Un Álbum de mi Familia Nombre Español 1 – Proyecto Fecha. Per


Un Álbum de mi Familia Nombre Español 1 – Proyecto Fecha. Per
Un Álbum de mi Familia
Español 1 – Proyecto
You are to create an álbum or small scrapbook about your family. Your album
will introduce your family to members on the class. You are to include photos,
drawings, art and color to enhance your project. The project will also include an
oral presentation in which you preset your information to the class. All work on the
project is to be done in blue or black ink or should be typed.
Rough draft of #4 and #5 due on Nov. 27 or 28
Album due and presentation due on Dec. 6
Your project must include the following:
_________1. Una página titular – Título, su nombre, fecha, período (5pts.)
_________2. Un árbol de la familia – A family tree going back to at least
grandparents. Relatives should have mames as well as relationships to you. (i.e. mi
tío Roberto Morales) (10pts)
_________3. Un escudo de la familia – Design a coat of arms for your family that
has at least four sections labeled in Spanish with drawings or pictures. The
sections should include areas that might describe your family. (10pts.)
_________4. Yo – Describe yourself thoroughly including your name, where you
are from, where you live, how old you are, when your birthday is, a description of
your personality and a physical description. Also include what you usually wear and
your likes and dislikes. Include a photo. (1/2 page minimum) (10pts.)
_________5. Mi Familia – Describe at least three other people who are part of
your family. Tell their names and relationship to you. Give a physical description, a
personality, age, BD and likes and dislikes of each person. Include photos if
possible. (15pts)
________6. Cubierto – Cover. Decorate your cover. (5pts)
________7. Preparedness, neatness, and organization. (5pts)
Total ______________ (60pts)
Presentation ___________(20pts)