Weekend Mass Schedule | Misa Horario de fin de semana


Weekend Mass Schedule | Misa Horario de fin de semana
5th Sunday of Easter | 5° Domingo de Pascua
May 6, 2012 | Mayo 6, 2012
434 Church Avenue
Bowling Green, Kentucky 42101
Phone (270) 842-2525 Fax (270) 843-9624
Weekend Mass Schedule | Misa Horario de fin de semana
Saturday (English) 5:00 pm | Sábado (Español) 7:00 pm
Sunday (English) 8:00 am & 10:30 am | Domingo (Español) 12:30 pm
Reconciliation | Confesiones
Saturday | Sábado 3:00-4:30 pm
Monday-Friday 8am-3pm | Lunes a Viernes, 8 de la mañana a 3 de la tarde
(For after-hour emergencies requiring the sacraments, call 746-9696)
Parish Staff | Personnel Parroquial
Pastor / Párroco ..............................................................Rev. D. Andrew Garner
Parochial Vicar/Vicario Parroquial ...........................Rev. Joshua A. McCarty [email protected]
Director of Faith Formation ........................................Mr. John McAllister.................................................john@stjosephbg.org
Director of Hispanic Ministry ....................................Mrs. Gina Holmes.............................................................gina@stjosephbg.org
Parish Life Coordinator ................................................Mrs. Kathleen Baumgarten [email protected]
Bookkeeper .....................................................................Mrs. Jane Brooks ..............................................................jane@stjosephbg.org
Stewardship & Development ......................................Mrs. Sandy McAllister ................................................sandy@stjosephbg.org
Maintenance ....................................................................Mr. Tim Garrity .........................................................timstjoseph@gmail.com
Parish General Information Questions.....................................................................................................................info@stjosephbg.org
Saint Joseph Catholic School | Escuela San José
Mrs. Jan Lange, Principal .....................................................842-1235............................................... [email protected]
School Development Office .................................................842-7462............................................msimpson@stjosephschoolbg.org
St. Vincent de Paul | www.svdpbg.org
St. Joseph’s Conference of SVdP………………….….….393-9800………………………...…………………..…1133 Adams Street
SVdP Thrift Store #1……………………………….………783-7533…………………….…...……………….1901 Russellville Road
SVdP Thrift Store #2………………………………...….….904-1832…………………………......……………..655 US 31-W Bypass
For information on receiving the Sacraments, please contact the church office. Marriage requires a six month formation.
St. Joseph Catholic Church……………..….…5th Sunday of Easter | 5 Domingo de Pascua………………………..….May 6, 2012
May 5-May 13, 2012
5:00 pm……………….............................................Gayle Welsh†
7:00 pm (Spanish)…………….…..Parishioners of St. Joseph
` am………………………………………........Jeanne Baker †
10:30 am…………………………….….…… Deacon Bob Imel†
12:30 pm (Spanish)….............................Sr. Helen Ann Stuart†
7:15 am ……………………...………………..…Pitmann Family
7:15 am….............................................Olga & Joseph Koropey†
8:05 am (School Mass)………………………….Jeanne Baker†
7:15 am…………………..……..……M/M James E. Buckman†
…..………………………..………….......Audrey Roberts
6:30 pm (Spanish) ....................................Sr. Helen Hermreck†
7:15 am ……………………..……………………..Jeanne Baker†
5:00 pm………………..................................................Joe Milton†
7:00 pm (Spanish)…………….…..Parishioners of St. Joseph
8:00 am………………………………………........Andrew Link †
10:30 am…………………………….…...….…… Jeanne Baker†
12:30 pm (Spanish)………....................Sr. Helen Ann Stuart †
If you or a loved one are homebound and
would like Holy Communion and the prayers
of the Church brought to you by one of our
Eucharistic Ministers, please contact the parish
office at 842-2525 for arrangements.
Financial Stewardship of the Parish
Administración Financiera de la Parroquia
Income for Fiscal Year Thru 4/12
Expenses for Fiscal Year Thru 4/12
Restoration Offering 4/30/2012
Loan from Diocese
Balance on Loan for Restoration
Please issue a separate check for restoration.
