to the cultural atmosphere of the twentieth century. Le Corbusier, Homme de Lettres shows for the first time how his voluminous output books, diaries, letters, sketchbooks, travel notebooks, lecture transcriptions, exposition catalogs, journal articles reflects not just a compulsion to write, but a passion for advancing his ideas about the relationship between architecture, urbanism, and society in a new machine age. + info: Ir a arriba Montañas Noticias Agenda Publicaciones Noticias Connaissance et prservation des espaces naturels en France : BIBLIOGRAPHIE ET INTERNET La connaissance des milieux naturels (caractristiques, composition floristique et faunistique, rpartition gographique) apparat aujourdhui comme un pralable ncessaire une bonne gestion et protection des espaces naturels. Cette connaissance sest construite progressivement partir des annes quatre-vingt, deux programmes majeurs ayant notamment apport une large contribution : linventaire des zones naturelles dintrt cologique, faunistique et floristique (ZNIEFF) et la mise en place de la typologie CORINE biotope (CORINE pour COoRdination de lINformation sur lEnvironnement). Pour constituer un rseau despaces protgs reprsentatifs de la biodiversit, une grande varit doutils a t mise en place en France, chacun ayant des objectifs, des contraintes et des modes de gestion spcifiques. + info: espaces-naturels/en-savoir-plus.html Nombre et superficie des espaces naturels protgs et grs en France La connaissance des milieux naturels (caractristiques, composition floristique et faunistique, rpartition gographique) apparat aujourdhui comme un pralable ncessaire une bonne gestion et protection des espaces naturels. Cette connaissance sest construite progressivement partir des annes quatre-vingt, deux programmes majeurs ayant notamment apport une large contribution : linventaire des zones naturelles dintrt cologique, faunistique et floristique (ZNIEFF) et la mise en place de la typologie CORINE biotope (CORINE pour COoRdination de lINformation sur lEnvironnement). Pour constituer un rseau despaces protgs reprsentatifs de la biodiversit, une grande varit doutils a t mise en place en France, chacun ayant des objectifs, des contraintes et des modes de gestion spcifiques. + info: espaces-naturels.html?print Seminario - La Montagna e le energie rinnovabili (Edolo, Italy, 29 April 2011) Ing. Diego Cenini. Energy Manager 29 aprile 2011 Ore 17.00 Il seminario La montagna e le energie rinnovabili organizzato dal Centro Interdipartimentale di Studi Applicati per la Gestione Sostenibile e la Difesa della Montagna, in collaborazione con il Collegio Geometri di Brescia. Lobiettivo portare lattenzione dei partecipanti sul tema delle energie rinnovabili, in particolare sul loro possibile utilizzo nelle zone montane. A tal scopo verr inoltre illustrata la dinamica degli incentivi fiscali, lutilizzo delle Fer e le conseguenti opportunit di lavoro nel campo. Lappuntamento per venerd 29 aprile alle ore 17, presso lAula Magna della Facolt di Agraria Sede di Edolo. La partecipazione libera e gratuita. + info: Agenda 23rd Session of the International Co-coordinating Council of the Man and the Biosphere Programme (MAB) 28 jun - 1 jul 2011 . Dresden, Alemania Organizadores: UNESCO-MAB Contacto: Thomas Schaaf, [email protected] + info: about-mab/icc/icc/23rd-session-of-the-mab-council/ Publicaciones A Teaching resource kit for mountain countries: a creative approach to environmental education Une approche crative de lducation lenvironnement Collection L'homme et la biosphre 2010, 978-92-3-204159-3 This environmental education kit is intended primarily for secondary (and late primary) school teachers and their pupils living in countries in mountain areas, where climate and environmental conditions are harsh, often varying between extremes, and which are subject to the problems of erosion. With a view to fostering a better understanding of mountain ecosystems, the kit offers a creative approach to environmental education and is designed to arouse pupils' curiosity, to appeal to their artistic sensibilities and to serve as a tool for a more effective transmission of scientific information and environmental knowledge. The documents included are: - A teacher's manual divided into three chapters - A class notebook for pupils + info: Ir a arriba Museos, Museología y Patrimonio mueble Noticias Agenda Publicaciones Noticias Presentazione "" - Un progetto di memorie digitali - MUSEO CERVI - GATTATICO - Reggio Emilia (Italia) 31 marzo 2011 prevista per gioved 31 marzo presso il Museo Cervi la presentazione di, progetto che vede nuovamente impegnato l'Istituto Alcide Cervi nella tutela e nella divulgazione della memoria storica e della cultura democratica e antifascista. Il progetto, che vanta le collaborazioni con la BCC Cassa Padana, la Fondazione Dominato Leonense e il Consorzio Cooperativo Finanziario per lo Sviluppo CCFS, intende realizzare una piattaforma digitale che rappresenti per la base sociale dell'Istituto un canale privilegiato per esporre il proprio patrimonio memoriale e metterlo a disposizione di un pi ampio pubblico: testimonianze, mediateche e gallerie iconografiche, documenti e collezioni di memorie organizzate sul web in maniera tale da consentire agli utenti di navigare tra le risorse come se si camminasse in un museo tra i membri e le esperienze di una comunit estesa. La fase pilota del progetto prevede il coinvolgimento di circa 12 dei 150 soci complessivi dell'Istituto e, data la complessit tecnica e la mole dei contenuti che si propone di sistematizzare, il rilascio online del portale previsto per settembre/ottobre di quest'anno. Il sito in costruzione, gli aggiornamenti, i contatti e il trailer-video del progetto sono gi disponibili su www., mentre gioved 31 marzo sar possibile vedere in anteprima la versione sperimentale del portale nel corso della presentazione del progetto: un incontro dedicato a tutti i soci, e non solo, nel quale interverranno i principali enti, da Rossella Cantoni (Presidente dell'Istituto A. Cervi), a Luigi Pettinati (Direttore BCC Cassa Padana), a Vittorio Biemmi (Presidente Fondazione Dominato Leonense). In conclusione, il video-messaggio di saluto di Moni Ovadia, testimonial d'eccezione del progetto. Per informazioni: Istituto Cervi - 0522678356 [email protected] + info: FELLOWSHIPS - Ironbridge Institute (United Kingdom) Applications for 2011-2012 now being accepted. Deadline for Applications: 31 July 2011 The Ironbridge Institute, some 40 miles north-west of Birmingham, lies within the dramatic landscape of the Ironbridge Gorge at the heart of the World Heritage Site and in the historic ironworking community of Coalbrookdale. The Institute is a dedicated Postgraduate Research and Teaching facility delivering programmes in Heritage Management and the Historic Environment. It is operated as an equal partnership between the University of Birmingham and the Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust building on both institutions' experience to provide postgraduate programmes of high quality and value. Programmes are offered conventionally at Coalbrookdale or in a Distance Learning format. Research students are welcome to undertake work based on the Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust's richly endowed library and picture collections on industrial history and archaeology and on its extensive collections of ironwork and ceramics. + info: AD Classics: Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell University / I.M. Pei 1973 - ITHACA - NEW YORK STATE - USA With a desire to make a dramatic statement while maintaining an optimal amount of scenic views, transparent open spaces and windows beautifully contrast the heaviness and boldness of the rectangular forms of concrete. Located atop a 1,000-foot slope that overlooks Lake Cayuga in Ithaca, the museum was designed by I.M. Pei and John L. Sullivan, with additional help from the firm Pei Cobb Freed & Partners. The museum totals 61,000 square feet, with nine floors stacked high above the ground, housing the exhibit spaces. One floor rests underground, where additional galleries and meeting rooms are found. Through stacking the program instead of spreading it out over the lot, the architects were able to perserve much of the surrounding landscape and views. + info: Crocker Art Museum de extensin - 2010 / Gwathmey Siegel & Associates Architects - SACRAMENTO, California - California - EE.UU. El Museo de Arte Crocker ha finalizado la construccin de una ampliacin de 125,000 pies cuadrados diseado por Gwathmey Siegel & Associates Architects (GSAA). El Teel Familia Pabelln ms que triplica el tamao actual del museo y mejora su funcin como recurso cultural para California y muchos visitantes del estado. Uno de los ltimos grandes proyectos pblicos GSSA cofundador Charles Gwathmey, La ampliacin del Museo de Arte Crocker complementa las estructuras histricas del museo de 125 aos de edad, que incluye uno de los edificios construidos expresamente primer museo de arte en los Estados Unidos. + info: Euromed Heritage newsletter - Issue No.7 - MARCH 2011 We take care of our past to protect our future. We promote the preservation of fountains and ancient dialects, wooden doors and old manuscripts, the rehabilitation of modern buildings and millennial theatres, to safeguard the identity of future generations and to contribute to their mutual understanding. By the valorisation of cultural heritage, the Euromed Heritage programme supports the dialogue between cultures throughout the Mediterranean region. Euromed Heritage 4 (2008-2012) creates new opportunities for peoples awareness and appropriation of their extraordinary common cultural heritage. + info: JOB OFFERS - Conservation Scientist at the Rathgen Research Laboratory. Berlin (Germany) Deadline for application: 15 April 2011 The Rathgen Research Laboratory, which forms part of the National Museums Berlin, is currently seeking to fill the position of a Conservation Scientist in order to develop and implement a cross-institutional IPM (Integrated Pest Management) Program. The position is graded at grade 13 TVD (Collective Agreement for the German public service). The grading is provisional, as the grading agreement under the collective agreement has so far not been finalised. The task is to develop and implement in close cooperation with the Ethnological Museum and the Rathgen Research Laboratory with the National Museums Berlin a sustainable IPM concept, which eventually shall be be applied at the other institutions with the Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz. IPM is composed of three components: the continuous monitoring, the specific actions against infestations if needed and subsequent changes within the close environment as a preventive measure. + info: Dinosaurio raro econtrado en las arenas petrolferas de Canad - Alberta - Canad Las arenas petrolferas de Canad, una vasta extensin de alquitrn y arena que se extrae del petrleo crudo, dado el tesoro de otro tipo de esta semana, cuando un trabajador de la petrolera descubri un fsil de dinosaurio de 110 millones de aos que no iba a estar all. El fsil es un anquilosaurio, un dinosaurio herbvoro con extremidades de gran alcance, blindaje y una cola de club. Encontrar en esta regin del norte de Alberta fue una sorpresa porque hace millones de aos la zona estaba cubierta por el agua. + info: La Ampliacin del Museo de Arte Contemporneo Otorgado a arquitectos Gwathmey Siegel & Associates - Miami Florida - EE.UU. El Museo de Arte Contemporneo de North Miami (MOCA) anunci recientemente que Gwathmey Siegel & Associates Architects ser la de disear una expansin 27,000 pies cuadrados triplicar el espacio actual de exposicin en museos. Votado por unanimidad por el Consejo, el espacio de la galera nueva de MOCA se ampliar en 16.000 pies cuadrados que ofrece la oportunidad de mltiples exposiciones continuamente durante todo el ao. El proyecto buscar un diseo sostenible de las certificaciones LEED, y la instalacin en la ciudad de plan maestro del Norte de Miami. + info: Obituary - Donny George Youkhanna (Iraq) 1950 - 2011 ICCROM is saddened to hear of the recent passing of Dr Donny George Youkhanna, Iraqi archaeologist and teacher, and former Director of the Iraq National Museum. Dr George was educated at the University of Baghdad, receiving his BA, MA, and PhD in prehistoric archaeology. In 1976, he joined the staff of the Iraq National Museum and became Director from 2003 to 2005. He was instrumental in saving the museum after the fall of Saddam Hussein in 2003, leading efforts in the recovery of stolen cultural objects that were looted. During this time, he kept in regular contact with UNESCO, which was organizing emergency efforts in the aftermath of the looting. As Director, he led projects to repair damage to the museum and created an Assyrian hall thanks to aid obtained from Italy. Additionally, he helped establish a conservation training programme. + info: Gobernador italiano Gian Mario Spacca quiere la custodia compartida de la estatua con el Museo Getty Un fiscal italiano ofreci una propuesta de intercambio cultural el lunes que sonaba un poco como un ultimtum, diciendo que los funcionarios en el Museo J. Paul Getty deben comportarse de forma tica y devolver arte que se sabe que ha sido fruto de expolio. El gobernador Gian Mario Spacca de la regin de Marche, en el Mar Adritico, hizo el comentario tres das despus de que los funcionarios en el museo del sur de California le dijo que no poda hablar de la disputa "Victoria de la Juventud" estatua porque el caso todava estaba en los tribunales italianos. + info: Preocupacin por la India restos plaza de Los Beca Museo Angeles - Los Angeles - California - EE.UU. Ms de $ 104.000 en fondos federales podra ser retenido de un museo financiado por el condado de Los Angeles por si las autoridades no logran resolver las preocupaciones tribus de nativos americanos sobre los restos encontrados durante la construccin de la instalacin. El Servicio de Parques Nacionales envi una carta el jueves a los proyectos de capital de la comarca gerente de Alba McDivitt diciendo que la solucin del problema es una condicin para liberar el dinero de la subvencin. La carta de subvenciones NPS preservacin histrica jefe Tucker Hampton, que fue proporcionado a The Associated Press, record McDivitt que los fondos no sern liberados "hasta que este problema este resuelto en consulta con todas las partes interesadas." + info: (en italiano) Genus Bononiae. Musei nella Citt. Bologne (Italia) Spesso si parla della museificazione dei centri storici, della loro ipertrofizzazione in reperto del passato che dato in pasto ai turisti, cartolina vivente per il consumo visivo. E perch non sfruttare in modo creativo questa metafora? Perch non cogliere la dimensione esplorativa del museo per rendere vivo e presente il patrimonio cittadino? In questa prospettiva possiamo visitare Genus Bononiae. Musei nella Citt, ossia come una strategia attraverso la quale il centro storico di Bologna, presente nella World Heritage List dellUNESCO per i suoi quaranta chilometri di portici, si pensa e si racconta come un museo della storia civica e architettonica. + info: Los Angeles, Museo del Condado de biblioteca de imgenes de Arte lanza la expansin del acceso en lnea a la Coleccin del Museo - Museo del Condado de Los Angeles de Arte (LACMA) - Los Angeles - California El diario Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) anunciar que va a facilitar el acceso a las imgenes de alta resolucin de la rica coleccin enciclopdica del museo a travs de su recin creada biblioteca de imgenes. Los visitantes de la biblioteca puede descargar las imgenes de forma gratuita y sin restricciones de uso. La biblioteca de imgenes se abre con 2.000 imgenes de dominio pblico (con ms que el original), lo que representa una amplia gama de colecciones LACMA, incluyendo Egipto, Artes Decorativas y Diseo, de Amrica Latina, chino y coreano, pintura y escultura europea, y muchos ms + info: INAH (Instituto Nacional de Antropologa e Historia) PGINA WEB: grandes monolitos mexicas ya estn disponibles en alta definicin y en detalle a travs de Internet - Mxico INAH web ahora ofrece detalles de tres emblemticas esculturas mexicas: Coyolxauhqui, Tlaltecuhtli y la Piedra del Sol (Piedra del Sol) se pueden admirar en lnea en un sitio interactivo creado por el Instituto Nacional de Antropologa e Historia (INAH) . El sitio denominado Historia En Piedra. Tres monolitos mexicas (Historia de monolitos de piedra. Tres mexica), presenta imgenes de alta resolucin de video y animacin que ilustra los estudios realizados por especialistas del INAH dedicada a la arqueologa y la restauracin. + info: Obtuary: Claude Daniel Ardouin 1950 - 2011 Claude Daniel Ardouin, curator and Head of the Africa Section at the British Museum, first Director of the new National Museum of Mali, former Executive Director of the West African Museums Programme (WAMP), and Founding Member of International Council of African Museums (AFRICOM), has passed away. Claude studied anthropology and history at the State University of Leningrad, USSR. In 1981, already the Director of the National Archives of Mali, he became the first Director of the new National Museum of Mali, Bamako, shortly before the museum was inaugurated in 1982. Ardouin also served as Head of the Department of Ethnology and Sociology at the Institut des sciences humaines, Mali. + info: Vuelve el monstruo marino gigante de Yorkshire Museum - York - Reino Unido Uno de los monstruos ms grandes del mar que se ha encontrado en Gran Bretaa va a volver en la pantalla como un fsil completo por primera vez en dcadas. El ictiosaurio gigante habra sido de unos ocho metros de largo y nad en las aguas tropicales que cubran Yorkshire del Norte hace 180 millones de aos. Durante los ltimos doce meses los restos fsiles de la criatura del mar masiva han sido cuidadosamente conservados por un experto. Y ahora, por primera vez en 20 aos, la totalidad del fsil se ha puesto de nuevo en la pantalla + info: National Museum of China / gmp architekten - 2005-2011 - Beijing - China The reconstruction and extension of the National Museum of China in Beijing merges the former Chinese History Museum and Chinese Revolutionary Mu-seum. Originally completed in 1959 as one of ten major public buildings in Tiananmen Square in the immediate vicinity of the Forbidden City, the struc-ture is still a milestone in modern Chinese architectural history. Elements of Chinese architectural tradition blend with a western, neoclassical architectural idiom. + info: Les muses nationaux franais dans le collimateur de la Cour des comptes Un rapport trs fouill de la Cour des comptes passe au crible dix ans de gestion des muses nationaux. La juridiction financire conteste notamment les orientations prises par les grands tablissements publics comme Versailles, le Louvre ou Orsay, ainsi que le laxisme stratgique du ministre de la Culture. Au dtriment des comptes publics et de la conqute de visiteurs jeunes ou dfavoriss. + info: Boletn del museo y jardines Albert-Kahn - Boulogne sur Seine (Francia) El Museo Departamental Albert-Kahn o en francs : muse dpartemental Albert-Kahn se encuentra situado en BoulogneBillancourt, en los Hauts-de-Seine. Destinndose a hacer perdurar la obra de Albert Kahn, consta de una galera que presenta, en forma de exposiciones temporales, una parte de las colecciones de los "Archivos del Planeta" (4.000 placas estereoscpicas y 72.000 placas autocromas, lo que en realidad la hace la ms importante coleccin del mundo) y de los jardines que se extienden sobre unas cuatro hectreas y que forman parte integrante de las colecciones del museo. Los jardines fueron creados por Albert Kahn sobre unos terrenos adquiridos a partir de 1895. Hasta 1910, elabora sobre 4 hectreas lo que se volver un nuevo estilo de jardn, el jardn hecho "de escenas". Albert Kahn era un creyente en la paz universal. Para apoyar su utopa, crea un jardn hecho de diversos jardines reconciliando los estilos de cada pas. + info: The Umm el-Fahem Museum of Contemporary Art / STAV Architects - 2008 - Umm el-Fahem - Israel Art/ STAV Architects shared with is their competition entry for The Umm el-Fahem Museum of Contemporary Art which was awarded third place. Planted in its surroundings, the building grows from the side of the mountain, looking towards the Wadi on its border. It refrains from overtaking the Wadi, posed on one of its banks and watches it to the opposite pine planted bank, watching the city from afar to spread into the urban topography of Wadi Ara, Israel. + info: Video: Architecture Tour of Frank Lloyd Wright's Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum - New York - New York State - USA The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum was the last major project designed and built by Frank Lloyd Wright between 1943 until it opened to the public in 1959, six months after his death, making it one of his longest works in creation along with one of his most popular projects. Completely contrasting the strict Manhattan city grid, the organic curves of the museum are a familiar landmark for both art lovers, visitors, and pedestrians alike. + info: March 2011 Inherit Newsletter - Heritage Council of Victoria - Australia Heritage Council of Victoria provides the highest level of legal protection for cultural heritage places and objects in Victoria. As an independent statutory authority, Heritage Council of Victoria is the State's main decision-making body on cultural (non-Indigenous) heritage issues. 