August 23, 2015 -
August 23, 2015 -
From the Pastor Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time Dear Friends in Christ, Things do not always go as planned. We may have a certain idea of how things should go, but we do not always have complete control over the direction and/or outcome. A road map is good. We need some direction and planning. As we get older we also realize that we need to be flexible. Much like a baseball player who is expecting a fastball, but the pitcher throws a curveball instead. The baseball player has to adapt to whatever is thrown his or her way. We have to be able to adapt to whatever may come our way. For the last several weeks our Gospel reading for Sunday has come from chapter six of the Gospel according to John. This is the chapter on Jesus’ teaching about the Eucharist – the Bread of Life. Jesus talks about the fact that He is the true Bread come down from heaven. His flesh is true food, and His blood is true drink. Whoever eats His flesh and drinks His blood has eternal life. This was not the pitch that the disciples were looking for when Jesus initially said this. They expected a fastball. They wanted a warrior Messiah who would conquer the Roman army and set them free. Instead Jesus threw them a curveball. Jesus came and talked of peace, serving others, sacrificing your life; and for Jesus it meant giving His flesh and blood as “food that endures for eternal life.” (Jn 6:27) This was a curveball that caught them completely off guard. Many of Jesus’ disciples left Him because they couldn’t handle the curveball. They struck out and walked away dejected. This was not the game that they wanted to play. Jesus looked at His closest disciples and asked them, “Do you also want to leave?” (Jn 6:67) His closest disciples were seemingly shocked as well; but Peter realized that Jesus was the way, and the truth, and the life. (Jn 14:6) Peter replied, “Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and are convinced that you are the Holy One of God.” (Jn 6:6869) Even though Peter did not understand what Jesus was talking about regarding His body and blood, Peter knew in his heart that Jesus was the One that he needed to follow. Peter made the wisest decision of his life by not turning away from Jesus. He knew that he needed to cling to Jesus because He is God’s Word that leads to eternal life. (see Ps 91:14-16) Life throws us many pitches that we aren’t expecting. We expect one type of pitch, and we receive another one that is totally different. We have to be adaptable. The thing that we don’t want to do is give up and walk away. Cling to Jesus, turn to Him with all your heart, and He will never let you down. He will always be at our side guiding us through the unexpected. (see Ps 23) If things get rough and Jesus asks us, “Do you also want to leave?” May we always answer Him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.” For Jesus is the way and the truth and the life that leads to the true peace, prosperity and everlasting life that we all desire. Jesus I trust in You, Fr. Tim Ilgen Monday August 24 Rv 21:9b-14, Ps 145:10-13,17-18, Jn 1:45-51 Tuesday August 25 1 Thes 2:1-8, Ps 139:1-3,4-6, Mt 23:23-26 Wednesday August 26 1 Thes 2:9-13, Ps 139:7-12b, Mt 23:27-32 Thursday August 27 1 Thes 3:7-13, Ps 90:3-5a,12-14,17, Mt 24:42-51, see Sir 26:1-4,13-16, Lk 7:11-17 Friday August 28 1 Thes 4:1-8, Ps 97:1-2b,5-6,10-12, Mt 25:1-13, see 1 Jn 4:7-16, Mt 23:8-12 Saturday August 29 1 Thes 4:9-11, Ps 98:1,7-9, Mk 6:17-29, see Jer 1:17-19, Ps 71:1-4a,56b,15ab,17 Sunday August 30 Dt 4:1-2,6-8,Ps 15:2-5, Jas 1:17-18,21b-22,27, Mk 7:1-8,14-15,21-23 Sunday August 23 Missa Pro Populo Monday August 24 9am