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v^-V'^.V V .« »••«——i«^ *»»^«<»iWW» ••-" Thursday, July 18.1M6 Pfiga 8 Henderson Home News, Henderaon, Nevada Thursday. July 18,1986 Henderson Home Newa, Henderson, Nevada Page 9 Lutherans hear 'Cliosen as His own! News of our churches Our Savior's is 'affiliated with The Rev,Jkmald Roscntrator and the cRgregation of Our the Lutheran Church, Missouri Savior's Lutheran Church invite Synod, which also sponsors "1% you to worship with them on Sun- Lutheran Hour" each Sunday jjit day beginning at 10:45 a.m. 8 a.m. on KVEG, 1410 on your ., ^J Sunday school for all ages radio. begins at 9:30 a.m. Holy CommuTune in each week for the "Gojil nion is celebrated on the first and News." We have a telephone prayer third Sundays of each month. Out^avior's is located at 59 chain that is open to all. If you have a prayer request, Lynn Lane, just off Basic Road and may be reached by calling please call Marilyn Nauenburg at 565-6246 or 565-9154. 565-8103 or the church office. This week Pastor Don will speak on the theme, "Chosen As His Thought for the week: "Love is Own" taken from Ephesians, the hammer that will break the chapter 1, verses 3-14. hardest heart." Community Baptist set Church anniversaryi grand opening The G6mm unity Baptist Church will celebrate 19 years of service and growth in Henderson, Sunday July 28. The church will also host the grand opening of a new sanctuary and education building, 245 Foster Avenue in Henderson. A special worship service and church dedication will be at 11 a.m. VISITING MISSIONARIES-Candace B. Walters, left, and Brenda Ogden, right, spent the week as missionaries for the Spanish Baptist Mission. Candace is from Laurel, Mississippi, and Brenda comes from Monroe, Louisiana. They are spending their summer vacation from college as missionaries for the Baptist congress. ago under the leadership of the Rev. S.P. Parks. The Rev. Parks will be returning to preach and worship with his former congregation during their week of celebration. The Rev. Roberson says the congregation is continuing Parks' influence of a church filled with fellowship, worship and friendship. Residents of the Clark County community are invited to visit and worship at Community Baptist Church. tion a las 7 p.m. Esta semana del 13 al 20 de Julio la Mision hispana cuenta con la asistencia de dos misioneras de verano de Louisiana. Ellas estau llamando a los hispanos en la communidad por telefono y vistandolos para animarlos a tomar parte en la Mision Bautista en servir y adorar a Oioa La mission se congrega en el edificio doe detras del templo principal de "First Southern Baptist Church." 240 ChoUa Street, Henderson. Hispanos pueden Uamar a los telefonos numeros 564-7977 o 564-1347 para informarse acerca de otras actividades durant la semana o para lograr transportscion in el microbus de la mission. Dr. R. Ducon Jennings will A coffee and punch fellowship preach a sermon entitled "Sheep follows morning worship. without Shepherds" based on There is a family prayer Mark 6:30-34 in which large breakfast at 6 a.m. every Wednescrowds keep following Jesus, who day at the Eldorado. has compassion on them. You are invited to attend. Worship is at 9:30 a.m. A nursery for preschoolers onThe church is located at 625 ly is provided. Westminster Way behind Morrell All other children are expected Park. J to attend the regular worhsip ^e ofHce phone is 565-9684. service. Come and worship with us. 'Wliat does it mean to be a Cliristian?' Bondley returns to Methodists P&stor George Bondley will return to the pulpit on Sunday, July 21 at the Henderson United Methodist Church. Bondley has been in Kansas City for five weeks attending St. Ruj] School of Theology. \ Sunday School is at 9:15 a.m. for youth and adults; worship is at 10:30 a.m. with a fellowship period following. Members are meeting in rooms 14 and 15 at St. Inter's Church, 204 South Boulder Highway, while construction is completed on the Methodist Church. 