RECTOR: Very Reverend Thomas E. Barrett
RECTOR: Very Reverend Thomas E. Barrett
RECTOR: Very Reverend Thomas E. Barrett WORLD DAY OF PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS On Sunday, April 17, the Catholic Church celebrates the 53rd year of World Day of Prayer, also known as "Good Shepherd Sunday." The purpose of this day is to publically fulfill the Lord's instruction to, "Pray the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into his harvest" (Mt 9:38; Lk 10:2). Please pray that young men and women hear and respond generously to the Lord's call to the priesthood, diaconate, religious life, societies of apostolic life or secular institutes. PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS God our Father, we thank you for calling men and women to serve in your Son’s Kingdom as priests, deacons, religious, and consecrated persons. Send your Holy Spirit to help us respond generously and courageously to your call. May our community of faith support vocations of sacrificial love in our youth. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. YOU’RE INVITED TO THE PRIESTLY ORDINATION With praise and thanksgiving to Almighty God, the Diocese of Palm Beach joyfully announces the Ordination of Rev. Mr. James Scott Adams and Rev. Mr. Robert Lee Pope, Jr. called by the Church to the Sacred Priesthood of Jesus Christ through the Imposition of Hands and the Invocation of the Holy Spirit By His Excellency, The Most Reverend Gerald M. Barbarito, Bishop of Palm Beach, on Saturday, May 7, at 11 a.m. at the Cathedral of St. Ignatius Loyola in Palm Beach Gardens. All are Warmly Invited to Attend! ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC SCHOOL 1759 Indian Creek Parkway | Jupiter, FL 33458 561-748-8994 | Grade Range: PreK-8th Year Opened: 2003 | Number of Students: 465 | Tuition Range: $7,280-$9,200 All Saints Catholic School continues to accept applications for the 2016-2017 school year for Pre-K through 8th grade. All Saints is committed to providing a strong curriculum that allows our graduates to excel academically, spiritually and socially, in high school, college and beyond. All Saints is equipped with the latest technology and every student has an iPad Air, we are equipped with a virtual reality 3D table, lego robotics, ozobots, a Makerbot 3D printer and our two Steel case collaborative technology rooms. Also, we just launched a mobile app for our parents. All Saints is dedicated to providing all students with a nurturing, learning environment reflecting Gospel values and teaching the traditions of our faith. More information is located on the website at: For a private tour, please call the school at 561-748-8994. Come change your child’s future! ~ Please call the school for a private tour. EVENTS AROUND OUR DIOCESE... FAMILIES CAN “DIVE INTO MERCY” AT A FAMILY RETREAT Consider making a Family Retreat. Join us for Dive into Mercy Family Retreat: Deep Faith in a Shallow World to be held April 23, from 9 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. at St. Anastasia in Ft. Pierce. This retreat includes something for all members of the family. It is a retreat is for families who desire: God’s peace and joy to reign in their homes; Greater spiritual intimacy with Christ; Growth in power to resist the culture’s temptations; and to be Christ’s light to our world. There will be activities for adults and teens plus activities for kids ages 3-12. For kids under the age of 3, there is a nursery available (please bring favorite toys.) Cost is $35 per family with up to 3 children; add $5 for each additional child. Cost includes Continental breakfast and lunch. Pre-registration is required and SPACE is LIMITED. Please register and postmark registration by April 15. After April 15, call or e-mail to check on availability and space. For more information and the Registration Form, please visit diveintomercy or call Cathy Loh in the Office of Marriage and Family Life at 561- 775-9557. ARE YOU BLESSED WITH TIME ON YOUR HANDS? Catholic Charities always needs volunteers for our