
Carreras Cortas
Oficial de Servicios Aeroportuarios y Turísticos
CLASS TIMES: 1300-1700
Conocimientos básicos incluidos en:
 Servicio al Cliente Aeropuerto – todo proceso de aerolíneas, leyes y regulaciones
 Servicio al Cliente Cruceros – toda función recibiendo y embarcando turistas
 Seguridad Privada Aeroportuaria – apoyo a aerolíneas mantener directrices TSA
 Servicios de Apoyo Aeronave Rampa y Limpieza
Cursos Individuales
CLASS TIMES: 0800-1230
Proveedor de Servicio al Cliente/Customer Service Providers
Este adiestramiento surge de la necesidad de los
empresarios aeroportuarios y de la industria turistica
en general de contar con un elemento trascendental
en el desarrollo de sus negocios: proveer al cliente
un servicio de excelencia, a base de sus necesidades,
en el menor tiempo posible, con cortesía y calidad
Este incluye la discusión de conceptos, técnicas y
principios que aplican al brindar servicios al cliente
tales como boletería, servicios especiales, los
elementos básicos del buen servicio, comunicación
efectiva, seguridad y atención en caso de emergencia
y estrategias de servicio. Este curso puede ser
tomado individualmente o como parte del programa Administración de Servicios
Aeroportuarios y Turísticos.
This course is in response to the urgent need by the service providers, FBOs, Ground
Handlers and airlines for qualified, well trained candidates which can help the employers
meet and exceed service excellence expected from their customers. With courtesy, with
skills and in an OJT format, this course is condensed and without fillers.
It includes several discussions, from concepts and techniques to ticketing, special services
and handling of the physically challenged. Discussed also are the basic elements of
customer service, effective communications, personal and corporate security, emergency
situations and others. This course may be taken individually or as part of our Airport and
Tourism Support Services Administration program.
P.O. Box 810300, Carolina, P.R. 00981 – Ave. José A. Santana, Ed. CAF1, Base Muñiz, Suite 203,
Carolina, P.R., 00979 Tel: 787.253.2030 [email protected]
Especialista de Rampa Aeroportuaria / Airport Ramp Services Specialist
El adiestramiento incluye los fundamentos que
aplican al procedimiento correcto de la operación de
rampa según la reglamentación federal (FAA y TSA)
que aplica, discutiendo temas tales como: sorteo de
maletas y equipaje, procedimiento de seguridad
internacional, movimiento y control de la rampa,
salidas y llegadas de aeronaves, reglas, vocabulario y
procedimientos aeroportuario, dialogo con el
personal en la cabina de mando referente a los
sistemas de apoyo y movimiento de la aeronave,
prevención de daños de avión y equipaje, y seguridad
de personal, entre otros asuntos. Este curso puede
ser tomado individualmente o como parte del programa Administración de Servicios
Aeroportuarios y Turísticos.
This module includes fundamentals and general principles aplicable to procedures in the
airline and airport ramp operations in accordance with applicable Federal Air Regulations
(FAA & TSA). Topics discussed are baggage sorting and handling, international security
procedures, arrival and pushback procedures, countdown to departures, air-to-ground
communications, ground support familiarization, aircraft damage and personal injury
prevention among others. This course may be taken individually or as part of our Airport
and Tourism Support Services Administration program.
Especialista de Agente de Seguridad Aeroportuaria
El curso tiene el propósito de relacionar al
participante con todos los procesos y códigos de
seguridad requeridos por las líneas aéreas o agencias
aeroportuarias, así como los servicios que se le
brindan al cliente en los procesos de embarque y
desembarque en el aeropuerto.
El adiestramiento incluye los siguientes aspectos:
operador de equipo de rayos x, proceso de
inspección de pasajeros, proceso de cacheo, ,
artefactos explosivos improvisados, inspección de
movimiento de pasajeros discapacitados, y ejecución y administración de los procesos de
seguridad aeroportuarios en general, según: FAA, TSA, Departamento Agricultura, Aduana
y Auditoria Interna. Este curso puede ser tomado individualmente o como parte del
programa de Administración de Servicios Aeroportuarios y Turísticos.
