Santiago, March 5, 2013 Mr. Fernando Coloma Correa


Santiago, March 5, 2013 Mr. Fernando Coloma Correa
Santiago, March 5, 2013
Mr. Fernando Coloma Correa
Superintendency of Securities and Insurance
Re: Material Information
Empresa Nacional del Petróleo
Securities Register No. 783
Dear Sir:
Pursuant to the stated in Article 9 and Article 10, paragraph 2 of the Securities Market law
18.045, and in General Rule No. 30 of this Superintendency, and duly authorized, I inform
you that on March 4, 2013, the international rating agency Moody's downgraded the foreign
exchange rate risk of Empresa Nacional del Petróleo (ENAP) from "Baa2" – "negative
Outlook" to "Baa3" – "negative Outlook."
The reasons for this rating downgrade are explained in the attached note of Moody's.
Yours sincerely,
Ricardo Cruzat Ochagavía
Chief Executive Officer
Empresa Nacional del Petróleo