Gospel Reading: Luke 10:25-37 Liturgy Schedule
Gospel Reading: Luke 10:25-37 Liturgy Schedule
15th Sunday in Ordinary Time—July 10, 2016 • XV Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario—07.10.2016 Liturgy Schedule Weekend Masses Saturday: 5PM Vigil Sunday: 7:30AM, 9AM, 11AM, 1PM Spanish, 6PM Life Teen Weekday Liturgies (English) Mass 9AM: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Liturgy of the Word: 9AM Tuesday Anointing of the Sick with Mass (English) 9AM First Saturday of the Month Reconciliation (English and Spanish) Saturdays 3-4:30PM or by appointment Gospel Reading: Luke 10:25-37 There was a scholar of the law who stood up to test him and said, "Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?" Jesus said to him, "What is written in the law? How do you read it?" He said in reply, "You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your being, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself." He replied to him, "You have answered correctly; do this and you will live." But because he wished to justify himself, he said to Jesus, "And who is my neighbor?" Jesus replied, "A man fell victim to robbers as he went down from Jerusalem to Jericho. They stripped and beat him and went off leaving him half-dead. A priest happened to be going down that road, but when he saw him, he passed by on the opposite side. Likewise a Levite came to the place, and when he saw him, he passed by on the opposite side. But a Samaritan traveler who came upon him was moved with compassion at the sight. He approached the victim, poured oil and wine over his wounds and bandaged them. Then he lifted him up on his own animal, took him to an inn, and cared for him. The next day he took out two silver coins and gave them to the innkeeper with the instruction, 'Take care of him. If you spend more than what I have given you, I shall repay you on my way back.' Which of these three, in your opinion, was neighbor to the robbers' victim?" He answered, "The one who treated him with mercy." Jesus said to him, "Go and do likewise." Parish Information 141 156th Avenue SE Bellevue, WA 98007 425-747-4450 www.stlouise.org See page 10 for a full listing of Parish Staff. Consulte la página 10 para obtener una lista completa de Personal de la Parroquia. Parish Office Hours Monday: 9AM-6PM (closed between 12:30-1:30PM) Tuesday thru Friday: 9AM-7PM Saturday: 10AM-2PM Sunday: Closed From the Pastor • Del Pastor Dear Friends of St. Louise, Queridos Amigos de Santa Luisa: I am currently reading a book entitled “A Church on the Move,” by Joe Paprocki. The subtitle is, “52 Ways to Get Mission and Mercy in Motion.” In brief, practical chapters he lists the 52 ways he believes the Church needs to move, away from something and then toward something else, in order to move successfully into the future. Estoy leyendo un libro llamado “Una Iglesia que se Mueve,” de Joe Paprocki. El subtítulo es: “52 Maneras para poner en marcha la Misión y la Misericordia.” En capítulos breves y prácticos, el autor señala las 52 maneras en las que cree que la Iglesia necesita moverse, lejos de ciertas cosas y hacia algo diferente, para poder avanzar exitosamente hacia el futuro. For example, Chapter 19 is called From Clinging to the Past to Making Way for the Future. This chapter focuses mostly on how important it is for those of us who have been at ministry for a while not to be afraid to step aside and allow young adults to step forward – even though this means that they might do things differently than what we have done. Paprocki quotes an article entitled “7 Simple and Smart Reasons to Hire Millennials” from a June 20, 2013, publication called On Careers: Por ejemplo, el Capítulo 19 se llama No Aferrarse al Pasado, Hacer Lugar para el Futuro. Este capítulo se enfoca principalmente en lo importante que es para aquellos de nosotros que ya hemos estado en el ministerio por un tiempo, el no tener miedo de hacernos a un lado y permitir a los jóvenes avanzar al frente– aún si eso significa que hagan las cosas de manera diferente de como nosotros lo hemos hecho. Paprocki cita un artículo titulado “7 Sencillas Razones para Contratar Jóvenes del Milenio” de una publicación de Junio de 2013, llamada Acerca de las Carreras: Young adults are “eager to learn, are tech savvy and innovative, look at things in a different light, are adaptive, and are