march 15, 2015 - St. Anthony Church


march 15, 2015 - St. Anthony Church
2511 South C Street - Oxnard, CA 93033
Holy Father: Pope Francis
Archbishop of Los Angeles: Archbishop José H. Gómez
Episcopal Vicar: Msgr. Michael Jennett
Parish Founded 1959 by Msgr. Michael Condon (1915-2001)
Pastor: Fr. Doan T. Pham
Associate: Fr. Daniel M. Martinez
Fr. Porfirio Álvarez (Retired in residence), Fr. Anthony Berchmanz (In residence)
Senior Deacons: Jim Henry, Joe Kennedy, Jon McPheeters
Deacons: Andrew Cottam, George Garcia, Aurelio Macias
Donald Pinedo & Roy Sadowski
Administrative Asst. & Adult Faith Formation Dir: Cynthia Reyes
Director of Music: Daniel Delgado
Elementary & High School Religious Dir: Teresa Delgado- 486-0784
Wedding & 15era Coordinator: Jane Bell-483-4146
Youth Ministry Coordinator: Teresa Delgado
School Principal: Dn. Henry Barajas - 487-5317
Secretaries: Hope Cottam, Guadalupe Rangel, Maria Morado,
Custodians: Rosendo Ramos and Luis Ramos
8:30 am - 8:00 pm
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Sunday/Domingo: Closed-Cerrado
Phone/Teléfono: (805) 486-7301
Together in Mission:
MARCH 15, 2015
(English Vigil Mass)
Sunday…….7:30, 9:00, 10:30 am (English)
Domingo…..12:00pm, 1:30 pm
WEEKDAY MASSES (including Saturday) / MISAS DIARIAS:
8:00 am, 5:15 pm (No 5:15pm Mass on Tues. & Weds.)
(No hay 5:15 Misas el martes y miércoles)
Misa en español 7:00 pm (Misa de Sanación es el segundo martes del mes a las 7pm)
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION / CONFESIONES: Fridays / Viernes 6:00-6:30pm, Saturdays / Sábados 3:30-5:00 pm
DEVOTIONS / DEVOCIONES: Rosary after 8:00 am Mass. Rosario después de la misa de las 8:00 am / Rosario el martes
6:30 pm, antes de la misa de las 7:00 pm. Asamblea de oración después de la misa
Eucharistic Adoration First Fridays 8:30 am-5:15 pm / Adoración Eucarística cada Primer Viernes
INFANT BAPTISMS / BAUTISMOS INFANTILE: Contact the Parish Office at least 30 days in advance. Instruction classes
are required for parents and godparents. Informational packets may be found in the parish office or visit our website:
Comuníquese con la oficina parroquial con 30 días de anticipación. Se requieren clases de instrucción para los padres y
padrinos. Los folletos de información sobre bautismos se pueden encontrar en la oficina.
Children / Niños: Teresa Delgado 486-0784 (Religious Education Office)
High School Students / Jóvenes: Teresa Delgado, 486-0784 (Religious Education Office)
Adults / Adultos: Cynthia Reyes, 486-7301 (Parish Office)
SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY / MATRIMONIO: Contact one of the deacons at least 6 months in advance. Program of instruction is required. / Comuníquese con un diácono con 6 meses de anticipación. Se requieren clases de instrucción.
HOLY ORDERS AND RELIGIOUS LIFE / VIDA CONSAGRADA: If you are discerning God’s call to the religious life please
call the Archdiocesan Vocations Office at (213) 637-7248. / Si siente una llamada a la vida consagrada comuníquese a la oficina
vocacionales del Arquidiócesis al (213) 637-7248.
COMMUNION FOR THE SICK /COMUNION A LOS ENFERMOS: Contact the parish office. Llama la oficina de la parroquia.
CATHOLIC FUNERAL / FUNERAL CATÓLICO: Please call the Parish Office to speak with Cynthia Reyes or staff personnel
before completing funeral arrangements. / Favor de llamar a la oficina de la parroquia y hablar con un miembro del
personal antes de completar arreglos de funeral.
ANOINTING OF THE SICK/ UNCIÓN DE LOS ENFERMOS: In case of a life and death emergency please call:
(805) 486-7301./ En caso de una emergencia de vida y muerte llame al (805) 486-7301.
