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Índice Index Índice Index I Carta del Presidente Message from the Chairman I Carta del Consejero Delegado Message from the Chief Executive Officer I Consejo de Administración Board of Directors I Comité de Dirección Management Team I Vocento, cercano a sus audiencias Vocento, close to its audiences I Medios impresos Print Media I I I I Multimedia Regional Regional Multimedia ABC Qué! Suplementos y revistas Supplements and magazines I Audiovisual I I I I I I I I Punto Radio Veralia • Grupo Europroducciones • Bocaboca Producciones • Videomedia • Tripictures Net TV Fly Music Punto TV Onda6 TV Urbe TV Telecinco 4 6 8 9 10 12 14 24 32 34 40 42 44 44 45 46 47 48 48 49 50 52 53 I Internet 54 I Otros negocios 62 Other businesses I Recursos Humanos Human Resources I Vocento y su compromiso social Vocento and its social commitment I Directorio Addresses 68 74 82 3 Carta del Presidente Message from the Chairman Carta del Presidente Quiero, por primera vez como presidente, presentar la memoria de 2007, un año sin duda pródigo en acontecimientos para el grupo. En este año he aceptado, con optimismo, el honor y la misión de presidir el proyecto de Vocento ante los nuevos y difíciles retos que deberemos afrontar en los próximos años. pluralidad, de la diversidad, de la cohesión y de los derechos fundamentales mediante la difusión de los valores democráticos y constitucionales. Vocento quiere que el desarrollo de la labor de tantos esforzados profesionales constituya una significativa ayuda a fraguar el entramado de la convivencia nacional. Iniciamos, por tanto, juntos, una nueva etapa, un proceso de cambio y de continuidad, una renovación necesaria para consolidarnos como líderes en el ámbito de los medios de comunicación en España, como grupo mediático singular cuya malla vertebra los contenidos informativos que reciben los ciudadanos españoles. En este año hemos celebrado distintas efemérides en las que hemos contado con la presencia y el apoyo de la Familia Real, a quien queremos agradecerles su presencia en distintas actividades del grupo y manifestarles nuestro agradecimiento y nuestra adhesión por representar esos principios que hemos enumerado y por los que merece la pena luchar. Despedimos con cariño y con nostalgia a las personas que han guiado Vocento hasta la fecha: Santiago de Ybarra, José María Bergareche y Juan Ignacio Mijangos. Pero ellos también garantizan la continuidad pues siguen con nosotros. Y damos la bienvenida a un nuevo consejero delegado, José Manuel Vargas, joven y viejo en esta casa, y a competentes equipos gestores que van a llevarnos a nuevas metas. A unos y a otros, desde este lugar, nuestro agradecimiento y nuestros mejores deseos. Nos enfrentamos a un panorama social extremadamente cambiante y con un dinamismo sobrecogedor que debemos ser capaces de gestionar bien. La sociedad, los lectores de medios y las distintas audiencias están adquiriendo nuevos hábitos, que suponen que los soportes de la información, su tratamiento y la rentabilización de sus contenidos van a evolucionar a un ritmo vertiginoso. Lo que nos obligará a atender eficazmente las nuevas demandas. Somos un grupo de comunicación líder, articulamos una manera de informar y vertebrar la opinión que nos obliga a dar una respuesta extremadamente rápida a estas transformaciones para no solamente adaptarnos a las tendencias, sino ser capaces de seguir jugando ese papel crucial en nuestro país. Es este el sentido de los cambios estructurales que se están emprendiendo para crear a una nueva organización pensada en mercados, clientes y nuevos soportes, que nos permita una estructura más eficaz, unos procedimientos más próximos a la demanda y una cercanía de los contenidos a las áreas y a las requerimientos de nuestros clientes. Nuestro compromiso de responsabilidad se extiende a la empresa y la cultura, ámbitos en los que trabaja intensamente la Fundación Vocento y la Fundación ABC, con iniciativas que pretenden servir de punto de encuentro entre los distintos agentes sociales y permitir la divulgación de bienes sociales superiores. Éste es también el espíritu que nos inspira y que nos lleva, entre otras cosas, a invertir en educación a través del Master de Periodismo ABC-Universidad Complutense de Madrid, que en 2007 ha alumbrado la vigésima promoción de profesionales formados en nuestras redacciones, así como el Master de Periodismo El Correo-UPV/EHU, que graduó en el curso 1989/89 a la primera promoción y es el segundo más antiguo de España. Queremos estar muy presentes en el futuro. Por tanto vamos a seguir siendo un punto de encuentro con los ciudadanos, un referente en su vida cotidiana contribuyendo a su opinión y a su información a través de Internet, de medios impresos, de radio o de televisión. Los ciudadanos que de modo tan masivo apoyan cada día a este grupo recibiendo información a través de los distintos medios son nuestra razón de ser. Su satisfacción y su mejor servicio es nuestro objetivo como empresa comprometida y responsable. Pido a todos que sigan apoyando a un grupo de profesionales excepcionales que están proyectando su mejor hacer en este proyecto y que están dispuestos a construir entre todos un Vocento para el futuro, aun mayor. Diego del Alcázar Silvela Estamos en este año que presentamos los resultados del 2007 despidiendo el ciclo económico alcista más largo que ha conocido la economía española. Aunque presentamos unos buenos resultados, el último cuatrimestre ha hecho sentir sobre nuestras cuentas la crisis económica en la que la economía mundial y la española están inmersas. Queremos que también las medidas que vamos a tomar nos permitan con eficacia, ahorrar e invertir más eficazmente. Vocento, como empresa, no solamente tiene un compromiso con audiencias y accionistas sino también un compromiso firme con su entorno social. Por supuesto, la primera responsabilidad está con la veracidad y con el rigor de todos los contenidos de cualquier medio del grupo, para seguir siendo referentes de periodismo bien hecho en cualquiera de los territorios en los que operamos. Pero, Vocento quiere mantener su compromiso con la labor de concienciación social y una apuesta decidida por la defensa de la libertad, de la 4 Carta del Presidente Message from the Chairman Message from the Chairman For the first time as Chairman, I would like to introduce the annual report for 2007, a year which has been exceptionally busy for the Group. In this year I have accepted, with a sense of optimism, honour and duty, the privilege of chairing Vocento as we confront the new and testing challenges that we will have to face in the coming years. We are together beginning a new stage, and a process of both change and of continuity, as we look to renew and to consolidate our Group as a leader in the Spanish media sector and as a media company whose output provides Spanish citizens with a full range of information and content. This year we have said goodbye, with affection and goodwill, to the people who have led Vocento until now; Santiago de Ybarra, José Bergareche, Juan Ignacio Mijangos. But they will continue to be at our side, guaranteeing continuity with the past. And we have also welcomed a new Chief Executive Officer, José Manuel Vargas, who brings with him both youth and a long track record at our company, and new management teams who will ensure that we will be able to achieve our goals. To all of you, I would like to extend my thanks and my best wishes. We are now facing a very rapid pace of social change, and we must be able to manage this change efficiently and effectively. Society, and consumers of media, are quickly acquiring new habits, and this means that the various different media formats, and the management and monetizing of media content, are now going to evolve very rapidly. We must be ready to supply these new demands effectively. We are a major media company in Spanish society, and we must be able to provide a rapid response to the transformation that we are witnessing, not only to adapt ourselves to these new tendencies, but also to be able to continue to play the crucial role that we have in this country. This year we have celebrated various anniversaries, attended by and supported by members of the Royal Family, to whom we would like to express our thanks and our continued commitment to defending these principles. Our commitment to responsibility also covers the areas of business and of culture, where the Vocento Foundation and the ABC Foundation have major roles, working on various programmes which enable different areas of society to come together, and which enable higher human values to be shared. This is also the inspiration which has led us to invest in education, with the ABC-Universidad Complutense of Madrid Master’s in Journalism, which in 2007 celebrated its twentieth year of providing trained professionals for our editorial teams, and the El Correo-UPV/EHU Master’s in Journalism, whose first intake was in 1988/89 and which is the second oldest course in Spain. We want to continue to play a major role in the future, to continue to serve as a meeting space for citizens and to form a part of daily life in Spain, contributing to national information and opinion by using the internet, print media, radio and television. It is the massive support provided every day by these citizens to our various media which is the reason for our group’s continued existence, and our ultimate aim as a committed and responsible company is to serve them well and to satisfy their requirements. I would like to conclude by asking all of you to continue to support an exceptional team of professionals, who between them are dedicating all of their best efforts into building an even better Vocento for the future. Diego del Alcázar Silvela This is the purpose of the structural changes that we are now undertaking, which will provide us with a new organisational structure, focused on markets, clients, and new media, which will enable us to become more effective, to respond better to new demands, and to be closer to the content requirements of our clients in all areas. This year we are witnessing the end of the longest bullish economic cycle that Spain has enjoyed in its history. Although our results in 2007 were good, in the last four months of the year our accounts felt the impact of the economic crisis worldwide and in Spain. The measures that we are taking will enable us to save and invest with more efficiency, in this new and difficult phase. Vocento has commitments not only to its audiences and to its shareholders, but also wider commitments to society. Of course, our first responsibility is for the accuracy and rigour of all of the company’s content, whatever the media, so that we can continue to be a leader in journalism in all the areas where we operate. But Vocento also wants to maintain its strong commitment to social issues and to the defense of freedom, plurality, diversity, national cohesion, and to fundamental human rights, by supporting and defending democratic, constitutional values. Vocento wants the efforts of so many hard working professionals to provide a significant source of support to this framework for national cohesion. 5 Carta del Consejero Delegado Message from the Chief Executive Officer Carta del ConsejeroDelegado Ponerse al frente de un proyecto como Vocento constituye un reto profundamente estimulante y una oportunidad inigualable de desarrollo personal y profesional que en este año he asumido con ilusión y voluntad de trabajo. Sin duda, 2008 supondrá el punto de partida del nuevo Vocento, un Vocento que, manteniendo sus señas de identidad, las que nos han catapultado al liderazgo de medios en España, ha de mirar necesariamente al futuro inmediato y dar respuesta a la cambiante realidad social y mediática de nuestro país. De ahí que en este año hayamos abordado el comienzo de un proceso de renovación interna con el fin de tomar impulso para seguir creciendo y consolidarnos como grupo de comunicación de referencia. Afrontamos, pues, el proceso expansivo más ambicioso de la compañía, que se materializa en el nuevo Plan Estratégico 2008-2010 con el que aspiramos a sentar las bases del futuro crecimiento de Vocento. Este proyecto exige cambios, que en este año hemos comenzado a poner en marcha para adaptar nuestra estructura organizativa a los nuevos requerimientos de nuestros públicos y anunciantes. Todo ello sin perder de vista nuestras señas de identidad, esto es, independencia, calidad y rentabilidad, que son, al tiempo, nuestro valor diferencial ante la competencia. A la vista de cómo se ha desarrollado el año 2007, todo indica que disponemos de una base firme para seguir creciendo. Ha sido, en general, un año de buenos resultados empresariales: hemos incrementado la facturación y nos hemos afianzado en el mercado nacional con Internet, prensa gratuita y radio, lo que viene a complementar nuestro sólido liderazgo en prensa regional. En esta dirección pretendemos seguir trabajando a corto plazo con el ambicioso objetivo de convertirnos en el grupo multimedia de referencia en España. Los objetivos económicos no pueden alejarse de nuestra misión empresarial: somos más que una empresa que vende un producto; nuestra labor es informar y entretener, y nuestra vocación es de servicio a la sociedad. Público y accionistas son Message from the ChiefExecutiveOfficer To be in charge of a project like Vocento represents an extremely stimulating challenge as well as an unbeatable opportunity for personal and professional development that I have taken on this year with high hopes and a great will to work. Without a doubt, 2008 will mean the starting point of the new Vocento, a Vocento that, maintaining its clearly distinguishing features, those that have propelled us to the top of the media sector in Spain, must necessarily do so with the immediate future in mind and respond to the changing social and media reality of our country. That’s why this year we have undertaken an internal renewal process to gather momentum to continue growing and be consolidated as the leading media group. Therefore, we face the company’s most ambitious expansion process, which is reflected in the new 2008-2010 Strategic Plan, with which we aim to lay the foundations for the future growth of Vocento. This project requires changes, which we 6 have already initiated this year, to adapt our organizational structure to the new demands of our audiences and advertisers. And all this without overlooking our distinguishing features, i.e., independence, quality and profitability, which are, at the same time, what differentiate us from the competition. In view of how the year 2007 has developed, everything indicates that we have solid foundations on which to continue growing. It has been, in general, a year of good business results: we have increased turnover and become strongly established in the national market in the fields of Internet, free press and radio, which complements our sound leadership in the field of regional press. We intend to carry on working in the same direction in the short term with the ambitious aim of becoming the leading multimedia group in Spain. Our economic goals must be in line with our corporate mission: we are more than just a company selling a product; it is our task to inform and to entertain, and our commitment, to serve Carta del Consejero Delegado Message from the Chief Executive Officer nuestra razón de ser, a ellos orientamos nuestro trabajo y nuestras metas. Sabemos que las alcanzaremos porque contamos con el mejor grupo de medios de España, un equipo capaz, comprometido e ilusionado que une sus esfuerzos en un proyecto único. Los objetivos empresariales forman lógicamente parte en un grupo de medios, y a éstos hay que sumarles un fuerte compromiso de todos los que formamos parte de Vocento en nuestra vocación de servicio de la ciudadanía así como con la libertad de expresión. Gracias a cuantos integran el equipo de Vocento y a nuestros accionistas por su apoyo, dedicación y confianza. José Manuel Vargas society. Audience and shareholders are our raison d’être, and they are the target of our work and our goals. We can be certain that we will achieve these goals, as we have at our disposal the best media in Spain, and a very capable, committed, and passionate team, who are devoting all their efforts to this project. And in addition to the company's targets for its business, we at Vocento also have a very strong vocation to serving citizens across Spain, and to defending the freedom of expression. Thanks to all the members of the Vocento team and to our shareholders for their support, dedication, trust and confidence. José Manuel Vargas 7 Consejo de Administración Board of Directors ConsejodeAdministración BoardofDirectors Presidente | Chairman D. Diego del Alcázar Silvela* Consejero Delegado | Chief Executive Officer D. José Manuel Vargas Gómez* Vicepresidente Primero | Senior Vice President D. José María Bergareche Busquet Vicepresidentes | Vice Chairmen Dña. Catalina Luca de Tena García-Conde D. Enrique Ybarra e Ybarra Consejeros | Board Members D. Claudio Aguirre Pemán D. Santiago Bergareche Busquet* Dña. María del Carmen Careaga Salazar D. Carlos Castellanos Borrego D. Santiago de Ybarra y Churruca Dña. Soledad Luca de Tena García-Conde* D. Víctor Urrutia y Vallejo* D. Álvaro Ybarra y Zubiría* Atlanpresse, S.A.R.L. (representada por Dña. Hélene Lemoîne) Mezouna, S.L. (representada por D. Ignacio Ybarra Aznar)* Secretario no Consejero y Letrado Asesor | Non-board member Secretary and Legal Advisor D. Emilio José de Palacios Caro* * 8 Pertenecen a la Comisión Delegada * They belong to the executive committee Comité de Dirección Management Team ComitédeDirección ManagementTeam Consejero Delegado | Chief Executive Officer José Manuel Vargas Gómez Directora General Financiera | Chief Financial Officer Beatriz Puente Ferreras Director General de Medios Nacionales | General Manager of National Media Santiago Alonso Paniagua Director General de Medios Regionales | General Manager of Regional Media Iñaki Arechabaleta Torróntegui 9 Vocento cercano a sus audiencias Vocento, close to its audiences Mediosregionales RegionalMedia 10 Vocento cercano a sus audiencias Vocento, close to its audiences Mediosnacionales NationalMedia .com 11 12 13 Medios impresos Multimedia Regional Print media Regional Multimedia DURANTE 2007, Y A PESAR DE LA ALTA COMPETITIVIDAD DEL SECTOR, VOCENTO HA REVALIDADO UNA VEZ MÁS SU DESTACADA POSICIÓN COMO GRUPO LÍDER DE PRENSA EN LA MAYORÍA DEL TERRITORIO ESPAÑOL. MultimediaRegional2007 Esta situación refleja que la estrategia multimedia del grupo, un modelo de negocio que se inició hace años, se ha convertido en un sólido soporte de cara al futuro del sector en nuestro país. DURING 2007, AND IN SPITE OF A GREAT DEAL OF COMPETITION IN THE SECTOR, ONCE MORE VOCENTO HAS CONFIRMED ITS OUTSTANDING POSITION AS LEADING MEDIA GROUP THROUGHOUT MOST OF SPANISH TERRITORY. 2007RegionalMultimedia This situation shows that the group’s multimedia strategy, a business model that was adopted years ago, has 14 become a solid base regarding the future of the sector in our country. Medios impresos Multimedia Regional Print media Regional Multimedia La tendencia sectorial apunta hacia un periodismo de cercanía, fomentando la participación con Internet como principal instrumento de periodismo participativo. En este sentido, la convergencia va a ser la pieza clave para conectar con el público del futuro. Vocento se encuentra en una inmejorable situación gracias a la apuesta que desde hace años ha realizado por la convivencia de medios y soportes, productos y servicios, así como la privilegiada posición de liderazgo que ostenta en cada uno de sus mercados. Cabe destacar el caso de La Voz de Cádiz, un periódico con tres años de vida, cuyo portal de Internet ha consolidado en 2007 el liderazgo que alcanzó el año anterior y es el referente ineludible en su zona de influencia, por delante de su más que centenario competidor. Así, los medios regionales multimedia continúan otorgando a Vocento el dominio de los mercados locales. Esta estructura (periódico, portal local, radio, televisión local y diario gratuito), cuyo núcleo central es el periódico regional, permite llegar a cada lector, internauta, oyente o espectador a través de su medio más afín y consigue crear una The trend of the sector is inclined towards a journalism of proximity, encouraging participation with the Internet as the main instrument of participative journalism. In this sense, convergence will be key to connecting with the public of the future. Vocento stands in an unbeatable situation thanks to its commitment made years ago regarding the coexistence of media and supports, products and services, as well as the privileged position of leadership that it holds in each one of its markets. It is necessary to highlight the case of La Voz de Cádiz, a newspaper that has been being published for three years now, and whose Internet portal in 2007 has consolidated the leadership obtained during the previous year, and which is the unquestionable leader in its area of influence, ahead of its more than one-hundred-year-old competitor. Therefore, regional multimedia continues to give Vocento the leading position in local markets. Thanks to this structure (newspaper, local portal, radio, local television and free newspaper), of which the main nucleus is the regional newspaper, each reader, Internet user, listener or spectator is reached through their favourite channel, and it is possible to create a multimedia audience providing our advertisers with the possibility of obtaining the greatest and most efficient advertising impact. Besides bringing contents nearer to the information interests of its readers, Vocento is committed to quality and innovation, which is reflected in the constant evolution of the group’s newspapers, in its ongoing search for improvement and a closer approach to the idiosyncrasy of each region. In this sense, it is important to highlight the 15 Medios impresos Multimedia Regional Print media Regional Multimedia audiencia multimedia proporcionando a nuestros anunciantes, la posibilidad de obtener el mayor y más eficiente impacto publicitario. Además de acercar los contenidos a los intereses informativos de sus lectores, Vocento apuesta por la calidad y la innovación, lo que se plasma en la constante evolución de los periódicos del grupo y en la búsqueda permanente de la mejora y de la aproximación a la idiosincrasia de cada territorio. Así, es importante la firme apuesta de los diarios de Vocento por la cultura y el deporte de sus regiones. La calidad también se mide en términos de excelencia industrial. En este sentido cabe destacar la innovación que supuso la inauguración en 2007 de una nueva planta de impresión desde donde se imprime La Verdad. Esto permite contar con todos los avances que la tecnología pone al servicio de los periódicos. Avances todos estos de los que nos beneficiaremos en Valladolid, donde durante 2007 se ha iniciado el proyecto de una nueva planta de impresión de la que disfrutaremos en 2008. Esta estrategia ha dado como resultado la consolidación de las 12 cabeceras regionales de Vocento como marcas reconocidas y de prestigio en su zona de influencia, donde han logrado un fuerte arraigo social. Este liderazgo de nuestras marcas locales se mantiene y acrecienta gracias a la fuerte imbricación social de nuestros medios presentes en la práctica totalidad de eventos deportivos, sociales, económicos y culturales que se desarrollan un sus respectivas zonas de cobertura. No en vano, los diarios regionales se han convertido en un referente social en sus ámbitos geográficos. Los medios regionales de Vocento aúnan en su filosofía dos conceptos complementarios, como son tradición y vanguardia. Por una parte, ofrecen al público la experiencia 16 high level of commitment on the part of Vocento’s newspapers towards regional culture and sport. Quality is also measured in terms of industrial excellence To this effect it is necessary to emphasise the innovation entailed by the opening, in 2007, of a new printing plant where La Verdad is printed. This state-of-the-art technology enables major advances in the newspapers. We shall also be able to benefit from all these advances in Valladolid, where during 2007 the project for a new printing plant has been initiated and we will enjoy it in 2008. The result of this strategy is the consolidation of Vocento’s 12 regional publications as well-respected and recognised brands in their area of influence, where they have become socially well-accepted and established. This leadership of our local brands remains and is on the increase as a result of the strong social interlinking of our media present at practically all sports, social, economic and cultural events that are held in their respective areas of coverage. With good reason, the regional newspapers have become a social benchmark in their geographical environments. Medios impresos Multimedia Regional Print media Regional Multimedia y las garantías del diario testigo de la historia que mantiene su espíritu y su compromiso; y, al mismo tiempo, son pioneros en la innovación de soportes y contenidos, adaptándose a las cambiantes necesidades del público. Vocento’s regional media bring two complementary concepts together in their philosophy: tradition and vanguard. On the one hand, they offer the public the experience and the guarantees of the daily newspaper that is a witness to history, which keeps its spirit and commitment; and, at the same time, they are pioneers in the innovation of supports and contents, adapting to the public's changing needs. Como resultado, en 2007, los diarios regionales de Vocento revalidaron su liderazgo en difusión y audiencia, que fue de 496.294* ejemplares y 2.466.000** lectores, respectivamente. A su vez, los ingresos alcanzaron los 413,41 millones de euros y el resultado de explotación, los 104,92 millones de euros. As a result, in 2007, Vocento’s regional newspapers confirmed their leadership in readership figures and audience, with 496,294* copies and 2,466,000** readers, respectively. Revenues hit 413.41 million euros and the operating return, 104.92 million euros. El éxito se mide también en años. Si bien ya contamos con un importante grupo de periódicos que ya han superado la mítica barrera de los 100 años, todavía seguimos festejando aniversarios significativos de alguno de nuestros diarios. En este sentido, durante 2007 hemos celebrado el 140 aniversario de Las Provincias, y el 75 cumpleaños de Ideal. Success is also measured in years. Although we already have an important group of newspapers that have passed the mythical 100-year-old mark, we continue to celebrate significant anniversaries of some of our newspapers. For example, in 2007, we have seen the 140th anniversary of Las Provincias, and the 75th of Ideal. *Datos mensuales OJD 2007. Pendiente de certificación anual **Fuente: EGM PRENSA: 3er Año Móvil 2007 *OJD 2007 Monthly Data. Pending annual certification **Source: EGM PRENSA: 3rd 2007 Moving year 17 Medios impresos Multimedia Regional Print media Regional Multimedia Audiencia 2007Audience* 520.000 lectores readers Perfil del lector Reader Profile* Difusión 2007 Circulation*** ejemplares 118.108 issues Audiencia Audience* Álava&Vizcaya 45,6% De 20 a 44 años Aged 20 to 44 63,0% Estudios de BUP, COU o superiores Secondary or third-level education 56,7% Hombres Male Difusión Circulation** Álava&Vizcaya 55,4% Residentes en urbes +50.000 habitantes Resident in cities with +50,000 people 77,3% Clase alta, media alta y media media Upper, upper-middle and middle-middle class Audiencia 2007Audience* 296.000 lectores readers Perfil del lector Reader Profile* Difusión 2007 Circulation*** ejemplares 84.222 issues Audiencia Audience* Guipúzcoa 46,7% De 20 a 44 años Aged 20 to 44 60,6% Estudios de BUP, COU o superiores Secondary or third-level education 51,7% Hombres Male Difusión Circulation** Guipúzcoa 37,2% Residentes en urbes +50.000 habitantes Resident in cities with +50,000 people 74,2% Clase alta, media alta y media media Upper, upper-middle and middle-middle class 18 *Fuente: EGM PRENSA: 3er Año Móvil 2007 **OJD (enero-diciembre 2006) ***Datos mensuales OJD 2007. Pendiente de certificación anual *Source: EGM PRENSA: 3rd 2007 Moving year **OJD (January-December 2006) ***OJD 2007 Monthly Data. Pending annual certification Medios impresos Multimedia Regional Print media Regional Multimedia Audiencia 2007Audience* 190.000 lectores readers Perfil del lector Reader Profile* Difusión 2007 Circulation*** ejemplares 39.200 issues Audiencia Audience* Cantabria 46,9% De 20 a 44 años Aged 20 to 44 60,0% Estudios de BUP, COU o superiores Secondary or third-level education 57,0% Hombres Male Difusión Circulation** Cantabria 48,8% Residentes en urbes +50.000 habitantes Resident in cities with +50,000 people 72,9% Clase alta, media alta y media media Upper, upper-middle and middle-middle class Audiencia 2007Audience* 230.000 lectores readers Perfil del lector Reader Profile* Difusión 2007 Circulation*** ejemplares 38.712 issues Audiencia Audience* Murcia 52,3% De 20 a 44 años Aged 20 to 44 58,7% Estudios de BUP, COU o superiores Secondary or third-level education 67,2% Hombres Male Difusión Circulation** Murcia 64,0% Residentes en urbes +50.000 habitantes Resident in cities with +50,000 people 79,8% Clase alta, media alta y media media Upper, upper-middle and middle-middle class *Fuente: EGM PRENSA: 3er Año Móvil 2007 **OJD (enero-diciembre 2006) ***Datos mensuales OJD 2007. Pendiente de certificación anual *Source: EGM PRENSA: 3rd 2007 Moving year **OJD (January-December 2006) ***OJD 2007 Monthly Data. Pending annual certification 19 Medios impresos Multimedia Regional Print media Regional Multimedia Audiencia 2007Audience* 189.000 lectores readers Perfil del lector Reader Profile* Difusión 2007 Circulation*** ejemplares 32.560 issues Audiencia Audience* Almería, Granada&Jaén 53,1% De 20 a 44 años Aged 20 to 44 61,1% Estudios de BUP, COU o superiores Secondary or third-level education 63,5% Hombres Male Difusión Circulation** Almería, Granada&Jaén 56,2% Residentes en urbes +50.000 habitantes Resident in cities with +50,000 people 75,5% Clase alta, media alta y media media Upper, upper-middle and middle-middle class Audiencia 2007Audience* 157.000 lectores readers Perfil del lector Reader Profile* Difusión 2007 Circulation*** ejemplares 22.785 issues Audiencia Audience* Cáceres&Badajoz 56,1% De 20 a 44 años Aged 20 to 44 59,1% Estudios de BUP, COU o superiores Secondary or third-level education 65,8% Hombres Male Difusión Circulation** Cáceres&Badajoz 40,9% Residentes en urbes +50.000 habitantes Resident in cities with +50,000 people 74,5% Clase alta, media alta y media media Upper, upper-middle and middle-middle class 20 *Fuente: EGM PRENSA: 3er Año Móvil 2007 **OJD (enero-diciembre 2006) ***Datos mensuales OJD 2007. Pendiente de certificación anual *Source: EGM PRENSA: 3rd 2007 Moving year **OJD (January-December 2006) ***OJD 2007 Monthly Data. Pending annual certification Medios impresos Multimedia Regional Print media Regional Multimedia Audiencia 2007Audience* 186.000 lectores readers Perfil del lector Reader Profile* Difusión 2007 Circulation*** ejemplares 31.784 issues Audiencia Audience* Málaga 50,8% De 20 a 44 años Aged 20 to 44 60,6% Estudios de BUP, COU o superiores Secondary or third-level education 64,8% Hombres Male Difusión Circulation** Málaga 61,9% Residentes en urbes +50.000 habitantes Resident in cities with +50,000 people 74,6% Clase alta, media alta y media media Upper, upper-middle and middle-middle class Audiencia 2007Audience* 107.000 lectores readers Perfil del lector Reader Profile* Difusión 2007 Circulation*** ejemplares 16.740 issues Audiencia Audience* La Rioja 49,8% De 20 a 44 años Aged 20 to 44 57,3% Estudios de BUP, COU o superiores Secondary or third-level education 55,3% Hombres Male Difusión Circulation** La Rioja 54,3% Residentes en urbes +50.000 habitantes Resident in cities with +50,000 people 71,8% Clase alta, media alta y media media Upper, upper-middle and middle-middle class *Fuente: EGM PRENSA: 3er Año Móvil 2007 **OJD (enero-diciembre 2006) ***Datos mensuales OJD 2007. Pendiente de certificación anual *Source: EGM PRENSA: 3rd 2007 Moving year **OJD (January-December 2006) ***OJD 2007 Monthly Data. Pending annual certification 21 Medios impresos Multimedia Regional Print media Regional Multimedia Audiencia 2007Audience* 227.000 lectores readers Perfil del lector Reader Profile* Difusión 2007 Circulation*** ejemplares 36.359 issues Audiencia Audience* Castilla y León 53,3% De 20 a 44 años Aged 20 to 44 62,4% Estudios de BUP, COU o superiores Secondary or third-level education 60,4% Hombres Male Difusión Circulation** 58,2% Castilla y León Residentes en urbes +50.000 habitantes Resident in cities with +50,000 people 68,4% Clase alta, media alta y media media Upper, upper-middle and middle-middle class Audiencia 2007Audience* 152.000 lectores readers Perfil del lector Reader Profile* Difusión 2007 Circulation*** ejemplares 25.979 issues Audiencia Audience* Asturias 44,0% De 20 a 44 años Aged 20 to 44 50,7% Estudios de BUP, COU o superiores Secondary or third-level education 57,3% Hombres Male Difusión Circulation** Asturias 78,6% Residentes en urbes +50.000 habitantes Resident in cities with +50,000 people 74,9% Clase alta, media alta y media media Upper, upper-middle and middle-middle class 22 *Fuente: EGM PRENSA: 3er Año Móvil 2007 **OJD (enero-diciembre 2006) ***Datos mensuales OJD 2007. Pendiente de certificación anual *Source: EGM PRENSA: 3rd 2007 Moving year **OJD (January-December 2006) ***OJD 2007 Monthly Data. Pending annual certification Medios impresos Multimedia Regional Print media Regional Multimedia Audiencia 2007Audience* 32.000 lectores readers Perfil del lector Reader Profile* Difusión 2007 Circulation*** ejemplares 9.515 issues Audiencia Audience* Cádiz 54,1% De 20 a 44 años Aged 20 to 44 60,8% Estudios de BUP, COU o superiores Secondary or third-level education 54,5% Hombres Male Difusión Circulation** Cádiz 88,8% Residentes en urbes +50.000 habitantes Resident in cities with +50,000 people 70,0% Clase alta, media alta y media media Upper, upper-middle and middle-middle class Audiencia 2007Audience* 180.000 lectores readers Perfil del lector Reader Profile* Difusión 2007 Circulation*** ejemplares 40.330 issues Audiencia Audience* Comunidad Valenciana 49,7% De 20 a 44 años Aged 20 to 44 55,4% Estudios de BUP, COU o superiores Secondary or third-level education 64,5% Hombres Male Difusión Circulation** Comunidad Valenciana 51,8% Residentes en urbes +50.000 habitantes Resident in cities with +50,000 people 77,0% Clase alta, media alta y media media Upper, upper-middle and middle-middle class *Fuente: EGM PRENSA: 3er Año Móvil 2007 **OJD (enero-diciembre 2006) ***Datos mensuales OJD 2007. Pendiente de certificación anual *Source: EGM PRENSA: 3rd 2007 Moving year **OJD (January-December 2006) ***OJD 2007 Monthly Data. Pending annual certification 23 Medios impresos ABC Print media ABC ABC ABC HA REVALIDADO DURANTE 2007 SU POSICIÓN DESTACADA EN EL PANORAMA MEDIÁTICO ESPAÑOL, AFIRMÁNDOSE COMO UNO DE LOS PERIÓDICOS MÁS IMPORTANTES DEL PAÍS Y PUNTO DE REFERENCIA SOCIAL POR INFLUENCIA POLÍTICA, INTELECTUAL Y CULTURAL. DURING 2007 ABC HAS CONFIRMED ITS OUTSTANDING POSITION IN THE SPANISH MEDIA INDUSTRY, BEING ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT NEWSPAPERS IN THE COUNTRY AND A SOCIAL BENCHMARK DUE TO ITS POLITICAL, INTELLECTUAL AND CULTURAL INFLUENCE. 24 Medios impresos ABC Print media ABC El permanente compromiso de ABC por ofrecer a sus lectores una información de calidad, rigurosa, veraz y próxima a sus intereses e inquietudes ha sido atendido desde la fidelidad a sus señas de identidad fundacionales. La cobertura de la intensa agenda informativa nacional e internacional a través de una amplia, puntual y completa oferta periodística, ha encontrado su complemento ideal en la opinión cualificada, la interpretación y el análisis que desde sus páginas han ofrecido las más prestigiosas y reconocidas firmas, así como en la edición de un amplio número de páginas especiales, suplementos y monográficos, productos todos ellos que han alcanzado altas cotas de calidad y notoriedad. El permanente compromiso de ABC por ofrecer a sus lectores una información de calidad, rigurosa, veraz y próxima a sus intereses e inquietudes ha sido atendido desde la fidelidad a sus señas de identidad fundacionales: los principios editoriales que desde su origen, hace más de cien años, han hecho de ABC el gran referente del sector liberal-conservador de la sociedad española, defensor de los valores cristianos, de la unidad nacional y de la Monarquía parlamentaria y constitucional. Dicho compromiso de ABC, ha permitido durante 2007 la consolidación de las modificaciones introducidas en su oferta a finales del ejercicio anterior: una nueva puesta en página del periódico, la incorporación de contenidos y secciones adicionales y una nueva ordenación de los bloques informativos tradicionales. Al mismo tiempo se han abordado otras transformaciones de similar relevancia: se ha extendido la distribución de la revista Mujer Hoy Corazón a todo el ámbito nacional, se han ampliado las ediciones de ABC a la Comunidad Valenciana y Castilla La Mancha, Aragón cuenta con un nuevo suplemento ZHT (Zaragoza, Huesca y Teruel) y se han creado páginas temáticas dedicadas a los colegios profesionales, al medio ambiente, a la educación, a la comunicación, a la religión, al teatro, al cine y a la salud. Durante 2007, ABC ha continuado ofreciendo a sus lectores una cobertura periodística global a la vez que local. The performance of the intense national and international news coverage by means of a wide, detailed and full journalistic offer, has found its ideal complement in the qualified opinion, interpretation and analysis given by the most prestigious and renowned personalities from its pages, as well as in the publication of a great variety of special pages, supplements and monographs, products that have all achieved high levels of quality and fame. ABC’s ongoing commitment to offer its readers quality news that is rigorous, truthful and close to the citizens' interests and concerns, has been carried out staying true to its distinguishing foundational marks: the editorial principles that, since the very beginning, more than one hundred years ago, have made ABC the principal benchmark of the liberal-conservative sector of Spanish society, defender of Christian values, national unity and parliamentary and constitutional Monarchy. This commitment on the part of ABC has enabled, in 2007, to consolidate the changes incorporated in its offer at the end of the previous year: a new layout of the newspaper, 25 Medios impresos ABC Print media ABC Las delegaciones regionales de ABC en la Comunidad Valenciana, Castilla La Mancha, Castilla y León, Galicia, Aragón, Cataluña, Canarias y Andalucía (Sevilla y Córdoba), han acrecentado su gran protagonismo en la cobertura de los principales acontecimientos informativos de sus respectivos ámbitos geográficos, a la vez que se afianzan como un ineludible referente social. En cuanto a la oferta editorial complementaria de ABC a sus lectores, durante 2007 se han abordado distintas y numerosas iniciativas para poner al alcance de estos un conjunto de productos singulares y exclusivos que inciden en la oferta cultural (colecciones y productos editoriales de consulta, divulgación, etc.), el entretenimiento, las últimas tecnologías y los productos para el ocio electrónico. Por su parte,, la versión electrónica de ABC, ha alcanzando durante 2007 importantes logros en su propósito por convertirse en un actor destacado dentro del mundo de las nuevas tecnologías y entre los usuarios de Internet. Al mismo tiempo ha visto cómo han crecido de manera extraordinariamente significativa sus cifras de visitantes y usuarios. Respecto al mundo de la cultura, un año más y son ya dieciséis desde su aparición, ABCD las Artes y las Letras, el ambicioso proyecto editorial en el que ABC vuelca sus esfuerzos en este ámbito, ha dado puntual cuenta de cuantas noticias y acontecimientos se han generado en torno a los libros, el teatro, las artes plásticas, la 26 the incorporation of additional contents and sections, and a new arrangement of the traditional news groups. At the same time, other similarly relevant changes have been made: the distribution of the magazine Mujer Hoy Corazón has been extended to the whole national territory; there has been an increase in the editions of ABC to the Comunidad Valenciana and Castilla La Mancha; Aragón has a new supplement, ZHT (Zaragoza, Huesca y Teruel), and theme pages have been created on professional associations, the environment, education, communication, religion, theatre, cinema and health. During 2007, ABC has continued to offer its readers both global and local journalistic coverage. The regional delegations of ABC in Comunidad Valenciana, Castilla La Mancha, Castilla y León, Galicia, Aragón, Cataluña, Canarias and Andalucía (Sevilla and Córdoba) have increased their great protagonism in covering the main news events in their respective geographical areas, and have become established as an indisputable social benchmark. As for ABC’s complementary publications for its readers, during 2007 different and numerous initiatives have been launched to offer them a Medios impresos ABC Print media ABC ABC’s ongoing commitment to offer its readers quality news that is rigorous, truthful and close to the citizens’ interests and concerns, has been carried out staying true to its distinguishing foundational marks. arquitectura, el diseño, el cine, la música y las restantes manifestaciones artísticas celebradas en nuestro entorno. El acontecimiento más relevante de 2007 en el ámbito de la cultura y la divulgación lo ha constituido el nacimiento de la Fundación Colección ABC, una fundación cultural sin ánimo de lucro que tiene por objeto la conservación, custodia, difusión y promoción de la colección artística del diario ABC, compuesta por más de 200.000 originales, dibujos e ilustraciones de diversas categorías, utilizados para su publicación en el referido diario y en otras publicaciones desde 1891 hasta nuestros días. La Fundación Colección ABC nace con la voluntad de impulsar la creación del futuro Centro ABCD ARTE AMANIEL. Este centro, cuya sede se situará en la Comunidad de Madrid, es una iniciativa que por su singularidad, relevancia e indudable valor artístico e histórico de la colección, ha sido valorado muy positivamente tanto por el Ayuntamiento como por la Comunidad de Madrid, instituciones que han decidido prestar su apoyo al proyecto y que están colaborando de manera decisiva en su desarrollo. number of exceptional and exclusive products that have their impact on cultural offerings (collections and editorial products of reference, popular dissemination, etc.), entertainment, state-of-the-art technologies and electronic leisure products. On the other hand,, the electronic version of ABC, has made, during 2007, important achievements in its goal to become a leading reference in the field of new technologies and among Internet users. It has also seen how its number of visitors and users has grown in an extraordinarily significant way. With regard to the world of culture, yet another year and it has now been sixteen since ABCD las Artes y las Letras first appeared, the ambitious editorial project in which ABC spares no effort in this field, which has given detailed account of all the news and events related with books, the theatre, plastic arts, architecture, design, cinema, music and other artistic expressions occurring in our environment. The most relevant event of 2007 in the world of culture and public dissemination has been the birth of the Fundación 27 Medios impresos ABC Print media ABC ABC en Clase ABC Universitario-ABC Solidario Premios Mariano de Cavia, Luca de Tena y Mingote Premio Joaquín Romero Murube Premios de Pintura y Fotografía de ABC Premio ABC Mejor coche del año 2007 Foro ABC En el ámbito del compromiso social, la actuación solidaria y las relaciones con la comunidad, 2007 ha visto cómo se añadían nuevas ediciones de iniciativas de gran relieve y trascendencia que se han convertido en una tradición de ABC para con su entorno. Entre ellas, merecen especial consideración: ABC en Clase es la iniciativa que materializa el esfuerzo de ABC por acercar el periódico a los alumnos de primaria y secundaria y presentar a las nuevas generaciones una visión analítica y sosegada de la realidad social y política. ABC en clase ha acudido a su cita diaria con más de 60.000 escolares durante el pasado curso académico. ABC Universitario-ABC Solidario es el proyecto donde ABC concreta su esfuerzo por aproximarse a los jóvenes y a los temas que les preocupan e interesan, merced a la magnífica acogida que le viene dispensando tanto la comunidad docente como la de los alumnos. Un año más, en 2007 ha convocado y fallado sus ya tradicionales premios anuales en los que participa un amplio colectivo de jóvenes estudiantes de diversas universidades españolas y en los que son galardonados instituciones y proyectos que destacan por su compromiso social y su acción solidaria. Premios Mariano de Cavia, Luca de Tena y Mingote. Los más antiguos y prestigiosos galardones del periodismo español, los tradicionales premios Cavia, Luca de Tena y Mingote, que en la edición de 2007 se otorgaron bajo la presidencia de los duques de Palma, recayeron en el escritor Jon Juaristi (Cavia), por el artículo Teología publicado en ABC; en el escritor, subdirector de ABC y director de la Real Academia de Extremadura, José Miguel Santiago Castelo (Luca de Tena), por su trayectoria profesional y en el dibujante Agustín Sciammarella (Mingote), por un tríptico publicado en El País tras las últimas elecciones catalanas con las caricaturas de Artur Mas, José Montilla y Carod Rovira. 28 Colección ABC, a non-profit cultural foundation whose purpose is the conservation, safekeeping, dissemination and promotion of the Colección artística del diario ABC, consisting of more than 200,000 originals, drawings and illustrations of various categories, used for publication in the newspaper in question as well as in other publications since 1891 until nowadays. Fundación Colección ABC was founded with the intention of promoting the creation of the future Centro ABCD ARTE AMANIEL. This centre, whose headquarters will be in the Comunidad de Madrid, is an initiative that, due to the singular nature, relevance and unquestionable artistic and historical value of the collection, has been very positively valued by both the Madrid City Council and the regional government of the Comunidad de Madrid, institutions that have decided to give their support to the project and which are collaborating in its development in a decisive way. As for social responsibility, acts of solidarity and community relations, 2007 has seen how new editions were held of highly significant and important initiatives that have become a tradition of ABC regarding its environment. Among them, the following deserve special mention: ABC en Clase is the initiative that materializes ABC’s effort to bring the newspaper closer to primary and secondary school pupils, and to present the new generations with an analytic and serene vision of social reality and politics, both national and international. ABC en clase was present at its daily meeting with more than 60,000 schoolchildren during the past school year. ABC Universitario-ABC Solidario is the project in which ABC materializes its effort to approach young people and the subjects that concern and interest them, thanks to the magnificent reception being given by Medios impresos ABC Print media ABC Premio Joaquín Romero Murube, el galardón que concede ABC de Sevilla al mejor trabajo periodístico sobre temática sevillana, fue entregado en su octava edición al periodista y columnista de ABC Carlos Herrera por su artículo El Príncipe de las Tabernas publicado en el suplemento XLSemanal. teaching community and students alike. Once again, in 2007 the traditional annual prizes have been awarded, in which a wide range of students from various Spanish universities take part, and prizes are awarded to institutions and projects that are outstanding for their social responsibility and acts of solidarity. Premios de Pintura y Fotografía de ABC. En su octava edición este prestigioso galardón, que convoca a centenares de obras y artistas de toda España, recayó en Maider López con accésit para Juan Carlos Bracho, Jesús Segura Cabalero y Moisés Mahiques Benavent, y menciones honoríficas para Javier Arce, Martín Freire, Iván Pérez Vidal e Igor Arrieta Varela. Mariano de Cavia, Luca de Tena and Mingote Awards. The oldest and most prestigious Spanish journalism awards, the traditional Cavia, Luca de Tena and Mingote Awards, which in 2007 were chaired by the Duke and Duchess of Palma, and were awarded to the writer Jon Juaristi (Cavia), for his article Teología Publisher in ABC; the writer, assistant manager of ABC and director of the Real Academia de Extremadura, José Miguel Santiago Castelo (Luca de Tena), for his professional career, and the artist Agustín Sciammarella (Mingote), for a triptych published in El País following the last elections in Cataluña with the caricatures of Artur Mas, José Montilla and Carod Rovira. Premio ABC Mejor coche del año 2007. El evento que convoca anualmente al mundo del motor, pionero en su ámbito y otorgado por un jurado del que forman parte más de 50 periodistas del motor de distintos medios nacionales, concedió en su edición de 2007 el galardón al Peugeot 207. La distinción fue entregada por el ministro de Industria, Turismo y Comercio, Joan Clos i Matéu en una ceremonia presidida por la presidenta de ABC, Catalina Luca de Tena. Foro ABC. Esta iniciativa de ABC, con la que se pretende contribuir al debate político, económico y social, ha convocado durante el ejercicio 2007 a las más relevantes personalidades del mundo de la economía y de la política en torno a las figuras del presidente del Gobierno, D. José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, el líder la oposición, D. Mariano Rajoy, el presidente de la Comunidad de Murcia, D. Ramón Luis Valcárcel, el presidente de la Generalitat Valenciana, D. Francisco Camps, la presidenta de la Joaquín Romero Murube Award, the prize awarded by ABC Sevilla to the best journalistic work on the theme of Sevilla, was given, during its eighth edition, to the ABC journalist and columnist Carlos Herrera for his article El Príncipe de las Tabernas published in the XLSemanal supplement. ABC Photography and Painting Awards. During its eighth edition, this prestigious award, which brings together hundreds of works and artists from all over Spain, was given to Maider López, with second award for Juan Carlos Bracho, Jesús Segura Cabalero and Moisés Mahiques Benavent, and honorary mentions for Javier Arce, Martín Freire, Iván Pérez Vidal and Igor Arrieta Varela. 29 Medios impresos ABC Print media ABC Comunidad de Madrid, Dª. Esperanza Aguirre, el alcalde del Ayuntamiento de Madrid, D. Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón, el ministro de Industria, D. Joan Clos, y el vicepresidente segundo del Gobierno y ministro de Economía y Hacienda, D. Pedro Solbes. ABC Mejor coche del año 2007 Award. The event that annually summons the motoring world, pioneer in its environment and awarded by a jury consisting of more than 50 motoring journalists from different national media, in 2007, gave the award to Peugeot 207. The award was presented by the Minister of Industry, Tourism and Trade, Joan Clos i Matéu at a ceremony chaired by the chairwoman of ABC, Catalina Luca de Tena. Por último, 2007 ha visto el nacimiento del Premio Gastronómico Blog Salsa de Chiles. Iniciativa pionera que nace por la voluntad de ABC de acercar la comunidad de lectores tradicionales del periódico, el mundo de la gastronomía y el de las nuevas tecnologías. A partir del exitoso blog de “Salsa de chiles”, un jurado compuesto por Ymelda Moreno (presidenta), Raimundo García del Moral, Manuel Quintalero, Javier Ferradal y Carlos Maribona designó como ganadores del certamen a los establecimientos El Bulli (Mejor restaurante), El Poblet (Cocina creativa), Etxebarri (Cocina tradicional), Baby Grill Rubaiyat (Cocina económica y rápida) y El Celler de Can Roca (Postres). Al tiempo, los usuarios y visitantes de otorgaban otras cinco distinciones a El Celler de Can Roca (Cocina creativa), Príncipe de Viana (Cocina tradicional), La Paninoteca D´E (Cocina económica y rápida), Casa Gerardo (Postres) y Calima (Restaurante del año). 30 Foro ABC. This ABC initiative, which seeks to contribute to the political, economic and social discussion forum, in 2007, has brought together some of the most relevant personalities in the economic and political world around the figures of the Spanish Prime Minister, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, the leader of the opposition, Mariano Rajoy, the President of the Comunidad de Murcia, Ramón Luis Valcárcel, the President of the Generalitat Valenciana, Francisco Camps, the President of the Comunidad de Madrid, Esperanza Aguirre, the Mayor of Madrid, Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón, the Minister for Industry, Joan Clos, and Second Vice President of the Government and Minister of Economy and Finance, Pedro Solbes. Finally, in 2007 the Premio Gastronómico Blog Salsa de Chiles award was created. This is a pioneer initiative created by ABC with the purpose of bringing closer the community of the newspaper’s traditional readers, the world of gastronomy and that of new technologies. From the successful blog called “Salsa de chiles”, a jury formed by Ymelda Moreno (Chairwoman), Raimundo García del Moral, Manuel Quintalero, Javier Ferradal and Carlos Maribona, chose the following establishments as the winners: El Bulli (Best Restaurant), El Poblet (Creative Cooking), Etxebarri (Traditional Cooking), Baby Grill Rubaiyat (Economic and Fast Cooking) and El Celler de Can Roca (Desserts). At the same time, users and visitors awarded five more prizes to El Celler de Can Roca (Creative Cooking), Príncipe de Viana (Traditional Cooking), La Paninoteca D´E (Economic and Fast Cooking), Casa Gerardo (Desserts) and Calima (Restaurant of the Year). Medios impresos ABC Print media ABC Audiencia 2007Audience* 662.000 lectores readers Difusión 2007 Circulation** ejemplares 235.595 issues Perfil del lector Reader Profile* 40,8% De 20 a 44 años Aged 20 to 44 68,2% Estudios de BUP, COU o superiores Secondary or third-level education 59,4% Hombres Male 67,6% Residentes en urbes +50.000 habitantes Resident in cities with +50,000 people 83,3% Clase alta, media alta y media media Upper, upper-middle and middle-middle class Difusiónpormeses** Circulationpermonth** *Fuente: EGM PRENSA: 3er Año Móvil 2007 **Datos mensuales OJD 2007. Pendiente de certificación anual *Source: EGM PRENSA: 3rd 2007 Moving year **OJD 2007 Monthly Data. Pending annual certification 31 Medios impresos Qué! Print media Qué! EL DIARIO GRATUITO QUÉ! ENTRÓ A FORMAR PARTE DE VOCENTO EL 1 DE AGOSTO DE 2007, Y VINO A REFORZAR EL LIDERAZGO QUE EL GRUPO TIENE EN PRENSA EN ESPAÑOL, TANTO POR LA DIFUSIÓN TOTAL COMO POR EL NÚMERO DE LECTORES. Qué! THE FREE NEWSPAPER QUÉ! JOINED VOCENTO ONL 1ST AUGUST 2007, STRENGTHENING THE GROUP’S LEADERSHIP IN THE SPANISH PRESS, REGARDING BOTH ITS TOTAL CIRCULATION AND ITS NUMBER OF READERS. 32 Qué! tiene 17 ediciones y está presente en más de 19 ciudades: Madrid, Barcelona, Sevilla, Bilbao, Valencia, Vigo, La Coruña, Gijón, Oviedo, Zaragoza, Palma de Mallorca, Alicante, Málaga, Murcia, Cartagena, Lorca, San Sebastián, Irún, Santander y Torrelavega, entre otras. With 17 editions, it is present in more than 19 cities: Madrid, Barcelona, Sevilla, Bilbao, Valencia, Vigo, La Coruña, Gijón, Oviedo, Zaragoza, Palma de Mallorca, Alicante, Málaga, Murcia, Cartagena, Lorca, San Sebastián, Irún, Santander and Torrelavega, amongst others. Con el diario nacional gratuito Qué! Vocento afianza su presencia en algunas comunidades autónomas como Cataluña, Galicia, y Baleares, donde la presencia del grupo se producía a través de ABC. With the free national newspaper Qué! Vocento confirms its presence in some autonomous communities such as Cataluña, Galicia, and Baleares, where the presence of the group took place through ABC. Este diario, cuyo contenido se basa en la cercanía a los lectores, dispone de redacciones y equipos comerciales en cada una de sus ediciones. Además, incorpora contenidos especializados, como el suplemento semanal Qué Casas! –que se publica los jueves–, y el recientemente lanzado Qué Empleo! –todos los martes–. El diario se distribuye mediante entrega en mano, por la mañana, y a través de expositores en numerosos establecimientos durante todo el día. This newspaper, the content of which is based on its proximity to its readers, has editorial offices and commercial teams in each one of its editions. It also includes specialized contents, such as the weekly supplement Qué Casas! –published on Thursdays–, and the recently launched Qué Empleo! –every Tuesday–. The papers are handed out personally to readers in the morning, and are also left on special newsstands in numerous establishments during the day. Medios impresos Qué! Print media Qué! Audiencia 2007Audience* 1.955.000 lectores readers Difusión 2007 Circulation** ejemplares 956.585 issues Perfil del lector Reader Profile* 55,9% De 20 a 44 años Aged 20 to 44 62,5% Estudios de BUP, COU o superiores Secondary or third-level education 49,6% Hombres Male 83,9% Residentes en urbes +50.000 habitantes Resident in cities with +50,000 people 75,6% Clase alta, media alta y media media Upper, upper-middle and middle-middle class Audiencia Audience* *Fuente: EGM PRENSA: 3er Año Móvil 2007 **PGD (enero-diciembre 2007) Difusión Circulation** *Source: EGM PRENSA: 3rd 2007 Moving year **PGD (January-December 2007). 33 Medios impresos Suplementos y Revistas Print media Supplements and Magazines VOCENTO ES LÍDER EN LA PUBLICACIÓN DE SUPLEMENTOS DE INFORMACIÓN GENERAL Y EN REVISTAS ESPECIALIZADAS. SuplementosyRevistas Taller de Editores (TESA) edita XLSemanal, TVMás, Mujer Hoy y Mujer Hoy Corazón, suplementos semanales líderes en sus respectivos sectores y que se sitúan entre las cuatro revistas más leídas en nuestro país. VOCENTO IS THE LEADER IN THE PUBLICATION OF GENERAL NEWS SUPPLEMENTS AND SPECIALIZED MAGAZINES. SuplementsandMagazines Taller de Editores (TESA) publishes XLSemanal, TVMás, Mujer Hoy and Mujer Hoy Corazón, weekly supplements 34 which are leaders in their respective sectors and are four of the most-widely read magazines in our country. Medios impresos Suplementos y Revistas Print media Supplements and Magazines XLSemanal XLSemanal DOS DÉCADAS DE VIDA TWO DECADES OF LIFE En noviembre de 2007 XLSemanal cumplió 20 años. Su rigor y calidad informativa han convertido a esta revista en la más leída en español. XLSemanal cuenta con una audiencia que supera los 3,3 millones de lectores* y llega todos los fines de semana a todos los rincones de España a través de 22 diarios. November 2007 marked the 20th anniversary of XLSemanal. The accuracy and standard of its reporting have turned this magazine into the most-widely read one in Spanish. XLSemanal has a readership that exceeds 3.3 million* and every weekend it reaches every corner of Spain through 22 newspapers. XLSemanal se distribuye con todos los periódicos del grupo (ABC, El Correo, El Diario Vasco, El Diario Montañés, La Verdad, Ideal, Hoy, Sur, La Rioja, El Norte de Castilla, El Comercio, La Voz y Las Provincias) y otros regionales líderes en su ámbito geográfico (La Voz de Galicia, Heraldo de Aragón, Diario de Navarra, Diario de Tarragona, Diario de Burgos, Diario de León, Diario de Avisos, Diario de Menorca y Diario de Ávila). XLSemanal is distributed with all the newspapers belonging to the group (ABC, El Correo, El Diario Vasco, El Diario Montañés, La Verdad, Ideal, Hoy, Sur, La Rioja, El Norte de Castilla, El Comercio, La Voz de Cádiz y Las Provincias) and other regional papers that are leaders in their geographical area (La Voz de Galicia, Heraldo de Aragón, Diario de Navarra, Diario de Tarragona, Diario de Burgos, Diario de León, Diario de Avisos, Diario de Menorca and Diario de Ávila). De esta forma, casi cuatro de cada diez personas que adquieren un dominical se decantan por el de Vocento que cuenta, entre otros atractivos, con un importante elenco de firmas como Carlos Herrera, Arturo Pérez-Reverte, Juan Manuel de Prada o Carmen Posadas. Nearly four out of every ten persons getting a Sunday paper choose Vocento’s, which has, amongst other attractions, articles signed by such renowned personalities as Carlos Herrera, Arturo Pérez-Reverte, Juan Manuel de Prada or Carmen Posadas. Mujer Hoy Mujer Hoy REFERENCIA DEL SECTOR SECTOR BENCHMARK Es la revista para público femenino que se distribuye con los periódicos de Vocento durante el fin de semana. Los datos de audiencia de más de 2,1 millones de lectores* la colocan como una de las publicaciones de referencia dentro de este segmento y en sus páginas se pueden encontrar noticias sobre moda, belleza, decoración y salud. This is the women’s magazine distributed with Vocento newspapers at the weekend. Its readership of 2.1 million* means it is one of the benchmark publications in this sector, with articles about fashion, beauty, decoration and health. TVMás LA TELEVISIÓN HECHA REVISTA Vocento renovó su suplemento televisivo Semanal TV en el mes de junio con el salida a los quioscos de su sucesor TVMás. Con él, el grupo pretende hacer una revista innovadora y de calidad. Más allá de la mera información audiovisual, TVMás se acerca a las nuevas formas de ver y hacer televisión con una cobertura especial del campo de las nuevas tecnologías, como Internet, la telefonía o los videojuegos. *Fuente: EGM: 3er Año Móvil 2007 TVMás TELEVISION IN A MAGAZINE Vocento upgraded its television supplement Semanal TV in the month of June, launching its successor TVMás. With this supplement, the group seeks to publish an innovative and quality magazine. Beyond the mere audiovisual news, TVMás comes closer to the new ways of watching and making television with a special coverage of the field of new technologies, such as Internet, telephony or video games. That’s why TVMás includes Conéctate, a section written by journalists specialized in new technologies who every week address topics related with the multimedia world in detail. *Source: EGM: 3rd 2007 Moving year 35 Medios impresos Suplementos y Revistas Print media Supplements and Magazines Para ello, TVMás incluye Conéctate, una sección impulsada por periodistas especializados en nuevas tecnologías que profundizan cada semana en temas relacionados con el universo multimedia. It is the most widely-read magazine in its sector, with more than 1.1 million readers* and an audience share of 51% in terms of specialised TV magazines, four times the share of its most direct competitor. Es la revista más leída de su sector con más de 1,1 millones de lectores* con una cuota del 51% de la audiencia de las revistas especializadas en el mundo de la televisión, por lo que cuadruplica a su competencia más directa. I I Mi Cartera de Inversión En sus páginas, cada semana el lector puede encontrar análisis bursátiles y económicos en los que la independencia, la rigurosidad y la seriedad son las características más importantes. Mi Cartera de Inversión ha conseguido fidelizar a la audiencia gracias a sus contenidos diferenciados. Esta revista organiza las dos ferias de referencia en el sector económico, Bolsalia (Madrid) y Borsadiner (Barcelona) y numerosos premios como Fomento de la Cultura Económica y Financiera, Buen Gobierno Corporativo, Obra Social de las Cajas de Ahorros y Mejores Productos Financieros. Su audiencia es de 80.800* lectores y su difusión de 16.788** ejemplares. Mi Cartera de Inversión Every week the reader can find in these pages market and economic analyses, which are to be highlighted for their independence, rigour and reliability. Mi Cartera de Inversión has earned its readers loyalty thanks to its different contents. This magazine organizes the two most important finance fairs, Bolsalia (Madrid) and Borsadiner (Barcelona) as well as various awards such as Fomento de la Cultura Económica y Financiera, Buen Gobierno Corporativo, Obra Social de las Cajas de Ahorros and Mejores Productos Financieros. It has a readership of 80,800* and a circulation of 16,788** copies. I Motor 16 Motor 16 is a weekly magazine that has great prestige in the motoring sector. I Motor 16 It has a readership of 99,000* and a circulation of 27,177*** copies. Motor 16 es un semanario con gran prestigio dentro del sector de la automoción. Tiene una audiencia de 99.000* lectores y una difusión de 27.177*** ejemplares. I Mujer Hoy Corazón WITH NO COMPETITION IN THE WEEKEND SUPPLEMENT MARKET I Mujer Hoy Corazón SIN COMPETENCIA EN EL MERCADO DE SUPLEMENTOS DE FIN DE SEMANA Taller de Editores completa su oferta editorial con Mujer Hoy Corazón, revista dedicada a la actualidad de los famosos caracterizada por un tratamiento de la información dinámico, respetuoso y elegante. Desde su lanzamiento, en octubre del año 2006, acompaña la oferta editorial de los sábados del diario ABC y es muy bien valorada por su lectores. 36 *Fuente: EGM: 3er Año Móvil 2007 **Fuente: OJD (enero-diciembre 2006) ***Fuente: OJD (octubre 2006-junio 2007) Taller de Editores rounds off its publications with Mujer Hoy Corazón, a magazine dealing with the latest on celebrities, with a dynamic, respectful and elegant way of reporting. Since it was first published in October 2006, it is distributed with ABC Saturday papers and is very highly valued by its readers. *Source: EGM: 3rd 2007 Moving year **OJD (January-December 2006) ***OJD (October 2006-June 2007) Medios impresos Suplementos y Revistas Print media Supplements and Magazines Audiencia 2007Audience* 3.379.000 lectores readers Perfil del lector Reader Profile* Difusión 2006Circulation** ejemplares 1.186.570 issues Audiencia Audience* 47,0 % De 20 a 44 años Aged 20 to 44 61,5 % Estudios de BUP, COU o superiores Secondary or third-level education Difusión Circulation** 51,7 % Mujeres Female 56,8 % Residentes en urbes +50.000 habitantes Resident in cities with +50,000 people 74,5 % Clase alta, media alta y media media Upper, upper-middle and middle-middle class Audiencia 2007Audience* 2.197.000 lectores readers Perfil del lector Reader Profile* Difusión 2006Circulation** ejemplares 981.070 issues Audiencia Audience* 47,2 % De 20 a 44 años Aged 20 to 44 60,3 % Estudios de BUP, COU o superiores Secondary or third-level education 70,4 % Mujeres Female Difusión Circulation** 55,4 % Residentes en urbes +50.000 habitantes Resident in cities with +50,000 people 74,0 % Clase alta, media alta y media media Upper, upper-middle and middle-middle class *Fuente: EGM: 3er Año Móvil 2007 **OJD (enero-diciembre 2006) *Source: EGM: 3rd 2007 Moving year **OJD (January-December 2006) 37 Medios impresos Suplementos y Revistas Print media Supplements and Magazines Audiencia 2007Audience* 1.109.000 lectores readers Perfil del lector Reader Profile* Difusión 2006Circulation** ejemplares 830.260 issues Audiencia Audience* 45,7 % De 20 a 44 años Aged 20 to 44 55,5 % Estudios de BUP, COU o superiores Secondary or third-level education Difusión Circulation** 55,7 % Mujeres Female 54,8 % Residentes en urbes +50.000 habitantes Resident in cities with +50,000 people 68,6 % Clase alta, media alta y media media Upper, upper-middle and middle-middle class Audiencia 2007Audience* 80.800 lectores readers Perfil del lector Reader Profile* Difusión 2006Circulation** ejemplares 16.788 issues Audiencia Audience* 63,5 % De 20 a 44 años Aged 20 to 44 81,3 % Estudios de BUP, COU o superiores Secondary or third-level education Difusión Circulation** 69,3 % Hombres Male 61,6 % Residentes en urbes +50.000 habitantes Resident in cities with +50,000 people 88,0 % Clase alta, media alta y media media Upper, upper-middle and middle-middle class *Fuente: EGM: 3er Año Móvil 2007 **OJD (enero-diciembre 2006) 38 *Source: EGM: 3rd 2007 Moving year **OJD (January-December 2006) Medios impresos Suplementos y Revistas Print media Supplements and Magazines Audiencia 2007Audience* 99.000 lectores readers Perfil del lector Reader Profile* Difusión Circulation*** ejemplares 27.177 issues Audiencia Audience* 56,5 % De 20 a 44 años Aged 20 to 44 55,3 % Estudios de BUP, COU o superiores Secondary or third-level education 77,9 % Difusión Circulation** Hombres Male 57,9 % Residentes en urbes +50.000 habitantes Resident in cities with +50,000 people 74,6 % Clase alta, media alta y media media Upper, upper-middle and middle-middle class Difusión 2007 Circulation 325.000 ejemplares issues *Fuente: EGM: 3er Año Móvil 2007 **OJD (enero-diciembre 2006) ***Fuente: OJD (octubre 2006-junio 2007) *Source: EGM: 3rd 2007 Moving year **OJD (January-December 2006) ***OJD (October 2006-June 2007) 39 40 41 Audiovisual Punto Radio Audiovisual I Punto Radio After having been on air now for three years, Punto Radio has fulfilled the aims that led to its creation, now being one of the largest radio channels, as well as being established as a national benchmark in its sector. I Punto Radio Después de tres años de operaciones, Punto Radio ha alcanzado los objetivos que impulsaron su creación al situarse entre las grandes cadenas radiofónicas y al consolidarse como medio nacional de referencia. A lo largo de este ejercicio destacan dos claves que explican el prestigio y reconocimiento alcanzado por Punto Radio y que forman parte de los principios que inspiraron el nacimiento de la cadena: el compromiso con el rigor y la objetividad en la información y la apuesta por una programación de calidad. En este año y en el contexto del producto radiofónico, merece una mención aparte la incorporación de María Teresa Campos que vuelve a la radio de la mano de Luis del Olmo, al que complementa a la perfección al frente de Protagonistas. También en este marco cabe señalar la calidad y creciente contribución de las emisoras a la mejora de la programación con contenidos locales. Pero el año 2007 ha quedado marcado en la historia de la Radio como el Año Protagonistas. La celebración de la edición número 10.000 del programa pionero de la radio española puso en marcha una gira sin precedentes por toda nuestra geografía. Luis del Olmo y Punto Radio han llevado Protagonistas en directo a 20 ciudades, con el colofón en Zaragoza de la emisión 10.000. Un homenaje del mundo de la radio y de la sociedad española a Luis del Olmo, en el que se reunieron más de 600 personalidades. 42 During this year, there are two keys to explaining the prestige and recognition achieved by Punto Radio and which are part of the principles that inspired the creation of the channel: its commitment to rigour and objectivity in reporting and its emphasis on quality programmes. During this year, and within the context of the radio product, it is important to highlight the incorporation of María Teresa Campos who has returned to radio, working together with Luis del Olmo, whom she perfectly complements leading the Protagonistas team. Also within this framework it is necessary to point out the quality and growing contribution of the radio stations to the improvement of programmes with local contents. But the year 2007 has gone down in the history of Radio as “Protagonistas Year”. The celebration of programme number 10,000 of the pioneer programme of Spanish radio resulted in an unprecedented tour throughout the country. Luis del Olmo and Punto Radio have taken the Protagonistas show live to 20 cities, culminating in Zaragoza with programme number 10,000. A tribute on the part of the radio world and Spanish society to Luis del Olmo, bringing together more than 600 well-known public figures. In short, the high commitment to the product in its different formats has been ever-present in the growing success of Punto Radio and it will continue to be essential for the project development. Audiovisual Punto Radio Programas&Comunicadores Programmes&Presenters En resumen, la apuesta por el producto en sus diferentes formatos ha estado presente en el creciente éxito de Punto Radio y continuará siendo fundamental para el desarrollo del proyecto. Tan relevante como los contenidos ha sido la progresiva ampliación de la red, que se ha acelerado con la resolución de los primeros concursos del Plan Técnico Nacional de Radio. El plan ha permitido a Punto Radio crecer con siete nuevas frecuencias en La Rioja y Baleares. Estos magníficos resultados nos permiten ser optimistas en cuanto a los futuros concursos que se espera se resuelvan a lo largo del año 2008 y en los primeros meses de 2009. En 2007 también se ha trabajado en potenciar el canal Internet, mejorando las herramientas de escucha y participación de los oyentes y adaptando el audio a nuevos soportes y formatos que ahora ya pueden ser disfrutados por el público en la nueva web ( I Protagonistas. Luis del Olmo & María Teresa Campos I Primera plana. José Miguel Azpiroz I La Tarde de Ramón García. Ramón García I De costa a costa. Félix Madero I El Mirador. Josep Pedrerol I Cinco Lunas. Rosa García Caro I A día de hoy. Alejandro Ávila I Ana en Punto Radio. Ana García Lozano I La buena vida. Elena Markínez I Nuevos ciudadanos. Sara Infante I Salud y calidad de vida. Ricardo Aparicio I Salimos de caza. Marcelo Verdeja I La trilla. Juan Quintana I Luces en la oscuridad. Pedro Riba The progressive extension of the network has been just as relevant as the contents, which has been sped up thanks to the awarding of contracts for the first calls for bids of the Plan Técnico Nacional de Radio. Thanks to this plan, Punto Radio has been able to grow with seven new wavelengths in La Rioja and Baleares. These magnificent results allow us to be optimistic regarding future bids that should be awarded throughout the year 2008 and during the early months of 2009. In 2007 the channel has also been working on promoting the Internet channel, improving the listening tools and the listeners' participation, as well as adapting the audio to new supports and formats that can already be enjoyed by the public on the new website ( 43 Audiovisual Veralia Radio Digital Digital Radio El desconocimiento del público acerca de los servicios DAB es la principal causa del lento desarrollo de la radio digital. A esto se une además, el limitado desarrollo del mercado de receptores. The public's lack of knowledge regarding DAB services is the main reason for the slow development of digital radio. This, and also the limited development of the receiver market. Ante esta situación, los concesionarios han avanzado solicitando al Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio la modificación de los compromisos incluidos en sus ofertas y la adopción de medidas que engloben a todos los agentes implicados para el desarrollo de la radio digital DAB en España. I Veralia Para la creación y gestión de contenidos, Vocento ha creado Veralia, sociedad holding en la que ha agrupado las participaciones que tiene en varias productoras y una distribuidora de contenidos. Forman parte de Veralia las productoras Grupo Europroducciones, BocaBoca Producciones, Videomedia y la distribuidora Tripictures. Grupo Europroducciones Grupo Europroducciones se creó en 1991 y es una de las más importantes empresas del sector con sedes en Madrid, Italia, Portugal, Polonia y Turquía, además de realizar operaciones en Grecia y Estados Unidos. La principal actividad de Grupo Europroducciones se centra en la producción de programas de entretenimiento, concursos de gran formato, magazines, canales temáticos y series de ficción, además de contar con medios técnicos y platós. 