November 25, 2012 - – Saint Thomas Aquinas
November 25, 2012 - – Saint Thomas Aquinas
St. Thomas Aquinas Church Iglesia Católica Romana 1501 South Atlantic Boulevard Monterey Park, California 91754 NOVEMBER 25, 2012 Parish Information Parish Office: (323) 264-4447 Chinese Ministry Office: (323) 264-4448 Fax: (323) 264-2524 General Email: [email protected] Parish Website: STAMPK.ORG Fr. John Kyebasuuta— [email protected] Administrator Pro Tempore—Ext. 108 Fr. Jay Wu—[email protected] Associate Pastor—Ext. 106 Lorraine Melendez—[email protected] General Manager—Ext. 103 Linda Almaguer—[email protected] Parish Secretary/Bookkeeper—Ext. 102 Sherry Tsai—[email protected] Chinese Ministry Staff Support—Ext. 104 Cathy Pang– [email protected] Chinese Ministry Admin. Support—Ext. 105 School Information School Office: (323) 261-6583 Fax: (323) 261-5972 General Email: [email protected] School Website: Marina De La Rosa— [email protected] Principal Renee Torres—[email protected] Administrative Assistant/Bookkeeper Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil 5:30 PM (English) Sunday 8:00 AM (English) 9:30 AM (Chinese) 11:30 AM (English) 1:30 PM (Spanish) Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 8:00 AM Friday 7:00 PM Holy Days As Announced Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday at 4:00 PM Sacraments Infant Baptisms: 1st Saturday– 10 AM Spanish 2nd Saturday-10 AM English Please contact the parish office to make arrangements. Religious Education/Confirmation: Please contact the Religious Education office at (323) 264-1338. Weddings: Please make arrangements with the parish office at least 6 months prior to desired date. Anointing of the Sick and/or Communion: Anointing mass is held every fifth Saturday. Hospitalized or long-term homebound, please contact the parish office. Quinceañeras: Please contact the parish office to make arrangements. OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST NOVEMBER 25, 2012 OUR PARISH FAMILY NEWS Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration Wednesday, December 12th Mananitas 5:00 AM Mass 7:00 PM We will be celebrating “Our Lady of Guadalupe” Feast Day beginning with “Las Manaitas” at 5:00 AM and continuing the celebration with a special mass at 7:00 PM. The Mananitas mass will include Mariachi performers. A reception in which traditional food and drinks will be served will follow the mass. Everyone is invited to attend this annual celebration. Hold The Date Simbang Gabi Mass Friday, Dec. 21st 7:00 PM The Filipino community of St. Thomas Aquinas invites you to the annual “Simbang Gabi” celebration. Simbang Gabi is one of the most popular Filipino traditions in the country. Additional details will be provided soon. If you are interested in volunteering for this special cultural and spiritual celebration, please contact Divina Rodriquez at (323) 228-5265. First Friday December 7, 2012 “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28 9:00 am – 6:30 pm - Eucharistic Adoration 6:00 pm – Rosary 6:30 pm – Prayers in front of the Blessed Sacrament & Benediction 7:00 pm – Mass, refreshments to follow. Adoration signup sheet can be found by the altar. Please sign up to be the adorer. 2012 Year-End Non-Profit Donation At this time of the year, many individuals and businesses select organizations to make a last minute donation that qualifies as a 2012 tax deduction. Our parish is a 501C non-profit organization. Your donation will enable us to minister, complete special projects, strengthen our operational budget and enhance our faith community, enriching the lives of the members of the Catholic Faith. Please consider our parish as a recipient of your valuable year-end donation. 2 From the desk of Fr. John Advent Readings in the Year of Faith As we begin Advent this year you are invited to join the Bible Study group as we will be discussing the Advent Sunday readings beginning on Wednesday November 28th, and continuing on December 5, 12, and 19 in the parish office meeting room (7pm to 9pm). Please come and share your faith and also invite a friend to join in this Advent journey towards Christmas. Special Collection Church Christmas Season Flowers Next weekend a second collection will be taken to purchase flowers and decorations for our Church environment during this blessed Christmas season. Sponsorship of our Christmas trees will begin this week also. We are asking individuals, families and businesses to sponsor the purchase of a Christmas tree for only $35.00. The names of the sponsors will be displayed on our Christmas trees. Sponsorship forms are available at all church entrances. Your generosity in previous years provided a beautifully decorated church environment which added so much joy to all who entered and worshiped in our church. We appreciate your continued support. Christmas Food Drive We are collecting the following food items for Christmas Food baskets: • Canned yams, cranberry sauce, fruit & vegetables • Boxed mashed potatoes & stuffing • Packets of instant gravy mix Frozen turkeys may be delivered to the Parish Office. Please have all donations in by Wed., December 19th. Christmas Toy Drive Name tags will be displayed on our “Tree of Giving”, located by the Baptismal