Call for papers EN
Call for papers EN
I CIJIELC" Vigo, February 10-12, 2016 I International Conference of Young Researchers in Literary and Cultural Studies Scientific Committee Carmen Alemany Bay" Universidad de Alicante (España)" Marta Álvarez" Universidad de Bourgogne (France)" Camen Becerra Suárez." Universidade de Vigo (España)" Manuel Ángel Candelas Colodrón." Universidade de Vigo (España)" Alai Diniz García" Call for papers The I International Conference of Young Researchers in Literary and Cultural Studies will be held in Februrary 10-12, 2012 at the Philology and Translation School of the University of Vigo. Its Organizing Committee invites any young researcher or M.A. and PhD student to participate with a paper related to any of the following four thematic lines:" - Hispanic Literary Studies" UFSC (Brasil)" Beatriz Garzelli" Università degli Studi di Siena (Italia)" Emilie Guyard" - Galician, Portuguese and English Literary Studies" - Cultural Studies" Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour (France)" - Comparative Studies: Literature and Media" Carmen Luna Sellés" Proposals can be written in Spanish, Galician, Portuguese and English and must be submitted before November, 2nd 2015 to [email protected]. The single .doc or .docx file with the proposal must include the following information:" Universidade de Vigo (España)" Stephen Miller" University A&M (Texas, USA)" Cecilia Pacella" Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina)" Stephen Roberts" University of Notthingham (England)" Pedro Ruiz Pérez" Universidad de Córdoba (España)" Gustavo San Román" University of St. Andrews (Scotland)" Ariel Schettini" Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina) Organizing Committee María Chiginskaya" Soledad Cuba López" Name and surname" Institution" E-mail address" Line of research" Brief CV" Title and Abstract (300-500 words)" We also accept panel proposals related to any of the four thematic lines." The Scientific Committee will take a decision which will be communicated by email to any individual researcher in December, 20th 2015. Rocío Hernández Arias" David Pérez Álvarez" Gabriela Rivera Rodríguez