'Sheep witliout siiepiierds' to be lieard ^^zz'r,^^:!SX^'''^°^'^'-'- Hispanics hear' God's Spirit needs to lead' *Godb Spirit needs to leadfGalatian 5:22-26) will be the topic of the sermon this Sunday during worship service at 11 a.m. Rutor William Sobalvarro invites all Hispanics to be present 'and to hear the word of God, to aing hymns oi praise and to pray. There is also Sunday School at d:45 a.m., and in the evening church doctrinal training at 6 p.m. With another worship service afterwards at 7 p.m. This week the Hispanics have &ad the assistance of two summer missionaries from Louisiana. . They are contacting Hispanics throughout the community by (dione and in person and encouraging them to be involved with the * Spanish Baptist Mission. ,J!he mission congregates in bvu)ding two in the rear of the ^ain auditorium oi First Southern Baptist Church at 240 fholla Street, Henderson. I For other activities and transportation, Hispanics can dial J64-7977 or 564-1347. \ "Que el Espiritu de Dio Guie" fera el topico del sermon este domingo durante el servicio de adoraCion a las 11 a.m. '. EU pastor William Sobalvarro inlirita a todos los hispanos a estar bresentes y escuchar la palabra de |)ios, a cantar himnos de alabanza t a orar. s IWnbien habra escuela biblica Qominical a las 9:45 a.m. y por la iardecita entrenamiento doctrinal 9e la iglesia a las 6 p.m. conotre ^ervicio de adoracion a continuac- The Rev. Sam Roberson. church pastor, stated that a nine-year dream of the congregation moving into their own worship and education facilities is finally becoming a reality Community Baptist Church is the only Black-owned and operated religious facility in Henderson. However, he la quick to state all Chirstians will be welcomed in the worship servicea The Rev. Roberson invites aU friendq of Community Baptist Church to participate with them in a week of worship celebration beginning Sunday July 28 at 7:30 p.m. through Saturday, ^ugust 3. Concluding services for the church anniversary and grand opening will be on Sunday, August 4 with an 11 a.m. and a 3 p.m. worship service. Each service will highlight participation by visiting pastors and their choira Community Baptist Church wa& organized in Henderson 19 years DEBUNKING-A femimne Dave Meteyer, assistant John Goi^ man and dentist-for-the-evening Dennis Rusk, all standing from left to right, minister to Henderson Rotary Club past president Paul Marshall during June 29 "debunking" ceremonies. The annual gauntlet is one experienced by every In other news, Bible Study is set for 10 a.m. Wednesday, July 24, in room 4 at St. Peter's. For more information on the church or its activities, call Jean Bault at 565-9304 or Gloria Aaron at 565-9518. The Rev. John Osko will speak this Sunday on the topic, "What Does It Mean to be a Christian?" with Scripture text from Acts 11:26. A baptismal service will be a part of the morning worship hour. Special music will include Toby Waldowski's "Oh, Praise the local Rotary Club president at the end of his term in June. Lord," sung by Amanda Dr. Paul Marshall, DDS (sitting center) had a rather large Blondeaux and selection^ by the molar extracted during the evening and forceably rinsed First Baptist Church Chorale. The morning worhsip hour several times. begins at 11 a.m. First Baptist Church is located at 47 East Atlantic Avenue. Children's church time is during the worship hour for children two years of age through THREE DAYS ONLY JULY IS, 19, 20 EXTRA 10% OFF On all floor stock inventories of Major Appliances, Electronics Professional - Doj Groominj \ setsMe school PRIME RIB!! > Grace Baptist's Bible FEATURED EVERT MONDAY School is coming for the week of July 29 through ^ugust 2. : Classes will be held for t;es two and older from 9 to 15 a.m. each day. X The theme is "Half Pints for Christ." The teaching aim is to