10 members are appointed by the Governor-in-Council upon the recommendation of the Minister for Planning. Heritage Council of Victoria receives professional advice and administrative support from Heritage Victoria, and both organisations work together on a range of committees. The newsletter is available as PDF download or subscribe [email protected] and receive as a monthly email. Highlights include: * LOOTING AT WRECK * MARCH REGISTRATIONS * ARTEFACT COLLECTION ONLINE * HERITAGE ADDRESS * MELBOURNE OPEN HOUSE * KEEP AUSTRALIA BEAUTIFUL AWARDS * NATIONAL TRUST EVENTS * DIARY DATES + info: Alte Pinakothek Celebrates 175th Anniversary with a Series of Blockbuster Exhibitions - Munich - Germany 17 March 2011 - 15 January 2012 In 2011 the Bayerische Staatsgemldesammlungen is marking the Alte Pinakotheks 175th anniversary with a wide range of events. Opened to the public on 16 October, 1836, Leo von Klenzes seminal museum building today still provides the architectural framework for collections of paintings assembled in Munich around 1800 by various branches of the Wittelsbach dynasty, together with King Ludwig Is later acquisitions. A series of exhibitions during the jubilee year focuses on the history of the museum and its collection which is among the most important in the world. To launch this series, from mid March the Bayerische Staatsgemldesammlungen welcomed a hugely important guest, Johannes Vermeers Woman Holding a Balance. This masterpiece, now held in the National Gallery of Art in Washington, once formed part of the exquisite private collection amassed by the first king of Bavaria, Max I Joseph, who awaits rediscovery as a collector of Dutch paintings from the Golden Age. At the same time, the exhibition Treasures from the Depot is being held in the North Cabinet Rooms where paintings that are seldom or have never been displayed before can be seen throughout the whole anniversary year + info: The Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum: UNESCO Memory of the World Program and the Reorganization of the Museum - Cambodia The UNESCO Office in Phnom Penh hosted a celebration on 7 February 2011 to launch the new visit circuit of the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum. This was the culmination of a 2 year intensive project Assistance to the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum in Phnom Penh, Cambodia (Memorial of Khmer Rouge prison known as S-21). The UNESCO Memory of the World Register inscribed the Museum Archives in July 2009 to honour their historical importance. The UNESCO Office in Phnom Penh, the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts, and the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum, are particularly grateful to the government of the United States of America for their financial support. + info: Instituto Getty de Conservacin (GCI) Recursos para la enseanza en lnea Conservacin preventiva en el contexto de una Casa Museo Histrica Este caso de estudio constituye un proyecto conjunto del Instituto Getty de Conservacin y del Instituto de los Pases bajos para el Patrimonio Cultural (ICN), y el museos situado en Amsterdam Ons' Lieve Heer op Solder (Our Lord in the Attic). El caso de estudio se ha diseado como una herramienta didctica para ser usada en programas acadmicos de conservacin, en estudios de museo, arquitectura o ingeniera. Tambin puede utilizarse en cursos cortos y talleres que traten estos temas. El caso de estudio nos ofrece una importante oportunidad para que los estudiantes exploren las complejidades encontradas al sopesar opciones y al tomar decisiones sobre el control medioambiental y el uso de lugares y colecciones histricas, en particular en aquellas situaciones donde no hay una aproximacin clara aparente. El caso incluye la experiencia y los puntos de vista de otros profesionales, lo cual exige a los estudiantes considerar aspectos de la conservacin desde perspectivas muy diversas. + info: New website about the ink corrosion is launched New website about iron gall ink corrosion. Includes a tool to simulate damage over 100 year period. + info: Smithsonian American Art Museum to Create Education Center and Expand Program - Washington DC - USA The Smithsonian American Art Museum is creating an education center that will allow it to significantly expand its national education program and meet the needs of the museums many education constituencies. The center will benefit students in classrooms across the nation and on U.S. military bases worldwide as well as school groups touring the museum, conservators, research fellows and educators. The museum recently received an $8 million private gift to support the creation of the center and a related program endowment + info: Hundreds of British Arts Organizations Feel the Sting of Government's Funding Cuts - United Kingdom Hundreds of British arts organizations had their public funding slashed or eliminated Wednesday, the result of government spending cuts aimed at tackling the country's deficit. The Arts Council England must cut 15 percent from the amount it gives to art, music, theater, dance, literature and other groups by 2015 which still leaves it with almost 1 billion pounds ($1.6 billion) to hand out. The council said that instead of "salami slicing" cutting 15 percent from everyone it wanted to create a smaller but stronger portfolio of groups. So some have been cut off entirely, while others have seen their funding increase. "We have taken the brave path of strategic choices, not salami slices, which has meant some painful decisions," said council chair Liz Forgan. + info: Une femme directrice gnrale de l'Institut du monde arabe (IMA) Paris - France Le conseil dadministration de lInstitut du monde arabe a dsign lunanimit Mona Khazindar comme nouvelle directrice gnrale de lIMA, lors de sa runion du 21 mars dernier. Mona Khazindar succde Mokhtar Taleb-Bendiab qui a assur deux mandats la direction gnrale de lIMA (2005-2011). De nationalit et de parents saoudiens, Mona Khazindar est ne aux Etats-Unis. Elle poursuit des tudes suprieures en France, lUniversit amricaine de Paris, puis la Sorbonne. + info: L'Iran cesse sa coopration avec le muse du Louvre (France) LIran confirme quil ne veut plus cooprer avec le muse du Louvre aprs que celui-ci na pas respect ses engagements de prts de pices historiques pour une exposition. Hamid Baghaie, directeur de lorganisation iranienne du tourisme et de lhritage culturel (OITHC) et vice-prsident iranien, a annonc que lIran cessait toute coopration avec le muse du Louvre pour non respect de ses engagements . Selon lIran, le Louvre stait engag prter des pices historiques pour une future exposition en Iran aprs deux expositions consacres la Perse en 2008 et 2009. LIran avait alors prt des objets illustrant lart Sfvide et lhistoire de la civilisation iranienne, selon lAFP. Mais fin janvier, lOITHC avait menac de couper ses relations culturelles avec la France si les pices du Louvre ntaient pas prtes. + info: php Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum Returns Tapestry Room to Its Original Glory and Configuration - Boston Massachussetts - USA For the first time since it opened in 1914, the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum's 4,000-square-foot Tapestry Room is being restored to its original glory and will once again take its place as one of the nation's great tapestry halls. The restoration of this beloved space will return the Tapestry Room to its original configuration for the first time since a temporary stage, chairs, and other modern elements were added to accommodate formal concerts in the early 1970s. Historically, the Tapestry Room has been both a gallery and home to many of the museum's programs, including the popular Sunday Concert Series. Now, as part of the Gardner Museum's Extension and Preservation Project, the museum's world-class concerts will be relocated to an intimate new performance hall in the Renzo Piano-designed addition, and the Gardner will be able to restore the space to its historic appearance, enabling visitors to see and enjoy the Tapestry Room for the first time in nearly 40 years. No event programming is scheduled for 2011 in the Tapestry Room; programming will resume in 2012 in the new wing and the gallery will remain open until then so that visitors can view the conservation and preservation work taking place. The reinstalled Tapestry Room will be highlighted as part of the museum's Grand Opening for its new wing in January 2012. + info: Getty Museum to Return Looted Painting Previously Owned by Jacques Goudstikker - Los Angeles - California - USA The J. Paul Getty Museum has agreed to return a 370-year-old painting that once belonged to an art dealer who fled Holland when the Nazis invaded in 1940. Jacques Goudstikker was the Netherlands' biggest art dealer in the 1930s. He was fleeing the Nazis with his wife and young son at the beginning of World War II when he fell through a trap door on an outbound ship and died. His collection was looted, with some works claimed by Adolf Hitler chief deputy Hermann Goering. Goudstikker's daughter-in-law, Marei von Saher, has spent years trying to track down the works. Her successes have been on tour around the country in an exhibition that ends Tuesday in San Francisco and featured 45 recovered pieces from the collection. The Getty bought the 1640 Pieter Molijn painting titled "Landscape With Cottage and Figures" in good faith at a 1972 auction, the museum said. The museum did not disclose the purchase price and has never displayed the painting. + info: Malaysia Christians to Preserve Five Thousand Bibles 'Defaced' by Authorities as museum pieces Five thousand Bibles that were defaced by authorities will be preserved as "museum pieces" at Malaysian churches, a reminder of problems encountered by Christians in this Muslim-majority country, officials said Thursday. The announcement is the latest twist in a dispute between Christians and the government over tens of thousands of imported Bibles seized by Malaysian customs authorities, some since early 2009. The books violate a government ban on non-Muslim texts that use the word "Allah" as a translation for God. After Christian leaders voiced anger over the detention of the Bibles, the government agreed earlier this month to release them, but stamped many with serial numbers and government seals that stated they were meant "for Christians only." + info: La BnF (BIBLIOTHEQUE NATIONALE DE FRANCE) met en ligne une visite virtuelle de l'exposition consacre Geoffroy Tory -Muse de la Renaissance d'Ecouen (France) Personnalit incontournable de l'univers du livre la Renaissance, Geoffroy Tory est la fois un prcurseur des rgles et usages de la langue franaise, un diteur humaniste et un artiste de talent. Soutenu par Franois Ier, il est le premier porter le titre d'imprimeur du roi. La BnF et le muse national de la Renaissance lui consacrent une exposition du 6 avril au 4 juillet 2011 au Muse d'couen. + info: Habitacin de nubes / Bing Bu 2011. - National Art Museum of China - Beijing China La Habitacin de nubes diseada por el arquitecto afincado en Shanghai, Bing Bu, est situada en la terraza de la azotea del Museo Nacional de Arte Chicha, un edificio emblemtico de los aos 1960 en Pekn. + info: Online lecture: Ur of the Chaldees Lecture by Penn Museum. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (USA) Dr. Richard L. Zettler, Co-curator of Iraqs Ancient Past gives a one-hour lecture about Biblical Ur of the Chaldees, one of the largest and most important Mesopotamian cities. Drawing on Sir Leonard Woolleys excavations in the 1920s and 30s, he presents a colorful portrait of the city that existed circa 2100-1600 BCE, a city with a towering ziggurat and crowded residential areas. The city that Woolley so painstakingly uncovered is not only the city he claimed Abraham walked, but also the model for our understanding of ancient Mesopotamian urbanism today. + info: Causeway Coast and Glens: ENE - CONOMUSE Northern Europe Project (United Kingdom) Arlene Foster, Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Investment, officially launched Marion Woodburn Jewellery as the 1st CONOMUSE in the United Kingdom on Thursday 24th February 2011. This EU funded project sees the transformation of a local craft artisan's workshop into a functioning tourist attraction. Visitors can watch Marion at work, learn about the traditional skills involved in designing jewellery and talk to Marion about the inspiration behind her pieces! CCGHT is working with a second local artisan to develop his workshop into an CONOMUSE also. + info: AudioCompass and imagineear Create the First Ever Audio Visual Guide to the Taj Mahal India AudioCompass, a division of Ras Maestros Technology of Mumbai, and imagineear of London have worked together to deliver the first ever audio visual guide to one of the wonders of the world: the Taj Mahal, on the mediaPacker platform. For almost 400 years since Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan built a mausoleum on the banks of the Yamuna River in Agra in memory of his young wife Mumtaz Mahal, visitors have been fascinated and awed by the scale, the opulence and the sheer beauty of the Taj Mahal. From March, the site was brought to sparking life as never before with a personal guided multimedia tour available at the site itself. + info: New Royal Alberta Museum to Mirror Alberta's Past, Present, and Future Edmonton - Alberta - Canada A new comprehensive Royal Alberta Museum will be built in downtown Edmonton starting this year, featuring twice as much gallery space, direct connections to public transit, proximity to the Arts District, and the ability to host major international exhibits and rare artifacts. The new museum will be equipped to showcase both Albertas history and its natural wonders, and will be free of the limitations of the current museum site. + info: 1,000 Items Related to Composer Felix Mendelssohn Donated to Museum in Leipzig - GERMANY The doyen of German Mendelssohn research, Dr. Rudolf Elvers, has collected items regarding composer and conductor Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy over more than four decades. His collection, which he formally presented to the Museum of City History Leipzig in a ceremony at the Old Town Hall, comprises more than 1000 items and is a top-class selection consisting of handwritten sources, drawings, first editions and books. + info: Audio of Dwight D. Eisenhower Speech Found - Metropolitan Museum. New York, New York State (USA) As commander of Allied forces in Europe during World War II, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower explicitly ordered his troops to safeguard objects of cultural and historical importance whenever possible even while fighting a war of devastating destructiveness. Now, historians can hear the reasoning behind Eisenhower's order, in his own words, thanks to the recent recovery of a recording of a speech he gave on April 2, 1946, at New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art. Digging through museum archives, Robert Edsel, founder of an arts preservation organization based in Dallas, discovered the recording of Eisenhower's speech that the general delivered when he was honored with a life fellowship from the museum. Transcripts of the speech have long been available. But, "when you have Gen. Eisenhower saying it and when you hear his words, it's electrifying," said Edsel, whose nonprofit, the Monuments Men Foundation, honors those who helped protect the cultural treasures in Europe during World War II. + info: PRIZES - Neues Museum Among Finalists for the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture 2011. Berlin (Germany) The European Commission and Mies van der Rohe Foundation have announced the six finalists for the Prize of the European Union for Contemporary Architecture 2011, Mies van der Rohe Award. In all, some 323 submissions were entered from projects across 33 European countries. The prize awards outstanding contemporary building projects. It is the most prestigious of all European architectural awards, comes with a prize of 60,000 euros and has been awarded every two years since 1987. The projects are nominated by a panel of independent experts, member associations of the Architect's Council of Europe, various national institutes of architects and the award committee's own advisory board. The award will be presented on 20 June 2011 in the Mies van der Rohe Pavilion in Barcelona, Spain. + info: Twenty-One Museums and Science and Visitor Centers Vie To Get Retired Space Shuttles - CAPE CARNAVERAL - FLORIDA - USA A proposal for a space shuttle exhibit in New York. As the 30th anniversary of the first space shuttle launch draws near, the focus is not so much on the past but the future: Where will the shuttles wind up once the program winds down? AP Photo/Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum. + info: Llamada a la accin para proteger las antigedades egipcias a cargo de la Universidad George Washington. Washington DC (EEUU) Nosotros, los abajo firmantes, solicitamos que se tomen medidas urgentes para proteger las antigedades egipcias, los sitios de importancia, y el patrimonio cultural. Al hacer esto, se estarn preservando objetos arqueolgicos e histricos irremplazables. Ms importante an, tal proteccin ayudar a la economa egipcia en el despertar de la revolucin poltica. Tal iniciativa tambin ayudar a evitar que s organizaciones criminales ilcitas y de carcter internacional establezcan vnculos con el lavado de dinero negro, con el trfico de personas y con el de drogas. + info: New Museum in the Mexican State of Guerrero Exhibits Teotihuacan Style Objects - Acapulco - Mexico Four kilometers away from Zihuatanejo-Acapulco highway, at Costa Grande Region in Guerrero, is located the Xihuacan Site Museum, recently inaugurated. More than 800 archaeological pieces are exhibited, most of them of Teotihuacan style, found during several field seasons at Soledad de Maciel, Petatlan municipality + info: Aomori Museum of Art / Jun Aoki & Associates - 2006 - Aomori - Japan Aomori Museum of Art is situated next to an excavation site of the Sannai Maruyama ruins. These ruins are widely respected as an important heritage of the Jomon period (10,000 300 BC), not only since the established theory, agriculture had not yet been developed was abandoned because planned cultivation, such as chestnut, was revealed. But also because the community already systematized their agricultural methods which could be seen by the hugeness of the colony scale. Using this cultural heritage as the core element, Aomori Prefecture decided to forge a basis of art culture and determined its beginning in building an art museum on the spot which directly adjoins the ruins. + info: Le rseau economuses accueille un nouveau membre en Europe et le premier au Royaume-Uni. Ballimena, Irlande du nord Au nom de la Socit du rseau CONOMUSE, le prsident du conseil dadministration, M. Cyril Simard, et le directeur gnral, M. Rjean Tardif, sont particulirement fiers daccueillir aujourdhui au sein du Rseau international, lCONOMUSE de la bijouterie, en Irlande du Nord. Ce premier CONOMUSE en Irlande du Nord est le cinquime ouvrir ses portes en Europe la suite dune entente signe entre la Socit du rseau CONOMUSE (SR) et cinq partenaires europens, dans le cadre dun programme de lUnion europenne (Northern Peripheries Programme of INTERREG IV). Cette entente permet aux partenaires dutiliser la marque CONOMUSE, en plus de profiter de lexpertise de la SR pour la mise en uvre de leur projet selon les six composantes principales du concept. + info: NASA Announces Space Shuttles Going to Museums in Florida, California and Suburban Washington - USA On a memorable day in space history, NASA began its goodbyes to the shuttle program Tuesday, announcing the aged spacecraft will retire to museums in Cape Canaveral, Los Angeles and suburban Washington and sending a test-flight orbiter to New York City. + info: EXHIBITION - La Ville fertile - Vers une nature urbaine - Cit de l'architecture et du patrimoine 23-mar-2011 . Paris, Francia Organizadores: Cit de l'architecture et du patrimoine Contacto: [email protected] + info: Les projets contraris du Louvre ltranger - Les actions de coopration internationale du Louvre ptissent du climat internationa. LE LOUVRE (FRANCE) En pointe en matire de coopration culturelle, la politique internationale du Louvre montre aujourdhui ses limites. Alors que les Iraniens veulent rompre leurs relations, un ambitieux projet dingnierie musale avec la Syrie est mis en suspens. En attendant une volution de la situation politique locale. + info: La Oficina Yakarta UNESCO present la Gua Prctica para la Revitalizacin del Museo en Indonesia para el Ministerio de Cultura y Turismo de Indonesia El Sr Masanori Nagaoka, especialista del programa para la Cultura de la Oficina Yakarta UNESCO present a la Sra. Intan Mardiana Napitupulu, directora de museos del Ministerio de Cultura y Turismo, la Gua Prctica para la Revitalizacin del Museo en Indonesia en la oficina del Ministerio de Cultura y Turismo en Yakarta el 8 de abril de 2011. Esta prctica gua se basa en los resultados de evaluaciones, discusiones y consultas entre la Oficina de Yakarta UNESCO y el Director de Museos del Ministerio de Cultura y Turismo, y evala la condicin general de los museos en Indonesia e identifica las acciones y medidas apropiadas para la revitalizacin de los mismos. + info: Newly Renovated National Museum of China Reopens with "The Art of the Enlightenment" 2-abr-2011 . Beijing, China Organizadores: National Museum of China Contacto: [email protected] + info: Museums and Collections Conversation Series 2011 on "Museum or Heritage Place?" 5-abr-2011 . Canberra, Australia Organizadores: The Australian National Universitys Research School of Humanities and the Arts, and the Museum of Australian Democracy Contacto: [email protected] + info: L'ethnologie la porte des enfants : un portail francophone La francophonie est dcidment une belle aventure. S'il fallait s'en convaincre, il ne serait que de visiter le nouveau portail Patrimoines en mouvement, qui propose aux classes et enfants du monde entier de dcouvrir comment on traite des questions qui structurent nos socits de par le monde. Mariage, mort, langues et critures, milieux naturels, cinma... Plus de 50 thmes figurent dans la liste, certains plus copieux que d'autres bien sr. + info: 15e Festival de l'Imaginaire: Chants soufis du Ymen et Griotte de Mauritanie - Auditorium du Louvre 9 abr - 10 abr 2011 . PARIS, Francia Organizadores: Muse du Louvre Contacto: [email protected] + info: Nam June Paik and the Conservation of Video Sculpture - Symposium and Exhibition 15 abr - 16 abr 2011 . Cincinnati, Estados Unidos de Amrica Organizadores: University Film & Video Association Contacto: Mark Harris [email protected] and Charles Woodman [email protected] + info: Surprising Discovery of Sharp-Toothed Fossil Links Old and New Dinosaurs - Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History - Washington D.C. (USA) The surprising discovery of a fossil of a sharp-toothed beast that lurked in what is now the western U.S. more than 200 million years ago is filling a gap in dinosaur evolution. The short snout and slanting front teeth of the find Daemonosaurus chauliodus had never before been seen in a Triassic era dinosaur, said Hans-Dieter Sues of the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History. Sues and colleagues report the discovery in Wednesday's edition of the British journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B. Sues, curator of vertebrate paleontology at the museum, said the discovery helps fill the evolutionary gap between the dinosaurs that lived in what is now Argentina and Brazil about 230 million years ago and the later theropods like the famous Tyrannosaurus rex. + info: XIII ed. Settimana della Cultura 15 abr - 17 abr 2011 . Gattatico, Italia Organizadores: Museo Cervi and Biblioteca Archivio Emilio Sereni Contacto: [email protected] and [email protected] + info:,com_frontpage/Itemid,1/limit,4/limitstart,0/ Exhibition - History Reveals How Dinosaurs Actually Lived 16-abr-2011 . Nueva York, Estados Unidos de Amrica Organizadores: American Museum of Natural History Contacto: [email protected] + info: BIBLIOTHEQUE NATIONALE DE FRANCE : Manuscrits corens numriss Avec environ 2000 volumes, le fonds des manuscrits corens de la Bibliothque nationale de France est de cration relativement rcente. Les manuscrits prsents sur cette page ont t copis du XVIIIe au XIXe sicle. Quelques-uns sont illustrs. Ils relatent avec minutie les rites, surtout funraires, en usage la Cour royale de Core, partir de la fin du XVIIe sicle. Maurice Courant en a donn la description dans sa Bibliographie corenne (Paris 1894-1901). Ces manuscrits, initialement conservs la bibliothque royale Oegyujanggak de lle de Kangwha, louest de Soul, sont arrivs la Bibliothque nationale en 1867. Cette collection de 297 volumes est complmentaire dautres ouvrages similaires conservs par lUniversit nationale de Soul (collection des archives de Kyujanggak). + info: Jordan elabora la base de datos de antigedades ms grande del mundo al precio de 1 milln de dlares Jordan lanz la base de datos de antigedades ms grande del mundo el martes, la cual detalla cada sitio arqueolgico en el pas y tiene como objetivo ayudar a preservar sus tesoros. Sus creadores dijeron que la plataforma web podra ser un modelo para Irak, donde los saqueadores han arrasado con su antiguo patrimonio. Expertos dijeron que la base de datos de Oriente Medio para las Antigedades constituye el primer sistema de este tipo en el pas. El sitio usa un sistema de informacin geogrfico - un click sobre cada uno descubre inventarios de los que contiene e informes de sus condiciones. El pblico puede usar el material para planificar sus visitas. Los