SAINT JOSEPH CHURCH Roman Catholic Church Fourth Sunday of Easter Cuarto Domingo de Pascua April 26, 2015 26 de abril de 2015 See what love the Father has bestowed on us that we may be called the children of God. — 1 John 3:1 Miren cuánto amor nos ha tenido el Padre, pues no sólo nos llamamos hijos de Dios, sino que lo somos.— 1 Juan 3:1 Mission Statement We, the family of St. Joseph Church, united in covenant with the Holy Trinity through our Lord Jesus Christ in Eucharist, have a strong devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, pledge our fidelity to the teachings of the Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church, and to our Holy Father in Rome. Being a people of diverse cultures and traditions we recognize the image of God in every person we meet. We reach out to help others in our parish and community by responding to their spiritual , emotional, and personal needs. We invite with open hearts all who are united in the Catholic faith to join us in the sharing of the Sacraments and proclaiming the splendor of God. Misión de la Iglesia de San Jose Nosotros, la familia de la Iglesia de San Jose, unidos en alianza con la Santisima Trinidad atravéz de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo en la Eucharstia, tenemos una devoción muy fuerte a la Bendita Virgen Maria; juramos nuestro Santo Padre en Roma. Siendo gente de diversas culturas y tradiciones, reconocemos la imagen de Dios en cada persona que conocemos. Buscamos ayudar a otros en nuestra Parroquia y comunidad, respondiedo a sus necesidades espirituales, emocionales y personales. Invitamos con el Coazón abierto, a todos quienes estan unidos en la Fé Católica, a acompañamos a compartin los sacramentos y a proclamar el esplendor de Dios. May 15, 2007 Celebration of the Eucharist Celebración de la Eucaristia Saturday-Sábado Vigil Mass 5:30 pm Sunday –Domingo Mass English 8:00 am and 11:00 am Misa en Español 1:00 pm Daily Mass Refer to schedule inside bulletin Holy Days Refer to schedule inside bulletin Sacrament of Reconciliation Sacramento de la Reconcilición Sacrament of Baptism Sacramento del Bautismos Infants: Instructions for parents and Godparents, please contact Parish Office at least 3 month in advance. Religious Education Religious Education en Español RCIA (Adults) Wednesday from 6:30 pm — 8:00 pm Religious Education Please check inside bulletin Confirmation (Youth) Sundays 9:30 am –10:30 am Saturdays –Sábado 4:00 pm—5:00 pm Sundays –Domingo 12:30 pm Sacrament of Matrimony — Sacramento del Matrimonio Please contact our Church office at least 6 months in advance at 866-3030 Por favor contactarse con la oficina parroquial con al menos 6 meses de anticipación al 866-3030 42242 North Shore Drive, (P.O. Box 1709), Big Bear Lake, CA 92315 Parish Office: (909)866-3030 Fax: (909)866-5087 Parish Office Hours: Monday thru Friday 9:00 am—2:00 pm Parish Administrator: Father Eliseus Uju Deacon Ralph Partida Jr., Deacon Jim Weber, Deacon Brooke Wagner Please come to Mass Early enough not to disrupt, Leave late enough not to insult, And dress humbly enough not to offend Parish Ministries List AA — (12 Step) — Mark D. 909-912-5032 ADOPT AN AREA — Karl Ahee 951-365-9495 ADULT CONFIRMATON— Mike McIntire 909-866-4591 Ann Licona 909-585-0691 ALTAR SERVERS — Deacon Jim Weber 909-225-0736 ALTAR SOCIETY — Jacqueline Bakhos 909-567-9876 BAPTISMS — Call Office 909-866-3030 BEREAVEMENT COORDINATOR/FUNERALS — BEREAVEMENT/GRIEF SUPPORT— Dcn.Ralph Partida 909-866-3030—909-866-4137 BEREAVEMENT HOSPITALITY—Ed Signor 909-709-2547 CHURCH ENVIRONMENT — Dave and Donna Peters CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP— Juliann Hilton 909-585-7314 CHOIR — Mark Dolan 909-912-5032 Patti Byrd 909-585-8443 CODA — Camisha 909-534-9429 EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS — Eileen Hofer 909-856-4232 FINANCE COUNCIL — Fritz Iuppenlatz 951-532-6288 FOOD PANTRY — Dale Lissy 909-638-8205 HOSPITALITY — KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS — Sam Viglione 909-273-7636 LECTORS — Eileen Hofer 909-956-4232 LEGION OF MARY— President , Shirley Westover 909-585-0382 Vice President , Elsie Bush 909-866-7313 LEGION OF MARY (SPAN.) — Margarite Villalobos 909-362-2175 LIBRARY — Celine Dodds 909-534-8542 MAINTENANCE COORDINATOR — Deacon Jim Weber 909-225-0736 MINISTRY OF WORSHIP — Patti Byrd 909-585-8443 NATIVE AMERICAN MINISTRIES — Dcn Ralph Partida, Jr. 909-866-3030 NFP- NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING — Dcn. Ralph & Virginia Partida 866-3030 --866-4137 OA (coming Soon) — Gianna 909-585-6187 PARISH MAINTENANCE — Dcn Ralph Partida, Jr. 909-866-3030 PASTORAL COUNCIL —Evelyn Fonda 909-585-3690 PRAYER VINE — Office 909-866-3030 PRO-LIFE — Miriam McIntire 909-866-4591 or Norma Ruiz 909-585-5458 QUINCEAÑERAS —– Hermina Mangels 909-800-4705 REBUILT — Mark Dolan 909-912-5032 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION — Ann Licona 909-585-0691 RCIA- — Mike McIntire 909-866-4591, Ann Licona 909-585-0691 SAFE ENVIRONMENT POLICY COORDINATOR— Gary White 909-519-7560 SAN JUAN PABLO II — Domingo Rojas 909-520-9064 SMALL FAITH COMMUNITIES — Elizabeth Iuppenlatz 951-532-1070 SPANISH MINISTRIES —– Dcn. Ralph Partida 909-866-4137 USHER MINISTRY — Gregg Pilcher 909-520-9549 WEDDING COORDINATOR — Hermina Mangels 909-800-4705 WOMEN’S FELLOWSHIP — Rebecca David 909-585-4417 YOUTH CONFIRMATION PROGRAM — Ann Licona 909-585-0691 DRESS CODE Please remember when you get ready for Mass on Saturday or Sunday to dress accordingly. Especially if you are a Minister of any kind during Mass .You are entering a place of worship. Thank you so much This Week’s Calendar SUNDAY, APRIL 26 Religious Education — 9:30 –10:30 am — Hall *check schedule for actual dates Youth Group — 5:00-7:00pm — Hall MONDAY, APRIL 27 CODA — 5:15 pm-6:30pm —St. Joseph AA Meeting — 7:30 pm –8:30 pm — St. Joseph Rebuilt Meet. (First Monday of the Month) — 6:30pm –8:00pm — OLG room TUESDAY, APRIL 28 Food Pantry — 9:00am — 11:00am — Food Pantry/God’s Gym Women’s Faith Group — 9:45 am—11:00 am — Hall (Second Tuesday of the month only) AA — 6:00 pm — St. Joseph San Juan Pablo II grupo— 7:00pm-9:00pm— Hall Grief Support Group — (please call office) Pastoral Council (first Tuesday of the month) — 6:00 pm –8:00pm—Dcn. Office WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29 Choir Rehearsal — 4:30 pm –6:00 pm— Church Spanish Choir Rehearsal —6:00pm – 6:30 pm— Curch Legion of Mary (Spanish) — 6:30pm-7:30pm— St. Joseph RCIA— 6:30 pm—8:00 pm — Hall THURSDAY, APRIL 30 Legion of Mary — 8:45 am, after 8 am Mass — St.Joseph OA — 3:30 pm-5:00pm — St Joseph Knights of Columbus (second Thursday of the month) — 6:00pm-8:00pm — OLG Sunday Readings Bible Study (1st and 3rd Thursday of the month—7:00pm –8:30pm— Hall FRIDAY, MAY 1 AA Meeting —11:00 am-12 noon — St. Joseph CODA —12:30 pm –1:30 pm — St. Joseph AA Meeting — 7:00pm- 8:00 pm — St. Joseph SATURDAY, MAY 2 MASS INTENTIONS Mass intentions refer to the particular purpose for which a specific Mass is offered. This may be to honor God or thank him for blessings received. But technically a Mass intention means that the sacrifice is offered for some person (s) living or dead. Also called the application of a Mass, it pertains to the