team players.” It goes without saying that all these qualities are what we need as a Church. Los jóvenes están “ansiosos por aprender, son muy buenos para la tecnología, innovadores, ven las cosas bajo una luz diferente, son adaptables y saben trabajar en equipo.” No hace falta decir que todas esas cualidades son las que necesitamos como Iglesia. The St. Louise Parish Pastoral Council took a small step in this direction and now has a high school representative! If we want to see youth and young adults serve, we need to invite them personally and then take seriously their commitment to serve – and not be afraid of the insights that they may offer. El Consejo Pastoral de Santa Luisa dio un pequeño paso en esta dirección y ahora tiene un representante de high school! Si queremos ver a los jóvenes sirviendo, necesitamos invitarlos personalmente y tomar en serio su compromiso para servir – sin tener miedo de las ideas que puedan ofrecer. Have a restful summer! Que tengan un verano relajado! Fr. Gary Zender Padre Gary Zender Fr. Gary will be away on retreat starting Sunday afternoon, July 10, and will be back in the parish on Saturday, July 16. El Padre Gary estará en un retiro desde el domingo 10 de julio en la tarde, y regresará a la parroquia el sábado 16 de julio. Deacon Chris Hoiland will preach at all the Masses except the Lifeteen Mass next weekend. (He has a commitment with the seminarians that he needs to attend next Sunday evening.) El Diácono Chris Hoiland dará la prédica en todas las Misas el próximo domingo, excepto la Misa de los Jóvenes (Lifeteen). (Tiene que asistir a un compromiso con los seminaristas el domingo en la noche). 2 WELCOME to St. Louise Parish If you are new here, a returning Catholic, or have been a member and don’t feel connected, contact our Parish Office at 425-747-4450 to find out more information about the parish. If you are interested in registering, fill out an information card, found at the welcome desk in the main vestibule of the church, and drop it in the collection basket, or register online at www.stlouise.org. BIENVENIDO a Santa Luisa Si eres nuevo aquí, un regresando católica, o ha sido miembro y no se sienten conectados, póngase en contacto con nuestra Oficina Parroquial al 425-747-4450 para obtener más información acerca de la parroquia. Si usted está interesado en registrarse, llenar una tarjeta de información, que se encuentra en la recepción de bienvenida en el vestíbulo principal de la iglesia, y colóquelo en la canasta de la colecta, o registrarse en línea en www.stlouise.org. Parish Seeks Part-time Bilingual Admin Assistant St. Louise Parish is looking for a responsible, highly organized and bilingual person (English-Spanish) to provide administrative services in support of the Pastor and Pastoral Associate. Will also provide support for the parish Welcoming and Hospitality Ministry. The ideal candidate must have strong fundamental computer and software skills, dependable attendance and the ability to maintain a positive attitude while being able to multitask in a busy environment. Must have good interpersonal skills, and be willing to work some weekends and evenings. Requires a high school diploma or equivalent; 2+ years of related administrative experience; or equivalent combination of education and experience. Also requires proficiency with PC and Microsoft Office products including Microsoft Outlook. If you are interested, email your resume to [email protected], drop off a copy at the Parish Office front desk, or mail it to Attention: Esther Lucero-Miner at 141 156th Ave SE Bellevue, WA 98007. Forever Young A Group for 55+ and/or Retired Our next meeting is Wednesday, September 28. Activities and Outings Thursday, September 15, wine tasting at Chateau Ste. Michelle Winery followed by lunch. To make your reservation for this outing please contact Bob Leingang, 425-643-0779 or [email protected]. This Week In Our Parish Esta Semana en Nuestra Parroquia SATURDAY, JULY 9 10AM Hispanic Leadership - Parish Center 3:30PM Family Ministry - Parish Hall, stay for 5PM Mass then pizza and salad supper in the Parish Hall SUNDAY, JULY 10 - 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time 10:30-11:30AM Drop-in Scripture Study - CWA Lynden Service Immersion Trip all week MONDAY, JULY 11 TUESDAY, JULY 12 WEDNESDAY, JULY 13 THURSDAY, JULY 14 7PM Adult Faith