trivocis - Menlo


trivocis - Menlo
WWW.MABEARS.ORG ! (650) 322-5311
To the Menlo-Atherton
Welcome to the spring semester. The term has launched
successfully, and twenty-five new Bears have enrolled
with us. Winter activities are underway—basketball, soccer, wrestling, Fashion Show rehearsals, lunchtime spirit
activities, Club Rush, and the robotics build season. And
teaching and learning are proceeding apace.
Fashion Show
A watershed event each year, the senior Fashion Show benchmarks the final
months of the M-A experience. A crowd-pleasing event that showcases more
than 225 seniors dancing and modeling the latest fashions, the Fashion Show
is a feel-good ninety minutes. It’s also a great way to introduce others to
what’s special about M-A. Shows are at 1:00, 4:00, and 7:30 on Saturday,
March 22. See the article on page 5.
New and noteworthy
Sophia Caryotakis and Jessica Heilman were given honorable mentions
by the Mercury News for their prowess in the pool during the fall water
polo season.
Jacob Bassin, John Knox, and Evan McClelland were also given honorable mentions by the Mercury News for their distinguished play in the fall
water polo season.
The girls’ cross country team was honored by CCS as a fall season scholastic champion for its 3.814 team GPA.
Freshman Reed Williams was named Eagle Scout by Portola Valley
Troup 64. He organized the cleaning, collection, and distribution of
camping equipment (and a camping trip) for the residents of Haven
House, involving fourteen volunteers for his Eagle Scout project.
Senior Lucero Romero successfully completed the East Palo Alto Police
Explorers Academy and graduated in December.
2013 M-A alumna Ali Spindt was recently named the Big West player of
the week for her work on the UCSB volleyball team.
Diane Seely from the class of 2011 was named the Patriot League volleyball player of the year as she led the Colgate Raiders to the #2 seed in
their winter tournament.
Matthew Zito, principal
Calendar highlights
January 30: Middle College information meeting
February 3: Spring sports clearance deadline
February 4: American Math Contest
February 7: Registration deadline for March 8 SAT
February 8: ACT exam
February 11: Math contest
February 14: No school—Lincoln’s birthday
February 17: No school—Presidents’ Day
February 19–20: AP test registration
February 20: Middle College information meeting
February 24: Last day to drop a class without a
transcript record
March 22: M-A PTA Fashion Show
April 14–18: No school—spring break
From the principal
Del director
From the PTA/Desde la PTA
Visiting the M-A campus
Fashion Show
English-language tutors needed
Quiz Bowl on TV
Class of 2017 parent coffee
Foundation donor roll
From the Guidance Office
De la Oficina de la Consejería
AP test registration
Math options
SAT prep
Parent Education
Middle College
Seussical, the Musical
Visual Arts
Big Bear Run
Dance Team Show
Varsity jackets
Stanford sleep study
Menlo Park Library
TriVocis February 2014 calendar
Future events
Estimada Comunidad de Menlo-Atherton
Bienvenidos al semestre de primavera. Este trimestre se inició con
éxito y 25 Bears nuevos se han matriculado con nosotros. Básquetbol, futbol y lucha libre han empezado; los ensayos del desfile de
modas siguen en marcha (así como el baile formal del invierno, las
actividades de ánimo en la hora del almuerzo, las iniciaciones de los
clubs, y la temporada de construcción de robótica); y la enseñanza y
el aprendizaje avanzan rápidamente.
Senior Fashion Show [Desfile de Modas de los alumnos de 12º
Como punto de inflexión cada año, el Desfile de Modas de los alumnos de 12º grado marca los últimos meses de la experiencia en M-A.
Es un evento que agrada a todos y destaca a más de 225 estudiantes
de 12º grado escolar mientras bailan y brincan con lo último de la
moda, el Desfile de Modas será noventa minutos de buen humor.
También es una buena manera de presentar los demás a M-A a la
1:00, las 4:00, y las 7:30, el sábado, 22 de marzo. El espectáculo de
este año tendrá una representación.
Nuevo y digno de notar
February 2014
Volume 61, Number 5
M-A High School PTA News
17th District PTA
Published monthly by the PTA of
Menlo-Atherton High School
555 Middlefield Road
Atherton, CA 94027
(650) 322-5311
Principal: Matthew Zito
PTA co-presidents:
Becky Flanagan
Elizabeth Katz
Articles editor: Jane Aaron
Production editor: Adriana Castro Silva
Calendar editor: Kathleen Balestra
Proofreaders: Jane King, Becca Garcia,
Brian LaPorte
Mailing: Corby Locke, Kim Steere
The purpose of the newsletter is to promote
communication between the administration/
faculty and parents. We welcome all your
comments, suggestions, and articles. The
mention of any business or service in this
newsletter does not imply an endorsement
by the M-A PTA.
El Mercury News dio una mención de honor a Sophia Caryotakis y
Jessica Heilman por su progreso durante la temporada de otoño
de polo acuático.
El Mercury News dio una mención de honor a Jacob Bassin, John Send articles for next issue by Wednesday,
Knox, y Evan McClelland por su nivel de juego distinguido du- February 12, to [email protected].
rante la temporada de otoño de polo acuático.
La CCS honró al equipo femenino de carrera a campo traviesa como campeón escolar de la temporada de otoño por su GPA de equipo de 3.814.
Reed Williams, alumno del 9º grado escolar, fue nombrado Eagle Scout por la Tropa 64 de Portola
Valley. Él organizó la colección de limpieza y la distribución de equipo de campamento (y un viaje
de camping) para los residentes de Haven House, involucrando a catorce voluntarios para su proyecto de Eagle Scout.
Lucero Romero ha completado la Academia Cxploradores de East Palo Alto Policía con éxito y se
graduó en ese programa el pasado mes de diciembre.
Ali Spindt, ex-alumna de M-A de 2013, fue nombrada recientemente la jugadora de la semana de
Big West por su empeño en el equipo de voleibol de UCSB.
Diane Seely, de la clase de 2011, fue nombrada la jugadora de voleibol del año de la Liga Patriota al
llevar a los Raiders de Colgate a la clasificación número 2 en el torneo de su liga.
Matthew Zito, director
February 2014
From the PTA
Happy New Year to all M-A families! We hope you had a relaxing and enjoyable winter break. Many thanks
to Catherine McMillan and Mary Zarucchi for organizing an efficient schedule distribution on the first day
of the second semester.
Before we talk about things to come in the second semester, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on the
2013 holiday season. We are lucky to have teachers who connect with our incredibly diverse student population on a daily basis. We are also fortunate to have two amazing M-A student groups that were instrumental in making this holiday season joyous for all.
The M-A PTA gives special thanks to the PTA Canned Food Drive chairs, Linda Gates and Catherine
McMillan. Under the leadership of teachers Mike Amoroso, Jonathan Senigaglia, and Andy Stuart, M-A
students collected a record number of 159,861 cans, which were donated to the Second Harvest Food
Bank. M-A students, parents, and community volunteers then assembled bundles of over 80 pounds of
food per recipient family.
In addition to providing food to families in need, some very special people made sure that all M-A families
had gifts for the holidays. We owe thanks to the PTA Outreach Club Support chairs, Kathy Oppenheimer
and Stephanie Nisbet, who worked with teacher Michele Breen and her wonderful Outreach Club students. M-A teachers identified students whose families were struggling to provide holiday gifts for their
children. Many M-A families, along with the Outreach Club, then pitched in to make sure these M-A families had a wonderful day with gifts to unwrap. We are so appreciative to all of the work involved to ensure
that all M-A families had a special and fun holiday season.
As we look ahead, planning for the M-A Fashion Show is in full swing. Mark your calendars for Saturday,
March 22! Thanks to our cochairs, Karen Fryling, Stephanie Nisbet, and Kathy Oppenheimer, who have
already put in many hours of hard work to make this year’s show a success. While the seniors are the stars
of the show, we appreciate help from parents of students of all ages. See the article on page 5.
We hope that 2014 is a wonderful year for you and your M-A students.
Becky Flanagan and Elizabeth Katz, PTA co-presidents
Desde la PTA
Feliz Año Nuevo a todas las familias de M-A! Esperamos que hayan pasado unas vacaciones de invierno
divertidas y relajantes. Muchas gracias a Catherine McMillan y a Mary Zarucchi por organizar una distribución tan eficiente de horarios durante el primer día del segundo semestre.
Antes de hablar sobre las actividades que tendrán lugar durante el segundo semestre, queremos tomarnos
un momento para reflexionar sobre la temporada de fiestas del 2013. Tenemos mucha suerte de tener maestros quienes interactuan de cerca y a diario con nuestro grupo diverso de estudiantes. También somos aforTriVocis
February 2014
tunados de tener dos grupos maravillosos de estudiantes que fueron instrumentales en que esta temporada
de fiestas fuera más alegre para todos.
