Diocesan Conference– Return to me January 9


Diocesan Conference– Return to me January 9
Offertory– Ofertorio 8-9, 2014
$ 16, 003.50
November 15-21 2014
Saturday, November 15, 2014
5:00 pm Lor etta Gonzalez+, Fr ank Russo+, Lucia Melendr ez (BDay)
Willie Cohen+, Health of Chris Carrera.
Operating Expenses each week:
Costo de Operaciones Semanales
$ 15, 500.00 +
7:00 pm Almas del Pur gator io, Her minia Her nandez+, Gr upo y Familia de Serena y Yocelin Torres, Rafael Navarro Pacheco+, Herminia+,
Agustin+ y Veronica+ Barajas.
Sunday, November 16,
Reno Diocesan Synod
YOU are going to help us
shape the future of the Diocese of Reno. Join us for the
8:00 am Lucille Ghiglier i+, Gaston Uhalde+, Alice Walther + & J im
10:00 am Little Flower Church Parishioners • Feligreses de Little Flower
12:00 Marichu Rayla+, Mary & Brady+ Williams, Edward G Alt Family,
Lorenzo J Ramos+.
2:00 pm Fr oylan J imenez+,Olegar io Ramir ez, Accion de Gr acias al
Señor de La Divina Misericordia.
5:00 pm All Souls in Pur gator y
7:00 pm Intencion Especia a J uan J imenez, Ser gio+, Elisa+, Mar ia+
Monday, November 17, 2014
12:00 pm Living & Deceased member s of William P Sander s,.
Tuesday18, 2014
12:00 pm Mar celino Mangoba+, Special Intentions to Ther esa White
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
12:00 pm
6:00 pm
“Listening Session” November 21,
7pm in Bowling Hall
Reno Diocesan Synod - December 3, 4 and 5, 2015
El Sínodo Diocesano de Reno
Usted va a ayudar nos a for mar el futuro de la Diócesis de Reno.
Acompañenos a la "Sesión de Escu-
cha" el 24 de Noviembre en español
a las 7pm en Bowling Hall.
Sínodo Diocesano de Reno - 3, 4 y 5 de Diciembre del 2015
Thursday, November 20, 2014
12:00 pm Deceased Member s of Lobr es Family.
Friday, November 21, 2014
12:00 pm Clor inda Uhalde+
Attention Little Flower Bakers
The Little Flower Altar Society will be holding their Annual Bake
Sale the weekend of Nov.21-22. If you Love to Bake and would like
to contribute some of your favorite goodies to our Bake Sale, you can
bring them to the church vestibule next weekend. We would deeply
Diocesan Conference– Return to me ♦ January 9-10, 2015
John Ascuaga’s Nugget
Please register and be part of this opportunity of education and renewal in learning more about our
Catholic Faith. Pick up a registration form in the vestibule.
Conferencia Diocesana-Regresa a mi ♦ 9 y 10 de Enero de 2015
En John Ascuaga’s Nugget.
Por favor, regístrese y sea parte de esta oportunidad de educación y renovación aprendiendo más acerca de nuestra fe católica. Tome un formulario de registración del vestíbulo.
To those of you who have not made a pledge this year yet, it is not too late,
We are/ Estamos a $21, 067.38 from our GOAL/ de nuestra META
CSA 2014
A todas las personas que no hayan hecho su promesa este año, aun esta a tiempo
If we all contribute...together we can meet our goal! • ¡Si todos contribuimos… Juntos podemos alcanzar nuestra Meta!
Next week’s Collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human
Development (CCHD) needs your help. CCHD was founded
to end the cycle of poverty in the United States by funding
organizations that help people help themselves. Your contribution will
defend human dignity and help those living on the margins of
our society. Please give to the CCHD Collection.
La Colecta de la próxima semana para la Campaña Católica para el
Desarrollo Humano (CCHD) necesita su ayuda. CCHD fue fundada
para erradicar el ciclo de pobreza en los Estados Unidos otorgando
fondos a aquellas organizaciones que ayudan a las personas a
ayudarse a sí mismas. Su contribución defenderá la dignidad humana
y ayudará a aquellos que viven al margen de nuestra sociedad. Por
favor, contribuya a la Colecta de CCHD.
Proximo Encuentro Matrimonial
Para mas info. Llamar a:
Raymundo & Katya Navejar
1st- $1,500
Boletos para la rifa a beneficio de la Fiesta de
Ntra. Sra. De Guadalupe estan a la venta
Raffle Tickets are now on sale to support
Our Lady of Guadalupe celebration
El distrito escolar del condado de Washoe y la Universidad de
Padres, en colaboración con la Iglesia Católica St. Therese of
the Little Flower, traen a esta parroquia talleres gratuitos con
información para las familias sobre cómo ayudar a sus hijos a
tener éxito en la escuela. Los talleres serán ofrecidos durante
algunas de las clases religiosas como una oportunidad para
que los padres aprendan nuevas habilidades e información
para apoyar la educación de sus hijos. Todos los padres,
familiares y quienes se encargan de la crianza de los niños
están invitados. Ofreceremos intérpretes y cuidado de
niños. No es necesario registrarse. El WCSD quiere
agradecer al Padre Jorge Herrara por permitirle al distrito
ofrecer estos talleres de apoyo a nuestras familias, y nosotros
continuaremos ofreciendo talleres durante el próximo
año. Esperamos que nos puedan acompañar y si tienen
preguntas sobre los talleres comuníquese al 775-348-0339.
The Washoe County School District and Parent University, in
partnership with St. Therese of the Little Flower Catholic
Church, is bringing to the parish free family information
workshops to help your children succeed in school. The
workshops will be offered during some of the religious education classes as an opportunity for parents to learn new skills
and information to support the education of their children. All
parents, caregivers, and family members are welcome to attend. We will have interpreters and childcare provided. No
registration required. WCSD would like to thank Pastor Jorge
Herrera for allowing the district to offer this support to our
families, and we will continue to provide workshops throughout next year. Hope you can join us and if you have any questions, feel free to contact 775-348-0339.
•Monday– Lunes, December 1, 7:00-8:00 PM
Thursday– Martes December 4, 3:45-5:00 PM and 5:15-6:15
• Monday, December 8 7:00-8:00 PM
• A Frozen Turkey
For each WINNER!
Saturday, November 22, 2014, 6:00 p.m. • St. Therese Little Flower Church • Bowling Hall
Join Nevada Council 978 for its annual Turkey Bingo and Beef Raffle. At 6:00 p.m. with a Spaghetti dinner, which will include salad, bread,
and ice cream and cookies for dessert. Cost for dinner is $5.00 per person (children 8 and under are free).
Please join us for a fun evening of family entertainment. All proceeds from the Beef Raffle and Turkey Bingo support Bishop Manogue Catholic High School
scholarships for Little Flower School students and to support our seminarians !
The Office of Vocations for the Diocese of Reno is starting a Discernment Group to aid men discerning a vocation to the priesthood. The group would meet
every other month to:
We invite young men from high
about their experiences
November 20,
school age and into their college
2. Voice any concerns and questions
January 29, Thursday, March
years to participate.
3. Maintain connection with directors of vocations
19,May 28, at 6pm
4. Receive information on the process and information about the diocese .
We will also have the meetings available ONLINE for those who cannot be in Reno. If you are interested, please contact your pastor. If you wish to participate
on the ONLINE version, please email Fr. Bob Chorey at [email protected].