Fourth Sunday of Easter
May 5-6
5:00 pm (Saturday)
E.M……………...............T. Durbin, J. Sauerheber, W. Nicholson
Lector................................................................................C. Heltsley
Ushers………...................................................D. Basham, B. Clark
7:00 pm Misa (Sábado)
ME………………………………………………………..Gabino M.
Lectores…...……………………. Reina C., Rogelina G., Israel M.
Acólitos……………………………………….……...….Emerson P.
8:00 am (Sunday)
E.M..........................................P. Huggins, C. Maroney, S. Martter
Lector......................................................................................D. Lash
Ushers……………………………Beard, K. Reynolds, A. Sciubba
Servers………………………….....……S. Martter, Himmelbrand
10:30 am (Sunday)
E.M……….......M. Feldkamp, D. French, D. Fortier, K. Nerland,
M. Simpson, S. Clark, J. Webb
Lector................................................................................J. Corcoran
Ushers…...……………...….…B. Colburn, D. Mobley, C. Bryce
Servers.........................Andrew Wood, Alton Cherry, L. Johnson
Children’s Lit. of the Word.……Genia Hines w/ Rachel French
12:30 pm (Domingo)
ME………………………………………………………..Gabino M.
Lectores……………...……….………Oscar R., Juana V., Silvia F.
Fifth Sunday of Easter
May 12-13
5:00 pm (Saturday)
E.M……………......................L. Moore, W. Nicholson, M. Herbst
Lector.............................................................................J. Sauerheber
Ushers………..................................................J. Diemer, J. Crabtree
Servers…………………..………………………………..B. Basham
7:00 pm Misa (Sábado)
ME………………………………………………………..Gabino M.
Lectores…...……..…………Gustavo O., Claudia V., Jasmine M.
Acólitos……………………………………….……...….Emerson P.
8:00 am (Sunday)
E.M......................................P. Huggins, C. Maroney, A. Arbogast
Lector...................................................................................R. French
Ushers…………………………….……M. Baker, D. Lee, J. Chute
Servers………………………….....……S. Martter, Himmelbrand
10:30 am (Sunday)
E.M……….................N. Huston, B. Gibson, R. Nordike, B. Gent,
T. Thornton, K. Nerland, T. Wilt
Lector................................................................................D. Colburn
Ushers…...……………...……………………...……Beard, J. Webb
Servers.............................................P. Warrell, P. Hunt, J. Johnson
Children’s Lit. of the Word.………...…Katie Watts w/ Carolina
12:30 pm (Domingo)
ME………………………………………………………..Gabino M.
Lectores……………...……….…..Rogelina G., Susana B., Luis C.
St. Joseph Catholic Church………………………….Fifth Sunday of Easter………….…………….………………… May 6, 2012
Parish Life at Saint Joseph
Sunday- May 6
Fifth Sunday of Easter
9-10:15 am K-8 CCD
Coffee and Donuts
SVdP Share Sunday
2 pm – First Communion
Monday- May 7
Tuesday- May 8
Wednesday- May 9
8:05 am School Mass to
Honor Mothers
6:00 – 8:00 pm – Marriage
6:30 – 8 pm – Youth Group
6:30 pm – ARISE Parish
Team Mtg.
Happy Birthday, Fr. Josh!
Thursday- May 10
St. Damien Joseph de Veuster of
Friday – May 11
Saturday- May 12
Sts. Nereus, Achilleus &
2:00 – 6:00 pm – Blood Drive
7:05 pm – Hot Rods Game
(To benefit St. Joseph
School Athletics)
Sunday- 13
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Mother’s Day
Congratulations to the young people who received the
Body and Blood of Jesus Christ for the first time in the
Blessed Sacrament last weekend. Special thanks to Dr.
Adam and Heather Weidner, Mary Herbst and Kelly
Kaunisto and Sara Smith for their roles as catechists to
our children. Thanks to the Special Events Committee
for providing the reception this Sunday for the First
Communicants and their families and to Susan Warrell
for photography.
Altar Society will on May 15 at 6 pm to plan for
Pentecost, Corpus Christi and general maintenance of
the church. This will be the last meeting until August.