El M-A PTA le da un agradecimiento muy especial a las líderes de la PTA Canned Food Drive, Linda
Gates y Catherine McMillan. Bajo el liderazgo de los maestros Mike Amoroso, Jonathan Senigaglia, y Andy
Stuart, los estudiantes de M-A recolectaron un número record de 159,861 latas, que fueron donadas al Second Harvest Food Bank. Luego los estudiantes, padres y la comunidad de voluntarios formaron paquetes
de comida de 80 libras para cada familia recipiente.
Además de ayudar familias con comida, algunas personas especiales de M-A se aseguraron de que todas las
familias de M-A tuvieron regalos en estas fiestas. Estamos agradecidas a las líderes del PTA Outreach Club
Support, Kathy Oppenheimer y Stephanie Nisbet, quienes trabajaron con los maestros Michele Breen y sus
estudiantes maravillosos del Outreach Club. Los maestros de M-A identificaron a estudiantes cuyas familias
tendrían dificultad en darles regalos a sus hijos. Numerosas familias de M-A junto con el Outreach Club,
donaron regalos para que estas familias tuvieran un día lindo abriendo regalos. Estamos sumamente agradecidas por todo el trabajo que representó el que esta temporada fuera alegre y especial para cada familia de
Viendo hacia el futuro, la planeación del desfile de modas (M-A Fashion Show) está en plena actividad.
Marquen sus calendarios el sábado 22 de marzo! Gracias a las líderes Karen Fryling, Stephanie Nisbet, y
Kathy Oppenheimer, quienes ya han trabajo muchas horas para que el desfile de este año sea todo un éxito. A pesar de que los seniors son las estrellas del evento, apreciamos mucho la ayuda de los padres de estudiantes de todos los grados.
Esperamos de que el 2014 sea un año maravilloso para ustedes y su estudiante en M-A.
Becky Flanagan y Elizabeth Katz, PTA co-presidentas
Visiting the M-A Campus
The M-A Site Council reminds parents of two important safety regulations that affect campus visits:
In the morning all entrances are open for vehicles because students and staff arrive at various times. However, in the afternoon the Oak Grove entrance is closed to ensure the safety of students who are walking to
the bus stop. The Oak Grove gate closes between 3:10 and 3:30 or 3:45.
If you are a visitor, you must report to the administration office for a pass before walking around campus.
Not everyone has good intentions, and we want to keep students safe. If you’re not wearing a pass, a campus aide will ask you for identification.
February 2014
As parents, we have dreams for our kids from their first days in kindergarten to their bright future as they
leave high school.
“M-Ake Dreams Come True” is the theme of this year’s PTA Fashion Show. Save the date, March 22, and
experience the M-A class of 2014 putting its dreams on the runway. The seniors will strut their stuff in the
finest fashions from a variety of generous stores in our community, and they will be professionally choreographed by the team from Charleston Pierce Productions.
If you haven’t attended a Fashion Show, we highly recommend it for parents and students of all ages. A
tradition dating back to the 1980s, the Fashion Show is the event that caps off the M-A experience for our
graduating class.
The Fashion Show is also the PTA’s major fundraiser, which makes this event even more special. We need
many parent volunteers to help make this event a success. If you would like to volunteer, send an email to
[email protected]. Being a part of the Fashion Show before your child is a senior gives you a sense
of how amazing this experience is for our students.
You can also support the Fashion Show by underwriting to offset some of our expenses or by advertising
in the program. Please contact Janet Perez and her team at [email protected] for more information.
We look forward to seeing you at the Fashion Show on March 22 as lots of M-A students’ dreams come
true thanks to your support of the M-A PTA.
February 2014
English-Language Tutors Needed
Do you have two hours a week to help tutor students in class who are trying to learn English?
It’s not too late to join our team. We are always in need of more tutors, and there are students who are still waiting for a tutor!
The English Language Development program has students from many different countries and varies from year
to year, but the majority of our students speak Spanish as their native language.
M-A’s Hispanic Outreach Initiative program received the very prestigious Apple Award last year for its
achievements in engaging Hispanic parents and families in their children’s education. Because of this great success, the program will be emulated by schools across the state!
You do not need foreign-language experience. The ELD teacher will give you a plan
for each class meeting. You will work with two or three students, with the goal of helping them improve in spoken and written English. Over the course of this semester, you
will get to know them and see their progress.
Volunteers are needed for ELD classes during one of these periods:
Wednesday, 3rd period, 11:15 am to 12:55 pm
Thursday, 2nd period, 9:40 to 11:20 am
If you are interested, please e-mail [email protected].
Quiz Bowl on TV
The M-A Quiz Bowl club invites you to watch our most recent matches on television. Tune in to KRON,
channel 4, at 2:00 pm on Saturday, February 22, and Saturday, March 1, as we face local high schools in a battle
of wits. If your student enjoys watching or is a fan of the TV show Jeopardy, he or she should join us at
lunchtime in room B10 on Wednesdays or Thursdays. Visit for more information.
February 2014
Looking Ahead to Sophomore Year at M-A
Class of 2017 Parent Coffee
Sponsored by the Menlo-Atherton High School Foundation for the Future
Monday, February 10
8:30–10:00 am
Performing Arts Center cafeteria
Please join us for an interesting and informative discussion
with Principal Matthew Zito and guidance counselors
about curriculum choices available to your rising sophomore.
Learn about the multiple pathways offered in math and science
as well as elective opportunities.
Refreshments will be served.
Mirando Hacia el 10° Grado en M-A
Café para Padres de Alumnus de la Clase de 2017
Patrocinado por la Fundación del Futuro de Menlo-Atherton High School
Lunes, Febrero 10
8:30–10:00 am
Performing Arts Center cafeteria
Por favor unase a nosotros para una interesante mañana informativa
con el Director Matthew Zito y las consejeras académicas
acerca de las opciones de clases disponibles para su alumno
del segundó año de high school.
Aprenda acerca de las multiplas vías que se ofrecen en matemáticas
y ciencias, así como las oportunidades de electivos.
Se servirán refrescos.
Habrá traducción simultánea en español.
February 2014
A HUGE thank-you from the Foundation
to all M-A families and community members
who donated by December 31!
If you haven't donated yet, we still need you to do
your part and help us reach our
$2 million goal for this school year.
M-A students count on us, and we are counting on YOU!
To donate online, go to
and click on “Donate Now.”
Or mail a check to M-A Foundation for the Future,
PO Box 1228, Menlo Park, CA 94026.
Questions? Contact Cindy Folker at [email protected]
or (650) 322-5311, ext. 50206.
