BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. SERVICIOS AEREOS DENIM S.A. de C.V. for a renewal of an exemption (MEXICOUS) under 49 U.S.C. Section 40109 ) ) Docket OST-97-7698-7 ) ) ) ) APPLICATION FOR A RENEWAL OF AN EXEMPTION FILED BY SERVICIOS AEREOS DENIM, S.A. de C.V. We are relying on the automatic extension provisions of Federal Law Specifically 5 USC 558(c), as implemented by 14 CFR Part 3 7 7 , to keep our exemption authority in effect, pending final department action on this renewal application. It should be noted that any changes that have occurred in the company management, stock holders, their nationality, aircraft or aircraft crews, have been addressed in this document. This carriers Ops Specs are managed at the San Antonio, Tx, FAA/FSDO, and the aircraft has fewer than 3 0 seats. COMMUNICATIONS WITH RESPECT TO THIS DOCUMENT SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO : Mr. Eugene E. Smith 7717 Village Oak San Antonio, Tx. 78233 Tel (210) 590-1630 Fax (210) 653-9281 Representative in the U.S. f o r : SERVICIOS AEREOS DENIM, S.A. de C.V. 28 September 2004 In support of this application for exemption, and pursuant to the Department's Procedural Regulation, Aereos Denim states as follows: 1. Aereos Denim is an air transport company that transports passengers and their accompanying belongings. Aereos Denim is a company that is organized and incorporated in Mexico. The name and address of Aereos Denim is: SERVICIOS AEREOS DENIM, S.A. de C.V. CALZADO LAZAR0 CARDENAS NO. 3 15 PARQUE INDUSTRIALLAGUNERO GOMEZ PALACIO, DURANGO, C.P. 35070 &xIco 2. Aereos Denim is a new company and has received a provisional license by Mexican authorities to conduct international non-commercial operations. The name and offtcial address of the government air transport authority in Mexico having jurisdiction over Aereos Denim is as follows: SECRETARIADE COMUNICACIONES Y TRANSPORTES DIRECCION GENERAL, DE AERONAUTICA CIVIL AVE. PROVIDENCIA 807 COL. DEL VALLE MkXICO, C.P. 03100, D.F. cokvI€rl The specific operations that Aereos Denim intends to conduct consists mainly of air 3. transportation of passengers, and their accompanying baggage, conducting corporate business andor pleasure trips. Aereos Denim estimates that it will operate approximately 5 round trips between Mexico and the U.S. monthly. Almost all of the traffic will originate in Torreon, Coahuila, Mexico. Authorization for U.S. - Mexican charter operations is governed by the U.S.Mexico Air Transport Agreement. 4. Directors and key management personnel of Aereos Denim are listed as folIows: Salomon Juan Marcos Villarreal Title: Principal Owner Citizenship: Mexican Address: Paseo del Bosque #13 Col. Campestre La Rosita Toneon, Coahuila, MCxico C.P. 27250 Telephone: 01 152-(17)-19-05-34 Jaime Ramirez Gomez Palacio Title: Director General Citizenship: Mexican Address: Londres #666 Col. San Isidro Torreon, Coahuila, Mexico C.P. 27100 Telephone: 01 152-(17)-27-13-39 Sandra Susana Rodriguez Villa Title: Administrator Citizenship: Mexican Address: Allende #725 Sur Col. Centro Gomez Palacio, Durango, Mexico C.P. 35000 Telephone: 01 152-( 17)-36-22-86 Margarita Aguilar Chacon Title: Accountant Citizenship: Mexican Address: Privada Ajusco #254 Col. Moctezuma Torreon, Coahuila, Mexico C.P. 27000 Telephone: 01 152-(17)-19-09-01 Mario Martin Dim Flores Preciado Title: Chief Pilot Citizenship: Mexican Address: Paris #125 Col. San Isidro Torreon, Coahuila, Mexico C.P. 27100 0 1152-( 17)-27-81-20 Telephone: None of the individuals listed above own or control any interest