Las más de 60 postulaciones fueron evaluadas teniendo en cuenta


Las más de 60 postulaciones fueron evaluadas teniendo en cuenta
After a successful call we present with great joy the eleven women’s organizations from
Argentina, Bolivia and Paraguay which have been elected to receive technical and
financial support through the program Fortaleciendo a las Defensoras de Derechos
Ambientales en el Chaco Americano (Strengthening Defenders of Enviromental Rights in
the Chaco Americano). The number as well as the quality of all the received proposals show
the excellent work women’s groups defending and promoting the environmental rights in the
Eco Region of Gran Chaco Americano (ERCHA) accomplish.
Las más de 60 postulaciones fueron evaluadas teniendo en cuenta las características de los
grupos, sus proyectos y los contextos en que se desarrollan. Los grupos seleccionados recibirán
apoyo financiero y técnico por un período inicial de un (1) año con un donativo de entre 2,000
y 8,000 dólares.
We assessed more than 60 proposals while taking in account the characteristics of the
groups, their projects and the context in which they developed. The selected groups obtain
financial and technical support for a starting period of one year receiving a financial support
Here a brief presentation of the new grantees.
- Grupo de Mujeres Artesanas de Santa Rosa
City: Cerrito, Pdte. Hayes, Chaco paraguayo.
Name of the project: Organizational Strengthening of Qom Indigenous Women.
The group is made up of female artisans from the indigenous community Santa Rosa. They
started the group in order to be able to deal and interact with public institutions under better
conditions. Dealing with different paper work they regularly have to visit these public
institutions. They know that as women they have to take responsibility as community leaders
in order to solve local problems. Therefore they have to deal with official institutions although
they have never had the opportunity to gain the right knowledge about how to succeed in this
process. The main goal of the project is to strengthen Qom women’s groups, to consolidate
their leaders, to empower the women of Qom and impact public politics.
- Mujeres Guaraní de Macharety
City: Zona Laguna Negra- District Mariscal Estigarribia- Departament of Boquerón - Chaco
Name of the project: Strengthening Human Rights to safe drinking water
The group was established in 2010 lacking a space to analyze the difficulties indigenous women
in the community and the district had to face. The project aims at the guarantee of safe
drinking water and the good health of indigenous women and their families.
- Equipo de Mujeres Campesinas – Movimiento Campesino de Formosa (MOCAFOR)
City: Pirané – Province of Formosa – Argentina
Name of the project: Healthy Environment
The group Equipo de Mujeres Campesinas started in 1989 in order to strengthen the
participation of rural women in the peasant organization of the Formosa Agricultural
Movement. With the support they will receive they seek to promote the peasant production
model and create awareness about health consequences created by the use of chemicals in
- Comunidad Indígena Guaraní Estación El Tabacal
City: Hipólito Irigoyen – District of Oran- State of Salta- Argentina
Name of the project: Defending our environment and our territory
This group of indigenous women founded in 2001. It brings together families which had been
displaced from their home land. The project seeks to strengthen the fight for the possession
and the recuperation of their homes in the territory of Loma. It furthermore provides
information to women about gender issues and strengthens the culture of the Guaraní.
- Juntas Triunfaremos
City: Invernada Sur- District of Figueroa- Province of Santiago del Estero- Argentina
Name of the project: Mountain flowers
Juntas Triunfaremos was founded in 1995 when for the first time this group of women
gathered in a health center starting the fight for the recognition of their rights. Today, 20 years
later, they continue their work and move forward. They encourage young people to join the
organization hoping for the continuation and the strengthening of the group. The main
objectives in their fight for environmental rights are the recuperation of native seeds which
they are losing, the ending of land clearing and the cutting down of carob and the recuperation
of traditional knowledge. Furthermore they aim to re-establish the practices of their ancestors
caring for and preserving the mountain in order to be able to gain from it food supply and
health support.
- Asociación de Mujeres Unidas por el Progreso y Desarrollo del Municipio de Yacuiba
City: Yacuiba- Gran Chaco- Tarija- Bolivia
Name of the project: Women facing climate change
Since its start in 2003 the women of AMUPPODES MYA build a leading point reference aiming
for the recognition women rights in the community of Yacuiba. The presented project seeks to
increase the knowledge of women about environmental rights and to provide environmental
education in the city of Yacuiba. It furthermore plans activities to impact politics aiming for the
access to natural and economic resources.
- Mujeres Guaraní de la Capitanía Zonal de Karapari
City: Community of Mberirenda – Town of Karapari- Gran Chaco of the District Tarija
Name of the project: Guaraní Women defending environmental rights
The women of the Town of Karapari lack the access to land and their territory. Therefore they
can’t exercise their right to production and sustenance. They are forced to give their
workforce for a negligible salary in order for their families to survive. Therefore they are
depended on big and medium scale land owners. This fact adds to the triple discrimination
which the Guaraní women suffer besides that because of their condition as women, their
cultural identity and their socio-economic situation.
- “Kuñareta Jᾂpo”- Mujeres raíces
City: Santa Clara- District of Santa Bárbara- Province of Jujuy- Argentina
Name of the project: “Yaeka Ñande Rakuere”- Seeking our roots
The group of indigenous Guaraní women of Santa Clara was founded with the objective to
improve the life standard of artisans, small producers and Guaraní speakers by reflecting and
developing activities that promote environmental and women’s rights. Their project focuses
mainly on the recuperation of their mother tongue- ñande ñee- “our language” and the “ñande
ñee”- our culture and the natural supply. Furthermore it focuses on the recuperation of their
land as well as the fight for the respect towards women as responsible teachers of the
language and the Guaraní ancestral knowledge
- MULINEC (Mujeres Libres del Norte Cordobés)
City: District of Tulumba- Province of Córdoba- Argentina
Name of the project: Water, Air and Earth without contamination in the north of Córdoba
Since 2010 a group of women from the district of Tulumba in the North of Córdoba work
united for the recognition of women´s rights in an difficult context lacking economic resources
and opportunities. The main problem they are facing is the lack of safe drinking water and
animal support as well as the increase of air pollution.
- Organización de Mujeres Mismo Indígena (OMMI)
City: Tte. Manuel Irala Fernández- Pdte. Hayes- Chaco paraguayo
Name of the project: Enxet Women impact of public politics
In 2000 a group of Enxet women decided to gather in order to create an organization which
represents them and at the same time provides an opportunity to meet, reflect and debate
about their situation. Right now they are facing the need to impact state politics addressing
the problem of environmental damage. The damage leads to the lack of rain at the one hand
affecting food production and heavy rains at the other hand which leads to flooding and
isolation of the community.
- Mujeres dirigentas de la Asamblea del Pueblo Guaraní (APG)– Zona Yaku-Igüa
City: City of Yacuiba, District of Tarija, Bolivia
Name of the Project: Indigenous Women “Communicators of Life”
La APG Yaku-Igüa started as an organization in the middle of the 90ties. However they set the
15th July of 2004, when they obtained their legal status, as their official date of foundation.
They are working in topics like the fight against precarious working conditions and the
recuperation of the land and their territory. Right now they are fighting in order to work
against the effects of the exploitation of hydrocarbons in this area, which leads to the
contamination of the water and the gradual damage of little areas which pride food.