camp guide (1).pub (Read


camp guide (1).pub (Read
Summer Camp/Fun Guide 2014
Day Camps:
Norristown Summer Playground
When: Star ts 6/23, 9 a.m.-2:45 p.m., M-F
Where: Hancock Elementar y School, Gotwalls Elementary School, Elmwood Park Bandshell
What: Recr eation, ar ts & cr afts, games, tr ips ever y
Wednesday and Friday
Cost: $150 per child, plus fees for swimming and tr ips.
How: Register at the Elmwood Par k Bandshell J une 7th
or 14th from 10 am-12 pm Call 610-270-0467.
How: Registr ation cur r ently open to r esidents. Open to
all 04/15-06/14. No late registrations accepted. Call (610)
630-1251 for information.
East Norriton Summer Playground
Who: Childr en ages 5-13.
When: 06/23–08/01, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., M-F
Where: Paul Fly Elementar y School
What: Spor ts, games, contests, ar ts & cr afts, special
events, trips.
Cost: Ear ly r egistr ation for r esidents for $300 ends
May 30th. Residents who register after May 30th are $325.
Non-residents can register after May 30th for $400.
How: Stop by the East Norr iton
Township Bldg, 2501 Stanbridge
St., M-F 8am-4pm (610) 275-2800.
Camp Xtreme Math and Science Enrichment Program
Who: Childr en ages 7-14
When: 06/23-08/15, 8 a.m.5 p.m.
Where: Montco OIC, 1101 Arch
What: Reading specialists and
traveling scientists will work with
students who will also swim each
The Norristown Family Center offers
week, have a learning field trip and
visits to parents of children from
plan and design a closing show.
age 5 to focus on child develHow: Call 610-279-9700
Audubon YMCA Camp Strong
Who: Nor r istown r esidents ages 3
When: 6/16-8/22, weekly camps, 9
a.m.-4 p.m., M-F with extended
hours offered
opment and school readiness. This
Where: St. Ter esa of Avila
guide is published as part of a monthly
School, 2550 South Park Dr.
Camp Salamander
newsletter for parents, who are also
What: Arts & cr afts, swimming,
Who: Childr en who have cominvited to our weekly parent education sports, nature, life skills, field trips,
pleted 2nd-6th grade.
meals and snacks included
When: 06/23-06/27, 9 a,m.-Noon.
Cost: Scholar ships available for
Where: Norr istown Far m Par k
We are located at 1314 DeKalb St.
Norristown residents, call for inforWhat: Natur e-related fun.
Cost: $50 includes T-shirt.
How: Registr ation for m at montcopa.or g under Par ks, How: Call (610) 539-2974.
Trails & Historic Sites. Must be mailed in.
St. Francis of Assisi School
Who: Childr en ages 6-12
Patrician Society Summer Camp
When: 06/15-08/22, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Monday-Friday)
Who: Childr en ages 5-11
Where: St. Fr ancis (601 Buttonwood St.)
When: Six one-week sessions starting 06/30-08/08, 8:30
What: Special on-site activities, field trips, free breakfast
a.m.-2:30 p.m., M-F.
& lunch, weekly themes
Where: St. Patr ick’s Chur ch Hall, 703 Gr een Str eet.
Cost: $160 per week
What: Spor ts, games, ar ts& cr afts, lunch & field tr ips
How: Open Registr ation 8am to 4pm at ELC (610-757Cost: $30 per child per week
How: Call 610-272-6316 on May 1 as space only for 40 1523); [email protected]. Registration fee is $100
children in each session. Email [email protected]. per child (non refundable)
West Norriton Summer Day Camp
Who: Boys & Gir ls ages 5-13
When: 06/23-08/01, from 8:45 a.m.-3 p.m. M-F
Where: Marshall Street Elementary School
What: Activities include ar ts & cr afts, daily spor ting
activities, special guest appearances and day trips, such as
movies, bowling, miniature golf, plays and Mermaid Lake
Cost: Resident $275, Non-resident $375. Discounts for
additional children
Continued on next page
Camp Rainbow
Who: Ages 7-16, Montgomery County resident with a socially or economically challenging situation.
What: An over night camp for var ious age gr oups, 5
days from 06/29-08/08.
Where: 1 Plank Road, Schwenksville,
How: Apply online at campr
What: Activities includes dr awing skills, sculpting,
printmaking, mixed media and collages.
Cost: $150 per week. Pr e-register by May 15 for 10% discount.
How: Online at gnal.or g or call 610-539-3393
STEAM Summer Camp at the Willow School
Who: ages 12 and under
When: 06/23-08/22, 9:00 a.m.- 4 p.m.
Where: Willow School, 401 DeKalb St.
What: Science, technology, engineer ing, ar t and music,
swimming & field trips.
Cost: Accepts CCIS subsidies
How: Call 610-292-0100 or
Specialty Camps:
Art Camp sponsored by Greater Norristown Art
Who: Students ages 6+.
When: Nine one-week sessions in June, July & August
from 10 a.m. -2 p.m.
Where: 800 W. Ger mantown Pike
What: Activities includes dr awing skills, sculpting,
printmaking, mixed media and collages.
Cost: $150 per week.
How: Online at gnal.or g or call 610-539-3393
Cost: $85 per week for sessions in 06/23-06/27 and 07/28
-08/08, $150 for 9 am to noon and $300 for 9 am-3 pm per
week for sessions in 06/30-07/25.
How: Call 610-277-2270
Elmwood Park Zoo: Keeping It Wild
Who: Childr en ages 6-8, 9-11, 12-13
When: Eight one-week sessions from 06/23-08/15, 9 am4 pm
Where: Elmwood Par k Zoo, 1661 Har ding Blvd.
