Summary of WPD activities 2012


Summary of WPD activities 2012
World Psoriasis Day 2012
”Psoriasis – a global health challenge”
General summary of activities
World Psoriasis Day is presented by
And supported by
World Psoriasis Day
IFPA Secretariat, Box 5173, SE-121 18 Johanneshov, Sweden
Phone: +46 8 556 109 14 • Fax: +46 8 556 109 19
Web:,, e-mail: [email protected]
World Psoriasis Day 2012
What is World Psoriasis Day?
World Psoriasis Day, October 29, is an annual day specially dedicated to people with psoriasis and/or
psoriatic arthritis.
Conceived by patients for patients, World Psoriasis Day is a truly global event that sets out to give an
international voice to the more than 125 million people with psoriasis/psoriatic arthritis around the world.
Aims and Objectives
Raise awareness about psoriasis.
Encourage healthcare decision makers to give psoriasis suffers better access to the
most appropriate therapies for their condition.
Deliver facts, relevant information and knowledge to interested parties.
Provide a patient voice platform.
Key Communication Messages
Psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis are serious and chronic, non-communicable and disabling diseases
People with psoriasis should have access to appropriate treatments
We are more than 125 million people with psoriasis and we want to be heard
Psoriasis is not contagious, stop stigmatization and discrimination
Concept of World Psoriasis Day 2012
WPD Theme 2012
Psoriasis – a global health challenge
Key Communication Messages
Core message
Put psoriasis on the agenda now!
Supporting messages
More than 125 million people around the globe suffers from psoriasis
Psoriasis can affect anyone, anywhere
Psoriasis knows no borders
Target groups
United Nation Agencies
Politicians and policy makers – international, regional, national and local
Insurance companies, HMO´s
The Public
Researchers, pharmaceutical industry
Health care professionals
Mass Media
Global campaign WPD 2012
The Global campaign WPD 2012 was launched at the 3rd World Psoriasis & Psoriatic Conference in June, in
Stockholm 2012.
In IFPA´s booth people could have their picture taken, holding the speech bubble featuring the core message
“Put psoriasis on the agenda now!”
Cut-out speech bubbles featuring core message
Photos taken with person/s holding the cut-out speech bubble
- At different events &gatherings
- In front of parliaments, WHO offices, united Nations, governments buildings, landmarks
- In hospitals, day care centers, schools, work places, recreational centers, public transportations
- With celebrities, politicians, key opinions leaders (KoLs)
Ideas for actions/events
Use the photos on own website, on Facebook, Flickr and other social media
Spread the photos and the messaging to media, politicians on all levels
Photos displayed in a slideshow on the WPD website, under the heading “Put psoriasis on the agenda
Photos and messaging spread to media, KoLs, UN/WHO, both for awareness raising and as a
challenge to policymakers worldwide to put psoriasis on the agenda now
Arrange walks, parades, and such, to spread awareness on psoriasis.
Blogs- maybe there are bloggers out there that have psoriasis or know someone that has psoriasis
and want to blog about it.
Famous/well known persons that either has psoriasis or are familiar with psoriasis (maybe through
family member, or such) and ask them to take part in the speech bubble campaign.
Suggested WPD Advocacy actions
Access to better healthcare begins with talking to local politicians and national health ministries. Ask them to
put psoriasis on the agenda now!