many programs and ministries including: Birthline/Lifeline; Elder Affairs; Hunger, Homeless and Outreach; Parish Social Ministry; and others. Please come share your time and talents with Catholic Charities! For information please contact the Volunteer Coordinator at 561-345-2005. CATHOLIC CHARITIES WISH LIST TO HELP CLIENTS There are many ways to support Catholic Charities and one way is to donate your gently used or new items to our programs and ministries. Your support helps us to provide our clients quality assistance. We appreciate your donations, large or small! Please visit to see what items are needed to help the clients served by Catholic Charities’ 12 programs and ministries. INVITATION AND DEADLINE FOR THE ANNUAL GRADUATION MASS The Annual Graduation Mass for High School Seniors will take place on Sunday, May 15, at 5:00 p.m. at the Cathedral of St. Ignatius Loyola in Palm Beach Gardens. Bishop Barbarito will be the celebrant and will congratulate the students and provide a special blessing. A light reception will be held afterward in the parish hall. Registration Deadline for high school seniors to RSVP and to be recognized at the Mass is Thursday, May 5. We ask graduating seniors and families to contact their parish office/Youth Minister/School Coordinator soon to provide names and the number of family and friends who will attend this special Mass and Reception. For more information about the Mass, you may also contact Marie Driver in the diocesan Office of Catechetical Leadership, Youth Ministry & RCIA at 561 -775-9549. CATHEDRAL OF ST. IGNATIUS LOYOLA 9999 N. Military Trail, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Monday-Friday 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM (Closed for lunch 12:30 PM –1:30 PM) OFFICE PHONE: 561-622-2565 E-MAIL: [email protected] FAX: 561-624-9489 WEB: WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE SATURDAY: Vigil Mass at 4:30 p.m. SUNDAY: 7:15 a.m., 8:45 a.m., 10:30 a.m. (Children’s Liturgy & Interpreted for the Deaf) and 5:00 p.m. (Lifeteen Music Ministry) DOMINGO: Misa en Español 12:30 p.m. WOMEN’S GUILD INSTALLATIONS OF OFFICERS The installation of newly elected officers will take place at the 8:30 a.m. Mass on Tuesday, April 26, 2016. Luncheon at the Abacoa Golf Club at 11:30 AM. Cost is $17.95 tax and gratuity included. NOW AVAILABLE! Your new Grace Cube is provided compliments of Council 6988 Knights of Columbus! (one per family, please) Suggested usage: Leave the Grace Cube on the kitchen or dining room table (wherever your family gathers to eat). It will serve as a convenient reminder to pray together before each meal. + Take turns “rolling the Cube.” Whoever rolls, leads the prayer on the side facing up. If the ‘top’ image faces up (with the St. Ignatius and Knights of Columbus logos), that side is like a ‘wild card.’ The ‘roller’ may choose any of the five other Grace prayers. OUR LADY OF FLORIDA SPIRITUAL CENTER (561) 626-1300 – FAX (561) 627-3956 April 29-May 1: Married Couples Retreat with the theme: “Marriage: A Sacrament of Commitment & Choice” $370.00 per couple. Registration & deposit required. See website for details. May 4: Day of Reflection. Presenter: Br. Edward Hall, C.P. “The Simple Path” 10:00am-2:30pm $30.00. Reservations required. May 27-29: Healing Retreat led by Fr. Robert Richardson Cost: $210.00 Registration & deposit required. 2:30pm $30.00. Reservations required June 17-23: Silent Directed Retreat. Cost: $550.00 Registration & deposit required. See website for brochure June 17-23: Centering Prayer Intensive Silent Retreat led by Fr. Bill Sheehan, OMI. Cost $560.00 Contact Basha Perez (407869-0781) for registration. OUR CATHEDRAL “HOLY DOORS OF MERCY” 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Monday – Friday Walk through our main doors and pray to receive a plenary indulgence. We have more information on what your visit should include available in the sanctuary or go to: jubileeguide VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Miracle House is looking for people to help at the Miracle Thrift Store. We help the pregnant and new mothers select items they need for their new baby. You need no experience, but it helps to be a mom. Many young women have no mother figure and have many basic questions to ask regarding what to expect and anticipate. It is very rewarding to help the moms with these simple things that we take for granted. If you would like to help or have questions, please call Deacon Miguel at 627-7478 or Suzanne at 373-5822. 