eruditos e inspectores que tengan el permiso de Antigedades Jordan pueden actualizar la informacin de forma muy interactiva para que otros profesionales la sigan y para que las autoridades puedan rastrear amenazas a los sitios. + info: Sands, Not Lights, Cover Gaza Archaeology Sites - Palestine Five thousand years of fascinating history lie beneath the sands of the Gaza Strip, from blinded biblical hero Samson to British general Allenby. The flat, sandy lands on the Mediterranean's southeastern shore have been ruled by Ancient Egyptians, Philistines, Romans, Byzantines and Crusaders. Alexander the Great besieged the city. Emperor Hadrian visited. Mongols raided Gaza, and 1,400 years ago Islamic armies invaded. Gaza has been part of the Ottoman Empire, a camp for Napoleon and a First World War battleground. + info: EXHIBITION - Family in Mountains and Rivers - Art Exhibition of Long Rui 28 abr - 2 may 2011 . BEIJING, China Organizadores: National Museum of China - NAMOC Contacto: [email protected] + info: Exhibition: Newseum (Museum of Journalism) Gets Japan Quake Handwritten Newspapers 2-may-2011 . Washington DC, Estados Unidos de Amrica Organizadores: Museum of journalism in Washington. + info: First Batch of Korean Royal Books Looted by French Military 145 Years Ago Return Home from Bibliothque nationale de France (BNF) The first batch of Korean royal books looted by the French military 145 years ago returned home Thursday. French troops took away hundreds of Korean manuscripts and set fire to 5,000 more when they raided a royal library in 1866 on an island off Korea's west coast. After about 20 years of negotiations, France agreed last year to return the books on a "renewable lease" in line with French law, South Korean officials say. The books detail protocol for royal funerals, weddings and other ceremonies during the Joseon Dynasty, which ruled Korea from 1392 to 1910. The lease means the books' "virtual return" to South Korea as French law allows cultural assets taken out of the country only temporarily, South Korea's Culture Ministry said in a statement. + info: Agenda Exhibition: Titanic and Liverpool: New 2012 Exhibition to Mark Centenary of Sinking March 2012 onward . Liverpool, Reino Unido de Gran Bretaa e Irlanda del Norte Organizadores: Merseyside Maritime Museum + info: Exposicin - Un siglo de escavaciones arqueolgicas conmemoradas en "Teotihuacan, Ciudad de Dioses" Hasta el 19 de junio 2011 . Barcelona, Espaa Organizadores: Caixaforum + info: Exhibition:Bulgarian Mogul Vasil Bozhkov Exhibits His Thracian Collection Showing until 21 June 2011 . Sofia, Bulgaria Organizadores: National History Museum in Bulgaria Contacto: [email protected] + info: EXHIBITION : Emile PRISSE D'AVENNES, PIONNIER DE L'EGYPTOLOGIE 1 mar - 5 jun 2011 . PARIS, Francia Organizadores: BIBLIOTHEQUE NATIONALE DE FRANCE + info: Exhibition: Hunterian Museum at the Royal College of Surgeons Rediscovers London's Lost Museums 1 mar - 2 jul 2011 . London, Reino Unido de Gran Bretaa e Irlanda del Norte Organizadores: Hunterian Museum watercolourDiscover at the Royal College of Surgeons Contacto: [email protected] + info: Zapoteca and Mixteca Art Together for the First Time 17 mar - 15 may 2011 . Mexico City, Mxico Organizadores: National Museum of Anthropology + info: Exhibition: New York Marks 100th Anniversary of 1911 Capitol Fire with Exhibition and New Film - New York State Kibrary - Albany - New York State 19 mar - 18 jun 2011 . New York, Estados Unidos de Amrica Organizadores: New York State Museum Contacto: [email protected] and [email protected] + info: EXHIBITION - ODILON REDON, PRINCE DU REVE 23 mar - 20 jun 2011 . PARIS, Francia Organizadores: GRAND PALAIS Contacto: [email protected] + info: Exposicin: Serie Completa de Goya "Los Desastres de la Guerra" Ver en el Museo Diocesano Expuesto hasta el 29 de mayo 24 mar - 29 may 2011 . Barcelona, Espaa Organizadores: Ibercaja y El Museo Diocesano de Barcelona Contacto: [email protected] + info: Exhibition: Jacquemart-Andr Museum Evokes the Private World of the Caillebotte Brothers 25 mar - 11 jul 2011 . Paris, Francia Organizadores: Jacquemart-Andr Museum Contacto: [email protected] + info: Exhibition - " The Head and In the Hand: 200 Years of Hats and Purses" 31 mar - 25 sep 2011 . Morristown, Estados Unidos de Amrica Organizadores: Morris Museum Contacto: [email protected] + info: Masterpiece by Constable from the National Gallery of Scotland to Travel to Duff House 1 abr - 1 dic 2011 . Banffshire, Reino Unido de Gran Bretaa e Irlanda del Norte Organizadores: Scotland Contacto: [email protected] + info: Esposizione - Cranach, Tintoretto, Bernini e i capolavori della Galleria Nazionale dArte Antica di Trieste 2 abr - 17 jul 2011 . Pavia, Italia Organizadores: Galleria Nazionale dArte Antica di Palazzo Contacto: [email protected] + info: EXHIBITION - Le Gnie de l'Orient, Lyon et les arts de l'Islam 2 abr - 19 sep 2011 . LYON, Francia Organizadores: MUSEE DES BEAUX ARTS DE LYON Contacto: [email protected] + info: EXHIBITION - L'Aigle Blanc. Stanislas Auguste, le dernier roi de Pologne au sicle des Lumires- Une histoire du got en Europe au XVIIIe-XIXe sicles 3 abr - 4 jul 2011 . COMPIEGNE, Francia Organizadores: MUSEE DE COMPIEGNE Contacto: [email protected] + info: EXHIBITION - Musee Du Quai Branly Presents Exhibition on Dogon Culture and Art History 5 abr - 24 jul 2011 . Paris, Francia Organizadores: Musee Du Quai Branly Contacto: [email protected] + info: Exhibition on Motif of the Open Window in 19th Century Art - 19th 5 abr - 4 jul 2011 . New York, Estados Unidos de Amrica Organizadores: Metropolitan Museum Contacto: [email protected] + info:{F2475C18-07BA-4A0E-B4BA-9B6070450EA7} Exhibition on "Edouard Manet: The Man Who Invented Modernity" 5 abr - 3 jul 2011 . Paris, Francia Organizadores: MUSEE D'ORSAY + info: EXHIBITION - Exhibition of 17th-Century Floral Splendour at Rijksmuseum's Branch at Schiphol Airport 6 abr - 5 sep 2011 . AMSTERDAM, Pases Bajos Organizadores: Rijksmuseum + info: EXHIBITION - UNE COUR ROYALE EN INDE : LUCKNOW (XVIIme-XIXme sicle) 6 abr - 11 jul 2011 . PARIS, Francia Organizadores: MUSEE GUIMET Contacto: [email protected] + info: Exhibition - Groundbreaking Archaeological Treasures of royal burial tombs and palace of Aegae, ancient capital of Macedon 7 abr - 29 ago 2011 . Oxford, Reino Unido de Gran Bretaa e Irlanda del Norte Organizadores: University of Oxford - Ashmolean Museum Contacto: [email protected] + info: EXHIBITION - BORN TO BE WILD 3D 8 abr - 9 jun 2011 . DENVER, Estados Unidos de Amrica Organizadores: DENVER MUSEUM OF NATURE & SCIENCE Contacto: [email protected] + info: Exhibiton on the Realist Movement through Courbet's Paintings 8 abr - 10 jul 2011 . Barcelona, Espaa Organizadores: Museo Nacional de Arte de Catalua Contacto: [email protected] + info: ArcheoloGITE bolognesi 9 abr - 26 may 2011 . BOLOGNA, Italia Organizadores: Promosso da Provincia di Bologna e Soprintendenza Archeologica Emilia Romagna Contacto: [email protected] + info: EXHIBITION - Nelson - Atkins Reunites Impressionist Master Claude Monet's 'Water Lilies' Tryptich 9 abr - 7 ago 2011 . Kansas City, Estados Unidos de Amrica Organizadores: Nelson - Atkins Museum of Art Contacto: [email protected] + info: Science Museum Presents Ten Climate Stories 11-abr-2011 . Londres, Reino Unido de Gran Bretaa e Irlanda del Norte Organizadores: The Science Museum Contacto: [email protected] + info: Exhibition - Selected Paintings by Lucas Cranach the Elder 14 abr - 17 jul 2011 . Munich, Alemania Organizadores: Alte Pinakothek + info: Exhibition: Hyde Collection's Rembrandt on Loan to Louvre, Detroit Institute of Arts Loans Painting by Rubens 21 abr - 18 jul 2011 . Paris, Francia Organizadores: The Hide Collection. Art Museum, Historic House & Gardens Contacto: [email protected] + info: Eisenhower Presidential Museum Exhibits Rare Copy of Declaration of Independence 26 abr - 27 abr 2011 . Abilene, Estados Unidos de Amrica Organizadores: Eisenhower Presidential Library & Museum Contacto: [email protected] + info: EXHIBITION - "Battleground: War Rugs from Afghanistan" Makes U.S. Debut at Penn Museum 30 abr - 31 jul 2011 . Philadelphia, Estados Unidos de Amrica Organizadores: Penn Museum Contacto: [email protected]. + info: SEMINARIO CRITICO BISAGRAS EXPERIMENTALES DEL CONTINENTE: VISIONARIOS E INNOVADORES EN EL ENTRECRUCE DE LAS MODERNIDADES 10 may - 12 may 2011 . BUENOS AIRES, Argentina Organizadores: Asociacin Amigos del Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Buenos Aires Contacto: [email protected] + info: International Heritage Online Studies - Summer 2011 Session 1 Course Offerings 16 may - 6 jun 2011 . Amherst, Estados Unidos de Amrica Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 1 may 2011 + info: New York Public Library Looking for 500 People to Hold Overnight Treasure Hunt 20-may-2011 . New York, Estados Unidos de Amrica Organizadores: New York Public Library + info: Association for the Study of Marble & Other Stones in Antiquity 10th International Conference 21 may - 26 may 2011 . Rome, Italia Organizadores: Sapienza - Universit di Roma. Dipartimento di Scienze dellAntichit Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 30 jun 2011 + info: Taller Virtual sobre Cmo marcar y preservar bienes culturales en depsito 1 jun - 10 jul 2011 . Virtual, Contacto: [email protected] + info: Taller Virtual sobre El Patrimonio al Aire Libre: Estrategias para su Interpretacin y Comunicacin 1 jul - 10 ago 2011 . Virtual, Contacto: [email protected] + info: Taller Virtual sobre La Planificacin Estratgica para Museos y otras organizaciones culturales 1 jul - 10 ago 2011 . Virtual, Contacto: [email protected] + info: Patmos Workshops on Historic Bindings 2011 29 ago - 18 sep 2011 . Patmos, Grecia Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 31 jul 2011 + info: ICOM CHILE - IV Congreso sobre Educacin Museos y Patrimonio 3 oct - 4 oct 2011 . Santiago de Chile, Chile Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 16 may 2011 + info: New-York Historical Society to Re-Open to the Public in November 11-nov-2011 . New York, Estados Unidos de Amrica Organizadores: New-York Historical Society Contacto: [email protected] + info: Call for papers-International Conference on Children and Youth in a Changing World - Panel on Research on children's play and toys in non-western and non-industrial communities 26 nov - 30 nov 2012 . Bhubaneswar, India Contacto: [email protected] + info: Publicaciones CENCREM (Centro Nacional de Conservacion, Restauracion y Museologia) - Patrimonio y Desarrollo, Boletn Digital No. 1 - 2011 (pdf) Cuba El Centro Nacional de Conservacin, Restauracin y Museologa (CENCREM), fundado en 1980, y ubicado en el antiguo Convento de Santa Clara de Ass, es una institucin especializada, dirigida al desarrollo cientficotcnico y docentemetodolgico de los especialistas que laboran en la Conservacin del Patrimonio Cultural Tangible, mueble e inmueble, y del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial, adscripta desde 1995 al Consejo Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural de Cuba (CNPC). El CENCREM es Centro Autorizado para Impartir Estudios de Postgrado desde su propia fundacin, ratificndose como tal en el ao 1989, cuando pas a formar parte del Sistema de Superacin para la Cultura en el campo del Patrimonio Cultural, como miembro pleno del Consejo Asesor del Centro Nacional de Superacin para la Cultura (CNSC) y como institucin docente. + info: CENCREM (Centro Nacional de Conservacion, Restauracion y Museologia) : Patrimonio y Desarrollo, Boletn Digital No. 2 - 2011 (pdf) Cuba El Centro Nacional de Conservacin, Restauracin y Museologa (CENCREM), fundado en 1980, y ubicado en el antiguo Convento de Santa Clara de Ass, es una institucin especializada, dirigida al desarrollo cientficotcnico y docentemetodolgico de los especialistas que laboran en la Conservacin del Patrimonio Cultural Tangible, mueble e inmueble, y del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial, adscripta desde 1995 al Consejo Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural de Cuba (CNPC). El CENCREM es Centro Autorizado para Impartir Estudios de Postgrado desde su propia fundacin, ratificndose como tal en el ao 1989, cuando pas a formar parte del Sistema de Superacin para la Cultura en el campo del Patrimonio Cultural, como miembro pleno del Consejo Asesor del Centro Nacional de Superacin para la Cultura (CNSC) y como institucin docente. + info: The Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) - Archaeometry of Pre-Colombian sites and artifacts Proccedings of a Symposium UCLA Institute of Archaeology ISBN: 0-89236-249-9 As part of its mission to preserve cultural heritage throughout the world, the Getty Conservation Institute maintains an ongoing interest in the preservation of archaeological objects and sites. The Institute was pleased, therefore, to help sponsor the 28th International Archaeometry Symposium, hosted in March 1 992 by the University of California at Los Angeles, Fowler Museum of Cultural History and jointly sponsored by the UCLA Institute of Archaeology. + info: Semiotica dei nuovi musei Pare che nel mondo aprano al pubblico almeno 100 nuovi musei ogni anno. Con questo enunciato Isabella Pezzini, professoressa di Scienze Semiotiche alla Sapienza di Roma, apre il suo libro dedicato alla semiotica dei musei, al loro significato intrinseco contestualizzato nella societ moderna. Lungi dallessere mero contenitore di opere darte, il museo oggi dialoga con gli artisti, con lo spazio che lo accoglie e con la citt, divenendo spesso simbolo incontrastato del territorio in maniera pi potente rispetto alle collezioni in esso contenute. + info: Rapport de la Cour des comptes (France) - Les muses nationaux aprs une dcennie de transformations Le prsent rapport rend ainsi compte des rsultats contrasts obtenus par les muses nationaux et par la politique musale de lEtat au cours de la dernire dcennie. Si chaque muse, considr isolment, peut se prvaloir de succs importants en dressant le bilan de son activit, notamment en termes de frquentation ou doffre culturelle, la politique de lEtat mise en oeuvre par le ministre de la culture, elle, dbouche sur un constat plus critique : plus coteuse, plus concentre sur la rgioncapitale, et plus loigne de plusieurs de ses objectifs quelle ne ltait il y a dix ans + info: Haiti: Hacer de la cultura un motor para la reconstruccin Inmediatamente despus del terremoto acaecido el 12 de enero de 2010, la UNESCO se moviliz para ayudar al pueblo haitiano y para estar junto a su Gobierno. El papel de la organizacin es coordinar las actividades de las diferentes instituciones, fortalecer los recursos nacionales y lograr la estructuracin de las tareas prioritarias a largo plazo. En abril de 2010, el Consejo Ejecutivo de la UNESCO estableci el Comit Internacional de Coordinacin para la Salvaguardia del Patrimonio cultural de Hait (ICC), de acuerdo con el plan de reconstruccin nacional. + info: Ir a arriba Patrimonio Natural y Medio ambiente Noticias Agenda Publicaciones Noticias Reintroduccin progresiva del castor en el Pas de Gales - Reino Unido Reino Unido - Una asociacin ecologista del Pas de Gales soltar este verano, en semilibertad, una pareja de castores. El seguimiento cientfico de estos dos pioneros podra desembocar en una reintroduccin a mayor escala en medio enteramente natural. La ONG Wales Wild Land Foundation va a crear en Artist' s Valley, cerca de Machynlleth, en el Pas de Gales, un hbitat cerrado destinado a acoger a una pareja de castores europeos - un macho y una hembra -, incluyendo un observatorio para los visitantes. Se llevarn a cabo tambin una vigilancia e investigaciones con el fin de evaluar si el roedor puede ser introducido en varios lugares cerrados, o en la naturaleza. + info: El simulacro de alerta contra los tsunamis en el Caribe muestra la necesidad de mejorar la preparacin para afrontarlos El simulacro de alerta a escala real contra los tsunamis realizado por primera vez en la regin del Caribe ha puesto de relieve la necesidad de reforzar la preparacin para afrontarlos, mejorando la planificacin de los planes de evacuacin y la participacin del sector privado. Este simulacro, denominado Caribe Wave 11, tena por objeto comprobar el buen funcionamiento del Sistema de Alerta Temprana contra los Tsunamis y otras Amenazas Costeras en el Caribe y Regiones Adyacentes, creado en 2005 bajo los auspicios de la Comisin Oceanogrfica Intergubernamental (COI) de la UNESCO. El 23 de marzo, 34 pases y territorios del Caribe* participaron en el simulacro de alerta contra los tsunamis organizado por primera vez en esta regin. Segn el plan establecido por los organizadores,** el Centro de Alerta contra los Tsunamis de la Costa Oeste y Alaska (Estados Unidos) y el Centro de Alerta contra los Tsunamis en el Pacfico (PTWC) de la Administracin Nacional Ocenica y Atmosfrica de los Estados Unidos (NOAA) emitieron a las 13h02 (tiempo universal coordinado) un aviso de alarma por el presunto desencadenamiento de un terremoto de magnitud 7,6 en la escala de Richter y epicentro localizado frente a las costas de las Islas Vrgenes seguido de un tsunami con olas de hasta diez metros altura. + info: caribbean_test_highlights_need_to_improve_tsunami_warning_system/ Sapo bfalo: Australia organiza una campaa de sacrificio El Estado de Queensland al noreste de Australia. El objetivo consista en detener la progresin de esta especie nociva para los ecosistemas del territorio. El Estado de Queensland al noreste de Australia sufre desde hace algn tiempo de la presencia de sapos bfalo. Afectada por recientes inundaciones, la regin resulta propicia a la proliferacin de estos animales dotados de una impresionante capacidad de reproduccin. Con el fin de luchar contra esta nueva molestia, se organiza una campaa de sacrificio cada ao con la ayuda de voluntarios. Para esta tercera edicin, los organizadores declararon 14.000 sapos bfalo muertos. + info: Tigres: un traficante condenado a prisin firme en Vietnam Un propietario de una cra privada del sur de Vietnam ha sido condenado a tres aos de prisin firme por haber organizado un trfico de tigres, especie que se haba comprometido a proteger. El dueo de la granja de animales salvajes, Huynh Van Hai, criaba tigres para venderlos mientras que se haba comprometido a preservar la especie amenazada, informa en su web la asociacin local Educacin para la Naturaleza - Vietnam (ENV). Organizacin que realiz la investigacin sobre este trfico el ao pasado. Entonces haba descubierto que otros dos zoolgicos privados estaban implicados en el trfico. + info: FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION (FAO) : A "Forest" Message in a Bottle To celebrate the World Forest Day of the International Year of Forests, on 21 March 2011, the UNECE/FAO Forestry and Timber Section held a tree planting ceremony in the Parc Ariana which surrounds the Palais des Nations in Geneva. + info: PROYECTO TIGRE: PASADO, PRESENTE Y FUTURO El proyecto Tigre, puesto en marcha en 1973-74, es uno de los proyectos de conservacin de mayor xito en tiempos recientes. El proyecto tiene como objetivo la conservacin del tigre en particular en reservas para tigres, que sean representativas de varias regiones bio-geogrficas dentro del territorio de nuestro pas. Se esfuerza por mantener una poblacin de tigres viables en el entorno natural. El proyecto se inici en 1973, y varias reservas de tigres se crearon en el pas parte de una estrategia de proteccin del centro. Las reas centrales fueron liberadas de todo tipo de actividad humana y las reas de proteccin se sometieron o dedicaron a un uso orientado a la conservacin del terreno. Se disearon planes de gestin para cada reserva de tigres, basados en los principios que desarrollamos abajo: 1. La eliminacin de toda forma de explotacin humana y de perturbacin bitica del rea central y la racionalizacin de las actividades en la zona de proteccin. 2. Restriccin de la gestin del hbitat slo para reparar los daos que se hagan al ecosistema debido a la accin humana o a otras interferencias, para facilitar la recuperacin del eco-sistema a su estado natural. 3. Monitorizacin de los cambios en la flora y fauna a lo largo del tiempo llevando a cabo investigacin sobre la vida salvaje. + info: Sochi 2014 los miembros olmpicos se comprometen a la restauracin de la cuenca del ro Mzymta La Federacin Rusa Los principales socios implicados en la construccin de las infraestructuras y los lugares olmpicos de la ciudad rusa de Sotchi, anfitriona de los Juegos Olmpicos de invierno de 2014, firmaron una Declaracin que les compromete a elaborar y poner en marcha un plan de restauracin de la cuenca del ro Mzimta. Esta Declaracin se basa en una recomendacin del Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el medio ambiente (PNUMA). En marzo de 2010, el PNUMA haba presentado al Gobierno ruso un informe que describa el impacto de los trabajos de construccin de las infraestructuras Olmpicas sobre el medio ambiente. Este informe haca un llamamiento a una accin colectiva de proteccin del ecosistema nico de la regin. Recomendaba la elaboracin de un programa de restauracin, gestin y conservacin de la biodiversidad de la cuenca del ro Mzimta. + info: Conservation Volunteers - March 2011 Newsletter We've just found out that some of the links in our January e-News are broken. Although we don't want to overload you with emails, our flood work in the Eastern states of Australia is very important and we need all of the support we can get. Following are the links: * Prince William visits Christchurch * Federal Government commits $8 million * Generous support for flood recovery * Coastal Guardians * Toadbuster recordbusters * Calling All International Volunteers: win US$2,000! + info: Commonwealth Heritage Division Staffing Cut The Canberra Times recently reported the Heritage Division of the Commonwealth Department of the Environment was to have a 30% staff cut. Click on the following link to read the article: "Heritage funds cut, 30 jobs to go" Australia ICOMOS is keenly following this issue and considering what action to take. + info: Spring 2011 newsletters from Forest Research - FR NEWS Welcome to the Spring 2011 issue of Forest Research's newsletter FR News. This new issue is now available, giving a roundup of recent research highlights. In the Spring 2011 issue: - Green light for research into forest management effects on woodland birds - International Year of Forests - All you ever wanted to know about tree species - Climate change and the timber trade understanding the opportunities and challenges - New publication series launched - Events + info: Sea Shepherd se asocia con la Repblica de Palau para controlar la pesca furtiva Tras una exitosa victoria expulsando a los balleneros del Santuario de Ballenas del Ocano Antrtico, Shepherd Conservation Society se centra ahora en la proteccin de los tiburones. A principios de este mes se firm un memorndum de acuerdo entre la organizacin de accin directa por la fauna marina salvaje y la Repblica de Palau. Este acuerdo sin precedentes autoriza a Sea Shepherd a colaborar directamente con la Divisin para el Cumplimiento de la Ley Marina (DMLE, de sus siglas en ingls) para patrullar y defender un rea marina nica protegida designada como el primer santuario de tiburones del mundo. Durante una reciente visita a Palau, el Capitn Paul Watson y el Director Ejecutivo de Sea Shepherd Steve Roest se reunieron con Su Excelencia el Presidente Johnson Toribiong de Palau y los 16 miembros tradicionales del Consejo de Jefes, que actan como sus asesores, para firmar el acuerdo. + info: Connaissance et prservation des espaces naturels en France : BIBLIOGRAPHIE ET INTERNET La connaissance