We will have pot luck so bring your favorite dish to
share and a drink for yourself. All are encouraged to
come. We hope to see you there.
Blood Drive-This Friday
Your blood donation is needed this spring as in every
season. The American Red Cross and St. Joseph
volunteers will be in the Parish Center on Friday,
May 11, from 2– 6 p.m. To schedule an appointment,
log onto www.redcrossblood.org and enter sponsor
code: StJoseph. Help Save Lives!
Catholic Night at the Ball Park
K-8 (CCD)
Classes are this Sunday from 9:00 – 10:15 a.m. This
will be our last class of the year. Registration for next
year will be in August.
High School Youth Group
Tickets are for sale for the May 12th 7:00 p.m. Hot
Rods’ baseball game, which has been designated
Catholic Night at the Ball Park!
Tickets are
$10/person. Half of the ticket sales will go to support
athletics at St. Joseph School. Tickets are available at
St. Joseph and Holy Spirit Parish offices or at the school.
VBS – The Vatican Express with St. Jerome
Youth Group will meet this Wed. from 6:30 – 8 p.m.
St. Joseph VBS will be the week of June 11-15, from 9 am
to 12 Noon. The cost will be $10 per child and $25 for 3
First Communion
or more children. Registration is open to children who
have COMPLETED one year of preschool through
kids ENTERING the 6th grade. We invite any adults
and youth volunteers who would like to participate to
contact the church office. We will need teachers and
assistants; as well as: individuals to run stations
including music, crafts, snacks, and recreation.
REGISTRATION will be held on the weekend of
May 19th and 20th after all Masses. Forms will also
be available in the Church office. So, climb aboard
The Vatican Express! Meet your tour guide, a member
of the Swiss Guard and uncover the Vatican treasures.
First stop………..St. Peter’s Square! Explore St.
Peter’s Basilica and the Sistine Chapel….!
On Sunday, May 6, all those who received first
communion last weekend are reminded to dress up in
their first communion clothes for a class picture at 2
pm in the Church. Afterwards, there will be a
reception in the church hall where certificates will be
available as well as a special gift, a book called a
Garland of Roses.
The Bible Discussion Group meets on 5-23 at 7 p. in
the parish library. The topic for this month is
Pentecost. The readings for this are Acts 2: 1-41 &
catechism articles 732, 1076 & 1287. All are welcome.
St. Joseph Catholic Church……………..…...……….Fifth Sunday of Easter………………….…..….……….…...…May 6, 2012
Diocese of Owensboro
Vietnam Era Veteran Alumni of St. Joseph
School Recognition May 11 at SJS Gym
Friday, May 11 at 9:30 am in the school gym, all are
invited to a presentation of a plaque to the school
recognizing St. Joseph School Alumni who were in the
military during the Vietnam War. (See list below).
A no host lunch will follow at Cambridge Market at
11:00 am. Friends and family are invited. For more
information contact Johnny Capito at (913) 515-0161.
December 2012 Marks 75 years
Monsignor Bernard Powers - 60th Anniversary
You are invited to join Monsignor Bernard Powers as
he celebrates the 60th anniversary of his ordination to
the priesthood on Sunday, May 6, 2012 at the Parish
of the Immaculate in Owensboro. Mass will be
celebrated at 2:00 p.m. with a dessert social
following in the parish hall.
Spiritual Direction Training Program
Applications are now being accepted for the next
Spiritual Direction Training Program, which will
begin the week of Oct. 22, 2012 at Mount Saint
Joseph Conference and Retreat Center. The two-year
program consists of four weekly training sessions
each year. Participants receive intense training,
practice and supervision by a coordinating team. The
fee includes tuition, meals and accommodations.
Appropriate for beginners and experienced spiritual
directors. Contact Sheila Blandford at 270-229-4103
ext. 804, or [email protected], by
Aug. 15. A brochure can be found at
www.msjcenter.org by clicking on Conference and
Retreat Center, then Spiritual Direction.
Catholic Home Missions Appeal
Thank you for your generous support to last
weekend’s special USCCB national collection to help
strengthen the Church at home. Your help will
provide training for priests and lay persons in
parishes that desperately need help attending to the
unique needs of their faith communities. Your
contribution helps ensure that parishioners in mission
dioceses will continue to worship well here at home.