ministerial fruits of the Mass. These fruits are both extensively and intensively finite in virtue of the positive will of Christ. Other things being equal, the more often the sacrifice is offered the more benefit is conferred to the person who requested the Mass and to person for whom the Mass was requested If you would like a Mass intention for one of your loved ones (Rest in Peace or Special Intentions), Please come to the office. The customary donation is $10.00 Wall of Remembrance The Remembrance Wall located in our Memorial garden was constructed as a place to leave a lasting memorial for a loved one. A plaque engraved with your loved one’s name may be purchased by filling out the form in the Narthex. PRAYER VINE If you or someone you know is in need of prayer, and would like to be on the prayer vine, please call the office at 866-3030 NEWS and OPPORTUNITY SCHEDULE April May May May 26 1 2 2 1st Communion at 11am Mass All Day Adoration Anointing of the Sick after 5:30 pm Mass PMFP 8:30 am — 3:30 pm The Sacred Heart Sisters at Sacred Heart Retreat Camp Are seeking to hire a Relief Cook For information please call: 909-866-5696 Sacred Heart Retreat Camp is an Equal Opportunity Employer SACRED HEART WOMEN’S RETREAT “Remain in My Love” Conducted by the Sacred Heart Sisters at the Sacred Heart Retreat Camp, Big Bear Lake: May 1-3, 2015. The retreat will include communal and private prayer. Celebrations of the Eucharist and Reconciliation will highlight the retreat experience. ISRAEL Come and join Fr. Eliseus on a trip to the “Holy Land” October 11 to October 22 Spend time in Amman, Petra, Dead Sea, Galilee, Nazareth, Cana Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Jericho and many more stops. Experience first hand the live and places of Jesus’s and the Bible Follow Jesus’s footsteps in his travels Flyers are in the Narthex and for more information please call Celine Dodds at 909– 534-8542 It’s a life time opportunity May Crowning Join us on Sunday May 3rd at 10 am for the May Crowning, Bring some flowers and your favorite Rosary Come and be refreshed by the love and company of our Lord Jesus Christ. Donation: $100 For more information ,call 909-866-5696. SCRIPT…...SCRIPT…… SCRIPT …… SCRIPT Get your script for Stater Bros here at St Josephs we are selling script after all the Masses or if you needed right away please call or text Terese McCallon at 909-725-5800 ON WEALTH Nothing is more fallacious than wealth. It is a hostile comrade, a domestic enemy. THE LEGION OF MARY — WHO ARE WE??? —St. John Chrysostom Our presidium is named, “Our Lady of Great Joy”, part of an international association of lay Catholics under the powerful leadership of Mary Immaculate, sanctioned by the church. “Where the Mother is, there too is the Son.” Pope John Paul II Our beloved Priest, Father Eliseus attended Legion of Mary meetings as a young boy, with his mother, and asked why his name was not called at role call? Our Lord heard him, called his name, and the rest is history to our great Blessing. We serve the Priest as he wills , visiting the Homebound, Hospital; Whatever is required to bring the Church to those who cannot attend Mass. We are seeking additional Legionnaires. Come join us. We can surely use your fresh enthusiasm and insight. Our Burden is Light and the Rewards are Eternal Contact Shirley 909-585-0382 Elsie 909-866-7313 Mass and Prayer Schedule READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Acts 11:1-18; Ps 42:2-3; 43:3, 4; Jn 10:1-10 Tuesday: Acts 11:19-26; Ps 87:1b-7; Jn 10:22-30 Wednesday: Acts 12:24 — 13:5a; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8;Jn 