Catholic Caravans Book Fair - Our Lady of the Desert Catholic Church


Catholic Caravans Book Fair - Our Lady of the Desert Catholic Church
Our Lady of
the Desert
18386 Corwin Rd.,
Apple Valley, CA 92307
Office Hours: 8:30am - 3:00pm, Monday - Thursday;
Fridays 8:30am - 2:30pm
760 242-4427 FAX: 760 242-1195 Website:
14th Sunday in Ordinary Time - July 3, 2016
Parish Administrator:
Rev. Delwyn G. Haroldson, C.R.
Parochial Vicar: Rev. Eliseus Uju
In Residence: Rev. Henry Ruszel, C.R.
Catechetical Formation: Susan Janowicz (ext. 18)
e-mail: [email protected]
Elementary Formation: Irma Muñoz (ext. 20)
e-mail: [email protected]
Youth Ministry/Confirmation: Shari Hartz (ext. 19)
e-mail: [email protected]
Religious Ed. Secretary: Yolanda Serrato (ext. 21)
e-mail: [email protected]
RCIA: Roberta Leruth (ext. 14) or 760 946-0915
e-mail: [email protected]
Administrative Assistant: Robin Mutschler
e-mail: [email protected]
Office Manager: Imelda Salgado (ext. 10)
e-mail: [email protected]
Receptionist: Pam Herman (ext. 11)
e-mail: [email protected]
Receptionist: Patty Magaña (ext. 17)
e-mail: [email protected]
Head of Maintenance: Jeremiah Blackford
Maintenance: Fernando Silva
Mass Schedule
Saturdays: Confessions 2:30pm;
Vigil Mass 4:00pm
7:30am Mass
9:30am Mass (Deaf Interpreter)
11:30am Spanish Mass
5:00pm Youth Mass
Weekday Masses:
7:30am, Monday - Saturday
Religious Education Office: 760 242-5819
Hours: 9:30am-4:30pm, Monday - Thursday
Closed on Fridays
Diocese of San Bernardino
909 475-5300
For emergency anointing ONLY, call
760 242-4427 and leave information on ext. 5.
Emergencia de unción de los enfermos
SOLAMENTE llame 760 242-4427 y deje
información en ext. 5.
From Fr. Del Haroldson, CR
July 3, 2016
Page 2
Que si Jesús dice: "Ve" sal al mundo y llévaWhat if Jesus said: “Go” out into the world
and bring them my peace and love, and heal
les mi paz y amor, y cura a los enfermos con
the sick with works of mercy. Wouldn’t we
obras de misericordia. ¿Sen ríamos como si
feel like it’s impossible? What if Jesus said:
fuera imposible? ¿Y que si Jesús dice: No
Take nothing for your journey, no bag, no
lleves nada para el camino, ni bolsa, ni dinemoney, and no extra sandals. Wouldn’t we
ro, ni sandalias? ¿Nos sen ríamos como si
feel like it was kind of foolish?
fuera un poco absurdo?
What if we did it anyway? What if when we
¿Y que si lo hacemos comoquiera? ¿Y que si
did it we discovered that even if we feel kind
lo hacemos, descubrimos que aunof foolish, we have the power to do the imque
un poco absurdo, tenemos el
possible? We can heal the sick. And when we
poder de hacer lo imposible? Podemos curar a los endo it changes us. It changes us into Jesus Christ.
Now it’s our turn to con nue the mission of the 72. fermos. Y cuando lo hacemos nos cambia. Nos transforma en Jesucristo.
Say yes to it. “Here I am Lord, send me.” But it
won’t be easy. We have to pray for power. We have Ahora nos toca a nosotros para con nuar la misión de
los 72. Digan que sí. "Aquí estoy Señor, envíame." Peto pray to Jesus for the power of grace so we can
join Jesus on the cross.
ro no va ser fácil. Tenemos que rezar por el poder. TeOur brothers and sisters in the world need to know
nemos que pedirle a Jesús por el poder de la gracia
the truth. But the forces of evil are working day and para que podamos unirnos con Jesús en la cruz.
night to fool them into believing they are the
Nuestros hermanos y hermanas en el mundo necesimasters of their own des ny. That’s a lie. If we live
tan saber la verdad. Pero las fuerzas del mal están traoutside the cross it only leads to destruc on. That’s bajando día y noche para engañarlos, haciéndoles
why Jesus came to save us.
creer que son los dueños de su propio des no. Eso es
Now it’s up to us. We are the Church. That doesn’t
men ra. Si vivimos fuera de la cruz sólo nos lleva a la
mean just the priests and nuns. It means all of us;
the laity. Jesus is calling us and saying: “Go” out into destrucción. Por eso vino Jesús para salvarnos.
