September 2, 2012 - St. Leo the Great Catholic Church | Fairfax


September 2, 2012 - St. Leo the Great Catholic Church | Fairfax
September 2, 2012 I also encourage all to visit the
website of the United States Conference of Catholic
Bishops :
Dear Friends,
Our annual parish picnic this year will be held next
Saturday September 8. This is always a great opportunity
to gather to celebrate as a parish family. As in years past, I
am parcularly thankful to the Knights of Columbus for all
their hard work planning, cooking, and serving great
tradional summerme faire. I am also grateful to the
members of St. Leo School PTO for assisng in the
organizaon of the fun rides and games. All are invited to
share this me of fellowship and fun. There is no charge
for the food which will be available on the field adjacent to
Providence Hall. All day passes for the rides and games will
be $5. I am parcularly pleased that since the picnic will be
on Saturday this year, any persons who are actually able to
dunk me in the tank will have the opportunity for
absoluon when confessions begin at 3:30 PM. I assure
you, you will be forgiven. The rain date is Sunday
September 9.
The Catechism of the Catholic states: “It is the duty
of cizens to contribute along with the civil authories to
the good of society in a spirit of truth, jusce, solidarity,
and freedom. The love and service of one’s country follow
from the duty of gratude and belong to the order of
charity. Submission to legimate authories and service of
the common good require cizens to fulfill their roles in
the life of the public community.”
The Catechism observes that “every society’s
judgments and conduct reflect a vision of man and his
desny. Without the light the Gospel sheds on God and
man, sociees easily become totalitarian.” The
responsibility we possess as cizens and as men and
women of faith is great. The Church reaffirms the
obligaon we have to parcipate in the life of our naon
and to exercise our right to influence society for the good
of all. We do have an obligaon to pray for those in
authority. But according to the teaching of the Church coresponsibility for the common good also makes it morally
obligatory to exercise the right to vote. We have an
obligaon to fulfill our role in the life of the public
The deadline to register to vote in the upcoming
general elecon is October 5. For more informaon visit
In Christ,
Rev. David A. Whitestone, Pastor
Welcome Home Are you or someone you know
questioning or struggling to accept some aspect of Church
teachings, feeling unable to participate in the Church,
or that the Catholic faith is irrelevant? Welcome Home is an
opportunity for Catholics to find answers and support in a
respectful, welcoming setting. The group will meet twice a
month on Sunday evenings, starting October 14th. Each
session will include a brief talk, small group discussions,
and opportunities for private individual meetings. We are all
on a journey to our true home, and we need each other.
Please come, and invite any Catholic who is questioning
or away from the Church to find the answers for which they
are looking. For more information, please contact Deacon
Dave Maurer or Carolyn Smith at 703-273-5369.
Saint Leo Parish Picnic and Fesval
combined! Please join us Saturday,
September 8th from 11am to 3pm
when we will gather together as a
Church and School to enjoy food,
rides, games and the company of our friends. Food and
fellowship are free– All day pass for rides $5. Event
sponsored by St. Leo Parish and the Knights of Columbus.
To volunteer or for info, email Silvia: [email protected].
The Year of Faith Did you know that Pope Benedict XVI has
declared a "Year of Faith" that will begin this October? Want to
know what this is all about? Join Saint Leo's Young
Adult Group on Thursday, September 6th at 7:30pm in the
St. Matthew Room, Parish Hall for a talk on the "Year of
Faith" given by Fr. Wagner. We'll learn what this year is all
about and how we can prepare to enter into this special year!
St. Leo Adult Bible Study group will begin our 2012-13 study
on Thursday, September 13th at 7:30 pm, in the St. Matthew
Room, Parish Hall. The group will meet on the 2nd & 4th
Thursdays each month. Drawing on what we've learned about
Christianity's roots in Judaism and the Hebrew Scriptures, we
will begin with the Messianic prophecies of Isaiah, and then
proceed to a study of Matthew. Participants are encouraged to
obtain a copy of The Navarre Bible edition of St. Matthew. Call
Norma Jo Shore: 703-978-3361 for details.
—Please remember in your prayers the repose of the
souls of the faithful departed.
—We ask you to remember those in need of our
daily prayers, especially: Rudy Regala.
HOLIDAY SCHEDULE: In observance of
the Labor Day holiday, Saint Leo rectory
office and all parish facilities will be closed
Monday, September 3rd. Mass will be
celebrated at 6:15 and 9am.
each month, Saint Leo features a blessing for Expectant and
Adopting Parents in support of life & family. The blessing will
take place after the 9am Mass in the church. Parents in any
stage of pregnancy or the adoption process are invited.