1. Make an appointment with your local politicians and national health ministry
2. Inform them about:
a. psoriasis
b. health care needs (lack of and the need for early diagnosis; safe, affordable and effective
c. psoriasis can be severely disabling
d. the connection between psoriasis and shared risk factors with other severe NCDs (the need
for screening for and possible prevention of)
e. stigma and discrimination; the psychological impacts of psoriasis
f. economic impacts (unable to work; time lost at work because of treatments or flare-ups)
g. World Psoriasis Day - what it is and why it's important
h. the fact that the Health Ministry of Panama is raising the issue of psoriasis and World
Psoriasis Day to the World Health Organization - putting it on the global health agenda
3. Key "Asks"
a. put psoriasis on the national health care agenda
b. formally recognize World Psoriasis Day - with a proclamation, a declaration, etc.
c. for the Health Ministry to support Panama at the level of the World Health Assembly
d. take a picture of the health official holding the ”speech bubble”
IFPA Advocacy project – WHO recognition of psoriasis and World
Psoriasis Day:
The goal of the political action is to have psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, recognized by the World Health
Organization, WHO as a severe chronic, non-communicable disease and include psoriasis in the WHO
strategy for prevention and control of non-communicable diseases.
We are convinced that recognition of psoriasis by WHO will help psoriasis patients to recognize their own
disease and seek treatment, will enable the public to realize psoriasis is not contagious and halt
discriminating behavior, and will facilitate the medical community to properly diagnose and treat the disease.
These small but effective steps are strategies that are low in economic costs but tremendously high in return
and will begin to lift the burden of the disease on more than 125 million people worldwide and allow for a
better quality of life for people with psoriasis.
Throughout the year a number of IFPA’s members diligently sought out their national Ministries of Health
and/or Social Affairs in order to raise awareness of psoriasis and World Psoriasis Day. During the last quarter
of 2012, IFPA sent out packets of information relating to psoriasis, World Psoriasis Day and the WHO
campaign to the national permanent Mission offices in Genève representing countries where there are IFPA
members. It was felt that this would complement the work of our members with the campaigns to their
National Health Ministries.
In late November, Ambassador Navarro Brin and the Permanent Mission of Panama sought to have the World
Psoriasis Day Draft Resolution added to the WHO Executive Board January meeting agenda, and were told by
WHO officials that there is no formal knowledge or awareness of psoriasis at WHO nor has it ever been
This certainly made IFPA even more determined to succeed in having an official resolution for World
Psoriasis Day and the end of 2012 was dedicated to preparations for meetings with the WHO and a number
of national Permanent Missions during the WHO Executive Board meeting in January, 2013.
At the closing of the year, IFPA had official support for the World Psoriasis Day Draft Resolution from the
governments of Panama, Argentina, Ecuador and El Salvador.
World Psoriasis Day Activities
Awareness-raising activities
Psoriasis is a chronic, non-communicable disease with huge impact on people’s lives.
It is important to let people with psoriasis know that they are not alone and raise the profile of this
devastating disease and the misery it can cause. World Psoriasis Day should provide a platform from which
the 'patient voice' can be heard and from which people with psoriasis can be encouraged to speak out about
their needs and wants.
World Psoriasis Day should aim to provide information and knowledge to those who are affected by psoriasis/
psoriatic arthritis as well as the general public, in order that people can be better informed about the
condition, develop a better understanding, enabling them to be more confident to speak about it.
The goal is to dispel myths about the condition, such as the mistaken view that psoriasis is contagious.
Awareness raising activities to educate and give information about psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis are of
enormous importance for all groups in the society.
Target groups
Health care professionals
Psoriasis community
National WPD activities 2012
For World Psoriasis Day 2012 a wide variety of activities took place, everything from seminars to meetings
with politicians and decision makers. Every year the interest and the success of World Psoriasis Day increases
and we are proud to present some example of all the awareness-raising national activities that have been
taking place all over the world. Please see the document “Summary of national activities World Psoriasis Day
2012” for detailed information, which can be downloaded from the IFPA and World Psoriasis Day websites:
Examples of national activities WPD 2012
AEPSO - Asociación Civil para el Enfermo de Psoriasis
There were 18 conferences & workshops held around the country. 900 attendees in total.
Pso - Austria Verein und Selbsthilfegruppe der Psoriatikerlnnen in Österreich
On October 20, there were a Patient information Day in Vienna including public lectures and talks with medical
experts about psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. There were approximately 120 attendees during the whole day.