Ahora nos toca a nosotros. Somos la Iglesia. Eso no
the world and bring them my peace and love, and
heal the sick with works of mercy. Minister to them. incluye solamente los sacerdotes y las monjas. Eso nos
incluye a todos nosotros, los laicos. Jesús nos llama y
Love them. Pour yourself out for them.
nos dice: "Ve" sal al mundo y llévales mi paz y mi
What should we tell them? “I have something you
amor, y cura los enfermos con las obras de misericorneed in your life. Jesus loves you so much Jesus is
going to change your life. Jesus is going to change
dia. Minístrales. Ámalos. Sírvete para ellos.
your life so you will find peace. You will feel loved.
¿Qué debemos decir? "Tengo algo que necesitas en tu
Your life will have meaning and purpose. You will
vida. Jesús te ama tanto, que Jesús va a cambiar tu
have the power to overcome your trials and
vida. Jesús va a cambiar tu vida para que encuentres
la paz. Vas a sen r su amor. Tu vida va tener significaAnd Jesus is saying the only way we are going to
do y propósito. Vas a tener poder para superar todas
convince anyone of anything, is if we live it ourtus pruebas y sufrimientos."
selves. We have to join him on the cross. “Take
nothing for your journey, no bag, no money, and no Y Jesús nos dice que la única manera en que vamos a
extra sandals.” That means we have to leave behind convencer a la gente, es vivirlo nosotros. Tenemos
que unirnos con él en la cruz. "No lleven nada para el
all our comfort and security. Our new comfort and
camino, ni bolsón, ni dinero, ni sandalias." Eso quiere
security will be trus ng completely in Jesus Christ.
We can do it. Jesus said “the harvest is abundant but decir que tenemos que dejar atrás toda nuestra comodidad y seguridad. Nuestra nueva comodidad y segurithe laborers are few.” You and I can become those
dad va ser confiarnos completamente en Jesucristo.
When the first 72 missionaries returned to Jesus
Podemos hacerlo. Jesús dijo: "La cosecha es abundanthey were filled with Joy. They experienced the
te, pero los obreros son pocos." Tú y yo vamos a ser
miracles of healing the sick and libera ng those who los esos obreros.
were possessed by demons. “Lord, in your name
Cuando los primeros 72 misioneros regresaron a Jeeven the demons submit to us!” Then they
sús, estaban llenos de alegría. Experimentaron los miexperienced a new miracle. They themselves were
lagros de curar a los enfermos y liberar a los que estachanged. They became more like Jesus Christ.
ban poseídos por demonios. "Señor, hasta los demoLet us pray: Lord Jesus here I am. I hear your call. I
want to join you on the cross and put all my trust in nios nos obedecen al invocar tu nombre.” Entonces
you. Come into my heart so together we can go out experimentaron un nuevo milagro. Ellos mismos fueron cambiados. Llegaron a ser más como Jesucristo.
into the world. Empower me to bring your peace
Oremos: Señor Jesucristo, aquí estoy. Escucho tu llaand your love to my brothers and sisters. Empower
me to heal them with works of mercy. Empower me mada. Quiero unirme a en la cruz y poner toda mi
confianza en . Entra en mi corazón para que juntos
to minister to them. Empower me to love them.
podamos salir al mundo. Empodérame para traer tu
Empower me to pour myself out to them together
with you, just like you did for me on the cross.
paz y tu amor a mis hermanos y hermanas. Empodérame para curarlos con obras de misericordia. EmpodéChurch office will be closed on
rame para ministrarles. Empodérame para amarlos.
Monday, July 4th.
Empodérame para servirles junto con go, de la misma
La oficina de la iglesia estará cerrada manera en que tú lo hiciste por mí en la cruz.
por el Día de la Independencia,
el lunes, 4 de julio.