What: Thr ough var ious pr esentations and fun activities,
you'll experience what it takes to be a zookeeper and appreciate the importance of wildlife conservation
Cost: $225 per week for member s, $250 per week for
How: Education Depar tment at 610.277.3825 x 236 or
[email protected].
Horizon Theater Camp
Who: Childr en ages 7-12
When: 08/04-08/08, 08/11-08/15, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Where: J effer son Fir ehouse, Egypt Road, West Norr iton
What: An action packed dr ama camp taught by Philadelphia theatre professionals. Young actors spend the week
working as a team to create a play.
Cost: $135 per child
How: Call Lauren Mashett at 610-631-0450 at West Norriton Township Parks and Recreation.
Norristown PAL Willie Richet Memorial Basketball
How: Call the PAL at 610-278-8040 for more information
May 1st.
Summer ARTS Intensive: “Road Trip,” sponsored by
ACPPA Community Art Center
FAME Summer Program
Who: Pr eschool thr ough Middle School for 4-week
How: Call the PAL at 610-278-8040 for more information
May 1st.
When: Openings still available for one-week sessions
06/23-06/27, 06/30-07/25, 07/28-08/08
Where: Gr ace Luther an Chur ch, 506 Haws Ave.
What: Par ticipants will meet in age appr opr iate gr oups
to explore visual arts, dance, music, and theater.
Campamento 2014
Día de Campamento:
Norristown Zona de juegos de Verano
Quién: Niños de Norr istown en edades de 5-13 años
Cuándo: Empieza 06/23, 9 a.m.-2:45 p.m., Lunes a Viernes.
Dónde: Escuela Pr imar ia Hancock, Gotwalls Elementary School, Elmwood Park Bandshell
Qué: r ecr eación, ar tes y manualidades, juegos, excur siones todos los miércoles y viernes
Costo: $ 150 por niño, con car gos adicionales par a la
natación y excursiones
Cómo: Registr ar en el Elmwood Par k Bandshell 07 de
junio o el 14 desde las 10 am-12 pm Llame al 610-2700467.
Sociedad Patrician Campamento
de Verano
Quién: Niños de 5-11 años
Cuándo: Seis sesiones de una semana a partir 06/30 - 08/08, 8:30 am-2:
30 pm, Lunes a Viernes
Lugar: Iglesia de Saint Patr ick, 703
Green Street
Qué: Depor tes, juegos, ar tes y ar tesanías, comidas y viajes de campo
Costo: $ 30 por niño por semana
Cómo: Llame al 610-272-6316, el 1
de mayo, espacio únicamente para 40
niños en cada sesión. Email [email protected].
Dónde: Paúl Fly Escuela Pr imar ia
Qué: Depor tes, juegos, concur sos, ar tes y ar tesanías,
eventos especiales, viajes.
Costo: Inscr ipción anticipada par a los r esidentes por $
300 se termina 30 de mayo. Los residentes que se inscriban
después del 30 de mayo se aceptarán de acuerdo a disponibilidad de espacio y cuestan $ 325. Los no residentes también pueden inscribirse después de 30 de mayo y el costo es
de $400.
Cómo: Detener se en el Or iente Norr iton Township
Bldg, 2501 Stanbridge St., LV 8am-4pm (610) 275 a 2800.
Audubon YMCA Campamento Fuerte
Quién: Norr istown r esidentes de edades 3-16
Cuándo: campamentos de 06/16 08/22, cada semana, de 9 am a 4 pm,
lunes a viernes con horario extendido
Dónde: Escuela de St. Teresa de
Avila, 2550 South Park Dr.
Qué: Artes y ar tesanías, natación,
deportes, naturaleza, habilidades para
la vida, excursiones, comidas y snacks incluidos
Costo: Hay becas disponibles par a
los residentes de Norristown, llame
para obtener información.
Cómo: Llame a la Audubon
YMCA en (610) 539-2974
Arte intensivo: “Road Trip,” patrocinado por ACPPA
Centro de Arte Comunitario
West Norriton Día de Campamento de Verano
Quién: Niños y niñas de 5 a 13 (debe tener 5 años cum- Quién: Los niños quién esta en Preschool a Middle School
Cuándo: 06/23-06/27 y 07/28-08/08, $85 por semana.
plidos al 1 de junio de 2013). Prueba de edad para cualDónde: La iglesia de Grace Lutheran, 506 Haws Ave.
quier niño menor de 6 años.
Cuándo: 06/23 - 08/01, de 8:45 am a 3 pm lunes a viernes Qué: Los niños se reunirán en grupos apropriados para su
edad para explorar las artes visuales, el baile, la música, y
(no hay campamento el 4 de julio)
el teatro.
Dónde: Mar shall Str eet Elementar y School
Qué: Las actividades incluyen ar tes y ar tesanías, activi- Costo: Desde las 9 a.m. a 12 p.m. se cuesta $150 y desde
dades deportivas diarias, presentaciones de invitados espe- las 9 a.m. a 3 p.m. se cuesta $300.
Cómo: Llame al 610-277-2270
ciales y excursiones, como las películas, bolos, minigolf,
juegos y el Lago Sirena
Costo: Residentes $ 275, No r esidentes $ 370.
Cómo: Registr ar se ahor a en el edificio del municipio, si
Usted es un residente de West Norriton. Abierto a todos de
April 15 a junio 14. No se aceptaran inscripciones tardías.
Llame al (610) 630-1251 para obtener información.
East Norriton Zona de juegos Verano
Quién: Niños de 5-13.
Cuándo: 06/23 - 08/01, 9 am-3 pm, lunes a viernes (sin
campamento el 4 de Julio)