10% - Observatorio Islas del Rosario y San Bernardo
10% - Observatorio Islas del Rosario y San Bernardo
Ordenación pesquera en el Área Marina Protegida de los archipiélagos de Rosario y San Bernardo AMP-ARSB Módulo 4: Pesca responsable, ordenamiento pesquero y consumo responsable Jairo Altamar [email protected] 4.1 Estado actual de la pesca en Colombia y el mundo. 4.2 Impacto de la pesca en los ecosistemas acuáticos (Generalidades; efectos directos e indirectos; Formulación de políticas usando los rankings de severidad de impactos colaterales de los artes de pesca. 4.3 Código de conducta para la pesca responsable de la FAO (Principios generales y objetivos; análisis de la aplicación e impacto desde 1995; análisis de citación del código. 4.4 Ordenamiento pesquero (qué es?, cuales son los principios operativos, quien es el responsable; planes, medidas y estrategias de ordenación; algunas consideraciones principales. Estudio de caso para AMP o AME). 4.5 Eco-etiquetado y Consumo Responsable (Alcance, principios, consideraciones generales, requisitos sustantivos mínimos y criterios para las ecoetiquetas; estudio de caso). Estado actual de la pesca en Colombia y el mundo Part 1: Explorers and exploiters in the age of plenty Part 2: The modern era of industrial fishing ? Part 3: The future ocean or ? Commercial fishing has a very long history Coryphaena hippurus 7 + 5 fish Boy 120 cm or 150 cm? Santorini, 1600 BC Coryphaena hippurus A sea fishing revolution can be detected in English archaeological midden deposits around AD 1050 Sea fishing emerged as a result of the world’s first fishery crisis The sea fishing revolution coincided with a time of profound change in Medieval freshwaters Mills proliferated in Medieval Europe: from a couple of hundred around 880 AD, to 5624 listed in the Domesday book of 1085 AD More fish than water… Jamestown, Chesapeake Bay “Heaven and earth seemed never to have agreed better to frame a piece for man’s commodious and delightful habitation.” Captain John Smith, 1608 Explorers then exploiters: William Dampier (1697) New Voyage Round the World writing of the seals of the isle of Juan Fernandez, far off the Chilean coast “Here there are always thousands [of seals], I might say millions of them, either sitting on the bays, or going and coming in the sea round the island, which is covered with them (as they lie at the top of the water playing and sunning themselves) for a mile or two from the shore….A blow on the nose soon kills them. Large ships might here load themselves with sealskins, and Trane-oyl [oil extracted from blubber]; for they are extraordinary fat.” “…whales, grampusses, and other fish of a monstrous bulk, are in such numbers off the coast of Patagonia that they were really offensive to us very often. For they would come sometimes so close to us as to stifle us with their stench when they blew, and would lie so near us that I have frequently thought it impossible to escape striking upon them on every send of a sea.” George Shelvocke 1726 In the 18th century, whaling and sealing became the first global industries Zane Grey Cocos Island 1925 “In unimaginable numbers, from one edge to the other, [groupers] haunt the rocky ledges of coast and islands. If a jigger is trolled at a speed of about four miles an hour over the proper bottom there is no question of catching something, the only gamble is in species and size. The slogan ‘a ton an hour’ can often be bettered.” Griffing Bancroft 1932 Gulf of California Totoaba: Gulf of California Three trawling Revolutions 1376 – the beam trawl is invented 1880s – trawlers gain steam power Late 20th century – the deep sea comes within reach of the trawl The endlessly repeating story of commercial fishing: Opportunity or necessity drives fishery expansion Fishing gets harder and drives technological advance Technology and fishing effort outstrip the productivity of fish populations Population decline forces progressive switching to less valued species Intense fishing