March 6, 2016 WHAT`S IN YOUR HEART?
March 6, 2016 WHAT`S IN YOUR HEART?
March 6, 2016 4th Sunday of Lent 1883-2016 A Prayer for Lent We want to serve You, Lord. By Your grace, may our good works bear their fruits, for the penances we have undertaken will be useful only if they please Your loving heart. This we ask of You through our LordJesus Christ, your Son. Amen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pastor: Reverend G. Scott Shaffer Parochial Vicars: Reverend Carlos Aguirre Reverend Jerome Guld Deacon Romeo D. Aquino Deacon Francis J. Babuschak Deacon Robert M. Barnes Deacon Thomas A. Genovese Deacon Gerard Luongo Deacon Frank J. McKenna Deacon Patrick J. Stesner, Sr. Deacon Michael A. Taylor Parish Office Hours: 9:00am - 4:30pm M-F 685 Hooper Avenue Toms River, NJ 08753 Tel: 732-349-0018 ext. 2204 Fax: 732-286-7064 Email: [email protected] Reconciliation/Confessions: Saturday: 4:00-4:45pm & 6:00-6:30pm Mass Schedule Weekdays: 7:00am & 9:00am Saturday: 8:00am Saturday: 5:00pm Sunday: 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am, 12:00noon, 5:00pm 6:30pm (Mass in Spanish) Misa en Espanol Devotions: Miraculous Medal & St. Jude Novenas: Tuesday 9:00am Holy Hour 3:00pm Sunday in the Adoration Chapel: Intentions: 1st Sunday for Families; 2nd Sunday for Life; 3rd Sunday for Our Nation/ Country; 4th Sunday Priests/Vocations Prayer in the Presence: 2nd Tuesday 7:30pm Holy Days: Mass times to be announced St. Gertrude, Island Heights (Summer Months) Saturday 5:30pm, Sunday 9:00am Parish Schools: St. Joseph Grade School (SJGS) Michele Williams, Principal, 732-349-2355 Donovan Catholic Dr. Edward Gere, Principal, 732-349-8801 WHAT’S IN YOUR HEART? A profound interaction between God and humanity happens this week in the readings. God sees into the human heart and, because of that, knows our sins. Yet, God forgives and does not count sins against us. That happens through Jesus, “who welcomes sinners and eats with them.” Christ, however, also opens God’s heart so that human beings can see into it and know that it is love. There is initiative on both sides. “Be reconciled,” Saint Paul commands. How are you reconciled to God? To your sisters and brothers of the human family? WHERE WE LIVE, SERVE, & WALK TOGETHER IN FAITH. ST. JOSEPH’S PAGE TWO . . . . . . . FROM THE PASTOR . . . . . . . . My Dear Parish Family, . . . What a great reading to see God’s mercy! Today, Jesus, accused . . of hanging out with sinners, goes on to tell one of his best stories . . (parables): “A man had two sons,” the elder (so very good) and . . the younger (not-so-much). It’s a story about extravagance and . . wastefulness—prodigality—but not the son’s. Although this is often called the story of “the Prodigal Son,” I offer that the father’s .. affection and forgiveness go, way overboard; he is ‘prodigal’ with .. his love. As we make our way through the story, it concludes with .. . the party dad throws for his son who “once was lost and now is . found.” But the older son refuses to join the celebration, so that . . the father has to beg for him to go beyond his joyless self. . righteousness. Interestingly, the father actually runs out to meet a . son twice: once to kiss the errant, broken younger one and then, to .. bring into the warmth, that stubborn elder one. You see, Jesus still . . “consorts with sinners,” no manner which kind we are. . . . . Over and over again throughout the gospels we see God’s mercy . . brought to life. In two weeks, I invite all of you to come to our . diocese sponsored Jubilee Year of Mercy celebration here at Saint . . Joseph’s in the high school. People from all over the diocese are . . invited to attend this event. There will be guest speakers, priests . . hearing confessions, praise music and a beautiful procession with . . the Blessed Sacrament from the