2016 Diocesan Services Appeal Report We are most grateful to those who responded to the 2016 Diocesan Services Appeal. So far $197,788.25 has been pledged getting us to 75% our goal of $263,000. This is a wonderful example of your stewardship and your willingness to reach out to others. If you have not had the opportunity to respond, please make an effort to do so. Thank you again for sharing in a way that allows Bishop Barbarito and our diocese to provide the leadership, vision, and assistance tour our people in need. Most Reverend Gerald M. Barbarito, D.D., J.C.L. Bishop of Palm Beach Very Reverend Thomas E. Barrett Rector Reverend Eli St. Fort Reverend José Crucet Parochial Vicars Reverend Harold Buckley Reverend Dan Devore Assisting Priests Deacon John Beaudoin ~ Deacon Miguel Muñoz Deacon Greg Horton ~ Deacon Jaime Zapata Permanent Deacons DAILY MASS SCHEDULE Monday through Friday 6:45 a.m. & 8:30 a.m. Saturday - 8:30 a.m. Liturgy for the Day Confessions Saturdays at 3:00 p.m. in the chapel Internet Guide to Confession: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Parish Social Ministries is open Monday - Thursday 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Phone: 561-627-7478 Current needs of our Food Pantry: Mac & Cheese, PB & Jelly, Tuna, Dry Milk, Pasta Sauce & cleaning supplies. R W A 17, 2016 Fourth Sunday of Easter Acts 13:14, 43-52; Ps 100:1-2, 3, 5; Rv 7:9, 14b-17; Jn 10:27-30 Monday Acts 11:1-18; Ps 42:2-3; 43:3, 4, Jn 10:1-10 Tuesday Acts 11:19-26; Ps 87:1b-3, 4-5, 6-7, Jn 10:22-30 Wednesday Acts 12:24—13:5a; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, and 8; Jn 12:44-50 Thursday Saint Anselm, Bishop and Doctor of the Church Acts 13:13-25; Ps 89:2-3, 21-22, 25, and 27; Jn 13:16-20 Friday Acts 13:26-33; Ps 2:6-7, 8-9, 10-11ab; Jn 14:1-6 Saturday Saint George, Martyr; Saint Adalbert, Bishop and Martyr Acts 13:44-52; Ps 98:1, 2-3ab, 3cd-4, Jn 14:7-14 Sunday Offertory Report for April 10, 2016 Attendance……......................................................2094 Number of Checks & Envelopes………………….….563 From Checks & Envelopes………………………….$15,326 Loose Cash ...................... ……………………...…..$4,066 Total Offertory ................. …………………………..$19,392 Family Life Center….....……………………………..$4,769 Parish Social Ministries…………. .......................... $20.00 Poor Box Monies................................................... $144.51 Online Giving ……………………………..…………$2431 03/31/2016 School Debt Principal Balance..........$1,176,483.99 March Pymt. for principal & interest on ASCS Loan....$5,500 March Contributions for All Saints Debt……………...$6,977 CAPITAL CAMPAIGN HELPFUL HINTS Your pledges are rolling in! If you have not made your pledge yet, please do! Due to the many different methods of payments, there are a few things that you can do that will help us keep things running smoothly: • • • When using your own bank’s “Bill Pay” option, please indicate in memo section “PLEDGE” and/or change the Payee name to “St. Ignatius Family Life Center”. Please do not combine your Campaign Pledge with your weekly offertory. Separate checks are necessary; please use your check “memo” to designate your intent. When you receive your reminder letter, we will have included a special “PLEDGE PAYMENT” envelope which you are welcome to drop in the weekend collection basket, or mail back to our office. Please do not use your weekly offertory envelopes for your pledge payments. This helps assure the posting process is accurate. Please do not use the larger initial pledge envelopes. There are white and gold “PLEDGE PAYMENT” envelopes