March 27, 2016 - All Saints Catholic Church


March 27, 2016 - All Saints Catholic Church
Manassas, Virginia
90 Days of Grace:
40 days of Lent / 50 days of Easter
From the Ashes of Lent
to the Fire of a New Pentecost
When the women appear at the empty tomb, they are at first
confused and bewildered. When Peter and John come to the
empty tomb, they are confronted with the remnants of the
burial cloths, neatly wrapped in the tomb. As they begin to
realize that Jesus has indeed risen from the dead, they are
scared and overjoyed.
Christians through the centuries have encountered the
mystery of the Risen Christ. When we realize and take to
heart that Jesus is alive, everything changes. We no longer
live for ourselves, but for others. It can be popular these days
to dismiss the Resurrection as an act of mass paranoia by the
disciples of Jesus. But if this were so, why would the Apostles
be willing to give up their lives in the blood of martyrdom for
something that did not happen and that was not real?
Faith in the Resurrection gives us joy and hope. Since Jesus
has conquered sin and death and overcome them, we can
claim his victory as our own. How will the Resurrection of
Jesus affect you? We have moved from the 40 Days of Lent
through the Paschal Triduum (The Three Days), and now
enter the great 50 Days of the Easter Season.
I wish all of you and your loved ones a very blessed and
joyful Easter season. May these 50 days be a time of great
grace, renewing you in God’s love with the joy of new life
and love.
I will be away this week to visit my parents. My dad has
been sick recently due to old age. I will also baptize a great
nephew (my niece’s newborn son) this coming week while in
Pittsburgh. A wonderful beginning to the Easter season!
On behalf of the priests and deacons, I wish you a joyful
and hope-filled 50 days of the Easter Season which begins
today. A joyful and Happy Easter! Alleluia! Jesus is Risen!
— Father Lee Roos
The 8 days from Easter through the next Sunday, Apr. 3, are
celebrated as an Octave or 8-day celebration in the liturgical
calendar of the Church. Major feasts such as Easter and
Christmas are celebrated as an Octave. The 8th day represents
the new and eternal day of heaven. Alleluia! Christ is Risen!
Readings: 2nd Sunday of Easter
Acts 5:12-16; Rv 1:9-11a, 12-13, 17-19; Jn 20:19-31
March 27, 2016
M ass I ntentions
Solemnity: Monday within the Octave
of Easter
Easter Novena
Susan Navish +
Solemnity: Tuesday within the Octave
of Easter
Claire M. Anders +
Easter Novena
Solemnity: Wednesday within the
Octave of Easter
Easter Novena
Jeffrey Sciscilo +
Solemnity: Thursday within the Octave
of Easter
Ken & Pat Harris
and Fred & Mary Paul, Sr. +
Easter Novena
7:00 am
8:30 am
7:00 am
8:30 am
7:00 am
8:30 am
7:00 am
8:30 am
Solemnity: Friday within the Octave of
[First Friday]
Easter Novena
Julie Meier +
Special intention
Solemnity: Saturday within the Octave
of Easter
Marie Loeffler +
7:00 am
8:30 am
8:00 pm
8:00 am
5:30 pm
7:30 am
9:30 am
2nd Sunday of Easter
(or Sunday of Divine Mercy)
9:30 am [Sp]
11:30 am
1:30 pm [Sp]
5:30 pm
7:00 pm [Sp]
Easter Novena
Rosary Altar Society
Living & deceased of Hadro & Varney
Easter Novena
[at MPCC]
Purgatorial Society
Easter Novena
Michael Chapman +
All parishioners
Sp = Spanish • “+” indicates person is deceased.
MPCC= Manassas Park Community Center
The Sanctuary Candle burns this week in memory of
Domingos F. Pereira.
w w w . a l l s a i n t s va . o r g
Alleluia! He is Risen!
Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord
March 27, 2016
Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Risen Lord Jesus,
As we rejoice on this Easter Day and throughout
the fifty days of the Easter season, do not the words of
the psalmist echo over and over again: “Praise the Lord,
for he is good; for his mercy endures forever” (Ps 136:1)?