Gipso - Groupe d'Aide à la Recherche et à l'Information sur le Psoriasis
Inauguration of the first “Psoriasis Day Care Center” in Wallonia. This was written about in the newspapers.
Psoriasis Liga Vlaanderen
Psoriasis Liga Vlaanderen celebrated 30 years! World Psoriasis Day was celebrated with the theme “Psoriasis
Happy Day”.
Regional political actions: PSORISUL and AAPP (Associação de Apoio aos Portadores de Psoríase) had 8 meetings
with cities councilor in the Estates of Rio Grande do Sul y São Paulo and with the Health Ministers of both cities to
talk about recognition of psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis and World Psoriasis Day.
The Psoriasis Society of Canada
National psoriasis walks is held on October 21st in various towns and cities all over Canada. It was part of
fundraising projects. The objectives of the walks were to raise funds for programs, services, and research. A good
forum to meet new friends, raise public awareness and help a good cause.
CORPSO – Corporación Psoriasis Chile
Political actions: 7 working sessions were held at the Ministry of Health of Chile, to get psoriasis and psoriatic
arthritis considered as pathologies.
FUNDAPSO – Fundación de Psoriasis de Colombia
Regional actions: A campaign with the slogan “Psoriasis should be on the agenda of health” was held in Cali. An
activity was held in the Ingenio Park. Informative flyers was handed out, about psoriasis and about FUNDAPSO´s
work giving support for people living with the disease.
Drustvo Psorijaticara Hrvatske – Croatian Psoriasis Association
World Psoriasis Day was celebrated at the main square in Zagreb, capital of Croatia, informing and educating the
general public about psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.
An awareness campaign with the theme “Focus on me, not my skin” started in the end of October. It was
supported by the Ministry of Health and the campaign will be presented in several Croatian cities until October
SPAE - Psoriatic and Atopic Eczema Association Czech Republic
40 members of SPAE CZ were invited to attend a meeting initiated by SPAE, on October 19-21. Medical leading
specialists and cosmetic specialists held 3 lectures about psoriasis and treatment. An additional lecture was about
availability of treatment and medical care involving legal issues.
Danish Psoriasis Association
A World Psoriasis Day meeting was held in Aalborg. 150 attendees.
FEPSO – Fundación Equatoriana de la Psoriasis
Regional actions: 3 conferences on World Psoriasis Day were held all over the country.
PSONUVES – Psoriasis Nueva Vida El Salvador
Urban actions: Representatives from PSONUVES handed out 1500 flyers outside the national Hospital Rosales and
at the Plaza de las Américas (Monument to Divino Salvador del Mundo). Urban action in San Salvador involving
live interviews which were broadcasted on several radio stations.
EPsoL- Estonian Psoriasis Association
A conference with the theme “Psoriasis in and around us” was held on October 27. It was a dedication to World
Psoriasis Day. 47 attendees.
Psoriasisliitto ry, The Finnish Psoriasis Association
The Finnish Psoriasis Association organized a topical seminar on psoriasis in the Parliament House in Helsinki on
23rd of October. The theme was: “The burden of psoriasis can be reduced”. Among the audience were several
members of the parliament, other authorities and policy makers, journalists and psoriasis activists. The goal of
the seminar was to strengthen the profile of the Finnish Psoriasis Association in the field of lobbying and advocacy
activities. The core message was: in order to reduce the economic and other burden caused by psoriasis to the
society and individual patients, it needs to be diagnosed earlier, especially if patients have joint symptoms.
APLCP - Assoc. Pour La Lutte Contre Le Psoriasis
PSO bus tour: The goal was to give information, advisement and take action to raise awareness about psoriasis
and psoriatic arthritis.
PSO Georgia – Psoriasis Association of Georgia
The board of PSO GEORGIA submitted protocols of care for management of Psoriasis in the grant program
"Elaboration of state protocols of management of clinical condition'' proposed by the Ministry of Labor, Health and
Social affairs of Georgia.
