EEBNANDa PA - Sister Cities International
EEBNANDa PA - Sister Cities International
EEBNANDa PA"^ United States CMna ISTE Australia 28,1999 AntaretfCO MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Towards the Establishment of a Sister City Partnership As PITTSBURGH and FERNANDO de la MORA recognize the need for intercity cooperation in Economic Aff^rs, this Agreement is entered into with the understanding that the economic links between the two cities will be strengthened. To date, the promotion of friendship and international cooperation have been the main issues in intercity exchange. These exchanges have typically been represented by "Sister City" relationships. Accelerating intemationalization of the world economy has required that the private sector in both Pittsburgh and Femando de la Mora have had to respond in every aspect of its business including production, distribution and others. This has resulted in the need for more concrete intemational achievements, such as the establishment of mutually beneficial relationships. With this Agreement, the administrations of Pittsburgh and Femando de la Mora will establish a relationship based on mutual tnjst and closer cooperation. Specifically, each dty will attempt to understand the business development trends and aspirations of its "Sister City." Potential areas of initial cooperation will be identified; this cooperation will not be limited to private companies, but will also include universities, institutions, and other organizations. ( From this point fonward, Pittsburgh and Femando de la Mora will be Sister Cities. Our local govemments will survey regional companies about business needs and will look for mutually t)enefidal opportunities to work closely together throughout the years. The private sector of our cities will also look for opportunities of building affiliations k>etween companies, exchange technical information and participation in mutual trade fairs. Our local govemments will be supportive of the business projects that emerge as a result of this Agreement and we look forward to the maturation of private sector relationships. April 28, 1999 Tom Murphy, Mayor City of Pittsburgh Bob O'Connor, President Pittsburgh City Council ril28 1999 Federic City opsemand 3 ^anco. Mayor i de la Mora MEMORANl|UM OF UNDERSTANDING Towards the Estabfi^ment of aSister City Partnmhip As PrrrSBURGH and FERN/iNDO de la MORA rBCOQnlze the need for mtardty cooperation in Economic AR^, thi^ Agreement is entered into with the understanding that the economic finks t>etween thcf two cities wi t)e strengthened. I To date, the pronfK^k)n fH^ndship and intematkvwl cooperatk)n have i)een the main issues in intercity exchang^. These exchanges have typkalty t^een represented ty "Sister relatkx^ips. Aoceiefating internationalization of the worki economy has reqi^ that thja private sector In kxMh PtttsiXM^ and Fernando de la Mora ha^ra liad to respond ki ^ry aspect of Its business including productk)n, distributkm and others. This has result^ in the need for more concrete international achievements, such as the estBt3iisljment of mutuaBy benefidal relatkxishfps. j With this Agreement, the 8dn|itnistratk)ns of Pittsburgh and Fernando de la Mora wil establish aretaUonship based o^ mutual trust and closer cooperation. Sped(k:aBy, of Its "Sister City." Potential areas <|f In^ cooperatton \^l be identHied: this each dty wtU attempt to understBndjthe business development trends and aspiratk)ns cooperation will not be limited to pri|i/ate companies, but will also include universities, instltuttons, and other organizattonsj i From this point fonivard, Pittsburgh and Fernando de la Mora wiH bo Sister Cities. Cur local governments will ^invey regtonal companies about bus^iess needs and Witt k>ok for mutually beneficial ppportunities to work ck)sely together throughout the years. The private sector ofouij cittes will also took for opporturtities of buikiing afRliations tsetween companies, exdjiartge technical infbmiation arxl participation in mutual trade f^rs. Otr kx^al governments will be supportive of the business prefects that ennerge as a result of this Agreement and w|) look forward to the maturatk)n of private sector relatkxishlps. April 28,1999 Tom Murphy, Mayor City of Pittsburgh Bob O'Connor, PrasMent Pittsburgh City CouncS AprH 28, 1999 Dr. Ljuis Federkx) Franco, Mayor City of Fernando de la Mora MEMORANDUM DE ENTENDIMIENTO. Hada el establecimiento conjunto de dadades hermanas entre Pittsburgh (USA) y Fernando de la Mora (Paraguay). ?(»* cuanto Pittsburgh y Fernando de la Mora, reccmocen la necesidad que existe para cooperacionesentre las ciudades en asuntos de economia, este acuerdo se hace con el convencimiento que los eslabones eccmomicos seran fortalecidos entre las dos ciudades. A la fecha la promocion de amistad y coq)eracion intonadonal han sido los asuntos principales de intercambio entre ciudades. Estos intercambios tipicamente han sido representados por intercambios de ^ Ciudades Hermanas La Globalizacionacelerada de la eccmomia mundal ha requerido que el sector privado de Pittsbur^ y Fernando de la Mora han tenido que responder en cada aspecto de su economia incluymdo {X'oduccion, distribuci(Hi yotros aspectos. Esto ha re^tado &i la necesidad de nuevos logros en el campo intemacional, como el establecimiento de relaciones beneficas mutua. Con este acuerdo las adminsitraciones de Pittsburgh y Fernando de la Mora, estableceran una relacion basada en la confianza mutua y mayor cooperacion. Especificamente cada ciudad intentara, entender 1^tendoicias dedesarroUo yaspiraciones desuciudad hermancL Areas potenciales de coop^cion inicial seran identificadas; esta cooperacionno sm limitada a entendimientos privados, sino que se extendera ademas a universidades, instituciones y otras organizaciones. Desde este punto en adelante Pittsbur^ y F^ando de la Mora seran Ciudades Hermanas Nuesttrosgobiemos localesharan encuestas en companiasregionales,de las necesidades de negociosy buscaran las oportunidades beneficiosas para trabajar mas unidos por anos. Los sectores inivados de nuestras ciudades, buscaran op<»tunidades de edificar afiliacionnes entre companias, into-cambiar informacion tecnologica y partiq)aci(Mi en ferias y exposiciones. Nuestros gobiemos localesapoyaran los ^oyectos de negociosque em^gan comoresultadode este acuerdo y fomentaremos el crecimiento de las relacionas fratemas. Dada enladudad dePitteburgh, Pen^lvania -USA- alos veint^^och^ dias deljsesdeabril del ano unmil novescioitos noventa y r neve. G. INTENDENTE DE LA MORA TOM MURPHY, CITYOFPITTSBl BOB'O CONNOR, PRESIDENT PITTSBURGH, CITY COUNCIL PRESID ESC.MIR lUNTA flCIPAL, r. DD MORA.