THE 11 AM MASS TODAY, September 2nd, will be for the
souls of those parishioners, family members and friends who
have died during the last month. If you would like to have
someone remembered in the Prayers of the Faithful at this
Mass, please call 703-273-5369.
There will be a silent mini-retreat/evening of recollection
for women at St Leo Tuesday, Sept. 4th from 7:30-9:00 pm. 2
meditations & confessions heard by a priest of Opus Dei, & a
talk “contemplatives in the middle of the world”. All women
invited. Sponsored by Opus Dei. Call Peg: 703-620-4945.
September 3 through September 9
Ella May Evans
Tina Bartolotta
Sylvia Baron (anniv.)
Stephen Pepin (anniv.)
Eddie Bollero
Paul Brzonkala
Al Bike
Mary Fromme
Sophie Hoydic
Alberto Recio
Special Intention
Sylvia Winter (anniv.)
Mary Rose McTague
Crayons For Kids Classroom Supplies and Other
School Supplies Needed (Please Send New
Items Only) This weekend, September 1-2, Parish
Girl Scouts will collect school supplies for St.
Anthony’s School in D.C. Cash donations also
appreciated & accepted. Please put monetary
donations in an envelope marked “Crayons for Kids” and place
in the Offertory basket. Please make checks payable to St. Leo
the Great Church & indicate “Crayons for Kids” on the memo
line. All donations will be put towards audio-visual equipment,
reading program, &/or religious articles. Donations will be
taken this weekend (Sept. 1-2) after all Masses.
2013 Entertainment Books 1000s of $$ of discounts
from local & national restaurants, hotels, theaters &
other activities. Fr. Diamond Council, K of C, is
selling the books as a fundraiser for $30 each. Books
may be used immediately upon receipt & are valid
until Nov. 2013. Available at KofC Breakfasts or call
David Todd: 703-352-2724 or email [email protected].
Copies also at rectory office 8-4, Mon-Fri.
The Columbiettes, the Ladies’ Auxiliary for the Fr. Diamond
Council Knights of Columbus, is hosting a CRAFT FAIR at St.
Leo on Sunday, October 21st (8am- 3pm). We are now
accepting registrations from vendors interested in renting booth
space for this fair. Contact Linda Baringhaus at 703-385-9455
or [email protected] for registration information.
1 Cor 2:1-5; Lk 4:16-30
1 Cor 2:10b-16; Lk 4:31-37
1 Cor 3:1-9; Lk 4:38-44
1 Cor 3:18-23; Lk 5:1-11
1 Cor 4:1-5; Lk 5:33-39
Mi 5:1-4a Mt 1:1-16, 18-23
Is 35:4-7a; Jas 2:1-5
Paul Brzonkala
John Judge
Michael Santiago
Special Intention
For the Parish
In addition to the regular schedule of Masses, Mass has been
offered for the following intentions: Special Intention, Special
Intention, Mr. and Mrs. Teodoro Cabellos, Ronnel A. Cristobal.
at Saint Leo. The next class is Tuesday, September
11th at 7:30 pm in the St. Mark room. Please call the
rectory office (703-273-5369) to register.
Low Gluten Hosts are available for those who need them.
Please inform the sacristan before Mass begins.
The second collection next weekend
is for Religious Education.
Please be generous.
“Be doers of the word, and not merely hearers
who deceive themselves.” Jesus is the Word
who calls you to serve Him in truth. Is He inviting
you to priesthood or the consecrated life? Call
Father Brian Bashista: 703-841-2514, or write:
[email protected].
Celebrating a Silver or Golden Wedding
Anniversary This Year? Were you married in 1962
or 1987? Join Bishop Loverde for the 2012 Marriage
Jubilee Mass to be celebrated Sunday October 14th
at 2:30pm at the Cathedral of St. Thomas More.
Contact St. Leo parish office (703-273-5369) to register by
Sept. 14th. Visit:
Would you like to meet other women interested in their faith?
Court Queen of Peace of the Catholic Daughters of the
Americas welcomes interested women to join us on the 2nd
Monday of the month, at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 5115
Little Falls Road, in Arlington. Our next meeting is Monday
September 10 at 1 pm. For info, call Teresa: 703-573-1582.
English Classes Available at St. Leo the Great Learn
English! Register for English classes on Saturday, Sept. 8th
from 10am-12pm. Classes begin Saturday, September 15th at
10am. The cost is $50 for the semester. Cash or money orders
only. For more information, call Hogar Immigrant Services at
(703) 534-9805 ext. 222.