Mass-St. Mary + Margaret Barnes Wednesday August 26 9am Mass-St. Mary + Ken Studeman 6pm Mass-St. Francis Xavier + Maxine Vodjansky Thursday August 27 9am Mass-St. Joseph + Jack Gallagher Friday August 28 9am Mass-St. Joseph + Tony Larson St. Joseph - Chehalis St. Mary - Centralia This Week at St. Joseph This Week at St. Mary Mon. August 24 St. Vincent de Paul, P. Center 6:30pm Mon. August 24 Mass/ Adoration 9am Tues. August 25 Choir Practice 6:30pm Wed August 26 Mass 9am Wed. August 26 Altar Society Bazaar Projects Ideas, P. Center 1-3pm Thur. August 27 Office Closed Hisp. Adult Choir, Ch 6-7pm Thur. August 27 Mass 9am Fri. August 28 Mass 9am Sat. August 29 Mass 5pm Sun. August 30 Mass 10:30am Mass in Spanish/Reception to follow Sat. Sun. August 29 August 30 Hisp. Choir Practice, AC Room 6:30pm Youth Choir Practice, AC Room 9am Choir Practice, AC Room 4pm Mass 5pm Mass 8:30am 1pm for Fr Tim & Fr. Francisco after Mass Please note the change of Picnic/Mass Picnic plans have been changed! The 10:30am Mass at St. Joseph on September 13th will be in the church as usual, not in the park. We will have a joint parish picnic with St. Joseph-Chehalis and St. Mary after Mass approx. 11:45 am on September 13th at Stan Hedwall Park to meet and greet Fr. Mauer. The Knights of Columbus will provide all the hamburgers, hot dogs, buns, drinks. The Altar Society will provide the fruit, baked beans, chips, desserts. Paper products will be provided. Please bring your own chair if you like, there are a few picnic tables at the park. God Squad Memo: “St. Joseph Parish is seeking Catholic youths who wish to dedicate a year of their lives to the service of God at the altar. The Parish is in need of servers for both Saturday evening & Sunday morning Mass. This is a one-year commitment running through August of 2016, and involves serving at the altar every other Saturday & Sunday. No experience necessary. We are looking for baptized Catholic youths age 11-16. Servers will be assigned to serve at the mass that their family usually attends. Application forms are available at the parish office or see Mike Roewe at the front of the church after Mass on Sunday or call him-748-7239 St. Martha’s Circle will start up again September 1st. They meet the first Tuesday of every Month. New members are always welcomed to join. You can contact Dee Jolin at 262-3443 or Betty Zepeda at 807-8693 Position Open: We are seeking someone to fill the position of Pastoral Assistant for Faith Formation (PAFF) for St. Mary’s and St. Joseph’s – Chehalis. This will be a part-time job with no benefits. Some evening and weekend work is required. The PAFF will be responsible for elementary Faith Formation, RCIA, VBS, etc. Please contact Gay Lynn in the parish office for a full job description. GOD GIVES IT ALL THEN CALLS US TO SHARE Sunday Collection as of 8/16/15 GOD GIVES IT ALL THEN CALLS US TO SHARE Sunday Collection as of 8/16/15 WEEKLY LAST NEEDED ACTUAL WEEKLY LAST NEEDED ACTUAL AMOUNT WEEK’S YEAR TO YEAR TO AMOUNT WEEK’S YEAR TO YEAR TO NEEDED COLLECTION DATE DATE NEEDED COLLECTION DATE DATE $6,033.65 $4,028.16 $42,205.57 $37,679.02 $3,509.62 $1,997.52 $24,567.34 $22,695.52 St. Francis Xavier– Toledo Mon Stewardship August 24 Office Open 9-1pm Tues. August 25 Office Open 9-1pm Wed. August 26 Mass/Adoration Thur. August 27 Office Open Sun. Mass The Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time August 30 6pm 9-1pm 8:30am In today’s first reading, Joshua challenges the people to decide whom they will serve. Recalling God’s faithfulness to them and to their ancestors, the people declare, “We also will serve the Lord, for He is our God.” May we, too, be mindful of God’s gifts to us