share Christian character traits with the children. The daily lessons are in obedience, self-esteem, honesty, being a good friend and family member. Please accept our warm invitation to your children to attend Vacation Bible School. Grace Baptist is an independent Baptist church where the Bible is taught. Our paster Steve Meisner at 564-5318 will be happy to answer your questions about mi L our ministry. MHO ^ The schedule of regular services at Grace Baptist Church is Sunday morning services at 10:30 a.m., Sunday evening service at 6 p.m. *"VM"1:U$TOMIR$ OVER YRS and Wednesday prayer meeting at 7 p.m. The church is located at «/••••••••••••• 117 Atlantic Street. «•••••••••••••••' EXECUTIVE HOMES PRICED FROM THELOWSIOO's ^ :wm ordered from our July Aug. Sale Catalog except ^ Bed Linen i Clearance 1,1^1 merchandise (Pg, 19-30) & WEDNESDAY [ , YOU PAY 429.99 299.99 -laogp 269.00* 379.99 299.99 -$30 260.99* 399.99 299.99 -$30 269.99* 219.96 S149 -14.80 133.20* 699.9S 499.8S' ^$50 449.88* 419.9S 319.H -$32 287.88* 419.9( 319.18 -$32 287.88* COME OUT AND SEE WHY AMERICA CALLS US HOME* How Green Is Your Valley? Very! Well..,it is if you're living in one of the elegant Executive Homes at GREEN VALLEY VILLAGE, surrounded by all ttie fragrant, lush landscaping. If s a splendid setting, And these estate homes are superb! Stunning exteriors, with creative interiors that offer plenty of pleasant surprises. Definitely a flair there. Sophisticated, gracious living in this exclusive, meticulouslyplanned community of Green Valley with a marvelous view of the mountains. Schools, churches, parks, shopping centers, restaurants are already here. But they're just the vanguard for a host of added delights planned for future development in this beautiful valley And there's more! An 18-hole championship golf course. Serene, well-adjusted fairways, with a few cranky ones to test your mettle. And, here and there, a green that is downright hostile. But that's the challenge. And the fun. So, why putter around with other possibilities? Hook a slice of living as it should GREEN VALLEY VILLAGE. For those with impeccable taste and style. Like you. HERE'S A FEW EXAMPLES OF HOW YOU SAVE! LKSSWS GREEN VALLEY PLAZA 435-0667 amount of work past president Paul Marshall will need after he recovers from "debunking" ceremonies June 29. Furnishings... "Sii|)e/t Buiiei Bwuut^" Pastor Osko and the congregation of First Baptist Church invite you to worship with them this week. For additonal information please call 565-9511. THE DOe STORE EXPLANATION-Incoming Henderson Rotary Club president Dick Owen explains how Rotary acts as a bridge for fellowship throughout the world while also detailing the IGrace Baptist Kindergarten. Sunday School classes for all ages begins at 9:30 a.m. A nursery is provided during Sunday School and morning worship for infants and children through two years of age. Chorale rehearsals are Wednesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. The' home Bible study group meets Friday evenings at the home of Kaye and Jay Henderson. Cabbage Patch kidi, girli only, while th«y last, 34.99 •SHIPPINO AND HANDLING WILL BE ADDED TO EACH PRICE W« walcome Montgomery Ward, Visa and MastarCard. HWNOI Montgomeiy Ward a SUPER BUFFET America calls us hom«* usHome 121 Wat«r Street •••••••••••••••••tel LISTED ON THE NEWYORK STOCK EXCHANGE 565-1S70 •jj^y:tn}7wm I i^«)»ffiwijin»' ii.,ii i.'Jijjin ijyui,tnm]_ipymifiBf«ywn j ? fj wi »f^ >••• M WJH PRt-ARRANOED Vi^ FHA AND COtMNTIONAL RNANONO MMUMl 451-8048 MODELS OPEN 9AM TO 6PM 7 DAYS A WEEK BROKER COOPERATION INVHED FINANCMO: US HOMI' oAwi ttw moil dlwMHsd ^oup ol honw Ananotng pockQQtn tn AnwtoQ. ThSM POOI109M oDv ouMondtoQ oombinciMont 01 down pot^TwuondkswiniBrMi'OlM.USHOME* QuofonlvMOfnonlNypoyfnsnifMiiwll b« wriNrt you budgM 01 tw lowwi tnlvrMi ciMik*l« US HOMI« wM maM t^ •oonomtct of buying votfnaw horns purs piMMrt >AiNuitodorarvSws1proMit