AfR 19.2016 - Coryell County


AfR 19.2016 - Coryell County
AfR 19.2016
Notice of General Primary Runoff Election, Republican Party ~~d-~~-)
colfYel'i:Co., TEXAS
(Aviso de eleccion prima ria general, partido Republican)
To the Registered Voters of the County of Coryell, Texas:
(A los votantes reglstrados del Condado de CoryelL Texas:}
Notice is hereby given that the polling places listed below will be open from 7:00a.m. to 7:00p.m.,
May 24111,2016, for voting in a general primary runoff election for the Republican Party to nominate
Members of Congress, Members of the legislature, and state, district, county and precinct officers;
and for the purpose of electing county and precinct chairs.
(Nitifiquese par Ia presente, que las casillas electorates citadas abajo se abriran desde las 7:00a.m. hasta las 7:00p.m. e/24 de
Mayo de 2016 para votar en fa e/eccion primaria general para el Partido Republican para nombrar altos miembros del
Congreso, los mlembros de Ia Legis/atura, y a los oflcioles del estado, dlstrito, condado y del preclnto; y con el propos/to de efglr
a/ president del condado y del preclnto.)
This election will be held under the newly adopted County wide polling place program. A
voter may vote at any of the following vote centers. You do not have to vote In the precinct
that you live ln.
{Esta elecci6n se celebrara en el recientemente aprobado todo el Condado programa electoral. Coda elector podra
votar en cualquiera de los siguientes centros de votaci6n. Usted no tiene que votar en el precinto electoral en el
cual us ted vive.)
May 24th, 2016 7 am -7 pm
Copperas Cove Civic Center~
Holy Family Catholic Church Copperas Cove AnnexMain Street Annex (Gatesville) Gatesville Civic Center Evant City Hall ~
Turnersville Community Center -
1206 WAve B, Copperas Cove
1201 Veterans Ave, Copperas Cove
201 S znd St, Copperas Cove
801 E leon St, Gatesville
303 Veterans Memorial loop, Gatesville
598 E Hwy 84, Evant
8115 FM 182, Gatesville
Ea~I.Y v~~i~g .by pe~~9nal. ~_ppearan.~ew!H be·co11du.~ted ea_ch day at:
(Lci _v¢t{f~t4_dc!!f~-(6dt}i~a -~n per$i}Q.a ~e lievqra ·q fab~ .ef~ 'Lii~~d~ \ll¢rner~·n·:; -
soi E-:i.epn $tf GatesvilleTX.76S28{Main Street.Annexj
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·1-am ·:7 pm
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Applfca,t/onsfor b(H/ot·by m~ll sho!l be mailed to!
(L~h~t(~i('(ides'pr/r_a b~i~·ia_s -~t/e's~
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Jusl~n· c~r.oth~rs
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AP._pl_ltatJ~r.sJor _b<JIIgt~ by mall must .~e t~cei~ed no lat~r than-the cl()~e O.f·busioe~$ o_n:
(~q$:{6ilci~U.~?s. p_arfk_oicias··q_~,tq :$g ~o.tcitd~ - cif.cusc~c.l9 pdr 'c6rteo_'(J~9¢rq~ r~¢1bif$e -'P§~c cl}lt1 :dq Ia~ h6(.a$ d¢
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May 13·ih; 26 f6
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(8_iliiiiu!(!!. /Jdi<rti~ANtl'.
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· ··
· ··

Documentos relacionados

FEB 1 ·o 20ta - Coryell County

FEB 1 ·o 20ta - Coryell County elector podrd votar en cualqulera de los sigufentes centros de votacl6n. Usted no t;ene que votar en el preclnto electoral en el cual usted vlve.)

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