and renew our commitment to serve Him with grateful hearts. ** August 24-Feast of Saint Bartholomew, Apostle August 25-Feast of Saint Louis; Saint Joseph Calasanz, priest August 27-Feast of Saint Monica August 28-Feast of Saint Augustine, Bishop, Doctor of the Church August 29-The Passion of St. John the Baptist St. Joseph– Pe Ell Holy Family– Frances PLEASE PRAY FOR THOSE: In need of our prayers and support Danielle Cummings, Bernie Helfrich, Tony Karniss, Ashley Groat, Gail Marks, Page Kanick, Pet Phelps, Cindy Birchell, Bud Bush, Ryan Cummings, Robert Webster, Mickey Taylor, Kade Allen, Missy Taylor, Tracy Wilson Hadachek, Tom & Donna Muller, Bobby Krueger, Bill Wooten, Sue Ford, Rose Muller HEAR OUR PRAYERS THIS WEEK’S SCHEDULE TUESDAY...Food bank work party at 2pm WEDNESDAY….Food bank distribution from 11am to Noon SUNDAY(30th) 8:30am Mass-Pe Ell 10:30am Mass-Frances St. Vincent de Paul St. Joseph/St. Mary 360-623-1144 message phone St. Francis Xavier 864-4130 message phone In today’s Gospel, Jesus asks “Do you also want to leave?” We must ask ourselves if we really want to hear the good news of his love for us and for others. Is the word of God able to break into our consciousness, change us and call us to hear the cries of the poor? As you give your gift to the poor through the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, in your heart you also will find the good news of God’s love. We will meet this Monday August 24th, at 6:30pm at St. Joseph in the Parish Center. St. Joseph School Faith Formation Faith Formation Classes for the Year 2015-2016 Registration forms for Faith Formation for this coming fall are available. Also RCIA Registration forms for adults are available for those who wish to become Catholic or just want to learn about the Catholic Faith. All Registrations are available on our website at You may sign up at anytime during office hours from 8am to 5pm or call 748-4953 *** ****** Please welcome our new Principal, Carissa Talley. As you know Carissa was our middle school math and science teacher. We are grateful that Carissa has decided to be our principal for the 2015-2016 school year. We know that she will do well, and she has all our support. We are seeking someone to fill the position of Pastoral Assistant for Faith Formation (PAFF) for St. Mary’s and St. Joseph’s - Chehalis. This will be a part-time job with no benefits. Some evening and weekend work is required. The PAFF will be responsible for elementary Faith Formation, RCIA, VBS, etc. Please contact Gay Lynn in the parish office for a full job description. *** Fall Bible Studies – and Adult Education— Mark your Calendar! Two opportunities to grow in your faith. Both will be held in the St. Joseph’s Parish Center. September 16th- Wednesday nights at 6pm – an 8 week study “Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible” - a good bible basics study tracing God’s plan for salvation. Includes a 30 min. video and group discussions. Study guide is recommended and cost $20. High school students and adults are welcome. Please sign up by Sept 3 to reserve your study guide, otherwise just let us know if you are coming. September 17th- Thursday day time study: 1 to 3 pm – 10 week study “Father Robert Barron’s CATHOLICISM study program which includes the following episodes: 1. Amazed and Afraid: The Revelation of God Become Man 2. Happy Are We: The Teaching of Jesus 3.That Than Which Nothing Greater Can Be Thought: The Ineffable Mystery of God 4. Our Tainted nature’s Solidarity Boast: Mary, Mother of God 5. The Indispensable men: Peter, Paul, and the Missionary Adventure 6. A Body Both Suffering and Glorious: The Mystical Union of Christ and the Church 