Formation - Parish Center FRIDAY, JULY 15 9:45AM Legion of Mary - Elbert Library 10AM Gospel of Life - Parish Center 6:30PM Renewed in Christ Prayer Gp - St. Louise Rm 7PM Emaus Prayer Group (Sp.) - Church SATURDAY, JULY 16 6PM St. Louise Indian Community - St. Louise Room SUNDAY, JULY 10 - 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time 10:30-11:30AM Drop-in Scripture Study - CWA Young Adult Ministry Ages 20s and 30s Tuesday, July 26, 7PM St. Louise Young Adult Potluck/Meeting in the Parish Center. Contact [email protected]. Small Groups: Young Adults Small Groups of Eastside. One group meets each Tuesday at 7PM in the St. Madeleine Sophie Youth Room to reflect on the upcoming Sunday’s Gospel and how this Gospel speaks to us as young adults. If interested, contact [email protected]. Wednesdays in Summer St. Joseph (Issaquah) YA Summer Yoga Series. Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30PM in the St. Joseph Parish Center. Suggested donation $5 per class. Contact [email protected]. Save the Dates: October 22 and 23 Young Adult Retreat. Watch this column for further details. Visit groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/slya/info to sign up for email updates. 3 Activities and Events 4 Activities and Events Parish School Auction— Advertisers wanted We have begun designing the event catalog and we need your contributions! Consider placing an ad in the 2016 auction catalog or purchasing a Student Spotlight. Ad space starts at $150; your ad will be seen by hundreds of families! The Student Spotlight is a special memento for 8th grade families; for $50 you can honor your 8th grader’s transition to becoming a St. Louise alum. Print and fill out a procurement form found at www.stlouiseschool.org/ auction, or contact [email protected]. DON’T FORGET TO save the date for the St. Louise Parish School Auction, “Up & Away – A Red and Black Soirée ,” November 12, 2016, at the new Seattle Marriott in Bellevue. We are making changes that will lift us to the goal of sustaining the St. Louise Parents’ Club with $200,000 in support of salaries, programs, grants and technology! If you are interested in volunteering, sponsoring, or making an item donation, please see our website www.stlouiseschool.org/auction, or contact the auction office at [email protected]. Thank you for your support! St. Louise Charger Cards Charger Cards is a scrip fundraiser that our parish and school participate in yearround. St. Louise buys gift cards at a discount from a supplier and offers them for sale at face value. The difference in cost is what St. Louise keeps as a profit for our parish school. The average profit is $5 for every $100 of gift card. This is a unique fundraiser because you buy gift cards for stores that you already use. It’s a rare fundraiser that doesn’t ask you to buy anything you don't already buy! The idea is that families buy groceries and gas (or spend at restaurants or other stores) that are in their normal budget. Instead of paying with a check or cash at the store, you pay with a gift card that you purchased from St. Louise. This way St. Louise School earns a small percentage of every normal purchase you make. Charger Cards are available outside the church today. There are hundreds of stores to select from. It's guaranteed that there is at least one store you are planning to shop at this week that you could first buy from St. Louise. Help Serve Coffee and Donuts Coffee and donuts is an important ministry of hospitality at St. Louise! Individuals, families and groups volunteer for a specific weekend, coming early Sunday morning to help set up, serve and clean up after the morning Masses. It’s a little thing that makes a big difference in making this parish feel like a community. If you and your group can help on a Sunday, please contact Michael Johnson in the Parish Office at 425-747-4450 x5460 or [email protected]. Help Support St. Louise’s Food Bank Donations for the St. Vincent de Paul food pantry here at St. Louise are always needed. Your donations keep our food bank stocked and ready for those in need. You are invited to bring nonperishable food items when you come to church and place them in the food bin located in the main vestibule. Other needed items that people can't get with food stamps and we are most in need of include dish soap, toilet paper, deodorant, shampoo, shaving