available at the back of the church or on the welcome table for your convenience. Please call Barbara 561-622-2565 if you have any questions regarding campaign. GRIEF & LOSS SUPPORT GROUP St. Ignatius Grief and Loss support group will meet on Tuesdays, at 10 a.m. in the Parish hall. If you have lost someone you love and feel you want to talk about the loss or its effect on you, please call the parish office at 561-622-2565. PARISH MISSION STATEMENT We, the People of God, as members of the Body of Christ at St. Ignatius Loyola Cathedral Parish, are conscious that by our Baptism we are called to carry out Jesus' mission to establish the Kingdom of God by: ·Nurturing our faith through celebrating the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist, and learning from Sacred Scripture and Church teaching; ·Discerning God's will in satisfying the spiritual needs of our faith community and committing our time, talent and treasure; ·Evangelizing by living, proclaiming and teaching the message of the Gospel; ·Setting a climate for openness, and acceptance for all. New Schedule for Baptism Preparation Class Our Baptism Preparation Class for parents has been changed and will now take place on the first Wednesday of every month in the Chapel from 7:30 until 8:30 pm. To have your child Baptized please contact Deacon John in the Parish Office and schedule an appointment. Our next class will be on May 4, 2016. God bless you and your family! BEST OF FRANCE 11 DAYS: NOVEMBER 9-19, 2016 Hosted by Fr. Tom Barrett Visiting Nice, Monte Carlo, Lyon, Chateaux Country, Mont St. Michel, Bayeux, Normandy, Rouen and Paris $3399 PER PERSON FROM MIAMI Tour includes: Roundtrip Air from Miami, First Class/Select Hotels, Most Meals, Daily Mass, Comprehensive Sightseeing, Professional Tour Escort and more!! For a brochure & more information contact Father Tom Barrett: 561-622-2565 or email [email protected] ST. IGNATIUS LOYOLA YOUTH MINISTRY Dee Aitken, Youth Minister/D.R.E. Parish Office: 561-622-2565 E-mail: [email protected] Web: LIFE TEEN HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH Life Nights begin after the 5:00 p.m. Mass with dinner in the parish hall. All High School Teens are welcome! April 17th– tonight we will be doing a service project by making crayons for children’s hospitals. Bring a friend! Service Opportunities First Communion Reception: April 23 Teens wanting to help set up, serve food and clean up with reception 8am to 12:00 p.m. Confirmation Reception: April 24 from 5 pm – 7:30 pm Senior Mass & Reception: May 15 Teens wanting to help set up, serve food and clean up with reception. From 4pm – 7:30 pm Vacation Bible School: This summer VBS will be June 27 – July 1st, 2016. Interested teens are to contact Dee Aitken in the parish office 561-6222565. ANNUAL GRADUATION MASS The Annual Graduation Mass for High School Seniors will take place on Sunday, May 15, at 5:00 p.m. at the Cathedral of St. Ignatius Loyola in Palm Beach Gardens. Bishop Barbarito will be the celebrant and will congratulate the students and provide a special blessing. A light reception will be held afterward in the parish hall. Registration Deadline for high school seniors to RSVP and to be recognized at the Mass is Thursday, May 5. We ask graduating seniors and families to contact their parish office/Youth Minister/ SUMMER VOLLEYBALL If you love playing or maybe you never played before, come and join the Lifeteen (high school) and EDGE (middle school) teams. Contact Dee Aitken if you would like to play. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Teens that would like to volunteer for VBS, will need to contact Dee Aitken at the parish office, 561-622-2565 Our volunteer meeting will be on May 25th, at 6:30pm. EDGE-RELIGIOUS ED./CONFIRMATION I WEDNESDAYS AT 6:30 P.M. - 7:45 P.M. April 20: End of the Year Social “Bright Lights” Have a blessed and safe summer! GLEANING Gleaning is a food recover strategy that feeds food banks in Palm Beach County. The service of gleaning is done through CROS Ministries and they have continual dates if anyone is interested in participating. Teens from St. Ignatius can either go with their parents or with Lifeteen if we have a date scheduled. Parents wanted to go on their own can contact Keith at CROS Ministries at 561-236-8176. Here are the upcoming dates in April & May Saturday, April 23rd: Palm City, Belle Glade, Jupiter Saturday, April 30th: Palm City, Belle Glade, Jupiter Saturday, April 30th: Palm City, Belle Glade, Jupiter Saturday, May 7th: Palm City, Belle Glade, Jupiter Saturday, May 14th: Palm City, Belle Glade Saturday, May 21st: Palm City, Belle Glade Saturday, May 28th: Lantana VBS Volunteer Meeting There will be a meeting for volunteers for Vacation Bible School on May 25th, 2016, At 6:30 pm in the parish hall. STEUBENVILLE FLORIDA YOUTH CONFERENCE UPDATE Will be held in Orlando, July 22nd through July 25th, 2016. Cost of $450 will include Conference, Hotel, Meals (at Conference) and admission to Islands of Adventure on Monday before returning home. Deadline for deposit is April 20, 2016 Teens interested must contact Dee Aitken. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASS SCHEDULE ELEMENTARY GRADES K - 5 Grades K-5th and Special Sacraments meet on Tuesdays from 5:45 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Grades 4th & 5th also meet on Wednesdays 5:00 p.m.. - 6:15 p.m. Grades 1 & 2 will also meet on Sunday mornings from 9:00 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. MIDDLE SCHOOL/EDGE/CONFIRMATION I Grades 6, 7, & 8th (Confirmation I) meet Wednesdays from 6:30 p.m. - 7:45 p.m. WEEKLY CLASSES MEET: Tuesday/Wednesday Class: APRIL 19/20 - Final Class Sunday Morning Class: April 17 - Final Class CONFIRMATION II Grade 9 (or second year of classes) Meets Sundays, from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and includes the 5:00 p.m. Mass which is an important part of our Confirmation Program. Confirmation will be Sunday, April 24 @ 5:00 p.m. Mass FIRST COMMUNION NEWS Rehearsal: April 21st at 6:00 p.m. in the Cathedral. First Communion: April 23rd, at 10:00 a.m. Parents please have your child sign in by 9:30 a.m. in the Parish Hall. RCIA Classes will be held on Tuesday evenings at 7:15 p.m. in the Parish Hall in September The “Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults” is a weekly session for anyone who may be interested in becoming Catholic, for those who have not completed their Sacraments of Initiation, or for someone who just may want to refresh their faith journey. Our doors are open and we gladly welcome you! For further information and to register please contact Deacon John in the Parish Office. APRIL IS CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION MONTH Parents, please take a few minutes to visit these sites and encourage your children/teens to do the same. The online information and activities for kids may just help save a child from a dangerous situation. Our Diocesan Safe Environments Office works with the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children and uses their resources to keep our parish children safe and informed. BOXTOPS FOR EDUCATION WANTED! You can find our donation box on the Welcome Table. Proceeds from box tops goes to All Saints Catholic School! Very Rev. Thomas E. Barrett, Rector Rev. José Crucet, Vicario Rev. Eli St. Fort, Vicario Diácono Miguel Muñoz Ministerio Social de la Parroquia 561-627-7478 L-J 1– 4 PM • Durante este año de la Misericordia, la puerta principal de la catedral estará abiertas de 6:45 am a 4:00 pm de lunes a viernes y los sábados de 8:30 am a 5:30 pm. Para recibir indulgencian plenaria en este año de la misericordia debe entrar y salir por la misma puerta y debe de cumplir con las siguientes condiciones: no estar en pecado mortal ni venial, rezar el Padre Nuestro y el Credo y hacer una oración devotamente, como decir “Jesús en Ti confío”. También puede rezar su rosario, el Vía Crucis o participar de la Misa. MARZO Universal Familias en dificultad. Para que las familias en dificultad reciban el apoyonecesario y los niños puedan crecer en ambientes sanosy serenos. Por la Evangelización Cristianos perseguidos. Que los cristianos discriminados o perseguidos a causa de su fe, se mantengan firmes en las pruebas guardando la fidelidad al Evangelio, gracias a la oración incesante de toda la Iglesia. MISA DOMINICAL: 12:30 P.M. CONFESIONES: Sábados de 3 a 4 P.M. OFICINA PARROQUIAL - 561-622-2565 IV Domingo de Pascua. “Yo doy la vida eterna” Hchos de los Apóstoles 13: 14. 