Membership Scholarship Program Instructions - Kerrville
Membership Scholarship Program Instructions - Kerrville
Membership Scholarship Program Instructions Please read carefully and follow the step by step instructions to complete your scholarship application. 1. This packet includes the Scholarship Agreement Form and the Scholarship Application 2. Please read the Scholarship Agreement Form, sign and date at the bottom of the page. 3. Completely fill out the Scholarship Application and provide copies of all income verification as outlined in the application. 4. Scholarship Applications are accepted according to the following schedule: Acceptance of Application Processing Period Membership Term March 1-15 March 16-30 April- March (1 yr.) June 1-15 June 16-30 July-June (1 yr.) September 1-15 September 16-30 October- September (1 yr.) December 1- 15 December 16-31 January- December (1 yr.) 5. Mail the completed application, including the signed Scholarship Agreement Form, the Scholarship Request Form and copies of all income verification to: TSA Kroc Center Attn: Scholarship Committee P.O. Box 290790 Kerrville, TX 78029-0790 Or you may deliver the completed application directly to Kroc Center Front Desk. 6. You will be notified of your scholarship opportunity by phone. 7. You have thirty days after being notified of your scholarship award to sign up for membership. After the thirty days our offer will be considered void. 8. When you come in to sign up, the front desk staff will help you complete you membership form, accept your payment, take your picture and issue your membership card. Thank you! We look forward to seeing you soon! Rev. 1/4/16 OFFICE USE ONLY □ All pages signed □ Proof of income attached Staff: Scholarship Program Agreement Form Kroc Center Scholarship Program The Salvation Army Kroc Center is pleased to provide a comprehensive scholarship program to help provide access to the Center’s programs. It was Joan Kroc’s vision and expectation that all individuals have equal opportunities to grow their natural gifts and talents. The Kroc Center is a world class facility allowing just that; an equal opportunity which allows each person the chance to discover and develop their natural gifts. We are delighted that you are interested in participating. Please read carefully 1. Please complete the attached application and provide copies of proof of all income (acceptable proof: two current pay stubs, TANF notice, child support, Social Security, SNAP letter, unemployment statements, Federal Tax Return, etc.). 2. Submit completed application and paperwork to the address mentioned on the Instruction sheet by the deadline for the upcoming scholarship term. Incomplete applications will be returned. Any information found to be fraudulent will result in loss or denial of the scholarship award. 3. Completion of the application does not guarantee assistance. Scholarships will be awarded based on eligibility, funding, timeliness, and space available. 4. All requests will be responded to by phone. Once approved, the applicant is invited to return to the Center to complete membership enrollment within the first month of the new period (January, April, July, or October). Award recipients that do not respond within this first month will not be eligible to use the scholarship. 5. Please be prepared to pay your initial payment at time of registration and continue to follow the payment schedule according to membership policies. Should you lapse on your payment schedule we reserve the right to terminate the scholarship award. Membership payments may be made in one of the following ways; automatic monthly withdraw through your debit or credit card, checking account, or savings account. 6. Registration fees cannot be waived. 7. Scholarship recipients are expected to financially contribute toward the program. 100% scholarships will not be awarded. 8. There is no scholarship benefit for activities that fall outside of membership (such as food at the concession or merchandise, etc.) 9. Non- use of your Kroc Center membership may result in discontinued scholarship assistance. 10. Scholarships are valid for 12 months from approval. Re-applying will be required at the end of the membership term. Continued scholarship approval will be dependent upon financial information and frequency of previous attendance at the Kroc Center. 11. All scholarships are confidential. Applicants agree to refrain from discussing awards with others. Please sign as verification of your understanding and acceptance of The Salvation Army Kroc Center scholarship program. Signature Print Name Rev. 1/4/16 Date Scholarship Request Form Solicitud para beca Check Appropriate Box: Membership Application Program Application Summer Camp Application Seleccione uno de los cuadros: Solicitud de membrecia Solicitud de programa Solicitud de campamento de verano SECTION I – OTHER HOUSEHOLS MEMEBRS (OTROS MIEMBROS DE LA CASA) List all persons living in the household with applicant. Please indicate if children are foster children. (Escriba los nobres de todas las personas que viven en su casa. Indique si los niños que vinven con usted son adoptados). Last Name (Apellido): __________________________________ First Name (Nombre):_____________________________________ Address (Direccion): ___________________________________________________ City (Ciudad): ___________________________ Zip Code (Codigo Postal):_____________ Home Phone (Telefono del la casa): ________________ Cell(celular): ________________ Work Phone (Trabajo)______________________ email_____________________________________________________________ License ID # (Licencia de Manejar): _________________________ SS# (Seguro Social):_____________________________________ Birthdate (Fecha de Nacimiento): ______________________________ Marital Status (EstadoCivil): S /S M/C D/D O/O SECTION II – OTHER HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS (OTROS MIEMBROS DE LA CASA) List all persons living in household with applicant. Please indicate if children are foster children. (Escriba los nombres de todas las personas que viven en su casa. Indique si los niños que viven con usted son adoptados). Name Age Sex Relationship to Applicant Social Security # Birthdate (Nombre) (Edad) (Sexo) (Relacion con el Aplicante) (Seguro social) (Fecha de nacimiento) SECTION III – HOUSEHOLD FINANCES (INGRESOS FINANCIEROS DE LA CASA) Total Household Income per month for ALL PERSONS living with applicant (Ingresos mensuales de TODAS LAS PERSONAS en la casa):$__________ Include cash payments for “odd jobs”. Mark Sources of Income/Aid (Incluya pagos en efectivo por”otros trabajos”Formas de ingreso/ayudas): Gross Salary from your Job (Ingresos total)$________________ Occupation (Ocupacion): _________________________________________ SSI/SSA (Seguro social)$_________________________ Child Support/Alimony (Manutencion de menores)$________________________ Disability (Por desabilitacion)$_________________ TANF$_________________ SNAP benefits (Estampillas)$ ____________________ Other, please list (Otros): $_____________________________________________________________________________________________ REASON FOR REQUEST: (PLEASE LIST ANY SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES YOU WOULD LIKE US TO KNOW- ATTACH LETTER IF NEEDED) RAZON DE APLICACION: (POR FAVOR INCLUYA CIRCUMSTANCIAS ESPECIALES QUE A USTED LE GUSTARIA QUE CONSIDEREMOS. INCLUYA UNA CARTA SI ES NESECARIO)____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This application and required income documentation are confidential information and will be used only for scholarship recommendations by the Membership Supervisor. (Esta aplicacion y los documentos de ingresos requeridos son información confidencial y solamente serán usados para la revision de becas por el supervisor de membrecía). NOTICE - in order to promote a safe and secure environment, The Salvation Army Kroc Center has placed video cameras in various locations. As part of our commitment to the safety of children and vulnerable persons, The Salvation Army Kroc Center reserves the right to consult public sources to determine whether any member or guest of any member poses an unreasonable risk of harm to its patrons, staff, or visitors. (Nota – para poder promover un ambiente seguro y confiable, El Kroc Center del Salvation Army a puesto cámaras de seguridad en varias áreas. Como parte de nuestro compromiso para la seguridad de los niños y personas vulnerables, El Kroc Center del Salvation Army se reserva el derecho a consultar con fuentes públicas para determinar si algún miembro o visitante esta en riesgo de dañar sin razón alguna a sus patrones, empleados, o visitantes). SIGNATURE (FIRMA): DATE (FECHA): FOR OFFICE USE ONLY (PARA USO DE LA OFICINA SOLAMENTE): DATE RECEIVED: RECEIVED BY: __ _______ PERCENTAGE TO BE PAID BY PARTICIPANT____________ PERCENTAGE TO BE PAID BY KROC__________APPROVED YES NO DATE________ Notes: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Rev. 1/4/16 The Salvation Army Scholarship Program Application ___________________________________________________ _______________________ Last Name Phone # First Name _________________________________________ Address __________________ _____ _________ City St List all individuals in the household including the applicant Last Name First Name Monthly Income: Amount Age Sex Relationship Monthly Expenses: Amount ____________ Zip Applicant Amount Husband Employment ____________ Rent/Mortgage Wife Employment ____________ Electric Other Employment ____________ Water/Sewer TANF ____________ Loans Disability ____________ Groceries ____________ Entertainment ____________ Social Security ____________ Car Payment ____________ Medical Bills ____________ SSI ____________ Car Insurance ____________ Medical Ins Child Support ____________ Gas ____________ Dental Ins ____________ Food Stamps ____________ Telephone/Cell ____________ Life Ins ____________ Other Income ____________ Cable/Internet ____________ Other ____________ Total Income ____________ ____________ Credit Card ____________ Eating Out ____________ ____________ Day Care ____________ ____________ Education ____________ ____________ Total Expenses ___________ Total Income – Expenses = _____________ Comments: _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ I certify that all information contained in this application is complete and accurate. I understand that giving false information could result in my application being denied. I also understand that by completing this application I am not guaranteed a scholarship. Signature: ______________________________________________________Date: ____________ *Please be sure this application is filled out completely and accurately. Proof of all household income must accompany this form. Applications with missing documentation or incomplete information will not be considered. Rev. 1/4/16
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