HS to the church, where we will . pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. Bishop O’Connell will be with . us throughout the day and the plenary indulgence will be granted to .. . those who completely participate. [See today’s insert.] . . . Please note that we will not be having a Lenten Penance Service . . for the whole parish, other than the jubilee event on Saturday, . . March 19. Last minute confessions will be heard during Holy . . Week after Morning Prayer on Holy Thursday, Good Friday and . . Holy Saturday. . . . As you read this, I will be in Bethlehem with all your prayer . . intentions. God bless you all. . . . Fr. Scott . . . . . . . . . . . . . Visit our website at . for more information. . MASS INTENTIONS Monday, March 7 7:00 John Seymour req. by his Daughter, Denise 9:00 Peter & Adelaide Franchino req. by their Granddaughter, Maria Tuesday, March 8 7:00 Isanelia Gonzaga req. by Noli Dalocanog & Family 9:00 Elizabeth & James Warden req. by the Plate Family Wednesday, March 9 7:00 Ray & Winnie Manion req. by Loretta Breheney 9:00 Frank & Ann Law req. by their Daughter, Elaine Luksic Thursday, March 10 7:00 Thomas Murphy req. by the Wilkinson Family 9:00 Al Preziosi req. by John Coughlin Friday, March 11 7:00 Bridget Keany req. by the Allen Family 9:00 Perry Henn req. by his Mother Saturday, March 12 8:00 Nancy & Connie Lazzaro req. by their cousins 5:00 Jill Anderson req. by Mom & Dad Sunday, March 13 7:30 Keith Rigney req. by Family 9:00 Deceased Marano Family Members req. by their Son & Daughter-in-Law, Mario & Mary Marano 10:30 Deceased Appignani Family Members req. by Isa Appignani 12:00 Joseph & Josephine Pereira req. by their Daughter 5:00 Alicja Tyndorf req. by Laura & Paul Nosek 6:30 Parishioners PRIEST/CELEBRANT SCHEDULE Subject to Change Mar 12/13 Fr. Scott Fr. Jerome Fr. Scott Fr. Scott Fr. Carlos Fr. Jerome Fr. Carlos 5:00 PM 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 10:30 AM 12:00 Noon 5:00 PM 6:30 PM Mar 19/20 Fr. Carlos Fr. Scott Fr. Scott Fr. Jerome Fr. Carlos Fr. Jerome Fr. Carlos PAGE THREE MARRIAGES Congratulations to couples planning to marry in the Church! Don’t put off making your arrangements. Call the parish office as soon as possible: 732-349-0018 ext. 2213. And, if you are thinking of having a “destination wedding,” please call us first to discuss some helpful options. BAPTISMS The Sacrament of Baptism is regularly celebrated on the 1st, 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month at 1:30 PM. For more information or to schedule a Baptism and Baptism Prep Class, please call 732-349-0018 x2202. BAPTISM PREPARATION CLASS for Parents is held on the First Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM in the Church. We welcome the newest members of our parish family who were baptized here at St. Joseph’s Church: Robert Nicholas Grasso Caroline Gayle Hermack Santino Gianni Lamparelli Charlotte Gloria Waszkiewicz Lenten Penance Services St. Joseph’s Saturdays 4:00-4:45 PM and 6:00-6:30 PM after morning prayer during Holy Week St. Barnabas Monday, March 14 at 7:00 PM St. Maximilian Kolbe Wednesday, March 16 at 12 NOON St. Justin Friday, March 18 at 7:00 PM Let us place the Sacrament of Reconciliation at the center once more in such a way that it will enable people to touch the grandeur of God’s mercy with their own hands. For every penitent, it will be a source of true interior peace. — Pope Francis, Misericordiae Vultus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ST. JOSEPH’S IN MEMORIAM Please remember in your prayers those who have died. Edward Bermudez John DiPreta Arthur Holst Irene Rucki And for all the deceased members of our parish, the souls in purgatory and those who died in service of our country, may God grant them eternal rest. Amen. MEMORIAL OPPORTUNITIES Flowers and/or Sanctuary