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
First Reading — Isaiah 66:10-14c
Second Reading — Gala ans 6:14-18
Gospel — Luke 10:1-12, 17-20) [1-9]
Monday: Hos 2:16, 17b-18, 21-22; Ps 145:2-9;
Mt 9:18-26; or, for Independence Day,
any readings from the Mass “For Public
Needs,” nos. 882-889, or “For Peace and
Jus ce,” nos. 887-891
Tuesday: Hos 8:4-7, 11-13;Ps 115:3-10; Mt 9:32-38
Wednesday: Hos10:1-3,7-8, 12;Ps105:2-7;Mt 10:1-7
Thursday: Hos 11:1-4, 8c-9; Ps 80:2ac, 3b, 15-16;
Mt 10:7-15
Hos 14:2-10; Ps 51:3-4, 8-9, 12-14, 17;
Mt 10:16-23
Saturday: Is 6:1-8; Ps 93:1-2, 5; Mt 10:24-33
Dt 30:10-14; Ps 69:14, 17, 30-31, 33-34,
36-37; or Ps 19:8-11; Col 1:15-20;
Lk 10:25-37
Page 3
Primera lectura — Isaías 66:10-14c
Segunda lectura — Gálatas 6:14-18
Evangelio — Lucas 10:1-12, 17-20) [1-9]
Lunes: Os 2:16, 17b-18, 21-22; Sal 145 (144):2-9;
Mt 9:18-26; o para el Día de la Indepen
dencia se pueden tomar las lecturas de las
Misas para varias necesidades y ocasiones:
Por la nación o por la paz y jus cia.
Martes: Os 8:4-7, 11-13; Sal 115:3-10; Mt 9:32-38
Miércoles: Os 10:1-3, 7-8, 12; Sal 105 :2-7; Mt 10:1-7
Jueves: Os 11:1-4, 8c-9; Sal 80 (79):2ac, 3b, 15-16;
Mt 10:7-15
Viernes: Os 14:2-10; Sal 51 :3-4, 8-9, 12-14, 17;
Mt 10:16-23
Sábado: Is 6:1-8; Sal 93 (92):1-2, 5; Mt 10:24-33
Domingo: Dt 30:10-14; Sal 69 (68):14, 17, 30-31, 3334, 36-37; o Sal 19 (18):8-11; Col 1:15-20;
Lc 10:25-37
If you are interested in becoming a Catholic Chris an, please feel welcome to join the
RCIA that meets at 7:00 PM most Tuesday evenings at the parish center. Instruc on is
on basic Catholic teachings, Church history, using the Bible, prayer, sacraments, and
other spiritually relevant topics. On Sundays, the RCIA group a ends the 9:30 Mass
together with dismissal a er the homily un l the end of mass. Those who have
completed all their sacraments and are interested in upda ng their understanding of the Faith are also
welcome to a end. The process of becoming a Catholic usually takes a year or more. If you want to be in the
Holy Saturday 2017 ceremonies, you should join immediately a er Easter. Please call Roberta Pace Leruth at
760-946-0915 or e-mail at [email protected].
Grupo de Oración
Están invitados para dar gracias con toda la familia los miércoles
a las 7:00pm en el salón. Venga a compartir alabanzas, oraciones
y tener tiempo con nuestro Señor. Para mas información llame al
760 887-7071, Angel Dorantes.
ONE DAY RETREAT: Take Charge of Your Life
Life has a way of making so many demands on our me and energy. Some mes the harder we try the more
frustra ng it can become. On this retreat you will learn some simple and valuable techniques that can help you thrive
instead of just survive. You will also be taught how to use the powerful Light of Christ to make changes in your life.
Dates: July 23 or 30
Loca on: Sisters of St. Benedict, 12710 Blue Mountain Ct., Grand Terrace, CA
Time: 10:00am to 3:00pm
Dona on: $25 which includes a hot lunch
Presenter: Sr. Joan Marie Sasse, O.S.B.