Deutscher Psoriasis Bund e.V.
A press conference was held in Berlin at the central government press room. It was organized in connection to the
doctors association. Professor Ingo Haase spoke about fat and weight problem involving psoriasis and psoriatic
SPOEX - Samtök Psoriasis og Exemsjúklinga
Spoex organized an open day at the association on World Psoriasis Day. The general public was welcome to visit
the association and to ask questions, chat and during the day, the treatment unit was open for all as.
Psoriasis Society of India
A seminar was conducted with the theme “support for psoriasis patients”. The dermatologist, Dr Amit Madan,
explained the importance of support for psoriasis patients from their family, friends and the society to improve
and maintain their quality of life. He also explained during his PowerPoint presentation about the latest treatment
options available in India for psoriasis.
IADVL Chennai City Branch and Indian Society of Teledermatology
On October 28th an event was held at Hotel Breeze in Chennai involving a program by a full day CME on “Psoriasis
a Global Challenge” which was accredited by both The Tamil Nadu Dr MGR Medical University and the Medical
Council of Tamil Nadu. Professors, Heads of Departments, faculties, postgraduate students and consultant
dermatologists made presentations and threadbare discussions on various aspects of psoriasis such as
immunology, pustular psoriasis, paediatric psoriasis, quality of life in psoriasis etcetera.
Indonesian Psoriasis Care Foundation, (Yayasan Peduli Psoriasis Indonesia, YPPI)
World Psoriasis Day was celebrated on November 4, 2012 at the CBD area thru a 5 km walk holding the bubble
speech along the streets to inform the public that Psoriasis is NOT contagious.
Japanese Psoriasis Association
Meetings in eight cities/areas gathering more than 430 delegates.
PAK - Psoriasis Association of Kenya
PAK together with other regional patient associations and its members met in Nairobi during the African
dermatology meeting where a very strong message was given to the 28 Francophone and Anglophone countries.
PAM – Psoriasis Association of Malaysia
World Psoriasis Day celebration in Malaysia was held on 28 October, 2012 at the Academy of Medicine Malaysia. It
was a full day event which started with Children’s Art competition and a lecture of Dr Steven Chow on “How
psoriasis affects your heart and your health”.
AMCPSO - Associación Mexicana contra la Psoriasis
A National Congress about psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis was held on October 27, organized by AMCPSO. The
theme for congress were “Put psoriasis on the health agenda, is a commitment of all”.
Psoriasis Vereniging Nederland
T-shirts were sent to all dermatologists all over The Netherlands with the text “Special attention to psoriasis”.
Many dermatologists wore them on World Psoriasis Day.
Psoriasis- og Eksemforbundet
Local activities: Open meetings, information stands and other awareness-raising activities were held by local
groups. Pictures and information about these activities could be seen in the Norwegian Psoriasis Association´s
member magazine, “Psoriatikeren” nb. 4/2012. 500 people attended these events.
Fundación de Psoriasis de Panamá
Awareness day for World Psoriasis Day at an important mall in Panama. More than 200 people visited the stand,
initiated by Psoriasis Foundation of Panama and had their photo taken with the speech bubble.
World Psoriasis was observed at the event the Dermato-Expert League which was held on October 29 in
Islamabad. The theme was “Psoriasis: It´s deep skin” and many prominent dermatologists attended the event.
Various subjects on Psoriasis were presented and discussed during the event.
The conference formulated guidelines which called for enhanced public awareness about psoriasis. The
participants agreed to the need to urge the government to allocate some amount in the budget for provision of
medicines (used in the treatment of psoriasis) to government hospitals. They also agreed that a psoriasis
campaign similar to the one being conducted for polio eradication should be initiated by the government. Efforts
will also be made to raise awareness about psoriasis in the print and electronic media, it was noted.
