(1) FYM M (S America) Santiag
(1) FYM M (S America) Santiag
Santiago Metro (Chile) Proyect: Scope: Property: Client: Year: G R U P O TERRATEST Santigo de Chile Metro - Line 4 Development Anchored walls for “Vicente Valdes” Station Metro S.A. PILOTES TERRATEST Execute by Metro Stations Anchors and Soil Nailing Description: To achieve the diaphragm wall stabilization when performing the station's excavation works, temporary anchors with soil nailing have been provided to reach tensile forces of up to 100 ton. Summary of site characteristics - 4.027,60 ml of temporary anchors - 101 tons maximum tensile force applied - 3.810 Nailing systems. Vista general de la Obra Planta y elevación Miguel Yuste, 45 Bis Tel.: 914 23 75 00 Fax: 914 23 75 01 E28037 Madrid E-mail: [email protected] www.terratest.com (1) FYM M (S America) Santiago Chile AN SN Linea 4 Vista ejecución perforaciones