God’s mercy is revealed clearly and so intentionally in the
Dying and Rising of His Only-begotten Son, sent to be our
Savior and Redeemer precisely through His victory over
evil, sin, suffering and eternal death.
Yes, “Jesus Christ is the Face of the Father’s
Mercy” (Misericordiae Vultus, 1). In His words and actions, we
see revealed to us how loved we are by Our Father, how
enveloped we are by His mercy. We encounter His mercy
every time we receive the Sacrament of Penance, which
the Risen Lord Jesus instituted and gave to His apostles
and through them to His Church on that first Easter night.
During the Last Supper, Jesus Christ instituted both the
Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist and the Sacrament of
Holy Orders, these sacraments being confirmed, in a sense,
by His Dying on the Cross and by His Rising on Easter.
And in His new commandment to love, the Lord reveals
the depths of His Father’s mercy towards us and of the
corresponding mission given us to be convincing heralds
of this same divine mercy to everyone we encounter.
Yes, in the Dying and Rising of Jesus Christ, the
mercy of Our God is so clearly revealed, so that, in turn,
we become its heralds every day!
Assuring you of my prayers, especially on Easter
and throughout the Easter Season, I remain
Faithfully in the Heart of Christ,
Most Reverend Paul S. Loverde
Bishop of Arlington
This is the day the Lord has made;
let us rejoice and be glad. Alleluia!
School Mass: Thurs., Apr. 7, at 8:30 am. Prepared by Grade 3
(Mrs. Trish Montano and Ms. Elizabeth Reilly).
First Friday: Confessions: 7:00-7:45 pm; Mass: 8:00 pm.
Christian Initation Masses: Sat., Apr. 2
RCIA Candidates for Reception into the Full
Communion of the Catholic Church;
RCIA Completion of Christian Initiation;
and Older First Communion
10:00 am [Bilingual]
1:00 pm [Sp]
Art Bennett, CEO and President of Catholic Charities wrote
to Fr. Lee:
[Thanks to] the Young Adult Group of All Saints and
their excellent work at Christ House last weekend. We
are always amazed by the support we receive and the
commitment to help the poor at All Saints. But coming
all the way out to Alexandria is just incredible. Thank
you … and please let me know who to thank for this
great event.
God bless the work of All Saints and the commitment
to the poor.
Manassas, Virginia
March 27, 2016
 
 
Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord
P arish F estival
FESTIVAL: International Theme — It’s a Small World
Plan on visiting All Saints’ world on Fri.-Sat.,
Apr. 29-30. Food, entertainment, shopping,
games, and lots of fun! Mark your calendar
to have dinner at the festival that weekend
— delicious Bar-B-Q, international cuisine,
burgers and more. RETURNING FOR THE
SECOND YEAR — weather permitting — Fr. Juan is going
to cook his incredible Paella over an open fire on Saturday
for lunch. The Paella was so popular last year that it sold out
within minutes. Read this section weekly to learn more.
The Spring Festival Committee has started to take formation
and will meet on Apr. 7 and Apr. 21 in Meeting Room 2.
Consider coming to the meeting and help to make this
year’s festival a memorable one. Questions? Contact Matt
Lewandowski (703-335-7471 or res 19 qf 7@ verizon . net ).
The festival will be held on Fri., Apr. 29 (5:00 pm – 10:00 pm)
and Sat., Apr. 30 (10:00 am to 9:00 pm). As in years past, setup for the festival begins on the evening of Thurs., Apr. 28.
Below are a few of the ways that you can make All Saints’
festival the best ever.
Gift Baskets Wanted: Gift Baskets last year were fabulous!
Please use your creativity again this year. We are looking for
gift baskets. You can make them as big or little as you want.
They can be food baskets, toy baskets, stationary, themed
as for a baby, get well, congratulations, etc. … We will use
them in a very popular game booth. Thanks to your fabulous
donations, this game booth will generate close to $1,000.