Fifth Sunday of Easter
“I am the true vine and my Father is the vine
grower. He takes away every branch in me
that does not bear fruit.” --John 15:1-8
Johnny Miller
Johnny Capito
Ronnie Carrico
Jerry Cossey
George Donnelly
Bernard Durbin
Eddie Fields
Dick Fisher
Steve Garrity
Mark Hayden
Butch Kieffer
Jimmy Lally
Jimmy Olyniec
Wm Tom Payne
Mike Reynolds
Denny Scanlan
Donald Spugnardi
Mike Zoretic
Kenneth Fleenor
Mike Carrico
Joe Conway
Berry M. Donnelly
John Donnelly Jr.
Joe Durbin
Jerry Fields
Mike Fuqua
Michael W. Hawkins
Tommy Hines
Johnny Kieffer
Joe Gene Miller
Peter Olyniec
Kevin Reynolds
Greg Smith
David Sims
Kelly Thompson
Tony Payne
John Gable
Anyone who tries to produce fruits, nuts or vegetables
understands that if a plant or vine or tree or branch is not
producing or dies, it is just wasting space. It should be
pruned or replaced. Jesus tells us that “My Father is the
Vine Grower.” He is the vine and we are the branches.
God has created or “planted” each human being in His
world with a vast array of talents, abilities and gifts that He
is entitled to expect us to discover, accept, develop, and
use to the best of our ability for our own benefit and the
benefit of others. He is entitled to expect us to be
productive. If we fail we are like the unproductive plant,
vine, tree or dead branch. We are just wasting space. As
we continue to celebrate Easter, the Pasch and the
Resurrection, the sacrifices of Jesus and the joy of the
Resurrection as our hope for eternal life, we should ask,
Am I as productive as my Creator expects? If not, why
not? How can I become more productive? Here is a hint:
Get to know Jesus by reading Scripture. Then imitate Him.
You will become very “productive.”
St. Joseph Catholic Church…………….…..…Fifth Sunday of Easter………………….…..……………...…May 6, 2012
Congratulations to our 2012 First Holy Communion Class,
who received the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ for the first
time in the Blessed Sacrament last weekend.
Felicitaciones a nuestra Clase de Primera Comunión del
2012, quienes recibieron el Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo por
primera vez en el Santísimo Sacramento la semana pasada.
Sebastian Alfaya
Joseph Michael Breslin, IV
Harrison Bryce
Maddie Byrd
Anna Cherry
Stefani Melisa Escobar
Ernesto Escoto
Alex Fabian
Itzel Falcon-Perez
James Flores
Irvin Gonzalez
Jacqueline Guillen
Mary Guillen
Roberto Hernandez
Paige Hines
Kathryn Alyse Johnson
Nora Laughter
Darlene Lovos
Alex Madison
Emily Markham
Alexa Dymar Mata
Clark McDougal
Kaleah Mobley
Jonathan Mullins
Karina Nicole Nieto
Kevin Pocasangre
Dariana Rendon-Loyo
Will Reynolds
Jeremy Rivas
Josh E. Rivas
Marijose Rodriguez
Edwin Rosales
Patrick Scott
Angel Silverio
Alexandra Smith
Carrie Elizabeth Updegraff
Hannah Updegraff
Douglas Valencia
Melanie Valencia
Josue Valladares
"Now as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed, and broke it, and gave it to
the disciples and said, 'Take, eat; this is my body.' And he took a cup, and when he
had given thanks he gave it to them, saying, 'Drink of it, all of you; for this is my
lood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.'"