Radio Pakistan published information about the event online.
Asocaciòn Peruana de Psoriasis - Psoriasis Perú
Celebrated World Psoriasis Day by taking part in the bubble campaign with the message: Put psoriasis on the
agenda now!
As a testament to the importance of the Presidential proclamation No. 179 declaring every last week of October as
the “National Psoriasis Awareness Week”, PsorPhil held its yearly fun walk on 21 October in Mandaluyong City at
Maysilo Circle. Psoriasis patients from 13 chapters/hospital PsorClubs came together with their families, friends,
doctors and supporters to inform the public that psoriasis is not contagious.
PSOPortugal – Associacâo Portugesa da Psoríase
Numerous of events were held on and in conjunction to World Psoriasis Day to raise awareness about psoriasis
and psoriatic arthritis. There was a broad media coverage during those days.
APAPP – Asociacion Puertoriquena de Ayuda al Paciente de Psoriasis
As a testament to the importance of the Presidential proclamation No. 179 declaring every last week of October as
the “National Psoriasis Awareness Week”, PsorPhil held its yearly fun walk on 21 October in Mandaluyong City at
Maysilo Circle. Psoriasis patients from 13 chapters/hospital PsorClubs came together with their families, friends,
doctors and supporters to inform the public that psoriasis is not contagious.
PSALV – Psoriasis Scotland Arthritis Link Volunteers
For the 6th time, PSALV/Psoriasis Scotland exhibited at the Scottish Parliament on October 23-25. Awarenessraising about World Psoriasis Day and people living with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.
PAS - The Psoriasis Association of Singapore
The Psoriasis Association of Singapore commemorated World Psoriasis Day 2012 on the 21 st October. A special
WPD half-day event was organized at the Woodland Library and a free health screening was provided to
everyone. Attendees who went through the free medical checkup tested their blood pressure, body mass index
(BMI), glucose level and lipid test.
SAPSA – South African Psoriasis Association
Local activities: SAPSA were present in two large city malls for two full days raising awareness about psoriasis and
psoriatic arthritis to the general public.
ACCIÓ Psoriasis
Regional activities: ACCIÓ organized 7 free informative conferences in several Spanish cities. Press conferences
will be held in conjunction to the informative events, in each city.
Regional and local activities: Lectures were organized in different cities informing about psoriasis and psoriatic
arthritis. Many local chairmen opinion articles about demanding to put psoriasis on the political agenda.
SPVG – Schweizerische Psoriasis & Vitilligo Gesellschaft
Information about SPVG´s activities was announced on the SPVG website and in the SPVG magazine.
PSORATA – Psoriasis Association of Tanzania
World Psoriasis Day started with an organized early morning march towards the National Television Center with
placards carrying the message “Show up, do not lose hope: Psoriasis is manageable”.
Sedef Hastalan Dayanisma Dernegi
On November 3rd, the National Psoriasis Society held a seminar named “Holistic approach to psoriasis” at the JW
Marriott Hotel in Ankara. 150 attendees.
Ukrainian Psoriasis Association
A “Welcome Day” for patients and their families were held in almost every region in Ukraine.
APSUR – Psoriasis Uruguay
APSUR attended 2 congresses, informing and raising awareness about psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.
NPF - National Psoriasis Foundation/USA
 was launched on October 13. Visitors encouraged to “pin” themselves on the map, tell their
story and take action to raise awareness of psoriasis as a global health challenge. 1771 participants.
AVEPSO – Asociación Venezolana de Psoriasis
AVEPSO and the Foundation of psoriatic arthritis patients organized a meeting with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis
patients, at the Hotel Melia in Caracas. 800 attendees (both patients and general public). The outcome of the
meeting was stronger bounds with the Foundation and an increase of members.
PsorViet launched the website in Vietnamese.