March 15, 2015
Page 2
Food for the Journey
With the many difficulties we are currently enduring in this country and worldwide, it would
be understandable if we just gave up and didn’t want to continue going forward. We’ve heard of
many cases when out of desperation, business people have committed suicide. When we reach such
a point in our lives with so much darkness, sometimes we can’t see any other way out. Facing this,
Jesus, just like the angle had given Elijah, feeds us bread that comforts us and helps us to continue
on the unending journey of life with its many problems and efforts.
The bread he gives us is the Eucharist; the Body and Blood of Christ, feeding us and at the
same time announcing the hope for a new world. As we continue on this journey, we must walk as
the children of light. The Eucharist gives us strength and energy to banish bitterness and resentment
from our lives; to appreciate the generosity we have received and extend it to others, and to offer
caring and kindness instead of rage. This may be a difficult journey, but the Bread of Life from the
Eucharist helps us to walk in the fullness of our lives… our symbolic 40 days and nights. (Nuestra
Parroquia: Julio/July 2009 by Claretian Publications)
Alimento para El Camino
Con todas las dificultades por las que estamos pasando en el país y en el mundo, podría casi
entenderse que nos diéramos por vencidos y no quisiéramos seguir adelante. Se han escuchado muchos casos de gente de negocios que se han desesperado por la situación y se han suicidado. Cuando se llega a un momento de tanta oscuridad, a veces no se puede ver ninguna salida. Frente a esto,
Jesús, como el ángel se lo dio a Elías, nos da un pan que nos reconforta para que podamos seguir
adelante por ese camino interminable que parece a veces ser nuestra vida cuando tenemos muchos
problemas y tenemos que esforzarnos mucho.
El pan que se nos da es la Eucaristía: el propio Cuerpo y Sangre de Cristo, que se nos da como alimento que nos da y nos anuncia, al mismo tiempo, la esperanza de un mundo Nuevo. Mientras caminamos, debemos andar como hijos de la luz. La Eucaristía nos da fuerza y energía para desterrar
de nosotros las amarguras y resentimientos; para agradecer la generosidad que hemos recibido y extenderla a otros, para ofrecer ternura y bondad en lugar de ira. Este camino puede ser difícil, pero es
precisamente la fuerza del Pan de Vida de la Eucaristía que nos ayuda a caminar la totalidad de
nuestras vidas… nuestros cuarenta días y cuarenta noches simbólicos. (Nuestra Parroquia: Julio/
July 2009 by Claretian Publications)
First Reading — The wrath and the mercy of the Lord are revealed in the exile and liberation of the chosen people (2
Chronicles 36:14-16, 19-23) or 1 Samuel 16:
1b, 6-7, 10-13a.
Psalm — Let my tongue be silenced, if I ever forget you! (Psalm 137) or Psalm 23.
Second Reading — By grace you have been saved (Ephesians 2:4-10) or Ephesians 5:8-14.
Gospel — The Son was sent by God so that the world might be saved through him (John 3:14-21) or John 9:1-41
[1, 6-9, 13-17, 34-38].
Monday: Is 65:17-21; Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-13b; Jn 4:43-54
Tuesday: Ez 47:1-9, 12; Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9; Jn 5:1-16
Wednesday: Is 49:8-15; Ps 145:8-9, 13cd-14, 17-18; Jn 5:17-30
Thursday: 2 Sm 7:4-5a, 12-14a, 16; Ps 89:2-5, 27, 29; Rm 4:13:16-18, 22; Mt 1:16, 18-21, 24a or Lk 2:41-51a
Friday: Wis 2:1a, 12-22; Ps 34:17-21, 23; Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30
Saturday:Jer 11:18-20; Ps 7:2-3, 9bc-12; Jn 7:40-53
Sunday: Jer 31:31-34; Ps 51:3-4, 12-15; Heb 5:7-9; Jn 12:20-33
Alternate readings (Year A): Ez 37:12-14; Ps 130:1-8; Rom 8:8-11; Jn 11:1-45 [3-7, 17, 20-27, 33b-45]
Primera lectura — La ira y la misericordia del Señor se manifestaron en el exilio y la liberación del pueblo
Salmo— Que se me pegue la lengua al paladar si no me acuerdo de ti (Salmo 137 [136]) o Salmo 23(22).