12:44-50 Thursday: Acts 13:13-25: Ps 89:2-3, 21-22, 25, 27; Jn 13:16-20 Friday: Acts 13:26-33; Ps 2:6-11ab; Jn 14:1-6 or (for the memorial) Gn 1:26 — 2:3 or Col 3:14-15, 17, 23-24; Ps 90:2-4, 12-14, 16; Mt 13:54-58 Saturday: Acts 13:44-52; Ps 98:1-4; Jn 14:7-14 Sunday: Acts 9:26-31; Ps 22:26-28, 30-32; 1 Jn 3:18-24; Jn 15:1-8 Traveling Madonna All parishioner are invited to partake in the Adoration of the blessed Mother of Christ, in the month of May, which is dedicated to her. This custom comes to us after centuries of pilgrimage in Europe during the times when there weren’t enough churches or Madonna’s; So, they went from home to home, where people would pay homage to her in their homes. Would you like to travel with the Madonna in May and pray the Rosary? We will start on Thursday, May 1 after Father Eliseus has given a Blessing at 8:00 am Mass Friday, May 1st after 8:00 am Mass Mike and Miriam McIntire 909-866-4591 813 Knight, Big Bear Lake Wednesday, May 6th 7:00pm Deacon Jim and Susan Weber 909-585-4332 466 Hillendale, Big Bear City Wednesday, May 13th 7:00 pm Deacon Ralph and Virginia Partida 909-585-4332 42449 Holiday Ln., Big Bear Lake Wednesday, May 20st 7:00 pm Brooke and Kathy Wagner 909-585-8131 288 Lofty View Dr., Big Bear City Sunday, May 31st return Madonna to church Saturday, April 25 Saint Mark 4:00 pm Confession 5:30 pm Mass — Rev. Eduardo Aguirre (Special Inten) Easter Sunday, April 26 Fourth Sunday of Easter — White World Day of Prayer for Vocations 1st Communion at 11 am Mass 8:00 am Mass — † William Albert McEwen (Rest in Peace) 11:00 am Mass — Jane Signor (Special Inten) 12:30 pm Confession 1:00 pm Misa en Español — Porla Communidad Monday, April 27 7:25 am Rosary 8:00 am Communion Service Tuesday, April 28 Saint Peter Chanel, Saint Louis Grignion de Montfort 7:25 am Rosary 8:00 am Communion Service Wednesday, April 29 Saint Catherine of Siena 7:25 am Rosary 8:00 am Mass — after Mass expositition of the Blessed Sacrament Thursday, April 30 Saint Pius V 7:25 am Rosary 8:00 pm Mass — (Special Inten) Friday, May 1 Saint Joseph the Worker All Day Adoration 7:25 am Rosary 8:00 am Mass — † Darlene Carey (Rest in Piece) Saturday, May 2 Saint Athanasius Anointing of the Sick after 5:30 pm Mass 4:00 pm Confession 5:30 pm Mass — Rev. Henry Ruszel (Special Inten) Easter Sunday, May 3 Fifth Sunday of Easter — White 8:00 am Mass — Richard Noyola (Special Inten) 11:00 am Mass — Gen Kelso (Special Inten) 12:30 pm Confession 1:00 pm Misa en Español — Porla Communidad All Day Adoration Friday May 1, starting after 8:00 am until 4:00 pm Use this opportunity to spend some time with Our Lord. Sign up sheet is in the Narthex (We have to make sure that someone is with Jesus at all Times) Please pray for the health of the following Por favor de orar por la salud de los siguientes: Luz Aguileria StuartAlexander Patrick Anderson Lori Amicone Ann Ruth Stephen Armstrong Wesley Armstrong Timothy Armstrong Michael Avilez Mariah Baldwin Alvin Benner Silvino Bautista Marion Borrell Hyden Braneman Gordon Brande Mario Brandoni Eileen Brandoni Joan Brand Barbara Brown Cynthia Brown Luis Brutocao Eunice Bylin Ken Bourgeois Kellie Bugley Mary Burling Maryan Burley Rose Buscomi Mary Pat Carothers Gregory Carrothers Todd Clements Jimmy Cleland Joe & Pat Costa Melanie Crote Sebastien Daniels John Day Greg Davis Jason & Shady Davis Cash & Sydnie & Summer Davis Jon Davis Brenda Davis McKenzie Bowen Mary Davis Brian Davis Margie De Lany Stephanie Evans Bob Esmay Steve Faraci Bonnie Fregoe Kyson Frazee Rick Fromm Eddie Garcia Lourie Garcia Ramir Garamillo Kurt Grabau Katie Green Gary Greenleaf