Dr. Griet Steel – Academic Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Griet Steel – Academic Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Griet Steel – Academic Curriculum Vitae EDUCATION 2008 PhD University of Utrecht: The Netherlands. Promoters: Prof. Dr. Annelies Zoomers and Prof. Dr. Michiel Baud. Dissertation: Vulnerable Careers. Tourism and livelihood dynamics among street vendors in Cusco, Peru. 2003 M.A. Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology University of Leiden: The Netherlands. Supervisors: Dr. Tjon Sie Fat and Prof. Dr. Annelies Zoomers. Dissertation: The llameros of Llavisa: an anthropological study on the livelihood strategies of lama pastoralists in the Bolivian Andes. CAREER HISTORY 2014-current (part-time) Post doctoral fellow Institute for Anthropological Research in Africa (IARA), University of Leuven, Belgium. Post doctoral research o o New technologies in urban Africa. Technology, urbanity and online entrepreneurship in Khartoum, Sudan. 2014-current (part-time) Post doctoral fellow International Development Studies group (IDS), Human Geography & Planning, Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University Post doctoral research o o Rural-urban linkages. Mobility and urbanization in Rwanda, Ghana, Cameroon and Tanzania. 2008-2013 Assistant Professor Institute of Development Policy and Management (IOB), University of Antwerp, Belgium. Post doctoral research o o o Livelihood strategies and perspectives of rural youngsters in Matiguás and Muy Muy, Nicaragua. Migration and urban development in Cuenca, Ecuador. Migrant trajectories of Sudanese en route to Europe. Teaching in Master on Development Evaluation and Management, Governance and Development, Globalization and Development (in English). o Module on “research methods”: Validity in qualitative research (2 ECTS), people as informants (1.5 ECTS) and participatory research approaches (3 ECTS). 1 Module on “Local institutions and poverty reduction”: theories and concepts: livelihood strategies and social exclusion (2 ECTS) and access to urban resources (1.5 ECTS). o Follow-up of students policy-oriented papers at the end of the module and of dissertation projects. Active role in VLIR UOS research and training project with IOB and the research and development institute NITLAPAN, Central American University of Managua, Nicaragua. o o Generating knowledge and strengthening synergies for rural development. Pilot project for an innovative approach to social learning in Muy Muy and Matiguás, Nicaragua. 2003-2008 Doctoral fellow Centre for Latin American Research and Documentation (CEDLA), The Netherlands. Doctoral research project o Livelihood strategies of street vendors working in the tourist streets of Cusco, Peru. Teaching in Bachelor and Master in Latin American Studies (in Dutch). o o Course ”Sustainable tourism in Latin America” (10 ECTS). Follow up of master dissertations. OTHER ACADEMIC TEACHING EXPERIENCE May-June 2014 Course “Geography of development countries” in Utrecht, the Netherlands (in cooperation with IDS staff). MA students in “teacher education in geography” at HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht (HU). March 2014 Course “Qualitative research practices” in Cuenca, Ecuador. MA students psychotherapy for children and their families, University of Cuenca (8h) June 2012 Workshop “Participatory planning” in Esteli, Nicaragua. Representatives of partner organizations of Broederlijk Delen in Nicaragua (14h). June 2012 Course “Qualitative Research Practices” in Managua, Nicaragua. Researchers of Nitlapan and docents of the UCA (28h). December 2011 Course “Qualitative Research Practices” in Cuenca, Ecuador. 2 Docents at the University of Cuenca (28h). 