44 Therefore, applications have been made to the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade requesting the modification of the agreements included in their offers and the adoption of measures including all the agents involved in developing DAB digital radio in Spain. I Veralia For the creation and management of contents, Vocento has created Veralia, a holding company in which it has grouped together the shares it holds in various production companies and a content distributor. Veralia is formed by the production companies Grupo Europroducciones, BocaBoca Producciones, Videomedia and the distribution company Tripictures. Grupo Europroducciones Grupo Europroducciones was founded in 1991 and is one of the most important companies in the sector with offices in Audiovisual Veralia Además de contar con medios técnicos y platós, también realiza labores de representación de artistas, entre los que se encuentran María Teresa Campos, Alfredo Urdaci, Terelu Campos y Dani Mateo. Durante 2007, Grupo Europroducciones ha emitido varios programas de entretenimiento con mucho éxito: Grand Prix que ha conseguido récords de audiencia en un gran número de cadenas autonómicas con los presentadores Bertín Osborne y Cristina Urgel y el concurso musical Se llama Copla, presentado por Eva González, que se ha convertido en el gran éxito de Canal Sur con una media de cuota de más del 32%, desafiando cada sábado a los programas emitidos en cadenas nacionales. Se llama Copla seguirá en emisión hasta marzo de 2008. También sigue produciendo el magazine de actualidad Locos x Madrid, presentado por Alfredo Urdaci y Terelu Campos, que ha iniciado su segunda temporada en Onda6 TV en octubre de 2007. Hay que destacar que Grupo Europroducciones está a cargo de toda la programación de la cadena musical Fly Music, canal que se emite en abierto a través de la TDT y que cumplió dos años en noviembre de 2007. Fly Music ha conseguido situarse como un canal de referencia para los amantes de la música. En el área de ficción, Grupo Europroducciones ha producido durante el año 2007 la serie diaria CLA no somos ángeles para Antena 3, protagonizada por actores como Mariano Alameda, Héctor Colomé y William Miller, entre otros. BocaBoca Producciones BocaBoca Producciones es una de las principales productoras españolas de la que Veralia posee el 70%. Desde su nacimiento en 1988 se ha especializado en la producción de series de ficción, cine y entretenimiento. El Comisario, Pasapalabra o Al Salir de Clase son algunos de los productos más conocidos elaborados por esta compañía y que han gozado del respaldo de las audiencias desde su nacimiento. Madrid, Italy, Portugal, Poland and Turkey, besides doing business in Greece and the United States. The main activity of Grupo Europroducciones is the production of entertainment programmes, large format game shows, talk shows, special-interest channels and fiction series. In addition to having technical media and sets, it also handles the representation of artists such as María Teresa Campos, Alfredo Urdaci, Terelu Campos and Dani Mateo amongst others. During 2007, Grupo Europroducciones has broadcasted various highly successful entertainment programmes: Grand Prix which has obtained record numbers of viewers on many regional channels with the presenters Bertín Osborne and Cristina Urgel, and the music contest Se llama Copla, hosted by Eva González, which is now a hit on the Canal Sur with an average market share of more than 32%, every Saturday competing with the programmes shown on national channels. Se llama Copla will run until March 2008. The current affairs talk show Locos x Madrid, presented by Alfredo Urdaci and Terelu Campos, is still on the air, having started its second year on Onda6 TV in October 2007. It is important to point out that Grupo Europroducciones is in charge of all the programming of Fly Music channel, which broadcasts unscrambled through DDT and which has been running since November 2007. Fly Music has now become a benchmark channel for music fans. As for fiction programmes, in 2007 Grupo Europroducciones has produced the daily series CLA no somos ángeles for Antena 3, starring actors such as Mariano Alameda, Héctor Colomé and William Miller, amongst others... 45 Audiovisual Veralia BocaBoca Producciones Durante el año 2007, BocaBoca ha seguido emitiendo grande éxitos de audiencia como El Comisario y Pasapalabra en Telecinco, así como el concurso Metro a Metro en Telemadrid y la telenovela Laberint de Passions en IB3. Por otra parte, durante 2007 se inició el rodaje de Yo soy el Solitario, una historia de acción e intriga basada en la investigación que llevó a la detención del presunto ladrón de bancos más famoso de los últimos tiempos. Yo soy el Solitario está protagonizada por Pepo Oliva y Emilio Gutiérrez Caba, y su estreno en enero 2008 en Antena 3 supuso un éxito de audiencia. Videomedia Creada en 1982, es uno de los principales grupos independientes de producción de contenidos en televisión. Actualmente su actividad se centra en la producción de series de ficción, aunque tiene amplia experiencia en la producción de concursos, magazines y canales temáticos. Videomedia es la productora de programas como Hospital Central, MIR, El Precio Justo y Lo que necesitas es amor, títulos que han marcado un hito en la televisión BocaBoca Producciones is one of the main Spanish production companies, of which Veralia holds a 70% share. Since its creation in 1988, it has specialized in the production of fiction series, films and entertainment programmes. El Comisario, Pasapalabra or Al Salir de Clase are some of the best-known programmes produced by this company and that have been very successful since the first day. During 2007, BocaBoca has continued to have huge viewership ratings with the programmes El Comisario and Pasapalabra on channel Telecinco, as well as with the contest Metro a Metro on Telemadrid and the soap opera Laberint de Passions on IB3. On the other hand, during 2007 shooting has begun on Yo soy el Solitario, an action-thriller series based on the investigations that led to the arrest of the most famous bank robbers of recent times. The series stars Pepo Oliva and Emilio Gutiérrez Caba, and its first episode broadcasted in January 2008 on Antena 3 was an overwhelming success. Videomedia Created in 1982, it is one of the main independent television content production groups. It currently produces fiction series, although it also has extensive experience in the production of games shows, talk shows and specialinterest channels. A sample of programmes produced by Videomedia are Hospital Central, MIR, El Precio Justo and Lo que necesitas es amor, all milestones of Spanish television. It also created, designed and produced the special-interest channel Canal Cocina in its early years. 46 Audiovisual Veralia española. También creó, diseñó y produjo el canal temático Canal Cocina en los primeros años de su vida. Durante 2007, Videomedia ha producido tres series de ficción, Hospital Central, MIR y RIS para Telecinco, así como dos programas de entretenimiento para Antena 3, Sorpresa, sorpresa y Si yo fuera tú. Cabe destacar el récord de Hospital Central, que en su decimocuarta temporada se ha convertido en la serie española más longeva, con sus 205 capítulos emitidos desde su estreno en el año 2000. En el mundo del teatro, el musical Fama, después de terminar las representaciones de Madrid, ha hecho una gira por más de 40 ciudades españolas, que continúa, a día de hoy, con un gran éxito de audiencia. En el mes de noviembre se estrenó la nueva producción titulada El rey de bodas (The Wedding Singer) en el Teatro Nuevo Alcalá de Madrid. During 2007, Videomedia has produced three fiction series, Hospital Central, MIR and RIS for Telecinco, as well as two entertainment programmes for Antena 3, Sorpresa, sorpresa and Si yo fuera tú. Hospital Central, now running in its fourteenth year, is the longestrunning Spanish series, 205 episodes having been broadcasted since it began in 2000. In the world of theatre, the musical Fama, after closing in Madrid, has toured more than 40 Spanish cities, still being a great hit today. In November the new production El rey de bodas (The Wedding Singer) opened at the Teatro Nuevo Alcalá in Madrid. Tripictures Es la primera distribuidora independiente de España. Centra su actividad en la compra de derechos de películas americanas y europeas para distribuirlas a lo largo de todo el ciclo de explotación en las diferentes posibilidades expositivas. 2007 ha sido un gran año para Tripictures. Lo confirman títulos como Hairspray, la película musical del año, Fracture, la apuesta de calidad con Anthony Hopkins como protagonista y Hora Punta 3, que fue número uno en la recaudación de taquilla el fin de semana de su estreno. El broche final para este año de éxitos fue la superproducción americana de 250 millones de dólares, La brújula dorada. Se estrenó en los cines el pasado 5 de diciembre de 2007 y ha sido la película con más ingresos de taquilla estas Navidades al obtener una recaudación cercana a los 13 millones de euros. Tripictures It is the top independent distributor in Spain. It deals with the purchase of American and European film rights to distribute them in all the different staged of their whole cycle. 2007 has been a great year for Tripictures. This can be seen with the success of films like Hairspray, the musical film of the year, Fracture, the quality film starring Anthony Hopkins, and Hora Punta 3 (Rush Hour 3), which was a number one box office hit the weekend it was released. The finishing touch for this year full of hits was the American 250 million dollar super production, La brújula dorada (The Golden Compass), which was released on 5th December 2007 and has been the biggest box office hit this Christmas, with nearly 13 million euros. 47 Audiovisual Net TV Fly Music I Net TV Durante 2007 han continuado las emisiones de Net TV y se ha apostado por la variedad de géneros (música, cine, teleseries, telenovelas, etc.). Según TNSofres, a finales de año la penetración de la TDT en hogares españoles era del 23,4% y el consumo del 9,49%, lo que supone un gran incremento respecto a años anteriores y un cambio en las tendencias de consumo. I I Net TV During 2007 Net TV has continued broadcasting a variety of genres (music, cinema, TV serials, soap operas, etc.). According to TNSofres, at the end of the year DTT was present in 23.4% of Spanish households and its use was 9.49%, showing a significant increase with regard to previous years and a change in consumer trends. Fly Music Vocento, además, sigue apostando con firmeza por la Televisión Digital Terrestre y participa de manera activa en la Asociación para el Impulso de la TDT con el objetivo de lograr la completa implantación de esta tecnología y asegurar el apagón analógico en 2010. Fly Music es el segundo canal otorgado a Vocento en octubre de 2005. Se trata de un canal especializado en música producido por Grupo Europroducciones. I Fly Music Vocento continues to firmly commit itself to Digital Terrestrial Television and actively takes part in the Association for DTT promotion, in order to achieve full implementation of this technology and ensure analogue television close-down in 2010. Fly Music is the second channel awarded to Vocento in October 2005. It is a specialized music channel produced by Grupo Europroducciones. 48 Audiovisual Punto TV I Punto TV La televisión local ha conseguido mantenerse durante 2007 como una alternativa audiovisual tanto para los espectadores como para el sector publicitario. A pesar de la fuerte competencia en el sector de la televisión y la mayor fragmentación de audiencias que se ha producido en este ejercicio, Punto TV ha alcanzado una cuota de pantalla sobre el consumo total de televisión de un 2,9% frente al 3,4% del año pasado. Esta disminución viene en gran parte derivada de la reclasificación de televisiones que anteriormente TNSofres incluía en el apartado de locales (Onda6 TV Madrid y TD8 autonómica en Cataluña) y que en 2007 han pasado a la clasificación de televisiones autonómicas privadas. Punto TV, la marca que engloba a las televisiones autonómicas y locales de Vocento, se ha afianzado durante 2007 y ha conseguido aprovechar las sinergias en materia de contenidos y comercialización, con 45 televisiones en 37 provincias y con una cobertura de doce millones de ciudadanos. Cuenta con más de 2,6 millones de espectadores diarios según los últimos datos de TNSofres. Finalizó 2007 con una cuota del 14,39% del total del mercado de televisión local frente al 14,43% del año anterior, alcanzando una cuota de pantalla sobre el mercado total de la televisión del 0,42%, frente al 0,50% de 2006. La apuesta de Punto TV es un modelo de televisión de calidad basado en una información y actualidad de proximidad y que ocupa los espacios de máxima audiencia prime time de las cadenas locales y autonómicas. A ésta se suman los contenidos comunes de tipo generalista pero con el criterio de ser alternativos a las grandes cadenas generalistas que se proporcionan desde la cadena. I Punto TV In 2007 local television has managed to maintain its position as an audiovisual alternative for both viewers and the advertising sector. In spite of the strong competition existing in the television industry and the greater fragmentation of audiences that has occurred this year, Punto TV has reached a viewership share of 2.9% in comparison with last year’s 3.4%. This drop is largely due to the reclassification of televisions that TNSofres had previously included in the section of local televisions (Onda6 TV Madrid and TD8 in Cataluña) and which in 2007 have been listed as private regional televisions. Punto TV, the brand that includes Vocento’s regional and local televisions, has secured its position during 2007 and has been able to make the most of the content and marketing synergies, with 45 televisions in 37 provinces, reaching twelve million citizens. It has more than 2.6 million viewers every day according to the latest data published by TNSofres. It ended 2007 with a 14.39% share of the local television market in comparison with the previous year’s 14.43%, reaching a total television market share of 0.42%, with regard to the figure of 0.50% in 2006. Punto TV is a model of quality television providing local information on current affairs, with prime-time positions on 49 Audiovisual Punto TV Onda6 TV En 2007, además de las televisiones que ya contaban con licencia digital autonómica (Madrid, Comunidad Valenciana, Murcia y La Rioja) y con licencia digital local (Urbe TV en la demarcación principal de Barcelona), en las que Vocento ostenta participación mayoritaria, Vocento resultó adjudicatario de la concesión de televisión digital de la Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía. Se han conseguido igualmente las concesiones de doce demarcaciones digitales locales en País Vasco y las tres principales demarcaciones digitales locales de Asturias (Oviedo, Gijón y Avilés) a las que se presentaron las televisiones locales de cada área. local and regional channels. It also offers common contents of general interest but with the criterion of being an alternative to the other large general-interest channels provided from the channel. In 2007, apart from the televisions that already had their regional digital licence (Madrid, Comunidad Valenciana, Murcia and La Rioja) and with a local digital licence (Urbe TV in the main demarcation of Barcelona), in which Vocento holds a majority stake, Vocento was awarded the digital television concession of the autonomous community of Andalucía. 2007 ha sido un año de consolidación de la oferta de contenidos de Punto TV, y es destacable la significativa reducción del 26% del total gastos frente al año anterior. I Onda6 TV Sociedad Gestora de TV OndaSeis obtuvo en diciembre de 1999 una licencia de Servicio Público de TDT otorgada por la Comunidad de Madrid. Esto supone la explotación de un programa integrado en el Canal 63, con capacidad para cuatro programas, situando sus posibilidades de emisión en esta nueva tecnología en las mismas condiciones operativas que el operador público Telemadrid. Onda6 TV ha mejorado a lo largo de 2007 su apuesta por contenidos de calidad cercanos a los madrileños, y ha logrado convertirse en la primera cadena privada de la Comunidad de Madrid, solo por detrás de los canales nacionales y de Telemadrid. Según TNSofres, Onda6 TV se ha convertido en la opción líder y referente del entorno local. Las emisiones de la cadena en su media anual han sido sintonizadas por más de 3,8 millones de madrileños. De ellos, y en cómputo anual, su media diaria ha ascendido hasta los 553.000 espectadores 50 Likewise, twelve local digital television concessions have been awarded in País Vasco and the three main local digital demarcations of Asturias (Oviedo, Gijón and Avilés) for which the local televisions of each area had forwarded their proposals. 2007 has been a year of consolidation for Punto TV contents offer, and it has experienced a 26% reduction in total costs with regard to the previous year. I Onda6 TV In December 1999 Sociedad Gestora de TV OndaSeis was awarded a DTT Public Service Licence by the Comunidad de Madrid. This entails broadcasting an integrated programme Audiovisual Onda6 TV aportando una media anual del 0,8% de Share Total Televisión y del 34,5% en Cuota de Televisión Local. Estas cifras de audiencia suponen un crecimiento medio anual, con respecto al año 2006, del 37% de la cuota local de televisión en Madrid. De esta audiencia, su perfil es bien considerado desde el punto de vista de target comercial, al corresponderse con el de una persona de clase media-alta. Además, ha actualizado sus emisiones con nuevos contenidos que han evolucionado su programación próxima, cercana, variada y diferente, con la implicación y participación de reconocidos profesionales de la televisión como Alfredo Urdaci y Terelu Campos, presentadores de Locos x Madrid, Javier Reyero, presentador de Fútbol6 y Alonso Caparrós, conductor de Oh la la! A lo largo del año, se han producido programas junto con las principales productoras de televisión: Grupo Europroducciones, Mediapro, Korpa etc., con buenos resultados de audiencia. 2007 ha sido también el del crecimiento de los servicios informativos de Onda6 TV al ser uno de los pilares de la programación y una referencia informativa regional, tanto en sus ediciones diarias como en sus programas especiales. En el ámbito de la ficción y del entretenimiento, la apuesta más fuerte de Onda6 TV ha sido Rebelde. La serie mexicana emitida en la programación de tarde que ha conseguido fidelizar al público joven de la cadena, ha obtenido elevados registros de audiencia. En la Comunidad de Madrid, la evolución de la TDT ha sido creciente a lo largo de todo el año al alcanzar a finales del mismo aproximadamente el 17% del consumo televisivo. La emisión Digital Terrestre de Onda6 TV funciona y ha funcionado en 2007 como uno de los motores de crecimiento del canal, consolidando y mejorando sus datos en este sistema de transmisión. Onda6 TV ha sido capaz de on Canal 63, with the capacity for four programmes, placing the broadcasting possibilities of this new technology in the same conditions as the public operator Telemadrid. During 2007 Onda6 TV has improved its commitment to quality contents that are close to the inhabitants of Madrid, having become the leading private channel in the Comunidad de Madrid, only behind the national channels and Telemadrid. According to TNSofres, Onda6 TV has become the leading local option and benchmark. A yearly average of more than 3.8 million viewers in Madrid have tuned into the programmes broadcasted by this channel. According to the yearly calculations, the average daily number of viewers has risen to 553,000, giving a Total Television Share of 0.8% and a Local Television Share of 34.5%. These viewership figures mean an average yearly growth, with regard to the year 2006, of 37% in the Madrid local television market share. With regard to these viewers, their profile is well considered from a commercial target point of view, as they belong to the upper-middle class. It has also updated its programmes with new contents that have improved its close-up, customized, varied and different programming, with the involvement and participation of well-known television personalities such as Alfredo Urdaci and Terelu Campos, hosts of Locos x Madrid, Javier Reyero, presenter of Fútbol6 and Alonso Caparrós host of Oh la la! During this year, programmes have been produced together with the main television production companies: Grupo Europroducciones, Mediapro, Korpa etc., with good viewership ratings. 2007 has also been the year of the 51 Audiovisual Onda6 TV Urbe TV situarse en el prime time dentro de las cadenas más vistas en la comunidad de Madrid, superando a opciones nacionales como T5Sport, Canal 24 horas, Veo TV, o CNN+, entre otras. growth of Onda6 TV news programmes, being one of the pillars of its programming and a regional news benchmark, both in its daily editions and its special programmes. Onda6 TV comenzó en el mes de diciembre sus emisiones a través de la plataforma Imagenio, en su dial número 9 en Madrid. Con esto, la programación de Onda6 TV puede ser recibida actualmente por todos los sistemas de difusión de televisión en la práctica totalidad de la Comunidad de Madrid, siendo accesible a todos los madrileños. With regard to fiction and entertainment, Onda6 TV’s strongest bet has been Rebelde. This Mexican series shown in the afternoon has secured the loyalty of young viewers, obtaining high viewership ratings. In the Comunidad de Madrid the evolution of DTT has increased during the whole year, reaching approximately 17% of the television audience at the end of the year. Onda6 TV Digital Terrestrial Television is, and has been in 2007, one of the channel’s driving forces, consolidating and improving its position in this broadcasting system. Onda6 TV has been one of the most-viewed channels during prime-time in the Comunidad de Madrid, beating national options like T5Sport, Canal 24 horas, VeoTV, or CNN+, amongst others. In December Onda6 TV began to broadcast through Imagenio, on its dial number 9 in Madrid. With this, the Onda6 TV programmes can be currently received by all television broadcasting systems in practically the whole of the Comunidad de Madrid, thus being accessible to all Madrid residents. En el mes de junio Onda6 TV lideró la creación del Grupo de Televisiones Autonómicas Privadas dentro del sistema de medición de audiencias de TNSofres, así como impulsó, siendo miembro fundador, la creación de ASODAL, Asociación de carácter nacional que engloba el conjunto de televisiones Privadas Autonómicas y Locales con licencia digital de emisión. I Urbe TV Dos hechos han marcado 2007 para Urbe TV. Por un lado la puesta en marcha de la emisiones de Televisión Digital Terrestre en Barcelona y por otro, la pérdida del canal principal en analógico de Barcelona debido a la adjudicación de éste para La Sexta. La audiencia de Urbe TV ha descendido este año un 0,16% respecto a 2006, cerrando 2007 con una media de 0,28% de share. Este dato es especialmente significativo ya que en el mes de julio se produjo el cambio de frecuencia del canal principal de Barcelona y fue a partir de entonces cuando se perdió gran parte de la audiencia. Fue en el mismo mes de julio cuando comenzaron las emisiones en TDT. La aportación de audiencia en TDT durante el mes computado es de 11,8%, con un 88,2% de aportación analógica. 52 In June, Onda6 TV headed the creation of the “Private Regional” television group within the TNSofres audience measuring system, and it also promoted, being the founding member, the creation of ASODAL, a national Association that groups together Private Regional and Local televisions with a digital broadcasting licence. I Urbe TV There have been two important events in 2007 for Urbe TV. On the one hand, the implementation of Digital Terrestrial Television in Barcelona, and, on the other, the loss of the main analogue channel in Barcelona due to the latter being awarded to La Sexta. This year Urbe TV viewership has fallen 0.16% with regard to 2006, 2007 closing with an average share of 0.28%. This fact is especially significant since in July the main channel in Barcelona changed its frequency, and since then it lost a Audiovisual Telecinco I Telecinco La cadena de televisión Telecinco, de la cual Vocento posee un 13%, ha firmado en 2007 su cuarto liderazgo de audiencia consecutivo con un 20,3% de share, un registro que le ha llevado a establecer la mayor distancia histórica sobre Antena 3 y TVE 1, a las que ha superado en 2,9 y 3,1 puntos, respectivamente. La programación de Telecinco se ha impuesto un año más en la banda horaria de mayor consumo televisivo, el prime time, en la que ha crecido hasta un 20,9% de share, y ha abierto una distancia superior a los 4 puntos sobre sus inmediatos competidores. Este éxito se ha cimentado en la variada oferta de la cadena, un compendio de las series nacionales y extranjeras más vistas del año y de programas de producción propia –la mayoría en directo– con mayor aceptación entre los espectadores. Telecinco ha liderado 2007 con rotundidad durante 256 días, 27 jornadas más que en 2006, y ha batido su propio récord al imponerse de forma consecutiva en los 12 meses del año. Un ejercicio más, su supremacía ha resultado contundente tanto en las principales franjas horarias como en el target comercial (22,5%), segmento en el que ha encadenado 9 años de liderazgo ininterrumpido y que confirma la sintonía absoluta de la cadena con el público preferido por los anunciantes. En este sentido, la acertada política comercial de Publiespaña, la gestora de la publicidad de Telecinco, ha marcado un hito en la historia de la televisión en España con la superación de la barrera de los 1.000 millones de euros de ingresos publicitarios televisivos brutos en el ejercicio 2007, una cifra nunca antes alcanzada por ningún operador en España. great part of its viewers. It was in the same month of July when DTT broadcasting began. DTT viewership during the month in question is 11.8%, and 88.2% for analogue television. I Telecinco Telecinco, a channel in which Vocento holds a 13% stake, has seen its fourth consecutive year of leadership in 2007 with a 20.3% share of viewership, the largest ever difference regarding Antena 3 and TVE 1, having surpassed them in 2.9 and 3.1 points, respectively. Once again Telecinco programmes have been top of the prime-time ratings, its share having risen to 20.9%, being 4 points ahead of its immediate competitors. This success is due to the varied offer of the channel, the most-widely viewed national and foreign series and programmes is has produced itself –most of them live– with the greatest acceptance among viewers. In 2007 Telecinco has by far been the leader in viewership ratings during 256 days, 27 more than in 2006, having broken its own record, since it has been so for a period of 12 months running. Once again, its supremacy has been firmly established in both prime-time and commercial target (22.5%), a segment in which it has been the leader for 9 years running, and which confirms the absolute connection of the channel with the public preferred by advertisers. In this sense, the excellent marketing policy on the part of Publiespaña, Telecinco’s advertising management company, has marked a milestone in Spanish television, exceeding 1,000 million euros in gross advertising revenues in 2007, a figure that had never been obtained by any other operator before in Spain. 53 54 55 Internet DURANTE EL AÑO 2007, Y SIGUIENDO LA TENDENCIA DEL ÚLTIMO TRIENIO, EL NÚMERO DE USUARIOS DE INTERNET EN ESPAÑA HA IDO EN AUMENTO. EL PASADO AÑO, ESTE NÚMERO ALCANZÓ LA CIFRA DE 19,7 MILLONES, SEGÚN EL ÚLTIMO ESTUDIO DE RED.ES. Internet DURING THE YEAR 2007, AND FOLLOWING THE TENDENCY OF THE LAST THREE YEARS, THE NUMBER OF INTERNET USERS HAS RISEN IN SPAIN. LAST YEAR THIS FIGURE WAS 19.7 MILLION, ACCORDING TO THE LATEST STUDY BY RED.ES. En esta tendencia alcista, la posición de Vocento durante 2007 ha sido muy destacada, con una línea de constate crecimiento. Este año, según Nielsen/NetRatings Site Census, el grupo ha superado los 15,4 millones de usuarios únicos mensuales. Esta cifra supone que el 77% de los internautas españoles visitaron el pasado año alguno de los portales online de Vocento. Por otra parte, el crecimiento experimentado por Vocento en esta área de negocio le ha situado como el primer grupo de comunicación en audiencia en Internet. Con el mayor índice de crecimiento del sector, Vocento ha registrado durante el último año –diciembre 2006/diciembre 2007– un incremento del 84,7%, casi duplicando el crecimiento anual medio del mercado (43,7%). In this rising trend, Vocento’s position during 2007 has been quite outstanding, with a constant line of growth. This year, according to Nielsen/NetRatings Site Census, the group has had more than 15.4 million monthly unique users. This figure means that last year 77% of Spanish Internet users visited some of Vocento’s online portals. On the other hand, the growth experienced by Vocento in this business area has placed it as the top communication group regarding Internet users. With the highest growth rate in the sector, during the last year –December 2006/December 2007– Vocento has registered an increase of 84.7%, almost twice the average market annual growth rate (43.7%). LATEST TRENDS NUEVAS TENDENCIAS Las actividades de Vocento en el campo de las nuevas tecnologías abarcan: Portales Locales, Portales Verticales, Portal Generalista, Portales de Anuncios Clasificados, comercialización de contenidos, comercio electrónico, conectividad y servicios de valor añadido en Internet. 56 Vocento’s business activities in the field of new technologies cover: Local Portals, Vertical Portals, General Interest Portal, Classified Ads Portals, content marketing, e-commerce, connectivity and value-added Internet services. The growth registered this last year confirms the successful strategy followed by Vocento in this business area. Internet The group has diversified its offer on the Internet and made a firm bet on new trends, such as the so-called civic journalism. I El crecimiento registrado este último año confirma el éxito de la estrategia seguida por Vocento en esta área de negocio. El grupo ha diversificado su oferta en Internet y ha apostado por las nuevas tendencias en la Red, como es el caso del llamado periodismo ciudadano. I Portales Locales Vocento cuenta con la mayor red de prensa local, a través de la cual los usuarios pueden disponer de toda la información que acontece en su entorno más cercano. En 2007, el grupo ha llevado a cabo un rediseño de sus ediciones digitales con el objetivo de dar un mayor protagonismo y participación a los usuarios. Las tendencias actuales de Internet y la web 2.0 han sido los pilares básicos sobre los que se ha fundamentado este nuevo diseño, primando la participación del usuario, la rápida localización de la información y los contenidos multimedia. Esta estrategia, junto con la especialización geográfica con la que ya contaban las ediciones digitales de Vocento, ha contribuido a consolidar el liderazgo de estos portales en sus regiones como referente informativo, de comunidad y de servicios para el usuario. Local Portals Vocento has the largest network of local press, through which users can get all the news on what is going on in their area. In 2007, the group has redesigned its digital editions in order to give users more protagonism and participation. Current Internet trends and Web 2.0 have been the basic pillars on which this new design has been based, prevailing the user's participation, the quick localization of information and the multimedia content. This strategy, together with the geographical specialization which Vocento’s digital editions already had, has contributed to consolidating the leadership of these portals in their regions as community news benchmarks, providing services for the user. I Vertical Portals In a complementary way to local portals and, Vocento has a series of vertical portals that are distributed as special-interest channels inside each one of the group websites. In these channels –vertical business with specialized contents to attract segmented advertising– we can highlight: 57 Internet I Portales Verticales De forma complementaria a los portales locales y a, Vocento dispone de unos portales verticales que se distribuyen como canales temáticos dentro de cada una de las webs del grupo. Dentro de estos canales –negocios verticales con contenidos especializados para atraer publicidad segmentada– destacan: En 2007 se ha consolidado como el portal netamente español dedicado al cine. Según Nielsen Site Census ha alcanzado una audiencia de 1,4 millones de usuarios únicos en diciembre de 2007. El crecimiento, y el éxito frente a sus competidores, se basa en la participación del usuario y en la especialización temática. Este portal ofrece una completa cartelera nacional, una base de datos de más de 25.000 películas y sus protagonistas, áreas para los fans del cine de terror y cine fantástico, así como la posibilidad de compra de entradas online. 2007 ha sido el segundo año en la actividad de este canal que en diciembre, según Nielsen Site Census, ha alcanzado una audiencia de 208.000 usuarios únicos. Este portal especializado en finanzas es un práctico canal de consulta para todo tipo de audiencia, no sólo para profesionales. Dispone de información bursátil, análisis de valores y cotizaciones en tiempo real. En este portal el usuario puede encontrar una amplia base de datos de vehículos de primera y segunda mano, con comparativas de modelos y precios. En su segundo año de actividad, este canal ha contado con una audiencia de 140.000 usuarios únicos en diciembre de 2007 (Nielsen Site Census). In 2007 it has become firmly established as the Spanish portal dedicated to the film world. According to the Nielsen Site Census, in December 2007, it has reached an audience of 1.4 million unique users. The growth, and the success in comparison with its competitors, is based on the participation of the user and theme specialization. This portal offers a full national What’s On Section, with a database of more than 25,000 films and their actors, areas for lovers of horror and fantasy films, as well as the possibility to purchase tickets online. 2007 has been the second year in the activity of this channel that, in December 2007, according to the Nielsen Site Census, has reached an audience of 208,000 unique users. This portal specializes in finances and is a practical channel for all types of users, not just for professionals. It has real-time market information, stock analysis and rates. On this portal the user can find a large database containing first and second-hand vehicles, with model and price comparisons. In its second year of activity, this channel has had 140,000 unique users in December 2007 (Nielsen Site Census). I Special-interest Channels This is the group’s interactive channel specialized in television that provides information on all television programmes, and which is constantly being updated. Users can find exclusive interviews with the stars of the different currently successful series and programmes such as Gran Hermano (“Big Brother”), House and Escenas de 58 Internet Matrimonio, amongst others. According to the Nielsen Site Census, this channel has been visited by 661,000 unique users in December 2007. I Canales Temáticos The website specializing in issues of special interest to women, in its first year of running after its relaunching, in December 2007, has been visited by 223,000 users. El canal del grupo especializado en televisión cuenta con una parrilla interactiva y ofrece información de toda la programación de televisión en continua actualización. Los usuarios pueden encontrar, asimismo, entrevistas en exclusiva con los protagonistas de las series y programas de éxito actual como Gran Hermano, House y Escenas de Matrimonio, entre otros. Según Nielsen Site Census, este canal ha sido visitado por 661.000 usuarios únicos en diciembre de 2007. La web especializada en el mundo de la mujer, en su primer año de funcionamiento después de su relanzamiento, ha contado en diciembre de 2007 con 223.000 usuarios. Besides these, Vocento has other special-interest channels such as the online version of the magazine XLSemanal,; the one dealing with weather news,; the channel dedicated to football news, which includes live coverage of Spanish league matches, and, from where you can see updated live information on main cycling events: Giro d’Italia, Tour de France and Vuelta a España; the channel specialized in all types of sports news; and which deals with the increasingly omnipresent technological world and highly based on the participation and assessment of news on the part of the users. Además de éstos, Vocento cuenta con otros canales temáticos como la versión online de la revista XLSemanal,; la dedicada a información meteorológica,; el canal dedicado a la información futbolística que incluye el seguimiento en directo de los partidos de la liga española, y, desde el que se puede seguir en directo los principales eventos de este deporte: Giro, Tour y Vuelta a España; el canal especializado en todo tipo de información deportiva y en torno al cada vez más omnipresente mundo tecnológico y muy basado en la participación y valoración de noticias por parte de los usuarios. 59 Internet I General Interest Portal Vocento has a majority shareholding in Ozú, a generalinterest portal that, with ten years of experience, has an extensive offer in vertical channels, interactive and community services. I I Portal Generalista Vocento cuenta con una participación mayoritaria en Ozú, un portal generalista que, con diez años de experiencia, cuenta con una amplia oferta en canales verticales, servicios interactivos y de comunidad. I Clasificados Con el objetivo de potenciar la transaccionalidad en Internet, el grupo cuenta con un área de clasificados que incluye cinco portales: dos dedicados al mundo del motor: –versión digital de la revista líder en el mercado de anuncios de automóviles de segunda mano, Autocasión– y, portal para la venta de vehículos de primera mano. El tercer portal,, está especializado en temas de formación y empleo. El cuarto, dedicado al sector inmobiliario, se denomina y se posiciona como un punto de referencia en la búsqueda de vivienda. Y el quinto,, es un portal de carácter generalista en el que se pueden encontrar diversos anuncios clasificados por categorías. Todos ellos han renovado sus webs a lo largo de 2007 y se han colocado a la vanguardia de servicios a sus usuarios. 60 Classified Ads With the purpose of promoting business on the Internet, the group has an area of classified ads that includes five portals: two dedicated to the motoring world: –the digital version of the market leader magazine dealing in second-hand vehicle ads, Autocasión– and, portal for the sale of first-hand vehicles. The third portal,, is specialized in training and employment themes. The fourth, dealing in real estate, is called and is now a benchmark in the house-hunting sector. And the fifth,, is a general-interest portal in which various ads can be found classified in categories. They have also updated their websites during 2007 and are now at the forefront in the provision of services to their users. I B2B In this business area, Vocento is present in three fields: integrated services, content creation and commercial management. To do so, the group holds shares in: I Sarenet ( It is a company providing integrated Internet services. It has its own network of interconnection nodes and a Type A. Sarenet project telephony operator license, and Vocento holds the majority shareholding in the company. It also has a Internet I B2B En esta área de negocio, Vocento está presente en tres ámbitos: los servicios integrales, la creación de contenidos y la gestión comercial. Para ello, el grupo participa en: I Sarenet ( Es una empresa de servicios integrales de Internet. Dispone de una red de nodos de interconexión propios y una licencia de operador de telefonía Tipo A. Sarenet, que está participada mayoritariamente por Vocento, cuenta también con una división de proyectos, está especializada en medios de comunicación y desarrolla soluciones tecnológicas y de asesoramiento para todo tipo de empresas. Durante 2007 Sarenet ha comprado la empresa Bitmailer, lo que le ha conferido un importante crecimiento y de penetración en el mercado de Madrid. I Mediatrader. Esta sociedad realiza contenidos digitalizados para portales de Internet, instituciones y empresas, y servicios de asesoramiento editorial. En el último año ha centrado aún más su estrategia en la venta de contenidos y el ámbito del product placement. division specialized in media in which it develops technological and advisory solutions for every type of company. During 2007 Sarenet has bought the company Bitmailer, which has given it an important growth and penetration in the Madrid market. I Mediatrader. This company provides digitized contents for Internet portals, institutions and companies, and editorial advisory services. During this last year it has focused its strategy even more on the sale of contents and the field of product placement. I La Trastienda Digital ( This company manages the e-commerce stores integrated in the local and vertical portals. In 2007, besides updating its website, it has made important progress in incorporating topquality products into sectors such as sports, technology or women’s issues, as well as in the distribution of products through syndication in third-party networks (financial companies or large distribution centres, amongst others). I La Trastienda Digital ( Esta sociedad es la encargada de gestionar el comercio electrónico de las tiendas integradas en los portales locales y verticales. Durante 2007, además de la renovación de su web, ha alcanzado importantes logros en la agregación de productos de primer nivel en ámbitos como el deporte, la tecnología o la mujer, así como en la distribución de productos a través de la sindicación en redes de terceros (entidades financieras o grandes centros de distribución, entre otros). 61 62 63 Otros negocios Other businesses VOCENTO ESTÁ PRESENTE EN TODA LA CADENA DE VALOR DEL SECTOR DE LA COMUNICACIÓN, CON ACTIVIDADES COMPLEMENTARIAS QUE ENGLOBAN LA IMPRESIÓN, DISTRIBUCIÓN, SERVICIOS DE TELEFONÍA DE VALOR AÑADIDO Y LA ORGANIZACIÓN DE EVENTOS Y PATROCINIOS. ESTO PERMITE APROVECHAR SINERGIAS ENTRE LAS DISTINTAS ÁREAS DE NEGOCIO Y OFRECER UN SERVICIO INTEGRAL. Otrosnegocios Otherbusinesses VOCENTO IS PRESENT IN THE WHOLE VALUE CHAIN OF THE MEDIA SECTOR, WITH COMPLEMENTARY ACTIVITIES INCLUDING PRINTING, DISTRIBUTION, VALUE-ADDED TELEPHONY SERVICES AND THE ORGANIZATION OF EVENTS AND SPONSORSHIPS. THIS ENABLES THE COMPANY TO MAKE THE MOST OF THE SYNERGIES BETWEEN THE DIFFERENT BUSINESS AREAS AND OFFER AN INTEGRATED SERVICE. 64 Otros negocios Other businesses PRINTING IMPRESIÓN Comeco Impresión es la empresa del grupo que gestiona esta actividad mediante sus sociedades participadas. En 2007, el negocio de impresión ha crecido sustancialmente con la expansión a nuevos mercados y el desarrollo de inversiones significativas en aquellos en los que ya estaba presente. En el País Vasco y sus zonas limítrofes, Vocento ofrece servicios de impresión a través de Bilbao Editorial Producciones S.L. y de Sociedad Vascongada de Producciones, S.L.U., ambas participadas al 100% por Comeco Impresión. En enero de 2007, Comeco abordó la expansión en el mercado levantino a través de Localprint S.L. Esta sociedad –participada al 50% por Comeco Impresión y Editorial Prensa Ibérica– cuenta con dos rotativas que dan cobertura a la costa levantina, desde Alicante a Almería. Comeco Impresións is the group company that manages this activity through its affiliated companies. In 2007, the printing business has grown substantially with expansion to new markets and the development of significant investments in which it was already present. In País Vasco and its bordering areas, Vocento provides printing services through Bilbao Editorial Producciones S.L. and Sociedad Vascongada de Producciones, S.L.U., both wholly owned by Comeco Impresión. In January 2007, Comeco undertook expansion in the Levante market through Localprint S.L. This company –owned 50% by Comeco Impresión and Editorial Prensa Ibérica– has two newspapers that cover the Levante coast, from Alicante to Almería. Finally, Comeco Impresión has invested in a printing plant in Valladolid (Printolid), with the aim of providing services for the Castilla y León market. The new plant will be operative during the third quarter of the year 2008. DISTRIBUTION Por último, Comeco Impresión ha acometido la inversión de una planta de impresión en Valladolid (Printolid), con el fin de atender el mercado de Castilla y León. La nueva planta entrará en funcionamiento previsiblemente a lo largo del tercer trimestre del año 2008. Distribution management mainly affects written press, one of the group’s principal business areas. This activity includes point of sale or home delivery and is supplemented with the distribution of commercial products for sale at newsstands 65 Otros negocios Other businesses Desde 2007, Comeco cuenta con dos rotativas que dan cobertura a la costa levantina, desde Alicante a Almería. DISTRIBUCIÓN La gestión de la distribución atañe fundamentalmente a la prensa escrita, una de las principales áreas de negocio del grupo. Esta actividad engloba la entrega en punto de venta o en el domicilio y se complementa con la distribución de productos comerciales para venta en quioscos y librerías o los servicios mediante datáfonos (recarga de móviles, tarjetas de transporte etc). Distribuciones Comecosa S.L.U. es la empresa matriz que agrupa las participaciones en diferentes distribuidoras regionales, entre las que destacan Distribución de Prensa por Rutas (DistriRutas) y Beralán. DistriRutas opera fundamentalmente en la Comunidad de Madrid, al ser la distribuidora de ABC y otros productos editoriales. Por su parte, Beralán realiza su actividad en el área del País Vasco y provincias limítrofes (Navarra, La Rioja, Burgos y Cantabria), a través de sus sociedades participadas, Banatu y Sector MD (especializada en reparto de prensa a domicilio, reparto de prensa gratuita en la calle y distribución de publicidad y propaganda). La distribución en el resto de la península se ejecuta a través de Cirpress (, Valdisme (, Distrimedios (, Papiro, Gelesa (www.gelesa), Dasa, Boreal y Marina Press (, todas ellas participadas por Distribuciones Comecosa. 66 and bookstores or dataphone services (mobile phone topups, transport cards etc). Distribuciones Comecosa S.L.U. is the main company that has holdings in different regional distribution companies, amongst those being Distribución de Prensa por Rutas (DistriRutas) and Beralán. DistriRutas operates mainly in the Comunidad de Madrid, since it distributes ABC and other editorial products. On the other hand, Beralán does business in the area of the País Vasco and bordering provinces (Navarra, La Rioja, Burgos and Cantabria), through its affiliated companies, Banatu and Sector MD (specialized in press home delivery service, the handing out of free press on the street and publicity and propaganda distribution). Distribution in the rest of the peninsula is carried out by Cirpress (, Valdisme (, Distrimedios (, Papiro, Gelesa (www.gelesa), Dasa, Boreal and Marina Press (, all affiliated companies of Distribuciones Comecosa. Otros negocios Other businesses Since 2007 Comeco has two rotary printing presses that cover the east coast of Spain, from Alicante to Almeria. SERVICIOS TELEFÓNICOS DE VALOR AÑADIDO Vocento ofrece servicios telefónicos de valor añadido a través de Cotlan 900 S.L. La empresa dispone de una plataforma de Contact Center que permite proporcionar un servicio integral al cliente y cuenta, además, con líneas de tarificación adicional y mensajería móvil (SMS). Cotlan 900 S.L. ( está especializada en medios de comunicación. VALUE-ADDED TELEPHONY SERVICES Vocento offers value-added telephony services through Cotlan 900 S.L. The company has a Contact Center platform that allows to provide the client with an integrated service, and also has additional lines of tariffing and mobile messaging services (SMS). Cotlan 900 S.L. ( is specialized in the media. EVENTS AND SPONSORSHIPS EVENTOS Y PATROCINIOS Steinberg es una agencia de servicios de marketing y publicidad especializada en la organización de eventos y acciones below the line. En 2007, Steinberg ha trabajado en el desarrollo de nuevos productos y servicios “llave en mano”, consolidándose como una agencia alternativa a las tradicionales de marketing y publicidad. La participación de Vocento en el accionariado de Steinberg persigue el objetivo de situar a la compañía en una posición de liderazgo en el sector. Steinberg is a marketing and advertising services agency specialized in the organization of below-the-line events and actions. In 2007, Steinberg has worked on the development of new “turnkey” products and services, becoming consolidated as an alternative to traditional marketing and advertising agencies. Vocento’s stake in the Steinberg shareholding aims at placing the company in a leading position in the sector. 67 68 69 Recursos Humanos Human Resources EL AÑO 2007 HA SUPUESTO LA CONSOLIDACIÓN DE LA FUNCIÓN DE RECURSOS HUMANOS COMO SOPORTE ESENCIAL PARA LA CONSECUCIÓN DE NUESTRA ESTRATEGIA COMO GRUPO, Y PARA ESTABLECER LAS CONDICIONES QUE FACILITAN LA ADAPTACIÓN AL NUEVO MODELO ORGANIZATIVO QUE DICHA ESTRATEGIA IMPLICA. RecursosHumanos La diversidad de negocios que componen Vocento, así como su dispersión geográfica, unido a la adaptación a nuevas formas de gestión, han hecho de esta orientación hacia las personas una de las claves de nuestra evolución y cohesión como grupo, especialmente a nivel directivo. Vocento’s diversity of business, as well as its geographical dispersion, together with the adaptation to new forms of management, have made this orientation toward people one of the keys of our evolution and cohesion as a group, especially at management level. Durante este año se han potenciado especialmente entre el colectivo de directivos las competencias relacionadas con la comunicación interna bidireccional, que nos ha acercado a los empleados y al cliente, y ha supuesto un elemento importante para la adecuada gestión de los equipos de trabajo de los más de 250 directivos de Vocento. Otras competencias que han seguido desarrollándose durante este periodo han sido la innovación, la iniciativa, el trabajo en equipo, la flexibilidad y la visión estratégica During this year, competences related with bidirectional internal communication have been especially promoted in the management community, which have brought us closer to employees and to the client, and it has meant an important element for the appropriate management of Vocento work teams of more than 250 executives. Other competences that have continued being developed during this period have been innovation, initiative, teamwork, flexibility and strategic vision. Asimismo, a través de la herramienta del Plan Director de Formación, se ha generalizado la inversión en formación como elemento de motivación y mejora del rendimiento, y se han impulsado actuaciones que servirán como base para la detección de talento, la gestión del conocimiento, y la definición de carreras profesionales y planes de sucesión. Likewise, through the Training Management Plan tool, investment in training has been generalized as an element of motivation and performance improvement, and actions have been promoted that will be used as a base for detecting talent, knowledge management, and the definition of professional careers and succession plans. HumanResources THE YEAR 2007 HAS MEANT THE CONSOLIDATION OF THE HUMAN RESOURCES FUNCTION AS THE ESSENTIAL SUPPORT FOR ACHIEVING OUR STRATEGY AS A GROUP, AND TO ESTABLISH THE CONDITIONS THAT FACILITATE THE ADAPTATION TO THE NEW ORGANIZATIONAL MODEL INVOLVED IN THIS STRATEGY. 70 Recursos Humanos Human Resources Plantilla por edad Staff according to age Plantilla por antigüedad Staff according to length of service Por otra parte, durante este año la política retributiva y el sistema de gestión del desempeño de los directivos se ha consolidado como una auténtica herramienta de gestión. El capital humano de Vocento destaca por su juventud y formación: en su mayor parte no supera los 45 años (75%), y el personal titulado compone la mayoría de su plantilla. On the other hand, during this year the payment policy and the executive performance management system have been consolidated as an authentic management tool. Durante 2007 se ha producido un incremento en la plantilla de Vocento motivado principalmente por la incorporación al grupo del diario Qué! y el crecimiento del negocio de Nuevas Tecnologías. Vocento’s human capital stands out for its young age and high qualifications: in most cases, staff members do not exceed the age of 45 (75%), and the workforce is mostly made up by qualified personnel. La plantilla media de Vocento ha sido de 5.076 empleados. El personal temporal ha supuesto de media el 17% de la plantilla total del grupo. During 2007 there has been an increase in Vocento’s workforce mainly due to the newspaper Qué! joining the group and the growth in the New Technologies business sector. En cuanto a la distribución de la plantilla por áreas geográficas, Vocento sigue estando presente en la mayoría de las Comunidades Autónomas. La mayor parte de la plantilla sigue concentrándose en Madrid (34,07%) y País Vasco (26,18%). FORMACIÓN Durante el último ejercicio, la formación se ha consolidado como instrumento de potenciación del talento y de promoción del desarrollo profesional, se ha orientado especialmente al colectivo de mandos intermedios, y ha puesto el acento en los módulos temáticos del colectivo de directivos, en los que se promueve la convivencia y el intercambio de experiencias. Vocento’s average workforce has been 5.076 employees. Temporary workers have been 17% of the total group workforce. As for the breakdown of staff according to geographical area, Vocento is still present in most Autonomous Communities. Most of the workforce still continues to be in Madrid (34,07%) and País Vasco (26,18%). TRAINING During the last year, training has been consolidated as an instrument for promoting talent and professional development, being especially aimed at the middle 71 Recursos Humanos Human Resources Distribución por grupos profesionales Breakdown according to professional group Vocento mantiene convenios de prácticas con prestigiosas universidades de España para facilitar a los jóvenes su primer contacto con el mundo laboral. Asimismo, Vocento imparte los Máster de Periodismo de ABC y El Correo, en los que, con la ayuda de un profesorado del más alto nivel del sector periodístico y de comunicación, los alumnos se desenvuelven en un ambiente laboral real, que les permite adquirir las bases de su futuro desarrollo profesional. El Máster de Periodismo ABC-Universidad Complutense de Madrid en el marco de la legislación universitaria (Convenio de 1 de septiembre de 2006 entre la Universidad Complutense y Diario ABC), con la XVIII promoción del Máster de Periodismo son ya 333 los posgraduados en Magíster Universitario, de los que el 15,31% procedieron de países de Latinoamérica, y el 82,28% accedieron desde licenciaturas de Comunicación. Los alumnos compaginan la formación académica con la realización de prácticas en el aula del Máster dirigidas por subdirectores y redactores de ABC, así como por periodistas de Vocento. El alumno culmina su proceso docente con prácticas plenas en la Redacción de ABC, adecuando el sistema de trabajo al desarrollado por los grandes diarios impresos que son referencia en los periódicos de calidad. En este último curso se matricularon 15 alumnos, dos de los cuales no procedían de licenciaturas de Comunicación, en tanto que las plazas de la Escuela de Prácticas de Periodismo ascendieron a 18, dentro de los convenios suscritos con las 72 Distribución de plantilla media por áreas de actividad Breakdown of average staff according to business activity management group, and emphasis has been placed on theme modules of the management group, fomenting behavioural skills and the exchange of experiences. Vocento has signed internship agreements with important Spanish universities to provide young people with their first contact with the employment market. Vocento also offers the ABC and El Correo Master’s Degree in Journalism, where, with the help of top level teachers in the journalistic and media sector, students learn how to get on in a real work environment that allows them to acquire the foundations of their future professional career. Máster de Periodismo ABC-Universidad Complutense de Madrid within the framework of university regulations (Agreement of 1st September 2006 between the Universidad Complutense and Diario ABC), in the 18th year of the Master’s Degree in Journalism, 333 postgraduates have obtained their degree, of which 15.31% came from Latin American countries, and 82.28% were Media graduates. Students combine academic instruction with practical training in the lecture room, under the direction of ABC assistant managers and editors, as well as Vocento journalists. Students conclude their training process with full internship at an ABC office, adapting the work system to the one carried out by the printed newspapers that are a benchmark of quality press. 15 students enrolled in the past course, two of which had not taken Media studies, and there were 18 places at the Recursos Humanos Human Resources Distribución de plantilla media por áreas funcionales Breakdown of average staff according to functional area Actividades formativas Training activities Universidades Complutense, Europea CEES, Antonio de Nebrija, Universidad San Pablo-CEU, Carlos III, Rey Juan Carlos y Centro Universitario Villanueva, de Madrid; Universidad de Navarra y Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca. Escuela de Prácticas de Periodismo, within the agreements signed with the following universities: Complutense, Europea CEES, Antonio de Nebrija, Universidad San PabloCEU, Carlos III, Rey Juan Carlos and Centro Universitario Villanueva, in Madrid; Universidad de Navarra and Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca. Ocho graduados del Máster de esta última promoción han sido contratados, al término del Curso y de las prácticas de verano, por distintos medios del grupo. En la actualidad, componen la redacción de ABC y de otros medios de Vocento más de cincuenta periodistas pertenecientes a quince promociones distintas del Máster. Eight graduates from the last Master’s degree have since been taken on at different group companies, when the course has ended as well as the summer internship. There are currently more than fifty journalists working at ABC and other Vocento group companies belonging to fifteen different years of the Master’s degree. El Máster de Periodismo de El Correo y la Universidad del País Vasco arrancó el curso 2007/2008 con el reto de consolidar su trasformación en Máster Oficial de carácter profesional, conforme a las normas establecidas por la Declaración de Bolonia. La adaptación a estas directrices supone un reconocimiento europeo para nuestro Máster. The Máster de Periodismo de El Correo y la Universidad del País Vasco started in the academic year 2007/2008 with the challenge of consolidating its conversion into an Official Master’s degree of a professional nature, within the framework established by the Bologna Declaration. The adaptation to these directives means European recognition for our Master’s degree. El Máster celebrará a lo largo de este curso, sus primeros 20 años de existencia. Desde el inició de su andadura en 1988, han pasado por sus aulas 612 alumnos, procedentes de casi todas las provincias españolas así como de varios países extranjeros especialmente latinoamericanos. El Máster mantiene su estructura multimedia con sus cuatro grandes áreas de prensa, radio, televisión y ediciones digitales, que se prolongan con un periodo de prácticas en los distintos medios de Vocento. En definitiva, el Máster de El Correo mantiene su apuesta en un continuado esfuerzo por trasmitir a nuestros alumnos una formación de calidad, enfocada al rigor informativo y valores éticos. This year the Master’s degree will celebrate its 20th anniversary. Since it began in 1988, 612 pupils have taken this degree, coming from nearly all over Spain, as well as several foreign countries, especially Latin America. The Master programme maintains its multimedia structure with its four main press areas, radio, television and digital editions that are extended with a period of internship at different Vocento group companies. In short, El Correo Master’s degree maintains its ongoing commitment to provide our students with quality training, focused on the accuracy of reporting and ethical values. 73 74 75 Vocento y su compromiso social Vocento and its social commitment LA LABOR EDITORIAL Y PROFESIONAL DE VOCENTO TIENE COMO OBJETIVO PRIMORDIAL EL SERVICIO A SUS AUDIENCIAS Y A LA SOCIEDAD EN SU CONJUNTO. ESTÁ COMPROMETIDO EN LA DEFENSA DE LA PLURALIDAD DE LA SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA Y DE LOS GRANDES VALORES QUE INSPIRAN EL MARCO DE CONVIVENCIA BASADO EN LOS DERECHOS Y LIBERTADES FUNDAMENTALES QUE CONSAGRA LA CONSTITUCIÓN DE 1978. Vocento y sucompromisosocial Vocentoandits socialcommitment VOCENTO’S PROFESSIONALISM AND PUBLISHING ACTIVITIES HAVE THE PRIMORDIAL OBJECTIVE OF PROVIDING SERVICE TO ITS CLIENTS AND TO SOCIETY AS A WHOLE. THE COMPANY IS COMMITTED TO DEFENDING THE PLURAL NATURE OF SPANISH SOCIETY AND THE IMPORTANT VALUES THAT SUPPORT THE FRAMEWORK OF PEACEFUL CO-EXISTENCE, BASED ON THE FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS AND LIBERTIES DESCRIBED IN THE SPANISH CONSTITUTION OF 1978. 76 Vocento y su compromiso social Vocento and its social commitment Vocento, por medio de un periodismo riguroso y de calidad, realiza una defensa de la pluralidad y de los derechos fundamentales mediante la difusión de los valores democráticos. La responsabilidad social corporativa se ejerce en Vocento, presente en casi todo el territorio nacional con más de cinco millones de lectores y más de 15,3 millones de usuarios únicos, a través de todos sus medios y por medio de un periodismo riguroso y de calidad. Además, Vocento ha impulsado a lo largo de 2007 distintas iniciativas para promover los valores universales que siempre ha defendido. El grupo intenta brindar a los jóvenes una plataforma cimentada en la educación sobre la que poder saltar y posicionarse en el mercado laboral. Por un lado, mantiene convenios de prácticas con universidades españolas para ofrecer a los estudiantes la oportunidad de tener un primer contacto con la empresa. Por otro, ya son 19 promociones las que han salido del Máster de Periodismo ABCUniversidad Complutense de Madrid en el que los alumnos compaginan la formación académica teórica con la práctica. Vocento exercises its corporate social responsibility by being present in virtually all of Spain, with more than five million readers and over 15.3 million dedicated users, through its media and accurate, high-quality journalism. In addition, in 2007 Vocento has fostered many initiatives for promoting the universal values it has always defended. The group seeks to offer young people a platform based on education from which they will be able to access a good position in the employment market. On the one hand, it holds internship agreements with Spanish universities to offer the students the opportunity to have a first contact with the company. On the other, for the past 19 years students have been graduating with the Master de Periodismo ABCUniversidad Complutense de Madrid degree, where they combine theoretical academic instruction with practical training. 77 Vocento y su compromiso social Vocento and its social commitment Vocento, through its accurate and quality reporting, defends plurality and fundamental rights by disseminating democratic values. 78 Vocento también participa en el Premio Emprendedores Ernst&Young, un galardón organizado por la prestigiosa consultora que desde 1996 reconoce la labor de los emprendedores de nuestro país. Vocento also participates in the Premio Emprendedores Ernst&Young, an award organized by the renowned advisory consultant that has been acknowledging the work of entrepreneurs in our country since 1996. Durante el pasado año los Foros ABC reunieron a personalidades del mundo empresarial y político para crear un punto de encuentro en el que debatir los temas de la más candente actualidad. Entre otros, cabe destacar la presencia de José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, presidente del Gobierno, Mariano Rajoy, líder de la oposición, Pedro Solbes, ministro de Economía y Hacienda, Esperanza Aguirre, presidenta de la Comunidad de Madrid y Alberto Ruiz Gallardón, alcalde de Madrid. During the last year the Foros ABC brought together top personalities of the business and political world to create a meeting point in which to discuss the latest current affairs. Amongst others, it is necessary to highlight the presence of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, the Spanish Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, the leader of the opposition, Pedro Solbes, Minister of Economy and Finance, Esperanza Aguirre, President of the Comunidad de Madrid and Alberto Ruiz Gallardón, Mayor of Madrid. La presencia activa de Vocento en la cultura se hace patente, entre otras actividades, en el patronato de la Fundación Guggenheim, en el Museo Picasso de Málaga y en la presencia activa en ARCO, la Feria Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo. The active presence of Vocento in culture is clear, amongst other activities, from its patronage of the Fundación Guggenheim, the Museo Picasso in Málaga and with its active presence at ARCO, the International Contemporary Art Fair. El Día Vocento de la Publicidad acogió el II Escáner de la Publicidad que supuso un punto de encuentro en el que se dieron cita los más destacados representantes del marketing nacional e internacional y donde se analizaron los temas de mayor actualidad para el entorno publicitario y su repercusión social. Vocento, como representante español en Cannes, culminó la jornada con la entrega de los Premios Genio y de los Leones de Cannes. On the Día Vocento de la Publicidad the II Escáner de la Publicidad was held, which was a meeting point for the most distinguished representatives of national and international marketing and where the latest themes of the advertising sector and their social repercussion were analyzed. Vocento, as the Spanish representative in Cannes, concluded the events with the awarding of the Premios Genio and the Cannes Lions awards. Vocento y su compromiso social Vocento and its social commitment El objetivo de la Fundación Vocento, presidida por Enrique Ybarra y dirigida por el historiador Fernando García de Cortázar, se centra en impulsar en España los valores de la Unión Europea y en expandir y promover un mayor debate y conocimiento de las cuestiones englobadas en el área de las Humanidades. Tanto nacional como regionalmente la Fundación Vocento buscar acercar a sus medios a las demandas actuales de la sociedad. I Aulas de Cultura. Organizadas por la Fundación Vocento, se han convertido en eventos de referencia con personalidades de la cultura y la sociedad. Las Aulas de Cultura se celebran en todas las ciudades de España donde los diarios de Vocento están presentes. Son el escenario de debate sobre cuestiones socioculturales de relevancia. I Formación de periodistas. El Máster de Periodismo de El Correo y la Universidad del País Vasco, creado en 1988, y en el que ya se han formado veinte promociones, se ha convertido en un título de gran The aim of Fundación Vocento, chaired by Enrique Ybarra and directed by the historian Fernando García de Cortázar, is to promote the values of the European Union in Spain and to expand and encourage more debate and knowledge of the questions included in the area of Humanities. Fundación Vocento seeks to bring its media closer to the current demands of society on both a national and regional level. I Culture Workshops. Organized by Fundación Vocento, they have become benchmark events held with personalities from the world of culture and society. These Workshops are held in the cities all over Spain where Vocento’s newspapers are present. They are the scenario for discussion on socio-cultural issues of relevance. I Training of journalists. El Correo and la Universidad del País Vasco Master’s Degree in Journalism, created in 1988, many journalists having graduated over the last twenty years, has become a well-renowned title in the world of Hispanic journalism. It is a Master benchmark in the world of journalism, especially after being the first Master to obtain the nature of an official university degree. After following an intensive course on journalism, the students carry out paid internship at a media office during the summer months. 79 Vocento y su compromiso social Vocento and its social commitment Con el premio Vocento Valores Humanos, el grupo quiere reconocer los esfuerzos que determinadas personas o instituciones hacen por la defensa de los derechos fundamentales. I Premio Vocento Valores Humanos. This year, at the 11th edition of the Premio Vocento Valores Humanos, tribute was paid to the figure of the Jesuit Enrique Figaredo for his work in southeast Asia, caring for sociallydeprived children, who have suffered the consequences of war and mutilations. The Jury’s Special Prize went to Daniel Barenboim. With this award, Vocento wishes to acknowledge the efforts made by certain individuals or institutions for defending fundamental rights. I Journalism Awards. Vocento supports the big prizes of Spanish journalism. For example, the ones awarded by ABC –Mariano de Cavia, Luca de Tena and Mingote–, by El Correo –the Premio de Periodismo El Correo Español-El Pueblo Vasco– and ABC Sevilla –Premio Joaquín Romero Murube–. These awards seek the recognition of excellence in the media world. calidad en el mundo del periodismo hispano. Es un Máster de referencia en el ámbito periodístico, especialmente después de ser el primer Máster en obtener la titulación oficial. Después de realizar un curso intensivo sobre prácticas periodísticas, los alumnos realizan prácticas remuneradas en un medio de comunicación durante los meses de verano. I Premio Vocento Valores Humanos. Este año, en la XI edición del Premio Vocento Valores Humanos, se ha querido reconocer la figura de Enrique Figaredo por la labor que este jesuita ha ejercido en el sudeste asiático, al dedicarse a los niños que han sufrido marginación, secuelas de guerra y mutilaciones. El Premio Especial del Jurado fue a parar a Daniel Barenboim. Con este premio, Vocento quiere reconocer los esfuerzos que determinadas personas o instituciones hacen por la defensa de los derechos fundamentales. I Philosophy Magazine. With the intention of promoting discussion of ideas and philosophy, the magazine El Noticiero de las Ideas, edited by Fernando García de Cortázar, has become a prestigious publication in the world of culture and philosophy. I Presence in the University. Vocento carries out an intense activity with various universities. Among these activities we must especially highlight the Summer Courses held at the Universidad Internacional Menéndez y Pelayo and the Universidad de Cádiz. Likewise, the Fundación sponsors the remarkably successful Summer Courses held at the Universidad de Cantabria in Laredo as well as several musical events. I Support for Foundations. Vocento collaborates very actively with other foundations like the Fundación Príncipe de Asturias, Fundación Víctimas del Terrorismo, Asociación Española de Fundaciones and Fundación Colección ABC. Through the Vocento Valores Humanos Award, the group wishes to acknowledge the efforts made by different persons or institutions with respect to defending fundamental rights. 