Candles The Blessed Mother Votive Candle will burn the week of March 7, 2016 - March 13, 2016 in memory of Bill Hemberger requested by the Donovan Catholic Office Staff. If you would like the Tabernacle Lamp or votive candle of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph statues to burn in honor/memory of a loved one for one week, please contact the parish office at ext. 2202 to reserve. Intentions will be listed in the bulletin. If you would like flowers placed in front of the altar in honor/ memory of a loved one for one week, please contact the parish office at x2202. DONOVAN CATHOLIC OPEN ENROLLMENT It’s not too late to experience a college environment while enjoying the total high school experience. Financial Aid & Tuition Assistance available. Find out how affordable a Donovan Catholic education can be. It will be the best investment you will ever make! Call 732-349-8001 x2429. Spend the day with us & shadow a student DONOVAN CATHOLIC It Makes A Difference READINGS FOR MASSES THIS WEEK SUNDAY Jos 5:9a, 10-12; 2 Cor 5:17-21; Lk 15:1-3, 11-32 MONDAY Is 65:17-21; Jn 4:43-54 TUESDAY Ez 47:1-9, 12; Jn 5:1-16 WEDNESDAY Is 49:8-15; Jn 5:17-30 THURSDAY Ex 32:7-14; Jn 5:31-47 FRIDAY Wis 2:1a, 12-22; Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30 SATURDAY Jer 11:18-20; Jn 7:40-53 ST. JOSEPH’S PAGE FOUR PARISH NEWS Do You Like To Read? Join our Book Discussion! On March 8, we’ll discuss Return of the Prodigal Son by Henri Nouwen and on April 12, Defending Jacob by William Landay. We meet at 16 Lafayette Ave. at 7pm. All welcome to come and share your thoughts. St. Catherine of Siena Chapter: The Dominican Laity St. Catherine of Siena Chapter: The Dominican Laity will gather at 16 Lafayette Ave. on March 8, 6:30 pm to 8 pm. All welcome to inquire about how we are striving to grow deeper in our faith. Come by and learn about the Dominican’s in your parish. Please Call Mrs. Kellyanne Murphy O.P. at 732-914-0041 with any questions. Themes of St. Paul Presented by Fr. Jerome We read St. Paul’s letters at Mass nearly every Sunday where he emphasizes a handful of themes. The better we understand these themes, the more clearly we will understand Paul’s message. Join us Saturday, March 12 after 8:30am Mass in the church. Ladies Auxiliary of the Knights of Columbus Council #4969 presents Lenten Dinners Every Friday night thru March 18, 5:30-7:00PM. Knights of Columbus is offering an “all you can eat” Lenten Dinner. Cost: Adults $8.00; Children 7-12 $3.00; Under 6 free, while supplies last. Council is located at 113 Tennyson Ave, Toms River. Light of Life Prayer Group We come together to praise, worship and give thanks to the Lord for His goodness through scripture, songs and prayer using the gifts the Holy Spirit has bestowed on us to build up the Body of Christ. Come join us every Wednesday at 7:30 pm in Room G. For questions contact Janice at 732-929-3877. Attention High School Seniors The St. Joseph Rosary Altar Society is awarding two $500 scholarships to high school seniors who are St. Joseph’s Parish members and are continuing their education after graduation. Applications are available at the Guidance Offices of Toms River High Schools, Central Regional H.S., Donovan Catholic, and the St. Joseph’s Parish Office. Completed applications are due in St. Joseph’s Parish Office, 685 Hooper Ave., Toms River 08753, attention Catherine Werner, Youth Ministry Advisor. Applications must be received no later than April 4. We encourage all High School Senior parishioners who are or have been involved in a ministry benefitting St. Joseph’s Parish to apply. Join us for a night of Praise & Adoration with the Blessed Sacrament Tuesday March 8th at 7pm in the Church Sponsored by the Diocese of Trenton Office of Youth, Marriage and Family, the night will include prayer, praise