They can be dropped off on Thurs., Apr. 28 in the gym from
6:00–8:00 pm. NEW: Piñatas wanted as additional prizes for
the gift basket booth.
Prizes Wanted: The best prizes for the festival are usually
donated! Can you help delight a child or adult by donating
promotional items, left over stock or anything else that you
or your company may be willing to donate? Have a donation
or question – contact Veronica (703-368-0666 or veronica _
rollins @ yahoo . com ).
Help Wanted: Don’t wait until the last minute. Running
a festival game can be fun! Can you, your family or your
organization help? If your teen needs service hours, this is
a great opportunity. Contact Veronica (703-368-0666 or
veronica _ rollins @ yahoo . com ) to sign up.
Baked Goods Wanted: Bake Shop — It’s time to start
thinking about what you can bake for the ever popular bake
shop. Giant cookies, muffins, sweet rolls, fudge, bar cookies,
your favorite sweet specialty. In addition and in staying
with the festival theme, the bake shop is going to be named
a “French” bakery so if you have any recipes that suit the
theme, please feel free to bake and share! Please wrap items.
Parish Festival White Elephant. The White Elephant sale
needs your donations of clean, good condition housewares,
toys, collectibles, kitchen items, jewelry, sports equipment,
holiday décor, etc. (anything EXCEPT clothing, car seats,
cribs, TV’s, computers, or anything damaged or in need of
repair.) Help the parish while earning a tax deduction for
clearing out your clutter! You can drop donations off on
Mon.–Thurs., Apr. 25–28 from 3:00–7:00 pm in Meeting
Room 2 (next to the Father Kelley Hall, across from the
Knights of Columbus building.) Thanks!
Parish Festival Silent Auction. In search of your Time,
Talent, and/or Treasure! The Silent Auction needs:
• Time: Volunteers to assist auctioneers before, during,
and after the auction;
• Talent: Friendly, persuasive people to recruit donations
from local vendors;
• Treasure: Donations of new or gently used jewelry,
musical instruments, antiques and collectibles. Small
business owners are encouraged to donate services or
Parish Festival Used Book Sale. We welcome donations
of new and used hardback/paperback books, DVDs, video
games, and CDs. Note: We are not accepting VHS tapes,
encyclopedias, software, or software manuals. Please keep in
mind that this is a parish event when selecting your donations.
Drop off time and place are the same as the White Elephant
sale: Mon.–Thurs., Apr. 25–28 from 3:00–7:00 pm at Meeting
Room 2. We cannot accept donations after Thursday! Tax
receipts are available upon request. Thank you so much
for your cooperation and for your donations. Questions?
Contact Cris Davis (703-367-8919 or [email protected])
or Jennifer Miller (703-392-0262 or jennifergmiller@gmail.
Car Raffle. Did you realize that each ticket has a chance to
win cash drawings and 5 vehicles? When a winner is drawn,
their name goes back into the drum for subsequent drawings.
What a deal! And, the money helps to pay for our church!! A
special “thanks” to all who continue to pick up extra tickets.
We’ve paid for the the Civic and 1/2 of the Verano. Additional
packets are available at the parish office daily - don’t forget to
get extras to sell all of your relatives at Easter.
Manassas, Virginia
T he O rigin of the D ivine M ercy I mage
and the C haplet of D ivine M ercy
On February 22, 1931, Our Lord appeared to Saint Maria
Faustina Kowalska, his simple nun, bringing with Him a
wonderful message of Mercy for all mankind. Saint Faustina
tells us in her diary under this date:
In the evening, when I was in my cell, I became aware
of the Lord Jesus clothed in a white garment. One
hand was raised in blessing, the other was touching the
garment at the breast. From the opening of the garment
at the breast there came forth two large rays, one red and
the other pale. In silence I gazed intently at the Lord;
my soul was overwhelmed with fear, but also with great
joy. After a while Jesus said to me, ‘paint an image
according to the pattern you see, with the inscription:
Jesus, I trust in You.’ … I promise that the soul that will
venerate this image will not perish. I Myself will defend
it as My own glory.” (Diary 47-48)
Some time later, Our Lord again spoke to her:
The pale ray stands for the Water which makes souls
righteous; the red ray stands for the Blood which is
the life of souls. These two rays issued forth from the
depths of My most tender Mercy at that time when My
agonizing Heart was opened by a lance on the Cross....