des milieux naturels (caractristiques, composition floristique et faunistique, rpartition gographique) apparat aujourdhui comme un pralable ncessaire une bonne gestion et protection des espaces naturels. Cette connaissance sest construite progressivement partir des annes quatre-vingt, deux programmes majeurs ayant notamment apport une large contribution : linventaire des zones naturelles dintrt cologique, faunistique et floristique (ZNIEFF) et la mise en place de la typologie CORINE biotope (CORINE pour COoRdination de lINformation sur lEnvironnement). Pour constituer un rseau despaces protgs reprsentatifs de la biodiversit, une grande varit doutils a t mise en place en France, chacun ayant des objectifs, des contraintes et des modes de gestion spcifiques. + info: espaces-naturels/en-savoir-plus.html Nombre et superficie des espaces naturels protgs et grs en France La connaissance des milieux naturels (caractristiques, composition floristique et faunistique, rpartition gographique) apparat aujourdhui comme un pralable ncessaire une bonne gestion et protection des espaces naturels. Cette connaissance sest construite progressivement partir des annes quatre-vingt, deux programmes majeurs ayant notamment apport une large contribution : linventaire des zones naturelles dintrt cologique, faunistique et floristique (ZNIEFF) et la mise en place de la typologie CORINE biotope (CORINE pour COoRdination de lINformation sur lEnvironnement). Pour constituer un rseau despaces protgs reprsentatifs de la biodiversit, une grande varit doutils a t mise en place en France, chacun ayant des objectifs, des contraintes et des modes de gestion spcifiques. + info: espaces-naturels.html?print Las Negras Waterfront / Jess Torres Garca - Nijar - Spain The landscape of this Almeria area has been used as scenery for forty years: from the birth of a genre such as the Spaghetti Western with Sergio Leone taking the lead with The Good, the Bad and the Ugly and A Fistful of Dollars, to modest productions such as How I won the war by Richard Lester. The fact that such an abundance of artists agrees in the choice of this enclave as a backdrop for their creations gives us an idea of its scenic quality. The isolation and the lack of development of this region have also helped. + info: 1st South Atlantic Biodiversity Meeting:Understanding deep-water biodiversity in the South Atlantic: options for conservation and sustainable use of resources in the high-seas - Paris - France (7 -8 April 2011 ) The international expert meeting Understanding deep-water biodiversity in the South Atlantic: options for conservation and sustainable use of resources in the high-seas will consolidate the main scientific findings collected during the South Atlantic MAR-ECO field expedition, a collaborative effort involving scientists from Russia, Brazil, Uruguay and New Zealand. During this 34-day expedition, a team of scientists acquired numerous pelagic and benthic samples over areas of the southern MidAtlantic Ridge and the Walvis Ridge. Scientific results emerging from preliminary analyses are already substantial and expected to reveal significant results regarding deep water biodiversity of such poorly studied area. + info: From Bangkok to Durban: Time to act on Cancun deal The first round of UN climate change negotiations since the Cancun summit in December, being held in Bangkok from April 3-8, will start on the work plan agreed at Cancun for 2011. The aim of the meeting is to build on the Cancun agreements and to work towards establishing a new global climate change regime, to complement or replace the Kyoto Protocol, whose first commitment period expires in late 2012. + info: Cat Ba Biosphere Reserve Announces Official Product Certification - CAT BA - Viet Nam Cat Ba Biosphere Reserve announced the launch of an official certification and logo for goods and services which promote the conservation and sustainability of the island and its local community. In order to be awarded the certification, a local product must demonstrate that its business model meets a standard of criteria aligned with sustainable development goals at the Biosphere Reserve. Initially, seven products are eligible for certification, including hotels, entertainment, transport services, and consumables. The initiative, developed by the Hai Phong Department of Culture Sports and Tourism, aims to build a cache of premium green products carrying the Cat Ba Biosphere Reserve logo to be made available to consumers and tourists, thereby reinforcing the tenets of conservation for development, development for conservation throughout the tourism and development supply chain. + info: cat_ba_biosphere_reserve_announces_official_product_certification/ Indianapolis Museum of Art to Open Miller House and Garden for Public Tours in May 2011 - Indianapolis Indiana - USA Maxwell L. Anderson, The Melvin & Bren Simon Director and CEO of the Indianapolis Museum of Art, announced today that the IMA will open Miller House and Garden to the public in May 2011. Located in Columbus, Ind., and one of the countrys most highly regarded examples of mid-century Modernist residences, the Miller House was designed by Eero Saarinen, with interiors by Alexander Girard, and landscape design by Daniel Urban Kiley. Members of the Miller family donated the house and gardens, along with many of its original furnishings, to the Museum in 2009. Additionally, members of the Miller family and the Irwin-Sweeney-Miller Foundation have donated $5 million to establish an endowment for the house and surrounding grounds. The IMA is working with the Columbus Area Visitors Center to offer public guided tours of the house and gardens beginning in May 2011. + info: MedPartnership lanza nuevo sitio web La Alianza Estratgica para el Gran Ecosistema Marino del Mediterrneo del Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente (PNUMA), el Plan de Accin para el Mediterrneo (PAM), y del Fondo para el Medio Ambiente Mundial (FMAM), es un esfuerzo colectivo realizado por parte de organizaciones lderes incluida la UNESCO (regional, internacional, nogubernamental, etc.), y de pases que comparten el Mar Mediterrneo, en busca de la proteccin del medio ambiente marino y costero del Mediterrneo. La MedPartnership es liderada por PNUMA/PAM y el Banco Mundial, y es financiada por el FMAM y algunos otros donantes, incluidos la Unin Europea y todos los dems pases participantes. + info: medpartnership_launches_new_website/ Programme de conservation et de valorisation des Ecosystmes Fragiliss d'Afrique Centrale (ECOFAC) Lobjectif global est de contribuer la conservation et la gestion durable des cosystmes forestiers de lAfrique Centrale et d'ainsi garantir la prennit des services environnementaux et de contribuer la rduction de la pauvret. Lobjectif spcifique de lappui communautaire portera sur le renforcement des capacits de gestion des Aires Protges, des sites dintrt biologique et des forts du Bassin du Congo ainsi qu la mise en place des outils dappui au dveloppement socioconomique durable des populations riveraines + info: Nomination of Experts for CBD (Convention on Biological Diversity) "Expert Group on Biodiversity for Poverty Eradication and Development" Deadline for nomination: 30 April 2011 In accordance with decision X/6, paragraphs 14 and 15 of the tenth Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP/10) on the integration of Biodiversity into Poverty Eradication and Development, I am pleased to inform you that an Expert Group Meeting on Biodiversity for Poverty Eradication and Development will be tentatively held in November 2011. + info: Urgent action needed to protect Earth's blue carbon such as mangroves, seagrasses and tidal marshes The destruction of coastal carbon ecosystems, such as mangroves, seagrasses and tidal marshes, is leading to rapid and long-lasting emissions of CO2 into the ocean and atmosphere, according to 32 of the worlds leading marine scientists. That key conclusion highlights a series of warnings and recommendations developed by the new International Working Group on Coastal Blue Carbon, which convened its first meeting in Paris last month. The Working Group was created as an initial step in advancing the scientific, management and policy goals of the Blue Carbon Initiative, whose founding members include Conservation International (CI), the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO. + info: Invasive species experts call for action in the basin of one of African Great Lakes, Lake Tanganyika Threats posed by invasive species and ways to monitor and control them will be discussed at a meeting in the Republic of Burundi tomorrow, with special focus on invasive species that are spreading in the basin of one of African Great Lakes, Lake Tanganyika. Invasive species are species introduced to a new area where they spread causing significant damage to biodiversity and the productivity of natural and agricultural ecosystems. In the 1990s for example, the invasion of water hyacinth and Nile perch in Lake Victoria caused hundreds of fish species to disappear or become extinct and some of the ecosystem to collapse. + info: Africa's rhinos face worst poaching crisis in decades - South Africa - Zimbabwe and Kenya Well-equipped, sophisticated organized crime syndicates have killed more than 800 African rhinos in the past three years - just for their horns. With the most serious poaching upsurge in South Africa, Zimbabwe and Kenya, Africas top rhino experts recently met in South Africa to assess the status of rhinos across the continent and to identify strategies to combat the poaching crisis. + info: Indian Survey Finds More Tigers, but Some Wonder A new survey by the Indian government reports a 12% increase in the country's adult tiger population. But some tiger experts think the numbers don't really add up. A 2006 survey estimated that the country was home to 1165 to 1657 tigers. The latest survey counts 1571 to 1875 tigers, almost 60% of the world's wild population, including 70 tigers that were found in the mangroves of the Ganges Delta of the Sundarbans, an area not covered during the last survey, and another 30 from two other areasthe Orang Wildlife Sanctuary in eastern India and the Sahyadari protected area in western Indiathat were left out earlier. However, tigers are now squeezed into 22% less space than 5 years ago, to some 72,000 square kilometers today. + info: The Rise of Animal Law : A new area of study By Greg Miller Animal law is a relatively new area of study that examinesand often challengeshow the law treats animals. Some of those who teach animal law courses describe themselves as activists; others shy away from that label. But many take issue with a legal system that treats animals as property and provides few mechanisms for protecting their interests in court. Some of these legal scholars have proposed strategies for advancing animal rights through steppingstone cases that erode the notion of animals as property and grant them some of the same protections people have. Others, drawing inspiration from the antislavery and civil rights movements, advocate a more direct effort to establish fundamental rights for animalsat least for more cognitively sophisticated species such as great apes and cetaceans (see sidebar). No one is arguing that orangutans should be given the right to vote, but some legal scholars see no reason why apes shouldn't have rights similar to those of a child or a person in a coma. If these efforts succeed, there could be repercussions for everyone who works with animalsincluding scientists. + info: Le Gulf Stream menac par une accumulation d'eau douce Des ocanographes ont dclar quune gigantesque poche deau douce situe dans locan Arctique pourrait engendrer des perturbations ocaniques importantes si elle passait dans lAtlantique. The Associated Press rapporte quune rserve deau douce sest peu peu constitue dans locan Arctique. Elle provient des eaux rejetes par les fleuves canadiens et sibriens et de la fonte de la banquise, consquences directes du rchauffement climatique indiquent les scientifiques. Ainsi depuis 1990, locan Arctique a dj gagn 20% deau douce selon le chercheur allemand Benjamin Rabe. + info: Un insecte ravageur s'attaque aux forts canadiennes Aprs avoir dvast les forts de l'ouest du Canada, le dendroctone du pin ponderosa, un insecte ravageur, commence s'attaquer aux pins gris de l'Alberta. Une rcente tude indique qu'il pourrait ensuite se dplacer vers l'est, et mme jusqu'aux rives de l'Atlantique. + info: Gorilla eNews Abril 2011 La Fundacin Internacional Dian Fossey para los Gorilas est dedicada a la conservacin y proteccin de los gorilas y de sus hbitats en frica. Nos comprometemos a promocionar la investigacin continuada sobre los gorilas y sus ecosistemas en peligro de extincin y a ofrecer educacin sobre la relevancia de esto en el mundo en el que vivimos. En colaboracin con las agencias gubernamentales y con otros socios internacionales, tambin ofrecemos ayuda a las comunidades locales mediante la educacin, la salud y las iniciativas de formacin y desarrollo. Aqui tiene las noticias de la edicin de abril (en ingls): * New Gorilla Orphan Lubutu Arrives in Goma * Gorilla Orphan Kyasa Progressing at GRACE * Silverbacks Working Together to Protect Group * Help Gorillas Every Month with "Give to Save" * Give Your Mother a Meaningful Gift + info: Anne des forts : YAB (Yann Arthus-Bertand) lance une nouvelle exposition pour sensibiliser les lves En cette anne internationale des forts, la Fondation GoodPlanet cre par le photographe Yann ArthusBertrand, propose de mettre disposition de chaque tablissement scolaire, une srie de 20 affiches pdagogiques. L'opration est mene en collaboration avec les ministres de lEducation Nationale et de lEcologie. + info: Causeway Coast and Glens: ENE - CONOMUSE Northern Europe Project (United Kingdom) Arlene Foster, Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Investment, officially launched Marion Woodburn Jewellery as the 1st CONOMUSE in the United Kingdom on Thursday 24th February 2011. This EU funded project sees the transformation of a local craft artisan's workshop into a functioning tourist attraction. Visitors can watch Marion at work, learn about the traditional skills involved in designing jewellery and talk to Marion about the inspiration behind her pieces! CCGHT is working with a second local artisan to develop his workshop into an CONOMUSE also. + info: Un mecanismo de respuesta pronta tras la recuperacin posterior al tsunami en las Galpagos- Ecuador El terremoto devastador que azot la costa de Japn el 11 de marzo dio lugar a un poderoso tsunami que arras la costa y que tio de tragedia a miles de personas. No se vieron afectados sitos Patrimono Mundial en Japn y el tsunami se extendi rpidamente a lo largo del Pacfico durante ese mismo da. La gente de las Galpagos (a 13.000 kilmetros de Japn), las cuales haban sido avisadas con antelacin, se dirigieron a suelo firme cuando una serie de altas olas, ms parecidas a mareas subientes y bajantes, arrasaron las islas al final de esa misma tarde. En la ciudad de Puerto Avora, las mareas subieron hasta 1,7 metros por encima de sus niveles normales e inundaron las zonas costeras, causando un dao considerable a los edificios situados cerca de la orilla, y en aquellos ms al interior. + info: Development in the Donau-Auen National Park? - Austria One of the two free-flowing sections of the river in Austria is between Vienna and the Austrian border with Slovakia. The largest connected floodplain forest on the upper Danube is located here. Decisions made here in the planning of navigation projects could have a "domino effect" on the entire Danube. The project is located on the Danube section between the Freudeneu hydropower station next to Vienna and the Austrian-Slovakian border, amounting to 48 km in length. It is within the boundaries of the Donau-Auen National Park, which is also a biosphere reserve, a designated Natura 2000 site, and a Ramsar site. + info: 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park - Scotland (United Kingdom) 2011 marks the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park - Scotland's first national park. Over the years many people have worked to create national parks for Scotland but there is one man who can be credited with actually making it happen: John McFall. John was the Member of Parliament in Dunbartonshire and some years before the General Election of 1997, he started promoting the need for a a national park there. He managed to pursuade his senior colleagues to act regarding national parks if they won the election. They did - and within 6 months the scottish national parks act was passed in 2000. Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park was created the following year. + info: Hungary runs out of cash to tackle pollution disaster, WWF (WORLD WILDLIFE FUND) claims Despite holding the current presidency of the European Union, Hungary has been accused of failing to act on the mud pollution disaster that swept a toxic tide of chemical waste along hundreds of miles of countryside. Six months after being deluged by the deathly red sludge, towns downstream of the failed alumina tailings dam near Ajka remain ruined and largely deserted, with residents and former residents still waiting for authorities to deliver on much of the promised assistance. Elsewhere in Eastern Europe, residents of other towns threatened by tailings dams are noting that little has been done to reduce the risks hanging over their communities. + info:,-wwf-claims.html Noruega proteger los Bosques de la Guyana Durante el ltimo ao, el presidente Bharrat Jagdeo de Guyana ha viajado por todo el mundo ofreciendo dejar los bosques de su pas bajo la supervisin internacional si otros pases pagaban a sus ciudadanos para que no deforestaran los paisajes tropicales. La campaa recibi un amplio apoyo la semana pasada cuando Noruega anunci el lunes que se comprometa con 30 millones de dlares a mejorar un plan para evitar la deforestacin en esta pequea nacin de Suramrica. Si el programa demuestra tener xito, Guyana recibir 250 millones de dlares ms a lo largo de 2015. + info: FELLOWSHIPS - Alfred Toepfer Natural Heritage Scholarships. Deadline for application: 20 May 2011 Each year the EUROPARC Federation in cooperation with the Alfred Toepfer Foundation F.V. S. awards three Alfred Toepfer Natural Heritage Scholarships to promising young conservationists with practical experience in the field of conservation and in the work of protected areas. The scholarships were formally known as the European Travel Scholarship and were awarded for the first time in By supporting the participants financially the scholarships enable them to undertake a study visit to one or more protected areas in European countries other than their own. The aim being to enhance international cooperation and to advance the quality, innovation and European dimension of protected area management. The awards will each be worth EUR 3.000 and are generously donated by the Alfred Toepfer Foundation in Hamburg (D). They are presented to the scholarship winners each year at the annual EUROPARC conference. + info: Labellisation du Grand site des Deux Caps Gris-Nez et Blanc-Nez : la dcision du ministre de lcologie (France) Aprs avoir obtenu un avis favorable de la commission suprieure des sites, cette fois cest officiel, le site des Deux caps est prsent le neuvime Grand Site de France. Cest ce quindique Nathalie KosciuskoMorizet, ministre de lcologie, du dveloppement durable, des transports et du logement, dans une lettre Dominique Dupilet, prsident du Conseil gnral du Pas-de-Calais. La dcision ministrielle, valable six ans, est parue officiellement le 29 mars 2011 et doit tre publie au Bulletin officiel. Dans son courrier, la ministre na pas manqu de saluer lengagement des lus, des quipes techniques, dEden 62 et du Conservatoire du Littoral. + info: A blessing in disguise - Pakistan In 1984, when I was a Divisional Forest Officer, I was kidnapped in the thick forest of Dadu, in southern Pakistan. The armed gang kept me in captivity for two nights but it seemed like a thousand years. My confidence was shattered and my career took a turn for what I thought at the time was the worst. After this, I decided to work on coastal conservation. This change, which involved restoring mangroves, was actually a blessing in disguise. It gave me a platform to chart completely unexplored territory in Pakistan. Tahir Qureshi is Programme Director of IUCN Pakistans Coastal Ecosystem Unit. He was the first forest officer to be kidnapped by a notorious gang of dacoits belonging to the renowned Baloch Chandio Tribe. The 60strong gang, armed with the latest weapons, were operating in densely forested areas. + info: Rumbles in the jungle - Naresh Subedi - Nepal Office? The jungle. Colleagues? Elephants, rhinos and tigers. Naresh Subedi has many stories to tell. Stories that are not only fascinating and impressive but that can also make your hair stand on end. Naresh Subedi works to save Nepals wildlife. He studies and monitors animals such as rhinos and tigers, and actively involves local communities in conservation. Naresh is currently involved in carrying out a rhino census in the Chitwan National Park, which has the second largest population of greater one-horned rhino in the world. He recently fitted radio collars on eight rhinos living in the park and now conducts regular patrols to monitor their movements. This often means spending the whole night in the park, which is also home to tigers, elephants and gharials. + info: Introducing Europe's Protected Natural Areas: Hortobagy National Park - Hungary In this section we give you a more in depth look at our members and how they manage Europe's natural heritage. Each month we will upload information about a different EUROPARC member. This month (March 2011) we take a closer look at Hortobgy National Park, Hungary. Information on protected areas can be downloaded through this weblink.. + info: The man who saves turtles - Malaysia Nick saves sea turtles. In a nutshell thats what he does. But he has to look far beyond their nesting grounds to make it work. Nick has a PhD in turtle biology, but he says it did not prepare him for the real-world challenges of turtle conservation. After an early career in Saudi Arabia, Malaysia and Palau as a marine biologist, Nick settled down in north Borneo and established his own non- governmental organization, the Marine Research Foundation (MRF), a non-profit entity geared to saving marine life across various countries and facing differing threats. MRF, an IUCN Member, now serves as a base from which Nick addresses turtle conservation at various levels, and with an ever-growing diversity of people. + info: Campaa para mantener las arenas de chapapote fuera de Europa- WWF (Fondo Mundial para la Vida Salvaje) Reino Unido En el lanzamiento de la exhibicin Tarnished Earth en Bruselas, hicimos entrega de una peticin firmada por miles de ustedes a la Unin Europea solicitando que mantuvieran a Europa limpia de arenas con chapapote. Como parte de una coalicin estamos pidiendo a la Unin Europa que reconozca que las arenas de chapapote son fuentes intensivas de carbn combustible. Esto sucede porque la produccin de combustible por parte de stas emana una media de tres veces ms carbono de lo que contaminara un combustible convencional. Es lgico que queramos proponer una valor ms alto para las arenas con chapapote, objetivo que est en lnea con el objetivo de la legislacin, la Directiva de la Calidad del Combustible. + info: EUROPARC Annual Report 2010 and Ecosystem Services seminar (Kristianstad Vattenrike Biosphere Reserve Sweden, 3-4 May 2011) We are pleased