degrades and destroys habitat, further compromising productivity and fuelling greater effort Overview • • • • The status of global fisheries Ecosystem impacts of fisheries Causes for overfishing Possible solutions The Status of Global Fisheries Crisis de las pesquerías Argumento Ludwig et al. (1993) Science 260:17,36 La historia de la explotación de recursos indica que son inevitablemente sobreexplotados, a menudo al punto del colapso o la extinción. Contra-argumento Rosenberg et al. (1993) Science 262:828-829 El uso sostenible es un objetivo aceptado y alcanzable para el manejo de los recursos renovables Cubrir las necesidades del presente sin comprometer necesidades de generaciones futuras. Crisis de las pesquerías Comunidades de peces depredadores mundiales Myers y Worm (2003) Nature 423: 280-283 Crisis de las pesquerías Tiburones del Atlántico Noroccidental Martillo Blanco Zorro Azul Baum et al. (2003) Science 299: 389-392 Tintorera costeros Mako oceánicos 150 Years of Newfoundland Cod Fishery A typical Fishery.. 100 Percent Fully exploited Developing 50 Overfished Collapsed or closed Undeveloped 10 0 1950 1960 1970 Years 1980 1990 2000 Froese and Kesner-Reyes, ICES 2002 Trends in Global Fisheries 100% Percent of World Fisheries 26% 22% 5.1 years 31% 80% Collapsed 4.1 years Overfished 5.0 years Fully exploited 60% 38% Developing 4.3 years 40% 20% 0% 1951 Undeveloped ? 1956 1961 1966 1971 Froese and Kesner-Reyes, ICES 2002 1976 Years 1981 1986 1991 1996 More & More Collapsed stocks Froese et al. 2013 Out of New Stocks in 2020 45 40 y = 24.27 - 0.4761 x r2 = 0.4780 Number of new stocks 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1970 1980 1990 2000 Year 2010 2020 Froese et al. 2008, Marine Policy Reality Check in 2012 Froese et al. 2012, Marine Biology Stocks (%) Out of Current Stocks in 2048 ? Worm et al., Science 2006 2048 ? Where Do Most of the Catches Come From? 0 China grossly over-reported its marine fisheries catches throughout the 1990s … Watson y Pauly (2001) Nature 414: 534-536 (t/km2) Biomass of Table Fish in 1900 Christensen et al. 2003 Christensen et al. 2003 and in 2000…. Catch per 100 Hooks 1952 - 1980 Blue Marlin Swordfish Bluefin Tuna Dolphinfish Crisis de las pesquerías Comunidades de peces depredadores mundiales 1958 peces/100 anzuelos 5º X 5º 1980 Myers y Worm (2003) Nature 423: 280-283 Source: Myers and Worm 2003. Nature 423: 280-283 Source: Myers and Worm 2003. Nature 423: 280-283 Source: Myers and Worm 2003. Nature 423: 280-283 Source: Myers and Worm 2003. Nature 423: 280-283 Source: Myers and Worm 2003. Nature 423: 280-283 Source: Myers and Worm 2003. Nature 423: 280-283 Source: Myers and Worm 2003. Nature 423: 280-283 Source: Myers and Worm 2003. Nature 423: 280-283 Source: Myers and Worm 2003. Nature 423: 280-283 Source: Myers and Worm 2003. Nature 423: 280-283 Source: Myers and Worm 2003. Nature 423: 280-283 Source: Myers and Worm 2003. Nature 423: 280-283 Source: Myers and Worm 2003. Nature 423: 280-283 Source: Myers and Worm 2003. Nature 423: 280-283 Source: Myers and Worm 2003. Nature 423: 280-283 Source: Myers and Worm 2003. Nature 423: 280-283 Source: Myers and Worm 2003. Nature 423: 280-283 Source: Myers and Worm 2003. Nature 423: 280-283 Source: Myers and Worm 2003. Nature 423: 280-283 Source: Myers and Worm 2003. Nature 423: 280-283 Source: Myers and Worm 2003. Nature 423: 280-283 Source: Myers and Worm 2003. Nature 423: 280-283 Source: Myers and Worm 2003. Nature 423: 280-283 Source: Myers and Worm 2003. Nature 423: 280-283 Source: Myers and Worm 2003. Nature 423: 280-283 Source: Myers and Worm 2003. Nature 423: 280-283 Source: Myers and Worm 2003. Nature 423: 280-283 Source: Myers and Worm 2003. Nature 423: 280-283 Source: Myers and Worm 2003. Nature 423: 280-283 Overfishing in the North Atlantic Trends from ‘Working Group’ reports by fisheries scientists in government agencies (NMFS, DFO, DIFMAR, IFREMER, etc.), compiled by R. A. Myers. In Summary • Global fisheries have drastically reduced