in any other aeronautics company, Information on Aereos Denim’s pilot personnel is provided in Attachment A. 5. Stockholders of Aereos Denim are detailed as follows: Salomon Juan Marcos Villameal Paseo del Bosque #13 Col. Campestre La Rosita Torreon, Coahuila, Mexico C.P. 27250 Mexican 99% Jaime Ramirez Gomez Palacio Londres #666 Col. San Isidro Torreon, Coahuila, Mexico C.P. 27100 Mexican 1% 100% None of the above stockholders own or control ny interest in an other aeronautics company r Copies of the Foreign Air Carriers Certificate of Insurance (DOT Form 64 1 1) are provided in Attachment B. 6. 7. Authorization for international non-commercial flights by Aereos Denim within the continental U.S. is granted by the Direccion General de Aeronautica Civil (DGAC) of Mkico. The license is valid indefinitely, and a copy of the license as issued by the DGAC is provided in Attachment C . Aereos Denim began operations in March, 2000, with 100% Mexican financing. The operations consist of transportation of passengers from their base of operations in Torreon, Coahuila, Mexico, to various locations to conduct corporate business and pleasure trips. Aereos Denim observes and adheres to the safety regulations and laws of the countries in which they fly. Aereos Denim has not defaulted on any transportation commitments to date. 8. 9. Aereos Denim’s fleet consists of the following aircraft: Aircraft Type Rockwell Saberliner NA265-60 Registration XA-SJM Nationality Mexican Status owned Aereos Denim does not presently plan on leasing additional aircraft. Major maintenance and engine maintenance of the Saberliner of Aereos Denim is performed at the facilities of AVMAT, St. Louis, MO, USA. Minor periodic maintenance is 10. performed at Aero Alterno, in Monterrey, Mexico. (b) DENIM'S request for stopover privileges is consistent with the need of the executives using its services will, from time to time, need to stop at two or more places in the U.S. as part of their round trip itineraries. DENIM submits that no regulatory purpose would be served by preventing DENIM from responding to the stopover needs of its customers. WHEREFORE, DENIM respectfully requests exemption authority to engage in charter foreign air transportation of persons and their accompanying baggage with small aircraft as set forth herein, and such other relief as may be in the public interest. Respectfully spbj u e r o Parts, Ltd Representative in the U.S. for SERVICIOS AEREOS DENIM, S.A. de C.V. 28 September 2004 7 JUL-1P-BO 0 1 :36 FPl INUUSIRIf3L BULL-D 192360 192361 P. 02 I . \ ld D~RECCIONDE TRAWORTE Y CONTRQL'AERONAUTICO SUBDIRECCION DE AVIACION GENERAL DEPTO. DE TRANSPORTE AEREO NACtONAL 101.305.422 1791 Mkxico, D F, a 16 de m a p de 1999 AEREOS.DENIM, S A . DE C.V. CARDENAS No.316 LAGUNERO DGO. scrito con seflodel 15 d e mayo del aAo en curso, por et inilslonaria d e un SCNICIOpirbltco de Taxi Aereo Nacion os en Torre6n, Coah., otorgado en oficio 11404 del .$a emprega en su luya la aeronave ROCKWELL SABRELINER NA-265-60 vuelo, as1 como su inicio de operaciones. icplar, e$Ja Dependencia con fundamento en 10s artlcuf la ley Qe Aviaci6n Civil, 3 O , fraccion Xltl, 16 de la Ley n y 18 fricci6n VI del Reglamento Interior de la Secretarl autorita incbir ta aeronave de referencia a su equipo do es, por to que con esfa fecha se modifica la Condici6r para qukdar en 10s sigiiientes terminos : El equip0 expresamente autorizado para prestar el s RO C W ELL SA BREL I NER N A-265-60 derechos por $2,03300 (DOSMIL TRElNTA 325.09 (TRESCIENTOS VElNTlClNCO PES f53 f r a h n VI de la Ley Federal de b&eChos ... mlb JIJL-~@-@@ I @1:37 INDUSTRIAL BULL-D PM I I . c !r ! I ! SKRrTptlA i i 5 D t C~MYN~CACIONLS : v TIU'NSPORTES i P . €13 172361 SUBSECRETARIA DE TRANSPORT€ DIRECCION GENERAL DE AERONAUTICA CIVIL OFlClO No. 101.421, j t I 192360 ASUNTO: Se concede permiso para estabjeFer y explotgr un servicio publico de transporte 36'7egufar aa taxi a h a internacioniil de pasajeros. d OPERADOR MEXICANO. 