to announce to you all that the Annual Report for 2010 is now finished. As in previous years we have only produced an online PDF and there are unfortunately no printed versions available. In the 2010 edition we inform readers about all of the activities the EUROPARC Federation Network, including our sections and EUROPARC Consulting, were involved in, in 2010. These range from communications, to sustainable tourism, to training and education for different target groups. + info: Una industria pesquera rusa clave se une a un grupo de presin a favor de la sostenibilidad Federacin Rusa Una organizacin clave de la industria pesquera se unir a WWF para presionar al gobierno a favor de una poltica ms sostenible y medidas de gestin para una de las industrias pesqueras ms importantes del mundo en de pescado blanco. La influyente Alaska o Walleye Pollock Catchers Association (PCA)- uno de los cuerpos de gobierno de la industria pesquera rusa ha acordado unirse a WWF para presionar y para que se adopten polticas gubernamentales para situar a observadores independientes a bordo de los barcos y para la adopcin de propuestas de WWF Rusia dentro de la estrategia nacional rusa para luchar contra las industrias pesqueras ilegales, sin regulacin y no denunciadas (IUU). + info: International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) helps businesses value nature Today, IUCN and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) released a Guide to Corporate Ecosystem Valuation (CEV) a new message to enhance business understanding of the benefits and value of ecosystem services like fresh water, food, fibre and protection against natural disasters. The economic value of nature and the services it provides us is enormous, but it is rarely taken into account in policies, financial systems and markets. The Guide to Corporate Ecosystem Valuation (CEV) aims to enable companies to better understand the value of natures services that they affect and depend on. This will improve business decision-making by creating more alignment between businesses financial, ecological and social objectives. + info: Degraded coastal wetlands contribute to climate change Drainage and degradation of coastal wetlands emit significant amounts of carbon dioxide directly to the atmosphere and lead to decreased carbon sequestration, a new report has found. The report, written in partnership with the World Bank, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and wetland specialists ESA PWA, calls for coastal wetlands to be protected and incentives for avoiding their degradation and improving their restoration to be included into carbon emission reduction strategies and in climate negotiations. + info: Virus humanos relacionados con las muertes de gorilas en peligro de extincin Un virus que causa una enfermedad respiratoria en los humanos se ha asociado a la muerte de gorilas salvajes de montaa, segn informa un equipo de investigadores de Estados Unidos y frica. El hallazgo confirma que serias enfermedades pueden transmitirse de los humanos a estos primates en peligro de extincin. Los humanos y los gorilas comparten aproximadamente el 98 por ciento de su ADN, un hecho gentico que ha llevado a la preocupacin de que los gorilas sean susceptibles de infectarse con las enfermedades infecciosas que afectan a los humanos. Investigadores del proyecto sin nimo de lucro Mountain Gorilla Veterinary; del Wildlife Health Centre en la Universidad de California, Davis; del Centro for Infection and Immunity en la Universidad de Columbia y la Development Board de Ruanda han publicado sus hallazgos en la revista Emerging Infectious Diseases, una publicacin de los centros americanos para el control y prevencin de enfermedades. + info: Management of Protected Areas course : grants for young experts from Central and Eastern Europe. Deadline: 30 April 2011 Two grants for the participation in the "Management of Protected Areas" MSc course will be awarded by the province of Carinthia. The grant is targeted at applicants from Central and Eastern Europe, which have a need to make up economic ground on other European states. It gives applicants access to international expertise and global networks. Both grants will be awarded as part of a competition. Examples of Masters dissertations for the MSc course include "Visitors' management and infrastructure in Serengeti National Park", "Governance in Biosphere Reserves", "Relocation of a village in an Ethiopian National Park, Sacred Sites in Ecuador, New Cooperations between Regional Businesses and National Park Kalkalpen. The next "Management of Protected Areas" course will start in September 2011. The deadline for applications is 31 May 2011. + info: management_of_protected_areas_course_grants_for_experts_from_central_and_eastern_europe/ + info: Les prcipitations neigeuses, une menace pour les cosystmes arctiques ? Une quipe de chercheur grenoblois issus du Laboratoire de glaciologie et gophysique de l'environnement (LGGE, CNRS/UJF), de l'Institut de biologie structurale (IBS, CEA/CNRS/UJF) et du Laboratoire adaptation et pathognie des microorganismes (LAPM, UJF/CNRS) vient de mettre en vidence que les retombes brutales de mercure observes chaque printemps en Arctique ne sauraient tre l'unique cause de contamination des cosystmes par cet lment. Il semble en revanche que les prcipitations neigeuses aient un fort potentiel contaminant dans cette rgion. Cette tude a t publie en ligne le 22 fvrier 2011 dans la revue Environmental Science and Technology. Guarda forestal disparado y asesinado en el Parque nacional Virunga, sitio Patrimonio Mundial en peligro- Repblica Democrtica del Congo Una patrulla del parque nacional de Virunga en la Repblica Democrtica del Congo fue atacada el viernes 8 de abril, con el resultado de un guarda forestal muerto, Magayane Bazirushaka. El ataque tuvo lugar en el sector Nyamulagira, que conecta a travs de un pasillo con el sector MIkeno, el rea operativa del Programa Internacional para la Conservacin del Gorila. A la patrulla de 15 miembros se le tendi una emboscada mientras trabajaban en el bosque al norte del volcn Nyiragongo. La patrulla estaba buscando produccin de carbn vegetal ilegal, una industria que parece que est aumentando en la regin. + info: Una triple catstrofe. Un Mundo de Ciencia - VOL. 9 - n2 (Abril - Junio 2011) Un Mundo de ciencia se puso en marcha en Octubre de 2002 para mantener las preocupaciones de la UNESCO en la opinin pblica y en el centro del debate pblico mediante la difusin de informacin cientfica de acceso fcil y atractivo. Walter Erdelen, Subdirector General de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales es el Director de la Publicacin. + info: Los tigres sumatra ayudan a salvar sus especies en libertad Zoo de Australia Pastel de cumpleaos para los hermanos de siete aos de edad en un zoo australiano Estos tres tigres sumatra son embajadores para sus especies, al ayudar a concienciar de la situacin difcil que tienen en estado salvaje y al participar en encuentros y sesiones fotogrficas para recoger fondos para el programa de conservacin de tigres FFI, dijo el gerente de conservacin internacional del zoo de Australia, Giles Clark. Como miembro de apoyo desde hace tiempo de Fauna & Flora International (FFI), el zoo de Australia hace donaciones, en parte aseguradas gracias a las experiencias pblicas con los grandes felinos hermanos Juma, Ranu y Singha, para nuestro programa de tigre en Sumatra, Indonesia. Estas ayudas econmicas son fundamentales para las operaciones continuadas del programa de conservacin y proteccin del tigre FFI en el parque nacional Kerinci Seblat. + info: ScienceShot: Yellowstone consigue un escner CT (tomografa computarizada) Parque Nacional Yellowstone EEUU El parque nacional Yellowstone es de hecho un lugar electrizante. Los investigadores han utilizado observaciones del campo electromagntico de la Tierra recogidas en ms de 100 lugares que rodean el parque para crear una imagen parecida a un CT escner de la columna de humo de roca caliente responsable de los geiseres y aguas calientes (imagen principal) de hoy en da as como de la actividad volcnica pasada en la regin. Variaciones en la conductividad de la roca que subyace en la reginque conduce la electricidad en algunos lugares al igual que lo hace bajo el mar (rojo oscuro, insercin)- revela zonas ricas en rocas de silicato lquido y fluidos salados calientes, tal y como afirman los investigadores en el siguiente nmero de Geophysical Research Letters. La columna de humo podra extenderse ms de 600 kilmetros al este de la cuenca del Yellowstone, sugiere el nuevo informe. En la ltima dcada ms o menos, otros equipos de geocientficos, incluyendo uno con uno de los cientficos que han elaborado el informe, haban avistado la nube de humo mediante el empleo de ondas ssmicas. La imagen electromagntica de la columna de humo es mayor que la que obtena de la informacin ssmica pero no se extiende de forma tan profunda, en parte debido a que las ondas electromagnticas que el estudio analiz slo pueden penetrar alrededor de 300 kilmetros del centro de la tierra. + info: Luciano Andriamaro: Health and Fresh Water: Ingredients for Success in Madagascar The crystal-clear waters of Madagascar's Nosivolo River hold more than beauty: they hold life. The river's waters support 19 endemic fish species, four of which are found in the Nosivolo and nowhere else. So when, in September 2010, the river and its watershed was named a Ramsar site, it marked a milestone for CI and local communities in a joint mission to create protected areas that ensure the long-term health of the river for the fish and for the human population living nearby. And Luciano Andriamaro, Science Support Program Manager for CI-Madagascar, understands well how important a healthy river ecosystem is for ensuring benefits for both local communities and wildlife. + info: Report: Clean Water, Better Health in Madagascar When Conservation International (CI) and partners first arrived in the village of Miarinarivo in eastern Madagascar in 2002, the community did not have an adequate supply of potable water. Local taboos discouraged people from using communal latrines; instead they used the nearby river as a toilet and as a source of drinking water. Waterborne diseases such as diarrhea were prevalent, especially among young children. After several years of health education outreach and the implementation of community projects such as latrine construction in the village, the "Healthy Families, Healthy Forests" project was completed in 2008. Last month, staff from CI-Madagascar returned to Miarinarivo to find out if the information and services we'd provided had stuck with community members or been discarded in favor of long-standing traditions. + info: The II Mediterranean Forest Week 5 abr - 8 abr 2011 . AVIGNON, Francia Organizadores: European Forest Institute Contacto: [email protected] + info: Journes "Historicit dans les diffrents domaines scientifiques" - MUSEUM NATIONAL D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE (MNHN) 5 may - 6 may 2011 . Pars, Francia Organizadores: Jean-Jacques Kupiec (ENS), Guillaume Lecointre (MNHN), Bernard Thierry (CNRS/INEE), Muriel Gargaud (CNRS/INSU), Philippe Bertrand (CNRS/INSU) et Pierre-Henri Gouyon (MNHN) Contacto: Jean-Jacques Kupiec ([email protected]) Guillaume Lecointre ([email protected]) + info: Rethinking Palm Oil It's in our candy bars, soap and peanut butter it even powers some of our cars. Yet it is precisely this high demand that makes palm oil one of the most controversial commodities on the market today. The rapid expansion of monoculture palm oil plantations especially in Southeast Asia has led to the continuing destruction of the world's remaining tropical forests. + info: Water education training series launched in Salt: Water Fun - hands, minds and hearts on Water for Life - Salt - Jordan Jordan is one of the most water scarce countries in the world, to raise awareness and to promote a more responsible use of water, a training series for teachers was launched at Balqa University in Salt on the 12th of April. The series Water Fun hands, minds and hearts on Water for Life is organized by UNESCO Amman, the German Training and Demonstration Centre for Decentralised Sewage Treatment (BDZ), the Ministry of Education and al-Balqa University. A three day training workshop at al-Balqa University kicked off the training series today in Salt where 20 science teachers (5-6th grade) of ASPnet schools will receive and will be trained on delivering a water education training kit including materials for class-room experiments, teacher guidelines and student guidebooks in Arabic. The selected teachers will then apply the water education teaching unit at their schools and provide feedback and evaluation to the BDZ and UNESCO. + info: water_education_training_series_launched_in_salt_water_fun_hands_minds_and_hearts_on_water_for_life/ JUSTIN WARD: HELPING COMPANIES WORK FOR THE ENVIRONMENT A growing environmental movement was spreading across America in the 1970s. As it gained traction in the small, vibrant college town of Ft. Collins, Colo. home to Colorado State University it helped influence a generation of budding conservationists, including Justin Ward, Vice President of Business Practices in CI's Center for Environmental Leadership in Business (CELB). Justin recalls the era as "a dynamic time for environmental policy, with landmark debates on wilderness preservation, clean air, clean water, energy and other key issues." This early influence, Justin says, "reinforced my interest in public affairs and the environment and probably influenced my career choice." + info: aspx Agenda EXHIBITION - BORN TO BE WILD 3D 8 abr - 9 jun 2011 . DENVER, Estados Unidos de Amrica Organizadores: DENVER MUSEUM OF NATURE & SCIENCE Contacto: [email protected] + info: Exhibition: Every Tree Tells a Story Photography Exhibit - Rye 10 abr - 15 jun 2011 . New York, Estados Unidos de Amrica Organizadores: The Jay Heritage Center Contacto: [email protected] + info: Planning Meeting on the Pacific Heritage Hub 27 abr - 28 abr 2011 . Suva, Fiji Organizadores: The meeting is organized with funding from the Government of Australia. Contacto: [email protected] + info:[showUid]=3385&cHash=d8a7cf2327 Ecole thmatique CNRS (Conseil national de la recherche scientifique) Michael Ghil : Rtroactions dans les systmes environnementaux 5 jun - 12 jun 2011 . La Rochelle, Francia Organizadores: Institut National des Sciences de lUnivers (INSU) du CNRS, lEcole Normale Suprieure (ENS), et lInstitut des Systmes Complexes-Paris Ile de France (ISC-PIF). CNRS-INSU | ENS | ISC-PIF Contacto: [email protected] + info: Para la vida, para el futuro. Las reservas de biosfera y el cambio climtico 26 jun - 28 jun 2011 . Dresden, Alemania Organizadores: UNESCOs programme "Man and the Biosphere (MAB) + info: The 7th Charter networking meeting "Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas: Building Bridges - Seeking Solution" 28 jun - 1 jul 2011 . Donji Milanovac, Serbia y Montenegro Organizadores: Public Enterprise National Park Djerdap Donji Milanovac Contacto: [email protected] + info: 23rd Session of the International Co-coordinating Council of the Man and the Biosphere Programme (MAB) 28 jun - 1 jul 2011 . Dresden, Alemania Organizadores: UNESCO-MAB Contacto: Thomas Schaaf, [email protected] + info: SOLAS (Surface Ocean Lower Atmosphere Study) - IGAC (The International Global Atmospheric Chemistry ) France joint meeting 29 jun - 30 jun 2011 . Pars, Francia Organizadores: SOLAS - IGAC + info: Corso perfezionamento "Gestione del verde in ambiente urbano" 2011 6 jul - 8 jul 2011 . EDOLO, Italia Organizadores: Universit degli Studi di Milano Contacto: [email protected] and [email protected] + info: Call for Applications: Business Skills for World Heritage Programme 1 sep - 2 oct 2011 . Nanyuki, Kenya Organizadores: Earthwatch Institute and Shell Foundation Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 29 abr 2011 + info: ICOM CHILE - IV Congreso sobre Educacin Museos y Patrimonio 3 oct - 4 oct 2011 . Santiago de Chile, Chile Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 16 may 2011 + info: CALL FOR ABSTRACTS - ODINAFRICA Ocean Data & Information Network for Africa) Scientific Symposium and Head's of Institutions meeting 4 oct - 6 oct 2011 . SALY, Senegal Organizadores: The Ocean Data and Information Network for Africa (ODINAFRICA), in collaboration with the Centre de Recherche Ocanographique de Dakar Thiaroye (CRODT) and the Direction des Pches Maritimes (DPM) Contacto: Mika Odido ([email protected]), Arame Keita ([email protected], [email protected]) and Anis Diallo, ([email protected], [email protected]) FECHA LMITE: 30 jun 2011 + info: Vulnrabilit des cosystmes ctiers au changement global et aux vnements extrmes 17 oct - 20 oct 2011 . Biarritz, Francia Organizadores: Biarritz Ocan et la socit MLG Events Contacto: Patrick Prouzet, Ifremer. - [email protected] + info: CALL FOR ABSTRACTS- Seventh WIOMSA (WEST INDIAN OCEAN MARINE SCIENCES ASSOCIATION) Scientific Symposium 24 oct - 29 oct 2011 . MOMBASA, Kenya Organizadores: Jointly by the Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA) and the Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI) Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 30 abr 2011 + info: Publicaciones Sustainable Dolphin Tourism in East Africa Authors: Berggren, P., Amir, O.A., Guissamulo, A., Jiddawi, N.S., Ngazy, Z., Stensland, E., Sarnblad, A. and Cockroft, V.G. WIOMSA Book Series no. 7 ISSN: 0856-7972 Marine mammal distribution, abundance and population biologyand ecology will be investigated using airplane and ves sel based surveys and by studying samples from animals bycaught in fishing gear. The hypothesis that marine mammal distribution and abundance in the region is conducive to eco-tourism will be tested. The sustainability of the dolphin tourism will be investigated by testing the hypothesis that the tourism practices adversely impact dolphin populations. Information from behavioural research of dolphins in relation to tourism will be used to address this + info: The Effects of Coral Bleaching on Coral Reef Fish, Fisheries, and Ecosystem Services in the Western Indian Ocean region By Tim R. McClanahan. 2009 The Effects of Coral Bleaching on Coral Reef Fish, Fisheries, and Ecosystem Services in the Western Indian Ocean region. MASMA Final Technical Report. WIOMSA Book Series No. 9, viii+52pp + info: download&catid=70&cid=372 Unasylva ahora accesible gratis La FAO da comienzo al Ao Internacional de los Bosques con un nmero especial fotogrfico de Unasylva. Ms de un centenar de das internacionales se celebran a lo largo del ao con la finalidad de conmemorar una amplia gama de asuntos, ocupaciones, actividades y valores culturales importantes para la humanidad. Esta hermosa coleccin de imgenes ilustra que los bosques tienen vinculaciones con casi todas ellas. Si bien los das internacionales son el hilo que mantiene unida esta coleccin de fotografas, su organizacin es temtica y no cronolgica para as catalogar mejor el lugar que los bosques ocupan en muchos sectores. El presente nmero da expresin al tema del ao internacional, Los bosques para la gente, mostrando cmo los bosques son importantes para casi todas las actividades humanas. + info: Online Study - Animals Find Sanctuary With Scientists In an 85-square-kilometer swath of rainforest in Cte d'Ivoire's Ta National Park, monkeys call to one another, chimps drum on tree trunks, and tiny antelopes rustle through the underbrush. That's where researchers have been studying primate communities for more than 3 decades. Step outside the research zone, though, and the animal sounds fall silent. The forest is noticeably emptier as a result of heavy poaching. Field researchers all over the world have noticed that long-term research sites double as sanctuaries, but they've never had the numbers to prove it. Now they do + info: WATERSCAPES This issue is focused on Integrated Water Planning and Resource Management. Waterscapes is a technical publication distributed four times a year. Each issue contains articles focused on important issues in the water and wastewater industry. + info: A Teaching resource kit for mountain countries: a creative approach to environmental education Une approche crative de lducation lenvironnement Collection L'homme et la biosphre 2010, 978-92-3-204159-3 This environmental education kit is intended primarily for secondary (and late primary) school teachers and their pupils living in countries in mountain areas, where climate and environmental conditions are harsh, often varying between extremes, and which are subject to the problems of erosion. With a view to fostering a better understanding of mountain ecosystems, the kit offers a creative approach to environmental education and is designed to arouse pupils' curiosity, to appeal to their artistic sensibilities and to serve as a tool for a more effective transmission of scientific information and environmental knowledge. The documents included are: - A teacher's manual divided into three chapters - A class notebook for pupils + info: Ir a arriba Investigación sobre física y química de materiales Noticias Agenda Publicaciones Noticias JOB OFFERS - Young conservator: paper-based media at The Conservation Laboratory for paper and vellum based materials. Venice (Italy) Deadline for application: 31 May 2011 The Conservation Laboratory for paper and vellum based materials (graphic works) is looking for young conservators specialized in graphic works of art on paper for temporary project work. Interested candidates should send their CV. The requirements are as follows: - degree from an institution of higher education - under 35 years of age - excellent knowledge of Italian and English, spoken and written - availability to work in Venice at the Laboratorio della Misericordia - deadline for submission of CVs is 31 May 2011 Contact: [email protected] + info: Nam June Paik and the Conservation of Video Sculpture - Symposium and Exhibition 15 abr - 16 abr 2011 . Cincinnati, Estados Unidos de Amrica Organizadores: University Film & Video Association Contacto: Mark Harris [email protected] and Charles Woodman [email protected] + info: New website about the ink corrosion is launched New website about iron gall ink corrosion. Includes a tool to simulate damage over 100 year period. + info: Agenda Association for the Study of Marble & Other Stones in Antiquity 10th International Conference 21 may - 26 may 2011 . Rome, Italia Organizadores: Sapienza - Universit di Roma. Dipartimento di Scienze dellAntichit Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 30 jun 2011 + info: Curso de especializacin en Patrimonio Cultural - Restauracin de Metales Arqueolgicos 13 jun - 30 sep 2011 . Madrid, Espaa Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 30 abr 2011 + info: 9th Conference on Shock & Impact Loads on Structures 16 nov - 18 nov 2011 . FUKUOKA, Japn Organizadores: Kyushu University under the Chairmanship of Prof Yoshimi SONODA, organized by the Japan Impact Committee of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers, and with the support of The Japan Society for Computational Engineering and Science. Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 30 abr 2011 + info: Publicaciones Ir a arriba Restauración y técnicas de conservación Noticias Agenda Publicaciones Noticias La casa Turkel de Frank Lloyd Wright es obtiene una segunda vida - 1955 - Detroit - Michigan - EE.UU. Cuando Dale Morgan y Norman Silk vieron un cartel de "Se Vende" en frente de una casa contempornea en la zona de Palmer Woods de Detroit era justo lo que buscaban, as que lo compraron.. Poco saban que haba tropezado solo en la compra de un verdadero ejemplo de Frank Lloyd Wright diseador de la casa, conocida como la Casa Turkel. Para responder a la pregunta que todos han hecho, Cmo no lo han sabido , resulta que 25 aos de deterioro, los largos perodos de abandono y el cambio de manos propietarios combinado con aos de mantenimiento diferido y cubierto de vegetacin puede ocultar un diseo FLW bastante bien. + info: Euromed Heritage newsletter - Issue No.7 - MARCH 2011 We take care of our past to protect our future. We promote the preservation of fountains and ancient dialects, wooden doors and old manuscripts, the rehabilitation of modern buildings and millennial theatres, to safeguard the identity of future generations and to contribute to their mutual understanding. By the valorisation of cultural heritage, the Euromed Heritage programme supports the dialogue between cultures throughout the Mediterranean region. Euromed Heritage 4 (2008-2012) creates new opportunities for peoples awareness and appropriation of their extraordinary common cultural heritage. + info: JOB OFFERS - Young conservator: paper-based media at The Conservation Laboratory for paper and vellum based materials. Venice (Italy) Deadline for application: 31 May 2011 The Conservation Laboratory for paper and vellum based materials (graphic works) is looking for young conservators specialized in graphic works of art on paper for temporary project work. Interested candidates should send their CV. The requirements are as follows: - degree from an institution of higher education - under 35 years of age - excellent knowledge of Italian and English, spoken and written - availability to work in Venice at the Laboratorio della Misericordia - deadline for submission of CVs is 31 May 2011 Contact: [email protected] + info: JOB OFFERS - Conservation Scientist at the Rathgen Research Laboratory. Berlin (Germany) Deadline for application: 15 April 2011 The Rathgen Research Laboratory, which forms part of the National Museums Berlin, is currently seeking to fill the position of a Conservation Scientist in order to develop and implement a cross-institutional IPM (Integrated Pest Management) Program. The position is graded at grade 13 TVD (Collective Agreement for the German public service). The grading is provisional, as the grading agreement under the collective agreement has so far not been finalised. The task is to develop and implement in close cooperation with the Ethnological Museum and the Rathgen Research Laboratory with the National Museums Berlin a sustainable IPM concept, which eventually shall be be applied at the other institutions with the Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz. IPM is composed of three components: the continuous monitoring, the specific actions against infestations if needed and subsequent changes within the close environment as a preventive measure. + info: High Bridge ArtLab / in situ estudio - Washington - EE.UU. El "paseo" de Washington Heights a la comunidad de Highbridge lleva ms de una hora. El viaje requiere dos excusrsiones en dos lneas de metro distintas y excursiones a lo largo de las carreteras no peatonales y puentes. La historia ofrece una mejor imagen de la conectividad. Esta propuesta abre de nuevo el Puente Alto a los peatones y los proyecta el puente con una nueva estacin y estudios para vivir/trabajar para artistas. Un paisaje cultural urbano y continuo vuelve a conectar la comunidad de Highbridge con la infraestructura social de Washington Heights servirn de catalizador a una economa dinmica creativa que beneficia los artistas y los vecinos por igual. + info: Gran Reapertura del Edificio Hinman de Investigacin de la Escuela de Arquitectura (CoA) de Georgia Tech despus de su remodelacin de 2011 - Atlanta - Georgia - EE.UU. El 30 de Marzo marcar la inauguracin del Edificio de Investigacin Hinman, Universidad de Georgia Tech de Arquitectura (COA) de $ 9,500,000 de restauracin, rehabilitacin y reutilizacin de adaptacin del edificio histrico. Eventos que a las 4 pm en el Auditorio Reinsh-Pierce con una conferencia de los arquitectos, Nader Tehrani de la oficina de dA y con sede en Atlanta Seor, Jack Aeck y Sargent Pyburn, FAIA. Despus de la conferencia una ceremonia y la recepcin se llevar a cabo a partir del 5 a 7 pm en el Edificio de Investigacin Hinman. + info: Hotel Fouquet Barrire / Edouard Franois - 2006 - Paris - France French architect and landscape designer Edouard Franois was encharged of the renovation and faade design of the Fouquets Barrire Hotel in Paris, which is located in one block facing Avenue des Champs Elyses. The architect mission was the general plan of the whole hotel, including courtyards, administration offices and a spa service, spread on different plots of the golden triangle, and the design of new facades for extensions. + info: Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum Returns Tapestry Room to Its Original Glory and Configuration - Boston Massachussetts - USA For the first time since it opened in 1914, the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum's 4,000-square-foot Tapestry Room is being restored to its original glory and will once again take its place as one of the nation's great tapestry halls. The restoration of this beloved space will return the Tapestry Room to its original configuration for the first time since a temporary stage, chairs, and other modern elements were added to accommodate formal concerts in the early 1970s. Historically, the Tapestry Room has been both a gallery and home to many of the museum's programs, including the popular Sunday Concert Series. Now, as part of the Gardner Museum's Extension and Preservation Project, the museum's world-class concerts will be relocated to an intimate new performance hall in the Renzo Piano-designed addition, and the Gardner will be able to restore the space to its historic appearance, enabling visitors to see and enjoy the Tapestry Room for the first time in nearly 40 years. No event programming is scheduled for 2011 in the Tapestry Room; programming will resume in 2012 in the new wing and the gallery will remain open until then so that visitors can view the conservation and preservation work taking place. The reinstalled Tapestry Room will be highlighted as part of the museum's Grand Opening for its new wing in January 2012. + info: New website about the ink corrosion is launched New website about iron gall ink corrosion. Includes a tool to simulate damage over 100 year period. + info: Instituto Getty de Conservacin (GCI) Recursos para la enseanza en lnea Conservacin preventiva en el contexto de una Casa Museo Histrica Este caso de estudio constituye un proyecto conjunto del Instituto Getty de Conservacin y del Instituto de los Pases bajos para el Patrimonio Cultural (ICN), y el museos situado en Amsterdam Ons' Lieve Heer op Solder (Our Lord in the Attic). El caso de estudio se ha diseado como una herramienta didctica para ser usada en programas acadmicos de conservacin, en estudios de museo, arquitectura o ingeniera. Tambin puede utilizarse en cursos cortos y talleres que traten estos temas. El caso de estudio nos ofrece una importante oportunidad para que los estudiantes exploren las complejidades encontradas al sopesar opciones y al tomar decisiones sobre el control medioambiental y el uso de lugares y colecciones histricas, en particular en aquellas situaciones donde no hay una aproximacin clara aparente. El caso incluye la experiencia y los puntos de vista de otros profesionales, lo cual exige a los estudiantes considerar aspectos de la conservacin desde perspectivas muy diversas. + info: Instituto Getty de Conservacin (GCI)- La Conservacin del Mosaico de la Transiguracin en el Monasterio de Santa Catalina en Sinai (Egipto) 14 de abril 2011 El Monasterio Santo de Santa Catalina es el monasterio ms antiguo de la Cristiandad que sigue en funcionamiento. Mandado construir por el emperador bizantino Justiniano en el siglo sexto, contiene obras de arte y documentos histricos de una belleza increble y de gran importancia, incluyendo iconos, pinturas en las paredes, y mosaicos. Uno de los ms famosos es el mosaico de la Transfiguracin, una joya de la poca bizantina temprana, situado en el bside de encima del altar mayor en la baslica del monasterio. A lo largo de los siglos, la Transfiguracin ha sufrido graves daos causados por terremotos y por las numerosas visitas de los peregrinos procedentes de todos los rincones del mundo. El Centro para la Conservacin Arqueolgica (CCA) de Roma, acaba de terminar un proyecto de cinco aos de duracin para conservar este mosaico que no tiene precio. nanse a conservador y arquelogo, Roberto Nardi, fundador del CCA, mientras que recuenta los pasos dados hacia la conservacin y salvaguarda de esta simblica obra de arte para el prximo milenio. Presentado por el Instituto Getty de Conservacin y la Fundacin Getty. + info: Yale Art + Architecture Building / Gwathmey Siegel & Associates Architects - 1963- New Heaven - Connecticut USA El edificio Rudolph de la Universidad de Yale anteriormente conocido como el Edifico de Arte y Arquitectura fue diseado en 1963 por el maestro y en la poca catedrtico de la Escuela de Arquitectura, Paul Rudolph. Est considerado uno de sus ms importantes trabajos y fue renovado completamente y ampliado en recientemente restaurando la estructura a su planteamiento original de 1963 y facilitando espacio para el departamento de Historia del Arte. + info: Tribunales y Plazas Pblicas / Christian Kronaus y Erhard An-He Kinzelbach - 2007-2011 - Sankt Poelten Austria El proyecto es el resultado de un concurso abierto Ganado por los arquitectos Christian Kronaus y Erhard An-He Kinzelbachen colaboracin con el estudio de ingeniera de Vasko+Partner, El Tribunal de Justicia de St.Plten (Lowe Austria) requera una ampliacin del edificio para acoger el Alto Tribunal Regional, La Corte de Distrito y la Oficina del Fiscal del Estado. Adems se requera un nuevo diseo de la plaza pblica en frente del Edificio Histrico de Justicia as como un parking subterrneo. + info: Hairy House / Ashworth Parkes Architects - 2008 to 09 - Cambridge - United Kingdom The site is very small measuring 7.5 metres wide by 10.5 metres deep, and is flanked by 3 metre high walls to the East and the North, and a 2 metre high wall to the West. The new house was not allowed to rise higher than the eaves of the house next door to the North. We were only allowed 1 metre squared of obscured window on the Southern elevation, no windows above the top of the wall on the Western elevation and 1 metre squared of window on the Northern elevation. We had to set the building back from the road, decreasing the usable space on the site even further. + info: Eureka Valley Residence / Cary Bernstein Architect - San Francisco - California - USA The renovation of this 1908 craftsmans house and garage was completed in three phases over the course of 7-years. Interiors were opened up, basements were excavated to create additional living stories and modern details were introduced throughout the property, resulting in a final design that reveals multiple layers of time and occupancy. + info: Grand Hotel Casselbergh Brugge / BURO II - 2010 - Bruges - Belgium A new treasure for Bruges With its central location and rich history, this site is of major importance to the World Heritage City of Bruges. Tourism is an important engine of the local economy. The conversion of this building into a hotel with conference facilities will finally, after many years, remove an eyesore from the Hoogstraat. The project consists of two parts: the renovation of the three historic buildings on the Hoogstraat and a new development on the Groene Rei. + info: County Cork Painter's Studio / LOCAL - 2006 - Country Cork - Ireland A repeat client from New York approached LOCAL to turn an old stone barn on his wifes family farm compound in Ireland into a painters studio and vacation cottage. Because she is a landscape painter, she wanted a view and lots of light. At the same time, they wanted to retain the rustic character of the old stone barn. LOCAL decided to keep the faade facing the other buildings on the compound virtually untouched, and instead break out the entire faade facing the best view of the hills beyond the farm. Two skylights, invisible from the street, bring in light into the rear part of the house. + info: Technical Seminar on Global Heritage Conservation 11-may-2011 . New York, Estados Unidos de Amrica Organizadores: Global Heritage Fund (GHF) Contacto: [email protected] + info: De nouvelles datations repoussent l'ge de l'apparition d'outils sur le sous-continent Indien Deux quipes scientifiques du Centre Europen de Recherche et d'Enseignement en Gosciences de l'Environnement (CEREGE, CNRS - Universit Paul Czanne Aix-Marseille III), install Aix-en -Provence, viennent d'apporter une contribution essentielle l'tude d'un site archologique majeur d'Inde du Sud. Notamment, leurs expertises complmentaires dans les mthodes de datation ont rvl que les outils dcouverts sur ce site ont t fabriqus il y a au moins un million d'annes. Cette dcouverte permet donc de supposer que la dispersion des hominids travers l'Asie du Sud est beaucoup plus ancienne que ce que les scientifiques imaginaient jusqu' prsent. Des travaux publis dans la revue Science + info:,nouvelles-datations-repoussent-age-apparition-outils-sous-continent-indien.html Agenda Association for the Study of Marble & Other Stones in Antiquity 10th International Conference 21 may - 26 may 2011 . Rome, Italia Organizadores: Sapienza - Universit di Roma. Dipartimento di Scienze dellAntichit Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 30 jun 2011 + info: 9th Annual Meeting of the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works : Ethos, Logos, Pathos 31 may - 3 jun 2011 . Philadelphia, Estados Unidos de Amrica Organizadores: The American Institute for Conservation of Historic & Artistic Works Contacto: [email protected] + info: Course on Conserving Historic Structures 5 jul - 9 jul 2011 . British Columbia, Canad Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 6 jun 2011 + info: XXI Seminario internazionale e Premio di Architettura e Cultura Urbana Costruire nel costruito. Architettura a volume 0 31 jul - 4 ago 2011 . Camerino, Italia Organizadores: Universit di Camerino. Consiglio Nazionale degli Architetti, Pianificatori, Paesaggisti e Conservatori Ordine degli Architetti, Pianificatori, Paesaggisti e Conservatori della Provincia di Macerata con il patrocinio di INArch - INU Comune di Camerino Contacto: Giovanni Marucci. e-mail: [email protected] + info: Publicaciones Yeseras de la Alhambra - Granada (Espaa) Por Ramn Rubio Domene ISBN: 978-84-338-5174-1 Edita: Universidad de Granda Desde la perspectiva de la investigacin, el conjunto monumental de la Alhambra y el Generalife ofrece un amplio repertorio de campos en los que profundizar sobre su historia cultural y material. Sin embargo no ha sido hasta fechas muy recientes cuando el trmino cientfico se ha podido aplicar a los estudios y trabajos tcnicos realizados por distintos campos disciplinares para obtener resultados concluyentes. Es el caso del libro Yeseras de la Alhambra: Historia, Tcnica y Conservacin, escrito por el jefe del Taller de Restauracin de Yeseras y Alicatados del Patronato de la Alhambra y Generalife, Ramn Rubio Domene, fruto de su tesis doctoral defendida en la Facultad de Bellas Artes de la Universidad de Granada + info: &cHash=000e0feaa8 CENCREM (Centro Nacional de Conservacion, Restauracion y Museologia) - Patrimonio y Desarrollo, Boletn Digital No. 1 - 2011 (pdf) Cuba El Centro Nacional de Conservacin, Restauracin y Museologa (CENCREM), fundado en 1980, y ubicado en el antiguo Convento de Santa Clara de Ass, es una institucin especializada, dirigida al desarrollo cientficotcnico y docentemetodolgico de los especialistas que laboran en la Conservacin del Patrimonio Cultural Tangible, mueble e inmueble, y del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial, adscripta desde 1995 al Consejo Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural de Cuba (CNPC). El CENCREM es Centro Autorizado para Impartir Estudios de Postgrado desde su propia fundacin, ratificndose como tal en el ao 1989, cuando pas a formar parte del Sistema de Superacin para la Cultura en el campo del Patrimonio Cultural, como miembro pleno del Consejo Asesor del Centro Nacional de Superacin para la Cultura (CNSC) y como institucin docente. + info: CENCREM (Centro Nacional de Conservacion, Restauracion y Museologia) : Patrimonio y Desarrollo, Boletn Digital No. 2 - 2011 (pdf) Cuba El Centro Nacional de Conservacin, Restauracin y Museologa (CENCREM), fundado en 1980, y ubicado en el antiguo Convento de Santa Clara de Ass, es una institucin especializada, dirigida al desarrollo cientficotcnico y docentemetodolgico de los especialistas que laboran en la Conservacin del Patrimonio Cultural Tangible, mueble e inmueble, y del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial, adscripta desde 1995 al Consejo Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural de Cuba (CNPC). El CENCREM es Centro Autorizado para Impartir Estudios de Postgrado desde su propia fundacin, ratificndose como tal en el ao 1989, cuando pas a formar parte del Sistema de Superacin para la Cultura en el campo del Patrimonio Cultural, como miembro pleno del Consejo Asesor del Centro Nacional de Superacin para la Cultura (CNSC) y como institucin docente. + info: Rivista online - Centro Universitario Europeo per i Beni Culturali di Ravello: Territori della Cultura, n3, 2011 All'inizio degli anni ottanta l'Europa unita, malgrado ricorrenti solenni dichiarazioni, era soltanto il sogno di pochi idealisti. Gi da allora per, andava diffondendosi la convinzione della necessit di una formazione europeistica della nuova classe dirigente: in particolare si riteneva che ai giovani dovessero proporsi le dimensioni e le prospettive di un'Europa che non fosse solo un compendio di storie, magari gloriose ma particolari, e neppure un insieme di Stati, ognuno autonomo ed emulo degli altri, ma una Patria comune. A fondamento di essa si ergeva l'immenso patrimonio di cultura e di storia, prodotto insieme nei millenni. Appunto la cultura comune sembrava poter dare un contenuto all'utopia. L'Universit fu quindi giustamente individuata come strumento insostituibile di preparazione e di sostegno dell'Unione Europea. L'Universit Europea era da pensare daccapo, e comunque da organizzare non ad imitazione di quelle nazionali e meno ancora come sovrapposizione ad esse, ma piuttosto come complementare e come scuola di perfezionamento. Il Centro Universitario Europeo per i Beni culturali nacque appunto come sperimentatore e pioniere di quella che dovrebbe essere l'Universit europea per i beni culturali. + info: The GETTY CONSERVATION INSTITUTE (GCI) - CONSERVACION DE VIDRIERAS Author: Edited by Miguel Angel Corzo and Nieves Valentn ISBN: 978-0-89236-492-3 Year: 1998 In this Spanish-language volume, twenty international authorities in stained-glass conservation and related fields address the history, aesthetics, and conservation of stained glass. The book presents the results of an international seminar on the conservation of stained glass, held in Spain in July 1994. Among the subjects discussed are the weathering of medieval stained glass, its chemical structure, the effects of corrosion, and techniques used for analysis of this historic material. Miguel Angel Corzo is the former director of the Getty Conservation Institute. Nieves Valentn is researcher at the Instituto del Patrimonio Histrico Espaol in Madrid. + info: The Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) - Assessment Report on Shuxiang Temple, Chengde, rev. Sept. 2009 The assessment of Shuxiang Temple was undertaken by the Chengde Cultural Heritage Bureau, Hebei Cultural Heritage Bureau, and the Getty Conservation Institute in 2003-04, resulting in a preliminary report. The report was reviewed and discussed at an Expert Committee meeting held in Chengde in November 2004. Based on the recommendations of the Expert Committee and the need for additional information, the report was revised in 2005 and prepared for printing in early 2006. In the collaboration with the site of Chengde, it was felt important to focus on conservation of traditional Chinese architecture as a different cultural heritage category to wall painting conservation being undertaken at the Mogao Grottoes of Dunhuang. The purpose of this diversity of heritage conservation work is to demonstrate the universal applicability of the China Principles methodology, a new approach in the history of conservation and management of cultural sites in China. + info: The Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) - Archaeometry of Pre-Colombian sites and artifacts Proccedings of a Symposium UCLA Institute of Archaeology ISBN: 0-89236-249-9 As part of its mission to preserve cultural heritage throughout the world, the Getty Conservation Institute maintains an ongoing interest in the preservation of archaeological objects and sites. The Institute was pleased, therefore, to help sponsor the 28th International Archaeometry Symposium, hosted in March 1 992 by the University of California at Los Angeles, Fowler Museum of Cultural History and jointly sponsored by the UCLA Institute of Archaeology. + info: Architectural Conservation in Europe and the Americas, National Experiences and Practice Authors: John H. Stubbs and Emily G. Maka ISBN: 978-0-470-60385-7 Following the acclaimed Time Honored: A Global View of Architectural Conservation, this book explores the rich architectural legacies of Europe and North and South America to describe "best practices" in architectural conservation, focusing on the histories, structure, key participants, special challenges, solutions, and specific contributions made by some sixty-seven countries. + info: Time Honored, A Global View of Architectural Conservation; Parameters, Theory & Evolution of an Ethos By John H. Stubbs ISBN: 978-0-470-26049-4 February 2009 Imagine the world without the Parthenon, Notre Dame, the Wailing Wall, the Taj Mahal, the Forbidden City, Machu Picchu, or other iconic buildings, monuments, and places. What if the more impressive historic buildings and sites we encounter in our everyday lives disappeared? Civilization would simply not exist as we know it. Fortunately, awareness of the importance of protecting the worlds cultural patrimonyin particular, its architectural heritageis at an all-time high and is growing. Time Honored, A Global View of Architectural Conservation explores the reasons for this phenomenon, explains how international architectural heritage conservation practice operates, and considers where this firmly rooted global interest may lead + info: Ir a arriba Pintura Rupestre Noticias Agenda Publicaciones Noticias Agenda XVI Congreso Mundial de la Unin Internacional de Ciencias Prehistricas y Protohistricas (UISPP) 4 sep - 10 sep 2011 . FLORIANOPOLIS, Brasil Organizadores: Unin Internacional de Ciencias Prehistricas y Protohistricas (UISPP) Contacto: [email protected] + info: Publicaciones Ir a arriba Turismo: Turismo Cultural y Ecoturismo Noticias Agenda Publicaciones Noticias AWARDS - UNWTO Ulysses Prize and Awards 31 MAY 2011 - New Deadline for Applications: 7 April 2011 The UNWTO Ulysses Prize and Awards are conferred to highlight and showcase Innovation and Application of Knowledge in Tourism. The Ulysses Prize is given to a distinguished researcher, whether in the academia, government or private industry, for an outstanding contribution to knowledge in tourism. The Ulysses Awards are granted to projects undertaken by public institutions in tourism (governmental, public-private partnerships), tourism enterprises and non-profit institutions (NGOs, civil society, etc.), which merit distinction for their innovative contributions to tourism policy, governance, and other areas of tourism, such as the environment, cooperation for development, new technologies, social corporate responsibility, etc. In awarding these distinctions, the UNWTO seeks to recognize and stimulate knowledge creation, dissemination and innovative applications in tourism and to bring to light the latest advances in this area. This has a transversal effect on governance and society at large. + info: Cat Ba Biosphere Reserve Announces Official Product Certification - CAT BA - Viet Nam Cat Ba Biosphere Reserve announced the launch of an official certification and logo for goods and services which promote the conservation and sustainability of the island and its local community. In order to be awarded the certification, a local product must demonstrate that its business model meets a standard of criteria aligned with sustainable development goals at the Biosphere Reserve. Initially, seven products are eligible for certification, including hotels, entertainment, transport services, and consumables. The initiative, developed by the Hai Phong Department of Culture Sports and Tourism, aims to build a cache of premium green products carrying the Cat Ba Biosphere Reserve logo to be made available to consumers and tourists, thereby reinforcing the tenets of conservation for development, development for conservation throughout the tourism and development supply chain. + info: cat_ba_biosphere_reserve_announces_official_product_certification/ Germany Relaxes Restrictions on Reichstag Visits - BERLIN - GERMANY Germany's parliament says restrictions on visits to the cupola of its Reichstag building long a Berlin tourist magnet will be relaxed later this month, but sightseers will have to register in advance. The Reichstag's glass cupola, British architect Norman Foster's popular 1990s addition to the historic building, was closed to visitors last November after the Interior Ministry warned of an increased terrorism threat in Germany and raised security levels. It was subsequently reopened only to people on full tours of the parliament building or with reservations at its rooftop restaurant. Parliament's lower house said Wednesday that, starting April 21, visitors who only want to visit the cupola will be admitted again. They will have to register at least two working days in advance. + info: Conferencia de Primavera 2011 en el Instituto Pratt en el marco del Machu Picchu (Per). New York, NY Estados Unidos, del 14 al 18 de Abril de 2011 Este mes la serie de Conferencias de Primavera del Instituto Pratt incluir Robert Sanna, Guy Nordensen, Jose Koechlin y Denise Koechlin, y Pualo Portoghesi con Catherine Ingraham cubriendo temas que abarcarn desde el desastre medioambiental al ecoturismo en Machu Picchu en per. + info: Grand Hotel Casselbergh Brugge / BURO II - 2010 - Bruges - Belgium A new treasure for Bruges With its central location and rich history, this site is of major importance to the World Heritage City of Bruges. Tourism is an important engine of the local economy. The conversion of this building into a hotel with conference facilities will finally, after many years, remove an eyesore from the Hoogstraat. The project consists of two parts: the renovation of the three historic buildings on the Hoogstraat and a new development on the Groene Rei. + info: Llamada a la accin para proteger las antigedades egipcias a cargo de la Universidad George Washington. Washington DC (EEUU) Nosotros, los abajo firmantes, solicitamos que se tomen medidas urgentes para proteger las antigedades egipcias, los sitios de importancia, y el patrimonio cultural. Al hacer esto, se estarn preservando objetos arqueolgicos e histricos irremplazables. Ms importante an, tal proteccin ayudar a la economa egipcia en el despertar de la revolucin poltica. Tal iniciativa tambin ayudar a evitar que s organizaciones criminales ilcitas y de carcter internacional establezcan vnculos con el lavado de dinero negro, con el trfico de personas y con el de drogas. + info: AudioCompass and imagineear Create the First Ever Audio Visual Guide to the Taj Mahal India AudioCompass, a division of Ras Maestros Technology of Mumbai, and imagineear of London have worked together to deliver the first ever audio visual guide to one of the wonders of the world: the Taj Mahal, on the mediaPacker platform. For almost 400 years since Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan built a mausoleum on the banks of the Yamuna River in Agra in memory of his young wife Mumtaz Mahal, visitors have been fascinated and awed by the scale, the opulence and the sheer beauty of the Taj Mahal. From March, the site was brought to sparking life as never before with a personal guided multimedia tour available at the site itself. + info: Curso de Posgrado en Turismo Rural - Facultad de Agronomia - Universidad de Buenos Aires - Argentina - 15 abril 2011 Se espera que el alumno est capacitado para disear e implementar un Plan de Negocios o un Plan Estratgico destinado a poner en marcha una inversin privada o un proyecto institucional de Turismo Rural, utilizando estrategias que permitan generar ventajas competitivas en la empresa y en el territorio. El curso va dirigido a profesionales y directivos vinculados a organizaciones, empresas e instituciones del sector agropecuario y turstico; funcionarios nacionales, provinciales y municipales del rea econmica, agropecuaria y turstica; productores y empresarios agropecuarios y del sector turstico y docentes. Contacto: [email protected] + info: La comunidad Banteay Chhmar lanza su nuevo sitio web Cambodia El trabajo de la Global Heritage Fund para otorgar poderes a la comunidad local en Banteay Chhmar dio ayer un paso ms hacia adelante con el lanzamiento del sitio web de turismo de la comunidad - Esta plataforma ha sido diseada por la Global Heritage Fund y por Heritage Watch para mejorar el marketing, las ventas, los procesos de reserva y la retroalimentacin para los servicios tursticos que ofrece la organizacin basada en el turismo de la comunidad de Banteay Chhmar (CBT). GHF ha apoyado a CBT en Banteay Chhmar desde 2008 como parte crucial de nuestra preservacin a cargo de Design approach. Tath Sophal, el coordinador de GHF para CBT dijo, Espero que este sitio web muestre el progreso que hemos hecho durante varios aos y que nos ayude a apuntar hacia un futuro mejor y ms fuerte como una organizacin CBT. Como siempre, nuestros objetivos son aumentar las visitas y desarrollar el proyecto de forma positiva, trabajando con un espritu participativo y con autosuficiencia como objetivos de la comunidad + info: Puesta al da del proyecto de Wat Phu por la Global Heritage Fund LAO PDR Uno de los dos nicos sitios patrimonio mundial cultural por la UNESCO en Laos, el complejo monumental de Wat Phu se ha venido deteriorando debido a una falta regular de mantenimiento y est expuesto a daos y a perder su estabilidad debido a los fenmenos fluviales. Para contrarrestar estos problemas, la Global Heritage Fund ha apoyado un programa de emergencia para asegurar su estabilidad y conseguir una conservacin y formacin continuada para salvar los ltimos templos que quedan de Wat Phu en Champasak, en particular Nandin Hall, en cooperacin con el Instituto Lerici, el Ministro Lao de Informacin y Cultura, la oficina de la provincia de Champasak y la Universidad Politcnica de Miln. + info: La construccin del nuevo acceso al Mont Saint-Michel promueve el debate El nuevo paso para acceder al Mont Saint-Michel no deja de hacer hablar de l. Desde hace algn tiempo sus detractores organizan varias manifestaciones y procedimientos judiciales para reivindicar el paro de las obras. A su modo de ver, el acceso debera imponer a los turistas un recorrido a pie ms largo y ms gastos. + info: Datatur 2011: trend e statistiche sull'economia del turismo Una ricognizione sul turismo europeo e, in particolare, su quello italiano, che divenga uno strumento in grado di monitorare gli obiettivi perseguiti dal comparto e le sue reali prospettive di sviluppo: con questo obiettivo che nasce Datatur 2011, una ricerca condotta da Federalberghi e dallEnte Bilaterale Nazionale del settore Turismo con il supporto tecnico scientifico del Centro Studi del Turismo di Assisi + info: 99economia-del-turismo/ Jordan elabora la base de datos de antigedades ms grande del mundo al precio de 1 milln de dlares Jordan lanz la base de datos de antigedades ms grande del mundo el martes, la cual detalla cada sitio arqueolgico en el pas y tiene como objetivo ayudar a preservar sus tesoros. Sus creadores dijeron que la plataforma web podra ser un modelo para Irak, donde los saqueadores han arrasado con su antiguo patrimonio. Expertos dijeron que la base de datos de Oriente Medio para las Antigedades constituye el primer sistema de este tipo en el pas. El sitio usa un sistema de informacin geogrfico - un click sobre cada uno descubre inventarios de los que contiene e informes de sus condiciones. El pblico puede usar el material para planificar sus visitas. Los eruditos e inspectores que tengan el permiso de Antigedades Jordan pueden actualizar la informacin de forma muy interactiva para que otros profesionales la sigan y para que las autoridades puedan rastrear amenazas a los sitios. + info: Simposio Imaginario Turstico (Berkeley, California, EE.UU., 18-20 febrero 2011) Organised by: TOURISM STUDIES WORKING GROUP (TSWG), University of California, Berkeley INTERDISCIPLINARY GROUP OF TOURISM STUDIES (EIREST), INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED STUDIES AND RESEARCH ON TOURISM(IREST), University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne Imaginaries of place, destination, and travel are increasingly produced/consumed by diverse populations around the globe through expanding forms of media and opportunities for travel. A range of players collaboratively produces spatial imaginaries (the potential power of place as a tourist destination) in touristic systems. The tourist imaginary, as a nexus of social practices through which individuals and groups intersect to establish a place as a credible destination, has yet to be fully explored or defined. When they are negative, they f oster avoidance of the places. They intervene not on at the moment of choice, but also on the spot, deciding for or against certain practices. We have organized this conference with the goal of a deepening of knowledge of and advancing research methods and scholarship, towards a more complete understanding of the tourist imaginary. + info: Agenda La citt ospitale : come programmare lo sviluppo locale - LUCCA - ITALY - 5 MAY 2011 5-may-2011 . Lucca, Italia Contacto: [email protected] + info: THE LIFE QUALITY IN CITY CENTRES - CONDITIONS FOR TOURISM AND RESIDENCE 12 may - 15 may 2011 . Torun, Polonia Organizadores: University of Economy in Bydgoszcz (POLAND); Romualdo Del Bianco, Foundation in Florence (ITALY); The City Office of Torun (POLAND) Contacto: [email protected] + info: Villes franaises du patrimoine mondial et tourisme - Protection, Gestion, Valorisation 27-may-2011 . Paris, Francia Organizadores: Chaire UNESCO Culture, Tourisme, Dveloppement de l'Universit Paris 1 Panthon-Sorbonne Contacto: [email protected] + info: Conferencia de donantes encaminada a movilizar recursos para el desarrollo del turismo sostenible en parques y reas protegidas de frica Occidental 27 may - 28 may 2011 . DAKAR, Senegal Organizadores: UNWTO and the OIC, in cooperation with the Government of Senegal Contacto: [email protected] and [email protected] + info: 2e Confrence de la Chaire Culture, Tourisme, Dveloppement Mesure et valuation du tourisme sur les sites du Patrimoine mondial. Outils et questionnements 30-may-2011 . Paris, Francia Organizadores: Institut de Recherche et d'tudes Suprieures du Tourisme (IREST) Contacto: [email protected] + info: Taller Virtual sobre El tratamiento turstico del patrimonio funerario: Entre el respeto, el miedo y el amor 1 jun - 10 jun 2011 . Virtual, Contacto: [email protected] + info: The 7th Charter networking meeting "Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas: Building Bridges - Seeking Solution" 28 jun - 1 jul 2011 . Donji Milanovac, Serbia y Montenegro Organizadores: Public Enterprise National Park Djerdap Donji Milanovac Contacto: [email protected] + info: 1st Doctoriales from the Chair of "Tourism, culture, development" Tourism Concepts and methods at the disciplinary crossroads 14 sep - 16 sep 2011 . Paris, Francia Organizadores: The UNESCO Chair Tourism, culture, development , University of Paris 1 Panthon Sorbonne, with the participation of the partner Universities of the UNITWIN network Tourism, culture, development and the support of the lEquipe Interdisciplinaire de Recherches Sur le Tourisme (EIREST) Contacto: [email protected] + info: Publicaciones Valorisation du Patrimoine Culturel: Commercialisation Touristique de l'Artisanat d'art en Turquie Auteur : ter Zafer ISBN : 9786131567148 Le tourisme mondial s'accrot malgr toutes les menaces politiques et conomiques. Tous les pays, pauvres ou riches, sont comptitifs pour acqurir les touristes qu'ils prfrent. Aprs les annes du tourisme de masse, le secteur du tourisme dcouvre les niches dans ses efforts de mercatique. La culture semble de plus en plus favorable la prolifration des produits touristiques dans les destinations. Prservation, restauration, dveloppement durable, tourisme plus responsable, commerce quitable sont des thmes d'importance au dbut du 21e sicle. Ce livre essaie de questionner la situation de la valorisation du patrimoine culturel en Turquie. La valorisation du patrimoine n'est plus limite la restauration des btiments historiques ou des uvres artistiques. Car, le patrimoine immatriel ne cesse de gagner du terrain dans les rflexions et les actions. Cependant, la valorisation et la commercialisation des biens culturels restent en mme temps un sujet contest. Les opinions des artisans d'art turcs et les commerants de l'artisanat d'art en Turquie relient les thmes de valorisation et de commerce touristique dans cet tude. + info: Ir a arriba Patrimonio Subacuático. Arqueología subacuática Noticias Agenda Publicaciones Noticias March 2011 Inherit Newsletter - Heritage Council of Victoria - Australia Heritage Council of Victoria provides the highest level of legal protection for cultural heritage places and objects in Victoria. As an independent statutory authority, Heritage Council of Victoria is the State's main decision-making body on cultural (non-Indigenous) heritage issues. 10 members are appointed by the Governor-in-Council upon the recommendation of the Minister for Planning. Heritage Council of Victoria receives professional advice and administrative support from Heritage Victoria, and both organisations work together on a range of committees. The newsletter is available as PDF download or subscribe [email protected] and receive as a monthly email. Highlights include: * LOOTING AT WRECK * MARCH REGISTRATIONS * ARTEFACT COLLECTION ONLINE * HERITAGE ADDRESS * MELBOURNE OPEN HOUSE * KEEP AUSTRALIA BEAUTIFUL AWARDS * NATIONAL TRUST EVENTS * DIARY DATES + info: Nazi Warplane, Thought to Be World's Last Known Example, Lying Off United Kingdom Coast is Intact A World War Two era German Dornier 17 bomber is seen using high-tech sonar equipment, showing it to be largely intact and well-preserved on the sea floor, in an undated photo off the Kent coast. A rare World War II German bomber shot down over the English Channel, hidden for years by shifting sands at the bottom of the sea, is so well preserved a British museum wants to raise it for its collection. The Dornier 17 warplane -- thought to be world's last known example -- was hit on 26 August 1940 as it took part on a massive attack that became known as the Battle of Britain + info: Los aprendices de arqueologa marina vuelven a casa con una bolsa llena de conocimiento (Bangkok, Tailandia, marzo-abril 2011) Una ceremonia de clausura celebrada en UNESCO Bangkok dio la oportunidad a 21 aprendices que participaron en el Tercer Curso Preparatorio, para compartir su experiencia durante seis semanas de entrenamiento en la proteccin y gestin de la arqueologa martima. El curso de formacin fue organizado en el contexto del programa de formacin regional de la UNESCO sobre Salvaguarda del Patrimonio Sumergible cultural de Asia y el Pacfico, apoyado por el Royal Norwegian Government. Durante la ceremonia se hizo entrega de los certificados a los estudiantes a cargo del director de Bangkok UNESCO, Gwang-Jo Kim y el director del departamento de Archeological Fine Arts, Tharaphong Srisuchart. + info: Ratificacin por Namibia de la Convencin sobre la Proteccin del Patrimonio Cultural Subacutico (Pars, 2 de noviembre de 2001) El 9 de marzo de 2011, Namibia deposit ante la Directora General su instrumento de ratificacin de la Convencin sobre la Proteccin del Patrimonio Cultural Subacutico. Conforme a lo dispuesto en su Artculo 27, la Convencin entrar en vigor para Namibia tres meses despus del depsito de este instrumento, es decir el 9 de junio de 2011. + info: Nueva Pgina Web en 7 idiomas sobre la Salvaguardia del patrimonio cultural subacutico (2001) El patrimonio cultural subacutico comprende todos aquellos rastros de existencia humana que estn o hayan estado bajo el agua, parcial o totalmente y que tengan un carcter cultural o histrico. Reconociendo la creciente necesidad de proteger este patrimonio, la UNESCO elabor en 2001 la Convencin de la UNESCO sobre la Proteccin del Patrimonio Cultural Subacutico. + info: CONVENTION 2001 - Tercera sesin de la Reunin de los Estados Partes a la Convencin sobre la Proteccin del Patrimonio Cultural Subacutico 13 abr - 15 abr 2011 . Pars, Francia Organizadores: UNESCO Culture Contacto: Barbara Egger [email protected] + info: Diving Ice Age Mexico - Clues about the earliest Americans emerge from the Yucatn's watery underworld Clues about the earliest Americans emerge from the Yucatns watery underworld Beneath the surface of Mexicos Yucatn peninsula is a massive network of caves that forms a world unto itself. Until 7,600 years ago, the caves were mostly dry, providing shelter and naturally occurring pools of drinkable water to people and animals living in a region with few rivers. As the glaciers in North America melted and sea levels rose, so did the water levels in the caves, preserving the traces of human activity in place. These water-filled spaces, called cenotes, are largely unexplored, but a dedicated group of archaeologists and divers are working together to investigate them + info: Agenda Exhibition: Titanic and Liverpool: New 2012 Exhibition to Mark Centenary of Sinking March 2012 onward . Liverpool, Reino Unido de Gran Bretaa e Irlanda del Norte Organizadores: Merseyside Maritime Museum + info: Regional Training Course in Underwater Archaeology 6 jun - 19 jun 2011 . Kemer, Turqua Organizadores: UNESCO in cooperation with the Kemer Foundation KETAV in Antalya, Turkey Contacto: [email protected] + info: Publicaciones Ir a arriba Actividades de la Directora General de UNESCO sobre Patrimonio Noticias Agenda Publicaciones Noticias Agenda Publicaciones Ir a arriba Patrimonio Vernáculo Noticias Agenda Publicaciones Noticias County Cork Painter's Studio / LOCAL - 2006 - Country Cork - Ireland A repeat client from New York approached LOCAL to turn an old stone barn on his wifes family farm compound in Ireland into a painters studio and vacation cottage. Because she is a landscape painter, she wanted a view and lots of light. At the same time, they wanted to retain the rustic character of the old stone barn. LOCAL decided to keep the faade facing the other buildings on the compound virtually untouched, and instead break out the entire faade facing the best view of the hills beyond the farm. Two skylights, invisible from the street, bring in light into the rear part of the house. + info: Agenda 1 Convegno Internazionale "Il patrimonio architettonico e ambientale dei territori della Bonifica - territori, architetture, itinerari, sinergie per un patrimonio da valorizzare" 19 may - 21 may 2011 . Regio Emilia, Italia Organizadores: Il Consorzio di Bonifica dell'Emilia Centrale Contacto: [email protected] + info: Call for Papers - International Conference on "The History of the Italian Agricultural Landscape by Emilio Sereni on its 50th Anniversary" 10 nov - 12 nov 2011 . Gattatico, Italia Organizadores: Istituto Alcide Cervi, Biblioteca Archivio Emilio Sereni Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 20 jun 2011 + info: Publicaciones Ir a arriba Patrimonio mundial Noticias Agenda Publicaciones Noticias CHATEAU DE VERSAILLES : LANCEMENT DE LA CAMPAGNE DE REPLANTATION DE L'ETOILE ROYALE Ltablissement public du chteau, du muse et du domaine national de Versailles a souhait requalifier le site de ltoile Royale, aujourdhui trs dgrad, par un ramnagement des alles et circulations et une vaste campagne de replantation des structures dalignement darbres. Mot Hennessy a annonc sa volont de sassocier la replantation des tilleuls de ltoile Royale. Le groupe dactivits vins et spiritueux de LVMH en sera ainsi le premier mcne. Le chteau de Versailles lance aujourdhui un appel au mcnat auprs des particuliers et des entreprises qui souhaiteraient contribuer cette initiative en adoptant un ou plusieurs arbres supplmentaires. + info: FELLOWSHIPS - Ironbridge Institute (United Kingdom) Applications for 2011-2012 now being accepted. Deadline for Applications: 31 July 2011 The Ironbridge Institute, some 40 miles north-west of Birmingham, lies within the dramatic landscape of the Ironbridge Gorge at the heart of the World Heritage Site and in the historic ironworking community of Coalbrookdale. The Institute is a dedicated Postgraduate Research and Teaching facility delivering programmes in Heritage Management and the Historic Environment. It is operated as an equal partnership between the University of Birmingham and the Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust building on both institutions' experience to provide postgraduate programmes of high quality and value. Programmes are offered conventionally at Coalbrookdale or in a Distance Learning format. Research students are welcome to undertake work based on the Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust's richly endowed library and picture collections on industrial history and archaeology and on its extensive collections of ironwork and ceramics. + info: (en italiano) Genus Bononiae. Musei nella Citt. Bologne (Italia) Spesso si parla della museificazione dei centri storici, della loro ipertrofizzazione in reperto del passato che dato in pasto ai turisti, cartolina vivente per il consumo visivo. E perch non sfruttare in modo creativo questa metafora? Perch non cogliere la dimensione esplorativa del museo per rendere vivo e presente il patrimonio cittadino? In questa prospettiva possiamo visitare Genus Bononiae. Musei nella Citt, ossia come una strategia attraverso la quale il centro storico di Bologna, presente nella World Heritage List dellUNESCO per i suoi quaranta chilometri di portici, si pensa e si racconta come un museo della storia civica e architettonica. + info: Seventy-Two Years After the Nazis Arrived, Restored Renaissance Synagogue to Reopen in ZAMOSC - Poland One of the most important surviving synagogues in Poland, a Renaissance gem looted by the Nazis and suffering from decades of neglect, is reopening this week after a meticulous restoration, part of an effort to reclaim the country's decimated Jewish heritage. The refurbishing of the synagogue in Zamosc, an