cream, razors and laundry detergent. St. Louise Exercise Program MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY, 7:15-8AM TUESDAY, THURSDAY 6-7PM Join the St. Louise Exercise Program! Have fun while getting in shape and reducing stress! The St. Louise Exercise Program meets mornings, 7:15-8AM Monday, Wednesday and Friday and evenings, 6-7PM Tuesday and Thursday, in the Lavelle Gym. We offer a well-balanced class with stretching, toning, and sustained heart-rate exercise using STEPS and routines. Cost is only $3.00 per class. (The fun is included at no extra charge.) Instructor is Beth O’Rourke for the morning and Pam Rains, ACE Certified, for evening classes. Call Kathy Riley, 425-214-5466, to register or for more information. Charger Cards are typically available on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month between morning Masses. Thank you for your support of St. Louise School with your purchase of Charger gift Cards. 5 Faith Formation and Youth and Young Adult Ministry CROWD Summer Happenings ALL INCOMING 6TH GRADERS ARE WELCOME! 7/10-7/16 (Sun-Fri) - Lynden Service Immersion Trek. Please pray for our Lynden Trekkers during our mission to serve the migrant farmworker community this week! 7/21 (Thurs) - Meet at Crossroads Park at 4PM to throw Frisbees, play volleyball or soccer and just hang out! 8/25 (Thurs) - Back-to-School Movie Night! Please bring a snack to share and an age-appropriate movie to vote on. for High School Youth Life Teen Summer Happenings All incoming Freshmen are welcome! 7/20 (Wed) - “ICED” Coffeehouse at 7PM in the Hub. Cool off and come share your God-given gifts through music, dance, art, poetry, photography, etc.! 7/24-7/30 (Sun-Sat) - Yakima Service Immersion Trek. Please pray for our Yakima Trekkers during our mission to serve the Yakima Nation community this week! 8/3 (Wed) - Fun and Fancy Dinner Out! Dress to the nines and bring $10 to contribute towards a dinner together at Tutta Bella in Crossroads - please contact Annarose by July 31 if you would like to participate. 8/7-8/13 (Sun-Sat) - Tijuana Service Immersion Trek. Please pray for our Tijuana Trekkers during our mission to serve in Tijuana, Mexico, this week! 8/24 (Wed) - Back-to-School Movie Night! Please bring a snack to share and an age-appropriate movie to vote on. For more information on St. Louise’s Youth Ministry visit our website, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter! Website: http://www.stlouise.org/124. Facebook page: St. Louise Youth Ministry. Instagram: stlouiseyouthministry. Twitter: @stlyouthmin. St. Louise School News School Communication The School Office will be closed for the month of July. The office will reopen again daily beginning August 1, from 8AM–3:30PM. Messages will be picked up throughout the school’s summer vacation. You may leave a voicemail at 425-746-4220, or you may email us at info@stlouiseschool. For more information, please visit our website at www.stlouiseschool.org. Enroll your child in St. Louise School for the Fall. St. Louise School has select openings for Fall enrollment. If you are interested in having your child attend St. Louise for the 2016-17 school year, please call the School Office now to schedule a meeting with the principal and to have a campus tour. The primary purpose of St. Louise School is to assist families in the formation of their children as faith-filled people, while providing a quality, Catholic education. Tuition assistance is available based upon need. Please call the School Office, 425-746-4220, to schedule a visit, or if you have additional questions. Learn more at www.stlouiseschool.org. Prayers for Our Youth Please pray for our youth who will be on a Mission Trip this week to Lynden Washington. Youth Confirmation at St. Louise Are you a youth interested in receiving the sacrament of Confirmation at St. Louise? Please note that St. Louise now requires at least ONE year of previous faith formation before enrollment in our year-long Confirmation preparation course! This structure invites our youth to invest in their parish and learn more about the faith community to which they are committing before beginning their year of sacrament-specific instruction. Therefore, if you are at least a sophomore in high school and would like to begin sacrament-specific preparation for Confirmation, please be sure that you have been active in at least one of the following faith formation programs approved by the Archdiocese: Attendance at 75% of our Sunday evening youth ministry programming for the 2015-2016 year. Enrollment in a Catholic high school. An Archdiocesan-approved faith formation curriculum in the home. Please see our page on the St. Louise website at http://stlouise.org/152 for more details. Kindly contact Annarose O'Brien-Wilson, [email protected] or 425-214-5465, with any further questions. 