and worship music and time with the Blessed Sacrament. People of all ages will enjoy this time with the Lord! This night will take the place of the regularly scheduled Prayer in the Presence. Prayer Shawl Ministry The Prayer Shawl Ministry invite all women who knit or crochet to join them. Materials are supplied. We meet once a month at 16 Lafayette Ave. on the 3rd Thursday of each month, 3:004:30pm. If you cannot join us but would like to support us, A.C. Moore gift certificates are appreciated. Contact Jean at 732-288-0022 for more info. STATIONS OF THE CROSS Every Friday at 7:00 PM The St. Patrick’s Day Dinner Dance is SOLD OUT! SAVE THE DATE… Are You Thirsting for a Deeper Relationship with Christ? The St. Joseph’s, Life in the Spirit Seminar will begin on Wednesday, April 6. More info to follow. P A G E F IV E ST. JOSEPH’S DONOVAN CATHOLIC NEWS STUDENT SPOTLIGHT Sophomore wrestlers Sal DiSalvo (195), Connor Panzarella (145) and Cristiaan Dailey (138) represented Donovan Catholic at the Regional Tournament. Congratulations to Connor Panzarella who qualified to move on to the District Tournament. Congratulations to Senior bowler, Brandon Burgos who qualified for the Shore Conference Championships. On Sale this Weekend LUCK OF THE IRISH 50/50 RAFFLE Sponsored by the Donovan PTA $5.00 per ticket Winning ticket to be drawn on St. Patrick’s Day FIDDLER ON THE ROOF Support the Spring Musical and advertise your business at the same time Playbill Advertising reaches over 1200 people. The “Tony” ($350), Gold page ($250), and Full page ($200) come with complimentary tickets to the Thursday performance of Fiddler. ½ page ($100), ¼ page ($75) & Business Card ($50) Contact: [email protected] or call 732-349-8801 x 2435 All proceeds from the sale of Playbill Ads benefit the over 200 students in the Performing Arts Program DEADLINE FOR ADS – April 1, 2016 COMING SOON – TICKET SALES FOR “Fiddler on the Roof” Performances: April 14, 15, 16, 2016 @ 7:30 PM April 17, 2016 @ 1:30 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ST. JOSEPH GRADE SCHOOL NEWS THE ST. JOSEPH GRADE SCHOOL PTA 38TH ANNUAL GIFT AUCTION & DINNER Woodlake Country Club April 22, 2016 Tickets will be on sale next weekend, Saturday, March 12th from 9:00AM-12PM in the Grade School Cafeteria. Any tickets left after Saturday will be available March 12th and 13th after all Masses in Church. Limited number of Platinum Raffle Tickets for $100 will be on sale also. Only 150 Platinum Raffle tickets to be sold with the winner receiving $7500 (if all tickets are sold.) THE SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION will take place at two services Friday, March 18th. Please keep all the Confirmation Students in your prayers. SJGS ACCEPTING REGISTRATION FOR THE 2016-2017 SCHOOL YEAR FOR OUR NEW PRE K AS WELL AS GRADES K-8. Applications can be found on our website. For more information or to arrange a tour call Ms. Juliann James 732-349-2355 ext. 2012 [email protected] ST. JOSEPH’S PAGE SIX The Annual Catholic Appeal in Action! MINISTRY OF VOCATIONS AROUND TOWN Mission of Mercy Session St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church of Whiting invites you to join them for a Parish Mission conducted by the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, March 14th – 16th. This year’s theme is: Mission of Mercy ~ welcoming all who seek the Mercy of God. Conferences begin in the Church at 11am each day; Mass at 12 noon followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Confessions will be heard at 2pm daily. Evening sessions begin at 7pm. You are welcome to bring a brown bag lunch. For a complete schedule, please visit Annulment Information Session Do you have questions about marriage annulment and its process? Are you wondering whether you could ever qualify? At this session the wealth of