Saint Leo the Great Catholic School
invites interested parents to visit the school
and learn what makes us a
National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence
Applications are available for pickup at the school office
from 8am to 12 noon, and on the school
All completed applications, with copies of
supporting documents, may be sent
through the mail or hand-carried to the
school between the hours of 9am and
2pm. Financial Aid packets are also
available upon request. In the event of inclement weather,
please check the website, or call the school office, 703-273
-1211 for information.
Applications available:
PLEASE NOTE: Saint Leo parishioners receive preferential
status in Pre-School through eighth grade applications.
In-parish families must be registered.
September 2, 2012
Faith & Food at P.J. Skidoos
Join your parish priests at P.J. Skidoos, 9908
Fairfax Boulevard Fairfax, on September 10, at 7:00 pm, for
an evening of fellowship and lively discussion over dinner
(appe3zers on us!). We will be in a larger space, so be sure
to bring your friends! All ages are welcome! We will also
meet on Oct. 15, Nov. 12 & Dec. 10. To suggest topics or
submit ques3ons you would like to have answered, contact
Carolyn: [email protected] or 703-273-7277.
Rite of Christian Initiation and Adult Confirmation
Classes for the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)
and for those seeking Confirmation will begin again on
September 19th. If you, or someone you know, is interested
in learning more about the Catholic faith, or in becoming a
Catholic, please join us! Any adult wishing to receive the
Sacrament of Confirmation will need to attend the RCIA
classes beginning in the Fall. Watch the bulletin for info.
For addi3onal informa3on regarding any of the above
events, please contact Carolyn Smith:
[email protected] or 703-273-5369.
Calling all interested in serving God by praising Him in song.
Please consider serving your church by joining the Music
Ministry. If you have been thinking about singing with us…..
There are three choirs for adults:
Traditional Choir: sings for the 11am Mass on Sunday
mornings September - June. They also prepare music for Holy
Days, Confirmation, Christmas Midnight Mass, Holy Week, &
various other celebrations where music is needed throughout
the year. The choir rehearses Wednesday evening from 7:30 –
9pm in the St. Cecilia room. 1st rehearsal Wed., Aug. 29th.
Contemporary Choir returns to the 9am Mass August 26th
under the direction of Ann LaBarge. This choir rehearses
Thursday evening in the St. Cecilia music room at 7:30pm.
Gregorian Schola under the direction of Bob Adams, sings at
the 7:30am Mass on the 1st Sunday of the month. They meet
Thursday evening in the Rectory basement from 7 – 8pm.
Choirs for the Youth of St. Leo:
Youth Choir accepting new members in grades 3–6.
Rehearsals are on Tuesday afternoon from 4:30 – 5:30pm or
on Wednesday afternoon from 3 – 4pm. The Youth choir will
alternate singing at the 5pm Saturday Mass & the 11am
Sunday Mass. Rehearsals begin the week of Sept 10th.
NEW YOUNG ADULT CHOIR for those in entering 7th grade
thru high school. Rehearsals will be on Tuesday evening from
7–8pm. The first rehearsal will be on September 18th. This
group will begin singing at the 5pm Saturday Mass two
Saturdays per month.
For more information about joining any of our choirs or to
register for the youth or young adult choir, please contact
Lorraine Neill, Director of Music at 703-273-4682 or
[email protected].
Religious Education News
CCD Classes begin the week of September 9th.
CCD Parents Meeting for K-8 in Gymnasium 7-8 pm
Please attend
CCD BEGINS! Registrations for those not yet
registered will be held in the gym
Today is the last day of registration for CCD with the
exception of transfer Students & new parishioners
MEETING For students receiving Confirmation in
November. Guadalupe Room 7-8:30 pm
Please call Erik Teter for more info: at 703-591-6089.
Confirmation team leader meeting 7pm Guadalupe rm
Religious Education Office:
The Office for Family Life is offering a program for
Divorced Catholic men and women beginning in September
at Saint Leo. The program expounds upon the Church’s
teaching about divorce, and the truth about reception of the
sacraments and annulments. The program will also help
divorced Catholics to address some of the important issues
that may have arisen since their divorce. The session for men
begins on September 12th. The session for women begins on
September 13th. Each session is from 7:30- 9pm. You must be
registered to attend. Cost: $35. To register, contact Therese
Bermpohl: 703-841-2575.