80 Vocento y su compromiso social Vocento and its social commitment I Premios de Periodismo. Vocento apoya los grandes premios del periodismo español. Destacan los concedidos por ABC –los Premios Mariano de Cavia, Luca de Tena y Mingote–, El Correo –el Premio de Periodismo El Correo Español-El Pueblo Vasco– y ABC Sevilla –Premio Joaquín Romero Murube–. Estos premios buscan el reconocimiento de la excelencia en el mundo de la comunicación. I Revista de pensamiento. Con la intención de promover el debate de las ideas y pensamiento, la revista El Noticiero de las Ideas dirigida por Fernando García de Cortázar se ha convertido en una publicación de referencia en el mundo de la cultura y el pensamiento. I Presencia en la Universidad. Vocento desarrolla una intensa actividad con diversas universidades. Entre estas actividades destacan de forma especial los Cursos de Verano de la Universidad Internacional Menéndez y Pelayo y de la Universidad de Cádiz. Igualmente, la Fundación patrocina con notable éxito los Cursos de Verano de la Universidad de Cantabria en Laredo y diferentes eventos musicales. I Apoyo a Fundaciones. Vocento colabora de forma muy activa con otras fundaciones como la Fundación Príncipe de Asturias, la Fundación Víctimas del Terrorismo, la Asociación Española de Fundaciones y la Fundación Colección ABC. 81 Directorio Addresses Directorio Addresses VOCENTO Juan Ignacio Luca de Tena, 7 28027 Madrid Tel.: 91 743 81 04 Fax: 91 320 39 95 Polígono Industrial Torrelarragoiti 48170 Zamudio (Vizcaya) Tel.: 94 452 36 35 Fax: 94 452 14 20 Presidente de Honor | Honorary Chairman. Santiago de Ybarra y Churruca Presidente | Chairman. Diego del Alcázar Silvela Consejero Delegado | Chief Executive Officer. José Manuel Vargas Gómez Vicepresidente Primero | Senior Vice Chairman. José María Bergareche Busquet Vicepresidente | Vice Chairman. Enrique Ybarra e Ybarra Vicepresidenta | Vice Chairwoman. Catalina Luca de Tena García-Conde Secretario del Consejo | Board Secretary. Emilio de Palacios Caro Adjunto al Consejero Delegado | Assistant Chief Executive Officer. Juan Ignacio Mijangos Ugarte Director General de Medios Nacionales | General Manager of National Media. Santiago Alonso Paniagua Director General de Medios Locales | General Manager of Local Media. Iñaki Arechabaleta Torróntegui Directora General Financiera | Chief Financial Officer. Beatriz Puente Ferreras Director de Secretaría General | Head of General Secretary’s Office. Joaquín Mollinedo Chocano Director Auditoría Interna | Internal Audit Manager. Enrique Marzal López Directora de Relaciones Externas | External Relations Manager. María Vega de Seoane Jefe de Comunicación | Communications Manager. Luisa Alli Turrillas 82 Directorio Addresses ABC ABC SEVILLA Juan Ignacio Luca de Tena, 7 28027 Madrid Tel.: 91 339 90 00 Fax: 91 320 92 55 Albert Einstein, 10 41092 Isla de la Cartuja - Sevilla Tel.: 95 448 86 00 Fax: 95 448 86 01 QUÉ! EL CORREO Orense 81 - 3º planta, puerta 1 28020 Madrid Tel.: 91 572 62 00 Fax: 91 571 00 85 Pintor Losada, 7 48004 Bilbao Tel.: 94 487 01 00 Fax: 94 487 01 11 EL DIARIO VASCO EL DIARIO MONTAÑÉS Camino de Portuetxe, 2 20018 San Sebastián Tel.: 943 41 07 00 Fax: 943 41 08 14 Calle de la Prensa, s/n - La Albericia 39012 Santander Tel.: 942 35 40 00 Fax: 942 34 10 07 LA VERDAD IDEAL Camino Viejo de Monteagudo, s/n 30160 Murcia Tel.: 968 36 91 00 Fax: 968 36 91 47 Polígono Asegra Huelva , 2 18210 Peligros (Granada) Tel.: 958 80 98 09 Fax: 958 40 24 20 83 Directorio Addresses HOY SUR Carretera de Madrid-Lisboa, 22 06008 Badajoz Tel.: 924 21 43 00 Fax: 924 20 53 20 Avenida Doctor Marañón, 48 29009 Málaga Tel.: 95 264 96 00 Fax: 95 264 96 73 LA RIOJA EL NORTE DE CASTILLA Vara del Rey, 74 26002 Logroño Tel.: 941 27 91 07 Fax: 941 27 91 06 Polígono Argales Vázquez de Menchaca, 10 47008 Valladolid Tel.: 983 41 21 00 Fax: 983 41 21 32 EL COMERCIO LA VOZ DE CÁDIZ Calle del Diario EL COMERCIO, 1 33207 Gijón Tel.: 985 17 98 00 Fax: 985 34 09 55 Edificio Glorieta, 4º planta Glorieta Zona Franca s/n 11011 Cádiz Tel.: 956 24 09 00 Fax: 956 25 32 16 LAS PROVINCIAS Polígono Industrial Vara de Quart Calle Gremis, 1 46014 Valencia Tel.: 96 350 22 11 Fax: 96 359 01 88 84 Directorio Addresses CMVOCENTO TALLER DE EDITORES Juan Ignacio Luca de Tena, 6 28027 Madrid Tel.: 91 327 83 00 Fax: 91 327 83 01 Juan Ignacio Luca de Tena, 6 28027 Madrid Tel.: 91 327 83 00 Fax: 91 327 83 01 COLPISA PUNTO RADIO Juan Ignacio Luca de Tena, 7 28027 Madrid Tel.: 91 743 81 04 Fax: 91 742 63 52 Juan Ignacio Luca de Tena, 7 28027 Madrid Tel.: 91 339 95 35 Fax: 91 320 29 72 BOCABOCA PRODUCCIONES GRUPO EUROPRODUCCIONES José Isbert, 20 Ciudad de la Imagen 28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid Tel.: 91 566 15 00 Fax: 91 566 15 15 Virgilio, 5 Ciudad de la Imagen 28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid Tel.: 91 512 98 00 Fax: 91 512 98 20 VIDEOMEDIA TRIPICTURES José Isbert, 2 Ciudad de la Imagen 28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid Tel.: 91 512 80 00 Fax: 91 512 80 17 Enrique Jardiel Poncela, 4 28016 Madrid Tel.: 91 400 99 20 Fax: 91 574 90 05 85 Directorio Addresses 86 ONDA SEIS URBE TV Virgilio, 5 Ciudad de la imagen 28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid Tel.: 91 339 90 06 Fax: 91 393 15 69 Bruc, 140, bajos 08037 Barcelona Tel.: 93 476 68 90 Fax: 93 476 68 91 PUNTO TV TELECINCO Juan Ignacio Luca de Tena, 7 28027 Madrid Tel.: 91 743 81 04 Fax: 91 320 39 95 Carretera de Irún, Km 11.700 28034 Madrid Tel.: 91 396 63 00 ALIANZAS Y NUEVOS NEGOCIOS, S.L. INFOEMPLEO Juan Ignacio Luca de Tena, 6 28027 Madrid Tel.: 91 327 83 00 Fax: 91 327 83 01/02/03 Paseo de la Castellana, 70. 1ª planta 28046 Madrid Tel.: 91 782 38 40 Fax. 91 564 53 45 Directorio Addresses ADVERNET SARENET Juan Ignacio Luca de Tena, 6 28027 Madrid Tel.: 91 395 00 23 Fax: 91 741 48 62 Parque Tecnológico Edif. 103 48170 Zamudio - Vizcaya Tel.: 94 420 94 70 Fax: 94 420 94 65 LA TRASTIENDA DIGITAL COMECO IMPRESIÓN. S.L Parque Tecnológico Edif. 105 48170 Zamudio - Vizcaya Tel.: 94 431 77 30 Fax: 94 431 87 66 Polígono Industrial Torrelarragoiti, P6 B1 48170 Zamudio (Vizcaya) Tel.: 94 452 34 00 Fax: 94 452 01 71 BILBAO EDITORIAL PRODUCCIONES, S.L SOCIEDAD VASCONGADA DE PRODUCCIONES, S.L Polígono Industrial Torrelarragoiti, P6 B1 48170 Zamudio (Vizcaya) Tel.: 94 452 34 00 Fax: 94 452 01 71 Camino de Portuetxe, 2 20018 San Sebastián Tel.: 943 41 07 00 Fax: 943 41 08 07 87 Directorio Addresses 88 BERALÁN SECTOR MD Polígono Industrial Igarategi, 58 20130 Urnieta (Guipuzcoa) Tel.: 943 30 04 32 Fax: 943 59 01 51 Kareaga, 55 48903 Barakaldo (Vizcaya) Tel.: 94 490 06 11 Fax: 94 490 19 99 DISTRIRUTAS COTLAN 900 Avenida de la Industria, 22 28823 Coslada-Madrid Tel.: 91 673 57 60 Fax: 91 672 78 33 Edificio Metroalde Carretera Bilbao-Galdacano, 6- A-3º 48004 Bilbao Tel.: 94 459 86 20 Fax: 94 459 88 14 GRATUITOS DE CORPORACIÓN DE MEDIOS STEINBERG Y ASOCIADOS Avenida San Adrián, 26 48003 Bilbao Tel.: 94 410 46 60 Fax: 94 410 43 19 Ruiseñor 2 28221 Majadahonda - Madrid Tel.: 91 710 27 20 Fax: 91 372 84 69 Directorio Addresses FUNDACIÓN VOCENTO Pintor Losada, 7 48004 Bilbao Tel.: 94 487 01 00 Fax: 94 411 83 54 MÁSTER EN PERIODISMO EL CORREO/ UPV Pintor Losada, 7 48007 Bilbao Tel.: 94 487 01 00 Fax: 94 473 33 20 EL NOTICIERO DE LAS IDEAS Juan Ignacio Luca de Tena, 7 28027 Madrid Tel.: 91 743 81 04 Fax: 91 320 39 95 89 90 Financial Report • Individual Financial Statements · Financial Statements · Appendix · Management Report · Audit Report • Consolidated Financial Statements · Financial Statements · Appendix · Consolidated Management Report · Audit Report • Corporate Governance Individual Financial Statements Individual Financial Statements VOCENTO, S.A. AUDITORS’ REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2007 TOGETHER WITH DIRECTORS’ REPORT Translation of a report originally issued in Spanish based on our work performed in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards in Spain and of financial statements originally issued in Spanish and prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in Spain (see Note 23). In the event of a discrepancy, the Spanish-language version prevails. 3 Individual Financial Statements VOCENTO, S.A. BALANCE SHEETS AT 31 DECEMBER 2007 AND 2006 (NOTES 1, 2 AND 4) ASSETS NON-CURRENT ASSETS: Start-up costs (Note 5) Intangible assets, net (Note 6) Property, plant and equipment (Note 7)Land and buildings Plant and machinery Other fixtures, tools and furniture Other items of property, plant and equipment Advances and property, plant and equipment in the course of construction Less - Accumulated depreciation Long-term investments (Note 8) Investments in Group companies Long-term tax receivables (Note 14) Guarantees and deposits given Less - Allowances for investments in Group companies Total non-current assets DEFERRED CHARGES (Note 9) CURRENT ASSETS: Inventories Accounts receivable Receivable from Group companies and associates (Note 10) Sundry accounts receivable Tax receivables (Note 14) Less - Allowance for bad debts Short-term investmentsLoans to Group companies (Note 10) Short-term treasury shares (Note 11) Cash Accrual accounts Total current assets TOTAL ASSETS Thousands of Euros 2007 2006 (*) 263 975 423 1,227 2,373 538 2,151 869 2,373 538 2,140 841 20 (3,303) 2,648 20 (2,935) 2,977 578,400 3,089 14 445,800 4,796 10 SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND LIABILITIES SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY (Note 11): Share capital Share premium Other reserves Profit for the year Less- Interim dividend Total shareholders' equity DEFERRED INCOME (167,717) (156,882) 413,786 293,724 417,672 298,351 1,126 1,953 48 19 56 513 5,288 5,857 37 573 13,820 (14) 14,416 82,330 9,612 543 70 98,460 517,258 57,514 9,211 1,595 181 82,936 383,240 PROVISIONS FOR CONTINGENCIES AND CHARGES (Note 12) NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES: Bank borrowings (Note 15) Payable to Group companies and associates (Note 10) Other payables (Note 13) Total non-current liabilities CURRENT LIABILITIES: Bank borrowings (Note 15) Payable to Group companies and associates (Note 10) Trade payables Other non-trade payables Tax payables (Note 14) Other payables Total current liabilities TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND LIABILITIES (*) Presented for comparison purposes only. The accompanying Notes 1 to 23 and the Appendix are an integral part of the balance sheet at 31 December 2007. 4 Thousands of Euros 2007 2006 (*) 24,994 9,516 111,664 82,168 (37,786) 190,556 24,994 9,516 88,676 78,825 (45,000) 157,011 - 150 2,203 5,546 25,146 4,525 265,825 14,523 305,494 160,934 20,891 186,350 47 134 7,816 1,926 5,204 4,586 954 8.262 19,005 423 23,836 34,183 517,258 383,240 Individual Financial Statements VOCENTO, S.A. INCOME STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2007 AND 2006 (NOTES 1, 2 AND 4) DEBIT EXPENSES: Staff costs (Note 16) Depreciation and amortisation charge (Notes 5, 6 and 7) Change in operating provisions Other operating expenses (Notes 16, 17 and 18) Finance and similar costs On debts to third parties and similar costs (Notes 9 and 15) On debts to Group companies (Note 10) Change in investment valuation allowances (Note 11) II. FINANCIAL PROFIT III. PROFIT FROM ORDINARY ACTIVITIES (II - I) Change in allowances for property, plant and equipment, intangible assets and control portfolio (Note 8) Extraordinary expenses Thousands of Euros 2007 2006 (*) 11,261 7,028 933 32 886 - 10,903 23,129 8,431 16,345 1,241 8,783 1,689 5,719 1,935 102,426 114,385 107,635 115,043 81,591 93,038 10,835 26 20,455 12,642 10,861 33,097 V. PROFIT BEFORE TAX (III+IV) Income tax (Note 14) 71,232 10,936 60,428 18,397 VI. PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 82,168 78,825 CREDIT INCOME: Other operating income Non-core and other current operating income (Note 16) I. LOSS FROM OPERATIONS Income from equity investments (Note 8) Other interest and similar incomeOther interest Extraordinary income Prior years' income and profits (Note 12) IV. EXTRAORDINARY LOSS Thousands of Euros 2007 2006 (*) 2,294 1,748 20,835 23,129 14,597 16,345 114,363 115,000 22 43 114,385 115,043 7 110 495 377 10,359 10,861 32,610 33,097 (*) Presented for comparison purposes only. The accompanying Notes 1 to 23 and the Appendix are an integral part of the income statement for 2007. 5 Individual Financial Statements VOCENTO, S.A. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2007 1. COMPANY ACTIVITIES VOCENTO, S.A. was incorporated for an indefinite period of time on 28 June 1945. Its company objects per its bylaws are the publication, distribution and sale of unitary publications, whether periodical or otherwise, dealing with general, cultural, sports, artistic and any other information, the printing of such publications and the operation of printing workshops and, in general, any other activity related to the publishing and graphic arts industry; the setting-up, use and operation of radio and television stations and any other facilities for the broadcasting, production and promotion of audiovisual media, as well as the production, publishing and distribution of records, cassettes, recorded tapes, films, programmes and any other devices or means of communication of any type; the ownership, acquisition, sale and performance of acts of administration and disposal by any means of shares, securities and investments in companies engaging in any of the aforementioned activities, and, in general, in any other activity directly or indirectly related to the aforementioned activities which is not prohibited by the legislation currently in force. All the activities making up the aforementioned company objects can be carried on both in Spain and abroad, and may be carried on, either totally or partially, indirectly through the ownership of shares or other equity interests in companies with identical or similar company objects (see Note 8). The shareholders at the Annual General Meeting held on 17 March 2001 resolved to change the Company’s name from Bilbao Editorial, S.A. to Grupo Correo de Comunicación, S.A. On 26 November 2001, as a result of the merger by absorption of Prensa Española, S.A., the shareholders at an Extraordinary General Meeting resolved to change the Company’s name to Grupo Correo Prensa Española, S.A. On 17 December 2002, it was resolved to transfer the assets and liabilities of Prensa Española de Locales, S.L.U. en bloc to the sole shareholder, Grupo Correo Prensa Española, S.A., with the subsequent dissolution of the former. Lastly, the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting held on 29 May 2003 resolved to change the Company’s name to VOCENTO, S.A. (“the Company”). The business activity of the Company is the control of the ownership interests held by it as the parent of a Group of companies (“the Group”) (see Note 8 and the Appendix). The Parent’s registered office is located in Madrid, at calle Juan Ignacio Luca de Tena, nº 7. The tax domicile is located at the Polígono Industrial de Torrelarragoiti, Barrio de San Martín, Zamudio, Vizcaya. In view of the activity carried on by the Company, it does not have any environmental liability, expenses, assets, provisions or contingencies that might be material with respect to its net worth, financial position or results. Therefore, no specific disclosures relating to environmental issues are included in these notes to the financial statements. 6 Individual Financial Statements 2. BASIS OF PRESENTATION OF THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS a. Fair presentation The accompanying financial statements, which were prepared from the Company's accounting records, are presented in accordance with the Spanish National Chart of Accounts and, accordingly, present fairly the Company’s net worth, financial position and results of operations. The 2007 financial statements, which were prepared by the Company’s directors, will be submitted for approval by the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting, and it is considered that they will be approved without any changes. The accompanying 2007 financial statements refer only to the Company taken individually. As head of the Group, VOCENTO, S.A. files consolidated financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union (EU-IFRSs). According to the consolidated financial statements prepared in conformity with EU-IFRSs, at 31 December 2007 consolidated equity amounted to EUR 628,902 thousand, profit attributable to the parent was EUR 82,168 thousand and total assets in the consolidated balance sheet amounted to EUR 1,166,895 thousand. b. Grouping of items "Other Non-Trade Payables – Other Payables” on the liability side of the accompanying balance sheet at 31 December 2007 is composed of various items that were grouped together for the purposes of presentation in the balance sheet, according to the following breakdown: Thousands of Euros Profit sharing of the Board of Directors (Note 17) Remuneration payable (Note 4-m) Other payables (Note 13) 1,201 1,490 5,571 8,262 3. DISTRIBUTION OF PROFIT The Company’s directors will propose to the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting that the profit for 2007 be distributed as follows: Thousands of Euros Distributable profit: Profit for the year 82,168 Distribution of profit: To voluntary reserves Final dividend Interim dividend (Note 11) 20,543 23,839 37,786 82,168 Dividends On 25 July 2007, the Company’s Board of Directors resolved to distribute an interim dividend of EUR 37,786 thousand, which is recognised under “Equity – Interim Dividend” on the liability side of the accompanying balance sheet at 31 December 2007. 7 Individual Financial Statements On the aforementioned dates the Company was meeting the requirements of Article 194 of the Consolidated Spanish Companies Law for the distribution of dividends because it had sufficient unrestricted reserves with respect to the unamortised expenses referred to in that article. The provisional accounting statements prepared in accordance with legal requirements, evidencing the existence of sufficient liquidity for the distribution of the dividends, were as follows: Thousands of Euros Profit before tax at 30 June 2007 Income tax provision Distributable profit Cash and short-term investments Current account with Group companies Liquidity available 46,471 3,911 50,382 98,215 105,515 203,730 At 31 December 2007 the dividend had been paid in full. 4. MEASUREMENT BASES The principal measurement bases applied by the Company in preparing its financial statements for 2007, in accordance with the Spanish National Chart of Accounts, were as follows: a. Start-up costs “Start-up Costs” in the accompanying balance sheet at 31 December 2007 includes the costs incurred in the refurbishment of properties leased by the Company in order to increase its operating capacity and to continue performing the activities related to its company object (see Note 1). These costs are amortised on a straight-line basis over five years, less than the term of the lease contract, and are recognised with a charge to “Depreciation and Amortisation Charge” in the accompanying income statement. The charge in this respect in 2007 was EUR 160 thousand (see Note 5). b. Intangible assets, net Intangible assets, which basically include computer software, are carried at cost and amortised on a straight-line basis over four years. In 2007, amortisation amounted to EUR 405 thousand and the period charge was recognised under “Depreciation and Amortisation Charge” in the accompanying income statement for the year (see Note 6). c. Property, plant and equipment Property, plant and equipment are stated at cost. The costs of expansion, modernisation or improvements leading to increased productivity, capacity or efficiency or to a lengthening of the useful life of the asset are capitalised. Period upkeep and maintenance expenses are charged to the income statement. 8 Individual Financial Statements The Company depreciates its property, plant and equipment by the straight-line method at annual rates based on the following years of estimated useful life (see Note 7): Average Estimated Useful Life (Years) Buildings Plant and machinery Other fixtures, tools and furniture Other items of property, plant and equipment 30 6.6 10 5 d. Long- and Short-term investments Long-term investments, none of which are listed, are measured at the lower of cost and consolidated underlying carrying amount, adjusted by the amount of any unrealised gains disclosed at the time of acquisition and still existing at a subsequent valuation, considering for these purposes an effective period of ten years (see Note 8). Consequently, the Company’s financial statements do not reflect the changes that would arise from using consolidation or equity methods, as applicable, which are broken down in Note 2-a. Loans and long-term guarantees and deposits given are carried at the amount effectively delivered (see Note 8). The Company records provisions for the ownership interests whose cost is higher than the underlying carrying amount disclosed in the latest consolidated balance sheet available of the investees, calculated as indicated above. Short-term investments are carried at the amount effectively delivered (see Note 8). e. Treasury shares Treasury shares are measured at the lower of cost and market (see Note 11), where market value is the lowest of the following three amounts: • year-end market price • average market price during the last quarter • underlying carrying amount The losses disclosed by the comparison of cost and market price are charged to profit or loss and the additional loss disclosed if the underlying carrying amount is in turn lower than the market price or that arising from the comparison of the with the underlying carrying amount when the cost price is lower than the market price, is charged to the Company’s unrestricted reserves. Reversals of previously recorded losses as a result of subsequent valuation adjustments or disposals of treasury shares are credited to profit for the year or to reserves, depending on where they had previously been charged. As a result of the admission to listing of its shares, which was completed on 8 November 2006 (see Note 11), the Company acquired 11,910,127 treasury shares, with a view to launching a public offering at a price of EUR 14 per share. On completion of the public offering and corresponding settlement, the Company held 2,224,675 shares, equivalent to 1.78% of its share capital, with an acquisition cost of EUR 14.47 per share, which may be freely transferred. The directors have stated that the shares will be sold in the short term provided the market conditions are favourable. In 2007 the Company reversed EUR 401 thousand of the allowance for treasury shares. This amount relates to a provision of EUR 1,935 thousand charged to “Change in Investment Valuation Allowances” in the accompanying income statement in respect of the additional loss on the market price and to the recovery of EUR 2,336 thousand of the provision with a credit to “Voluntary Reserves” in the accompanying balance sheet in respect of the increase in the underlying carrying amount (see Note 11). 9 Individual Financial Statements f. Deferred charges “Deferred Charges” in the balance sheet includes the finance costs related to certain debts incurred by the Company which are measured on the basis of the difference between the repayment value and the face value thereof (see Note 4-i). These costs are allocated to income during the maturity period of the related debts and in accordance with the finance plan (see Note 9), with a charge to “Finance and Similar Costs – On Debts to Third Parties and Similar Costs” in the accompanying income statement. g. Operating receivables and payables and non-trade payables Operating receivables and payables are recognised at face value. Non-trade payables are recognised at repayment value. The Company records the necessary allowances for bad debts to cover balances which, according to their age and other matters, meet certain requirements for them to be considered doubtful receivables. Accounts receivable and payable are classified in the accompanying balance sheet on the basis of the maturity date, where debts maturing in 12 months or less after the balance sheet date are considered current liabilities. h. Deferred income “Deferred Income” in the balance sheet includes the deferred income from collection rights. This income is recognised in the income statement during the maturity period of the related collection rights and in accordance with a finance plan, with a credit to “Other Interest and Similar Income – Other Interest” in the income statement. i. Provisions for pensions and similar obligations The Company externalised all its pension obligations to employees in 2002, pursuant to Royal Decree 1588/1999, of 15 October, and no past services remained uncovered at 31 December 2007. The obligations are as follows: • For employees from Grupo Correo de Comunicación subject to the collective labour agreement (see Note 1), supplementing in different percentages the retirement pension of the employees who joined the company before 1 January 1982, pursuant to Article 35 of the current collective labour agreement. The employees entitled to this supplement may opt to receive a lump sum on retirement equal to 10 annuities of the corresponding amount discounted at an annual rate of 5%. The foregoing obligation is covered by insurance policies in accordance with the related actuarial studies carried out on a case-by-case basis and using, among other assumptions, a discount rate of 5.13% and PERM/F2000P mortality tables. • For employees not subject to the collective labour agreement, supplementing the retirement and widowhood pensions by an amount determined on an individual basis. These obligations are covered through defined benefit and defined contribution insurance policies, in accordance with the related actuarial studies, performed on a case-by-case basis and using, among other assumptions, a discount rate of 4% and GRM/F - 95 mortality tables and a discount rate of 3.11% and GRM/F – 95 mortality tables, respectively. The mathematical provisions assigned to these obligations amount to EUR 3,894 thousand. This amount includes the related pension obligations of EUR 957 thousand to members of the Board of Directors who are also company employees. 10 Individual Financial Statements • The collective labour agreement also establishes the obligation to pay certain long-service bonuses to employees on completion of 20, 30 and 40 years of service at the Company. To cover the liability accrued in this respect at 31 December 2007 the Company recorded a provision of approximately EUR 94 thousand under “Provisions for Contingencies and Charges” on the liability side of the accompanying balance sheet at that date (see Note 12). • The Company also had obligations to former employees from Prensa Española, S.A. (see Note 1) pursuant to the collective labour agreements in force on their retirement, whose terms have been maintained unchanged. These obligations were secured in 2000 by a group insurance policy with a prestigious insurance company where Prensa Española, S.A. was the policyholder and the former employees the beneficiaries. The single premium of this policy amounted to approximately EUR 36,770 thousand and the Company decided to finance it in ten annual instalments, as permitted by Article 36 of the Regulations on the Instrumentation of Pension Obligations to Employees and Beneficiaries, as follows: · Constant annual instalments of approximately EUR 4,767 thousand each, including the related deferral interest (see Notes 9 and 13). · Financial surcharge for deferral, calculated using the discount rate used to calculate the mathematical provisions. · The long-term portion of the total payment obligations to the insurance company, including financing interest, are included in the accompanying balance sheet under ”Non-Current Liabilities – Other Payables” and the short-term portion is recorded under “Current Liabilities – Other Non-Trade Payables” (see Note 13). Unincurred interest is included under “Deferred Charges” in the accompanying balance sheet (see Notes 4-f and 9). j. Other provisions for contingencies and charges The policy of VOCENTO, S.A. is to record provisions for contingencies and charges in order to cover probable or certain and quantifiable liabilities arising from litigation in progress, outstanding indemnity payments, obligations or expenses, collateral and other similar guarantees provided by the Company. The Company recorded a provision in this respect of EUR 1,744 thousand under “Provisions for Contingencies and Charges” on the liability side of the accompanying balance sheet (see Note 12). k. Income tax Since 1997, the Company has filed consolidated tax returns with certain Group companies specified in the Appendix, which entails the joint calculation of the taxable profit of the Group and the tax credits and tax relief (see Note 14). The expense or revenue for income tax is calculated on the basis of the accounting profit before tax, increased or decreased, as appropriate, by the permanent differences from taxable profit, which are taken to be the differences between profit before tax and taxable profit that do not reverse in subsequent periods. The Company capitalises deferred tax assets arising from timing differences only when they will be recovered within ten years and recognises, if any, the deferred tax liabilities arising from such timing differences. Tax credits to avoid double taxation, tax incentives and tax relief on income tax applicable in the income tax return are capitalised when they arise, provided they will be recovered within ten years. l. Revenue and expense recognition Revenue and expenses are recognised on an accrual basis, i.e. when the actual flow of the related goods and services occurs, regardless of when the resulting monetary or financial flow arises. However, in accordance with the accounting principle of prudence, the Company only recognises realised revenue at year-end, whereas foreseeable contingencies and losses, including possible losses, are recognised as soon as they become known. Dividends from equity investments are recognised on an accrual basis when the related managing body of the investee resolves to distribute it (see Note 8). 11 Individual Financial Statements m. Termination benefits Under current labour legislation, the Company is required to pay termination benefits to employees terminated under certain conditions. In 2007, VOCENTO recognised termination benefits of EUR 3,985 thousand with a charge to “Staff Costs” (see Note 16) in the accompanying 2007 income statement, which included, inter alia, the indemnity agreed with the former CEO (paid in 2007 - see Note 17). n. Share-based payment On 5 September 2006, the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting resolved to approve an incentive plan, tied to the value of VOCENTO’s shares, targeted at VOCENTO’s executive directors, senior executives and executives, who total a maximum of 66. The plan consists of the establishment of a single variable remuneration payment in cash which is tied to the performance of the share price over a period of three years from the date on which the Company’s shares were admitted to listing and conditional upon the achievement of a given increase in the Group’s EBITDA, with a cash amount corresponding to each management level. The amount of the variable remuneration will be equal to the result of multiplying the number of reference shares vested to the executive by the positive difference between the share flotation price and the share price three years later, adjusted by a factor which depends on the degree to which the EBITDA increase target is met. Although the initial maximum number of reference shares was 1,230,000, the maximum is currently 1,040,000 as a result of the number of retiring executives (see Note 4-m). The Company accrues for these future payments on the basis of the measurement of the plan at 31 December each year, as a result of which EUR 316 thousand were charged to “Staff Costs” in the accompanying income statement for 2007 (see Note 16). The Black-Scholes valuation method was used to measure the plan and the main assumptions used were as follows: Principal Assumptions 31 December 2007 Plan exercise price Price at quarterly closing Risk-free interest rate Volatility Estimated dividend rate Staff turnover Probability of meeting the EBITDA target EUR 15.00 EUR 13.60 4.05% 24.00% 4.74% 3.00% 100.00% At 31 December 2007, the Company maintained a provision of EUR 365 thousand for the liability accrued in this connection (see Note 12). 5. START-UP COSTS The changes in “Start-Up Costs” in 2007 were as follows: Thousands of Euros 12 Balance at 31/12/06 Amortisation Balance at 31/12/07 Start-up costs 423 (160) 263 Total 423 (160) 263 Individual Financial Statements 6. INTANGIBLE ASSETS, NET The changes in “Intangible Assets, Net” in 2007 were as follows: Thousands of Euros Balance at 31/12/06 Additions/ (Charge for the Year) Balance at 31/12/07 1,610 27 153 - 1,763 27 1,637 153 1,790 (410) (405) (815) (410) 1,227 (405) (252) (815) 975 Cost: Computer software Trademarks Total cost Accumulated amortisation: Computer software Total accumulated amortisation Total, net The additions relate to certain management software purchased by the Company in 2007. At 31 December 2007, the cost and accumulated amortisation of the fully amortised intangible assets in use amounted to EUR 48 thousand. 7. PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT The changes in 2007 in property, plant and equipment accounts and in the related accumulated depreciation were as follows: Thousands of Euros Balance at 31/12/06 Cost: Land and buildings Plant and machinery Other fixtures, tools and furniture Other items of property, plant and equipmentTransport equipment Computer hardware Advances and property, plant and equipment in the course of construction Total cost Accumulated depreciation: Buildings Plant and machinery Other fixtures, tools and furniture Other items of property, plant and equipment Transport equipment Computer hardware Total accumulated depreciation Total, net Additions/ (Charge for the Year) Balance at 31/12/07 2,373 538 2,140 11 2,373 538 2,151 427 414 17 11 444 425 20 5,912 39 20 5,951 (667) (532) (1,169) (71) (1) (208) (738) (533) (1,377) (335) (232) (2,935) 2,977 (23) (65) (368) (329) (358) (297) (3,303) 2,648 13 Individual Financial Statements The building in Zamudio in which the Company’s registered office is situated, whose cost is recorded under ”Property, Plant and Equipment – Land and Buildings”, was built on land owned by Bilbao Editorial Producciones, S.L.U. (see Appendix) pursuant to a surface rights agreement in exchange for a consideration that can be reviewed annually. This consideration amounted to EUR 107 thousand in 2007 and the term of the agreement is 99 years from 1 June 1998, the date on which the building was delivered. On termination of the agreement, the buildings will become the property of Bilbao Editorial Producciones, S.L.U. for no consideration. At 31 December 2007, the carrying amount of this item of property, plant and equipment was EUR 1,635 thousand. At 31 December 2007, the cost and accumulated depreciation of the fully depreciated items of property, plant and equipment in use amounted to EUR 1,103 thousand. At 31 December 2007, the Company’s property, plant and equipment were adequately covered by the related insurance policies. 8. LONG-TERM INVESTMENTS The detail of this heading on the asset side of the balance sheet at 31 December 2007 and of the changes therein is as follows: Thousands of Euros Balance at 31/12/06 Investments in Group companies (Note 10 and Appendix) Long-term tax receivables (Note 14) Long-term guarantees and deposits given Total cost Less- Allowances for investments in Group companies Additions/ (Charge for the Year) Disposals Transfer to Short Term Balance at 31/12/07 445,800 4,796 10 450,606 132,600 4 132,604 (677) (677) (1,030) (1,030) 578,400 3,089 14 581,503 (156,882) 293,724 (10,835) 121,769 (677) (1,030) (167,717) 413,786 Investments in Group companies The main additions in 2007 were as follows: • In December 2007, the Company contributed EUR 600 thousand to offset losses at Corporación de Medios de Nuevas Tecnologías, S.L.U. • In August 2007, the Company acquired all the shares of Factoría de Información, S.A. (publisher of the free newspaper “Qué!”) for EUR 132 million, which gave rise to goodwill of approximately EUR 119 million. The Company’s directors consider that the estimated future cash flows, calculated on the basis of assumptions that include discount rates before tax, growth rates and the expected changes in the sale price and costs, assure the recoverability of the goodwill. 14 Individual Financial Statements The detail of the most significant investments in Group companies and associates at 31 December 2007 can be summarised as follows (see Appendix): Thousands of Euros Carrying Amount Group companies (Note 10 and Appendix) Corporación de Medios Regionales, S.L.U. (1) 56,123 Corporación de Medios Internacionales de Prensa, S.A.U. (1) 58,303 Corporación de Medios de Nuevas Tecnologías, S.L.U. (1) 2,522 Corporación de Nuevos Medios Audiovisuales, S.L.U. (2) 40,778 Corporación de Medios de Comunicación, S.L.U. (1) 47,128 Diario ABC, S.L. (1) 32,816 Corporación de Nuevos Medios Digitales, S.L.U. (2) 49,523 Factoría de Información, S.A. (2) 124,190 411,383 Profit (Loss) for 2007 (*) Dividends Received by VOCENTO, S.A. in 2007 (Notes 10 and 14) Share Capital (*) Reserves (*) 27,769 67,040 44,048 (32,000) 60 32,141 26,285 - 555 1,668 (1,009) - 40,740 10,000 6,100 1,500 13,300 100,024 105,680 44,636 38,500 65,421 5,298 360,384 27,006 706 (12,485) 17,452 2,039 104,042 (76,363) (114,363) (*) This information refers to the individual unconsolidated financial statements of the respective companies at 31 December 2007. (1) Audited by Deloitte. (2) Audited by other auditors. 9. DEFERRED CHARGES The detail of “Deferred Charges” in the 2007 balance sheet and of the charges therein is as follows (see Notes 4-f, 4-i and 13): Thousands of Euros Balance at 31/12/06 Finance costs-Group insurance Total Allocation to Profit/Loss 1,953 1,953 (827) (827) Balance at 31/12/07 1,126 1,126 The breakdown of the finance costs relating to the group insurance policy at 31 December 2007, on the basis of the settlement or payment date, is as follows: Year of Payment 2008 2009 2010 Thousands of Euros 610 379 137 1,126 15 Individual Financial Statements 10. BALANCES WITH GROUP COMPANIES AND ASSOCIATES The detail of the Company’s balances with Group companies and associates at 31 December 2007 is as follows (see Appendix): Thousands of Euros Group companies Corporación de Nuevos Medios Audiovisuales, S.L.U. Diario El Correo, S.A.U. Bilbao Editorial Producciones, S.L.U. CM Norte, S.L.U. Sociedad Vascongada de Publicaciones, S.A. Sociedad Vascongada de Producciones, S.L.U. Sarenet, S.A. Distribuciones Comecosa, S.A.U. Comeresa País Vasco, S.L.U. Servicios Redaccionales Bilbainos, S.L.U. Corporación de Medios Regionales, S.L.U. Corporación de Medios de Nuevas Tecnologías, S.L.U. Corporación de Medios Radiofónicos Digitales, S.A. Taller de Editores, S.A. Canal Bilbovisión, S.L. Radio El Correo, S.L.U. El Correo Digital, S.L.U. VOCENTO Media Trader, S.L.U. Sector MD, S.L. Diario ABC, S.L. Radio Tele Basconia, S.A. Corporación de Medios de Comunicación, S.L.U. Álava Televisión, S.L. Viapolis, S.L.U. Veralia, Corporación de Productoras de Cine y Televisión, S.L. Comercial Multimedia VOCENTO, S.A.U. Comeco Impresión, S.L.U. La Trastienda Digital S.A.U. Sdad. Gestora de Televisión Punto TV, S.L.U. ABC Sevilla, S.L.U. Autocasión Hoy, S.A. IDD Publicidad, S.L. Associates Víctor Steinberg y Asociados, S.L. Receivables Short-Term Investments (Notes 8 and 14) Short-Term Payables 28 9 1 5 13 - 35,731 8,986 728 7 4,503 43 726 577 427 31 30,370 61 16 6 118 - 2 10 855 92 64 163 5,954 6 127 5 265,825 - 56 82,330 126 7,816 265,825 136 1 225 1 49 Long-Term Payables - The short-term accounts payable to Group companies and associates and the amounts included under “Short-Term Investments” in the accompanying balance sheet at 31 December 2007 were disclosed basically as a result of paying income tax under the consolidated tax regime on the amounts allocated by the Parent, VOCENTO, S.A., to its subsidiaries (see Note 14). These amounts include the unused tax credits of the various companies, which were recorded under “Accounts Receivable - Tax Receivables” in their respective balance sheets. 16 Individual Financial Statements In 2007 the Company received dividends of EUR 38,000 thousand and EUR 76,363 thousand from Corporación de Medios Regionales, S.L.U. and Corporación de Nuevos Medios Audiovisuales, S.L.U., respectively (see Note 8), of which EUR 27,000 thousand and EUR 27,585 thousand, respectively, remained unpaid at 31 December 2007 and were recognised under “Short-Term Investments” on the asset side of the accompanying balance sheet at 31 December 2007. “Long-Term Payables” includes the current account balance with Corporación de Medios Regionales, S.L.U. The Company also holds a current account with Corporación de Nuevos Medios Audiovisuales, S.L.U., which had not been drawn down at 31 December 2007. The related current account contracts are renewed automatically for six-month periods unless the parties expressly waive the contract. The Company’s directors consider that this balance will not be called in the short term. The accounts receivable generate a return calculated on the basis of average three-month EURIBOR + 0.3 points, whereas accounts payable give rise to finance costs of average three-month EURIBOR + 0.6 points. In 2007 finance costs totalling EUR 8,783 thousand were recognised under “Finance Costs – On Debts to Group Companies” in the accompanying income statement for 2007. 11. SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY The changes in “Shareholders’ Equity” in the accompanying 2007 balance sheet were as follows: Thousands of Euros Balance at 31 December 2006 Distribution of 2006 profit Interim dividend Final dividend Voluntary reserves Interim dividend (Note 3) Allowance for treasury shares (Note 4-e) Change in balance of treasury shares (Note 4-e) 2007 profit Balance at 31 December 2007 Share Capital Share Premium Legal Reserve 24,994 9,516 4,999 24,994 9,516 4,999 Reserve for Treasury Shares (Note 4-e) Voluntary Reserve Profit for the Year Interim Dividend 9,211 74,466 78,825 (45,000) 401 9,612 20,652 2,336 (401) 97,053 (45,000) (13,173) (20,652) 82,168 82,168 45,000 (37,786) (37,786) Share capital At 31 December 2007, the share capital of VOCENTO, S.A. amounted to EUR 24,994 thousand and consisted of 124,970,306 fully subscribed and paid book-entry shares of EUR 0.2 par value each. At 31 December 2007, the only shareholder with an ownership interest of 10% or more was Mezouna, S.A., which owns 10.38% of the share capital. The Parent has been listed on the Bilbao, Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia Stock Exchanges and on the Spanish computerised trading system (continuous market) since 8 November 2006. 17 Individual Financial Statements Share premium The Consolidated Spanish Companies Law expressly permits the use of the share premium account balance to increase capital and does not establish any specific restrictions as to its use. Legal reserve Under the Consolidated Spanish Companies Law, 10% of net profit for each year must be transferred to the legal reserve until the balance of this reserve reaches at least 20% of the share capital. The Company had already exceeded this threshold at 31 December 2007. The legal reserve can be used to increase capital provided that the remaining reserve balance does not fall below 10% of the increased share capital amount. Otherwise, until the legal reserve exceeds 20% of share capital, it can only be used to offset losses, provided that sufficient other reserves are not available for this purpose. Reserve for treasury shares The detail of the reserve for treasury shares and of the changes therein in 2007 is as follows (see Note 4-e): Thousands of Euros Balance at 31 December 2006 Allowance for decline in value Balance at 31 December 2007 9,211 401 9,612 Number of Shares 2,224,675 2,224,675 Pursuant to the Consolidated Companies Law, the Company keeps a restricted reserve for an amount equal to the net value of the treasury shares held by it. In any evaluation of the Company’s equity at 31 December 2007, the balance of treasury shares under “Short-Term Treasury Shares” on the asset side of the accompanying balance sheet should be deducted from the Company’s equity figure at that date. 12. PROVISIONS FOR CONTINGENCIES AND CHARGES The detail of “Provisions for Contingencies and Charges” on the liability side of the accompanying balance sheet at 31 December 2007 and of the changes therein in 2007 is as follows: Thousands of Euros Provisions for Pensions and Similar Obligations (Note 4-i) Balance at 31 December 2006 Amount used (Note 17) Changes in provisions charged (credited) to profit or loss (Note 1, 4-n and 16) Balance at 31 December 2007 Provisions for Share-Based Payments (Note 4-n) Other Provisions (Note 4-j) Total 3,753 (3,325) 49 - 1,744 - 5,546 (3,325) (334) 94 316 365 1,744 (18) 2,203 The amount used relates basically to the annuity income paid to the former Chairman as result of the admission to listing of the Company’s shares (see Note 17). The difference between the amount provisioned and that finally paid (EUR 334 thousand) was recognised under “Prior Years’ Income and Profits” in the accompanying income statement for 2007. 18 Individual Financial Statements 13. OTHER PAYABLES The detail of ”Non-Current Liabilities – Other Payables” in the accompanying balance sheet at 31 December 2007 and “Other Payables” in the breakdown in Note 2-b is as follows: Thousands of Euros Long Term Group insurance (Note 4-i) Termination benefits payable (Note 4-m) Development of technology projects Long-term tax payables (Note 14) Other Short Term (Note 2-b) Total 9,534 4,989 - 4,767 22 29 753 14,301 22 29 4,989 753 14,523 5,571 20,094 Group insurance On 10 May 2000, Prensa Española, S.A. (see Note 1) reached an agreement with its employees’ representatives whereby a group insurance policy was taken out in order to externalise the company’s pension obligations to its former employees. Thus, the Company’s only current and future liability is payment of the single premium, amounting to EUR 36,770 thousand. Given that Prensa Española, S.A. deferred payment thereof in ten annual instalments (the first of which was paid on 2 January 2001), the annual payments amount to EUR 4,767 thousand and include the implicit interest on the deferral. These amounts are recognised under “Deferred Charges” in the accompanying balance sheet at 31 December 2007 (see Notes 4-i and 9). Development of technology projects The Company has received interest-free loans from the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism amounting to EUR 29 thousand and maturing in 2008 as aid for the development of technology projects. 14. TAX MATTERS VOCENTO, S.A. and certain of its subsidiaries subject to Vizcaya corporation tax legislation pay income tax under the Special Consolidated Tax Regime, with VOCENTO, S.A. as the Parent of the Group (see Appendix). The notification of the composition of the Tax Group for 2007 was submitted to the Vizcaya Provincial Department of Economy and Finance on 30 December 2007. The special regime provided for in Chapter X, Title VIII of the Provincial Corporation Tax Law 3/1996, of 26 June, and Chapter VIII, Title VIII of the Spanish Corporation Tax Law 43/1995, of 27 December, was applied to the merger of VOCENTO, S.A. (then Grupo Correo de Comunicación, S.A.) and Prensa Española, S.A. in 2001. The disclosures on the merger transaction required under the aforementioned laws are detailed in the notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2001. The transfer en bloc in 2002 of the assets and liabilities of Prensa Española de Locales, S.L.U. was also carried out under this special regime (see Note 1). 19 Individual Financial Statements At 31 December 2007, the items “Tax Receivables” and “Tax Payables” under current and non-current assets and liabilities in the accompanying balance sheet were as follows: Concepto VAT Income tax Income tax assets Personal income tax withholdings Deferred tax liabilities Other Assets Current 1,753 1,586 1,949 5,288 Thousands of Euros Liabilities Assets Current Non-Current 23 3,089 907 24 954 3,089 Liabilities Non-Current (Note 13) 4,989 4,989 The detail of the income tax credits and deferred tax assets and liabilities and of the changes therein is as follows: Balance at 31/12/06 Long-term income tax assets (Note 8) Deferred tax assets Total long term Short-term income tax assets Tax loss carryforwards Deferred tax assets Other unused tax credits Total short term Total ASSETS Long-term deferred tax liabilities (Note 13) Total LIABILITIES 20 Additions Thousands of Euros Adjustment Amounts of Tax Rate Used Transfers Balance at 31/12/07 4,796 4,796 - (677) (677) - (1,030) (1,030) 3,089 3,089 10,126 1,271 192 11,589 16,385 (6,561) (6,561) 541 114 655 655 (4,291) (4,291) (1,095) (169) (1,264) (1,941) 1,204 1,204 (9,031) (1,030) (10,061) (10,061) 4,659 4,659 1,030 1,030 - 1,643 306 1,949 5,038 (4,989) (4,989) Individual Financial Statements The income tax expense and income tax receivable were calculated as follows: Thousands of Euros Accounting profit (before tax) – Profit Permanent differences: · Elimination of double tax asset for capitalised tax losses (Note 8) - Portfolio allowances re Factoría de Información, S.A. - Portfolio allowances re Corporación de Medios Internacionales de Press, S.A.U. - Portfolio allowances re Diario ABC, S.L. · Portfolio allowances re tax group companies (Note 8) · Other non-deductible expenses · Elimination of Tax Group dividends (Note 8) Timing differences: - Change in allowance for treasury shares (Note 4-e) Prior years’ timing differences: · Group pension insurance policy (Notes 9 and 13) · Elimination of double tax asset for capitalised tax losses (Note 8) - Portfolio allowance re Factoría de Información, S.A. - Portfolio allowance re Corporación de Medios Internacionales de Press, S.A.U. - Diario ABC, S.L. · Annuity income to the Chairman (Note 12) Gross taxable profit Offset of Group taxable profit Net taxable profit 71,232 2,845 (16,640) 12,484 1,572 680 (114,363) 1,935 (3,678) (2,845) 16,640 (12,484) (3,500) (46,122) (23,799) (69,921) “Elimination of Double Tax Asset for Capitalised Tax Losses” relates to the accounting elimination of tax income arising from the provisions to the portfolio allowances relating to Group companies that capitalised tax loss carryforwards, where these amounts relate to the provisions recognised as a result of the losses of Diario ABC, S.L. and Factoría de Información, S.A. in 2007, and to the reversal made by Corporación de Medios Internacionales de Prensa, S.A. due to the sale of its investee CIMECO, S.A. “Other Non-Deductible Expenses” relates to the estimated insurance premium payable for executives and the contributions to pension plans for certain employees not subject to a collective labour agreement (see Note 4-i). This expense will be deductible on payment of the aforementioned pensions. “Offset of Group Taxable Profit” arises from tax losses which were offset by the Company. The Company has no tax losses available for offset in the future. In addition, as head of the Tax Group, the Company has an income tax receivable amounting to EUR 20,051 thousand at 31 December 2007 (see Note 10) in connection with the various Tax Group companies’ taxes. In accordance with the Vizcaya Provincial Law in force in 2007 the Company is liable for income tax under Vizcaya Regulation 3/1996, of 26 June, amended by Legislative Decree 1/2005, of 30 December, which established a tax rate of 32.6%, effective for years commencing on or after 1 January 2006, and by Vizcaya Regulation 6/2007, of 27 March, which reduced the tax rate to 28%, effective for years commencing on or after 1 January 2007. Both amendments remain in force although various appeals have been filed on which a decision has yet to be handed down. The Company’s directors (and, if applicable, its tax advisers) consider that the final outcome of the various court proceedings and the appeals filed in connection with income tax will not have a significant impact on the financial statements taken as a whole and, therefore, the tax for 2007 and for the years open to inspection was calculated in accordance with the Vizcaya laws in force at each reporting date. Consequently, the Company adjusted its income tax assets and deferred tax assets in 2007, which gave rise to a negative adjustment of EUR 737 thousand under “Income Tax” in the accompanying income statement for 2007. 21 Individual Financial Statements The income tax expense for 2007 also includes approximately EUR 140 thousand arising from the difference between the amount estimated at 2006 year-end and the definitive income tax return filed and from additional deferred tax of approximately EUR 658 thousand. At 31 December 2007, the last three years were open for review by the tax authorities for all the taxes applicable to VOCENTO, S.A. The varying interpretations that the tax and judicial authorities may make of the tax legislation applied by VOCENTO, S.A. could give rise to contingent tax liabilities for the years open for review which cannot be objectively quantified. However, the Company's directors and legal advisers consider that such contingent liabilities are very unlikely to become actual liabilities and, in any event, they would not have a material effect on the financial statements of VOCENTO, S.A. 15. BANK BORROWINGS The breakdown of the balances of “Non-Current Liabilities – Bank Borrowings" and “Current Liabilities - Bank Borrowings" in the accompanying balance sheet at 31 December 2007 is as follows: Thousands of Euros Balance Drawn Down at 31/12/07 Maturity Interest Rate Limit Granted Long Term Short Term EURIBOR+spread (*) EURIBOR+spread (*) EURIBOR+spread (*) EURIBOR+spread (*) EURIBOR+spread (*) 30,000 14,500 11,667 21,000 10,000 8,701 16,445 - 47 - 25,146 47 Credit facilities Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A. Bilbao Bizkaia Kutxa Banco Guipuzcoano, S.A. Caja Madrid Banco Español de Crédito, S.A. 2011 2011 2011 2009 2010 (*) The spread on the credit facilities ranges from 0.30% to 0.55% The credit facilities in the foregoing table were guaranteed personally by the Company and are shared by the Company and Corporación de Medios Regionales, S.L.U. and Corporación de Nuevos Medios Audiovisuales, S.L.U. (see Note 8 and Appendix), with a combined limit at each bank. The individual limit assigned to the Company is, initially, the amount included in the foregoing table although the aforementioned companies may opt to modify the limits set for each one by mutual agreement and with the approval of each bank. In addition, the Company has other credit facilities similar to those described above with a limit at 31 December 2007 of approximately EUR 46,667 thousand. 22 Individual Financial Statements 16. INCOME AND EXPENSES Staff costs The breakdown of “Staff Costs” in the accompanying income statement for 2007 is as follows: Thousands of Euros Wages and salaries Termination benefits (Note 4-m) Employee benefit costs Share-based payments (Notes 1, 4-n and 12) Other employee benefit costs 5,925 3,985 227 316 808 11,261 The average number of employees in 2007, by professional category, was as follows: Average Number of Employees Men Executives Employees 12 12 Women 1 9 10 Transactions with Group companies The most significant transactions with Group companies in 2007, in addition to those described in Notes 8 and 10, consisted basically of monthly billings to the newspapers that form part of the Group (see Appendix) for general services rendered. These billings amounted to EUR 1,036 thousand and are recognised under “Other Operating Income – Non-Core and Other Current Operating Income” in the accompanying income statement for the year ended 31 December 2007. 17. REMUNERATION AND OTHER DISCLOSURES CONCERNING THE DIRECTORS The remuneration, including salaries and other expenses, earned in all connections by the members of the Board of Directors in 2007 amounted to approximately EUR 9,408 thousand, of which approximately EUR 1,201 thousand (recognised under “Other Operating Expenses” in the accompanying income statement for 2007) relate to the directors’ share in profit for the year (see Note 2-b). Until his resignation on 27 January 2008 (see Note 21 "Events After the Balance Sheet Date”), the relationship between the Chief Executive Officer Belarmino García and VOCENTO, S.A. was regulated by a senior management contract with a term of ten years, establishing fixed and variable annual remuneration of EUR 680,004 and EUR 320,000, respectively. In addition, it provided for the possibility of receiving variable remuneration deferred until the third year in the event of achieving certain targets for the share price and the Group’s EBITDA. The CEO was also entitled to receive certain payments in kind (life, medical, third party and personal liability insurance and a company car) in addition to the aforementioned monetary remuneration. The clauses of the contract provided for a period of advance notice for the termination thereof and an indemnity of 3.5 years’ total remuneration or three years’ fixed remuneration plus 55% of the variable remuneration of the last year on the basis of the time of termination of the contract. It also included a two-year non-competition clause, amounting to a year’s remuneration. 23 Individual Financial Statements The breakdown of the individual remuneration of the Board of Directors in 2007 is as follows: Thousands of Euros Contributions Attendance Fees Board of Directors Committees Remuneration of to Pension Agreed Other Directors for Senior Profit-Sharing Plans and Termination Remuneration Executive Functions Payments Life Insurance Benefits of Directors Fixed Variable Total DIRECTORS AT 31 DECEMBER 2007 24 Santiago de Ybarra y Churruca Alejandro Echevarría Busquet José María Bergareche Busquet Enrique Ybarra e Ybarra Mezouna (Ignacio Ybarra Aznar) Santigo Bergareche Busquet Víctor Urrutia y Vallejo Claudio Aguirre Pemán Catalina Luca de Tena García-Conde Soledad Luca de Tena García-Conde Álvaro Ybarra Zubiria María del Carmen Careaga Diego del Alcazar Silvela ATLANPRESSE, S.A.R.L. Carlos Castellanos Borrego Belarmino García Fernández 22 20 23 23 23 23 16 22 23 23 23 16 25 22 20 20 10 33 10 10 30 7 33 11 8 22 22 15 - 453 48 48 48 48 48 48 32 48 48 48 33 185 33 33 - 201 - 3,167 3,000 - 37 - 617 331 500 - 3,652 101 4,399 81 101 78 97 65 79 130 93 49 225 55 53 351 Total directors at 31 December 2007 344 211 1,201 201 6,167 37 948 500 9,609 Individual Financial Statements Pursuant to Article 127 ter.4 of the Spanish Companies Law, introduced by Law 26/2003, of 17 July, which amends Securities Market Law 24/1988, of 28 July, and the Consolidated Companies Law, in order to reinforce the transparency of listed corporations, following is a detail of the companies engaging in an activity that is identical, similar or complementary to the activity that constitutes the company object of VOCENTO, S.A. in which the members of the Board of Directors own equity interests and of the functions, if any, that they discharge at those companies. Owner Santiago de Ybarra y Churruca Investee Sociedad Vascongada de Publicaciones, S.A. Santiago de Ybarra y Churruca Diario ABC, S.L. José María Bergareche Busquet Sociedad Vascongada de Publicaciones, S.A. Alejandro Echevarría Busquet Sociedad Vascongada de Publicaciones, S.A. Alejandro Echevarría Busquet Diario ABC, S.L. Alejandro Echevarría Busquet Gestevisión Telecinco, S.A. Diego del Alcázar Silvela Merca Red, S.A. Santiago Bergareche Busquet Sociedad Vascongada de Publicaciones, S.A. Enrique Ybarra Ybarra VOCENTO, S.A. Catalina Luca de Tena García-Conde Diario ABC, S.L. Catalina Luca de Tena García-Conde Sociedad Vascongada de Publicaciones,S.A. Catalina Luca de Tena García-Conde Ediciones Luca de Tena, S.L. Soledad Luca de Tena García-Conde Diario ABC, S.L. Álvaro de Ybarra Zubiria Sociedad Vascongada de Publicaciones, S.A. Atlanpresse S.A.R.L. S.E.P.L. Atlanpresse S.A.R.L. Dordogne Libre Atlanpresse S.A.R.L. Les Editions du Bassin Atlanpresse S.A.R.L. Les Editions de la Semaine Atlanpresse S.A.R.L. Surf Session Atlanpresse S.A.R.L. Société de Gratuit D’Information Atlanpresse S.A.R.L. SNEM Atlanpresse S.A.R.L. Société du Journal Midi Libre Carlos Castellano Borrego Recollects Grupo de Comunicación, S.A. Carlos Castellano Borrego Pearson Mezouna, S.L. Sociedad Vascongada de Publicaciones, S.A. Activity Ownership Interest Functions Newspaper publishing 0.7163% Chairman Newspaper publishing Newspaper publishing 0.0002% 0.2780% Director - Newspaper publishing 0.1072% Director Newspaper publishing Television Publications Newspaper publishing 0.0002% 0.005% 0.74% 0.2042% Director Chairman - Media Newspaper publishing 6.2804% 0.0002% Deputy Chairman Chairman Newspaper publishing Book publishing Newspaper publishing Newspaper publishing 0.0235% 95% 0.0002% 0.0135% Sole Director Deputy Chairman - Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Media Media Newspaper publishing 99.99% 99.98% 99.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 5% 47.4% 0.0023% 0.0055% 0.21% - 25 Individual Financial Statements Also, as provided for by the aforementioned Law, set forth below are the activities additional to those stated in the foregoing table performed by the directors, as independent professionals or as employees that are identical, similar or complementary to the activity that constitutes the company object of VOCENTO, S.A.: Name Company through which the Activity is Performed Positions or Functions at the Company Concerned Independent professional Independent professional Independent professional Independent professional Independent professional - Chief Executive Officer Director Acting Severally Director Acting Severally Director Acting Severally Director Acting Severally Independent professional - Director Acting Severally José Manuel Vargas Gómez Diario ABC, S.L. Newspaper publishing Comeresa País Vasco, S.L.U. Media Comeresa Press, S.L.U. Media Corporación de Media, S.L.U Media Corporación de Medios Regionales, S.L.U. Media Corporación de Medios de Nuevas Tecnologías, S.L.U. Media Corporación de Medios Internacionales de Prensa, S.A.U. Media Corporación de Nuevos Medios Audiovisuales, S.L.U. Media Corporación de Nuevos Medios Digitales, S.L.U. Media Desarrollo de Clasificados, S.L.U. Media Boca Boca Producciones, S.L. Production Pantalla Digital, S.L.U. Television Sociedad Gestora de Television NET TV, S.A. Television Independent professional - Director Acting Severally Independent professional Independent professional Independent professional Independent professional Independent professional Independent professional - Director Acting Severally Director Acting Severally Director Acting Severally Director Director Director Santiago de Ybarra y Churruca Diario El Correo, S.A.U. Corporación de Medios de Murcia, S.A. El Norte de Castilla, S.A. Newspaper publishing Newspaper publishing Newspaper publishing Independent professional Independent professional Independent professional - Chairman Director Director José María Bergareche Busquet Diario ABC, S.L. Diario El Correo, S.A.U. Gestivisión Telecinco, S.A. Radio Publi, S.L.U. Newspaper publishing Newspaper publishing Television Radio Independent professional Independent professional Independent professional Independent professional - Director Director Director Chairman Newspaper publishing Newspaper publishing Independent professional Independent professional - Director Director News agency Advertising sales Independent professional Independent professional - Chairman Chairman Newspaper publishing Independent professional - Director Alejandro Echevarría Busquet Diario El Correo, S.A.U. Editorial Cantabria, S.A. Agencia de Television Latinoamericana de Servicios y Noticias España, S.A. Publiespaña, S.A. Santiago Bergareche Busquet Corporación de Medios de Murcia, S.A. 26 Activity Performed Type of Arrangement Individual Financial Statements Activity Performed Type of Arrangement Company through which the Activity is Performed Positions or Functions at the Company Concerned Soledad Luca de Tena García-Conde Grupo Europroducciones, S.A. Sociedad Gestora de Television Onda 6, S.A.U. Radio Publi, S.L. Diario el Correo, S.A.U. Corporación de Medios de Cádiz, S.L.U. Estudios de Política Exterior, S.A. Federico Doménech, S.A. ABC de Sevilla, S.L. Audiovisual production Television Radio Newspaper publishing Newspaper publishing Magazine publishing Newspaper publishing Newspaper publishing Independent professional Independent professional Independent professional Independent professional Independent professional Independent professional Independent professional Independent professional - Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Catalina Luca de Tena García-Conde ABC de Sevilla, S.L.U. Newspaper publishing Independent professional - Chairman Víctor Urrutia y Vallejo Diario el Correo, S.A.U. El Norte de Castilla, S.A. Newspaper publishing Newspaper publishing Independent professional Independent professional - Director Director Enrique Ybarra e Ybarra Corporación de Medios de Andalucía, S.A. Diario El Correo, S.A.U. Editorial Cantabria, S.A. El Comercio, S.A. Nueva Rioja, S.A. Sociedad Vascongada de Publicaciones, S.A. Newspaper publishing Newspaper publishing Newspaper publishing Newspaper publishing Newspaper publishing Newspaper publishing Independent professional Independent professional Independent professional Independent professional Independent professional Independent professional - Director Director Director Director Director Director Carlos Castellanos Borrego Diario El Correo, S.A.U. Newspaper publishing Independent professional - Director Diego del Alcázar Silvela ONO, S.A. Telecommunications Independent professional - Director Heléne Lemoine Groupe Sud Ouest, S.A. SAPESO, S.A. Newspaper publishing Newspaper publishing Independent professional Independent professional Atlan Presse, S.A.R.L. Atlan Presse, S.A.R.L. Director Director Ignacio Ybarra Aznar Corporación de Medios de Murcia, S.A. Press Malagueña, S.A. Newspaper publishing Newspaper publishing Independent professional Independent professional - Director Director Name 27 Individual Financial Statements 18. FEES PAID TO AUDITORS The fees for the financial audit services provided to the various companies composing the Group and other related companies by the principal auditor amounted to EUR 1,468 thousand in 2007, of which EUR 258 thousand relate to services provided to VOCENTO, S.A. The audit fees charged by other auditors participating in the audit of various Group companies totalled EUR 177 thousand. The fees for other advisory services provided to the various Group companies by the principal auditor and by other entities related to the auditor during 2007 amounted to EUR 239 thousand. 19. GUARANTEES At 31 December 2007, the Company had provided guarantees to various financial institutions totalling approximately EUR 22,811 thousand, of which approximately EUR 387 thousand relate to aid for the development of technology projects from the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism and EUR 22,424 thousand to secure guarantees given by other Group companies. 20. TRANSITION TO THE NEW ACCOUNTING STANDARDS Royal Decree 1514/2007 was published on 20 November 2007. This Royal Decree approved the new Spanish National Chart of Accounts that came into force on 1 January 2008, which must be applied for all periods beginning on or after that date. Under the aforementioned Royal Decree, the first financial statements prepared in accordance with the rules contained therein will be considered to be initial financial statements and, accordingly, they will not include comparative figures for the previous period; however, comparative figures for the preceding period may be presented provided that they are adapted to the new Chart of Accounts. Also, the Chart of Accounts contains several transitional provisions which afford various options in the first-time application of the new accounting standards and provide for the voluntary adoption of certain exceptions in the first-time application process. The Company is implementing a transition plan with a view to adapting to the new accounting standards which includes, inter alia, analysing the differences in accounting rules and standards, determining whether or not comparative figures adapted to the new standards will be presented and, consequently, the date of the opening balance sheet, selecting the accounting rules and standards to be applied in the transition and assessing the changes that have to be made to the information systems and procedures. At the date of formal preparation of these financial statements the aforementioned plan was still at the implementation phase and it is not currently possible to estimate fully, reliably and with all the relevant information the potential effects of the transition. 21. EVENTS AFTER THE BALANCE SHEET DATE On 28 February 2008, the Board of Directors resolved to accept the resignation of the Chief Executive Officer, Belarmino García Fernández, and to appoint José Manuel Vargas Gómez as the new Chief Executive Officer. 28 Individual Financial Statements 22. STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION The statements of changes in financial position for the years ended 31 December 2007 and 2006 are as follows: APPLICATION OF FUNDS Non-current asset additions: - Start-up costs - Intangible assets (Note 6) - Property, plant and equipment (Note 7) - Long-term investments (Note 8) Repayment or transfer to short term of non-current liabilities (Notes 13 and 14) Dividends (Note 11) Decline in value of treasury shares Amount used of provision for contingencies and charges (Note 12) Increase in working capital TOTAL FUNDS APPLIED Thousands of Euros 2007 2006 (*) 153 39 132,604 109 671 265 87,000 SOURCE OF FUNDS Thousands of Euros 2007 2006 (*) Funds obtained from operations 94,068 104,040 - 245 1,030 1,199 20,621 - 104,891 90,173 2,336 - 222,946 195,657 Non-current asset disposals: - Intangible assets Write-off or transfer to short term of tax asset (Note 14) 5,164 18,429 50,959 62,000 - 22,979 3,325 - 30,702 4,204 222,946 195,657 Arrangement of long-term bank borrowings (Note 15) Arrangement of long-term debt - Group companies (Note 10) Treasury shares (Notes 4-e and 11) TOTAL FUNDS OBTAINED The increases (decreases) in working capital are composed of the following: CHANGE IN WORKING CAPITAL Inventories Accounts receivable Accounts payable Short-term investments Treasury shares Cash Accrual accounts Increase (Decrease) in working capital Thousands of Euros 2007 2006 (*) 29 (8.559) 15.178 24.816 401 (1.052) (111) 19 498 (10.296) 37.183 (23.249) 49 30.702 4.204 (*) Presented for comparison purposes only. 29 Individual Financial Statements The reconciliation of the accounting profit for the year to the funds obtained from operations is as follows: Thousands of Euros Profit for the year Add- Depreciation and amortisation charge (Notes 5, 6 and 7) - Deferred charges allocated to profit for the year (Note 9) - Changes in provisions for contingencies and charges - Changes in control portfolio allowances (Note 8) Less- Long-term deferred tax assets - Changes in provisions for contingencies and charges (Note 12) - Adjustment of long-term deferred tax assets and liabilities due to change in tax rate (Note 14) - Deferred income allocated to profit for the year 2007 2006 (*) 82,168 78,825 933 827 10,835 886 1,034 3,558 20,455 (18) (718) - (527) (150) - 94,068 104,040 (*) Presented for comparison purposes only. 23. EXPLANATION ADDED FOR TRANSLATION TO ENGLISH These financial statements are presented on the basis of accounting principles generally accepted in Spain. Certain accounting practices applied by the Company that conform with generally accepted accounting principles in Spain may not conform with generally accepted accounting principles in other countries. 30 Individual Financial Statements 31 Individual Financial Statements Appendix SUBSIDIARIES OF THE GROUP OF COMPANIES OF WHICH VOCENTO, S.A. IS THE PARENT 32 Individual Financial Statements Percentage of ownership Company Location Line of business Ownership interest Direct Indirect Control Paid-in capital Thousands of Euros Profit (Loss) for the Interim Reserves year (1) dividend GROUP: Printed media Diario ABC, S.L. Madrid Daily press 99.99% - 99.99% 6,100 38,500 (12,485) - Diario El Correo, S.A.U. (a) (c) Bilbao Daily press - 100.00% 100.00% 8,000 29,707 22,611 (18,747) (13,100) Sociedad Vascongada de Publicaciones, S.A. (a) (c) San Sebastián Daily press - 75.81% 75.81% 4,799 27,809 18,797 Editorial Cantabria, S.A. (d) Santander Daily press - 85.91% 85.91% 2,367 5,343 8,776 (6,955) Nueva Rioja, S.A. Logroño Daily press - 58.92% 58.92% 1,000 6,290 2,267 (1,693) Corporación de Medios de Murcia, S.A. (d) Murcia Daily press - 97.61% 97.61% 3,333 12,515 6,105 (4,966) Corporación de Medios de Andalucía, S.A. (d) Granada Daily press - 98.20% 98.20% 3,333 9,852 4,284 (3,333) Corporación de Medios de Extremadura, S.A. (d) Badajoz Daily press - 97.07% 97.07% 1,667 4,017 755 (500) Prensa Malagueña, S.A. (d) Malaga Daily press - 87.82% 87.82% 4,950 14,829 7,032 (5,327) El Norte de Castilla, S.A. (d) Valladolid Daily press - 76.49% 76.49% 2,168 14,184 5,468 (4,545) El Comercio, S.A. Gijón Daily press - 51.46% 51.46% 105 7,377 2,055 (1,518) Corp. Medios de Cádiz, S.L.U. (d) Cádiz Daily press - 100.00% 100.00% 450 2,142 (2,175) - Federico Domenech, S.A. Valencia Daily press - 57.42% 57.42% 458 26,477 6,934 (4,341) Factoría de Información, S.A. (4) Madrid Free press 100.00% - 100.00% 13,300 (5,298) (2,039) - Taller de Editores, S.A. Madrid Supplement publishing - 76.04% 76.04% 1,763 6,209 8,778 (2,900) Taller de Ediciones Corporativas, S.L.U. Madrid Content marketing - 76.04% 100.00% 290 2,772 288 - - 39.57% 52.04% 96 1,224 770 - and magazine publishing Inversor Ediciones, S.L. Madrid Economic magazine publishing Taller de Editores Motor, S.L. Madrid Magazine publishing - 45.63% 60.00% 58 209 (218) - ABC Castilla-La Mancha, S.L.U. Toledo Publishing house - 99.99% 100.00% 60 - - - ABC Castilla y León, S.L.U. Valladolid Publishing house - 99.99% 100.00% 60 - - - ABC Cataluña, S.L.U. Barcelona Publishing house - 99.99% 100.00% 60 - - - Diario ABC de Valencia, S.L.U. Valencia Publishing house - 99.99% 100.00% 60 - - - ABC de Córdoba, S.L.U. Córdoba Publishing house - 99.99% 100.00% 60 - - - ABC Sevilla, S.L.U. Seville Publishing house - 99.99% 100.00% 600 13,967 (1,797) - Gala Ediciones, S.L. (b) Madrid Magazine publishing - 76.04% 100.00% 3 - 11 - Radio broadcasting - 95.48% 95.48% 358 465 (344) - Audiovisual Canal Bilbovisión, S.L. (a) (c) Bilbao and local television Canal Bilbovisión margen izquierda, S.L.U.(a) (c) Bilbao Local television - 95.48% 100.00% 3 - (1) - Canal Bilbovisión margen derecha, S.L.U. (a) (c) Bilbao Local television - 95.48% 100.00% 3 - (1) - Álava Televisión, S.L. (a) (c) Vitoria Radio broadcasting - 98.95% 98.95% 467 439 (416) - and local television Durango Telebista, S.L. (a) (c) Vizcaya Local television - 100.00% 100.00% 163 (20) - Teledonosti, S.L. (a) San Sebastián Local television - 50.06% 66.04% 1,250 78 124 - KTB-Kate Berria, S.L.U.