Fortunate is the one who will dwell in their shelter, for
the just hand of God shall not lay hold of him. (Diary 299)
Jesus said later to Sister Faustina:
Say unceasingly this chaplet that I have taught you.
Anyone who says it will receive great Mercy at the hour
of death. Priests will recommend it to sinners as the last
hope. Even the most hardened sinner, if he recites this
H ow
P ray
C haplet
D ivine M ercy
1. Begin with the Sign of the Cross, One Our Father, One
Hail Mary and The Apostles Creed.
2. Then on the Our Father beads say the following:
Eternal Father, I offer You
the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity
of Your dearly beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ,
in atonement for our sins
and those of the whole world.
3. On the 10 Hail Mary beads say the following:
For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on
us and on the whole world. (Repeat step 2 and 3 for
all five decades).
4. Conclude with (three times):
Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One,
have mercy on us and on the whole world.
March 27, 2016
Chaplet even once, will receive grace from My Infinite
Mercy. I want the whole world to know My Infinite
Mercy. I want to give unimaginable graces to those who
trust in My Mercy....” (Diary 687)
When they say this Chaplet in the presence of the dying,
I will stand between My Father and the dying person
not as the just judge but as the Merciful Savior. (Diary
I ndulgences
attached to devotions
in honor of
D ivine M ercy
A plenary indulgence, granted under the usual conditions
(sacramental confession, Eucharistic communion and
prayer for the intentions of Supreme Pontiff) to the
faithful who, on the Second Sunday of Easter or Divine
Mercy Sunday, in any church or chapel, in a spirit that
is completely detached from the affection for a sin, even
a venial sin, take part in the prayers and devotions held
in honour of Divine Mercy, or who, in the presence
of the Blessed Sacrament exposed or reserved in the
tabernacle, recite the Our Father and the Creed, adding
a devout prayer to the merciful Lord Jesus (e.g. Merciful
Jesus, I trust in you!”);
A partial indulgence, granted to the faithful who, at
least with a contrite heart, pray to the merciful Lord
Jesus a legitimately approved invocation.
For those who cannot go to church or the seriously ill
In addition, sailors working on the vast expanse of the
sea; the countless brothers and sisters, whom the disasters
of war, political events, local violence and other such
causes have been driven out of their homeland; the sick
and those who nurse them, and all who for a just cause
cannot leave their homes or who carry out an activity
for the community which cannot be postponed, may
obtain a plenary indulgence on Divine Mercy Sunday,
if totally detesting any sin, as has been said before, and
with the intention of fulfilling as soon as possible the
three usual conditions, will recite the Our Father and
the Creed before a devout image of Our Merciful Lord
Jesus and, in addition, pray a devout invocation to the
Merciful Lord Jesus (e.g. Merciful Jesus, I trust in you).
If it is impossible that people do even this, on the same
day they may obtain the Plenary Indulgence if with a
spiritual intention they are united with those carrying
out the prescribed practice for obtaining the Indulgence
in the usual way and offer to the Merciful Lord a prayer
and the sufferings of their illness and the difficulties of
their lives, with the resolution to accomplish as soon as
possible the three conditions prescribed to obtain the
plenary indulgence.
On the web see w w w . vat i c a n . va / r o m a n _ c u r i a / t r i b u n a l s / a p o s t _ p e n i t / d o c u m e n t s /
r c _ t r i b _ a p p e n _ d o c _20020629_ d e c r e e - i i _ e n . h t m l .
Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord
Manassas, Virginia
March 27, 2016
E ucharistic A doration
We proclaim your Death, O Lord, and
profess your Resurrection until you
come again. Take one hour before the
Blessed Sacrament exposed for public
prayer in our chapel. We have needs for
adorers at the following times:
27 de marzo de 2016
Estimados hermanos y hermanas en Jesús Resucitado:
4:00–5:00 am
2:00–3:00 am; 3:00–4:00 am
2:00–3:00 am
2:00–3:00 am
Information: Aime (703-392-5260 or alnuar @ gmail . com ).
Adorers, when you arrive at the chapel, please sign-in for
your time slot so we know that the time is covered.
B ishop ’ s L enten A ppeal
For the Bishop’s Lenten Appeal,
we have 1,728 pledges, for a total
of 442,957. This is 105% of our
parish goal of $420,000. Thank
you to all who have responded. We
act together as a diocesan Church
to proclaim the Risen Lord, active
in our midst.
C hildren ’ s R eligious E ducation
27 (Easter)
no classes
This year of 2016, our parish theme is
I know well the plans I have in mind
for you, says the LORD, … plans to
give you a future full of hope.
Jer 29:11
All Saints is a tithing parish, giving of our time, talent,
and treasure so as to give glory to God.
Al regocijarnos en este Día de Pascua y durante
los 50 días de la temporada pascual, ¿no resuena una y otra
vez el eco de las palabras del salmista: “¡Den gracias al
Señor, porque es bueno, porque es eterna su misericordia!
(Salmo 136:1)?”. La misericordia de Dios se revela de una
forma tan clara e intencional en la Muerte y Resurrección
de su Hijo Unigénito, enviado para ser nuestro Salvador
y Redentor precisamente por su victoria sobre el mal, el
pecado, el sufrimiento y la muerte eterna.
Sí, “Jesucristo es el rostro de la misericordia del
Padre” (Misericordiae Vultus, 1). En sus palabras y actos, se
nos revela cuánto nos ama Nuestro Padre y cómo nos
envuelve su misericordia. Encontramos su misericordia
cada vez que recibimos el Sacramento de la Penitencia,
que el Señor Resucitado instituyó y dio a sus apóstoles
y, por conducto suyo, a su Iglesia en esa primera noche
de Pascua. En la Última Cena, Jesucristo instituyó los
Sacramentos de la Sagrada Eucaristía y de las Órdenes
Sagradas que, de cierta manera, se confirman con su
Muerte en la Cruz y su Resurrección en la Pascua. En
su nuevo mandamiento de amor, el Señor revela la
profundidad de la misericordia del Padre hacia nosotros
y la correspondiente misión que nos encomienda de ser
heraldos convincentes de esta divina misericordia ante
todos los que encontremos a nuestro paso.
Sí, con la Muerte y Resurrección de Jesucristo se
revela con gran claridad la misericordia de nuestro Señor
para que, a la vez, nos convirtamos en sus heraldos a
Los tendré presentes en mis oraciones,
particularmente en la Pascua y en toda la temporada
pascual. Con un cordial saludo.
Fielmente en el Corazón de Cristo,
Monseñor Paul S. Loverde
Obispo de Arlington
Manassas, Virginia
Domingo de Pascua de la Resurrección del Señor
Misa en Manassas Park 9:30 am ~ Por el futuro de la
comunidad de Manassas Park • Misa de 1:30 pm ~ En
memoria de Armida Campos.
P ascua
R esurrección
El Domingo de Resurrección o de
Pascua es la fiesta más importante
para todos los católicos, ya que con
la Resurrección de Jesús es cuando
adquiere sentido toda nuestra fe.
Cristo triunfó sobre la muerte y con
esto nos abrió las puertas del Cielo.
En la Misa dominical recordamos de
una manera especial esta gran alegría.
Se enciende el Cirio Pascual que
representa la luz de Cristo resucitado y que permanecerá
prendido hasta el día de la Ascensión, cuando Jesús sube al
La Resurrección de Jesús es un hecho histórico, cuyas pruebas
entre otras, son el sepulcro vacío y las numerosas apariciones
de Jesucristo a sus apóstoles.
