Aplicaciones de las espectroscopías IR y Raman al Patrimonio
Aplicaciones de las espectroscopías IR y Raman al Patrimonio
Aplicaciones de las espectroscopías IR y Raman al Patrimonio Histórico y Cultural Concepción Domingo Instituto de Estructura de la Materia, CSIC 28006 Madrid, Spain Spectrum I λ (nm) E ? Raman and IR Transitions Raman IR Absorptions Energy Levels of CO2 Raman \\ Energy,, Difference cm-1 Energy 20,000 ?3 2350 ?1 1335 667 Zero Pt ?2 IR IR Vibrations of CO2 No dipole change Dipole change Dipole change % Transmission IR and Raman Spectra of CO2 Infrared spectrum Scattering Intensity 4000 2000 0 Raman spectrum 4000 2000 Wavenumber (cm-1) 0 Análisis de materiales para determinar: - Producción y métodos (análisis) - Deterioro (cambios) -Conservación (asesorar) “Scientific Examination of Art: Modern Techniques in Conservation and Analysis” (Sackler NAS Colloquium), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2005 http://www.nap.edu/catalog.php?record_id=11413 Objetos del Patrimonio - Desde cañones sumergidos en el mar hasta miniaturas de marfil - Piedra, papel, metal, textiles, vidrio, … - Sustratos, Pigmentos, aglutinantes, conservantes, consolidantes, … - IR-spectra PROTEINS Bone glue (from collagen) Polyamide Fish glue (gelatin) OILS CARBOHYDRATES Linseed oil Starches (C6H10O5)n. PROTEINS Beeswax 70 % higher aliphatic esters, 13 % free wax acids 12% hydrocarbons NATURAL RESINS Turpentine C10H16, Turpentine is commonly used as a thinner or diluent for oil paints and varnishes and as a raw material for the chemical industry Colophony SYNTHETIC RESINS Acrylate Latex Ph. Colomban, M.-P. Etcheverry, M. Asquier, M. Bounichou, A. Tournié. « Raman Identification of Ancient Stained Glasses and their Degree of Deterioration » J. Raman Spectrosc. 37 (2006). LA SAINTE CHAPELLE (PARIS) La revue de la céramique et du verre, 148, 18-21(2006) http://www.eu-artech.org/ MOLAB MOBILE LABORATORY 10 instruments are available - fibre-optics FTIR -micro Raman - fibre-optics UV fluorescence spectrometry - fibre-optics Vis-NIR spectrometry - scanning IR reflectometry - laser micro-profilometry - XRF - fluorescence spectrometry - NMR tomography - DRMS MOL AB M 1 Examination of "Lamentation over the dead Christ" by Agnolo Bronzino July 04 Musée des Beaux-Arts et d'Archéologie - BESANCON France MOL AB M 2 Composition and structure of lustre decorations on original Italian Renaissance lustreware March 05 Victoria & Albert Museum LONDON - United Kingdom MOL AB M 3 A technical study of Leonardo’s "Virgin of the Rocks" and associated Leonardesque paintings March 05 National Gallery - LONDON United Kingdom MOL AB M 4 Investigation of the St. Euthymios chapel wall paintings at the Basilica of St. Demetrius in Thessaloniki. MarchApril 05 Archaeologic Institute of Macedonia & Thrace THESSALONIKI - Greece MOL AB M 5 Scientific non-destructive examination of Leonardo paintings in The Hermitage Museum May 05 Hermitage Museum - SAINTPETERSBURG - Russia MOL AB M 6 Study of the painting technique of Johann Baptist Lampi, father and son, at the Moravian Gallery in Brno June 05 Institute of inorganic chemistry - Academy of Science of Czech Republic-PRAGUE MOL AB M 7 The Four Gospels Book from Humor Sept 05 National Art Museum of Romania BUCHAREST Romania MOL AB M 8 Non-invasive analysis of materials from paitings by Paul Cezanne in the Courtauld Institute Gallery, London Dec 05 Courtauld Institute of Art, Department of Conservation and Technolgy LONDON United Kingdom MOL AB M 9 Investigation of silver tarnish risk and remaining protection afforded by lacquers Jan 06 English Heritage - LONDON United Kingdom MOL AB M 1 0 The Macclesfield Psalter & Metz Pontifical Jan 06 Hamilton Kerr Institute, Uni of CAMBRIDGE - United Kingdom MOL AB M 1 1 In-situ identification of the penetration depth of consolidants on bioclastic limestones through micro-drilling measurements Apr 06 25th Ephorate of prehistoric and classical antiquitiesATHENS - Greece MOL AB M 1 2 Analysis of polychromies and of the effects of consolidation in the stones of the facades of the Cathedral and Provincial Museum of Huesca, Spain Apr 06 Uni OVIEDO - Institute of Petrology - Spain MOL AB M 1 3 Comparative characterisation of two medieval codex of the 12 th Century and damage assesment of the parchment support May 06 Instituto do Arquivos Nacionais - TORRE DO TOMBO Portugal MOL AB M 1 4 Casas pintadas de Evora May 06 Instituto Portugues de Concervaçao e Restauro LISBOA - Portugal MOL AB M 1 5 Drawing and colour in designing a painting : Polidoro artwork in Capodimonte May 06 Sopritendenza speciale per il polo museale di NAPOLI - Italy MOL AB M 1 6 A technical study of the paintings "Amor vincit omnia" by Caravaggio, "Portrait of a lady (Dorotea)" and "Reclining nude of a woman in a landscape (Cerere)" by Sebastiano del Piombo June 06 Gemäldegalerie- Staatliche Museen zu BERLIN - Germany MOL AB M 1 7 Paint on early Meissen Stoneware June 06 Staatliche Kunstammlungen Dresden - Porzellansamlung DRESDEN - Germany MOL AB M 1 8 Study of gemstones, metal alloys and enamels in historical jewellery at the Victoria and Albert Museum, by non-destructive techniques Oct 06 Victoria and Albert Museum LONDON - United Kingdom MOL AB M 1 9 Art technological research toward the Victory Boogie Woogie (1942-1944) by Piet Mondriaan Gemeentemuseum DEN HAAG - The Netherlands MOL AB M 2 0 Study of the composition and structure of lustre decorations on original Italian Renaissance lusterware at the Wallace Collection Wallace Collection LONDON United Kingdom MOL AB M 2 1 Study of surface layers and other substances applied in the past on the Parian and Pentelic marbles of the Greek sculpture of Esculapio from Empúries (Girona): control of cleaning methodologies Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya (MNAC) Restoration and Preventive Conservation Department BARCELONA - Spain http://www.eu-artech.org/files/UserReportBurgio.pdf Project: Study of the composition and structure of lustre decorations on original Italian Reinassance lustreware User Group Leader: Lucia Burgio Location: Victoria and Albert Museum, London, United Kingdom http://www.eu-artech.org/files/UserReportStoulig.pdf Project: Study of the painting Lamentation on the dead Christ by Agnolo di Cosimo di Mariano, called Il Bronzino, 1545 User Group Leader: Claire Stoulig Location : Musée des Beaux Arts et de Archeologie, Besançon, France FT-IR spectra collected on whitish and yellowish lacunas present in the lower part of the painting showed particular absorptions at 2135, 2235, 2304, 2378 cm-1 together with a band at 1207 cm-1 characterized by a reststrahlen shape. They have been compared with the reflectance spectrum of a typical protein, animal glue, presenting all the main features of this substances: amide I-1670 cm-1, carbonyl stretching vibration; amide II-1580cm-1, combination of CN and NH vibrations; amide III-1470 and 1406 cm-1, CH bending vibrations MOLAB at the Musée des Beaux Arts et de Archeologie, Besançon, France http://www.eu-artech.org/files/User%20Report%20MOLAB_Putna.pdf Project: Romanian illuminated medieval manuscripts – Scientific research on the materials and techniques User Group Leader: Mihai Lupu, National Art Museum of Romania , Bucharest, Romania Location: Monastery of Putna, Suceava County, Romania Research on the materials and techniques was carried out using the following MOLAB in-situ techniques: XRF, micro-Raman, fiber-optic Mid FT-IR and NIR Carbono Intensidad Raman (u.a.) Intensidad Raman (u.a.) Bermellón Yeso 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 -1 Números de onda/cm Arqueta 2 200 300 400 -1 Números de onda/cm Arqueta 1 Cara frontal Rojo Amarillo Negro * Oropimente (As2S3) * * ** * * Carbono * * * C Intensidad Raman (u.a.) ** * Fosfato (PO ) * C L L: Lignina C: Celulosa "Cal" (soporte) Intensidad Raman (u.a.) ** I Anhidrita (CaSO4) * 34 I I L I C L L C C L C I I C L L L ** 400 600 800 200 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 Números de onda/cm -1 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 Números de onda/cm Lateral con figuras: San Juan Corona Cara Azul Verde 400 I 0,1 I * * * "Cal" * Yeso Oropimente (As2S3) 1100 Indigo (C16H10N2O2) * Indigo (C16H10N2O2) * * * * 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 -1 Números de onda/cm 2800 Interior de la tapa Fondo azul oscuro Estrellas amarillas I "Cal" * 1600 -1 I 1000 1200 Números de onda/cm I Anhidrita (CaSO4) * Bermellón (HgS) * Oropimente (As2S3) I Yeso (CaSO4.2H2O) I Blanco de plomo (2PbCO3.Pb(OH)2) * Carbono 800 -1 Intensidad Raman (u.a.) 200 Intensidad Raman (u.a.) Intensidad Raman (u.a.) * Carbono Madera * Bermellón (HgS) * * Bermellón (HgS) 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 -1 Números de onda/cm 3200 RESULTADOS De los resultados de los análisis Raman y de los estudios estilísticos se concluye que la “Arqueta 1” perteneciente sin duda a finales del siglo XIV, presenta los pigmentos puros, utilizando una finísima capa de yeso como imprimación, mientras que el resto que estilísticamente pertenece a los últimos años del siglo XVII o principios del XVIII, ha utilizado diversos componentes de origen orgánico como puede ser el lienzo y el óleo y que incluso la pintura aplicada en toda ella, resulta ser anterior a 1900, ya que se advierten los mismos elementos, sin restauraciones pictóricas modernas. La “Arqueta 2”, pese a las dificultades expuestas por el manejo físico, al presentar el mismo bermellón, nos permite fecharla antes de finales del siglo XIX, aunque como ya se ha dicho anteriormente el análisis estilístico y visual de los elementos imposibilita su adscripción al siglo XVI, en que estaba datada. * Carbon * Laurionite * Litharge * Anglesite * Hydrocerrusite * Massicot * * Phosgenite * Hydrocerrusite * Laurionite * Cerrusite Carbonatos "mixtos" * ** * ** * ** P-5 P-3a P-3b * * * 400 * * * 1000 600 800 * A-6 1050 1100 ** * A-4b * * * C-1b 200 Intensidad Raman (u.a.) Intensidad Raman (u.a.) ** * * * * C-1a * * Calcita * A-8a * * * A-8b 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 -1 Números de onda /cm 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 -1 Números de onda /cm Possibilities of the molecular Infrared and Raman spectroscopies to monitor the polymerization process of water repellents and consolidants in treated stones (collaboration with the IEG group of the TNCH ) 3 months 2 days 2000 1500 1000 500 4000 Wavenumbers / cm Tegosivin (10% wt in White Spirit) / KBr IR Absorbance (a.u.) 2 days 2 hours 11 min ** * 1500 2 days 1 hour 1000 -1 Wavenumbers / cm Tegosivin over glass 2 months 5 days 2 days 2 hours 1 hour 3000 2000 3000 1000 2800 νSi-O-Si δ C-Si-C 3100 3000 2900 2800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 500 IR Transmission spectra of the products squeezed between KBr disks. The IR reflection of the stone had a very strong calcite band which prevented from observing the silane-based compounds bands. FT-Raman spectra of the impregnated stones excited at 1064 nm showed strong calcite bands, but the detailed study of the C-H stretching region allowed to conclude: 1) The evaporation of the White Spirit employed as solvent in the waterrepellent case, finished 14 days after application. This period coincides with the largest loss of weight of the corresponding specimen. 2) The decrease with time of the integrated intensity of the marked region in the consolidant case showed a trend which someway correlated with the loss of weight directly measured, specially from the 14 day on. Then, our Raman data support the “weight control” as good choice for indication of curing. 1 0 6 4 600 400 200 Wavenumbers / cm Raman Microscope 50X λlaser = 785 nm The strong fluorescence of the biocalcarenite stone at 785 nm made impossible to detect the spectra of the consolidant and of the water-repellent on the correspondingly impregnated samples. Stone/ Tegovakon 1400 1200 1000 800 -1 Wavenumbers / cm Wavenumbers / cm-1 3 months * 6 days -1 -1 4000 3500 3000 * Tegosivin (10% wt in White Spirit) over glass 5 days Raman Intensity (a.u.) 2500 2 days Tegovakon over glass 2 days 2 hours 3000 28001600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 -1 Wavenumbers / cm Stone/ Tegosivin 10 wt in WS 42 days 42 days n 28 days m 16 days 14 days 11 days 9 days 7 days Raman Intensity (a.u.) 3000 3 months Raman Intensity (a.u.) 3500 Tegosivin modified (Silo) solid (>1 year) 1 min 10 min 4000 Tegovakon solid (2 years) Tegovakon / KBr Raman Intensity (a.u.) Tegosivin / KBr Raman Intensity (a.u.) IR Absorbance (a.u.) IR Absorbance (a.u.) The increasing use of portable instruments, also Raman and infrared spectrometers, for in situ diagnosis and characterization of materials and their conservation state in artworks, has led us to investigate the real possibilities that both vibrational spectroscopies have for monitoring in real time the polymerization process of silicon-based water repellents and consolidants in stones after application of the corresponding treatments. A particular stone (biocalcarenite) widely used in the Spanish Architectural Heritage, has been chosen as laboratory model stone. 