7. Word Made Flesh, True Bread of Heaven: The Mystery of Liturgy and the Eucharist 8. A vast Company of Witnesses: The Communion of Saints 9. The Life of His Love: Prayer and the Life of the Spirit 10.Word Without End: The Last Things These video presentations are about 50 minutes, plus we will have large and small group discussions. Sign up by Sept. 3 to reserve your study guide. The cost is $20. After Sept. 3 you are still welcome to join us but we may not have a guidebook for you. To sign up for either study call the parish office 748-4953. For questions about the study call Ann Vander Stoep 748-8136. Youth Ministry Prayer ~ Sacraments ~ Fun ~ Fellowship “you too, dear young people, can be joyful witnesses of his love, courageous witnesses of His Gospel, carrying to this world a ray of His light.”-Pope Francis Youth Group is held Sunday evenings 6-8pm on the third floor of St. Mary School Building in Centralia and is open to all youth in grades 6-12. No Youth Group till September 13th Have a Great Summer! Thank you for all you do! Cathy CONTACT INFORMATION: Cathy Perkins [email protected] Website: Facebook: Community Page Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Mon: St. Mary, Centralia 9:30 AM– 5 PM Wed: St. Francis, Toledo 6:30 –7:30 PM Thurs: St. Joseph, Chehalis 9:30 -5:30 PM Visit our Web Page at for further information on our cluster of parishes or to give suggestions. Please contact Jeanette at [email protected]. Also we are on facebook, at JOURNEYING TOGETHER: We are walking with God and each other; witnessing the application of God’s Word and love in everyday life. You are welcome to join us the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month at 5 p.m. as we hear God’s truths shared through story-telling and study God’s Word. Next meeting will be August 24. Women of all ages and faith backgrounds are invited. If you have any questions or need a ride, please call Carol at 748-6733. PRAYER CHAIN We pray for our sick parishioners that they will know the healing presence of Christ **** Please pray for: St. Joseph: Martha Sweeney, Barbara Rose, Beth Haunreiter, Hildegard DeGoede Jim Bonagofski, Alice, Cassandra Chalmers, Dorothy Hagstrom, Ed Pemerl, Elin Larson, Robert Myers, Bill & Louise Heap, Debbie Mikota, Rosemary Lefebvre, Barbara Kullgren, Patricia Kullgren, Maria Sauter (RIP), Sonia Wirta Ferguson, Cathleen Steck, Nancy, Jennifer Teitzel, Joe Hajicek, Susan Killillay, Nancy Rousseau, Kay, Henry Reith. St. Mary: Cheryl Brownfield, Terry Bell, Elaine Campbell, Pat Griffith, Irene & Glenn Simons, Susan Fordyce (RIP), Jim Bonagofski, Ed Sager, Mary Riner, Esther Haubrick, Florence Rakoz, Theresa Rice, Sharon Hahn, & Family, Steve Folden. St. Francis: Joe Krepel, Maureen Batten, Dave & Judith Palmer, Pat Griffin, Richard Rice, Stan & June Taloff, Norb & Jean Zimmerman, Michael Soldan, Richard Drinkwater, Gerry Hill, Betty Perkins, Katie Townsend, Dr. Ed Dolci, Matthew Christian, Larry Hunhoff, Kay Raupp, Sandy Harris, Dian Herrick, Barb Purdy, Bob & Jackie Vodjansky, Debbie Oberg, Barney Rinkel, Young Jusice(4yr.old) those serving in the military & their families. LOVE Inc. ( Love in the Name of Christ) is offering free budget classes, learning: How to make and follow a BUDGET!; How to make better life choices! Call 360-748-8611, ext 12 We are seeking someone to fill the position of Pastoral Assistant for Faith Formation (PAFF) for St. Mary’s and St. Joseph’s - Chehalis. This will be a part-time job with no benefits. Some evening and weekend work is required. The PAFF will be responsible for elementary Faith Formation, RCIA, VBS, etc. Please contact Gay Lynn in the parish office for a full job description. Strengthen