font for anyone wishing to donate an unwrapped toy. Each name tag represents a needy child in our community. Toy donations are due Monday, December 17th. Anyone interested in assisting with Christmas Food Basket preparation and Toy distribution should contact David Madrid at (626) 590-4983. OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST NOVEMBER 25, 2012 SHARED LEADERSHIP Religious Education/Confirmation News The Year of Faith… Last Saturday, a retreat for our Confirmation students was held at our parish. Over 60 youths were involved in this inspiring and faith enrichment program. Please keep our youth in your prayers as they continue their spiritual journey during “The Year of Faith”. In Appreciation Thank you to those who supported our Christmas tree and wreath fund raiser. Proceeds will be used towards our school’s Technology program. We also appreciate your support of our 8th grader’s Ipad2 raffle fund raiser. Proceeds will be applied to the 8th graders 2013 Washington D.C. trip. Immaculate Conception of The Virgin Mary Holy Day of Obligation Saturday, Dec. 8th Masses for the Obligation for the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary will be held on Saturday, Dec. 8th at 8 AM and 5:30 PM. Catholic Campaign for Human Development Thank you for your generosity towards the Catholic Campaign Development Second Collection last weekend. Due to early bulletin submission for the Thanksgiving holiday we do not have the collection total. It will be reported in next week’s bulletin. STA Social Justice Detention Ministry invites you to: Come bring God's love to incarcerated youth Christmas Celebration at Central Juvenile Hall! Saturday, December 15, 2012; 2 pm - 5 pm For volunteer sign up and additional information, please contact: Sonia Macias at 323-724-6443, by email: [email protected] or Dennis Rodriguez after mass at Adult Faith Formation table or by email: [email protected]. Deadline to sign up is November 26th. Must be 21 years and older. 3 Swap Meet & Craft Fair Dec. 1st 7 AM – 3 PM Our Hispanic Ministry will be hosting a Swap Meet just in time for your early holiday shopping. If you have items you would like to donate to be sold to raise funds for Our Lady of Guadalupe celebration masses, please leave them behind the fenced gate between the church and the school this weekend. Any unsold items will be donated to St. Vincent De Paul Society. To reserve a 10 x 10 space, contact Victoria Calderon at (323) 369-6295. Delicious refreshment will also be sold. Profits will be used for Our Lady of Guadalupe celebration masses. Adult Faith Formation Sign-up this Month We are proud to announce that our 2012/2013 Adult Faith Formation classes will begin on Thursday, December 6th. This is a ministry for anyone 21 years and older who is interested in continuing their spiritual growth, in preparation for the holy sacrament of Confirmation. Please stop by our table after mass this weekend to sign-up. Invite those family members and friends who you feel will benefit from this very special class offering. East LA Guadalupe Procession & Mass The annual East LA Guadalupe Procession & Mass will be held on Sunday, Dec. 2. The procession begins at 11 a.m. at the corner of Ford and Cesar Chavez avenues; the mass begins at 1:30 p.m. in the stadium of East LA College with Archbishop Jose Gomez scheduled to preside. This year, our parish will not be in the procession; instead, we hope you will join us in the East LA College stadium as we sit together as members of the STA family. Members of the Social Justice Ministry are planning to sit on the south side of the stadium starting at 10 a.m. to experience pre-event activities in the stadium and watch the procession enter the stadium. Look for the STA banner and/or signs. Although the event is primarily in Spanish, the Catholic mass is universal and our Blessed Mother’s presence can be experienced at this event. TWENTY-NINTH OUR LORD JESUS SUNDAY CHRISTIN ORDINARY TIME NOVEMBER OCTOBER 25, 21, 2012 PRAYER AND REFLECTION SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24TH– 8:00 am– MASS 9:15 am– Legion of Mary English-Dining Room 5:30 pm– MASS MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2012– 8:00 am STA PARISHIONERS SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 25TH– 8:00 am – MASS – English 9:30 am – MASS – Chinese 11:30 am – MASS – English 1:30 pm – MASS – Spanish 5:30 pm CHAN SHI (D) MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26TH– 7:00 pm– Finance Council– Parish Office 8:00 am STA PARISHIONERS 9:30 am STA PARISHIONERS TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27TH– 8:00 am – MASS 11:30 am VENANCIO DEOCARIZA (D) 1:30 pm SERGIO RUIZ (D) WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28TH– 7 pm– English Bible Study– Parish Office TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2012- THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29TH– 8:00 am— MASS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2012– FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30TH– 6:30 pm– Cub Scouts– Multipurpose Room 7:00 pm–MASS 7:30 pm– Legion of Mary– Mandarin-Parish Office 7:30 pm–Chinese Bible Study-Classroom 5 7:30 pm– Chinese Young Adults Bible Study-Classroom 8:00 pm– Chinese Youth Bible Study-Dining Room 8:00 pm– Legion of Mary– Cantonese-Parish Office FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2012- SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1ST– 7:30 am– Swap Meet & Craft Fair-Church parking lot 8:00 am– MASS 8:00 am– Chess Tournament– School 9:15 am– Legion of Mary English-Dining Room 5:30 pm– MASS KEEP IN PRAYER Sefo Petero, Felicitas Pimentel, Daniel Ramirez, Esther Ramirez, Robert Ramirez, Jean Rashoff, Jessie Marie Reyes, Andrea Reynoso, Andrew Rivera and Armendo Rivera IN GRATITUDE TO ALL WHO SUPPORTED OUR PARISH with your contributions on: NOVEMBER 17TH & 18TH: Please see next weeks bulletin Thank you for your continued support of our Parish! 