Donations received from 9/01/13 to 1/10/14 Leadership donors (those giving $3,000 or more) appear in bold Anonymous (5) Anonymous (17) The Aaron Family Isha and Asim Abdullah Susan Bryan and Frank Adams (GF) Roshanak and Bijan Afsarifard Isidro Aguilar (C) Artis Montague and Todd Alamin Mari and Raymond Aldridge Marjorie Zimmerman and David Alfano Loretta and Douglas Allred (GP) Christina Velazquez and Efren Alvarez Vargas Valerie and Kailash Ambwani Angela and Patrick Amor Maria Amundson Juliana and Dana Andersen Sherri and Lance Anderson Stephanie Savides and Mark Andrew Maria Lobo and Jordi Argente Mary Helen Armstrong (C) Agustin Arroyo (C) Nancy Hosay and Jacob Asher (GF) Judy and Jim Ashford (GF) Polly Ann and Kelly Atkinson Michaela Liedtke and Manfred Auer Tracey and Brian Avery (GF) Brenda and Regan Avery (C) Modesta Ayala Jose Ayala (C) Cynthia Dusel-­‐Bacon and Charles Bacon (GF) Sheri and Doug Baer The Baier Suden Family Laurie and Dave Bailard Valerie and Gregory Baker Susie and Andrew Baker 8
Sheri and William Bakun (GF) Kathleen and Mark Balestra, Pearson Buick/GMC Ana Barajas Jane and David Baran (C) Sandra Bardas (C) Ellen and John Bargar Neddie and Adam Barnett Diane Himler Baruh and Jeffrey Baruh Laurie and Rich Bassin Jan and David Baszucki Robbie and Bob Baxter Valerie Laird and Kenneth Bayne Inna and Todd Beardsley Libby and Allen Beasley Margaret Scopazzi and Dan Beatty Barbara and Blair Beebe Harry Beilin Emmanuelle Treil and Andy Belk Dawn and Mark Bercow Elisabetta Gaiani and Uwe Bergmann Candace Hathaway and Chuck Bernstein (GF) Isabelle and Stephan Berthier Linda and Glen Bethel (GF) Marcia and Paul Bever Carolyn Bildstein (GF) Cathy and Steve Bitler (GF) Dawn Yates Black (GP) Debra and Peter Blackmore (C) Lakshmi Nayayani and John Blanchard Alison and Greg Blank Mary and Derek Blazensky Rebecca and Jeff Bloom (GF) Gail Blumberg Jodie and Alan Bogomilsky Pamela Howland and James Bohac Sangeet and Sanjay Bonde Barbara and Thomas Borden (C) Lori Gortner and Tom Boussie Kathryn and Jay Bowden Michelle and Mark Box (C) Dianna and Rich Branning Blanca Bravo (C) Ulrika and Johan Brenner Maily and Wes Brewer John Briggs Susan Eliot Briggs Marylou Briggs (A) Jennifer Geddes and Ken Brisebois Laura Moore and Ian Bryan B-­‐Squeak Productions Terri Bullock (GF) Rebecca Burciaga (C) Marjorie and Gerald Burnett (GF) Caroline Berube and Stephan Busque Cindy and Barry Butler* Marcy Conn and Juan Byron Kim Harney and Bruce Cabral (GF) Amy McLanahan and Andy Calvert Daryl and Jim Camarillo (GF) Cherie and Blake Campbell Monique Cannell (C) Yolanda and Steve Canny Nelida Cardenas (C) Bartola Castaneda and Miguel Cardenas Lopez Georgina Sanchez and Marco Cardozo Eda and Andrew Carlson Alexandra and Stephane Carrou Noreen and Jim Carruthers Sara Carter Angelica and Michael Chai Ora and David Chaiken February 2014
Jessie and Andrew Chan (C) Mary and Andrew Chan (GF) Kathy Kau and Kay Chang Michelle Chapman-­‐Barovich and Jim Chapman Celeste Chapman (GF) Pablo Chavez (C) Mari and Aron Chazen Mary Chessman (C) Laura and Eugene Chiang Dianne and Jeff Child Suneeta and Sridhar Chilukuri Elizabeth and George Chitouras Carol Mone and Roger Choplin Jane Chueh Rosalia Cisneros (C) Lynne and Steve Clarence (GF) Jo Ellis and William Clark Sookyung Cho-­‐Claverie and Pierre Claverie Caroline Simard and Jocelyn Cloutier Fannie Allen and George Cogan Marci and Corey Coggins Lori and Alan Cohen Shoshanah and Collin Cohen (C) Linda Itskovitz and Brett Colbert Jeannie and Steven Cole Victoria and Derek Coleman* Rebecca and Bud Colligan (C) Carol and Evan Collins Remona Murray and Richard Collyer Jeanne and David Connolly Shari and Scott Conrad Lisa and James Conrad Tamara and Randy Cook Mario Corsa (C) Karen Grove and Julian Cortella Lynn and Kenneth Cox Yesenia Crasp (C) Sue Crawford (A) Sharyn Crosat (C) MJ and Drew Crousore (C) Olga Pulido and Robert Crowe Amy and Jeff Crowe (C) Maria Martinez and Jaime Cruz Nilda and Steban Cruzada Maria Cuellar Michele and Mark Culhane Leslie and Mike Curtis (A) Barbara and Steven Cwirla Jade and Stephen Dahl The Kemp-­‐Dahlberg Family Carla Daiss Posthauer Kerry and Howard Dallmar (GF) Cristina and Jose Damian TriVocis
February 2014
Rose Lorenc and Jubin Dana Christine and Michael David (GF) Julie Davis Lee Kite and Russell Davis Betsy and John Davis (GF) Lisa and Bruce Deal Lois Nissman and Jeff DeCurtins Linda Degastaldi (GF) Lyn and Christopher Denend* Catherine and Christopher DePuy Nancy Paxton and Gaurang Desai (C) Heidi Larsen and J. D. DeTrempe (C)* Carla and Juan Dewar Shilpa and Sanjiv Dhawan Alexandra Gonzalez and Gabriel Diaz Silvia Cruz and Juan Diaz Jennifer and Marcelino Dignum Natalie and Jeff Diller June and Jim Diller (GP) Mayling and Lance Dixon Maria Mascaro-­‐Doktorczyk and Michael Doktorczyk (C) Jean and Robert Dolin Caroline Donahue Chris and Ken Doniger (GF)* Lisa Greek Donnellan and Brian Donnellan Peggy and Steve Dow (C) Marc Drucker (C) Jennifer and Kenneth Duda (C) Jean and Richard Duda (GF) Margarita Bekker and Chris Dulmage Kristin and Ram Duriseti (GF) Tracey Ireland and Sanjoy Dutta Molly and Chandler Eason* Pamela and James Easton Judith and Steven Eichler Connie and Al Eisenstat (C) Susie and Mike Eisenstat Karen and Sohell Eizadi Holly and Graydon Eliot (GP) Pamela and Stephen Ellingson Michele Calos and John Ellis Nancy and William Ellsworth (A) Ann and Ken Emanuels (GP) Anne and Steve Englert (GF) Anna Zara and Robert English (C) Mary English-­‐Freeman Doreen Ericson Carrie and Peter Eshleman Maria and Eugene Espiritu Kathy Kwan and Alan Eustace (C) Kathryn Barton and Matthew Evans Christine and William Evans Mary Jo Evans Negin Fahimi Sally and Craig Falkenhagen (GF) Lucia Tedesco and Massimiliano Fatica Elizabeth Blair and Ken Fenyo Heidi Fertig Stoesser Adrienne and Steve Fioretti Anne Firth Murray (GP) Jeanne and Frank Fischer (GF) Susan Bartalo and David Fischer Mary and Martin Fischer Sarah and Cliff Fitzgerald (GF) Becky and Bob Flanagan Leigh Flesher (GF) Rosario and Gregorio Flores (GF) Cindy and Art Folker (GF) John Folker (A) Marnie and Tom Foody Dianna and Freeman Ford (C) Michelle and Bruce Fortnam Lynne and Mario Fovinci Emily Fox John Fox Daniel Frank Miwa and Michael Frank Janet Kim and David Friedman Hilda and Hal Friedman (GF) Marjorie Schultz and Chris Fuller Jackie and Mark Galarneau Janice and David Galbraith Kathleen Cattani and Mark Gallagher (GF)* Sue Young and Mel Gallen (GF) Penny and Greg Gallo (GF) Rebecca and Calvin Garcia Juana Garcia (GF) Lainie and George Garrick Eileen Kollar and Jim Gasiewski Julie and Tom Gaston Frances and Theodore Geballe (GP) Julia Massa and Aaron Gershenberg Mary and Mark Gilles Cheryl Cathey and Peter Gillespie Claire and Claeton Giordano Nuria and Claude Godcharles Juvencio Godinez Mary Zarucchi and Robert Goland Sol Gomez (C) Katherine Hunt and Doug Gonzalez Maureen and Tim Goode Patricia Nakache and Patrick Gordan Denise and Michael Gormish Heather Goudey Renu and Sanj Goyle Gail and Gamiel Gran Joan and Robert Grant (GF) 9
Frances and Paul Gray Sara and Bob Griffin Austin Grose Stasia Grose Lisa and Bob Grossman, Blue Sky Outdoor Gail Slocum and Jordan Gruber Marian Duncan and Karl Guegler Susan Swetter and Daniel Guenin Yemeli Piedra and Juan Guizar Adele and Nathan Gursky Marcia and Kent Hakanson Laura and John Hale (GF) Debbie and Russ Hall (GF) Amanda and Stephen Hall Trish Hallenbeck (GP) Bonnie and Terry Hanley Marsha and Edwin Hannay Jody and Don Harrier Hedeff Essaid and Tahir Hasoon (GF) Sharon and Robert Hasslen Connie Hawkins (GF) Dana and Tom Hayse Sally Hayse (GP) Maggie Heilman Carolyn Heller Helena and Michael Henkin Beth and Derek Henninger Cara and Reed Henry Betsy and John Henze Valerie Herman Cindy and Brett Herr Joanna Wyntjes and David Hershbereer Diane and Jerry Hester (GF) Maryam Amiri and Gil Heydari Karen Garrison and Stephen Hickman Michael Hilberman (A) Marian and Tom Hill (GF) Maria and Skip Hilton Noel and Craig Hirst (C) Kalli Kargas and Gary Hocking Cynthia Kikugawa and Alan Hodes Lisa and Frank Hoeflich (GF) William Hoffman Barbara Hoffman Debra Yoder and Gary Hohl (GF) Diana Holliday Carla Holmes (A) Laurie and Thomas Holt (GP) Lynn and Randy Holthaus Alice and Daniel Hom Victoria and Stephen Hoover Sandra and Roger Horwitz Linda Hubbard (A) William Fackler Hug 10