6 Liturgy, Prayer and Worship Jubilee Year of Mercy Reflection FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Could anyone object to Jesus’ supreme lesson in mercy, the parable of the Good Samaritan? Jesus’ devoutly religious audience certainly did! Scant sympathy for anyone foolish enough to travel crimeridden “Jericho Highway” alone. Much sympathy for priest and Levite, hurrying to assigned temple ministry, unwilling to risk ritual impurity through hands-on mercy. No sympathy for Jesus’ scandalous hero. Samaritans were religious apostates and political enemies. Jesus challenges them—and us—to seek God’s presence not only in liturgical beauty but in a fellow traveler’s self-inflicted misfortunes. See God’s presence even in someone outside the law, whose handson mercy springs not from religious obligation but from the heart’s instinctive goodness. Since Jesus became our “Good Samaritan” despite our foolishness and sins, who are we to ration our mercy? “Who is my neighbor?” (Luke 10:29). The next person we see who needs hands-on mercy! No conditions, no limits, no exceptions. Especially in this Jubilee Year of Mercy, Jesus commands, “Go and do likewise” (10:37).—Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. Sick or Homebound or Going into the Hospital? If you are scheduled for surgery or know you will be going into the hospital and would like to be anointed beforehand, please contact Kathy Riley, 425-214-5466, and she will help arrange for you to be anointed. Also call her if you are homebound and wish to receive Eucharist from a Minister to the Sick and Homebound or would like your name on the prayer list. If, in an emergency, you need to see a priest, please call the answering service for the Eastside Catholic Pastoral Ministry: 206-748-1500. They contact the pastoral minister on-call, who will call you back, come to see you, and if you wish, put your name on the list of Catholic patients in the hospital. Current federal guidelines (HIPAA) are intended to protect the privacy of patients in the hospital. This means that the hospital will not give out any information about its patients. The only way we can know that someone is in the hospital and wants the visit of a Eucharistic Minister or chaplain is if YOU tell us. Let Us Pray PLEASE REMEMBER, IN YOUR PRAYERS THIS WEEK, ALL THOSE WHO HAVE ASKED FOR OUR PRAYERS: For the sick. We remember especially: Terry Baker, Alonso Barrientos, Adam Batty, Alexis Bouchard, Christiane Bynum, Cathy Cam, Brian Clements, Joan Colleran, Dagmar Cook, Ken Cook, Marilyn Craver, Mary Farrel, Mari Navarre Fink, Analisa Garcia, Fabio Gobbo, Margo Gockel, Frank Hale, Patti Hanson, Fred Healy, Elena Javelona, Olivia Ruth Jones, Leorna Joyce, Kay Landau, Paul MacDonald, John Miner, Leona Muller, Virginia Navarre, Abe Pachikara, Dick Partington, Tony Partington, Willy Smith, Steve Sutton, Fred Tuazon, Kay Vaux, Hao Vu, Laurie Ann Wilbert, Jeremy Wysong, Brian Zamora. This Week’s Mass Intentions Monday, July 11, 9AM Margie Budig, Deceased Joseph Barry Kolb, Deceased Micae Tran Van Thong, Deceased Maria Do Thi Nhung, Deceased Archbishop J. Peter Sartain, Spec. Int. Wednesday, July 12, 9AM Mike Dondanville, Deceased Jim Spadoni, Deceased Olga Marrero, Spec. Int. Thursday, July 13, 9AM Jamie Tachiyama, Deceased Dalila Visbal, Deceased Mari Navarre-Fink, Spec. Int. Fred Tuazon, Spec. Int. John Daly, Spec. Int. Friday, July 14, 9AM Karen Howard Deceased Antonio Lucero, Deceased John & Paul Bauer, Deceased Abe Pachikara, Spec. Int. John Miner, Spec. Int. Next Sunday Presiders— Próximo Domingo Celebrantes SATURDAY, JULY 16 5PM Fr. Fabian / Dcn Chris SUNDAY, JULY 17 7:30AM Fr. Fabian/ Dcn Chris 9AM Fr. Gary / Dcn Chris 11AM Fr. Gary / Dcn Chris 1PM Fr. Gary / Dcn Chris 6PM Fr. Fabian For the dead. We remember especially: Theresa Gajer Elisa Kokesh, mother of Gina Haines. Funeral Mass Friday, July 15 at 10:30AM. 7 Stewardship • La Corresponsabilidad Our Financial Gifts SUNDAY, JULY 3, 2016 Offertory $72,165.61 Other collections and donations: Building Fund ................................