2288 i h I DEHIM, S.A. DE C.V. su escrito del 23 de niayo de: presente, me permtc informarle q e COG fundarnento 3"., fraccibn VI de la Ley de Vias Generales de Comunicacibn, $,, fracsibr ti, y 11 cibn Civil, en relaciGn con el articulo 63,fracci4n V\\t del Reglamento mtdcaciones y Transportes, esta Subsecretaria ERVICIOS, AEREOS DENIM, S A . DE C.V., PERMISO para n servicto plSblico de Transporte no regular de tax1 abreo inter e operaciohes en totreon, Coeh,, hacia el Continente Amerlc n lo dispuesto en 10s artlculos 3O, fracciones 11, enerales de Comunicacion, I DY , , 4 O , 5 O . , fr , 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 24, 32,35, 4 2 , 44, 47, fraccione bles de la Ley de AviaciCn Civil, I", Z", 10, 11, presente peirniso estars sujeto a 10s siguientes requisitos y co A POR P W O INDEFINIDO, EN BASE C, M1SMO QUE SE D A M POR T i R M I ALGUNA DE LAS CAUSALES PREVISTAS se explde en base ill permiso de operadqge dh&xt!"no regular de pasajeros, otorgado M d i a JUL-10-88 " .i BIZ38 PM BULL-D 19236@ P. 192361 04 SUBSECRETARIA DE TRANSPORT€ J I INDUSTRIAL I I OlRECClON GENERAL DE AERONAUTICA CIVIL +. -2- I V tUlN$tCRtt$ c L ! >1 Q 4 1 e 9+ ! I V)-- k n @sou de que la(s> aeronave(s) rnencionada(s) sea(n) sustituidafs) o dejetn) de operar, esa Emdresa deberd dar a v i w a la Direccidn General de Aeronsutica Civil acorYi$C4h:nJo copia del perly'iso corf$Spondlente a Transporte ABreo Nacionat VI}.: El personal d e vueb de la($) aeronave(s) debe contar con el certific vigehte, expddldo por ia Dircccion General de AeronButica Civil. de competencia eronave(s) satdrd(n) de territorio nacional, por clralqutera ' de la Rgpirblica Mexican3 autonzados por la Secretarla d nde cumpliran las formalidades y requisitos de aduana. migraci6 puertos / tines y peraci6n del(os) vue!o(s) internacional(es) que se autoriza(n) e$@Emdresa queda lir con todos 10s requisitos que estabiezca la Direcsi6n de Avia"ktbn, adscrita a esta 1 de AerbnAutica Civil p'or la ' iX).- La Empresa deberb seguir las vias aereas previamente estab!ecidas Coqun'lcaciones y Transportes. I X).-kicsiOn en cstos vpelos ia cuota que previamente haya autorizado 'fa Oir Tari as', "Tranhporte Ferrolndiio y Multimodal. Secretaria de sa queda gbligada a presentar un inforrne estadistico mensual Civit (Dep8rtamento de Programacibn y Estadisticas), en la for contratar mantener vigente un seguro que cud j equipaje, asi c a m 0 danos a personas 0 C O S ~ S torio mexicano en terminos de 10s Articulos 70, 72 y 74 de 10s Articulos 62 y 74 de la de !a indernnizaci6n por dafios que pud por !as cantidades que establ cualquier regimen vigente que est6 sujeto ette *;miso . .a,.: ,. '* c - c akar et permiso a! extra&-fc debera$ solidtar y cttado (s) en la de.cada una de las autoridades adioncluticas del (os) pals (e aralelamente, presentar en esta Dependencia copla'*(s) de dicho (s) ue se cumpli6 con este requisito c,mpresa no podr6 ceder, hipotecar, gravar, transferir o enajenar el prbsente permiso, o lcs en &I conferidos, a a l g h gobierno o Estado extranjero. ...I _-__ -.---.- - - _--_.", -. ..- .---.