4 FRANCISCO SANCHEZ (D) SOCORRO CASTANEDA (D) SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 2012– 8:00 am 8:00 am 7:00 pm STA PARISHIONERS STA PARISHIONERS LEGION OF MARY SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2012– 8:00 am STA PARISHIONERS 5:30 pm STA PARISHIONERS FOR MASS INTENTIONS CALL THE PARISH OFFICE November 25—December 2 Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Dn 7:13-14; Ps 93; Rv 1:5-8; Jn 18:33b-37 Rv 14:1-3, 4b-5; Lk 21:1-4 Rv 14:14-19; Lk 21:5-11 Rv 15:1-4; Lk 21:12-19 Rv 18:1-2, 21-23; 19:1-3, 9a; Lk 21:20-28 Rom 10:9-18; Mt 4:18-22 Rv 22:1-7; Lk 21:34-36 Jer 33:14-16; Ps 25; 1 Thes 3:12 — 4:2; Lk 21:25-28, 34-36 READ & REFLECT ON THE SCRIPTURES TWENTY-NINTH OUR LORD JESUS SUNDAY CHRISTIN ORDINARY TIME NOVEMBER OCTOBER 25, 21, 2012 NUESTRA COMUNIDAD HISPANA OUR CATHOLIC COMMUNITY AT LARGE MESSAGES FROM THE ARCHDIOCESE SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN Otro año. Queridos Hnos. en Cristo, la semana entrante empezaremos con un nuevo año litúrgico, este será el calendario C de nuestro Evangelio. Empezareis con nuevos planes de trabajo para nuestra parroquia y todos los ministerios. Esperamos empezar con fuerza alimentando nuestro ministerio con nuevos grupos de apoyo, con el favor de Dios y el apoyo de nuestra comunidad. Como siempre esperamos sus sugerencias. Preparémonos pues con mucha Fe y esperanza para esta Navidad celebrando el adviento con mucha alegría esperando la llegada de nuestro Señor Jesús. Padres de Familia, no olvidemos recordar a nuestros Hijos que en la Navidad celebramos el Nacimiento de nuestro Salvador Jesús, y que gracias a El tenemos la esperanza de la salvación. Recordemos también que este es el año que el Papa ha llamado el año de la Fe. Pongámonos en oración para así lograr una mayor fe que sea inquebrantable y así transmitirla a nuestros Hijos y los demás. Hablemos mas de Dios en nuestras casas, oremos por las vocaciones sacerdotales y religiosas, apoyemos mas a nuestra Iglesia comenzando con nuestra parroquia, eduquémonos mas en nuestra fe. Quisiera también dar gracias a todos los que nos han apoyado durante este año, al Pd. John, Pd. Jay, Pd. Manolo, a todos los Sacerdotes invitados que nos hicieron el favor de deleitarnos con el mensaje del Evangelio al los Ministerios que nos dieron su apoyo, las personas que trabajan en la rectoría y muy especialmente a ese grupo que ha estado a mi lado con toda alegría y entusiasmo luchando con una sonrisa por lograr nuestros propósitos que es servir y amar a nuestro Prójimo. Gracias a todas las personas que nos apoyaron en nuestra recaudación de fondos el Domingo antepasado. La venta estuvo como esperábamos. Se vendió todo el menudo. De una manera especial quiero dar las gracias a José Calderón por habernos hecho tan sabroso menudo, a las personas que sin consumir menudo nos donaron dinero en efectivo, Ya les daremos el total de lo recaudado, ya que falta deducir los gastos. El Domingo 9 de Diciembre tendremos otra recaudación, igualmente será menudo ya que para este tiempo cae muy bien. Por eso quisiera pedirles nuevamente de su apoyo con donaciones de Grano, Platos, Cucharas, servilletas, efectivo para la carne y el gas ya que el menudo se cocina en una parrilla por separado en un lugar adecuado a las necesidades. Ya que de esta manera quedara mas efectivo en nuestra recaudación que es para la fiesta a nuestra Señora, Virgen de Guadalupe. ~Sergio García DID YOU KNOW? Shopping mall safety tips It’s easy for kids to get sidetracked with all the sights, sounds, and smells surrounding us at holiday time. It is especially important to monitor your children when taking them through the mall during the Christmas season. If children become separated from you, teach them to look for a “safe stranger” who can help them. For example, a mom with kids or the cash register person can help a child who is lost. Avoid telling children to go to the “manager.” Any adult in a suit, who looks important, can look like the manager to a child. 2. Children must be told never to leave the mall or store to go looking for you in the parking lot. Let them know that you would never go outside or leave until you are reunited -- no matter what anyone else tells them. For particular help, you may call Assistance Ministry at (213) 637-7650. Eucharistic Celebration & Healing Service with Fr. Fernando Suarez @ Our Lady of Miraculous Medal 820 N Garfield Ave, Montebello Sat. Dec. 1st @ 12:30 PM OUR CHINESE COMMUNITY 5