2003-current Regular lectures of 2 to 3h. Master and bachelor students in Cultural Anthropology, Development Studies and Latin American Studies at Utrecht University, Leiden University and Amsterdam University. Bachelor students in social work at the College of Antwerp (Belgium) and Rotterdam (The Netherlands). Master students in Visual Anthropology at the Catholic University of Lima (Peru). 1999-2000 Tutor of practical modules within the BA program of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology of Non-Western Societies at the University of Leiden (in Dutch). PUBLICATIONS Articles in peer reviewed journals Schapendonk, J. and G. Steel (2014) ‘Following Migrant Trajectories: The Im/Mobility of Sub-Saharan Africans en Route to the European Union, Annals of the Association of American Geographers. DOI: 10.1080/00045608.2013.862135. Steel, G. (2013) ‘Mining and Tourism: Urban Transformations in the Intermediate Cities of Cajamarca and Cusco, Peru’ in Latin American Perspectives, 40(2): 237249. Steel, G.; N. Winters and C. Sosa (2012) ‘Movilidad y desarrollo translocal en la Nicaragua (semi-)rural’ in Encuentro. Revista de la Universidad Centroamericana, 19 (92): 53-72. Steel, G. (2012) ‘Whose Paradise? Itinerant Street Vendors’ Individual and Collective Practices of Political Agency in the Tourist Street of Cusco, Peru’ in International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 36(5): 1007-21. Steel, G. (2012) ‘Local encounters with globetrotters. Tourism’s potential for street vendors in Cusco, Peru’ in Annals of Tourism Research, 39 (2): 601–619. Steel, G. and C. Sosa (2011) ‘Estrategias de vida y rutas de desarrollo de jóvenes rurales en Nicaragua: los casos en Muy Muy y en Matiguás’ in Encuentro, 89: 6379. Steel, G.; N. Winters and C. Sosa (2011) ‘Mobility, translocal development and the shaping of development corridors in (semi) rural Nicaragua’ in International Development Planning Review, 33 (4): 409-428. Steel, G. and A. Zoomers (2009) ‘Social mobility in the Central Andes of Peru and Bolivia: towards a more dynamic and multi-local vision of poverty alleviation’ in International Development Planning Review, 31 (4): 377-398. Submitted for publication Schapendonk, J. and G. Steel ‘Staying put while being on the move: analysing the im/mobility dynamics of migration processes between Africa and Europe (under revision for Global Networks, October 2012). Klaufus, C. and G. Steel ‘Displacement for development. Gentrification of trade and housing in two Andean cities’ (under revision for Journal of Latin American Studies, April 2012). Contributions in peer reviewed books 3 Steel, G. and C. Sosa (2014) "Espacios de negociación: Estrategias de independencia de jóvenes rurales en Nicaragua" in T. Cruz Salazar and Y. González (Eds.) "Juventudes en frontera Tránsitos, procesos y emergencias juveniles en México, Chile, Nicaragua y Argentina. Ecuador: Abya Yala, p.111138. Steel, G. (2009) ‘Dishing up the city: tourism and street vendors in Cuzco’ in M. Baud and A. Ypeij (eds.) Cultural Tourism in Latin America, the Politics of Space and Imagery. Brill: Leiden – Boston, pp. 161-176. Steel, G. (2006) Turismo y vendedores ambulantes en Cuzco in A.Ypeij and A. Zoomers (eds.), La Ruta Andina. Turismo y desarrollo sostenible en Perú y Bolivia, pp. 169-186. Ecuador: Abya-Yala. Books Steel, G. (2008) Vulnerable Careers. Tourism and livelihood dynamics among street vendors in Cusco, Peru. PhD dissertation published by Rozenberg Publishers: Amsterdam. Other Bastiaensen, J., Flores, S., Steel, G., Sosa, C., Martínez, S. y Aleman, M. (2011) “Territorio, actores y estrategias de desarrollo”, Cuaderno de Investigación (research hand-out), Serie “Territorio, actores y desarrollo” 40. Sosa, C. and G. Steel (2010) Rutas de desarrollo: Perspectivas y estrategias de vida de los jóvenes rurales en Matiguás y Muy Muy. Fieldwork report for Nitlapan. Steel, G. (2010) De straatverkopers van Cuzco in TE GAST IN Peru en Bolivia. Nijmegen: Informatie Verre Reizen VOF. ACADEMIC RESEARCH ACTIVITIES Scholarships and Grants 2013 Joint Research Program HERA (Humanities in the European Research Area), open competition Joint Research Program on Cultural Encounters, project title “Traces of belonging: migrants’ material culture in urban public space” (fundable but excluded for budgetary reasons). 