(a) (c) Eibar - 75.81% 100.00% 50 135 (28) - Local television (Guipúzcoa) Jaizkibel Telebista, S.L.U. (a) (c) San Sebastián Local television - 75.81% 100.00% 3 - - - Radiotelevisión Canal 8 - DM, S.L. (d) Santander Local television - 85.73% 100.00% 925 (25) (199) - Rioja Televisión, S.A. Logroño Radio broadcasting - 47.04% 79.84% 1,204 (331) (14) - - 73.22% 75.01% 2,040 (55) (399) - and local television La Verdad Radio y Televisión, S.L. (d) Murcia Radio broadcasting and local television Canal Ideal Televisión, S.L. (d) Granada Local television - 78.89% 80.33% 615 124 (250) - Canal Cultural de Badajoz, S.A. (e) Badajoz Local television - 75.96% 78.26% 335 165 (463) - El Comercio TV, Servicios Audiov., S.L. Gijón Local television - 51.45% 99.99% 700 (114) (38) - ABC Sevilla Multimedia, S.L. Seville Portfolio company - 99.99% 100.00% 400 1,819 (1,781) - 33 Individual Financial Statements Percentage of ownership Company Ownership interest Direct Indirect Control Paid-in capital Thousands of Euros Profit (Loss) for the Interim Reserves year (1) dividend Location Line of business Pabellón de México, S.L. Seville Local television - 73.10% 73.10% 190 225 (228) Sdad. Gestora de Televisión Punto TV, S.L.U. (4) Madrid Local television - 100.00% 100.00% 172 4,505 (3,490) - Las Provincias Televisión, S.A.U. Valencia Local television - 57.42% 100.00% 3,000 27 3 - Sociedad Gestora de Televisión Onda 6, S.A.U. (4) Madrid Digital television - 100.00% 100.00% 7,710 2,841 (6,486) - Sociedad Gestora de Televisión NET TV, S.A. (e) (4) Madrid Digital television - 69.93% 70.27% 6,098 (3,094) (9,585) - - Avista Televisió de Barcelona, S.L. (e) (4) Barcelona Digital television - 100.00% 100.00% 845 (386) (2,290) - Avista Televisión de Andalucía, S.A. (4) Seville Digital television - 100.00% 100.00% 1,800 (12) 25 - Radio Publi, S.L. (e) (4) Madrid Local radio broadcasting - 63.66% 63.66% 7,873 (323) (5,279) - Radio El Correo, S.L.U. (a) (c) (e) Bilbao Local radio broadcasting - 100.00% 100.00% 6 2 (2) - Sociedad Vascongada de Radio, S.L.U. (a) (c) San Sebastián Local radio broadcasting - 75.81% 100.00% 3 281 15 - Cartera de Medios, S.A.U. (d) (e) Badajoz Local radio broadcasting - 97.07% 100.00% 550 (195) (102) - Costa Visión, S.L.U. (d) Malaga Local radio broadcasting - 87.82% 100.00% 156 22 (74) - Sociedad Aragonesa de Gestión Madrid Local radio broadcasting - 63.66% 100.00% 3 - 2 - Radiofónica, S.L. (4) Radio Utrera La Voz de la Campiña, S.L. Seville Local radio broadcasting - 63.66% 100.00% 139 198 (215) - Difusión Asturiana, S.L. Oviedo Local radio broadcasting - 40.80% 79.31% 15 150 (73) - Radio Gaditana 2005, S.L. (d) Cádiz Local radio broadcasting - 100.00% 100.00% 3 106 (106) - Proviradio, S.L. Valencia Local radio broadcasting - 57.42% 100.00% 270 258 - - Radio LP, S.L.U. Valencia Local radio broadcasting - 57.42% 100.00% 243 42 213 (175) E-Media Punto Radio, S.A.U. (4) Madrid Digital radio - 100.00% 100.00% 60 258 (176) - Corporación de Medios Radiofónicos Vizcaya Digital radio - 91.30% 100.00% 6,011 (1,556) (237) - Madrid Holding company - 85.00% 100.00% 30 224 (222) - Holding company and film - 85.00% 100.00% 6,550 9,402 1,067 - Digitales, S.A. (a) (c) (4) Veralia Servicios de Producción Audiovisual, S.L.U. (4) Grupo Europroducciones, S.A. (4) Madrid production and distribution technical services Europroducciones TV, S.L. (4) Madrid TV programme production - 80.78% 95.03% 1,051 891 (1,256) - IDD Publicidad, S.L. (4) Madrid Audiovisual representation - 85.00% 100.00% 144 416 312 - - 80.78% 100.00% 810 (32) 105 - - 80.86% 100.00% 5 251 (102) - - 80.78% 100.00% 13 29 (42) - - 56.47% 69.91% 12 98 53 - - 87.82% 100.00% 410 16 (174) - - 85.00% 100.00% 77 1,227 (936) - - 85.00% 100.00% 3 12 (3) - - 60.00% 80.00% 3 3 (2) - - 56.67% 66.67% 1,082 578 3,206 - - 85.73% 99.8% 650 158 (317) - and advertising Europroduzione, S.R.L. (4) Italy Film and TV programme production Europroducciones TV Portugal - Produçoes Portugal Audiovisuais, Lda. (4) Euro TV Poland, sp.zo o. (e) (4) Film and TV programme production Poland Film and TV programme production Hill Valley, S.L. (4) Madrid Film and TV programme production Producciones Digitales del Sur, S.A. (d) Malaga Audiovisual production company Bocaboca Producciones, S.L. (4) Madrid Film and TV programme production Boca Interactiva, S.L. (4) Madrid Film and TV programme production Abandamedia Producciones, S.L. (4) Valencia Film and TV programme production Tripictures, S.A. (4) Madrid Film and TV programme distribution Editorial Cantabria de Radiotelevisión, S.A. (d) 34 Santander Portfolio company Individual Financial Statements Percentage of ownership Company Ownership interest Direct Indirect Control Paid-in capital Thousands of Euros Profit (Loss) for the Interim Reserves year (1) dividend Location Line of business El Correo Digital, S.L.U. (a) (c) Bilbao Electronic press - 100.00% 100.00% 400 41 163 - Digital Vasca, S.L.U. (a) (c) San Sebastián Electronic press - 75.81% 100.00% 360 9 177 - Editorial Cantabria Interactiva, S.L. (d) Santander Electronic press - 85.90% 99.99% 60 153 107 (106) La Rioja Com. Serv. en la Red, S.A.U. Logroño Electronic press - 58.92% 100.00% 181 82 - - La Verdad Digital, S.L.U. (d) Murcia Electronic press - 97.61% 100.00% 250 65 77 - Ideal Comunicación Digital, S.L. (d) Granada Electronic press - 98.20% 100.00% 420 (8) 65 - Internet Ediciones Digitales Hoy, S.L.U. (d) Badajoz Electronic press - 97.07% 100.00% 100 172 10 - Diario Sur Digital, S.L. (d) Malaga Electronic press - 87.82% 100.00% 350 (62) 74 - El Norte de Castilla Digital, S.L.U. (d) Valladolid Electronic press - 76.49% 100.00% 60 222 104 - El Comercio Digital Serv. Red, S.L. Gijón Electronic press - 51.45% 99.99% 15 266 43 - La Voz de Cádiz Digital, S.L. (d) (e) Cádiz Electronic press - 100.00% 100.00% 3 114 (114) - ABC Periódico Electrónico, S.L.U. Madrid Electronic press - 99.99% 100.00% 60 377 533 - ABC Sevilla Digital, S.L. Seville Electronic press - 99.99% 100.00% 3 60 (46) - Valenciana Editorial Interactiva, S.L.U. Valencia Electronic press - 57.42% 100.00% 121 8 62 - Sarenet, S.A. (a) (c) Vizcaya Internet operator - 80.00% 80.00% 1,000 3,037 1,671 - Taller de Editores Digital, S.L. Madrid News agency - 76.04% 100.00% 92 71 (6) - Alianzas y Nuevos Negocios, S.L.U. Madrid Holding company for - 100.00% 100.00% 750 563 (860) - - 100.00% 100.00% 70 795 (545) - vertical portals Vocento Media Trader, S.L.U. (a) (c) Vizcaya Preparation of content for electronic media La Trastienda Digital, S.L.U. (a) (c) Vizcaya E-commerce - 100.00% 100.00% 66 627 370 - Desarrollo de Clasificados, S.L. Madrid Holding company for - 100.00% 100.00% 1,000 1,597 (1,602) - - 69.07% 69.07% 339 (23) (191) - - 51.00% 51.00% 1,269 504 1,504 - classified advertisements Advernet, S.L. (e) Madrid Search engine and video platform Infoempleo, S.L. Madrid Employment search services and consulting Autocasión Hoy, S.A. Madrid Electronic magazine - 50.01% 50.01% 60 338 430 - Habitatsoft, S.L. Barcelona Real estate services - 60.29% 60.29% 5 821 (306) - Holding de Portales de Motor, S.L. Madrid Holding company for - 51.02% 51.02% 3,251 (16) (182) - - 40.80% 80.00% 35 196 205 - motor portals Unión Operativa de Autos, S.L. Madrid Car sales Other businesses Distribución de Prensa por Rutas, S.L. Madrid Distribution - 60.00% 60.00% 60 700 189 - Beralan, S.L. (a) Guipúzcoa Distribution - 50.49% 50.49% 218 2,821 1,748 (1,000) Sector MD, S.L. (a) Vizcaya Distribution - 38.47% 76.18% 3 620 600 (265) Banatu, S.L. (a) Bilbao Distribution - 50.49% 99.99% 5 64 130 - Bilbao Editorial Producciones, S.L.U. (a) (c) Bilbao Graphic arts - 100.00% 100.00% 12,000 10,849 5,368 - Sociedad Vascongada de San Sebastián Graphic arts - 100.00% 100.00% 3,000 5,621 71 - Printolid, S.L.U. Valladolid Graphic arts - 100.00% 100.00% 3,003 1,463 8 - Guadalprint Impresión, S.L.U. Malaga Graphic arts - 65.00% 65.00% 1,500 (73) (114) - Rotodomenech, S.L. Valencia Graphic arts - 57.42% 100.00% 3,039 (464) 129 - Regionalprint, S.L.U. Gijón Graphic arts - 100.00% 100.00% 3 1,497 (81) - Localprint, S.L. Alicante Graphic arts - 50.00% 50.00% 10,000 - 70 - Producciones, S.L.U. (a) (c) Arte Final J.P. Saferi, S.A. (d) (e) Malaga Foreign daily press - 87.82% 100.00% 60 (7) (20) - La Verdad Editora Internacional, S.L.U. (b) (d) Murcia Foreign daily press - 97.61% 100.00% 60 (3) - - 555 Unimedia, S.L.U. Valencia Free press - 57.42% 100.00% 156 283 (314) - Central Sur, S.A. (d) Malaga Free press - 87.82% 100.00% 60 135 (164) - 35 Individual Financial Statements Percentage of ownership Company Ownership interest Direct Indirect Paid-in capital Location Line of business Gratuitos de Corporación de Medios, S.L. (a) Bilbao Free press - 60.34% 60.34% 60 529 (543) Servicios Redaccionales Bilbaínos, S.L.U. (a) (c) Bilbao Free press - 100.00% 100.00% 550 (142) 81 - Cotlan 900, S.L. (a) Bilbao Audiotex - 60.00% 60.00% 511 (177) 113 - La Voz de Avilés, S.L. Avilés Daily press - 43.70% 84.92% 52 136 10 - Zabalik 2.000, S.L.U. (a) (b) (c) San Sebastián Weekly press - 50.00% 50.00% 3 121 27 - La Guía Comercial 2000, S.L. (a) Bilbao - 62.74% 40.00% 60 375 176 - Guidebook publishing Control Thousands of Euros Profit (Loss) for the Interim Reserves year (1) dividend - Gourmet Plus Bilbao, S.L. (a) Bilbao Gastronomic festival - 50.00% 50.00% 3 - 1 - Fiesta Alegre, S.L.U. Valencia Property development - 57.42% 100.00% 8,489 343 107 (75) Cableedición, S.L. Valencia Portfolio company - 40.19% 70.00% 3 (2) - - Rineudi, S.L. (b) Barcelona Internet - 51.00% 51.00% 3 (1) - - and rental Servicios Auxiliares de Prensa Independiente, S.A. (b) Madrid Inactive - 72.42% 95.24% 39 7 - - Gran Enciclopedia de Cantabria, S.L.U. (d) Santander Book sales - 85.79% 99.87% 9 2 - - El Norte de Castilla Multimedia, S.L.U. (d) Valladolid Advertising - 76.49% 100.00% 1,987 (312) (73) - CM Norte, S.L.U. (a) (c) Bilbao Advertising - 100.00% 100.00% 88 475 21 - DV Multimedia Comunicación y San Sebastián Advertising - 75.81% 100.00% 100 284 20 - Santander Advertising - 85.91% 100.00% 1 - - - Santander Advertising - 85.91% 100.00% 60 - - - Logroño Advertising - 58.92% 100.00% 61 120 10 - Comercial Media de Levante, S.L.U. (d) Murcia Advertising - 97.61% 100.00% 125 173 3 - Comercializadora de Medios Andalucía, S.L. (d) Granada Advertising - 98.20% 100.00% 300 115 31 - Corp. Medios Extremadura Multimedia, S.L.(d) Badajoz Advertising - 97.07% 100.00% 150 9 2 - Structure Servicios, S.L.U. (a) (c) Comercializadora de Medios de Cantabria, S.C. (b) (d) Comercializadora Multimedia de Cantabria, S.L. (d) Rioja Medios, Compra de Medios de Publicidad, S.A.U. Corporación de Medios del Sur, S.L. (d) Malaga Advertising - 87.82% 100.00% 5 377 (12) - Comercializadora de Medios de Castilla Valladolid Advertising - 76.49% 100.00% 60 51 (39) - y León, S.L.U.(d) Comercializadora de Medios de Asturias, S.L. Gijón Advertising - 51.45% 99.99% 30 4 (4) - Comercial Multimedia Vocento, S.A.U. (d) Madrid Advertising - 100.00% 100.00% 600 83 (162) - Globalia de Marketing y Medios, S.L.U.(d) Madrid Advertising - 100.00% 100.00% 60 - - - Comercializadora Medios ABC Andalucía, S.L.U. Seville Advertising - 99.99% 100.00% 3 7 (6) - Comercializadora de Medios Las Provincias Valencia Advertising - 57.42% 100.00% 3 7 7 - Veralia, Corp. Productoras Cine y TV, S.L. (a) (c) (4) Vizcaya Holding company - 85.00% 85.00% 41,176 23,860 (15,226) - Distribuciones COMECOSA, S.L.U. (a) (c) Vizcaya Holding company - 100.00% 100.00% 451 7,003 1,953 (800) Radio Tele Basconia, S.L.U. (a) (c) Bilbao Radio broadcasting - 100.00% 100.00% 301 822 42 - Corporación de Medios Regionales, S.L.U. (a) (c) Bilbao Holding company 100.00% - 100.00% 27,770 67,040 44,048 (38,000) COMERESA PRENSA, S.L.U. (d) Madrid Holding company - 100.00% 100.00% 79,784 182,767 21,207 (15,000) COMERESA PAIS VASCO, S.L.U. (a) (c) Vizcaya Holding company - 100.00% 100.00% 9,686 36,370 32,852 (29,000) Corporación de Medios Internacionales Vizcaya Holding company 100.00% - 100.00% 60 32,148 26,277 - Vizcaya Holding company 100.00% - 100.00% 555 1,679 (1,020) - Vizcaya Holding company 100.00% - 100.00% 40,740 78,096 27,005 (23,779) Multimedia, S.L.U. de Prensa, S.A. U. (a) (c) Corporación de Medios de Nuevas Tecnologías, S.L.U. (a) (c) Corporación de Nuevos Medios Audiovisuales, S.L.U. (a) (c) (4) 36 Individual Financial Statements Percentage of ownership Company Corporación de Medios de Location Line of business Vizcaya Holding company Ownership interest Direct Indirect 100.00% - Control Paid-in capital Thousands of Euros Profit (Loss) for the Interim Reserves year (1) dividend 100.00% 10,000 44,643 699 - Comunicación, S.L.U. (a) (c) Comeco Impresión, S.L.U. (a) (c) Vizcaya Holding company - 100.00% 100.00% 9,249 39,863 5,112 - Viápolis, S.L.U. (a) (c) Vizcaya Internet advertising - 100.00% 100.00% 66 (16) 13 - Corporación de Nuevos Medios Madrid Holding company 100.00% - 100.00% 1,500 65,434 (17,411) - Digitales, S.L.U. (4) Pantalla Digital, S.L. (e) (4) Madrid Portfolio company - 100.00% 100.00% 1,000 125 (6,941) - Fundación Colección ABC Madrid Foundation - 99.99% 100.00% 30 - (14) - % of Ownership Direct Indirect Interim dividend Company Location Line of business ASSOCIATES: Printed media Milenio ABC, S.A. de C.V. (2) Mexico Daily press - 49.00% 10,251 (10,178) (7,744) - Audiovisual Gestevisión Telecinco, S.A. and subsidiaries Madrid - 13.00% 123,321 129,658 353,058 - Madrid Madrid Indirect management of the public television service Film and TV programme production Film and TV programme production - 42.50% 20.40% 91 4 (86) (776) (3) (318) - Madrid Madrid Madrid Barcelona Portugal Italy Film and TV programme production Film and TV programme production Film and TV programme production Film and TV programme production Film and TV programme production Film and TV programme production - 25.51% 25.51% 25.51% 25.51% 25.51% 25.51% 65 60 60 61 50 10 89 6,947 356 28 146 485 1,013 1,630 200 100 (20) (552) (1,000) (99) - Salamanca Asturias Cádiz Valencia Madrid Distribution Distribution Distribution Distribution Services, events and public relations - 26.35% 24.70% 22.50% 22.75% 35.72% 37 14 100 144 4 10 747 152 1,464 509 652 736 3,027 2,259 13 (265) (2,145) (500) - Plato Chroma, S.A. (4) Grupo Productores Independientes, S.L. (3) (4) Grupo Videomedia, S.A. (4) Videomedia, S.A. (4) Imagen y Servicios, S.A. (4) Alia Ediciones, S.L. (4) Videomedia Portugal, LTDA. (4) Videomedia Italia, S.R.L. (4) Other businesses Distribuciones Papiro, S.L. Cirpress, S.L. Distrimedios, S.A. (4) Val Disme, S.L. (4) Víctor Steinberg y Asociados, S.L. Capital Thousands of Euros Profit (Loss) for the Reserves year (1) (1) Estimated and/or pending approval by the shareholders at the respective Annual General Meetings and before the distribution of dividends. (2) This information is presented in accordance with local accounting principles and in thousands of Mexican pesos. (3) Data at 31 December 2006. (4) Companies subject to mandatory audit of their financial statements which have been audited by KPMG Auditores. Remaining companies subject to mandatory audit of their financial statements which have been audited by Deloitte. (a) Subsidiaries subject to provincial income tax legislation. (b) Inactive at the present date. (c) Companies comprising the Basque Country consolidated Tax Group. (d) Companies comprising the consolidated Tax Group whose parent is Comeresa Prensa, S.L.U. (e) Company in a situation of mandatory dissolution pursuant to the Consolidated Spanish Companies Law or the Spanish Limited Liability Companies Law where the necessary steps have been taken or will be taken shortly (merger, capital increase, etc.) to restore the net worth equilibrium. 37 Individual Financial Statements Management Report VOCENTO, S.A. 2007 MANAGEMENT REPORT 38 Individual Financial Statements BUSINESS EVOLUTION Financial situation In 2007 the world economy grew by 5.2%, surpassing the expectations at the start of the year. Although it has continued to show signs of strength, the main engine of growth was based on the strong activity of emerging countries, offsetting the signs of the incipient slowdown among industrialised countries during the whole year. During the first six months of 2007, the economic situation has continued at the same pace of growth as in 2006. From the month of August, the confidence crisis suffered by the financial markets, due to the increase in delinquency ratios in subprime mortgages in the United States has led to a state of uncertainty with respect to the macroeconomic prospects of more industrialised countries. The European Union growth rate for 2007 was 2.5%, showing a certain loss of dynamism. The main causes for the slowdown are the deterioration in the private consumer sector, loss of competitiveness with respect to foreign trade caused by the strength of the Euro and the divergence among the member states of the Euro Zone. During the first nine months of 2007, the Spanish economy has continued to show a positive trend, maintaining an average growth rate of around 4%. This has been possible due to internal demand and private consumption, and investment, particularly in heavy goods. Since the month of October, Spain has also started to notice the effects of the international economic slowdown, which has given rise to an estimated growth for 2008 of less than 3.1%, as officially forecasted by the Government. VOCENTO has completed its first year as a listed company, and achieved solid economic results in a highly competitive environment. VOCENTO closed 2007 with shares valued at 13.6 euros each, corresponding to a market capitalisation of 1,699 million euros. During the past year, VOCENTO has continued to lead the daily press publishing sector in Spain. This position has been strengthened since last August 1 2007, by the purchase of 100% of the share capital of the firm “Factoría de Información, S.A.”, which publishes the free national daily publication Qué!. Business areas During 2006, with a view to increasing transparency in reporting financial information and improving the quality of both financial and non-financial information and thereby obtaining more useful, reliable information for company management and market reporting, the company modified its segmentation criteria. In 2007, sales management has considered that to better evaluate company risks and performance, it would be appropriate to prepare management information based on the different lines of activity defined, which are the Printed Press, Audiovisual, Internet and Other Businesses segments, with a view to presenting all its news media, digital editions, local TVs, etc. assigned to each line of activity referred to above. The comments included in this Management Report are made on the basis of the foregoing segments. Printed Press VOCENTO has been consolidated as the number one communication group in Spain in the number of copies sold, with 732,708 daily copies sold, and a market share of 23.6% of all general information daily press. In addition, following the purchase of the free national daily publication Qué!, VOCENTO has added a further 956,585 copies to its scope of coverage. VOCENTO is the indisputable leader in general information printed press, according to EGM’s third wave accumulation. VOCENTO’s joint audience, including regional, national and free press, reached 5.1 million readers a day, representing a market share of 37.4% of the global audience for general information Spanish newspapers. Audiovisual VOCENTO’s commitment to the audiovisual sector continues in 2007. Its strategy enables it to operate globally in the audiovisual market, since it has a national TDT licence and different local and regional TV licences and a general news radio channel, Punto Radio, in addition to holding digital radio licences at national level and holding shares in contents-producing companies and a film distribution company. 39 Individual Financial Statements Internet The Spanish internet market is undergoing a phase of growth. In 2007, VOCENTO consolidated its position as one of the top communication internet groups in Spain. A total of 15.3 million single monthly users visited the VOCENTO websites in December, with an increase of 37.6% in the same figure for the previous year (source: Nielsen Site Census). VOCENTO was ranked seventh in the Netview ranking, climbing four places since the beginning of the year. Other businesses In addition to the foregoing activities, VOCENTO has the following businesses: printing, distribution, and shares in other companies in the regional multimedia, free, Audiotex and events sectors. Among these firms are Comeco Impresión and Distribuciones Comecosa, whose business is linked to the Printed Media activity. It should be mentioned that at the end of 2006 the company plan for segregating printing centres for certain regional newspapers was started up. Positive economic results in a highly competitive environment VOCENTO, S.A.’s individual financial statements are submitted based on the General Accounting Plan Guidelines. As shown in its consolidated accounts, VOCENTO, S.A. has obtained a positive balance in 2007. The balance sheet shows an increase in assets and liabilities of 134.0 million Euros, due to an increase in shares held in Group companies. The profit and loss account shows a result after tax of 82.2 million Euros, the result of the efficient management by the business areas into which the Group is divided, and the excellent results obtained by its participated companies, which has enabled it to receive important dividends. DIVIDENDS The general dividend policy of VOCENTO following the public offering, is forecasted as payment of approximately 75% of the net profit due to its shareholders, subject to diverse factors, and including, among others, VOCENTO’s income, financial situation, available cash, cash requirements (including capital costs and investment plans), prospects and any other factors that might be considered relevant in the future. In 2007, VOCENTO complied with the foregoing dividend policy and the Board of Management will propose to the General Ordinary Shareholders Assembly payment of a total dividend of 61,625 thousand Euros, broken down as follows: a complementary dividend of 23,839 thousand Euros, and a gross dividend on account for a total amount of 37,786 thousand Euros, which was approved on July 25, 2007 and made effective on October 10, 2007. OWN EQUITY Currently VOCENTO is the direct holder of 2,224,675 shares in its own company, equivalent to1.78% of its share capital. The average cost price of its own shares is 14.47 Euros per share, representing a total cost of 32,189 thousand Euros. 40 Individual Financial Statements MANAGEMENT PLAN On September 5, 2006 the General Shareholders Assembly decided to approve an Incentives Plan referenced at the value of the shares of VOCENTO, S.A. for executive officers, Senior Management and directors of VOCENTO. The plan consists of establishing a single variable incentive linked to the evolution of the listed share price during a period of 3 years from the date of its listing in the stock market and subject to obtaining a determined increase in the group EBITDA, corresponding to each management category, through a cash sum equivalent to a number of reference shares. The variable cash amount will be equal to the amount obtained by multiplying the number of reference shares held by the director by the positive difference between the price on the date of listing in the stock market and the price of the share three years afterwards, applying a correction factor dependent on the extent of compliance with the EBITDA increase objective. Although at the time of establishing the plan, the maximum number of reference shares was 1,230,000 as a result of the number of employees affected by the plan leaving the company, as at December 31 2007, the number of reference shares stands at 1,040,000. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (R+D) ACTIVITIES The Company has not made any significant investments in R+D activities in 2007. USE OF FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS VOCENTO uses derivative-based financial instruments to cover the risks to which its activities, operations and future cash flows are exposed, fundamentally risks arising from variations in exchange rates and interest rates. As at December 31 2007 the Dominant Partner had no contracts in force. EVENTS OCCURRING AFTER THE CLOSE OF THE FINANCIAL YEAR Between December 31 2007 and the date of formulating these annual accounts, no significant events have taken place that could affect the true image of the annual accounts for the year 2007. On January 28 2008, the Board of Management of VOCENTO, S.A. unanimously agreed to accept the resignation of its Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Belarmino García Fernández. In additional the Board of Management also unanimously appointed Mr. José Manuel Vargas Gómez as its new Chief Executive Officer. FORECASTED EVOLUTION VOCENTO’s bases are founded on these financial results and the figures on both diffusion and audience, which constitute the source of these results, and they continue to remind us of the high standard of responsibility and commitment we assume in our Group towards our audience and to the announcers to which we provide service. The above enables us to face the coming year with a series of ambitious objectives, and a consolidated position in the audiovisual and Internet sectors, maintaining its leadership in general information press with enormous quality and profit growth. This will enable VOCENTO to be an even greater leader in the general information press sector and an even stronger multimedia Group. During this new stage, VOCENTO aspires to become one of the largest multimedia communication groups, combining its national presence with its local approach through integrated management that will enable it to generate synergies in all its business activities. 41 Individual Financial Statements ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PROVIDED IN COMPLIANCE WITH ARTICLE 116 A OF THE SECURITIES MARKET ACT a. The capital structure, including securities not negotiated in a regulated community market, indicating as applicable, the different classes of shares and for each share class, the rights and obligations conferred and the share capital percentage represented; As at December 31, 2007, the share capital of the Dominant Partner amounted to 24,944 thousand Euros, and is formalised by 124,970,306 shares each with a face value of 0.2 Euros, fully subscribed and paid up. The company shares are listed on the Spanish continuous market and in the Stock Exchanges of Madrid, Bilbao, Barcelona and Valencia. b. Any existing restrictions in the transferability of the shares; There are no restrictions on the transferability of the shares. c. Significant holdings in the capital, both direct and indirect; Since the VOCENTO shares are represented by account entries, the holdings of the shareholders in the share capital are not precisely known. However, based on the notifications made to the National Securities Market Commission (NSMC) significant holders of over 3% are the following: Shareholder MEZOUNA, S.L. Valjarafe, S.L. Asua de Inversiones, s.l. Bycomels Prensa, S.L. Energay de Inversiones, S.L. Onchena, S.L. Casgo, S.A. ATLANPRESSE, S.A.R.L. Bestinver Gestión,S.A., S.G.I.I.C Number of Shares 12,974,368 11,097,249 10,281,476 9,975,388 8,017,929 6,836,456 5,532,008 4,726,367 3,772,751 Share % 10.38% 8.88% 8.23% 7.98% 6.42% 5.47% 4.43% 3.78% 3.02% • Víctor Urrutia Vallejo holds 414,487 direct shares and 10,406,195 indirect shares through ROLAR DE INVERSIONES S.A. (124,719) and ASUA DE INVERSIONES S.A. (10,281,476). Total: 8.659%. • Enrique de Ybarra Ybarra holds 500 direct shares and 8,123,161 indirect shares through ENERGAY DE INVERSIONES, S.L. (8,017,929) and GOGOL DE INVERSIONES S.L. (105,232).Total: 6.500%. • María del Carmen Careaga Salazar holds 51 direct shares and 6,836,456 indirect shares through ONCHENA, S.L. Total: 5.470%. • Guillermo Luca de Tena Brunet holds 157,014 direct shares and 11,097,249 indirect shares through VALJARAFE, S.L. Total: 9.006%. d. Restrictions with respect to voting rights; There are no statutory restrictions on voting rights, above and beyond what is provided in article 44.1 of the Public Limited Companies Act, which establishes that “shareholders in default of payment of passive dividends shall not be entitled to vote” e. Para-social agreements; Between September 21 and 29 2006, an agreement was subscribed on Optimisation of the Value of VOCENTO, S.A. Shares which was later entered into record in a deed executed by the Notary of Madrid, Mr. Carlos Ruiz-Rivas Hernando on November 3, 2006. The agreement sets forth that no holdings shall be purchased in excess of 49.99% of the share capital. The existence of this agreement and its content were notified to the NSMC on November 8, 2006. This agreement regulates a series of restrictions on the transfer of shares held by the parties signing the agreement during the first two years after the listing of the company and during the first five years, and certain commitments in the event that a public offering is formulated on the shares of the company and preferential acquisition rights of the subscribing shareholders. 42 Individual Financial Statements The parties signing this agreement are the following shareholders: Shareholder Share % Mezouna, S.L. Bycomels Prensa, S.L. Asua de Inversiones, S.L. Energay de Inversiones, S.L. Onchena, S.L. AtlanPresse S.A. Mrs. María Magdalena Aguirre Azaola Mrs. María del Carmen Aguirre Azaola Odofy, S.A. Madoan, S.A.S. Roflu, S.A. Desarrollos y Servicios de Inversión, S.A. Ybazubi, S.L. Mr. Víctor Urrutia Vallejo Rolar de Inversiones, S.L. Gogol de Inversiones, S.L. 10.38% 7.98% 7.37% 6.19% 5.39% 1.89% 0.79% 0.79% 0.57% 0.46% 0.46% 0.45%(*) 0.45% 0.33% 0.10% 0.08% (*) With the authorisation of all the Agreement subscribers, in a deed dated November 12, 2007, authorised by the Notary of Madrid Mr. Pedro de la Herran, with number 3021 of his record, the Winding up and Dissolution of the company Garmyba Invest, S.L., was executed and the ensuing awarding of shares in that company made to the sole shareholder Desarrollos y Servicios de Inversión, S.A., which later subscribed the Agreement. f. The applicable rules for appointing and replacing members of the board of management and modifying the Company Articles; As established in the Public Limited Companies Act, and the Board of Management Regulation, the Board Members shall be those designated, reelected or ratified by the General Shareholders Assembly or the Board of Management, as is applicable, pursuant to the provisions of the Public Limited Companies Act and the Company Articles. It is not necessary to be a Company shareholder to be appointed director. Proposals for appointing, re-electing and ratifying Board Members submitted by the Board of Management to the consideration of the General Shareholders Assembly and the decisions for appointing them taken by the Board itself by virtue of the powers of co-optation it legally holds, shall, in turn, be preceded by (i) the respective proposal from the Appointments and Salaries Commission in the case of independent board members and (ii) a report by that Commission for other board members. In the case of re-election or ratification, the proposal or report of the Commission shall contain an assessment of the work and effective dedication in the post during the last period of time the proposed director occupied the post. In all cases, if the Director is removed from the proposal by the Commission of Appointments and Salaries, this decision shall be justified and a record made of the reasons for that decision. In selecting the person to be proposed for the post of director, importance shall be given to this person being of reputed standing, competence and with sufficient experience. With respect to board members representing shareholders, these shall include the persons proposed by the respective holders of stable holdings in the share capital that are considered as being of sufficient importance. The responsibilities of each director shall be explained by the Board to the General Shareholders Assembly, which shall make or ratify the appointment. The post of Director shall have a term of six years, and Directors may stand for re-election. 43 Individual Financial Statements Directors shall resign from their posts when the term for which they were appointed has lapsed, and when this is decided on by the General Assembly, through the use of the powers conferred upon it. Furthermore, the directors may inform and resign, as necessary, in all cases in which they may harm the name and standing of the company and in particular, if: the reasons for which they were appointed no longer exist; if they are involved in any of the alleged cases of incompatibility or legally prohibition provided for; if they are severely reprimanded by the Auditing and Compliance Commission or by the Appointments and Salaries Commission for being in breach of any of their obligations as directors. With respect to independent directors, once elected or ratified in their posts, the Board shall not propose their resignation prior to the expiry of the statutory term for which they were appointed, except in the event of just cause, acknowledged by the Board, and following a report by the Appointments and Salaries Commission and except if, as a consequence of operations entailing a change in the capital structure, those changes imply a change in the board structure, so that it reflects the proportion between the share capital represented by the members representing the shareholders and the rest of the capital. In all cases, Board Members shall be obliged to inform the Board of any criminal proceedings in which they may be involved as defendants, and the outcome of such proceedings. If any director is tried in court or a verbal court proceeding is filed against him for any of the offences indicated in article 124 of the Public Limited Companies Act the Board shall examine the case and in view of the specific circumstances, decide whether or not to allow the director to continue occupying his post. As provided by the Public Limited Companies act and Company Articles, the ordinary or extraordinary General Shareholders Assembly is authorised to modify the company articles. For a resolution to modify the articles to be validly passed, all the shareholders, either in person or represented, are required to be present at the first calling, representing at least fifty per cent of the subscribed capital with voting rights and at the second calling, the attendance of twenty-five per cent of the capital shall be deemed sufficient. However, if shareholders are present representing less than fifty per cent of the subscribed capital with voting rights, the resolution to modify the articles shall only be valid with the favourable vote of two-thirds of the capital present or represented at the Meeting. For a General Assembly at which a statutory modification is proposed for approval, each item or group of items that are substantially independent shall be voted separately. g. The powers of the board of management and in particular, those relating to the possibility of issuing or repurchasing shares The Company’s policy is to delegate all the powers of the Board of Management that can be delegated, in conformity with the law, Articles and Regulations, in favour of one Executive Commission and one Executive Officer. At the time of drawing up this report, the Executive Commission consists of the following members: • Chairman: Mr. Diego del Alcázar Silvela • Chief Executive Officer: Mr. José Manuel Vargas Gómez • Officers: Mr. Santiago Bergareche Busquet Mrs. Soledad Luca de Tena García Conde Mr. Víctor Urrutia Vallejo Mr. Alvaro Ybarra Zubiría Mezouna, S.L. represented by Mr. Ignacio Ybarra Aznar At the time of writing this report, the Chief Executive Officer is Mr. José Manuel Vargas Gómez, who, in exercising his executive powers, and by virtue of what is set forth in article 14 of the Board of Management Regulations, shall inform the Executive Commission of any operation exceeding 3 million Euros prior to executing it. 44 Individual Financial Statements The Board of Management has powers conferred on it by the General Shareholders Assembly held on April 25 2007, for the acquisition of own equity up to a limit of 5%, and for a term of 18 months from the date of the foregoing General Assembly. At the Extraordinary General Assembly held on September 5, 2006 it was agreed to authorise the Board of Management to reach agreement, within a term of five years, on one or several capital increases up to a maximum of 12,497,030 Euros, with the option of excluding the preferential subscription right under the terms of article 159 of the Public Limited Companies Act. h. All significant agreements approved by the Company and entering into force shall be modified or concluded in the event of a change in the Company’s shareholders, based on a public acquisition offer and its effects, as well as their effects, unless their should cause serious harm to the Company. This exception shall not apply if the Company is legally obliged to disclose such information No agreements exist that consider this scenario. i. Any agreements between the Company and its administrative officers and management or employees implying the payment of compensation in the event of resignation or unfair dismissal, or in the case of the employment contract reaching its term on occasion of a public acquisition offer Senior Managers have a clause in their contracts that determines the compensation due in the event of unfair dismissal for a sum ranging from what is established by labour legislation to up to 3 years’ gross annual salary. As an exception, in these cases, the contracts of lower level directors include clauses of this type in some cases, establishing a compensatory payment of 1 years’ gross annual salary. In the case of the former Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Belarmino García, until his resignation on January 27, 2008, the clauses of his contract include a term of notice prior to terminating the contract and an amount in compensation of between 3.5 years of full salary or 3 years of his fixed salary plus 55% of variable salary for the last year, depending on the date on which the contract was terminated. In addition, a non-competition clause was established for a term of 2 years, amounting to one year’s salary. 45 Consolidated Financial Statements Consolidated Financial Statements VOCENTO, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2007 AND DIRECTORS' REPORT 46 Consolidated Financial Statements Index Consolidated balance sheets at 31 December 2007 and 2006 48 Consolidated income statements for the years ended 31 December 2007 and 2006 49 Consolidated cash flow statements for the years ended 31 December 2007 and 2006 50 Consolidated statements of changes in equity for the years ended 31 December 2007 and 2006 51 Explanatory notes to the consolidated financial statements for the years ended 31 December 2007 and 2006 1. Group activities 2. Basis of presentation of the consolidated financial statements and basis of consolidation 3. Applicable legislation 4. Accounting policies 5. Use of estimates 6. Risk management policies 7. Profit/Loss from discontinued operations and assets classified as held for sale 8. Goodwill 9. Other intangible assets 10. Property, plant and equipment 11. Investments accounted for using the equity method 12. Interests in joint ventures 13. Financial assets 14. Inventories 15. Trade and other receivables 16. Cash and cash equivalents 17. Equity 18. Provisions 19. Trade and other payables 20. Bank borrowings and other financial liabilities 21. Derivative financial instruments 22. Deferred income 23. Other non-current payables 24. Deferred taxes and income tax expense 25. Tax receivables and payables 26. Business segment reporting 27. Revenue 28. Procurements 29. Staff costs 30. Outside services 31. Finance income 32. Finance costs 33. Net gain on disposal of non-current assets 34. Other income and expenses 35. Acquisition of subsidiaries 36. Earnings per share 37. Balances and transactions with other related parties 38. Remuneration of directors 39. Remuneration of senior executives 40. Other disclosures concerning the Board of Directors 41. Guarantee commitments to third parties 42. Fees paid to auditors 43. Events after the balance sheet date 44. Authorisation for issue of the consolidated financial statements 45. Explanation added for translation to English 52 52 57 59 70 71 73 74 75 76 77 79 79 80 80 81 81 84 86 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 95 95 95 96 96 97 97 97 98 102 103 104 105 106 108 109 109 109 109 47 Consolidated Financial Statements VOCENTO, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS AT 31 DECEMBER 2007 AND 2006 (*) (NOTES 1, 2, 3 AND 4) Thousands of Euros ASSETS NON-CURRENT ASSETS: Intangible assets Goodwill Other intangible assets Property, plant and equipment Property, plant and equipment in use Property, plant and equipment in the course of construction Investments accounted for using the equity method Financial assets Non-current investment securities Other non-current financial assets Other non-current receivables Deferred tax assets CURRENT ASSETS: Inventories Trade and other receivables Tax receivables Cash and cash equivalents TOTAL ASSETS Note 8 9 10 11 13.a 13.b 24 14 15 25 16 2007 2006 349,203 240,134 109,069 237,650 232,413 248,718 132,742 115,976 222,239 215,555 5,237 6,684 111,896 16,835 15,523 1,312 167 105,851 821,602 109,333 17,217 15,952 1,265 72 82,025 679,604 35,628 249,996 16,624 43,045 345,293 26,886 217,276 16,515 114,931 375,608 1,166,895 1,055,212 Thousands of Euros EQUITY AND LIABILITIES EQUITY: Of the Parent Share capital Reserves Treasury shares Net profit for the year Interim dividend Of minority interests NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES: Deferred income Provisions Bank borrowings and other financial liabilities Other non-current payables Deferred tax liabilities CURRENT LIABILITIES: Bank borrowings and other financial liabilities Trade and other payables Tax payables TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES (*) The consolidated balance sheet for 2006 is presented for information purposes only. The accompanying Notes 1 to 45 and the Appendix are an integral part of the consolidated balance sheet at 31 December 2007. 48 Note 2007 2006 541,352 24,994 504,165 (32,189) 82,168 (37,786) 87,550 628,902 518,535 24,994 493,165 (32,189) 77,565 (45,000) 89,701 608,236 22 2,076 18 21,029 20 127,413 23 41,603 24 42,770 234,891 2,617 33,285 43,507 42,063 45,120 166,592 20 25,117 19 246,698 25 31,287 303,102 10,749 240,384 29,251 280,384 17 1,166,895 1,055,212 Consolidated Financial Statements VOCENTO, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2007 AND 2006 (*) (NOTES 1, 2, 3 AND 4) Note 2007 Thousands of Euros 2006 Revenue Group work on intangible assets Other income 27 914,130 941 2,939 918,010 869,302 585 2,985 872,872 Procurements 28 (167,344) (162,875) (1,669) 2,441 29 30 (281,506) (377,435) (252,344) (355,599) 9 y 10 (49,897) (41,634) PROFIT FROM OPERATIONS Write-down of goodwill Impairment/Reversal of impairment on other intangible assets Results of companies accounted for using the equity method Finance income Finance costs Net gain on disposal of non-current assets Other profit and losses 8 9 11 31 32 33 34 40,159 (12,974) (170) 48,076 4,802 (10,017) 207 333 62,861 (6,749) 150 43,140 9,086 (6,996) 1,608 (11,960) PROFIT BEFORE TAX FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS Income tax on profit from continuing operations 24 70,416 (2,320) 91,140 (9,952) 7 68,096 21,430 81,188 1,379 17 89,526 (7,358) 82,567 (5,002) 82,168 77,565 0.66 0.49 0.17 0.63 0.62 0.01 Changes in operating allowances and other Staff costs Outside services Depreciation and amortisation charge NET PROFIT FOR THE YEAR FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS Profit for the year from discontinued operations NET PROFIT FOR THE YEAR Minority interests NET PROFIT ATTRIBUTABLE TO THE PARENT EARNINGS PER SHARE IN EUROS From continuing operations From discontinued operations 36 36 (*) The consolidated income statement for 2006 is presented for information purposes only. The accompanying Notes 1 to 45 and the Appendix are an integral part of the consolidated income statement for the year ended 31 December 2007. 49 Consolidated Financial Statements VOCENTO, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2007 AND 2006 (*) Thousands of Euros Note 2007 2006 60,738 7,358 76,186 5,002 49,897 12,974 (710) (541) (48,077) 10,017 (4,802) 2,320 (207) 41,634 6,749 4,585 (771) (43,140) 6,996 (9,086) 9,952 (1,608) 88,967 (17,000) (8,563) 10,477 (23,156) (38,242) 50,725 96,499 (11,847) (1,371) (36,637) (19,771) (69,626) 26,873 Cash flows from investing activities: Investments in intangible assets 9 Investments in property, plant and equipment 10 Increase/(Decrease) in payables to property, plant and equipment and intangible asset suppliers 19 Investments in subsidiaries and associates 8 Increase/(Decrease) in accounts payable due to acquisition of associates Proceeds from the disposal of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets Proceeds from the disposal of financial assets Interest received Dividends received (20,662) (41,824) (1,947) (141,087) 4,786 4,523 42,569 (10,375) (28,409) 1,800 (121,776) 212 2,738 9,579 8,726 39,631 Net cash flows from investing activities (II) (153,642) (97,874) (9,428) 78,691 11,787 (77,411) - (7,447) (8,867) (1,486) (64,874) (32,180) 3,639 (114,854) (99,278) 652 114,931 26,740 43,045 (185,855) 13,287 287,499 114,931 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS Cash flows from operating activities: Profit for the year from continuing operations Profit for the year attributable to minority interests Adjustments forDepreciation and amortisation charge Write-down of goodwill Change in provisions Change in deferred income Results of companies accounted for using the equity method Finance costs Finance income Income tax Gain on disposal of non-current assets Cash flows from ordinary operating activities before changes in working capital: (Increase)/Decrease in trade and other receivables (Increase)/Decrease in inventories Increase/(Decrease) in current operating liabilities Income taxes paid 9 and 10 8 18 22 11 32 31 24 33 15 14 19 Net cash flows from operating activities (I) Cash flows from financing activities: Interest paid Cash inflows (outflows) relating to non-current bank borrowings Cash inflows (outflows) relating to current bank borrowings Dividends paid Cash outflows due to acquisition of treasury shares 20 20 Net cash flows from financing activities (III) Net increase in cash and cash equivalents from continuing operations (I+II+III) Cash and cash equivalents contributed by the companies acquired Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year Cash and cash equivalents from discontinued operations Cash and cash equivalents at end of year 7 (*) The consolidated cash flow statement for 2006 is presented for information purposes only. The accompanying Notes 1 to 45 and the Appendix are an integral part of the consolidated cash flow statement for the year ended 31 December 2007. 50 Consolidated Financial Statements VOCENTO, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN EQUITY THE YEARS ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2007 AND 2006 (*) Thousands of Euros Legal reserve of the Parent Share capital Balance at 1 January 2006 24,994 Share premium 4,999 Other reserves of the Parent 9,516 93,979 Of the Parent Reserve for revaluation of unrealised Reserves at assets and consolidated liabilities companies - 317,630 Treasury shares (9) Net profit for the year Interim dividend paid Of minority interests 61,534 Total equity 102,881 (8,000) 607,524 - (102,881) 8,000 - - - (9,874) (9,874) Distribution of 2005 profit - - - 32,427 - 62,454 Dividends paid to minority interests - - - - - - Final dividend - - - (17,000) - - - - - - (17,000) 2006 interim dividend - - - - - - - - (45,000) - (45,000) Income and expenses recognised in reserves - - - (460) 605 - - - - 99 244 Profit for the year - - - - - - - 77,565 - 5,002 82,567 (32,180) - - Treasury share acquisitions - - - - - - (32,180) - - - Business combinations - - - - - 5,436 - - - 33,031 38,467 Transactions with minority interests - - - - - (16,831) - - - 56 (16,775) Other - - - - - 410 - - - (147) 263 24,994 4,999 9,516 108,946 605 369,099 (32,189) 77,565 (45,000) 89,701 608,236 Balance at 31 December 2006 Distribution of 2006 profit - - - 34,885 - (2,320) - (77,565) 45,000 - - Dividends paid to minority interests - - - - - - - - - (11,451) (11,451) Final dividend - - - (13,173) - - - - - - (13,173) 2007 interim dividend - - - - - - - - (37,786) - (37,786) Changes in hedging instruments - - - - 186 - - - - 33 219 Profit for the year - - - - - - - 82,168 - 7,358 89,526 Transactions with minority interests - - - - - (8,578) - - - 1,909 (6,669) 24,994 4,999 9,516 130,658 791 358,201 (32,189) 82,168 (37,786) 87,550 628,902 Balance at 31 December 2007 (*) The consolidated statement of changes in equity for 2006 is presented for information purposes only. The accompanying Notes 1 to 45 and the Appendix are an integral part of the consolidated statement of changes in equity for the year ended 31 December 2007. 51 Consolidated Financial Statements VOCENTO, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2007 1. GROUP ACTIVITIES VOCENTO, S.A. was incorporated for an indefinite period of time on 28 June 1945. Its company objects per its bylaws are the publication, distribution and sale of unitary publications, whether periodical or otherwise, dealing with general, cultural, sports, artistic and any other information, the printing of such publications and the operation of printing workshops and, in general, any other activity related to the publishing and graphic arts industry; the setting-up, use and operation of radio and television stations and any other facilities for the broadcasting, production and promotion of audiovisual media, as well as the production, publishing and distribution of disks, cassettes, recorded tapes, films, programmes and any other devices or means of communication of any type; the ownership, acquisition, sale and performance of acts of administration and disposal by any means of shares, securities and investments in companies engaging in any of the aforementioned activities, and, in general, in any other activity directly or indirectly related to the aforementioned activities which is not prohibited by the legislation currently in force. All the activities making up the aforementioned company objects can be carried on both in Spain and abroad, and may be carried on, either totally or partially, indirectly through the ownership of shares or other equity interests in companies with identical or similar company objects (see Notes 11, 12 and the Appendix). At the Annual General Meeting held on 17 March 2001, the shareholders resolved to change the Company's name from Bilbao Editorial, S.A. to Grupo Correo de Comunicación, S.A. On 26 November 2001, as a result of the merger by absorption of Prensa Española, S.A., at the EGM the shareholders resolved to change the Company’s name to Grupo Correo Prensa Española, S.A. Lastly, at the Annual General Meeting held on 29 May 2003, the shareholders resolved to change the company’s name to VOCENTO, S.A. (the “Parent”). The Parent's registered office is located in Madrid, at calle Juan Ignacio Luca de Tena, no. 7, and its tax domicile is located at Polígono Industrial de Torrelarragoiti, Barrio de San Martín, Zamudio, Vizcaya. In view of the activities carried on by the VOCENTO, S.A. and Subsidiaries (the “Group” or “VOCENTO”), it does not have any environmental liability, expenses, assets, provisions or contingencies that might be material with respect to its equity, financial position or results. Therefore, no specific disclosures relating to environmental issues are included in these notes to the consolidated financial statements. 2. BASIS OF PRESENTATION OF THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND BASIS OF CONSOLIDATION a. Accounting standards applied The Group's consolidated financial statements for 2007, which were prepared from the accounting records kept by the Parent and by the other Group companies, were formally prepared by the directors of the Parent in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRSs”) as approved by the European Union, pursuant to Law 62/2003, of 30 December (see Note 44). These financial statements were prepared in accordance with IFRSs, taking into account all the mandatory accounting policies and rules and measurement bases, so that they present fairly VOCENTO’s consolidated equity and financial position at 31 December 2007, and the results of its operations, the changes in consolidated equity and the consolidated cash flows in the year then ended. 52 Consolidated Financial Statements However, since the accounting policies and measurement bases used in preparing the Group's consolidated financial statements for 2007 may differ from those used by certain Group companies, the required adjustments and reclassifications were made on consolidation to unify the policies and bases used and make them compliant with International Financial Reporting Standards. In order to uniformly present the various items composing the consolidated financial statements, the policies and measurement bases used by the Parent were applied to all the consolidated companies. The Group's consolidated financial statements for 2006 were approved by the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting on 25 April 2007. The 2007 consolidated financial statements of the Group and the 2007 financial statements of the Group companies have not yet been approved by their shareholders at the respective Annual General Meetings. However, the Parent's directors consider that the aforementioned financial statements will be approved without any changes. IFRSs permit certain alternative treatments in their application, which include most notably the following: i. Interests in joint ventures may be proportionally consolidated or accounted for using the equity method, using the same policy for all interests in joint ventures held by the Group. In 2007 the Group decided to change the consolidation method for all the companies over which control is shared with the other shareholders to the proportional consolidation method (see Note 12), as described in Note 2-d. ii. Both intangible assets and the assets recognised under “Non-Current Assets - Property, Plant and Equipment” may be measured at market value or acquisition cost adjusted for any accumulated amortisation or depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses. The Group opted to recognise the aforementioned assets at adjusted acquisition cost. iii. Grants related to assets may be recognised by deducting from the carrying amount of an asset the amount of the grants related to assets received to acquire it or as deferred income on the liability side of the balance sheet. The Group opted for the latter option. iv. It was decided not to reconstruct business combinations prior to 1 January 2004. b. Adoption of the new standards and interpretations issued Standards and interpretations in force in 2007 In 2007 the Group adopted IFRS 7 “Financial Instruments: Disclosure”, which came into force on 1 January 2007 for the years beginning on or after that date, and the amendments to IAS 1 “Presentation of Financial Statements” in relation to capital disclosures. As a result of the adoption of IFRS 7 and the amendments to IAS 1, the qualitative and quantitative disclosures of financial instruments and capital management detailed in Notes 4-g, 4-h, 6, 13, 20 and 21 to the consolidated financial statements were amplified. Additionally, four IFRIC interpretations became effective for the first time this year: IFRIC 7 “Applying the Restatement Approach” under IAS 29 “Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies”; IFRIC 8 “Scope of IFRS 2”; IFRIC 9 “Reassessment of Embedded Derivatives” and IFRIC 10 “Interim Financial Reporting and Impairment”. The adoption of these interpretations did not have an impact on the Group’s consolidated financial statements. 53 Consolidated Financial Statements Standards and interpretations issued but not in force At the date of preparation of these financial statements, the following standards and interpretations had been published by the IASB (International Accounting Standards Board) but had not come into force, either because their effective date is subsequent to the date of the consolidated financial statements or because they had not yet been adopted by the European Union: • IFRS 8 “Operating Segments" This standard replaces IAS 14. The main new development introduced by this new standard is that it requires an entity to adopt a management approach when reporting on the financial performance of its business segments. The information to be reported will generally be that used internally by management to assess the profit or loss of the segments and to allocate resources among them. The directors have not yet assessed the impact that the application of this standard will have on the accompanying consolidated financial statements although they consider that it will not be significant. • Revision of IAS 23 “Borrowing Costs” The main change in this new revised version of IAS 23 is the elimination of the option to immediately recognise as an expense the borrowing costs relating to assets that take a substantial period of time to become prepared for use or sale. This new standard may be applied prospectively. The directors consider that the entry into force of this standard will not have an impact on the consolidated financial statements since it does not involve a change in policy given that the capitalisation of borrowing costs is the accounting policy already used by the Group (see Note 4-c). • Review of IAS 1 "Presentation of Financial Statements” The purpose of the new version of this standard it to improve users’ capacity to analyse and compare the information provided in financial statements. These improvements will enable users of consolidated financial statements to analyse changes in equity arising from transactions with owners acting in their capacity as such (e.g. dividends and share buy-backs) separately from changes arising from transactions with non-owner (e.g. transactions with third parties or income and expenses recognised directly in equity). The revised standard provides the option of presenting income and expense items and components of other comprehensive income either in a single statement of comprehensive income with subtotals or in two separate statements (a separate statement of income followed by a statement of comprehensive income). IAS 1 also introduces new reporting requirements when the entity applies an accounting change retrospectively, makes a restatement or reclassifies items in previously issued financial statements, or makes changes in the names of certain financial statements with a view to reflecting their function more clearly (e.g. the balance sheet will be called the statement of financial position). The impacts of this standard will basically be at presentation and disclosure level. In the case of the Group, since it does not regularly present a statement of recognised income and expense, the new standard will give rise to the inclusion of this new financial statement in the financial statements. • Revision of IFRS 3 “Business Combinations” and amendment to IAS 27 “Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements". These standards were issued as a result of the project for the convergence of international principles relating to business combinations with US accounting standards. The revised IFRS 3 and the amendments to IAS 27 give rise to very significant changes in several matters relating to the accounting of business combinations which, in general, place greater emphasis on the use of fair value. Given that the standard may be applied prospectively, in general, the directors do not expect significant modifications to arise in connection with the business combinations performed. However, given the changes in the standard, the directors have not yet assessed the possible impact that the changes in the standard may have on future business combinations and the respective effects on the consolidated financial statements. • Amendment to IFRS 2 “Share-based Payment” The objective of the amendment to IFRS 2 is basically to clarify in the standard the concepts of vesting conditions and cancellations in share-based payments. The Group’s directors consider that the entry into force of this amendment will not have a significant effect on the consolidated financial statements. • IFRIC 11 IFRS 2 “Group and Treasury Share Transactions” This interpretation addresses how to apply IFRS 2 “Share-based Payment” to share-based payment arrangements involving an entity’s own equity instruments or equity instruments of another entity in the same group. The directors consider that the entry into force of this Standard will not have a significant impact on the Group’s consolidated financial statements. 54 Consolidated Financial Statements • IFRIC 14 IAS 19 – “The Limit on a Defined Benefit Asset, Minimum Funding Requirements and their Interaction” IFRIC 14 provides general guidance on how to assess the limit in IAS 19 “Employee Benefits” on the amount of the surplus that may be recognised as an asset. It also explains how pension assets or liabilities may be affected when there is a statutory or contractual minimum funding requirement and establishes that the entity only needs to recognise an additional liability if it has a contractual obligation to make additional contributions to the plan and its capacity to recover them is restricted. The interpretation will standardise the practice and ensure that the entities recognise an asset in relation to a surplus on a consistent basis. The directors consider that the entry into force of this standard will not have a significant impact on the consolidated financial statements. c. Public offering On 23 May 2006, the Parent's directors resolved: • To request admission to official listing of all the Company's shares on the Bilbao, Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia Stock Markets and on the continuous market (Spanish computerised trading system). • To launch a public offering of the Group's shares. The process was completed on 8 November 2006 with the admission to public listing of the Parent's shares. The cost of the public offering amounted to approximately EUR 12,642 thousand. EUR 11,960 thousand of this amount is recognised under “Other Profit and Losses” in the accompanying 2006 consolidated income statement (see Note 34), and EUR 460 thousand is recognised under “Reserves” in the accompanying consolidated balance sheet for 2006, net of the related tax effect. “Other Profit and Losses” in the accompanying 2006 consolidated income statement also includes EUR 3,500 thousand relating to the discounted value of the annuity income granted to the previous Chairman of the Board of Directors as a result of the admission to listing of VOCENTO, S.A.'s shares (see Notes 4-j and 18). In 2007 the aforementioned annuity income was paid in a final lump sum of EUR 3,167 thousand. Consequently, “Other Profit and Losses” (see Note 34) in the accompanying consolidated income statement for 2007 includes income of EUR 333 thousand arising from the difference between the projected amount and the final amount paid. d. Basis of consolidation The subsidiaries over which the Group exercises control were fully consolidated. The Group considers that it exercises control over a company when it has sufficient power to establish the financial and operating policies thereof so as to obtain benefits from its activities. In 2007 the jointly controlled entities managed by the Group together with other companies were proportionally consolidated, the method considered by the directors to most fairly reflect the joint control of the aforementioned companies (see Notes 2-a and 12). In accordance with IAS 8, the Group adjusted the opening balance of each affected component of equity for the earliest preceding period presented, and the other comparative amounts disclosed for each preceding period were presented as if the new accounting policy had always been applied. The consolidated balance sheet at 31 December 2006 and the consolidated income statement for 2006 were modified accordingly. The companies not included in the preceding paragraphs over which one or several Group companies exercise significant influence are accounted for using the equity method, except when they are classified as being held for sale. Significant influence is deemed to exist when the power to participate in the financial and operating decisions of an investee is held. Significant influence is presumed to exist when an interest of at least 20% is held. However, the ownership interest in Gestevisión Telecinco, S.A. (see Note 11), which at 31 December 2007 and 2006 was 13%, was accounted for using the equity method since a shareholders' agreement exists with the majority shareholder affording the Group certain rights indicative of a lasting relationship that contributes to the activity of the associate, and of a notable influence over management. In 2006 the Group acquired an ownership interest of 26.68% of the share capital of Autocasión Hoy, S.A. (formerly Maxi 55 Consolidated Financial Statements Press Comunicación, S.A.).This ownership interest was increased to 50.01% in 2007 (see Notes 2-e and 17) and had already been fully consolidated under the shareholders' agreement that granted control to VOCENTO. The Appendix to the consolidated financial statements includes a detail of the subsidiaries, jointly-controlled entities and associates. The Group's transactions were consolidated in accordance with the following basic principles: 1. On the acquisition date the assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities of a subsidiary are measured at their fair values. Any excess of the cost of acquisition of the subsidiary over the fair values of the aforementioned assets and liabilities relating to the Group's ownership interest in the subsidiary is recognised as goodwill. Any deficiency of the cost of acquisition below the fair values of the assets and liabilities is recognised with a credit to the consolidated income statement. The results of subsidiaries acquired or disposed of in the year are included in the consolidated financial statements from their effective date of acquisition or until the effective date of disposal. 2. Although goodwill arising on business combinations is not amortised, it is reviewed at least once a year in order to ascertain whether an impairment loss should be recognised. 3. Purchases and sales of minority interests in companies that are and continue to be subsidiaries both prior and subsequent to the aforementioned transactions are considered to be transactions between shareholders and, therefore, the payments made will be recognised in the Group's equity (see Note 17). 4. The result of accounting for ownership interests using the equity method (after eliminating results on intra-Group transactions) is reflected under "Equity - Reserves" and “Results of Companies Accounted for Using the Equity Method” in the accompanying consolidated balance sheet and consolidated income statement, respectively. The equity method consists of initially recognising the investment at cost and subsequently adjusting it, based on the changes in the portion of the entity's net assets that corresponds to the investor, recognising in the investor's profit or loss the corresponding portion of the investee's result for the year. 5. The share of minority interests in the equity and in the profit or loss of fully consolidated subsidiaries is presented under the headings "Equity Of Minority Interests" on the liability side of the consolidated balance sheet and "Minority Interests" in the consolidated income statement, respectively. 6. The financial statements of foreign entities were translated to euros by applying the year-end exchange method. Under this method, all the assets, rights and obligations are translated to euros using the exchange rates prevailing at the date of the consolidated financial statements, whereas the consolidated income statement items are translated at the average exchange rate for the year and equity continues to be recognised at the historical exchange rates at the date of acquisition (or the average exchange rate in the year of origin in the case of retained earnings, provided that there are no significant transactions that make the use of the average exchange rates inappropriate). 7. All balances and transactions between fully or proportionately consolidated companies were eliminated on consolidation. 56 Consolidated Financial Statements e. Changes in the scope of consolidation The percentages of ownership in other companies at 31 December 2007 and 2006 were as follows: Percentage of direct and indirect ownership Percentage of control (*) Company 31/12/07 31/12/06 31/12/07 31/12/06 Printed media Factoría de Información, S.A. 100.00% - 100.00% - Audiovisual Jaizkibel Telebista, S.L. Sociedad Gestora de Televisión NET TV, S.A. Canal Bilbovisión Margen Derecha, S.L. Canal Bilbovisión Margen Izquierda, S.L. Rioja Televisión, S.A. Veralia Servicios de Producción Audiovisual, S.L. Difusión Asturiana, S.L. Bocaboca Producciones, S.L. Radio Difusión Torre, S.A. Europroducciones TV, S.L. 75.81% 69.93% 95.48% 95.48% 47.04% 85.00% 40.80% 85.00% 80.78% 53.22% 46.04% 59.50% 29.28% 79.72% 100.00% 70.27% 100.00% 100.00% 79.84% 100.00% 79.31% 100.00% 95.03% 70.27% 78.14% 70.00% 51.00% 93.79% Internet Autocasión Hoy, S.A. (formerly Maxi Press Comunicación, S.A.) 50.01% 26.68% 50.01% 26.68% Other businesses Regionalprint, S.L.U. Víctor Steinberg y Asociados, S.L. CIMECO Gourmet Plus Bilbao, S.L. 100.00% 35.72% 50.00% 30.00% 33.33% - 100.00% 35.72% 50.00% 30.00% 33.33% - Structure Pantalla Digital, S.L. Comercializadora Multimedia de Cantabria, S.L. 100.00% 85.91% 74.78% - 100.00% 100.00% 74.78% - (*) This percentage refers to the direct percentage held by the Group company of which it is a subsidiary. 3. APPLICABLE LEGISLATION Television The Law accompanying the 2003 Budget Law established the individuals or legal entities that own, directly or indirectly, 5% or more of the share capital or voting power of a public television service concession operator may not hold significant ownership interests in any other public television service concession operator that has the same range of coverage within the same franchise area. The Group holds significant ownership interests in Gestevisión Telecinco, S.A. (see Note 11) and Sociedad Gestora de Televisión Net TV, S.A., which both provide national coverage, the former with an analogue TV licence and the latter with a digital terrestrial licence. Law 10/2005, of 14 June, on urgent measures to foster digital terrestrial television, amended the private television channel law, making it possible to simultaneously own investments in a concession holder that broadcasts an analogue signal and in another that uses exclusively digital broadcasting technology, until the so-called analogical blackout, which means that until then the Group is not in a situation of legal incompatibility due to its ownership interests in Gestevisión Telecinco, S.A. and Sociedad Gestora de Televisión NET TV, S.A. 57 Consolidated Financial Statements The local television broadcasting activities carried on by certain Group companies are regulated by Law 41/1995, of 22 December, on Local Television Broadcasting by Means of Terrestrial Waves and by General Telecommunications Law 32/2003, of 3 November. Pursuant to these Laws, the relevant concession must be obtained in order to provide local television services by means of terrestrial waves. The procedures for reserving and assigning frequencies were established in Royal Decree 439/2004, of 12 March, which approved the Spanish National Technical Plan for local digital television, subsequently revised by Law 10/2005 on urgent measures to foster digital terrestrial television and Royal Decree 944/2005, of 29 June, which approved a new Technical Plan for digital terrestrial television. In any case, the Autonomous Community Governments will implement, within the scope of their powers, the regulations that will provide for the procedures for the assignment of the Local Television Service, establishing the necessary requirements and formalities. Of special note is the fact that the local television channels that obtain the appropriate licence will be able to continue broadcasting using analogue technology until 31 December 2008, provided that they are subject to the Single Transitional Provision of Law 41/1995, or, by the same token, that they were broadcasting prior to 1 January 1995. The deadline for all the Autonomous Community Governments to hold calls for tender and award concessions for local digital television was 30 June 2006, which was not met by certain Autonomous Community Governments. However, the Central Government is empowered to change the date of 31 December 2008 on the basis of the stage of development and penetration of digital terrestrial wave television broadcasting technology. At the date of preparation of these consolidated financial statements, a tender was called to award concessions for local digital terrestrial television in all the Autonomous Communities except Castilla y León and Castilla-La Mancha, and a decision has yet to be taken in Cantabria, the Canary Islands and Andalucía. VOCENTO is present in the world of Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) on an autonomous (A) or local (L) scale in: Madrid (A), Valencia (A), Murcia (A), La Rioja (A), Barcelona (L), Gijón (L), Oviedo (L), Avilés (L) and in 12 local franchise areas in the Basque country, including Bilbao, San Sebastián and Vitoria-Gasteiz. Radio To identify the legislation applicable to radio broadcasting, a distinction must be drawn between the basic legislation applicable to both digital and analogue radio and the specific regulations governing digital and analogue radio broadcasting. 1. Basic legislation common to digital and analogue radio: a. Articles 25, 26, 36.2 and Additional Provision Six of Telecommunications Law 31/1987, of 18 December 1987. b. General Telecommunications Law 32/2003, of 3 November. Basic legislation applicable to analogue and digital radio, i.e. the Spanish National Technical Plans: a. Royal-Decree 765/1993, of 21 May, approving the Spanish National Technical Plan for MW radio broadcasting (Hectometrics). b. Royal-Decree 1287/1999, of 23 July, regulating the Spanish National Technical Plan for digital terrestrial radio broadcasting. c. Resolution of the Secretariat of Telecommunications and the Information Society, of 23 April 2002, amending the technical characteristics of certain radio stations of the Spanish National Technical Plan for MW radio broadcasting. d. Royal-Decree 964/2006, of 1 September, approving the Spanish National Technical Plan for FM radio broadcasting. 2. Specific analogue radio legislation: the various Autonomous Community Government Decrees regulating the concession system for the FM radio broadcasting public service. 58 Consolidated Financial Statements 3. Specific digital radio legislation: Order of 23 July 1999 regulating the Technical Regulations for the provision of digital terrestrial radio broadcasting services and Additional Provision Forty-four of Law 66/1997, of 30 December, on Tax, Administrative, Labour and Social Security Measures. The Group holds two national digital radio licences through E-Media Punto Radio, S.A.U. and Corporación de Medios Radiofónicos Digitales, S.A., with and without local programming respectively, for which it submitted guarantees securing the fulfilment of certain obligations (see Note 41). Given the scant development of the technology, the directors consider that certain risks exist in relation to the obligations assumed and, therefore, the Group has recorded a provision of EUR 4,858 thousand in this connection (see Note 18). Also, the Group holds various analogue radio broadcasting licences. These licences are used to broadcast the programmes of the Group's radio station under the trade name of “Punto Radio”. In order to broadcast in areas in which the Group does not hold the related licence, association agreements have been signed with licence holders in these areas. 