July 10, 2016 - Church of St. William
July 10, 2016 - Church of St. William
Saint William Catholic Church 6200 Rising Sun Avenue ♦ Philadelphia, PA. 19111 215.745.1389 (Tel.) 215.342.4783 (Fax) www.churchofstwilliam.com Rectory Office Hours: 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM Convent Sisters of Immaculate Heart of Mary: 215.745.3513 1920 “Ninety Six Years of Serving The Community” 2016 Rev. Alfonso J. Concha (Fr. Al), Pastor Rev. Msgr. James E. Mortimer, Pastor Emeritus Rev. Tariq Isaac, Parochial Vicar, Chaplain to MASS SCHEDULE Pakistani Community Rev. Augusto Concha (Fr. Gus) Retired, Resident Rev. Alfred Lauricien, O.M.I., Resident Deacon Felipe Cruz, Permanent Deacon Deacon Bill Moser, Permanent Deacon Weekdays: 6:30AM and 12:00PM Saturdays:8:00AM and 5:00PM (Vigil Mass) Sundays: 7:30; 9:00; 12:00; 8:00PM English/Lower Church 10:30AM - Spanish Mass - Lower Church 4:00PM - Pakistani Mass - Lower Church 5:30PM - Haitian Mass - Upper Church CELEBRATION OF THE SACRAMENTS BAPTISM Baptisms are celebrated in English and Spanish. The normal time for Baptism is Sunday afternoon at 1:00PM in the Lower Church. Please contact the rectory of ice to begin the process of scheduling your child’s Baptism. PARISH DIRECTORY PRE – BAPTISMAL CLASSES Arrangements will be made to register for class after consulting with Deacon Bill Moser or Deacon Felipé Cruz (215) 745-1389. CONVENT Sr. Rose P. Kuhn, IHM, Superior RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Sr. Marie Bernadette Taraschi, IHM 215-745-0921 PASTORAL MINISTRY TO HISPANICS Sr. Rose Patrice Kuhn, IHM 215-313-7753 215-745-1389 MUSIC MINISTRY Ken Houser 215-745-1389 BUSINESS MANAGER Matt Smith 215-745-1389 July 10, 2016 4:00 - 4:45 PM 4:00 - 4:45 PM After NoonMassOnly MATRIMONY MINISTRY OF CHARITY Ida Jimenez SECRETARY Minerva Baez RECONCILIATION Saturdays: Eve of Holy Days: Eve of First Fridays: 215-745-1389 Weddings may be scheduled for Saturdays at 11:00AM, 1:00PM or 3:00PM in the Upper Church; and 2:00PM in the Lower Church. Couples intending marriage are asked to contact our Parish Priest at least six months prior to the intended date of marriage. Participating in a Marriage Preparation Program is a required for the reception of this holy sacrament. ANOINTING OF THE SICK Parishioners in serious illness, please contact one of our parish priests. Anyone unable to attend Mass due to illness may call the Rectory to make arrangements to receive Communion in their homes. Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time God’s Plan for Giving Sunday Collection Tithing is God’s plan to support His Church. Full tithing means 10% of income to God. We ask half of this or 5% for your Parish Church. June 26, 2016 $ From the desk of Fr. Al… SUMMER 2016 After a long year, you and your family need to take time to relax. Wherever you go, whatever you do you are never alone. The Lord God is always with each and everyone of you. Don’t forget to go to church anywhere you stay. Saint William is your home parish and you will be remembered in our prayers. We want to thank you for your support over the past year. As a new Pastor of Saint William, I have enjoyed my first two weeks. I will continue working in our parish community. Your financial support to Saint William is greatly appreciated. Thank you. Fr. Al, Pastor Sunday, July 10, Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:00PM (Vigil) 7:30 9:00 10:30 12:00 Noon 8:00PM Deceased Members: Dillon Family Hank Shucoski (Deceased) James J. Flaherty Fermina Vera (Deceased) Helen C. Allen (10th Anniversary Mem.) Parishioners of Saint William Monday, July 11, Saint Benedict, Abbot 6:30 12:00 Noon Frances Kinkaid Michael LoPiccolo (Living) Tuesday, July 12, Weekday 6:30 12:00 Noon Frances Kinkaid Frances Kinkaid Wednesday, July 13, Saint Henry 6:30 12:00 Noon Dorothy Allen Frances Kinkaid Thursday, July 14, Saint Kateri Tekakwitha 6:30 12:00 Noon Eileen Pfeffer (1st Anniversary Mem.) Frances Kinkaid Friday July 15, Saint Bonaventure 6:30 12:00 Noon Frances Kinkaid Michael