This course covers all aspects of the security procedures required by the TSA but
performed by the airline itself or its designee. Includes aircraft searches, handling of
IEDs, security procedure adherence, handling of physically challenged passengers as
well as general hand luggage inspection and pat-downs. The course can be taken
individually or as part of our Airport and Tourism Support Services Administration
P.O. Box 810300, Carolina, P.R. 00981 – Ave. José A. Santana, Ed. CAF1, Base Muñiz, Suite 203,
Carolina, P.R., 00979 Tel: 787.253.2030 [email protected]
Agente de Limpieza de Aeronaves / Aircraft Cleaning Agent
Este entrenamiento tiene como propósito introducir
al estudiante en el estudio de todos los aspectos del
procedimiento correcto y seguro de limpieza del
interior y exterior de la aeronave establecido por las
regulaciones federales. Incluye el uso del equipo y
materiales y las políticas de desinfectación sanitaria,
limpieza de la cabina de aeronaves, terminologías,
entre otros aspectos. Este curso es parte del
programa Administración de Servicios Aeroportuarios
y Turísticos.
As part of the cleanliness program of most airlines,
this course explains rules and regulations, do's and
don’ts according to the airlines, FAA, EPA. Ports Authorities as well as the correct
methodology to be used while servicing an aircraft whether it is interior vs. exterior
cleaning. This course is part of our Airport and Tourism Support Services Administration
Agente Carga Aérea / Air Cargo Agent
Este adiestramiento tiene el propósito de proveer
al estudiante los conocimientos, destrezas y la
actitud laboral en torno al manejo, regulaciones, y
otras áreas de servicios relacionados con el
movimiento de carga general en los aeropuertos a
través de las líneas aéreas, mediante el desarrollo
de un plan de acción que atienda tanto la
conceptualización como la práctica en un
escenario real de trabajo. Este curso puede ser
tomado individualmente o como parte del
Aeroportuarios y Turísticos.
The purpose and objectives of this training is to
provide the participants the skills and understanding related to the handling of air
cargo including regulations. The module includes in its action plan the OJT format
used today by all air carriers. This course may be taken individually or as part of our
Airport and Tourism Support Services Administration program.
P.O. Box 810300, Carolina, P.R. 00981 – Ave. José A. Santana, Ed. CAF1, Base Muñiz, Suite 203,
Carolina, P.R., 00979 Tel: 787.253.2030 [email protected]
CLASS TIMES: 0800-1400
RAMP 102
90 hours
3 credits
Definitions, goals and objectives; rules and regulations, documentation,
video presentations and various support publications
This study program will provide the participant the ability to understand and
perform their duties safely and in a secure environment. Material covered
includes aircraft and luggage damage prevention, correct countdown to arrival
and departure procedures, TSA driven bag-match procedures, FOD control,
international city code regulations and GMT reference. Use of on-the-ground
support equipment is also covered with great detail. Course includes Air Cargo
waybill and shipment procedures, International and domestic security
regulations and procedures, sensitive shipments such as human remains, live
organs and animals, Interline and online transfers.
CUST 102
90 hours
3 credits
Definitions, goals and objectives; rules and regulations, documentation,
video presentations and various support publications
This study program will provide the participant the ability to understand and
perform their duties safely in a secure environment while dealing with the
public. Material covered includes customer processing, completes glossary and
terminology, DOT Part 382 and dealing with the American Disabilities Act,
countdown to arrival and departure procedures, TSA required electronic bagmatch procedures, international city code regulations and GMT reference. Stress
management while dealing with a difficult customer. Familiarization with
irregular procedures at airports and dockside as well as familiarization of cruise
decks and onboard services are also presented. Also covered is the proper use
of jetways and boarding bridges as well as mobile steps. The program also
covers awareness of HAZMAT/DG material.