Martha and Mike Hutchison Judith Kmetko and Jim Hwang Barrett Moore and Bruce Ives Sachi and Brian Iwashita Karen Peterson-­‐Iyer and Mohan Iyer Susan Weersing and Paul Jacquemet Sue and Kurt Jaggers Nicholas Jellins Marguerite and S. Allan Johnson Elena Stallings and Kenneth Johnson Stephanie Heller and Walter Johnson Kris Johnson (GF) Jane and Don Johnston Mira Olson and Jonathan Weiner Ann Yvonne Walker and David Jones (GF) Lisa and Devon Joos Kennetha and Clay Judd (A) Diann Lewis and Tom Kane (C) Susan and Michael Kang Lexi Bisbee and Mike Kardos Elizabeth and Robert Katz Barry Katzman Jennifer and Jeffrey Kaufman Jill Morgan and Doug Keare Lexy Keller Eaton (A) Molly and Mark Kelley (GF) Joy and Joel Kellman (GP) Katherine and John Kelly Jeanette and Kevin Kennedy (C) Kimberly Marlow and Terence Kenney Damodaran Kesavati (C) Nancy and Andrew Kessler Leah Strichartz and Patrick Killelea Grace and Ken Kim Melody Chou and Steve Kim Liz and Tom King Margaret Kivelson (GP) Steven Kivelson Margie and Jeff Klapper Alice Kleeman Carma Heitzmann and Jeffrey Kline Hillary Bratton and Martin Kloiber Cynthia Klustner Vicki and Lewie Knapp Sally and Al Knorp (GF) Laurie and Mark Knox* Kathy and Steven Koenig Amy Traum and Neil Koren (A) Cathy and Jim Koshland (GF) Holly Andrews-­‐Kramer and Henry Kramer Kathryn and Kevin Kranen Lubov Filonova and Nicolay Kulikov Siva and Jeyanthi Kumar Liz and Stephen Laderman I-­‐Jaung Feng and Larry Lai Douglas Laird Michelle and Nicholas Landolfi Lisa McPherson and Ingo Lange Lisa Lapin Annie and Jim LaPlante Kathy and Brian LaPorte Marilyn and James Lattin Jennifer and Vo Le Carlene Wong-­‐Lee and Philip Lee Marie and Mark LeFebvre Suzanne Legallet (A) Parke Treadway and Kurt Lehman Kim and Tom LeMieux Avihu and Michal Lenchner Susan Leonard Mary Ann and Scott Levenson Bronwyn and Barry Lewis (GF) Beth Ann Lico Steve Lico Kathleen and Alexander Liston Colleen Anderson and James Lobdell Rachel and Jeffrey Lokey Gloria Webster and Jim Long Ricardo Lopez (C) Kelly Stewart and John Love Susan and Bryan Lovegren (GF) Yvonne Lynch (GP) Jackie and Bob MacDonald Kate Mulligan and David Mack (GF) Michele Madansky and Travis Mowbray Dina Magana Pat and Bob Maines (GP) Barbara and Mike Mainiero Yuko and Arthur Malan Raul Maldonado (C) Melissa and Michael Malloy Vitalina Mandujano Sue and Mike Marianacci Sidney and Doug Marks Genoa and Steffan Martell Nancy Olbers and Kyle Mashima Marie-­‐Pierre and Philippe Mathevon Cathy and Kurk Mathews Linda and John Mathews Mary Ann Zetes and Peter Mazonson (GF) John McBride (C) Casey Hartman and Robin McCloskey Diana and Jeff McColloch Marjorie and Richard McCracken (GF) Charlene Margot and Paul McCreigh (GF) Roberta and Warren McDonald Kristin and John McDonnell Lorraine McDonough and Brian McGarry Irene Searles and Malcolm McGinnis Melissa Verber and Kevin McKee February 2014
Tracey and David McLaughlin Lauren and Ron McLeod Catherine and Greg McMillan Michele and John McNellis (C) Janice and Steve Meisel (C) Kim and Kevin Menninger (GF) Julie and Randy Merk (GF) Peggy Lynch and Mark Merrill (A) Wallace Mersereau (C) Phyllis and Chip Mesec Calderon Migel (C) Sheila Jimenez and Peyman Milanfar Amanda and Alan Miller Julie Ann and David Min Michiko and Allen Miner Laura and Andy Missan Christine Martens and Edward Mocarski (GF) Tami and Scott Moffitt Susan and Marshall Mohr (GF) Mary and Steve Mohr Beth and Robert Montoya Kim Young and John Moragne (GF) Blanca Morales (C) Yoshiye and Robert Moriarty Linda Gates and Peter Morris Ellen and Marvin Mouchawar Kelly and Chuck Muenzen Karen and William Muir Susan Smigelski and Will Mulhern Kimberly and David Mullarkey Mutsuko and Akira Muraoka Margaret Kim and Roger Murff Theresa and Kevin Murphy Hong and Michael Murphy Terri and Alan Muschott Betsy and Horace Nash (GF) Judy Windt and Manuel Nathenson (GF) Rosa Navarro (C) Tracie Rae and Matthew Sadler Nelson Stacey and Randy Neubert Randall Neustaedter Ana Williamson and William Nighan Stephanie and Jim Nisbet Brenda and Terry Nixon (GF) Liesl and Jonathan Joseph Noble Reiko and George Noguchi Rick Novak Karen Nystrom (GF) Gloria Principe and John O’Farrell (GF) Sheila Botein and David Oakes (GF) Anita and Bruce Ochieano (GF) Kristin and Tito Ocon Debbie and Manny Ojeda Avery and Marc Olesen TriVocis
February 2014
Lee Ann Yasukawa and Greg Olsen Diana Sunshine and Bill Onderdonk (C) Teri and John O'Neel Nami and Joel Onodera Amy and Tony Oro Zinnia Orosa Jill Osato Cheri and Ken Ostrow Miriam and Shawn Pagee Brenda Kim-­‐Pai and Tom Pai Marilyn and Jim Palmer (GP) Penny Stroud and Rick Pam (GF) George Paris Amy Cheun and John Park Lucy and George Parke Katie Parsons Susan and Jeff Patrick Amy and Walter Paulsen Janice and C.E. Pausa (C) Steven Payne Francine Chen and Leigh Peck Jackie Pelavin Janet and Ken Perez Santiago Perez (C) Jose Perez-­‐Zamarron Karen and Mark Perlroth (GF) Margaret and Peter Perrone The Peters Family Stephanie and Alexander Peters (C) Carol and Steve Peters (GF) Lesley Peters (C) Cathy and Gary Petersen Susan and Christian Petersen Diana and Russell Peterson Eva Bryer and Bardia Pezeshki Cecilia and Mark Pinto Keyko and Sandro Pintz Lori and Tom Plante Mary and Ben Pless (C) Anna and Stephen Plume* Jennifer and Jorge Pont Ashok Chhabedia and Rita Ashok Popat Elisabeth and John Pounders Teresa Prado Valerie Rice and William Prainito Patti Jo Price (C) Hazel Keelan and Mark Prichard Peggy and Jonathan Propp* Priscilla Kaplan and Jeffrey Prudhomme Laura and Chris Purpura Laurie and William Quinn Sharie Kumaishi and David Quinn Elizabeth and Dan Rabinovitsj Marina and Fernando Rafael Anna and John Ralston Paula and Scott Rash* Deborah Rau Jan and Mike Reed Linda and Mark Reed Jeff Reed (C) Andrea and Steven Reed Diane and Todd Regonini Leigh Ann and Gregory Reichow Andrea and Glenn Reid Kristine and Evan Reis Renuka Prasad and Arvind Relan Rachel Scheuring and Arron Retterer Mary Beth and Greg Richardson Maria Rico and Ramiro Martinez (GF) Judy and Chuck Rino (GF) Jennifer and Frank Roberts Rebecca Robinson and Mark Lambert Judy and Walt Robinson (GF) Jennifer and Brian Rodrigues Kitty and Chip Roellig Lisa Saunders and David Roise Lisa and Patrick Roisen Aracely Rosas Shelley and Bernard Ross (GF) Rotary Club of Menlo Park Foundation Jill and George Roumeliotis Perryn and Tim Rowland (GF) Donna Ito and Jozef Ruck (GF) Gabriela Murillo and Vicente Ruiz Nancy Wagstaff and Steve Russell (GF) Stephen Russell Anne Rutherdale (GP) Yuki and Rikko Sakaguchi Karen Beswick and Javier Salas Francisca Meraz and Jorge Saldana Laura and Jose Saldivar Amy and Eric Saltzman Martha and Phillip Sanchez Celine and Michael Sanie Minnie and Richard Sarwal (GF)* Dorothy Saxe (C) Mildred Saxman (GP) Kathy and Mike Scandalios Jackie and John Scandalios (GP) Sue and Joe Scheid (GF) Amy Scherer Linda and Ted Schlein Susan and David Schultz (GF) Nancy Bush and Emil Scoffone Robin and Dennis Walker Severns Tracey and Kent Seymour Corby Locke and Gary Shaffer Naomi and Jonathan Shalowitz The Shane Family Lisa and Tim Sheeper 11
Ahmad Sheikholeslami Carol and Andrew Shelton Celia and Bob Shepard Felicia and James Shermis Jane and David Shimbo Faye and Dennis Siegler Joan Lambert and Mark Silverman Cathy and Alan Simes Jeanne and Gregory Simonian Nanhi Singh and Debashish Sinha Alys and Brad Smith Lyle Smith (GF) Christine Alfano and Christian Smith Jessica and Peter Snyder Margaret Tao and Sam So (GF) Carmen Solis (C) Janet and Rick Sommer Kim Sommer (GF) Jill and Chris Sonderby Carol and Mark Sontag (GF) Susan and Peter Sorlie Carla and Darin Sparrow Gulnar and Mark Spurlock Lucile and Eugene Spurlock (GF) Jill and Scott Stanley Annarosa Tomasi and Richard Stark Josie Steben Susan Anderes and John Stern Junko and Ted Stevens Kathy and Doug Stevens (GF) William Stoesser Ann and Michael Stoner Ruth Steinberg and David Strehlow Linda and Samuel Strober Susan and Eric Suesser Patricia and Timothy Sullivan (C) Maureen and Jim Swartz (GF) Mary and Larry Sweeney (GF) Carrie and Jan Sweetnam Linda Swett (C) Kathy Jackson and Brad Sylvester (GF) Cynthia Harris and Daniel Sze (C) Peri Caylor and Scott Szymkowski Chihiro and Shogo Tabata Anna and Gus Tai Charlotte Chang and Kit Tam (GF) Gloria and Peter Tam Jennine Kirby and Mathew Tarran Rachel and Ted Tasch Diane and Tab Taube Suzanne and Bradley Taylor Cris and Eliot Terborgh (GF) 12