information offered to you and others like you will surely be beneficial and useful. Sessions will be held at a few locations over the next couple months. All sessions will be 7:30 -9:00pm (except for Long Branch Session at 7-8 in English and 8-9 in Spanish). March 8 at St. James in Pennington and March 15 at St. Aloysius in Jackson. For info, call 609-406-7411 or email: [email protected]. St. Justin the Martyr Church Easter Egg Hunt St. Justin the Martyr Parish welcomes the community of St. Joseph’s Church to their Easter Egg Hunt. All children 12 and under are invited to participate. This is a family event so therefore all parents or guardians must attend with their children. You may download a registration form at and drop it off at their Parish Office by Thursday, March 17. Any questions contact Sue Keogh at 908-591-4271 or the Parish Office at 732-270-3980. Diocesan Youth Celebration (D.Y.C) Each year, the Diocesan Youth Celebration gathers hundreds of Youth from around the Diocese of Trenton to come together as one family of faith. On Sunday, April 17 from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM at Notre Dame High School, Lawrenceville , teens in grades 8-12 will experience the larger church community and witness the diversity within our Diocese. The day presents a variety of exciting opportunities such as: keynote presentations from nationally known speakers, workshops to deepen faith and build life skills, powerful praise and worship to come face to face with Jesus and His love and mercy in the Sacrament and liturgy, and of course making new friendships. Register soon to make sure we have room on the bus for you! $25 per person (includes tee-shirt and lunch). For more info and the permission slip call or email Catherine at [email protected]. God calls each person to a life of holiness and service, whether single, married, ordained or consecrated. The Diocesan Ministry of Vocations provides discernment opportunities, encouragement, support, education and resources for those responding to God’s call through the ministerial priesthood. We are committed to fostering an environment where vocations to the priesthood are valued and nurtured within the domestic church of the family and the local parish community. The priest is a servant of the Lord, giving his life to worship, prayer and commitment to God’s people. Your gift helps to amplify the call to serve. PAGE SEVEN ST. JOSEPH’S RELIGIOUS E D U C AT I O N 7th and 8th Grade Sunday Sessions Our 7th grade students will meet on Sunday March 13, 2016 at 6pm in Donovan Catholic. Celebrate St. Patrick’s & St. Joseph’s Day with 10% off one item throughout the month of March with coupon. Family Catechesis Our First Holy Communion Family Catechesis for our 2nd grade classes will be on Saturday, March 12, 2016 from 2:45pm to 4:45. Please remember that each child needs to be accompanied by an adult. We will begin in the Church and then proceed to the high school for small group sessions. Providence House Domestic Violence Services of Catholic Charities Next weekend, March 12 & 13, Providence House Domestic Violence Services of Catholic Charities will be selling 50/50 raffle tickets for their 16th Annual Gift Auction. There will be three chances to win! Raffle tickets cost $2.00 each and all proceeds benefit Providence House. Winners will be announced at the Fit Auction that will be held on April 15th at Georgian Court University and winners need not be present to win. Providence House services are free of charge and provide services to end the cycle of domestic abuse through education, empowerment and advocacy, while also providing a safe haven from abuse. For more information about the event or to volunteer, call 732-350-2120. EXCERPT FROM “MERCY AND TRUTH SHALL MEET” BISHOP DAVID M. O’CONNELL, C.M. Mercy helps us