Gallelli Saturday, July 16, Our Lady of Mount Carmel 8:00 Frances Kinkaid 5:00PM (Vigil) Thomas McWilliams We Remember those who have Died A Will can be a final expression of one’s love and concern for family, friends, and the Parish Community. Michael Adams Josephine Agozzino Olga Andrijischjn Luis Ariza Beatrice Barnes Gertrude Boyes Joseph Bradley John Byrne Florence Caputo Regina Carberry Jared David Carrasco Teresa (Cathy) Carey Patricia Cassidy Karla Castro Adele Censky Catherine Clark Marguerite Clauss Emilio Colan Joanne Coleman Shannon Coley Charlotte Corcoran Anna Creniti Caroline Darpino Alaya Diggs Carol DiMaggio Catherine Duffy Billy Dunleavy Margaret Donahue Tim Edwards Joseph Fenuto John Flannery Gilda Ford Vicki Francis Brandon Fuscia Rita and Steve Garry Ann Geiges James Gillin Nellie Grady James Hamilton Joseph Hearn, Jr. Elizabeth Heasley Marte Heil Frankie & Bob Herbert John Herbert MISSIONARY PRIEST FOR ST. WILLIAM Bienvenido! Welcome! Fr. James Doran Fr. James Doran is an Oblate priest of the Virgin Mary from Boston who will be preaching the mission appeal the weekend of July 9th and 10th. The congregation of the Oblates of the Virgin Mary (OMV) is a religious institute founded in 1816. Fr. Jim was ordained to the Priesthood on April 6, 1986. Please join us for the weekend to listen to the missionary of the Oblates of the Virgin Mary presented by Fr. James Doran. In the past, the parishioners of Saint William Church have always been responsive and generous in our need for support to our missions. I would like to express our thanks in advance for your financial support in caring for the mission of the Oblates of the Virgin Mary. Thank you, Fr. Al Concha Pastor Christopher Higgins Jeffrey Hill Peggy Hoffner Denise Horgan Kathleen Boyle Houseman Sheranne Shea-Jubelirer Luke Kehoe Ellen Kelly Kathy Kilroy Anne Krause Loretta LaBarge Marcial Leon Mark Lewis Teresa Mac Bride Jeanne Mace Jerry and Gale Mahoney William Marshall, Sr. Keysha Mason Lisa Mathews Lindsey McManus Emma Miller Jeanne Hite-Mills Anne Nyce Annamarie O’Donnell Keith Parks Renee Pontuti Verna Quigley Charlie Rehr Thomas E. Reilley Linda Richardson Sally Rodgers Bautista Rodriguez Martha Schmid F. Joseph Sullivan Ethel Thomas Betty Thompson Kathleen Thompson Phyllis Thompson James Trainor Rita Marie Unrath Guillermo Velasquez Angela Walsh Betty Wilson Elizabeth Wismer GO AND DO LIKEWISE Miss Collins, the dean of students at Olympic High School, was past the point of scolding Matt, though she liked him very much. “Four detentions in two weeks are too many.” Still Matt wouldn’t tell. It was only after Miss Collins went on a morning neighborhood patrol that she found out the real reason for Matt’s tardiness. Thump, thump, thump, came the wheelchair down the stairs. It was Matt, steadying Shawnetta as he helped lower her down the stairs and then push her to the corner bus stop. “She’s a girl in my parish youth group,” Matt explained to Miss Collins. There are many ways to describe Matt’s actions—a random act of kindness, making a difference one person at a time. Jesus would understand. When the lawyer correctly identified the good Samaritan as the one who had treated the injured man with compassion, Jesus said simply, “Go and do likewise” (Luke 10:37). Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Gospel To be a neighbor, show love by treating others with mercy, as did the Good Samaritan. (Luke 10:25-37) RCIA CLASS Welcome! Welcome! Welcome! What is it? It is a journey of faith with Catholics who are members of this parish community, and other men and women exploring whether the Catholic Faith is right for them. Who comes? People who want to explore the possibility of becoming a member of the Catholic Church. When? Wednesdays, J uly 20th; August 3rd, 17th at 6:30 pm Where? The Convent Basement entrance located to the right of the Church. Contact: Sister Bernadette at 215.745.0921 or send email to Saint William Students Excel Archbishop Ryan Catholic High School Top Ten of their respective classes: Daniela Nguyen ‘16, #4, and Sean F. Dembeck ‘18 #8. 