Stephanie and Andrew Thomases (C) Terry and Allan Thygesen (GF) Valerie Gardner and Jonathan Tiemann Libby and Randy Tinsley Betty and Roger Toguchi (GF)* Carolyn and Daniel Tom Christine and Steven Tonsfeldt Neeracha Taychakhoonavudh and Sean Trabosh* Troop 32217 (C) Keri and Griff Tully Kenneth Turkowski Melenaite Turtanekai (C) Linda and Barry Uphoff Heidrun and Paul Utz Alice and Andrew Valentine Stephanie and Bradley Van Linge Kelsey Porter and Jon Vannini Susan and Sanjay Vaswani (GF) Salvador Vega Huctado (C) Jill Amstutz and Andres Velasquez Catalina Zapata and Conrad Vial Lynette and Sridhar Viswanathan Cristina and Alex Vitale Joyce and Hugo Vliegen Kathan and Douglas Vollrath Leo Volpe* Diane Schiano and Richard Voreck Dawn and Fred Voss Mary and John Wachtel (GF) Tracy and Barry Waddell Erin and Arthur Wait* Penelope and Robert Waites (C) Nathaly and John Walker Julia Wall (C) Gloria and John Wallace (GF) Xun Wang Karen and Richard Warren Ean Warren Mary and John Watson Karen Zak and Gary Waymire Adrienne Wong and Peter Webb* Mary Dent and Allen Weiner Karen and Van Weiss (GF) Tina and Michael Wells Christine and Robert Wendin* Mary Ann and Bill Westfield Sophie Whelan-­‐Kirk (C) Ann and Matthew White Bonnie Hom and Joyo Wijaya Christopher Wilder (GF) Kirby Wilkins Limor and Stuart Kevin Wilks Erika Zipf-­‐Williams and Kirt Williams Nancy Lee and Greg Williams Merian Van Eijk and Matthew Willis Teruyo and William Wilson Suzanne and Ben Wilson La Vita Hill-­‐Willson and Eric Wilson Catherine Wilson (C) April Tan and Gary Wiseman Liz and Larry Wiseman Tina and Jim Witham Patricia Villarreal-­‐Wong and Michael Wong Alex Woo Elizabeth Wood Barbra and Bill Wood (GP) Kirsten Keith and John Woodell Brenda and Wade Woodson (C) Robin Tobias and Rich Worthington (GF) Wendy and David Wright Sarah and David Wright Gisella Lai and Gary Yang Julia and Renato Yap Barbara and Russell Yates Monica Lp and WaiBun Yau Susan and David Young (GF) Mara Young Lynne Young (GF) The Younger Family Foundation Taylor Perkins and Stephen Yu Zeynep Yucel (C)* Judith Lynn and Samuel Zalipsky Ninoska Veliz and Claudio Zanelli Jill and Steve Zanolli Kelly Fergusson and Robert Zeien Matthew Zito Carolyn Fairman and Joshua Zucker (A) Alumnus (C) Community Member (GF) Graduated Family (GP) Grandparent * Arranged Matching Gift We apologize to anyone whose name has been inaccurately listed or inadvertently omitted. Please contact us at [email protected] with any corrections. February 2014
From the Guidance Office
Deadlines to drop classes
The last day to drop a class without a record appearing on the transcript is February 24.
The last day to drop a class with a record of withdrawal passing (WP) or withdrawal failing (WF) appearing on
the transcript is April 8. WF will affect a student’s grade point average.
First-semester grades
First-semester grades were mailed the week of January 13. The next progress report will be mailed the week of
February 24.
Reminder: Grading periods are every four and a half weeks. Reviewing first-semester grades with your student is
a great opportunity to discuss improvements for second semester. Be sure to check for information
about grades and assignments.
Obtaining homework for ill students
When a student is out ill for three days or more, please phone the Guidance Office at (650) 322-5311, ext.
50121 or 50122, to request homework. We will then contact the student’s teachers. A homework folder will be
set up in the Guidance Office, and you can pick up the homework at the end of the day. Our office hours are
7:30 am to 3:45 pm.
For students out fewer than three days, please check, e-mail teachers directly, or have students
check with their friends. Go the M-A Web site at to find the e-mail addresses of your student’s
Class of 2014
Students who apply to private colleges need to request mid-year reports by the end of January. They can obtain
the Mid-Year Transcript Request form from the Guidance Office and submit it with a recommended $2.00 per
Graduation will take place on June 5 at 4:00 pm. Please plan accordingly.
Classes of 2015, 2016, and 2017
Registration for 2014–15: Guidance counselors will be meeting with students from January to March to register
for classes for the next academic year. This is an opportunity for you to start discussing course selection with
your student and to plan for an appropriate and balanced course load. Confirmation notices will be mailed home
in May. Please note: Once the 2014–15 school year starts and classes have been finalized, students must remain
in their elective classes, including math, science, and world language classes above minimum graduation requirements. This policy will be strictly enforced.
Naviance: Ask your student about Naviance. All M-A students have access to this college and career search
program. The program is at
CAHSEE: State law mandates that a student must pass the California High School Exit Examination to receive
a high school diploma. Students’ first opportunity to take the CAHSEE is in the spring of tenth grade. Current
tenth graders will take the exam on March 18 and 19.
Cañada Middle College: Cañada Middle College is an alternative for eleventh and twelfth graders with high potential who have the skills and sense of responsibility to succeed on a college campus. Students attend Cañada
College, where they take college classes in the morning and high school classes taught by high school teachers in
the afternoon. Information sessions will be held January 30 and February 20. See the article on page 19.
The Guidance Office sends a big thank you to all the parent volunteers who came out at 7:20 in the morning to hand out class schedules to your students. Thanks also to Catherine McMillan and Mary Zarucchi
for recruiting all the volunteers.
Silvia Torres-Garza, head guidance counselor
Francine Andrade, Laura Duran, Karina Escobar-Weaver, Jason Kubo, and Lara Sandora, guidance counselors
February 2014
De la Oficina de Consejería
Fechas de vencimiento para agregar/quitar clases
El último día para quitar clases y que éstas no aparezcan en su expediente académico será el 24 de febrero.
El último día para quitar una clase con el record de WP (pasando) ó WF (reprobando) apareciendo en el
expediente académico será el 8 de abril. La calificación WF (reprobando) afectará su promedio general.
Calificaciones del primer semestre
Calificaciones del primer semestre fueron enviadas por correo la semana del 13 de enero y el próximo reporte del
progreso académico para segundo semestre será enviado la semana del 24 de febrero.
Recordatorio: Los períodos de calificaciones son cada 4 semanas y media. Revise con su estudiante las
calificaciones del primer semestre, lo cual es una gran oportunidad para discutir las mejorías necesarias para el
segundo semestre. Asegúrese de revisar para información acerca de calificaciones y tareas.
Reglamento del proceso para solicitar tarea para estudiantes enfermos
Cuando un estudiante está ausente por enfermedad durante 3 días o más, por favor llame a la Oficina de
Consejería al (650) 322-5311, ext. 50121 ó 50122, para solicitar tarea. Nosotros nos comunicaremos con los
maestros del estudiante. Un folder para tarea será colocado en la Oficina de Consejería, donde usted podrá
recoger la tarea al final del día. Nuestras horas de oficina son 7:30 am a 3:45 pm.
Para estudiantes ausentes menos de 3 días, por favor revise, envíe correos electrónicos a los
maestros directamente, o pida a su estudiante que investigue con sus amigos. Puede entrar al sitio de M-A en
Internet ( para encontrar las direcciones electrónicas de los maestros de su estudiante.