Direc ons:
Reserva ons: 909 783-4121
Prayer & Mass Intentions (Oración—Intenciones)
Sunday, July 3rd, 7:30am Mass:
Joseph J. Biodrowski †
Fr. Robert J. Levis
Deacon Gleason (ordina on as deacon)
Bob Rosen
For the people of the parish
Michael & Guadalupe Castillo
Sunday, July 3rd, 9:30am Mass:
Anthony & Eric Salgado
Hans Smallwood
Mar n Gonzales Jr. †
Samantha Wilson
Rudy Sanchez †
Frank Mutz
Jim Friedhof †
Amber Helenbrook
Domingo, 3 de julio, 11:30am Misa:
Mary Teachout
John Welch
Lucy, Sergio & Rogelio Diaz (intención especial)
John Willis
Sunday, July 3rd, 5:00pm Mass:
Linda McIndou
Phillip & Michael Kories †
Phillip Steven McCafferty
Caitlin McCafferty
Jim Friedhof †
Dani & Joe McCafferty
Michael & Guadalupe Cas llo (healing)
Lauren & Connor McCafferty
Office closed, Monday, July 4th, 7:30am Mass:
Meagan & Matt McCafferty
William J. McCafferty
Herlinda Hernandez †
Anthony Zura
Tuesday, July 5th, 7:30am Mass:
Daniel Zura
Felipe Salazar †
Rebecca Zura
Larry Harrison
Wednesday, July 6th, 7:30am Mass:
Lisa Callahan
Pedro & Maria Apaga †
Bernice Clothier
Thursday, July 7th, 7:30am Mass:
Mary Tankesly
Friday, July 8th 7:30am Mass:
Isabel Reyes (birthday)
Saturday, July 9th, 7:30am Mass:
Jim Friedhof †
Saturday, July 9th, 4:00pm Mass:
Be y Bal erra †
Welcome reception for
Fr. Suresh Manick, HGN!!
The Knights of Columbus will host a
welcome reception for Fr. Suresh on
Saturday, July 9th. The reception will take
place in the parish hall after the
4:00 PM Mass until 7:00 PM. Come and
meet our new Parochial Vicar.
Los Caballeros de Colón los invitan a una
recepción de bienvenida para el Padre Suresh. El
sábado, 9 de julio, en el salón parroquial después de
la Misa de 4:00pm hasta
las 7:00pm. Vengan a
conocer a nuestro nuevo
Vicario Parroquial.
Kathleen Weimer
Chris & Trewina
Clair Plisiewicz
Geeg Eash
Ed Bowling
Jennie R. Casey
Debra Garrett
Tom McDonnell, Jr.
Tom McDonnell Sr.
JoAnn Sweeney
Richard Sweeney
Pauline Grecco
Patricia Tarango
Joanne Bartholomew
Fr. Ray Skonezny
Connie Skonezny
Bro. Anthony Scully
Gene Calvano
Lourdes Buencamino
Teresa Otero
Luis Rios
Vickie Cornett
Jonathan Murch
Jim Dodds
Bob Hammer
Sue Jordan
Eva Maring
Angie Marie Cardillo
Roland & Rosemary Gonzalez
Kathleen Weimer
Ruthann DeBaets
Bill & Sarah Haisman
Dave & Mary Curtis
Cristina Bong
Clifford Rodgers
Tabitha Hartlage
Page 4
Skip Lind
Ilene Gilmore
Miranda Salcedo
Claudette Kirk
Tracy & Jeff
Suzan Arment
George Small
Clodell Taber
Enrique & Isabel Reyes
Cindy Dorcey
Carl Janowicz
Mary Sheetz
Wardell Molina
Christopher Hitt
Kelly Bishop
Mark & Tracey Marasco
Michael & Mary Marasco
Matthew & Diane Marasco
Audrey Ceglinski
Chet Hanna
Michael May
Jim Price
Evelyn Bonaviso
Arthur Moss
Epriam Limpiado
Evelyn Roach
Florence and Phil Van Alstine
Bob & Deanna Carlson
Christine Parker
Michael DiPietro
Pat & Judy Kennedy
Nolan Rogers
Carl & Kristina Strub
Maxine Fierro
Norma Garcia
Hector Delgadillo
Kavan King
Daniel Delgadillo
Claudia Castro
Susan Dunagan
Evelyn Watman
Ramona Vasquez
Martin Gonzales Jr.
Gonzales Family
Gomez Family
George & Veronica Hernandez
Rose Mary Newlon
Alexander L.
Allen Hightower
Marlin Dwayne Bellah
Nena Ortiz
Alicia Peters
May Family
Juan Gomez
Edward Carroll
Otho Raye James
Carroll Williams & Family
Gloria Greear
Kayla Johnston
Tom Johnston Jr.
Christopher Johnston
July 2016
Page 5
Chicken or Beef Tacos?
Guadalupano Ministry will have
chicken or beef tacos for sale on
Sunday, July 17th, after the 9:30am and
11:30am Masses. Get a combo of 3
tacos and a drink for $6.00 or
$2.00 a taco.