(Matthew 26:26-28)
Iglesia Católica San José…………………………………..…5 Domingo de Pascua ……………………….……Mayo 6, 2012
Esta Semana En La Parroquia San José
Domingo - 6 de mayo
5 Domingo de Pascua
Lunes –7 de mayo
Martes –8 de mayo
Miércoles –9 de mayo
Doctrina CCD 9:00 – 10:15
Misa 12:30 mediodía
San Vicente de Paul/Día de Compartir
Fotos y Recepción
Primera Comunión 2:00 pm
Reunión del Comité Hispano
6:00 pm
Charlas de Preparación para el
Matrimonio – 6:00 pm
Feliz Cumpleaños Padre Joshua
VBS – The Vatican Express con San Jerónimo
La Escuela de Vacaciones de Biblia de San José será el fin de
semana de Junio 11-15, de 9 am a 12 Mediodía. El costo será de
$10 por niño y $25 por 3 ó más niños. Matrículas están
abiertas a niños que han COMPLETADO un año de
preescolar hasta ENTRANDO al 6to grado. Invitamos a
adultos y jóvenes voluntarios que les gustaría participar
que contacte la oficina de la iglesia. Necesitamos maestros
y asistentes; como también: individuos que manejen
estaciones incluyendo música, artes manualidades,
merienda y recreación. MATRICULAS se llevarán a cabo
el fin de semana de mayo 19 y 20 después de las Misas.
Habrá formas disponibles en la oficina de la Iglesia. Así
que, súbase al The Vatican Express! Conozca el guía
turístico, un miembro de la Guardia Suiza y descubra los
tesoros del Vaticano. Primero deténgase en………..St.
Peter’s Square! Explore la Basílica de San Pedro y la
Reunión del Grupo Juvenil
6:30 pm
Jueves – 10 de mayo
San Juan de Ávila
Feliz Día de las Madres
Misa y Asamblea Carismática
6:30 pm
Viernes –11 de mayo
Sábado –12 de mayo
San Pancracio
Domingo - 13 de mayo
6 Domingo de Pascua,
Misa 7:00 pm
Misa 12:30 mediodía
Educación religiosa- Niños de Kindergarten hasta 8º
Grado: Tendremos nuestra última clase de doctrina de
este año, este domingo de 9:00 a 10:15 am. Las matriculas
para el próximo año serán en agosto.
Grupo Juvenil, se reúne este miércoles de 6:30–8:00 pm
Primera Comunión
Se recuerda a todos los que recibieron la Primera
Comunión la semana pasada, que este domingo 6 de mayo,
se vistan con sus vestidos de Primera Comunión para una
foto de la clase a las 2 pm en la Iglesia. Habrá
seguidamente después una recepción en el salón
parroquial y se entregarán certificados, como también un
regalo especial, un libro llamado Garland of Roses.
Campaña de Donación de Sangre - Salón Parr oquial
Viernes 11 de mayo de 2:00 a 6:00 pm. Para una cita vaya
Al sitio www.redcrossblood.or g y entre el c ódigo de
patroc inador: StJ oseph
Capilla Sixtina….!
Se invita a todas las personas interesadas en recibir
preparación para el matrimonio que asistan al Salón Parroquial
el martes 8 de mayo de 6:00 – 8:30pm. Nuestro sitio en la web es
Jóvenes de 15 – 30 años
El día sábado 26 de mayo en Davis County High School,
en Owensboro habrá un retiro especialmente para jóvenes
antes del Concierto de Martin Valverde, de 1:30 a 5:00
pm, para más información contacte a Gina en la Parroquia
Ya tenemos a la venta en la oficina los boletos para el
concierto de Martin Valverde, Sábado 26 de mayo de
6:30-9:30 pm. Auditorio Davis County High School,
Owensboro. Los boletos cuestan solamente $7.00 Este
evento es parte de la celebración de los 75 Años de la
Diócesis de Owensboro.
