Mandanteninformation EN (Stand 2013.12.31)


Mandanteninformation EN (Stand 2013.12.31)
1998, Code of Disciplinary Procedures of 3
March 1994.
Stiehl & Schmitt Rechtsanwälte
Rohrbacherstrasse 28 I 69115 Heidelberg
The professional rules applicable in Spain may
be accessed in Spanish and Catalan on the
website of the Barcelona Bar Association
( under the section 'El Colegio Normativa'.
Germany. Federal Lawyers' Act (BRAO), Rules of
Professional Practice (BORA), Rules of
Specialisation (FAO), Lawyer Fees Regulation
The professional rules applicable in Germany
may be accessed in English on the website of
the German Federal Bar Association
( under the section 'Berufsrecht'.
Europe. Furthermore are applicable the
professional rules of the Council of Bars and
Law Societies of Europe (CCBE).
The professional rules and the CCBE Code of
Conduct may accessed in English on the website
of the CCBE ( under the section
'CCBE Code of Conduct'.
professional insurance
DUAL Ibérica Riesgos Profesionales, S.A.U., C/
Alfonso XII, 32, 28014 Madrid (Spain) for
account of Arch Insurance Company (Europe)
Ltd. and Liberty Insurance Europe Ltd. as well as
Mapfre Group. The insurance complements the
collective insurance of the Barcelona Bar
Association. Coverage: European Union
Bergemann-Gorski Conradi Kazempour Weber
Siegfriedstrasse 11 I 67547 Worms
Dr. Erich Garz & Michael Lerch Rechtsanwälte
Friedberger Anlage 27 I 60316 Frankfurt am Main
Said professionals are independent and
cooperation is occasional being excluded any
partnership or other form of association. The
contractual relationship is constituted in each case
directly with said professionals to the exclusion of
any contractual link to our law firm.
extrajudicial conciliation
In case of controversy between lawyer and client
you may apply for extrajudicial conciliation to the
competent bar:
Spain. Junta de Gobierno del Ilustre Colegio de
Abogados de Barcelona (art. 46 è of the Regulation
of the Customs and Practices of the Catalan
Lawyers), website:
Germany. Rechtsanwaltskammer Frankfurt am
Main (§ 73 para. 2 nº 3 and § 73 para. 5 BRAO),
website: or Arbitration Board of the
German Lawyers (§ 191 f. BRAO) of the German
Federal Bar Association, website:
place of jurisdiction
For others than consumers the place of jurisdiction
is the city of Barcelona (Spain) being the solicitor
free to sue at the domicile of the client.
Auditing, Tax & Accounting
Audigestión Auditores Asociados
C/ Pau Claris, 70, 4º C I E-08010 Barcelona
Labour & Personell Accounting
DAE Gabinet Laboral
C/ Padilla, 327-329 en. 68 I E-08025 Barcelona
Paseo de Gràcia, 74, 2-1A I E-08008 Barcelona
Andreas Fuss Abogado & Rechtsanwalt
Andreas Fuss Abogado & Rechtsanwalt
Carrer de Casp, 54 Principal 1ª B
E-08010 Barcelona, Spain
T +34 93 165 14 49 I F +34 93 550 42 44
E [email protected] I
information for clients
information for clients
legal form of the law firm
contact in germany
The information enclosed in this brochure is
provided pursuant to article 22 of the Spanish
Act 17/2009 of 23 November 2009 and is
important for the mandate and contractual
relationship with our law firm.
Independent solicitor, owner of the law office is
Andreas Fuss Abogado & Rechtsanwalt
Rechtsanwalt Michael Lerch
Friedberger Anlage 27
60316 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
T 069 29 72 34 80 I F 069 29 72 34 8-20
Please do not hesitate to contact us under the
contact dates on the reverse of this brochure if
you need any further information.
Registered commercial name: Leywerk
professional titles and bar
representation of intests in conflict
Andreas Fuss was granted the professional title
'Abogado' being as such member of the
Barcelona Bar Association, Spain. Member nº
30.035. Contact details: Ilustre Colegio de
Abogados de Barcelona, C/ Mallorca, 283,
E-08037 Barcelona, Spain, Email: [email protected] I
Solicitors are not allowed to represent and
defend interests in conflict (Spain: Article 4.7
Code of conduct of the Catalan Lawyers,
Germany: § 43a Abs. 4 BRAO). We therefore
verify in each case the existence of a conflict
of interest prior to the acceptance of the
Andreas Fuss was also granted the professional
title 'Rechtsanwalt' being as such member of the
Bar Association of Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Member nº 135.275 Contact details: Rechtsanwaltskammer Frankfurt am Main, Bockenheimer Anlage 36, D-60322 Frankfurt am Main,
Germany, Email: [email protected] I Internet:
applicable law
VAT identification number
ES X6073592M
Andreas Fuss Abogado & Rechtsanwalt
The contractual relationship is governed by
and construed in accordance with the laws of
the Kingdom of Spain.
professional rules
Spain. Charter of the Spanish Lawyers, Code of
Conduct of the Catalan Lawyers, Regulation of
the Customs and Practices of the Catalan
Lawyers of 3 February 1994, Regulation of
Advertisement for Lawyers of 22 December