2010 Post doctoral Fellow FWO (Research Foundation Flanders), open competition individual postdoctoral research projects, project title “Moving out of poverty: dream or reality for young Peruvians?” (fundable but excluded for budgetary reasons). 2008 Publishing Grant Juriaanse Stichting for publishing PhD dissertation (1700€). 2003-2008 PhD research grant NWO-WOTRO (Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research), open competition research projects, grant number W 01.65.2012.00, project title “Incatourism in the Andean Highlands: prospects and ambivalences of the idea of sustainable tourism (Bolivia, Peru)”, submitted on behalf of Prof. dr. J.M. Baud (four years’ salary + 18 months field research costs). 4 2001 Field research grant LUSTRA-LUF (Leiden University Fund) for Master research in Bolivia. Refereeing and advisory boards Jury member NALACS Thesis Award (2013). Jury member selection committee North-South projects, province of Antwerp (2013). Member of the Latin American commission of Broederlijk Delen (2009-2014). Refereeing for: IDPR, Geoforum, Annals of Tourism Research, Human Organization, Childhood and Built Environment. Field experience March 2014 Field research in Cuenca, Ecuador. Migration and urban development in the city of Cuenca, Ecuador. December 2011 Field research in Cuenca, Ecuador. Elite migration to Cuenca , Ecuador. August 2010 Field visit to Cajamarca, Peru. Project formulation of a VLIR UOS research and training project on responsible mining in Peru, Cajamarca. February 2009, 2011 and January-February 2010 Field research in Matiguás and Muy Muy, Nicaragua. Action research on livelihood strategies and perspectives of rural youth in Nicaragua. Participation in a VLIR UOS research and training project on generating knowledge and strengthening synergies for rural development. A pilot project for an innovative approach to social learning in Muy Muy and Matiguás, Nicaragua. June 2007 and August 2008 Field research in Cusco, Peru. Follow up research on livelihood strategies and social mobility among street vendors in Cusco. Presentation of PhD results. March 2005 till October 2005 and February 2004 till October 2004 Field research in Cusco, Peru. PhD field research on livelihood strategies and social mobility among street vendors in the tourist streets of Cusco. November 2003 Field research in Cusco, Peru. Explorative field research for PhD project on Inca tourism in the Andes. 5 November 2001 - April 2002 Field research in Sucre and Northern Potosi, Bolivia. Dissertation project on livelihood strategies of lama pastoralists in the Peruvian Andes. Conference participations Steel, G. and C. Sosa (2012), "Espacios de negociación: jóvenes rurales y sus estrategias de independencia en Muy Muy y Matiguás, Nicaragua" at 54 ICA, International Congress of Americanists, “Building Dialogues in the Americas”, Vienna (Austria), 15-20 July 2012. Steel, G. and J. Schapendonk (2012), chair workshop “Diasporas, geopolitics and migration and development” at Knowledge for Development Symposium “New Donors, New Investments: New Development? Beyond the Millennium Development Goals”, Utrecht, January 27, 2012. Steel, G. (2011), “Qualitative Research”, invited lecture at University of Cuenca, Ecuador, December 6, 2011. Steel, G. (2011) discussant of the session “People on the move: life trajectories and the question of improvement” at “Contested mobility, commodities and policies across Latin America and the Caribbean”, Leiden, 13-14 October 2011. Steel, G. (2011) chair of the session “People on the move: legalities and transnationalism” at “Contested mobility, commodities and policies across Latin America and the