A meeting was held with groups of participants like students from Medical University, Doctors, Media and PsorViet
World Psoriasis Day is usually heavily featured in the media, and the Global photo campaign 2012 was
used to great advantage in this forum, especially in social media. On the World Psoriasis Day website
people had the opportunity to upload their pictures with the speech bubble to IFPA´s Picasa account and
a large number of photos were displayed from all over the world.
Examples of media activities
109 mass media exposure.
Information about psoriasis and the upcoming event in Vienna was broadcasted on the Austrian National
Television and the Austrian National Television – region Vienna.
A variety and multiple articles were published about psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis in newspapers, magazines
and scientific journals. Some of them can be seen at:
15 media exposures.
The PSC had free advertising for WPD.
Media coverage: Radio interviews (4), interviews and stories on TV shows (3) and articles/stories in printed
media such as newspapers and magazines (7).
FUNDAPSO received an invitation to participate in the informative show “Tardes Del Sol” on October 29th. The
show is a magazine that presents different subjects and important local activities and events. Information
about psoriasis, psoriatic and World Psoriasis Day were presented. The importance to belong to any group or
foundation/association were people with psoriasis can get support and information they need, was brought up
at the show.
A press conference was held in Zagreb and the awareness campaign “Focus on me, not my skin” was
announced to the media (newspaper, radio and internet etc.).
Czech Republic
Issued a press release about World Psoriasis Day, in collaboration with LEO Pharma, which was published in
the daily press on October 20th.
Media coverage: Information about the meeting in Aalborg was published in PsoMagasinet, the Danish
Psoriasis Association´s own magazine, on Facebook, Skive Folkeblad, on the homepage and on other
websites. Can be seen at:
20 media exposures.
El Salvador
Media: Various radio and TV shows with different themes involving psoriasis was broadcasted both nationally
and internationally.
A radio program called Vikerraadio was held on October 27 informing the public about psoriasis and the work
of the Estonian Psoriasis Association.
Printed media and TV reached almost half of the Finnish population. There was also coverage in social media
and on the radio.
Press coverage: 80 articles in national and regional papers. 25 articles in papers online.
A practical and scientific conference for students, initiated by PSO Georgia was broadcasted by a regional TV
company named Rioni.
Great success with the speech bubble photo campaign” Put psoriasis on the agenda now”. Photos shown in
the social media etc.
81 mass media exposures
A Twitter campaign counting down the days to World Psoriasis Day. It started on October 1 st.
Published article with facts about psoriasis and news about the Norwegian Psoriasis Association changing its
name in October to including people with psoriasis. Approximately 29.000 readers.
Media coverage: 7 radio interviews, 3 TV interviews, 7 articles in newspapers and 1 article in a magazine.
World Psoriasis Day was well highlighted on the social media.
7 press releases were made of all activities including one about the theme for World Psoriasis Day “Psoriasis –
a global health challenge”.
Social media: Margaret Mitchell, MSP, Central Scotland, who sponsored PSALV's parliamentary exhibit for
WPD, mentioned WPD on Facebook. Malcolm Chisholm, MSP, Edinburgh North & Leith, tweeted regarding
WPD. Michael Matheson, MSP, Minister for Public Health re-tweeted it.
South Africa
A radio interview was done with Judy Wallace, President of SAPSA on Bush radio, a local radio station,
informing people about psoriasis.
The video “Por una piel sin Psoriasis” (For a healthy skin without Psoriasis) was shown at an event and was
broadly covered in the media.
Several newspapers published articles about psoriasis and pictures of people taking part in the speech bubble
campaign could be seen at the Swedish Association´s website.
Two press releases were issued, one in September and one in October 2012, in all major newspapers and
A free 30-minute air time with a Question and Answer session on various aspects on psoriasis was
broadcasted live on the National Television.
A seminar that was held during Psoriasis Awareness Week reached 1.3 million readers by 14 printed news and
60 online.