43–52. Sal 100:2, 3, 5 Ap 7:9, 14 -17 y Ev. San Juan 10: 27-30 Los relatos evangélicos de estos domingos de Pascua están tomados del evangelio de San Juan. En ellos Jesús sigue presentándose como un pastor muy peculiar: no sólo cuida de las ovejas, les da la vida. Y una vida eterna. Para Juan los términos “vida” y “vida eterna” son prácticamente idénticos porque el creyente en el Resucitado ha entrado en una existencia nueva en la que nada ni nadie se pierde y todo cobra un nuevo sentido. Jesús vino al mundo para que los humanos tuviéramos vida y la tuviéramos en abundancia. Esta vida que regala el Señor desarrolla su dinamismo desde la Palabra. Lucas, en el Libro de los Hechos, de donde está tomada la primera lectura, evoca esta fuerza vivificadora de la palabra de Dios. Puede ser rechazada, si cerramos los oídos y corazones como quienes se enfrentaron a la evangelización de Pablo y Bernabé. Pero es causa de alegría y acción de gracias para quienes la reciben. La vida de los salvados se describe elocuentemente en el Apocalipsis, de donde se toma la segunda lectura. Es una vida sin dolores y sin lágrimas que discurre en el frescor de las fuentes de aguas vivas, un paraje renovado al que nos conduce el Señor Resucitado. La Alegria del Evangelio 47. La Iglesia está llamada a ser siempre la casa abierta del Padre. Uno de los signos concretos de esa apertura es tener templos con las puertas abiertas en todas partes. De ese modo, si alguien quiere seguir una moción del Espíritu y se acerca buscando a Dios, no se encontrará con la frialdad de unas puertas cerradas. Pero hay otras puertas que tampoco se deben cerrar. Todos pueden participar de alguna manera en la vida eclesial, todos pueden integrar la comunidad, y tampoco las puertas de los sacramentos deberían cerrarse por una razón cualquiera. Esto vale sobre todo cuando se trata de ese sacramento que es «la puerta», el Bautismo. La Eucaristía, si bien constituye la plenitud de la vida sacramental, no es un premio para los perfectos sino un generoso remedio y un alimento para los débiles[51]. Estas convicciones también tienen consecuencias pastorales que estamos llamados a considerar con prudencia y audacia. A menudo nos comportamos como controladores de la gracia y no como facilitadores. Pero la Iglesia no es una aduana, es la casa paterna donde hay lugar para cada uno con su vida a cuestas. MASS INTENTIONS Parish Directory Parish Office…...561-622-2565 Email: [email protected] Altar Servers…………. Dee Aitken Baptisms//RCIA….... ..….....Dn. John Beaudoin Bookkeeper …....……..Barbara Puglisi Bulletin Editor ................ Jeanne Hogan Children's Liturgy .......... Patty Rabideau Director of Music…….Tom Wilcoxson Facility/Maintenance ..... Mark Aitken Gift Shop………………Rosario Cires Lectors ............................ Parish Office Life Teen Music ........... Glen Aitken Marriage Preparation ..... Monet Murray Youth Ministry/D.R.E. .. Dee Aitken Parish School All Saints Catholic School ....... 748-8994 Parish School Liaison ............... 385-1659 Parish Social Ministries. …......627-7478 Coordinator .................. Dn. Miguel Muñoz Prayer Line ....………………...627-7478 Respect Life .............................. 694-8953 Substance Abuse ....................... 846-1904 Stewards of Worship Ministries Ministers of Holy Communion....844-2522 Ushers ........................................ .622-0855 Stewards of Prayer Ministries Agua Viva……......................... 842-7542 Contemplative Prayer ............... 694-8953 Cursillo……………………….670-3906 Divine Mercy ............................ 371-1658 Eucharistic Adoration ............... 