understand the Incarnation. Why did “the Word become Flesh and dwell among us (John 1: 14)?” We read in the Gospel of John: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him (John 3: 16-17).” Mercy helps us understand the Eucharist. Why did the Lord Jesus give us his very Body and Blood as food and drink? In the Gospel of John we read: “Jesus said to them, ‘I am the bread of life; he who comes to me will not hunger, and he who believes in me will never thirst (John 6: 35)’.” In the Gospel of Luke we read: “And when He had taken some bread and given thanks, He broke it and gave it to them, saying, ‘This is my body which is given for you; do this in remembrance of me.’ And in the same way he took the cup after they had eaten, saying, ‘This cup which is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood (Luke 22: 19-20)’.” Because of his mercy and love for us, Christ gave us himself, whole and entire, in the Eucharist. ST. JOSEPH’S PAGINA OCHO MENSAJE DEL PARROCO Estimada Familia Parroquial, En la Lectura de hoy podemos ver la Misericordia de Dios. En ella, Jesús es acusado de compartir con pecadores, es una de las mejores parábolas en las sagradas escrituras: “Un hombre tenía dos hijos,” (Uno muy bueno y el otro no muy bueno). Es una historia de extravagancia y gastos inútiles prodigalidad – pero no el hijo. Aunque es la historia del hijo “prodigio”, el afecto, amor y perdón del padre va más allá; él es “prodigio” con su amor. La parábola concluye con la fiesta que el padre le da al hijo “que una vez se había perdido y ahora fue encontrado.” Pero el hijo mayor, no quiere asistir a la fiesta hasta que el padre le suplica que vaya más allá de su propia justicia. Aquí vemos como el padre “dos veces” recurre a sus hijos: primero a besar al errante, y después a consolar al mayor que se sentía herido. Veamos que Jesús “acompaña a los pecadores”, sin importarle la clase de pecador que eres. Una y otra vez en los evangelios, podemos ver la misericordia de Dios en vivo. En dos semanas, los invito a todos a que participen en el evento diocesano del Año Jubilar de la Misericordia aquí en San José, en la escuela (Donovan Catholic). Feligreses de toda la diócesis están invitados, habrá predicas, educación para los jóvenes edades 11-16 años y para niños edades de 5-10 años, alabanza, confesiones, una bella procesión del Santísimo Sacramento desde la escuela hasta la Iglesia, y culminara con la Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia presidida por su Eminencia Obispo David O’Connell, C.M. Vea el inserto en el boletín de hoy. Tome nota que NO habrá Servicio de Confesión/Reconciliación en la Cuaresma. Todos están invitados a participar en el Sacramento de Reconciliación el día 19 de marzo en el evento diocesano del Año Jubilar de la Misericordia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HORARIO DE MISAS En la Semana: 7:00am & 9:00am. Todos los días de la semana (inglés). Sábado: 8:00am, 5:00 Domingo: 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am, 12:00pm, 5:00pm (ingles) Domingo: 6:30pm español OFICINA HISPANA 732-349-0018 X2213 SACRAMENTOS Bautizos (en español): El Sacramento del Bautismo se celebra en la Misa de los domingos a las 6:30 pm. Para más información, llamar a la oficina Hispana. Unción de los Enfermos Y Reconciliación/ Confesión - Comuníquese con la oficina hispana para hacer una cita. Matrimonios: Las parejas que desean contraer matrimonio deben solicitar una cita con el Padre Carlos. Comuníquese con la oficina hispana para hacer una cita. SITUACIONES CRITICAS; si tiene problemas de alcolismo, violencia domestica, jóvenes en crisis, etc. Llamar a la oficina hispana para pedir ayuda…. SI NECESITA AYUDA: de comida, pago de renta, utilidades, etc. Comunicase con la Oficina Hispana. ADORADORES PARA EL SANTISIMO Comuníquese con Caridad