June 12, 2016 - Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
June 12, 2016 - Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
154 N. MAIN STREET • HARRISONBURG, VA 22802 PHONE: 540-434-4341 • WEBSITE: www.bsccva.com EMAIL: [email protected] FAX: 540-434-5549 OFFICE HOURS: Monday–Friday 9:00 am–4:00 pm Twinning with St. Isidore on La Gonave, Haiti June 12, 2016• 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time 12 de junio de 2016 • 11o Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario STAFF Pastor.................................................... Rev. Silvio Kaberia Parochial Vicar ...............................Rev. Joseph Goldsmith Deacon .............................................. Rev. Mr. Paul Kudrav Deacon Emeritus………………….Rev. Mr. Fred La Spina Coord. of Religious Education............ Mrs. Valerie Blanton Minister of Youth………………….Ms. Victoria Blackstone Minister of Liturgy & Music ...................... Ms. Jean DePiro Secretary ..............................................Mrs. Martha Moyers Spanish Ministry Coordinator ……… Mrs. Michelle Lopez Business Manager ..................................... Mr. Bill Brennan Facilities Manager.................................... Mr. Ron Bodkins COUNCILS Parish Council Chair Dr. Vicki Fawcett-Adams, 896-3417 Parish Council Vice-Chair …Mr. Carlos Briones, 440-5061 Parish Council Secretary…. Mr. Bob Tennyson, 828-6564 Finance Council Chair…..Mr. John Cassara, 540-217-0188 Finance Cou. Vice Chair ..Mrs.Stacey Burzumato 434-4732 Finance Council Secretary.….Mr. Ron Stefancin, 434-6304 LITURGY SCHEDULE Tuesday, Thursday, Friday ................................... 12:10 pm Wednesday .................... 6:00 pm; Holy Hour 6:30–7:30 pm Thursday ................................................. 7:00 pm (Español) Saturday .................................................................. 5:00 pm Sunday ....................... 8:00 & 10:00 am; 1:00 pm (Español) Holy Days ...................... Check the bulletin mass schedule. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday: 3:30–4:30 pm or by appointment. Communal Services in Advent and Lent. MINISTERIO HISPANO: 540-434-0849 Coord. para el Ministerio Hispano: Sra. Michelle Lopez [email protected] HORAS DE OFICINA Parish Mission Statement Blessed Sacrament Parish aspires to be a model Christian community, disciples of Christ, in communication with the Universal Church, in service to each other and our greater community. We speak with diverse and inclusive voices, united by our Catholic faith and Eucharistic celebration. Lunes—Viernes 9:00 am a 4:00 pm BULLETIN DEADLINE Monday at 10:00 am unless otherwise noted. Contents must be emailed to be included in that week's bulletin. All submissions are subject to the Pastor's approval and space availability and may be edited for length. BLESSED SACRAMENT CATHOLIC CHURCH HARRISONBURG, VA Your prayers are requested for the Sick of the Parish: Pete Adams, Martha Anderson, Bud Bernhardi, Susan Berry, Elena Cantor, Francis Cavoto, Vivian Cervantes, Catherine Constantino, Beth Dalton, Lovell Dean, Cristobal Duque, David Durham, Thomas Downing, Madge Eckenrode, Lennis Echterling, Annie Farwell, Steve Ferguson, Juan Gutierrez, Jean Hammond, Kamilia Hanna, Betty Hilson, Julie Iaconcig, Tony Jenkins, Carol Kagey, Jae Kim, Terry Le Pera, Raymond Lewis, Pablo Martinez, Jack Nicholson, Muriel Nicosia, Mildred Norkus, Lynn Picht, Francis Reilly, Nicolas Reyes, Pat Saltzer, the Schwartz Family, Paul Sullivan, Pam Welsh, Claire Wirkus, Joseph Woefling, William Wright, all our homebound parishioners and all who care for them. For Family & Friends of Parishioners: Marianne & Scott Appel, Donna Lee Carroll, Sharon Clement, Roberta Cline, Ed Comer, Randy Cosner, Ginger Dee, Gerald DeLoria, Ben Derringer, Viola Dickerson, Alex Dino-Murdo, Dominic Dorazio, Willie Gardner, Augustin and Miguel Garibay-Alvarez, Lane Goodwin, Maria Glabus, Ryan Greenwood, Hunter Gregory, Carol Hanna, Georgia Harkinson, Pat Harahan, Shirley Heatwole, Arthur