TV shows was held both national and regional. It can be seen at:
“Psoriasis is a serious global health challenge; Put psoriasis on the agenda for World Psoriasis Day. “ Featured
as a blog post, in email newsletter, on Twitter and Facebook.
AEPSO conducted a campaign video with the theme” Psoriasis should be on the Health Agenda in October 29”.
Can be seen at:
A special radio program featuring psoriasis was held on 29 October.
Most of the participating Psoriasis patient associations around the world gave interviews to TV and radio stations, newspapers and magazines. Important topics were living with psoriasis and the celebration of
World Psoriasis Day. We can clearly see that there is high media interest in the countries where
manifestations and activities were organized. Those countries that had extensive marketing on the web,
sent press releases and were active in advertisement of various kinds also had good media coverage.
Public events are also a high-impact for media coverage.
WPD 2012 Photos
WPD Website
The World Psoriasis Day official website is The WPD website works as an
important channel to promote and spread information globally about psoriasis and World Psoriasis day.
A special page on the WPD website was made for the Global speech bubble campaign 2012, where people
could upload their photos from all over the world. The campaign was a tremendous success!
External communication channels
By using Facebook, YouTube or other social networks we can reach thousands of individuals in a short
span of time to a minimal cost.
World Psoriasis Day has its own group on Facebook. The purpose of the group is to raise awareness
about psoriasis and World Psoriasis Day. There is also a World Psoriasis Day badge that Facebook-users
can add to their own profile photos.
On YouTube a lot of the videos from national WPD events can be found. There are also many other videos
about psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. The large coverage and the popularity among young people is an
advantage with this social media.
World Psoriasis Day, October 29, 2012
Put psoriasis on the agenda now!
More than 125 million people all over the world have psoriasis. Many of them suffer needlessly, due to
lack of understanding, lack of correct diagnosis and lack of treatment. Psoriasis needs to be put on the
global and national health agendas now!
Psoriasis is a serious, inflammatory, non-communicable disease, associated with an increased risk of developing
severe co-morbid conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and psoriatic arthritis, as well as
depression and even suicidal ideation.i But yet there is a lack of recognition in many parts of the world for the
seriousness, and severity, of psoriasis. In many countries, even getting the correct diagnosis can be a great
Dr Hoseah Waweru, Dermatologist and Vice President of IFPA states:
“In Kenya there are thirty dermatologists to a population of forty million. Most people with psoriasis will never
see a dermatologist in their lives.”
Psoriasis must be recognized as the serious disease it is
Psoriasis affects men and women of all countries and regions, it knows no borders. That is why it is imperative
that the world’s leading health organization, WHO recognizes psoriasis as the serious disease it is. Kathleen
Gallant, Secretary of IFPA and Chair of IFPA’s Task Force on NCDs, highlights the importance of this:
“All national health authorities need to be made aware of the physical, emotional and socioeconomic impacts of
psoriasis, and include psoriasis in the public health agenda.”
By providing access to effective treatments, and by educating the medical professionals on how to correctly
diagnose and treat psoriasis, a huge burden may be lifted both from the individuals suffering from the disease,
as well as the society they live in.
Psoriasis is a global health challenge – but there is hope
Psoriasis is a challenging disease, both to live with and to treat, but Lars Ettarp, President of IFPA, points out that
there is hope for the future:
“Great advances have been made in the field of psoriasis, medically, scientifically and technologically. But now
we have to ensure that these breakthroughs are made available to all people with psoriasis all over the globe.”
About IFPA and World Psoriasis Day
IFPA, together with all its national member associations, is working to improve the quality of life for people suffering from psoriasis.
Towards this end we are all united in a yearly World Psoriasis Day campaign, on October 29. In 2012 we are focusing on psoriasis as
a global health challenge, and are asking all policy makers to put psoriasis on the agenda now, through a world-wide photo
campaign. To read more about the campaign and view the photos, please visit
Please see IFPA’s report”Psoriasis is a serious disease deserving global attention”, available for download from

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