Segunda lectura — Dios, rico en misericordia y amor, nosdiovidaconCristo.(Efesios2:4-10)o Efesios 5:8-14.
Evangelio — Dios nos dio su Hijo único, para que todo el que crea en él tenga vida eterna (Juan 3:14-21)
o Juan 9:1-41 [1, 6-9, 13-17, 34-38].
Lunes: Is 65:17-21; Sal 30 (29):2, 4-6, 11-13b; Jn 4:43-54
Martes: Ez 47:1-9, 12; Sal 46 (45):2-3, 5-6, 8-9; Jn 5:1-16
Miércoles: Is 49:8-15; Sal 145 (144):8-9, 13cd-14, 17-18; Jn 5:17-30
Jueves: 2 Sm 7:4-5a, 12-14a, 16; Sal 89 (88):2-5, 27, 29; Rm 4:13:16-18, 22; Mt 1:16, 18-21, 24a o Lc
Viernes: ab 2:1a, 12-22; Sal 34 (33):17-21, 23; Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30
Sábado: Jer 11:18-20; Sal 7:2-3, 9bc-12; Jn 7:40-53
Domingo: Jer 31:31-34; Sal 51 (50):3-4, 12-15; Heb 5:7-9; Jn 12:20-33
Lecturas alternativas (Año A): Ez 37:12-14; Sal 130 (129):1-8; Rom 8:8-11; Jn 11:1-45 [3-7, 17, 20-27,
March 15, 2015
Horas de Oficina
Lunes —Viernes
7:30 am—4:00 pm
(805) 487-5317 (phone)
(805) 486-1537 (fax)
Page 3
Office Hours
Monday —Friday
7:30 am—4:00 pm
SAS email:
[email protected]
●Please contact Mrs. Duran in the school office to begin the registration process for the 2015-2016 academic year. Financial aid information is available upon request.
●Did you know you could still enroll your 3 or 4 year old in the St. Anthony School preschool program? We
accept 3 and 4 year olds. All students must be potty-trained. There are also a few spots available in other
grades as well. Please call the school office to inquire. We will be happy to help you through the registration process.
***Please note, no school day: Friday, March 20th.***
Come and join SAS school families and fellow parishioners at the weekly Fish Fry! There are 5 more Fridays
to enjoy this delicious tradition. The event starts at 5:00pm and goes until 7:00pm. To-Go orders are available. Purchase presale tickets at a discount in the school office. All plates include French fries, coleslaw & a drink.
● Fish Dinner Plate:
$7.50 presale price ($8.00 door price)
● Fish Taco Plate:
$7.50 presale price ($8.00 door price)
● Tuna Melt Plate:
$5.50 presale price ($6.00 door price)
● Grilled Cheese Plate: $4.50 presale price ($5.00 door price)
LÊÊ»®Ä¦ ƒ«›ƒ—:
3/20 – No school
3/31 – Shadow Stations of the Cross
Save the Date: St. Anthony School Auction will be held at the Wyndham Garden Ventura Pierpont Inn on Saturday, April 18th. This
promises to be a fun-filled evening of dinner and dancing. This year we are encouraging more parent participation at this event.
Tickets for this event will be $40 for a single person and $75 for a couple. If you haven’t received an invitation, please contact Mrs.
Duran at the school office to purchase tickets for this memorable event.
DID YOU KNOW? It is safe to keep your child’s personal information personal
If your children give out personal information over the Internet, not only is it easy to track, it is tough to completely remove. Emphasize to them
how important it is that they keep personal information private. Make sure that they have a strong username and password that does not reveal
anything personal. Encourage them not to give out their e-mail address, if they have one. If your children tell you that they have given out personal information online, contact your Internet Service Provider or the site where the information is posted to see what you can do to have it
removed. For more information, St. Anthony’s Safeguard the Children, chairperson, Julia Inouye at (805) 487-4779.
If you need Virtus Certification, contact Dn. Roy Sadowski at [email protected] or (805)701-1667.
¿SABÍA USTED? Es seguro mantener en privado la información personal de sus hijos
Si sus hijos dan su información personal por medio de Internet, no sólo es fácil conseguir los datos, sino que es muy difícil borrarlos totalmente.