Mike Greenleaf Ester Gardner Marcie Griffiths Anna Griseavage Jack & Fran Golden Arlene Gonzalez Frank Hayes Haygod Fam. Matt Halley Sandra and Paul Hartman Elizabeth Herrick Sally Henningfeld Amy Herrera Cesar Hernandez Ann Hosfield Michele Huffman Fritz Iuppenlatz Rainer Jaramillo Brandon Johnson Lindsey Johnson Karissa Johnson Larry Keenan Josie Kennedy Ray Kent Ari Kent Ronda King Ronald L. King Mary Koker Laura Kulisek Renee Lanitabeebe Ramon Lam Wendy Lamb Rick Lamb Gary Laudy Jessica Lee Elisha Lee Mary Lenz Barb LeCroy Patricia Lenzi Catherine Liberto Jessica Licona Sarah Licona Julia Licona Vivien Liesmeyer Arlen Lynch Tera Little Casey Loftus Mary-Ann Lubecki Margarita Adeline Malak Beau Marshall Arthur Mallette Matthew Massman Monique Marshall Suzanne Martinez Sabrina McCleod Adrian Mckee Ian McKee Alfred McNulty Miriam McIntire Kim McDonald Jackie Meistrell Doris Meneses Tim Mestas Joe Messineo Moriah Miller Daniel Miller Laurey Montague Judy Moore Gunner Gustavo Morris Ruben Munoz Jessica Marie Murauka Brandi Munson Nakamoto Sandie Tom & Deanna Neal Arthur Negrete John & Elly Nottle Ruben Nunoz Tabitha Oogjen Tavin Oogjen Augie Pagan Julie Parks Annilese Pedroza Marie Penn Stephen Perrone Anne Pincus Carlee Pixley Keith & Elizabeth Prescott Stewart Pritikin Jeffrey Pritikin Jodi Pritikin George Mark Probasco Allen Potera Antonette Ransdell Olga Rodriguez Toni Rini Ken Romney Ann-Marie Ruiz Gilbert Saavedra Carmen Saaveda Adam Saunders Robert Salseda Patrick Salseda Dan Shea Teresa & Ray Sellan Bill Sandstrom Julie Schwieterman Adriana Silva Phylis Shackells Julia Shepherd Please pray for our men and women in the Military and Public Service: Lynda Steinhene Louise Strasser John Strasser John Stratton Michael Spicher Elaine Spreng Bob Schulte Glenda Smith Gail Stefas Brian Stone Rick Stout Pat Swanson Ron Taylor Jana Taylor Phillip Terrio John Terranova Denise Terranova Robert Terranova Addy Trexler Joan Tipton Raylin Torres Jean Valenzuela Lori Van Dell Martin & Eva VanHolzer Janet Wardell John and Lou Walker Shirley Westover Dcn Jim Weber Vera Willie Alice White Meghan White Gary White Ron White Michael Welsh Dorothy Weger John Wengen Gayle White Donald Wilkie Lucy Katherine Wright Henry Wrobleski Silva Ynzunza Naty and Pedro Zepada Ellie Lt. Luke Grandma Pam AddictedParents Please let us know on a monthly base if a name should stay on the prayer list, unless prior arraignments have been made. Ssgt Derek C. Kern USAF, Sgt Mjr. James Westover US Army, , Erik Karpati US Army, , GSMFN Ryan H. Befort US Navy, , Alexander Oogjen US Marine, , SSGT Aaron Botenhagen USMC, , DCC Jonathan Davis US Navy, PFC Ben Siep US Army, Tony Espera , PFC Domonic Solomon, Sgt. Jason Westerman US MC, , Kenny Langelier US Airforce , SSgt Cory Meeker, , Ian Salazar, Marine, David Paul Bollier, US Navy, HT2(SW)(AW) Misty Garison US Navy, Edwin Westover, Seamus Clark, US Army Kody Lynch, US Army Matt Purcell, EO1 Robert Diaz Navy, Senior Master Sgt Andre R. Kreil National Guard, FN Jillian Stock US Navy, Collin Lynch PFC, Donovan Johnson and squadron INFANT BAPTISM CLASSES — ENGLISH AND SPANISH Pre-Baptismal classes are offered for all parents seeking Baptism for their infants. The class renews the spiritual awareness of parents and godparents regarding their responsibilities in requesting Baptism for their child. It also permits the parents and godparents to interact with each other in a spiritual setting prior to Baptism and be sure that all the paper work and other requirements are met. The classes are; ($10.00 per person attending and $50.00 for Baptism) For more information please