Hemann, Eileen Herald, Audrey Hereford, Christopher Hernandez Medina, Lisa Hilton, Diane Hulvey, David Kane, Tucker Karl, Becky Keoki, Linda Layman, Phyllis Linka, Claire Lovejoy, Edwin Marrah, JR Martinez, Daniel McCarty, Wayne McCullar, Mary McFadden, Garth Mills, Leon Mondelli, Madison Nisly, Danielle Pack, Glenys Pascarelli, Mary Louise Pickeral, Anne Pirato, Justin & Laura Ray, Emily Ray, Jeremy Ream, Thomas Reilly, Cathy Renalds, Richard Rexrode, Kathy Rusch, Lillie Ryman, Art Saldana, Bill Sampson, Irene Sarnelle, Brian Saulsman, David Schiefer, John Marvin Spencer, Joyce Springmier, Flora Strode, Jean Sweigart, Mike Swymeler, Hannah Tringhese, Melissa Tydlaska, Baylee Wallace, Hilda Ward, and Ramona Whitt. Remember those in our parish family in the military, especially Jeremy Adams, Brian Davis, John Ferguson, Dane Geise, Joe Gibson, Scott Hankes, Christopher Hulse, Gen. Peter James & his battalion, Derek Stroop, Jesse Thomas, and Ryan Wilkes, especially those serving in Iraq, Afghanistan and other assignments overseas or in harm’s way. Please pray for peace throughout the world, and for those suffering from natural disasters, terrorism, war and civil unrest, especially in Africa, Europe and the Middle East. Pray for those killed and injured in terrorist attacks all over the world. Please pray for those persecuted for their faith, especially in in the Middle East and Africa. We also pray for resolution of the refugee crisis in Europe, and for those suffering from the effects of floods and tornadoes in various states. Please pray for those who have died, that they may be welcomed into the heavenly kingdom. ADULT STUDY OPPORTUNITY. The DVD series, Mary, A Biblical Walk With the Blessed Mother will be presented on Friday mornings starting June 17th in the downstairs meeting room of the church. Deacon Paul will facilitate this eight week program. The gatherings will begin at 9:30 am with coffee and the formal program will start with prayer at 9:45; the discussion will end by 11:30. Please join this study of The Mother of God and her role in our church. No registration is needed and there are no costs, just come to learn more of the Catholic faith. Please pray that the right to life would be respected and protected in our country and the world, from conception to natural death. Pray for our twin parish of St. Isidore, La Gonave, Haiti, that they be sustained in the many challenges they face, especially the water crisis. Sat. June 11, 5 pm, +Dolores & +Ed Hayes (offered by Mary Ann Glova & Geri Delazzari) Sun. June 12, 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time; 8 am, +Michael Myers (requested by Kathy Sullivan); 10 am, Justin & Cecilia Kwuelum (offered by Charles Kwuelum); 1 pm, Misa prop populo Mon. June 13, NO MASS Tues. June 14, 12:10 pm, +John Glova (requested by Mary Ann Glova) Wed. June 15, 6 pm, Intentions of Jo Ann Coules Thurs. June 16, 12:10 pm, +Deceased members of the Smith Family (offered by Audrey Calomino); 7 pm, +Emilio Campos & +Inginio Campos Fri. June 17, 12:10 pm, +Jo Ann Vaccaro (requested by Anna Marie Plowman) Sat. June 18, 5 pm, +Joseph E. Linka (requested by Phyllis Linka) Sun. June 19, 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time & Father’s Day; 8 am, +James Jensen & Ken Keesee (requested by Sheila Paladino); 10 am, +Gabe Chester (requested by Sheila Paladino); 1 pm, Misa Pro Populo CCW still has several of our Prayer Ministry booklets available. Do you know anyone who is homebound or ill and cannot get to church regularly? Do you carry Communion to shut ins? Do you have a student away at college or in the military? Do you have a son or daughter who has moved away from the community and can no longer worship with us? Our prayer ministry booklets were made with all of these in mind as a way of letting them know that they are missed and that we can all pray together even when circumstances keep us apart. Some of them are available at the ushers table, or you can get them from the office during the week. They are available in English and Spanish. 