¡No Falte! Venga a Alabar a Dios
La Nuestra – en WCKT 930 AM el programa de radio
en Español los domingos de 3-5 pm Apoya el programa,
se puede escuchar en vivo a través de la línea y en
podcast www.93wkct.com o en facebook al
Tenemos Boletos para el Juego de Pelotas del Equipo
Hot Rods recaudar Fondos para la Escuela San José –
Mayo 12, 7:00 pm
St. Joseph Catholic Church……………..………...…Fifth Sunday of Easter…….………..……….……..………………May 6, 2012
Prayer List
Please remember those for whom parishioners have requested
your prayers:
Por favor recuerde esos parroquianos para quien han
solicitado sus oraciones:
Aaron Haycraft
Alberta García
Alejandro García
Austin Taylor
Bertha Talley
Betty Durbin
Blair Bandy
Boonsong Areephant
Buffy Watt
Carl J. Connde
Carlota Castro
Charlotte Smith
Cheryl Barnes
Cheryl Woolridge
Crews Carter
Danissa & Asher Lewis
David Reid
Don Whitney
Doris Krause
Elizabeth Mudd
Finn Locke
Forrest and Betty Kaelin
H.C. Thompson
Jamie Gray
Jerry Fulkerson
Joan Martter
Jodie Fulkerson
Joe Regnier
John Phelps
Josephine Sandrikt
Juanita Alwes
Judy Brown
June Ebelhar
Karen Meyers
Kathy Cummings
Katie Socci
Kelly Smith
Kevin Bailey
Kim Barnes
Laura Williams
Laurie Conley
Lisa Basham
Lorelei Crutcher
Luis Aju
Malcolm Petty
Marilyn Jacobsen
Marisa Wood
Mary Patrick
Mitzi Dooley
Neill Hendricks
Norman Beatty
Osman Ayala
Peg Truman
Peggy Clagett
Rene O’Keefe
Richard Henry
Richard Holmes
Robert Pemberton
Roger Bemiss
Sean Anderson
Sean Hammack
Seth Browning
Shirley Greenheck
Sue Statton
Suzan Fratus
Tommy Moreno
Trish Johnson
Vesna Crockett
Vicki Hale
To have someone enrolled in this list, please call or email
the church office. Names will remain on the list for sixty (60)
days unless otherwise requested.
For Couples who are Planning to Marry or
Considering Marriage
The next Marriage Formation Gathering will
be Tuesday, May 8 at 6 p.m. in the
St. Joseph Parish Center!
The mission of St. Joseph Interparochial School is to
teach as Jesus did, challenging students to embrace the
gospel message, to achieve their academic best, and to
make a positive difference in the world.
My name is Christie Kaelin and I was born and raised
in Nashville, TN, and attended Christian school most of
my life. After graduating from Ezell-Harding Christian
School, I moved to Bowling Green to pursue a degree
in Education from Western Kentucky University.
Throughout college I worked in child care centers and
after-school programs while earning a Bachelor's
Degree in Early Childhood Education and Child
Development. I began my teaching career as Assistant
Director of Creative Learning Child Development
Center here in Bowling Green. My husband Al and I
were married here at St. Joseph Church in 1997, and
were both confirmed here in 1999. I accepted the
position as St. Joseph's Preschool Director in 2001, and
have since had two daughters who attend St. Joseph
School. Alyson (10) is a fourth grader in Mrs.
Thornton's class, and Addison (4) is a Preschooler.
Having been educated in a Christian school myself, it is
very important to me that my children receive the
same. I love teaching at St. Joseph because it affords
me the opportunity to be close to my daughters,
involved in their education, and I can pray and share
our faith with my students each day! I love the
diversity of the students at St. Joseph, and the closeness
of the staff. I find it both joyful and rewarding to get up
each morning to come and work with the best
preschoolers in Bowling Green!
My name is Miles Harvey and I am in Kindergarten. I
love St. Joseph School because it's Catholic. It's special
because of God. My favorite thing is recess. We are
friends at this school. It's really fun!
My name is Gabriel Altube and I am in Kindergarten. I
love St. Joseph School because it is cool and fun! We
like to do work like crafts, calendar, read books, A.R.,
stations, and recess. Our friends are kind. We
celebrate mass together with the priests. When we go
home we like to come back to St. Joe.
St. Joseph’s School
Night at Bowling Green Ballpark
Saturday, May 12 | Game Time: 7:05 PM
vs. South Bend Silver Hawks (Future D’backs)
Support St. Joseph’s School by purchasing special FUNdraising
tickets to the Hot Rods game on Saturday, May 12.
• Tickets are $10.00 per seat with $5 from each ticket
going to support the education of students at St.
Joseph’s School.
• Tickets are available at Holy Spirit Church & St.
Joseph’s Church (kids 3 and under are free).
• Holy Spirit and St. Joseph’s Supporters will be selected
to participate in on-field contests during the game.