Your Marriage Do you long for a more loving and caring relationship? Do you have feelings of disillusionment in your marriage? Retrouvaille (pronounced retro-vī) can help by providing the relationship-healing skills needed to build a stronger marriage. For confidential information about, or to register for our upcoming program beginning Sept 18-20, 2015 call 360-671-6479 or visit our website at Archdiocese of Seattle; Mass for the Special Needs Community Archbishop J. Peter Sartain invites all to celebrate a Mass for our special needs community, which includes families, friends & our faith communities. September 5, 2015 at 10am St. James Cathedral Reception to follow For more information, contact Erica Cohen Moore; 206-382-4852 or Archbishop J. Peter Sartain E-mail [email protected] Will honor, recognize & bless Catholics who teach at local public and non-catholic private schools, colleges & universities. SAVE THE DATE Witnesses of the Faith Sacred Heart in Morton invites all to join in the fun at Teachers, staff & their families are invited to attend the Mass at Morton Septemberfest 12:00pm Lyle Community Center September 6, 2015-St. James Cathedral 700 Main Street * Morton, Washington Casual reception to follow in the courtyard. September 26th — 4:30-7 Office of Catholic Faith Formation 206-382-4593; [email protected] Prime Rib Dinner———Adults-$15—Kids-$10—-Family of 5-$50 Live Music—Bake Sale—Auction/Raffle More information contact Pam Kinsman 360-978-4725 COMUNIDAD HISPANA DEL PARROCO RECEPCION PARA DAR LAS GRACIAS A NUESTROS SACERDOTES EL PADRE TIM Y EL PADRE FRANCISCO ************************************************** El 30 de Agosto después de Misa de la una de la tarde ************************************************** Invitamos a todos para que traigan algún platillo de comida, bebidas y postres para compartir con ellos. También puede traerle una tarjeta o regalo. No pierda la oportunidad de darle las gracias al Padre Tim por sus cinco años de servicio a nuestra comunidad y al Padre Francisco por sus dos años de servicio. Oremos por ellos para que Dios los colme de bendiciones en este tiempo de transición. DIA DE CAMPO: Gracias al Padre Tim, al Padre Francisco y a la participación de muchas personas tuvimos nuestra Misa en el parque el Domingo pasado con mucho éxito. Bendiciones BIENVENIDOS nuestros nuevos sacerdotes a partir del primero de Septiembre. Nuestro nuevo Párroco va a ser el Padre Maurer se pronuncia (Mauer) primer Misa con nosotros 9/6/15 y el Padre Gilberto Mora su primer Misa con nosotros 9/13/15. ESTA SEMANA EN NUESTRA COMUNIDAD “SANTA MARIA” . Jueves 27 de Agosto Practica Coro con Juan Carlos Escuela 6:30 p.m. ESTA SEMANA EN NUESTRA COMUNIDAD “SAN JOSE” Practica Coro de Niños hasta Septiembre coles 26 de Agosto Practica Coro de Jóvenes y adultos Miér6:00 pm Parroquia DOMINGO 30 DE AGOSTO EN SAN JOSE MISA 1:00 P.M. CITAS BIBLICAS PARA REFLEXIONAR EN CASA Fecha Primera Lect. Salmo Evangelio Agosto 24 Lunes SAN BARTOLOME, APOSTOL Ap 21:9-14 144:10-13,17-18 Jn 1:45-51 Agosto 25 Martes día de la semana (21) San Luis; San José de Calasanz, presbítero 1 Tes 2:1-8 138:1-3,4-6 Mt 23:23-26 Agosto 26 Miércoles día de la semana (21) 1 Tes 2:9-13 138:7-12 Mt 23:27-32 Agosto 27 Jueves Santa Momica 1 Tes 3:7-13 89:3-5,12-14,17 Mt 24:42-51 Ver Eclo 26:1-4,13-16 Lc 7:11-17 Agosto 28 Viernes San Agustin, Obispo, Doctor de la Iglesia 1 Tes 4:1-8 96:1-2,5-6,10-12 Mt 25:1-13 Ver 1 Jn 4:7-16 Mt 23:8-12 Agosto 29 Sábado: El Martirio de San Juan Bautista 1 Tes 4:9-11 97:1,7-9 Mc 6:17-29 ver Jr 1:17-19 Sal 70:1-4,5-6,15-17 DOMINGO 30 DE AGOSTO “XXII DOMINGO ORDINARIO” Primera Lectura. Dt 4:1-2,6-8 Salmo 14:2-5 Segunda Lectura