------. ~, I - I SUBSECRETARIADE TRANSPORTE DIRFCf'lnN C E N C D A Ih c A C O A L I A I I T . ~ ~ ~ . n,tr.. I 228% -3- Y TRANSPORTCS I Wl\.- La Enlpresa no pod14 ceder, hiyotecar grabar, transfer;' o erajefiar el pre te permlso, o 10s der chos en 61 conferidos, a otros particulares, nacronaies o extranjeros sin 8utortraci6n de la Sec etarla. '1 La Empresa queda obligada a presen:ar este perrnrso a la5 autoridades aeroniuticas de 10s internxionales que utilicen para sahr y antrar a territorio mexicano. ' ,Secretaria Ue Comunicacrones y Transportes podra dictar conforme a las cuales se preste el seivicio pljblico en la n y medios de t:ansporte. a lendra la facultad, en cualquier tiempo, de verificar eralqs de Comunicacion y de Aviacidn Civil, sus es kara tal efecfo, la permisionaria e s k t r l obligada a alationes, a transportarios en sus equipos para que rea les:.todas las faciltdades para estos fines, as[ como uc permitan conocer la operau6n nl acibn en e1,espacio abreo sobre terri\ono nacionat se rige por por 10s Viftados, y a falta de disposicidn expresa, se apficard s en et aritculo 4' de la propia Ley de Aviaciljn Civil y su Regla narla debetb wrnpfir a n todas y cada una de )as disposlciones et espacio abreo, sera obligatorio utiluar los se iones e inforrnacibn aeron6uticas, a el Organ0 Desconcsntrado deno 6s 10s servicios de transporte aereo, la perrnisiwarra. ,..por -81> , tach *-;r I d.' Secretatfa:, deb'era adoptar !as medidas necesarias para & r i f t eguridad de la aeronaye y de su operacim, a fin de proteger la liitqgridad fislca de ,. Ipaje y terter<iU], .I , ' ,' , , -: -f*' . I,:&-*. plirniento del permisionario, cornandante o piloto a cualquiera de ligaciones o ablecidas eh la Ley de Aviacion Civil, en sus reglamentos y en permiso. se mhos de 10s articulos 86, 87,86,89 y 90 del ordenamiento legal cifado en prher ..J i .. . . I I - , ._.___.. .-.. . 3VD3cbRK I MRtn icc I nmiv+r VI\ 1 L DtRECClON GENERAL DE AERONAUTICA CIVIL 2288 -4- isioriario d$ber6 presentar dcntro de 10s quince (15) dlas sigulentes a la fecha de ste perrni$o una franra a favor de la Tesoreria de la Feder es mll qf1qs de salario mininio a la fecha en que se contr pfimisKto'de las obligacioncs que el misino le impone, con b nerales'de Corrunicaci6n Esta fianza debera mantenerla v ionario debera prcc8der a! pago y, por consrguiente, acredit es y frahspodes, mediante reclbo oficial al entero de 10s der , fraccion I I , de la Ley Federal de Derecho , par concept0 del otorgamiento de este permi$b esta Secretarla previstos pn 10s cantidades de 'e Inscripcl6n en el eber6 cubrir anualmente y acreditar mediante es por cada uno de 10s afios en que se encuent en el articulo 159, de la Ley Federal de Derechos, Vigente derechos debera verificarse a mds tardar, de otoryamiento de este permiso y9 en ditar el pago se contara a partir de la fec 1 de 10s 25 dias o de 10s anos a cuat se h a p ATENTAM ENTE I Vuelta.. . JUL-18-88 ' I . r PM 01:41 INDUSTRIAL BULL-D 192360 192361 i 7 'Ld i ibn General.- Ofnas - y Multiniodal Nueva 'for% No 115, de Empresas .- Ofnas. I { . II ;', ',j I $ P . Et6 i I i i I x 1 . , 04/19/2015 05:40 FAX SBHVICIOS PFREOS DENIM $.A. DE C.V ESTADO DE LA POSICZ6N FINANCrFRn A1 3 0 DE JUNIO DEL 2004 35gina 1 ACTIVO CIRCULANTE . FOND0 DE CAJA BANCO5 CUENTES COBRQS CON TAAJETAS DE CREDIT0 GASTQS POR CDMPROBnR IVA ACREOlTABLE IVA ACREDITABLE POR UTILImR IMPUESTOS A FAVOR ANTlClPO A PROVEEDORES 297.449.13 3.373,791,07 487.973.84 11.932.66 I,185.215.01 2,105.86 2,116.936.45 507.28 3.1 14.0ffr.38 10,599.090.42 EQUIP0 AEREO 130.041,683 26 DEP ACUM DE EClUIPO AEREO MOQILIARIOY EQUIP0 DEP