28 days 16 days 14 days 11 days 9 days 7 days 4 days 4 days 2 days 2 days initial initial 3000 2800 1600 1200 800 Wavenumbers / cm 400 -1 3000 2800 1600 1200 800 Wavenumbers / cm 400 -1 "IV International Conference on the Application of Raman Spectroscopy in Art and Archaeology", http://www.chimica.unimore.it/RAA2007/raa2007.htm ----------------------------------------------------------------------------"Raman spectroscopy in art and archaeology" J. Raman Spectrosc. 2006; 37: 962–965 Procc. III International Conference on the Application of Raman Spectroscopy in Art and Archaeology -----------------------------------------------------------------------------http://www.nap.edu/catalog.php?record_id=11413 (Sackler NAS Colloquium) Scientific Examination of Art: Modern Techniques in Conservation and Analysis, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2005 http://books.nap.edu/openbook.php?isbn=0309096251&page=162 Raman Microscopy in the Identification of Pigments on Manuscripts and Other Artwork, R.J.H. CLARK 162-185 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Smith GD, Clark RJH Raman microscopy in archaeological science JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SCIENCE 31 (8): 1137-1160 AUG 2004 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.chem.ucl.ac.uk/resources/raman/index.html --------------------------------------------------------------Raman Microscopy Research in The British Library The analysis of materials used in the making and for the conservation of manuscripts incunabula and works of art http://www.bl.uk/about/collectioncare/pdf/raman.pdf ----------------------------------------------------------------Raman microscopy techniques for the characterisation of pigments Tracey D. Chaplin, & Robin J. H. Clark http://www.rms.org.uk/downloads/5_-_Chaplin-Clark.pdf -----------------------------------------------------------------http://www.chim.unifi.it/raman/ -----------------------------------------------------------------Database of Raman spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and chemistry of minerals http://rruff.info/ -----------------------------------------------------------------www.? s.unipr.it./~bersani/raman/raman/spettri.htm -----------------------------------------------------------------www.sbg.ac.at/min/service/service_daten.htm ------------------------------------------------------------------www.ens-lyon.fr/LST/Raman/index.php ------------------------------------------------------------------minerals.gps.caltech.edu/FILES/raman/Caltech_data/index.htm The application of Raman Spectroscopy for the Non-destructive Analysis of Art Objects http://www.ndt.net/article/wcndt00/papers/idn163/idn163.htm "Identification and Classification of Natural Organic Binding Media and Varnishes by Micro-Raman Spectroscopy http://www.ndt.net/article/wcndt00/papers/idn164/idn164.htm Peter Vandenabeele and Luc Moens ---------------------------------------------------APPLICATION OF RAMAN TECHNIQUES FOR PAPER COATINGS Shivashanker Bitla http://www.library.umaine.edu/theses/pdf/BitlaS2002.pdf --------------------------------------------------CONFOCAL RAMAN MICROSCOPY IN CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF COATED AND PRINTED PAPERS Jouko Vyörykkä http://lib.tkk.fi/Diss/2004/isbn9512272318/isbn9512272318.pdf minerals.gps.caltech.edu/FILES/raman/Novosibirsk_Russia/Index.htm ----------------------------------------http://www.aist.go.jp/RIODB/SDBS/cgi-bin/direct_frame_top.cgi?lang=eng Spectral Database for Organic Compounds SDBS --------------------------------------------FT-IR SPECTRA OF BINDERS AND COLORANTS http://www.ut.ee/katsekoda/IR_Spectra/ --------------------------------------------www.aist.go.jp/RIODB/rasmin/E_index.htm ---------------------------------------------www.irug.org ----------------------------------------------newton.mli.kvl.dk/users/engelsen/specarb/specarb.html (Carbohidratos) ----------------------------------------------- ESPAÑA http://goya.fmc.cie.uva.es/Pigmentos/inicio.htm - Colorimetría (CR) - Difracción de Rayos X (DRX) - Espectroscopía µRAMAN - Espectroscopía FTIR(ATR) --------------------------------http://www.ehu.es/udps/database/database.php http://www.ehu.es/udps/database/database1.html