371-1658 Legion de María........................ 248-1798 Stewards of Ministries for Women Damas Católicas en Acción ..... 624-6312 Women's Guild ......................... 622-2565 Stewards of Ministries for Men Catholic Men’s Fellowship…..775-9409 Knights of Columbus............... 248-4098 Sunday, April 17 7:15 a.m. People of the Parish 8:45 a.m. Reparation for Sins of Abortion/ Face Life Group 10:30 a.m Robert Wishart †/Lisa & Richard 12:30 p.m. Humberto Fernandez †/Cuervas Family 5:00 p.m.. Mark & Tania Aitken †/Dee & Glen Monday, April 18 6:45 a.m. Russell A. DeGraw Jr.†/M/M Randazzo 8:30 a.m. Dominador Namit †/Herminia Namit Tuesday, April 19 6:45 a.m. Daniel Orellano †/Silvia Stradi 8:30 a.m. Barry Hallett †/Hank & Jane McGann Wednesday, April 20 6:45 a.m. Patricia Buschko †/Jim & Jane 8:30 a.m. Michael Sachs†/M/M Zielezienski Thursday, April 21 6:45 a.m. Ligia Rodriguez †/Hijos 8:30 a.m. Dionisio Aguilon †/daughter Friday, April 22 6:45 a.m. Juanita Martinez †/Gonzalez/Pena Family 8:30 a.m. Christina Johnston SI/Family Saturday, April 23 8:30 a.m. Marty Cianfrone †/The Walsh Family 4:30 p.m. People of the Parish Sunday, April 24 7:15 a.m. Catherine Davi †/husband 8:45 a.m. Jack Kluge †/M/M Klawonn 10:30 a.m Bernard Liberaty †/Lisa Desiato 12:30 p.m. Rosario Cires SI 5:00 p.m.. Confirmation KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR NEW MEMBERS! For more information, please contact: Jim White, District Membership Coordinator (561) 776-4083 [email protected] Parish Prayer List Please pray for those in need of our prayers, especially those who have died recently and their families who mourn them… Norma Anselmo, Josh Archer, Vincent Arroyo, Ashley Baldwin, Deena Barca, Christopher Bastien, Todd Bell, Nick Boccieri, Vincent Boccieri, Violet Boulter, Ashley Buist, Sean Burke, Louise Bucher, Gina Bush, J. Carter Family, Augustine & Charles Cavallaro, Tony Cial, Thea Ciallella, Lexi Ciallemma, Laura Coartney, Adrienne Cole, Beverly Cole, Ann Conboy & Son, Mary Conerly Marilyn Connolly, Debra Crotteau, Joe Cuccia, Patricia David, Blaise Davis, Tamara Emmons, Mary Farrell, Joe Forness, Nick Garafano, Mary Gibran, Gibran Family, Fred Gnus, Brianna & Patricia Guay, James &John Hogan, Elaine Hood, Phil Irmish, Celia & Vincent Izzo, Sal Izzo, Carol Johnson, Jan & Joyce Kaes, Michael Keiderling, Michelle Kelly, Betty Kerwin, Christine Koester, James Lanier, Terri Latino, Donna Lawrence, Matt Matera, Kane McCarthy, Hank & Jane McGann, Tom Melillo, Carlo Montuori, Kyle Moss,Sue Osha, Nicci Patton, Frank Petrera & sons, Sara Petrera, Paula Pungello, Vincent Pungello, Kary-Ann Reynolds-Rogers, Phoebe Rogers, Sabrina, Jennifer Salah, Alice Santos, Joyce Santos, David Sarofeen, Madeline & Margaret Sarofeen, Jenna Seiresp, Tamara Stephanik, J.Tarr Family, Ann & Paul Tone, Teresa Thanh Tuong Jean Tucker, Kathy Twist, David Weir, Mary Jane Wise, Melissa Wohlust, Angela Zankey & Dolores Zucckero. Please contact the parish office to have a loved one placed on the prayer list. Names appear for approximately one month. IN OUR PARISH THIS WEEK Sunday April 17 Monday April 18 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Parish Book Store OPEN 6:00 p.m. Women’s Fellowship 9:00 a.m. Rel. Ed. Gr 1 & 2 6:00 p.m. Hispanic Rel Ed. 2:00 p.m. DOPB Catholic Scouting 6:00 p.m. Lifeteen 6:00 p.m. Family Life Ministry 7:00 p.m. Agua Viva Tuesday Wednesday April 19 April 20 7:15 a.m. Men’s Fellowship 9:00 a.m. Cards & Games 10:00 a.m. Grief Support 5:45 p.m. Grade K-5 & SS Religious Ed 6:00 p.m. America’s Finest Hour 6:30 p.m. Lifeteen Music Rehearsal 7:15 p.m. RCIA Thursday Saturday April 22 April 23 4 p.m. Children’s Choir 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 10:00 a.m. First Communion & Reception 5:00 p.m. Rel. Ed. Grade 4 & 5 & SS 3:00 p.m. Divine Mercy 6:00 p.m. Contemplative Prayer 6:30 p.m. EDGE Grade 6,7, &8 7:00 p.m. Legion de Maria 7:00 p.m. Adult Choir 7:00 p.m. Hispanic Divorce & Widow group April 21 Friday \ 6:00 p.m. First Communion Rehearsal 7:00 p.m. Boy Scouts 6:30 p.m. Bilingual Family Rosary