ACUM MOB Y EQUIP0 CONSTRUCCIONES DEP ACUMULADA CONSTRUCCIONES EQUIP0 DE TRANSFORTE DEP ACUM EQUIP0 DE TRANSPORT€ lE.927.3W.73 187.772 56 14.585 38 15,500,000 00 1,100 ZdO 03 375,041E7 95.420 oe EQUIP0 DE CDMUNICACION DEP ACUM EQ DE COMUNICACI~ MAQUINARIAY Eawo DEP ACUM MAOUlNAAlA Y EQUIP0 DE COMPUTO S POR ANTICIP FAYAD WOLFF SERVlClOS AEREOS DENIM. S.A. DE C.V. DENIM 0 4 / 1 9 / 2 0 1 5 0 5 : 4 1 FAX @I0 0 2 SERVtCTOfi hEREOS DENIM $ . A . DE C . V . !?STADO DE LA P05IC16N FINANCIERA A t 30 DE YTUNIO PEC 2 0 0 4 PASIVO CIRCULANTE : PROVEEDPRES ACRCEDORES PIVERSO5 IMPUESTOS POR PAGAR COEROS ANTICIPAOOS 32.526.38 52 1,490.32 79.Y81.94 81.567 37 w,e.74.eo IVA TRASLADADO IVA TRASLADADO X UTlLlZAR 24,524.08 -.................. ...............I " .-$ .- ............912.157.00 FIJb: DOC. PQR PAGAR A LARGO PLAZO 101,113.292.52 ......-......................... '......llllllll,l.l,. ............................ $ ............. 107,123.292.52 ........... s 102,025.449.52 CAPITAL CAPITAL SOCIAL FlJO APDRTACIONES DE RESULTADO DE EJE RESULTADO DEL EJ FAYAO WOLFF G R U P O DENIM 0 4 / 1 9 / 2 0 1 5 05:41 FAX # 003 SERVICIOS AEREOS DENIM S.A. DE C.V. Acumulaclo INGRESOS 5 OTROS INGRESOS s TOTAL DE IMGRESOS COSTOS POR SERVICIOS DE OPERAClbN UTILIOAD 6RUTA 5,398,561.61 100,934.44 ....................................................................... $ 5,499,596.05 $ 3,263.866.37 5 2,235,729.68 GASTOS : GASTOS DE ADMINlSTRAClON WO DEOUCIBLES i43,642.77 10,785.64 .................................... t 29,428,41 @I 007 05/10/2014 01:13 FAX v AGENCY DISPLAY OF ESTIMATED BURDEN U.S.Depadment of Transportation Office of the Secretary of Transportation The public mpcfling burden for thls mllectiori of infomiation is estimated to average 30 minutes per respon$e. If you wish to comment on the accuracy of the estimate or make suggestions for rcdudng this burden, please direct your comments to the Department of Transporbtlon at the following address: U.S. Department of Transportation Mnce of Aviation Analysis. X-56 400 7th Street, SW. Washington, DC 20590 POLICIES OF INSURANCE FOR AIRCRAFT ACCIDENT BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY FILING INSTRUCTIONS: File an original of this form with the Special Authorities Division. X-57, Office of,Avlation Analysis, Dept. of Transpor(ation, 400 7th St., SW., Washington. DC 20590. (Please type information,except signatures.) THIS CERTIFIES THAT: CHUBB DE MEXICO,CIA. DE SEGUROS, S.A. DE C.V. (Name of Insurer) has Issued a policy or policies of Aircraft Liability Insurance to SERVICIOS AEREOS DENIM, S . k DE C.V. Calzada Lazaro'Cardenas. 315, Parque Industrial Lagunero, CP 35070 Gomez Palacio, Durango, (Name and address of insured Foreign Air Cartier) ' effective from September 26,2003-2004 ,until ten (10) days after written notics from the insurer or carrier of the intent to termlnate coverage is received by the Department of Transportation. NOTE: Part 205 of the Department's Regulations does not allow for a predetermined termlnatlon date, and a certificate showing such a date is unacceptable. 