Untitled - Primer Curso Virtual Avanzado de Electrocardiología


Untitled - Primer Curso Virtual Avanzado de Electrocardiología
Sociedad La*noamericana de Es*mulación Cardíaca y Electrofisiología (SOLAECE) Presenta*on of the management plans in the area of Noninvasive Electrocardiography and Electrophysiology. Coordinator of the area of Noninvasive Electrocardiography and Electrophysiology Andrés Ricardo Pérez-­‐Riera MD PhD SOLAECE CommiJees 1.  PEDIATRIC ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY Coordinator: Dr. Patricia Frangini (Chile) 2.  ACCREDITATION AND CERTIFICATION Coordinator: Dr. Miguel Vacca (Colombia) 3.  ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY FELLOWS Coordinator: Dr. Daniel Benhayon (Venezuela-­‐USA) 4.  REGISTRIES AND GUIDELINES Coordinator: Dr. Roberto Keegan (Argen*na) 5.  EMERGENCIES IN ARRHYTHMIAS Coordinator: Dr. Roberto Zulaica (Argen*na) 6.  NONINVASIVE ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY AND ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY Coordinator: Dr. Andrés Pérez Riera (Brazil) Our aim is to develop a high-­‐level Virtual Course within the Sociedad La*noamericana de Es*mulación Cardíaca y Electrofisiología (SOLAECE), called “SOLAESE First Advanced Virtual Course of Electrocardiology: New fron*ers for a century-­‐
old discipline.” President of SOLAECE: Dr. Luis Aguinaga Coordinators of the Course: Andrés Ricardo Pérez Riera MD, PhD and Raimundo Barbosa-­‐Barros MD from Brazil The course will have 21 ludic and didac*c virtual classes, that will be presented in a sequence every three weeks since July 2014, un*l April 1st, 2015, and that will be published in a specific bilingual site www.cursoecg-­‐solaece.com.ar (English/
Spanish) of the SOLAECE, where the two main items of the method will be developed. Every class will present a set of mul*ple-­‐choice ques*ons. At the end of the course, a cer*ficate by the SOLAECE will be granted to the par*cipants that are correct in 80% or more of the answers. The topics to be developed will be: 1.  Value of ECG in the 21st Century – A historical review of the method. (Date to be published, July 1, 2014) Andrés Ricardo Pérez-­‐ Riera M.D.Ph.D. 2.  Electrophysiology and electro-­‐physio-­‐pharmacology of cardiac cells. (Date to be published July 15th, 2014). Andrés Ricardo Pérez-­‐ Riera M.D.Ph.D. 3.  ECG modifica*ons in the different age ranges. Fetuses, premature newborn babies, full-­‐term newborn babies, infants, children, teenagers, adults and elderly people. (Date to be published, August 1st, 2014). Andrés Ricardo Pérez-­‐ Riera M.D.Ph.D. 4.  Normal ECG and chronology of its reading. (Date to be published, August 15th, 2014). Andrés Ricardo Pérez-­‐ Riera M.D.Ph.D. 5.  ECG in athletes and its role in the preven*on of sudden cardiac death. (Date to be published September 1st, 2014). Andrés Ricardo Pérez-­‐ Riera M.D.Ph.D. 6.  ECG in atrial enlargement and in intra-­‐atrial conduc*on disorders. (Date to be published, September 1st, 2014). Professor Antoni Bayes de Luna(Spain)/Adrian Baranchuk(Canada) and Diego Conde.(Argen*na) 7.  ECG in ventricular enlargements: LV, RV, and biventricular enlargement (BVE). (Date to be published, September 15th, 2014). Andrés Ricardo Pérez-­‐ Riera M.D.Ph.D. 8.  ECG in bundle branch blocks: lem and right. Bifascicular, trifascicular and tetrafascicular blocks. Masked or alterna*ng bundle branch blocks. (Date to be published, September 30th, 2014). ). Marcelo V. Elizari & Pablo A. Chiale. 9. 
Diagnosis of coronary artery disease in the presence of bundle branch blocks. (Date to be published, October 1st, 2014). Andrés Ricardo Pérez-­‐ Riera M.D.Ph.D. 10.  Diagnosis of coronary artery insufficiency, part I. (Date to be published, October 15th, 2014). Nikus "Kjell. M.D.PhD.
(from Finland) & Samuel Sclarorwsky M.D. (Israel.) 11.  Diagnosis of coronary artery insufficiency, part II. Cases report (Date to be published, October 30th, 2014). Raimundo Barbosa-­‐Barros (Brazil)/ Andrés Ricardo Pérez-­‐ Riera & Frank G Yanowitz MD.(USA.) 12.  ECG in lem fascicular blocks: LAFB, LPFB and LSFB. (Date to be published, November 1st, 2014). Marcelo V. Elizari & Pablo A. Chiale (From ArgenRna) 13.  ECG in right fascicular blocks. (Date to be published, November 15th, 2014). Andrés Ricardo Pérez-­‐ Riera M.D.Ph.D. 14.  ECG in the main supraventricular arrhythmias. Dr. Dalmo Antônio Ribeiro-­‐Moreira Brazil (Date to be published, November 30th, 2014). 15.  ECG in atrioventricular conduc*on disorders. (Date to be published, December 1st, 2014). Andrés Ricardo Pérez-­‐ Riera M.D.Ph.D. 16.  ECG in ventricular preexcita*on. (Date to be published, February 1st, 2015). Andrés Ricardo Pérez-­‐ Riera M.D.Ph.D. 17.  ECG in the main ventricular arrhythmias. Pedro Brugada Terradelas M.D., PhD, FESC (Belgium) and Josep Brugada Terradelas M.D., PhD, FESC (Spain) (Date to be published, February 15th, 2015). 18.  ECG in the main cyano*c and acyano*c congenital heart diseases. (Date to be published, March 1st, 2015). Andrés Ricardo Pérez-­‐ Riera M.D.Ph.D. 19.  ECG in cardiomyopathies and pericardi*s. (Date to be published, March 15th, 2015). Andrés Ricardo Pérez-­‐ Riera M.D.Ph.D. 20.  ECG in channelopathies without apparent structural heart disease: long and short QT syndromes, Brugada syndrome, malignant early repolariza*on/idiopathic ventricular fibrilla*on, and catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia. (Date to be published, March 30th, 2015). Andrés Ricardo Pérez-­‐ Riera M.D.Ph.D.& Sami Viskin M.D. Israel. 21.  ECG in electroly*c disorders, effects of drugs and hypothermia. (Date to be published, April 1st, 2015). Andrés Ricardo Pérez-­‐ Riera M.D.Ph.D. The manager of the IT area will be Dr. Edgardo Schapachnik, since unques*onably, this colleague is the leading figure in distance educa*on.