2 11TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JUNE 12, 2016 June 12, Contingency Collection June 12, Capital Campaign Commitment Weekend June 19, Peter’s Pence (Holy Father’s Charitable Works) July 3, Twin Parish in Haiti July 10, Contingency Collection RE Calendar June 12th, Last weekend for preregistrations for VBS accepted for PreK-5th graders☺ June 12th –13th---All Giving Tree items should be turned in. June 20th-24th—VBS week (9am-12noon each day) July 1st—RE registration packs for 2016-17 mailed out. OFFERTORY FY 2015-16 Needed YTD 2015/2016 totals $677,723 May 1, 2016 $15,011 May 8, 2016 $15,011 May 15, 2016 $15,011 May 22, 2016 $15,011 May 29, 2016 $15,011 Online giving (5/16 to date) $3,750 YTD $756,528 Actual $660,753 $12,923 $14,560 $15,830 $13,323 $12,015 $8,852 $738,256 Difference ($16,970) ( $2,088) ($451) $819 ($1,688) ($2,996) $5,102 ($18,272) *Total Offertory Budget of $750,550 is based on 50 weeks (due to possible snow weekends). VBS Update: All Giving Tree items should be returned by this Monday, June 13th. Any items not returned by then will be purchased by the church to make sure we have what we need when VBS starts on June 20th. Thank you to everyone for your generosity in allowing us to provide VBS free of charge. TWIN PARISH IN HAITI MINISTRY WILL YOU CONSIDER BEING A HAITI SPONSOR? Thank you for the continued response that we have received allowing our parish ministry to provide ongoing assistance through the Haiti sponsorship program. For any interested parishioner, family or prayer group, we remain in need of food sponsors for two of our twin parish families. These families, identified by Fr. Dieudonné, are already in our sponsorship program, but are in need of new sponsors. Food sponsors provide a monthly $50 food stipend which is distributed by Fr. Dieudonné at the rectory. Ideally, sponsorships are maintained through a recurring donation using the BSCC website (bsccva.com). Sponsors can also pay monthly or annually through the first Sunday Haiti collection or by mail. To get more information or sign up, contact Pam Mason at [email protected] or 540-578-1364. Thank you. Registrations for VBS are also due this Monday, June 13th. This allows us to group the children in reasonable sized groups and have things ready for them when they arrive at VBS on the 20th. Registration is still available on line through the 13th at http://cokesburyvbs.com/ blessedsacrament2016 Interested in helping to decorate for VBS and transform Johnston Hall into a Surf Shack?? Decorating will begin: Thursday from 6-8pm, Friday morning from 9am-12noon and Saturday at 9am until all is finished. If you are free and can help, please come! The more hands, the lighter the load and the sooner our decorators will be finished☺ lessed Sacrament is now on Instagram! BSYM Blessed Sacrament Youth Ministry Follow us on Instagram for the latest parish photos and updates: @blessed_sacrament_va RENEW RENEW is June 12-17! We have 19 youth attending this awesome service camp. Please keep them in your prayers! Catholic Youth Month Stay tuned for more information regarding events and retreats for youth and youth ministry volunteers! The Knights of Columbus Council #9488 will be hosting a spaghetti dinner on Tuesday June 28th at 6:30 pm in Johnston Hall. The cost is $7 per person. The proceeds will support K of C charitable giving. All are welcome. 3 BLESSED SACRAMENT CATHOLIC CHURCH HARRISONBURG, VA Maintain needed correspondence as required for the positon Adhere to all copyright laws After 16 years of dedicated service to the Parish, Jean DePiro has accepted a new position at Star of the Sea Parish in Virginia Beach beginning in July. Jean’s untiring work and beautiful music will be badly missed but the position in Virginia Beach offers her a professional opportunity for growing and enriching her professional and personal life that she could not match here. We offer her nothing but the best as she begins a new chapter in her life. We know that