call Deacon Ralph Partida at 909-8663030 CLASES BAUTISMALES PARA NINÓS EN INGLÉS Y ESPAÑOL CLases prebautismales, son ofrecidas para todos los padres que desean Bautismo para sus ninos. Las clases renuevan el conocimiento espiritual de los padres y padrinos a cerca de sus responsabilidades en solicitar Bautismo para sus hijos. Tambien permite que los padres y padrinos se integren con cada uno en un espacio espiritual antes del Bautismo y asegurarse de que todos los documentos y otros requisitos esten en orden Para mas informacion a cerca de estas clases llamar al Diacono Rafel Partida al telefono 909-866-3030 Unción de los Enfermos:El Padre Eliseus continuará ofreciendo Unción de los Enfermos a quienes esten en necesidad, el primer Domingo de cada mes. Aquellos interesados deverán plenear en atender: Marzo 7en la misa de las 5:30 pm Abril 4 en la misa de las 5:30 pm Mayo 2 en la misa de las 5:30 pm Anointing of the Sick: Father Eliseus will offer Anointing of the Sick to all who are in need on the first Saturday of each month. After Mass March 7th 5:30 pm Mass April 4th 5:30 pm Mass May 2nd 5:30 pm Mass QUINCEAÑÉRAS If you are thinking of celebrating your quinceaneras Mass, you need to speak with Hermina Mangels 800-4705 Six month in advance The classes will be offered two to three times per year QUINCEAÑÉRAS Si peinsan celebrar su misa de 15 años, necesitan hablar con Hermina Mangels, 800-4705, con 6 meses de anticipasion. Las clases de 15 ra seran solo dos o tres veces al años. “Be ye fishers of men.” You catch them — He‘ll clean them. TRADITIONAL LATIN MASS First and Third Sunday of the Month 6:00 pm. St. James Catholic Church 269 W. 3rd St., Perris, Ca 92570 Sung in full Gregorian Mode By “ The Chant Choir of Blessed Rosmini” OUTREACH PROGRAMS Temporary or Permanently shut-in/disabled? Can’t get to Mass ? PROJECT RACHEL There is hope and healing after abortion. Do not feel alone. If you or someone you know suffered the loss of a child by abortion, a single phone call to Project Rachel can be the first step on the path of healing. Project Rachel has professional counselors and priests that care and want to help. Please call (800)794-7863 Let the Legion of Mary visit and bring Holy Communion to you in your home. Please give Shirley 585-0382 or Elsie 866-7313 a call for more information IF YOU NEED A RIDE TO MASS PLEASE CALL BIG BEAR TAXI- THE RIDE TO AND FROM CHURCH IS OF NO CHARGE – THE NUMBER IS 866-8294. FOOD PANTRY HOURS TUESDAY 9:00 AM — 11:00 AM GRATIS SERVICIOS DE CIUDADANIA DE LUNES A CIERNES EN: CARIDADES CATOLICAS 1450 N “D” STR. SAN BERNARDINO Para hacer una cita o obtener mas informacion sobre su peticion por favor llamenos al telefono (909) 388-1243 de Lunes a Viernes de 8:00 am —4:00 pm If you have emotional or spiritual wounds as a result of a past abortion, please consider attending a Rachel’s Vineyard healing retreat. The weekend retreat will combine discussions, spiritual exercises, the sacrament of reconciliation, a Memorial Service and a Mass of Entrustment. Participation is strictly confidential and offers a beautiful opportunity to experience God’s love, forgiveness and compassion. For more information please contact Mary Huber at 909-4755352/[email protected] or visit the website Si usted tiene heridas emocionales o espirituales como resultado de un aborto en el pasado, por favor consiere asistir un retiro da sanacion de La Vina de Raquel. El retiro de fin de semana se combinara de discursos, ejercicios espirituales, sacramento de reconciliacion, un Servicio Conmemorativo y una Misa de Accion encomendada. La participacion es estrictamente confidencioal