Fundraiser to benefit Our Lady of
Guadalupe Celebrations.
Ministry Meeting
All leaders of the Guadalupano Ministry are
asked to attend a meeting on Tuesday, July
5th at 7:00pm in the office, room 1.
El Ministerio Guadalupano tendrá venta
de tacos, pollo o de carne después de las
misas de 9:30am y 11:30am, el
domingo, 17 de julio. El combo de 3
tacos y una bebida por $6.00 o
$2.00 cada taco.
Para recaudar fondos en beneficio de las
fiestas de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe.
Reunión de Lideres
Todos los líderes del Ministerio Guadalupano
invitados asistir a una reunión el martes 5 de
julio a las 7:00pm en la oficina, cuarto 1.
Catholic Caravans Book Fair
The mobile store Catholic
Caravans returns to the parish
Saturday and Sunday,
July 9-10, after all
Masses with a wide variety of Catholic books
and religious
articles of all kinds. Please stop by and find
inspirational summer reading and gifts for
any occasion.
BUY SCRIP - Gift Cards!
By purchasing Scrip through the Church, the Church
receives 1% to 9% from your purchases.
Stop by the Scrip Table a er Mass!
¡SCRIP PARA REGALOS! Son tarjetas para comprar o
regalar. La Iglesia recibe 1% hasta 9% de sus
compras. ¡Compre después de Misa para sus regalos!
Albertson’s 4%$25, $100 Gi Cards
Arco 1.5%$50, $100 Gi Cards
Applebee’s 8% $25 Gi Cards
Carl’s Jr. 5%$10 Gi Cards
Chipotle 10%
$10 Gi Cards
CVS Pharmacy 6% $25 Gi Cards
Del Taco 4%$10 Gi Cards
Denny’s 7%
$10 Gi Cards
El Pollo Loco 6%$10 Gi Cards
Home Depot 4% $25 Gi Card
Jack in the Box 4% $10 Gi Cards
KFC 8% $5 Gi Cer ficates
Lowe’s Hardware 4% $25 Gi Card
Olive Garden/Red Lob 9%$25 Gi Cards
Pizza Hut 9%$10 Gi Cards
Smart & Final 3% $25 Gi Cards
Starbucks 7% $10, $25 Gi Cards
Stater Bros. 6% $50, $100 Gi Cards
Subway 6% $10 Gi Cards
Target 2.5%$25, $100 Gi Cards
Wal-Mart 2.5% $25, $100 Gi Cards
Thank you Food-4-Less
shoppers for using your
card. Rewards check
has been received for
Church Ministries
Page 6
(Ministerios de la Iglesia)
Adoration: Shirley Smock 760 240-1554
Altar Servers: Tom Cook 760 243-1427
Blue Army: Stephanie Rowe 760 694-1894
Bible Study: (Wednesdays) Jim Chambers 760 242-8310
Bible Study (Thursdays): Jackie Ray 760 242-8519
Boy Scouts: Joe Bertola 760 242-2040
Catholic Daughters: Kristin Stewart 760 240-5837,
[email protected] or Kathy O’Neill 760 694-7395,
[email protected]
Choir Directors:
Jeanette Cox (Sunday 7:30am Mass)
John Tonyan (Sunday 9:30am Mass)
Rafael Montañez (Sunday 11:30am Spanish Mass)
Charismatic Prayer: Dennis Blackford 760 247-9318
English as a Second Language (ESL) 10am on Tuesdays
Eucharistic Ministers: Joe Allee 760 403-5183;
Spanish: Maria E. Novahom760 242-4505
Filipino Ministry: Tony Pasco 760 962-1414 and/or
Loyce Gutierrez 760 887-6674
Food Pantry: Wed. & Thurs. from 9:00am to 11:30am
Funeral Hospitality: Bea Stanley 760 242-5793
Giving Hands to the Needy: Antonia Gamez 760 552-1158
Guadalupanos: Rafael Montañez 760 221-6968
Grupo de Oración: Angel Dorantes 760 887-7071
Hearing Impaired: Linda Hardy 760 964-1089 V/VRS
Knights of Columbus: Stan Stanley 760 242-5793
Lectors: Chris Cook: 760 243-1427;
Spanish: Maria Franco 760 964-7639
Life Teen: Shari Hartz 760 242-5819
Marriage Encounter: Robert & Denise Borruel
951 520-7478
Pequeñas Comunidades de Fe:
Ramiro & Mara Alvizures 760 684-0040
Prayer Line: Mary Clavin 760 242-2754
Prison Ministry: Cindy Dorcey 760 900-4319
Pro-Life: MaryAnn Carroll 760 242-3509
Quinceañeras: Arcelia Diaz & Pahola Diaz 760 784-1840
SCRIP: After weekend Masses/place order in office
Senior Pot-luck Luncheons: Richard Janzer 760 247-4555
Sunday Scripture Study: Peggy Perring-Mulligan
Ushers: Flo Donaldson 760 887-1117
Community Services
Al-Anon: Saturdays at 11:00 am, office, room 3.