she will excel in her new job and enjoy being right next to the beach when she isn’t working! Working Conditions: The parish will provide space and secretarial support for those items related to music, such as bulletin announcements, programs etc. Activities included in, but not limited to, the Music Director's position are: Weekend Liturgies, Holy Days (AM & PM Masses), Thanksgiving, Communal Penance Services (Advent and Lent) Ash Wednesday, Benediction & Evening Prayer, Children’s Music, Youth Group Music, Holy Week, other services as need. Academic and Work Experience: Bachelor’s degree, or the equivalent, in music or music education with specialized training and credentials in liturgical music and a thorough understanding of the Roman Catholic Liturgy. Active member of the Roman Catholic Church Knowledge, Skills and Abilities: Thorough knowledge of the principles, methodology and techniques related to service playing Proficiency in organ, choral and piano skills Proficiency in music planning Ability to work in collaboration with staff Teaching skills (adults and youth) Public relation skills Ability to motivate and communicate We plan to allocate all that Jean has been doing for the parish into several different roles. The most immediate need is of course for a music director – the job description is listed below: Job Description – Music Director Status – Part Time Description: Blessed Sacrament, in Harrisonburg, VA, seeks an energetic and faith-filled Music Director to run the music program in collaboration with staff and clergy while reporting directly to the pastor. Our parish is musically inclined and culturally diverse. The music program is targeted at the active participation of the faithful for a rich experience of liturgy and a lively expression of our faith in Christ. Major Duties and Responsibilities: Develop a music program for the parish, recruit cantors, form choirs and increase the level of participation of the singing parish community. Coordinate music and liturgical planning with the pastor. Maintain a music program in keeping with pastoral direction, parish mission statement, and Lectionary readings Provide assistance for families needing music for wedding and funerals. Must develop and maintain a resource list of pianists, organists, soloists and other musicians to perform at functions Serve as a professional resource person for all the music in the parish Conduct and accompany choirs, cantors, and instrumentalists Help with planning for and purchasing all required supplies for the music program of the church. Please submit cover letter and resume to Bill Brennan, Business Manager at [email protected] May 2016 Food Pantry Report Families Served Total Family Members 947 3,415 Food Donated & Purchased: Blue Ridge Area Food Bank 22,656 pounds Dairy Pricing 3,420 pounds (380 gallons of fresh milk) Food Donated from Local Merchants: WalMart 16,462 pounds Kroger 1,842 pounds Martins 853 pounds Staff of Life Bakery 327 pounds specialty breads Bella Gelato 256 pounds of specialty bakery products Friendly City COOP 174 pounds JMU CCM 150 pounds Miscellaneous donations 1,309 pounds of canned goods and staples General Responsibilities: Rehearsals Participate in liturgy planning with pastor Recruit cantors, choir members Responsible for piano and organ – tuning etc. Purchase of required items after proper approval has been received Maintain a level of competency through reading, workshops, and educational programs and practice As always, we are most appreciative of all the donations we receive as they provide our clients with a great selection of staples and fresh produce. Thanks to all who support this ministry !!! 