4. ACCOUNTING POLICIES The principal accounting policies used in preparing the consolidated financial statements were as follows: a. Goodwill Goodwill arising on consolidation represents the difference between the price paid in acquiring the fully consolidated subsidiaries and the portion corresponding to the Group's share of the market value of the items making up the net assets of those companies at the date of acquisition. If the acquisition cost is subject to future variables, the changes in these variables modify goodwill. Goodwill arising in the acquisition of companies with a functional currency other than the euro is translated to euros at the exchange rates prevailing at the date of the consolidated balance sheet. Goodwill is only recognised when it has been acquired for consideration and represents, therefore, a payment made by the acquirer in anticipation of future economic benefits from assets of the acquired company that are not capable of being individually identified and separately recognised. At the end of each reporting period, goodwill is reviewed for impairment (i.e. a reduction in its recoverable amount below its carrying amount) and impairment is written down with a charge to “Write-down of Goodwill” in the consolidated income statement (see Note 8). Impairment losses for goodwill may not be reversed. b. Other intangible assets The measurement basis used for the various items making up the heading “Non-Current Assets - Intangible Assets - Other Intangible Assets” in the consolidated balance sheet (see Note 9) and the related amortisation methods were as follows: Intellectual property • Trademarks These assets are measured at the amounts actually paid for the acquisition of title to or the right to use trademarks, and they are amortised on a straight-line basis over their estimated useful lives. Computer software This account includes the cost of acquiring, installing and licensing the computer software acquired, whose amortisation over the estimated period of use begins when it comes into service. Computer system maintenance costs are recognised with a charge to the consolidated income statement for the year in which they are incurred. The amount charged to expenses as amortisation of other intangible assets is recognised under the heading "Depreciation and Amortisation Charge" in the consolidated income statement. 59 Consolidated Financial Statements Film scripts and productions • Film productions The costs incurred by the Group in the making of audiovisual productions are recognised as intangible assets. They are measured at production cost, less, where appropriate, the non-refundable contributions of co-producers. Production overheads are recognised under "Other Intangible Assets - Film Productions in Progress" in the consolidated balance sheet with a credit to "Group Work on Intangible Assets" in the consolidated income statement. The cost of finished productions is amortised on a straight-line basis over three years, since this is considered to be the approximate period over which these productions will generate income, from the time they are ready to generate economic benefits. • Film scripts This account includes the amounts capitalised at acquisition cost in connection with the expenses incurred in the analysis and development of new projects. The scripts can be acquired or produced internally. In the first case they are measured at the cost of acquisition and in the second they are measured as explained in the section "Other Internally Generated Intangible Assets - Research and Development Expenditure". In both cases they are amortised over their estimated useful lives. Other internally generated intangible assets - Research and development expenditure Expenditure on research activities is recognised as an expense in the year in which it is incurred. Development expenditure is recognised as an internally generated intangible asset by the Group only if the following conditions are met: · the asset created can be identified; · it is probable that the asset created will generate future economic benefits; and · the development cost of the asset can be measured reliably. Internally generated intangible assets are amortised over their useful lives. When development expenditure cannot be considered to constitute an intangible asset it is recognised as an expense in the year in which it is incurred. Film distribution rights • Television distribution These costs are recognised as intangible assets and are amortised in accordance with the expected pattern of consumption of the future economic benefits arising from such rights. • Cinema and DVD distribution These costs are recognised under “Trade and Other Receivables - Other Accounts Receivable” (see Note 15), since the period over which such costs will generate income and, therefore, the period over which they will be allocated to expense is less than one year, and they are allocated to the consolidated income statement in accordance with the agreements signed with the producers. c. Property, plant and equipment Property, plant and equipment are stated at cost, which includes, in addition to their purchase price, non-recoverable indirect taxes and any other costs related directly to the entry into service of the asset for its intended use (including interest and other borrowing costs incurred during the construction period). In accordance with the exceptions permitted under IFRS 1, certain items acquired prior to 1 January 2004 are measured at cost revalued in accordance with the applicable legislation (see Note 10). 60 Consolidated Financial Statements The costs of expansion, modernisation or improvements leading to increased productivity, capacity or efficiency or to a lengthening of the useful life of the assets are capitalised. Period upkeep and maintenance expenses are charged to the consolidated income statement. The Group depreciates its property, plant and equipment by the straight-line method at rates based on their estimated useful life (see Note 5). “Plant and Machinery” includes EUR 5,545 thousand relating to the historical and artistic heritage of Diario ABC, S.L., composed of its graphic and documentary archive and a collection of paintings and sketches by artists who contributed to the publications ABC and Blanco y Negro. In the opinion of the specialists consulted, this historical and artistic heritage has not suffered any effective impairment and, therefore, it is not depreciated. The fair value of this heritage is higher than the amount recognised in the consolidated balance sheet. The property, plant and equipment depreciation charge for 2007 and 2006 is recognised under "Depreciation and Amortisation Charge" in the accompanying consolidated income statements. d. Impairment of assets excluding goodwill At each balance-sheet date, the Group reviews the carrying amounts of its non-current assets to determine whether there is any indication that those assets have suffered an impairment loss. If any such indication exists, the recoverable amount of the asset is estimated in order to determine the extent of the impairment loss (if any). For such purposes, in the case of an identifiable asset that itself does not generate cash flows that are independent from other assets, the Group estimates the recoverable amount of the cash-generating unit to which the asset belongs. Recoverable amount is the higher of fair value less costs to sell and value in use, which is considered to be the present value of the estimated future cash flows. In assessing value in use, the assumptions used in making the estimates include pre-tax discount rates, growth rates and expected changes in selling prices and costs. The directors of the Parent estimate pre-tax discount rates which reflect the time value of money and the risks specific to the cash-generating unit. The growth rates and the changes in selling prices and costs are based on in-house and industry forecasts and experience and future expectations, respectively. If the recoverable amount of an asset is less than its carrying amount, an impairment loss is recognised for the difference with a charge to the consolidated income statement. Impairment losses recognised on an asset in prior years are reversed when there is a change in the estimate of its recoverable amount, and the maximum value of the asset is increased up to the carrying amount that would have resulted had no impairment loss been recognised. e. Leases The Group classifies as finance leases the lease contracts which transfer substantially all the risks and advantages derived from ownership to the lessee. All other leases are classified as operating leases. Assets held under finance leases are recognised in the non-current asset category that corresponds to their nature and function. Each asset is depreciated over its useful life since the Group considers that there are no doubts that title to the assets will be acquired at the end of the finance lease term. They are recognised at the lower of the leased asset's fair value and the present value of future payments arising from the finance lease transaction, with a credit to “Bank Borrowings and Other Financial Liabilities” in the consolidated balance sheet. “Property, Plant and Equipment” in the accompanying consolidated balance sheets at 31 December 2007 and 2006 (see Note 10) include EUR 13,554 thousand and EUR 834 thousand, respectively, relating to assets held under finance leases. The finance costs of the finance leases are recognised in the income statement, except when they are directly attributable to a qualifying asset, in which case they are recognised at the increased value of the asset financed by the finance lease (see Note 10). Expenses arising on operating leases are allocated to “Outside Services” (see Note 30) in the consolidated income statement over the term of the lease on an accrual basis. 61 Consolidated Financial Statements f. Inventories Inventories, mainly paper for printing the related newspapers, are stated at the lower of FIFO and net realisable value. Trade discounts, rebates and other similar items are deducted from the acquisition cost. The rebates recognised in profit or loss are classified under “Change in Operating Allowances and Other” in the consolidated income statement. g. Financial instruments Financial assets Financial assets are initially recognised at acquisition cost, including transaction costs. The Group classifies its financial assets, whether current or non-current, in the following four categories: • Held-for-trading financial assets. These assets meet any of the following conditions: · The Group expects to obtain a profit from short-term fluctuations in their prices. · They have been included in this category of assets since their initial recognition, provided that they are either listed on an active market or their fair value can be estimated reliably. The financial assets included in this category are measured in the consolidated balance sheet at fair value and changes in fair value are recognised under “Finance Costs” and “Finance Income”, as appropriate, in the consolidated income statement. The Group includes in this category derivative financial instruments that do not qualify for hedge accounting, as established by IAS 39 – “Financial Instruments”. At 31 December 2007 and 2006, the Group did not have any financial assets of this nature. • Held-to-maturity investments. These are financial assets with fixed or determinable payments and fixed maturity which the Group intends to hold until the date of maturity. The assets included in this category are measured at amortised cost, and the interest income is recognised in profit or loss on the basis of the effective interest rate. The assets are also tested for impairment. The amortised cost is understood to be the initial cost minus principal repayments, plus or minus the cumulative amortisation of any difference between the initial amount and the maturity amount, and minus any reduction for impairment or uncollectibility. The effective interest rate is the discount rate that, at the date of acquisition of the asset, exactly matches the initial carrying amount of a financial instrument to all its estimated cash flows of all kinds through its residual life. At 31 December 2007 and 2006, the Group did not have any financial assets of this nature. • Loans and receivables. These are financial assets originated by the companies in exchange for supplying cash, goods or services directly to a debtor. The assets included in this category are also measured at amortised cost and are tested for impairment. The Group analyses the solvency of its customers before extending credit to them. It also monitors trade receivables closely in order to identify collection problems, and reduces the carrying amount of the accounts to their recoverable amount in the event of doubtful debts. 62 Consolidated Financial Statements • Available-for-sale financial assets. These are financial assets not classified in any of the aforementioned three categories, nearly all of which relate to equity investments. These investments are measured in the consolidated balance sheet at their fair value, which, in the case of unlisted companies, is obtained using alternative methods such as comparison with similar transactions or, if sufficient information is available, discounting the expected cash flows. Changes in fair value are recognised with a charge or a credit to “Equity - Reserves” in the consolidated balance sheet until the asset is disposed of, at which time the cumulative balance of this heading relating to the asset disposed of is recognised in full in the consolidated income statement. Equity investments in unlisted companies whose market value cannot be reliably measured are measured at acquisition cost. Group management determines the most suitable classification for each asset on acquisition, which is reviewed at each year-end. Financial liabilities and equity Financial liabilities and equity instruments are classified in accordance with the content of the contractual arrangements. An equity instrument is any contract that evidences a residual interest in the net assets of the Group. The main financial liabilities held by the Group are held-to-maturity financial liabilities that are measured at amortised cost. Cash and cash equivalents This heading in the consolidated balance sheet includes cash, current accounts and other short-term, highly liquid investments that are not subject to any risk of changes in value (see Note 16). Debentures, bonds and bank borrowings Interest-bearing loans, debentures and similar liabilities are initially recognised for the proceeds received, net of direct issue costs, under “Bank Borrowings and Other Financial Liabilities” in the consolidated balance sheet (see Note 20). Finance charges are recognised in the consolidated income statement on an accrual basis using the effective interest method and are added to the carrying amount of the instrument to the extent that they are not settled in the period in which they arise. Also, payables under finance lease agreements are recognised at the present value of the lease payments under the same heading. Trade payables Trade payables are initially recognised at fair value and are subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest rate (see Note 19). h. Financial derivatives and hedge accounting The financial derivatives held by VOCENTO relate to hedges aimed at mitigating the Group's exposure to foreign exchange and interest rate risk. The Group uses interest rate hedging contracts, mainly interest rate swaps (IRSs) and forward exchange contracts. The Group does not use derivative financial instruments for speculative purposes. They are initially recognised as assets or liabilities at cost of acquisition in the consolidated balance sheet and the necessary valuation adjustments are subsequently made to reflect their fair value at all times (see Note 21). • Fair value hedges In the case of fair value hedges, changes in the fair value of the derivative financial instruments designated as hedges and the changes in the fair value of the hedged item caused by the risk hedged are recognised with a charge or credit, as appropriate, to the consolidated income statement, so that “Finance Income” and “Finance Costs” include simultaneously the income or expense from the hedged item and the hedging instrument, respectively. 63 Consolidated Financial Statements • Cash flow hedges In the case of cash flow hedges, the changes in the fair value of the hedging derivatives are recognised, in respect of the ineffective portion of the hedges, in the consolidated income statement, and the effective portion is recognised under “Reserves” in the consolidated balance sheet. When hedge accounting is discontinued, any cumulative gain or loss on the hedging instrument recognised at that date under “Reserves” is retained under this heading until the hedged transaction occurs, at which time the gain or loss on the transaction is adjusted. If a hedged transaction is no longer expected to occur, the gain or loss recognised under the aforementioned heading is transferred to profit or loss. The VOCENTO Group periodically tests the effectiveness of its hedges, and the related tests are performed prospectively and retrospectively. The market value of the derivative financial instruments is calculated as follows: · The market value of derivatives quoted on an organised market is their market price at year-end. · The Group values derivatives that are not traded on an organised market on the basis of assumptions based on market conditions at year-end. Specifically, the fair value of interest rate swaps is calculated by discounting at a market interest rate the difference between the swap rates, and the market value of foreign currency forward contracts is determined by discounting the estimated future cash flows using the forward rates existing at year-end. This procedure is also used, where appropriate, to determine the fair value of loans and receivables. i. Current/Non-current classification In the accompanying consolidated balance sheet, assets and liabilities maturing within 12 months are classified as current items and those maturing within more than 12 months are classified as non-current items. j. Pension and similar obligations At 31 December 2007, the Group had externalised all its pension obligations to its employees, in accordance with Royal-Decree 1588/1999, of 15 October. The detail of these obligations, which are both defined benefit and defined contribution obligations, is as follows: Defined benefit The main defined benefit obligations assumed by the Group involve the supplementation of retirement and/or death of spouse pensions for its employees. These obligations are covered through insurance policies, in accordance with the related actuarial studies, performed on a case-by-case basis using, among other assumptions, an assumed interest rate of between 3% and 4.5%, GRM/F - 95 and PERM/F2000P mortality tables and a long-term annual salary increase rate of approximately 3%. Defined contribution The detail of the main defined contribution obligations assumed by the Group is as follows: · For the Group's executives, an annual fixed amount is to be contributed on the basis of previously defined categories. For each year the Group reserves the right to determine whether or not the relevant contributions will be made. This obligation is instrumented through an insurance policy. · For certain Group employees, a percentage of the pensionable salary of each eligible employee is to be contributed to a pension plan. Employees hired after 9 May 2000 are subject to a two-year waiting period before they can decide whether or not to join the pension plan. 64 Consolidated Financial Statements The mathematical provisions assigned to these obligations at 31 December 2007 and 2006, amounted to EUR 27,713 thousand and EUR 23,522 thousand, respectively, which, in the opinion of the directors, constitute a similar amount to that of the related insurance policy funds. The expense in 2007 and 2006 for all these obligations amounted to EUR 2,080 thousand and EUR 2,672 thousand, respectively, and is recognised under “Staff Costs” in the accompanying consolidated income statements for 2007 and 2006 (see Note 29). Other obligations · The collective labour agreements of certain Group companies establish the obligation to pay certain long-service bonuses to their employees on completion of 20, 30 and 40 years of service at the company. At 31 December 2007 and 2006, to cover the liability incurred in this connection, the Group recognised provisions, which were calculated based on actuarial criteria using, among other assumptions, an assumed interest rate of 2.25%, GRM/F95 mortality tables and a long-term salary growth rate of 3.5%, amounting to approximately EUR 3,812 thousand and EUR 5,270 thousand, respectively, under “Provisions” on the liability side of the accompanying consolidated balance sheets (see Note 18). The period provisions to cover these obligations were made with a charge to “Staff Costs” in the accompanying consolidated income statements for 2007 and 2006 for the amount of EUR 345 thousand and EUR 394 thousand, respectively (see Note 29). · The collective labour agreement entered into in 2007 by the subsidiary Diario El Correo, S.A.U., which was formerly subject to this obligation, does not provide for the obligation to pay long-service bonuses to its employees on completion of 20, 30 and 40 years of service, as established in prior agreements. In 2007 an agreement was reached with the Workers’ Committee pursuant to which the aforementioned long-service bonus was frozen. The bonus accrued at 31 December 2006 was calculated and each employee was notified of the option to receive the bonus as a lump sum or to convert it into an initial contribution to an externalised defined contribution pension plan. The employees indicated the option of their choice in signed notification letters and as a result bonuses amounting to EUR 207 thousand were surrendered and initial contributions of EUR 92 thousand were made to the aforementioned pension plan. · Also, in accordance with the collective labour agreements in force at the time of their retirement, an obligation exists with the former employees of Prensa Española, S.A. (see Note 1) which is maintained on the same terms. These obligations were guaranteed through a group insurance policy taken out in 2000 (see Note 23). k. Treasury shares of the Parent All the shares of the Parent held by consolidated companies are recognised at acquisition cost and are presented as a reduction of “Equity - Treasury Shares” in the consolidated balance sheet (see Note 17). As a result of the admission to listing of the Company’s shares, which was completed on 8 November 2006 (see Note 2-c), the Parent acquired 11,910,127 treasury shares, with a view to launching a public offering at a price of EUR 14 per share. On completion of the public offering and the corresponding settlement, the Parent held the equivalent of 1.78% of its share capital, with an acquisition cost of EUR 14.47 per share, which may be freely transferred. In 2007 the Group did not carry out any transactions involving treasury shares of the Parent. The directors of the Parent have stated that the shares will be sold at short term, provided that favourable market conditions exist favourable for such a transaction. l. Other provisions A distinction is drawn between: • Provisions: present obligations at the balance sheet date arising from past events which are uncertain as to their amount and/or timing. • Contingent liabilities: possible obligations that arise from past events and whose existence will be confirmed only by the occurrence or nonoccurrence of one or more future events beyond the control of the consolidated companies; or possible obligations, whose occurrence is unlikely or whose amount cannot be reliably estimated. 65 Consolidated Financial Statements The Group's consolidated financial statements include all the material provisions with respect to matters for which it is considered that it is more likely than not that the obligation will have to be settled and whose amount can be measured reliably. Contingent liabilities are not recognised in the consolidated financial statements but rather are disclosed, except for those which arise in business combinations (see Notes 2-d and 35). Provisions, which are quantified on the basis of the best information available on the consequences of the event giving rise to them and which are reestimated at the end of each year are used to cater for the specific obligations for which they were originally recognised. Provisions are fully or partially reversed when such obligations cease to exist or are reduced. Litigation and/or claims in process At 31 December 2007, certain litigation and claims were in process against the consolidated companies arising from the ordinary course of their operations. The Group's legal advisers and its directors consider that the provisions constituted for this purpose are sufficient and that the outcome of these proceedings and claims will not have an additional material effect on the financial statements for the years in which they are settled (see Note 18). At 31 December 2007 and 2006, there were no unrecognised material contingent liabilities or provisions. m. Grants The Group accounts for the grants it receives as follows: • Grants related to assets: These grants, which are measured at the amount granted, are treated as deferred income and taken to income in proportion to the period depreciation on the assets concerned. • Grants related to income are recognised as income when they are granted. In 2007 and 2006, the Group allocated to income EUR 2,939 thousand and EUR 2,985 thousand, respectively, with a credit to "Other Income" in the accompanying 2007 and 2006 consolidated income statements (see Note 22). n. Revenue recognition Revenue from the sale of goods The principal goods sold by the Group are newspapers, magazines, promotional products and television programmes, the revenue from which is measured at the fair value of the consideration received or receivable for the goods provided in the normal course of business, net of discounts, VAT and other taxes. Sales of goods are recognised when substantially all the risks and rewards have been transferred. Revenue from the sale of services The principal services provided by VOCENTO include the distribution of press and other products, the sale of advertising space, newspaper printing, Internet connection services or technical counselling on audiovisual productions. Revenue from the rendering of services is measured at the fair value of the consideration received or receivable for the services provided, net of discounts, VAT and other taxes. Revenue from the assignment of film screening rights This revenue is recognised on a straight-line basis over the term of the assignment. Consequently, advances received on this revenue are recognised under “Trade Payables” in the consolidated balance sheet (see Note 19). 66 Consolidated Financial Statements Revenue from television productions The Group recognises this revenue by reference to the stage of completion and the estimated end margin based on the selling price agreed on. Revenue from box-office takings from film productions Revenue from box-office takings from the screening of films at cinemas is recognised when the film begins to be commercially exploited once the settlement document has been received from the distributor. Interest income and dividend income Interest income is accrued on a time proportion basis, by reference to the principal outstanding and the effective interest rate applicable, which is the rate that exactly discounts estimated future cash over the expected life of the financial asset to that the asset's carrying amount. Dividend income from investments is recognised when the shareholder's rights to receive payment have been established. ñ. Expense recognition An expense is recognised in the income statement when there is a decrease in the future economic benefits related to a reduction of an asset, or an increase in a liability, which can be measured reliably. This means that an expense is recognised at the same time as the increase in a liability or the reduction of an asset is recorded. An expense is immediately recognised when a disbursement does not give rise to future economic benefits or when the requirements for recognition as an asset are not met. Also, an expense is recognised when a liability is incurred and no asset is recognised, as in the case of a liability relating to a guarantee. o. Volume rebates The Group grants volume rebates to its customers, basically advertising agencies, based on the sales made, deferring the related expenses and allocating them to income on an accrual basis at the end of each year. The account payable arising from the aforementioned volume rebates are recognised under "Current Liabilities - Trade and Other Payables" on the liability side of the accompanying consolidated balance sheet. The amount of the volume rebate to be offset against accounts receivable from the related advertising agencies is therefore deducted from the balance of "Current Assets - Trade and Other Receivables" in the accompanying consolidated balance sheet (see Note 15). p. Income tax The income tax expense is recognised using the balance sheet liability method. This method consists of determining the deferred tax assets and liabilities on the basis of the differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities and their tax base, using the tax rates that can objectively be expected to apply in the period when the asset is realised or the liability is settled. Deferred tax assets and liabilities arising from charges or credits made directly to equity accounts are also recognised with a charge or credit to equity. The Group only recognises deferred tax assets if it is considered probable that sufficient future taxable profits will be generated against which they can be utilised. Double taxation and other tax credits and income tax relief deriving from economic events occurring in the year are deducted from the accrued income tax expense, unless there are doubts as to whether they will be used. 67 Consolidated Financial Statements q. Share-based payment At the Annual General Meeting held on 5 September 2006, the shareholders resolved to approve an incentive plan tied to the value of VOCENTO's shares, targeted at VOCENTO's executive directors, senior executives and executives, which total 66. The plan consists of the establishment of a single variable remuneration payment in cash, tied to the performance of the share price over a period of three years from the date on which the Company's shares were admitted to listing and conditional upon the achievement of a given increase in the Group's EBITDA, with a cash amount corresponding to each management level. The amount of the variable remuneration will be equal to the result of multiplying the number of reference shares corresponding to the executive by the positive difference between the share flotation price and the share price three years later, adjusted by a factor which depends on the degree to which the EBITDA increase target is met. Although when the plan was established the maximum number of reference shares was 1,230,000, due to the reduction in the number of executives included in the plan, at 31 December 2007 the number of reference shares amounted to 1,040,000. The Group accrues these future payments on the basis of the valuation of the plan at 31 December each year, as a result of which in 2007 and 2006 EUR 316 thousand and EUR 49 thousand, respectively, were charged to “Staff Costs” in the accompanying consolidated income statement (see Note 29). To value this plan, the Black-Scholes valuation method, which is widely used in financial circles, was adopted and the main assumptions used were as follows: Principal Assumptions Plan exercise price Price at quarterly closing (*) Risk-free interest rate Volatility Estimated dividend rate Staff rotation Probability of meeting the EBITDA target 31 December 2007 EUR 15.00 EUR 13.60 4.05% 24.00% 4.74% 3.00% 100.00% 31 December 2006 EUR 15.00 EUR 14.70 3.87% 18.00% 3.00% 3.00% 100.00% (*) This price refers to the lower of the closing share price and the average share price of the quarter. The volatility is measured using historical data which, in the case of VOCENTO’s share, is obtained from the share price during the last 200 trading days. At 31 December 2007, in order to cover the liability incurred in this connection, the Group recognised a provision of EUR 365 thousand (see Note 18). r. Termination benefits Under current labour legislation, the consolidated companies are required to pay termination benefits to employees terminated under certain conditions. In 2007 the Group recognised termination benefits (including the expenses arising from the cost optimisation plans at certain Group companies) amounting to EUR 21,859 thousand with a charge to “Staff Costs - Termination Benefits” (see Notes 29 and 43) in the accompanying consolidated income statement for 2007. The aforementioned amount includes provisions of EUR 11,250 thousand relating to the voluntary redundancies of certain employees in 2007 and of others whose termination is expected in 2008. 68 Consolidated Financial Statements s. Earnings per share Basic earnings per share are calculated by dividing the net profit for the year by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year, excluding the average number of shares of the Parent held. Diluted earnings per share are calculated by dividing net profit or loss by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year, adjusted by the weighted average number of ordinary shares that would have been outstanding assuming the conversion of all the potential ordinary shares into ordinary shares of the Company. For these purposes, the conversion is deemed to take place at the beginning of the year or on the date of issue of the potential ordinary shares if such shares had been issued during the reporting period. In the case of the Group's consolidated financial statements for the years ended 31 December 2007 and 2006, basic earnings per share are equal to diluted earnings per share since there were no potential shares outstanding during those years (see Note 36). t. Dividends The interim dividend approved by the Board of Directors in 2007 is presented as a deduction from the Group's equity. However, the final dividend proposed by the Board of Directors of VOCENTO, S.A. for approval by the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting will not be deducted until it has been approved by the latter. u. Foreign currency transactions and balances The Group's functional currency is the euro. Therefore, transactions in currencies other than the euro are deemed to be “foreign currency transactions” and are recognised by applying the exchange rates prevailing at the date of the transaction. At each consolidated balance sheet date, monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated to euros at the rates prevailing on the balance sheet date. Any resulting gains or losses are recognised directly in the consolidated income statement. On consolidation, the assets and liabilities of the Group's foreign operations are translated to euros at the exchange rates prevailing on the balance sheet date. Income and expense items are translated at the average exchange rates for the year, unless exchange rates fluctuate significantly. Any translation differences arising are classified as equity. Such translation differences are recognised as income or as expenses in the year in which the investment is disposed of. The foreign currency balances held at 31 December 2007 and 2006 and the foreign currency transactions performed in 2007 and 2006 are not significant. v. Consolidated cash flow statements The following terms are used in the consolidated cash flow statements with the meanings specified: • Cash flows: changes in “Current Assets - Cash and Cash Equivalents”. • Operating activities: the principal revenue-producing activities of the Company and other activities that are not investing or financing activities, including income and other taxes. • Investing activities: the acquisition and disposal of long-term assets and other investments not included in cash and cash equivalents. • Financing activities: activities that result in changes in the size and composition of the equity and borrowings of the Company that are not operating activities. 69 Consolidated Financial Statements w. Disposal groups and assets classified as held for sale Assets and disposal groups are classified as held for sale if their carrying amount will be recovered through a sale transaction rather than through continuing use, for which they must be available for immediate sale in their present condition and their sale must be highly probable. For the sale to be highly probable, the following conditions must be met: · VOCENTO must be committed to a plan to sell the asset or disposal group. · An active programme to locate a buyer and complete the plan must have been initiated. · The asset or disposal group must be actively marketed for sale at a price that is reasonable in relation to its current fair value. · The sale should be expected to qualify for recognition as a completed sale within one year from the date of classification as held for sale. · It is unlikely that significant changes will be made to the plan. Assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale are measured in the consolidated balance sheet at the lower of carrying amount and fair value less costs to sell (see Note 7). Also, non-current assets are not depreciated while they are classified as held for sale. x. Profit/Loss from discontinued operations A discontinued operation is a line of business that has been sold or disposed of by any other means, or that has been classified as held for sale (see Note 4-w) whose assets, liabilities and net profit or loss can be distinguished physically, operationally and for financial reporting purposes. In accordance with IFRS 5, the 2006 cash flow statement for discontinued operations was presented for comparison purposes. The revenue and expenses of discontinued operations are also presented separately in the consolidated income statement under "Profit for the Year from Discontinued Operations” (see Note 7). 5. USE OF ESTIMATES In the Group's consolidated financial statements for 2007 estimates were occasionally made by the management of the Group and of the consolidated companies, later ratified by the directors, in order to quantify certain of the assets, liabilities, income, expenses and obligations reported herein. These estimates relate basically to the following: • The impairment losses on certain assets: the main risk of impairment losses on the Group's assets relate to goodwill acquired in business combinations (see Notes 4-a and 8). • The assumptions used in the actuarial calculation of post-employment benefit liabilities and obligations (see Notes 4-j and 18). At the end of each year, the Group estimates the actual actuarial provision required to meet obligations from restructuring plans, pensions and other similar obligations to employees. In preparing these estimates, the Group receives advice from independent actuaries. 70 Consolidated Financial Statements • The useful life of the property, plant and equipment and other intangible assets (see Notes 4-b, 4-c, 9 and 10) Years of estimated useful life Computer software Other intangible assets Buildings and other structures Plant and machinery Other items of property, plant and equipment 3–5 3 – 10 20 – 33 7 – 10 5–7 Certain items are depreciated /amortised on the basis of the expected pattern of consumption of the asset’s future economic benefits, and, consequently, at the end of each year, the Group makes a new estimate, modifying the future depreciation/amortisation charge if necessary. • Provisions and contingent liabilities (see Notes 4-j,4-e and 18). • The Group uses the percentage of completion method to recognise revenue from television productions (see Note 4-n). This requires a reliable estimate of the revenue from each contract, of the total costs to be incurred in completing the contract and of the stage of completion at the balance sheet date from a technical and economic standpoint. • At year-end the Group analyses its accounts receivable and, on the basis of its best estimates, quantifies the amount thereof that could be uncollectible. • As indicated in Note 21, the Group holds certain derivative instruments that are not traded on an active market whose fair value was calculated using valuation techniques widely used in financial circles. Although these estimates were made on the basis of the best information available at 31 December 2007 on the events analysed, events that take place in the future might make it necessary to change these estimates (upwards or downwards) in coming years. Changes in accounting estimates would be applied prospectively in accordance with the requirements of IAS 8, recognising the effects of the change in estimates in the related consolidated income statements. 6. RISK MANAGEMENT POLICY VOCENTO is exposed to certain financial risks that it manages by grouping together risk identification, measurement, concentration limitation and oversight systems. The Corporate Division and the business units coordinate the management and limitation of financial risks through the policies approved at the highest executive level, in accordance with the established rules, policies and procedures. The identification, assessment and hedging of financial risks are the responsibility of each business unit. The potential risks relating to the financial instruments used by the Group and the information thereon are set forth below: • Foreign currency risk Purchases of certain film production distribution rights made by the Group in US dollars may have an adverse impact on finance costs and profit for the year. The Group mitigates this risk through the use of derivatives (see Note 21). • Interest rate risk Interest rate fluctuations change the fair value of assets and liabilities that bear interest at a fixed rate and the future cash flows from assets and liabilities tied to a floating interest rate. 71 Consolidated Financial Statements The purpose of interest rate risk management is to achieve a balance in the structure of the borrowings that minimises the aforementioned risks and the cost of the borrowings. The structure of the bank loans and credit facilities at 31 December 2007 and 2006, drawing a distinction between fixed and floating interest rate borrowings, is as follows: Thousands of Euros 2007 2006 Fixed interest rate Floating interest rate 21 138,214 282 52,421 Total (Note 20) 138,235 52,703 In addition, the detail of bank deposits is as follows: Thousands of Euros 2007 (*) 2006 (*) Fixed interest rate Floating interest rate 7,336 1,225 73,434 2,622 Total (Note 16) 8,561 76,056 (*) Excluding interest. Lastly, current and non-current trade and other payables include the following amounts with financial costs: Thousands of Euros 2007 2006 Other non-current payables (Note 23) Trade and other payables (Note 19) 29,509 8,512 36,364 9,803 Total 38,021 46,167 The Group mitigates this risk through the use of derivatives (see Notes 20 and 21). • Credit risk In view of its business activities, the Group has balances with a significant number of customers (see Note 15). In addition to the analysis described in Note 4-g, certain Group companies also arrange credit insurance to reduce the risk of doubtful debts. Consequently, the directors consider that there is no risk of unrecognised material doubtful debts in relation to accounts receivable at 31 December 2007 and 2006. • Liquidity risk The Group's liquidity policy combines its cash surplus position with the arrangement of credit facilities based on its projected cash needs and of the situation of the debt and capital markets. 72 Consolidated Financial Statements 7. PROFIT/LOSS FROM DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS AND ASSETS CLASSIFIED AS HELD FOR SALE The balance of “Profit for the Year from Discontinued Operations” in the consolidated income statements at 31 December 2007 and 2006 relates in full to the sale of the ownership interest in the Argentine company Compañía Inversora en Medios de Comunicación, S.A. (CIMECO) for EUR 26,740 thousand, performed in August 2007 (see Note 2-e). The detail of this balance is as follows. Thousands of Euros 2007 2006 Profit for the year of CIMECO Profit before tax on disposal of CIMECO Income tax expense relating to the disposal Net profit on disposal of CIMECO 1,028 22,843 (2,441) 20,402 1,379 - Total 21,430 1,379 For the purposes of calculating the income tax expense, the gains on the sale of CIMECO were partially offset with prior years’ tax loss carryforwards which, due to the directors’ doubts concerning the recoverability thereof, had not been capitalised. The only flow attributable to discontinued operations in 2007 and 2006 was the EUR 26,740 arising from the sale of the ownership interest. No operations were discontinued in 2006 although “Profit from Discontinued Operations” in the consolidated income statement for 2006 includes the operations of CIMECO for comparison purposes (see Note 4-x). 73 Consolidated Financial Statements 8. GOODWILL The changes in “Goodwill” in the consolidated balance sheet in 2007 and 2006 were as follows: Thousands of Euros Balance at 1/1/06 Printed media Taller de Editores, S.A. Legal Informatic, S.L. Corporación de Medios de Murcia, S.A. Corporación de Medios de Andalucía, S.A. Corporación de Medios de Extremadura, S.A. El Norte de Castilla, S.A. Sociedad Vascongada de Publicaciones, S.A. Federico Doménech, S.A. Factoría de Información, S.A. Audiovisual Radio Publi, S.L. Grupo Europroducciones, S.A. Moper Visión, S.L.U. Pabellón de México, S.L. Comunicaset, S.A. Avista Televisió de Barcelona, S.L. Radio Utrera La Voz de la Campiña, S.L.U. BocaBoca Producciones, S.L. Tripictures, S.A. Teledonosti, S.L. KTB-Kate Berria, S.L.U. Canal Cultural Badajoz, S.L. Radio Televisión Canal 8 DM, S.L. Radio Difusión Torre, S.A. Hill Valley, S.L. Durango Telebista, S.L. Difusión Asturiana, S.L. Internet Habitatsoft, S.L. Sarenet, S.A. Infoempleo, S.L. Autocasión Hoy, S.A. Unión Operativa de Autos, S.L. Bitmailer, S.L. Other businessesSector MD, S.L. Distribución de Prensa por Rutas, S.A. Rotodomenech, S.L. 555 Unimedia, S.L.U. Total gross 74 Additions (Note 35) Other Write-Downs (Note 35) Transfers Balance at 31/12/06 Additions (Note 35) Other Balance at Write-Downs Disposals (Note 35) 31/12/07 4,225 2,349 2,043 1,005 1,964 3,347 - 1,407 31,519 - - - 18,278 - 4,225 1,407 2,349 2,043 1,005 1,964 3,347 49,797 - 119,146 (297) - - 4,225 1,110 2,349 2,043 1,005 1,964 3,347 49,797 - 119,146 4,386 18,503 641 1,174 693 3,221 625 9,892 204 26 113 183 5 - 323 375 19,945 303 43 - (2,220) (489) (1,016) (2,900) (124) - (1,815) - - 2,166 18,503 641 685 696 501 8,077 19,945 204 26 113 183 303 43 5 - 127 (2,166) (5,595) (641) (685) (501) (3,089) - - - (303) - - 12,908 696 8,077 16,856 204 26 113 183 43 5 127 828 - 1,597 6,386 2,214 3,091 - - - - 1,597 828 6,386 2,214 3,091 - 1,627 - - (231) - 1,597 828 6,386 1,983 3,091 1,627 131 159 55,717 25 83 67,311 (6,749) (1,815) 131 159 25 83 18,278 132,742 120,900 (12,974) (303) 131 159 25 83 (231) 240,134 Consolidated Financial Statements Analysis of the recoverability of goodwill As indicated in Note 4-a, at each balance sheet date the Group measures the impairment loss on goodwill. In accordance with the aforementioned measurements, in 2007 and 2006 the Group wrote down EUR 12,974 thousand and EUR 6,749 thousand, respectively, for the impairment of goodwill at companies at which the directors consider that, due to the situation of the market, it is uncertain that the future profits initially estimated will be achieved. The recoverable amount of the cash-generating units associated with the aforementioned goodwill was measured with reference to the value in use (see Note 4-a). Value in use was determined on the basis of projected cash flows (approved by management) that represent the best estimates for a five-year period. The cash flows of periods subsequent to those covered by the projections were extrapolated using constant growth rates that the directors consider do not exceed the average long-term growth of the industry in which the aforementioned companies operate, ranging from 2% to 2.5%. The pre-tax discount rates used in assessing value in use ranged between 11.71% and 15%. 9. OTHER INTANGIBLE ASSETS The changes in “Other Intangible Assets” in the consolidated balance sheet in 2007 and 2006 were as follows: Thousands of Euros Change in Change Change in the method of Increase in the Increase the scope of consolidation Additions (Decrease) Disposals scope of Additions (Decrease) Balance consolidation (Notes 2-a, and charge due to or Balance consolidation and charge due to at 01/01/06 (Note 35) 2-b and 12) for the year transfer reductions at 31/12/06 (Note 35) fot the year transfer Disposals or Balance at reductions 31/12/07 COST: Intellectual property 9,817 380 2 1,589 - (1,722) 10,066 3 3,163 1,070 (562) 13,740 Computer software 29,838 2,154 - 2,979 399 (1,323) 34,047 336 5,446 220 (2,639) 37,410 Scripts and projects 3,003 - - 286 - - 3,289 - 413 443 - 4,145 - 2,922 - 35 - - 2,957 - 309 (1,633) - 1,633 Development expenditure Film distribution rights Film productions Film productions in progress - 129,073 - 1,469 - - 130,542 - 10,507 - (3,416) 137,633 29,203 - - 103 889 (129) 30,066 - 122 119 - 30,307 1,238 - - - (889) - 349 - - 1 - 350 1,882 1,453 2 3,914 (399) (868) 5,984 - 702 (145) (70) 6,471 74,981 135,982 4 10,375 - (4,042) 217,300 339 20,662 75 (6,687) 231,689 Advances on intangible assets in progress Total cost ACCUMULATED AMORTISATION AND IMPAIRMENT LOSSES: Intellectual property (8,245) (258) - (1,001) - 799 (8,705) - (2,362) - 64 (11,003) Computer software (25,755) (1,689) - (2,132) - 909 (28,667) - (2,527) 225 1,604 (29,365) Scripts and projects (1,680) - - (557) - - (2,237) - (558) - 5 (2,790) Development expenditure - (2,421) - (142) - - (2,563) (43) - (180) - (2,786) Film distribution rights - (23,032) - (5,481) - - (28,513) - (14,202) (4,088) 105 (46,698) (23,248) - - (6,510) - 5 (29,753) - (3,641) 4,047 - (29,347) (1,035) - - 149 - - (886) - - (4) 259 (631) (59,963) (27,400) - (15,674) - 1,713 (101,324) (43) (23,290) - 15,018 108,582 4 (5,299) - 296 (2,628) 75 Film productions Recognition/Reversal of impairment losses on other intangible assets Total accumulated amortisation and impairment losses Total net cost (2,329) 115,976 2,037 (122,620) (4,650) 109,069 (*) Other intangible assets in use that had been fully amortised at 31 December 2007 and 2006 amounted to EUR 81,092 thousand and EUR 50,875 thousand, respectively. 75 Consolidated Financial Statements 10. PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT The changes in “Property, Plant and Equipment” in the consolidated balance sheet in 2007 and 2006 were as follows: Thousands of Euros Change in Change Change in the method of Increase in the Increase the scope of consolidation Additions (Decrease) Disposals scope of Additions (Decrease) Balance consolidation (Notes 2-a, and charge due to or Balance consolidation and charge due to at 01/01/06 (Note 35) 2-b and 12) for the year transfer reductions at 31/12/06 (Note 35) fot the year transfer COST: Land, buildings and other structures Plant and machinery Other items of property, plant and equipment Advances and property, plant and equipment in the course of construction Disposals or Balance at reductions 31/12/07 117,161 237,578 23,084 14,622 - 7,214 5,978 310 (560) (368) 146,899 258,120 (554) 4,164 17,867 5,787 3,586 (63) (1,935) 156,787 277,084 103,013 9,613 - 9,522 6 (3,027) 119,127 1,382 10,912 703 (6,885) 125,239 1,293 - 342 5,695 (316) (330) 6,684 49 8,881 (10,151) (226) 5,237 459,045 47,319 342 28,409 - (4,285) 530,830 877 41,824 (75) (9,109) 564,347 (34,456) (157,776) (2,224) (12,790) - (3,397) (15,069) - 184 123 (39,893) (185,512) 304 (3,606) (14,425) (118) (488) (69,465) (7,369) - (7,315) - 963 (83,186) (347) (8,574) 606 6,200 Total accumulated amortisation and impairment losses (261,697) Total net cost 197,348 (22,383) 24,936 342 (25,781) 2,628 - 1,270 (3,015) (308,591) 222,239 (43) 834 (26,605) 15,219 (75) 8,542 (326,697) (567) 237,650 Total cost ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION: Buildings and other structures Plant and machinery Other items of property, plant and equipment 845 (42,772) 1,497 (198,624) (85,301) At 31 December 2007, the Group held various assets under finance leases which are classified on the basis of their nature. The information on the minimum lease payments at 31 December 2007 is as follows: Thousands of Euros 2007 2008 onwards 1,551 14,776 Total lease payments payable 16,327 Finance charges Present value of lease payments (Note 20) 3,418 12,909 16,327 At 31 December 2007 and 2006, fully depreciated property, plant and equipment in use amounted to EUR 154,255 thousand and EUR 138,271 thousand respectively. The main additions in 2007 and 2006 relate to the Group’s investments in its new printing plants in Valladolid, Alicante, Málaga and Asturias. At 31 December 2007, the various Group companies did not have any material investment commitments except for those of the printing centres, amounting to approximately EUR 3,152 thousand. The Group has taken out insurance policies to cover the possible risks to which its property, plant and equipment are subject and the claims that might be filed against it during the performance of its business activities. These policies are considered to adequately cover the related risks. 76 Consolidated Financial Statements 11. INVESTMENTS ACCOUNTED FOR USING THE EQUITY METHOD The changes in 2007 and 2006 in the carrying amounts of investments in Group companies accounted for using the equity method (see the Appendix to these notes to the consolidated financial statements) were as follows: Thousands of Euros Additions (Disposals) including changes in the scope of Balance at consolidation 01/01/06 (Note 35) Inclusion of profit or loss for the year Dividends received Other changes Additions (Disposals) including changes in the scope of Balance at consolidation 31/12/06 (Note 2.a) Inclusion of profit or loss for the year Dividends received Other Balance at changes 31.12.07 Printed media Federico Doménech, S.A. 28,241 Prisma Publicaciones 2002, S.L. 1,232 Gala Ediciones, S.L. (Note 12) 713 Milenio ABC, S.A. de C.V. - (28,395) (1,210) 83 154 (22) (289) - (713) (135) (341) - (226) - 286 (281) Audiovisual Gestevisión Telecinco, S.A. and subsidiaries 86,351 Grupo Videomedia, S.A. 11,018 Producciones Antares Media, S.L. 687 1,160 - 40,852 697 (29) (37,931) (133) - (763) - 88,509 12,742 658 (630) 45,898 477 (28) (41,087) (299) - (42) - 93,320 12,878 - 156 167 1,966 2,055 1,490 2,500 1,295 215 (41) (1,295) - 171 186 818 599 1,379 3 - (103) (109) (662) (366) - (160) 1 (2,500) - 64 244 2,122 2,288 2,870 218 (41) (2,870) - 172 182 1,084 513 4 - (109) (682) (114) - (57) 33 (3) 19 43 179 350 2,524 2,684 241 2 138,045 (29,657) 44,519 (39,304) (4,270) 109,333 (3,500) 48,076 (42,291) 278 111,896 Other businesses Distribuciones Papiro, S.L. Cirpress, S.L. Distrimedios, S.A. Val Disme, S.L. CIMECO (Note 7) Localprint, S.L. (Note 12) Rotok Industria Gráfica, S.A. Victor Steinberg y Asoc, S.L. Other investments The main transactions performed by the Group in relation to its investees were as follows: 2007 • In July 2007 the Group sold the ownership interest of 30% in the share capital of Producciones Antares Media, S.L. for EUR 720 thousand, giving rise to the recognition of a loss of EUR 630 thousand (see Note 33). Under this agreement, the sale of the ownership interest is subject to the award of certain digital terrestrial television licences. In the event that the company disposed of were not awarded any licences, the sale would be annulled and the ownership interest returned to the Group; however the directors consider that this situation will not arise. 77 Consolidated Financial Statements 2006 • In accordance with the agreement for the acquisition of the initial ownership interest in Grupo Videomedia, S.A. (formalised in 2005), in February 2008 the initial price paid for the ownership interest will be adjusted on the basis of the difference between the actual and estimated results for 2005 and 2006. Based on this calculation, the Group recognised EUR 1,160 thousand as an increase in the value of its ownership interest. In addition, the aforementioned agreement contains a clause for the acquisition of a further 30.01% in 2008. If the seller rejects the acquisition, it will have to repurchase the interest acquired by the Group in 2005. At 31 December 2007, the Parent’s directors had not taken any decision in this respect. Lastly, under the aforementioned agreement, the former shareholders grant the Group non-transferable call options and the Group grants the former shareholders non-transferable put options on the remaining ownership interest to be exercised in successive years at the market price of the holding. Since the exercise price of the options is the market price, the Group considers that the value of the options is zero and, therefore, did not recognise any asset or liability in this connection. • In February 2006 the Group sold its entire ownership interest (49%) in the share capital of Prisma Publicaciones 2002, S.L. for EUR 1,641 thousand and, therefore, the Group recognised income of EUR 431 thousand under “Net Gain on Disposal of Non-Current Assets” in the accompanying consolidated income statement for 2006 (see Note 33). • In December 2006 the Group sold 25% of the shares of Rotok Industria Gráfica S.A. for EUR 2,313 thousand, as a result of which it recognised income of EUR 517 thousand under “Net Gain on Disposal of Non-Current Assets” in the accompanying consolidated income statement for 2006 (see Note 33). The detail of the main aggregates of the companies accounted for using the equity method is as follows: Thousands of Euros Financial debt Total equity ASSOCIATES: Printed media Milenio ABC, S.A. de C.V. (*) Audiovisual Gestevisión Telecinco, S.A. and subsidiaries Plato Chroma, S.A. Grupo Productores Independientes, S.L. (**) Grupo Videomedia, S.A. Videomedia, S.A. Imagen y Servicios, S.A. Alia Ediciones, S.L. Videomedia Portugal, LTDA. Videomedia Italia, S.R.L. Other businesses Distribuciones Papiro, S.L. Cirpress, S.L. Distrimedios, S.A. Val Disme, S.L. Víctor Steinberg y Asociados, S.L. Gross Net (7,671) 5,341 - (230) 662,486 2 (1,089) 167 8,637 616 90 177 (57) 1,082,458 32 1,576 221 18,074 1,071 90 991 9,496 1,660 1,678 (74,843) (58) (48) 845 (637) (54) (13) 1,188 700 1,232 1,134 3,368 526 6,648 5,045 30,609 22,629 2,431 176 751 5,576 4,316 181 95 412 3,532 3,644 115 (*) This information is presented in accordance with local accounting principles and in Mexican pesos. (**) Figures at 31 December 2006. 78 Total assets Consolidated Financial Statements 12. INTERESTS IN JOINT VENTURES In 2007 the jointly controlled entities managed by the Group together with other companies were proportionately consolidated, the method considered by the Parent’s directors to most fairly reflect the joint control of the aforementioned companies (see Notes 2-a and 2-d). In 2006 the Group held ownership interests in the joint ventures Gala Ediciones, S.L. and Localprint, S.L. In December 2006, the Group acquired the remaining 50% of the share capital of Gala Ediciones, S.L. and, as a result, the company was fully consolidated. The most significant financial information relating to the ownership interest in Localprint S.L. is summarised as follows: Thousands of Euros Revenue Net profit from operations Non-current assets Current assets Non-current liabilities Current liabilities 31/12/07 31/12/06 7,527 827 32,897 4,592 18,796 8,816 8,628 2,194 1,820 4,002 13. FINANCIAL ASSETS a. Non-current investment securities The carrying amount of the most representative investments in long-term investment securities at 31 December 2007 and 2006 is as follows: Thousands of Euros Company 31/12/07 31/12/06 El Mundo Deportivo, S.A. Televisión Castilla y León, S.A. Val Telecomunicaciones, S.L. Other investments 561 840 12,883 1,239 918 944 12,883 1,207 Total 15,523 15,952 % of ownership at 31/12/07 10% 4.9% 8.82% % of ownership at 31/12/06 10% 4.9% 8.82% In 2006 the ownership interest in Val Telecomunicaciones, S.L. was increased by EUR 9,772 thousand due to the inclusion in the scope of consolidation of Federico Doménech, S.A. (see Note 35). In addition, since the directors did not have a reliable estimate of the fair value of the 2.14% ownership interest held by the Group in this company at 2005 year-end, a market transaction was carried out in order to reliably to determine this fair value. This gave rise to an increase in the value of the ownership interest of EUR 1,084 thousand, which was recognised with a credit of EUR 605 thousand, EUR 99 thousand and EUR 380 thousand to “Reserves - Unrealised Asset and Liability Revaluation Reserve”, “Equity – Minority Interests” and “Deferred Tax Liabilities”, respectively, in the accompanying consolidated balance sheet for 2006. The valuation of the ownership interest was not modified in 2007 since the Parent’s directors considered that there were no significant changes in the fair value thereof with respect to the previous year. Also, in December 2006 the Group sold its entire ownership interest in Radio Popular, S.A. Cadena de Onda Populares Españolas for EUR 2,772 thousand, of which EUR 1,721 thousand was credited to “Finance Income” (see Note 31) in the accompanying consolidated income statement for 2006. 79 Consolidated Financial Statements b. Other non-current financial assets The detail of the balance of this heading in the consolidated balance sheets, based on the nature of the related transactions, is as follows: Thousands of Euros 2007 2006 Long-term deposits and guarantees given 1,312 1,265 Total 1,312 1,265 14. INVENTORIES The breakdown of “Inventories” in the accompanying consolidated balance sheets at 31 December 2007 and 2006 is as follows: Thousands of Euros 2007 2006 Raw materials Other raw materials Spare parts Audiovisual programme rights Merchandise and finished goods Other inventories Advances to suppliers 25,784 887 2,874 636 1,959 968 2,520 17,122 746 2,875 661 3,458 1,307 717 Total 35,628 26,886 At 31 December 2007 and 2006, there are no inventories provided as security for the payment of debts or in relation to any other commitments acquired with third parties. 15. TRADE AND OTHER RECEIVABLES The breakdown of “Current Assets - Trade and Other Receivables" on the asset side of the accompanying consolidated balance sheets at 31 December 2007 and 2006 is as follows: Thousands of Euros 2007 Trade receivables for sales and services Notes receivable Less- sales volume rebates (Note 4-o) Receivable from related parties (Note 37) Other receivables (Note 4-b) Allowance for uncollectible receivables 2006 228,602 6,509 (14,964) 17,385 23,574 (11,110) 199,817 5,060 (11,101) 7,950 27,503 (11,953) 249,996 217,276 All the aforementioned balances mature in less than 12 months and are interest-free. Therefore, their realisable value does not differ significantly from their carrying amount. 80 Consolidated Financial Statements 16. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS The breakdown of “Current Assets - Cash and Cash Equivalents” in the accompanying consolidated balance sheets at 31 December 2007 and 2006 is as follows: Thousands of Euros 2007 2006 Other short-term loans (Note 21) Short-term deposits (Note 6) Cash 1,937 8,561 32,547 2,898 76,056 35,977 Total 43,045 114,931 Basically, this heading includes the Group's cash and short-term bank deposits with an initial maturity of three months or less. The bank accounts earn interest at market rates. There are no restrictions on the use of the balances. The carrying amount of these assets approximates their fair value. 17. EQUITY Share capital At 31 December 2007, the Parent's share capital amounted to EUR 24,994 thousand and consisted of 124,970,306 fully subscribed and paid shares of EUR 0.2 par value each. The Company's shares are traded on the Spanish Stock Market Interconnection System and on the Bilbao, Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia Stock Exchanges. Since VOCENTO's shares are represented by book entries, the exact ownership interest of the shareholders in the share capital is not known. However, on the basis of information in the public domain available to the Parent, at 31 December 2007, the only shareholder with an ownership interest of 10% or more was Mezouna, S.A., which owns 10.382% of the share capital. Reserves The detail of reserves at 31 December 2007 and 2006 is as follows: Thousands of Euros Reserves of the Parent Share premium Legal reserve Reserve for treasury shares Voluntary reserves Unrealised asset and liability revaluation reserves (Notes 13 and 21) Reserves at consolidated companies Reserves at companies accounted for using the equity method (Note 11) Reserves at fully and proportionately consolidated companies 2007 2006 145,173 9,516 4,999 9,612 121,046 123,461 9,516 4,999 9,211 99,735 791 605 358,201 (4,628) 362,829 369,099 (74,258) 443,357 81 Consolidated Financial Statements Share premium The Consolidated Spanish Companies Law expressly permits the use of the share premium account balance to increase capital and does not establish any specific restrictions as to its use. Legal reserve Under the Consolidated Spanish Companies Law, 10% of net profit for each year must be transferred to the legal reserve until the balance of this reserve reaches at least 20% of the share capital. The legal reserve can be used to increase capital provided that the remaining reserve balance does not fall below 10% of the increased share capital amount. Otherwise, until the legal reserve exceeds 20% of share capital, it can only be used to offset losses, provided that sufficient other reserves are not available for this purpose. At 31 December 2007 and 2006, this reserve had reached the legally stipulated level. At 31 December 2007 and 2006, the restricted reserves amounted to EUR 81,251 thousand and EUR 82,589 thousand, respectively. Treasury shares The detail of the treasury shares and of the changes therein in 2007 and 2006 is as follows: Thousands of Euros Balance at 1 January 2006 Acquisition of treasury shares Reduction due to public offering Adjustment of public offering price (Note 4-k) Balance at 31 December 2006 Balance at 31 December 2007 Number of Shares 9 166,742 (135,720) 1,158 7,339 11,910,127 (9,692,791) - 32,189 32,189 2,224,675 2,224,675 Pursuant to the Consolidated Spanish Companies Law, a restricted reserve was recognised for an amount equal to the cost of the treasury shares held. The balance of this reserve will become unrestricted when the circumstances making such a recognition necessary cease to exist. Dividends On 25 July 2007, the Board of Directors of the Parent resolved to distribute an interim dividend of EUR 37,786 thousand. The total amount of the interim dividends distributed is recognised under “Equity - Interim Dividend” on the liability side of the accompanying balance sheet at 31 December 2007. On the aforementioned dates, the Company was meeting the requirements of Article 194 of the Consolidated Spanish Companies Law for the distribution of dividends since it had sufficient unrestricted reserves with respect to the unamortised expenses referred to in this article. The provisional accounting statement prepared in accordance with legal requirements evidencing the existence of sufficient liquidity for the distribution of the dividends was as follows: Thousands of Euros 82 Profit before tax at 30 June 2007 Income tax 46,471 3,911 Distributable profit 50,382 Cash and cash equivalents Current account with Group companies 98,215 105,515 Liquidity available 203,730 Consolidated Financial Statements At 31 December 2007 this dividend had been paid in full. At 31 December 2007, EUR 956 thousand relating to outstanding dividends, net of tax withholdings, were recognised under “Trade and Other Payables” in the accompanying consolidated balance sheet (see Note 19). Equity of minority interests In addition to those described in Note 35, the main transactions in 2007 and 2006 that affected the equity of minority interests were as follows: 2007 • In May 2007 the Group acquired a further ownership interest of 23.33% of the share capital of Autocasión Hoy, S.A. (formerly Maxi Press Comunicación, S.A.) for EUR 1,917 thousand. Until such date the Group had held an ownership interest of 26.68% of the share capital of this company although, by virtue of the shareholders' agreement with one of the shareholders, control was exercised by VOCENTO and, therefore, the Group recognised EUR 1,721 thousand as a deduction from reserves. • In May, after obtaining the required administrative authorisation, the Group acquired 25% of the share capital of Avista Televisió de Barcelona, S.L. for EUR 1,555 thousand. Since the Group controlled the aforementioned company, the EUR 1,866 thousand paid in excess of the underlying carrying amount of the shares was recognised with a charge to reserves. • In June 2007 the Group acquired a further ownership interest of 30% of the share capital of Bocaboca Producciones, S.L. for EUR 1,500 thousand. The Group held an ownership interest of 70% in the aforementioned company and recognised EUR 1,511 thousand as a deduction from reserves. • In July 2007, after obtaining the required administrative authorisation, the Group acquired an ownership interest of 25.22% of the share capital of Pantalla Digital, S.L. for EUR 3,217 thousand. The Group's ownership interest in the company’s share capital totalled 74.78%. The amount paid in excess of the underlying carrying amount of the investment acquired, which totalled EUR 2,900 thousand, was recognised with a charge to reserves. • In December 2007, the Group sold the ownership interest of 51% of the share capital of Radio Difusión Torre, S.A. for EUR 1,453 thousand. The gains on the transaction, amounting to EUR 973 thousand, were recognised under “Net Gains on Disposal of Non-Current Assets” in the accompanying consolidated income statement for 2007 (see Note 33). 2006 • The inclusion of Federico Doménech, S.A. (see Note 35) in the scope of consolidation gave rise to the inclusion of an additional ownership interest of 16% in the subsidiary Taller de Editores, S.A. This gave rise to a reduction of EUR 2,352 thousand in minority interests relating to the underlying carrying amount of the 16% ownership interest, and to a reduction of EUR 11,578 thousand in reserves. • In June 2006 the Group acquired a further ownership interest of 30% of the share capital of Grupo Europroducciones, S.A. for EUR 10,956 thousand. The amount paid in excess of the underlying carrying amount of the investment acquired, which totalled EUR 5,253 thousand, was recognised with a charge to reserves. 83 Consolidated Financial Statements Distribution of profit The distribution of the Group's net profit for 2007 that the Parent’s Board of Directors will propose for approval by the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting is as follows: Thousands of Euros Distributable profit: Profit for the year 82,168 Distribution of profit: To voluntary reserves Final dividend Interim dividend (20,543) (23,839) (37,786) 18. PROVISIONS The detail of this heading in the accompanying consolidated balance sheets and of the changes in 2007 and 2006 is as follows: Thousands of Euros Changes in the scope of Balance at consolidation 01/01/06 (Note 35) Provisions for pensions (Note 4-j) 4,708 Provisions for share-based payments (Note 4-q) Write-down of CIMECO 969 Corporación de Medios Radiofónicos Digitales, S.A. guarantees (Notes 3 and 38) 4,858 Provisions for litigation and tax (Note 24) 15,988 Provisions for litigation relating to the publishing and audiovisual businesses 1,910 Other provisions 1,864 30,297 Charge for the year Reversals Amounts used Changes in the scope of Balance at consolidation 31/12/06 (Note 35) Charge for the year Reversals Amounts Balance at used 31/12/07 613 4,271 (416) (114) 9,062 - 345 (1,301) (3,758) 4,348 - 49 - (969) - 49 - - 316 - - - 365 - - - - - 4,858 - - - - 4,858 - 57 (2,005) - 14,040 47 60 (7,508) (638) 6,001 145 758 3,035 7,412 (1,045) (4,435) (563) (70) (747) 1,347 3,929 33,285 47 362 582 1,665 (763) (9,572) - 1,709 3,748 21,029 (4,396) At each balance sheet date the Group estimates the liabilities arising from litigation and similar events which require the recognition of provisions of a tax and legal nature. Although the Group considers that the cash outflows will take place in the coming years, it cannot predict when the litigation will end and, therefore, it does not make an estimate of the specific dates of the cash outflows, thereby considering the effect of a potential discount to present value to be material. The directors consider that the provision recognised in this connection is sufficient to cover the risks existing at 31 December 2007. In 2007 the Group reversed EUR 7,375 thousand of these provisions with a credit to “Income Tax” in the accompanying consolidated income statement (see Note 24) since the directors considered that (based on the opinion of their tax advisers) the circumstances that made the recognition advisable had ceased to exist in 2007. 84 Consolidated Financial Statements The detail of the main contingent liabilities at 31 December 2007 is as follows: 1. Casterman Editeurs, S.A. against Diario ABC, S.L. and another party. Barcelona Court of First Instance no. 5. Claim for alleged infringement of Casterman's intellectual property rights relating to the distribution of the books in the “Las Aventuras de Tintín” collection together with Diario ABC in summer 2003. Following the decision of the Court of First Instance which ordered ABC and Juventud to jointly and severally pay EUR 699 thousand, an appeal was filed which was partially upheld, reducing the damages to 50% of the net profit which ABC would have obtained in the sales campaign for the aforementioned books (approximately EUR 60 thousand). Although this judgment is subject to a cassation appeal, ABC’s possible liability is guaranteed by the supplier of the books, RBA and, therefore, the Group has not recognised any provision in this connection. 