Recuérdele a sus hijos la importancia de mantener en privado sus datos e información personal. Cerciórese que tengan un nombre de usuario y
una contraseña que no revele información personal y que no den su dirección de correo electrónico a cualquier persona. Si sus hijos le dicen
que han dado su información personal en Internet, comuníquese con el proveedor del servicio de Internet o el sitio en donde la información fue
anotada para ver qué puede hacer usted para borrar los datos. Para más información, visite: o Julia Inouye, de la Parroquia de San Antonio al (805) 48-4779. Si necesita el entrenamiento de Virtus, favor de llamar al Diacono Roy Sadowski al [email protected] o (805)701-1667.
March 15, 2015
5:15 PM
Georgia Guillen
Melodee Solinap
7:30 AM
Peace in the Streets
9:00 AM
Jingo Flores (†)
Fransisco y Esperansa Guzman - Yepes(†)
10:30 AM
Franciso y Consuelo Quiroz(†)
Salvador Conde(†)
12:00 PM
Juan Manuel Sanchez(†)
Paolo Pena y familia
1:30 PM
Jose Ruiz Aroyo(†)
Dimer Salazar Martinez
8:00 AM
For an increase in vocations
5:15 PM
For all those in the book of prayers
8:00 AM
Josefa Manansala(†)
7:00 PM
Rutilia Ortiz Ramirez y hijos
Rocio Garcia
8:00 AM
Gilda Nestor Ganatuin (†)
Flordeliza Andres (†)
8:00 AM
Manuel and Josephine Diaz (†)
Lourdes Edejer (†)
8:00 AM
David Lerma
For an end to abortion
8:00 AM
For all the souls in purgatory
Page 4
Stations of the Cross
every Friday during Lent
at 7:00 pm
Vía Crucis todo los
Viernes durante la
Cuaresma a las 8:00 pm
The Catholic Relief Services Collection
This weekend will be The Catholic Relief Services Collection for
the churches in Latin America. Through your generosity thousands of young women may never have to suffer being sold for
other’s use. Thank you for your generosity.
La Colección de Servicios Católicos
Este fin de semana es La Colección de Servicios Católicos para
las Iglesias en América Latina. Mediante su generosidad, miles
de mujeres jóvenes quizás nunca tengan que sufrir el horro de ser
vendidas para ser utilizadas por otras personas. Gracias por su
Unless a tree has borne blossoms in
spring, you will vainly look for fruit on it in
—Walter Scott
IN YOUR PRAYERS please remember
Ramona C Varela and Lucy Contreras and all the
deceased of St. Anthony’s
Parish. May they Rest in Peace…
IS: “For the Sole Benefit of St. Anthony Church, 2511 South “C”
St., Oxnard, CA 93033”
A menos que un árbol de retoños en la
primavera, vanamente encontrarás frutos en
el otoño.
—Walter Scott
March 15, 2015
Fourth Sunday of Lent
God did not send his Son into the world
to condemn the world,
but that the world might be saved
through him.
—John 3:17
Page 5
Cuarto Domingo de Cuaresma
Dios no envió a su Hijo
para condenar al mundo,
sino para que el mundo se
salvara por él.
— Juan 3:17
GRUPO DE ORACIÓN, “EL BUEN PASTOR”: Viernes a las 7:00pm en el Salón Mil Usos de
la Escuela.
A SAMBLEA DE O RACIÓN : martes a las 7:00pm en la Iglesia.
M ISA DE S ANACIÓN : el segundo martes del mes a las 7:00pm.
“I.M.P.A.C.T.” Y OUTH M INISTRY : Gatherings are every Tuesday
at 6:30pm. All youths ages 8 thru 18 years are welcomed!
Stop by and bring a friend. For more information, please call
the parish office at (805) 486-7301.
L EGION OF M ARY "Mystical Rose": What does the Legion of Mary do? We ev an g el i ze, v i s i t
the sick, the elderly, the disable in homes or hospitals. We teach Religious Education and feed
the homeless and needy. And of course, we pray the Holy Rosary together for our Church and
the whole world. Join us! We meet every Monday at 6:30pm in the All Purpose Room. For more
information contact Armando Salinas at (805) 432-0350. If you would like to request a home visit
from the Pilgrim Virgin Mary Statue please call Frank Nava at (805) 485-8457.