1. The Insurer (Check One): 0 is an approved surplus line insurer in the State(s) of is licensed or approved by the government of MEXICO is a n approved surplus line in$urer in the State(s) of to issue aircraft insuranc~policies; or u Ij 2. The insurer assumes, under the policy or policies listed below, aircraft accident liability insured to minimums at least equal to the following during operation, maintenance, or use of aircraft in "foreign air transportation" as that term is defined in the Federal Aviation Act. (Complete applicable section(s) below); A. CANADIAN CHARTER AIR TAXI OPERATORS WITH PART 294 AUTHORITY ONLY The aircraft covered by this policy have (I} 30 or fewer passenger seats and a maximum payload capacity of 7,500 pounds or less; and/or (2) a maximum authorized takeoff weight on wheels of no more then 35,000 pounds. (Check Sep3mte or combined coverage 3s approprlafe): El Minimum Llmlt Separate Coverages: Policy No. Type of Liablllry Combined Bodlly Injury (Excluding Passengers other than cargo attendants) and Property Damage Liability Passenger Bodily Injury Liability Each person Each Occurrence see note $75,000 $2,000,000 (*) $75,000 $75,000 x ?5% of total number of passenger seats installed In aircraft Combined Coverage: This combined coverage is a single limit of liability for each occurrence at least equal to the required mlnimums stated above for bodily injury (excluding passengers), propem damaged, and passenger bodily injury. Policy No, Amount of Coverage This policy covers CARGO operations only and excludes passenger liability insurance. * NOTE: If the alrcraft covered by this policy have more than 30 passenger seats or more than a maximum payload capacity of 7,500 pounds, the minimum limlt per occurreftce shall be $ 20,000,000. OST Form 6410 # 008 05/10/2014 01:13 FAX 3. -FOREIGN AIR CARRIERS OPERATING SMALL AIRCRAFT The aircraft covered by this policy are SMALL AIRCRAFT (Le,, with BO or fewer passenger seats or with a maximum payload capability of 18,000 pounds or less). (Check separate or combined cowrage as appropriate): L7 Minimum Limit Separate Covsrages: Policy No. Each person Type of Liabilily Each Occurrence Combined Bodily Injury (Excluding Passengers other than cargo attendants) and Property Damage Liability $300,000 $2,000,000 Passenger Bodily Injury $300,000 $300,000 x 75% of total number of passenger seats installed in aircwft Combined Coverage: This combined coverage is a single limit of liability for each occurrence at least equal to the required minimums stated abovs for bodily injury (exduding passengers), property damaged, and passenger bodily injury. Policy No, 3AV27207g Amount of Coverage E70.000. 00,O. U.S. Do1la.m This policy covers CARGO operations on&and excludes passenger liability insurance. C. FOREIGN AIR CARRIERS OPERATING LARGE AIRCRAFT The alrcraft covered by this policy are LARGE AIRCRAFT ( i s , with more than 60 passenger seats of with a maximum payload capacity of more than 18,000 pounds). (Check separate or combined c0vemge.a.sappropriate): 0 Minimum Limit Separate Coverages: Policy No. Each person Type of LiabiKty Combined Bodily Injury (Excluding Passengers other than cargo attendants) and Property Damage Llability $300,000 Passenger Bodily Injury $300,000 Each Occurrence $20,000,000 $300,000x 75%o total number OF passenger seats installed in aircraft 3. The policy or policies listed In this certificate insure(s) (Check One): U Ix] 4. Make and Model FAA or Foreign Fla! R e a i s t r a No. Operations conducted with ail aircraft operated by t h e insured Sabreliner 26560, Operations conducted with the following types of alrcmff: Operations with the following aircraft: (Use additional page if necessary) Serial 306-128 YEAR 1977 XA-SJM Each policy listed in this certificate meets or exceeds the requirements in 74 CFR Parf 205. CHUBB DE MEXICO, CIA. UE SEGUROS, S.A. DE C.V. P R O T E C C ~ ~TECNICA N NORTE (Name of insurer) (Name of 5rvkw. if applicable) Prolongacion Paseo de la Reforma 600-010 (Address) Calrada Lamro cardenas 5 4 0 4 (AddmSS) (Date)