$1504.00 Children's ........................................$305.84 Flowers .............................................$70.00 Holy Day ...........................................$60.00 Improvement ...................................$190.00 Social Concerns..............................$625.00 St. Vincent de Paul ......................$1,180.00 Peter’s Pence .................................$530.00 Donations........................................$221.00 Thank you for your generosity! 2016 Annual Catholic Appeal Donations Here are our ACA numbers after week 10: Number of Households that have Pledged: 607 (this time last year we had 643) Our Annual Catholic Appeal Goal: $266,583 (last year it was $282,967) Amount Raised to Date including pledges and one-time gifts: $236,253 – 89% of Goal reached (this time last year we had $247,382 – 87% of Goal) Amount Received to Date: $152,034 – 64% fulfillment (this time last year we had $166,607 – 67% fulfillment) Archdiocesan Annual Catholic Appeal Stewardship Reflection 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time “Jesus said to him, ‘Go and do likewise.’” Luke 10:37 This was Jesus’ command at the end of the Good Samaritan story. But did you know that the Samaritans and Jews despised each other? The moral of the story is to love our neighbor, who may be someone you don’t know, someone who looks different than you or someone you don’t like, without expecting anything in return. —————————————————————— 150 Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario "Jesús le dijo:" Ve y haz tú lo mismo. "" Lucas 10:37 Este fue el mandato de Jesús al final de la historia del Buen Samaritano. Pero ¿sabías que los samaritanos y Judíos se despreciaban entre sí? La moraleja de la historia es que amemos a nuestro vecino, que puede ser alguien que no conoces, alguien que se ve diferente a tí o alguien que no te gusta, sin esperar nada a cambio. Your gift to the Annual Catholic Appeal is still needed! Thank you to all who have responded to the needs of our Church in Western Washington through the 2016 Annual Catholic Appeal. One person or parish could not possibly accomplish all that needs to be done for the more than 60 ministries and services of the Annual Catholic Appeal. Gifts of any amount are welcome; your gift will make everything possible. It is not too late to pledge or donate, if you haven’t already done so! Return your pledge envelope today or donate online: www.seattlearchdiocese.org/donate. Be sure to note St. Louise as your parish. —————————————————————————————— ¡Todavía puede hacer su donación a la Petición Católica Anual! ¡Agradecemos a todas las familias que ya han respondido a las necesidades de nuestra Iglesia en el oeste de Washington a través de la Petición Católica Anual 2016. Una persona o parroquia solas no podrían lograr todo lo que se necesita hacer por más de 60 ministerios y servicios de la Petición Católica Anual. Sus donativos de cualquier cantidad que le sea posible son bienvenidos.¡Su contribución lo hará todo posible! Por favor llene un sobre de compromiso hoy o vaya a internet para donar en el siguiente enlace: www.seattlearchdiocese.org/donate. Asegúrese de anotar Santa Luisa como su parroquia. Our Mission As members of St. Louise Catholic Church, our mission is to proclaim the good news of Christ in Word and Sacrament, to build up the prayerful community of believers in all our diversity and to witness God's saving love by ministering to the needs of others. Nuestra Misión Nuestra misión como miembros de la Iglesia Católica de Sta. Luisa, es de proclamar las buenas noticias de Cristo en la Palabra y el Sacramento, para construir la comunidad devota de creyentes en toda nuestra diversidad y para presenciar el amor de Dios atendiendo a las necesidades de otros. 