Franciscan Corner Esquina Franciscana


Franciscan Corner Esquina Franciscana
March 16, 2014
Second Sunday of Lent
Ministries for Next Weekend
Ministerios del Próximo Fin de Semana
Mass Intentions/Intenciones
Saturday/Sábado, March 15
5:00PM-+Katherine and Rudy Dudek
Sunday/Domingo, March 16
8:00AM-Feligreses de Sta. Julia
10:00Am-+Stephen Andrew Lask
Saturday/Sábado, March 22
5:00PM-+Lenore and Emil Moldovan
Prayer List-Orar por los necesitados
Sofia Alzola, Joan Armstrong, Lizzie Bailey, Isaías Baños
Gutierrez, Josephine Berard, Danny Beasley, Garry
Brooks, Noah Brooks, Robert Brown, Katherine Cahill,
Mary Cahill, Lynda Campos, Cody Cooper, Constance
Craig, Maryellen Craig, Maureen Crotty, Judy Cruikshank,
Efrén Marcos Cruz, Nicolas Davila, Alex Ferm, Emmy
Fleming, Brad Hamm, Jim Harstad, Kimberly Hernández,
Beto Herrera, Ed Higgins, Maria Hogya, Samuel Holt,
Frank Horsful, Becky Isley, Norman King, Christy
Kowalczyk, Martin López, Margarito López Velasco,
Fiachra McFadden, Elizabeth McGraw, John McGuire,
Rose Marie Martín, Esteban Martínez, Leonel Martínez,
Barbara Mastej, Ann-Marie Mastej, Norma Merk, Gemma
Mistal, Clarence Morgan, LillyAna Alicia Mosqueda, Nancy
Parr, Clay Phillips, Milton Piedra, Gracie Quaile, Arline
Rodon, Sue Showfety, Earlene Skarpa, Michael Siriano,
Mary Frances Smith, Robert Smothers, Jeanette Spears,
Friar Greg Spuhler, Constance Stovall, Fran Stuart,
Teresa Stephens, Alex Szilvay, Elona Tombolo, Kathryn
Truitt, Maria Van Lith, Jerry Ward, Brett Zimmerman.
Parish Calendar - March 16-22, 2014
2:00PM– Catecismo para adultos
9:30AM-Scripture Study
7:00PM-Viewing of “The Bible”
Friday/ Viernes
6:00PM– Bilingual Stations of the Cross/Vía
6:45PM– Simple Supper in the Parish Hall
6-8PM– Estudio Bíblico y Catecismo
2:00PM-Catecismo para adultos
Altar Servers/Monaguillos
Monserrat G., Bian G., Daniela Herrera, Freddy M.
Avery Harris, Natasha King
Alam Z., Janeth S., Erick B., Emily L.
Alice Cross
Neftali, Fabiola
Alfonso Soto, Vera Diaz
Eucharistic Ministers – Ministros de Eucaristía
Paz, Alicia, Rey, Ruth
Sandra, al Devine, Liz, and Barbara
Mario y Carmen Lugo, Jose y Lucy Canales, Tiburcio y
Maria Solano
Franciscan Corner
This Lenten Season, we take the opportunity to bring
some of our Franciscan Spirituality to St. Julia.
St. Francis recognized and took to the logical
conclusion the implications of the Incarnation. If God
became flesh in Jesus, then it is in the world, the physical, the
animal, in the natural elements, in human sexuality that God
must be found. Speak of embodiment, physicality, and the
world—use whatever words you want—these are the hiding
places and the revelation places of God. This is how
Christianity was supposed to change everything. Most of us
just kept looking up, when God in Jesus had, in fact, come
down. (This is the foundation of Franciscan mysticism.) On
this day in 1226, Francis died at sunset and asked to lie naked
and exposed on the earth as he died. The friars were
embarrassed, but conceded to his wish. Now you know that it
made total sense.
Esquina Franciscana
Durante esta época de Cuaresma, tomamos
la oportunidad de proveer nuestra Espiritualidad Franciscana
a Sta. Julia.
San Francisco reconoció y llevó a la conclusión
lógica las implicaciones de la Encarnación. Si Dios se
hizo carne en Jesús, entonces es en este mundo, lo
físico, lo animal, en los elementos naturales, en la
sexualidad humana que debemos encontrar a Dios.
Hable de la encarnación, fisicalidad, y el mundo-utilice
cualesquiera palabras usted desee-estos son los lugares
ocultos y los lugares de la revelación de Dios. Es así que
la Criatiandad cambiaría todo. La mayoría de nosotros
mirábamos hacia arriba, cuando Dios en Jesús, había
venido hacia abajo. (Ésta es la fundación del
misticismo Franciscano.)En esta fecha en 1226,
Francisco murió en el ocaso y pidió permanecer
desnudo y expuesto en la tierra mientras moría. Los
frailes estaban desconcertados, pero concedieron su
deseo. Ahora usted sabe que tuvo sentido total.