Do you need spiritual renewal? "Be Still...and Know That I
am God"........ is the theme of the upcoming Women's Cursillo
Weekend. Cursillo is a lay Catholic movement; the name
means 'short course in Christianity'. On the weekend, there are
times of quiet, spiritual direction, a series of talks, Mass &
Reconciliation. The Women's Weekend is Sept.13-16 at San
Damiano Retreat Center, White Post, VA (transportation
provided). The Men's Weekend is Oct. 11-14. The Weekend
runs Thursday evening to Sunday evening. For info & an
application, visit the Arlington Cursillo website: http:// For more details, contact Jeff Wolfhope:
[email protected] or 703-597-3638.
Are you an adult who has a desire to do relaonal
ministry with Junior High or High School age
youth? We're looking for YOU! We need adult
volunteers willing to help with our Youth Nights this school
year. Contact Erik or Melissa: [email protected]
There is NO Girls CLC this week Happy Labor Day! Our
next Girls CLC meeng is Monday, Sept. 10th. Each week we
break open the Gospel, enjoy cupcakes, & have AWESOME
conversaons as we grow deeper in our faith. 7:30-9:00pm,
Youth Room. All Confirmed High School Girls are Invited!
Our next Boy’s CLC meeng is Wednesday Sept. 5th. We start
with an epic game of ulmate Frisbee! Join us for a night of
fun & growing deeper in your faith. 7:30-9:00pm. All
Confirmed High School Boys are Invited!
Mark Your Calendars! The High School Youth Ministry Fall
Kick-Off LUAU is Sunday, Sept. 16, outside St. Leo school
gym. Come immediately following the 5:00pm Mass for food,
fun, prizes & an excellent start to the year! Open to 9th - 12th
grade high school students. We will meet every Sunday from
6-8pm! Quesons? Email Erik: [email protected]
Are you in middle school? Are you in 6-8th grade an looking
for something AWESOME to do every Friday Night from 79pm? Look no further! EDGE will Kick-Off Friday, Sept. 14
from 7-9pm in the Guadalupe Room. Open to grades 6-8th. An
evening of games, crazy fun, & faith! Quesons or Looking to
volunteer? Email Melissa: [email protected].
MIDDLE SCHOOL PARENTS: There will be an Info meeng on
EDGE, our Middle School Youth Program, Thursday, Sept. 6th
at 7:00pm!
Parents of 8th Graders who will receive the Sacrament of
Confirmaon this year: We will have a meeng regarding the
Confirmaon Retreat on Thursday, September 20th at 7:00pm
in the Guadalupe Room. We will discuss opportunies to
connue their faith formaon in high school through the
Youth Ministry program.
Want to stay updated on youth events? Visit our website for
calendar & registraon. hNp://
Insurance Counseling 703-324-5851 • TTY 703449-1186 Virginia Insurance Counseling and
Assistance Program (VICAP) provides free
confidential insurance counseling to older adults
about Medicare, Medicare Part D, health plans, Medigap
insurance and long term care insurance.
Nursing Homes and Assisted Living 703-324-7948 • TTY
703-449-1186 Helps people who need a nursing home or
assisted living facility.
Food pantry distribution:
Sat., Sept. 15, 9am - 12 noon;
Father Diamond Council
Events & Calendar
Meetings – 2nd and 4th Tuesdays
8:00 PM
Providence Hall
Officer’s Meeting 7:30 PM
Council Meeting 7 PM Rosary, 7:30 PM Meal
8 PM Meeting (New Times)
Parish Breakfast Returns After 7:30 & 9 AM Masses
Wed., Sept. 19, 6pm - 8pm
Join the Knights of Columbus. Call Pat McGuire 703-218-2986
Horarios e Información
Santas Misas:
domingos a la 1:00 pm
sábados–5 pm (Vigilia),
domingos–7:30, 9, 11:00, 5pm
Confesiones en español: Todos los viernes a las 7pm
Todos los sábados de 3:30 a 5:00pm. Los domingos desde
las 12:00pm a 12:50pm.
Bautizos: Preparación- llamar a Carlos Cea: 703-8362139 ó Padre Ramon: 703-273-5369.
RCIA Para Adultos: domingos 10:30 am—12pm Salon
Juan al lado de la iglesia. Para información, llamar al
Diacono Jose Lopez 703-222-7704
Matrimonio: Todo Católico que desee contraer
matrimonio debe contactar la parroquia por lo menos seis
meses antes del evento. Para mayor información
comunicarse con el Padre Ramon al 703-273-5369.
Grupo de Jóvenes: domingos 2:30–5pm—
Información: Tomas Reyes 703- 677–2335.
Catequesis Para Niños y Jóvenes: domingos 11–
12:30. Llamar a Lee Cena: 703-273-4868.
Catequesis para Niños especiales ó sordos:
domingos 11:00am—12:30pm
Información - Lee Cena: 703-273-4868.