8 Sección español Próximos Bautizos Domingo 7 de AGOSTO, Misa: 1PM - Padre Gary (esta completo) Sábado 13 de AGOSTO, Sacramento solamente 8:30AM - Diácono Abel Magaña Domingo 4 de SEPTIEMBRE, Misa: 1PM – Padre Gary Sábado 10 de SEPTIEMBRE, Sacramento solamente 8:30AM - Diácono Abel Magaña Próximos Clases Bautismales 2016 Padres y padrinos deben completar las 2 clases, en las fechas que más le convengan, los domingos para recibir su constancia. Los que no completen sus clases no podrán bautizar y pasaran hasta la próxima sesión de clases. DOMINGOS: Para bautizos en Agosto, Septiembre y Octubre 7/24 - 7/30, 2:30 pm – 4:30 ***Toda documentación debe estar completa dos semanas antes del bautizo. Sino no podrán bautizar y pasaran a la siguiente fecha. *** Este año las clases bautismales se darán solo 4 veces al año. Para preguntas de registro por favor comuníquese con Nila Agostini, 425-747-4450. Campamento Para Familias La Arquidiócesis de Seattle y la Red de Pastoral Juvenil Hispana le hacen una cordial invitación a la celebración del noveno campamento arquidiocesano anual para familias “La Familia Misionera de la Misericordia de Dios” viernes 26 de agosto a las 5:30PM - domingo 28 a las 2PM. En Campamento Don Bosco Para la familia entera y completamente en español, este es ya una tradición para muchas familias hispanas del Oeste de Washington. Como el titulo lo siguiere, durante este fin de semana tendrá la oportunidad de: Fecha límite de inscripción: 24 de Agosto. Para mayor información o inscribir a su familia, favor de llamar al 206-382-4846. Pasar tiempo juntos como familia Conocer otras familias Celebrar la Eucarística dominical con nuestro Sr. Obispo Eusebio Elizondo Divertirse con su familia y mucho mas... Rincón de Raquel Misa, Cementerios Catolicos Sanar las Heridas del Aborto Provocado Sabado 23 de Julio, 10.30AM Este retiro me ha dado una nueva esperanza y confianza. Mi corazón, que llegó a tener un agujero en él y cadenas alrededor, es ahora libre y dispuesto a aceptar y dar amor. Testimonio de retiro Venga y acompanenos usted y su Familia, a celebrar la Santa Misa en nuestros Cementerios Catolicos. Venga a un Retiro del Viñedo de Raquel™ La Misa en Espanol sera celebrada en el Cementerio de Holyrood el proximo Sabado 23 de Julio a las 10.30 AM. Acompanenos a pedir por nuestros difuntos,que descansen en Paz. Del 7 al 9 de octubre del 2016 (Por favor, llame tan pronto sea posible.) Marisela 206.450.7814 deje un mensaje confidencial ¡Con amor eterno te he amado! El Proyecto Raquel es un programa de la agencia de Catholic Community Services. 9 Pastoral and Administrative Staff Pastor Fr. Gary Zender (habla español) …………………. 425-747-4450 x5463 [email protected] Parish Administrator / Administrador Parroquial Jonathan Taasan ……………………………………425-747-4450 x5473 [email protected] Parochial Vicar / Vicario Parroquial Fr. Fabian MacDonald ………………………………425-747-4450 x5462 [email protected] Administrative Assistant / Asistente Administrativa Rita McHale ………………………………………….425-747-4450 x5470 [email protected] Deacons / Diáconos Bill and Gina Haines ………………………………………...425-214-5383 [email protected] Bookkeeper—Capital Campaign / Contadora—Campaña de Capital Barbara Abbott ………………………………………425-747-4450 x5471 [email protected] Sam Basta ……………………………………………………425-214-5382 [email protected] Parish Receptionists / Recepcionistas Parroquiales Nila Agostini (habla español) ………………………425-747-4450 x5460 [email protected] Michael Johnson ………………………………….425-747-4450 x5460 [email protected] Pastoral Associate / Asociada Pastoral Esther Lucero-Miner (habla español) ……………..425-747-4450 x5461 [email protected] Administrative Assistant for Fr. Gary and Esther Lucero-Miner Asistente Administrativa para el Padre Gary y Esther Lucero-Miner Marissa Escobedo (habla español) ………………425-747-4450 x5476 [email protected] Pastoral Assistants / Asistentes Pastorales Faith Formation, Initiation & Sacraments (English) / Formación en la Fe, Iniciación y Sacramentos (Inglés) Geri Hanley …………………………………………..425-747-4450 x5464 [email protected] Facilities & Maintenance Supervisor / Supervisor de Instalaciones y Mantenimiento Paul Trussell ………………………………………...425-746-4220 x5442 [email protected] Initiation & Sacraments (Spanish) / Preparación Sacramental (español) Sr. Amalia Camacho ………………………………..425-747-4450 x5474 [email protected] Parish School / Escuela Parroquial Principal/Director Dan Fitzpatrick …….…425-746-4220 x5405, [email protected] Hispanic Ministry / Ministerio Hispano Leticia Pickett (habla español) …………………...425-747-4450 [email protected] *Para Primera Reconciliación, Comunión, Confirmación para niños y adultos, contactar Hrma. Amalia Camacho. Para bautizo contactar Nila Agostini, 425-747-4450 x5460, [email protected]. Vice Principal / Subdirectora Mike Fuerte …………425-746-4220 x5406, [email protected] Secretary / Secretaria Lola Bazan and Mindy Morgan………………..