L EGIÓN DE M ARÍA “M ARÍA M EDIANERA D E T ODAS L AS G RACIAS ”: Les invitamos hacer parte de su
apostolado. “La forma mas fácil de llegar a Jesús es conociendo a su Madre Santísima, la Virgen María” No s j u n t am o s l o s m i ér c o l es a l as 9: 30am en l a o f i c i n a p ar r o q u i al . Mas i n f o r mación, favor de llamar a Angélica Rodríguez at 754-1222.
“B ELLATORIS C HRISTI ” (W ARRIORS FOR C HRIST ): St. Anthony’s Men’s Ministry:
All men are invited to deepen your spirituality and become a Warrior for Christ.
We meet every Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Community Room.
RCIA 2014 ADULT FAITH FORMATION: This process is for those who wish to receive
the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation. Our next class will meet on
April 14, 2015 at 7:00 pm in the Community Room. For more information
please contact Cynthia Reyes at 486-7301, ext.120.
RICA 2014 FORMACIÓN DE LA FE PARA ADULTOS: Hay unos adultos que fueron bautizados en la infancia y que no han completado sus sacramentos de Confirmación y de Eucaristía. Si usted o alguien que usted conoce está interesado en completar sus sacramentos de iniciación o si desea
saber más acerca de la Iglesia Católica, favor de hablar con Cynthia Reyes, Directora de Iniciación, al 486-7301, X120. El próximo clase es el 21 de Abril 2015 a las 7:00 pm en el Cuarto de la
SVDP: S T . V INCENT DE P AUL S OCIETY ’ S F OOD P ANTRY is available on Tuesdays & Fridays from 9:30am to 11:45am and s er v e t ho s e f ro m ou r p ar i s h b o u nd ar i es . Fo r
more information or if you would like to become a Vincentian, please call 486-7302.
Y OUTH M ASS : St. Anthony’s Music Ministry has a Youth Mass every first & third
Sunday o f eac h m o n t h at t h e 10: 30 am Mas s . Wan t t o s er v e? L o v e t o
sing? Please contact Daniel Delgado, Music Director at (805) 469-6293.
Page 6
March 15, 2015
TUES.-THURS.: 2:00-7:00PM
SAT.: 9:00AM-1:00PM
SUN.: 9-10:15 & 11:45-1:00PM
(805) 486-0784
[email protected]
MART. – JUEV.: 2:00-7:00PM
SAB.: 9:00AM-1:00PM
DOM.: 9-10:15 Y 11:45—1:00PM
St. Anthony Religious Education Program
Reminder: child and parents must be in Church and sitting in pew at start time.
Recordatorio: Los niños y padres tienen que estar en la iglesia sentados en sus bancas a la hora de comenzar.
Confirmation Mass Saturday May 2, 2015 7:00pm Rehearsal Friday May 1st at 7pm in the church
1st Communion Dates and Times / Fechas y Horario de 1ra Comunión
Mayo 9 del 2015 a las 12:00pm
May 9th 2015 2:00pm
Jorge Aguilera
Graciela Cobián
María Martínez
Tonja Delgado
Robert Cruz
Lupe Owen
May 16th 2015 12:00 noon
Mayo 16 del 2015 a las 2:00pm
Julia Inouye
Silvia Lerma
Elizabeth Esqueda
Rosa Lazos
Ma. de Jesús Romo
Cristina Jiménez
Martha Reyes
Mayo 23 del 2015 a las 12:00pm
May 23rd 2015 2:00pm
Ernestina Ramírez
Fidel Ramírez
Irma Rabelo
Silvia Esquivel
Mike Frieri
Alejandra Zeferino
Lupita Montelongo-Z
Isabel Valdivieso
Anne Marie Stein
Hope Cottam
Reminder we will not have Confirmation classes Sunday March 15 due to RE Congress.
Reminder we will not have Religious Education & Confirmation classes This week,
March 17,18,19,21 &22(confirmation). We will see you all next week on March 24,25,26,28 & 29
Recordatorio, No Habrá clase de Confirmación el domingo 15 de marzo, Porque nuestros catequistas participaran en el Congreso de Educación Religiosa en Anaheim.