2. Audiovisual Sport S.L. against Prensa Malagueña, S.A. Supreme Court: claim for the infringement of intellectual property rights. This claim was partially upheld (EUR 14 thousand) although a decision has yet to be handed down on the cassation appeal whereby the complainant is claiming EUR 477 thousand. The Group considers that the appeal filed for the amount claimed is unlikely to be upheld and, consequently, no specific provision has been recognised in this connection. 3. José Javier Villar against Grupo Videomedia, S.A. Alcobendas Examining Court no. 4 (Madrid): complaint for the infringement of intellectual property rights against Vodafone and others, accessorily including Videomedia, S.A. Group. In 2007 the complaint was dismissed. 4. Sociedad Gestora de Televisión NET TV, S.A. Supreme Court: appearance as a party in the appeal for judicial review filed at the Supreme Court by Infraestructuras y Gestión 2002, S.L. against the award of the second additional digital channels. This entity requested an injunctive stay on the related licences, which was refused under a court order of 18 July 2006. There is no evidence of any appeals having been filed against this decision. The complainant argues that a call for tenders should have been held for the new radio spectrum licences, which were awarded to companies that already held state television concessions and, according to the complainant, this could have given rise to discrimination. The complainant also alleges that various formal defects existed (late filing of documentation, etc.). Although a decision has yet to be handed down, the Group does not expect this appeal to be successful. 5. Federico Doménech, S.A. Judicial Review Chamber of the Valencia High Court: the call for tenders for the award of local television channels was challenged by Federación Valenciana de Televisión. The appellant argues that the concession of radioelectric space associated with the concession of the regional or local TDT service is under the jurisdiction of the state rather than that of the autonomous regions and, therefore, the calls for tender went beyond the ambit of the administrative body against which the complaint was filed. Also he argues that the constitutional right relating to a company’s freedom and fair competition has been infringed. Lastly, the complainant alleges that various formal defects existed. Although a decision has yet to be handed down, the Group does not expect this appeal to be successful. 6. Mundo Mágico Tours, S.A. against Prensa Malagueña, S.A. Málaga Criminal Court no. 9: Criminal complaint for false allegations of criminal conduct, requesting an indemnity of EUR 10,000 thousand. The trial was held in 2007 and a decision has yet to be handed down. The Group has not recognised any provision in this connection. 85 Consolidated Financial Statements 19. TRADE AND OTHER PAYABLES The breakdown of “Trade and Other Payables” in the accompanying consolidated balance sheets at 31 December 2007 and 2006 is as follows: Thousands of Euros 2007 Trade payables Payable to related parties (Note 37) Trade payables Unreceived invoices Trade notes payable to suppliers Other payables and volume rebate (Note 4-o) 2006 2,968 156,858 23,811 7,087 (1,142) 1,621 141,347 20,763 6,406 (1,228) 189,582 168,909 1,486 26,749 2,539 3,636 4,767 12,264 956 4,719 1,979 19,835 6,392 3,636 4,767 11,839 15,947 7,080 Other current payables Share in profits of the Board of Directors of VOCENTO, S.A. (Note 38) Remuneration payable Payable to suppliers of property, plant and equipment (Note 10) Pension payments payable (Notes 4-j, 5 and 23) Group insurance (Notes 4-j, 5 and 23) Accrued expenses and deferred income Interim dividend payable (Note 17) Other 57,116 71,475 246,698 240,384 20. BANK BORROWINGS AND OTHER FINANCIAL LIABILITIES The detail of the bank borrowings at 31 December 2007 and 2006 and the repayment schedules are as follows: Thousands of Euros Maturities Non-current Current Balance at 31/12/06 Balance at 31/12/07 2008 2009 2010 2011 and subsequent years Total non-current Loans and credit facilities payable (Note 6) Obligations under finance leases (Note 10) Amounts payable under derivative financial instruments (Note 21) Accrued interest payable 52,703 247 138,235 12,909 22,773 958 17,969 1,099 9 1,079 97,484 9,773 115,462 11,951 756 550 853 533 853 533 - - - - Total 54,256 152,530 25,117 19,068 1,088 107,257 127,413 At 31 December 2007, the Group companies had drawn down approximately EUR 121,374 thousand against credit accounts granted by banks. The amount available at year-end was EUR 259,666 thousand. 86 Consolidated Financial Statements The average annual interest rate for 2007 and 2006 on the loans and credit facilities and on the obligations under finance leases was EURIBOR plus the following spreads: Loans and credit facilities Obligations under finance leases 2007 2006 0.75% - 0.4% 1.5%-0.4% 0.6% - 0.35% 2% - 0.6% The directors consider that since these loans were arranged on an arm's length basis, the market value of the loans does not differ significantly from their carrying amount. The sensitivity of the aforementioned market values to interest rate fluctuations is as follows: Thousands of Euros Change in interest rates 2007 Change in the value of the borrowings 2006 + 0.25% - 0.25% + 0.25% - 0.25% (1,002) 1,013 (272) 274 The Group hedges the risk associated with increases in interest rates using derivative financial instruments (Notes 6 and 21). 21. DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS The Group uses derivative financial instruments to hedge the risks, arising mainly from exchange rate and interest rate fluctuations, to which its future activities, transactions and cash flows are exposed. The detail of the balances that reflect the measurement of derivatives in the consolidated balance sheets at 31 December 2007 and 2006 is as follows: Thousands of Euros 2007 Assets INTEREST RATE HEDGES Cash flow hedges: Interest rate swaps Step-up collars FOREIGN EXCHANGE HEDGES Fair value hedges: Foreign exchange hedges (USD) 2006 Liabilities Assets Liabilities 227 2 (4) - - - 229 (849) (853) - (756) (756) The interest rate hedging instruments were arranged in 2007. The effect of the changes in these hedging instruments during 2007 was recognised with a credit to "Reserves - Unrealised Asset and Liability Revaluation Reserves” and “Equity - Minority Interests” for net amounts of EUR 186 thousand and EUR 33 thousand, respectively. 87 Consolidated Financial Statements The following table shows the sensitivity of the market value of these hedges to interest rate changes: Thousands of Euros Change in interest rates + 0.25% - 0.25% 238 (240) Change in fair value of hedge VOCENTO uses foreign exchange hedges to mitigate the possible adverse effect of exchange rate fluctuations on the fair value of the payables associated with the supply agreements for film production distribution rights denominated in US dollars. In 2007 and 2006 the effect of the exchange rate hedge transactions on the consolidated income statement resulted in charges to “Finance Costs” in the consolidated income statements for 2007 and 2006 of EUR 92 thousand and EUR 146 thousand, respectively (see Note 32). At 31 December 2007 and 2006, the total nominal value of the items on which foreign exchange hedges had been arranged was as follows: Thousands Currency Euros US dollars 2007 5,535 6,860 2006 10,572 13,046 This foreign exchange hedge matures in 2008. At 31 December 2007 and 2006, VOCENTO did not have any derivatives that did not qualify for hedge accounting nor did it hold any such derivative during those years. 22. DEFERRED INCOME The changes in “Deferred Income” on the liability side of the consolidated balance sheets at 31 December 2007 and 2006 were as follows: Thousands of Euros Grants related to assets Balance at 1 January 2006 Additions Amount taken to income Balance at 31 December 2006 Amount taken to income Balance at 31 December 2007 3,273 115 (771) 2,617 (541) 2,076 In addition, in 2007 and 2006 the Group took EUR 2,398 thousand and EUR 2,214 thousand, respectively, in connection with grants related to income with a credit to “Other Income” in the accompanying consolidated income statement for 2007 and 2006, respectively. 88 Consolidated Financial Statements 23. OTHER NON-CURRENT PAYABLES The breakdown of “Other Non-Current Payables” at 31 December 2007 and 2006 is as follows: Thousands of Euros Group insurance (Notes 4-j and 5) Pension plan (Notes 4-j and 5) Termination benefits payable (Note 4-r) Development of technological projects Other payables 2007 2006 8,408 20,134 2,123 894 10,044 12,347 24,017 1,066 1,458 3,175 41,603 42,063 Group insurance The Group has secured its commitments to certain of its former employees by taking out a Group insurance policy with a solvent insurance company of recognised standing. The single premium relating to the policy amounted to EUR 36,770 thousand in 2001, and the Group decided to finance it in ten annual instalments, as permitted by Article 36 of the Regulations on the instrumentation of Pension Obligations to Employees and Beneficiaries, as follows: • Constant annual instalments of EUR 4,767 thousand each, including the related instalment interest (see Note 19). • Financial surcharge for deferral, calculated using the assumed rate used to calculate the mathematical provisions, resulting in charges of EUR 828 thousand and EUR 1,034 thousand to “Finance Costs” in the accompanying consolidated income statements for 2006 and 2007 (see Note 32). Pension plan “Pension Plan” in the accompanying table includes the payments of the outstanding debt under the rebalancing plan for the transfer of the provisions and funds assigned to make up the deficit established in 2001 by the subsidiary Diario ABC, S.L. (see Note 4-j). These amounts are recognised under “Non-Current Liabilities - Other Non-Current Payables” and “Current Liabilities - Trade and Other Payables” in the consolidated balance sheet, depending on the year in which the funds will be transferred (see Note 19). “Finance Costs” in the accompanying consolidated income statements for 2007 and 2006 includes the cost arising from the discount to present value of the fund and the shortfall for past services, amounting to approximately EUR 1,183 thousand in both years (see Note 32). Termination benefits payable At 31 December 2007, the Group had not yet paid a portion of the termination benefits agreed upon in connection with the termination of the employment relationships with a group of employees. These debts fall due as follows: Thousands of Euros 2009 2010 2011 2012 and subsequent years Total 515 511 427 670 2,123 89 Consolidated Financial Statements Development of technological projects The Group has received loans from the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism as aid for the development of technological projects which are not interest-bearing and mature in 2008, 2009 2010, 2011 and subsequent years amounting to approximately EUR 559 thousand, EUR 328 thousand, EUR 174 thousand and EUR 392 thousand, respectively. 24. DEFERRED TAXES AND INCOME TAX EXPENSE Since 1997 VOCENTO, S.A. and certain of its subsidiaries subject to Vizcaya corporation tax legislation pay income tax under the Special Consolidated Tax Regime, with VOCENTO, S.A. as the Parent of the Group (see Appendix). The notification of the composition of the Tax Group for 2007 was submitted to the Vizcaya Provincial Department of Economy and Finance on 28 December 2007. In addition, on 30 December 2006, the notification of the composition of a Tax Group subject to Spanish state corporation tax was submitted to the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Finance. This Group is made up of Comeresa Prensa, S.L.U., as the Parent of the Group, and certain subsidiaries subject to the Spanish state tax legislation (see Appendix). The detail of “Non-Current Assets - Deferred Tax Assets” and “Non-Current Liabilities - Deferred Tax Liabilities” in the accompanying consolidated balance sheets at 31 December 2007 and 2006 and of the changes therein is as follows: Deferred tax assets Tax loss carryforwards Other unused tax credits Deferred tax assets Total deferred tax assets Deferred tax liabilities 01/01/06 Inclusions in the scope of consolidation (Note 35) Additions Disposals Updating of Tax Rates 31/12/06 Inclusions in the scope of consolidation (Note 35) 15,702 14,689 26,546 56,937 1,954 1,401 3,355 4,932 20,737 868 26,537 (1,137) (663) (2,567) (4,367) (181) (256) (437) 21,270 34,763 25,992 82,025 10,871 10,871 (17,192) (30,540) (2,241) 1,093 3,760 (45,120) - Disposals Updating of Tax Rates 31/12/07 7,523 (9,290) 19,771 (494) 2,851 (5,033) 30,145 (14,817) (1,097) 29,277 - 54,040 (1,276) 22,534 (2,373) 105,851 Additions (473) 1,224 1,599 (42,770) The Group recognises deferred tax assets, tax loss carryforwards and unused tax credits and tax relief only to the extent that their future recovery or utilisation is sufficiently assured. The deferred income tax asset relates mainly to timing differences arising from the differences in the timing of recognition for accounting and tax purposes of the pension and similar obligations (see Notes 4-j, 18, 23) and from the tax deductibility of certain items of goodwill (see Notes 8 and 11). Law 35/2006 on Personal Income Tax and partially amending the Spanish Corporation Tax, Non-Resident Income Tax and Wealth Tax Laws (not applicable to the income tax of entities subject to provincial legislation), of 28 November, provides for, inter alia, the reduction over two years of the standard Spanish corporation tax rate, which was 35% until 31 December 2006, as follows: Tax periods commencing on 1 January 2007 1 January 2008 Rate 32.5% 30% The legislation applicable for the settlement of income tax under the Vizcaya Provincial Regulation for 2007 corresponds to the Vizcaya Corporation Tax Regulation 3/1996, of 26 June. The aforementioned regulation was amended by Legislative Decree 1/2005, of 30 December, which established a tax rate of 32.6%, effective for years commencing on or after 1 January 2006, and by Vizcaya Regulation 6/2007, of 27 March, which reduced the tax rate to 28%, effective for the years commencing on or after 1 January 2007. Both amendments remain in force although various appeals have been filed on which a decision has yet to be handed down. 90 Consolidated Financial Statements The Company’s directors (and, if applicable, its tax advisers) consider that the final outcome of the various court proceedings and the appeals filed in connection with income tax will not have a significant impact on the consolidated financial statements taken as a whole and, therefore, the tax for 2007 and for the years open to inspection was calculated in accordance with the Vizcaya Regulations in force at each reporting date. Consequently, in 2007 the Group adjusted its income tax assets and deferred tax assets, the net effect of which, totalling EUR 774 thousand, was recognised under “Income Tax on Profit from Continuing Operations” in the accompanying consolidated income statement for 2007. The table below shows the calculation of the income tax expense for 2007 and 2006: Thousands of Euros Consolidated profit before tax Increases (Decreases) due to permanent differences · Reversal of permanent differences · Extraordinary write-downs of goodwill (Note 8) · Result of companies accounted for using the equity method (Note 10) · Reinvestment of extraordinary profits · Other permanent differences Adjusted accounting profit Gross tax calculated using the average tax rate Sundry tax credits Adjustment of the prior year’s income tax expense Updating of deferred tax assets and liabilities to the new rates Adjustment of tax-related provisions (Note 18) Accrued income tax expense 2007 2006 70,416 91,140 12,974 (47,094) 1,875 (1,714) 6,749 (41,041) (327) (3,973) 38,171 11,362 (1,939) (502) 774 (7,375) 50,834 16,713 (2,409) (1,029) (3,323) - 2,320 9,952 In view of the varying interpretations that may be made of the tax legislation applicable to the transactions performed by the Group, contingent tax liabilities may exist which cannot be objectively quantified. However, the Group's directors consider that the possibility of such contingent liabilities arising is remote and, in any event, the tax debt that might arise would not have a material effect on the accompanying consolidated financial statements. In general, at 31 December 2007, both the Parent and the other consolidated companies subject to the provincial legislation of Vizcaya have the last three years open for review by the tax authorities for the taxes applicable to them. However, for the years ended after the entry into force of Vizcaya Provincial Regulation 2/2005, the statute-of-limitations period has been extended to four years. The other Group companies generally have the last four years open for review for the taxes applicable to them. 25. TAX RECEIVABLES AND PAYABLES The breakdown of “Tax Receivables” and “Tax Payables” on the asset and liability sides, respectively, of the accompanying consolidated balance sheets at 31 December 2007 and 2006 is as follows: 91 Consolidated Financial Statements Thousands of Euros Current assets - Tax receivablesIncome tax refundable VAT refundable Tax withholdings and prepayments Sundry tax receivables Social security taxes refundable Current liabilities - Tax payables VAT payable Tax withholdings payable Income tax payable Other tax payables Accrued social security taxes payable 2007 2006 2,474 11,728 953 1,441 28 1,858 12,450 1,874 287 46 16,624 16,515 6,376 11,013 8,458 245 5,195 6,317 8,563 10,268 133 3,970 31,287 29,251 26. BUSINESS SEGMENT REPORTING The main methods used to define the Group's segment reporting included in the accompanying consolidated financial statements are as follows: Segment reporting is based on the organisational units on which information is submitted to the entity's managing body and chief executive officer so that they may assess the unit's past performance and take decisions on the future allocations of resources. Information is presented on the main segments and the “Structure and Other” column includes the data relating to segments which are not broken down individually because they are not considered material, together with adjustments and eliminations on consolidation. As a result, complete information is provided on the following business segments: • Printed media: basically the sale of regional newspapers, free press, the national daily ABC and its supplements and magazines, together with the advertising revenue generated by them. • Audiovisual: this encompasses television (local and digital), radio and producers of content. • Internet: sales of advertising and content, mainly of the various portals, revenue from integral services, e-commerce, etc. • Other businesses: this encompasses mainly revenue from printing and distributing press and others (free press, international press, etc.) The methods used by the Group to obtain these financial statements segmented by line of business were as follows: • In general, the assets, liabilities, expenses and income of any type corresponding exclusively or directly to each line of business were allocated to it. • The assets for general use are presented in the “Structure and Other” column and are not distributed among segments. However, the costs and income, if any, associated with such assets are distributed among segments. No operations have been discontinued and Group management does not intend to discontinue any operation in the future, discontinuation being defined as the separation from the Group (by sale, spin-off, liquidation or similar) of a line of business or geographical area of operations, except as discussed in Note 7. The Group does not disclose any information on geographical segments, since substantially all the sales by the consolidated companies are made in Spain and, in addition, Group management does not use geographical criteria as a management strategy within Spain. Segment information for 2007 and 2006 about the Group's business is presented below: 92 Consolidated Financial Statements BUSINESS SEGMENTS IN 2007 (Thousands of Euros) PRINTED MEDIA AUDIOVISUAL INTERNET REVENUE External sales Sale of copies Advertising sales Other income Inter-segment sales Sale of copies Advertising sales Other income 563,881 145,618 364,676 53,587 101,146 75,825 842 24,479 107,418 34,399 73,019 2,371 71 2,300 50,549 189 15,583 34,777 6,126 24 150 5,952 189,970 122,029 6,370 61,571 32,895 119 415 32,361 6,192 6 357 5,829 (142,538) (75,968) (1,478) (65,092) 918,010 267,842 421,385 228,783 - Total sales 665,027 109,789 56,675 222,865 (136,346) 918,010 EXPENSES Procurements Staff costs Depreciation and amortisation charge Change in operating allowances and other Outside services 86,766 173,021 14,658 678 293,248 143 31,347 23,746 321 89,992 12,385 18,407 1,908 209 18,866 156,419 21,775 8,349 378 30,777 (88,369) 36,956 1,236 83 (55,448) 167,344 281,506 49,897 1,669 377,435 96,656 8,275 (4,343) (297) (226) - (35,760) 928 (2,659) (12,677) 46,346 - 4,900 205 (684) - 5,167 1,046 (1,128) 1,956 - (30,804) (5,652) (1,203) 333 40,159 4,802 (10,017) (12,974) 48,076 333 (3,372) 96,693 (24,482) 286 (3,536) 2,339 (22) 4,399 (1,796) (158) 6,883 1,967 3,303 (34,023) 19,652 37 70,416 (2,320) (14,745) 57,466 10,013 8,816 (1,416) 1,187 1,027 (922) 8,955 20,403 (288) 5,744 21,430 (7,358) 82,168 15,336 24,068 2,117 8,726 1,320 51,567 10,651 18,419 4,735 25,898 2,783 62,486 ASSETS Investments accounted for using the equity method Current financial assets Deferred tax assets Other assets Total consolidated assets (281) 14,682 37,169 666.270 717,840 106,197 2,881 5,893 199,515 314,486 3,776 767 42,116 46,659 5,980 6,120 2,586 120,073 134,759 (16,960) 59,436 (89,325) (46,849) 111,896 10,499 105,851 938,649 1,166,895 LIABILITIES Bank borrowings Deferred tax liabilities Other liabilities and equity Total consolidated liabilities and equity 50,757 10,490 656,593 717,840 9,707 18,959 285,820 314,486 364 120 46,175 46,659 20,961 372 113,426 134,759 70,741 12,829 (130,419) (46,849) 152,530 42,770 971,595 1,166,895 PROFIT/LOSS Segment profit/loss Finance income Finance costs Write-down of goodwill Results of investees Admission to listing costs Gain/Loss on disposal of non-current assets/control portfolio and asset impairment Profit/(loss) before tax Income tax Profit/(loss) after tax on assets held for sale and discontinued operations Profit/Loss attributable to minority interests Profit/Loss attributable to the Parent OTHER INFORMATION Depreciation and amortisation charge and expenses other than depreciation and amortisation not involving an outflow of cash Costs incurred in the year in the acquisition of property, plant and equipment and other intangible assets OTHER BUSINESSES STRUCTURE AND OTHER TOTAL 93 Consolidated Financial Statements BUSINESS SEGMENTS IN 2006 (Thousands of Euros) PRINTED MEDIA INTERNET OTHER BUSINESSES STRUCTURE AND OTHER TOTAL REVENUE External sales Sale of copies Advertising sales Other income Inter-segment sales Sale of copies Advertising sales Other income Total sales 534,764 144,135 336,489 54,140 100,603 77,117 771 22,715 635,367 96,162 27,664 68,498 2,163 104 2,059 98,325 35,667 9,275 26,392 7,069 216 6,853 42,736 187,511 124,938 6,862 55,711 30,547 69 2 30,476 218,058 18,768 7 13,461 5,300 (140,382) (77,186) (1,093) (62,103) (121,614) 872,872 269,080 393,751 210,041 872,872 EXPENSES Procurements Staff costs Depreciation and amortisation charge Change in operating allowances and other Outside services 82,363 157,068 14,769 (1,103) 263,799 170 34,018 15,944 146 90,580 10,875 13,115 1,606 304 13,256 157,817 20,417 8,093 572 26,966 (88,350) 27,726 1,222 (2,360) (39,002) 162,875 252,344 41,634 (2,441) 355,599 118,471 6,165 (3,001) (156) - (42,533) 1,184 (1,722) (6,749) 41,520 - 3,580 175 (437) - 4,193 809 (338) 1,776 - (20,850) 753 (1,498) (11,960) 62,861 9,086 (6,996) (6,749) 43,140 (11,960) (3,524) 117,955 (37,366) 21 (8,279) 6,307 3,318 (1,233) 1,357 7,797 (2,063) 3,904 (29,651) 24,403 1,758 91,140 (9,952) (12,709) 67,880 9,879 7,907 (511) 1,574 1,379 (1,169) 5,944 (492) (5,740) 1,379 (5,002) 77,565 13,666 16,090 1,909 8,665 (1,136) 39,194 13,091 11,349 3,168 9,384 1,792 38,784 ASSETS Investments accounted for using the equity method Current financial assets Deferred tax assets Other assets Total consolidated assets (341) 20,627 18,146 513,420 551,852 101,867 6,159 6,440 213,954 328,420 2,963 648 34,572 38,183 7,807 5,648 2,798 94,326 110,579 43,557 53,993 (71,372) 26,178 109,333 78,954 82,025 784,900 1,055,212 LIABILITIES Bank borrowings Deferred tax liabilities Other liabilities and equity Total consolidated liabilities and equity 26,295 10,861 514,696 551,852 13,453 21,597 293,370 328,420 331 37,852 38,183 260 506 109,813 110,579 13,917 12,156 105 26,178 54,256 45,120 955,836 1,055,212 PROFIT/LOSS Segment profit/loss Finance income Finance costs Write-down of goodwill Results of investees Admission to listing costs Gain/Loss on disposal of non-current assets/control portfolio and asset impairment Profit/(loss) after tax Income tax Profit/(loss) before tax in assets held for sale and discontinued operations Profit/Loss attributable to minority interests Profit/Loss attributable to the Parent OTHER INFORMATION Depreciation and amortisation charge and expenses other than depreciation and amortisation not involving an outflow of cash Costs incurred in the year in the acquisition of property, plant and equipment and other intangible assets 94 AUDIOVISUAL Consolidated Financial Statements 27. REVENUE The breakdown of “Revenue” in the accompanying consolidated income statements for 2007 and 2006 is as follows: Thousands of Euros 2007 Sales of copies Advertising sales Direct revenue from promotions Revenue from deliveries Other audiovisual segment revenue Other income 2006 267,842 421,385 51,805 8,815 71,714 92,569 269,080 393,751 49,890 8,266 67,182 81,133 914,130 869,302 28. PROCUREMENTS The breakdown of “Procurements” in the accompanying consolidated income statements for 2007 and 2006 is as follows: Thousands of Euros Paper Raw materials Newspaper purchases Other materials consumed 2007 2006 84,047 9,077 41,575 32,645 79,667 7,981 42,492 32,735 167,344 162,875 29. STAFF COSTS The detail of “Staff Costs” in 2007 and 2006 is as follows: Thousands of Euros Wages and salaries Employer social security costs Termination benefits (Notes 4-r and 39) Other employee benefit costs Costs of share-based payments (Note 4-q) Contributions to pension plans and similar obligations and insurance premiums for the coverage of other retirement contingencies (Note 4-j) 2007 2006 208,931 43,960 21,859 4,015 316 196,115 40,171 9,569 3,374 49 2,425 3,066 281,506 252,344 95 Consolidated Financial Statements The average number of employees at the Group in 2007 and 2006, by professional category, was as follows: Number of employees 2007 2006 Executives Middle managers Employees 327 722 4,027 303 719 3,752 Total 5,076 4,774 30. OUTSIDE SERVICES The breakdown of “Outside Services” in the accompanying consolidated income statements for 2007 and 2006 is as follows: Thousands of Euros 2007 Editorial services and artistic media Sales Administrative services Print shop and technical media Distribution Sundry 2006 75,761 120,025 29,619 66,217 55,756 30,057 69,588 110,831 28,895 64,654 49,044 32,587 377,435 355,599 Sales expenses include the costs of various promotional campaigns totalling EUR 59,363 thousand and EUR 59,897 in 2007 and 2006, respectively. 31. FINANCE INCOME The detail of “Finance Income” in the accompanying consolidated income statements for 2007 and 2006 is as follows: Thousands of Euros 2007 2006 Income from equity investments Gain on disposal of marketable securities Other interest and similar income Exchange gains 280 4,512 10 327 3,408 5,344 7 Total 4,802 9,086 "Other Interest and Similar Income" includes basically the finance income from deposits (see Note 16) held by the Group companies during the year. 96 Consolidated Financial Statements 32. FINANCE COSTS The detail of "Finance Costs" in the accompanying consolidated income statements for 2007 and 2006 is as follows: Thousands of Euros Finance costs relating to group insurance and pension plans (Note 23) Losses due to changes in fair value (Note 13) Interest on bank borrowings (Note 21) Gain on financial derivatives (Note 21) Other finance costs Total 2007 2006 2,011 533 4,609 92 2,772 2,217 374 2,323 146 1,936 10,017 6,996 33. NET GAIN ON DISPOSAL OF NON-CURRENT ASSETS The detail of "Net Gain on Disposal of Non-Current Assets" in the consolidated income statements for 2007 and 2006 is as follows: Thousands of Euros 2007 Gains/ (Losses) Net gain on disposal of intangible assets, property, plant and equipment and financial assets (Notes 9, 10 and 11) Net gain on disposal of investments in associates (Note 11) Net gain on disposal of investments in Group companies (Note 17) Total 2006 (136) (630) 973 660 948 - 207 1,608 34. OTHER PROFIT AND LOSS "Other Profit and Loss" in the consolidated income statement for 2006 includes the expenses incurred by the Group as a result of its admission to listing. These expenses include those incurred in legal and commercial advertising, legal and financial advisory services and the services provided by the Group's main auditor (see Note 42). In 2007 the annuity income granted to the former Chairman, amounting to EUR 3,167 thousand, was paid and therefore “Other Profit and Loss” includes income of EUR 333 thousand resulting from the difference between the amount expected to be paid and the amount ultimately paid (see Note 2-c). 97 Consolidated Financial Statements 35. ACQUISITION OF SUBSIDIARIES 2007 The main acquisitions of subsidiaries in 2007 were as follows: • In August 2007 the Company acquired all the shares of Factoría de Información, S.A. (publisher of the free newspaper “Qué!”) for EUR 132 million, which gave rise to goodwill of approximately EUR 119 million (see Note 8). The assets and liabilities acquired are summarised as follows: Thousands of Euros Fair value Net assets acquired: Property, plant and equipment Other intangible assets Deferred tax assets Accounts receivable Cash and cash equivalents Tax receivables Trade and other payables 1,116 298 10,871 12,816 57 (903) (11,401) 12,854 The carrying amount prior to the business combination coincides with fair value. Through this acquisition the Group obtained the customers and contacts of Factoría de Información, S.A. Since these assets cannot be separated and sold, transferred, leased or exchanged individually or together with other related portions from the rest of the Group, they cannot be measured reliably and, therefore, cannot be separated from the rest of goodwill. • In April 2007 the Group acquired all the share capital of Bitmailer, S.L. for EUR 1,867 thousand, giving rise to goodwill of approximately EUR 1,627 thousand (see Note 8). The carrying amount of the subsidiary prior to the business combination coincides with fair value. The assets and liabilities acquired are detailed as follows: Thousands of Euros Fair value Net assets acquired: Property, plant and equipment Other non-current assets Inventories Accounts receivable Cash and cash equivalents Provisions for contingencies and expenses Tax receivables Trade and other payables 33 2 1 56 416 (47) (82) (139) 240 In June 2007 Bitmailer, S.L. was merged by absorption into the subsidiary Sarenet, S.A. and its assets were included at the carrying amount at which they had been recognised at the former company, effective from 1 January 2007. 98 Consolidated Financial Statements The Group’s consolidated profit includes losses of EUR 2,813 thousand incurred between August and December as a result of the acquisition of Factoría de Información, S. A. Sales would have risen by EUR 20,801 thousand and the Group's net profit would have increased by approximately EUR 4,852 thousand had the business combination of Factoría de Información, S.A. occurred on 1 January 2007. The directors took the following into account when determining the pro forma sales and results that would have been obtained had the business combinations occurred on 1 January 2007: • Amortisation and depreciation were calculated on the basis of the fair value of the assets accounted for in the business combination rather than on the basis of their values prior to the acquisition. • Finance costs were calculated by taking into consideration the level of indebtedness, creditworthiness and debt/equity ratio after the business combination. 2006 The main acquisitions of subsidiaries in 2006 were as follows: • In February 2006 the Group acquired 15,992 shares, representing 21% of the share capital of Federico Doménech, S.A. for approximately EUR 41,657 thousand, giving rise to goodwill of EUR 31,519 thousand. The Group held an ownership interest of 36.42% (see Note 11) and, accordingly, gained control of the company, which is now fully consolidated. The detail of the net assets of Federico Doménech, S.A. and subsidiaries is as follows: Thousands of Euros Carrying amount of the subsidiary prior to the business combination Fair value adjustments Fair value Net assets acquired: Property, plant and equipment Other intangible assets Goodwill Financial assets Deferred tax assets Inventories Accounts receivable Cash and cash equivalents Minority interests Provisions Deferred tax liabilities Trade and other payables 20,960 370 412 4,400 3,355 1,256 10,834 1,145 (154) (634) (32) (9,484) 3,211 19,429 (6,800) - 24,171 370 412 23,829 3,355 1,256 10,834 1,145 (154) (634) (6,832) (9,484) Total 32,428 15,840 48,268 “Financial Investments” includes an ownership interest of 16% in the subsidiary Taller de Editores, S.A., amounting to EUR 14 million after fair value adjustments. As a result, the Group's percentage of ownership increased to 76.04%. 99 Consolidated Financial Statements Through this transaction the Group acquired the customers and contacts of Federico Doménech S.A. Since these assets cannot be separated and sold, transferred, leased or exchanged individually or together with other related portions from the rest of the Group, they could not be measured reliably and, therefore, could not be separated from the rest of goodwill. Also, VOCENTO granted a put option to the other shareholders of Federico Doménech whereby the Group must acquire the shares that they wish to sell between 2008 and 2012 at market price on the date on which the offer is made. Since the exercise price of the options is the market price, the Group considers that the value of the options is zero and, therefore, did not recognise any assets or liabilities in this connection. • In May 2006 the Group acquired a direct investment of 12,000 shares of Tripictures, S.A. for EUR 51 million representing 66.67% of its share capital. The assets and liabilities acquired are summarised as follows: Thousands of Euros Net assets acquired: Property, plant and equipment Other intangible assets Financial assets Inventories Accounts receivable Cash and cash equivalents Provisions Deferred tax liabilities Trade and other payables Total Carrying amount of the subsidiary prior to the business combination Fair value adjustments 261 38,018 57 756 33,981 9,571 (124) (81,107) 69,477 (23,700) (611) 261 107,495 57 756 33,981 9,571 (124) (23,700) (81,718) 1,413 45,166 46,579 Fair value Pursuant to the purchase agreement, the Group granted a put option to the other shareholders on all the shares, to be exercised between 1 May 2008 and 31 July 2008 for a price equal to the percentage value of the Tripictures shares. Since the exercise price of the options is the market price, the Group considers that the value of the options is zero and, therefore, did not recognise any assets or liabilities in this connection. • In February 2006 the Group acquired from a related party (see Note 37) 647,019 shares of Sociedad Infoempleo, S.L. (formerly Círculo del Progreso, S.L.) for EUR 7.4 million, representing a direct ownership interest of 51% of its share capital. 100 Consolidated Financial Statements The assets and liabilities acquired are summarised as follows: Thousands of Euros Fair value Net assets acquired: Property, plant and equipment Other intangible assets Inventories Accounts receivable Cash and cash equivalents Deferred tax liabilities Trade and other payables 126 540 29 1,770 443 (8) (806) 2,094 In accordance with the agreement for the acquisition of this ownership interest, prior to 31 July 2008 the initial price paid may be adjusted on the basis of compliance with certain financial parameters. At 31 December 2007, the directors of the Parent did not considering recognising any additional amount as an addition to the ownership interest since the additional work required to calculate the aforementioned adjustment in an objective and reliable manner had not been performed. • Lastly, the Group acquired various ownership interests in companies engaging mainly in magazine publishing and website management. The assets and liabilities acquired are summarised as follows: Thousands of Euros Fair value Net assets acquired: Property, plant and equipment Other intangible assets Inventories Accounts receivable Cash and cash equivalents Trade and other payables Total 378 177 177 4,572 2,128 (3,279) 4,153 The carrying amount of the subsidiaries prior to the business combinations coincides with fair value. The acquisition cost of these subsidiaries amounted to EUR 10,582 thousand and the Group recognised goodwill of EUR 8,349 thousand. In addition, in accordance with the agreement for the acquisition of Autocasión Hoy, S.A. (formerly Maxi Press, Comunicación, S.A.) the price paid was adjusted in 2007 on the basis of the results for 2006, whereby goodwill was reduced by EUR 231 thousand (see Note 8). Also, the Group granted two of the former shareholders a put option on the ownership interest in Unión Operativa de Autos, S.L., to be exercised in 2008 for a price that depends on the aforementioned company’s EBITDA. The Group considers that the value of this option is not material and, therefore, did not recognise any assets or liabilities in this connection. 101 Consolidated Financial Statements 36. EARNINGS PER SHARE The reconciliation at 31 December 2007 and 31 December 2006 of the number of ordinary shares used in the calculation of earnings per share is as follows: 2007 2006 Number of shares Number of treasury shares (Note 17) 124,970,306 (2,224,675) 124,970,306 (2,224,675) Total 122,745,631 122,745,631 The basic earnings per share from continuing operations in 2007 and 2006 are as follows: Net profit for the year attributed to the Parent (thousands of euros) Number of shares (thousands of shares) Basic earnings per share (euros) 2007 2006 60,738 122,746 76,186 122,746 0.49 0.62 The basic earnings per share from discontinued operations in 2007 and 2006 are as follows: Net profit (thousands of euros) Number of shares (thousands of shares) Basic earnings per share (euros) 2007 2006 21,430 122,746 1,379 122,746 0.17 0.01 At 31 December 2007 and 2006, VOCENTO, S.A., the Parent of the Group, had not issued any financial instruments or other items entitling the holder to receive ordinary shares of the Company. As a result, the diluted earnings per share match the basic earnings per share. 102 Consolidated Financial Statements 37. BALANCES AND TRANSACTIONS WITH OTHER RELATED PARTIES The breakdown, by company of the balances of "Trade and Other Receivables - Receivable from Related Parties" and "Trade and Other Payables Payable to Related Parties" in the accompanying consolidated balance sheet at 31 December 2007, and of the transactions (in addition to the dividends received – see Note 11) performed with such companies in 2007 by VOCENTO, S.A. and by the fully consolidated subsidiaries is as follows: Thousands of Euros Balances Transactions Receivable (Note 15) Payable (Note 19) Operating income Operating expenses Cirpress, S.L. Gestevisión Telecinco, S.A. Distribuciones Papiro, S.L. Imagen y Servicios, S.A. Val Disme, S.L. Distrimedios, S.A. Grupo Videomedia, S.A. Milenio ABC, S.A. de C.V. Víctor Steinberg y Asociados, S.L. Videomedia, S.A. 873 10,144 1,462 2,604 1,962 273 5 62 162 2,022 172 18 215 89 100 153 37 7,672 19,196 10,001 26,428 29,802 1 55 46 889 333 1,370 2,672 3,607 1,622 32 TOTAL 17,385 2,968 93,201 10,525 The breakdown, by company of the balances of "Trade and Other Receivables - Receivable from Related Parties" and "Trade and Other Payables Payable to Related Parties" in the accompanying consolidated balance sheet at 31 December 2006, and of the transactions performed with such companies in 2006 by VOCENTO, S.A. and by the fully consolidated subsidiaries is as follows: Thousands of Euros Balances Receivable (Note 15) Transactions Payable (Note 19) Operating income Operating expenses Cirpress, S.L. Corp. Inversora en Medios de Comunicación, S.A. Distribuciones Papiro, S.L. Federico Domenech, S.A. Rotok Industria Gráfica, S.A. Val Disme, S.L. Distrimedios, S.A. Producciones Antares Media, S.L. Milenio ABC, S.A. de C.V. Víctor Steinberg y Asociados, S.L. Grupo de Productores Independientes, S.L. Videomedia, S.A. Imagen y Servicios, S.A. 796 17 1,590 2,528 2,776 17 217 9 - 650 78 15 262 427 3 100 68 18 7,912 51 9,830 2 25,260 15,756 1 3 81 - 678 776 102 1,964 1,337 2 276 217 97 19 TOTAL 7,950 1,621 58,896 5,468 103 Consolidated Financial Statements The principal balances and transactions with companies accounted for using the equity method relate to the sale and distribution of copies of newspapers and supplements performed under normal market conditions. Since the aforementioned balances are trade balances, they are not interestbearing and, in general, they will be paid at short term. At 31 December 2007 and 2006, the Group companies had not granted any credit lines or loans to related parties. 38. REMUNERATION OF DIRECTORS In 2007 and 2006 the consolidated companies paid the following remuneration to the Group's Board members: Thousands of Euros 2007 Fixed and variable remuneration Board and committee meeting attendance fees Profit-sharing payment Total 2006 7,926 629 1,486 2,553 412 1,979 10,041 4,944 No advances, loans, credit facilities or guarantees were granted to the directors in 2007 or in 2006. The life insurance payments made in 2007 in relation to the policies whose coverage affects directors amounted to EUR 28 thousand and EUR 62 thousand in 2007 and 2006, respectively. With respect to pension commitments, the contributions to pension plans whose beneficiaries are Board members amounted to EUR 189 thousand and EUR 188 thousand at 2007 and 2006 year-end, respectively. Until his resignation on 27 January 2008 (see Note 43), the relationship between the CEO Belarmino García and VOCENTO, S.A. was regulated by a senior management contract signed for a 10 year term. The contract established an annual fixed remuneration of EUR 680,004 and an annual variable remuneration of EUR 320,000. In addition, it provided for the possibility of receiving variable remuneration deferred until the third year in the event of achieving certain targets for the share price and the Group’s EBITDA. The CEO was also entitled to receive certain payments in kind (life, medical, third party and personal liability insurance and a company car) in addition to the aforementioned monetary remuneration. The clauses of the contract provided for a period of advance notice for the termination thereof and an indemnity of 3.5 years’ total remuneration or three years’ fixed remuneration plus 55% of the variable remuneration of the last year on the basis of the time of termination of the contract. It also included a two-year non-competition clause, amounting to a year’s remuneration. The breakdown, by Board member, of the remuneration of the directors in 2007 is as follows: 104 Consolidated Financial Statements REMUNERATION OF DIRECTORS Thousands of Euros Profit-Sharing Payment Attendance Fees VOCENTO, S.A. Board of Direct.Committees Subsidiaries VOCENTO, S.A. Subsidiaries Contributions to Pension Plans, Life Insurance and Other VOCENTO, S.A. Other Remuneration Remuneration of Termination of Directors for Senior Benefits Directors Executive Functions Subsidiaries VOCENTO, S.A. Fixed Variable VOCENTO, VOCENTO, Subsidiaries S.A. S.A. Total DIRECTORS AT 31 DECEMBER 2007 Santiago de Ybarra y Churruca 22 10 11 453 68 - - 3,167 - - - Alejandro Echevarría Busquet 20 33 8 48 38 - - - - - - 3,731 147 José María Bergareche Busquet 23 10 10 48 30 201 - 3,000 - 617 500 4,439 Enrique Ybarra e Ybarra 23 10 10 48 53 - - - - - - 144 Mezouna (D. Ignacio Ybarra Aznar) 23 30 1 48 7 - - - - - - 109 Santigo Bergareche Busquet 23 7 - 48 7 - - - - - - 85 Víctor Urrutia y Vallejo 16 33 5 48 15 - - - - - - 117 Claudio Aguirre Pemán 22 11 - 32 - - - - - - - 65 Catalina Luca de Tena García-Conde 23 8 8 48 30 - 13 - 276 - - 406 Soledad Luca de Tena García-Conde 23 22 19 48 30 - 1 - 37 - - 180 Álvaro Ybarra Zubiria 23 22 - 48 - - - - - - - 93 María del Carmen Careaga 16 - - 33 - - - - - - - 49 Diego del Alcazar Silvela 25 15 - 185 - - - - - - - 225 ATLANPRESSE, S.A.R.L. 22 - - 33 - - - - - - - 55 Carlos Castellanos Borrego 20 - 2 33 7 - - - - - - 62 Belarmino García Fernández 20 - - - - - - - - 331 - 351 344 211 74 1,201 285 201 14 6,167 313 948 500 10,258 Total remuneration of directors 39. REMUNERATION OF SENIOR EXECUTIVES The staff costs (cash remuneration, payment in kind, social security contributions, etc.) relating to the General Managers making up the Parent's Management Committee - excluding those who are also members of the Board of Directors (whose remuneration is shown above) - amounted to EUR 3,639 thousand in 2007 and EUR 2,663 thousand in 2006. The aforementioned amount includes an indemnity payment of EUR 756 thousand (see Note 29), resulting from the termination of a senior manager in 2007. Senior management contracts include a clause establishing the indemnity to be paid in the event of unjustified dismissal, which varies from the amount set in labour law to up to three years’ gross annual salary. The contracts of lower level executives only exceptionally include clauses of this type and provide for an indemnity of one year’s gross salary. 105 Consolidated Financial Statements 40. OTHER DISCLOSURES CONCERNING THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Pursuant to Article 127 ter.4 of the Spanish Companies Law, introduced by Law 26/2003, of 17 July, which amends Securities Market Law 24/1988, of 28 July, and the Consolidated Spanish Companies Law, following is a detail of the significant ownership interests of the members of the Board of Directors of the Parent in the share capital of companies engaging in an activity that is identical, similar or complementary to the activity that constitutes the company object of both the Parent and the Group, of which the Parent was notified, indicating the positions or functions discharged thereat: Owner Santiago de Ybarra y Churruca Santiago de Ybarra y Churruca José María Bergareche Busquet Alejandro Echevarría Busquet Alejandro Echevarría Busquet Alejandro Echevarría Busquet Diego del Alcázar Silvela Santiago Bergareche Busquet Enrique Ybarra e Ybarra Catalina Luca de Tena García-Conde Catalina Luca de Tena García-Conde Catalina Luca de Tena García-Conde Soledad Luca de Tena García-Conde Álvaro de Ybarra Zubiria Atlanpresse, S.A.R.L. Atlanpresse, S.A.R.L. Atlanpresse, S.A.R.L. Atlanpresse, S.A.R.L. Atlanpresse, S.A.R.L. Atlanpresse, S.A.R.L. Atlanpresse, S.A.R.L. Atlanpresse, S.A.R.L. Carlos Castellanos Borrego Carlos Castellanos Borrego Mezouna, S.L. 106 Investee Activity Sociedad Vascongada de Publicaciones, S.A. Diario ABC, S.L. Sociedad Vascongada de Publicaciones, S.A. Sociedad Vascongada de Publicaciones, S.A. Diario ABC, S.L. Gestevisión Telecinco, S.A. Merca Red, S.A. Sociedad Vascongada de Publicaciones, S.A. VOCENTO, S.A. Diario ABC, S.L. Sociedad Vascongada de Publicaciones, S.A. Ediciones Luca de Tena, S.L. Diario ABC, S.L. Sociedad Vascongada de Publicaciones, S.A. S.E.P.L. Dordogne Libre Les Editions du Bassin Les Editions de la Semaine Surf Session Société de Gratuit d'Information SNEM Société du Journal Midi Libre Recoletos Pearson Sociedad Vascongada de Publicaciones, S.A. Newspaper publishing Ownership interest 0.7163% Functions Chairman Newspaper publishing Newspaper publishing 0.0002% 0.2780% Director Deputy Chairman Newspaper publishing 0.1072% Director Newspaper publishing Television Publications Newspaper publishing 0.0002% 0.005% 0.74% 0.2042% Director Chairman - Communications Newspaper publishing Newspaper publishing 6.2804% 0.0002% 0.0235% Deputy Chairman Chairman - Book publishing Newspaper publishing Newspaper publishing 95% 0.0002% 0.0135% Sole Director Deputy Chairman - Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Media Media Newspaper publishing 99.99% 99.98% 99.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 5% 47.4% 0.0023% 0.0055% 0.21% - Consolidated Financial Statements Also, as provided for by the relevant Law, set forth below are the activities additional to those stated in the foregoing table performed by the directors, as independent professionals or as employees, that are identical, similar or complementary to the activity that constitutes the company object of the Parent: Positions or functions at the company concerned Type of arrangement Company through which the activity is performed José Manuel Vargas Gómez Diario ABC, S.L. Newspaper publishing Comeresa País Vasco, S.L.U. Media Comeresa Prensa, S.L.U. Media Corporación de Medios de Comunicación, S.L.U. Media Corporación de Medios Regionales, S.L.U. Media Corporación de Medios de Nuevas Tecnologías, S.L.U. Media Corporación de Medios Internacionales de Prensa, S.A.U. Media Corporación de Nuevos Medios Audiovisuales, S.L.U Media Corporación de Nuevos Medios Digitales, S.L.U. Media Desarrollo de Clasificados, S.L.U. Media Boca Boca Producciones, S.L. Production Pantalla Digital, S.L.U. Television Sociedad Gestora de Televisión NET TV, S.A. Television Independent professional Independent professional Independent professional Independent professional Independent professional Independent professional Independent professional Independent professional Independent professional Independent professional Independent professional Independent professional Independent professional - Chief Executive Officer Director Acting Severally Director Acting Severally Director Acting Severally Director Acting Severally Director Acting Severally Director Acting Severally Director Acting Severally Director Acting Severally Director Acting Severally Director Director Director Santiago de Ybarra y Churruca Diario El Correo, S.A.U. Corporación de Medios de Murcia, S.A. El Norte de Castilla, S.A. Newspaper publishing Newspaper publishing Newspaper publishing Independent professional Independent professional Independent professional - Chairman Director Director José María Bergareche Busquet Diario ABC, S.L. Diario El Correo, S.A.U. Gestevisión Telecinco, S.A. Radio Publi, S.L. Newspaper publishing Newspaper publishing Television Radio Independent professional Independent professional Independent professional Independent professional - Director Director Director Chairman Newspaper publishing Newspaper publishing Independent professional Independent professional - Director Director News agency Advertising sales Independent professional Independent professional - Chairman Chairman Newspaper publishing Independent professional - Director Name Alejandro Echevarría Busquet Diario El Correo, S.A.U. Editorial Cantabria, S.A. Agencia de Televisión Latinoamericana de Servicios y Noticias España, S.A. Publiespaña, S.A. Santiago Bergareche Busquet Corporación de Medios de Murcia, S.A. Activity performed 107 Consolidated Financial Statements Activity performed Type of arrangement Soledad Luca de Tena García-Conde Grupo Europroducciones, S.A. Sociedad Gestora de TV Onda 6, S.A.U. Radio Publi, S.L. Diario el Correo, S.A.U. Corporación de Medios de Cádiz, S.L.U. Estudios de Política Exterior, S.A. Federico Doménech, S.A. ABC de Sevilla, S.L. Audiovisual production Television Radio Newspaper publishing Newspaper publishing Magazine publishing Newspaper publishing Newspaper publishing Independent professional Independent professional Independent professional Independent professional Independent professional Independent professional Independent professional Independent professional - Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Catalina Luca de Tena García-Conde ABC de Sevilla, S.L.U. Newspaper publishing Independent professional - Chairman Víctor Urrutia y Vallejo Diario el Correo, S.A.U. El Norte de Castilla, S.A. Newspaper publishing Newspaper publishing Independent professional Independent professional - Director Director Enrique Ybarra e Ybarra Corporación de Medios de Andalucía, S.A. Diario El Correo, S.A.U. Editorial Cantabria, S.A. El Comercio, S.A. Nueva Rioja, S.A. Sociedad Vascongada de Publicaciones, S.A. Newspaper publishing Newspaper publishing Newspaper publishing Newspaper publishing Newspaper publishing Newspaper publishing Independent professional Independent professional Independent professional Independent professional Independent professional Independent professional - Director Director Director Director Director Director Carlos Castellanos Borrego Diario El Correo, S.A.U. Newspaper publishing Independent professional - Director Diego del Alcázar Silvela ONO, S.A. Telecommunications Independent professional - Director Hélene Lemoîne Groupe Sud Ouest, S.A. SAPESO, S.A. Newspaper publishing Newspaper publishing Independent professional Independent professional Atlanpresse, S.A.R.L. Atlanpresse, S.A.R.L. Director Director Ignacio Ybarra Aznar Corporación de Medios de Murcia, S.A. Prensa Malagueña, S.A. Newspaper publishing Newspaper publishing Independent professional Independent professional - Director Director Name 41. GUARANTEE COMMITMENTS TO THIRD PARTIES At 31 December 2007, the detail of the main guarantees received by the Group, by type, are as follows: Item 108 Positions or functions at the company concerned Company through which the activity is performed Thousands of Euros Operation of public digital terrestrial radio broadcasting service Operation of digital television service and obligations acquired Grants and loans for the development of technological projects Advances to television channels Other 19,210 10,903 1,425 1,375 2,515 Total 35,428 Consolidated Financial Statements The Parent's directors estimate that any liabilities additional to the provisions recognised at 31 December 2007 for such purpose which might arise as a result of the guarantees received would not be material. 42. FEES PAID TO AUDITORS In 2007 and 2006 the fees for financial audit services provided to the Group companies by the main auditor and by other entities related to it totalled EUR 1,468 thousand and EUR 1,991 thousand, respectively. The fees for the same services paid to other auditors participating in the audit of various Group companies amounted to EUR 177 thousand in 2007. No expense was recognised in this connection in 2006. Additionally, the fees for other advisory services provided to the various Group companies by the principal auditor and by other entities related to the auditor amounted to EUR 239 thousand and EUR 751 thousand in 2007 and 2006, respectively. 43. EVENTS AFTER THE BALANCE SHEET DATE There were no significant events between 31 December 2007 and the preparation of the Company’s consolidated financial statements that might affect the fair presentation of the 2007 consolidated financial statements. On 28 January 2008, the Board of Directors of VOCENTO, S.A. unanimously resolved to accept the resignation of the Chief Executive Officer, Belarmino García Fernández, and to appoint José Manuel Vargas Gómez as the new Chief Executive Officer. Also, on 12 February 2008, The Walt Disney Company Iberia, S.L. (TWDCI) undertook to acquire, subject to the administrative authorisation of the competent authorities, 20% of the share capital of Sociedad Gestora de Televisión NET TV, S.A. (NET TV), holder of a Spanish digital terrestrial television concession valued at approximately EUR 27 million. Apart from TWDCI, the shareholders of NET TV are Pantalla Digital, S.L. (wholly controlled by VOCENTO), with an ownership interest of 55%, and Homo Videns, S.A. (INTERECONOMÍA), which holds 25% of the share capital. This acquisition enables TWDCI to offer NET TV its experience in the development of competitive television channels and to contribute to a more extensive distribution of the current content of the company. 44. AUTHORISATION FOR ISSUE OF THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2007 were authorised for issue by the directors of VOCENTO, S.A. on 28 February 2008. 45. EXPLANATION ADDED FOR TRANSLATION TO ENGLISH These consolidated financial statements are presented on the basis of IFRSs, as adopted by the European Union. Certain accounting practices applied by the Group that conform with IFRSs may not conform with other generally accepted accounting principles. 109 Consolidated Financial Statements Appendix SUBSIDIARIES OF THE GROUP OF COMPANIES OF WHICH VOCENTO, S.A. IS THE PARENT 110 Consolidated Financial Statements Percentage of ownership Company Location Line of business Ownership interest Direct Indirect Control Paid-in capital Thousands of Euros Profit (Loss) for the Interim Reserves year (1) dividend GROUP: Printed media Diario ABC, S.L. Madrid Daily press 99.99% - 99.99% 6,100 38,500 (12,485) - Diario El Correo, S.A.U. (a) (c) Bilbao Daily press - 100.00% 100.00% 8,000 29,707 22,611 (18,747) (13,100) Sociedad Vascongada de Publicaciones, S.A. (a) (c) San Sebastián Daily press - 75.81% 75.81% 4,799 27,809 18,797 Editorial Cantabria, S.A. (d) Santander Daily press - 85.91% 85.91% 2,367 5,343 8,776 (6,955) Nueva Rioja, S.A. Logroño Daily press - 58.92% 58.92% 1,000 6,290 2,267 (1,693) Corporación de Medios de Murcia, S.A. (d) Murcia Daily press - 97.61% 97.61% 3,333 12,515 6,105 (4,966) Corporación de Medios de Andalucía, S.A. (d) Granada Daily press - 98.20% 98.20% 3,333 9,852 4,284 (3,333) Corporación de Medios de Extremadura, S.A. (d) Badajoz Daily press - 97.07% 97.07% 1,667 4,017 755 (500) Prensa Malagueña, S.A. (d) Malaga Daily press - 87.82% 87.82% 4,950 14,829 7,032 (5,327) El Norte de Castilla, S.A. (d) Valladolid Daily press - 76.49% 76.49% 2,168 14,184 5,468 (4,545) El Comercio, S.A. Gijón Daily press - 51.46% 51.46% 105 7,377 2,055 (1,518) Corp. Medios de Cádiz, S.L.U. (d) Cádiz Daily press - 100.00% 100.00% 450 2,142 (2,175) - Federico Domenech, S.A. Valencia Daily press - 57.42% 57.42% 458 26,477 6,934 (4,341) Factoría de Información, S.A. (4) Madrid Free press 100.00% - 100.00% 13,300 (5,298) (2,039) - Taller de Editores, S.A. Madrid Supplement publishing - 76.04% 76.04% 1,763 6,209 8,778 (2,900) Taller de Ediciones Corporativas, S.L.U. Madrid Content marketing - 76.04% 100.00% 290 2,772 288 - - 39.57% 52.04% 96 1,224 770 - and magazine publishing Inversor Ediciones, S.L. Madrid Economic magazine publishing Taller de Editores Motor, S.L. Madrid Magazine publishing - 45.63% 60.00% 58 209 (218) - ABC Castilla-La Mancha, S.L.U. Toledo Publishing house - 99.99% 100.00% 60 - - - ABC Castilla y León, S.L.U. Valladolid Publishing house - 99.99% 100.00% 60 - - - ABC Cataluña, S.L.U. Barcelona Publishing house - 99.99% 100.00% 60 - - - Diario ABC de Valencia, S.L.U. Valencia Publishing house - 99.99% 100.00% 60 - - - ABC de Córdoba, S.L.U. Córdoba Publishing house - 99.99% 100.00% 60 - - - ABC Sevilla, S.L.U. Seville Publishing house - 99.99% 100.00% 600 13,967 (1,797) - Gala Ediciones, S.L. (b) Madrid Magazine publishing - 76.04% 100.00% 3 - 11 - Radio broadcasting - 95.48% 95.48% 358 465 (344) - Audiovisual Canal Bilbovisión, S.L. (a) (c) Bilbao and local television Canal Bilbovisión margen izquierda, S.L.U.(a) (c) Bilbao Local television - 95.48% 100.00% 3 - (1) - Canal Bilbovisión margen derecha, S.L.U. (a) (c) Bilbao Local television - 95.48% 100.00% 3 - (1) - Álava Televisión, S.L. (a) (c) Vitoria Radio broadcasting - 98.95% 98.95% 467 439 (416) - and local television Durango Telebista, S.L. (a) (c) Vizcaya Local television - 100.00% 100.00% 163 (20) - Teledonosti, S.L. (a) San Sebastián Local television - 50.06% 66.04% 1,250 78 124 - KTB-Kate Berria, S.L.U.(a) (c) Eibar - 75.81% 100.00% 50 135 (28) - Local television (Guipúzcoa) Jaizkibel Telebista, S.L.U. (a) (c) San Sebastián Local television - 75.81% 100.00% 3 - - - Radiotelevisión Canal 8 - DM, S.L. (d) Santander Local television - 85.73% 100.00% 925 (25) (199) - Rioja Televisión, S.A. Logroño Radio broadcasting - 47.04% 79.84% 1,204 (331) (14) - - 73.22% 75.01% 2,040 (55) (399) - and local television La Verdad Radio y Televisión, S.L. (d) Murcia Radio broadcasting and local television Canal Ideal Televisión, S.L. (d) Granada Local television - 78.89% 80.33% 615 124 (250) - Canal Cultural de Badajoz, S.A. (e) Badajoz Local television - 75.96% 78.26% 335 165 (463) - El Comercio TV, Servicios Audiov., S.L. Gijón Local television - 51.45% 99.99% 700 (114) (38) - ABC Sevilla Multimedia, S.L. Seville Portfolio company - 99.99% 100.00% 400 1,819 (1,781) - 111 Consolidated Financial Statements Percentage of ownership Company Ownership interest Direct Indirect Control Paid-in capital Thousands of Euros Profit (Loss) for the Interim Reserves year (1) dividend Location Line of business Pabellón de México, S.L. Seville Local television - 73.10% 73.10% 190 225 (228) Sdad. Gestora de Televisión Punto TV, S.L.U. (4) Madrid Local television - 100.00% 100.00% 172 4,505 (3,490) - Las Provincias Televisión, S.A.U. Valencia Local television - 57.42% 100.00% 3,000 27 3 - Sociedad Gestora de Televisión Onda 6, S.A.U. (4) Madrid Digital television - 100.00% 100.00% 7,710 2,841 (6,486) - Sociedad Gestora de Televisión NET TV, S.A. (e) (4) Madrid Digital television - 69.93% 70.27% 6,098 (3,094) (9,585) - - Avista Televisió de Barcelona, S.L. (e) (4) Barcelona Digital television - 100.00% 100.00% 845 (386) (2,290) - Avista Televisión de Andalucía, S.A. (4) Seville Digital television - 100.00% 100.00% 1,800 (12) 25 - Radio Publi, S.L. (e) (4) Madrid Local radio broadcasting - 63.66% 63.66% 7,873 (323) (5,279) - Radio El Correo, S.L.U. (a) (c) (e) Bilbao Local radio broadcasting - 100.00% 100.00% 6 2 (2) - Sociedad Vascongada de Radio, S.L.U. (a) (c) San Sebastián Local radio broadcasting - 75.81% 100.00% 3 281 15 - Cartera de Medios, S.A.U. (d) (e) Badajoz Local radio broadcasting - 97.07% 100.00% 550 (195) (102) - Costa Visión, S.L.U. (d) Malaga Local radio broadcasting - 87.82% 100.00% 156 22 (74) - Sociedad Aragonesa de Gestión Madrid Local radio broadcasting - 63.66% 100.00% 3 - 2 - Radiofónica, S.L. (4) Radio Utrera La Voz de la Campiña, S.L. Seville Local radio broadcasting - 63.66% 100.00% 139 198 (215) - Difusión Asturiana, S.L. Oviedo Local radio broadcasting - 40.80% 79.31% 15 150 (73) - Radio Gaditana 2005, S.L. (d) Cádiz Local radio broadcasting - 100.00% 100.00% 3 106 (106) - Proviradio, S.L. Valencia Local radio broadcasting - 57.42% 100.00% 270 258 - - Radio LP, S.L.U. Valencia Local radio broadcasting - 57.42% 100.00% 243 42 213 (175) E-Media Punto Radio, S.A.U. (4) Madrid Digital radio - 100.00% 100.00% 60 258 (176) - Corporación de Medios Radiofónicos Vizcaya Digital radio - 91.30% 100.00% 6,011 (1,556) (237) - Madrid Holding company - 85.00% 100.00% 30 224 (222) - Holding company and film - 85.00% 100.00% 6,550 9,402 1,067 - Digitales, S.A. (a) (c) (4) Veralia Servicios de Producción Audiovisual, S.L.U. (4) Grupo Europroducciones, S.A. (4) Madrid production and distribution technical services Europroducciones TV, S.L. (4) Madrid TV programme production - 80.78% 95.03% 1,051 891 (1,256) - IDD Publicidad, S.L. (4) Madrid Audiovisual representation - 85.00% 100.00% 144 416 312 - - 80.78% 100.00% 810 (32) 105 - - 80.86% 100.00% 5 251 (102) - - 80.78% 100.00% 13 29 (42) - - 56.47% 69.91% 12 98 53 - - 87.82% 100.00% 410 16 (174) - - 85.00% 100.00% 77 1,227 (936) - - 85.00% 100.00% 3 12 (3) - - 60.00% 80.00% 3 3 (2) - - 56.67% 66.67% 1,082 578 3,206 - - 85.73% 99.8% 650 158 (317) - and advertising Europroduzione, S.R.L. (4) Italy Film and TV programme production Europroducciones TV Portugal - Produçoes Portugal Audiovisuais, Lda. (4) Euro TV Poland, sp.zo o. (e) (4) Film and TV programme production Poland Film and TV programme production Hill Valley, S.L. (4) Madrid Film and TV programme production Producciones Digitales del Sur, S.A. (d) Malaga Audiovisual production company Bocaboca Producciones, S.L. (4) Madrid Film and TV programme production Boca Interactiva, S.L. (4) Madrid Film and TV programme production Abandamedia Producciones, S.L. (4) Valencia Film and TV programme production Tripictures, S.A. (4) Madrid Film and TV programme distribution Editorial Cantabria de Radiotelevisión, S.A. (d) 112 Santander Portfolio company Consolidated Financial Statements Percentage of ownership Company Ownership interest Direct Indirect Control Paid-in capital Thousands of Euros Profit (Loss) for the Interim Reserves year (1) dividend Location Line of business El Correo Digital, S.L.U. (a) (c) Bilbao Electronic press - 100.00% 100.00% 400 41 163 - Digital Vasca, S.L.U. (a) (c) San Sebastián Electronic press - 75.81% 100.00% 360 9 177 - Editorial Cantabria Interactiva, S.L. (d) Santander Electronic press - 85.90% 99.99% 60 153 107 (106) La Rioja Com. Serv. en la Red, S.A.U. Logroño Electronic press - 58.92% 100.00% 181 82 - - La Verdad Digital, S.L.U. (d) Murcia Electronic press - 97.61% 100.00% 250 65 77 - Ideal Comunicación Digital, S.L. (d) Granada Electronic press - 98.20% 100.00% 420 (8) 65 - Internet Ediciones Digitales Hoy, S.L.U. (d) Badajoz Electronic press - 97.07% 100.00% 100 172 10 - Diario Sur Digital, S.L. (d) Malaga Electronic press - 87.82% 100.00% 350 (62) 74 - El Norte de Castilla Digital, S.L.U. (d) Valladolid Electronic press - 76.49% 100.00% 60 222 104 - El Comercio Digital Serv. Red, S.L. Gijón Electronic press - 51.45% 99.99% 15 266 43 - La Voz de Cádiz Digital, S.L. (d) (e) Cádiz Electronic press - 100.00% 100.00% 3 114 (114) - ABC Periódico Electrónico, S.L.U. Madrid Electronic press - 99.99% 100.00% 60 377 533 - ABC Sevilla Digital, S.L. Seville Electronic press - 99.99% 100.00% 3 60 (46) - Valenciana Editorial Interactiva, S.L.U. Valencia Electronic press - 57.42% 100.00% 121 8 62 - Sarenet, S.A. (a) (c) Vizcaya Internet operator - 80.00% 80.00% 1,000 3,037 1,671 - Taller de Editores Digital, S.L. Madrid News agency - 76.04% 100.00% 92 71 (6) - Alianzas y Nuevos Negocios, S.L.U. Madrid Holding company for - 100.00% 100.00% 750 563 (860) - - 100.00% 100.00% 70 795 (545) - vertical portals Vocento Media Trader, S.L.U. (a) (c) Vizcaya Preparation of content for electronic media La Trastienda Digital, S.L.U. (a) (c) Vizcaya E-commerce - 100.00% 100.00% 66 627 370 - Desarrollo de Clasificados, S.L. Madrid Holding company for - 100.00% 100.00% 1,000 1,597 (1,602) - - 69.07% 69.07% 339 (23) (191) - - 51.00% 51.00% 1,269 504 1,504 - classified advertisements Advernet, S.L. (e) Madrid Search engine and video platform Infoempleo, S.L. Madrid Employment search services and consulting Autocasión Hoy, S.A. Madrid Electronic magazine - 50.01% 50.01% 60 338 430 - Habitatsoft, S.L. Barcelona Real estate services - 60.29% 60.29% 5 821 (306) - Holding de Portales de Motor, S.L. Madrid Holding company for - 51.02% 51.02% 3,251 (16) (182) - - 40.80% 80.00% 35 196 205 - motor portals Unión Operativa de Autos, S.L. Madrid Car sales Other businesses Distribución de Prensa por Rutas, S.L. Madrid Distribution - 60.00% 60.00% 60 700 189 - Beralan, S.L. (a) Guipúzcoa Distribution - 50.49% 50.49% 218 2,821 1,748 (1,000) Sector MD, S.L. (a) Vizcaya Distribution - 38.47% 76.18% 3 620 600 (265) Banatu, S.L. (a) Bilbao Distribution - 50.49% 99.99% 5 64 130 - Bilbao Editorial Producciones, S.L.U. (a) (c) Bilbao Graphic arts - 100.00% 100.00% 12,000 10,849 5,368 - Sociedad Vascongada de San Sebastián Graphic arts - 100.00% 100.00% 3,000 5,621 71 - Printolid, S.L.U. Valladolid Graphic arts - 100.00% 100.00% 3,003 1,463 8 - Guadalprint Impresión, S.L.U. Malaga Graphic arts - 65.00% 65.00% 1,500 (73) (114) - Rotodomenech, S.L. Valencia Graphic arts - 57.42% 100.00% 3,039 (464) 129 - Regionalprint, S.L.U. Gijón Graphic arts - 100.00% 100.00% 3 1,497 (81) - Localprint, S.L. Alicante Graphic arts - 50.00% 50.00% 10,000 - 70 - Producciones, S.L.U. (a) (c) Arte Final J.P. Saferi, S.A. (d) (e) Malaga Foreign daily press - 87.82% 100.00% 60 (7) (20) - La Verdad Editora Internacional, S.L.U. (b) (d) Murcia Foreign daily press - 97.61% 100.00% 60 (3) - - 555 Unimedia, S.L.U. Valencia Free press - 57.42% 100.00% 156 283 (314) - Central Sur, S.A. (d) Malaga Free press - 87.82% 100.00% 60 135 (164) - 113 Consolidated Financial Statements Percentage of ownership Company Ownership interest Direct Indirect Paid-in capital Location Line of business Gratuitos de Corporación de Medios, S.L. (a) Bilbao Free press - 60.34% 60.34% 60 529 (543) Servicios Redaccionales Bilbaínos, S.L.U. (a) (c) Bilbao Free press - 100.00% 100.00% 550 (142) 81 - Cotlan 900, S.L. (a) Bilbao Audiotex - 60.00% 60.00% 511 (177) 113 - La Voz de Avilés, S.L. Avilés Daily press - 43.70% 84.92% 52 136 10 - Zabalik 2.000, S.L.U. (a) (b) (c) San Sebastián Weekly press - 50.00% 50.00% 3 121 27 - La Guía Comercial 2000, S.L. (a) Bilbao - 62.74% 40.00% 60 375 176 - Guidebook publishing Control Thousands of Euros Profit (Loss) for the Interim Reserves year (1) dividend - Gourmet Plus Bilbao, S.L. (a) Bilbao Gastronomic festival - 50.00% 50.00% 3 - 1 - Fiesta Alegre, S.L.U. Valencia Property development - 57.42% 100.00% 8,489 343 107 (75) Cableedición, S.L. Valencia Portfolio company - 40.19% 70.00% 3 (2) - - Rineudi, S.L. (b) Barcelona Internet - 51.00% 51.00% 3 (1) - - and rental Servicios Auxiliares de Prensa Independiente, S.A. (b) Madrid Inactive - 72.42% 95.24% 39 7 - - Gran Enciclopedia de Cantabria, S.L.U. (d) Santander Book sales - 85.79% 99.87% 9 2 - - El Norte de Castilla Multimedia, S.L.U. (d) Valladolid Advertising - 76.49% 100.00% 1,987 (312) (73) - CM Norte, S.L.U. (a) (c) Bilbao Advertising - 100.00% 100.00% 88 475 21 - DV Multimedia Comunicación y San Sebastián Advertising - 75.81% 100.00% 100 284 20 - Santander Advertising - 85.91% 100.00% 1 - - - Santander Advertising - 85.91% 100.00% 60 - - - Logroño Advertising - 58.92% 100.00% 61 120 10 - Comercial Media de Levante, S.L.U. (d) Murcia Advertising - 97.61% 100.00% 125 173 3 - Comercializadora de Medios Andalucía, S.L. (d) Granada Advertising - 98.20% 100.00% 300 115 31 - Corp. Medios Extremadura Multimedia, S.L.(d) Badajoz Advertising - 97.07% 100.00% 150 9 2 - Structure Servicios, S.L.U. (a) (c) Comercializadora de Medios de Cantabria, S.C. (b) (d) Comercializadora Multimedia de Cantabria, S.L. (d) Rioja Medios, Compra de Medios de Publicidad, S.A.U. Corporación de Medios del Sur, S.L. (d) Malaga Advertising - 87.82% 100.00% 5 377 (12) - Comercializadora de Medios de Castilla Valladolid Advertising - 76.49% 100.00% 60 51 (39) - y León, S.L.U.(d) Comercializadora de Medios de Asturias, S.L. Gijón Advertising - 51.45% 99.99% 30 4 (4) - Comercial Multimedia Vocento, S.A.U. (d) Madrid Advertising - 100.00% 100.00% 600 83 (162) - Globalia de Marketing y Medios, S.L.U.(d) Madrid Advertising - 100.00% 100.00% 60 - - - Comercializadora Medios ABC Andalucía, S.L.U. Seville Advertising - 99.99% 100.00% 3 7 (6) - Comercializadora de Medios Las Provincias Valencia Advertising - 57.42% 100.00% 3 7 7 - Veralia, Corp. Productoras Cine y TV, S.L. (a) (c) (4) Vizcaya Holding company - 85.00% 85.00% 41,176 23,860 (15,226) - Distribuciones COMECOSA, S.L.U. (a) (c) Vizcaya Holding company - 100.00% 100.00% 451 7,003 1,953 (800) Radio Tele Basconia, S.L.U. (a) (c) Bilbao Radio broadcasting - 100.00% 100.00% 301 822 42 - Corporación de Medios Regionales, S.L.U. (a) (c) Bilbao Holding company 100.00% - 100.00% 27,770 67,040 44,048 (38,000) COMERESA PRENSA, S.L.U. (d) Madrid Holding company - 100.00% 100.00% 79,784 182,767 21,207 (15,000) COMERESA PAIS VASCO, S.L.U. (a) (c) Vizcaya Holding company - 100.00% 100.00% 9,686 36,370 32,852 (29,000) Corporación de Medios Internacionales Vizcaya Holding company 100.00% - 100.00% 60 32,148 26,277 - Vizcaya Holding company 100.00% - 100.00% 555 1,679 (1,020) - Vizcaya Holding company 100.00% - 100.00% 40,740 78,096 27,005 (23,779) Multimedia, S.L.U. de Prensa, S.A. U. (a) (c) Corporación de Medios de Nuevas Tecnologías, S.L.U. (a) (c) Corporación de Nuevos Medios Audiovisuales, S.L.U. (a) (c) (4) 114 Consolidated Financial Statements Percentage of ownership Company Corporación de Medios de Location Line of business Vizcaya Holding company Ownership interest Direct Indirect 100.00% - Control Paid-in capital Thousands of Euros Profit (Loss) for the Interim Reserves year (1) dividend 100.00% 10,000 44,643 699 - Comunicación, S.L.U. (a) (c) Comeco Impresión, S.L.U. (a) (c) Vizcaya Holding company - 100.00% 100.00% 9,249 39,863 5,112 - Viápolis, S.L.U. (a) (c) Vizcaya Internet advertising - 100.00% 100.00% 66 (16) 13 - Corporación de Nuevos Medios Madrid Holding company 100.00% - 100.00% 1,500 65,434 (17,411) - Digitales, S.L.U. (4) Pantalla Digital, S.L. (e) (4) Madrid Portfolio company - 100.00% 100.00% 1,000 125 (6,941) - Fundación Colección ABC Madrid Foundation - 99.99% 100.00% 30 - (14) - % of Ownership Direct Indirect Interim dividend Company Location Line of business ASSOCIATES: Printed media Milenio ABC, S.A. de C.V. (2) Mexico Daily press - 49.00% 10,251 (10,178) (7,744) - Audiovisual Gestevisión Telecinco, S.A. and subsidiaries Madrid - 13.00% 123,321 129,658 353,058 - Madrid Madrid Indirect management of the public television service Film and TV programme production Film and TV programme production - 42.50% 20.40% 91 4 (86) (776) (3) (318) - Madrid Madrid Madrid Barcelona Portugal Italy Film and TV programme production Film and TV programme production Film and TV programme production Film and TV programme production Film and TV programme production Film and TV programme production - 25.51% 25.51% 25.51% 25.51% 25.51% 25.51% 65 60 60 61 50 10 89 6,947 356 28 146 485 1,013 1,630 200 100 (20) (552) (1,000) (99) - Salamanca Asturias Cádiz Valencia Madrid Distribution Distribution Distribution Distribution Services, events and public relations - 26.35% 24.70% 22.50% 22.75% 35.72% 37 14 100 144 4 10 747 152 1,464 509 652 736 3,027 2,259 13 (265) (2,145) (500) - Plato Chroma, S.A. (4) Grupo Productores Independientes, S.L. (3) (4) Grupo Videomedia, S.A. (4) Videomedia, S.A. (4) Imagen y Servicios, S.A. (4) Alia Ediciones, S.L. (4) Videomedia Portugal, LTDA. (4) Videomedia Italia, S.R.L. (4) Other businesses Distribuciones Papiro, S.L. Cirpress, S.L. Distrimedios, S.A. (4) Val Disme, S.L. (4) Víctor Steinberg y Asociados, S.L. Capital Thousands of Euros Profit (Loss) for the Reserves year (1) (1) Estimated and/or pending approval by the shareholders at the respective Annual General Meetings and before the distribution of dividends. (2) This information is presented in accordance with local accounting principles and in thousands of Mexican pesos. (3) Data at 31 December 2006. (4) Companies subject to mandatory audit of their financial statements which have been audited by KPMG Auditores. Remaining companies subject to mandatory audit of their financial statements which have been audited by Deloitte. (a) Subsidiaries subject to provincial income tax legislation. (b) Inactive at the present date. (c) Companies comprising the Basque Country consolidated Tax Group. (d) Companies comprising the consolidated Tax Group whose parent is Comeresa Prensa, S.L.U. (e) Company in a situation of mandatory dissolution pursuant to the Consolidated Spanish Companies Law or the Spanish Limited Liability Companies Law where the necessary steps have been taken or will be taken shortly (merger, capital increase, etc.) to restore the net worth equilibrium. 115 Consolidated Financial Statements Consolidated Management Report VOCENTO, S.A. AND DEPENDENT COMPANIES 2007 CONSOLIDATED MANAGEMENT REPORT 116 Consolidated Financial Statements 1. BUSINESS EVOLUTION VOCENTO is a companies group whose dominant partner is VOCENTO, S.A., a company engaged in different areas of communication media business activity. In evaluating the company’s risks and performance, VOCENTO management has structured the management information based on the different lines of business activity defined: Printed Press, Audiovisual, Internet, and Other Businesses. This same structure, which is useful and reliable for group management, is the structure used for market reporting. This grouping of information presents all the press, digital press, local televisions, local and national radio stations, etc. in which VOCENTO is present that are assigned to each line of activity. The comments and comparisons included in this Management Report are made based on the foregoing segments. Entering into greater detail with respect to each of the business areas in which VOCENTO operates, the following aspects are highlighted for 2007. PRINTED PRESS With respect to printed press, VOCENTO has been consolidated as the number one communication group in Spain in the number of copies sold, with 732,708 daily copies sold, and a market share of 23.6% for all general information daily press. In addition, following the purchase on August 1, 2007 of 100.0% of the share capital of “Factoría de Información, S.A.”, publisher of the free national daily publication Qué!, VOCENTO has added another 956,585 copies to its scope of coverage. Diffusion (copies) ABC El Correo El Diario Vasco El Diario Montañés La Verdad Ideal Hoy Sur La Rioja El Norte De Castilla El Comercio Las Provincias (1) La Voz de Cádiz Total Regional Press Total General Information Paid-for Press QUÉ! (2) 2007 2006 2005 235,594 118,113 84,226 39,201 38,715 32,560 22,805 31,783 16,740 36,323 26,803 40,330 9,515 497,114 732,708 956,585 240,226 119,600 86,053 39,701 39,637 33,214 23,935 34,007 17,030 36,866 27,450 42,048 11,208 510,749 750,975 963,435 278,166 124,843 89,259 40,060 40,125 34,015 25,474 36,501 17,003 39,008 28,055 43,872 14,030 532,245 810,411 964,215 Source: Diffusion Justification Office (DJO) and Distributed Copies of Free Press (DCFP). 2007 data pending annual certification. (1) Acquisition of a majority holding in Las Provincias (57.42%) in February 2006. (2) Acquisition of a majority holding in free publication Qué! in August 2007. With respect to readers, VOCENTO’s figures also show it is the leader in the general information press. VOCENTO’s joint printed press readers, including regional, national and free press reached 5.1 million daily readers, representing a market share of 37.4% of readers overall for Spanish general information press. That number of readers stands at 13,221,000, according to the cumulative General Media Survey (GMS) between February and November, 2007. 117 Consolidated Financial Statements (Thousands of readers) ABC El Correo El Diario Vasco El Diario Montañés La Verdad Ideal Hoy Sur La Rioja El Norte de Castilla El Comercio Las Provincias (1) La Voz de Cádiz Total Regional Press Total General Information Paid-for Press QUÉ! (2) 2007 2006 2005 662 739 840 520 296 190 230 189 157 186 107 227 152 180 32 523 312 186 264 206 170 204 95 222 168 192 34 592 324 201 268 171 151 206 85 252 193 185 37 2,466 3,128 1,955 2,576 3,315 1,876 2,665 3,505 1,923 Source: GMS Data February – November 2007. Printed Press Ranking. (1) Acquisition of majority holding in Las Provincias (57.42%) in February 2006. (2) Acquisition of majority holding in the free daily publication Qué! In August 2007. Regional Press In 2007, VOCENTO’s line of activity in the Regional Press area was focused on maintaining its current leading positions in regional markets where it is present as a company of reference in regional media. This positioning strategy enables it to maintain high profitability levels, closing yet another year with extremely positive results (+6.4% Income and average EBITDA margin of 26.9%). Despite the general information press diffusion being negatively affected by competition from new information media, VOCENTO's regional press, leaders in their respective markets, have fought that declining trend and succeeded in maintaining practically the same figure for copies sold (+1.4%). On the other hand, advertising income has increased (+9.3%), through strengthening subscriptions, greater local focus, through a local editions policy that has allowed the company to achieve greater proximity to readers, and a capacity to exploit all the potential readers within its sphere of influence through a multimedia strategy. ABC ABC, the third national newspaper in Spain in terms of the number of copies sold, and a publication of reference in the 20th century, has continued its intensive social, cultural and institutional activity during this past year. ABC now has 2 local editions more than in 2006, raising the total number of editions to11: Madrid, Sevilla, Córdoba, Toledo, Castilla-León, Castilla la Mancha, Cataluña, Comunidad Valenciana, Galicia, Canarias and the rest of Spain. In 2007, the Sevilla edition of ABC is again highlighted, and is the newspaper with the highest sales in its area of coverage, after 78 years, and with its own independent signs of identity and wide informative coverage in Andalucía and particularly, in Sevilla. 2007 was a complicated year for Spanish printed press, as a consequence of growing competition from other news media (Internet, free press etc.), the emerging of new operators in television and market saturation in promotions, with a reduced effect of the latter compared to figures for previous years. In this setting, ABC ended 2007 with an average diffusion of more than 235,000 copies (-1.9% with respect to 2006), complying with the company’s objective of reversing the negative trend detected in 2006, during which diffusion was reduced by -13.6%, and establishing a path of constant growth. December closed with 236,429 copies sold, the sixth month of continuous increase in diffusion for 2007. We should mention the positive trend observed during the last quarter of 2007, in which diffusion increased by +6.8% reaching an average of 248,544 copies. These figures are due to the enormous effort with respect to publication, new local editions and important modifications in our offering, such as the distribution of the magazine Mujer Hoy Corazón. 118 Consolidated Financial Statements Free Press- Qué! In August 2007, VOCENTO purchased 100.0% of the share capital of “Factoría de Información, S.A.” responsible for the free Spanish daily publication Qué!. Free press is a complementary business for VOCENTO and permits access to new geographic areas where VOCENTO was not formerly present (i.e. Catalonia, Galicia, Balearic Islands), and new readers, thereby allowing the company to increase its audience and continue developing advertising activities in the VOCENTO media. Since the purchase of this free publication, 2 new editions have been launched in Cantabria and San Sebastián, making a total of seventeen editions that are read in more than nineteen cities, 956,585 copies sold (source: General Daily Press 2007) and 1,955 thousand readers (source: mobile GMS year February - November 2007). The purchase of Qué has enabled VOCENTO to continue as the undisputed leader with a total 5,083 thousand readers. Magazines and Supplements During yet another year, VOCENTO has consolidated its leading position in the general information supplements (XLSemanal, Mujer Hoy, TVMás and Mujer Hoy Corazón) and in specialised magazines (Mi Cartera de Inversión, Motor 16 and corporate publications) which, this year, have obtained extremely positive figures. XL Semanal continues to lead this segment with a total of 3.4 million readers. In June 2007, VOCENTO replaced its television supplement Semanal TV with a new supplement, TVMás, covering not only TV but also adding extra coverage in the new technologies field, such as Internet, telephones or videogames. The supplement has 1.1 million readers and a market share of 53%, 4 times more than its most direct competitor. Mujer Hoy has been consolidated as the leading women’s supplement with respect to number of readers and occupies second place in the audience ranking, with 2.2 million readers. Mujer Hoy Corazón completes the supplements area, dedicated to the gossip magazines sector, and strengthening the ABC newspaper offering on Saturdays. Audience (thousands of readers) 2007 2006 2005 XL Semanal Mujer Hoy TV Más 3,379 2,197 1,109 3,273 2,039 1,190 4,336 2,204 1,596 Source: GMS Data February – November 2007. AUDIOVISUAL VOCENTO’s commitment to the audiovisual sector has continued in 2007. Its strategy enables it to operate in the audiovisual market, thanks to the fact that it has a national TDT license and diverse local and regional TV licences, a general-news radio station (Punto Radio), digital national radio licences and stakes in contents producers and in a film distributor. VOCENTO estimates that this strategy of integrating different audiovisual platforms at national, regional and local level is a key factor in increasing its growth rates, by means of the integrated management of contents and production of synergies through the different multimedia platforms in which it operates (press, internet, television and radio). 119 Consolidated Financial Statements Television During 2007, there has been an increase in competition and greater fragmentation of audiences, as a result of the increase in the offering. At present, Spain has six private channels and one public channel, all of which are national in scope, operating 24 open TV channels (6 of which are through analogical and TDT “simulcast” broadcasts and 18 solely through TDT; in addition, (i) public regional television channels (FORTA), an incipient private, regional television market and (ii) a wide offer of local channels that have yet to be developed. The open television offering is completed with cable and satellite TV platforms. National Market • NET TV Within the scope of national TDT, and without the available spectrum having been distributed, a strong barrier has been set up to prevent the entry of new competitors, since this would involve re-planning the spectrum and organising a new bidding process. Through its indirect holding of 69.93% in the share capital of Sociedad Gestora de Televisión Net TV S.A. (“SG NET TV”), VOCENTO is one of six private operators in possession of a national TDT licences and currently manages two TDT channels (Net TV and Flymusic). • Telecinco The channel, in which VOCENTO has a stake of 13%, closed 2007 with a net profit of 353.1 thousand Euros, +12.3%, as the direct result of maintaining its leading position in the Telecinco audience, (20.3% share of the total 24 h audience for 2007), the excellent sales management of its advertising space and the effective cost-savings policy. Telecinco obtained a total net income of 1,081.6 million Euros, +8.4% above the 997.55 million Euros obtained in 2006. The EBIT margin reached 485.25 million Euros, with an increase of +10.6% over 2006. Regional Market The situation in this market is based on of the preponderance of public television channels (FORTA) with a turnover of over 350 million Euros in advertising. As has occurred in the national market, there is an opportunity for the private sector to enter this market, thanks to the TDT concessions, particularly in a sector where advertising limitations on public television channels will exist in the short-medium timeframe. VOCENTO is in a privileged position since it holds licences in the 4 most important markets from the advertising standpoint (with a concentration of more than 80% of total investments): Madrid (through Onda 6 TV), Valencia Region (through Las Provincias TV), Andalucía (not yet on the air) and Catalonia through Urbe TV (in this case, instead of a regional operating licence, through a local TDT licence in Barcelona). Local Market The current situation is that of a move from analogical TV to TDT TV, after obtaining the necessary government concession. VOCENTO‘s objective is to ensure its presence in all local markets through Regional Multimedia is complemented by a local TV channel. At present, VOCENTO has digital concessions in La Rioja, Murcia, the Basque Country and the three most important local digital areas in Asturias (Oviedo, Gijón and Avilés) with the proposal for Cantabria pending decision, and with proposals also to be submitted for the region of Castilla and León. Regional Multimedia in Valencia and Andalucía will cover its local TV needs through local disconnections made in the regional televisions referred to in the preceding section. In this area, VOCENTO continues its commitment and rapid response in terms of its television concept by investing in quality contents that will attract viewers through a new mage in respect of brand and continuity. 120 Consolidated Financial Statements Radio In the audiovisual sector too, during its third year of operation, Punto Radio has achieved its objective with great professionalism and impartiality in the information offered by the national radio station, and its commitment to quality programmes that have enabled it to be positioned as one of the most important general-news radio stations in Spain. In 2007, Punto Radio has consolidated a grid that will form the basis of its operations during future years, with which to compete “on an equal footing”, with excellent professionals who have joined the station in 2007, such as María Teresa Campos, and a model based on local radio through regional multimedia. Punto Radio is supported by 507,000 listeners, according to the General Media Survey (3rd wave of 2007). 2007 was a year in which the programme “Protagonistas” celebrated a historic milestone. The celebration of the 10,000th edition of this pioneer programme in the Spanish radio sector, directed by Luis del Olmo, gave rise to a tour without precedent through the whole of Spain. The Spanish radio market, which has a limited number of frequencies and is also controlled by only a few operators, has produced restrictions in the growth of Punto Radio during its first few years of existence. However, the recent publication of the “Technical Audio Radio-diffusion Plan” will increase the number of frequencies for providing a radio-diffusion service through the modulating of frequencies (FM) to 867, an increase of 83%. In 2007, the plan has allowed Punto Radio to grow by means of seven new frequencies in La Rioja and the Balearic Islands, the latter, through an associate company. In 2007, great progress has been made by adapting audio to new supports and formats that can now be enjoyed by the public in the new website ( In the digital radio sector, VOCENTO has two digital radio licences in E-Media Punto Radio, S.A.U. and Corporación de Medios Radiofónicos Digitales, S.A. However, the limited development of the receivers market has led to slow progress in the development of this business. Audiovisual Production and Distribution The emergence of new TDT national, regional and local TV channels, and new formats for the distribution of contents through ADSL, mobile phones and wireless devices will allow the TV offer to multiply, with a new range of channels requiring new contents. This will mean a change in the relation model and possible in the ownership of the formats produced, in which ownership will pass from the channels to the producers. Faced with this evolution, VOCENTO has decided to promote the audiovisual production sector (production of entertainment and fiction programmes and film distribution). That activity has been focused on Veralia, an audiovisual production company holding that includes the production companies BocaBoca Producciones, Europroducciones, Videomedia and the distributor TriPictures. Given that VOCENTO is present in different communication media (printed press, TV, radio and the Internet), it has additional advantages such as having its own channels to which it can sell its own productions and try out new formats. Furthermore, since it has newspapers, the contents produced can be used to makes sales of DVDs and promote Veralia’ contents and products in all the VOCENTO media. 121 Consolidated Financial Statements INTERNET The Internet market in Spain is still at a developing stage, both with regard to market penetration in society, connection habits (which is very much dependent on one’s profession), and the use of broadband connectivity and the use of that support by the advertising market. For that reason, given that the Spanish market is reproducing the growth of more advanced EU countries, the expectations of that market for future years are greater penetration of the Internet, from 36% in 2007 to the 50% that is expected in 2008, (source: Screendigest, July 2006) which will lead to an intensification in its use in homes, together with an important increase in advertising and transactions revenues (classified, mediation and e-commerce, mainly). VOCENTO is ranked 7th place in the Netview ranking, climbing two places since the nine-month results of 2007 and four places since the beginning of the year. In 2007, VOCENTO consolidated its position as one of the foremost Internet communication groups in Spain, with a total of 1.53 million single users per month visiting all the VOCENTO websites in December, and an increase of 37.6% over the same month of the previous year (source: Nielsen Site Census). This increase is due to both the Digital Editions ( + 39.6% and average of Digital Editions of Regional Press +26.1%) and Vertical Portals (+53.0%) as a result of the incorporation this year, of portals such as hoyinversion, hoycinema, dalealplay and hoymotor, and the Classified Ads area (+49.4%). In 2007, VOCENTO took on different projects, in keeping with new trends in the sector (web 2.0.) that have permitted it to continue being a local name of reference and carry on exploiting a profitable business model, as is shown by the 2007 EBITDA figures for the internet area, which stand at 6.8 million Euros, with an increase of +31.3%. The digital editions are another area in which a great redesigning and modernising effort has been made, enabling the company to reach 10.2 million single users per month and more than 173 million pages visited / month (+13.5% compared to December 2006. Source: Nielsen Site Census). Its Internet offering is completed by several vertical portals, in view of the demand for new contents (e.g.,,, and it continues to make a careful analysis of all its Internet business based on a strategic, profitability and market-penetration standpoint. OTHER BUSINESS As well as the foregoing Printed Press, Audiovisual and Internet activities, VOCENTO has the following businesses: Printing, distribution, other holdings in the regional multimedia sector, free press, Audiotex and events. Among its main activities are Comeco Impresión and Distribuciones Comecosa, a business that is linked to the Printed Press activity. At the end of 2006, a plan was set up for the segregation of printing centres in different regional publications, in conjunction with other publishing groups, or alone in order to free up the publishing division from industrial operations and at the same time, carry out technological upgrading in all its equipment, to improve printing quality, in addition to the options of inserts and publicity. In 2007, the segregation plan was carried out through Localprint S.L,. This company –in which Comeco Impresión and Editorial Prensa Ibérica hold 50%- has two rotary printing presses that offer service to the east coast, from Alicante to Almería. In addition, during 2007, Comeco Impresión made investments in a new printing plant in Valladolid, Printolid –with a share of 100%-, for the purpose of dealing with the Castilla y León market that will start operations in 2008. 122 Consolidated Financial Statements SOLID ECONOMIC RESULTS IN A HIGHLY COMPETITIVE ENVIRONMENT (2007 RESULTS) Revenues of 918,010 thousand Euros (+5.2%) due to the growth in advertising of +7.0%, and in particular due to Regional Press (+9.3%), Supplements and Magazines (+7.2%), Radio (+33.3%) and the Internet (+65.8%) and the incorporation into the perimeter of the acquisitions made. Maintenance of sales of copies (-0.5%) based on the positive trend of Regional Press and in particular, ABC. EBITDA 90,054 thousand Euros, (ex-non recurring +4.4%): improved contribution of Audiovisual business and growing contribution of the Internet. During 2007 non-operating costs were incurred that had a negative effect on the EBITDA: i) acceleration of the ABC Optimisation Plan (-12,277 thousand Euros) and ii) “one-off” Structure costs (-6,723 thousand Euros). Also, the incorporation of Qué! into the perimeter (-3,769 thousand Euros). EBITDA Printed press Regional Press National Press Free Press Supplements and Magazines Audiovisual Internet Other Business Structure & Others Total EBITDA TOTAL ex-non recurring EBITDA (*) 2007 2006 111,313 111,270 (9,855) (3,769) 13,667 (12,013) 6,808 13,518 (29,572) 90,054 109,055 133,240 110,584 10,674 n.a. 11,982 (26,589) 5,187 12,285 (19,628) 104,495 104,495 % Var. (16.5%) 0.6% (192.3%) n.a. 14.1% 54.8% 31.3% 10.0% (50.7%) (13.8%) 4.4% (*) Non-operating costs in the Structure Area and ABC Optimisation Plan • EBIT 40,158 thousand Euros, -36.1%: in addition to the impact of non-recurring costs (-19,000 thousand Euros) and the impact of the consolidation of Qué! (-3,943 thousand Euros), producing an increase in depreciation in the audiovisual area of 8,263 thousand Euros. • Net profit 82,168 thousand Euros, +5.9%, despite the increase in the negative financial margin –largely due to the result of the dividends policy announced at the public offering (75% pay-out), purchase of Qué!-, corrections made to the goodwill funds, offset by the net gains produced from the sale of CIMECO (Argentina). • Complementary gross dividend of 23,839 thousand Euros which the Board of Management decided to submit for the approval of the Ordinary General Shareholders Assembly during its meeting of February 28, 2008. Maintenance of the company’s commitment to its dividends policy announcing the 75% pay out. • Purchase by The Walt Disney Company Iberia, S.L. of a 20% in NET TV and signing of a strategic agreement for the development of competitive TV channels as a partner of reference and contents-provider (see section 7 of this report). By areas of activity: • Printed Press: positive trend of Regional Press (+6.4% in revenues), accelerated execution of the ABC Optimisation Plan and continuous improvement in its diffusion (+6.8% 4Q07) with 7 months of consecutive increases (Jan08). Integration of Qué!, the second most important free national newspaper, purchased in August, and launch of two new editions (Cantabria and Gipuzkoa). Following the incorporation of Qué!, VOCENTO is converted into the leader in the printed press sector with more than 5 million readers (GMS third wave 2007) • Audiovisual: improvement in all area segments, Radio with an increase in advertising (+33.3%), cost control in Local TV and Radio and incorporation of Tripictures. • Positioning in the Internet (Revenues +32.6%; EBITDA +31.3%) as a company of reference in local markets (15.4 million u. per month, +37.6%). VOCENTO occupies 7th place in the Netview ranking. 123 Consolidated Financial Statements DIVIDENDS VOCENTO has fulfilled the commitment made on its listing in the stock exchange, of maintaining a general dividends policy of approximately 75% payout of the net profit to shareholders, subject to different factors, including, without limitation, VOCENTO's income, its financial situation, available cash, cash requirements (including capital costs and investment plans), prospects and any other factor that could be considered relevant in the future. During 2007, VOCENTO has complied with its announced dividends policy and the Board of Management will recommend to the Ordinary General Shareholders Assembly payment of a total dividend of 61,625 thousand Euros, broken down as follows: a complementary dividend of 23,839 thousand Euros and a total gross interim dividend of 37,786 thousand Euros which was approved on July 25 2007 and entered into effect on October 10, 2007. FINANCIAL SITUATION WITH BANKS As at December 31, 2007 this amounts to -109,484 thousand Euros, contrasting with a net positive financial situation of 60,675 thousand Euros at the close of 2006. Thousand Euros Financial debt with banks (short term) Financial debt with banks (long term) Gross financial debt Cash & other equivalent resources Net cash position/(net debt) with Banks International Accounting Standards 2007 2006 Abs Var 25,117 127,413 152,529 43,045 (109,484) 10,749 43,507 54,257 114,931 60,675 14,367 83,906 98,273 (71,886) (170,159) The variation corresponds to: (i) The generation of business cash (see section 2.3. Cash Flow Situation). (ii) Collection of Telecinco dividend amounting to 41,087 thousand Euros on May 3, 2007. (iii) Entry of cash from the sale of CIMECO (26,740 thousand Euros). (iv) Payment of interim dividends and complementary dividends corresponding to years 2006 and 2007 for a total amount of 65,960 thousand Euros in 2007. (v) Acquisition of the free daily newspaper Qué! for 132,000 thousand Euros which was financed with cash (116,000 thousand Euros) and credit lines (16,000 thousand Euros). (vi) Increase in external debt in the Contents area (38,062 thousand Euros) with the objective of increasing financial autonomy with respect to the group. (vii) Finance of the programme for segregating printing plants, amounting to 25,229 thousand Euros. The balance sheet includes debts for 38,021 thousand Euros under the heading “other liabilities” (as compared to 46,167 thousand Euros in 2006) accruing financial interest corresponding largely to pension schemes not included in the foregoing net financial position calculation with banks. 124 Consolidated Financial Statements 2. OWN EQUITY Currently VOCENTO is the direct holder of 2,224,675 own shares in the company, equivalent to 1.78% of the share capital. The average cost price of own shares is 14.47 Euros per share, representing a total cost of 32,189 thousand Euros. 3. SHARES EVOLUTION VOCENTO’s shares closed 2007 at a listed price of 13.6 Euros per share, corresponding to a market capitalisation of 1,699 million Euros. VOCENTO’s shares are listed in the stock exchanges of Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao and Valencia. Below is the relative evolution of the VOCENTO shares compared with the IBEX 35 during 2007: % 115 110 105 100 95 Vocento 90 IBEX 35 02/12/2007 02/11/2007 02/10/2007 02/09/2007 02/08/2007 02/07/2007 02/06/2007 02/05/2007 02/04/2007 02/03/2007 02/02/2007 02/01/2007 85 4. MANAGEMENT PLAN The General Shareholders Assembly of September 5, 2006 decided to approve an incentives plan referenced to the value of the VOCENTO, S.A. shares, for executive officers, Senior Management and VOCENTO directors. The plan consists of establishing a variable lump-sum incentive in cash, linked to the evolution of the price of the listed shares during a term of 3 years since its listing in the Stock Exchange, and subject to achieving a specific group EBITDA increase, corresponding to each management category, of a cash amount equivalent to a number of reference shares. The amount of the variable cash amount will be equal to the amount obtained from multiplying the number of reference shares corresponding to each director by the positive difference between the initial listed price and the share price three years afterwards, corrected by a factor depending on the extent to which the EBITDA increase objective is achieved. Although at the time of establishing the plan, the maximum number of reference shares was 1,230,000 as a result of the cancellations due to staff covered by the plan leaving the company, the number of reference shares amounted to 1,040,000 as at December 31, 2007. 5. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES The Group has not made any significant investments in Research and Development activities during the course of 2007. 125 Consolidated Financial Statements 6. USE OF FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS The Group uses derivative-based financial instruments to cover risks to which its activities, operations and future cash flows are exposed, fundamentally risks arising from variations in exchange rates and interest rates. The details of the balances showing the valuation of derivatives in the consolidated balance sheet as at December 31 2007 and 2006 are as follows: Thousands of Euros 2007 Assets INTEREST RATE COVERAGE Cash flows coverage: Interest rate hedge transactions Ascending collar EXCHANGE RATE COVERAGE Reasonable value coverage: Swaps (USD) 2006 Liabilities Assets Liabilities 227 2 (4) - - - 229 (849) (853) - (756) (756) The interest rate coverage instruments were contracted in 2007. The effect of the variations of this coverage during the year was recorded by transfer to the “Reserves – Reserves for revaluation of non-materialised assets and liabilities” and “Patrimony – Minority shareholders” headings for net amounts of 186 and 33 thousand Euros respectively. The sensitivity of the interest rate coverage operations market value to variations in interest rates is shown in the following table: Thousands of Euros Interest rate variation Variation in the coverage value + 0.25% - 0.25% 238 (240) On the other hand, VOCENTO uses derivatives as interest rate coverage for mitigating the potential negative effect of variations in exchange rates on the reasonable value of debts corresponding to the provision of royalties for the distribution of film productions in US dollars. During 2007 and 2006, the effect of exchange rate coverage operations on the consolidated profit and loss account was charged to the heading “Financial expenses” of the consolidated profit and loss account for the amounts of 92 and 146 thousand Euros, respectively. As at December 31, 2007 and 2006 the total nominal value of the exchange rate coverage was as follows: Thousands Currency Euros US dollars 2007 5,535 6,860 2006 10,572 13,046 This exchange rate hedge transaction matures in 2008. As at December 31 2007 and 2006 VOCENTO maintained no derivatives not complying with the conditions for being included as book coverage and neither has it maintained any during those years. 126 Consolidated Financial Statements 7. EVENTS TAKING PLACE AFTER THE CLOSE OF YEAR From 31 December 2007 to the date of preparing these annual accounts, no significant fact has taken place that could affect the true image of the consolidated annual accounts for the year 2007. On January 28 2008, the Board of Management of VOCENTO, S.A. unanimously agreed to accept the resignation of the Chief Executive Officer Mr. Belarmino García Fernández. The Board of Management also unanimously agreed to designate Mr. José Manuel Vargas Gómez as the new Chief Executive Officer. Likewise, on February 12 2008, The Walt Disney Company Iberia, S.L. (TWDCI) assumed its commitment to acquire 20% of the shares of Sociedad Gestora de Televisión NET TV, S.A., which is pending authorisation by the competent administrative authorities. This company owns a national terrestrial digital television licence worth approximately 27 million Euros. Apart from TWDCI, the shareholders of NET TV are Pantalla Digital, S.L., (controlled 100% by VOCENTO), with a share of 55% and Homo Videns, S.A. (INTERECONOMÍA), which holds 25%. Through this, TWDCI offers NET TV its experience in developing competitive TV channels and contributing to a wider distribution of this company’s existing contents. 8. FORECASTED EVOLUTION The bases of VOCENTO are founded on the above financial results and the diffusion and audience figures that have produced these results, and are a constant reminder to us of the level of responsibility and commitment our group has assumed towards our readers and the announcers that we serve. This enables us to face the year with ambitious objectives, strengthening our position in the national media area, including national and free press and Internet, maintaining our leadership in general information press based on quality and increased profits that will position VOCENTO as an even more consolidated leader in the general information press sector and as a stronger consolidated multimedia group. During this new phase, VOCENTO aspires to be consolidated as one of the leading multimedia groups in the communication media sector, combining its national and regional presence through integrated management that will enable it to build synergies in all its business areas. 9. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR THE PURPOSE OF ARTICLE 116 A OF THE SECURITIES MARKET ACT a. The capital structure, including securities not negotiated in a regulated community market, indicating as applicable, the different classes of shares and for each share class, the rights and obligations conferred and the share capital percentage represented; As at December 31, 2007, the share capital of the Dominant Partner amounted to 24,944 thousand Euros, and is formalised by 124,970,306 shares each with a face value of 0.2 Euros, fully subscribed and paid up. The company shares are listed on the Spanish continuous market and in the Stock Exchanges of Madrid, Bilbao, Barcelona and Valencia. b. Any existing restrictions in the transferability of the shares; There are no restrictions on the transferability of the shares. 127 Consolidated Financial Statements c. Significant holdings in the capital, both direct and indirect; Since the VOCENTO shares are represented by account entries, the holdings of the shareholders in the share capital are not precisely known. However, based on the notifications made to the National Securities Market Commission (NSMC) significant holders of over 3% are the following: Shareholder MEZOUNA, S.L. Valjarafe, S.L. Asua de Inversiones, S.L. Bycomels Prensa, S.L. Energay de Inversiones, S.L. Onchena, S.L. Casgo, S.A. ATLANPRESSE, S.A.R.L. Bestinver Gestión,S.A., S.G.I.I.C Number of Shares Share % 12,974,368 11,097,249 10,281,476 9,975,388 8,017,929 6,836,456 5,532,008 4,726,367 3,772,751 10.38% 8.88% 8.23% 7.98% 6.42% 5.47% 4.43% 3.78% 3.02% • Víctor Urrutia Vallejo holds 414,487 direct shares and 10,406,195 indirect shares through ROLAR DE INVERSIONES, S.A. (124,719) and ASUA DE INVERSIONES, S.L. (10,281,476). Total: 8.659%. • Enrique de Ybarra Ybarra holds 500 direct shares and 8,123,161 indirect shares through ENERGAY DE INVERSIONES, S.L. (8,017,929) and GOGOL DE INVERSIONES, S.L. (105,232).Total: 6.500%. • María del Carmen Careaga Salazar holds 51 direct shares and 6,836,456 indirect shares through ONCHENA, S.L. Total: 5.470%. • Guillermo Luca de Tena Brunet holds 157,014 direct shares and 11,097,249 indirect shares through VALJARAFE, S.L. Total: 9.006%. d. Restrictions with respect to voting rights; There are no statutory restrictions on voting rights, above and beyond what is provided in article 44.1 of the Public Limited Companies Act, which establishes that “shareholders in default of payment of passive dividends shall not be entitled to vote” e. Para-social agreements; Between September 21 and 29 2006, an agreement was subscribed on Optimisation of the Value of VOCENTO, S.A. Shares which was later entered into record in a deed executed by the Notary of Madrid, Mr. Carlos Ruiz-Rivas Hernando on November 3, 2006. The agreement sets forth that no holdings shall be purchased in excess of 49.99% of the share capital. The existence of this agreement and its content were notified to the NSMC on November 8, 2006. This agreement regulates a series of restrictions on the transfer of shares held by the parties signing the agreement during the first two years after the listing of the company and during the first five years, and certain commitments in the event that a public offering is formulated on the shares of the company and preferential acquisition rights of the subscribing shareholders. 128 Consolidated Financial Statements The parties signing this agreement are the following shareholders: Shareholder Share % Mezouna, S.L. Bycomels Prensa, S.L. Asua de Inversiones, S.L. Energay de Inversiones, S.L. Onchena, S.L. AtlanPresse S.A. Mrs. María Magdalena Aguirre Azaola Mrs. María del Carmen Aguirre Azaola Odofy, S.A. Madoan, S.A.S. Roflu, S.A. Desarrollos y Servicios de Inversión, S.A. Ybazubi, S.L. Mr. Víctor Urrutia Vallejo Rolar de Inversiones, S.L. Gogol de Inversiones, S.L. 10.38% 7.98% 7.37% 6.19% 5.39% 1.89% 0.79% 0.79% 0.57% 0.46% 0.46% 0.45%(*) 0.45% 0.33% 0.10% 0.08% (*) With the authorisation of all the Agreement subscribers, in a deed dated November 12, 2007, authorised by the Notary of Madrid Mr. Pedro de la Herran, with number 3021 of his record, the Winding up and Dissolution of the company Garmyba Invest, S.L., was executed and the ensuing awarding of shares in that company made to the sole shareholder Desarrollos y Servicios de Inversión, S.A., which later subscribed the Agreement. f. The applicable rules for appointing and replacing members of the board of management and modifying the Company Articles; As established in the Public Limited Companies Act, and the Board of Management Regulation, the Board Members shall be those designated, reelected or ratified by the General Shareholders Assembly or the Board of Management, as is applicable, pursuant to the provisions of the Public Limited Companies Act and the Company Articles. It is not necessary to be a Company shareholder to be appointed director. Proposals for appointing, re-electing and ratifying Board Members submitted by the Board of Management to the consideration of the General Shareholders Assembly and the decisions for appointing them taken by the Board itself by virtue of the powers of co-optation it legally holds, shall, in turn, be preceded by (i) the respective proposal from the Appointments and Salaries Commission in the case of independent board members and (ii) a report by that Commission for other board members. In the case of re-election or ratification, the proposal or report of the Commission shall contain an assessment of the work and effective dedication in the post during the last period of time the proposed director occupied the post. In all cases, if the Director is removed from the proposal by the Commission of Appointments and Salaries, this decision shall be justified and a record made of the reasons for that decision. In selecting the person to be proposed for the post of director, importance shall be given to this person being of reputed standing, competence and with sufficient experience. With respect to board members representing shareholders, these shall include the persons proposed by the respective holders of stable holdings in the share capital that are considered as being of sufficient importance. The responsibilities of each director shall be explained by the Board to the General Shareholders Assembly, which shall make or ratify the appointment. The post of Director shall have a term of six years, and Directors may stand for re-election. Directors shall resign from their posts when the term for which they were appointed has lapsed, and when this is decided on by the General Assembly, through the use of the powers conferred upon it. 129 Consolidated Financial Statements Furthermore, the directors may inform and resign, as necessary, in all cases in which they may harm the name and standing of the company and in particular, if: the reasons for which they were appointed no longer exist; if they are involved in any of the alleged cases of incompatibility or legally prohibition provided for; if they are severely reprimanded by the Auditing and Compliance Commission or by the Appointments and Salaries Commission for being in breach of any of their obligations as directors. With respect to independent directors, once elected or ratified in their posts, the Board shall not propose their resignation prior to the expiry of the statutory term for which they were appointed, except in the event of just cause, acknowledged by the Board, and following a report by the Appointments and Salaries Commission and except if, as a consequence of operations entailing a change in the capital structure, those changes imply a change in the board structure, so that it reflects the proportion between the share capital represented by the members representing the shareholders and the rest of the capital. In all cases, Board Members shall be obliged to inform the Board of any criminal proceedings in which they may be involved as defendants, and the outcome of such proceedings. If any director is tried in court or a verbal court proceeding is filed against him for any of the offences indicated in article 124 of the Public Limited Companies Act the Board shall examine the case and in view of the specific circumstances, decide whether or not to allow the director to continue occupying his post. As provided by the Public Limited Companies act and Company Articles, the ordinary or extraordinary General Shareholders Assembly is authorised to modify the company articles. For a resolution to modify the articles to be validly passed, all the shareholders, either in person or represented, are required to be present at the first calling, representing at least fifty per cent of the subscribed capital with voting rights and at the second calling, the attendance of twenty-five per cent of the capital shall be deemed sufficient. However, if shareholders are present representing less than fifty per cent of the subscribed capital with voting rights, the resolution to modify the articles shall only be valid with the favourable vote of two-thirds of the capital present or represented at the Meeting. For a General Assembly at which a statutory modification is proposed for approval, each item or group of items that are substantially independent shall be voted separately. g. The powers of the board of management and in particular, those relating to the possibility of issuing or repurchasing shares The Company’s policy is to delegate all the powers of the Board of Management that can be delegated, in conformity with the law, Articles and Regulations, in favour of one Executive Commission and one Executive Officer. At the time of drawing up this report, the Executive Commission consists of the following members: Chairman: Mr. Diego del Alcázar Silvela Chief Executive Officer: Mr. José Manuel Vargas Gómez Officers: Mr. Santiago Bergareche Busquet Mrs. Soledad Luca de Tena García Conde Mr. Víctor Urrutia Vallejo Mr. Alvaro Ybarra Zubiría Mezouna, S.L. represented by Mr. Ignacio Ybarra Aznar At the time of writing this report, the Chief Executive Officer is Mr. José Manuel Vargas Gómez, who, in exercising his executive powers, and by virtue of what is set forth in article 14 of the Board of Management Regulations, shall inform the Executive Commission of any operation exceeding 3 million Euros prior to executing it. The Board of Management has powers conferred on it by the General Shareholders Assembly held on April 25 2007, for the acquisition of own equity up to a limit of 5%, and for a term of 18 months from the date of the foregoing General Assembly. At the Extraordinary General Assembly held on September 5, 2006 it was agreed to authorise the Board of Management to reach agreement, within a term of five years, on one or several capital increases up to a maximum of 12,497,030 Euros, with the option of excluding the preferential subscription right under the terms of article 159 of the Public Limited Companies Act. 130 Consolidated Financial Statements h. All significant agreements approved by the Company and entering into force shall be modified or concluded in the event of a change in the Company’s shareholders, based on a public acquisition offer and its effects, as well as their effects, unless their should cause serious harm to the Company. This exception shall not apply if the Company is legally obliged to disclose such information No agreements exist that consider this scenario. i. Any agreements between the Company and its administrative officers and management or employees implying the payment of compensation in the event of resignation or unfair dismissal, or in the case of the employment contract reaching its term on occasion of a public acquisition offer Senior Managers have a clause in their contracts that determines the compensation due in the event of unfair dismissal for a sum ranging from what is established by labour legislation to up to 3 years’ gross annual salary. As an exception, in these cases, the contracts of lower level directors include clauses of this type in some cases, establishing a compensatory payment of 1 years’ gross annual salary. In the case of the former Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Belarmino García, until his resignation on January 27, 2008, the clauses of his contract include a term of notice prior to terminating the contract and an amount in compensation of between 3.5 years of full salary or 3 years of his fixed salary plus 55% of variable salary for the last year, depending on the date on which the contract was terminated. In addition, a non-competition clause was established for a term of 2 years, amounting to one year’s salary. 131 Corporate Governance Corporate Governance VOCENTO, S.A. ANNUAL CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT 2007 132 Corporate Governance A. SHARE OWNERSHIP STRUCTURE A.1. Complete the following table for the company´s share capital: • Date of last modification: 31.12.01 • Share capital (€): 24,994,061.20 • Number of shares: 124,970,306 • Number of voting rights: 124,970,306 Indicate if there are different classes of shares with different rights associated to them: Yes X No A.2. Direct and indirect owners of significant stakes at the end of the year, excluding Directors: Name or company name Number of direct voting rights Asua de Inversiones, S.L. % of total voting rights 10,281,476 8.227% Bycomels Prensa, S.L. 9,975,388 7.982% Bestinver Gestión, S.A., S.G.I.I.C 3,772,751 3.019% Casgo, S.A. 5,532,008 4.427% Energay de Inversiones, S.L. 8,017,929 6.415% Onchena, S.L. 6,836,456 5.470% Valjarafe, S.L. 11,097,249 8.880% Most significant movements in the shareholder structure in the year: There have not been. 133 Corporate Governance A.3. List of Directors with voting rights in the company: Name or Company name or the Director owner of the holding Number of direct voting rights Diego del Alcázar Silvela José María Bergareche Busquet María del Carmen Careaga Salazar Carlos Castellanos Borrego Alejandro Echevarría Busquet Belarmino García Fernández Catalina Luca de Tena García Conde Soledad Luca de Tena García Conde Álvaro Ybarra Zubiría Enrique Ybarra e Ybarra Víctor Urrutia Vallejo ATLANPRESSE, S.A.R.L. MEZOUNA, S.L. Number of indirect voting rights (*) 31,394 7,830 51 3,000 154,476 4,214 58,851 36,309 4,463 500 414,487 4,726,367 12,974,368 % of total voting rights 24,653 0.045% 0.006% 5.470% 0.007% 0.124% 0.003% 0.047% 0.029% 0.458% 6.500% 8.659% 3.782% 10.382% 6,836,456 6,739 566,892 8,123,161 10,406,195 (*) Via: Name or Company name or the direct owner of the holding Number of direct voting rights AZALVARO, S.L. Mrs. María Benjumea Cabeza de Vaca ONCHENA, S.L. Mrs. María Teresa Artaza Martínez SQUIRT LINES, S.L. ENERGAY DE INVERSIONES, S.L. GOGOL DE INVERSIONES, S.L. ASUA DE INVERSIONES, S.L. ROLAR DE INVERSIONES, S.L. % of total voting rights 13,204 11,629 6,836,456 6,739 566,892 8,017,929 105,232 10,281,476 124,719 0.011% 0.009% 5.470% 0.005% 0.454% 6.416% 0.084% 8.227% 0.100% Total percentage in the power of the Board of Directors: 35.512% Table of options for shares of Directors: Name or Company name of the Director owner of the holding Number of direct voting rights Number of indirect voting rights (*) Number of equivalent shares % of total voting rights A.4. Relationships of a family, commercial, contractual or company nature between major shareholders: Name or company name of related parties 134 Type of relationship Brief description Corporate Governance A.5. Relationships of a commercial, contractual or company nature between major shareholders and the company, unless there are not material or the result of ordinary business: Name or company name of related parties Type of relationship Brief description A.6. Indicate if the company has been informed of the shareholder agreements which affect it, in accordance with art.112 of the law on securities markets. Describe briefly the shareholders bound by the pact: X Yes No Involved in shareholder agreement % of share capital affected Asua de Inversiones, S.L. Víctor Urrutia Vallejo Rolar de Inversiones, S.L. Energay de Inversiones, S.L. Gogol de Inversiones, S.L. Onchena, S.L. Mezouna, S.L. Bycomels Prensa, S.L. Mrs. María Magdalena Aguirre Azaola Mrs. María del Carmen Aguirre Azaola ATLANPRESSE, S.A. Desarrollos y Servicios de Inversión, S.A. Madoan, S.A.S. Roflu, S.A. Ybazubi, S.L. Odofy, S.A 7.368% 0.332% 0.100% 6.190% 0.084% 5.388% 10.382% 7.982% 0.790% 0.790% 1.891% 0.454% 0.457% 0.457% 0.455% 0.569% Brief description of pact Between 21 and 29 September 2006, the shareholders listed in A.6 made an agreement to optimize the value of the shares of VOCENTO, S.A, which was then ratified by public deed at the Notary of Madrid, Carlos Ruiz-Rivas Hernando on 3 November 2006. The pact establishes that no adhesions will be accepted that exceed 49.99% of share capital. The existence of this agreement and its content was stated to the CNMV on 8 November 2006. It sets a series of restrictions on the transfer of shares in the first two years following the listing of the company, and in the first five years sets commitments in the event of a bid being made for shares of the company, with preference acquisition rights for the shareholders involved. With the authorisation of all signatories to the Agreement, elevated to a deed on 12 November 2007 by the notary of Madrid, Pedro de la Herran, with protocol number 3021, Garmyba Invest, S.L., was the wound up and liquidated, and the shares were awarded to the sole shareholder Desarrollos y Servicios de Inversión, S.A., which later signed the Agreement. Indicate if the company is aware of the existence of concerted actions between its shareholders, and if so describe briefly: Yes X No Parties in the concerted action % of share capital involved Brief description of action In the event of any modification or breaking of these pacts or agreements in the year, indicate it here: 135 Corporate Governance A.7. Indicate if there is any individual or legal entity that exercises or could exercise control of the company, in accordance with article 4 of the securities market law: Yes X No A.8. Fill in the following table concerning the company’s treasury stock: At year end: Number of direct shares 2,224,675 Number of indirect shares % of capital 0 1.78% (*) Via: Name or company name of the direct owner of the stake Number of direct shares Total: Detail of significant changes, in accordance with Royal Decree 1362/2007, made in the year: Date of information Total direct shares acquired Total indirect shares acquired % of share capital Capital gains / (losses) from sales of treasury stock in the period: A.9. Detail the conditions and periods authorised by the shareholder assembly to the board for making acquisitions or sales of company shares described in A.8. The General Shareholder Meeting of 25 April 2007 agreed unanimously, in relation to the fourth point of the day (authorisation for the company to be able to proceed to buy its own shares, directly or using Group companies, in accordance with Article 75 of the Revised Text of the Law on Corporations), on the following: In accordance with Articles 75 and following of the Law on Corporations, and leaving without force the unexecuted authorisation granted in the same area by the shareholder meeting of 5 September 2007, authorise and award the Board of Directors for the Company to directly or using a subsidiary buy shares of the Company in the following conditions: 1. Forms of acquisition: by sale agreement or any other “inter vivos” agreement for those Company shares that the Board of Directors thinks appropriate, within the limits established in the following sections. 2. Maximum number of shares to acquire: representative shares which when added to those already owned do not exceed 5% of share capital. 3. Minimum and maximum acquisition price: the acquisition price will be not less than 75% of the listed price or over 20%, in both cases on the working market day before the acquisition. 4. Duration of the authorisation: 18 months, from the adoption of this agreement. The acquisition should enable the Company, in any event, to establish the reserve of article 79.3 of the Law on Corporations, without diminishing the capital or reserves that are unavailable by law or statutes. The shares to be acquired must be fully paid in. It is expressly authorised that the shares acquired by the Company or its subsidiaries in the use of this authorisation may be used, partly or fully, to be given or sold to workers, employees, Directors or service providers of the Group, when there is a recognised right, either directly or as the result of the exercise of options that they own, in the terms of the last paragraph of article 75 section 1 of the Law on Corporations. 136 Corporate Governance A.10. Indicate the legal and statutory restrictions on the exercise of voting rights and the legal restrictions on the acquisition or transfer of stakes. Legal restrictions on the exercise of voting rights: Yes X No Maximum percentage of voting rights that a shareholder is legally restricted to: Statutory restrictions on the exercise of voting rights: Yes X No Maximum percentage of voting rights that a shareholder is restricted to by statutes: Description of the legal and statutory restrictions on the exercise of voting rights: Article 44.1 of the Law on Corporations states that “the shareholder who has defaulted in the payment of dividends may not exercise voting rights.” Legal restrictions on the acquisition or transfer of share capital holdings: Yes X No Description of the legal restrictions on the acquisition or transfer of share capital holdings: A.11. Indicate if the Shareholder Meeting has agreed to adopt measures for neutralisation of a public bid in accordance with Law 6/2007. Yes X No If applicable, explain the measures taken and the terms in which the restrictions would be inefficient: B. ADMINISTRATIVE STRUCTURE OF THE COMPANY See section G OTHER INFORMATION OF INTEREST B.1. Board of Directors B.1.1. Detail the maximum and minimum number of Directors according to the statutes. Maximum: 18 Minimum: 3 137 Corporate Governance B.1.2. Complete the following table with members of the Board. Name or company name of the Director Representing Mr. Diego del Alcázar Silvela Mr. José María Bergareche Busquet Mrs. Catalina Luca de Tena García-Conde Mr. Enrique Ybarra e Ybarra Mr. Belarmino García Fernández Mr. Claudio Aguirre Pemán Mr. Santiago Bergareche Busquet Mrs. María del Carmen Careaga Salazar Mr. Carlos Castellanos Borrego Mr. Alejandro Echevarría Busquet Mrs. Soledad Luca de Tena García Conde Mr. Víctor Urrutia Vallejo Mr. Santiago de Ybarra y Churruca Mr. Álvaro Ybarra Zubíria MEZOUNA, S.L. Mr. Ignacio Ybarra Aznar ATLANPRESSE, S.A.R.L. Mme. Hélene Lemoîne Position on the board Date of first appointment Date of last appointment Electoral procedure Chairman First vice-chairman Vice-Chairman Vice-Chairman Chief Executive Officer Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director 26-11-2001 08-06-1989 26-11-2001 18-06-1974 24-04-2007 05-09-2006 26-11-2001 26-11-2001 29-05-1996 27-06-1966 26-11-2001 04-06-1981 08-06-1989 22-05-1991 20-07-2006 22-05-1990 24-09-2007 25-07-2007 05-09-2006 05-09-2006 25-07-2007 05-09-2006 05-09-2006 05-09-2006 05-09-2006 05-09-2006 05-09-2006 05-09-2006 30-07-2007 05-09-2006 05-09-2006 05-09-2006 General Shareholder General Shareholder General Shareholder General Shareholder Board of Directors General Shareholder General Shareholder General Shareholder General Shareholder General Shareholder General Shareholder General Shareholder General Shareholder General Shareholder General Shareholder General Shareholder Total number of Directors: 16 Indicate any decline in numbers: Name or company name of the Director Condition of the Director at the time of leaving Date of leaving B.1.3. Complete the following table on the members of the board and their condition. EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS Name or company name of the Director Committee which proposed appointment Role in the company Mr. Belarmino García Fernández Appointments and Remuneration Committee Chief Executive Officer Total number of executive Directors: 1 Total % of Board: 6.25% 138 Corporate Governance EXTERNAL REPRESENTATIVE DIRECTORS Name or company name of the Director Committee which proposed appointment Name or company name of the significant shareholder they represent or which appointed them Mr. Santiago Bergareche Busquet Mr. Carlos Castellanos Borrego Mrs. María del Carmen Careaga Salazar Mrs. Catalina Luca de Tena García-Conde Mrs. Soledad Luca de Tena García-Conde Mr. Víctor Urrutia Vallejo Mr. Enrique Ybarra e Ybarra Mr. Santiago de Ybarra y Churruca ATLANPRESSE, S.A.R.L. (represented by Mme. Hélene Lemoîne) MEZOUNA, S.L. (represented by Mr. Ignacio Ybarra Aznar) Appointments and Remuneration Committee Appointments and Remuneration Committee Appointments and Remuneration Committee Appointments and Remuneration Committee Appointments and Remuneration Committee Appointments and Remuneration Committee Appointments and Remuneration Committee Appointments and Remuneration Committee Appointments and Remuneration Committee BYCOMELS PRENSA, S.L. CASGO, S.A. ONCHENA, S.L. VALJARAFE, S.L. VALJARAFE, S.L. ASUA DE INVERSIONES, S.L. ENERGAY DE INVERSIONES, S.L. MEZOUNA, S.L. ATLANPRESSE, S.A.R.L. Appointments and Remuneration Committee MEZOUNA, S.L. Total number of representative Directors: 10 % of Board: 62.50% EXTERNAL INDEPENDENT DIRECTORS Name or company name of the Director Profile Mr. Claudio Aguirre Pemán Mr. Diego del Alcázar Silvela Mr. Álvaro Ybarra Zubíria Financial Business Financial Total number of independent Directors: 3 % of Board: 18.75% OTHER EXTERNAL DIRECTORS Name or company name of the Director Committee which proposed appointment Mr. Alejandro Echevarría Busquet Mr. José María Bergareche Busquet Appointments and Remuneration Committee Appointments and Remuneration Committee Total number of other external Directors: 2 % of Board: 12.50% Detail the reasons why they cannot be considered as representative or independent, and their links either to the company or its management, or to its shareholders: Name or company name of the Director Reasons Company, management, or shareholder with whom there are lins Mr. Alejandro Echevarría Busquet Chief Executive Officer of Grupo Correo de Comunicación, S.A. until 2001 and then Director Deputy to the Chairman until 2006. Chief Executive Officer de VOCENTO, S.A., until the year which is the subject of this current report (25 July 2007). VOCENTO, S.A. Mr. José María Bergareche Busquet VOCENTO, S.A. 139 Corporate Governance Indicate any variations that have occurred in the period in the classification of each Director: Name or company name of the Director Date of change Previous Current Mr. José María Bergareche Busquet Mr. Belarmino García Fernández 25-07-07 25-07-07 Executive Independent Other Externals Executive B.1.4. Explain if applicable the reasons why representative shareholders have been appointed with a stake of under 5% of share capital: Name or company name of shareholder Explanation ATLANPRESSE, S.A.R.L. CASGO, S.A. At the time of the appointment, the stake was over 5%. At the time of the appointment, the stake was over 5%. Indicate if the formal requests for a position on the Board from shareholders with an equal or higher stake than others with representative shareholders have been granted. If not, explain why: Yes No B.1.5. Indicate if any Director has abandoned his role before the expiry of the mandate, if the Director has explained their reasons and in what medium to the Board, and if this has been in writing to the entire Board, explain the motives given: Name of the Director Reason for exit B.1.6. Indicate if applicable the powers delegated to the executive Directors:: 140 Name or company name of the Director Brief description Mr. Belarmino García Fernández In the exercise of his role has all powers except those which legally or by statutes cannot be assigned, in accordance with article 19 of the statutes and article 14 of the rules of procedure of the board of Directors, with the limitation that the latter includes in its last paragraph, that any operation of more than 3 million euros requires the Executive Committee to be informed by the Chief Executive Officer before it is realised. Corporate Governance B.1.7. Identify if applicable the members of the Board who have a Director’s or management role in other companies that form part of the listed company: Name or company name of the Director Name of the group company Role Mr. Santiago de Ybarra y Churruca Mr. Santiago de Ybarra y Churruca Mr. Santiago de Ybarra y Churruca Mr. Santiago de Ybarra y Churruca Mr. Santiago de Ybarra y Churruca Mr. José María Bergareche Busquet Mr. José María Bergareche Busquet Mr. José María Bergareche Busquet Mr. José María Bergareche Busquet Mrs. Catalina Luca de Tena García-Conde Mrs. Catalina Luca de Tena García-Conde Mr. Enrique Ybarra e Ybarra Mr. Enrique Ybarra e Ybarra Mr. Enrique Ybarra e Ybarra Mr. Enrique Ybarra e Ybarra Mr. Enrique Ybarra e Ybarra Mr. Enrique Ybarra e Ybarra Mr. Santiago Bergareche Busquet Mr. Alejandro Echevarría Busquet Mr. Alejandro Echevarría Busquet Mr. Alejandro Echevarría Busquet Mr. Alejandro Echevarría Busquet Mrs. Soledad Luca de Tena García-Conde Mrs. Soledad Luca de Tena García-Conde Mrs. Soledad Luca de Tena García-Conde Mrs. Soledad Luca de Tena García-Conde Mrs. Soledad Luca de Tena García-Conde Mrs. Soledad Luca de Tena García-Conde Mrs. Soledad Luca de Tena García-Conde Mrs. Soledad Luca de Tena García-Conde Mr. Víctor Urrutia Vallejo Mr. Víctor Urrutia Vallejo Mr. Carlos Castellanos Borrego CORPORACIÓN DE MEDIOS DE MURCIA, S.A. DIARIO ABC, S.L. SOCIEDAD VASCONGADA DE PUBLICACIONES, S.A. DIARIO EL CORREO, S.A. EL NORTE DE CASTILLA, S.A. DIARIO ABC, S.L. SOCIEDAD VASCONGADA DE PUBLICACIONES, S.A. DIARIO EL CORREO, S.A. RADIO PUBLI, S.L. DIARIO ABC, S.L. ABC DE SEVILLA, S.L.U. CORPORACIÓN DE MEDIOS DE ANDALUCÍA, S.A. DIARIO EL CORREO, S.A. EDITORIAL CANTABRIA, S.A. EL COMERCIO, S.A. NUEVA RIOJA, S.A. SOCIEDAD VASCONGADA DE PUBLICACIONES, S.A. CORPORACIÓN DE MEDIOS DE MURCIA, S.A. DIARIO ABC, S.L. DIARIO EL CORREO, S.A. EDITORIAL CANTABRIA, S.A. SOCIEDAD VASCONGADA DE PUBLICACIONES, S.A. DIARIO ABC, S.L. ABC DE SEVILLA, S.L.U. RADIO PUBLI, S.L. DIARIO EL CORREO, S.A. FEDERICO DOMENECH, S.A. GRUPO EUROPRODUCCIONES, S.A. CORPORACIÓN DE MEDIOS DE CÁDIZ, S.L. SOCIEDAD GESTORA DE TELEVISIÓN ONDA 6, S.A. EL NORTE DE CASTILLA, S.A. DIARIO EL CORREO, S.A. DIARIO EL CORREO, S.A. Director Director Chairman of the Board Chairman of the Board Director Director ViceChairman of the Board Director Chairman of the Board Chairwoman of the Board Chairwoman of the Board Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Vicechairwoman of the Board Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Mr. Belarmino García Fernández FACTORÍA DE LA INFORMACIÓN, S.A. Chairman and CEO Mr. Ignacio Ybarra Aznar (representative of MEZOUNA, S.L.) Mr. Ignacio Ybarra Aznar (representative of MEZOUNA, S.L.) CORPORACIÓN DE MEDIOS DE MURCIA, S.A. PRENSA MALAGUEÑA, S.A. Director Director 141 Corporate Governance B.1.8. Detail if applicable the Directors of the company who are members of the Board of other companies that are listed on Spanish stock markets and that the company has been informed of: Name or company name of the Director Name of the listed company Role Mr. José María Bergareche Busquet Mr. José María Bergareche Busquet Mr. Santiago Bergareche Busquet Mr. Santiago Bergareche Busquet Mr. Santiago Bergareche Busquet Mr. Alejandro Echevarría Busquet Mr. Alejandro Echevarría Busquet Mr. Alejandro Echevarría Busquet Mr. Alejandro Echevarría Busquet Mr. Víctor Urrutia Vallejo Mr. Víctor Urrutia Vallejo GESTEVISIÓN TELECINCO, S.A. BANCO GUIPUZCOANO, S.A. GRUPO FERROVIAL, S.A. DINAMIA CAPITAL PRIVADO, S.C.R., S.A. GAMESA CORPORACIÓN TECNOLÓGICA, S.A. GESTEVISION TELECINCO, S.A. ACCIONA, S.A. COMPAÑÍA VINÍCOLA DEL NORTE DE ESPAÑA, S.A. TUBACEX, S.A. COMPAÑÍA VINÍCOLA DEL NORTE DE ESPAÑA, S.A. IBERDROLA, S.A. Director Director ViceChairman Chairman Director Chairman Director Director Director Director ViceChairman B.1.9. Indicate and explain if the company has established rules on the number of boards which its Directors may be part of:: X Yes No Explanation of the rules In accordance with Article 30.3 of the Rules of procedure of the Board, the Directors may not, except for express authorisation of the Board, after a report from the Appointments and Remuneration Committee, form part of more than 8 boards, excluding (i) Companies which are part of the same group as the company, (ii) the Boards of family companies of Directors or their families, and (iii) the Boards of which they form part because of professional relations. B.1.10. In relation to recommendation number 8 of the Unified Code, signal the general policies and strategies of the company that the Board has reserved the right to approve in a full meeting: Policies for investment and financing X Yes No The definition of the structure of the group of companies X Yes No Corporate social responsibility policy X Yes No Corporate governance policy X Yes No The strategic plan or business plan, and management targets and annual budgets X Yes No Remunerations policy and the evaluation of the performance of senior management X Yes No Risk control and risk management policy, and the regular monitoring of internal systems for information and control X Yes No Dividend policy, and treasury stock policy and limitations X 142 Yes No Corporate Governance B.1.11. Complete the following tables for the aggregated remuneration of Directors in the year: a. In the company which is the subject of the current report: Remunerative concept Data in thousand euros Fixed remuneration Variable remuneration Allowances Statutory payments Share options and/or other financial instruments Others TOTAL: 947 500 555 1,201 -----6,167 (*) 9.370 (*) Just the payment of compensation to the former Chairman of the Board Santiago Ybarra Churruca and the former Chief Executive Officer José María Bergareche Busquet Other benefits Data in thousand euros Advances Loans Contributions to pension funds and pension plans Liabilities for pension funds and pension plans Life insurance premiums Guarantees set up by the Company for Directors ----------177 -----24 ------ b. To Directors for belonging to other boards and/or management of group companies: Remuneration concept Data in thousand euros Fixed remuneration Variable remuneration Allowances Statutory payments Share options and/or other financial instruments Others TOTAL: Other benefits 276 -----74 285 ----------635 Data in thousand euros Advances Loans Contributions to pension funds and pension plans Liabilities for pension funds and pension plans Life insurance premiums Guarantees set up by the Company for Directors ----------12 -----3 ------ c. Total remuneration by type of Director: Type of Director Executive External Representative External Independent Other External Total Company Group 351 4,336 385 4,298 9,370 -----550 -----85 635 143 Corporate Governance d. Compared to net attributable profit of parent company: • Total compensation of Directors (in thousand euros): 10,005 • Total remuneration to Directors/ profit attributable to parent company (in %): 12.15% B.1.12. Identify the members of senior management who are not executive Directors and indicate the total remuneration paid them in the year: Name or company name Role Mr. Miguel Abellán Andrés Mr. Iñaki Arechabaleta Torrontegui Mr. Enrique Marzal López Mrs. Beatriz Puente Ferreras Mr. José Manuel Vargas Gómez Mrs. María José Villarubia Castelero Director of New Markets Director of Local Markets Director of Internal Audit Chief Financal Officers Director of National Market Director of Resources Total remuneration for senior management (in thousand euros): 1,499 B.1.13. Identify if there are clauses for guarantees or protection, in the event of dismissal or changes of control to the benefit of senior management, including executive Directors, of the company or of the group. Indicate if these contracts have to be reported to or approved by company institutions or by the group: Number of beneficiaries: 5 Board of Directors Body authorising the clauses General Assembly x Is the Shareholder Meeting informed of the Clauses: NO B.1.14. Indicate the process for establishing the remuneration of the members of the board and the relevant clauses in the statutes. Process for establishing the remuneration of the members of the board and the relevant clauses in the statutes In accordance with Art. 21 of the Company statutes, the role of member of the Board of Directors, by express statement of the statutes, will be remunerated, unless the AGM agrees otherwise and modifies the Statutes. The remuneration of the Board of Directors will be five percent (5%) of profits after covering the requirements of legal and statutory reserves, and after recognising for a dividend of four per cent. The Board of Directors will be able, in appropriate circumstances, to change the effective percentage each year, within the maximum limit, and also to establish rules for administering it among its members based on their dedication, responsibility and other circumstances, after a report from the Appointments and Remuneration Committee. The process for establishing remuneration is found in Articles 21 of the Company Statutes and Articles 28 and 29 of the Rules of procedure of the Board, available on the company web site. 144 Corporate Governance Indicate if the Board reserves the approval of the following decisions: On the proposal of the leading executive of the company, the appointment or dismissal of senior management, and compensation clauses. X Yes No The remuneration of Directors, and for executive Directors the additional remuneration for their executive functions, and other conditions which their contracts must respect X Yes No B.1.15. Indicate if the Board of Directors has approved a detailed remunerations policy and specify the questions that it addresses: X Yes No Amount of the fixed component, and the allowances paid for participation in the Board and in its Committee meetings, and an estimate of the annual fixed payment based on this X Yes No Variable remuneration items to be paid X Yes No Main features of the welfare payments, with an estimate of their amount in total or of their equivalent cost X Yes No Conditions which must be respected in the contracts of those people with a senior management role, such as executive Directors X Yes No B.1.16. Indicate if the Board submits to the vote of the AGM as a separate point of the day, and with a consultative nature, a report on the remunerations policy for Directors. Explain if applicable the aspects of the report on the remunerations policy approved by the Board for future years, the most significant changes in these policies applied in the year, and an overall summary of how the policy was applied in the year. Detail the role of the Remuneration Committee and, if external advisors have been used, the identity of the external consultants who have been used: Yes X No Questions addressed by the report on remunerations policy: 145 Corporate Governance Role of the Remuneration Committee • Evaluate the competences, knowledge and experience needed at the Board, define the functions and necessary skills of candidates to cover each vacancy, and evaluate the time and dedication needed to carry out their work well. • Examine organise, in the most appropriate way, the succession for the Chairman and the first executive office, and if needed make proposals to the Board for this succession to be orderly and well planned. • Provide information on the appointments and dismissals of senior management that the first executive officer proposes to the Board. • Inform the board on questions of diversity among members of the Board of Directors. • Propose to the Board of Directors: i) The remuneration policy for Directors and senior management; ii) The individual remuneration of executive Directors and other conditions in their contracts. iii) The basic conditions of the contracts of senior management. • Monitor the observance of the remuneration policy established by the company. Has external advice been used? X Yes No Identity of the external consultants: SPENCER STUART and HAY GROUP B.1.17. Indicate, if applicable, the identity of the members of the board who are also members of the Board of Directors or management at companies with significant stakes in the listed company and/or group companies: Name or company name of the Director Company name of the significant shareholder Role Mr. Santiago Bergareche Busquet Mrs. María del Carmen Careaga Salazar Mr. Carlos Castellanos Borrego Mrs. Catalina Luca de Tena García Conde Mrs. Soledad Luca de Tena García Conde Mr. Víctor Urrutia Vallejo Mr. Enrique Ybarra e Ybarra Mr. Santiago de Ybarra Churruca representing SATURRARÁN, S.A. BYCOMELS PRENSA, S.L. ONCHENA, S.L. CASGO, S.A. VALJARAFE, S.L. VALJARAFE, S.L. ASUA DE INVERSIONES, S.L. ENERGAY DE INVERSIONES, S.L. MEZOUNA, S.L. Director Chairwoman Director Joint Director Joint Director Sole Director Sole Director Director in representation of SATURRARÁN, S.A Detail any relevant relationships not included in the section above, between members of the Board of Directors and significant shareholders and/or companies in the group: Name or company name of the related Director Name or company name of the related significant shareholder Description of relationship Mr. José María Bergareche Busquet BYCOMELS PRENSA, S.L. José María Bergareche Busquet is the brother of Santiago Bergareche Busquet and a significant shareholder in Bycomels Prensa, S.L B.1.18. Indicate