…..425-746-4220 x5400 [email protected] and [email protected] Pastoral Care and Advocacy for Annulment Process / Cuidado Pastoral y Defensa del Proceso de Anulación Kathy Riley …………………………………………...425-747-4450 x5466 [email protected] Development Director / Directora de Desarrollo Laura Leach ……..….425-746-4220 x5403, [email protected] Cindy Wagner….…..425-746-4220 x5386, [email protected] Music Ministry / Ministerio de la Música Lynette Basta ………………………………………..425-747-4450 x5467 [email protected] Youth Ministry / Ministerio para Jóvenes Annarose O’Brien-Wilson (habla español) ………..425-747-4450 x5465 [email protected] Pastoral Counseling Cathy Callans, MA, LMHCA …………………………………425-614-6225 [email protected] Eastside Pastoral Care Ministry/ Ministerio de Cuidado Pastoral Eastside ………..……..206-748-1500 Anyone who has any concerns or allegations related to the safety and wellbeing of our children regarding clergy or lay leaders in the Archdiocese of Seattle should contact the special hotline at 1-800-446-7762. • Cualquiera que tenga alguna inquietud o alegatos relacionados con la seguridad y el bienestar de nuestros niños en relación al clero o líderes laicos en la Arquidiócesis de Seattle puede llamar a la línea especial 1-800-446-7762. If you are interested in having an announcement published in the bulletin, please visit the parish website to read the bulletin publishing guidelines. Questions: email [email protected]. • Si está interesado en tener un artículo publicado en el boletín, visite por favor el sitio web de la parroquia www.stlouise.org, para leer las pautas editoriales para el boletín. ¿Preguntas? Email [email protected]. 10 Around the Archdiocese A Summer Ignatian Retreat "A Pilgrimage of the Heart" FRIDAY, JULY 22-2PM - SUNDAY, JULY 24, 2PM Archbishop Brunett Retreat Center at the Palisades, Federal Way Retreat Presenters: Marilyn Nash and Paul Cochran, S.J. (with Peter Ely, S.J. and Pat Kelly, S.J., assisting) Please register by July 5 for the Early Bird rate! Final Registration needs to be in by July 12. Take the time this summer to rest, renew your soul, and soak in silence on the shores of Puget Sound with this silent 3-day Ignatian retreat at the beautiful Archbishop Brunett Retreat Center at the Palisades in Federal Way. This silent retreat will offer stirring and relevant presentations based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, followed by abundant time for silent reflection and prayer opportunities for individual spiritual direction, evening prayer and sharing in the Eucharist. COST: Residential retreat is full. Contact Carolyn to be put on wait list. REGISTER: By July 12 at www.ignatiancenter.org. Space is limited! For info contact Carolyn, 206-329 4824 [email protected]. Sponsored by Ignatian Spirituality Center, Seattle. Ministry Discernment Workshop WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3, 7-9PM Sacred Heart Parish, Bellevue - Parish Office Conference Room. Through Scripture study, prayer, and small group discussions, discover how God is calling you to a deeper, more intentional commitment to discipleship and ministry. Based on the work of Sherry Weddell and the Catherine of Siena Institute, this workshop will give an overview of the different stages of discipleship/conversion and introduce the notion of discerning and applying our spiritual gifts. This 2-hour workshop is facilitated by Carla Loucks, Executive Director of Cabrini Ministry Training, who has over 20 years’ experience in adult faith formation and catechesis. Contact [email protected] or 206-760-0583 x3 for more information or to sign up. No charge. Warriors Healing Retreat Are you someone who has experienced Post-Traumatic Stress or Moral Injury from your service in the armed forces? These wounds go deeper than psychological, and can only be truly healed by the sacred touch of Jesus Christ. The Warriors Healing Retreat will address these wounds and offer such healing on Saturday, July 16, 9AM-6PM at American Lake VA Hospital, Building 111, 9600 Veterans Drive SW, Lakewood, WA 98493. The cost is $10.00 for lunch plus a free-will offering. Contact Fr. Charles, 206-764-2033 or [email protected], to register.
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