Caritas Counseling: 909 388-1239;
Catholic Charities: 760 242-2311, ext. 8454,
16051 Kasota Rd., Suite 700, A.V.
CEA-HOW: Call Liz Chambers for meetings 760 242-8310
Second Time Around Thrift Store: 760 241-0700,
15527 8th St., Victorville
The Lord’s Table: 760 241-2043,(Hot meals 11am-12pm)
St. Joan of Arc Church, 15512 6th St., Victorville
Appointments will be scheduled for
preparation. Recent baptismal certificate, first
communion & confirmation certificates will be
needed. At least six months to a year
Se harán reuniones para la preparación. Certificado
reciente del bautismo, certificados de primera comunión
y confirmación serán necesarios. Notificación de seis
meses a un año.
Infant Baptism:
Parents need to call for an appointment
with Yolanda Serrato for children 6 yrs.
old & under. A copy of the child’s birth
certificate will be needed.
Bautismo Infantil:
Los padres necesitan de llamar para hacer una cita con
Yolanda Serrato para infantiles hasta los 6 años.
Es necesario una copia de la acta de nacimiento.
Funeral Services: Call the office for information
Servicios de Funeral: Llame la oficina por información.
Parish Council
Tracy Taber (President) - Bob Von Buelow (Vice-President)
Ginny Tapia (Secretary)
Frank Amico
Larry Caldera
Maria Conchita Franco
Manny Hernandez
Manny Joia
Andrea Mendoza
Mee ngs every 2nd Wednesday of the month
at 7:00pm in the office.
Looking to make contact with the Parish Council?
Please feel free to email us at
[email protected] or speak with us a er
any of the Masses.
Diocesan Development Fund
Campaign Progress
Diocese Goal: $83,200.00
Pledges Made: $87,239.00
Gi s Received: $59,304.94
Donors: 268
Percent of Goal: 71.28 %
As of: June 29, 2016
June 25-26, 2016 - $15,641.15
Upcoming Events—News (Eventos—Noticias)
Page 7
Dear Diocesan Community / Querida Comunidad Diocesana:
This fall will come together to learn and share our faith.
Este otoño tendremos la oportunidad de reuniremos para compartir y aprender de nuestra fe.
The conference will offer four keynote speakers, 50 workshop sessions with topics in the area of
catechesis, personal growth, spirituality, marriage and music– in English, Spanish, Vietnamese,
Korean and ASL. All workshop and keynotes will touch on Jubilee Year of Mercy, and ways to
effectively catechize our children, youth and adults. View the full workshop descriptions here:
La conferencia ofrecerá cuatro conferencias principales y 50 talleres con temas en el área de la
catequesis, crecimiento personal, espiritualidad, matrimonial y música en inglés, español,
vietnamita, coreano y lenguaje de señas. Todas las presentaciones y taller tocarán el tema del Año
del Jubileo de la Misericordia y ofrecerán métodos para catequizar efectivamente a nuestros niños,
jóvenes y adultos. Vea las descripciones de los talleres aquí:
It’s Easy to Register / Es fácil inscribirse:
To register online or by mail visit our web page at / Para inscribirse en línea o por correo, visite
nuestra página web:
Everybody is welcomed, Invite all your constituents! / ¡Todo son bienvenidos, pasen la voz!
We hope to see you there / Esperamos verte ahi
For more information or questions contact Karina Gomez at [email protected] ,
(909) 475-5452 or your OCM Vicariate Coordinator. / Para más información o preguntas por favor
de comunicarse con Karina Gomez al correo electrónico: [email protected], o al
(909) 475-5452, también puede comunicarse con su Coordinador de Vicariato