Caribbean”, Leiden, 13-14 October 2011. Steel, G. and K. Houtman (2011) “Mining and tourism: neo-liberal investments and livelihoods of displaced people in Cajamarca and Cusco, Peru” paper presented at “people make place, SIEF 2011”, Lisbon, Portugal, 17-21 April 2011. Klaufus, C. and G. Steel (2010) “Displacement by/for development in two Andean cities” paper presented at “the 2010 Congress of the Latin American Studies Association”, Toronto, Canada, 6-9 October 2010. Steel, G. (2009) chair of the workshop “The impact of the economic crisis on opportunities to benefit tourism” at Knowledge for development symposium “The Geographical Realities of Development: The World Bank Development Report 2009 and the Impact of the Economic Crisis on the Global South”, Utrecht, November 6, 2009. Steel, G. (2009) “Local encounters with globetrotters: tourism and translocal development among street vendors in the city of Cusco” paper presented at “The Urban Poor: Mobilities and Mobilization” An International Conference in Honour of Professor P.J.M. Nas. Leiden University, 23-25 September 2009. Steel, G. (2009) “Whose Paradise? Political repression and resistance of street vendors in the tourist streets of Cusco, Peru”, paper presented at “Participation, poverty and power” conference organised by Human Development and Capability Association, Lima (Peru), 10-12 September 2009. Steel, G. (2009) “Fotografía como metodología de investigación antropológica” invited lecture at Ciclo de Charlas, Maestría en Antropología Visual. PUCP Lima, 8 September 2009. 6 Steel, G. (2009) “Social mobility and inclusive development planning: the case of rural migrants in the city of Cusco, Peru, paper presented at IDPR Anniversary Symposium, University of Liverpool, 7-8 April 2009. Steel, G and Simon, B. (2008) “Toerisme in Peru: zegen of noodlot?, invited lecture CEDLA (Amsterdam), 19 December 2008. Steel, G. (2008) “Carreras vulnerables: vendedores ambulantes y el turismo en el Cusco”, invited lecture “Centro Bartolomé de las Casas in Cusco (Peru) 29 August 2008. Steel, G.(2007) “Performing the City: Tourism and Street Vendors in Cusco”, paper presented at Tourism conference “indigenous cultures, heritage and tourism in Latin America. Between globalization and local development, organized by CEDLA in Amsterdam, 14-15 June 2007. Steel, G. (2006) “Sweeping hawkers from the scene: tourism and itinerant street vending in Cusco”, paper presented at SLAS Annual Conference, organized by University of Nottingham in Nottingham, 31 March –2 April 2006. Steel, G. and A. Ypeij (2005) “Poverty, Culture and social exclusion in tourist Cusco, Peru”, at 104th Annual Meeting of the AAA, Washington DC, November 30 - December 4, 2005. Steel, G. (2005) “Turismo y vendedores ambulantes: el caso de los jóvenes que venden en el centro turístico de la ciudad de Cusco”, at “Seminario Internacional Turismo, Pobreza y Desarrollo”, organizad by CEDLA, SNV, UDT in Sucre (Bolivia) 27-29 October 2005. Steel, G. (2005) “Turismo y vendedores ambulantes: en la ciudad de Cusco”, conference organized by Colegio Andino, Centro Bartolomé de las Casas, Cusco (Peru) 14 October 2005. Steel, G. (2005) “El impacto del turismo en las estrategias de sustento de los vendedores ambulantes en Cusco”, at “La antropología ante el Perú de hoy, IV Congreso Nacional de Investigaciones en Antropología”, organized by Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos and Universidad Católica de Perú, in Lima (Peru), 1-6 August 2005. Steel, G. (2004) ‘Cusco and its two faces: tourism and poverty’ at the CEDLA seminar ‘Between Sustainable Tourism and Local Development: Prospects and Paradoxes’, Amsterdam, 8-10 December 2004. Steel, G. (2004) ‘La lucha por sobrevivir de los ambulantes en turismo’ at seminar organised by ‘Centro Bartolomé de las Casas’ and CEDLA, ‘Ruta Andina de turismo y desarrollo sostenible’, 27 of May 2004 in Casa Campesina, Cusco. 7