jabones aromasensia


jabones aromasensia
BELLEZA NATURAL / Natural beauty
JABONES MARSELLA/ Marseille soaps
JABONES HECHOS A MANO/ Hand made soaps
Marseille soap is a handmade soap made traditionally from vegetable oils. They are
delicate and highly moisturizing, ideal for skin care. Its purity and moisturizing
properties make it suitable for sensitive skins. In the Mediterranean, it has been
used for generations.
Our soaps combine the properties of Marseille soap with emollients (rosehip oil,
shea butter, and calendula oil for example) and essential oils to enhance the
moisturizing and regenerating properties with a mild aromatic sensation. All these
ingredients are added 'at trace' during the making process, (the point at which most
of the oils have saponified), so that they remain unreacted in the finished product,
reaching the consumer with all its properties intact.
JABON LUMINOSO: Este refrescante y enérgico jabón vegetal combina
el aceite esencial de naranja y la rosa mosqueta para hidratar tu piel y
reducir los estrías. Ademas, el salvado de trigo que contiene exfolia
suavemente tu piel, dejándola tersa y radiante.
combines the natural essential oil of orange and the mosturising
properties of rosehip oil. Wheatgerm husks gently exfoliates flaky, rough
skin to leave skin feeling smooth.
JABON ANTI-CELULITIS: Este jabon con extracto de algas marinas, combate
el efecto de piel de naranja. Este jabón completamente natural, ayuda a
reducir la apariencia de la celulitis. Gracias a las propiedades de los aceites
esenciales de pomelo y hinojo, promueve la irrigación, de la piel y la
eliminacion de la grasa.
contains seaweed to combat the appearance of cellulite and the energetic
fragrance of Grapefruit essential oil.
JABON REPARADOR con concentrados naturales de Aloe vera y Té Blanco
para un cuidado extra de la piel. Su suave aroma de aceite esencial de limon
es suave con la piel, ayudando a mantenerla suave e hidratada.
with natural Aloe Vera, anti-oxidant White Tea and the light fragrance of Lemon
essential oil. Helps maintain soft, smooth skin.
JABON ARCILLA VERDE: Este jabón enteramente vegetal combina las
propiedades antibacterianas y limpiadoras de los aceites esenciales del Arbol
de Té y el Eucalipto, con la arcilla verde dejando la piel limpia, suave y fresca.
Ideal para todo tipo de pieles.
combines the anti-bacterial Tea Tree and Eucalyptus essential oils amd deep
cleansing green clay, leaving the skin feeling soft and refreshed.
JABON ARBOL DE TÉ: Este jabón enteramente vegetal contiene las potentes
propiedades antibacterianas y limpiadoras del aceite esencial de Arbol de Té.
Con un 5% de aceite esencial de árbol de té, este jabón está indicado como
desinfectante para pieles grasas.
TEA TREE CLEANSING SOAP: this entirely vegetable soap contains the
potent antibacterial and cleansing properties of tea tree oil. With a 5%
essential oil content, this soap is recommended as a disinfectant for oily skins.
JABON ARGÁN: con aceite de argán ecológico y arcilla roja, el aceite de
argán es ampliamente utilizado en al farmacopea marroquí para el cuidado de
la piel y en particular para reducir arrugas y sequedad. Su alto contenido en
ácidos oléico y linoléico lo convierten en un aceite altamente recomendable
para el cuidado de pieles irritadas y sensibles, aunque es beneficioso para
todo tipo de pieles.
ARGAN SOAP: with organic argan oil and red clay. Argan oil is widely used in
moroccan pharmacopeia for the treatment of dryness and wrinkles. Its high
content in oleic and linoleic acids make it ideal for the care of sensitive and
irritated skin types, although all skins can benefit from its soothing formula.
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Aromasensia.com takes no responsibility for harm that may result from the use, abuse or misuse of information contained on this site.
Copyright Aromasensia SL © 2014