the size of their target stocks, typically by 90% since 1950. Ecosystem Impacts of Fisheries Impact on the Sea Floor before after Photos: Dr. K. Sainsbury, CSIRO Area in NZ accessed by Scallop Trawlers Before Area in NZ accessed by Scallop Trawlers Immediately after first trawling Area in NZ accessed by Scallop Trawlers Three years later (Dayton 1998) Tracks of Trawls courtesy F. Grassle Shrimp Trawlers from Space QuickBird satellite on 20 February 2003, off the coast of Jiangsu province near the mouth of the Yangtze River; And More Trawling for Shrimps… Not only in China, also in Texas Here: shrimp trawlers off the Texas Coast, Gulf of Mexico Photo courtesy of Dr. Kyle van Houten (Duke University) Ecosystem Effects of Fishing 4 ≅ 10% 3 2 1 ≅ 10% .. . . . . . . ≅. 10% *. . .*. . *. . . *. . . . . * *. *. *. . *. . ... Fishing Down Food Webs TL of landings 3,4 Marine 3,3 3,2 3,1 3,0 Freshwater 2,9 2,8 2,7 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 Pauly et al. (Science, 1998) Crisis de las pesquerías Efecto de las pesquerías sobre el ecosistema Posibles cambios de la fauna íctica en el holoceno tardío Parrish (1995) Naga 18(3): 7-9 Crisis de las pesquerías Arrecifes de coral Antes de la pesca Jackson et al (2001) Science 293: 629-638 Después de la pesca Crisis de las pesquerías Manejo basado en el ecosistema Consenso de la necesidad de aproximaciones integrales para el uso y manejo de recursos marinos. Forzantes abióticos •Evitar degradación ecosistema •Considerar requerimientos de otros componentes Pikitch et al. 2004. Science 305:345-347 Fisheries-induced Unnatural Selection • Fishing removes large, old, highly fecund, ‘fit’ fishes before they can reproduce • Reductions in size and age at first maturity are visible in most stocks • Stocks adapted to fishing become less well adapted to their natural environment • Recovery will take long, leaving a ‘Darwinian debt’ to future fishers and consumers Diekmann et al. 2009, ICES Insight In Summary… • Global fisheries have severe negative impact on the marine ecosystem Causes for Overfishing • Crash course in fisheries management – Three types of overfishing Fisheries Management Basics MSY 8000 Catch in kg and Value/Cost in € MEY 6000 Cost of fishing € Growth overfishing € € Economic overfishing 4000 Fpa Recruitment overfishing Flim 2000 ? † 0 0 20 40 60 Fishing Effort (hours) 80 100 EU Fisheries Management MSY 8000 Catch in kg and Value/Cost in € MEY Cost of fishing € 6000 € € 4000 Subsidies Flim 2000 ? † 0 0 20 40 60 Fishing Effort (hours) 80 100 Causes for Overfishing • Crash course in fisheries management – Three types of overfishing – Subsidies increase overfishing – Overfishing decreases mean size of fish Catching Baby Fish Babyfisch in Nordseefängen 2000 - 2004 100 90 82 % Prozent Babyfisch im Fang (%) 80 70 61 % 60 54 % 55 % Seelachs Scholle 50 40 36 % 32 % 30 20 18 % 10 0 Makrele Seezunge Hering Schellfisch Kabeljau Quelle: ICES Report on the Assessment of Demersal Stocks in the North Sea and Skagerrak 2005 Causes for Overfishing • Mismanagement • Subsidies • Misinformation The Fecundity Myth “In theory, one pair of cod is enough to replenish the North Sea cod stock…” Fact : No relationship between fecundity and reproductive success Possible Solutions Solution: Reduce Reduction Eat Anchovies, Sardines, Mackerels… Solution: MPAs WPC: World Park Congress CBD: Convention on Biological Diversity Wood et al. (submitted) Solution: Stop Subsidies Subsidy amounts (USD billion) 60 50 40 30 Fuel 20 All except fuel 10 0 FAO (1992) This study Milazzo (1998) Khan et al. (2006) Solution: Work With Consumers and Retailers • Fish Rulers • Marine Stewardship Council • More Research Conclusions • Fish stocks are declining worldwide • Overfishing is drastically changing the marine ecosystems • Overfishing is driven by mismanagement, myths and subsidies • Top down solutions (MPAs, no subsidies, better management (HCR)) are needed but slow • Involving retailers and the public seems most promising