• Enjoy the BEST fireworks in South Central Kentucky
after the Hot Rods take on the Silver Hawks.
Deadline: Please return order form(s) to
Father Steve Hohman by Monday, May 7.
For more information please contact Hot Rods Coordinator Adam Smedberg:
by phone at 270.901.2121 ext. 206 or by email at [email protected]
St. Joseph’s School
Night at Bowling Green Ballpark
Escuela St. Joseph
Noche en el estadio de béisbol de Bowling Green
Sábado 12 de mayo | Hora del Juego: 7:05 PM
vs. South Bend Silver Hawks (Futuros D’backs)
¡Apoye la escuela St. Joseph comprando boletos especiales para
recaudar fondos para el juego de los Hot Rods el sábado 12 de mayo!
• El costo de los boletos es $10.00 por asiento, de los
cuales $5 por cada boleto se destinarán a apoyar la
educación de los estudiantes en St. Joseph’s School.
• Los boletos están disponibles en las Iglesias de Holy Spirit
y St.Joseph (niños de 3 años y menores entran gratis).
• Se seleccionarán personas que apoyan a Holy Spirit y a
St. Joseph para participar en concursos durante el juego.
• Disfrute los MEJORES fuegos artificiales en Kentucky
después que los Hot Rods le ganen a los Silver Hawks.
Fecha límite: Por favor regrese las órdenes al Padre
Steve Hohman a más tardar el día 7 de mayo.
Manténgase Conectado
Para más información, comuníquese con Adam Smedberg, Coordinador de los Hot Rods
by por teléfono al 270.901.2121, ext. 206 o por correo electrónico a: [email protected]
NOMBRE: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
DIRECCION: _________________________________________CIUDAD: _________________________________ESTADO: __________CODIGO:____________
NUMERO TELEFONO: ___________________________________________CORRERO ELECTRONICO: _____________________________________________
# DEL BOLETO(S): __________ X $10.00 = __________ PAGO (MARQUE):
CREDITO (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover)
NUMERO DE TARJETA DE CREDITO: _____________________________________ FECHA DE EXP.: ______________ CVC #:________ CODIGO _________
Regresar esta orden a: St. Joseph Catholic Church o a Holy Spirit Church
Parent-Teacher Store
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Mike and Robyn Hughes
996 Wilkerson Trace A-5 (270) 782-5219
(Offices in BG, Franklin, Tompkinsville, and Columbia)
910 State St. Bowling Green 42101
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To Place An Advertisement in the Bulletin,
contact Jane Brooks in the church office at
270-842-2525 or [email protected]
The Woodworks
Delivering Excellence in Hardwood Products & Flooring
●Lumber ● Plank Flooring
● Custom Millwork
● 340 New Porter Pike
Family owned & operated by the Marttèr’s Since 1990
John & Charlotte Phelps, Parishioners
901 Fairview Avenue / 270-843-4338
John Lambert Korba, MD FACS
Certified Public Accountants
Your disaster restoration
and cleaning specialists
Funeral Home
JVP Monument Sales
Surgical Associates
Montgomery & Webb C.P.A’s
Pete and Marsha
Spanish Translations & Interpretation
Medical, Legal, Education Interpretation
Translation of websites and all types of written texts
Gabriela Alfaya
Certified by the American
cell 270-799-3098
Translators Association (ATA) [email protected]
(270) 781-6630
(270) 781-6680
For pre-arranged burial sites call
Tony Meffert • 842-4177
Ray Grudzielanek • 842-3628
Adopt through Catholic Charities
Domestic Adoption and
International Adoption
J.C. Kirby &Son
Funeral Chapels
& Crematory
B.G. Monuments
843-3111/ 842-149
832 Broadway
820 Lovers Lane
Pete & Kaye Buser
600 U.S. 31-W Bypass ● Bowling Green, KY 42101
Fax 270/842-4497 ● email: [email protected]
Serving South Central Kentucky
Jack Case, parishioner
[email protected]
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Licensed and Insured
Dr. Russell K. Heltsley, III, O.D.
2425 Scottville Rd. Suite 114
(270) 846-2500