Clase del 2014
Los estudiantes que aplican a universidades privadas necesitan solicitar los formularios del reporte de medio año
de la oficina de consejería usando el formulario “Mid-Year Transcript Request form.” Los estudiantes deben
completar este formulario y traer una donación sugerida de $2.00 por cada universidad con su pedido durante el
mes de enero del 2014.
La graduación se llevará a cabo el 5 de junio a las 4:00 de la tarde. Por favor planee de acuerdo a esta fecha.
Clases del 2015, 2016, y 2017
Inscripción para 2014–15: Los consejeros se reunirán con sus estudiantes que van a regresar el próximo año
comenzando en enero para registrarlos para las clases del año académico 2014–15. Estas juntas de inscripción
van a continuar a través de los meses de febrero y marzo. Esta es una oportunidad para que ustedes empiezen a
hablar acerca de las clases que su estudiante va a escoger para el próximo año escolar y para planear un horario
apropiado y balanceado. Notificaciones confirmando las clases serán enviadas por correo en mayo. Por favor
tomen nota: una vez empiece el año escolar 2014–15, los estudiantes permanecerán en sus clases electivas,
incluyendo clases de matemáticas, ciencias e idioma extranjero que sean más altas que las clases mínimas
requeridas para graduación. Este reglamento será obligatorio.
Naviance: Pregunte a su estudiante acerca de Naviance. Todos los estudiantes inscritos en la secundaria M-A
tienen acceso a este programa de búsqueda para colegios y carreras. La mayoría de los estudiantes han sido
introducidos al programa Naviance. La página en Internet es
CAHSEE: Todos los estudiantes tienen que pasar el exámen de salida (California High School Exit Examination) para poder recibir el diploma de preparatoria. La ley del estado exige este requisito de graduación. La
primera oportunidad que tienen los estudiantes para tomar este examen (CAHSEE) es durante la primavera del
décimo grado. Los estudiantes en décimo grado tomarán los exámenes CAHSEE el 18 y 19 de marzo.
Programa de Cañada Middle College: Cañada Middle College es una alternativa para los estudiantes del
onceavo y doceavo grado con potencial alto quienes tienen las destrezas y sentido de responsabilidad necesarios
para tener éxito en un colegio comunitario. Los estudiantes asisten a Cañada College, adonde toman clases de
universidad durante la mañana y clases de preparatoria que enseñan maestros de preparatoria durante la tarde.
Estas clases son en el ciclo del semestre de Cañada College. Los estudiantes tienen que aplicar a Cañada College y
tomar los exámenes de ubicación. Los estudiantes que estén interesados en este programa deben asistir a una
February 2014
junta de información con sus padres. Las juntas de información se llevarán a cabo el jueves, 30 de enero, y el
jueves, 20 de febrero, de las 7:00 hasta las 8:00 de la noche en el salón de la mesa directiva del Distrito de
Sequoia Union High School, cuya dirección es el 480 James Avenue en Redwood City. Las solicitudes para el
programa deben entregarse a más tardar el 7 de marzo. Los estudiantes deben tomar los exámenes de ubicación
en cuanto sus solicitudes para Cañada College sean procesadas. Usted encontrará una presentación informativa
por medio del “PowerPoint” del año pasado en la página web de Middle College en el sitio web de Cañada
La oficina de consejería quiere brindar un gran agradecimiento a todos nuestros padres y madres
voluntarios que se presentaron a las 7:20 de la mañana para distribuir los horarios de clase a sus
estudiantes. También les damos las gracias a Catherine McMillan y Mary Zarucchi por coordinar la
presencia de todos los voluntarios.
Silvia Torres-Garza, encargada del Departamento de Consejería
Francine Andrade, Laura Duran, Karina Escobar-Weaver, Jason Kubo, y Lara Sandora, consejeros
AP Test Registration
Registration for the AP tests will occur on Wednesday, February 19, and Thursday, February 20, at lunch
only, in the PAC lobby.
The cost per test is $95. Checks can be made payable to MAHS. If a student is taking multiple tests, one check
for all is acceptable. Cash is also accepted.
Please write the following information on the front of any check:
Student’s first and last name
The exact name of the AP test(s) the student will take. Be specific: AP English is not enough; we need to
know if it’s AP English Lit or AP English Language.
Students who are unable to register at a scheduled time may have a friend or relative do so for them.
Any student who needs financial assistance should see Lorry Orcutt in the front office prior to registering.
If a student registers for a test and then does not take the test, there is a $20 cancellation fee per test.
February 2014
Options for Math Courses
With students beginning to register for 2014–15 classes in late January and February,
now is a good time to think about options available from the Math Department.
Common Core
Common Core changes are now the major focus of the Math Department, and all our math teachers are embracing the changes. We are currently introducing them in our algebra, geometry and algebra II classes. In
mathematics, the Sequoia District is planning a three-year rollout. We will formally teach Common Core algebra
next year, introduce Common Core geometry in 2015–16, and introduce Common Core algebra II in 2016–17.
The district has decided that we will continue teaching our traditional structure instead of changing to a international pathway (Integrated Math). The biggest changes in content are a heavy emphasis on statistics in the algebra and algebra II classes and more open-ended real-world problems. Testing is another difference: starting in
2014–15, juniors will take computer-based Common Core exams, and students will no longer take STAR tests
in freshman, sophomore, and junior years. (Sophomores will still take the California High School Exit Exam.)
Math curriculum
M-A requires a minimum of two years of math to graduate. The UC system and the California state colleges require at least three years of math, including algebra II, and any student planning to attend a four-year college
should complete at least through algebra II. Students can improve their college eligibility by taking as much
math as possible in the traditional sequence of algebra I, geometry, algebra II, precalculus, and calculus. Students
who have difficulty with algebra I may decide to take integrated math, a bridge course, before moving on to geometry.
Algebra is considered the gateway course to college; without it, college success is unlikely. Algebra I is required
for M-A graduation and is part of the math content of the California High School Exit Exam. Beyond that, as
one of our calculus teachers, I can tell you that algebra skills can significantly affect a student’s calculus performance throughout the year. Calculus teachers have a saying: “Many times when solving a calculus problem, the
first step is calculus and the rest is all algebra.”
M-A has two options for the third year of math required by the California schools: AS algebra II and algebra II.
The prerequisite for AS algebra II is a minimum of a B in geometry, while algebra II requires only a C in geometry. AS algebra II is intended primarily for sophomores and freshman who intend to complete calculus. Algebra
II is intended for seniors and juniors who have found math challenging but who still want rigorous preparation
for college math courses. Please discuss these differences with your student if he or she plans to enroll in AS or
regular algebra II next year. The Math Department strongly recommends that juniors and seniors enroll in algebra II, not AS algebra II. Juniors leaving algebra II can take statistics or algebra II/trigonometry, which will prepare them for precalculus or other math courses required in college.
Another option for juniors or seniors is AP statistics or statistics. AP statistics requires completion of or concurrent enrollment in precalculus, while statistics requires completion of or concurrent enrollment in algebra II.
The two courses differ in pacing and content. AP statistics is a fun, hands-on course, but it moves at an intense
pace, twice as fast as statistics. Non-AP statistics allows students more time to practice and master the material.
The Math Department encourages students to take two math courses concurrently so that they can complete
calculus and AP statistics. The majority of students taking AP statistics are also enrolled in AP calculus or precalculus. Currently at M-A 160 students are taking AP statistics or statistics.
Students also have the option of taking BC calculus or AB calculus. The complicated difference between these
courses is explained in an annual January meeting of parents and students. Do note for future planning that BC
February 2014
calculus students participate in a four-week summer program (June 9 through July 3 this year) immediately following their precalculus course.
The California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) is still M-A’s most important standardized exam. We support the math content of the CAHSEE exam and believe it is a reasonable exam to pass. Seniors (class of 2014)
have already had several opportunities to pass it and will have more opportunities. The Math Department offers
a CAHSEE math-preparation class for interested students. This year’s sophomores (class of 2016) will be taking
the CAHSEE exams for the first time on March 18 and 19. An eight-week program of daily review sessions has
been integrated in the appropriate sophomore math classes.
If you have questions about the Math Department offerings, feel free to call me at (650) 322-5311, ext. 59634,
or write to [email protected].
Gregg Whitnah, Math Department chair
M-A’s Own PSAT/SAT Prep
M-A’s Own is taking last-minute sign-ups on a space-available basis, with priority to juniors and any seniors who are making a lastminute effort. Sophomores whose fall sport will prevent their taking a
PSAT prep course go on a waiting list.
This course is the first of two offered by M-A’s Own each spring. It
will end the week before the March 8 SAT. The second course will
begin shortly after the first ends and will be for the May or June tests.
Enrollment for the second course is open now.