SECC 102
90 hours
3 credits
Definitions, goals and objectives; rules and regulations, procedures, video
presentations and various support publications
This study program will provide the participant the ability to understand and perform
their duties safely in a secure environment while performing private security
procedures and aircraft servicing. Material covered includes the latest in TSA type
private security procedures, regulations and familiarization with automated and
hand-held metal detectors, X-Ray screening, emergency security situations, manual
“pat-down” procedures, meeting GSC requirements, DOT Part 382 and dealing with
P.O. Box 810300, Carolina, P.R. 00981 – Ave. José A. Santana, Ed. CAF1, Base Muñiz, Suite 203,
Carolina, P.R., 00979 Tel: 787.253.2030 [email protected]
the American Disabilities Act, Special inspections to the physically challenged and
crew members. Full IED awareness and its components. Aircraft searches and
findings while performing aircraft cleaning. Differences between turn-clean and RON
cleaning, correct use of chemicals and countdown to arrival and departure
procedures, lavatory servicing and its restrictions and limitations. Also covered are
PSK kit requirements and aircraft cleaning.
ENGC 101
90 hours
3 credits
Definitions, goals and objectives; rules and regulations, procedures, video
presentations and various support publications
This study program will provide the participant the ability to understand and
perform conversational duties clearly and in a concise manner. Material covered
includes complete review of traditional conversations at different point of the
customer interaction such as disembarkation, boarding transfer transports,
airport arrival and check-in, aircraft boarding procedures, Immigration and
customs announcements and typical every day airport service provider-to-client
dialogs. Conversational English (job specific) covers most daily conversations
during any transaction in the travel industry as well as directional and
informational situations.
GOVA 101
90 hours
3 credits
Definitions, goals and objectives; rules and regulations, procedures, video
presentations and various support publications
This study program will provide the participant the ability to understand and perform
their duties as they interact will all members in the airport and travel community.
Material covered includes complete review of all government agencies and their
functions within the travel trade including FBO and other suppliers and how it affects
their relationship with airlines and airport agencies. This course also allows the
participant to understand the quality assurance programs applied by all members of
the community and how it impacts customer satisfaction.
TOUR 201
90 hours
3 credits
Definitions, goals and objectives; rules and regulations, procedures, video
presentations and various printed publications
This study program will provide the participant the ability to understand and perform
their duties as they interact will all members in the airport and travel community.
Material covered includes complete understanding the commercial and environmental
impact of tours and its organizers. This course also covers ecotourism and the
regulations required to maintain the balance between adventure, fun, safety and the
ecology. Sales, reservations, merchandising and marketing are also reviewed.
Understanding international success stories are also covered.
P.O. Box 810300, Carolina, P.R. 00981 – Ave. José A. Santana, Ed. CAF1, Base Muñiz, Suite 203,
Carolina, P.R., 00979 Tel: 787.253.2030 [email protected]
FMTC 101
90 hours
3 credits
Definitions, goals and objectives; certification requirements, documentation
and technical publications
This study program will provide the participant the ability to understand and
discuss aircraft maintenance programs and its purposes in a conceptual and
theoretical way. Knowledge of aircraft parts and their purposes and FAA
regulations are included and understanding how aircraft reliability is directly
related to in-time departures as well as the impact on customer satisfaction.
ADMN 101
90 hours
3 credits
Definitions, goals and objectives; certification requirements, documentation
and technical publications
This study program will provide the participant the ability to understand the
functions of each member of the travel industry and how they interact. The
program covers extensive coverage of FBOs and the selection process together
with the IATA SGHA enforcement and its performance variances. Also, presented
is how quality assurance programs ensure a positive customer experience.
Different supervisory styles, crisis management, performance tracking and
rewarding positive variances are also discussed.
P.O. Box 810300, Carolina, P.R. 00981 – Ave. José A. Santana, Ed. CAF1, Base Muñiz, Suite 203,
Carolina, P.R., 00979 Tel: 787.253.2030 [email protected]