Sant 1:17-18,21,22-27 Evangelio Mc 7:1-8,14-15,21-23 DIOS NOS DA TODO, LUEGO NOS LLAMA A COMPARTIR COLECTA DOMINICAL 8/16/15 CANTIDAD COLECTA NECESITAMOS QUE SE NECESITA DE LA SEMANA AL AÑO COLECTA ANUAL A LA SEMANA PASADA A LA FECHA A LA FECHA 801.92 938.42 5,613.44 5,181.91 Jesus dice: “Donde está tu Tesoro, allí estará tambien tu corazón,” Donde ponemos nuestro tesoro? Donde radica nuestro corazón? Domingo Veintiuno del Tiempo Ordinario Queridos Amigos en Cristo, Las cosas no siempre salen como se planearon. Podemos tener una cierta idea de cómo las cosas deberian ser, pero no siempre tenemos todo el control sobre la dirección y/o resultado. Tener un plan es bueno. Necesitamos algún tipo de dirección y planificación. A medida que la persona envejece nos damos cuenta de que hay que ser flexible. Muy parecido a un jugador de béisbol que está a la espera de una pelota, pero el lanzador lanza una curva en su lugar. El jugador de béisbol tiene que adaptarse a lo que se produce en su camino. Tenemos que ser capaces de adaptarnos a cualquier cosa que ocurra en nuestra vida. En las últimas semanas la lectura del Evangelio del Domingo son del capítulo seis del Evangelio de Juan. Este es el capítulo de la enseñanza de Jesús sobre la Eucaristía— Pan de Vida. Jesús habla de que Él es el verdadero Pan del cielo. Su carne es verdadera comida y Su sangre es verdadera bebida. El que come Su carne y bebe Su sangre tiene vida eterna. Esto no era lo que los discípulos estaban esperando cuando Jesús dijo eso. Esperaban una respuesta rapida. Querían un Mesías guerrero que conquistara el ejército romano y los dejara en libertad. En cambio Jesús les tiró una curva. Jesús se acercó y habló de la paz, del servicio a los demás, sacrificando su vida; y para Jesús eso quiere decir que va a dar su carne y su sangre como alimento que perdura para la vida eterna." (Jn 6:27 ) Esta fué una curva que los dejó totalmente desprevenidos. Muchos de los discípulos de Jesús lo abandonaron porque no pudieron manejar la curva. Ellos se fueron lejos abatidos. Este no era el juego que querían jugar. Jesús miró a sus discípulos más cercanos y les preguntó, " ¿ustedes también desean irse?" (Jn 6:67 ) Sus discípulos más cercanos también fueron sorprendidos, pero Pedro se dió cuenta que Jesús era el camino, la verdad y la vida. (Jn 14, 6), Pedro respondió: "Maestro, ¿a quién iremos? Tú tienes palabras de vida eterna. Hemos llegado a creer y estamos convencidos de que tú eres el Santo de Dios." (Jn 6:68 ) a pesar de que Pedro no entendía lo que Jesús estaba hablando acerca de su cuerpo y de su sangre, Pedro sabía en su corazón que a Jesús era al que necesitaba seguir. Pedro hizo la decisión más acertada de su vida por no darle la espalda a Jesús. Él sabía que necesitaba aferrarse a Jesús, porque Él es la Palabra de Dios que lleva a la vida eterna. (Ver Ps 91:14-16 ) La Vida nos da muchas cosas que no nos esperamos. Una cosa es lo que esperamos y otra lo que recibimos que es totalmente diferente. Tenemos que tener la capacidad de adaptarnos. Lo que no queremos hacer es renunciar y alejarnos. Aferrate a Jesús, a Dios con todo tu corazón y él nunca te defraudará. Él siempre estará a nuestro lado nos guía a través de lo inesperado. (Ver Salmo 23) Si las cosas se vuelven ásperas Jesús nos pregunta, " ¿Usted también se quiere ir? ", que siempre le respondamos, "Señor, ¿a quién iremos? Tú tienes palabras de vida eterna." Jesús es el camino, la verdad y la vida que lleva a la verdadera paz, la prosperidad y la vida eterna que todos deseamos. (Mt 6:21) Jesus en Tí Confio, HORARIO DE OFICINA Lunes, Martes Miercoles y Viernes de 8:00 a. 3:00 pm Tel (360)736-1870 FAX (360) 807-0758 Fr. Tim Ilgen