eastern Polish town near the border with Ukraine, comes as Poland's tiny remaining Jewish community is struggling to preserve some of the most important Jewish sites that survived the Holocaust before they fall into irreversible decay. But in a sign of how thorough Adolf Hitler's genocide was, there are almost no Jews left in the town. The cream-colored house of prayer will now serve largely as a place for art exhibitions, concerts and other cultural events in the largely Catholic area. + info: Japan International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) reports on disaster affected cultural property assessment Click on the links below to read the following reports: * Japan ICOMOS report Damages of National Properties Caused by Earthquake * Japan ICOMOS report Flash Report on the Situation of Damage on Cultural Properties and Buildings, Scenery and Historic Sites + info: Instituto Getty de Conservacin (GCI)- La Conservacin del Mosaico de la Transiguracin en el Monasterio de Santa Catalina en Sinai (Egipto) 14 de abril 2011 El Monasterio Santo de Santa Catalina es el monasterio ms antiguo de la Cristiandad que sigue en funcionamiento. Mandado construir por el emperador bizantino Justiniano en el siglo sexto, contiene obras de arte y documentos histricos de una belleza increble y de gran importancia, incluyendo iconos, pinturas en las paredes, y mosaicos. Uno de los ms famosos es el mosaico de la Transfiguracin, una joya de la poca bizantina temprana, situado en el bside de encima del altar mayor en la baslica del monasterio. A lo largo de los siglos, la Transfiguracin ha sufrido graves daos causados por terremotos y por las numerosas visitas de los peregrinos procedentes de todos los rincones del mundo. El Centro para la Conservacin Arqueolgica (CCA) de Roma, acaba de terminar un proyecto de cinco aos de duracin para conservar este mosaico que no tiene precio. nanse a conservador y arquelogo, Roberto Nardi, fundador del CCA, mientras que recuenta los pasos dados hacia la conservacin y salvaguarda de esta simblica obra de arte para el prximo milenio. Presentado por el Instituto Getty de Conservacin y la Fundacin Getty. + info: Conferencia de Primavera 2011 en el Instituto Pratt en el marco del Machu Picchu (Per). New York, NY Estados Unidos, del 14 al 18 de Abril de 2011 Este mes la serie de Conferencias de Primavera del Instituto Pratt incluir Robert Sanna, Guy Nordensen, Jose Koechlin y Denise Koechlin, y Pualo Portoghesi con Catherine Ingraham cubriendo temas que abarcarn desde el desastre medioambiental al ecoturismo en Machu Picchu en per. + info: AudioCompass and imagineear Create the First Ever Audio Visual Guide to the Taj Mahal India AudioCompass, a division of Ras Maestros Technology of Mumbai, and imagineear of London have worked together to deliver the first ever audio visual guide to one of the wonders of the world: the Taj Mahal, on the mediaPacker platform. For almost 400 years since Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan built a mausoleum on the banks of the Yamuna River in Agra in memory of his young wife Mumtaz Mahal, visitors have been fascinated and awed by the scale, the opulence and the sheer beauty of the Taj Mahal. From March, the site was brought to sparking life as never before with a personal guided multimedia tour available at the site itself. + info: 2010-2011 Mapa del Patrimonio Mundial ahora disponible La ltima versin del mapa del Patrimonio Mundial, elaborado por el Centro de Patrimonio Mundial UNESCO y el National Geographic Maps con ayuda del Ministerio de Cultura del Reino de Baren y la Fundacin de las Naciones Unidas, se puede pedir por un precio modesto a travs de la pgina web del Centro Patrimonio Mundial para recuperar los gastos de envo. El mapa constituye una herramienta altamente valiosa y de concienciacin que adems permite establecer un contacto inicial valioso con el concepto del patrimonio mundial, al tiempo que permite que la UNESCO haga pblico el trabajo que realiza en este mbito a gran escala. Las versiones originales del mapa estn en ingls, francs y espaol, pero gracias a la asociacin con National Greographic y sus revistas locales se han publicado ediciones previas del mapa en checo, dans, finlands, noruego, rumano, serbio y en sueco. + info: Puesta al da del proyecto de Wat Phu por la Global Heritage Fund LAO PDR Uno de los dos nicos sitios patrimonio mundial cultural por la UNESCO en Laos, el complejo monumental de Wat Phu se ha venido deteriorando debido a una falta regular de mantenimiento y est expuesto a daos y a perder su estabilidad debido a los fenmenos fluviales. Para contrarrestar estos problemas, la Global Heritage Fund ha apoyado un programa de emergencia para asegurar su estabilidad y conseguir una conservacin y formacin continuada para salvar los ltimos templos que quedan de Wat Phu en Champasak, en particular Nandin Hall, en cooperacin con el Instituto Lerici, el Ministro Lao de Informacin y Cultura, la oficina de la provincia de Champasak y la Universidad Politcnica de Miln. + info: Global Heritage Fund pone en marcha un sistema de alerta temprana para las amenazas a los sitios patrimonio global La ciudad de NIneveh en Irak fue uno de los centros culturales ms importantes de las civilizaciones antiguas, pero en los ltimos 5 aos la expansin urbana ha engullido el centro de sus restos. Un proyecto iniciado el 15 de marzo tiene como objetivo vigilar Nineveh, junto con otras ciento de sitios patrimonio en naciones en vas de desarrollo que estn amenazadas por la urbanizacin, por el saqueo, la guerra u otras amenazas. El proyecto, que lleva por nombre Global Heritage Network (GHN) est compuesto por una base de datos y un sitio web que aglutina las imgenes por satlite de Google Earth, mapas, fotografas, vdeos, e informes de una red de investigadores, de gente del lugar, y de oficiales del gobierno. Tambin clasifica el estatus de cada sitio mediante colores que van desde el color negro (destruido) hasta el verde (estable). + info: Un mecanismo de respuesta pronta tras la recuperacin posterior al tsunami en las Galpagos- Ecuador El terremoto devastador que azot la costa de Japn el 11 de marzo dio lugar a un poderoso tsunami que arras la costa y que tio de tragedia a miles de personas. No se vieron afectados sitos Patrimono Mundial en Japn y el tsunami se extendi rpidamente a lo largo del Pacfico durante ese mismo da. La gente de las Galpagos (a 13.000 kilmetros de Japn), las cuales haban sido avisadas con antelacin, se dirigieron a suelo firme cuando una serie de altas olas, ms parecidas a mareas subientes y bajantes, arrasaron las islas al final de esa misma tarde. En la ciudad de Puerto Avora, las mareas subieron hasta 1,7 metros por encima de sus niveles normales e inundaron las zonas costeras, causando un dao considerable a los edificios situados cerca de la orilla, y en aquellos ms al interior. + info: Causeway Coast and Glens: ENE - CONOMUSE Northern Europe Project (United Kingdom) Arlene Foster, Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Investment, officially launched Marion Woodburn Jewellery as the 1st CONOMUSE in the United Kingdom on Thursday 24th February 2011. This EU funded project sees the transformation of a local craft artisan's workshop into a functioning tourist attraction. Visitors can watch Marion at work, learn about the traditional skills involved in designing jewellery and talk to Marion about the inspiration behind her pieces! CCGHT is working with a second local artisan to develop his workshop into an CONOMUSE also. + info: Encuentro de expertos sobre el estado global de los retos de conservacin de las propiedades Patrimonio Mundial Dakar (Senegal) 13-15 de abril 2011. Los objetivos principales de este encuentro de expertos ser identificar tendencias/temas sobre el estado de la conservacin, para facilitar informacin compartida sobre aproximaciones a la gestin de problemas comunes, para considerar qu medidas estn disponibles para ayudar a los estados partes a prevenir y suavizar amenazas, y para debatir os temas a incluir en las polticas ante amenazas comunes. El encuentro tiene como objetivo proponer mejoras a los procesos actuales y a los procedimientos que se emplean para el estado global de conservacin de las propiedades Patrimonio Mundial. El encuentro contribuirn al entendimiento de los temas principales de conservacin a nivel tanto global como africano, y a como los gestores de los sitios africanos patrimonio mundial ven determinadas tendencias; a desarrollar criterios de apoyo para desarrollar polticas ante amenazas globales reiteradas y a explorar el desarrollo de temas especficos en los informes sobre la conservacin para mejorar el grado de mejora de las decisiones del comit y as mejorar el estado de conservacin de las propiedades. El informe sobre el encuentro de expertos, junto con las pautas arriba mencionadas se presentar ante el Comit del Patrimonio Mundial en la sesin 35 de junio 2011. + info: Grand Hotel Casselbergh Brugge / BURO II - 2010 - Bruges - Belgium A new treasure for Bruges With its central location and rich history, this site is of major importance to the World Heritage City of Bruges. Tourism is an important engine of the local economy. The conversion of this building into a hotel with conference facilities will finally, after many years, remove an eyesore from the Hoogstraat. The project consists of two parts: the renovation of the three historic buildings on the Hoogstraat and a new development on the Groene Rei. + info: Artculo sobre De qu sirve la Lista del patrimonio mundial de la UNESCO? En los aos sesenta, la UNESCO se moviliza para salvar los templos de Abu Simbel, en Egipto. En esa lnea se crea el Convenio para la proteccin del patrimonio mundial, cultural y natural, luego la Lista del patrimonio mundial, que cuenta hoy con 911 bienes distribuidos en 151 pases. Imperfecta pero necesaria, se utiliza cada vez ms a menudo como argumento turstico. + info: TARA OCEANS EXPEDITION - Ile de Pques, ct terre (Chili) Video + info: Mont-Sant Michel - runions publiques avant les travaux de modifications des acces (France) Rappelons que ces runions ont pour but d'changer sur les questions concrtes que se posent ceux qui sont les plus familiers du Mont : habitants, riverains et professionnels. Elles permettent d'aborder tous les sujets pratiques lis aux chantiers en cours ou venir et aux modalits futures d'accs la Caserne et au Rocher et d'apporter, dans la mesure du possible, des adaptations tenant compte du quotidien. + info: Construyendo la capacidad de preparacin en peligros naturales para los sitios Patrimonio Cultural en Albania Tirana- Albania (19 de abril, 2011) La UNESCO se ha comprometido a participar de forma activa en la mejora del Marco de Accin Hyogo 2005-2015, adoptado en la Conferencia Mundial sobre la Reduccin de desastres celebrada en Kobe, Japn en enero de 2005. Los peligros de mayor notoriedad para Albania incluyen sismologa, inundaciones e incendios. Segn los datos que se conocen, el proyecto tiene como objetivo ayudar a Albania a mejorar su capacidad para preparase ante un riesgo ssmico y a suavizar los posibles efectos en su patrimonio cultural, como elementos de una estrategia general para reducir el impacto de los efectos del cambio climtico y para reducir los efectos inducidos por los humanos y que causan desastres naturales. + info:[showUid] =3616&cHash=7d468427a2 La construccin del nuevo acceso al Mont Saint-Michel promueve el debate El nuevo paso para acceder al Mont Saint-Michel no deja de hacer hablar de l. Desde hace algn tiempo sus detractores organizan varias manifestaciones y procedimientos judiciales para reivindicar el paro de las obras. A su modo de ver, el acceso debera imponer a los turistas un recorrido a pie ms largo y ms gastos. + info: 200 millones de euros para la restauracin de Pompeya - Italia Giancarlo Galan, el nuevo Ministro de Cultura en Italia, acaba de anunciar un extenso programa de restauracin de la zona arqueolgica de Pompeya. Mientras que se considera a su antecesor como responsable de los hundimientos ocurridos en el emplazamiento antiguo. + info: Jordan elabora la base de datos de antigedades ms grande del mundo al precio de 1 milln de dlares Jordan lanz la base de datos de antigedades ms grande del mundo el martes, la cual detalla cada sitio arqueolgico en el pas y tiene como objetivo ayudar a preservar sus tesoros. Sus creadores dijeron que la plataforma web podra ser un modelo para Irak, donde los saqueadores han arrasado con su antiguo patrimonio. Expertos dijeron que la base de datos de Oriente Medio para las Antigedades constituye el primer sistema de este tipo en el pas. El sitio usa un sistema de informacin geogrfico - un click sobre cada uno descubre inventarios de los que contiene e informes de sus condiciones. El pblico puede usar el material para planificar sus visitas. Los eruditos e inspectores que tengan el permiso de Antigedades Jordan pueden actualizar la informacin de forma muy interactiva para que otros profesionales la sigan y para que las autoridades puedan rastrear amenazas a los sitios. + info: Chile - Mesa redonda Lota/ICOMOS/Universidad de Concepcin - (Concepcin,Chile, 20 de abril de 2011) Integrantes: Jos de Nordenflycht, presidente de ICOMOS Chile; Carlos Inostroza, miembro de ICOMOS Chile; Mara Dolores Muoz, arquitecta e investigaodra del Centro EULA; Javier Ramirez, miembro de ICOMOS Chile y Alexis Muoz, historiador y representante de Lota. Conferencia y posterior Mesa Redonda ofrecida por Sr. Alfredo Conti, Vicepresidente de ICOMOS (Consejo Internacional de Monumentos y Sitios) Patricio Oyaneder Jara, Decano de la Facultad de Humanidades y Arte, tiene el agrado de invitarle a la conferencia, que dictar el Sr. Alfredo Conti, Vicepresidente de ICOMOS (Consejo Internacional de Monumentos y Sitios), llamada "La Convencin de Patrimonio Mundial: Actores, Contexto y Vigencia, y posterior Mesa Redonda denominada "Patrimonio Mundial en contexto Local: oportunidades y desafos para el desarrollo regional", que se efectuar el da mircoles 20 de abril a las 16.00 horas, en el Auditorio de la Universidad de Concepcin (edificio Facultad de Humanidades y Arte) Contacto: [email protected] + info: ScienceShot: Yellowstone consigue un escner CT (tomografa computarizada) Parque Nacional Yellowstone EEUU El parque nacional Yellowstone es de hecho un lugar electrizante. Los investigadores han utilizado observaciones del campo electromagntico de la Tierra recogidas en ms de 100 lugares que rodean el parque para crear una imagen parecida a un CT escner de la columna de humo de roca caliente responsable de los geiseres y aguas calientes (imagen principal) de hoy en da as como de la actividad volcnica pasada en la regin. Variaciones en la conductividad de la roca que subyace en la reginque conduce la electricidad en algunos lugares al igual que lo hace bajo el mar (rojo oscuro, insercin)- revela zonas ricas en rocas de silicato lquido y fluidos salados calientes, tal y como afirman los investigadores en el siguiente nmero de Geophysical Research Letters. La columna de humo podra extenderse ms de 600 kilmetros al este de la cuenca del Yellowstone, sugiere el nuevo informe. En la ltima dcada ms o menos, otros equipos de geocientficos, incluyendo uno con uno de los cientficos que han elaborado el informe, haban avistado la nube de humo mediante el empleo de ondas ssmicas. La imagen electromagntica de la columna de humo es mayor que la que obtena de la informacin ssmica pero no se extiende de forma tan profunda, en parte debido a que las ondas electromagnticas que el estudio analiz slo pueden penetrar alrededor de 300 kilmetros del centro de la tierra. + info: Forum on "Asrlar sadosi" Festival of Traditional Culture 30 abr - 1 may 2011 . Bukhara, Uzbekistn Organizadores: The Forum of Culture and Arts of Uzbekistan Foundation Contacto: [email protected] and [email protected] + info: Guarda forestal disparado y asesinado en el Parque nacional Virunga, sitio Patrimonio Mundial en peligro- Repblica Democrtica del Congo Una patrulla del parque nacional de Virunga en la Repblica Democrtica del Congo fue atacada el viernes 8 de abril, con el resultado de un guarda forestal muerto, Magayane Bazirushaka. El ataque tuvo lugar en el sector Nyamulagira, que conecta a travs de un pasillo con el sector MIkeno, el rea operativa del Programa Internacional para la Conservacin del Gorila. A la patrulla de 15 miembros se le tendi una emboscada mientras trabajaban en el bosque al norte del volcn Nyiragongo. La patrulla estaba buscando produccin de carbn vegetal ilegal, una industria que parece que est aumentando en la regin. + info: Agenda "Ciudades Histricas en Desarrollo: Claves para Comprender y Actuar". Una Compilacin de estudios de casos en materia de conservacin y gestion en ciudades histricas. Ampliacin de la Convocatoria de contribuciones hasta el 30 de abril 2011 . Sintra, Kazajstn Organizadores: Organizacin de las Ciudades del Patrimonio Mundial (OCPM) Contacto: [email protected] + info: REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR THE CLEANING OF BOROBUDUR TEMPLE Indonesia Contacto: [email protected] and [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 30 abr 2011 + info: MY IDEAL CITY (MIC) SCENARIOS FOR THE EUROPEAN CITY OF THE 3rd MILLENNIUM - The Ideal City and the participatory process, The image of the city in the digital world, Towards a Sustainable City 12 may - 13 may 2011 . Venecia, Italia Organizadores: European project MIC - My Ideal City Contacto: [email protected] + info: IX Encuentro Internacional sobre Manejo y Gestin de Centros Histricos - 'El derecho ciudadano a los hitos urbanos: grandes estructuras antiguas en funcin de nuevas centralidades' 17 may - 20 may 2011 . La Habana, Cuba Organizadores: Oficina del Historiador de la Ciudad de la Habana Contacto: [email protected] + info: Villes franaises du patrimoine mondial et tourisme - Protection, Gestion, Valorisation 27-may-2011 . Paris, Francia Organizadores: Chaire UNESCO Culture, Tourisme, Dveloppement de l'Universit Paris 1 Panthon-Sorbonne Contacto: [email protected] + info: 2e Confrence de la Chaire Culture, Tourisme, Dveloppement Mesure et valuation du tourisme sur les sites du Patrimoine mondial. Outils et questionnements 30-may-2011 . Paris, Francia Organizadores: Institut de Recherche et d'tudes Suprieures du Tourisme (IREST) Contacto: [email protected] + info: 35th Session of The World Heritage Committee 19 jun - 29 jun 2011 . Paris, Francia Organizadores: WHC Contacto: [email protected] + info: Call for Applications: Business Skills for World Heritage Programme 1 sep - 2 oct 2011 . Nanyuki, Kenya Organizadores: Earthwatch Institute and Shell Foundation Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 29 abr 2011 + info: The Future of the World Heritage Convention: a Nordic perspective WHILD/Vasa 2011 14 dic - 16 dic 2011 . Vasa, Finlandia Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 15 may 2011 + info: Publicaciones Yeseras de la Alhambra - Granada (Espaa) Por Ramn Rubio Domene ISBN: 978-84-338-5174-1 Edita: Universidad de Granda Desde la perspectiva de la investigacin, el conjunto monumental de la Alhambra y el Generalife ofrece un amplio repertorio de campos en los que profundizar sobre su historia cultural y material. Sin embargo no ha sido hasta fechas muy recientes cuando el trmino cientfico se ha podido aplicar a los estudios y trabajos tcnicos realizados por distintos campos disciplinares para obtener resultados concluyentes. Es el caso del libro Yeseras de la Alhambra: Historia, Tcnica y Conservacin, escrito por el jefe del Taller de Restauracin de Yeseras y Alicatados del Patronato de la Alhambra y Generalife, Ramn Rubio Domene, fruto de su tesis doctoral defendida en la Facultad de Bellas Artes de la Universidad de Granada + info: &cHash=000e0feaa8 The Man Who Broke into Auschwitz Authors: Denis Avey and Rob Broomby ISBN-13: 978-1444714166 This book is the extraordinary true story of a British soldier who marched willingly into BunaMonowitz, the concentration camp known as Auschwitz III. In the summer of 1944, Denis Avey was being held in a POW labour camp, E715, near Auschwitz III. He had heard of the brutality meted out to the prisoners there and he was determined to witness what he could. He hatched a plan to swap places with a Jewish inmate and smuggled himself into his sector of the camp. He spent the night there on two occasions and experienced at first-hand the cruelty of a place where slave workers, had been sentenced to death through labour. Astonishingly, he survived to witness the aftermath of the Death March where thousands of prisoners were murdered by the Nazis as the Soviet Army advanced. After his own long trek right across central Europe he was repatriated to Britain. For decades he couldn't bring himself to revisit the past that haunted his dreams, but now Denis Avey feels able to tell the full story - a tale as gripping as it is moving - which offers us a unique insight into the mind of an ordinary man whose moral and physical courage are almost beyond belief. + info: La Loire, Agent gologique - BRGM (Bureau de recherches gologiques et minires - France) Revue du BRGM N 12 - Dcembre 2010 Le BRGM, tablissement public de rfrence dans le domaine des sciences de la Terre. Le BRGM est l'tablissement public de rfrence dans le domaine des sciences de la Terre pour grer les ressources et les risques du sol et du sous-sol. Ses actions s'articulent autour de 4 missions : recherche scientifique, appui aux politiques publiques, coopration internationale, scurit minire. Le BRGM poursuit deux objectifs : Comprendre les phnomnes gologiques et les risques associs, dvelopper des mthodologies et des techniques nouvelles, produire et diffuser des donnes de qualit. Dvelopper et mettre disposition les outils ncessaires la gestion du sol, du soussol et des ressources, la prvention des risques naturels et des pollutions, aux politiques de rponse au changement climatique. Le BRGM est le service gologique national franais. + info: Astronomical Evidence for the Timing of the Panathenaia - Acropolis. Athens (Greece) Article by Efrosyni Boutsikas For the first time, the role of the night sky in the performance of nocturnal festivals in ancient Greece is considered. This study presents a reconstruction of the Athenian night sky as it would have been visible from the Acropolis during the celebration of the Panathenaia. A link is suggested between the timing of the festival, held on the Acropolis, and the movement of the constellation of Draco, which would have been visible in the night sky during this time. This association is supported by the half-human half-snake early Athenian kings, the myths associated with the festival, the snake that lived in the Erechtheion crypt, and the role of Athena in the Giantomachy. The visible surroundings of the Athenian Acropolis that participants of the nocturnal rites would have seen offer a more nuanced understanding of the relationship between Greek cosmology, astronomy, and ritual practice. + info: Ir a arriba Forum UNESCO - Universidad y Patrimonio (FUUP) es un proyecto de la UNESCO para la realización de actividades para la protección y salvaguarda del patrimonio cultural, a través de una red informal de instituciones de educación superior. FUUP está bajo la responsabilidad común del Centro de Patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO y la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV) España. Este sitio web no es un sitio oficial de UNESCO, sino un sitio web creado y gestionado por la UPV en el marco del proyecto FUUP. English Inicio - Enlaces - Contacto RED FUUP Contacto Personal MIEMBROS . Français . 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