Segundo Domingo de Cuaresma
Stations of the Cross and Simple Supper
On Friday evenings during Lent, we invite you
to join us in the Stations of the Cross at 6 PM,
followed by a Simple Supper in the Parish Hall
at 6:45 PM.
During Lent, we will be showing the
episodes of “THE BIBLE” on Tuesday
evenings at 7 PM.
Immigration Focus this LENT
The short (30 min) film “The Roots of Migration”
will be shown in our Parish Hall on
Saturday, Mar. 22 and 29 after the 5:00PM Mass.
Saturday, Mar. 23 and 30 after the 10 and 12
o’clock Masses.
On March 23, Gail Phares, Director for Witness for
Peace Southeast and leader of the group that appears in the film will join us for discussion after.
Schedule of Lent Reconciliation Services
Immaculate Conception, Durham
Tuesday,March 25, at 7 PM
St. Thomas More, Chapel Hill
Thursday. March 27, at 7 PM
—————————————————————————-Renew your faith and deepen your devotion with a one
day Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Basilica of the National
Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC
on Saturday, April 5, 2014. The cost for the Pilgrimage
is $20 per person, which includes lunch at the Basilica.
Transportation is not included and will be arranged
by your parish or parishes that combine together for bus
transportation..For more information and registration
contact your Vivi Camacho at [email protected]. Deadline for registration is March 15,
How will You Respond?
Would you like to make a difference in your community, the country, or the world? Do you want to serve
those in need and work for social justice? With over
200 programs and thousands of opportunities,
RESPONSE 2014, the most comprehensive guide of
faith-based service opportunities is now availableand it’s free. Volunteers serve full-time for periods
of one week to one year or more across the United
States and in more than 100 countries worldwide.
Summer and school break opportunities are also
available. Our volunteers are from all walks of life—
from high school to senior citizens and every stage
in between. Positions are available for both single
and married volunteers, including those with
children. Contact Catholic Volunteer Network to
receive your free copy/copies of RESPONSE 2014.
Call toll-free at 800-543-5046 or email [email protected]. You can search
16 de marzo de 2014
Vía Crucis y Cena Sencilla
Durante Cuaresma, le invitamos a
acompañarnos en el Vía Crucis los viernes a
las 6 PM y luego una Cena Sencilla en el
Salón Parroquial a las 6:45 PM.
Durante Cuaresma, estaremos proyectando los
episodios en inglés de “THE BIBLE”
los martes a las 7 PM.
Enfoque en Inmigración en Cuaresma
La película corta titulada “Las Raíces de la Inmigración” se
mostrará en nuestro Salón Parroquial Sábado, 23 y 30 de
marzo, después de la Misa de 5PM.
Domingo, 29 y 30 de marzo después de la Misas de 10 y
12. Gail Phares, Directora de Witness for Peace Southeast, y
quien se ve en la película, nos acompañará el sábado 23 y
tendremos charlas.
Reconciliación Durante Cuaresma
Immaculate Conception,
Martes, 25 de marzo, 7 PM
St. Thomas More,
Chapel Hill
Jueves, 20 de marzo, 7 PM
Renueve su fe y profundice su dedicación con
un Peregrinaje Diocesano de un día a la Basilica
de la Capilla Nacional de la Inmaculada Concepción Washington, C.C. el sábado 5 de abril de
2014. El coste para el peregrinaje es $20 por
persona, que incluye el almuerzo en la Basílica.
El transporte no está incluído y será arreglado
por su parroquia o parroquias que se junten para el transporte en autobús. Para más información comuníquese con la promotora de la
parroquia. Último día para inscribirse es el 15 de
marzo de 2014.
12th Annual Ignited by Truth Catholic Conference,
March 28-29, 2014 NC State Fairground, Raleigh
“Bringing to light the truth of the teachings of the Catholic church and igniting in our hears a love for our Faith”.
Speakers: Dr. Scott and Kimberly Hahn, Jennifer
Fulwiler, Dr. Patrick Fagan, and more! Bishop Michael F. Burbidge, Vigil Mass Celebrant and Homilist.
FREE Friday Evening Program “Discover the Catholic
church” 6:00-9:00pm. Full program Saturday includes
$50, Students (age 10+) $30. Who will you invite:
Questions: 919– 789-1428,
8:30 AM-6:30PM. Early Registration Discounts through
March 8: adults $30 (for groups of 5 or more), Individual
Adults $40, Students (age 10+) $25. After March 8: Adults
Adults $50, Students (age 10+) $30. Who will you invite:
Questions: 919– 789-1428,