y ofrece una oportunidad precosia de experimentar el amor de Dios, el perdon y compassion. Par mas informacion puede ponerse en contacto con Mary Huber al [email protected] o visit la pagina web OFFERTORY REPORT: MONTH OF JANUARY/FEBRUARY Thank you all for your continued gifts of time, talent, and treasure to St. Joseph’s! May God Bless you for your generous support February 15 Plate & Envelopes Parish Pay/Monthly Assistance to the Poor Religious Education DDF –2015 Capital Improvement Ash Wednesday Easter Flowers TOTAL February 22 March 8 March 15 $6,745 $4,331 $5,129 $4,716 $5,303 $ $3,150 $ $ $ $91 $ $ $ $ $ $ $75 $390 $ $ $2,415 $ $ $526 $250 $ $ $ $ $ $142 $ $ $ $ $292 $ $187 $55 $ $ $ $ $ $6,836 $10,361 $5,905 $5,905 $5,545 If God is your Copilot —Swap seats! Do you own a Business or provide a Service? March 1 Would you like to advertise your business or service to your parish community? J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. prints our bulletin every week, if your interested in advertising please call Raul at 1-800-231-0805 Our Bulletin number is 513990 Many Thanks – We wish to thank the business people who use our bulletin for advertising their products and services. We appreciate your support! MASS TIMES NATIONWIDE For Free Info on Nationwide MASS TIMES AND LOCATION Please Call 1-800-627-7846 or The website for the Diocese of San Bernardino is: Youth News Love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength! ~Youth Group from 5:00 – 7:00 on Sundays~ Teen Bible Study~Dinner~Games~Music We will meet April 26 and May 3, 24, & 31 Religious Education Dates 1stReconciliation–Friday,April24that5:00intheChurch 1stCommunion–Sunday,April26that11:00Mass–BILINGUALMASS Con irmation–Tuesday,May26that7:00 MAKE SURE TO SIGN THE MASS ATTENDANCE SHEETS DURING SUMMER IF YOU ARE ENTERING YOUR 2ND YEAR OF SACRAMENT PREPARATION ASEGURARSE DE FIRMAR LAS HOJAS DE ASISTENCIA DE MISA EN VERANO SI VA HACER SU 2DO AÑO DE PREPARACIÓN DE LOS SACRAMENTOS Fechas de la Doctrina PrimeraReconciliació n-Viernes,24deabrilalas5:00delaIglesia Primeracomunió n-Domingo,26deabrila11:00Misa-LAMISABILINGUE Con irmació n-Martes,26demayoalas7:00 Please pray for the following children who will receive their 1st Communion this year Miranda David Hannah Marini Cindy Montes Bernadette Faustina Bakhos Melanie Castaneda Dustin David Alexia Flores Yessenia Flores Jade Garcia Lindsay Montes Jacqueline Pacheco Melanie Pacheco Ines Pedrosa-Rodriguez Andrea Santos Mathew Valencia Giada Virgilio Stephanie Rodriguez EWTN APRIL HIGHLIGHTS PACIFIC STANDARD TIME LIVE SOLEMN MASS OF PENTECOST FROM ROME WITH POPE FRANCIS — May 24th at 1 AM; Encore May 24th at 9 AM LIVE: OUR LADY OF FATIMA INTERNATIONAL ROSARY AND CNADLELIGHT PROCESSION — May 12 at 1:30 PM THE PAPACY: A LIVING HISTORY — A priceless collection of papal artifacts. May 8th at 12AM & 3:30 PM DVD CLARITY, CHARITY, AND HOMOSEXUALITY — Catholic Church’s teaching. May 3rd at 7 PM & May 7th at 2 AM CATHOLICISM — A journey around the world to display spiritual treasures April 20—24 at 12 AM & 3:30 PM (5 Parts) NEW: AT THE HEART OF RELATIONSHIPS — Todays chaotic dating scene. May 11th — 15th at 12 AM & 3:30 PM JOY OF MUSIC TRIBUTE TO MOTHERS AROUND THE WORLD — May 10th at 3:30 AM EWTN NEWS NIGHTLY — Daily news and analysis program from Washington D.C. Monday —Friday at 3 PM with encores Mon.-Fri. at 6PM & 11PM EWTN is located with Charter cable on channel 165 , Direct TV on channel 370, Satellite on channel 261 and on the internet at Please call Mary Burling if you have any questions 909-585-1882
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