We meet on campus from 3:30 to 5 on Mondays and Tuesdays for five weeks. Our fee, between $100 and $225,
includes all necessary materials and is determined by actual enrollment when students take their seats. The parent or guardian is responsible for payment once the student is seated.
We cover the essay with individual attention. We teach technique and discuss strategy. We have been offering
these courses since 1980, so we know our course works, especially for students who truly want to be there.
If you have questions and/or wish to enroll your student, please write [email protected].
Jane King, director
February 2014
In 500 Words or Less
The M-A Parent Education Series is committed to offering programs that provide information and help reduce
parent and student stress related to the college admission process. On Thursday, February 6, the series will show
the outstanding documentary film In 500 Words or Less.
Going to college is a rite of passage for many American high school students, but the process can be overwhelming: college fairs, SATs, tours, applications. And then there’s the personal essay. How does a seventeenyear-old define himself or herself to total strangers when self-discovery has just begun? And how can he or she
do it in an essay of 500 words or less? This honest film is a must-see for any parent or student starting or anticipating the college application process.
In 500 Words or Less takes you inside the lives of four students as they spend their last year with their families
trying to figure out who they are and who they want to be. These four students differ in race, geography, and
socioeconomic background, but their stories converge as they all juggle acceptance, rejection, decision making,
and letting go.
This documentary is highly recommended by the National Association for College Admission Counseling and
was featured at a recent national conference. The film will be introduced by Alice Kleeman, M-A college advisor. This event is ideal for parents to attend along with their students!
The M-A Parent Education Series is sponsored by the Menlo-Atherton PTA and the Sequoia Healthcare District. For more information, write [email protected] or call (650) 868-0590.
Tickets available at
M-A Parent Education Series
Documentary Film: In 500 Words or Less
Introduction by Alice Kleeman, M-A college advisor
Thursday, February 6, 7:00–9:00 pm
M-A Performing Arts Center
Charlene Margot, program director
February 2014
Accepting Applications for 2014–15
Do you have a student who is interested in getting ahead and is looking for a different experience? Do you have a
student who needs to be challenged more in the junior and senior years of high school? Would your student enjoy
the challenge and variety offered by a catalog of college course offerings? Is your student ready to handle the freedom and independence of a real college setting?
If so, look for the Middle College application at
Middle College allows students to leave high school for a fresh, new environment and take all of their classes at Cañada College. They earn their high school diploma and obtain college credit during their final two years of high
school. Three SUHSD instructors teach required high school courses and provide academic counseling and support
for all Middle College students on Cañada’s campus.
Middle College students make education a priority and take responsibility for their own behavior, learning, and success. Graduates have gone on to attend institutions such as UC Berkeley, UCLA, UC Davis, UC Santa Barbara, Cal
Poly San Luis Obispo, Rhode Island School of Design, Oberlin College, New York University, Reed College, Carnegie Mellon, and the University of Southern California, just to name a few. Several students have earned their associates degree prior to earning their high school diploma, thereby completing two years of college work and saving two
years of tuition.
Please note these important dates:
Information meetings: January 30 and February 20, 7 to 8 pm, Sequoia Union High School District Office
board room, 480 James Avenue, Redwood City.
College placement test: February 8, 10 am, Building 9, room 110, Cañada College. For more information,
please call (650) 306-3452 (college assessment office) or Middle College at (650) 306-3120. Students should bring
a photo ID and their college identification number (G#). The test is required by the college to place students accurately in the appropriate classes.
Applications: due by March 7.
Family intake interviews: completed by April 30.
If you have a motivated, enthusiastic, and independent student who is ready to make the jump to college, check out
Middle College for a great challenge! Please call (650) 306-3120 today for more information, or go to
February 2014
Seussical, the Musical is coming to M-A!
See your favorite Dr. Seuss characters come to life, including Horton the Elephant, the Cat in the Hat, Gertrude
McFuzz, Mayzie La Bird, and a little boy with a big imagination, Jojo. The powers of friendship, loyalty, family,
and community are challenged and ultimately emerge triumphant!
All performances are at Menlo-Atherton High School, the Performing Arts Center, located at 555 Middlefield
Road, Atherton, CA 94027.
Dates: February 28 to March 8
Time: All shows at 7:30 pm
Price: $12 adults, $8 students and seniors
Group rates available!
Tickets can be purchased at the box office one hour before curtain or online at
For more information about M-A drama, please contact D. J. Zwicker-Sobrepena at [email protected]. Visual Arts
Keep an eye out for student artwork! You will find it on display throughout the year all
over campus. The works are from class projects at all levels. Some of the permanent locations include:
Administration Building advanced artist gallery, located in the Administration Building corridor.
Pride Hall Art Department display cases: all levels, 3D and 2D artworks.
Library foyer display cases: ceramics, beginning and intermediate artworks.
Library display panels: beginning and intermediate 2D artworks.
Library niches and walls: beginning and intermediate 2D and 3D artworks.
Also, feel free to browse the online gallery for Mr. LeClaire’s classes at or the
growing photo archive put together and managed by Mrs. Snow at
February 2014
Calling All Sponsors . . .
We Need You in the Race for M-A Athletics!
9th Annual Big Bear Run
Sunday, May 4, 2014, 9:00 am
The Big Bear Run is more than a 5k race. It is a fun-filled community event and the core fundraiser for MenloAtherton athletics. Gathering families, neighbors, students, athletes, and businesses, the race focuses on our common
goal of supporting our school and sending the word out to the community that the Bears mean business! Celebrating our
9th annual race this year on Sunday, May 4, we anticipate well over 1,200 registered participants, making the Big Bear Run
one of the community’s most popular events.
Every year, M-A Athletic Boosters grants over $110,000 to fund the basic needs of teams with support to over nine hundred committed student-athletes. This effort ensures that our diverse student body benefits from an excellent education in
and out of the classroom. Last year, the Big Bear Run raised enough money to purchase $15,000 in uniforms, $25,000 in
basic equipment and training supplies, and $70,000 in coaches’ stipends. Without this baseline support, the continuity
of M-A’s enriching athletic programs will be compromised. The Big Bear Run fills the gap between basic state funding and the reality of our athletes’ promise.
Please join the Boosters and go to to make a donation and become a Big Bear Run sponsor. We are
currently looking for corporate and family sponsors at the levels outlined below. For more sponsorship information, contact Marci Coggins at [email protected]. For event questions, contact the Big Bear Run cochairs, Dana Hayse
([email protected]) and Diana Holliday ([email protected]).
Thank you to all the families who have already generously donated! Any contributions made from August 1, 2013, to May
4, 2014, will be counted as donations to the 2014 Big Bear Run with full sponsorship benefits.
2014 Big Bear Run Sponsorship Levels and Benefits
Platinum Sponsor: $5000
Platinum sponsor name/logo on event banners displayed across Santa Cruz Avenue in downtown Menlo Park and at Marsh Road and Middlefield in Atherton.
Platinum sponsor name/logo on all race bibs given to race participants.
Platinum sponsor name/logo on banners placed at campus gym, pool, field.
Recognition in M-A’s monthly newsletter, TriVocis, which reaches over 1500 homes.
Most prominent placement of your name/logo on banners on perimeter of M-A campus.
Most prominent placement of your name/logo on popular race day T-shirts, posters, and publicity.
Opportunity to distribute promotional materials/samples on race day.
Five free entries for participants in the race and five free T-shirts.
Reserved parking space at M-A on race day.
Gold Sponsor: $2500
Recognition in M-A’s monthly newsletter, TriVocis, which reaches over 1500 homes.
Prominent placement of your name/logo on banners on perimeter of M-A campus.
Prominent placement of your name/logo on popular race day T-shirts, posters, and publicity.
Opportunity to distribute promotional materials/samples on race day.
Four free entries for participants in the race and four free T-shirts
Reserved parking space at M-A on race day.
February 2014
Silver Sponsor: $1000
Recognition in M-A’s monthly newsletter, TriVocis, which reaches over 1500 homes.
Placement of your name/logo on banners on perimeter of M-A campus.
Your name/logo on popular race day T-shirts, posters, and publicity.
Opportunity to distribute promotional materials/samples on race day.
Three free entries for participants in the race and three free T-shirts.
Bronze Sponsor: $500
Recognition in M-A’s monthly newsletter, TriVocis, which reaches over 1500 homes.
Your name/logo on popular race day T-shirts, posters, and publicity.
Opportunity to distribute promotional materials/samples on race day.
Two free entries for participants in the race and two free T-shirts.
Family Sponsor: $250
Recognition in M-A’s monthly newsletter, TriVocis, which reaches over 1500 homes.
Your name on the popular race day T-shirts given to all participants.
One free entry for participant in the race and one free T-shirt.
Thank you, and
M-A Dance Team Show and Fundraiser
Please support the M-A Dance Team by attending the eleventh annual Dance Team Show and Fundraiser. It’s
an entertaining and upbeat performance that families always enjoy. Both our varsity and JV dance teams promise another outstanding collection of dance performances including hip-hop, jazz, lyrical, and ballet. Proceeds
from this event benefit the Dance Team, helping to underwrite scholarships, team uniforms, camps, and competition expenses.