4 11TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JUNE 12, 2016 Spiritual Book Club will be reading "The Thing: Why I am a Catholic" by G.K. Chesterton. We read the first 16 chapters for last week’s meeting. We will read the remaining chapters for the June 13 meeting. The meetings are held in the church library at 7:00 on the second Monday of the month. The book can be found online as an ebook from Kindle (0.99) or as a free ebook /pdf at multiple sites. THIS WEEK AT BLESSED SACRAMENT CHANGE IN HOSPITAL POLICY AT SENTERA RMH: We will no longer be allowed to receive the names of Catholic patients at the hospital. If you or a loved one is going to the hospital and you want communion or anointing of the sick, you or a family member must call the office and inform us. If it’s an after hours emergency, you can call 540615-5176. Otherwise, call 540-434-4341, and leave a message at extension 109. MONDAY, JUNE 13 NO MASS 10:00 am, ESL Class, Rm 3, basement 12:00 pm, Food Pantry Volunteers Potluck Lunch and Annual Meeting 7:00 pm, Spiritual Book Club, Library SATURDAY, JUNE 11 11:00 am, Baptism 3:30-4:30 pm, Confessions 4:30 pm, Rosary 5:00 pm, Vigil Mass for Sunday SUNDAY, JUNE 12, 11TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Living Our Mission Commitment Weekend Contingency Collection 8:00 & 10:00 am, English Masses 10:00 am, Nursery 12:30 pm, Rosario 1:00 pm, Misa en Español 4:30-6:00 pm, Legion de Maria, Rm 4/5, Johnston Hall 4:30 pm, RENEW Youth Work Camp begins 6:00 pm, Grupo Kerygma TUESDAY, JUNE 14 11:30 am, Rosary 12:10 pm, Daily Mass 6:30 pm, Legion de Maria, Rm 4/5, Hall WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15 10:00 am, ESL Class, Rm 3, basement 4:30 pm, Soup Kitchen 6:00 pm, Daily Mass 6:30-7:30 pm, Holy Hour 7:30 pm, Hispanic Choir Practice SUMMER is often a time of transition! We want to keep our membership records current. If you are moving away, we are sorry to see you go and wish you well! Please call the office or email Martha at [email protected] to let us know you are leaving the parish. THURSDAY, JUNE 16 10:30 pm, Lectionary Bible Study, basement 11:00 am, Friendship House 12:10 pm, Daily Mass 6:00-8:00 pm, Decorating for VBS 7:00 pm, Misa en Español 7:00 pm, Scripture Study, Library If you are new to the parish, we invite you to fill out a contact card from the pew racks. We also have the parish registration form available for download and completion at our web site, www.bsccva.com, on the usher’s table, or by calling the office. Welcome! Once we know you’re here, someone from our Welcoming ministry should be contacting you if you have indicated that you would like to be contacted. FRIDAY, JUNE 17 9 am-12 noon, Decorating for VBS 9:30-11:30 am, DVD Study series, basement 12:10 pm, Daily Mass RENEW Work Camp ends Traveling on vacation this summer? Visit masstimes.org to find the nearest Catholic Church and their mass schedule. They have added GPS capability and when you’re away, you can just click on the “Mass Near Me” tab and you will be shown a list of nearby Catholic Churches and their schedules. SATURDAY, JUNE 18 9:00 am till finished, VBS Decorating 9:00 am-3:30 pm, Spanish Leadership Retreat, 2 E. Wolfe St. 1:30 pm, Wedding 3:30-4:30 pm, Confessions 4:30 pm, Rosary 5:00 pm, Vigil Mass for Sunday SUNDAY, JUNE 19, 12TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME; FATHERS’ DAY Peter’s Pence Collection Blessing for Fathers at all Masses 8:00 & 10:00 am, English Masses 10:00 am, Nursery 12:30 pm, Rosario 1:00 pm, Misa en Español 4:30-6:00 pm, Legion de Maria, commons 6:00 pm, Grupo Kerygma 5 BLESSED SACRAMENT CATHOLIC CHURCH HARRISONBURG, VA COMUNIDAD HISPANA Depuse de 16 años de servicio dedicado a la Parroquia, Jean DePiro ha aceptado una nueva posición en Virginia Beach empezando en julio. El incansable trabajo de Jean y su hermosa música será extrañada pero la posición en Virginia Beach le ofrece una oportunidad profesional para crecer y enriquecer su vida tanto profesional como personal la cual ella no podría igualar aquí. Le ofrecemos a ella nada más que lo mejor mientras empieza un nuevo capítulo en su vida. ¡Sabemos que ella sobresaldrá en su nuevo trabajo y disfrutara estar al lado de la playa cuando no esté trabajando! VBS Actualización: Todos los artículos de el árbol donante deben ser regresados para este lunes, 13 de junio. Los artículos que no sean