L. Barillas 732-349-0018 x2213. Que Dios los Bendiga, Fr. Scott Si tienes preguntas si puedes o no anular tu Matrimonio Sacramental, esta es la oportunidad para informarte de tus opciones y los pasos que debes tomar para iniciar el proceso con el Tribunal de la Iglesia. Lunes, 29 de Febrero de 8-9pm en la Iglesia Cristo Rey en Long Branch, o el lunes, 15 de marzo, en la Iglesia St. Aloysius en Jackson. El taller es presentado por el departamento Tribunal de la Diócesis de Trenton. Para más información llamar al Tribunal (se habla español) al 609-406-7411 o email: [email protected] LECTURAS: Cuarto Domingo de Cuaresma Domingo Jos 5:9a, 10-12; 2 Cor 5:17-21; Lc 15:1-3, 11-32 Lunes Is 65:17-21; Jn 4:43-54 Martes Ez 47:1-9, 12; Jn 5:1-16 Miercoles Is 49:8-15; Jn 5:17-30 Jueves Ex 32:7-14; Jn 5:31-47 Viernes Sab 2:1a, 12-22; Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30 Sabado Jer 11:18-20; Jn 7:40-53 PAGINA NUEVE ST. JOSEPH’S ANUNCIOS DE VIDA COMUNITARIA MISA DE HOY DOMINGO, 06 DE MARZO 2016, ES OFRECIDA POR: MICHAEL ALVAREZ DE PARTE DE SUS PADRES Y HERMANOS SERVICIO DE RECONCILIACION Próximo lunes 22 de marzo a las 7:00pm. VIA CRUCIS BILINGÜE Todos los viernes a las 7:00 pm en hasta el Viernes Santo, en la iglesia. Los talleres de Oración y Vida y el Grupo Carismático San José se reunirán durante la cuaresma a las 8:00 pm después de acompañar el viacrucis. ¡Acompañemos a Jesús en el camino a la cruz! COMITÉ PASTORAL Reunión el lunes 7 de marzo a las 7:00pm en el 16 de Lafayette. MINISTERIO DISCIPULOS DE MARIA Formación el próximo miércoles 9 de marzo a las 7:00pm en 16 de Lafayette. AÑO JUBILAR DE LA MISERICORDIA Predicación, confesión, Predicación, procesión y oración de la coronilla de la Divina Misericordia precedida por el Obispo David O’Connell, concediendo la indulgencia plenaria. Sábado, 19 de Marzo, 2016 8:30am-4pm Habrá cuidado de niños y almuerzo. Costo $10.00 SEMINARIO DE VIDA EN EL ESPIRITU – 6 DE ABRIL 2016 Tienes SED de profundizar tu relación con Cristo? “Jesús tiene SED de ti” - BEATA MADRE TERESA Entrega tu vida a Cristo, deja que el Espíritu Santo te guie en esta jornada. Abril 6 Abril 13 Abril 20 Abril 27 Mayo 4 Mayo 11Mayo 18Mayo 25- introducción e Inscripciones Amor de Díos Salvación Nueva Vida Recibir los Dones de Dios Bautizo en el Espíritu Crecimiento Transformacion La comunidad de San José se alegra con la familia de los niños que fueron bautizados en el mes de febrero: Eric y Alex Velázquez La comunidad de San José se llena de alegría y felicita a la pareja que contrajo matrimonio en el mes de febrero: Nellis Alexis y Miriam Padillos Excerpta de la carta del Obispo David O’Connell “La Misericordia y la Verdad se Reunirá” La Misericordia nos ayuda a conocer el misterio de la Encarnación. ¿Por qué “el Verbo se volvió Carne y vive en nosotros”? (Juan 1:14). Leemos en el Evangelio de Juan: ¡“Así amo Dios al mundo! Le dio al Hijo Único, para que quien cree en él no se pierda, sino que tenga vida eterna. Dios no envió al Hijo al mundo para condenar al mundo, sino para que se salve el mundo gracias a él.” (Juan 3:16-17). La Misericordia nos ayuda a comprender la Eucaristía. ¿Por qué el Señor Jesús nos dio su Cuerpo y Sangre como bebida y alimento? En el Evangelio de Juan leemos: “Jesús les dijo: Yo soy el Pan de vida. El que viene a mí nunca tendrá hambre y el que cree en mí nunca tendrá sed”. En el Evangelio de Lucas leemos: “Después tomo pan y dando gracias, lo partió y se lo dio diciendo: “Este es mi cuerpo, que es entregado por ustedes. “Hagan esto en memoria mía”. Hizo lo mismo con el cáliz después de cenar, diciendo: “Esta copa es la alianza nueva sellada con mi sangre, que es derramada por ustedes”. Por su amor y misericordia a nosotros, Cristo se dio a sí mismo en cuerpo y alma en la Eucaristía.
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