thankful! - Edmonds School District
thankful! - Edmonds School District
HILLTOP PRINCIPAL LETTER! NOVEMBER 20 , 2012 NEWSLETTER THANKFUL! Thanks to a! parents and students who helped make the Fall Carnival a success. A special thanks to Kristy Meadows who organized a! of the action! I wanted to take the opportunity to say thank you for the many things you do to make Hilltop the great school that it is today. Many of you volunteer your time and energy. You support the staff by working with them as teammates. You insist that your children put their best efforts in their academic and social skills. Have a fantastic holiday with family and friends. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Janie \ Ms. Dumo and Ms. Kempf’s classes celebrated this holiday season with classroom feasts. Ms. Dumo’s families shared foods from their heritage. Ms. Kempf’s class performed Reader’s Theatre for their audience. ! Multicultural Potluck! We had a wonderful time eating delicious food from various cultures while watching Native American and Russian dance performances. A special Thank You to Brenda Bequette and the Native American performers AND Juliana and Pava, the Russian dance and singing group. It was such a treat to see such amazing performances! The 3rd graders in our district have once again been provided with an amazing opportunity! They will each receive 3 FREE SESSIONS of swimming lessons (24-30 lessons!) at our area pools! The Cities of Edmonds, Lynnwood and Mountlake Terrace have come together w i t h Ve r d a n t H e a l t h Commission to continue to provide this wonderful opportunity to improve the health and safety of our students. Each student will get one sheet of vouchers printed with their name and a voucher number. Please stay tuned for more information! Thanks Verdant Health! Hilltop Elementary will be hosting a burger bash at the Lynnwood store on Monday, December 10th 5 - 8PM Our Veteran’s Day Assembly was one of the best I have seen. Our Cub Scouts began and ended the assembly with the Color Guard, Mr. Nelson inspired us with his inspiring speech and Mr. Pugh amazed us with the patriotic music he performed. Several classes performed as well. A huge thank you to all staff and students and especially Ms. Ries who organized this spectacular event. THANK YOU!!!! Sexual Educa+on and Disease Preven+on Curriculum Parent Review, January 24, 2013 According to WA state law, Sexual Educa6on and Disease Preven6on must be taught to all students in grades 5-‐12 each year. Edmonds School District teachers use the KNOW program to teach students about HIV/AIDS, sexually transmiKed diseases, and their preven6on. We use the Family Life and Sexual Health program to teach about the reproduc6ve system, growth and development, and concep6on. Both programs are based on medically accurate, developmentally appropriate informa6on and are state-‐approved instruc6onal materials. Families have an opportunity to review the instruc6onal materials on January 24th from 4:00-‐7:30 pm at the Educa6onal Service District Office in the boardrooms. In addi6on, families can review the materials by contac6ng teachers and/or Robin Sloate, (425) 431-‐7145. Revisión del Currículo sobre La Educación Sexual y la Prevención de Enfermedades por parte de los Padres, De acuerdo con la ley estatal de WA, La Educación Sexual y la Prevención de Enfermedades se debe enseñar a todos los estudiantes en los grados 5-‐12 cada año. Los maestros del Distrito Escolar de Edmonds usan el programa “KNOW” para enseñar a los estudiantes sobre el virus VIH/SIDA, enfermedades de transmisión sexual, y su prevención. Usamos el programa Vida Familiar y de Salud Sexual para enseñar sobre el sistema reproduc6vo, el crecimiento y desarrollo y la concepción. Ambos programas se basan en información médica exacta y apropiada y son aprobados como materiales de educa6vos del estado. Las familias 6enen la oportunidad de revisar los materiales educa6vos el día 24 de enero de 4:00-‐7:30 en la Oficina de Servicios Educa6vos del Distrito en las salas de juntas. Además, las familias pueden revisar los materiales mediante comunicarse con los maestros y/o con Robin Sloate, (425) 431-‐7145. Wildlife Garden: Girl Scout Bronze Award Project by Jaylene Ball, Ava Gehlen-‐Williams, and Anna Yocom (Troop 40500) This past summer, we worked on earning our Girl Scout Bronze Award project at Hilltop Elementary school. Our project was a wildlife garden. A wildlife garden is a garden that supplies food, water, shelter, and a place to raise their young. We spent many recesses planning and preparing for this project. First, we had to design the garden. Once we had a design, we had to submit it to the School District to get permission to build it. We got permission in late Spring and then had to earn money to buy supplies for our garden. Shopping for plants was the most fun! The whole project took 5 months. The actual plan6ng part took 2 days over the weekend. The first day, we spent 8 hours digging up grass and filling the now bare area with soil and bark. The second day, we arranged, planted, and watered the plants. On Monday, the garden was beau6ful and a huge success with students and teachers. We would like to put in a special thanks to Topsoils NW for dona6ng dirt and bark and T&R Hauling for giving us a great Thank you to Jaylene, Ava and Anna -‐ Troop 40500 ! “Box time” advice Common Sense Media has a host of excellent resources for internet safety and media literacy. These resources might help keep your website “fresh” with new informa6on. How to Set Screen Rules That Stick In many homes, getting your kids to turn off their cell phones, shut down the games, or get off Facebook is a battle royale. This age-by-age guide will help you put the kibosh on the computer (and other digital devices) when it's really time for kids to log off. utm_source=092712_parents&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=weekly Hilltop Happenings •No School –Teacher Furlough day and Thanksgiving holiday, Nov. 21 - 23rd •Sword and Stone Assembly, 9:00 Grades 4-6 and 10:00 Grades K-3, December 3rd •PTSA Board Meeting, Staff room, 9:30, December 7th •Wendy’s Parent Night, 5 - 8PM, December 10th •Character Education Assembly, 1:30, December 12th •No School, Winter Break, December 24 - January 6th