Date: Saturday, February 1
Time: 6:00 pm (doors open at 5:30 pm)
Place: M-A Performing Arts Center
Price: $12 adults/$7 students
Purchase tickets directly from Dance Team members, or contact Dana Hayse at [email protected].
Tickets may also be available at the door, but last year they sold out before the show. Checks can be made payable to “M-A Dance Team”; cash is also accepted.
February 2014
February 2014
First-Semester Highlights
Leadership kicked off the school year on the first day by reopening the student store, stocked with new food choices
and the latest Bear Wear. Then we hosted a fun and successful welcome-back dance for the entire school, with students catching up and dancing with friends at the black-light-themed dance. Shirts glowed, faces were painted, and
balloons flooded the PAC gym as students danced the night away.
The leadership classes took off running as the spirit class immediately began planning Spirit Week while the ASB
planned a record-breaking Club Rush involving more than seventy clubs. Over half the student body participated in
this year’s Spirit Week. The dress-up days were beach day, superhero day, jungle day, and prep day. The leadership
kids heard nothing but positive feedback as the student body enjoyed the new themes. In order to promote school
spirit and grade competition, we awarded an ice cream party to the grade that had the greatest number of kids dress
up. This year, the senior class was the first class to win the Spirit Week competition, soon to be a tradition. Spirit
Week closed with an amazing rally in which one of the highlights was the pie-in-the-face competition. During the
preceding weeks, students donated money to the nominated teachers’ boxes. In the end, Ms. Trent and Mr. Perry
received the most money and the honor of taking a pie in the face from a student. All profits went to the Canned
Food Drive. The week ended on a high as, for the first time in many years, over 580 M-A students attended the
Homecoming Dance at the Hiller Aviation Museum, “The Sky’s the Limit!” With popcorn and drinks, students enjoyed the off-campus location and dancing with friends.
Meanwhile, the ASB class created a new event to raise money for a local organization, Home and Hope. The class
held a car wash that raised $1,300 in four hours. Home and Hope provides homes and aid to homeless families in the
Bay Area. ASB students also planned a Día de Los Muertos celebration in which the school united and recognized
loved ones in a fun and memorable way. The class also planned M-A’s annual Trick-or-Treat Street, which celebrates
Halloween and ensures that children in the community have a safe place to Trick-or Treat. This year the celebration
was bigger than ever as the class provided costumes to children and families who could not afford their own. On the
night of the event, the class was delighted to see the smiling faces of the young children dancing to spooky music,
playing lawn games, knocking on classroom doors, and proudly marching around the school in their costumes.
Staying true to the spirit of Halloween, M-A leadership students partnered with the Red Cross in their annual blood
drive. Through the generous donation of students and adults in the community, M-A was able to contribute to helping the Red Cross save lives.
All of these events were building up to perhaps leadership’s largest event of the year, the Menlo-Atherton Canned
Food Drive. We set our goal high this year at 100,000 cans. We knew that this would be a difficult goal, but in the
spirit of our saying, “Together we can,” we knew it was possible. Leadership students motivated others to take part.
Over the course of a month, M-A students canned at nine local grocery stores after school, on weekends, and even
during holidays. Rain or shine, students did whatever they could to raise cans and money to feed families in our
school and our community. Together we raised almost 160,000 cans along with monetary donations from families
and local businesses. On distribution day, we were overjoyed to provide food to hundreds of families, each one receiving more than eighty pounds of food supplemented with fresh fruits, vegetables, and two six-pound chickens. To
everyone who donated even one can, we want to thank you for the great success you helped make possible this year.
And to all the local markets and grocery stores, this
Canned Food Drive would not have succeeded without
the help from each and every venue. We sincerely thank
All of us in leadership are looking forward to sec-ond
semester and continue to be grateful for the support
from the school and community.
Photo Bestsy Snow
February 2014
February 2014
The Friends of the Menlo Park Library present
A Tribute to Billy Holiday
Performed by Cheryl Bennett-Scales
with Bennett Roth-Newell
Saturday, February 1, 11 am
Menlo Park City Council Chambers, 701 Laurel St.
Come hear Bay Area jazz vocalist Cheryl Bennett-Scales as she sings the best-known songs of Lady Day and
celebrates her contribution to the world of jazz. Bennett-Scales is a singer, actress, and vocal coach who has
been influenced by Holiday, Sarah Vaughn, and Nina Simone and in 2005 released a CD with her interpretation
of their songs. Admission is free, and van service is available for Menlo Park seniors and people with disabilities;
call (650) 330-2512 to schedule a pickup.
Asian Treasure Bag
Eth-No-Tec Kinetic Story Theater
Saturday, March 1, 11 am
Menlo Park City Council Chambers, 701 Laurel St.
Immerse yourself in story as Eth-No-Tec performs enthralling myths and
folktales from a variety of Asian cultures. Since 1982, Nancy Wang and Robert Kikuchi-Yngojo have been weaving music, dance, rhythmic dialog, and
spoken word to inspire the imagination and bring their stories alive. Eth-NoTec has performed at the Smithsonian, the Kennedy Center, and around the
world. Admission is free, and van service is available for Menlo Park seniors
and people with disabilities; call (650) 330-2512 to schedule a pickup.
February 2014
TriVocis Calendar—February 2014
January 27
M-A Foundation for
the Future board
meeting; 7 pm;
EL parent workshop;
6–8 pm; Library
Student of the 2nd
Quarter lunch; admin.
conference room
Secrets assembly; 4th
SUHSD board meeting; 5:30 pm
February TriVocis
February 1
M-A Dance Team
Show; 6 pm; M-A
Community College
Night; 6 pm; M-A PAC
cafe; must RSVP by
Jan. 29 to
[email protected]
Middle College information meeting; 7 pm;
SUHSD board room
Spring sports athletic
clearance deadline
and tryouts
American Math Contest; 5th & 6th periods
Spring Club Rush; lunch;
M-A PAC patio
Spring Club Rush;
lunch; M-A PAC patio
ACT exam; 8 am
EL parent workshop;
6–8 pm; Library
SDMSC meeting; 3:45
pm; Career Center
Registration deadline
for the March 8 SAT
M-A Parent Education
series: In 500 Words or
Less documentary on
college admissions;
7 pm; M-A PAC
Class of 2017 parent
coffee: Looking
Ahead to Sophomore
Year; 8:30–10 am;
M-A PAC cafe
Math contest; lunch;
room D20
March TriVocis article
Lincoln’s birthday
No school
Valentine’s Day
EL parent workshop;
6–8 pm; Library
Presidents’ Day
No school
Deadline for senior
parents to purchase
yearbook senior
notes/ ads
AP test registration;
lunch, M-A PAC lobby
AP test registration;
lunch, M-A PAC lobby
March 1
M-A drama production: Seussical, the
Musical; 7:30 pm;
M-A drama production: Seussical, the
Musical; 7:30 pm;
SDMSC meeting; 3:45
pm; Staff Center
Middle College information meeting; 7 pm;
SUHSD board room
Last day to drop a
class without a transcript record
EL parent workshop;
6–8 pm; Library
Note: TriVocis calendar items are current as of January 26. For the most current, updated information about M-A events,
please check the M-A Bears Web site at and the weekly newsletter, BearNotes. Submit calendar entries by
e-mail to [email protected].
February 2014
Menlo-Atherton High School PTA
17th District of California PTA
555 Middlefield Road
Atherton, CA 94027
Articles editor: Jane Aaron
Production editor: Adriana Castro Silva
Calendar editor: Kathleen Balestra
Mailing: Corby Locke, Kim Steere
Proofreaders: Jane King, Becca Garcia,
Brian LaPorte
Next submission deadline: February 12, 2014
Next publication date: February 26, 2014
Send article submissions to
[email protected].
Send calendar entries to
[email protected].
This issue was mailed and a PDF version posted online at on January 29, 2013.
March 3: Winter Sports Awards Night
March 3–8: M-A drama Seussical, the Musical continues; 7:30 pm; M-A PAC
March 18 and 19: CAHSEE for sophomores
March 22: M-A PTA Fashion Show—luncheon and 3 shows (1:00, 4:00, and 7:30)
March 29: M-A Foundation auction party; 6–11 pm
March 30–April 7: M-A Foundation for the Future online auction
March 31: Cesar Chavez Day—no school
April 4: Junior/Senior Prom
April 14–18: Spring break—no school
May 4: 9th Annual Big Bear Run supporting all M-A athletic teams: 9 am
A copy of TriVocis is sent via USPS mail only to households that do not have an e-mail address in the Infinite Campus system. Households with an e-mail address in the Infinite Campus system will receive an alert each month with a link to the new TriVocis. Please
e-mail [email protected] with any questions.
February 2014

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