Recordatorio, No Habrá clases de Educación Religiosa y Confirmación esta semana Marzo
17,18,19,21 &22(confirmacion). Nos vemos la próxima semana Marzo 24,25,26,28 & 29
Page 7
March 15, 2015
3 RD J OURNEYS ~ G REECE , T URKEY & I TALY ~ Departure Date: November 7th—
19th 2015. Starting price $2,998.00 (*all inclusive) plus $398.00 (air fare). Pre Tour to ROME $598.00 on Nov. 5 - 8, 2015. Register before 12/31/14 and save
$150.00. Brochure packets available at the parish office or for more information,
please contact Dn. Donald Pinedo at (805) 443-5713.
Easter Boutique: St. Anthony Women's Council will hold their Easter Boutique on Saturday,
March 28th in Room 11, from 4pm to 7pm and on Sunday, March 29th in the Gathering Area
from 8am to 3pm. We will feature Easter Baskets as well as aprons, ruffled scarves, a White Elephant table and don't
forget our delicious Baked Goods!! Hope to see you there!!
Gift Shop: Lent is here and we have Stations of the Cross booklets in English and Spanish. We also have new books
and pamphlets on "How to pray the Rosary" also in English and Spanish. We have 1st Communion books or sets in
English and Spanish. If you need a gift, We have cake toppers, Keepsake plaques, jewelry and more. Please stop by
Sunday's from 8:30am to 2:30pm. We will be closed Sunday March 29 due to Women's Council Boutique.
A Retrospective Exhibit: A r etr ospective ar t exhibit on The Passion of Chr ist is on display at the Dei Galler y:
Portola Plaza, 4882 McGrath Street, #160, on Sundays from 2:00 to 4:00 pm through March 29.
Prayer for the Unborn: The Knights of Columbus, Oxnard Council 750, will host a presentation by the Michele
Loughman, Director of Life Centers in Oxnard, concerning the protection and the education of the Unborn; March
25th, at 6pm, Council Hall, 623 South D Street, Oxnard. A Family Rosary will follow immediately after the presentation. St. Anthony's Youth Group will lead us in the rosary to our Blessed Mother. All ministry groups and parish
members are encouraged to attend this special event. This is open to the public, free of charge. For further information, please contact Past Grand Knight Frank Chavez at 805-890-9449 or Grand Knight Frankie Delgado at 805483-1750.
Worldwide Marriage Encounter: Your love as husband and wife is a gift to one another as well as a gift fr om
God. Attend a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend to receive the tools needed to make the most of this precious gift. Deepen your communication, strengthen your relationship, rekindle your romance -and renew your sacrament by attending the next WWME weekend April 17-19 in Thousand Oaks or June 27-28 at St. Jude In Westlake
Village. Contact Jeanine and Russ Walker at 805-648-4244 or go online at We help make
good marriages better.
THERE IS A SOLUTION: AA meetings every Friday at 8:00pm in Room #10 of the School.
HOME NURSING SERVICE: Offered by Sister Servants of Mary, Ministers to the Sick ~ For more information,
please call (805) 486-5502.
HERMANAS SIERVAS DE MARÍA, MINISTROS A LOS ENFERMOS: Para obtener más información, por favor llame al (805) 486-5502.
TV MASS FOR THE HOMEBOUND: Is someone you love unable to get to church? TV Mass on Every Sunday
gives spiritual comfort to the homebound. Tune in at 9:00 a.m. on KDOC channel 56 or 29. For cable/satellite listings, or
“Be Reconciled to God and to One Another”
God reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself through Christ, not counting men’s sins against them.”-2 Cor 5: 18-20
March 20, Friday
St. Sebastian, Santa Paula at: 7 PM
March 23, Monday
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Oxnard: 7 PM
March 24, Tuesday
San Buenaventura Mission, Ventura: 7 PM
March 25, Wednesday
St. Francis of Assisi, Fillmore: 7:30 PM
March 25, Wednesday
St. Anthony, Oxnard: 7 PM
March 26, Thursday
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Santa Paula: 7 PM
March 27, Friday
Sacred Heart, Ventura: 7 PM
March 27, Friday
Mary Star of the Sea, Oxnard: 7:30 PM
March 31, Tuesday
Santa Clara, Oxnard: 7 PM
March 31, Tuesday
Our Lady of the Assumption: 7 PM

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