regresado los comprara la Iglesia para asegurarnos que tengamos todo lo que necesitamos cuando empiece Escuela Bíblicas en Vacaciones el 20 de junio. Gracia a todos por su generosidad en permitirnos proveer VBS libre de costo. El ultimo día de registraciones para VBS es este lunes, 13 de junio. Esto nos permitirá agrupar a los niños en grupos de tamaños razonables y tener todo listo para cuando ellos lleguen a VBS el 20. Las registraciones todavía están disponibles en línea hasta el 13 en http://cokesburyvbs.com/ blessedsacrament2016. Nosotros estamos planeando asignar el trabajo que Jean ha estado haciendo para la parroquia en varios diferentes papeles. La necesidad más inmediata es por supuesto para director de música. Si usted está interesado en la posición debe hablar inglés y la descripción del trabajo está en la página 4. ¿¿Interesado en ayudar a decorar para VBS y transformar el Johnston Hall en un Surf Shack?? Las decoraciones empezaran: Jueves de 6-8pm, Viernes en la mañana de 9am-12mediodia y Sábado a las 9am hasta terminar. ¡Si usted esta libre y puede ayudar, por favor venga! Entre mas manos, mas ligera la carga y mas pronto nuestra decoración podrá ser terminada. CELBRACION PARA MATRIMONIOS La Diócesis de Richmond pide que la pareja que desea contraer matrimonio Religiosa, tenga los Sacramentos de Bautizo, Primera Comunión, Confirmación, y haga cita 6 meses antes de al celebración de la Boda, traer a la primera cita con el sacerdote, la Fe o Certificado de Bautizo renovada y que diga que es válida para matrimonio, copias de Cert. de Confirmación de los dos, asistir a un Encuentro Pre-matrimonial, si alguno de los dos no tiene algún sacramento aquí hay preparación para hacer el Sacramento que la hace falta, para mayor información llame a la oficina. BAUTISMO Charlas: •9, 23 de julio y 6 de agosto. Fechas para Bautismo: •25 de junio •16 de julio •27 de Agosto •24 de septiembre Trabajos Disponibles En Mountainside Villas en Massnutten Resort, ellos están contratando Housekeepers de Tiempo Completo y Tiempo Parcial, Inspectores de Tiempo Parcial, Auxiliar de Lavandería de Tiempo Completo, Limpiadores de alfombras de Tiempo Completo, y Técnico de Mantenimiento de Tiempo Completo. Si tiene alguna pregunta o para solicitudes por favor contactar a Michelle en la oficina de la Iglesia al 540434-0849 o por correo electrónico al [email protected] Se invita a Participar en el Coro Hispano para las Misas en espanol del Jueves 7 de la noche y Domingos a la 1 de la Tarde. La Practica para el Coro es todos los Miercoles despues de la Hora Santa 7:30pm. Declaración de la Misión Parroquial La Iglesia de Blessed Sacrament aspira a ser Discípulos de Cristo, y un modelo Cristiano para la Comunidad, y estar en Comunión con la Iglesia Universal, en server uno al otro y que así nuestra comunidad crezca. Nosotros inclusive hablamos en diversas lenguas vocas, unidos en nuestra Fe Católica y en la celebracion de la Eucaristía The spotlight this week shines on Center for Hand & Physical Therapy Please patronize this advertiser. 6 11TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JUNE 12, 2016 LEGION DE MARIA La Parroquia de Blessed Sacrament ¡Lo invitamos a participar! Legión de María se reúne todos los domingos a las 4:30 pm y martes a las 6:30pm. En el salón #5 del edificio del J. Hall de la Parroquia Realizamos trabajos como: Evangelización puerta a puerta, Visita de la Virgen Peregrina a los hogares Contacto callejero para establecer relación con personas alejadas de la Iglesia Visitas a personas enfermas Entronización del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús ¡Lo esperamos! Para más información ver a Luz Girón, Alicia Bravo o Viliulfo Bautista, Durante la Misa de la 1p.m. o durante las horas de Legión de María. GRUPO Kerygma y Alabanza Ven te invitamos al grupo Kerygma, es por medio de cantos, oraciones y reflexiones. Y se reúnen las tardas de los domingos de 6 pm-8 pm en el Santuario. CHILDREN’S CORNER 7
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