1st Honors: Sean F . Dembeck ‘18. 2nd Honors: Daniela Nguyen ‘16. DOMINGO DECIMO QUINTO "HAZ TU LO MISMO." Este es el relato ejemplar del Buen Samaritano que es Jesús! A la pregunta del doctor de la Ley: quién es mi prójimo? Jesús le responde con una parábola. Es un hombre herido y maltratado en el camino. Ni el sacerdote judío, ni el levita piadoso le atienden a este hombre pero sí un samaritano. Cuidamos del necesitado, o desvalido, o extranjero como el buen Samaritano? Estamos llamados a practicar la Misericordia ! CONFESIONES: Todos los Domingo: 10:00 - 10:20AM BAUTISMO: Coordina con Diácono F elipe ó Hna. Rosa. 2° Miércoles del mes a las 7:00 PM: Charla 3° Domingo del mes a la 1:00 PM: Bautismo PROGRAMAS PREP: Registración, re-registración para todos los grados 1-6 Registración nueva: Traer el certificado del bautismo. Costo: $45 para 1 niño o $55 (total) para 2 o más niños. Nuevo: Registración para jóvenes de los grados 7, 8 y 9 en PREP Youth Group Top Ten of their respective classes: Kiara S. DeVore ‘17, #6. CÍRCULO de ORACIÓN: Los viernes a las 7:00 PM en el sótano de la Rectoría. 1st Honors: Kiara S. DeVore ‘17, and Anthony Rivera ‘18. Visitas: ENFERMOS y ANCIANOS: Coordina con Ida Jiménez. Bishop McDevitt Catholic High School Father Judge High School 9th Annual Basketball Camp for boys and girls (Ages 7-16) at St. Ephrem’s air conditioned facility. Cost: 2 weeks $200; 1 week $125 July 25th through August 1st (free basketball & T-Shirt) For information contact Dan Williams at [email protected] Jeanes Hospital Hosts Free Seminars on Joint Replacement Surgery If you are considering a total hip or knee replacement or are already scheduled for joint replacement surgery at Jeanes Hospital, you should plan to attend one of the following free seminar to learn more about the procedure. July 12th, 2016 (11:00am to Noon) July 26th, 2016 (6:00pm to 7:00pm) August 9th, 2016 (11:00am to Noon) August 23th, 2016 (6:00pm to 7:00pm) Registration is required. Call 215.728.3944 for information. Jeanes Hospital Auxiliary-Sponsored Trip (All proceeds benefit Jeanes Hospital) Destination: Mohegan Sun Casino and Tannersville Outlets When: Thur sday, August 25, 2016 Departure: 7:45AM on Centr al Avenue/main entr ance of Jeanes Hospital Cost: $50 DEADLINE FOR PAYMENT is July 30, 2016 Contact: Nancy Schmidt 215.379.4686 Senior Citizen’s News Tuesday’s Summer Bingo Noon ‘till 3pm Bring lunch! CELEBREMOS el AÑO de la MISERICORDIA con los Niños Enseñanzas bíblicas, manualidades, dinámicas, etc. Cuándo: Hoy dia, 10 de julio: 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM en el Hall Todos los niños y sus padres están invitados. CELEBREMOS CON NUESTROS AMIGOS DE: Chile: Nuestr a Señor a del Car men del Maipú, 16 de julio LECTURE SERIES (in ENGLISH) at LASALLE UNV. Contemporary Spirituality: Free...open to the public Evenings: J uly 10 - 15, 2016 Information: F r. F rank at 215.951.1346 AÑO de la MISERICORDIA La Capilla Adoración Perpetua de St. William está abierta las 24 horas los 7 días de la semana. ALCOHÓLICOS ANÓNIMOS Grupo Feliz Amanecer Iglesia San Jose, 16 South Spring Garden St., Ambler, PA: 215-500-5215 SERVICIOS SOCIALES CATÓLICOS BENEPHILLY puede ayudar le a solicitar pr ogr amas de beneficios valiosos que usted a lo mejor está perdiendo. Nuestros asesores expertos le ayudarán a averiguar cuáles son los beneficios a los que usted podría calificar y le ayudarán a través del proceso de solicitud . Nuestro servicio es GRATIS. Casa Del Carmen 4400 N. Reese Street Philadelphia, PA. 19140 267-331-2500 COVER SHEET CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS #002005: St. William Church 6200 Rising Sun Avenue Philadelphia, Pa. 19111 PHONE 215-745-1389 CONTACT PERSON Minerva Baez SOFTWARE Microsoft Office 2013 Adobe Acrobat XI Standard Windows 7 PRINTER Sharp MX-5110N NUMBERS OF PAGES SENT 1 Through 5 SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION July 10, 2016 TRANSMISSION TIME SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS