Current Bulletin - Saint Philip the Apostle School


Current Bulletin - Saint Philip the Apostle School
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 3, 2016
One bread, one body—a community for all!
151 S. Hill Avenue
Pasadena, CA 91106
Rev. Joseph Moniz, Pastor ext. 104
[email protected]
Rev. Ambrose Udoji, Associate Pastor ext. 105
[email protected]
Sr. Teresita Keliher, SND ext. 109
William Landa, Deacon
Mass Schedule
Sunday Masses
Saturday Vigil: 5PM
Sunday: 7AM, 9:15AM, 11AM
12:30PM — Spanish, 5PM — Life Teen
Weekday Masses
6:30AM & 12:05PM, Saturday:12:05PM
Parish Center
(626) 793-0693 Fax (626) 793-0733
Director of Pastoral Life
David Landa ext. 107
Parish Business Manager
Casey Jurecki ext. 106
Bulletin & Technology Specialist
Phyllis Park ext. 103
Carmen Partida ext. 100
Monica Pupo ext. 100
Monica Grimm ext. 100
Religious Education Coordinator
Susie Arevalos ext. 108
Music Director
Lawrence Strohm (626) 644-2576
Youth Director
Kelly Young ext. 235
Youth Coordinator
Marc Raymundo
Wedding Coordinator
Cathy Pupo (626) 221-0812
St. Philip the Apostle School
1363 Cordova Street
Pasadena, CA 91106
(626) 795-9691
Principal: Mrs. Jennifer Ramirez
Page Two
July 3, 2016
Today’s Readings
First Reading — Rejoice and be glad for
I will spread prosperity over Jerusalem
like a river, and the wealth of nations
like an overflowing torrent (Isaiah 66:10
Psalm — Let all the earth cry out to God
with joy (Psalm 66).
Second Reading — May I never boast
except in the cross of our Lord Jesus
Christ (Galatians 6:14-18).
Gospel — Jesus sends his disciples out
in pairs to bring his peace and proclaim
the kingdom of God (Luke 10:1-12, 1720).
Let us boast of nothing but the cross of
Christ. Through it his grace and power
are made known to his servants. Tremendous deeds shall be performed in
his name: the reign of God is proclaimed, peace is given as gift, and the
forces of sin are overcome.
Mass Intentions of the Week
July 2
July 3
July 4
Kevin & Rosemary
Nabayuki ()
Robert Egelston()
Robert Carney ()
Gary McGuigan
All Parishioners
Newton Family
12:05 Don Nores ()
All in the Military
6:30 Savage Family
12:05 Richard Closson ()
6:30 Teresa Sprecher ()
12:05 Tom Savage
6:30 Dopke Family
12:05 Teresa Chun ()
July 5
July 6
July 7
July 8
6:30 All Parishioners
12:05 Amando Eulano ()
12:05 Richard Closson ()
July 9
Weekly Offering
June 19, 2016
These contributions do not include online giving through our
Faith Direct program. Thank you for your generous support.
Senior Ministry will be sponsoring an afternoon with lunch and Bingo in the
Parish Center on Wednesday, July 6th following the 12:05PM Mass. All are
welcome to join in on a fun afternoon of fellowship and fun! Complimentary
lunch will be served.
St. Philip’s Parish joyously welcomes:
Stella Roma Duarte
Ione Louise Greenhouse
Jovian Vail Greenhouse
Matteo Urban Manibog
Dominic Ricardo Manibog
Harper Celerina Morente
Sidney Haddad Power
Alejandra Josephine Respicio
Joaquin Uriel Sanchez
Gael Armando Sanchez
into our Christian Community. Please
remember them and their family in
your prayers, asking that they grow
in wisdom and grace before God.
Don Nores ()
Parish Office Closing
In observance of Independence Day,
the Parish Center and Ministry Building will be CLOSED on Monday, July
4th and reopen at 9AM on Tuesday,
July 5th.
June 21, 2015
Altar Flowers
Flowers for he month of
July are offered from the
Black family.
Presider Mass Schedule*
Saturday, July 2
5PM Fr. Joe Moniz
Sunday, July 3
7AM Fr. Steven Way
9:15 Fr. Alfredo Vargas
11AM Fr. Joe Moniz
12:30 Fr. Alfredo Vargas
5PM Fr. Alfredo Vargas
Saturday, July 9
5PM Fr. Ananth Kumar
Sunday, July 10
7AM Fr. Steven Way
9:15 Fr. Steven Way
11AM Fr. Alfredo Vargas
12:30 Fr. Alfredo Vargas
5PM Fr. Ananth Kumar
* Schedule is subject to change.
Wedding Information Night
Come to this one-hour session to
learn about archdiocesan and parish
marriage/wedding requirements for all
couples considering having their wedding at St. Philip’s.
Tuesday, July 12th, 7PM
Call for more information (626) 7930693.
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Page Three
Parish Coming Events
California Crosses an Unwelcomed Threshold with Legalization
of Physician-Assisted Suicide
Young Adult
End of Life: Legal and Policy Issues
If those who are dying are embraced by their family and their community, they
will not seek death, but will live their last days well, and then accept death
when it comes.
For more information please visit,,
or contact Sr. Teresita.
● Independence Day
Parish Center & Ministry
Building will be closed.
● Young Adult Adoration 7:30PM
● Bautismo Clase de Preparación
● Bautismo
● Wedding Information Night
● Baptism Preparation
● Bundle/Bucket Sunday
● Baptism
Young Adult adoration will be
Wednesday, July 6th at 7:30PM
in the church with fellowship and
complementary dinner to follow
in the Life Teen room.
End of Life: Legal and Policy Issues, Reverence for Life
The California Catholic Conference of Bishops, comprised of Bishops
from the two archdioceses and 10 dioceses of California,
issued the following statement on the legalization
of physician-assisted suicide on June 9, 2016:
Every human being possesses inherent dignity, which deserves our respect.
Each of us should feel loved, worthy and cared for at every moment of our
lives, especially when our earthly journey is nearing its end.
Prayer for The Sick, Elderly and Dying
O God, source of all life and hope, look kindly on our brothers and sisters
facing the end of their lives, fill them with the hope of your mercy and give them
peace and comfort. We pray for our citizens to choose life and fight against
assisted suicide. Lord, move our hearts to work for life and for the protection of
the elderly, the sick, and the disabled. Renew our commitment to building a
community where every human life is welcomed and wanted, valued and
defended, from conception to natural death. We ask this through the
intercession of Saint John Paul II. Amen.
Oración para los enfermos, ancianos y moribundos
Oh Dios, fuente de vida y esperanza, mira con bondad a nuestros hermanos y
hermanas que están enfrentando el fin de su vida, llénalos de esperanza en tu
misericordia y dales paz y consuelo. Te pedimos por nuestros ciudadanos
para que opten por la vida y luchen contra el suicidio asistido. Señor mueve
nuestros corazones para trabajar por la vida y por la protección de los
ancianos, los enfermos y los discapacitados. Renueva nuestro compromiso
con la construcción de una comunidad donde toda vida humana sea
bienvenida y querida, valorada y defendida, desde su concepción hasta su
muerte natural. Todo esto te pedimos por la intercesión de San Juan Pablo II.
Theology on Tap is a program of the
Office of Young Adult Ministry that
reaches out to young adults who want
to explore the role of faith in their daily
lives. Theology on Tap is open to all
young adults, ages 18 to 39, singles
and couples, regardless of religious
St. Andrew, Pasadena
42 Chestnut Street; Pasadena
Doors open at 7PM; program starts at
Speakers and topics to be announced
July 5 – Sarah Swisher
July 12 – Dr. Michael DiPaolo Ph.D. –
“The Joy of Love... & Relationships”
July 19 – Patrick Furlong – “The Curious
Story of Vulnerability: How Stories of
the Marginalized Can Influence Our
Page Four
July 3, 2016
Pray for the Sick
Please remember in your prayers all
the sick of our parish, especially:
The United States has the highest fire death and injury rate in the world. Every
80 seconds, a family—somewhere in the U.S.—is impacted by a residential fire.
A little planning and effort can help minimize your family’s risk. You can start
by installing, testing, and maintaining smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.
For a list of other suggestions please email [email protected] or call
(213) 637-7227 to receive a copy of the VIRTUS® article “A Reminder About
Fire Safety in the Home.”
Seguridad contra incendios: planeación y preparación
Estados Unidos tiene el índice más alto de muertes y heridas por incendio en
el mundo. Cada 80 segundos, una familia en algún lugar del país, es
impactada por un incendio residencial. Un poco de planeación y esfuerzo
puede ayudar a minimizar el riesgo de su familia. Usted puede comenzar por
instalar, probar y mantener detectores de humo y de monóxido de carbono.
Para una lista de otras sugerencias, por favor envíe un correo electrónico a
[email protected] o llame al (213) 637-7508 para recibir una
copia del artículo de VIRTUS®, “A Reminder About Fire Safety in the
Home” (Un recordatorio de seguridad contra incendios en el hogar).
Maria Fuentes, Don Schimmoller, Tom
Conway, Robert Morgan, Bill Clark,
Tom Savage, Esther Woo-jan, Isabella
Diecks, Mia Salgado, Veronica
Jimenez, Jim Joyce, Mohtashem, Renato Martinez, Rosa de la Rosa, Maria
Curtis, Elvira Jimenez, Derek Medina ,
Mary Rios & Al Chavez, Jr.
Remember, also, all those who care for
the sick and elderly, that they may receive the strength of Christ as they
bring His healing hand to those in
Please contact our Parish Office to add
a name.
Faith Direct
Thank you for being a part of our St.
Philip the Apostle family. I appreciate all
that you do for our parish and
community by sharing your God-given
gifts of time, talent and treasure. Your
active participation in the life of our
parish helps us to fulfill our vision and
This summer, I pray that you will have
some quiet and restful time that includes
the love, joy and peace of being with
family and friends. Please consider that
St. Philip the Apostle continues to be
open for Mass, numerous activities and
the Sacraments. During these summer
months your generosity through Faith
Direct can help provide the consistent
resources we need to operate our parish
and ministries.
Visit and use our
church code: CA367
Thank you for your continued support of
our parish family!
God Bless You,
Fr. Joe Moniz
The San Gabriel Pastoral Region and community of St. Elizabeth would like to
invite you to join other local churches for an evening with BISHOP DAVID
O’CONNELL as we come together to pray for Mercy, Forgiveness and
Monday, July 11, 7PM
The service will last approximately an hour and be bilingual. Afterwards the
Bishop and his team will mingle with the community as we share some
hospitality. St. Elizabeth Church, 1879 N. Lake Ave., Altadena.
Fourteenth Sunday Ordinary Time
Page Five
St. Philip the Apostle Conference
Sunday, July 17 is a BIG DAY for Saint Vincent de Paul here at St. Philips!!
Please participate in our Famous Bundle, Buckets and Doughnuts event!!
St. Vincent de Paul needs your help in order to help others
Bring clothes and other used items that you’d like to donate to SVDP. A truck
will be in our south parking lot from 9 to 2PM to collect your donations.
Bring your small bucket of change for “Bucket
Emptying” on the patio.
Enjoy donuts, coffee and juice on the patio and meet
SVDP members.
Please think about joining the St. Philip the Apostle
SVDP Conference.
Thank you for your prayers and support!!!
News from Guadalupano Ministry
El Grupo Guadalupano agradecemos infinitamente a Nuestro Padre Dios
por concedernos este viaje, “RETIRO SOBRE RUEDAS” a Las Vegas,
teniedo como centro El Jubileo de La Misericordia..
Además del programa, tres acontecimientos, importantes;
El Viernes: La entrada formal por La Puerta Santa de La Catedral Ángel
Guardián, El Sábado: Conocer La Gran Obra de Ia Presa más grande del
mundo y su historial; antes de regresar, pudimos tener nuestra Hora Santa
mensual en Ia Iglesia, “Santa Juana de Arco”. También damos las más
expresivas gracias a todos los que pudieron aceptar nuestra invitación y
colaborar para que nos quedara un poco de efectivo, pues este grupo
siempre que nos enteramos de alguna necesidad, ayudamos Io mejor que
podemos. Nuevamente qracias a todos.
Have you ever felt a calling to work with
high school teens in helping them grow in
their faith formation? We are looking for
18 enthusiastic, fun loving, faith filled
adult leaders to help with Confirmation in
the 2016-17 year.
The program is designed for 2 adults to
team teach each of our several small
groups. The commitment is approximately
4 to 8 hours per month, on one to two
Sunday evenings, from 4:30-8:30PM.
There will be a day long faith formation
and information session for Confirmation
Leaders in August. This will include all of
the details of the Confirmation Schedule
for the coming year. Confirmation classes
will begin on September 11, 2016
through the middle of May, 2017.
If you are interested, please email or call
David Landa at the Parish Center.
Thank you so much for prayerfully
considering to join our team.
Interested in joining the Catholic church?
Our Tuesday night RCIA sessions will
continue with an Inquiry group. Invite
neighbors or friends who might have
expressed an interest in becoming
members of the church, particularly
those who have never been baptized. If
you were baptized and would like to
make your communion and confirmation,
this is a perfect opportunity for you. If
you are looking for a way to come back
to the church we are here to answer your
questions. Please give Sr. Teresita a
call at (626) 793-0693.
Altar Flowers
Prayer for Vocations
Jesus, you are the Good Shepherd. You know each of us and
You call us by name to serve You in faith.
Give courage and guidance to those you call to the priesthood,
diaconate and religious life. May they respond wholeheartedly
and serve devoutly.
Through Christ our Lord, Amen.
Do you have a loved one, birthday,
graduation, Baptism or anniversary you
would like to remember at Mass? Donating altar flowers is a lovely way to do it.
Donations and intentions will be listed in
the bulletin. Altar flower donations are
$100 per week or $300 for the whole
month and all donations are tax deductible. For more information please contact
our parish office.
Page Eight
July 3, 2016
Altar Servers
● Phyllis Park, AS@
Altar Care
● Patty Diehl, AC@
Assisting Children
● Hedy Bravo Jurarez, ACCM@
Children’s Liturgy
of the Word
● Patty Parisi (English), CLOWE@
● Angelica Loera (Sp.), CLOWS@
Liturgy and Worship
The Liturgy and Worship Ministry plans church events
from the liturgical calendar such as the Anointing of the
Sick, and the Washing of the Feet. This ministry also functions as a training resource for Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Ushers, and other worship-related ministries.
Meeting Information:
Meetings are held once a month.
Contact Information:
Sister Teresita Keliher
626-793-0693 ext 109
[email protected]
● Sue Colton, BEREAVE@
Bible Study
● Sr. Teresita, tkeliher@
Cana Family
● Anna Hjorth, CANA@
Christian Initiation Adult
● Sr. Teresita, RCIA@
Divine Mercy
● Marlene Castillo, ADM@
Eucharistic Ministers
● Sr. Teresita (English), EML@
1.— Men’s Retreat
● Deacon Landa (Spanish)
The men of St. Philip the Apostle parish get away for an
annual weekend retreat, this is a relaxing weekend where
we step out of the hectic schedule of our lives, we meet,
pray, sleep, eat great food and move closer to our Catholic faith and each other to benefit ourselves, our families
and our parish. We also gather for periodic events such
as Hiking Masses and Prayer Breakfasts. See the retreat
center’s website for more information:
Meeting Information:
Call or write for meeting information
Contact Information:
Tom Amestoy
[email protected]
& Lectors
Finance Council
● Luke Welsh, PFC@
Health Ministry
● Rigoberto Negrete GG@
● Ann Sanders, HM@
Knights of Columbus
● James Stevens, KofC@
Legion of Mary
● Stacey Amhaz, LOM@
Life Teen Youth
Men’s Retreat
Ministry -Sick & Elderly
Music Ministry
Parent Teacher
Pastoral Council
Religious Education
Respect Life Ministry
Safeguard the Children
School Board
Scouts—Cub Scouts
Boy Scouts
Girl Scouts
Serra Club
Special Needs Ministry
● Kelly Young, LTYM@
● Tom Amestoy, MR@
● Colleen Roohan, MSE@
● Lawrence Strohm, MUM@
● Maite Ramirez & Lara Serventi,
● Nick Hjorth, PPC@
● Susie Arevalos, RE@
● Sarah Di Cicco, RLM@
● Robin Johnson, SGTC@
● Ryan Knoll, SB@
● Steve Pereira, CS@
● Lu Ruiz, BS@
● Shante Younker, GS@
● Mary Bloebaum, SC@
● Joan & Ken DeSouza,
St. Benedict’s Prayer Guild ● John Davis, SBPG@
St. Vincent de Paul
● Kevin Young, SVDP@
● Gene Powell, USHERS@
Women’s Retreat
● Jean Bowler, WR@
Young Adult (AACTS)
● Michelle Vigue, AACTS@
Please call the Parish Center (626) 793-0693 at any time.
Scheduled monthly (English/Spanish), with one month notice.
Saturdays from 3:30 to 4:30 PM, or by appointment. Call the
Parish Center to schedule a time.
2.— St. Vincent de Paul Society
St. Philip the Apostle parish has a long history of helping
our parishioners and others who need food, financial assistance and counseling.
Meeting Information:
Second Tuesday evening of every month
Contact Information:
Kevin Young
(626) 793-0693, [email protected]
Small Faith Communities
[email protected]
Cana Family
Christ and Coffee
Grown Kids
Home Bible Study
Not Rocket Science
Souls Without Wrinkles
Women of Purpose
Women of Worship
Young Adult Men
Young Adult Mixed
Make a New Group!
3rd Sat, 4-8PM
Thurs., 7-8:30PM
On a break till September
Sun., 4-5:30PM
2nd & 4th Sat,.6-8:30PM
Wed., 8-9:30PM
Wed., 2-3:30PM
2nd & 4th Tues., 7-8:30PM
Wed., 9-10:30AM
Mon., 7:30PM