Sacramentos para Estudiantes de Secundaria:
llamar a la Oficina de Jovenes al teléfono 703-591-6089, ó
email a [email protected].
Legion de Maria: lunes 7:30—9 pm ó domingo 11 am—
12:30 pm. Llamar a Padre Ramon: 703-273-5369.
Información general: llamar a Diacono Jose Lopez
El cumpleaños de La Virgen Maria – El sabado, 8 de
septiembre, después de la misa de las 9 am, todos están
invitados al Salón de San Juan para rezar un rosario y
cantar las mañanitas a Nuestra Madre. Habra un pequeño
refrigerio inmediatamente después. Para mas información,
llamen a Padre Ramon Baez.
San Leo Magno ofrece clases de ingles Aprender inglés!
Inscríbase en clases de inglés el sábado, 8 de septiembre
de 10am a 12pm. Clases empiezan el 15 de septiembre a
las 10am. Las clases cuestan $50 por el semestre. Puede
pagar solo con efectivo o money orden. Para más
información, llame a Hogar Immigrant Services al (703) 534
-9805 ext. 222.
Grupo de Oración Sábados 6-8:30pm, Salon de Nuestra Sra
de La Guadalupe. Información: Jose Ferrufino: 703-250-1343.
September 2, 2012
“Sean hacedores de la Palabra y no sólo oyentes
que se engañan a sí mismos” Jesús es la Palabra
que te llama a servirlo en Verdad. ¿Crees que te
está invitando a ser sacerdote o religioso/a?
Llama al Padre Bashista al (703) 841-2514, o
escríbele a: [email protected].
Clases de Catequesis para Adultos: ¿Has recibido todos tus
sacramentos? Si te falta el Sacramento de Comunión o
Confirmación, y eres un adulto mas de 17 años, tienes que
inscribirte en el curso de catequesis para adultos (RICA). EL
curso te enseña todo lo que necesitas para que seas una
persona preparada en la fe. El curso comienza el 16 de
septiembre 2012 en el Salon de San Juan a las 10 am y
continua casi todos los domingos hasta la cuaresma del
proximo año. Para inscribirte, habra una mesa en la entrada
de la iglesia todos los domingos hasta el 9 de septiembre. Si
necesitas mas información, favor de llamar al Diacono Jose
Lopez o al Padre Baez al 703-273-5369.
Estudio Bíblico– Cronología Bíblica: La Historia de la
Salvación "Pues la palabra de Dios es viva y eficaz", "que
puede edificar y dar la herencia a todos los que han sido
santificados".- Del documento del Vaticano II DEI VERBUM
Este 28 de septiembre comenzaremos un nuevo Estudio
Bíblico. En este estudio abarcaremos la biblia entera
enfocándonos en la historia de la salvación y estudiaremos 14
de los libros que nos ayudarán a poner en contexto todos los
demás libros de la Biblia. El Estudio se llevará a cabo todos
los viernes a las 7:30pm en el salón parroquial de San Juan y
el costo será aproximadamente $25 por persona (cubrirá el
costo del libro de trabajo y el esquema de la cronología
bíblica). Se requiere que cada participante tenga una biblia o
por lo menos una por familia. El cupo es limitado así que
reserve su espacio lo antes posible. Para información hablar
con Gustavo o Sandra Solares al teléfono 703-250-0089.
¿Deseas conocer tu fe? El ultimo domingo de cada més
estudiamos un aspecto de catequesis de la iglesia. Estamos
estudiando algunos documentos de Segundo Consejo
Vaticano. Según el Santo Padre Papa Benedicto XVI,
debemos de estudiar los documentos para prepararnos para el
quincuagésimo aniversario (50 años) del Consejo Vaticano. La
próxima charla será el 30 de septiembre después de la misa
de la 1:00 pm en el Salón de Nuestra Sra de la Guadalupe.
Para información llame al Padre Baez o al Diacono Jose
Lopez al 703-273-5369.
Grupo Divina Misericordia y Compasión ¿Conoce a alguien
que se encuentre solo y enfermo? ¿Sabe de alguien que
necesite de la palabra de Dios y de la compañía de miembros
de su iglesia? Un grupo de personas de nuestra parroquia
visita a los miembros de la comunidad que se encuentran
enfermos en los hospitales ó en sus casas. Se brinda
oraciones y compañía a todas aquellas personas delicadas de
salud. Tambien un ministro le puede traer comunión ó puede
pedir que un sacerdote le visite para recibir los sacramentos.
Por favor llamen a Gilma Orozco al 571-238-6634.