any modifications made this year to the rules of procedure of the Board: Yes X No Description of modifications: 146 Corporate Governance B.1.19. Indicate the procedures for appointment, re-election, evaluation and removal of the Directors. Detail the competent bodies, the procedures to be followed, and the criteria used in each procedure. In accordance with article 16 of the Company Statutes, the designation of the Directors corresponds to the AGM, the mandate will last for six years, and they may be re-elected one or more times. According to article 24 of the Rules of Procedure for the Board, the Directors will leave their position after the expiry of the period for which they were appointed, applying article 145 of the Rules of the Mercantile Registry, and when the Shareholder Meeting decides this in the use of the attributions if has been awarded. Persons appointed as Directors will have to meet the conditions demanded by Law or by the Statutes. The regulation of these procedures is found, in addition to the legislation, also in article 16 of the Company Statutes which establish the composition of the Board of Directors and the duration of the role, and in articles 10, 11, 22, 23 and 24 and of the Procedures of the Board of Directors, which establish the qualitative and quantitative composition of the Board, and the procedures for appointment and re-election, and the duration and dismissal of Directors. B.1.20. Indicate the circumstances in which Directors are obliged to resign. These circumstances are listed in Article 24 in the Procedures for the Board, available on the company web page. B.1.21. Explain if the role of leading executive is also the position of Chairman of the Board. If applicable, indicate measures taken to limit the risks of the accumulation of powers in one person. Yes X No Measures to limit risks: Indicate and explain if rules have been established which enable an independent Director to request a meeting of the Board or the inclusion of new points in the order of the day, to coordinate and articulate the concerns of external Directors and to direct their evaluation by the Board of Directors. X Yes No Explanation of the rules Article 20 of the Procedure for the Board of Directors establishes that any Director may propose other points of the day than those initially proposed, before the meeting of the Board, by informing the Secretary. In addition the Chairman will have the ability to propose to the Board of Directors those matters which he thinks appropriate for the good performance of the company, regardless of whether they appear in the order of the day. B.1.22. Are there greater majorities required for any sort of decision except for those in legislation? Yes X No 147 Corporate Governance Indicate how agreements are adopted by the Board of Directors, indicating at least the minimum quorum and the sort of majorities needed to adopt agreements: Adoption of Agreements Description of agreement Quorum Type of Majority Any type of agreement When there are present or represented half plus one member To modify the Procedures for the Board When there are present or represented half plus one member Except those cases where the law requires a higher majority, an absolute majority is required of the members of the board attending the meeting personally or by representation. Can only be modified at the request of the Chairman, of one of the Committees which is covered by the Procedures, or of one quarter of the Directors, and modification requires the absolute majority of the members of the Board of Directors. B.1.23. Indicate if there are specific requirements for being appointed Chairman which are different to those for Directors. Yes X No Description of requirements: B.1.24. Indicate whether the Chairman has the casting vote: X Yes No Areas where there is a casting vote: In accordance with Article 17 of the Company Statutes and 12.3 of the Procedures for the Board of Directors, in the event of a drawn vote the Chairman has the casting vote. B.1.25. Indicate whether the Statutes or Procedures for the Board establish an age limit on Directors: Yes X No B.1.26. Indicate whether the Statutes or Procedures for the Board establish limits on the mandate for independent Directors: X Yes No Maximum number of years of mandate: 12 B.1.27. In the event of a limited or zero number of female Directors, explains the reasons for this and the initiatives taken to correct this situation. Not applicable In particular, indicate if the Appointments and Remuneration Committee has established procedures for the selection processes not to suffer from the implicit biases which are an obstacle to the selection of female Directors, and is looking deliberately for female candidates with the profile required: Indicate main procedures: 148 Corporate Governance B.1.28. Indicate if there are formal procedures for the delegation of votes in the Board of Directors. Briefly detail any procedures. In accordance with article 17.3º of the Company Statutes, the Directors may only be represented in the board by another member. The representation must be awarded in writing to the Chairman of the Board, and must be of special nature for each meeting. Article 21.1 of the Procedures of the Board establishes that when representation of Directors is indispensable, it must be awarded to another member of the board in writing to the Chairman, with instructions and of a special nature for each meeting. B.1.29. Indicate the number of meetings of the Board of Directors in the year. Indicate any times that the board has met without the presence of the Chairman. Number of Board meetings: 13 Number of Board meetings without presence of Chairman: 0 Indicate the number of meetings held in the year by the various committees of the Board: Nr of meetings of the Executive Committee: 6 Nr of meetings of the Audit Committee: 6 Nr of meetings of the Appointments and Remuneration Committee: 13 Nr of meetings of the Appointments Committee: Nr of meetings of the Remuneration Committee: B.1.30. Indicate the number of meetings held by the Board of Directors in the year without the full attendance of all members, including meetings with representatives without specific instructions. Number of meetings with absent Directors: 3 % of abstences over total votes in the year: 1.44% B.1.31. Indicate if the annual individual and consolidated accounts that are presented for approval of the board are previously certified: Yes X No Identify the person(s) who has certified the individual and consolidated annnual accounts of the company to be approved by the Board: B.1.32. Explain any mechanisms established by the Board of Directors to avoid the individual and consolidated accounts drawn up by it from being presented in the General shareholder meeting with qualifications in the audit report. Articles 8 and 18 of the Procedure for the Board establish respectively the specific functions for annual accounts and the management report, and the functions of the Audit and Compliance Committee. B.1.33. Is the Secretary of the Board a Director? Yes X No 149 Corporate Governance B.1.34. Explain the procedures for the appointment and dismissal of the Secretary of the Board, indicating if these are informed by the Appointments Committee and approved by the full Board. Procedure for appointment and dismissal: The procedure for the appointment and dismissal of the Secretary of the Board is regulated by Articles 22 and 24 of the Procedures of the Board. Does the Appointments Committee report on the appointment? X Yes No Does the Appointments Committee report on the dismissal? X Yes No Does the full Board approve the appointment? X Yes No Does the full Board approve the dismissal? X Yes No Does the Secretary of the Board have the function in particular of monitoring good governance recommendations? X Yes No Observations. In accordance with article 14 of the Procedure of the Board, the Secretary of the Board of Directors must ensure that the actions of the Board reflect the good governance recommendations accepted by the company. B.1.35. Indicate if applicable any mechanisms established by the company to preserve the independence of the auditor, of financial analysts, of investment banks and of rating agencies. Article 18 of the Rules for the Procedure of the Board 18 del Rules for the Procedure of the Board, concerning the Audit and Compliance Committee mentioned before has various sections related to External Audit (in particular 18.3.2 and 5; and 18.4.2) and in addition article 48 of the same Rules establishes the relations of the Board of Directors with the company auditors. B.1.36. Indicate if during the year the Company has changed external auditor and if applicable identify both outgoing and incoming auditor. Yes X No In the event of disagreements with the outgoing auditor, explain the reasons for these: 150 Corporate Governance B.1.37. Indicate whether the Auditors Report on the Annual Accounts of the previous year has reservations or qualifications. Indicate the reasons given by the Chairman of the Audit Committee to explain the content and scale of these reservations or qualifications. X Yes No Company Total for work other than audit (thousand euros) Total of other work as % of total fees of auditing firm (%) 114 36.42% Group 125 12.78% Total 239 18.51% B.1.38. Indicate whether the Auditors Report on the Annual Accounts of the previous year has reservations or qualifications. Indicate the reasons given by the Chairman of the Audit Committee to explain the content and scale of these reservations or qualifications. Yes X No Explanation of the reasons: B.1.39. Indicate the number of years that the current audit firm has without interruption audited the annual accounts of the company and/or group. Also indicate the percentage which this number of years audited by the firm is of the total number of years in which annual accounts have been audited. Number of uninterrupted years Number of years audited by the current firm/years the company has been audited (%) Company Group 18 100 18 100 The Board of Directors of VOCENTO, S.A., agreed with the proposal of the Audit and Compliance Committee to maintain as the auditor of the consolidated group and of VOCENTO, S.A., and the rest of the companies in the group, the firm Deloitte, except for those included in the audiovisual area, in which the Administrative Bodies and Shareholder Meetings, based on the recommendation of the Board of Directors of VOCENTO, S.A. appointed KPMG as the new Auditor of the Accounts for these companies. Elsewhere the company Factoría de la Información, S.A., the publisher of the free newspaper Que!, is audited by KPMG, which was appointed by the company before its acquisition by VOCENTO, S.A. 151 Corporate Governance B.1.40. Indicate the stakes of members of the Board of Directors in the capital of companies with the same, similar or complementary activity as the business of the company and of its group, and which have been informed to the company. Also indicate the position or function that they exercise in these companies Name or company name of Director Name of company Mr. Alejandro Echevarría Busquet Mr. Alejandro Echevarría Busquet Gestevisión Telecinco, S.A. Agencia de Televisión Latinoamericana % stake Role or functions 0.005 0.000 Chairman Chairman 0.000 0.740 0.000 95.000 99.990 99.980 99.000 100.000 100.000 75.000 5.000 47.400 0.002 0.006 0.000 0.000 0.000 Chairman de Servicios y Noticias España, S.A. Mr. Alejandro Echevarría Busquet Mr. Diego del Alcázar Silvela Mr. Diego del Alcázar Silvela Mrs. Catalina Luca de Tena García-Conde ATLANPRESSE, S.A.R.L. ATLANPRESSE, S.A.R.L. ATLANPRESSE, S.A.R.L. ATLANPRESSE, S.A.R.L. ATLANPRESSE, S.A.R.L. ATLANPRESSE, S.A.R.L. ATLANPRESSE, S.A.R.L. ATLANPRESSE, S.A.R.L. Mr. Carlos Castellanos Borrego Mr. Carlos Castellanos Borrego Mr. José María Bergareche Busquet Mrs. Soledad Luca de Tena García-Conde Mrs. Hélene Lemoîne (representative of ATLANPRESSE) Mrs. Hélene Lemoîne (representative of ATLANPRESSE) Publiespaña, S.A. Merca Red, S.A. ONO, (CABLEUROPA, S.A.) Ediciones Luca de Tena, S.L. Societe D’Edition de Presse Locale (SEPL) Dordogne Libre Les Editions du Bassin Les Editions de la Semaine Surf Session Societe de Gratuit D’Information SNEM Societe du Journal Medi Libre Recoletos Grupo de Comunicación S,A. Pearson PCL Gestevision Telecinco, S.A. Estudios de Política Exterior S.A. Groupe Sud Ouest, S.A. S.A.P.E.S.O., S.A. 0.000 Director Sole Director Director Director Director Director B.1.41. Indicate and detail if there is a procedure by which Directors may use external advice: X Yes No Detail of the procedure The procedure is established in Articles 26.3 and 27 of the Rules for the Procedure of the Board, which is available in accordance with current legislation. B.1.42. Indicate and detail if there is a procedure by which Directors can have the information necessary for preparing the meetings of administrative bodies with enough time: X Yes No Detail of the procedure Article 20 of the Rules for the Procedure of the Board establishes that with enough advance time, Directors will be provided with the information that will be discussed at the meeting of the Board, duly summarised and prepared. In addition, Article 26 of the same Rules establishes the obligation for all Directors to collect as much information as needed for the proper carrying out of their role, and must request it from the Chairman, the Chief Executive Officer or the Secretary. 152 Corporate Governance B.1.43. Indicate and detail if the company has established rules which oblige Directors to report on and resign in cases where the reputation of the company could be damaged: X Yes No Explain the rules According to Article 24 of the Rules for the Procedure of the Board, must inform the board and resign in those cases which could damage the standing and reputation of the company, and in particular: a) when the reasons for their appointment disappear, when there is a circumstance in which the entity or business group represented by a Director no longer have a significant shareholding in the share capital of the Company or reduces its holding to a level that requires the reduction of the number of its representative Directors, or when independent Directors are no longer seen as such in accordance with the terms of the Rules. b) when there are found to be infractions of the criteria for compatibility and non-prohibition that have been legally established. c) when they are seriously warned by the Audit and Compliance Committee or by the Appointments and Remuneration Committee for breaking one of their obligations as Director. B.1.44. Indicate if a member of the Board of Directors has informed the company if has been tried or a trial will start against him for any of the crimes indicated in article 124 of the Law on Corporations: Yes X No Indicate if the Board of Directors has analysed the case. If the response is affirmative, explains the decision taken as to whether the Director should continue in the position. B.2. COMMITTEES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS. See section G. OTHER INFORMATION OF INTEREST B.2.1. Detail all the committees of the Board of Directors and their members EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Name Position Type Mr. Santiago de Ybarra y Churruca Mr. Belarmino García Fernández Mr. José María Bergareche Busquet Mr. Santiago Bergareche Busquet Mr. Alejandro Echevarría Busquet Mrs. Catalina Luca de Tena García-Conde Mrs. Soledad Luca de Tena García-conde Mr. Víctor Urrutia Vallejo Mr. Enrique Ybarra e Ybarra Mr. Álvaro Ybarra Zubíria MEZOUNA, S.L. (represented by Mr. Ignacio Ybarra Aznar) Mr. Emilio José de Palacios Caro Chairman Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Secretary External Representative Executive External External Representative External External Representative External Representative External Representative External Representative External Independent External Representative Non Director 153 Corporate Governance AUDIT COMMITTEE Name Position Type Mr. Álvaro de Ybarra Zubíria Mr. Claudio Aguirre Pemán Mrs. Soledad Luca de Tena García Conde Mr. Emilio José de Palacios Caro Chairman Member Member Secretary External Independent External Independent External Representative Non Director Name Position Type Mr. Alejandro Echevarría Busquet Mr. Víctor Urrutia Vallejo Mr. Álvaro Ybarra Zubíria MEZOUNA, S.L. (represented by Mr. Ignacio Ybarra Aznar) Mr. Emilio José de Palacios Caro Chairman Member Member Member Secretary External External Representative External Independent External Representative Non Director APPOINTMENTS AND REMUNERATION COMMITTEE B.2.2. Indicate if the Audit Committee has the following functions: Monitoring the process of preparing accurate financial information for the company and for the group, reviewing compliance with the requirements, the correct setting of the consolidation perimeter, and the correct application of accounting criteria. X Yes No Regularly reviewing the systems for internal control and risk management, so that the main risks are identified, managed and fully understood. X Yes No Ensuring the independence and effectiveness of the internal audit function; proposing the selection, appointment, reelection and dismissal of the head of the internal audit service; proposing the budget for this service; receiving regular information on their activities; and verifying that senior management considers the conclusions and recommendation sof its reports. X Yes No Establishing and supervising a mechanism which allows employees to report confidentially and if appropriate anonymously of potentially significant irregularities, especially financial and accounting irregularities, detected at the company. X Yes No Bring to the Board proposals for the selection, appointment, reelection and substitution of the external auditor and the conditions of the contract. X Yes No Receive regularly from the external auditor information on the audit and its results, and verify that senior management consider its recommendations. X Yes No Ensure the independence of the external auditor. X Yes No For groups, aim for the group auditor to assume the responsibility for the audits of the companies which make up the group. X 154 Yes No Corporate Governance B.2.3. Describe the rules for the organisation and functioning, and the responsibilities attributed to them, of each of the committees of the board. Articles 16, 17, 18 and 19 of the Rules for the Procedure of the Board, (available on the web site of the company), contain the norms for the organisation and functioning of the committees of the Board of Directors which are: Executive Committee, Audit and Compliance Committee, and the Appointments and Remuneration Committee. B.2.4. Indicate any powers for advice, consultative and action that each of the committees has. Name of committee Brief description Executive Committee Audit and Compliance Committee Appointments and Remunerations Committee See art. 17 of the Rules See art. 18 of the Rules See art. 19 of the Rules B.2.5. Indicate the existence of any regulations for the board committees, the place where these can be consulted and the modifications made in the year. Also indicate if on a voluntary basis any annual report has been made of the activities of each committee. There are no specific regulations for Committees, as their regulation is contained, as indicated in section B.2.3, in the Rules for the Procedure of the Board. This is available on the web site of the group, The Audit and Compliance Committee has prepared an Annual Report on its activities, in accordance with article 18.8 of the Rules for the Procedure of the Board and this is presented to the Board. The Appointments and Remuneration Committee has prepared an annual report which is presented to the Board of Directors, and which includes a summary of the activities carried out by the Committee in 2007. B.2.6. Indicate whether the composition of the executive committee reflects the participation in the board of the various Directors in function of their condition: X Yes No Yes but with slight variations. Explain the composition of the executive committee: Executive Director: 1 (9.09%). External and Representative: 7 (63.64%). External and Independent: 1 (9.09%). Other External Directors: 2 (18.18%). 155 Corporate Governance C. RELATED PARTIES C.1. Indicate if the Board in full reserves the right to approve, after a favourable report from the Audit Committee or any other committee granted this function, the transactions that the company carries out with Directors, significant shareholders or their representatives on the Board, or with persons associated to them: X Yes No C.2. Detail the relevant transactions which represent a transfer of resources or obligations between the company or group entities and the significant shareholders of the company: Name or company name of the significant shareholder Name or company name of the company or group entity Nature of relationship Type of transaction Amount (thousand euros) C.3. Detail the relevant transactions which represent a transfer of resources or obligations between the company or group and company Directors or management. Name or company name of the Directors or managers Name or company name of company or group entity Nature of transaction Type of transaction Amount (thousand euros) Mrs. Soledad Luca de Tena García Conde VOCENTO, S.A. Professional Consulting services 37 C.4. Detail the relevant transactions made by the company with other companies belonging to the same group, whenever these are not eliminated in the process of preparing consolidated financial accounts, and do not form part of the ordinary business of the company in terms of their purpose and conditions: Company name of group entity Brief description of transaction Amount (thousand euros) Transactions between the company and other companies of the group have been eliminated in the consolidation process. C.5. Indicate if members of the Board of Directors have been found in the course of the year to have a conflict of interest in the terms of article 127 of the Law on Corporations. X 156 Yes No Name or company name of the Director Description of conflict of interest Mr. Carlos Castellanos Borrego Acquisition of Factoría de la Información, publisher of Qué! Corporate Governance C.6. Mechanisms, for detecting, determining and resolving possible conflicts of interest with the company and/or group, and Directors, management or significant shareholders. 1. The procedure for the solution of conflicts of interest for people affected by the mentioned code, is governed by the Internal Code of Conduct in Securities Markets of VOCENTO, S.A., specifically article 5.3 which establishes that when there is a situation which represents or potentially could represent a conflict of interest, the person submitted to the Cod must immediately inform the Corporate Compliance Unit, making available as much information as they request to evaluate the circumstances of the case before it is transferred to the Audit and Compliance Committee which will adopt the appropriate measures. 2. The person submitted to the Code who is affected by a conflict of interest situation will abstain from participating or influencing directly or indirectly the transaction, decision, or situation to which the conflict refers. In addition, the Rules for the Procedure of the Board govern this situation for Directors and in particular Article 33.2 states that the Director must inform the Board of any situation of a direct or indirect conflict of interest that he may have with the interest of the company, and this is then evaluated by the Appointments and Remuneration Committee, which will determine whether the situation is compatible with the role of Director. C.7. Is more than one company of the Group listed in Spain? Yes X No D. RISK CONTROL SYSTEMS D.1. General description of the risk policies of the company and/or group, detailing and evaluating the risks covered by the system, and the explanation of how these systems cover the profile of each type of risk. In accordance with article 18.6 of the Rules for the Board of Directors of VOCENTO, “The policy for controlling and managing the risks of the company will identify at least the various types of risks (operational, technological, financial, legal, reputational…) faced by the company, including in the financial risks contingent liabilities and other off balance sheet risks; the establishment of the risk level deemed acceptable by the company; and measures available to mitigate the impact of the identified risks if they were to materialise.” VOCENTO has formally established a Risk Management System based on the COSO Report, with the following objective: • To identify and evaluate the main risks which could endanger the goals of the Group, in order to reduce or mitigate these risks to an acceptable level, establishing to this end the controls which are appropriate and proportionate for the significance and likelihood of each risk, in every process. The Risk Management System has the following phases: a. Identification of the factors or events which could provoke the arrival of new risks or aggravate existing risks b. Identification of the risks which affect VOCENTO. To do this it uses the Universal Risks Model, which classifies risks into the following categories: • Risks of the outside environment, based on external factors, which could provoke changes in the strategy and goals of the group. • Risks in processes, operations, management, finances, integrity, reputation and technology. • Information risks when making strategic, financial and operational decisions, in function of the impact they could have, if information is incomplete, distorted or erroneous for making the associated decisions. 157 Corporate Governance c. Classification of the risks in function of their importance. The importance of the risks is defined by their impact and their likelihood. • Impact: level of negative effect that the materialisation of the risk has on the results or continuity of the business. • Likelihood: level of exposure and/or likelihood of the risk, regardless of whether the controls are sufficient and reduce the risk to acceptable levels. d. Preparation of the Risks Map of VOCENTO The combination of the impact and the probability of each risk results in the Risks Map, which is the basis for the system for risk management, whose aim is to implement controls in the processes that are effective and proportionate to the importance of each risk and its likelihood, until there is an acceptable level of risk (residual risk) for VOCENTO. The Management Committee of VOCENTO is responsible for the annual evaluation of risks and for setting the acceptable level of risk. Internal audit collaborates and provides support and methodology, but is not responsible for this and does not make decisions about the level of exposure to risks. e. Localising risks in processes: Internal Audit Plan The location of risks in those processes where they can be mitigated, using the risks/processes map of VOCENTO, leads to the Annual Plan of Internal Audit, which is approved by the Audit and Compliance Committee. Internal Audit reviews and evaluates the design and operation of the controls established in the processes included in the Audit Plan, checking the sufficiency of the coverage of risks with existing controls. f. Response to risks: if risks are covered which are not reasonably covered by the system, the corresponding recommendations will be made to the heads of the processes and the General Management of the companies of the group, in order to implement the appropriate controls for reducing or mitigating the impact of these risks, by actions, policies and control procedures. g. Information and Communication: Internal Audit regularly informs the Management Committee and the Audit and Compliance Committee of the results of its reviews, of its conclusions, of the recommendations made, and of its level of implementation. h. Supervision: the supervising body of the Risks Management System is the Audit and Compliance Committee. D.2. Indicate if in the year any of the various types of risks (operational, technological, financial, legal, reputational, fiscal…) that affect the company and/or group have materialised: Yes X No D.3. Indicate if there is a committee or another governance body which is in charge of establishing and supervising these control arrangements and detail its functions: X Yes No If so, detail its functions. 158 Name of the Committee or body Description of functions Audit and Compliance Committee Articles 18.3, 18.4 and 18.5 of the Rules for the Board of Directors state that the Audit and Compliance Committee is in charge of establishing and supervising these control mechanisms. These articles also indicate the functions granted to this body in the articles of the Rules for the Board of Directors which are available on the company web site: Corporate Governance D.4. Identification and description of the processes for compliance with the various regulations that affect the company and /or group. Article 15 of the Rules for the Board of Directors, concerning the Secretary of the Board, establishes the obligation of the Secretary of the Board to ensue the formal and material legality of the actions of the Board and guarantee that its procedures and governance rules are respected and regularly reviewed. Article 18.4, section 3, of the Rules of the Board of Directors of VOCENTO, state that it will be the Audit and Compliance Committee which is responsible for reviewing compliance with the internal codes of conduct and with corporate governance rules. Finally, VOCENTO has established a body for supervising compliance, reporting to the Audit and Compliance Committee, named the Corporate Compliance Unit, which is managed and composed of the Secretary of the Board of Directors. E. GENERAL SHAREHOLDER MEETING E.1. Indicate and detail any differences with the minimum quorum regime of the Law on Corporations in terms of the quorum for a Shareholder Meeting Yes X No E.2. Indicate and detail any differences with the regime of the Law on Corporations for the adoption of agreements: Yes X No E.3. Describe the rights of shareholders at general shareholder meetings, and how they differ from those established by the Law on Corporations. The rights of shareholders do not differ from those established in the Law on Corporations. However, there are some peculiarities in terms of the rights for attendance which are detailed in section E.9 of this report, and for shareholder rights which are established in article 9 of the Rules for the General Shareholder Meeting, which includes the possibility of receiving the information for the Meetings electronically on the web page of the company before the Meeting, and the possibility of obtaining the information and participating in the Meeting itself, in accordance with article 17 of the Rules for the General Shareholder Meeting. E.4. Indicate any measures adopted to encourage the participation of shareholders in general shareholder meetings. The Rules for the General Shareholder Meeting establish measures for guaranteeing the participation of shareholders at the meeting; specifically articles 16.3., 16.4 and 16.5 of the Rules for the General Shareholder Meeting organise and ensure shareholder participations at the meeting, while art. 18.6 includes the possibility of aggregating votes with financial brokers acting for various clients. These Rules are available at the company website: 159 Corporate Governance E.5. Indicate if the role of Chairman of the shareholder meeting coincides with the role of Chairman of the Board of Directors. Detail any measures adopted to guarantee the independence and good functioning of the general shareholder meeting: X Yes No Detail the measures All the measures established in the Rules for the General Shareholder Meeting, specifically those related with rights to information (articles 9 and 17) and the publications on the web site, guarantee the independence of those attending the meeting, and the measures for participation and consultation established by the Rules (Article 16) and the powers of the Chairman on directing the meeting (Article 14.4) protect the good functioning of the general shareholder meeting. In addition, article 14.1 guarantees the exercise of the function of Chairman when he is absent, and establishes the procedure for solving the absence of the Chairman by a system of priority. E.6. Indicate any modifications made in the year to the Rules for the General Shareholder Meeting. The Rules for the General Shareholder Meeting were approved on 5 September 2006 and underwent no changes in 2007. E.7. Indicate attendance data for the general shareholder meetings held in the year covered by this current report: Attendance data % distance vote Date of meeting % physical attendance % represented Electronic vote Others Total 57.645 17.590 0 0 75.235 25-04-2007 In the percentages allocated, treasury stock has not been included. E.8. Briefly indicate the agreements adopted at the general meetings held in the year covered by the current report and the percentage of votes which approved them. The following were agreed: 1. To approve the individual and consolidated Annual Accounts, the management report, the proposed application of results, the distribution of the dividend and the management of the Board of Directors, all corresponding to 2006. 2. Determination of the number of Directors and ratification of the Director appointed by co-opting, Belarmino García Fernández. 3. Appointment of the company DELOITTE, S.L., as auditors of the accounts of the company and of the consolidated group for 2007. 4. To authorise the Company to acquire treasury stock, directly or via Group companies, in accordance with Article 75 of the Revised Text of the Law on Corporations, establishing limits and requirements to these acquisitions. 5. Delegate powers to jointly execute the agreements to the Chairman, ViceChairman, the Chief Executive Officer and the Secretary. 160 Corporate Governance E.9. Indicate the number of shares needed to attend the General Shareholder Meeting and if there any statutory restrictions in place: X Yes No Number of shares needed to attend the Shareholder Meeting: 50 E.10. Indicate and explain the policies followed by the company for delegating votes in the general shareholder meeting. The proxy must be awarded to another company shareholder and by writing using any medium which guarantees the identity of the shareholder, for each of the meetings, and it must contain attached the order of the day, with the indication of instructions for exercising the voting right and the vote to be made. Delegation may only be awarded to one person. The proxy can always be revoked; personal attendance at the Shareholder Meeting of the party represented or the exercise of the vote by distance will be considered as revoking the proxy. E.11. Indicate if the company is aware of the policy of institutional investors to participate or not in company decisions. Yes X No Describe the policy: E.12. Indicate the address and access to corporate governance material on your web site. All information concerning Corporate Governance may be found on the web site::, in the section “Information for shareholders and investors,” and then in “Corporate Governance”. F. LEVEL OF IMPLEMENTATION OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE RECOMMENDATIONS Indicate the level to which the company follows the recommendations of the Unified Code of good governance. If one of them is not complied with, explain the recommendations, norms, practices or criteria which the company applies. 1. That the statutes of listed companies should not limit the maximum number of votes that one single shareholder can cast, or contain other restrictions which make it hard to take control of the company by buying shares in the market. See items: A.9, B.1.22, B.1.23 and E.1, E.2. X Compliant Explain 161 Corporate Governance 2. That when the parent company and a dependent company are listed, both publicly and accurately define: a. The respective areas of business and any business relationship between them, and those of the dependent listed company with other group companies; b. Mechanisms for resolving any conflicts of interests which could arise. See items: C.4 and C.7 Compliant Partly compliant Explain X Not applicable 3. That, although not expressly required by company law, the General Shareholder Meetings approve operations which lead to a structural modification of the company, in particular the following: a. The transformation of listed companies into holding companies, by incorporating activities that were essentially carried out until then by the company into subsidiary companies, even though the company continues to control those companies;; b. The acquisition or sale of essential operating assets, when this entails an effective change in the company’s business; c. Operations whose effect will be the liquidation of the company. Compliant X Partly compliant Explain Item a) is not complied with, as in reality it is not applicable as the company was already a holding company when it first listed, carrying out its business by holding stakes in the companies which make up the group. 4. That the detailed proposals for agreements to be adopted at the General Shareholder Meeting, including information referred to by recommendation 28, are made public when the call to attend the Meeting is made. X Compliant Explain 5. That at the General Shareholder Meeting substantially independent matters are voted on separately, so that shareholders may exercise their voting preferences separately, and that this rule is applied, in particular:: a. To the appointment or ratification of Directors, who should be voted on individually: b. For modifications of Statutes, for each article or group of articles that are substantially independent. See item: E.8 X Compliant Partly compliant Explain 6. That companies allow votes to be aggregated by financial intermediaries who appear as legitimate shareholders, but act for various clients, and can vote in accordance with the instructions of those shareholders. See item: E.4 X 162 Compliant Explain Corporate Governance 7. That the Board carries out its functions with unity of purpose and independently, treats all shareholders equally and is guided by the interest of the company, understood as sustainably maximising the value of the company. And that in its relations with stakeholders the company respects laws and regulations, complies with its obligations and contracts in good faith, respects the uses and good practices of the sectors and regions where it operates, and observes those principles of social responsibility that it has voluntarily accepted. X Compliant Partly compliant Explain 8. That the Board assumes as the core of its mission to approve the strategy of the company and the organisation needed to put this into practice, and also to monitor and ensure that management complies with the goals set and respects the company’s purpose. And, to this end, that the Board in full reserves the right to approve: a. The general policies and strategies of the company, in particular:: i) The strategic plan or business plan, with management goals and annual budgets; ii) Policies for investment and financing; iii) The definition of the structure of the group of companies; iv) Corporate governance policy; v) Social corporate responsibilty policy; vi) The remuneration policy and the evaluation of the performance of senior management; vii) The policy for risk control and management, and the regular monitoring of internal information and control systems;. viii) Dividend policy and treasury stock policy and limitations to this in particular. See items: B.1.10, B.1.13, B.1.14 and D.3 b. The following decisions: i) On the proposal of the chief executive of the company, to appoint and dismiss senior management, and their compensation clauses. See item: B.1.14. ii) The remuneration of Directors and, for executive Directors, their additional remuneration for executive functions, and other conditions that their contracts should respect. See item: B.1.14. iii) The financial information which, as a listed company, the company has to publish regularly. iv) Investments and operations of any type which, because of the high amount involved or special characteristics, have a strategic character, unless their approval corresponds to the General Shareholder Meeting. v) The creation or acquisition of holdings in special purpose vehicles or entities established in countries or territories considered to be tax havens, and any other transactions or operations of a similar nature, which, because of their complexity, could diminish the transparency of the group. c. Transactions between the company and significant shareholders or shareholders with representation on the Board, or with persons associated to them (“transactions with related parties”). This authorization of the Board will not be needed however for those related party transactions which simultaneously comply with the three following conditions: 1. That contracts are used which are standardised and applied in mass to many clients; 2. That they are made at generally established prices or rates by the supplier of the goods or services in question; 3. That the amount does not represent over 1% of the annual revenues of the company. 163 Corporate Governance It is recommended that the competences attributed to the Board here cannot be delegated, except for those mentioned in letters b) and c), which can be adopted for reasons of urgency by the Executive Committee, and then ratified by the Board in full. See items: C.1 and C.6 X Compliant Partly compliant Explain 9. That the Board has the right size for ensuring its effective and participatory functioning, which means that it is recommended that it has no less than five and no more more than fifteen members. See item: B.1.1 Compliant X Explain Because of the presence of 10 representative Directors, the number of 16, one more than the maximum indicated in the corporate governance recommendations, is deemed to be the most appropriate. 10. That external representative Directors and independent Directors represent an ample majority of the board, and that the number of executive Directors is the minimum necessary, based on the complexity of the group and the participation of executive Directors in the company’s share capital. See items: A.2, A.3, B.1.3 and B.1.14. X Compliant Partly compliant Explain 11. That if there is any external Director who cannot be considered as either a representative Director an independent, the company explains this circumstance and his connections to the company, or to its Directors, or to its shareholders. See item: B.1.3 X Compliant Explain Not applicable 12. That of the external Directors, the relationship between the number of representative Directors and of independent Directors reflects the proportion in the share capital of the company represented by representative Directors and the rest of the capital. This strict criterion for proportionality may be relaxed so that the weight of the representative Directors is higher than that which corresponds to the percentage of share capital they represent: 1. In companies with large capitalisation, in which there are few or no shareholder stakes which legally must be considered as significant, bit there are shareholders with stakes of a high absolute value. 2. For companies where many shareholders are represented on the Board and there are no links between them. See items: B.1.3, A.2 and A.3 X Compliant Explain 13. That the number of independent Directors represents at least one third of the total of Directors. See item: B.1.3 Compliant X Explain Given the high share ownership of representative Directors, without there being a relationship between them, the number of existing independent Directors has been deemed to be enough. 164 Corporate Governance 14. That the nature of each Director is explained by the Board to the General Shareholder Meeting which should ratify the appointment and confirm it, or be reviewed annually in the Annual Corporate Governance Report after verification by the Appointments Committee. This report should also explain the reasons for the appointment of representative Directors for shareholders whose stake is under 5% of capital, and explain the reasons why formal requests for presence on the board from shareholders with an equal or higher stake than others who have representative Directors are turned down. See items: B.1.3 and B.1.4 Compliant X Partly compliant Explain Two Directors currently have a stake of under 5%, but at the time of their initial appointment they represented that stake. With no formal request for presence on the board being received from shareholders with an equal or higher stake than those currently with board presence, without detriment to RD 1362/2007, of 19 October, the level for a significant stake has been set at 3%. 15. That when the number of female Directors is low or zero, the Board will explain the reasons for this and the initiatives adopted to correct this situation, and that in particular the Appointments Committee will ensure that when there are new vacancies: a. The selection procedures do not suffer from the implicit bias that are an obstacle to selecting women; b. The company deliberately looks for women with the right professional profile and includes them as potential candidates. See items: B.1.2, B.1.27 and B.2.3. Compliant Partly compliant Explain X Not applicable 16. That the Chairman, being responsible for the efficient functioning of the Board, ensures that Directors receive in advance sufficient information, stimulates debate and the active participation of Directors in the meetings of the Board, safeguarding the free adoption of positions and expressions of opinion, and organises and coordinates with the chairmen of the relevant Committees the regular evaluation of the Board and of the Chief Executive Officer. See item: B.1 42 Compliant X Partly compliant Explain It has been proposed that the regular evaluation of the Board and of the Chief Executive Officer will be carried out with more depth next year. 17. That when the Chairman of the Board is also the Chief Executive Officer, an independent Director is delegated to call the meeting of the Board or to include new points in the order of the day, to coordinate and relay the concerns of external Directors, and to manage the evaluation by the Board of the Chairman. See item: B.1.21 Compliant Partly compliant Explain X Not applicable 18. That the Secretary of the Board takes special care to ensure that the actions of the Board: a. Are in accordance with the letter and the spirit of the Laws and regulations, including those approved by regulatory authorities; b. Are in accordance with company statute and with the Rules for the Shareholder Meeting, Rules for the Board, and others; c. Reflect the good governance recommendations contained in this Unified Code that the company has accepted. 165 Corporate Governance And that, to safeguard the independence, impartiality and professionalism of the Secretary, his appointment and dismissal are reported by the Appointments Committee and approved by the Board in full, and that this procedure for appointment and dismissal is stated in the Rules for the Procedure of the Board. See item: B.1.34 X Compliant Partly compliant Explain 19. That the Board meets frequently enough to perform its functions with effectiveness, following the programme of dates and business established at the start of the year, with each Director being able to propose orders of the day that were initially not included. See item: B.1.29 X Compliant Partly compliant Explain 20. That Directors are absent only when essential, and these are listed in the Annual Report on Corporate Governance. And that if representation is indispensable, it is granted with instructions. See items: B.1.28 and B.1.30 X Compliant Partly compliant Explain 21. That when Directors or the Secretary express concern on a proposal or, for Directors, on the performance of the company, and these concerns are not resolved by the Board, at the request of the person who expressed them they are noted in the minutes. X Compliant Partly compliant Explain Not applicable 22. That the Board in full evaluates once a year: a. The quality and efficiency of the functioning of the Board; b. Based on the report presented to it by the Appointments Committee, the performance of the Chairman of the Board and of the Chief Executive Officer of the Company. c. The functioning of the Committees, based on the report presented to it by these. See item: B.1.19 Compliant X Partly compliant Explain For sections a) and b), given the recent listing of the company, the evaluation system is in the process of being implemented. 23. That all the Directors have the right to receive the additional information they think needed about business which is the competence of the Board. And that, unless the Statutes or Rules for the Procedure of the Board. See item: B.1.42 X 166 Compliant Explain Corporate Governance 24. That all Directors have the right to obtain from the company the advice needed to carry out their functions. And that the company provides the adequate channels for exercising this right, which in special circumstances could include external advice paid by the company. See item: B.1.41 X Compliant Explain 25. That the companies establish a programme for orienting new Directors which gives them a rapid and adequate understanding of the company, and of its corporate governance rules. And that they provide Directors with programmes for updating their knowledge when circumstances so advise. Compliant Partly compliant X Explain As the only incorporation to the Board of Directors has been the Chief Executive Officer, it has not been deemed necessary to establish the programmes, as the Directors know the company and its corporate governance rules well enough. 26. That the companies require Directors to dedicate to their function the time and effort needed to carry it out with effectiveness, and consequently: a. That Directors inform the Appointments Committee of their other professional obligations, if they could interfere with the required dedication; b. That the companies establish rules on the number of boards that Directors may form part of. See items: B.1.8, B.1.9 and B.1.17 X Compliant Partly compliant Explain 27. That the proposal for appointing or re-electing Directors which is made by the Board to the General Shareholder Meeting, and provisional appointments by co-opting, are approved by the Board: a. On the proposal of the Appointments Committee, for independent Directors. b. After a report from the Appointments Committee, for the other Directors. See item: B.1.2 X Compliant Partly compliant Explain 28. That the companies publish on their website and keep updated the following information on their Directors: a. Professional profile and biography; b. Other boards of Directors to which they belong, whether these are listed companies or not; c. An indication of the corresponding class of Director, indicating, for representative Directors, the shareholder they represent or are associated with. d. The date of the first appointment as a Director of the company, and subsequent appointments, and; e. Company shares and share options owned by them. X Compliant Partly compliant Explain 167 Corporate Governance 29. That independent Directors do not remain independent for more than a continuous period of 12 years. See item: B.1.2 X Compliant Explain It has been interpreted that this period begins for all Directors who were Company Directors at the date of listing on the Stock Market. 30. That representative Directors resign when the shareholder they represent fully sells their stake. And that the number of these Directors falls, when the shareholder cuts the stake, to a level which requires the reduction in the number of representative Directors. See items: A.2, A.3 and B.1.2 X Compliant Partly compliant Explain 31. That the Board of Directors does not propose the dismissal of any independent Director before the ending of the statutory period for which he or she has been appointed, except when there is a just cause for this, noted by the Board after a report from the Appointments Committee. In particular, just cause will be deemed to exist when the Director has not complied with the duties inherent in the role, or is implicated in the circumstances described in item 5 of section III of the definitions of this Code. The dismissal of independent Directors may also be proposed after public takeover bids, mergers, or other similar operations which represent a change in the share capital structure of the company, when these changes in the structure of the Board reflect the criteria of proportionality indicated in Recommendation 12. See items: B.1.2, B.1.5 and B.1.26 X Compliant Explain 32. That companies establish rules which oblige Directors to inform and if applicable resign in those circumstances which could damage the credit and reputation of the company, and in particular, require Directors to inform the Board of the penal cases where they are implicated and of the results of any legal processes. That if a Director is tried or committed to trial for one of the crimes noted in Article 124 of the Law on Corporations, the Board will examine the case as soon as possible and in light of the specific circumstances decide if the Director may continue in the position. And that for all this the Board relies to a reasonable degree on the Annual Corporate Governance Report. See items: B.1.43, B.1.44 X Compliant Partly compliant Explain 33. That all Directors clearly express their opposition when they think that any proposal for a decision submitted to the may be contrary to the company’s interests. And that, particularly independent Directors and Directors not affected by the potential conflict of interest, this is also the case concerning decisions which could damage shareholders who are not represented on the Board. And that when the Board adopts significant or repeated decisions on which the Director has expresses reservations, the Director draws the necessary conclusions and if he chooses to resign, explains the reasons for this in the letter referred to by the following recommendation. This Recommendation also covers the Secretary of the Board, even though the Secretary may not be a Director. Compliant 168 Partly compliant Explain X Not applicable Corporate Governance 34. That when, either because of resignation or for another reason, when a Director leaves his role before the end of the mandate, he explains the reasons in a letter sent to all members of the Board. And that, while this will still be stated as a relevant fact, the reason for the departure is also noted in the annual corporate governance report. See item: B.1.5 Compliant Partly compliant Explain X Not applicable 35. That the remunerations policy approved by the Board covers as a minimum the following questions: a. The amount of the fixed part, breaking down any allowances for participation in the Board and its Committees, and an estimate of the annual fixed remuneration based on this; b. Variable remuneration concepts, including in particular: i) The classes of Directors to whom they apply, and an explanation of the relative size of the variable remuneration compared to the fixed remuneration. ii) Criteria for evaluating results, on which are based any rights to remuneration in shares, share options, or any variable component; iii) Fundamental parameters for any annual bonus system or for other non-cash benefits; and iv) An estimate of the absolute amount of variable remuneration based on the proposed plan, depending on the degree of meeting the targets that are set as a reference. c. Main characteristics of welfare payments (for example, complementary pensions, life insurance, and similar), with an estimate of the amount or annual equivalent cost. d. Conditions which must be respected in the contracts for executive Directors with senior management functions, including: i) Duration; ii) Notice periods; and iii) Any other clauses for joining bonuses, and for compensation or protection against early termination of the contract between the company and the executive Director. See item: B.1.15 X Compliant Partly compliant Explain 36. That variable remuneration by the award of company shares or shares in group companies, options on shares or instruments linked to the share price, and variable remuneration associated with the performance of the company is limited to executive Directors. This recommendation will not cover the award of shares when this is conditioned to the Directors holding them until they leave their positions as Director. See items: A.3, B.1.3 X Compliant Explain 37. That the remuneration of external Directors is enough to reward the dedication, qualification and responsibility demanded by the role, but not so high as to compromise their independence. X Compliant Explain 169 Corporate Governance 38. That remuneration related to the results of the company considers any qualifications in the report of the external auditor which reduces these results. X Compliant Explain Not applicable 39. That for variable remuneration, the policies incorporate the technical measures needed to ensure that this remuneration is related to the professional performance of beneficiaries, and is not simply based on the general performance of the markets or of the sector of the company, or other similar circumstances. X Compliant Explain Not applicable 40. That the Board submits to the voting of the General Shareholder Meeting as a separate point of the day, a report on the remuneration policy for Directors. And that this report is made available to shareholders, either separately or in any other way that the company considers appropriate. This report will focus in particular on the remuneration policy approved by the Board for the year underway, and for future years if applicable. It will address all the questions referred to by Recommendation 35, except when this could lead to the disclosure of sensitive commercial information. It will highlight the most significant changes to the policies applied in the previous year, which is addressed by the General Shareholder Meeting. It will also include a general summary of how the remuneration policy was applied in this previous year. That the Board also reports on the role carried out by the Remuneration Committee in establishing the remuneration policy, and if external advice has been used, the identity of the external consultants used. See item: B.1.16 Compliant X Partly compliant Explain The information on the annual remuneration policy of the Board of Directors, is incorporated in the annual report that is the subject of the approval of General Shareholder Meeting, and not as a separate point of the day to be consulted on (CE Recommendation of 14 December 2004). 41. That the Annual Report details the individual remuneration of Directors in the year, including: a. The individualised breakdown of the remuneration of each Director, including, if any: i) ii) iii) iv) Allowances for attendance or other fixed remuneration as a Director; Additional remuneration for the Chairman or for being a member of a Board committee; Any remuneration in the form of profit sharing or bonuses, and the reason for their award; Contributions made to the benefit of the Director to defined contribution pension plans, or the increase in the rights of the Director in terms of contributions to defined benefit plans; v) Any compensation agreed or paid in the event of the termination of the Director’s functions; vi) Remuneration received as a Director of other group companies; vii) Remuneration to executive Directors for carrying out senior management roles; viii) Any other concept of remuneration different to these, whatever their character or the group company which pays them, especially when they are considered to be a related party transaction, or when their absence distorts the true picture of the total remuneration received by the Director. b. The individual breakdown of any award to Directors of shares, share options, or other instruments linked to the share price, detailing: i) The number of shares or options granted in the year, and conditions for their exercise; ii) The number of share options exercised in the year, with an indication of the number of shares affected and the strike price; iii) The number of options pending exercise at the end of the year, with an indication of their price, date and other requirements for exercise; iv) Any modification made in the year to the conditions of the exercise of already awarded share options. 170 Corporate Governance c. Information on the relationship in the past year between the remuneration obtained by the Directors and the results or other returns reported by the company. X Compliant Partly compliant Explain 42. That when there is an Executive Committee, the structure of participation of the different types of Directors is similar to the structure of the Board, and the Secretary is the Secretary of the Board. See items: B.2.1 and B.2.6 Compliant X Partly compliant Explain Not applicable See section G. OTHER INFORMATION OF INTEREST 43. That the Board is always aware of the business treated and the decisions adopted by the Executive Committee, and that all members of the Board receive a copy of the minutes of the meetings of the Executive Committee. X Compliant Explain Not applicable 44. That the Board of Directors establishes in addition to the Audit Committee required by the Law on Securities Markets, a Committee, or two separate Committees, for Appointments and Remunerations. That the rules for the composition and functioning of the Audit Committee and of the Committee or Committees of Appointments and Remuneration are included in the Rules for the Procedure of the Board, and include the following: a. That the Board appoints the members of these Committees, based on the knowledge, abilities and experience of the Directors and the scope of each Committee; that it considers their proposals and reforms; and in the first Board meeting after their meetings, they must report their activity and work carried out; b. That these Committees are exclusively composed of external Directors, with a minimum of three. This does not prevent the attendance of executive Directors or senior management, when members of the Committee expressly agree on this. c. That their Chairmen are Independent Directors. d. That they can receive external advice, when they deem it necessary for carrying out their functions. e. That minutes are taken of their meetings, which are sent to all members of the Board. See items: B.2.1 and B.2.3 Compliant X Partly compliant Explain The Chairman of the Appointments and Remuneration Committee is required to be external, but it is no required that he must also be independent. 45. That the supervision of compliance with the internal codes of conduct and rules of corporate governance are allocated to the Audit Committee, or, if they are separate, to the Compliance or Corporate Governance Committee. X Compliant Explain 46. That members of the Audit Committee and in particular the Chairman are appointed based on their knowledge and experience in the area of accounting, audit, or risk management. X Compliant Explain 171 Corporate Governance 47. That listed companies have an internal audit function which, under the supervision of the Audit Committee, monitors the good performance of the information systems and internal control systems. X Compliant Explain 48. That the person in charge of the internal audit function presents the Audit Committee with an annual work programme, directly informs it of any incidents that occur during this, and submits to it at the end of each year a report on his activities. X Compliant Partly compliant Explain 49. That the policy for controlling and managing risks identifies at least: a. The various types of risks (operational, technological, financial, legal, reputational…) faced by the company, including in the financial risks contingent liabilities and other off balance sheet risks; b. The establishment of the risk level deemed acceptable by the company; c. And measures available to mitigate the impact of the identified risks if they were to materialise; d. The information systems and internal control systems used to control and manage these risks, including contingent liabilities and off balance sheet risks. See item: D X Compliant Partly compliant Explain 50. That it corresponds to the Audit Committee: 1. Concerning information technology and internal control systems: a. To supervise the process of preparing accurate financial information, reviewing compliance with requirements, the appropriate setting of the consolidation perimeter, and the correct application of accounting criteria. b. Regularly review internal control and risk management systems, so that the main risks are identified, managed, and made aware of adequately. c. Ensure the independence and effectiveness of the internal audit function; propose the selection, appointment, reelection and dismissal of the person responsible for internal audit; propose the budget for the service; receive regular information on its activities, and verify that senior management consider the conclusions and recommendations of its reports. d. Establishing and supervising a mechanism which allows employees to report confidentially and if appropriate anonymously of potentially significant irregularities, especially financial and accounting irregularities, detected at the company. 2. Concerning the external auditor: a. Bring to the Board proposals for the selection, appointment, reelection and substitution of the external auditor and the conditions of the contract. b. Receive regularly from the external auditor information on the audit and its results, and verify that senior management consider its recommendations. 172 Corporate Governance c. Ensure the independence of the external auditor, and to this end: i) That the company informs the CNMV as a relevant fact any change of auditor and accompanies it with a declaration on the existence of any disagreements with the outgoing auditor, and if applicable, the content of these; ii) That it is ensured that the company and the auditor respect prevailing norms on the delivery of services other than audits, the limits for the concentration of the auditor’s business, and in general, the other norms established to ensure the independence of auditors; iii) That if the external auditor resigns, the circumstances motivating this are examined. d. For groups, aim for the group auditor to assume the responsibility of the audits of the companies which compose the group. See items: B.1.35, B.2.2, B.2.3 and D.3 Compliant X Partly compliant Explain Concerning section 1d), given the recent listing of the company, it is in the process of implementing the communication system. Concerning section 2d), the Audit and Compliance Committee considered if it was appropriate for the external auditor of the group, Deloitte, to assume the responsibility for the audiovisual segment, audited by KPMG, but it concluded that the additional work implied by this should not be carried out, for two reasons: firsly because of the minimum risk, as Deloitte audited the segment until the previous year, and secondly because KPMG is a firm with recognised professional solvency. Hence an additional expenses was not justified. Deloitte in addition does not assume responsibility for the auditing in 2007 of the company Factoría de la Información, S.L. (the publisher of the free daily Que!) which was also audited by KPMG, which was the legal auditor of the company when it was acquired in 2007. 51. That the Audit Committee can call any employee or manager of the company and require them to appear without the presence of any other manager. X Compliant Explain 52. That the Audit Committee informs the Board, prior to its adoption of corresponding decisions, on the following matters indicated in Recommendation 8: a. The financial information that as a listed company the company must regularly publish. The Committee must ensure that interim accounts are formulated using the same accounting criteria as annual accounts, and to this end consider whether it is appropriate to have a limited review by the external auditor. b. The creation or acquisition of holdings in special purpose vehicles or entities established in countries or territories considered to be tax havens, and any other transactions or operations of a similar nature, which, because of their complexity, could diminish the transparency of the group. c. Transactions with related parties, unless the function for providing a report has been awarded to a different Committee than a supervisory committee. See items: B.2.2 and B.2.3 X Compliant Partly compliant Explain 53. That the Board of Directors aims to present accounts to the General Shareholder Meeting which do not have reservations or qualifications in the audit report, and in the exceptional circumstances when these occur, both the Chairman of the Audit Committee and the auditors shall clearly explain to shareholders the content and scope of these reservations or qualifications. See item: B.1.38 X Compliant Partly compliant Explain 173 Corporate Governance 54. That the majority of members of the Appointments Committee, or the Appointments and Remuneration Committee if it is just one, are independent Directors. See item: B.2.1 Compliant X Explain Not applicable The Rules for the Procedure of the Board only require the members of this committee to be external, and do not require them also to be independent. 55. That the appointments committee, in addition to the functions indicated in the previous Recommendations, has the following functions: a. Evaluating the competences, knowledge and experience necessary for the Board, hence defining the functions and skills needed for candidates to fill any vacancies, and evaluating the time and dedication needed to be able to perform the role well. b. Examine or organise in an adequate way the succession to the Chair and the chief executive, and make proposals to the Board for an orderly and well planned succession. c. Report on the appointments and dismissals proposed by the chief executive to the Board. d. Report to the Board on the questions of gender diversity indicated in Recommendation 14 of this Code. See item: B.2.3 X Compliant Partly compliant Explain Not applicable 56. That the Appointments Committee consults the Chairman and the chief executive of the company, especially for matters concerning the executive Directors. And that any Director may request the Appointments Committee to take into consideration, if he deems them ideal, potential candidates for Director vacancies. X Compliant Partly compliant Explain Not applicable 57. That the Remuneration Committee has, in addition to the functions indicated in the preceding Recommendations, the following tasks: a. Proposing to the Board of Directors: i) The remuneration policy for Directors and senior management; ii) The individual remuneration of the executive Directors and other conditions in their contracts. iii) The basic conditions of the contracts of senior management. b. Monitoring the observance of the remuneration policy established by the company. See items: B.1.14, B.2.3 X Compliant Partly compliant Explain Not applicable 58. That the Remuneration Committee consults the Chairman and the chief executive of the company, especially for matters relating to executive Directors and senior management. X 174 Compliant Explain Not applicable Corporate Governance G. OTHER INFORMATION OF INTEREST Now mention and explain any relevant principle or aspect concerning the corporate governance practices applied by the company which have not been covered by the current report. This section can include any other information, clarification or explanation related to the previous sections of the report. In particular, indicate if the company is subject to different legislation than Spanish legislation in the area of corporate governance, and if so include the information that msut be provided and which is different to the requirements of the current report. The Board of Directors approved the creation of an Editorial Committee, composed of Enrique Ybarra e Ybarra as Chairman, José María Bergareche Busquet as member and Soledad Luca de Tena García Conde as member and Secretary. This committee aims to advise the Board of Directors on editorial issues affecting all the media of the group. Concerning the Board of Directors, it should be noted that on 28 January 2008 Belarmino García Fernández submitted his resignation as Chief Executive Officer and Director of VOCENTO, S.A., and that José Manuel Vargas Gómez was appointed new Chief Executive Officer. The Board of Directors in its meeting on 30 January 2008 restructured the composition of the Executive Committee, which is now as follows: • Chairman: Mr. Diego del Alcázar Silvela. • Chief Executive Officer: Mr. José Manuel Vargas Gómez. • Directors: Mr. Santiago Bergareche Busquet. Mrs. Doña Soledad Luca de Tena García Conde. Mr. Víctor Urrutia Vallejo. Mr. Álvaro Ybarra Zubiría. Mezouna, S.L. represented by Mr. Ignacio Ybarra Aznar. The Management Committee was also restructured and is now composed of, in addition to the Chief Executive Officer, José Manuel Vargas Gómez, the following members: • Doña Beatriz Puente Ferreras. • Mr. Iñaki Arechabaleta Torróntegui. • Mr. Santiago Alonso Paniagua. It should be noted that in the data concerning senior management who are not also executive Directors, that of the list in section B.1.12, except for José Manuel Vargas, Iñaki Arechabaleta and Enrique Marzal, Beatriz Puente entered the list on 20 November 2007, María José Villarubia Castelero on 15 November 2007, and Miguel Abellán Andrés on 3 December 2007. The following left the Management Committee in the course of 2007: Juan Ignacio Mijangos Ugarte, Víctor Viguri Flores, Ángel Arnedo Gil, Fernando Samaniego Ruiz de Infante and Ángel Doménech Linde. As a result, including all of these people, the remuneration received by persons who in the course of 2007 have been members of Senior Management, and in the period that they have been members, totals 3,898 thousand euros. 175 Corporate Governance Binding definition of Independent Director: Indicate if any independent Director has or had a relationship with the company, its significant shareholders or management which, if it was significant enough or large enough, would have determined that the Director could not be considered as independent, in accordance with the definition included in section 5 of the Unified Code on good governance: Yes X No This Annual Report on Corporate Governance was unanimously approved by the Board of Directors of the company in its meeting of 28 February 2008. Indicate if there have been Directors who have voted against the approval of the current report or who have abstained. Yes 176 X No