Cuando celebramos la Resurrección de Cristo, estamos
celebrando también nuestra propia liberación. Celebramos la
derrota del pecado y de la muerte.
En la resurrección encontramos la clave de la esperanza
cristiana: si Jesús está vivo y está junto a nosotros, ¿qué
podemos temer?, ¿qué nos puede preocupar?
27 de marzo, 2016
Si Jesús no hubiera resucitado, sus palabras hubieran quedado
en el aire, sus promesas hubieran quedado sin cumplirse y
dudaríamos que fuera realmente Dios.
Pero, como Jesús sí resucitó, entonces sabemos que venció a
la muerte y al pecado; sabemos que Jesús es Dios, sabemos
que nosotros resucitaremos también, sabemos que ganó para
nosotros la vida eterna y de esta manera, toda nuestra vida
adquiere sentido.
La Resurrección es fuente de profunda alegría. A partir de
ella, los cristianos no podemos vivir más con caras tristes.
Debemos tener cara de resucitados, demostrar al mundo
nuestra alegría porque Jesús ha vencido a la muerte.
La Resurrección es una luz para los hombres y cada cristiano
debe irradiar esa misma luz a todos los hombres haciéndolos
partícipes de la alegría de la Resurrección por medio de sus
palabras, su testimonio y su trabajo apostólico.
— Padre Juan Puigbó
Lectio Divina para Matrimonios: Este sábado 2 de abril a
las 7:00 pm todos los matrimonios están invitados a un rato
de oración e intimidad con el Señor. En el Father Kelly Hall.
Tendremos cuidado de niños.
Cena Bailable para parejas: Durante la tormenta de nieve
del invierno tuvimos que cancelar la Cena organizada por la
Pastoral Familiar. Todos los que han comprado sus tickets
para la Cena están invitados para el sábado 9 de abril a las
7:00 pm en el Centro de Actividades de la Parroquia.
E duación R eligiosa
Cualquier sufrimiento adquiere sentido con la Resurrección,
pues podemos estar seguros de que, después de una corta
vida en la tierra, si hemos sido fieles, llegaremos a una vida
nueva y eterna, en la que gozaremos de Dios para siempre.
27 (Easter)
San Pablo nos dice: “Si Cristo no hubiera resucitado, vana
seria nuestra fe” (I Corintios 15,14)
no hay clases
Rev. Lee R. Roos
Vicarios Parroquiales
Rev. Juan Puigbó
Rev. Mauricio Pineda 703-393-2154
Rev. Noah Morey
Oficina Parroquial
Horario de Misas en Español
Domingo: 9:30 am en el Centro Comunitario
de Manassas Park; 1:30 pm y 7:00 pm en la
Adoración del Santísimo
Horario de Oficina
Miércoles: 6:30-8:00 pm • Viernes: 7:308:00 am • Sábados: 3:00-4:00 pm • Primer
Viernes de Mes: 7:00-8:00 pm
Domingo 8:00 pm a Lunes 7:00 am •
Miércoles 9:00 am a Jueves 7:00 am •
Jueves • 7:00 pm a Viernes 7:00 am; •
Viernes 9:00 pm(después de la Hora Santa)
a Sábado 7:30 am
Primera Confesión y Primera Comunión
Se ofrece en 2do Grado. Es obligatorio
un año de preparación. Llame al 703-3932142 x216.
Se ofrece en 8vo Grado. Es obligatorio
un año de preparación. Llame al 703-3932142 x249.
La oficina parroquial está abierta de lunes
a jueves de 9:00 am a 12:00 del medio día
y de 1:00 pm a 9:00 pm. Los viernes de
9:00 am a 12:00 del medio día y de 1:00 pm
a 8:00 pm. Sábados y Domingos de 9:00 am
a 3:00 pm
Para ser héroes de Dios con el Padre Juan,
conéctate a w w w . v i vat r e x . n e t .